#that Dain was being treated!
reginrokkr · 2 years
Kabukimono blinks, looking at the other with clear curiously glazing over his eyes. "Can I call you Dain?" He asks, out of seemingly nowhere. "Is that okay?"
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What remains of the once indomitable Twilight Sword is but a laughable stock of remains that would sooner fade like ashes rather than reconstitute itself. Contrary to what Kabukimono or those whom take care of him may believe that happened in order to find him in such pitiful circumstances, most of his disgrace was by his own doing which eventually led to his defeat against Hilichurls that he... lacked the will to fight back.
Any attempt to get rid of the curse that runs through his veins when a feasible lead is found is tantamount to burn himself alive with no hopes for survival. Try as he did to test the waters, to see how far he could reach, it is not a feat that can be achieved without walking tentatively towards Death's embrace, paradoxical as it may sound given the characteristics of this divine curse.
Couple a moment of uttermost weakness in mind, soul and body alongside the bitter reminder of watching innocent civilians become Hilichurls created the perfect concoction for disaster, alongside poor beings that no longer can think for themselves or be masters of their rampant and primitive emotions. Part of him would've wished to remain there to fate's caprice, perhaps that would accelerate the process of finding what fate has in store for him exactly. As for the other part... he is glad.
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Kabukimono is the epitome of purity and innocence that this cursed star lacks so much. Purity for seeing things the way they are with no room for second thoughts, innocence for thinking in such manner that malice is out of the picture unless directly proven otherwise. Wish as he did that Khaenri'ah was that way, only very few escaped parameters of obsession, hatred and madness. Wish as he tried with all his might, long ago Khaenri'ah ceased having any fixing.
The harmless, initial query makes Dáinsleif's heart skip a beat, something he had already believed to not be a possibility in an empty shell like he currently is. Though moon-kissed featured denote exhaustion within their lack of movement, teal astral pupils quiver within glacial sapphire depths. When the realization that his name might be complicated to pronounce dawns on him, his eyes soften. Adults and children alike, elder people and teenagers in equal parts have always told him so, always tentatively to not rise any offence.
But it is the familiarity that such manner to say his name exudes alongside the memory of dear people to him that had been lost to the divine's wrath calling him Dain, alongside a traveling companion that he fell apart with not long ago... His heart is a battlefield, one in which two factions battle for dominance in this simple moment: a guilty mind that seeks warmth and kindness as any would and a weary soul that demands repentance for the sins he has committed— rather, for the sins he believes he has committed.
Albescent lashes flutter with a slow blink, an aching body forces itself to reach out a hand too cursed to touch something so pure that ought to be protected— even from himself, he silently begs. With what little strength he has left in him he squeezes gently Kabukimono's hand and his head dips once in a curt not. ❝Yes. I would like that.❞
For once, he wished that some of that beautiful innocence rubbed off on him. To trust in this world again, to trust in himself— that he has yet a purpose in this damned world if he was denied the mercy to find repentance in death.
@inavagrant ✦
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dutybcrne · 21 days
Kaeya 🤝 Dainsleif 🤝 Boothill
Wanting to protect Klee’s sunbright smile and innocence bc she deserves to grow up happy and free of the worries that likely burdened them while growing up-
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dawndelion-winery · 1 year
Tripping Into Love
Clumsy confessions and the silly things they do for you
Ft. Capitano, Dainsleif, Diluc, Kaeya, Pantalone
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He knows better than to charge in without a plan
At least he thinks he does, which is why he's begrudgingly forking over a hefty portion of his personal funds to Pantalone in exchange for information about you
He didn't stop to think how odd it might be for him to know things about you when you've never told him
Honestly, the only reason you probably haven't told him to piss off for being a creep is because you like to think you know him well enough to know he wouldn't have any unsavoury intentions
That and his reputation as the esteemed captain
He does panic when you question where he got the information from though
He doesn't know Pantalone have you a heads up simply to have the joy of watching Capitano squirm
"Did...didn't you?" Capitano stammered. "Perhaps I heard it from someone else, I could've sworn I'd heard somewhere that these were your favourite flowers."
You were cackling internally, of course, knowing his informant. Not that you'd tell him that; he could stew in his panic for a while longer until he finally mustered the courage to ask you out explicitly.
You were only joking when you said he should act more knightly
Sure he'd said there was no point since the fall of his nation meant all titles and status were irrelevant
But that's pretty hard to believe when he's practically bending over backwards for you
It was hard not to notice his efforts, honestly, with how curt and cavalier you knew he could be
Yet there he was, offering you his knee as a footstool for your comfort
"Dain, this isn't what I meant when I said I'd love to see you get on one knee."
You looked at the bough keeper quizzically. In return, he only gave you his usual, impassive expression as he insisted. "You're tired, it is a knight's due duty to ensure his companion's comfort."
You'd protest if it hadn't been for the faintest of blushes dusting his uncovered cheek, his gaze averting subtly in a momentary flicker. So you sat on his thigh, resting your head on his shoulder with a soft thanks as you shut your eyes, leaving the ex-captain swallowing hard as he stilled his aching heart.
Mondstadt's most eligible bachelor? Or most rizzless?
Sure, he's got the money to send you gifts and little tokens of his affection as he courts you
And yes, it's sweet to receive bouquets and desserts that remind him of you
What's less than ideal is the love letters he sends
You find yourself compared to the most questionable of descriptors that you're not sure if he likes you
I mean, did he seriously compare you to his deceased pet tortoise?
Years of living like a social recluse has scuffed all sense of tact he might have had
"Master Diluc-"
"Just Diluc is fine, love."
You blinked slowly, noting the way a faint blush crept up his cheeks, thinking he was slick with sneaking in a little pet name for you (he wasn't). It was hard to tell him relating you to the soil in the winery wasn't the most romantic declaration of his affection when he seemed so proud of himself. Admittedly, you were somewhat proud of him for coming out of his shell to court you too. But this!! This wasn't it.
"I don't need you to try to be poetic, Diluc, a simple 'I think you're lovely' is enough."
Remember those poetry lessons he got from Venti? (Well not really but still)
Venti was peerless when it came to his songs, so naturally, you were quite enchanted with his performances
And of course, why wouldn't Kaeya think serenading you would be a good way to win your heart?
Unlike Diluc, he's much more delicate with his words, weaving them to flatter you best
Yet it's not quite what piqued your interest in him
Sure, it's poetically romantic and all, but it didn't really feel like him
It was moreso his banter with his estranged brother that you found endearing
"Care for a refreshing beverage on this fine day? My treat, of course, the Angel's Share has a new series of fruit mocktails that are just perfect for the weather, and I'd love to try then with you."
You hadn't expected master Diluc himself to stop the both of you at the entrance - well, he stopped Kaeya, at least. "Isn't it a little early for you to be drinking? As I recall, it's office hours for the Knights of Favonius right now."
"I have the day off, am I not allowed to drink in the company of my lovely companion?" Kaeya quips, gesturing to you.
"So you're being a bad influence?"
"We're not here for alcohol."
Diluc looked at Kaeya doubtfully, glancing in your direction as though to gauge if Kaeya was bluffing.
Oh woe is you who has to see Diluc burning holes into the back of Kaeya's head as he moniters his brother on a date.
Money can buy anything.
Except your affection, it would seem
Sure, you enjoy the gifts, and it's nice to be spoilt
But he wants you to look at him the way he looks at you
Worse still is how he's conflicted about making use of his intelligence network to dig up information about you
"it'd ruin the process of getting to know (you)" he says
Which leaves him squeezing time into his schedule to spend with you against his better judgement
He's totally not slaving through his work to make time for you
He's nothing if not opportunistic though
Will most definitely take advantage of any concern you show
"Eyebags? No, no, I doubt I have those, but if you insist, why not come a little closer to check?"
All you'd said was he looked a little tired and haggard, and suddenly he has you in his chambers, sitting on his satin sheets as he lays his head in your lap. After all, if you were so concerned about whether he was resting, surely you wouldn't oppose helping to make sure he got a good sleep, yes?
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Taglist: @myluvkeiji @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @cxlrose @astrequa @eowinthetraveler @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @moonbyunniee @greyrain23 @heavenlyfloof
Commissioned by @monstersealclubber
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 4 months
Genshin Cuddles HCs: Part the Second (Kaeya, Dainsleif, Zhongli)
Is it any coincidence that I'm tired again while doing cuddles head canons? Probably not. I imagine I get really clingy and cuddly towards the end of the day.
But apparently not as tired lol
CW: A little angst, fluff
A/N: As per the last one, reader is presumed to be short because this 100% self insert
kaeya x gn!reader, Zhognli x gn!reader, Dainsleif x gn!reader
(PS. If you want tagged for certain kinds of content, hit me up in the asks. I'll be happy to put together some taglists)
To be honest, on first starting to date Kaeya, you'd think that he would be a huge tease (I mean, it is Kaeya)
But when it comes to stuff like cuddling and mid winter snuggling, it's usually quite the opposite.
After all, Kaeya is far more serious and earnest, I think, than he allows himself to let on.
Cuddles with Kaeya come in three forms
The first is him big spooning and you little spooning. He absolutely loves being the big spoon. You're so small in his arms and it feels wonderful to know that you trust him like that.
When big spooning he really loves to bury his face in your hair and trace little gentle shapes over your skin
Other times things are reversed. He really never thought that he'd enjoy being the little spoon, but he trusts you without reservation. These are moments where he has no responsibility, instead just lets you take care of him
He frequently falls asleep like this, which really warms the heart. It's moments like these where he'll let you take off his eyepatch and set it to the side
What he doesn't know is that when you do, you usually press a little kiss to the scar
Then there's the third kind
These are almost exclusively late at night, when even the strongest masks start to lower.
Sometimes he'll reach out for you, pulling you into his embrace. He'll hold you like you're fragile, like he's afraid you'll break. it's in these moments where he'll whisper in your ear the most genuine words of love
They would be the warmest moments, but in those moments you hear a truth he never speaks. He's terrified of losing you, that you--like everyone else in his life--will not find him worthy of keeping
All you can do in lose moments is lay your head on his chest, letting him wrap you in his arms, until he's convinced that not only are you still here, but that you're not going to leave him
Dainsleif, I think, is surprisingly good at cuddling
I was honestly surprised in 3.5 when we saw a very gentle side of him and I think that would apply to his significant other
Seriously, the man has lost everything. He's gonna treat his s/o right, no matter what
For Dain, and for you as well, cuddling is a way to relieve stress
It really doesn't matter the position either, as long as you're sharing warmth on cold nights
You can't count the number of times you've curled up against a rock--though you find that's not the most comfortable spot for really anything--laying your head on his chest, just listening to his heart beat
It's just as often that you find his head in your lap, blond hair splayed out while you rub circles into his scalp. The touch is soothing, grounding him in the moment
Of course, there are times when you curl up under a blanket, limbs tangled together, pressed so close you can't tell where you end and Dain begins. Those are almost desperate in nature, as if warding on the ever encroaching nature of time. It's in these moments that Dain finds himself scared, and intent on branding these memories in his mind
Compared to Dain and Kaeya, cuddles with Zhongli are the fluffiest things on the planet
They usually happen at two times of day, with some exceptions
It's not uncommon to start the day with cuddles in bed. You'll wake up to find a pair of strong arms holding you close and a pair of molten gold eyes watching you sleep.
It never fails to make you blush, because he looks at you like you're the entire world. Which is really rather flattering given the power and status of the man currently giving you this ridiculously soft smile
The other time you two cuddle is at the end of the day. Sometimes it's inside by the fire. Other times it's outside looking at the stars, but you almost always end up wrapped up in each other
So many nights, you're tucked under is arm, or laying your head on his lap while you listen to the stories from the past or random every day advice
It's really soothing. He's got the beautiful deep voice that is almost magnetic.
The exception to the rule is when you're upset. There are times when something happened during the day, or you wake up after a nightmare and all you want is to be held and reassured. And he's good at that too. Grounding you, centering you.
Of course you do the same for him, though, given his personality it is very rare. But there are times when the past catches up to him, where an event he is incapable of forgetting weighs on his mind. He's found that your touch, your embrace, you holding him the same way he loves to hold you, makes it a little better
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Take Me To The Sun
Previously known as In Times Of Flaring: Here is the official Part one to the series! You can also find it on AO3 I finally made an account!
Take Me To The Sun (846 words) by leftmeinwonderland
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The quadrant is in chaos. Finding out who is alive, who we all lost - and all I can think about is they aren’t back. He isn’t back. 
I wish I could comfort you, flare. Rathnait whispers to me, and for a moment I feel guilty that I feel so out of sorts for not being able to focus on shielding my emotions from her. Her talons tick nervously on the flight field, vigilant over my every move and breath. All I can do is stare at my dragon vacantly. Streaks of dark copper highlighted her grace, her beauty - running down the length of her neck and down each of her legs. Rathnait was a sight to behold, and I was only grateful to be considered worthy to be hers. Her scarlett colored scales glistened in the setting sun, as if mirroring the sun itself in all its bright glory. Her swordtail flicked in the air back and forth in agitation. We must not get ahead of ourselves, you would feel it if something happened to him. 
I reach out to clutch her nose to my chest, needing to feel the warmth of her breath on my clammy self. She nudges me gently, trying all she can to ground my spiraling thoughts. 
I can’t help but think of the moments I last saw him - the fight, the anger. 
“Xaden is already bending the rules with bringing Violet along, I can’t ask him to risk your well being as well,” Garrick murmurs in my ear as we watch the tense showdown between Dain and Xaden. I try to ignore the sting in my chest, having to wrinkle my nose to rid myself of unshed tears. 
“You're not even gonna try, after everything? You just expect me to watch you go? You’ve been keeping secrets, Garrick. This seems like part of one of them” I hiss at him, shrugging my arm away from his hold. Rathnait glowers at both Garrick and Chradh, his brown scorpion tail - the irritation she feels at watching me get hurt is almost enough to make her snap her teeth at them both. Garrick’s jaw clenches, his ever composed features faltering at the anguish I knew he could see in my eyes, could hear in my voice. 
Just say the word, flare. I’ll teach him to treat you with more care. Rathnait snarls at Chradh, snapping as he tries to nudge her affectionately. I don’t want to put her in an uncomfortable position, to push away her growing care for Chradh. You let me worry about that. Chradh knows you are the one I chose, the one I will always look out for.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish we had time to talk more, but right now I would rather know you’re safe with the rest of your squad. Your anger towards me is worth it if I am guaranteed your survival,” I watch as he makes sure his flight gloves are secure, flexing them before flickering those earth toned eyes towards me. My heart cracks a little bit more - all I want to do is scream. To shove him and get him to see that this is hurting me, is crushing me. How much more can I let slide? How much more can I take when all I want is to want him. To love him.
“And what about you? What if you don’t come back?” 
Xaden and Violet make their way towards their dragons. Squads have begun to launch to their respective posts, Dain and I are being waited upon by Second Squad. 
“I’ve survived too much to lose now. I’ll be back and we can talk - I’ll tell you everything,” Garrick promises, stepping forward to plant a soft kiss on my temple. Clutching his flight jacket, I can’t help it as tears fall down my cheeks. 
“It seems like you might lose me though,” Turning around to follow my Squad leader, ignoring the curses from Garrick, ignoring the way in which my Squad watches me with grimaces and pity. All for fucking War Games, all for nothing. 
I make my way towards the group, needing the familiar, needing their constant. Ridoc opens his arms, bringing me in for a brief tight embrace. Sawyer offers a wavering smile.
“Are you gonna be ok?” Rhiannon softly asks, wiping my wet cheeks with her hands. I shakily smile at her, making sure my own flight jacket and gloves are secure. I can’t bare to watch Garrick and Chradh take to the sky, having to believe that he’ll be ok, but at the same time wanting to protect myself from more heartbreak. 
“Let’s go get this over with.” I quickly scale up Rathnait, she chuffs at me, making sure I’m secure in my seat. Let’s go flying, Ray. Take me towards the sun. Sending my devotion to her down our bond. She launches quickly, wings flaring gloriously. The rest of the squad is quick to follow. 
I’ll always make sure you’re near it, flare. The light will never die in you, not even from this pain. 
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cccccmiklosovic · 1 year
The Actress (Cardan Greenbrair x f!reader)
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈. "
"𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭?"
"𝐖𝐞'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥. "
Y/n, the Actress, part of the Court of Shadows. Twin sister of Valerian, despite the fact that she hates him. Her skill: getting Dain's targets to love and trust her with their secrets.
Prince Cardan Greenbriar, the wickedest prince of the Greenbriar line. Best friend of Y/n's twin brother, Valerian, and he's secretly in love with Y/n. His skill: pretending he hates her.
Jude Duarte, mortal treated as Faerie. Best friend of Y/n, despite her twin sister's, Taryn, hatred toward the girl. Her skill: swords play.
Prince Dain, soon to be king. Leader of the Court of Shadows. He's in love with Y/n and abuses her oath to him to use her for his own pleasure. His skill: getting Y/n to hate him more and more.
Prince Balekin, Cardan's abuser. Oldest child of the Greenbriar line. He's in love with Y/n and oblivious to the fact that she's just using him for information. His skill: being wicked.
Valerian, twin brother to Y/n. Best friend of Prince Cardan. He hates Y/n, and he doesn't hide it. His skill: pissing off his twin sister.
‼️Disclaimer‼️: I do not own the plot or any of the characters except for: Y/n and Lorla and the parts of the plot that I added or changed.
⚠️‼️Warnings‼️⚠️: swearing; mentions of sexual, physical, and mental abuse; and lots of blood, gore, and death. maybe some smut later on?
cardan greenbriar masterlist
my main masterlist
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Sheriff Of Nottingham x Fem!Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: You're the prettiest peasant in Nottingham, and so on carnival day you don't mind offering one simple kiss as a prize to the winner of the archery contest. You figure- what's the harm? You're an engaged woman and this may just be your last opportunity to kiss lips that aren't your husbands.
You aren't expecting a man such as the terrible Sheriff to find out you're the prize and participate. Or win-
Warnings: Its probably a mess because I wrote it while I was at work.
The Sheriff had won! A pathetic smattering of weak applause dies down quickly in the stands, no one being particularly happy he had dained to attend your little carnival. It was for the peasants; a little bright moment to hold onto throughout the dreary, poor Nottingham days. It was certainly not for him. If he had any manners at all, he would've stayed away.
But he didn't have any manners. He was terrible, and dastardly, and gross and impolite-- and now you had to kiss him!
You were seathing!!
You didn't want to do it! You wanted to look him in those beady eyes of his and claim second thoughts; say you didn't want to make your fiance uncomfortable.
... but your fiance was currently out of town on business, so that excuse wouldn't work quite as effectively. The Sheriff would counterargue, and you would end up embarrassed in front of everyone.
"Damnit," You muttered under your breath, eyes ablaze with frustration and hate on the smug, chubby (Ugh, how chubby he got while the rest of you starved infuriated you. He was more robust than even the horrible prince himself) 'law man' accepting forced congratulations from onlookers.
"Well well well, here we are!" The Sheriff jeered, all-too-pleased to be alone with you now. The tent was meant for the fortune tellers, deep midnight blue's and lovely maroon's strewn about setting the mood quite nicely. You'd been in here before, and the 'lady' with the fluffy red hair poking out from 'her' robes told you that you would be surprised with something today- well you were surprised. You were hoping that the fortune meant that your fiance would be home early,.. but no. No, that wasn't it. Not with your luck!
The Sheriff is about to lean in and just plant one on you- but you raise your hand up to his chest as fast lightning and firmly push him back with a careful glare. "... before that, I have something to say."
"Oh- " Either he's surprised to have a lady take such a stern tone with him, or he's surprised to see any peasant treat him so boldly, but he definitely pauses. Looks confused. Then shrugs, straightening up again with a gleaming, toothy grin. "Well, sure, sweetheart! Go right ahead~ "
Taking a deep breath, you straighten your shoulders and try not to squirm looking into his eyes. "... I want you to know, I don't care for you. You give law enforcement a bad name. You're a fiend." You blurt out bluntly, uncaring of the displeased responce you might get. You're expecting it, in fact.
... but he doesn't give that displeased responce. He just gives a jovial chuckle, his belly jiggling with the movement, and shakes his head at you. You're almost dissappinted. "Well, aren't you a bold thing??... "
"I want to be clear you disgust me."
"Oh, I heard~ "
"Good." You huff, put-out by his lacklustre and honestly, kind of amused responce.
After a moment, he tilts his head to the side and his eyes seem to glow in the darkness of the tent as be steps in closer to you once again. "Now, miss, do you think I could take my prize? Hm?~"
He'll have to duck down quite a ways, you think, noting the man's size. But, Sighing a frustrated sigh, you nod. "Yes you may, but I won't enjoy it and I hope you don't either."
"Can't promise that." He just says, before the Sheriff of Nottingham puts his large fat hands on either side of your face, and leans down, and smothers your lips with his.
Immediately you stiffen, giving a squeak against his lips at how he grabbed you so easily and overwhelms you with his sheer size. You were expecting a quick, sweet kiss when you signed up to be the prize for this competition! Mabhe on the cheek! Not- not- whatever vulgar mess this is!-
... and yet you feel yourself melting against the large fabcy pants brute of a man. You love your fiance, you love him dearly, but the Sheriff...
God, you can never think about this again after its over. It's so very horrendous. So appallingly bad that you return the kiss in order to make it go faster (thats the only reason, of course.). You have to make an oath to yourself after this. Never even think about this kiss ever again.
But for right now, it wouldn't be against your oath, to... slide your hands up his chest, would it? After all, you won't be thinking about it ever again (how soft but firm he is, the lovely fabric he wears in red and purple), so you dont see why you shouldn't...
Just as your fingers are cautiously linking around his neck, the Sheriff pulls away. He steals one more quick, greedy kiss, then steps back from you completely; a wolfish grin across his mean face.
Breathless, you struggle to pull yourself together. "Well- " Huff. "I do hope you had a terrible time."
An irritating, smug, grin pulls at one corner of the wolve's mouth. "Oh, dear, did I fail the assignment sweetheart?~ "
"... You ogre!!"
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madockisser · 1 month
Loved your analysis on the Greenbriar princesses, can you do one about Eldred, Taniot and Val Moren?
Eldred greenbriar, val moren, and taniot analysis!! Spoilers for tfota trilogy!!
thank you sm! and yes, gladly!
there is not very much about these characters (particularly taniot) but i’ll do my best!
eldred greenbriar, son to clovis greenbriar, and grandson to mab greenbriar. val moren is his lover, and taniot is his consort and mother to dain greenbriar, eldreds 3rd born child and 2nd son.
madoc says that in eldreds youth/younger days, he was a bloodthirsty sort of king, and that he did not allow “little fiefdoms” like he in his elderly years.
as for his personality, i sort of imagine him as this wise, wary of life, old perv (LOL sorry) even tho i’m sure that’s not accurate. i just find it hard to imagine him having so many consorts (oriana,liri,asha and undoubtedly more) in his elderly years. either bro was a silver fox (ik he has corn colored hair but still a dilf ((or perhaps a gilf) is what i mean) or consorts are simply indifferent to his age, and want to please their king (or gain some status or power, like asha)
he has 6 children, which for a faerie, is a LOT. jude says that most faeries don’t ever even have children, so obviously we can assume that he gets around a lot, or atleast he certainly did in his youth.
another note, and this could be nothing but i like speculating abt when he first started having children (but i overanalyze since faeries cannot lie and so everything they say must be taken literally) but he calls balekin “child” which could refer simply to the fact that yes, balekin is his child, or that balekin is significantly younger than him, and hasn’t reached that “adult faerie age” (whatever age that is) or (most likely) that balekin is acting like a child LOL.
he gives all of his consorts who bore him a child a string of emerald necklace (sugar daddy vibes, also another reason as to why he could have had so many consorts/ lovers)
it is to be noted that there is a difference between lovers and consorts, being a consort is like a job, whereas a lover isn’t really a status, more like a fling or a string of flings (which is what asha was. not a consort)
anyway, when cardan is born and him and baphen (the star prophet guy) go to see him, baphen tells eldred that cardan will be a menace pretty much, so then and there eldred just don’t gaf abt cardan.
“looking upon prince cardan was like looking at an uncertain future, so eldred avoided it” (not word for word but prologue of qon.
he was prob looking for a reason to cast him out cardans entire childhood, which is probably why he didn’t listen when cardan denied his killing of val morens lover.
we know that eldred had orbs that contained memories of his children in their youth, in one of them contained dain, elowyn and rhyia shooting apples, baby balekin, and another that contained baby cardan being neglected and learning from his mother that the only way to get attention was to hurt. apparently he cherished these memories, i can’t think of any other reason he would have kept them, except if they were gifts.
from the orb of cardans abuse, we can assume he probably has this really twisted outlook of family, that he doesn’t gaf abt cardan, and only views his children as political opportunities. seems like he probably only kept having kids bc 1, he needed an heir, 2, they were accidents, 3, he prob kept having them (and not getting rid of them the way dain did) to try to have as many options for a high ruler replacement and 4, again, the political advantages of having children that can charm the princess of the undersea, and etc.
now, we know he had laws in place to protect mortals to an extent, unfortunately we don’t know the details but we can assume they probably weren’t that great since mortals are treated like garbage more often than not BUT madoc says a lot of mortals are also treated well (coins in their pockets and such) but madocs idea of well is yk pretty iffy.
lastly, dain and his influence on eldred. we know dain was slipping eldred small amounts of poison to make eldred seem like it was his time to relinquish the throne to him, and we know dain was manipulating him into thinking all of his other children were out to get him and that he couldn’t trust them, (doesn’t sound that hard to convince him since balekin was doing that as well as dain) so dain must’ve had some dirt on caelia or rhyia that he shared w eldred (won’t go into that i already did a dain analysis 😭) but to me, it sounds like eldred was weak and desperate to just die already, or as the fae say it. “seek the land of promise” so he was willing to just believe it and let dain be king.
as for him being a father, the way his children tiptoe around him, the way they do as he says, and the way caelia protected him on dais, i believe his children grew to see him as weak, but were always too afraid to speak against him, and maybe just enjoyed the spoils of being royalty. this is just speculation, but it seems like there is a lot of manipulation and neglect on eldreds part obv, toward his children. based on a lot of factors, like how eldred threw cardan out of the palace, then expected him to be a proper good prince at dinner time when he was older, and the way caelia seemingly wanted his favor very much (see my princess analysis) etc, it seems like the relationships with his children are very hot and cold, he can favor them one second then throw them out the next. also the fact that he is high king, so he probably didn’t take the time to raise them himself and left them to a midwife, the mother, or just on their own.
as we see in tpt, rumors and little things affect cardans and oaks relationship very much, and eldred learned to distrust all of his children bc of dain, so we can assume that he didn’t think very well of his children, and didn’t have good relationships with any of them besides dain.
unlike the rest of his children, dain took advantage of eldreds growing weakness, seeing as dain had balls enough to start screwing his consort and to start poisoning and manipulating him.
moral of the story, eldred seems like a feeble old man, who is an abusive, deadbeat asshole, who only sees his children as vessels into political advantages. as for when he was younger who knows. maybe one day holly will write a short story about him(def not gonna happen).
onto val moren, val moren says that in his youth, eldred rode up to him on his horse and whisked him away to faerieland (kinda hot i would go too) but only after some serious manipulation. val moren says that he was so taken with him, that he would’ve burnt down his own families farm and mill just to have eldred touch him again. typical faerie x human stereotype ig
so they were lovers. eldred made val moren promise to renounce his humanity and act like a faerie for the rest of his life, which he agreed to do (sounds like grooming to me!) and then became his seneschal down the line.
also down the line, val moren had a mortal lover, and when dain killed that lover and framed cardan, val moren lost his mind and went mad with grief. years later he still blames cardan and “glares at him across the dinner table” according to cardans novella lol. poor guy been thru it
now at the dais, val moren is forced to crown balekin, and he’s all afraid, since his sugar daddy is freshly dead, killed by his own son. and now that eldred is gone it’s sorta like the one faerie that sorttaaa had his back and took him away to faerie land and probably like hand fed him berries or smth, isnt there to protect him anymore.
it’s also sad that he thinks that cardan killed his mortal lover and now balekin, who is like the older eviler version of cardan in his eyes, is killing his lover again.
after he is seneschal, and jude has replaced him, they have a little mortal heart to heart, except not rly. “i was fully grown when i came here” yadda yadda yadda! he don’t like jude and he offers shitty faerie advice, then pities her when she’s all like “but eldies dead now! u don’t have to keeep acting like u ain’t got no humanity babe! our promise don’t mean shit!” bc ig he thinks that any human that lives amongst them oughta renounce their humanity too bc he prob thinks it’s the only way to make it, to survive living w them.
and he’s all like “damn i feel bad for u! never make a promise w those sneaky faerie fuckers! not a sexy one, not a funny one, not a small one or large one, and def not one that sounds pretty good!”
then later on says to jude “learn to juggle better than i did” which was referring to his job as seneschal, but i also included the fact that he has to juggle being eldreds lover, seneschal, lover to a mortal, all while trying to act as though he no longer had any humanity. then he went bat shit crazy w grief so there’s also that he had to deal with.
so yeah. he seems AWFULLY wary of faeries and their crap, and while it also seems he loved eldred, it seems a lot like a very painful sort of love.
i do think it’s sweet that he had a human lover despite renouncing his humanity, shows that faeries too can love humans.
now onto taniot. if you do not recall, taniot is dains mother, who i believe is only mentioned and shown once and it’s at her death scene. sad. now, taniot, being dains mother, the future high kings own mother, you would think that she would be well cared for and def not sacrificed at all.
taniot is the 3rd to die on the dais, as balekin shows the crowd what it means to be lover of the high king, to be a pawn on the kings chessboard. to be used, and once fulfilled their duty, cast off the board.
before her untimely death however, she attempts to save elowyn, by staunching elowyns wound with her dress. then as she’s about to be killed, she clasps her hands together and in jude’s monologue, “goes to her death gracefully as though she has already passed onto the realm of death.”
she definitely saw this coming i would say. she probably knew what a monster she birthed, and if not that, then she knew what it meant for her to have borne the king his second son.
upon rereading her death scene, dain dies before she does, so maybe she loves dain enough to not see life as worth living without him, which explains the graceful, accepting way in which she dies.
since dain is 3rd born, she’s pretty fucking old. she’s probably seen the deaths of many lovers and consorts, perhaps knew of the cause of liriopes own demise, and definitely saw how asha was thrown into the tower of forgetting.
it sounds to me like she was tip toeing around eldred since bearing him a child. it’s almost like the things that have happened to other lovers and consorts are like warnings to her and the other mothers of the greenbriar family, perhaps to keep them in line.
it makes me wonder if a similar demise would’ve happened to oriana if it were not for madocs position. (i’m gonna make a short analysis on this bc it’s rly interesting to me!)
it’s like jude says in tcp in her monologue, “even the high king would find it distasteful to have your son take your place in a lovers bed.” i wonder if eldred were greedy, and killed lovers similarly to how dain killed liri, despite the different circumstances, perhaps eldred found it upsetting to see his consorts move on, and so he simply rid of them so as to not bear the humiliation of it. (though i know faerie isn’t quite like that, how everyone pretty much screws each other without a care, things are different for a king)
but yeah! poor taniot, poor val moren, and screw eldred tbh! he’s revealed to be an asshole even after his death, so damn!
anyway thank u for the ask! i rly like doing these, even if i am just screaming into the void, it actually helps me during my rereads, just to understand the character a little better!! 🫶🫶
sorry for how messy this is!
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sixth-light · 6 months
Two new WoT theories about Galad, one Watsonian and one Doylistic.
Doylistic: People super underestimate what a minor character Galad actually is, probably because Sanderson promotes him in ToM/AMoL. His first PoV in the RJ books is the KoD prologue, and otherwise he only appears on-page 1) when Rand visits Caemlyn, 2) when Egwene and Nynaeve go to the White Tower, 3) the infamous quarterstaff duel, and 4) when Elayne and Nynaeve run into him in Samara and he's become a Surprise Whitecloak. Everything else is people talking about him! Given the repeated hints he's romantically interested in Egwene and/or Nynaeve that go absolutely nowhere, plus at least one prophecy/viewing that does the same, I think that RJ may have rejigged his role in the story around TFoH.
He's a goldmine of interesting connections to main characters (Rand, Elayne, Egwene) that don't pay off, and when he does take centre stage in ToM it's about his relationship with Morgase (established, significant to him, but SHE is quite a minor character) and a new enemies-to-allies arc with Perrin which...comes out of absolutely nowhere if we're being honest. Perrin already had a Whitecloak to have an enemies-to-allies arc with! He didn't need another one. Justice for Dain Bornhald. RJ kinda moved away from the Arthuriana stuff by mid-series and I think Galad, Walking Arthurian Archetype, suffered from that.
Watsonian: I will make it super-clear that I think everything that follows is because RJ simply wasn't thinking about Galad that hard outside of his role as the Galahad archetype. NEVERTHELESS.
As @butterflydm noted elsewhere, there's not a lot of reason for Galad to be at the White Tower (much less to argue to stay there when Elayne leaves, as he does) and the more I think about it...for someone who is nearly 30, he's extremely adrift from all the normal markers of adulthood and status in his culture. Morgase doesn't appear to have given him any significant responsibilities within Andor, even though he's treated otherwise as her son. He doesn't seem to have inherited estates from Tigraine or Taringail that he could be administering (a la Gareth Bryne in retirement in TFoH). He's arguably in line to be High Seat of either Mantear or Damodred, or even a candidate for the throne of Cairhien, but he's not apparently considered for any of those. Readers are often surprised at how old he is because he's presented as equivalent to Elayne and Gawyn, literal teenagers not yet old enough when the books start to take up their future responsibilities outside of the emergency situations that later occur. Notably, although Galad expresses clear romantic interest in multiple women through the series he's not married or a parent, though again he's more than old enough. (That last is definitely a Galahad-archetype thing.)
So my "canon doesn't support it but canon leaves room for it" new theory is that this is actually on purpose, because like spare sons of royalty before him he's an incredibly tempting target for conspiracies, especially out of Cairhien. He has a close and loving bond with Morgase but she is very politically pragmatic and likely wouldn't want to put him in a situation where he could become the focus of plotting like that. And also...he would righteously report every plot to her unless and until someone managed to convince him that Doing The Thing, whatever it was, was actually the morally correct course of action. Valda achieves this pretty quickly, so it's clearly a possibility!
So, to sum up: Galad is unmarried, uncommitted, and available to be sent to the Tower in TGH because he's too much of a political hot potato to do anything else with. If he was bonded by an Aes Sedai that would probably be a perfect long-term career for him from a political perspective. Ironically puts him in a position, after all these years of Morgase protecting him, to be radicalised by Valda.
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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Just finished playing Caribert's AQ right now and I have many impressions that I'll write here, subject to be expanded more once I put my thoughts in order (will be posting a small guide to myself of the topics I'll discuss in more depth).
✦ Firstly, about Kaeya. In all honesty it's been a great relief to me to see that eventually he isn't the prince of Khaenri'ah. As I mentioned several months ago here, regencies are a temporary substitution for the actual king in succession and they aren't inheritable. Hopefully for Kaeya lovers out there, his implication in the lore didn't disappoint as I find it really interesting for multiple reasons: 1) he's a descendant of the Abyss Order founder Clothar Alberich and 2) the fact that he, who doesn't seem to be a pure blood Khaenri'ahn (ironically, I've talked about this with a couple of friends because his pupils were different from Dain's and later on to Halfdan's, but I wanted to keep off mentioning this here until we see more Khaenri'ahns to make a bolder statement, it was good to see that it was cleared up), was born to begin with and he seems to have aged well over past Caribert's age and look relatively fine (I say relatively because there is a lot missing here) is a miracle in itself. Specially considering that it's stated that any kid born from Khaenri'ahn blood and someone else pertaining to the reign of the Seven (I'll get to this on a different point) will be born in suffering until inevitably they become a hilichurl.
✧ Secondly, it was very interesting to see the notion of pure blood Khaenri'ahn and how the eyes are a very good lead to tell one from another apart (in this case Kaeya being the only one thus far, I believe). It's even more interesting that there is this differentiation vs the reign of the Seven as this would seal the deal about Khaenri'ahn people belonging to the Era of the Saints and that something must've happened for them to turn their backs to the gods. I'll go longer in a separate post for this concept. Oh, and the different curses and how it was actually teased in We Will Be Reunited: curse of immortality for the "great sinners", the pure blood Khaenri'ahn, and curse of wilderness to those of mixed blood to become hilichurls.
✦ Thirdly, the abyss twin (I'll refer to them as Lumine from now on as that is what seems to be canon in promotional material released by HYV for convenience sake). Scaramouche had teased in his own AQ that "The reason why there are records about your sister in Irminsul... it might have something to do with Khaenri'ah. Apparently, Khaenri'ah was her first destination when she arrived in this world. Plus, she only came to this world because the heavens responded to the summoning." Said summoning being this strong wish to control the Abyss as "if not even the gods can, if Khaenri'ah could, then they'd be able to control everything" and since Lumine was referred as the Abyss herself, this may imply that both she and Aether came to Teyvat via the Abyss (this calls for speculation that the actual true sky may be the Abyss, I'll also be talking about this in a different post). One thing that I don't buy is the fact that she was made princess of Khaenri'ah just like that. I get that this is coming from a position of worship I believe, as people thought that she would bring them new strength and hope, but it's something that I can't help but think that once again is about this factor of the twins having to interfere in everything, partly due to self insert purposes even though Lumine wouldn't count as this, but they're related. Moreover, it's a bit funny to me that Khaenri'ahns would turn their back to the gods but would trust an alien lol (again, I'll go deeper about this in another post but it's reminiscent of how the Second Who Came arrived to Teyvat and I'd dare to put my finger on fire to say that they came from the Abyss too, will expand on this at a later point). To conclude this point, I believe that Lumine must've contributed to the descent of the gods to Khaenri'ah hence she may be doing what she's doing these days out of guilt among other reasons (this is a deduction based in one of Dain's quotes in Collei's miscellany, will get into that in this other post).
✧ Fourth, about the Abyss, Fortune Lector, the Sinner, Clothar and Caribert. This utterly amazed me entirely and I can't wait to make some research to some sources of information to tie better my thoughts on this. I also have some suspicions about who this Sinner may be, but for obvious reasons it's speculating as it can be someone we haven't been introduced to yet. 1000/10 about this. All I'll say is that I know I'll have to look again into the heralds and lectors' descriptions alongside another series of items, so hang in there for me on that one. It's promising.
✦ Lastly, about Dain (lmao). Sorry, it's a bit funny to me that Dain is like the least here and I did wish there was more about him for how little screentime he has and only once a year. But let me tell you that I'm very curious about the fact that despite not having lived what Lumine did, his subconscious and instincts told him that something happened there. Not only that, but guess what direction he took to investigate more when he left both times? Exactly, the direction Caribert took when he left the cottage. I was also interested in how erosion affects him too. Oh, but also— where the heck was Dain 500 years ago if he did go with Lumine to Sumeru too? How the hecky the Aranara just talk about her? I knew something wasn't right when I decided to go divergent in that regard.
This is all for now. It may look like it's a lot but after revisiting the information I want to revisit, there will be more coming up. Overall this quest was great despite my major discrepancy with Lumine being the princess of Khaenri'ah, but as for the rest it was a really great ride. Can't wait to see Dain for his next yearly outing next year 😔
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dutybcrne · 7 months
Thinking abt that one scene we get of Luc interrogating the Abyss mage with Traveller, but make it Kae, showing Traveller he can speak their language, but also just how vicious he can be when it comes to beings he hates-
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fourthwingfan · 6 months
Madness - Chapter 9
I will not die today.
—Violet Sorrengail’s personal addendum
to the Book of Brennan
I’m so completely screwed.
Xaden steps forward—all six-foot-everything of him—dressed in midnight fighting leathers and a tight-fitted short-sleeve shirt that only seems to make the shimmering, dark rebellion relics on his skin seem like an even bigger warning, which I know is ridiculous but somehow true.
My heartbeat kicks up to a full gallop, as if my body knows the truth my mind hasn’t quite accepted yet. I’m about to have my ass kicked…
“You are all in for a treat,” Professor Emetterio says, clapping his hands. “Xaden’s one of the best fighters we have. And Aelin is one of the best among first-years. Watch and learn.”
“Of course you are,” I mutter and roll my eyes.
A corner of Xaden’s mouth rises in a smirk, and the gold flecks in his eyes seem to dance. The sadistic ass is enjoying this.
„A little out of her league, don’t you think?” Dain argues from the side of the mat.
What the hell? I stare at him in desbelief. He doesn’t even like me.
Ahh, I see. Violet is beside her. Probably that’s why he’s being „nice”.
“Relax, Aetos.” Xaden looks over my shoulder, his gaze hardening toward where I know Dain is standing, near Violet. The look Xaden gives him makes me realize he’s been taking it easy on me in the glaring department. “She’ll be in one piece when I’m finished teaching her.”
“I hardly think it’s fair—” Dain’s voice rises.
“No one asked you to think, squad leader,” Xaden fires back as he moves to the side.
“Shut the hell up, Dain.” I snap at him. “Don’t pretend you care about me.”
Xaden starts discarding every weapon on his body—and there’s a lot of them—and handing them to Imogen.
The bitter, illogical taste of jealousy fills my mouth, but there’s no time to examine that particular oddity, not when there are only seconds before he’s in front of me again.
“You don’t think you’ll need those?” I ask, palming my own blades. His chest is massive, with wide shoulders and heavily muscled arms alongside. He will be a though opponent.
“Nope. Not when you brought enough for the both of us.” A wicked smile curves his mouth as he looks at me.
“Oh, no. In this case I won’t use them either.” I argue and hand my daggers to Liam for safekeeping. He’s lethal without a dagger, I can see it clearly. And I don’t want to give him the opportunity to use my daggers against me.
“Do as you wish.” He stretches out his hand and curls his fingers in a come-hither motion. “Let’s go.”
My heart beats faster than the wings of a hummingbird as I take a fighting stance and wait for him to strike. This mat is only twenty feet in either direction, and yet my entire world narrows to its confines and the danger within.
He’s not in my squad. He can kill me without punishment.
We start circling each other and I try to find his weakness. Everybody has, I just need to find it. And I figure it out almost every time.
“Are you not going to attack?” He clucks his tongue.
“I thought you’re an initiative type.” I mock him.
In the blink of an eye he moves toward me and I awkwardly stumble backwards to avoid his leg. He wanted to sweep off my legs.
Holy shit he is fast.
I have to be faster. That’s my only thought as I move forward in a swipe-and-kick combo. He artfully dodges my every attempt to reach him and then captures my leg. The earth spins and I slam onto my back, the sudden impact driving the air from my lungs.
But he doesn’t go for the kill. He just stand there and looks at me with raised eyebrows and a second later, when air squeaks into my lungs, I lunge up going for another hit targeting his head.
He blocks my strike with his forearm, then grips my wrist with his opposite hand, leaning down so his face is only inches from mine. “Going for blood today, are we, Sunshine?” he whispers. It seems as he doesn’t want to hurt me, he’s just playing with me.
My blood boils.
“My name is Aelin,” I seethe.
“I think my version fits you better.” He releases my wrist and stands, offering me a hand. “We’re not done yet.”
My chest heaves, still recovering from the way he’s knocked the wind out of me, but I’m not a fool.
I reach for his hand, pretending that I allow him to pull me up, then I yank him toward me hard, my weight supports my strength.
His eyes widen in surprise and he losts his balance, but instead of faceplanting on the mat, he turns in the air and his back hits the mat. I use his movement to straddle him and I bring my forearm to his throat.
“Hm. Not too bad, Sunshine.” He smirks at me. “But not enough.”
He suddenly moves his legs in a movement I can’t see, and he’s easily pushes me off.
I land on my side and when I turn to look at him, he already stands on the other side of the mat and gives me an indecipherable look.
What the hell? How is it so easy for him? He makes it seem as if I’m the weakest fighter in the quadrant.
I feel my anger rising. And then I attack. I try to kick his legs out from under him, but he easily sidestapps and grabs my hand which was aimed at his side, then twists my arm behind my back and yanks me against his hard chest, pinning our joined hands before I have a chance to get my balance.
“Damn it!” I snap.
He brings his forarm to my throat as his chest rests against the back of my head. His forearm is locked across my ribs, and he might as well be a statue for all the give there is in his frame. There’s no use slamming my head back—he’s so tall that I’d only annoy him.
“Don’t trust a single person who faces you on this mat,” he warns in a hiss, his breath warm against the shell of my ear, and even though we’re surrounded by people, I realize he’s quiet for a reason. This lesson is just for me.
“Even someone who owes me a favor?” I counter, my voice just as low. My shoulder starts to protest the unnatural angle, but I don’t move. I won’t give him the satisfaction.
“I’m the one who decides when to grant that favor. Not you.” Xaden releases my hand and steps back.
I whirl, punching for his throat, and he knocks my hand aside.
“Good,” he says with a smile, deflecting my next blow without so much as a hitch to his breath. “Going for the throat is your best option, as long as it’s exposed.”
Fury makes me kick out again in the same pattern, muscle memory taking over, and he captures that leg again, showing that he can easily do it before he lets me go, cocking a disappointed eyebrow at me. “I expect you to learn from your mistakes.”
Putting my hands up defensively, I begin to circle him, and to my absolute annoyance, he doesn’t even bother facing me. He just stands there in the center of the mat, his boots planted and his arms loose as I move around him.
“You going to prance or are you going to strike?”
Fuck him.
I punch forward, but he dips and my stomach drops as he grips my arm, yanking me forward and flipping me around the side of his body. I’m airborne for a heartbeat before I smack into the mat, my ribs taking the impact.
He cranks my arm into a submission hold and white-hot pain shoots down the limb and I push away the feeling. I can’t afford to lose focus.
But he’s not done. No, his knee is in my ribs and, he leans closer. “Taking out Violet’s enemy before the battle is really smart; I’ll give that to both of you,” he whispers, his warm breath brushing the shell of my ear.
Oh gods. He knows what we’ve been doing. The pain in my arm is nothing compared to the fear at the thought of what he might do with that knowledge.
„Problem is, if she isn’t testing herself in here”—he puts more pressure on my back—“then you’re not going to get any better.”
“You’d rather we die, no doubt,” I fire back, the side of my face pressed into the mat. This isn’t just painful, it’s humiliating.
“And be denied the pleasure of your company?” he mocks.
“I fucking hate you.” The words are past my lips before I can shut my mouth.
“That doesn’t make you special.”
The pressure releases from my chest and arm as he leans back a little and I use it to my advantage.
‘Either it will hurt like hell and break or he will release me.’ With that thought I swiftly begin pushing myself back with my one free arm. The other is still in his grip and it makes so much more painful for my shoulder. But I just won’t lie here and listen his insults. I can’t bear it.
“What..” I hear him mutter as he finally losens his grip and I buck my hips and he tilts to the side.
I quickly turn around and with my arm he had in his grip I punch him in the face.
Unfortonately he jerkes his head away so I only able to split his lips. But that’s not so bad either.
I gain my feet and his lips curve into an approving smile as he too stands up. “You have a few tricks I admit it.”
“Then come closer, I want to hit you properly this time” I retort.
“That remains to be seen.” He backs up two steps, putting a little space between us before crooking his fingers at me again.
“What do you want from me?,” I snap loud enough that I hear Imogen gasp. “Why do you do this? I understand, you’ve made your point.”
“Trust me, I’ve barely gotten started.” He folds his arms and leans back on his heels, clearly waiting for me to move.
I don’t think. I just act, going low and kicking out the backs of his knees.
He goes down like a tree, the sound more than satisfying, and I pounce, trying for a headlock. Doesn’t matter how big someone is—they still need air. Catching his throat in the crook of my elbow, I squeeze.
Instead of going for my arms, he twists, grabbing ahold of the backs of my thighs so I lose my leverage and our bodies careen into a roll. He comes out on top.
Of course he does.
His forearm rests against my throat, not cutting off air but definitely capable of it, and his hips have mine pinned, my legs useless on either side of his as he lies heavily between my thighs. He’s unmovable.
Shit. We were here once.
Everything around us fades as my world narrows to the arrogant glint in his gaze. He’s all I can see, all I can feel.
And I can’t let him win.
I try to go for his face again but he seizes my wrist and pins it above my head.
Shit. Shit. SHIT.
Heat rushes up my neck and flames lick my cheeks as he lowers his face so his lips are only inches away from mine. I can make out every speck of gold in his onyx eyes, every bump and ridge of his scar.
Beautiful. Fucking. Asshole.
My breath catches and my body warms, the traitorous bitch. You are not attracted to toxic men, I remind myself, and yet, here I am, getting all attracted. I have been since the first second I saw him, if I feel like being honest.
My still clenched fist is trembling in his hold as I try to break free from his grip. His fingers curl over mine and fire races along my skin at the feel of his fingers lacing with mine. My hands uncionsciously opening.
Toxic. Dangerous. Wants to kill you. Nope, doesn’t matter. My pulse still skitters like a teenager.
“You’re trained I admit it, but you easy to rile up.” He says it like an insult. „You need to control your emotions.”
“Well aware.” My eyes narrow.
„You have good instincts, use them.” He looks deeply in my eyes. „When you lost control over your emotions, you stop thinking and that’s when you lose. You’re average height if not smaller so stop going for bigger moves that expose you.” He drags my hand down his side. “A rib shot would have worked just fine.” Then he guides our hands around his back, making himself vulnerable. “Kidneys are a good fit from this angle, too.”
I swallow, refusing to think of other things that are a good fit at this angle.
He leads our hands to his waist, his gaze never leaving mine. “Chances are, if your opponent is in armor, it’s weak here. Those are three easy places you could have struck before your opponent would have had time to stop you.”
“Do you hear me?”
I nod.
“Good. Because you can’t let Violet poison every enemy she come across, you need to teach her how to protect herself, or find someone who can” he whispers, and I blanche. „And you need more practice too. You’re good but not the best.”
“How did you know?” I finally ask referring to Violet. My muscles lock, including my thighs, which just happen to still be bracketing his hips.
His eyes darken. “Oh, Sunshine, you’re good, but I’ve known better poison masters then Violet. The trick is to not make it quite so obvious.”
My lips part, and I bite back a retort.
“I think she’s been taught enough for the day,” Dain barks, reminding me that we’re far from alone. No, we’re a damned spectacle.
“He always that overprotective?” Xaden grumbles, pressing up from the mat a few inches.
“I don’t know, actually we don’t like each other.” I stare at him.
“Good. And don’t worry your little poisoning secret is safe with me.” Xaden arches a brow as if to remind me that I’m the keeper of one of his secrets, too.
“You’re not going to make me yield?” I challenge as he releases his grip and pushes up more, removing his weight from my body. My ribs expand as I take my first full breath.
“Nope. Defenseless women have never been my type. We’re done for today.” He stands, then walks away without another word, taking his weapons from Imogen as I roll to my knees.
“You all right?” Liam asks as I reach his side. I nod, my fingers slightly trembling as I rearm myself. He had every chance, and every reason, to kill me, and now he let me walk away twice. What kind of game is he playing?
“So how do we start?” Liam asks as he pushes open the door to the library.
“Start what?” I glance up at him from my desk where I’ve been sitting since dinner was over.
“The studying, what else?” He raises his eyebrows “Or you want me to teach you how to fight properly against Xaden?”
“Why? You can?” I ask with a surprise evident in my tone.
“Who do you think was the one who teached me how to fight?” He smirks.
“What? But…how?” I blink at him.
“We were fostered together. I think a mentioned that.” He sits beside me and pulls out his books from the bag.
“You said you have someone who is like your brother but you never named him.” I glare at him.
“Hm. Maybe I forgot.” He laughs.
“Of course, because it’s something you forgot.” I say grumpily and stare at the book in front of me. I need to learn a lot tonight. We have a history exam tomorrow. And I’m totally hopeless.
„Do you want to talk about what happened at the mat with Xaden?” He looks at me curiosly.
„Not a chance.” I quickly reply.
„Then I drop the topic.” He says. „For now.”
I shot him a glare but he doesn’t seem fazed. He knew me too well to know I didn’t mean it.
“Now how can I help you?” He looks at me expectantly.
“You…You’re really going to help me?” I ask hesitantly, observing the book in front of me.
“Aelin.” He starts and pulls away the history book. “I told you. We’re friends.”
“Then… thank you.” I finally look at him with a smile. “And if there’s ever a time when you need something, then you can come to me and I will help you.”
“I knew you were a kind person.” He grins at me.
“No, I’m not.” I deny it. “Only with the few people I care about.”
“Yeah, I know.” He nods. “It’s like you’re fighting for your precious people and trying to hold them together at the same time.”
“Such a compliment. If you continue I might think that you really think so highly of me.” I try to dodge the topic.
“Now where do we start?” He flips through the book.
“Well maybe you could read it out loud?” I ask hesitantly. I’m still not believing it totally. “But only if it’s not a bother. I don’t want to hinder you. Your grades are fantastic.”
“You will not hinder me.” He looks sternly at me. “I need to read it anyway so it’s okay to do what you suggested. We can learn together.”
And with that said we started our first study session. When we finished for the night I felt that we’re closer friends than ever. He really is the most selfless person I know.
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justallihere · 4 months
I wanted to reply this to your stop comparing Dain and Tamlin post BUT we got a little long there.
This! People also forget that he was very well taught that Xaden and the rest were bad. Even Vi didn't trust him at first. He was being tortured on the reg, he also has a signet, that lets be real if he was anyone elses kid, would no doubt have been a straight death setence. But lets be real the second he turned his back on his fam/beliefs, he'd be killed for it. We also only get two povs. Vi's and Xadens. Dain knows what this school is like. He has seen it kill people, and given we learn signets are based on what people needs and vi is all about learning/knowing/knowledge, its safe to say he was worried about what she'd manifest signet wise.
Then we get to the other bit people are always stuck on, saying he wouldn't have helped her during threshing. He's just accussed his wing leader of breaking the rules, someone as far as he knows can't be trusted, of course he isn't then going to turn around and admit to someone who can kill him, that oh yea i'd totes do it for her. As for Amber, she was perhaps his closest friend in that whole entire war college, he was hurt that she could have hurt vi, didnt believe she could do something like that, and yea he was a dick when he tried to see for himself, but come on the guy is grieving, let him make mistakes.
And i love Liam and i hate that he's dead, reading it gutted me, hearing the graphic audio, was worse, don't do it. But Dain did what he thought was right. He's been raised on so much hate around the reblion kids that he accidentally sees shit and tells his dad because who wouldn't its not like he told his dad, oh btw go do this and kill them lol.
Dain betrayed his country for Vi. He refused to read her mind the first time, in IF, and who knows what they did to him for that, and helped when he activily realized A. he's been lied to his whole life, and B. his actions directly caused the death of a pretty cool dude. He activily worked to change. What the heck did Tamlin do? Oh right, locked her away, refused to listen to her, treat her as an equal, train her, and then belitted her in front of high lords. Dain would never.
All very good points! Dain is basically still a child. He’s been indoctrinated his whole life to act, think, and behave a certain way. It doesn’t in any way make him right, or excuse his behavior, or absolve him of responsibility for the mistakes he made and the consequences of his actions, but he admitted he was wrong and made a concerted effort to make things right. Tamlin was just an abuser, even if you ignore the fact that he’s way too old and should have known and been better.
Also I really like your point that Dain may have been worried about what type of signet Violet would manifest! Given he toes the line of having a power that would probably get someone else killed, of course he would be terrified that his best friend might end up with something similar or worse.
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romaritimeharbor · 19 days
are we talking about how much we hate the abyss twin/sibling
let's not explain shit to our sibling. let's corrupt dvalin. let's make the decision to possibly torturously kill our own citizens for the 1% chance of being able to save them. let's corrupt the forests of the aranara i once helped. let's constantly corrupt areas and normal people in a way that could seriously harm them. let's hurt dainsleif because he dares to think corrupting and possibly killing teyvat for our end goal of defeating celestia is perhaps questionable.
unless we meet the twin and they have a DAMN GOOD FUCKING REASON for everything, i dunno. not a huge fan of my "beloved sibling" committing mass murder!
the abyss sibling is fr doing mental gymnastics to justify MURDERING AND SEVERELY HARMING INNOCENTS WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DESTRUCTION OF KHAENRI'AH. "i— i can barely face myself let alone my own brother 🥺🥺🥺" shut the fuck up dude. maybe you could face yourself if you didn't treat the lives of innocent people as disposable in your deluded attempt to reach "justice" (and god knows what that means to the abyss sibling. probably more murder if i had to guess) idk 🤷‍♀️ an eye for an eye and the world goes blind or something.
only way i'll even consider forgiving the abyss sibling is if they unwittingly were corrupted by abyss energy or otherwise manipulated in some way (which, now that i think about it, would make sense based on the way dain talks about them actually. he obviously always knows more than we do but leaves before we can ask him LMAOOOO)
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teacrying · 2 years
A/N: it’s my birthday soon so yeah lol and this was half-asses at most
Fandom(s): Genshin Impact
Character(s): Dainsleif, Alhaitham, Cyno, Diluc, Kaeya
Genshin Impact:
Dainsleif would use this day to cherish you and treat you like the goddess you are. You deserve the world and he’d gladly take the archons on all at once to give it to you. Now, he usually does cherish you today he amps it up even more. With some planning of certain things like outfits and places taken care of a week before other things had been in works longer. He helped design a beautiful piece of jewelry and placed an order for a bouquet full of flowers that reminded you of him. For Dain this is the only holiday he takes part in with his chest. You are his safe place, and his home that he never thought he would find again.
While he knows things like these don’t truly matter Alhaitham tries for you. He knows for sure that when your feelings aren’t “positive” he doesn’t like it. So he gets you mostly practical things that you needed and something that you wanted. I can picture him giving you socks and underwear cause you mentioned that you needed them but in the mix of that there would be a book or plushy you wanted! He would also know that with socks and underwear could not only be practical but also fun for both of you! He would take you out for brunch after giving you the present at home. He means well but he’s also too smart for his own good, even Kaveh tried to say something but was shut down instantly.
Cyno tries to gift from the heart. He knows he’s away a lot but he also wants you to know he’s always thinking about you even then. He might commission a TCG card or two from a certain alchemist that is the both of you in your favorite place or he might make a scrapbook! The scrapbook would be full of pictures he took, some with you and some that he took of the landscape when he was missing you, along with some description of where it was and possibly even how he was feeling. He’d also include some pressed flowers that he specifically asked Tighnari the meaning of.
Diluc will take this opportunity to spoil the ever loving shit out of you. He is a man with a plan and he will make sure it goes down perfectly. From bouquets to meals you won’t have to do anything but cuddle up to him and thank him. He would gift you something(s) he saw you eyeballing for a while, surprising you with how vigilant he was with everything in his world. Such a king. He’d be extremely willing to try some of your hobbies today rather than any other day.
Once he was done doing the major things he needed to do, Kaeya would slink back to you with a bouquet, a nice bottle of wine, your favorite meal, and a simple necklace that was in the shape of his pupil. He knew you loved his eyes, despite him being indifferent to the fact it was different, so he thought this would be perfect! Spending the rest of his night with you and cherishing it while avoiding the minor problems that would have popped up during his working day.
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Fourth Wing is almost unreasonably compelling as a story (SPOILERS)
While the plot twist is something you can absolutely predict, there is a kind of joy in knowing that it will happen because you’re so caught up in the lead up and the ultimate fall out.
I’ve always thought that tropes and cliches, while treated like a bad thing, when done properly, make for excellent storytelling.
Was it immediately obvious that Xaden, not Dain, was the main love interest and she would eventually fizzle out of her childhood crush on him? Duh.
Did I get extremely suspicious each time Dain touched her face after I realised their friendship was going the wayside?? Uh absolutely. I clocked that bitch a mile away.
With all his hesitation and emphasis on secret keeping, was I surprised that Xaden turned out to be working with the gryphon fliers?? Nah.
Was it unexpected that venin and wyvern were real?? No the amount of emphasis on that damn book being just a silly little book of folktales made me realise quite quickly.
Brennan at the end was a bit of a surprise, but after never ever seeing or hearing about his dragon, despite knowing about Mira’s and knowing Tairn was the bonded dragon of Brennan’s “friend”, it made sense.
The moment I heard about big scary black dragon not having a rider, I was like yeah that’s gonna be Violet’s. then golden feather tail came along and I was like but wait why the emphasis on new dragon if big dragon??? Then she got two so that was a fun switch up.
But did any of these change my enjoyment of the story??? No. My expectations were met in the best way and I was compelled to see them through the whole way. The satisfaction of knowing what will happen and having accurately anticipated it is where half the fun is. I don’t need nonsensical plot twists for no other purpose than shock value. It’s a well written story and a tight narrative.
What I for sure wasn’t expecting was not one but TWO and I guess technically a half sex scenes. I was fully expecting a cut to the next morning or the next hour or something. But nope. Just like any raunchy fanfic I was reading words like clit and cock and immediately had to remove myself from the living room to my bed room because my mother was next to me and I can’t be reading these things in her presence. Even if I am 25 years old.
So yeah. As expected. I will be waiting for Iron Flame. My first booktok rec turned out pretty well.
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