#Disney Sheriff of Nottingham x Reader
slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Sheriff Of Nottingham x Fem!Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: You're the prettiest peasant in Nottingham, and so on carnival day you don't mind offering one simple kiss as a prize to the winner of the archery contest. You figure- what's the harm? You're an engaged woman and this may just be your last opportunity to kiss lips that aren't your husbands.
You aren't expecting a man such as the terrible Sheriff to find out you're the prize and participate. Or win-
Warnings: Its probably a mess because I wrote it while I was at work.
The Sheriff had won! A pathetic smattering of weak applause dies down quickly in the stands, no one being particularly happy he had dained to attend your little carnival. It was for the peasants; a little bright moment to hold onto throughout the dreary, poor Nottingham days. It was certainly not for him. If he had any manners at all, he would've stayed away.
But he didn't have any manners. He was terrible, and dastardly, and gross and impolite-- and now you had to kiss him!
You were seathing!!
You didn't want to do it! You wanted to look him in those beady eyes of his and claim second thoughts; say you didn't want to make your fiance uncomfortable.
... but your fiance was currently out of town on business, so that excuse wouldn't work quite as effectively. The Sheriff would counterargue, and you would end up embarrassed in front of everyone.
"Damnit," You muttered under your breath, eyes ablaze with frustration and hate on the smug, chubby (Ugh, how chubby he got while the rest of you starved infuriated you. He was more robust than even the horrible prince himself) 'law man' accepting forced congratulations from onlookers.
"Well well well, here we are!" The Sheriff jeered, all-too-pleased to be alone with you now. The tent was meant for the fortune tellers, deep midnight blue's and lovely maroon's strewn about setting the mood quite nicely. You'd been in here before, and the 'lady' with the fluffy red hair poking out from 'her' robes told you that you would be surprised with something today- well you were surprised. You were hoping that the fortune meant that your fiance would be home early,.. but no. No, that wasn't it. Not with your luck!
The Sheriff is about to lean in and just plant one on you- but you raise your hand up to his chest as fast lightning and firmly push him back with a careful glare. "... before that, I have something to say."
"Oh- " Either he's surprised to have a lady take such a stern tone with him, or he's surprised to see any peasant treat him so boldly, but he definitely pauses. Looks confused. Then shrugs, straightening up again with a gleaming, toothy grin. "Well, sure, sweetheart! Go right ahead~ "
Taking a deep breath, you straighten your shoulders and try not to squirm looking into his eyes. "... I want you to know, I don't care for you. You give law enforcement a bad name. You're a fiend." You blurt out bluntly, uncaring of the displeased responce you might get. You're expecting it, in fact.
... but he doesn't give that displeased responce. He just gives a jovial chuckle, his belly jiggling with the movement, and shakes his head at you. You're almost dissappinted. "Well, aren't you a bold thing??... "
"I want to be clear you disgust me."
"Oh, I heard~ "
"Good." You huff, put-out by his lacklustre and honestly, kind of amused responce.
After a moment, he tilts his head to the side and his eyes seem to glow in the darkness of the tent as be steps in closer to you once again. "Now, miss, do you think I could take my prize? Hm?~"
He'll have to duck down quite a ways, you think, noting the man's size. But, Sighing a frustrated sigh, you nod. "Yes you may, but I won't enjoy it and I hope you don't either."
"Can't promise that." He just says, before the Sheriff of Nottingham puts his large fat hands on either side of your face, and leans down, and smothers your lips with his.
Immediately you stiffen, giving a squeak against his lips at how he grabbed you so easily and overwhelms you with his sheer size. You were expecting a quick, sweet kiss when you signed up to be the prize for this competition! Mabhe on the cheek! Not- not- whatever vulgar mess this is!-
... and yet you feel yourself melting against the large fabcy pants brute of a man. You love your fiance, you love him dearly, but the Sheriff...
God, you can never think about this again after its over. It's so very horrendous. So appallingly bad that you return the kiss in order to make it go faster (thats the only reason, of course.). You have to make an oath to yourself after this. Never even think about this kiss ever again.
But for right now, it wouldn't be against your oath, to... slide your hands up his chest, would it? After all, you won't be thinking about it ever again (how soft but firm he is, the lovely fabric he wears in red and purple), so you dont see why you shouldn't...
Just as your fingers are cautiously linking around his neck, the Sheriff pulls away. He steals one more quick, greedy kiss, then steps back from you completely; a wolfish grin across his mean face.
Breathless, you struggle to pull yourself together. "Well- " Huff. "I do hope you had a terrible time."
An irritating, smug, grin pulls at one corner of the wolve's mouth. "Oh, dear, did I fail the assignment sweetheart?~ "
"... You ogre!!"
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
well damn if i had waited three seconds you would have published your last answer to my asks before i replied to the first two :/ well, apologies while i fill your inbox once again
i LOVE the idea of robin hood tighnari so much and the imagery, yes yes yes let that man carry me into his strong arms ;;; also! straying a bit from the disney plot buy ;;; a cyno x reader x tighnari love triangle au with cyno as like the sheriff of nottingham who in this version is just a honest man who at the beginning fails to see just how corrupt the side he's trying to defend is? now that would be content
i love the idea of childe as the beast honestly. he'd make for such an interesting beast oml. well, we shall both write our versions with our respective protagonists and see what comes out of it! i'm sure you'd do an amazing job :3
also i'd dig into scara as cinderella but like — fun fact! in a traditional italian retelling of the tale cinderella murders her stepmom in cold blood lmao (also fun fact that story is called gatta cenerentola which literally means cat cinderella just to stay in theme lol) i could totally see scara like that. also, scara getting at the ball not because he cares but bc they told him he can't and he was like you know what? imma show y'all who would really slay this party??? i love that. noble reader meeting scara at the ball and falling for him?? scara throwing reader a shoe to tell them to go f/ck themelves and reader just mapping the entire city to find him?? also i feel like living with a family that told him how worthless he is poor boy is just really insecure ;; the second he sees you putting actual effort in finding him he melts on the spot
also scar scara LMAO i love this
and this is the second too long ask i send in less than ten minutes lol. again, i'm sorry
lots of love again,
- 🍓
NO NO WAIT I LOVE THAT?? It fits Cyno so well omg and it’s kinda canon actually, he only really became aware of what exactly was going on when Tighnari mentioned something about it in the game-
i have such a thing for huge beastly characters with tiny fragile s/o’s that they’d do anything to protect, so foul legacy childe and reader were perfect for it in my eyes <3 but I can also see s/o not exactly being helpless as a human, they’re probably stubborn af just like childe but their strength is no match to his own, that’s what I meant
CAT CINDERALLA yeah that’s definitely scara, no competition fr and yes he’s like ‘a ball? ugh lame but fuck it I’m going bc no one tells me what to do >:)’ and the shoe thing omg YES. ‘I HAVE TO GO DUMBASS’ and the shoe just lands directly in readers face. But readers really sweet like trying to find him only to tell him ‘ha… you forgot your shoe’ and scara 100% just falls head over heels for this absolute idiot just trying to give him his shoe back. Scara needs love, esp from growing up with his existence being constantly demeaned. Dw scara reader will shower u with kisses n a fancy castle they love u sm
Again, sorry this took so long, I miss u berry pls appear in my inbox soon
ti voglio bene 💞
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The tale of Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chap. 1
*Author’s note*
Okay so firs the gif has NOTHING to do with the story, that was just the 1st gif I saw out of the borhap gifs that was displayed. So this came after the success of my Disney Aladdin AU fic so I decided to do a Robin Hood fic, so as a little cast list for you all here’s what I’ve got. I’ll also update the cast list as each new character is introduced so that none of you get lost. Hope you all enjoy this little AU fic starring our beloved Borhap cast.
Also on a side note, any italics written like this signifies a change in narration where the character of Alan O’Dale speaks his own narration verses what I’ll be writing.
Robin Hood: Rami Malek
Little John: Joe Mazzello
Prince John: Paul Prenter
Sir Heston: voiced by Allen Leech
King Richard (mentioned): Roger Taylor.
Alan O’Dale: Freddie Mercury (think 1975 version of Freddie)
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Chapter 1,
Robin Hood and Little John
The legend of Robin Hood.  Ahhh yes, that handsome rouge who robbed the rich to feed the poor, who led a band of Merry men and made their home in Sherwood Forest.  But there is more to the tale than meets the eye, and more people were involved in his rise to fame and glory.  Like me.
Oi I’m over here, the handsome black-haired devil with the harp. Yes hello there my darlings. The name’s Alan O’Dale, and I am a minstrel.  That’s an early day folk singer, I go about parading songs from town to town, kingdom to kingdom about brave knights, fierce battles, and of course my favorite stories, love stories.
And do I have two of the best love stories to share with you lovely darlings.  Thankfully it all takes place at the same time so I don’t need to run my mouth on for very long.  Anyways let’s first open our tale up to two dashing young men walking through the forest.
Two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.  These two young men were known other than Robin Hood and Little John.  Now it didn’t start it off that way at first, those two chuckleheads always kept crossing each other’s paths as children and constantly argued and fought over territory, women, you name it.
But when they reached their late teens, Robin was one day captured by the despicable, ugly, and revolting Sheriff of Nottingham.  Fortunately with the help of an additional 3rd party, Robin was saved from the hangman’s noose and from then on, Robin and Little John were the best of friends. You don’t believe me, let me sing you a little something.  
Tuning the harp, Freddie then begins to play an uplifting little tune as he begins to sing.
Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the forest Laughin' back and forth at what the other'ne has to say Reminiscin', This-'n'-thattin' havin' such a good time Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water They were drinkin', they just guzzled it down Never dreamin' that a schemin' sheriff and his posse Was a-watchin' them an' gatherin' around
Robin Hood and Little John runnin' through the forest Jumpin' fences, dodgin' trees an' tryin' to get away Contemplatin' nothin' but escape an' fin'lly makin' it Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Deep in the forest on top of a tree there hid two young men in their mid to late-20’s.  One was a pale white man with long shoulder length auburn brown hair.  His eyes were a mixed brownish-green and he was a handsome young man.
The man beside him was around the same age, if not slightly older and had skin that almost seemed to be kissed by the sun.  His eyes were an intense blue color that could almost hypnotize you and at the same time make you feel relaxed.  His short jet black hair topped off his head.
Together the two of them wore a similar green and brown clothes. Similar to a ranger’s outfit.  Fit to camouflage them within the forest terrain, but also enough layers to keep them warm from the elements be it rain, sleet, snow and hail.
The two young men watched as the Sheriff of Nottingham and his men gave up on the search after losing them and retreating back to the city. Once they fled the forest, the two men threw themselves back against the top of the tree branches and laughed their heads off.
“Ohh we sure showed those clowns who the real woodsmen are!” boasted Little John.
“Indeed we have Little John.” It was then Little John saw on top of his friend’s and boss’ famed yellow hat an arrow sticking right through it.
“I wouldn’t be too quick to boast my friend. Take a look at your hat. She’ll not be pleased to see that.” Robin picked his hat up and his eyes widened in surprise and he said as he took the arrow out and fiddled with the newly made hole in his hat.
“Hello. This one had my name on it didn’t it? They’re getting better you know.” He placed his hat back on top of his head. “You’ve got to admit it, they are getting better.”
“Yeah. And when that day comes the Sheriff will have a rope hanging around our necks.” Little John said gravely.  He then mimed out a hanging as he proceeded to make a brief choking sound.  “It’ll be hard to laugh hanging there Robin.”
“Ha! The Sheriff and his whole posse couldn’t lift you off the ground. En Garde!” he then flicked the arrow right at Little John which went through his own smaller green hat.
“Oi watch it you bastard that’s the only hat she made for me!” Little John exclaimed as he took his hat off the arrow.
“Oh come along my friend. If she can patch mine up a hundred times, she’ll patch yours up as well. At least she won’t kill you for it.” Robin said nonchalantly as he leaned up against the trunk of the tree.
“You know something Robin I’ve been thinking.”
“Thinking that’s a first.” Robin teased.  Little John glared at his friend before saying.
“I’m serious here. Are we good guys or bad guys? I mean our famed mantra of robbing the rich to feed the poor.”
“‘Rob?’” Robin tsked. “That’s a naughty word we never rob. We just—sorta borrow a bit from those you can afford it.”
“Borrow?” Little John chuckled. “Then we truly are in deep debt.” Before Robin could say another word, from the distance the sound of trumpets rang out.
He climbed a few feet higher up the tree till he reached the very top of it.  He could hear the whole ensemble of a band playing in the distance and he chuckled softly.
“Sounds like another collection day for the poor eh Johnny me boy?”
“Yeah. Sweet charity. So, what’s the plan this time my friend?” Robin slid down the trunk to meet back with Little John and together he laid out the plan.
Just a few miles along a dirt road, the royal ensemble was walking through the forest.  The royal band played an up-tempo beat, walking behind them was the royal guard all dressed in their armor and holding their spears.
Some of the guards even carried a very large treasure chest which held the taxes throughout all of England.  Then shortly behind the guards was the royal coach of pure gold, and inside it was the vile, selfish, arrogant, man-child that was Prince John, the younger half-brother of the great King Richard.
An Irish bastard’s son.  Who claimed right to the throne of England after his mother who was Queen. He was inside his coach happily running his hands through all the gold he had collected from the people as he boastfully cheered.
“Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes!”
“Sire. You have an absolutely skill for encouraging contributions from the poor.” His talking albino python that he had named Sir Heston. He had Heston ever since he found him as a egg abandoned in the woods.  With the help of some magic from the faes, Prince John gave his pet human intelligence and the ability to speak.  And once he gained the throne, he allowed his snake to be his right hand man.
“The coin a phrase, my dear advisor. Rob the poor to feed the rich. Am I right?” The two of them laughed.  “Now tell me, what is the next stop Sir Heston?” Prince John asked as he held the crown of England in his hands.  Heston slithered over to the map and he hummed with interest.
“Why, the next stop is Nottingham sire.”
“Oh! The richest plum of them all. Nottingham.” Heston held a large mirror in his coils and held it up as Prince John placed the crown on top of his head and admired himself in the mirror.  The crown slid off down his face as Sir Heston spoke out.
“A perfect fit sire. Most becoming. You look regal, dignified, sincere, masterful, noble. Chival……”
“Now, now don’t. Don’t overdo it Heston.” Prince John scolded as he adjusted the crown to make it fit upon his head. “There. That does it. This crown gives me a feeling of power! Power!”
“And how well King Richard’s crown sits on your noble brow.”
“Yes indeed I—ah King Richard?!” Prince John first started off before snarling by the end.  Heston gulped and was soon choked by his master as he proclaimed again “I told you to never mention my bastard of a brother’s name!”
“A mere slip of the forked tongue your majesty.” Heston apologized. “But remember we were in this plot together. After all it was your idea that I hypnotize him…..”
“Yes. And send him off on that ridiculous crusade. Ah-ha! Ah-ha!” Prince John laughed along.
“Much to the sorrow of the Queen Mother.”
“Yes! Mother.” Prince John sobbed. “Mother always did like Richard best.” He muttered angrily before proceeding to suck his thumb.
“Your highness, please don’t do that. If you don’t mind me saying so, it’s undignified for a King to suck his thumb.” Heston said to him. He then slithered up to Prince John and his eyes began to shimmer and glow as he said in a low hiss, “Hypnotism can rid of your psychosis….so…..easily…..” Prince John began to slowly relax but he quickly snapped out of it.
“None of that! None of that!” he shouted at his snake advisor.
“Well I was only trying to help.” Heston said annoyed.
“Help. Help indeed. Now, now one more stunt like that Heston, and you will be walking to Nottingham.”
“Snakes don’t walk they slither. So there.” Heston muttered angrily as he slithered back onto his tree-like pole and lay there pouting.
Racing through the woods putting on their disguises was Little John in the lead.  He wore a long blood red gypsy dress that revealed his shoulders.  Once he got into the dress, he took out a few rings and placed them on his finger as well some anklets, earrings, and he quickly tied a purple sash around his waist to finish off the look.  
While behind him, Robin wore a long blue dress that was fit for an elderly woman and had a long black wig on.  He placed a couple of earrings on his ears and had a bandana tied to his head.
As the two of them stopped behind a tree, they saw the royal band coming in as well as the guards and the coach which held Prince John inside.
“Well this is a letdown. It’s only a circus. A peanut operation.”
“Peanuts? Why you dunce that’s the royal coach. It’s Prince John himself.” Robin snapped as his friend.
“Prince John. Alright you and her might be crazy enough to actually rob royalty but I am not having it. I’m gone!”
“What? And miss this chance to perform before royalty?” Robin said as he stepped in front of Little John. Quickly placing his hands over Little John’s fake breasts before backing off and doing a grand twirl of his blue dress.  Little John rolled his eyes as he sighed.
“Here he goes again.” They waited till the coach got closer before stepping out and waved their arms in the air trying to get the attention of the Prince.
“Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally! Fortune tellers!” Robin proclaimed masking his voice to sound like an elderly woman’s voice.
“Fortunes, forecasts, lucky charms!” Little John proclaimed making his voice go an octave higher to sound like a woman’s.
“Get the dose with your horoscope!” Robin called out again. Prince John pulled back the curtains hearing the proclamations of the two ‘women’.
“Fortune tellers, how exciting! Stop the coach.” He ordered the guards as the entire royal party stopped their marching.
“Sire, sire. They maybe bandits.” Sir Heston whispered to his master.
“Oh poppycock. Female bandits, what’s next? Rubbish.” Prince John scoffed.  He turned back to the two ladies who bowed before him and he said. “My dear ladies, you have my permission to kiss the royal hands. Whichever you like.” Both Robin and Little John stared wide-eyed once they saw the size of the jeweled rings that rested along the prince’s fingers.
“Hmm. Oh how gracious. And generous of you your majesty.” Robin said as he lowered his head to kiss the Prince’s left hand while sneaking off a ring from his tall finger.  Sir Heston who had seen the ring being taken whispered in Prince John’s ear.
“Sire! Did you see what…..”
“Stop! Stop hissing in my ear!” Prince John scolded as he rubbed his left ear.  Little John kissed right over the four rings on the prince’s right hand, secretly taking the jewels right off their encasement.  Heston began stammering in the Prince’s other ear which made the Prince proclaim and rub his other ear like he did his last one.
“Heston! You’ve hissed your last!” he took his python by the neck and slammed him into a basket before closing it and sitting on top of it. “Suspicious snake.” He hissed lowly.
“Masterfully done. Ehh your excellency. Now the fun can truly begin.” Robin tempted the Prince as he climbed into the coach with Prince John and closed the curtains.  He turned the lanterns down low and said to him, “Now close your eyes and concentrate.”
Prince John closed his eyes as Robin continued to tell him to close them tighter and not to peek.  He looked around the room until he found the pile of gold, he did a soft chuckle before chanting out.
“From the mists of time, I call forth ye spirits.” Outside the coach, Little John had a glass bowl tied to a string that was attached to a pole.
“Alright you little fireflies. Glow, glow.”
“We’re waiting!” Robin sung out.  That’s when Little John sent the bowl inside and he could hear Robin gasp. “Look sire! Look!”
When the prince opened his eyes, he saw three floating spirits within a crystal ball.  He was in pure awe as he said.
“Incredible. Floating spirits.” He went to touch the ball until he was slapped by Robin.  He chuckled a soft witchy cackle as he said.
“Naughty, naughty. You mustn’t touch young man.”
“Well how dare you strike the royal hand I—”
“Shh, shh, shh. You’ll break the spell just gaze into the crystal ball.” Robin took the ball with the fireflies and set it down on the table between him and the prince.  Robin then began chanting in an ancient Arabic tongue before letting out a gasp. “A face appears.”
The Prince immediately looks closer at the crystal ball intrigued.
“A crown sits on his noble brow.”
“A crown! Oo-de-lally how exciting!”
“His face is handsome, regal, majestic, loveable, a cuddly face.” From outside Little John heard all the comments Robin was laying on the Prince and could help but mime out a gag and roll his eyes.  Especially when the Prince began agreeing with everything that was said about him.
Robin then went for the treasure while the Prince was in his own head.  But as soon as he reached out his hand for the bag of gold, Heston who had found a weak spot on the basket poked his head out and actually struck out at Robin’s hand.
Biting his lip as he quickly retreated his hand to see it bleeding from the snake’s bite.  He let out a pained groaned which got the attention of the prince.
“Now what?” he asked impatiently.  Robin swallowed his pain and chuckled softly.
“I—I see your….illustrious name.”
“I know my name! Get on with it!” the Prince cried impatiently.
“Your name will go down, down, down in history of course!” Robin said as he struggled to take the bag of gold from Heston, who had it wrapped around his tail, but with a finally good tug, Robin managed to get the gold and send it towards Little John through the back curtains of the coach.
“Ahh! I knew it! I knew it! You hear that Heston!? Oh no you can’t he’s in the basket.” He then banged the side of the basket and said to his snake, “And-and-and don’t you forget it.”
Meanwhile outside, Little John slowly circled around the coach when he took notice of the solid gold hubcaps on the wheels of the coach.
“Hmm now that’s what I call pure gold hubcaps.” He looked around and stood in front of the back one and unscrewed it from the wheel and shoved it up the back of his dress.  He then moved over to the front on and did the same thing. “Oo-de-lally the jackpot.” He muttered softly as he eyed the royal treasure.
However it was completely surrounded and carried by guards.  Little John pondered for a bit but remembered a trick that he learned from a friend of his.
The one sure fire way to get a man’s attention away from their post.
He whistled out to the guards and when they turned and saw him, their mouths immediately dropped and their eyes widened.  He slowly and seductively untied the purple sash from his waist and began to do a seductive dance.
Shimming his shoulders and swaying his hips back and forth. Little John was light on his feet as he leaped and hopped about like a graceful deer.  He then skipped on over to the first guard who was just in awe.
Little John wrapped the purple sash around the guard’s neck pulling him in a little closer.  Close enough to kiss him.  But to tease him, he shoved the guard’s helmet over his face before retreating back and flaunted the guard, who was still hypnotized by Little John’s performance.
He twirled around before suddenly dropping down into a full split.  The guards now began to hoot and holler as they applauded, dropping the treasure. Little John then went up to another guard and took his spear out of his hands and jammed it into the ground.  
With the grace of a deer, Little John then began to spin and slid down the spear’s long pole before ending with a pose with his right leg high in the air and he winked at the guards who were now applauding and whistling.
“Ohh stop it. Stop it you boys are too much.” Little John spoke his woman voice.
“That was the best show we have ever seen.” Said one of the guards.
“Well gentleman. It was my pleasure to dance for you. But of course every bit of contribution helps. For you see I—oh I just can’t say it.”
“What is it?” asked another guard.
“No it’s—it’s too painful to speak about.” The guards feeling sympathetic for this beautiful woman all started speaking up and telling ‘her’ that they wanted to hear her story. “Well…..I wasn’t always like this. My husband was beating me, cheating me, then left me all alone with no money. That’s when I—I forced myself to flee even without a cent to my name. That’s when I found Ms. Olga, the elderly gypsy woman I came with. But even then we—we hardly get by with enough food for you see…..I found myself pregnant at the time I left.”
These men were falling for the story hook, line and sinker. It was then one of the guards took the treasure chest and slid it over to Little John.
“Please, take it all.” Little John gave the young guard a surprised look and he said.
“Oh no I couldn’t possibly take all this.”
“Please. My—my mum had to raise me on her own when my father left her. For you and your baby.”
“Ohh you sweet thing.” He stroked the side of the guard’s cheek and Little John dragged the royal chest away from the guards.
As he came around the corner of the carriage, he felt someone bump into him which knocked him over the chest.  He turned around and saw Robin wearing Prince John’s royal cape and surrounded by a bunch of gold pieces that had fallen out of a bag that lay on the ground.
“Nice robes your majesty.” Little John teased, his normal accent finally coming out.
“And what of you, you vulgar young hussy. I heard all the wolf whistles and cheering. I could hardly keep the Prince under my hypnosis to swipe his clothes and gold.”
“Never mind that. Just gather the gold and then help me with this.” Robin and Little John then worked together to put as much gold pieces back in the bag as possible.  Robin stuffed the bag into his dress then both he and Little John picked up the chess and quickly raced off.
Prince John who had woken up from his dazed state, saw the two gypsy women running away from the scene, the elderly woman wearing his robes. He looked down and saw that he was in his undergarments.
“ROBBED! I’VE BEEN ROBBED! HESTON! YOU’RE NEVER AROUND WHEN I NEED YOU!!” Heston slithered out of the basket and raised half his body length up and looked the prince up and down. “I’ve been robbed.” He choked out as he covered himself up.
“Of course you’ve been robbed!” Heston hissed.  Far in the forest, Robin was gleefully chanting as he and Little John made their escape with the royal treasure.
“AFTER THEM YOU FOOLS!” Prince John proclaimed.  The guards now realizing they had been tricked, immediately took off running.  The carriage soon began to chase after Robin and Little John, unfortunately due to the missing hubcaps, the wheels began to pop off which made Prince John hop out of his carriage and fall straight into the mud.
Leaving him stranded in the middle of the forest trail alone with Heston.  He sobbed as he pounding the ground whining like a child.
“I knew it. I knew this would happen. I tried to tell you but no, no you wouldn’t listen. You just have to—” when Heston realized that he had angered the Prince, he began stammering as he tried to warn the prince as he now held a very large mirror, “Seven years bad…..” he then had the mirror smashed onto his head. “Luck. That’s what that is. Besides, you just broke your mother’s mirror.”
“Ahhh! Mummy!” Prince John whined as he began to suck his thumb once again.  He took it out of his mouth as he said solemnly, “I’ve got a dirty thumb.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
A Royal Game of Chess is really making me wonder now what it would be like for the Sheriff of Nottingham to win a kiss from you 💋 XD
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Non / Disney Villains x Reader || Headcanons [PART 2]
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More characters, more kinks- I hope you find something here! ^^ A part 2 to this post.
Topic: SMUT- again.
Warnings/kinks: NOT. SFW, I can tell ya that much!! Ruts, panty-sniffing and stealing, somnophillia, sex work, alien fucking, probable size difference, riding, tentacle sex, dub-con roleplay, cybug!king candy/turbo??, legit breeding, referenced non-con (Just saying you couldn't get away if you wanted to), monster fucking, one-night-stand, orgasm denial and edging, dumbification and teasing, hypnotism and possible non-con, voice kink, betrothal, age difference, sexual sacrifice?, Step Mother/Step 'Child' (Not really a child!!!! An adult!!!!!), finger-sucking kink, and manhandling.
Includes: Sheriff of Nottinhgam, Mr Scroop, Captain Gantu, Scar, Wheezy Weasel, Ursula, King Candy, Eris (Sinbad; Legend of the Seven Sea's), Steelbeak (2017), Smartass Weasel, Kaa, Shere Khan, Mr Swackhammer, Shan Yu, Queen Narissa, Prince John, and Oogie Boogie.
Okay, the Sheriff of Nottingham may not seem to be the type to be hounded by his animal instincts but he does indeed experience heats. It starts out pretty tame, he just starts to particularly enjoy your smell when you're around, getting a little more touchey feely with you and perking up when you're around- but then he's taking your underwear to work and visiting you multiple times throughout the day, and finally- he's got his snout buried in between your legs when you wake up in the morning. He couldn't help himself!, sorry.
The next time that Silver's crew turns up at your work (The Brothel), its Scroop that gets to you first. Now 'kind' is not a word you would use to describe this one but he is still experienced- the way that old alien uses your body that night is damn practised. He roughly spreads your legs to the perfect angles to receive his selfish thrusts, the mean smirk on his face punctuates all the awful things he says to you in just a way that has you even more turned on, and the cold way he looks at you sends tingles straight up your spine. When he leaves in the morning, the only tip he offers you is a warning not to leave here- he'll be back sometime.
I know someone has mentioned this before, but riding Captain Gantu?? He is so stressed and just needs to be enveloped by something nice, and hot, and all-encompassing for a good long while. Your cunt/ass is his first choice, so impale yourself on his huge cock and slowly rock your hips. Don't let it go too quick, either- Make it last for hours, just live with the full feeling for as long as you can. And watch the stress leave his body.
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Scar's a dom but he expects you to do all the work- And call him your majesty, hm? The only time that he'll service you, is when he thinks you're going to leave him or he wants something from you. Then the manipulative little shit will prove how king-like he really actually is... at oral. His licks dipping into you/leading up your length are lazy but deep, and purposeful, and strong, and he takes his damn time, too- dragging out your pleasure and your perfect orgasm until you're twitching and writhing underneath him. Until he's good and ready (A.K.A, when he's sure you're so absolutely tongue-drunk you'll agree to anything). And oh, he loves the sight of you like this. He thinks, maybe he should do this more often... then shrugs. We'll see.
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Another lazy one is Wheezy. You wouldn't think he has much sex drive, and to be honest it is rather low- or was. When he saw you, though, he knew he wanted you. And he wanted to make you feel good. He wont lift a finger until he deems it necessary, those cold eyes just watching you undress while he stands fully clothed and smokes, the tiniest smirk on his face. He might feel tired enough to even just keep standing there and let you suck him off, first. But then he knows he has to give back, though, so lie down now baby. Spread your pretty legs. Or he'll sit down at the edge of the bed himself and pat his lap, getting you to straddle him and ride him. His movements will be slow, but methodical.
And we've reached the tentacle sex and roleplay segment- with Ursula, of course. You get to be the innocent beach-goer and she gets to feel you up like you don't know eachother. Imagine you're relaxing, laying on a rock a little further out from the beach, in the deeper waters, with your eyes closed against the warm sun when something tubular and slimy prods and slips around the confines of your bikini bottoms- enough creeping over you lips. Because she's lubed up quite enough from being underwater and you've been slowly getting wetter and wetter waiting on her, it doesn't take long at all before one fat tentacle is pumping into and massaging your meaty walls, your back arched up, your shaking hands gripping at the rock and the towel beneath you and your moans muffled by the second tentacle gripping and squeezing around your mouth. Your orgasm is silent, explosive, and Ursula promises more later before disappearing back into the depths of the sea..
CYBUG KING CANDY FUCKS LIKE A DAMN RABBIT. Any time and anywhere- you are his mate and sometimes he wants you so bad that he drools... Luckily for him- he's so ginormous that you couldn't get away from him even if you wanted to. So he has you. And he can take you and shove his huge, seemingly eternally hard cock into your tiny perfect hole whenever he pleases- which is very very often. Also every time he mates with you, the intent is to breed, to make a horde of little him's and you's, because you're just so perfect and he loves you and- godddddddddddddddd he wants you so bad. Lay down gum drop, he needs you again now~
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Like with Sinbad, Eris makes it no secret that she wants you. It probably wouldn't change her intent to use you and probably ruin your life for some chaos~~ But if you wanted to, she would happily spend a night with you. Unlike Sinbad? You go for it. Her mouth tastes sweet like ambrosia and she kisses deeply, stroking your tongue almost soothingly... before she edges you for hours, denying your orgasm until you cry for her. She's the goddess of chaos, cutie... what'd you expect? She's going to destroy you.
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Oh my goodness, Syndrome is such a dick. He has you, his assistant and lover, going about business (At MEETINGS, with important potential BUYERS) with a powerful vibrator inside you that he has the remote for in his pocket. Most of the day its on, but on a lower mode, just steadily turning you on and making you sensitive so when other people ask you for things they find that you act... really nervous, and awkward. They figure its just nerves, though. Syndrome'll turn it up so you're dangerously close to just cumming on the spot when he asks you for something and you'll feel his eyes and smug smirk on you as you go to do that thing, legs shaking and just desperately trying to control yourself. And no- you cant go to the bathroom. This is very important meeting, Y/N. Damn.
Steelbeak LOVES dumbification. Just making you as cock-drunk (1) as fucking possible so he's the smart one, for once. And he's a big guy- so he can absolutely plow you until you're absolute mush. Definitely takes advantage of that, because he just Loves having you whine and not even be able to answer the simplest of questions as he slows down again to a terribly maddening speed and tucks some hair behind your ear- like what's four plus four baby??... What's our address?? Sugar, where we at right now? ... What time is it? ... Heh, no baby that's so wrong! He'll chuckle, when all you can manage is to beg him and call his name, squeezing tight around him. With you grinding against him and clenching him so freaken good he wont be able to hold off from giving you what you want for too long, but- It gives him such a trip and makes him so happy while it lasts. So when he gives you that look at the end of the day... you know you're in for a long night.
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On how Smartass listens to Greasy a whole lot more then anyone thought: You thought being with the gangster was going to pretty boring; You know, vanilla. You would get undressed, you'd kiss, he'd get off and you would fake it. But... good lord, you haven't even managed to get all your clothes off and you've already had an orgasm?? And he's not done???? Smartass knows exactly where the erogenous zones are and abuses them relentlessly. He's not gentle, of course, he touches your skin roughly and sneers in your face- but good god the way he uses his tongue is downright disgusting. In a textbook way, because he's not a big fuckboy and he just knows this stuff in theory- but fuck! it works.
Kaa... well I think you know where we're going with this one. You know we had to discuss it. Kaa and Hypnotism~~ Whether you're going into it having asked him for it, having wandered into the depths of the jungle in search for him, or you're just a poor~ unfortunate~ lost soul that accidentally found yourself in his coils- you will be totally at his mercy. This snake has a dark, dirty, demented mind despite the gentle sound of his voice, and he'll have plenty of creative ideas for what you can do for him: Starting with bending over at the waist to pick some flowers for him like a sweetheart while he 'watches over you'~ to holding your own legs open nice and wide for him~
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Shere. Khan's. Voice. He knows what his voice does to you, and he definitely abuses the advantage. He loves to prowl up silently behind you when your attentions are preoccupied and speak directly into your ear- making your squeak, or gasp, or sigh. Its just adorable. He also talks a lot during your private times~ together; Giving you directions, like- raise your behind, darling., Open your mouth, would you~ , and Take a walk, darling... lets see if you struggle at all. If not... well we aren't finished with each other, are we?
Imagine being the only other Larger Sized One of the alien species on moron mountain- this is because of evolution. And it means that you're supposed to be sacrificed married to Swackhammer. Become his partner. Now, imagine your wedding night. You don't know him very well, you've barley spent any real time with him... and he's peeling away your clothes and touching you like he owns you. Like you're his. He smokes in your face, too, and presses his mouth to your skin greedily, licking up and tasting you. And yet... you find yourself keening into him, arching your back towards him, moaning into his mouth... is this biology, or do you like this gross old man???
You're a sacrifice to Shan Yu from the people in a village who desperately want to be safe. So they take you from your bed one night, and throw you out into the snow before him in just your sleep-wear. You willingly, though, go with him when he flashes a dark smirk down. You willingly sleep in the same tent as him. And you willingly allow him to take you inside it every night, moaning loud enough to keep the other men awake. Since you were a virgin when you were given over, you know only the pleasures that he can provide to you and you know that makes you the naïve, sweet, innocent one of the group of men around you everyday, and you do get teased (And desired. Coveted. Watched). But when Shan Yu has you moaning like a very common whore in the nights, his mouth worshipping your cunt/cock or his powerful manhood grinding against you- you cant bring yourself to give a fuck.
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Oh my lord- Step Mother Queen Narissa!! Your father is a King, and she married him to develop her wealth and power, but you're the one that truly intrigued her. You reminded her of herself, when she was younger... prettier... untouched. Well... mostly untouched. Her fingers are buried inside you/curled firmly around you most every night, but... that's just a little fun between the two of you.
Prince John for sure has a finger sucking kink, for sure. Just tuck your thumb over his bottom teeth while you stroke him down there, or offer your pinky to him while your other slips under his tunic, or have him clean up all your fingers after he made a mess of them. He's quite good at it.
Oogie Boogie and manhandling!!! Yes!!! I've read stuff with this before but I love it. He throws you around like a sack of potatoes! Wrapping his canvas arm around your wrist or your waist and tugging you in quite suddenly against him, shoving you down onto that table so he can 'assess' you~, dragging you to him from across the floor or that table by your leg, grabbing you and twirling you back to him as if its all just a game... Anything to keep you close, keep his face and his chuckles against your neck, his 'hand' pressed against your hot as fuck crotch.
(... yeahhh that pun may have been intended)
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chap. 9
*Author’s note*
WHOA IT HAS BEEN A LOOOOOONG TIME SINCE I UPDATED THIS STORY!!! But now with my Rock Angel series finally complete, I finally had some time to sit down and catch up on this series so here I have for you all 2 NEW chapters of my Robin and Gale Hood Disney AU! So I hope you all enjoy this new update and be on the lookout for the next one in just a few minutes :)
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Chapter 9,
Jailbreak chaos
Two hours before dawn, two hours before Gale Hood would be burned at the stake before the entire town of Nottingham, Robin and his friends slipped over the gates and ducked the guards as they crossed the courtyard.
They all hide within the stables and hide from a patrol that was coming around the corner just a few yards away from them.  Once the guards passed, Robin gathered his friends and whispered.
“Alright lads, this is it. There can’t be room for error. Share your positions, go.”
“Kit, David and I will meet up with Arthur to free the prisoners from the tower dungeon.” Gilbert said.
“Marian and I will go down below the palace to free Gale from her cell.” Little John said.
“While James and I will sneak into the master suite and bring out the royal treasury. And we all must do it before the clock tower chimes at dawn. And remember, Don’t. Get. Caught.” They placed their right hands over each other before shooting them in the air and went on their way.
Little John circled around towards the gardens where a secret entrance that Marian had found when she first went to visit Gale after she had been brought in.  He soon spotted a dark cloaked feminine figure standing by the tower of the castle and he could already see from the moonlight that it was Marian from her blonde locks hidden underneath.
He let out an owl’s hoot to fool the guards but it told Marian that a Merry Man was nearby.  She turned and when she saw Little John coming towards her, she relaxed with relief.
“Thank God you’re here Little John.”
“Alright, so how do we get in?”
“Just stand back and let me do the code, keep watch for me okay?” he nodded and stood in front of her to hide her from any guards that could walk along the tower.  Marian grabbed hold of the lock and first twisted it to the right till her hand was fully horizontal, then she turned it left to the point where the bottom of her palm was facing upward but her fingers stood diagonally from her palm. Then she twisted it back towards the right twice.
The secret door soon unlatched itself and Little John allowed Marian to lead him down the stairs.  Grabbing a torch from the wall, Marian led on till they reached the darkest dungeon that Little John had ever seen.
“This is where Gale’s been kept?”
“I’m afraid so. Thankfully, she still has her sanity intact.” Marian thought it best to not mention the fact that the Sheriff had been raping her multiple times since her capture.  That wasn’t her story to tell.
“Seriously? God I would’ve lost myself in this darkness within the first hour. Never did I think Gale could be that strong willed.”
“Well best believe it Little John. This is it.” She ran towards a locked metal door that had a sign over it that read in bold letters.
And at the bottom was Prince John’s signature and the family Lion crest to make it official.  Little John went to the door but Marian stopped him and said.
“Let me go in Little John. It’s best if she sees a—a womanly presence.”
“What do you mean? What have they done to her?!” he demanded the last part.
“That I cannot say. For it is not my story to tell. If Gale ever gains the confidence to tell any of you men what happened, she will. But for now, I ask that you don’t immediately embrace her or touch her.”
Little John already began to have an inkling on what she meant, but he prayed to God that she was lying and that it was only just physical pain the Sheriff of Nottingham had bestowed upon her.  Marian revealed the key from her breast and unlocked the door before grabbing Little John’s torch and entered inside Gale’s cell.
Gale was now chained up to the wall wearing an all-white gown that they forced all witches to wear before they were burnt at the stake.  Her hair was a mess and her lip was blood-stained. She lifted her head to see that it was only Marian standing there.
“Marian?” she croaked out. She set the torch down on the floor and knelt down beside Gale and unlocked her from her shackles.
“Shh, quiet. We’re busting out of here. All of us.”
“Thank God!” she softly wept as her arms were finally free. “My prayers have been answered.” She rubbed her raw, blistered wrists as Marian helped her stand up.
The two women left their cell, Little John bowed his head in greeting to Gale who greeted him the same way.
“Come on, we can head to the garden’s back entrance to escape.” Marian said.
“Wait, what about the others? Shouldn’t we try to help?” asked Gale.
“There’s no time Gale. Arthur and the others can handle getting the town’s people out. And Robin and James can handle the royal treasury. We’ve only got till sunrise to do this and there can’t be room for error.” Little John told her.
Gale wanted to argue but she knew that whenever her brother said that a plan of theirs had no room for failure, that was a code meaning stick to your position and nothing more.  She nodded and then Marian lead them out of the lower dungeons and towards the garden’s entrance (the very same gate that Michael, Robert, Jimmy and little Laura used when they first met Marian, Arthur and Prince James).
Over at the tower dungeon where the people of Nottingham were being kept, two guards were pacing by the front door with one guard sleeping right by the door.
From some old crates and barrels hid Kit, Gilbert and David. Kit looked over to see the two guards pacing steadily in front of the tower.  Each one holding their swords close to them as they paced.
“Safe to say we’re not gonna easily sneak by the front door.” Kit whispered as he slunk back behind the barrel beside his friends.
“I hope Arthur comes through and knows what he’s doing.” Gilbert said.
“He’s the future advisor to James. I think he’ll hold his own.” Soon enough Arthur comes out and he quickly goes over to the two guards and urgently gestures them towards the stable, which was just a few yards away from where Gilbert and the others were hiding.
The plan was for Arthur to lure any guards from their position by order of Prince James who ‘claimed’ to see a member of Robin’s Merry band sneaking into the stables.  From there Gilbert, David and Kit would knock the guards out and disguise themselves as the guards, followed by getting the key and freeing the townspeople.
As the two guards were racing towards Kit and the others, David extended out the end of his bow which caused the guards to trip and soon Gilbert and Kit dragged them towards the barrels and knocked them out.  They stripped them of their clothes and wore the guard’s uniform.
“Right so David stay out here till the first batch of townsfolk come out, then lead them to the back entrance where Marian and Little John helped Gale escape to.” Gilbert told him.
“Right.” David nodded as Gilbert and Kit went back to their guarding positions.  The two of them met up with Arthur and Kit said.
“You got the key?”
“No. Apparently this drunken fool forgot to take it off his belt before he passed out.” Arthur explained as he gestured to the sleeping guard that was snoring like a pig at his post.
“Alright then. Leave it to me.” Gilbert said as he rolled his sleeves up.  Much like he learned from Robin and Gale, Gilbert was the 3rd best cat burglar of the group.  
He could swindle your pocket change and you wouldn’t have even known about it till you tried to buy something.  He could swipe the prized necklace off your neck with just a feathery touch and a broken finger, and your wedding ring well—Gilbert could take that off your finger with just his fingernail and sell it to the highest bitter.
He spotted the keys hanging off the left side of the guard’s belt.  Slowly he unbuckled the guard’s belt and using one of his arrows, he hooked it into the key ring and slowly pulled on it till it slid off his belt.  
Gilbert grabbed the keys and unhooked all three of them off the ring as Arthur unlocked the tower gate doors and the three of them raced up the tower stairs towards the jail cells upstairs.  Arthur unlocked the last door and there they saw the people of Nottingham all together in chains, some barely hanging onto life, others broken spirited.
The three men all worked together to free the people who looked at them with hope and gratitude.  When he unlocked the Sharpe family from their bonds, young Michael held his bow and arrow and said.
“Alright I’m ready where’s the bad guys!?”
“Whoa, whoa take it easy laddie.” Kit told him.  “We admire your courage but right now we could use an extra hand in getting all these people out of here, think you can be the man to do just that and lead the first batch to David?” Michael nodded strongly. “That’s a good lad.” Kit ruffled Michael’s hair before telling everyone the plan.
Once his family and the first dozen of townsfolk were free, Michael led them downstairs and using the special techniques that Gale taught him, he first peeked out and let out a robin whistle towards Daniel who replied back to him in the same tune.
“Okay, follow me everyone.” They quickly raced out towards David who led them across the courtyard and back towards the garden.
Inside the castle, some of the guards were patrolling the castle when one of them came up to the Prince James’ bedchambers and quickly looked inside to see the young prince fast asleep in his bed.
He nodded before closing the door and left to continue his patrol.  James opened one eye then quickly pulled himself off his bed and quick as a flash opened up his balcony window.  Down below he could see Robin scaling up the side of his balcony, just a foot or two from reaching him.  Once he got close enough, James pulled him up and Robin said.
“Did you do it?”
“Slipped my bastard of an uncle and his slithery snake advisor a little something in their food? Yeah. Knocked them right out. Good news is that his bedchambers lines up exactly with the prison tower where Arthur is helping your men free the towns people.”
“Excellent. So all we need to do is a simple deposit from one tower to the next.” James nodded and the two of them left his bedchambers and snuck up towards his uncle’s just down the hall.
They slowly crept inside to see hills upon hills of sacks filled with gold.  Not only did the gold belong to the people of Nottingham, but all of England’s riches lied within this very bedchamber.
“We better work fast.” Robin whispered to James.  He nodded and Robin opened up the main balcony window and readied an arrow with a long rope attached to the feathered tail.  He carefully aimed straight for the prison tower and let the arrow fly.
It flew straight through the barred windows and landed right along the wall.  Gilbert looped the arrow through a iron keyhole before walking back towards the window to aim the arrow back towards Prince John’s bedchambers.  With a careful eye and steady hand. Gilbert released the arrow and it landed right into the Prince’s bedchamber.  After tying their end to the top bar above the royal bed, they had their makeshift pulley system ready to go.
The two men nodded to each other and proceeded to grab a sack of gold, tie it off and send it down towards the prison tower for the remaining prisoners as well as Robin’s men to collect.
As the gold arrived at the tower, Gilbert and Arthur pulled the gold inside while Friar Tuck and Kit handed the gold to the people.
“Praise the Lord and pass the tax refund.” Friar Tuck said as he handed an elderly couple a sack for each of them to carry.  The elderly couple smiled warmly and the woman even embraced the gold close to her breast.
This plan continued to go along smoothly as the clock continued to pass on and the night slowly shifted to dawn.
The clock tower chimed 4am, dawn was fast approaching. James and Robin looked at each other and James said as he tied the last sack of gold.
“That’s the last of it, let’s go.” He whispered to Robin. He nodded and the two of them quickly raced towards the balcony and grabbed ahold of their make-shift pulley system and rode it the rest of the way towards the dungeon tower.  Robin slid through the window first and he then helped James.
“Going somewhere gentlemen?” that haunting, gravely baritone voice spoke.  The two men slowly turned around to meet over 30 arrows pointed right at them, and the Sheriff himself standing before them with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Sheriff of Nottingham, As Prince of England I hereby sentence you—”
“So sorry your majesty but I no longer take orders from you, by order of your uncle. In fact,” he snapped his fingers and soon the two of them were taken into custody as several men forced Robin and James to their knees.  “It shall be my honor to say that you both shall hang by the neck until death. Just shortly after we burn the witch in trial.”
“Yeah, well good luck finding her. By now she’ll be miles away from you.” Robin sneered.
“Hmmm. Think so?” the Sheriff hummed.  At this they could hear the grunts and screams of one Gale Hood.
“No! NO!!” Robin thrashed wildly at hearing his sister’s screams.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t have thought you’d be coming? So the King and I had the royal army hidden within the forest to capture anyone who tried to escape. Including those meddlesome townsfolk.” Robin struggled like a rapid animal trying to get to the Sheriff but the guards held him strong and firm.
Soon the Sheriff sucker punched him in the gut which made Robin crumble to the ground as he coughed out harshly.  James struggled in his hold and he spat venomously at the Sheriff.
“I swear to God above Sheriff, you won’t get away with this!”
“No need for petty threats your highness. You’ll soon be joining alongside them. Your death will be the perfect leverage against your father.”
“What are you talking about?!”
“If I told you straight away we’d have to kill you. Oh wait, we��re already gonna do that. Take them away, and make sure they have a good view of Gale’s execution.” The guards soon took the young Prince and rebel of the people away from the tower’s dungeon.
As the sun slowly rose above the gallows, a man was throwing hay and sticks around Gale Hood’s feet as she was tied to the stake.  A few feet away from her, the executioner held the flaming torch in his hands, his masked face making him look like the Grim reaper about to snatch her soul away and send it to Hell.  All the while the sound of the executioner’s drumbeats echoed throughout the air.
“The Prisoner Gale Hood has been found guilty of the crime of witchcraft.” The drumbeats paused as the Sheriff continued to read out, “The sentence……Death!”
The people of Nottingham who were forced to witness this gruesome execution all fought against the royal guard who held them back with their spears or axes to keep them from interfering.
“She’s harmless!”
“Let her go!”
“She’s done nothing wrong!”
“She is innocent!” were some of the screams of the town’s people. Gale Hood’s heart was rapidly beating out of fear as she watched as more piles of sticks were being added till finally they felt it was good enough for a big fire deserving for her.  She stared at the executioner in pure fear.
While down below Robin and his friends along with Marian and Arthur were all in cages surrounded by guards so that even if there was a slim chance of them escaping, they’d never make it pass the guards.  Prince James however, he was dealt with the worst punishment.
For he was forced to stand at his uncle’s side on a makeshift platform where the throne looked over the gallows.  He was chained by his hands and ankles right by his uncle’s throne like a dog forced to watch as his beloved would be burned alive.
“The time has come Gale Hood, you stand upon the break of the abyss. Yet even now it is not too late. You can spare yourself the flames of this world, and the next. Choose me, or the fire.” The Sheriff spoke to her in that deep, low voice of his that sent terrifying shivers up Gale’s spine.
After all that he’d done to her.  Captured her, raped her, Gale knew better than to submit to him. In her last ditch effort to give the Sheriff what-for, she reared her head back and spat right in his face. The crowd all gasped as the Sheriff looked at her appalled.
“Go…….fuck…..yourself!” she hissed.
“Then in the name of his royal majesty King John the 1st, I hereby sentence you to burn at the stake until death, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul.” He nodded to the executioner and the two of them traded spots.
Not wanting to bare this anymore, something in James snapped. He pulled as hard as he could on the chains until his uncle let go of the leash-chain that held James in place. He raced towards the gallows and stood protectively in front of Gale.
“If you kill her you’ll have to kill me too!”
“James no!” Marian shouted.
“James you can’t.” Gale whimpered to him. “England needs you.”
“They’re going to kill me either way. And I’d rather die with you than watch you die before me. I told you Gale, I’d rather spend one lifetime on this Earth with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. I love you.” Gale’s eyes filled with tears as James leaned his forehead against hers.
“I love you James Lionheart.”
“And I love you, Gale Hood.”
“Well what are you waiting for? Kill them!” ordered Prince John as he now stood by the Sheriff’s side at the gallows.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?” a loud boom of a voice cried out.  
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