#that are insulting to the source material
halfagony-halfhope · 8 days
call me delusional but i think only true fans of the source material should be allowed to adapt classics
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daisy-mooon · 1 year
"I want Annabeth to be blonde :(" then pick up a PJO book and read it you dumb fuck
#pjo fans stop being weird about black annabeth challenge IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#first off annabeths race isnt important to her story. annabeth could be any race. her skin colour doesnt actually impact her. her hair does#now im not blonde but im a white girl so let me explain why some pjo fans need to stfu. i have grade 9s. im called stupid for my appearance#im not insulted bc im white or bc i have blue eyes or brown hair. im insulted bc women are judged on their appearance. im insulted bc SEXIS#annabeth isnt really called dumb for being blonde. shes called dumb bc shes female. and ppl are more likely to stereotype women than men#this is especially true for black women! whatever sexism white women get is always horrifically multiplied for poc women#black hair frequently gets called unprofessional untidy unhygienic etc. its VERY likely that show annabeth has been called dumb for her hai#does this make the casting “accurate”? no. but castings don't have to be accurate. they have to ADD to the character.#annabeth being black ADDS to her character because it showcases how women (esp black women) are devalued for their appearance#movie annabeth wasnt bad for having brown hair or white hair she was a bad adaptation bc she was ooc#i just think its ironic that a core aspect of annabeth was being judged for her looks. and now show annabeth is getting judged for her look#like. you guys really missed the point here.#anyways disagree all you want but book annabeth is still blonde. no one is erasing her. theres a new PJO book w blonde annabeth SEPTEMBER 2#GO READ CHALICE OF THE GODS IF U WANT BLONDE ANNABETH OMG! adaptions and source material can be separate and coexist!#rant over sorry#pjo#percy jackson#annabeth chase#pjo show#percy jackson and the olympians#the lightning thief#discourse#shitpost#percy jackson show#pjo discourse#riordanverse
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ways journalists have really described alex turner and miles kane:
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"Wearing matching outfits, gazing into each other's eyes, talking about their instant connection… Alex and Miles' claims that they wrote the Shadow Puppets' album about 'a girl' weren't fooling anyone. Quite simply Alex and Miles are hopelessly, madly, enviably in love with each other. Please lads, just be true to yourselves, embrace your feelings, and have a massive snog - we can't bear the tension any more."    - NME
“If there’s one sexual dynamic at work tonight at the Usher Hall, it’s homoeroticism. The Last Brokeback Mountaineers are a camp pair of strutting cocks, to be sure.”  - The Wee Review
"Speaking to them together feels like interrupting a conversation that's been going on since 2005." - NME
“Looking over at his manspreading counterpart, Kane gleefully points at Turner’s exposed bulge. Not wanting to be rude, I look away.” - SPIN
“Watching them finish each others’ sentences, agonise over their answers to how well they know each other and embrace when it’s time to leave... well, you’d need a heart made of Hoosiers CDs not to find it incredibly sickly sweet.” - NME
“Alex Turner and Miles Kane turn towards each other with fond looks when we suggest they’re best friends. Like doodle in each other’s notebooks BFF status. After spending 15 minutes with them though, we’re pretty convinced they’re going to grow old together in matching tracksuits.” - Sidewalk Hustle
“Miles Kane looks like he’s gagging for a great big man-hug (and maybe more...) off his buddy. These two have spent overly long admiring themselves and each other.” -  The Wee Review
“As soon as I decide to just get started without Kane, Turner accidentally Facetimes him from his pocket, and the two erupt into a fit of giggles, our conversation veering off course for the third time in as many minutes.” - Consequence
“While Turner stares on the ground during his answers, Kane watches him like a lovestruck teenager from the side.” - Musikexpress
“Say this for Lennon and McCartney, or Plant and Page: they never had their own romantic rock ‘n’ roll portmanteau. But “Milex”—Miles Kane and Alex Turner, for the uninitiated—have just that enviable kind of bromance. The two even moved to Los Angeles in tandem a few years ago. No wonder multiple “Milex” pages have cropped up on Tumblr, breathlessly re-posting the duo’s every embrace and droll quip; there is fan fiction, too, the kind that would make a coal miner blush.” - Interview Magazine
'"Alex Turner is like a princess in need of his prince Miles's assistance to get down from a tower." - Dutch Review
"You'd be forgiven for barely noticing anything beyond the front of the stage, though. Like a pair of teenagers egging each other on, Turner and Kane are the most infatuated frontmen since the Pete Doherty and Carl Barat." - Hot Press
"If Miles Kane had a 'hard on' for being a front-man before The Last Shadow Puppets, he's grabbed the opportunity Turner's patronage presented him with both hands. So to speak." - Q Magazine
"The feeling is contagious too, as though we're looking in on star-crossed lovers finally reunited." - Hot Press
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hislittleraincloud · 25 days
Canon vs. Not At All Canon
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T: "Look, I did a terrible thing, but I swear I'm not a terrible person."
W: "... Did you think I'd judge you over some lousy prank? I would've taken it further."
T: "You mean like putting piranhas in a swimming pool? I may have done a little digging on you after we met."
W: "I'd do it again."
T: "I knew there was a reason I liked you."
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T: "I did a terrible thing. But I'm trying not to be a terrible person."
W: "I believe that people can change if they want to. And that the worst choices we make shouldn't define us."
T: "You mean like putting piranhas in a swimming pool? I may have done a little digging on you after we met."
W: "That's not the worst choice I've made. In fact, I feel no remorse about it whatsoever."
T: "I knew there was a reason I liked you."
Also completely decimated: She danced to the Cramps with him (or around him LOL), THEN had the conversation with Bianca, whose eyes were red from crying about her tiff with Xavier because he asked her to siren song him during the Cramps dance.
In this load of revisionist garbage, right after the conversation with Tyler, there is superficial talk about W being tired of the music, THEN encountering Bianca, THEN dancing to the Cramps but with NO indication that Tyler is even the focus of her dance (which he is...I may hate Wyler/Tyler, but he is very clearly her focus during "The Goo Goo Muck")...but there's thought to Enid, who in canon is nowhere near her and is dancing to the Cramps with the REAL lesbians who came together (Divina and Yoko). And then this:
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Mejia literally stole the moment that Wyler had in the above .gifs. Stole it and replaced it with fanon-friendly things that never happened, and in the whole process fucked up the sequence of events to make it all nonsensical re: Xavier and Bianca's argument, since Xavier asked B to do it because he watched Wednesday dance with the fucker who assaulted him and destroyed his mural (which he had JUST told her about, prior to Wyler's above convo).
Oh, and let's not forget about the deletion of Xavier's assault altogether.
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nyanspirals · 5 months
I saw the post I think you're referring to and it's just so ridiculous. They accused you of denying what Russia has done to Ukraine because you said Ukraine is being used by NATO and the ukrainian people are the ones suffering for it. Another anon accused you of stupid shit and they just did the usual "wow, goes to show!" even though the accusations were so far from the truth and had no sources nor bearings in reality. Americans will complain about their country and government being evil then proceed to use tankie as an insult when talking about people who are actually against american imperialism. But as long as twitter leftists say NATO are the good guys this time around, then it must be true! Nevermind all the atrocities NATO has commited during its entire existence in the name of American self-interest. Liberals are braindead, I swear. You're a warrior for putting up with this shit. I'd go crazy in your position.
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storytellering · 1 year
the moment I see someone unironically make a "deadweight" nero joke or seriously refer to him as "deadweight" i know i can't trust them
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
People should vote for Baron not just because he is the best cat (he is) but also because if he gets through this round he'll probably go against the catbus, who he lost previously to in the catgirl (gender neutral) polls, and he needs a rematch!
To me, he just needs to win the whole thing because he is my blorbo and the only crush ever (also how the HELL did he lose to CATBUS in CATGIRL POLLS)
But really, to me The Cat Returns is the best ghibli movie, although I can understand why people might not really like it... It doesn't really fit the usually chill ghibli style and is more adventure/action packed, and as far as I remember they don't even have the traditional Let's Just Sit Here In Silence For Ten Minutes moments... Which is all that ghibli is about, and I love this particular movie exactly because it doesn't have all that, and it's fun, and it's packed with cats, and Baron is the ultimate badass (and we also share the mbti type so he just like me if I were a sword-wielding gentleman cat)
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LOOK ME IN THE EYE AND TELL ME HE'S NOT THE COOLEST CAT EVEN he would take Catbus in a fight and win c'mon what
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You ever reflexively cringe when you see the words "I fixed it"? Maybe it's all the HTDM, or Twitter on any anime character ever, or whatever the Star Wars fandom has dissolved into, but the term "fixed it" just triggers fight/flight response in me.
Not yet, but I might if I didn't curate my fandom experience so ruthlessly. I'm used to "fix-it" being "what if things in canon went right" (especially in regards to Star Wars and "what if Order 66 didn't happen?") and not "what if we just made all the characters into stereotypes and shut those damn women up" like some people seem to think they should be.
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shamefulhpblog · 5 months
Say what you will the amount of subcultures in the Harry Potter fandom is wild… jegulus has HOW MANY works on ao3???WHO is Mattheo Riddle why are there so many fanworks about him ???
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chat-dank · 1 year
You have the right to like your Angbang intense. You have the right to like your Angbang fucked up. You have the right to like your Angbang unhinged. You have the right to like your Angbang harmful. But you also have a right to like your Angbang fluffy, too. You are not woobifying them if you like it soft or write a fic where they say they love each other or kiss or high five or take a bite from the same sandwich or whatever. You have a different interpretation, that’s all. You’re not committing some horrid unforgivable atrocity against your fandom. You’re not an “annoying fan” if you want your ships happy, even if other people dislike you for it, the same way you are not an “annoying fan” if you like your ships intense and other people dislike you for it. You’re not a mean person for having an opinion that the majority dislikes. You’re an individual human being who has an opinion and your opinion is worth JUST as much as every other opinion in your fandom. Because that’s how opinions work. You’re not disregarding canon any more than people who bend it to fit their other non-canon ships or headcanons or other interpretations of this ship or their interpretation of any other ship or anything else that JRRT or Christopher or the Tolkien estate disagree with. We all see a piece of media and interpret it differently. It doesn’t make any of us better or worse for it. Ship and let ship. 
#Can the#Silmarillion#fandom stop being hostile towards different depictions of their own ships#for five minutes?#Yeah another post about#angbang#Remember how the Tolkien estate was FURIOUS with the LOTR trilogy for the changes that were made?#Remember how millions of people still saw the films and fell in love with LOTR and Middle Earth and the very concept of fantasy regardless?#Children who never saw another LOTR adaptation prior and adults who remember the Bakshi version& their localized low-budget tv adaptations#all saw it and agreed that a story made with so much love still deserves to be told even if there were changes made to the source material#If a story or a headcanon or an opinion about a ship or a fanwork or an interpretation is made with love to bring people joy...#it has the right to be shared#even if those people aren't the majority by the way#Did Jackson woobify Aragorn by giving him extra angst? If so.. where are all the takes about bad fans liking woobified angsty movie Aragorn?#Remember the times before the 2-3 artists who often drew supportive angbang left when people kept giving them crap for their depictions?#And now you don't see that art anymore either on tumblr or at all. Does that make anyone happy? did anyone accomplish their goals?#Why make people leave again? Do you hate differing opinions so much that they do not deserve the right to exist?#Does it genuinely make anyone happy to try rid a fandom of all ideas they disagree with them their preexisting friends' ones? Why?#I'm so old I still remember when it was common fandom etiquette to NOT tag the thing you were insulting without the word 'anti' before it.#...Do I need to keep going or can we ship and let ship now and NOT mock people for having a different take on a FICTIONAL pairing?
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"We need to talk about how X character is being written in fic!"
Do we, though, do we really? Babygirl it's all made up. They're just stories. Sometimes these stories are really close to the source material. Sometimes the characters are really ooc and the only thing relevant to the source material is names and vague circumstances. You can want to not read the latter and in that case you can back out of a fic. Heck you can block the author so you never accidentally read their stuff again.
But policing the way people write? That's not it babes. Just because something isn't written to your taste doesn't mean it's wrong. Don't like, don't read. That's all there is to it.
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coruscanti-arabi · 2 years
white people stop telling fans of color what is and isn't racism.
!Impossible Challenge!
#fandom racism#you're writing your own little fanfiction#me - directly quoting source material that can be found if you watch the show for more than two seconds#what does race have to do with it? what does my identity have to do with it? - a white person#you said the word literally aggressively#i didn't even notice you were brown - my name is written in arabic script clearly wasn't white european or american there#and all of this on one post#you sound stupid - a white person#where op and i had discussed the topic of racism on it with nuance and come to a conclusion#and suddenly several white people jumped in to belittle me gaslight me and insult me#and by suddenly i mean one was completely unprovoked didn't respond to any of their comments at all until they came after me#and another asked why racism and maul were discussed together since he's an alien and i said he was literally black coded#like what even#why is it such a debatable topic for you#because if it was misogyny being discussed these women wouldn't think twice to do what they did to me today#they weaponised their power as white people and when called out by me they weaponised being neurodivergent and being a woman#and then when a white ally (op) called one out for calling me aggressive multiple times#they didn't argue with her and deleted their comment to escape accountability and an actual apology#whiteness holds power that while we can be in close proximity to it#we will never be able to have the same power#because my statements are taken as a debate piece#whereas white ally statements are taken as solid#the double standard exists#as a micro aggression#and it's why allies need to amplify our voices#reiterate what we say if they have to like using the phrase just as x person said#because they won't listen to us but they will listen to other white people#this isn't star wars exclusive but it has been my experience in that specific fandom today#but it applies to every fandom and everyday life too
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beepmon · 1 year
whereas adventure has the biggest fan base overall 02 has the biggest active fandom from my experience with ppl loving to draw and write about these skrunklies
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Also I know it's partially my fault for forgetting that Sarah/Jareth is a wildly popular ship and that most ppl view their dynamic as overtly, completely romantic when I've always been squicked out by it and saw it much more ambiguously (the hints are there but they're not The Point of it all to me), and thus I didn't think twice about placing characters I Do Not Fucking Ship into those roles for au purposes but like.
If I get one more comment either positive or negative of people thinking that labyrinth/toh art was me shipping Belos and Luz until they got to the caption I'm gonna make the post unrebloggable. And also explode my blog
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rahabs · 2 years
There is such a thing as “too much agenda” in films/tv shows and I really think Hollywood is starting to find out the hard way that taking a sledgehammer to people’s skulls to impart “the message” is doing more harm than good. A message or an agenda is all well and good, but they should be woven into the story, not the entirety of the story. Just rent a billboard if you’re going to do that.
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kogameh · 5 months
short vent
days have gone by without tourists reducing shobu's character to whether he marries a girl or not: 0
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