#that I never respond
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look-at-the-stars-tonight · 2 months ago
My brother started asking me about about the research I did in high school and now I’m reminiscing about the good old days
#time goes by SO fast#miss u Adam and Nicholas and even Shawn#I miss the harambe shrine the grad students had in the corner#they inducted me into the harambe religion#one time I burst into tears in front of Adam right after he’d been slightly rude to me (that was how we talked to each other) for unrelated#reasons#because I was thinking about something really sad he told me earlier#and he started slowly backing away and I saw him eyeing the door#and I had to be like no bro it’s not ur fault don’t run away#fucking. 24 year old man running away from a 16 year old girl he made cry#it was such a funny image I started laughing while I was crying#miss u Starbucks lady on the first floor who gave me cream cheese for free and specifically both strawberry and vanilla#this was the summer of 2016 so during meetings our advisor had to remind us not to play pokemon go under the table#I MISS IT I YEARN FOR TIMES I WILL NEVER GET BACK YA KNOW#still thinking about Shawn walking in. me not having any idea who he was. and going hey do u want me to flip u#and me going huh?#and him fucking picking me up and going for it#and Nicholas was sleeping under the table and woke up mid flip to me screaming#and went WHO THE FUCK ARE U AND WHAT ARE U DOING TO THE CHILD#he actually got so mad about it lmao#like. I was like this may as well happen#and he was VERY chill and informal with me most of the time#hence the sleeping under the desk at 9 am cause he didn’t feel like working#but he was like EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT NOW WHO ARE U and was very wary around Shawn the entire time I was there after that#(he was harmless just. socially inept)#anyways. I Miss it.#I’m most likely never going to see those people again#yet Brian the PI who retired years ago is the only person who consistently wishes me happy birthday on Facebook despite the fact#that I never respond#Nicholas is a sales person now. he quit teaching chemistry
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a-a-lost-munchkin · 2 months ago
I Can’t Help But Wonder
Odysseus, who just violently and mercilessly murdered 108 or so men, who claims in the next song that he’s no longer a kind or gentle man, actively listens to Telemachus and kindly and gently responds to everything his son’s expressed.
Telemachus asks, “Am I like you? Am I strong like you? Will you embrace me? Will you love and accept me as yours?” He says, “I’ve felt so alone.”
And Odysseus claims him in a heartbeat, answering, “My son. My boy. My sweetest joy I’ve ever known. I embraced you twenty years ago. I’d do the impossible for you. I’d die for you.” He says, “Seeing the men here today, I can only wonder what you’ve been through for twenty years. My son, you’re already strong. You’re my own. You’re not alone. I’m home.”
And then they fucking embrace.
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berrysquared · 2 months ago
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bonus (it was me, I put him up there)
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wombywoo · 4 months ago
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autumn 🍂🍁
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zeropro · 2 months ago
I know we just got some angst, but I can't it's just too good
Can we get just a little bit more? pretty please with a cherry on top 🍒 🙏🥺
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oops, lost your trine
Part 1 | [Part 2] | [Part 3] | [Part 4]
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dollsinvogue · 14 days ago
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Birthday Wishes Barbie 1999 » Nina Ricci spring 1987 haute couture
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jedi-starbird · 1 year ago
Time Travel is my favourite trope and I think we need more fics where both Obi-Wan AND Qui-Gon time travel together because no matter when they get sent it's chaos. They're saving the galaxy and being physic flash-bangs to everyone around them.
like before Bandomeer?
The entire council is baffled to watch as Qui-Gon 'never taking a padawan again' Jinn has suddenly cut off his post-Xanatos depression tour to return to the temple and beeline to the creche with a frantic energy. His wild eyes immediately single out a fluffy, red-haired initiate.
"You." he exhales with a pointed finger, slightly ominous as he towers over the child. Said child starts vibrating with delight. "Me." he agrees, launching himself at the man. Qui-Gon drops to his knees with a thud that cannot be healthy. Obi-Wan's attempts to clamber into Qui-Gon's robes and maybe onto his shoulders is thwarted by the fact that Qui-Gon's massive hands are cupping Obi-Wan's tiny squishy cheeks. He stares at the initiate for a few minutes with an intensity that is starting to worry people.
Finally, "You're so small." Qui-Gon sounds like he might cry.
'What the fuck?' Plo Koon projects at Mace.
"I'm 9! That tends to be the case!" the child chirps back.
"You're nine." Oh. Ah. Qui-Gon's eyes are distinctively misty. He squishes the boy in a hug so hard he squeaks. Mace makes a series of gestures that imply the need for a head-scan. Depa obligingly drifts off towards the halls. Qui-Gon scoops the child up onto his hip and claims him as his padawan on the spot. The assorted council members and creche-masters burst into noise. Mace tells Depa to bring some space ibuprofen as well.
after Naboo?
Anakin is a little apprehensive of his place in both the order and Obi-Wan's life, but then one day Obi-Wan wakes up and is suddenly a lot less sad in the force?? In fact, if Anakin didn't know better he'd say he was almost giddy, but he's watched Obi-Wan try to pretend his world hasn't fallen apart for the past few months so it can't be that, right? And um, Miss Bant? He knows grief is a funny thing that affects people differently but he's pretty sure 'massive mood swing' and 'having full conversations with invisible people' is not...great? and you said to tell you if Obi-Wan got really weird in any way.
Anyway after a lot of medical exams, intense consultation with the archives, and a couple exorcisms, Anakin ends up being raised by his 'real' master and his ghost master. He is far more well adjusted emotionally and far less well adjusted for what counts as normal people behavior(not talking to thin air). When questioned on this, all he ever says is that he's talking to Qui-Gon. Isn't he...dead? Well, yes. Wait, he's a ghost? Ghosts are real? ...Well this ghost is real.
This starts a great number of existential crises among non-force sensitives and incredibly heated theological arguments amongst the Jedi. Whenever Obi-Wan is questioned on this, all he ever says is some variation of "the force got to know him for 5 seconds and kicked him back out." Mace backs him up on this even though that reasoning is technically blasphemous. Qui-Gon is having the time of his un-life. He's ascended to his final form, his sheer existence is a heresy, this is truly all he has ever aspired towards.
the Clone Wars?
The minute they get dropped back Qui-Gon immediately goes and haunts the shit out of Dooku. They have a signed terms of surrender and promise of info on the Sith Lord within the year. Only half of it is because Qui-Gon's giving Dooku complexes that are only perceptible to shrimp, the other half is because they now have a ghost spy that is not bound by the laws of physics nor spacetime.
Obi-Wan only nominally pays attention to this as he immediately goes and implements his 19 step seduction plan with Cody (he had to focus on something on Tatooine to pass the time). It fails. Spectacularly. Publicly. Ah right. Tatooine was not exactly the height of his sanity. Everyone in the GAR and temple is now riveted by High General and Councilor Obi-Wan Kenobi's attempts to go on a date with his Commander, who bats him away him like a particularly annoying stray and seems one bouquet of cactus away from committing mutiny. Anakin is worrying if it means his master knows about his secret marriage and this is some sort of really weird power play. (It is, but not in the way he thinks)
The next time Dooku goes after Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon spends a good few months appearing tear-stained at the edge of Dooku's perception and only communicating in terrible wails and discordant mutterings of 'padawan. my padawan. my little one.' 24/7.
"Wait, you're annoying Dooku into surrendering?"
"Oh no Anakin, we're crushing his psyche like a bug. :)"
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anbaisai · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year!! 🎉🐍
It's the year of the snake, so who better to celebrate it with than our resident snake boy?
I may not be the best with words, but I really appreciate everyone that has showed me support in the past year. You guys have been amazing, and I hope to see you around in the new year too ❤
Thank you for an incredible 2024, and wishing everyone a wonderful 2025!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months ago
I came here for the silly haha doodles, but I've stayed for the absolutely blazing commentary in the tags. Your analysis of this story is so so so good! Thanks for all the work and thought you put into this!
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I am just a silly little comics blog. I am not hiding anything in the tags, no way. Never.
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jomeimei421 · 10 months ago
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Felt a bit nostalgic watching RT shut down…Here are the og faves again for old times sake 💙
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strawberryyyenthusiast · 5 months ago
More of my diabetic Steve verse!
Steve, who doesn’t realize that Eddie is super famous and robin who could literally not care any less.
Steve and Eddie exchange numbers and text all of the time. It takes a week for Eddie to crack and send this message:
Eddie: Please for the love of god let me take you on a date I need to wine and dine you so hard I think I might pass out
Steve obviously says yes.
Eddie takes them to a small diner because he doesn’t want to risk being seen by crazy fans who somehow always find out where he is. If Eddie is being honest, he blames twitter.
Eddie gets there to find Steve already sitting at a booth, fiddling with something on his phone. His glasses are sliding down his nose again and he is wearing a Wham! graphic t-shirt and light wash jeans. He stands up once he notices Eddie and flashes a huge grin, which causes Eddie to also smile.
They both sit down on their respective sides of the table and get comfortable, making small talk. It takes a bit, but Eddie notices that Steve has the menu pulled up on his phone and laughs.
“Doing some homework?”
Steve looks confused for a second before glancing down.
“Oh yeah! I always make sure to look at it beforehand whenever I go out to make sure that I have options depending on my blood sugar level.”
“What’s your… number, is that the correct term, now?”
Steve nods enthusiastically. “Yes! And let me check.” Steve pulls out a cute green pouch and takes out a bunch of supplies. “I just changed my CGM—“ At Eddie’s confused look, he says, “My glucose monitor. It’s not completely synced yet so I can’t rely on my pod to tell me what level I’m actually at.”
After he says that, Steve cleans his finger with an alcohol wipe, lets it dry, and then pricks his finger. He squeezes the pad of his ring finger and blood pools to the surface.
“Yikes. I’m gonna have to give myself a correction or two.”
Steve cleans up the space but leaves his pouch out, and then wraps a sparkly bandaid on his finger.
“What’s a correction?”
Eddie feels dumb. He wishes he knew more about diabetes and actually researched it before showing up to the diner with no prior knowledge.
“I just give myself a little extra insulin to make my blood sugar go down. I’m flirting with 250 right now and I really want a burger.”
The date passes swimmingly and the two men find themselves sitting in the same booth at the same diner, but on the same side. Their hands are intertwined and Steve wrapped up half of his meal to take home.
“I made this for you!” Steve says suddenly. He grabs a stack of stapled papers and hands them to Eddie. “I made you a ‘diabetes guide!’ Since I plan on our relationship being permanent, it would give me peace of mind if you knew what to do in case of an emergency.”
Steve begins thumbing through the packet and explaining everything, but Eddie can hardly focus.
Not with Steve clutching his hand or with him wanting their relationship to become “permanent.”
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve waves his hand in front of Eddie’s face. “I understand if this is a dealbreaker or whatever, but I just like you so much and I want to be your boyfriend as of two weeks ago.”
Eddie just blinks. Then he smiles. “We only met a week ago, Stevie.”
Steve blushes, tucks some hair behind his ear. “I know that. I just had a feeling that I would meet the one.”
“Yeah?” A pause. “Can I kiss you?”
Steve releases a breath. Puts his hand on Eddie’s cheek.
“I thought you’d never ask. I hope you don’t mind the taste of hamburger.”
Eddie laughs before lunging forward.
As they head back to Steve’s apartment hand in hand, Eddie tells him about his more than ordinary job. Explains what might happen when people see them together.
Steve just laughs and says, “I’ve fought literal monsters from hell, I can handle anything.”
Eddie falls more in love than he knew possible.
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angelvvrath · 4 months ago
Hearing them mutter “God…” under their breath and responding with a very cheeky, “Yes?”
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chickenchirps27 · 5 months ago
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hello denizens of tumblr i come with humble offerings
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they wish to romance you
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gigizetz · 7 months ago
found this in my tiktok dms (which I found out today is a thing) and was amused
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they didn't say anything prior or after these two messages.
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dailymanners · 5 months ago
When entering any place of business, such as a store or restaurant, if a staff member greets you, then acknowledge them and greet them back.
Although for many jobs it's a required part of their job to greet you, especially retail workers, receptionists, and restaurant workers to name a few, that doesn't make it feel any less dehumanizing to say "Hello!" to another human being only for them to ignore you. Acknowledging staff members and greeting them back is important for acknowledging their humanity, they are, after all, a human being, and not an automated machine.
This is also important when going to check out at a store. If you approach the cash register, and the cashier greets you, you should acknowledge them and greet them back. Cashiers already have to deal with being dehumanized enough. The least you can do is help humanize them by acknowledging them when they greet you and speak to you.
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angel5ofp0rn · 10 months ago
unlike Ghost, Price does have a smartphone but he uses his index finger instead of his thumbs with his reading glasses low on his nose while he takes 45 minutes to reply to a text
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