#while other fix-it fics clearly see the source material as a personal insult to them for not being misogynistic enough
You ever reflexively cringe when you see the words "I fixed it"? Maybe it's all the HTDM, or Twitter on any anime character ever, or whatever the Star Wars fandom has dissolved into, but the term "fixed it" just triggers fight/flight response in me.
Not yet, but I might if I didn't curate my fandom experience so ruthlessly. I'm used to "fix-it" being "what if things in canon went right" (especially in regards to Star Wars and "what if Order 66 didn't happen?") and not "what if we just made all the characters into stereotypes and shut those damn women up" like some people seem to think they should be.
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basic-cable · 4 years
Fic Rec Bingo
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I saw this making the rounds on Twitter and decided I’d like to try it (mostly because I enjoy going back through my list and reminiscing about the ones I love but haven’t read in a while), but didn’t feel like Twitter was the best place to post mine. I’ve got both Dreamwidth and Pillowfort, but I haven’t really used them. This is probably the kind of thing that should go there, so maybe I’ll post it there, too. We’ll see. 
Anyway, I only read in four fandoms, so maybe my recs will be boring to most people. But they’re good stories, and maybe there are even some people out there who haven’t read them. 
I don’t expect any reblogs or anything, but maybe people will see it and decide they’d like to take part, and then there will be more fic recs out there making the world a better place.
I put them under a cut because the descriptions and stuff take up so much space.
1. A fic you love without knowing the source material Take the Pieces and Build them Skywards by quarterturn Bandom ** Frank/Gerard ** 44,816 ** Explicit ** Character Death Gerard's not happy with his life, but that doesn't mean he's particularly thrilled when he wakes up dead. To add insult to injury, he finds out that instead of crossing over, he's been chosen to join the ranks of the grim reapers. Things get more complicated when he falls for one of the living, a waiter named Frank Iero. And just when everything finally seems to be falling into place, Frank's name shows up on the list of souls to be reaped. Loosely based on the TV show Dead Like Me.
I don’t know anything about the TV show Dead Like Me; when I first read this fic in 2009, I had never even heard of it. I’ve wondered since then if I like it even better because I don’t know anything about the source material, but I’ll never know.It made me laugh and cry; it’s an emotional roller coaster, and I love it.
2. A fic with a premise that shouldn’t work but does
An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels by stele3
Bandom ** Frank/Gerard ** 35,192 ** PG-13 ** No Warnings
I've messed with the band timeline, clearly. This is set in summer of 2005... but it ain't the Summer of Like. This is a story about second chances and gutting through your own failures, but never letting them defeat you. Take that, bitches.
Frank (Frank!) is a literal angel, okay, but there is not a thing I don’t love about this story. It’s angsty but still manages to be cute and charming as fuck, and the characterization is great.
3. A fic you’ve reread several times
Seeds by thesardine
Sherlock ** Gen, supposedly ** 5,475 ** PG-13 ** No Warnings
In a fit of boredom Sherlock plants some seeds, may or may not eat one cracker, and definitely waxes dramatic on the sofa for a while.
Sherlock struggles with a bit of depression caused by boredom, and accidentally discovers a hobby he slowly learns to allow himself to enjoy. I love this a lot; the author takes us into Sherlock’s headspace, so you’re painfully aware just how much he needs a distraction, and how much better off he is with John in his life.
4. A fic you still remember many years later
In Care Of by Fangs_Fawn
Harry Potter ** Gen ** 45,319 ** PG-13 ** Child Abuse
During the summer before sixth year, Harry finds an injured bat in the garden and decides to try to heal it...and an unwilling Snape learns just what kind of a person Harry Potter really is.
Between the Dursleys getting what’s coming to them, and the redemption of Harry, Snape, and Dumbledore in each others’ eyes, this story has really stuck with me through the years.
5. A comfort fic
Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68
Sherlock ** Sherlock/John ** 203,273 ** Mature ** No Warnings
The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street.
Thousands of words of fluff. Literally. There’s not a lot of conflict in this story, which makes it a great comfort fic when your mind is too busy or real life is too depressing.
6. A cathartic fic
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom
Sherlock ** Sherlock/John ** 157,369 ** Explicit ** No Warnings
"Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"
Post-Reichenbach John is walking the line between fantasy and reality, choosing to stay with the Sherlock in his head rather than deal with the reality where he no longer exists. He eventually manages to attempt a normal life, but he’s bored and basically sleepwalking through his days, so when Sherlock finally reveals himself, it’s the best kind of relief. They go after the last remnants of Moriarty’s web, in hopes of a second chance at the life they should have had together.
7. A fic you’d print and put on your bookshelf
Saving Sherlock Holmes by earlgreytea68
Sherlock ** Sherlock/John Mycroft/Greg ** 139,494 ** Mature ** Underage
Okay. So. This was literally supposed to be, like, three or four chapters as a prologue to the show. Sort of a "what happened in the Holmes childhoods to make them the way they are today." That's why it's set in the time period it is, because I thought I was eventually going to leave them to go on to the show. And then...I got a bit carried away and thought, Here I have established the two young Holmes boys. Now what happens if, instead of making them wait twenty years, I give them everything they need to fix themselves right now? Forty-three chapters later, you have this story.
To be honest, I would like to have most of my favorite fics in book form, with actual pages, that I could pluck from my actual shelf and sit and read without the glare of a screen between us. But I do enjoy the feel of this story, and I do believe it would make a good actual book.
8. A fic you associate with a song
Unholyverse by bexless
Bandom ** Frank/Gerard ** 186,764 ** Explicit ** Violence & Character Death
“He thinks I have stigmata,” Frank said, because what the fucking hell, it couldn’t get any worse. He might as well just lay it out.
“Oh, well,” said Brian into his hands. “Of course.”
Every time I so much as think about this series, MCR’s Heaven Help Us starts playing in my head.
9. A fic that inspires you
Turn by Saras_Girl
Harry Potter ** Harry/Draco ** 306,708 ** Explicit ** No Warnings
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Frankly, I love every single thing this author has ever churned out, but this one is my very favorite. Harry gets a glimpse into what his life could have been, and a chance to make big changes he desperately needs. 
10. A fic that brought you on board a new ship
So, So Fucked by Anonymous
Bandom ** Pete/Patrick ** 12,565 ** Mature ** No Warnings
Pete accidentally "outs" himself and Patrick on Good Morning America. Only problem? They're not gay. What now?
I was reading strictly in Harry Potter at the time, and wasn’t interested in bandom at all, but my best friend was doing betas for someone who was writing in bandom, and she ended up getting into it and then wrote this one, and kept calling me about it to bounce ideas around, and the story was so cute, and Pete and Patrick were so cute, and I suddenly found myself totally invested. Honestly I think it may have been one of the best things that ever happened to me.
11. A fic you wish could be a movie
The Anatomy of a Fall by novembersmith
Bandom ** Frank/Gerard ** 107,525 ** Explicit ** Violence & Character Death
The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand.
This story has excellent imagery that I think would work really well on the big screen. Plus I can’t even hear the name of it without my heart doing flip-flops.
12. A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Seven ficlets for Valentine’s Day Part VII by RedOrchid
Bandom ** GSF ** 1,042 ** Mature? ** No Warnings
Panic-as-cleaning-equipment-AU Valentine's Day GSF.
I technically don’t have a fic for this bingo square, but this one comes close, I guess. The author was already in my larger circle of friends, but we didn’t actually talk to each other? She wrote this crack ficlet around the same time we started talking to each other more, and I still vividly remember it because of the genius involved in turning band boys into literal cleaning equipment. The line “Ryan bristled” has stuck with me to this day.
13. free space
Elf ‘Verse by mokuyoubi
Bandom ** GSF ** 103,247 ** Explicit ** Underage
Modern AU where Ryan is a famous poet, and he and Spencer are fiercely private and insular and stupidly co-dependent until Jon shows up and effortlessly breaks down all their walls.
Wherein Brendon and Frank are Christmas elves who, inspired by Will Farrell movies, venture into the real world to become rock stars. Or something of that nature.
I’ve got a lot of love for this universe for various reasons, but it’s also fun and heartwarming and honestly, I don’t really need anything else.
14. A fic you’ve gushed about irl
Harry Potter and the Battle of Wills by Jocelyn (and her mum)
Harry Potter ** Mostly Gen ** 137,385 ** Basically PG-13 ** Character Death
Harry mourns his godfather as the war finally begins in earnest, bringing tragedy and new struggles for all those on the side of Good. If they hope to win, all quarrels must be set aside, new alliances must be forged, and Harry Potter must find the courage to face down dark wizards, his own emotions, and a destiny he did not choose. Snape blows his cover as a spy to save Harry from Voldemort.
This begins after Order of the Phoenix, and the story and characters read more like canon than any other HP fic I’ve read, so because of that and because it’s so, so good, I like to rec this one to people who are new to fandom.
15. A fic you associate with a place
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi
Harry Potter ** Harry/Draco ** 57,582 ** Explicit ** No Warnings
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
Wiltshire! I’ve never actually been there, but this author is really good about details. The story is also lovely and funny.
16. A fic that made you gasp out loud
Home is a Name by Arsenic
Bandom ** Frank/Gerard ** 39,314 ** Explicit ** No Warnings
MCR Clinic of Love. Companion fic to Wednesday Night Boys.
Okay, so this one is actually a sequel, and the first installment, Wednesday Night Boys, should 100% be read first. It must be said, though, that while the sequel doesn’t have any warnings, Wednesday Night Boys is about the Panic! kids as prostitutes, and has warnings for graphic violence, rape/non-con, and underage sex. The MCR guys work at the free clinic, and Home is a Name focuses on them. They’re honestly both gorgeous stories.
17. A fic you found at the right time
real or not real by thearkdelinquents
Anne with an E ** Anne/Gilbert ** 11,587 ** PG ** No Warnings
“I could do it.” Gilbert said, looking straight ahead.
Anne stopped. “What?”
He turned to look at her; they were just outside Green Gables now. “I could do it. I could court you.”
“What- We- You- I- You don’t like me like that.” Anne sputtered.
Gilbert smirked at her. “Well we could pretend. I could court you and be your fake boyfriend.”
For one of the few times in her life, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert was speechless.
a fake dating fic but it's basically just a shirbert To All The Boys I Loved Before au.
I really, really loved Anne with an E. When the final season was released, I spent a weekend binge-watching the entire show, and then it was over and I was bereft, so I decided to see what was available on Ao3, and I found this, and it was exactly what I needed. And now I have another fandom.
18. A fic that you would read fic of
Left by lifeonmars
Sherlock ** Sherlock/John ** 45,153 ** Mature ** No Warnings
John Watson is left-handed.
He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible.
In this universe, all right-handed people have some kind of power, or ‘knack’, most of which are mild and easily categorized. Sherlock’s is rare and believed to be the only one like it in the world. John is left-handed, part of the 10% of the population without a knack. I would read all kinds of fics of this fic.
19. A fic that made you laugh out loud
What to do When Your Flatmate is Homicidal by hyacinth_sky747
Sherlock ** Sherlock/John ** 58,650 ** Explicit ** No Warnings
Sherlock takes Molly's advice when dealing with his dangerous flatmate.
Heartwarming and hilarious. I laughed a lot.
20. A fic with a line (or two) that you’ve memorised by heart
A Necessary Requirement by Bexless
Bandom ** Frank/Gerard ** 3,759 ** Mature ** No Warnings
Right, here is the extremely silly storylet I wrote BY HAND on holiday. On PAPER. With a PEN. My god. The things I do when I'm separated from my beloved net. It is set during the Summer of Like (Warped '05, for those of you who don't know) and is basically a product of my reaction to various pictures of Gerard groping himself on stage, which led to me obsessing about his dick and what it might look like. As usual, I chose to work this obsession out through Frank.
This fic could have gone to multiple other squares, but I am not usually the kind of person who can quote lines from things, and I have many lines from this story committed to memory. I’ve read it multiple times, because I read it every time I need a pick-me-up or a good laugh. Or if I’ve read something scary and I need something lighter before I can actually get up and move around my house...
21. A fic that gave you butterflies
Pretty Much A Sex God by adellyna
Bandom ** Spencer/Jon ** 3,985 ** PG-13 ** No Warnings
Jon and Spencer’s first date.
The Jon in this story is so soft and warm and fluffy and his character makes my heart and stomach do weird things.
22. A fic that embodies something you value in life
A Marauder’s Plan by CatsAreCool (Rachel500)
Harry Potter ** Harry/Hermione ** 865,520 ** PG13 ** Violence/Death/Underage
What if Sirius decided to stay in England and deliver on his promise to raise Harry instead of hiding somewhere sunny? Changes abound with that one decision...
Harry’s New Home by kbinnz
Harry Potter ** Gen ** 318,389 ** PG-13 ** Abuse
One lonely little boy. One snarky, grumpy git. When the safety of one was entrusted to the other, everyone knew this was not going to turn out well... Or was it? AU, sequel to "Harry's First Detention". 
In these two stories, Sirius and Severus throw everything they have into creating the best possible world for Harry, as he is their number one priority, because that is exactly how parenthood should be. 
23. A favourite AU
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori
Sherlock ** Sherlock/John ** 156,714 ** Explicit ** No Warnings
Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world?
This has got quite a bit of schmoop, which isn’t usually my thing, but this story is so, so good, and I always love stories that describe Sherlock realizing and appreciating how extraordinary John is.
24. A fic you stayed up too late to finish reading
Collared by VelvetMace
Sherlock ** Sherlock/John ** 83,028 ** Explicit ** Violence & Rape/Non-Con
In a world where the British Empire is still strong and slavery is her economic backbone, John has become a terrorist for the abolitionist movement. He is caught by Mycroft, enslaved, and given to Sherlock for training. The goal: To test a new kind of slave collar with the power to break even the strongest willed fighter. One that will make even John learn to love being a slave.
Dubious consent, and humiliation. I remember staying up very late reading this one, even though I had to work early the next morning. I just couldn’t put it down. 
25. A fic that made you feel seen
Buy Handmade by jjtaylor
Bandom ** Frank/Gerard ** 18,755 ** Mature ** No Warnings
He knows something else is going to happen; his life isn't always going to be this. He just doesn't know what has to happen for that change to come, for him to wake up and become an artist with an Etsy page and a home studio, and to never have to see a cubicle again.
This is the story of my heart. I have felt Frankie’s feelings and thought his thoughts, and I love that he does something about it, and I love Gerard so, so much. I first read this in 2009, and my love for it has never wavered. I could have used this one for a good half of the bingo squares, but it’s the only one that could go here.
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