#thanks for the nice wishes <3
Connor still has his ankle broken during the motel and finale episodes.
this likely wont be my last take, but i heard you’re ending the blog soon, but i would just like to say that: thanks for opening this blog. It was really fun getting to see others takes and rewrites and submit our own takes. I also really like how you respond and talk about the takes as well! Wishing you the best! Ok maybe this was a little uncalled for but i wouldve forgotten to say this by the time it closes :/
yea i don't get why it healed so quickly 😭
and thank you so much for the kind words!!! i'm glad you enjoy the blog :) it is so fun to exchange ideas with others that agree how much wasted potential is in this series lol. i will definitely miss it
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speakofcompersion · 5 months
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For jjong month ♡ part [3/4]
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
141 if reader gifted them a pet tortoise (or turtle if you prefer) :D /nf
— 🦗 (hi simon!!!!! yes i'm still here (and always will be)- i loved the post you did for my other request!! it was amazing (no duh) , love your writing style as always 💗 have a good day and no pressure!!!!! you don't have to do this or answer this ask either)
Hey, cricket anon! I'm glad you're still here, I was worried you wouldn't be :D Also, this is probably my favorite request I've ever worked on! I love turtles so much, it's unreal! And I love my favorite lads with my favorite animals! Nothing's better than the TF141 with a turtle or tortoise!!
TF141 Receiving a Pet Turtle from Reader
Price: Oh, bless your sweet heart. What could he possibly be doing with a little turtle, though? In fact, it won’t even leave its shell while he’s holding it. Sure, he could understand something like a dog, to keep him active, or a cat, to argue about food with, but a turtle? And yet, he’s completely enamored, even if he can barely see it. You say that it’s a box turtle, and it is rather pretty, he has to admit. It almost looks toxic with its red-ish, yellow-ish and black shell. But it shut itself in completely. As soon as you take it from his hands, it peeks out from its shell, staring at him. You’re holding it like a rather large burger, which he finds kind of funny. It’s a staring contest between the two of them at first, both of them just confused about the other. Price may claim that he has no use for a turtle, but you insist on him having it. You leave him with all the necessities to make sure it grows up to be a healthy specimen: worms and calcium. Naturally, with you being an expert in turtles, you help him out from time to time. Surprisingly, despite everything, it takes a liking to him fairly quickly. He’s very loving towards it, always feeding it just a worm or two too much, always giving it pats and whatnot. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he sometimes brushed it with a toothbrush as well, making it dance a little bit. He was hesitant to love it at first, would he really be a good keeper for a turtle? But his worries were unfounded, his turtle loves him to bits. Sometimes he plays around with it too. Sometimes, it ignores him playing and just walks up to him. It has bitten his nose before, by the way. Sometimes, while he takes a nap, he lets it sleep on top of his chest. Yes, it’s peed on him before, but he still loves it dearly. I can see him naming it something like Shelly. He’s not too creative with names.
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Gaz: He’d be ecstatic if you show him a turtle. He loves those little critters, they’re just so cute. He can name a few as well, so he immediately knows that you gave him a red-eared slider! But what should he do with it? When you tell him that it’s a gift from you to him, he grows a bit concerned. Would he really be able to take good care of his little turtle? On the same day, he immediately buys a rather big tank and sets it up for the little critter. He lets it explore around his home during the meantime, but he did attach a helium filled balloon to it so he wouldn’t lose it. He always keeps the tank clean, he always feeds it on time. Though, because he loves it so much, he might feed it a little too much from time to time. Sometimes he’ll argue with it that it shouldn’t be such a glutton. In all honesty, as soon as you told him that that turtle was his, he immediately became protective of it. It wasn’t scared of him either, he just has an aura of calm and love that makes animals trust him. Little Mikey was no exception to that either. Though, Gaz doesn’t know if Mikey is actually a male or a female. He just called it Mikey because he liked the name and thought it to be fitting. If Gaz could, then he’d give it so many kisses, but he can’t because of salmonella, so he settles for brushing it on the daily instead. It’s not uncommon for Gaz and Mikey to be relaxing on the couch together, watching TV. Yes, Gaz has watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with it, claiming that Mikey needed some good role models. Whenever he has guests over he proudly shows off little Mikey. It’s his pride and joy and he sends you pictures of it on the daily, showing you how much he’s thriving. When Gaz is sad, he just watches Mikey bask in the light of his little lamp. It makes him feel better. Sometimes, Gaz wishes he was a turtle too so he could do turtle things with Mikey, that’s how much he loves it.
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Ghost: He feels neutral about most animals, aside from snakes, which he is deathly afraid of. So I think he wouldn’t want to take the little tortoise you’re offering him initially. Ghost doesn’t know anything about tortoises, so he’s certain he’d just kill it. Not that he’d get that attached to it in the first place, he’s got better things to do. The two of you make a deal that if the turtle isn’t being taken care of properly, you’ll come to retrieve it and take care of it instead of him. That’s the thing with Ghost, though: He always tries his best to appease the people he loves, no matter what. He wanted to appease you by taking good care of it. In his case, you gave him a somewhat endangered little critter, a hermann’s tortoise. Ghost doesn’t know that at first. Yes, the resident edgelord may pretend to not care about it too much at first, but he gets attached fairly easily. It’s just so small and so young and so fragile. His protector instincts are kicking in whenever he sees it. I mean, when he got it, it was smaller than a pack of cigarettes. However, under his care, it’s thriving. It grows into such a big and healthy specimen. Ghost bought several books on how to care for turtles and tortoises and he makes sure that it’s always fed and entertained. He named it Nike. One could argue that he named it after the Greek goddess, but he actually named it after the shoe company. He just took the first best thing he saw and decided that it made for a good name. Nike has fallen asleep in his hands before. Ghost is a very warm person with very warm hands. Besides, Nike felt comfortably cool in his hands, so he dared not to move and wake it up either. People may look at it, but no one but you and him are allowed to touch it. He cuddles it fairly often and it doesn’t seem to mind either. Whenever Ghost is home and in its field of view, it immediately crawls up to him. It loves him so dearly. It has escaped its enclosure before, but instead of running away it ran towards Ghost. He could never scold it, so he just wrapped it in a blanket and cuddled with it on the couch.
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Soap: Soap was certain he could go for something bigger, but not too big. When you said you’d get him an animal, he expected something along the lines of a dog. He never would have considered a reptile. Sure, they’re cute, but what could he possibly do with something like that? Either way, back at home, he has a rather big yard and lots of greenery. And thus, you gift him a sulcata tortoise. It was fairly small when you got it and he didn’t really think much of it. However, within a year he noticed that he’d likely need to build a small shed for it or else it’ll outgrow his home. And that he did. His tortoise is a little rascal. Like Gaz, he doesn’t know if it’s a male or a female, he just named it Bonnie because it reminded him of you. It’s not uncommon for Bonnie to eat the flowers from the bushes, or the flowers in general. His mother would have killed him for it, but Soap lives alone these days. Soap scolds Bonnie very often because it keeps eating everything in his garden. But he lovingly scolds it, there’s no malice whatsoever behind his words. He actually also works out so that he’ll always be able to carry it home if it strays too far. Soap is a strong lad, but Bonnie is a great motivator as well. He often feeds her all kinds of dubious vegetables he’s found in the store, before trying them himself. I mean, if the tortoise eats it, then it can’t be bad, right? He celebrates the day you gave it to him by making it a big platter of lots and lots of snacks. Soap even arranges the food nicely so that it’s eye candy as well. He takes so many pictures of Bonnie, it’s unreal. And yes, he sends each and every single one of them to at least one person. You’ve received so many turtle pics. Ghost has probably blocked him for a day or two because Soap kept spamming him with blurry pictures of Bonnie. Sometimes, while it’s basking in the sun, he just lies down next to it and takes a small nap. Loves spraying Bonnie with the hose, it gets so demanding with the water. It always wants to be sprayed with water and Soap lovingly scolds it that it doesn’t need to be sprayed any more.
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roblogging · 4 days
i've spent a lot of the past 24 hours talking to various trans people in the fandom that reposted or dmed me about this video and i'm gonna yap here under the cut about it.
(i'm not a spokesperson for trans people obviously, and i don't mean to lead these discussions. i know i've had a lot of them recently but yeah it's been rough, i just thought this was interesting to share and can hopefully share a lil of how people are feeling.)
i've always assumed that the hate that i've received on my account was because of me? i post videos talking about discourses, i'm open about ships i like that are generally hated, etc etc, i've just assumed it was a me thing.
but then when people are mad about those things, it more often than not comes to slurs. it's come to people debating my identity, questioning how much of a man i am when i wear makeup, posting me on reddit pages, throwing the words tranny and "she-man" around farrr too much, and i thought "isn't it heartbreaking that this is their first thought?"
so it gradually became less about me as an individual, and instead my identity. and just that these people are mean.
and i made that video from the perspective of someone who's already upset. who's had a lot of stuff like this happen and is Sad about it.
but i've spoken to 47 trans people that reached out to me themselves about this, and have so many more requests to get through, and not one has said that they feel safe and comfortable in this space. not a single one.
so i thought i'd share some of the things that were said (with permission and anonymously) because i think it's quite interesting to see what the issues are:
the MOST mentions goes toooo: the discourse about male characters - namely sirius - wearing makeup and the way gender norms become the forefront of this - makes them feel as though people dislike "unconventional trans people" as one person put it.
alongside this, the hate for trans characters - namely regulus - and how people get very mad about it "reinforcing heterosexuality" - do not feel recognised as the gender they are, feel as though people are viewing trans people as "fake men or women" - quote.
discourses surrounding height, hair, 'gender presentations' etc - brought up by a lot of people and they recognised that this is coming from a good place (not reinforcing heterosexuality) but feel as though the amount of focus put on it is disproportionate to the presence of it. copy and pasted quote: "I'm a 5 foot 2 trans man and feel like less of a man because of it"
profitting jkr: (obviously, because that's what the video was about) i want to add that nearly everyone said that they understand the desire to, and were receptive of the fact you don't know what goes on behind the scenes re: donating elsewhere etc, but said that they've felt less safe since the surge of posts about the reboot.
guilt. which makes me glad that i posted about that here a few days ago because i felt alone in this. a lot of the people i spoke to feel guilty for being here, and feel as though they can't claim that this fandom is inclusive anymore.
comment sections: brought up by a handful of people who said that not enough people delete horrible comments on posts - one said "even if they argue against them it just feels worse than deleting it", another said "obvs i can't ask people to delete them on their own account but it does suck that they dont think to" - every person that brought up comment sections said that they tend not to look at them now which makes them feel like an outsider in the fandom.
cosplays: brought up by four people and feels relevant to above points about "gender presentation" - said that unless you're cosplaying sirius, they nearly always have to delete comments saying something along the lines of "xyz wouldn't wear makeup". all of them said that they just feel nice in it and never meant it in a bad way.
scared to be loud: scared to post, especially with face. a few acknowledged that they are scared to do so anyway, but worry about it in this space as well. bolded this one because it makes me so sad, but having been put on reddit pages for saying pete was their friend, i get it.
and the final point, a copy and pasted line: "i dont want to be represented when it suits them and i don't want to be a box they tick when adding diversity to a fic and then cry in comments. i dont want performative support"
nearly everyone (bar 7 people) that reached out to me acknowledged that this is a minority, and not the majority. they were very clear that it isn't their whole experience, but is an issue regardless. a lot of focus was put on curating your own space and finding people who do support you, but algorithms don't always make that possible, and it's difficult seeing it happen even if they don't interact.
which is,,, yeah. that's the crux of it really. most of the time it's fine and it's lovely and things like this don't happen, but they still do, and how do you feel like you can engage when you don't know what side it will get on?
which,,, sucks. because there's not really anything anyone can do then. it's just screaming into a void and hoping that you don't end up on the wrong sides.
but anyway, i thought it was interesting. especially the comment sections and the headcanon discourse - which truly, i see less of on tumblr anyway but for all of the above reasons, don't fancy discussing this on tiktok right now which is the epicentre of it.
but yeah. food for thought perchance, and some very good discussions !! thank you to anyone that messaged me and allowed me to write this, you're not screaming into a void with me 🫶🏻
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wizardsimper · 9 months
Thinking about how much Halsin respects and admires tav and the tadpole gang after they rescue him from the goblin camp. He's been there before, the last time he was captured it was really traumatic and ultimately he had to save himself when the opportunity arose, but this time people actually saved him as well as his grove. Like when was the last time someone did that for him? Honestly even if the shadow curse wasn't a thing he'd probably still leave the grove for them because who else would go through all that for him?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Keep Being Amazing!!! (sorry I drew this with my mouse. I was too lazy to get a real pen.) I hope you have a wonderful day!
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lunarharp · 9 months
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figured i'd do this again..bit early i guess..
#to cheer me up.. i feel bad atm.. these things don't even make me feel very good tho bc i'm such a narrative/sketch-based artist..#but Proper Beautiful Finished Pieces are what grab attention and look good at the end of the year all neatly lined up lol.....#so looking at a “yearly review” where i can only choose 'the best image of the month' (??) is like...What have i even been doing...#i did a month by month look back on twt for myself instead..but even that doesn't express the quantity of comic-based stuff..#that i do put a lot of time/heart into..but alas i feel bad bringing even them back..RTing/reblogging my own art simply feels bad lol..#AND WHY IS IT ALL B&W...trying to accept that i LIKE doing that and sketching and scribbling..not like i'm trying to like..Get Artist Job..#this year was so profoundly lonely at times bc i spent all my time drawing instead of socialising and trying to find friends....#please please please have achieved more of your dreams in the future so you can look back at 2023 and think..#It was good that happened so that it got me further to the future. Or whatever i guess.....................#regardless i did have a great amount of fun drawing and improving this year and dwelling deeply & heavily on witch hat atelier.#art-wise and emotionally....march july & september were the best months i think..AUGUST WAS SO WEIRD SUMMER IS SO EVIL ALWAYS.#thank you very much if you are reading this for enjoying & leaving nice tags & such like <3 i've realised how fulfilling that is to receive#really keeps me posting stuff here instead of keeping it all to myself in my head#i wish everyone in this world could have a safe and happy end of year. i wish living in this world were easier
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radarchives · 2 months
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spaciebabie · 5 months
does any other demiromantic (or arosepc doesnt rlly matter) feel like. extremely awful when they experience romantic attraction or is that just me.
#spacie spoinks#bruh#like. while im experiencing it i wish so badly that i wasnt 😭#i feel disgusted. is this what romantic repulsion is???#cuz like ill be experiencing all the lovey dovey stuff yk#''ooohb i wanna kiss dem oooh what if we help hands'' romantic crap but its like. anxiety inducing#like it feels awful??? is this normally how it feels?? i dont like it.#it like. doesnt feel right or natural and im assuming its b/c i just like?? barely feel it ever?? and thats why???#strange as hell.#i recently felt romantic attraction 2 someone (it has been 2 or 3 years since i last felt it) and it came on really strong for like#a week and that was like the worst week of my life#i couldnt think abt anything else but them like it wasnt even like. fantasies or anything just like.#the concept of them. my brain would just be like ''hey remember this guy''#I LIKE COULDNT SLEEP#HOW DO YOU PPL ENJOY THIS????#me; clutching my head for ~a week: AUUUGH!! THE PERSON!!! THE PERSON!!!!!#im so serious this is how it feels w/springtrap. hes like a blight on my psyche#the feelings have faded mostly i think. i think im normal abt them again (thank god)#its so strange. i think a romantic relationship would be fun but then i start feeling the feelings and its. awful.#so horrid#also like. im considering that maybe the relationship i would like some day isnt romantic but a qpr#idk. ive never been in any kind of serious relationship (never wanted 2 and have never been approached for it)#sometjing 2 think abt i guess?#anybeans. i tire.#hope i never experience that again#ik that like in 2-3 years ill be like: ''man. idk what past spacie was talking abt. would be nice 2 feel romantic attraction again''#NO SPACIE IT WONT!!! REMEMBER!!!!!! REMEMBER WHAT YOU WENT THRU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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donaviolet · 2 months
Friendship is the most special thing in the world because no award could be give me bigger happiness than jumping around in my room and smiling because my pookie asked me if I wanted to match pfps
#SHES AMAZING I LOVE HER AHHHHH#I hope we manage to find a cute bsd pfp it would be literally my dream#little vent tw!!#it's been so long since I matched pfps last time was with my ex who started being wayyyyy too weird..#and the other time was with a friend who started ghosting me some months later just because I didnt give her enough adopt me pets or smth 💔#and like. her stopping talking to be literally broke me as a person. it was devastanting for like 13yo me#woahhh thank you k. now I have social anxiety and keep dobting whether people really want me there or not#I still have a sort of love hate relationship w her but like its been over 2 years maybe 3 why do I still care abt it sm :<#especially since our other bestie is wayy more affectionate w k than w me it just makes me feel so weird like im sort of a 3rd wheel#but at least the friend im gonna match with is the sweetest person ever and we can be silly together :333#unfortunately we only know eachother from a course so we always have to wait 2 weeks to see eachother#and even tho i still see k almost every day shes pretty different now#but ive been feeling so so happy the last few days since school started and im afraid I might go back to being how I was when she returns#because. I bet my two friends will keep being silly together and ill have to sit w my ex again cuz hes still part of our friend group#I mean hes a nice and funny guy but I figured that a relationship wont work with us. I tried it and I just wanna be friends#I have a lot of fun w him but like in a platonic way#and im afraid he still thinks we should be together#meanwhile my besties keep flirting w eachother like??#I mean its pretty funny as a joke but I cant help but feeling kinda jealous especially because I used to have a huge crush in one of them#talked a bit too much ooopssss#Im just trying to move on but I hope k coming back doesnt start everything over again#anyways!! I love my bestie from the course smmmmmm Im still so so happy :D wish we could see eachother more#random stuff#chaos#friendship#violet rambles
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mdemn · 1 month
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me rn if u care
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ratatatastic · 2 months
i hope no one ever gets tired of we are the champions being played at every cup party because you will not be disappointed
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and more importantly they named a rink in vuorela siilinjärvi after him hence eetu luostarinen areena <3
Luosty Cup Day | 8.5.24
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shalom-iamcominghome · 10 months
The dreidels have been acquired. Do I have others to play with? No. Did I get them anyway because I like games? Yes. 🩵🩵🩵
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redundantz · 1 year
having to much attention directed at me for to long makes me overstimulated. The urge to bite people emerges, just like a cat.
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abigail · 1 year
whenever I have a good day out with people I love I come home feeling so full of love and joy and I always feel so warm and it’s so sad we cannot have more days like this because of jobs and money and all that like.. people need to have days out and dilly dally in town and go out for food and go see a movie and share all these small moments together and it’s so evil that we have to spend most of our time at work.. I don’t know. maybe I’m just upset I have work tomorrow and I don’t want to go…… maybe I need a new job but I’m too scared to think about what I’d wanna do or where I’d wanna go right now.. I’ve never really known what I wanna do or whatever and I currently work in a job I enjoy most of the time and it pays a little above minimum wage and it’s easy for me to get to/from and whatnot but . I don’t know.. I want to do something else I suppose but I never know what…. I do know that I just want to have more good days with the people I love. I want days out and I want to eat good food and see good movies and come home feeling warm and full of love from the day I’ve had with the people I care about… hmm. I also want a cinnamon roll right now and to be cosy in bed
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dragonji · 2 months
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bday spoils ft. fitcheck
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