#thanks for the laugh anon
proselfshipsafespace · 2 months
get out of the main selfship tag you pred
yo guys whats your favorite animal. i personally love tasmanian devils
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heres what they look like. theyre carnivorous and feral lil shits, i love them!!!
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cursedtrekedits · 1 year
Like what?
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hatesaltrat · 1 year
Guess what
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givenscribbles · 3 months
Timothy the spider has invaded your ask box 🕷️
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beautifulpersonpeach · 7 months
Idk what this is about but I’d still like to say I can easily imagine jimin with a woman (me) and I do so every day. I imagine us [redacted] and [redacted] and [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] 😇
But seriously… have you seen that tweet after the stuck with u video came out that was like “making love with jimin must be fucking cosmic”. Yes. I think about it daily. 🙃
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Oh, honey…
There’s a long ass line and if you don’t get yo ass all the way to the back?! Où trouvez-vous l'audace? Comme si Jungkook ne se gargarisait pas des testicules de Jimin en guise de dessert tous les jeudis soirs. Où est votre dignité en tant que femme? Où est ta fierté? Comment oses-tu t'en prendre à un homme pris? Mon Dieu. Les gens de nos jours n'ont pas d'honneur, pas de décorum, pas de putain de dignité!
À mon avis, tu mérites une fessée. Et pas par Jimin. Je ne veux pas que tu aies cette satisfaction. Pas même par Jungkook. Non. Tu mérites d'être fessée par Hoseok. Et avec du velours, pas du cuir.
Tsk. Ce hiatus vous a tous rendus fous.
"Jimin est avec moi"
Anyway. Anon, I disagree. Not the part about Jimin being the type to fuck your brains out. That may be true but I am not at liberty to say. But the other parts, nah hun. Tuck that shit in.
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madame-fear · 2 years
anytime i see an ask that says “DK Jonathan” i read it as “Donkey Kong Jonathan”😭😭
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flamingfalcon3 · 2 years
mike and will scenes are not boring and dont always have the same pattern.
have you ever heard of the concept of a beard ? this is a definition pulled straight from wikipedia :
Beard is an American slang term describing a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), or spouse either to conceal infidelity or to conceal one's sexual orientation.
ever thought about how in the 80s being gay was viewed as a bad thing ? ever thought about how el might be el's beard?
and also, bylers dont hate el. we just think that mike, el and will should all be happy. and el nor mike arent happy in the relationship that they're in. will and mike would be happy, and el could easily get over mike. how many times did they come close to breakup in season 4 ? twice. how many times did they fix the problems ? never that we see on-screen. and if it doesnt happen on-screen, than we cant call it canon. theorectically, mike nor el have fixed anything since their fight, and el blatantly ignores mike for a full two days after the fight with vecna. and if byler wasnt endgame, why would brett gelman go and say that byler is for byler? why would noah be shipping it so much ? did you know that finn wolfhard has liked a few byler posts before ? oh also, "his breath catches".
I literally only said that I found the ship bland. Idk why you’re trying to prove to me that it’s endgame like that would suddenly make me find it interesting.
Accusing me of not knowing that being gay was considered a bad thing in the 80s… you have a lotta fucking nerve lmaooooo
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taekookibb · 1 year
Stop stealing Jennie’s man and stop trying to make taekook happen, it’s not gonna happen
Awww! I know a “Mean Girls” quote when I see one! 🤣🤣🤣
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dysco-lymonade · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder what you’ll saw through by accident the next time your do yard work or something
Oh fuck 🤣
Way to bring up trauma. Hit me with a TW next time 😂 I didn’t have AC for days in the dead of summer 😭
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ratboyhole · 1 year
Can’t believe you told that anon to fuck a dog’s sheath. Tumblr be crazy. Going through random blogs, reading this shit.
i sure the fuck did not, anon. it's a piece of silicone you put over your dick lmaaaaaaao XDDDD
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basketobread · 5 months
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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l3viat8an · 9 months
Satan: MC why do you spend so much time in Levi’s room?
MC: I’m easily entertained by small things! (smiling innocently)
(all the brothers trying not to laugh and looking at Levi who’s bright red and running from the room.)
MC:…..what?….did I say something wrong?
(a few days later)
MC:(standing outside of Levi’s bedroom door) Levi I’m sorry, you know I didn’t mean it like that!!!
Levi:(definitely not sobbing in his locked room) But it sounded like that!!! 
(Totally not inspired by something I did to my poor boyfriend at a family dinner a few days ago) 
Helspshksjsjsjw oh, poor, poor Levi- the others are never gonna let him hear the end of that!!
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velvetwyrme · 2 months
ohohohoh i love the idea of mc becoming a supervilllain!! i can imagine them doing the sitting in a chair and turning around to greet spaghettor with toby in their lap LMAO
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you probably know this but I'm still sharing this one because Paige made multiple Hudl videos for Azzi and all the passes she's going to make to her.
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polin-erospsyche · 3 months
This post was inspired by a comment from an anon in my ask box. They mentioned that if the Queen hadn’t interrupted Polin's wedding, they could have had a beautiful wedding night (if you’re the anon and you’re reading this, hi! And also, I know this isn't everything, but I'll touch on the rest. Small disclaimer: this got long and I’m sorry).
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I agree, that could have happened. But honestly, I'm really glad it didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to see it, but I don’t think it would have been good for them. The intimate scenes we did get tell an overarching story and serve a purpose in the narrative. We’ve been told that these intimate moments are a way for them to communicate, so let’s unpack that.
The first intimate scene is about them discovering each other in a new, intimate way, moving from friendship (which had already started to happen in the carriage) to a lover relationship. This moment is crucial for Penelope's story and character development. From this, she grows in confidence and self-awareness. She expresses this to Colin multiple times, such as when she says, “with the confidence you’ve helped me find this year,” and later, “You’ve taught me to hold my own. You have shown me I’m capable of pleasure beyond imagination.”
From that intimate scene onward, Penelope starts to come into her own power and that includes her sexual power. Colin shows her a level of love and care beyond what she ever thought possible, breaking down the belief system she built around herself. She was ready to sacrifice her dreams of being loved and held for financial stability, a mindset ingrained by Portia. Colin helps her see that this doesn’t have to be the case, chipping away at her long-held beliefs.
Let’s now move to the scene in the alleyway, which links back to anon’s comment. Anon suggests that this is the moment they start repairing their relationship post LW reveal. That following this scene they were in a good enough place to enjoy their wedding night if the Queen hadn’t crashed the party. Yes. And no. 
And oh my god how I’ve longed to discuss this scene but I never quite knew how to approach it. At this point in the show, the narrative is like a tightly wound ball of yarn with so many threads to pull at. So, let’s attempt to pull at them. 
First of all, they’ve entered a whole new playing field. And they’ve entered this playing field while being “the oldest of friends really” so they have ammunition against each other. Pen has hurt Colin by lying (hiding the truth from him time and time again) about her identity. She has let him go on and on about his despise of Lady Whistledown. About his dreams of being an author. These were things he told her in intimacy. Those were things he told his best friend and the person he fell in love with. Not the woman who hides behind her column and has done so much wrong to his family and loved ones. 
There is a separation between the two. For Colin, in that alleyway, there is still just Pen his best friend, Penelope the woman he loves and on the other side of that there is Lady Whistledown, the woman he vowed to destroy. He expresses that when he says “so then you do not need Lady Whistledown anymore”. What he fails to realise at this point, and he cannot be blamed for that, is that Lady Whistledown is an integral part of who Penelope Featherington is as a person. That her alter ego is not just a mask she wears but a crucial aspect of her identity, giving her a sense of power and agency in a world that often limits her as a woman. Something that Pen has slowly come to terms with when she says that she no longer needs to hide behind this alter ego but that does not mean there is no value in it, something that she also explains to him after the Queen has crashed their wedding breakfast. 
Now I say that he cannot be blamed for his refusal of recognizing that they are one and the same because he is still holding onto his misbelief, which is that to be loved and to have a value he must protect what he loves and be useful. Part of that is saving and avenging the people he loves from Whistledown. He has given his word to Eloise, to Marina indirectly, to himself and I’m thinking to Pen silently after what she’s written about herself. He finds himself, due to his misbelief, between a rock and a hard place: “the person he vowed to destroy is, in fact, the person he vowed to protect, and there is no separation between the two” (not me directly quoting myself lol). To this you add all the shame over his writing and his envy of her success and you have a recipe for disaster. 
So essentially, in that alleyway you have Pen who is already well along her character arc and Colin who is still gripping onto his original, unchanged self. This represents a power imbalance. What I love throughout this season, and I might write something about this one day, is that Pen and Colin are never quite on the same level both literally and figuratively. There is always one ahead of the other. This, in the long run, is another recipe for disaster because they are never quite equal. That is UNTIL that butterfly ball when they’ve gone through their character arc respectively. That is the moment they fully come together. They become a unit. They are no longer fighting against each other but with each other and for each other. 
But to arrive to this moment they need to do it separately. They need to be able to work on themselves before they can fully be able to work on their marriage. Genevieve says it well “there is no such thing as true love without first embracing your true self”. For Penelope that is becoming Penelope Bridgerton, an amalgam of the best parts of Whistledown and Penelope Featherington. For Colin that is deconstructing his hero complex and fully believing that he is enough just by being exactly who he is. And that has not happened in that alleyway. Truthfully the surface has barely been scraped in that scene because she essentially shuts down his demons for an instant by saying that she loves him. However, the issues remain. 
So yes, we can speculate all we want. If the Queen had not interrupted their wedding, they might have had a wedding night and they might have had a talk about everything afterward. However, the lack of acceptance of their true selves would have driven them up a wall at the next problem, which was how to handle Cressida.
And I think that is why Polin season is actually so beautiful. It is not just about Polin. It is about marriage and how hard it can get, and how you have to work on yourself to fit around the person you love without sacrificing yourself in the process. It is about choosing each other every day, through the ugly as well as the beautiful, through the hard parts as well as the easy ones. It’s choosing to have faith that you’ll work and figure it out without an assurance that it actually will, but if the love is there, then it just might. That is the story they chose to tell through Penelope and Colin.
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First gif made by my bestie @polinsated 💕
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
why do you draw kevin so yummy? 🤨
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