#thanks a lot Viren
starry-skies-writes · 16 days
I like how they have things to remember their fathers by
Ezran has Harrow’s sword (crafted into his crown)
Callum has Damien’s scarf
Rayla has Ethari’s crafted swords, and her braid that is like Lain’s
Claudia has Viren’s staff
And Soren has Viren induced trauma
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raayllum · 1 year
me sitting here with my "broyals having a quasi sunfire sibs conflict over the cube" crack theory waiting for ezran to have one (1) line of dialogue or scene with the cube:
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like why would they do this to me:
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A headcanon of mine is that Viren has megalophobia, the fear of large objects. I think his desire for control manifests as the fear of that which is larger and more powerful than him; that which lies far beyond the scope of his comprehension.
He was likely raised without high status and grew up trying to gain power in fear of becoming poor and weak again. Like the tsunami in his dream, it felt as though the unspeakably powerful elves and dragons could just swallow him up. He wanted to rise above the tsunami and rise above the elves and dragons because he was scared.
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svperluminous · 1 year
I love Viren so much it hurts ;__; there is no one else like him in cartoons. I don't know what I'll do once TDP ends, knowing there probably won't be any more new Viren content...
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Do you think that Viren will survive into S6 so that he can reconcile with Soren?
I do think Viren will survive into S6. I don't know if he'll get to reconcile with Soren, but I do hope they get a chance to at least reacquaint and realize they're each different people now than before.
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I think that conversation could do each of them some good, since it seems they have such negative feelings tangled around who they both used to be to each other.
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bittrlys · 1 month
🪻send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful🪻
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 1 month
and i don't even like you that much... wait, i do (fuck)
Speculative s7 fic by @sagegreenfrogs and I! Next up, Camp Counsellor AU!
Soren gave General-Queen Amaya her arm-punch much sooner than he'd thought. That was nice, but the cons outweighed the pros. The cons being that Katolis was in shambles and still burning, that after everything, Viren still managed to evade justice, and, oh yeah, Aaravos was out of his prison. That had been hard to miss.
Commander Gren had directed him to a tent near the hall where the wedding had been held, to where Ezran sat, talking in a low voice with Queen Aanya of Duren and Queen Janai.
The younger girl looked up when he entered quietly and bowed, placing a hand on Ez's back and nodding to Soren. “Why don't I go make arrangements for you to come to Duren with me?”
He reached out for her before seeming to remember himself, curling his fist around thin air. “But what about… What about my brother? What about Rayla, my people? The Crownguards, the castle staff?”
“I'll find a mage to send word to Prince Callum,” Janai promised, getting to her feet. “Your people are always more than welcome here.”
Aanya nodded in agreement. “The same will go for me. We can consolidate our powers, Duren and Katolis and New Aurea. We will find a way to defeat Aaravos, and we'll help you rebuild Katolis. There every step of the way.”
Ezran took a deep, shaky breath in, and soldiered to his own feet alongside Aanya. “Alright. Thank you two so much.”
Queen Janai squeezed his soldier gently. “Of course. We are not only allies, King Ezran, but family.”
The two queens took their leave, and Soren was left alone with a shuddery Ezran. He waved him over, wiping his hands on his bright red pants in the heat.
“Hey,” he said. “How bad is it, really?”
Soren averted his gaze. “It’s… bad, King Ezran. Really bad. The castle is in the ground, and so’s the town. But we got a lot of the citizens out, nearly all of them.”
He stayed quiet for a long moment, an uncomfortable one.
Soren stepped forward. “Listen, evacuating and abandoning the castle was my idea. No one else's. Get mad at me, but don't blame-”
Ezran cut him off with a tight hug. “Thank you,” he whispered. “That was a good choice. The right one. I'm so proud of you, Soren. I trust you.”
For once, it didn't feel like what Soren was being told was the right choice was an ulterior motive in disguise.
Soren held him back, wishing he didn't have to deliver the next news. But Ezran was his friend and the king, his king, and so he had to.
“Viren is dead,” he whispered, and Ez lurched back. “He used his heart for a spell to protect people, to make them fireproof.”
“The one from Lux Aurea? The Storm Spire?” Fear flashed in Ezran’s eyes, but not fear of him, fear for him. Because Ezran had known how desperately terrified of becoming a monster, especially at his father’s hands, that Soren was, and then had handed him all the tools to do it on a silver platter.
He nodded. “Yes.”
Ezran looked down. “Okay. Okay. It's not- it's not great, but we can work with it. At least he's not a threat anymore, right? Assuming he doesn't get resurrected for a third time.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t tend to stay gone,” Soren agreed, laughing in spite of everything. “But, King Ezran- it's- okay, I have one more piece of bad news for you.”
Ezran pulled away from the embrace to look up at him with apprehensively raised eyebrows. “What?”
He bit his lip.
He looked away. “Aaravos is out. My sis- Claudia freed him.”
Ezran lurched away and spat out a string of words that Soren couldn't exactly say he approved of, but sure did accurately describe the situation.
He eased the younger boy down onto his chair, holding a glass of water to his lips as he struggled to breathe. “Hey, it's okay. Breathe in and out.”
Ezran shook his head, fisting his hand in the fabric over his heart and using the other to slam down on the table. “No. No, I’m fine. I have to be fine. Letters. I- I need to send letters, get help and tell Callum-”
“I already did that,” Soren assured him. Written on the ride over, handwriting wonkier than its usual wonkiness, but he’d gotten word out across the continent asking for aid.
Ezran gripped his sleeve and looked up at him gratefully. “Thanks.”
“Don’t even mention it. Now, why don’t we go get you some fresh air?” Soren offered a hand up.
Ezran ducked his head and took it, allowing him to adjust the gleaming crown around his head. Just once, Soren wished he could yank it off and let the boy be a kid. Not a king, not someone with the weight of the world on his young shoulders. Just a kid who hadn’t even gone through puberty yet.
“You’ve got this,” Soren assured him, because, well… there wasn’t much other choice, was there?
Ezran’s eyes saddened. He knew it, too.
Read more on ao3!
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colonelpancakes · 23 days
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Eight: We All Fall Down. I made so many distressed noises while watching this episode that I actually hurt my throat
Under the cut as per usual.
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Already, the shots of the people looking up at Sol Regem combined with the music is making me so fucking nervous is Katolis about to get destroyed??? Nothing better happen to Barius and Jellybug you hear me, they better make it out unscathed.
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sakfdljskla it’s okay Soren, I heard “physical exercises” too. This is why I watch shows with subtitles.
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That’s really bad, oh my god. Fuck.
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Oh noo, honey… She had to leave her toy behind no…
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Oh thank God, Soren and Opeli are somehow okay.
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Guys, I appreciate the efforts, but I DON’T THINK ARROWS ARE GOING TO DO ANYTHING. Ballista? Maybe. Arrows? Definitely not.
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OKAY CRAP IT GOT WORSE. They burned the bridge??? Man’s really just trying to kill as many people as possible, huh. That’s. Oh my god.
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Oh crap.
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Okay, shit that’s a lot of blood um. Okay. That’s definitely a concussion. Hat’s okay, that’s good. Fuck. Soren you need to survive this episode, you hear me? You are not allowed to die.
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Oh my god, the score here is. Oh my god. It really drives home the sense of fear and tragedy. The composers are fucking killing it.
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SORENNNNN!!!! MY BOY!!! I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH OH MY GOD. I love the fact that he prioritizes citizen’s lives over the castle because 1) it’s absolutely what Ezran would want done in this situation and 2) it’s a direct contrast to season two where Soren causes MORE harm by insisting that a dragon be shot down but then 3) it’s a continuation of his character arc from that episode because after he realizes he made a mistake, he frees Corvus so that he can help evacuate the town. And then here, he’s making the call to stop shooting, sacrifice the castle, and focus entirely on evacuating the people. I love Soren so much, look at how much my boy has grown.
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Is he going to get Viren out of the castle?
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SOREN. SOREN, NO. NO SELF-SACRIFICING you hear me? NO. You are GOING to reunite with Opeli and you are GOING to be there to take care of Hat, Soren, I swear to god-
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Oh, Hello motherfucker! I am about to reach through this screen and start biting you. Is that a fight I’m going to win? No. But it would be cathartic.
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Oh, wow. Viren’s facial hair has really grown since the episode before last. I guess he doesn’t anything to shave with so that makes sense. Sure caught me off-guard though.
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Oh? He’s asking VIren for help, I didn't expect that.
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Oh! Soren you are so smart, I would not have thought of that, that’s a really good idea.
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There’s a lot going on here, but also, ooh that’s interesting. I’ve always wondered how staffs were enhancing primal magic but then this answers it! They have primal stones embedded in them. Cool, I like that detail. Now back to heart-crushing drama.
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Ohhhh Soren… I love Soren. The way he’s prioritizing people’s lives over EVERYTHING else, over any moral objections to dark magic, over the potential cost of any ingredient. Soren… You are so good.
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Oh, god, what’s the ingredient for this one. It better not be another situation where you have to kill your child, if it is, I swear to god, Viren-
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Oh. Oh shit. Ohhh noo, that’s um. Oh. Okay. Uh. Fuck.
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SOFNREN! SONR NO. SOREN. NO. Not allowed, nope. Given all the emphasis on Viren’s value of his family this season I don’t. Think that he would sacrifice Soren. But. Honey. Darling, Sweetheart, no. I reiterate what I said earlier, Soren, you are NOT ALLOWED TO DIE.
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Viren. Viren where’s Soren. Viren.
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Oh, shit, Viren stabbed himself didn’t he. Fuck.
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Yeah… Yeah, he did. Shit. That is. Yeah, that is a lot of blood.
I'm out of images??? Already??? Oh my god. Uh. Continued in reblogs
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amozon28 · 2 years
Terry: Viren im having a lot of emotions about killing someone and need help
Viren: you want some advice?
Terry: Yes!
Viren: toxic masculinity
Terry: haha, no thank you!
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thrandilf · 1 year
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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aevyk-ing · 2 months
Okay, last part...
That got way better. Like you can tell during the whole season it's not going to be the last one and there's a lot of filler, but anyway...
You can't use a title like "The Red Wedding" but then nobody dies. I'm not even a Game of Thrones fan but I know some stuff about it. I was also expecting something with The Battle of the Five Armies but I get that was too much to ask. I'm glad Karim got what he deserved (sort of) and the weddings were nice. I have to say I didn't like Janai much in the past season but she's improved in this one.
No kidding, but there was a scene in one episode where the castle of Katolis is shown at night and I though: "You, know? That castle is pretty". So thanks for burning it down. Anyway, I'm all for high stakes and it gave Soren another chance to shine. The story of his family is still the most interesting. I hope Viren can finally rest, though.
I have to say that I don't like nor care about Rayla anymore, so I wasn't that invested on her part. She's just going to the Deep and save the beastly version of someone she loves. I've seen that before in Trollhunters and it was done better (even though the episode that precedes that one wasn't that good). That being said, and W.I.T.C.H. reference aside, I knew the only way to decide who to save would be directly talking to them.
Now, I have a big problem with Aaravos. Giving someone a sad backstory is not and shouldn't be an excuse for their behavior. We all go through bad stuff, some of us more than the rest, and it's how you react to adversity what makes you a good or bad person. Unlike what Ezran said, sometimes the right thing means showing strength. So I get it if Aaravos was just lying to Claudia so she'd make the spell, but not if the story is used to make us pity him. Terry is right, listen to him.
Overall, this season was better than the last one (well, that was easy) and it took an interesting turn at the very end.
PS: Anyone else out there thinking Leola was autistic?
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raayllum · 5 months
ALRIGHT, time to talk about the poster in lovely HD.
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First things first, I want to talk about these two ladies (?). The upper one closer to the moon looks more like an elf, and is gazing down at the second, closer woman. I've seen people speculate Ziard due to the hair, but none of this usual clothing appendages are there, so I lean towards a new character, and possibly being the human Aaravos had a special connection to. We see what looks like the arches of the Moon Nexus framed behind them, which was the case both when Rayla went through the portal in TTM and when Lujanne used historia viventum to show Callum the way things looked before. Souls of hate and love, maybe?
We see other Moon symbols throughout the posture sure as archangel lunarises, which seek out Moon magic (1x01) and can be used in illusion spells (2x03, 3x09). We also see the enchanted lotuses from 3x03, though for what purpose is unclear (more on that later).
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Moving down, we have a fully celestial, quite happy Aaravos. He's in full flourish and clearly using Moon magic for someone, as begetting the moon behind him, though whether he's constructing lotuses or channeling energy into his Key (perhaps making it able to sense Moon magic) is unknown. While the lotuses in 3x03 were occasionally different colours, the deep purple here makes me think of dark magic. If he is channeling his cube, perhaps he's taking moon energy from the lotuses (or moths) surrounding him to put inside.
I don't think I need to scream much further than I already have about the Moon rune glowing on his Key and having it displayed with his usual star symbol (rune cube foreshadowing symbolism my beloved). This bodes well for theories in which 1) Callum goes too far and does something knowingly risky to free the Moon fam for Rayla's sake or 2) does something risky to help Aaravos to protect Rayla's life, each subsequently to being possessed and/or playing into Aaravos' hands. Thank you goodnight.
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Then we have the book, which is deeply fascinating. It seems like a very Moon book, the fragments framing it similar to the ones we see on the lotuses and possibly evoking one of the archangel lunaris' flying around. It wouldn't surprise me if the book contains a variant of Deep moon magic of some kind, whatever that would look like. The crescent curved moon is also similar to the symbol we see on Aaravos' poem page for the Midnight Star in show (2x08). I do wonder why each side of the book looks so different though, with no actual visible moon in sight besides the tiny gemstones and the crescent moon, the other side being entirely dark (which, to be fair, is pretty moon-y).
We also sort of but don't quite see Aaravos' famous chest piece, though it is a-glowing. Whether it glowed all the time pre-Fall we just don't know, as the only time we've seen it glow/be filled in is 2x09 when he's channeling magic through Viren, but who knows. It does mean that the cube is even older than his banishment and that if it does hold his chest piece, it was placed after (if it's tangible at all, which has always been one of the biggest questions).
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This is perhaps the weirdest thing that I am the most interested in, as alongside his crown and bangles, this is the biggest design difference between Aaravos in-show and out. In show, both in his mirror and even 'pre-Fall' (aka the timeline for the 1x01 shot is probably a lie anyway), Aaravos' hip thingy is a lot more simplistic.
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However, Aaravos does have all his flowery (and I mean that literally, it looks like petals) adornment in his concept art.
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The fact they have a lotus flower flair to them always felt interesting but ultimately like a coincidence, but perhaps not. Either way as pictured below, it seems like he's either constructing or dismantling the lotuses, which is Eyes Emoji either way.
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The most... surely metaphorical / abstract portion of the poster, though, is I'd imagine the very bottom. I hesitate to read into things too literally (one of the S5 posters had Finnegrin's ship being blasted with lightning and Domina watching the waves, and while she featured in the season and played a role in Finnegrin's aims, the scene itself as portrayed did not come fully to fruition) so I'm gonna go with a more symbolic read, just as as disclaimer.
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Lastly we have these two figures. I'm assuming the one in white is an elf and betting on young Aaravos or Leola, though it could be someone else connected to the Moon arcanum (the elven daughter who vouched for exiling rather than eliminating humanity?). The red and black shadow figure feels far more sinister (blood and stardust, anyone) but if you lighten the shadows, you get something even more... interesting, shall we say.
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Rather than standing up straight, this figure almost seems to swoop down with a draconic like claw and a face that reminds me the most of Sir Sparklepuff's features, honestly, perhaps boasting a similar kind of blood (Viren's) and star (Aaravos) and dark magic (the staff?). It is also clearly moving toward the more humanoid figure on the bottom right, which gives a "corruption is reaching / coming for / offering things to you" sort of vibe.
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Pairing: Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
Slot:“Why should I trust you?” “You shouldn’t” @v009hj
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“Y/N I need you to gather these items for me” Viren handed you a list.
“New spell?”
“What’s it for?”
“It’s a long story,just bring these items to the room with the mirror” He walked off before you could ask anymore questions. 
The items were relatively easy to find: a piece of fabric along with a needle and thread,a wine glass, a pestle and mortar. The only thing that was somewhat difficult to find was a geode,but thanks to a few connections you got it very quickly. 
You made your way back to the castle only to find out that Viren already left and didn’t tell anyone where he was going. You made your way to the room where he kept that mirror,there was already a table set up so you just put the items there. A sudden draft caused the door to slam shut and everything turned dark. Before you could even use your light spell the mirror suddenly lit up. Carefully you stepped closer,leaning in as if something could jump out,which considering the mirror was originally from Xadia it could be possible. The mirror was like a portal into a beautiful cozy library,you didn’t have time to look closer, you were interrupted by someone walking in. Immediately their head turned towards you,you could move or even look away from them. They stepped closer to the mirror before removing their hood,a star touched elf. You had heard a lot about them but never seen even a painting or picture of one let alone in the flesh. He was beautiful and he could tell,based on how he smirked at you. You noticed how his eyes darted around the room,stopping when he noticed the small table and gestures to it. Before you could even think it through you were following his instructions. 
The reality of it all struck you when he asked you to add some of your blood. You quickly grabbed a pen and paper,since you couldn’t hear him.
“Why should I trust you?” You held up the paper,he moved his hand like he was writing on the air. Letters forming as he wrote them,glowing brightly. 
“You shouldn’t” There was a brief pause before he continued “But I know you will,because your curiosity’s already gotten you this far” He was completely right,you wanted to know more. He smirked as he noticed the blood dripping down your hand and into the small dow,blue dust and smoke coming out as your blood went in. He did the same,drawing some of his own blood. Suddenly you felt a chill down your spine before you heard. “Humans so predictable,you always let your curiosity get the better of you”
“Who are you?”
“My name is Aaravos”
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their-dearest · 2 years
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This tag has been rlly dry recent, so I'd like to contribute to our beloved sparkly man.
Super random Headcanons (sfw & nsfw) below (warning: might be OOC):
His love language? Definitely quality time (giving & receiving) & physical touch
Just imagine reading a book with him, or his teaching you some spells <33 (can't u tell I'm a whore for quality time?).
Braiding & doing his hairstyle <33 Aaravos loves it when his S/O touches him, it makes him feel relax and forget his problems, even if it's just a short while
(I just wanna run my hands to his hair )
I feel like he's pretty good at drawing, to specific, water coloring. Like, have u seen the way he moves his hands? He has the precision for it!
Nickames he'd give to his partner/s: star, starlight, love, my dear (i feel like I'm missing a few more)
He also has the biggest bisexual energy in the show (asides from Harrow lmaoo)
NSFW Oness:
He's def a switch, although he leans on the dom side of things
I have no idea how elves genitalia works/look like, but he does have big 🍆 energy
His tongue isn't just for telling half truths 😏 (I'll let you fill in the gaps)
Grab his horns or hair while he's doing it and he would let out the prettiest moan ever.
Like one of those gaspy moans that sends shivers down your spine.
If he's subby, i feel like he's a brat sub (like he's such a tease fr fr. Weirdly enough, it reminds me of that time where the viewers & Viren 1st see him.)
Anyways that's all, thank you for reading my (partially down bad) headcanons of him! I hope you stay hydrated & drink your meds (if u have 1)!
It may not be obvious at first, but he enjoys a little bit of pain (if yk yk~)
Just not too much or it'll ruin his mood
Also on the topic of kinks, i feel like he doesn't like being restrained or blindfolded
Although it would be a pretty sight
Like he's probably left in that same spot in the mirror for centuries,
It makes him feel helpless, and he hates it.
A weirdly specific one is that If you're someone who's fem, or AFAB, I feel like he has a fantasy of being pegged. (Although he has yet to bring this up since he knows that pegging isn't for everyone.)
Remember the watercolor hc before?
Yea let's elaborate that.
So imagine him teaching u how to paint with watercolor!
Or or!
Even better, if you know different medium, you could paint each other's portraits<33
(kicking & twirling my hair rnn)
I feel like Aaravos also wear a little bit of make up, to be more specific, eye makeup
He'd definitely ace a perfect wing.
This isn't rlly a headcannon, but what shade of lipstick do u think will fit him? (If not lipstick, other lip makeup)
Extra head cannons!
Study dates! Study dates with him!! (*Shakes you like a bag of fries*)
He has a lot of good study tips for uuu
Like he's been studying spells and learning the 6 primal sources for most of his life (probably)
But also he would be observant of your limits
Like homeboy would know your about to have a breakdown before you will.
A wee bit on the angst side of things:
On the topic of arguments
I feel like he would be stubborn on his side of the fight
Like he would be sooo eager to prove that his right
That he might blatantly ignore your side
Although after the argument peaked and both of you decided to give each other space
That's the time where the argument plays in his mind
And where the pieces internally click
Regarding apologizing, of he's the one who's in the wrong, I feel like he'd apologize first.
But if he's the one on the right, he'll probably wait for you to heal up and apologize 1st.
Okai, back to normal hcs!!
Imagine doing each others make-up!
Him doing your eyeliner
You doing his lips make up
(Try not to kiss Aaravos challenge: Impossible)
Random topic about kids (idk, angsty ig?)
I feel like he'd be on the fence about having kids
While yes, he loves you with all of his dark heart
I think he'd have second thoughts about having them, since, yk
He's THE archmage Aaravos
He def has a lot of enemies up his arse
And this is just a specific hc
But I feel like he's afraid that he'll be betrayed by his own kin
Glitter man definitely has some trust issues
It took him a while to warm up to you as a person, and even a longer time as a lover
So perhaps give him some time about the matter,
He might change his mind...
... But only time will tell.
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sarasade · 14 days
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"Thank you to everyone who got me to 100000 likes!"
thanks! I think. No idea if that's a lot or not. People who are responsible for this are prob mostly TDP fans who really, really want to see Viren and Aaravos bang. You've got a great taste<3
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
hii can u write a cuddle session with yuuta?
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Summary: Just a lazy day cuddling and watching The Dragon Prince.
Paring: Yuta x gn!Reader
Word Count: 874
A/N: Thank you for requesting this. I love cuddles with Yuta, he’s just so sweet. I couldn’t help but use the dragon prince as the show they watch while cuddling because it’s one of my favorites right now and if you’ve watched you should understand my comparisons, if you haven’t watched it I highly recommend, it has such diversity and has the same feel as Avatar the Last Airbender, plus there are a bunch of easter eggs for atla because one of the creators was also a writer and producer on Avatar. Anyway, enjoy this lovely piece and let me know what you think. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Dating Yuta has been a dream come true. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and it feels like he understands me better than anyone. It’s almost like he can sense when I’m having a bad day because today he suggested that we skip hanging out with our friends to just stay in and watch one of my favorite shows. So, that's exactly what we are doing right now, we’er cuddled up on my bed with a bowl of skittles on my lap watching The Dragon Prince on netflix.
I just really enjoy laying with him and commenting on the little jokes each character makes or judging Viren for being a horrible father. We also like to try and figure out which character reminds us of each other and our friends, that’s the current debate we are having.
“There is no way Toge is Claudia, if anything he’s Zym. Because one, he can’t talk, and two he likes to cause trouble. I don’t think any of our friends are evil enough to be Claudia.” I said completely flabbergasted that he would insinuate that our best friend would be able to do such horrid things to people and animals.
He laughed and said “I wasn’t saying that because I think he’s evil or something, I was saying it because in the first few seasons Claudia is a complete dork, yeah she sucks for doing dark magic but she does dumb stuff as well. Anyway, now that we have Inumaki picked, who would Maki be? I personally think Rayla is an exact copy of her; they would both roll their eyes and slap someone for being an idiot.”
I chuckled at his defense, “I completely agree. Maki is also too stubborn to ask for help when she really needs it. Panda is Ezran, I will not accept any argument, he understands Toge and encourages his dumb behaviors.” I started with no room for argument.  “Also you are Soren, don't try to fight it, that's my final decision and I'm sticking to it.”
“W-what how am I Soren?” My boyfriend looked at me obviously confused by my statement. “I’m not disagreeing, I’m just curious why you think that.”
“Well for one you both use swords to fight. But most importantly, you are both extremely kind in spite of the fact you have both been through a lot. Soren spent years being gaslite by his father into doing horrible things, and when he tried to make his sister see it she also tried to gaslight him. Once he finally realized his family was doing horrible things he made the hard choice to leave them and change for the better. Now I’m not saying you have the same past but I know you struggled and suffered for a while. Having Rika lash out everytime something even came close to threatening you and not understanding it had to have been difficult, but instead of giving up, you decided to keep fighting and try and make it so no one else has to go through what you did.” I pointed out the major similarities between the two swordsmen. “Also I think you are both adorable.”
He just watched amazed by my reasoning, thinking I was just gonna say it was because they both use swords and are dorks, but no it was like I had thought about this alot. “I-i- Wow, you’ve thought about that a lot haven’t you?” he asked with a light blush.
I smiled up at him. “ Yeah I have, you have been through a lot and I'm proud of you for it. Now the most important question, what character am I?” I asked, trying to see his brain work.
“Oh definitely Bait.” He said confidently as I looked at him in shock.
“Excuse me, I just gave a college dissertation level speech on why I think you are a handsome swordsman, and all I get is a toad.” I said sitting up and turning to fully face him.
“Well yeah you are both adorable when you’re grumpy, both love shiny things, and you have a massive sweet tooth.” He said, defending his choice, reaching to try and pull back to lay with him. I begrudgingly layed back down resting my head on his chest, I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders as he placed a kiss to the top of my head. “Now shush, one of your favorite moments is coming up.”
I just nodded and snuggled closer to his side as I turned to watch as general Amya accidentally ruined her own engagement. I always find it funny, like yeah I get wanting to propose in a flashy way but seriously. Amya is a high ranked general who doesn't seem like someone who enjoys random surprises, what else would you expect to happen ambushing her with what look like flaming whips. I chuckled at the scene before closing my eyes, just enjoying the time I get to spend cuddling Yuta. I whispered a quiet “I Love you” as I drifted off to sleep.
Right as I let sleep take over, I heard Yuta respond with his “I love you too” before we both feel asleep to the sounds of dragons, elves, and magic.
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