#thankfully my mom told them to be quiet but. man </3
thatgirlwithasquid · 3 days
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letters that i can never send
words: 25,571
Chrissy/Tina | Teen and Up Audiences | POV Tina | Ghost Chrissy Cunningham | Letters | Right Person Wrong Time | Unhappy Ending
beyond excited to get to share my fic for @sapphicstevents' stranger things sapphic mini bang!! writing it definitely fought me for a while but i'm really proud of this fic.
so here's the first chapter and a cover i threw together to post it with! the whole fic is up on ao3 here, and @hullomoon has been amazing and created a podfic of the work for anyone interested in listening <3
Chapter 1 : A Pack Of Green Scrunchies
words: 5,739
June 20th, 1986
Dear Chrissy,
I wish I had known you before everything went mad. 
I think I told you that before, but I mean it now more than I meant it then. It feels so crazy to think that we went through school walking past each other in the halls and not even glancing in each other’s direction. I know that I did the same thing to other kids but it still feels impossible.
My mom took me out to the mall the other day—there’s a mall in this town, not like the destroyed one in Hawkins. It’s full of people and stores and it's loud. I didn’t like it. I always used to find it annoying how quiet Hawkins was sometimes, but I hate how loud it is here. There’s too many people talking and smiling and I can’t see them without thinking about how oblivious I was before I met you.
They were selling scrunchies in one of the stores. My mom was looking for a new purse but I stopped to look at them instead. I bought a pack of green ones because they made me think of you. I wonder if that’s what you would smell like; cotton fabric and lingering perfume from my wrist.
I miss you. 
The lights in the hospital waiting room hum with an electric static. Even under all the anxious chatter and background noise of the hospital, it’s the only thing Tina can hear. Well, that and the fading ringing in her ears.
Her hands clench and unclench around the hem of her shirt as she watches the minutes tick by. Beside her, her dad’s leg bounces up and down. She’s not sure if he’s aware of her watching him. The man stares ahead down the crowded hall through the chaos as if her mother will suddenly appear there, good as new.
Tina doesn’t say anything, just reaches out and entwines their fingers, letting out a sigh of relief as her father squeezes her hand back. She needs his strength to lean on. It doesn’t matter that, rationally, Tina knows her mother’s injuries from the earthquake were far from the most severe that came through those hospital doors today.
She’s never been more scared than she was when her dad came stumbling out of the rubble, shirt bloodied and with her mom’s arm over his shoulder to support her weight. Tina had been so frantic that she can’t even remember if her mother had been conscious at that point. She was out cold during the drive to the hospital, though; the sounds of ambulances and firetrucks and police cars responding to the destruction weren’t even enough to break her from her state. Her father had somehow remained stoic then, too.
Thankfully, it’s not too much longer before a nurse lets them visit her mom. After hours of waiting, they’re more than ready to see how she’s doing. 
With all the trouble caused during the disaster, her mom is crammed into a room with other people, separated only by a flimsy curtain. Around them, the relieved reconciliation of other patients and their families fade into the background as Tina reaches her mother’s side and grasps at her hand where it lays atop her blankets. 
IVs poke into her skin and wires trail off to monitors she doesn’t even begin to want to look at. Instead, Tina focuses her gaze on her mom’s weary face. She looks tired, eyes rimmed with dark circles that are only accentuated by the pale colouring of her skin. But she seems okay, all things considered, and Tina sighs out in a relieved whoosh of breath.
The nurse goes over her mom’s condition with her dad, but Tina hardly takes in a word—the moment the nurse confirms that her mom will be okay, she tunes her out entirely. Instead, Tina drinks in the sight of her mom, brushing a careful thumb over her scraped knuckles and almost tearing up when her mom gives her a small smile in return.
Eventually, the nurse hurries off again and Tina’s dad slumps into a chair beside the bed. Tina barely glances his way, too scared to look away from her mom, convinced that if she so much as takes her eyes off her, something terrible will happen again.
“Tina,” her mom sighs. “I’m okay. You don’t need to look so worried.”
Tina shakes her head.
“I was so scared,” she manages, voice cracking under the tears she spent so long suppressing. They finally rush down her face in a flood of emotion, tasting salty where they converge in the corners of her mouth.
“Oh, baby,” her mom says, voice softening. “It’s going to be okay now, okay? Why don’t you go and get some rest, you look exhausted.”
Tina can’t help but laugh at that, an ironic, choking thing. “I look exhausted?”
“Well,” her mom smiles before shifting slightly and doing her best to smother a wince. “I’m already laying down and getting rest. I’m more worried about you.”
Guilt stabs Tina’s heart like a blade. Her mom’s the one in a hospital bed, with doctors and nurses hovering around outside to help if needed, and yet Tina’s the one acting like the world’s weighing down on her shoulders. It’s shameful in its own way. 
Tina always thought she was strong enough to be her parents’ equal. She did well enough in school and had plenty of friends; her parents saw how grown up she was and even helped her plan her Halloween parties; her mom told her everything—every annoying thing someone at work said, every snippy little complaint about her dad forgetting to hang the washing out…
And here she is now. Comforting Tina like she’s a little kid in need of a nap and not a seventeen-year-old who should be better than this. So, she shakes her head, plastering on a smile even as her eyes sting with another wave of tears and, admittedly, exhaustion.
Before she can put up much protest, her dad pipes up to agree with her mom. It doesn’t leave enough room for anything more than Tina going along with what they want. Her dad almost follows before he hesitates, catching her mom’s eye. She nods back at him.
“Why don’t you see about finding some dinner for us two? I won’t be far behind you, I just need to have a talk with your mom.”
What is Tina supposed to do about that other than leave? She’s obligated to listen to her parents, even if she wants to stay. Besides, she’s sure she’ll be visiting her mom as often as she can until she’s discharged. 
So, it’s fine. All this is fine.
When she gets to the door, Tina turns and looks back at her parents one last time. With all the other people talking in the room, she can’t make out what her parents are discussing. What she can make out is the way her father’s face pinches into a concerned frown. 
Whatever it is they wanted to talk over without her must be serious. Resigned, Tina sets off in search of the cafeteria. It feels strange, pushing on through crowds of the distraught and the injured. Against her better judgement, her eyes catch and linger on the horror around her. 
Nothing will ever be the same after this, not in Hawkins at least. Too much bad has happened, too much to even let herself think about.
By the time her dad finds her in the cafeteria that evening, the dinner that Tina bought them has long since gone cold.
School doesn’t reopen until a week later—a week filled with funerals and clean up and searching for anyone still buried under the rubble. During that time, Tina recovers what she can from her trashed house to cram into some other girl’s bedroom. She should probably count her lucky stars that its usual inhabitant left for college a year ago, otherwise she would be knocking elbows in this little space—seemingly so much smaller than her own room was.
She longs for home: for her corkboard of polaroids of herself and her friends, for each marker line creeping up her door frame dedicated to a year of her life, for her fuzzy blue blanket, and for so many more little comforts that she had taken for granted. Staying here, in someone else’s bedroom while her dad stays on the pull-out downstairs, makes her feel strangely like a jigsaw piece jammed into the wrong puzzle.
There’s nothing to be done about that, with the roof of her house half-collapsed it’s not like they have much choice other than this. She is grateful that her dad’s work friend—Mr. Daniels—took them in, but that doesn’t stop her longing for what she’s lost.
Returning to class brings back none of the normality she longs for, either. Sure, the cracks in the road outside have been hastily paved over for the most part and the classrooms have been deemed safe to return to despite whatever state the earthquake had left them in, but everything has so clearly shifted…
All Tina sees, everywhere she looks, are the empty seats. The ones from kids whose families fled the town are one thing, one type of grief for the friends she’s not sure she’ll ever see again. The rest are something else entirely, vacant seats that will never be filled; those seats offer no question to their absence in Tina’s life.
So far, she has been to eight funerals. Three of them were some of her best friends. She didn’t sleep the nights after any of those. After the last one, she hasn’t been able to bring herself to attend any more; it turns out that there’s only so many bodies you can handle saying goodbye to within such a short period of time.
Mr. Clarke clears his throat, trying to recapture the forlorn attention of the room. Even he can’t seem to muster a genuine smile so Tina doesn’t know how he expects the students to care about any of this. Honestly, she’s surprised the school has even bothered swapping teachers to fill in for staff absences with how little chance they have at passing their exams after all this. If their grief wasn’t enough, having a teacher so clearly unprepared to deal with older kids isn’t going to help them learn at all.
She remembers Mr. Clarke from middle school and almost, very briefly, feels bad for thinking poorly of him. He’d been a nice enough teacher. She’s sure he’s still nice enough, but she just doesn’t have it in her to care about stuff like that anymore. Not after everything. She’s not sure how she fits into this new, broken version of Hawkins; how the hell should she be able to care about how everyone else fits in?
Slowly, the eyes of the class do raise to the man where he stands, squirming at the front of the room, backdropped by the chalkboard covered in scrawled science Tina hasn’t understood a word of. She can’t help but think that their usual teacher would have explained it in a way that made so much more sense to her.
She doesn’t know if that teacher is one of the leavers or worse.
Everyone sits quietly as Mr. Clarke stumbles his way through telling them about the commemorative assembly that is going to be held in the gym. Both schools will be coming together in a few days time to remember their lost friends, or at least that’s the plan.
Silence hangs in the air for another excruciating moment. Then the whispering finally begins. Names get thrown around, ones Tina is sure must belong to the dead.
“Jason,” someone whispers.
“Carol,” says another.
The whispering gets cut off abruptly by the scraping of a chair as it’s shoved out from under its desk. Some kid launches himself to his feet and stalks out of the room, eyes red-rimmed. Behind him, the classroom door slams shut on a spluttering Mr. Clarke.
Whispers start up again in the wake of his sudden departure. This time, Tina tunes them out. Instead, she sets her thoughts adrift, steering away from anything too dour to think on. She doesn’t want to deal with this today. They’ve only been back at school for a day. 
She isn’t ready for this yet. It doesn’t feel like there has been nearly enough time for any of them to come to terms with this. How the hell are they going to get through these last two months of school and—
Blinking back to her senses, Tina looks up, across the lunch table and to whoever called her name. It’s Vicki, looking at her with wide, concerned eyes. She probably should be concerned, Tina can only vaguely recall walking to the cafeteria, she’d been so trapped in her own mind.
“Sorry, what did you say?” she asks.
It’s just the two of them, perched on the edge of a sparsely populated table. Their group used to be a lot bigger.
“I—” Vicki starts, hesitates, and then leverages a painfully forced smile onto her face. “I asked if you figured out what you wanted to do at college yet.”
She wants to wince, to cringe away from the inane topic. It makes her feel sick to pretend that everything is normal. People died, other people got hurt, the town is a mess. Why would they be worrying about stuff like this as if it means anything at all anymore?
“I don’t know. With my mom in the hospital everything’s changed. I haven’t had time to think about it.”
Vicki squirms uncomfortably at her confrontational tone, looking chastised. It makes her deflate a little, feeling suddenly very cruel. Just because Tina doesn’t know how to play at being normal, doesn’t mean she has to be such an ass to her friend over it. She still cares about her and being a bitch is only going to drive a wedge between them. It’s not like she has many friends left after everything, either.
Her hands tremble in her lap and she shakes them out as if that might banish some of her simmering nerves. It doesn’t. With a tense kind of control, Tina pushes up to her feet. Vicki’s eyes swivel up to her, surprised by the abrupt shift.
“Bathroom,” Tina chokes out, trying to tamper down the frustration in her voice.
“Tina…” Vicki starts but Tina is already walking away.
The lighting in the bathroom is dingy and off-putting, and yet the electric buzzing of those fluorescents still puts her in mind of sterile hospital walls. Her mom’s been making a great recovery, she reminds herself. She’ll be home before she knows it. Maybe then everything will start going back to normal.
The porcelain basin of the sink stares, glaringly white up at her as she leans over, splashing her face with metallic-tasting water from the old taps. Her ragged breaths send speckles of water back into it as it drips in trails down her face. She’s probably smudged her makeup now, and it didn’t even help at all.
With a choked sob, Tina turns her face upwards, meeting the paled expression of her reflection; eyes wide, droplets of water clinging to mascara-tinted lashes. But that’s not all she sees.
A sick feeling of horror settles deep in her stomach as she notices something from the corner of her eye—something hovering behind her, in the corner of the bathroom. The room had been empty when she came in. Heart hammering, startled by being snuck up on, Tina whirls around to see—
Just an empty, dingy, school bathroom. The green doors of toilet stalls stare back at her impassively as she clutches a hand to her chest, willing her racing pulse to settle.
It was nothing. It was her mind playing tricks on her. It had to be nothing. Because if not, how could she explain that fleeting glimpse of the ghost of Chrissy Cunningham?
Tina’s pen taps restlessly against the Daniels’ kitchen table, the only sound in the eerily silent house.
Sharing a living space with another family comes with all the chaos one would expect, with each of their routines clashing loudly and incompatibly as they stumble around each other each morning and night. And yet the quiet moments like this are almost worse, when everyone is out working or visiting the hospital or whatever else it is these people do. Aside from Tina, it’s empty. Abandoned, almost, like the rest of this god-forsaken ghost town.
She scratches a frustrated line through her pitiful homework attempt and pushes it away across the table, out of sight and out of mind as she stares distractedly out the window. The chair she sits on creaks as she leans to the side, trying to look out into the street. Usually at this time of the evening, kids would be running around, excited and playing in the warm spring air. Usually parents would be seen and heard, trying to cajole their kids inside for whatever they had cooked up or ordered in for dinner.
Tonight, there is nothing but a creeping sunset that paints the sky a dull pink, like drops of blood diluted in a lake of blue. There is no one finding time to play, and no one enjoying a peaceful evening, and Tina’s parents aren’t here. It’s just her, alone with her anxious mind.
She should be at the hospital, trying her best to be there for her dad and checking in on her mom. But going there again and again felt like poisoning herself, losing herself in worry that would set her heart pounding and mind spiralling. It doesn’t matter to her scared brain that she knows her mom is doing much better, she still can’t help but feel sick with worry.
And she’s so tired. It makes visiting her mom so difficult because her mom gives her this pitiful, concerned look whenever she sees her like this. Tina just can’t take that; being a burden to her parents instead of a place of support. They have nothing to be worried about, really. It— She’s just tired…
She can’t sleep with worrying about if something happened to her mom in the night, or if another earthquake might come to completely level this damn town. And what’s more, her mind hasn’t been able to stray far from the thought of what she saw—or what she thinks she saw—in that damn bathroom. Any time her mind has a chance to wander, her thoughts get inevitably dragged back to that sight.
She had only glimpsed her for a fleeting moment but that had been enough. Enough to see the shape of blood splatters on her cheer uniform and the inhuman pallor of her skin… Now, every sound—every creaking shift of this unfamiliar house, every car driving by, every sudden noise—leaves her jumping, expecting to see something horrific around her as if she’s being tormented by some twisted apparition. She hates it.
She should know better than this, she doesn’t even believe in ghosts! Whatever she saw must just be a trick of the mind. And yet.
With a frustrated groan, Tina pushes her chair out from the table and stands. Sitting around like this is doing her no good, either. It’s like she can’t escape any of this worry for even a second. Or, at least, she can’t when crammed into too-small rooms that have no space for the shape of her grief.
Her loaned keys chime against each other as she snatches them from the countertop. She just needs to get out of the house, walk around and clear her head. Maybe then all this anxiety can start to dissipate and the memory of that hallucination will fade.
Locking the door behind her, Tina wanders off in whatever direction her feet decide to take her. 
The air is clear outside and she hopes that might ease some of the tension that she has been holding, coiled and aching, within her. It’s hard to remember that she doesn’t need to be prepared for something awful to happen, because chances are nothing will.
She wishes she believed that.
Every time she blinks back to awareness, she finds herself on a different stretch of road that she can’t recall making the conscious choice to head to. This walk clearly isn’t doing anything for her. Clear her mind? What a ridiculous idea. How the hell could a place as fucked up as Hawkins bring her any relief, no matter where she might go or what she might do? It’s like the only thing her body knows how to do here anymore is to run on autopilot—to keep her body moving as her thoughts keep on spiralling.
She stills, taking a frustrated breath and at least trying to keep track of where she’s ended up. Her eyes scan her surroundings, taking note of how the efforts to fix up the town haven't reached this far yet, great deep cracks still clear and precariously crisscrossing the roads, splitting the asphalt open to reveal the exposed bowels of the earth.
It’s not something she’s that surprised by. Ahead of her, the road turns off into the trailer park. It makes sense that no one has prioritised fixing up things around here. With the abandoned yellow streamers of police tape, catching and glinting in the golden hour, it’s only too easy to remember what happened here all too recently.
Tina cringes at the sight of them, dancing in the gentle breeze like they don’t know what they mean. Like they don’t know a girl was massacred inside that place. Still, she can’t quite tear her eyes away. For a long, breathless moment, she just stares, caught in the bone-deep wrongness of that place. And then, like ice slithering down her spine, a stomach-churning feeling of horror settles upon her. It takes a hold in her chest before she even realises the cause of it.
Just barely visible from this far away, lingering in the window of the Munson’s trailer, is the shape of a person, standing stock-still. The longer she stares, breaths shallow and fast under the weight of that settling dread, the more the distant shape seems to resemble a girl, its silhouette becoming more convincingly feminine as that agonising second draws out longer and longer, running on forever as her gaze refuses to budge from the sight.
It’s like time has stopped. 
Tina doesn’t realise she’s stepping away until her feet scuff against the uneven ground and she nearly loses her balance. That, at least, is enough to break her out of her trance even if the terror sinking into her stomach refuses to dissipate; she rips her gaze away from the trailer as if burned. It feels like the shape of that figure is scorched into her retina now.
Unwilling to look back at that window, Tina runs.
Sitting through the commemorative assembly in the school’s gymnasium is like pulling teeth. Every word jars her, striking through with pained awareness of how overcrowded the room is playing host to two schools and yet not nearly as crowded as it should be.
She feels like an exposed nerve, too vulnerable for this. Her eyes burn with exhaustion and the threat of tears.
At some point she stops listening entirely, too mentally overwhelmed as she tries not to think about anything at all if it will get the ringing in her ears to stop. As she looks down at her hands, the shadows cast by the lines of her palms form a dark echo of the blood and grime she remembers from that day. She had to trim her nails as short as she could to get rid of the last traces of it.
When they’re finally dismissed, the end of the speeches coinciding with the end of the school day, Tina lingers behind at a shout of her name.
Waving over at her from through the dispersing crowd is Vicki. There are strained creases around the corners of her eyes as she weaves her way to meet Tina but she valiantly keeps a smile in place, something more than Tina can say for herself.
“You want to tag along with me? I’m heading to meet Samantha, she snuck some of her parents' booze in all the confusion so we’re going to meet up and let off some steam.”
“Samantha Stone?” Tina clarifies. “Since when do you hang around with Samantha?”
Vicki scoffs. “Since almost everyone else is gone.”
Tina presses her lips together to keep the sudden roll of nausea at that blasé statement at bay. Vicki seems to pick up on it, her expression dimming marginally with her concern, but she chooses not to question it. Instead, she strides on, head held high.
“Anyway, we all have people’s memories to drink to. I cannot deal with the aftermath of that stupid assembly while sober. So, you coming or what?”
Tina takes a steadying breath and follows. After all, it’s not like she’s got any better ideas. 
The crowd that gathers at the edge of the school’s field is a mishmash of different people, most of whom Tina has only ever seen around each other in the classroom or at her own parties. They seem to clump together uncertainly, stilted conversations offered between each other about inane topics that Tina doesn’t have the energy to entertain.
Regardless, she loiters around with the group, accepting whatever drinks get thrust into her hand and taking great gulps to avoid joining any conversations. Listening is more than enough, if you can even class what she’s doing as listening. 
Everyone else, at least, seems on the same page about getting shit-faced. As the hours creep by, shoulders finally start to slump and the group gets rowdier the drunker they get. Bottles are uncapped with grandiose claims of them being in honour of someone who couldn’t be there with them.
Silently, Tina raises her own drink, the faces of her friends flashing in her minds’ eye. 
At some point, Vicki leaves her place at Tina’s side. She looks up to see her, arms interlocked, with Samantha and laughing the way she only does when she’s really tipsy. For a second, Tina considers going over to talk to them, but when she gets up from her spot on the bench her body feels clumsy and uncoordinated. It’s probably better that she stays here, leaning against the seat for support.
There’s another kid who could probably benefit from the same. He’s pale aside from a splotchy flush to his cheeks as he stumbles ungainly out from the tree line.
“Didn’t get lost taking a piss then?” his friend taunts as he wobbles his way back over to their side.
“I think I just saw a ghost,” he says in a daze.
Everyone laughs at that. Tina tries not to think at all.
The sun is creeping towards the horizon and Tina is far too many drinks in when the nausea finally hits her. It feels like a physical thing, crawling its way up her throat.
“Shit,” she gasps, floundering up onto her feet at last and heading blindly into the trees. At least there she might have just a smidge more privacy in her shame.
Her sneakers shuffle over uneven earth, hesitant at first until the need to puke becomes too much and she hurries further along, with all the uncoordinated grace she can muster. Knees meet the ground and an arm braces against a tree as she sucks in deep breaths. They slowly soothe the sickness away. In the end, she’s not sure if it’s better or worse that she didn’t actually vomit.
Head still hazy, she looks up and widens her awareness back to her surroundings.
“You have got to be kidding me,” she says, clambering back to her feet, as she spots them.
It’s a girl. It’s too far away to be sure but she looks to be dressed in a cheer uniform, at least from what Tina can see. The girl is curled around herself, sitting with her back against a tree and her head in her hands.
This could be it. This could be that same hallucination. 
Tina should just go—whether or not this is real, she just needs to leave it alone. If this is just some other student from their drunken group, then her crying is none of Tina’s business. Hell, she’s had to step away for private moments herself and it’s not the sort of thing you want to be walked in on. And if this is Chrissy, then… Well, then that doesn't bode well to think about.
Leaves and twigs crunch underfoot, stealing any stealth she might have managed, as Tina approaches. Not like it matters, the girl doesn’t react at all, as if she can’t even hear her.
The closer she gets the less she can deny it. That strawberry-blonde hair, held back from her face by a green scrunchie; that small stature; the familiar cheer uniform, speckled with somehow still-red blood… She may not have known Chrissy personally, but Tina had certainly seen her around enough to be able to recognise her.
She slows to a stop, looking down at the figure of her. From here she can see that her head isn’t actually in her hands. She’s covering her ears, muttering something under her breath that Tina can’t quite make out without getting closer.
Tina’s mouth opens to speak but she finds it suddenly dry, her throat barren. She clears her throat, the sound perversely loud in the atmosphere around her.
“Chrissy?” she manages finally, voice little more than a whisper.
Chrissy’s head snaps up to look at her, eyes wide and frantic. Her whole body tenses, posture coiling and shifting as if she’s preparing to bolt, and for a moment Tina feels that same need to flee echoed in herself. Neither of them do.
Tearful, blue eyes take in Tina’s face before some of the fight seems to drain from her, slumping infinitesimally against the tree behind her. Tina, though, doesn’t relax and her alcohol slowed mind fumbles to come to grips with the sight before her.
Chrissy, where she sits in the leaves and dirt and forest debris, is so pale. Every so often, the very vision of her seems to flicker in Tina’s sight, as if the girl herself were not fully corporeal… trapped between this world and the next.
“Are… Are you real?” Chrissy breathes, voice small and broken.
The irony of that startles a laugh from Tina before she can help it. 
Shouldn’t she be the one asking that? Chrissy is the dead girl out of the two of them. If either of them should be mistrusting their minds right now, it should be Tina. Because if ghosts aren’t real, as Tina had always believed so strongly, then how can Tina be facing this right now?
“Am I real?” she scoffs, voice bordering on hysterical. “You’re the dead girl here.”
“What?” Chrissy asks in that same crushed tone.
“You’re dead,” Tina tells her, because what else is there to say?
Somehow, Chrissy seems to pale further, as if blood was rushing away from her non-existent face.
“No. N-no. I’m not, I can’t be. What are you talking about?”
“You died. In the Munsons’ trailer.”
“You’re lying. I’m right here—I can’t be—” Chrissy’s voice becomes shrill and stricken with panic before an anger steals over her features. “This isn’t funny. What kind of joke is that? I just—I need to get home.”
Tina scoffs, almost disbelieving, and steadies her swaying against a low-hanging branch.
“I went to your funeral. You’re dead. And I must be going crazy…”
The last part comes out half as a laugh, half as a sigh. It’s a fact she’s resigned herself to uncomfortably quickly, but what other explanation could there be? People don’t just see visions of dead girls sitting around and telling them they can’t be dead if they’re not mad.
Chrissy’s expression glazes over, seeming to be lost in her own mind as a fresh wave of tears give a new shine to those mournful eyes.
“You’re lying,” she says again, but this time she sounds more defeated than accusing, like it makes sense to her even if she doesn’t want it to be true.
Or Tina’s mind thinks Chrissy shouldn’t want it to be true—if Chrissy’s ghost actually was in front of her, that is. But she isn’t, because that would be preposterous. She’s just had too much to drink, and she’s been feeling paranoid, and it’s not as if she’s been able to rest since all of this began.
She doesn’t know why she’s indulging this in the first place. 
Her mouth opens to say something to that effect. Surely she has some smartass comment about it all, but all that remains in her mind are the wispy impressions of the thought as she tries her best to reorient herself. In the end, she gets nothing out before a voice calls out for her. 
Damn, she’s been out here for too long. She’s not even really sure how much time has slipped away without her notice between her leaving the gathering and ending up where she stands now.
Right, that decides it, she’s leaving. This—all of this—is something she doesn’t want any part in. Not ghosts, or hallucinations, or whatever any of this is and certainly not while she’s drunk. There are a thousand more important things she could be worrying about, she chides herself as she turns on her heel and sets her eyes on the way back. In fact, she’s mid-step when a feeble voice calls out for her.
“Please, don’t go. I’m scared to be alone…”
Tina pauses, her heart pounding.
“I need to get back,” she says; to herself, because there is no one else there. 
For a moment, Chrissy is quiet. Tina almost thinks the hallucination has finally dissipated when she speaks up again.
“Will you come back?”
Tina’s heart stutters in her chest. This isn’t real. None of this is real. She turns to look behind her and Chrissy is gone, not even a trace of her to be seen. 
“Yeah,” Tina replies, the words mumbled to herself, as she finally unsticks her feet from the ground to return to the group. 
chapter 2
15 notes · View notes
fitzselfships · 21 days
Sensory overload ooough Zooble save me
1 note · View note
dandelion-blues · 6 months
#3 What if...
Garmadon becomes aware that Misako abandoned Lloyd when he was still at Darkly's?
Lloyd knew from a young age that he wasn’t normal. That glowing red eyes and long, sharp canines were inhuman, but they also brought him close to his father.
After all, it was the skulkins that worked at Darkly’s School for Bad Boys that told him (well in not so quiet whispers he happened to overhear) that they thought Lord Garmadon was looking at them when Lloyd peered at them with his red eyes. However, that’s where much the similarities ended, for no evil warlord was a short eight year old boy with a bowl-cut. However much he tried to imitate his father from the terrified rumors he heard of him, he always fell short. He couldn’t be an evil genius, or a merciless warrior, or a cruel warlord because he was too good, but what could they know? He was going to rule by his father’s side and they would bow before him someday.
“Muwahahahaha,” Lloyd laughs evilly.
‘Then, the other students and teachers would fear me for my power and respect me as my father’s son. They would stop calling me a monster, or else they would pay!’ Lloyd thinks practicing his evil laugh some more.
‘But then if I hurt others would I finally be a monster on the inside too if I did that?’ Lloyd thinks. ‘No, thinking of others is bad! That’s how I failed my Bad Ethics 101 class!’
‘Ugh, that’s not important, what’s important is delivering this letter, no message, to my dad.’
Lloyd scrambles down the hallway quickly trying to avoid the other students, lest he’ll be on the bad end of a vicious prank. Lloyd had burning questions, no missives, he needed answered! Missives he hoped would get answered on this letter:
Dear Lord Garmadon,
This is Lloyd Garmadon your son and future right hand man to your dark empire! I was just wondr wand thinking if I could skip school and come work with you now. Now I no I am only 8, but I have a lot of pott potanc potencial, and would love like to start working with you!
Oh and I have your red eyes! And fangs! Does your skin ever feel really itchy too? Like your um too big or is it too small? I don’t now but I think you get it, cause you now every thing.
But if you no every thing why didn't you ever come see me?
I’m sure whoever my mom is left me here so I could work with you when I gradate, but I want to start now and I am ready. I was left here at 3 so I had lots more time to learn and prak practa practice being evil than the others. So please please let me work with you!
Love From Lloyd Garmadon,
Son of the Super Evil Lord Garmadon
and Future Dark Ruler
Lloyd spent the whole day in the library perfecting his letter. He wanted it to be perfect. Thankfully, he knew how to read and spell somewhat well, but the teachers never thought learning how to read or write beyond the minimum was that important.
But Lloyd finished his letter, and it was finally ready to be delivered to his dad. He just hoped that his dad would answer, and even better if he could get out of this school and work with his father!
Lloyd clutched the letter carefully as if it was his most prized possession, and hurried to the mailroom. After all, even evil kids have parents and guardians and need a way of sending things to and from the school.
The letter has grammar and spelling mistakes on purpose, but I felt it necessary to include, as I feel that Lloyd hasn’t had the most well-rounded education, not to mention that I sure didn’t spell too well when I was 8 either.
Needless to say, this letter does reach Garmadon, and he is furious with Misako. He will do whatever it takes to take care of his son since apparently no one else will!
First - Previous - Next "What if...?"
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scarisd3ad · 6 months
Superstar | football player!Joel miller x popstar!reader
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Chapter six - obsessed
Previous >> next
Warnings - mentions of sex, cursing, body image talk, insecurity
Summary - when you find out about a certain football player showing up at your tour you decide to reach out just because of all the dating rumors, but what if thoughs rumors turn into reality?
A/N - it’s finally here, sorry for it being so late! But now that I’ve gotten this out of the way I’m aiming for the first chapter of jump then fall to be out sometime next week! re posting this chapter because my computer deleted the edited copy and I didn't notice till months after it had been published.
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The next day I woke up with an empty imprint of where Ollie had been sleeping, Joel's arms wrapped around me in a comforting hold, and about 5 million notifications. Mostly notifications from being tagged in posts and stories, but there were some from friends and family too. Like one from Tara with a screenshot of a 'TMZ' article titled 'popstar y/n l/n photographed with new boyfriend Dallas Cowboys star football player Joel Miller on a post-game drive' paired with a dramatic open-mouthed emoji. I rolled my eyes and sent back a 'stfu' before dropping my phone back onto the mattress.
I turned, hearing the bed frame creak quietly as I admired Joel's sleeping figure. He was lying on his stomach with one arm lazily wrapped around me. His hair was messy, but he still somehow looked flawless. Joel stirred as his phone, which lay on the nightstand on top of his wireless charger, began to ring. It flashed a few times, showing off a picture of his mother and him paired with the contact's name 'momma'. Unfortunately, the phone stopped ringing before Joel could fully wake up, letting him fall back into sleep.
"Joel," I whispered as I took my hand that wasn't tucked underneath myself to shake him. He groaned, his eyes not even opening as he hummed a quiet "What?" as his arm that was once lazily wrapped around me pulled me closer. "When's your mom 'sposed to drop the girls off?" I whispered as his head ducked into the crook of my neck, pressing lazy kisses to the length of it. "Dunno. She has a key. She'll let them in when they get here." My neck muffled his voice as he took a small chunk of neck flesh into his mouth and began to suck at it. "Joel," I giggled as I pushed him away, "can't leave marks, can't have any of that at any of my shows." He rolled his eyes as he pressed his lips to mine.
We were interrupted by the sound of childlike giggles running up the stairs. "Speak of the devil," Joel chuckled as he sat up, preparing to greet his girls. The door was thrown open, revealing Sarah and Ellie. "Daddy!" both squealed as they launched themselves into the bed. "We had pancakes for dinner last night!" Sarah said as she leaned her head against her father's chest. Both girls excitedly told their father what they had done with their grandparents the previous night as he took turns pressing kisses to each one's forehead. I felt like I didn't belong during moments like this, family bonding. I wasn't their mother who could sit back fondly watching with a small smile. I was just some stranger lying in their father's bed. They hardly knew me, and I hardly knew them. Thankfully, a call from my mother was able to whisk me away.
"Hi Mom," I said, standing in the bathroom, phone pressed to my ear as I stared into the mirror. "How are you doing?" she asked, her voice low as if she was trying not to wake someone. "Fine...I'm doing fine." I had another 3 shows in Houston next weekend, so that weekend and that entire week were just about relaxation and mentally preparing for my next 3 shows, which were very physically and mentally demanding sometimes. "Your dad saw you on TV last night. He got real excited seein' you." I wished every older man in his 50s felt like that about me right now. Almost every man from the ages of 16 to 70 was pissed off at me cause they 'saw me too much' last night. I wished I didn't let it get to me, but it did. I put up this strong front like no one's able to hurt my feelings but everything they were saying about me did because, for some odd reason, men thought not liking me meant they were allowed to call me a slut and threaten to kill me if I showed up the next game. I was just glad Joel hadn't seen them yet. "Yeah?" I let out an awkward cough. "Yeah...your dad and I are trying to make it up to Houston next weekend. Dad wants to see you perform again." I smiled, though my father never understood one thing about my interest in music and songwriting, he was always my biggest supporter. "Really?"
"Y/n can you hurry up? I've really got to pee!" I heard Ellie shout from outside the door as my mother asked, "Where are you?" I sighed, unlocking the door and letting Ellie rush in as I rushed out. "Um Joel's house...but I've gotta go, alright? Love you."
I walked back into Joel's bedroom. Both girls were now gone, leaving their father alone to scroll Twitter and find out for himself what was the trending hashtag of the day. #fucky/n. How original. How old were they? This was all immature, coming mostly from men over the age of 20. He was looking down at his phone, brows furrowed in a scowl, finger still swiping. He heard my footsteps and looked up, letting out a quiet "oh." I sighed, arms wrapping around my body. "Who was that?" he asked. "My mom," I replied as I walked over to the bed and took a seat. "You don't gotta go to any of my games again...if you don't want to," he whispered. His head cocked to the side as my brows furrowed. He interpreted my sense of confusion as an answer and said, "Y/N, you're getting death threats."
I shrugged my shoulders. "I've been getting them for the last 5 years. I normally just ignore them." He sighed loudly as if he didn't understand my way of thinking, before changing the subject. "You stayin' for breakfast?" I shook my head. "No. Gotta studio session this morning..." Joel nodded. "Can you keep Ollie for a few hours? The session is early and I'm not gonna have enough time to drop him off at home."
I was in my car, driving down the freeway when I got a call from Will. I had met William early on in my music career. For years, Will and I had been writing music together for his albums and mine, and sometimes even a duet here and there.
"you're late," he said, his voice almost drowned out by the sound of a few people in the background. "I know, sorry. Got held up at Joel's." I could almost hear the eye roll through the phone. Will wasn't the biggest fan of my past boyfriends. It had started with Will hating Andy; he must've seen the red flags before I did. Then he hated Harry because of his reputation of being a 'womanizer', and then there was Tom who he hated simply because he could practically see through him. And now the tradition had gone on to Joel. He didn't have a reason to hate Joel yet, but he'd find one eventually, he always did. "I know, I know, alright. I'll be there in like 5 minutes, okay?"
"Alright, okay, see you in 5," he hung up the phone, leaving me to drive the rest of the way to the studio in silence.
When I get to the studio, a crowd of paparazzi is outside the door waiting for me, and Will is standing by the door, holding it open for me. Will's hair is a lively shade of blonde, and it falls in abundant, floppy locks that twist into gentle curls at the ends. His glasses, while stylish, are slightly oversized for his face, and they add a charming touch of quirkiness to his appearance. His voice is deep, and carries a prominent british accent, which seems to contrast with his facial features. "morning," he says with a nod as I walk into the studio, letting the door slam shut behind me. "Got anything prepared?" he asks as we walk down to the studio we had booked for the day. "A little thought you could help me finish the rest," I say as Will pushes the door open, letting me walk in first before he does.
"Alright, let me hear it," he says as he sits beside a bunch of sound equipment. I unlock my phone and open the voice memo app before playing the most recent voice memo, ' Sparks fly? ' From a few nights ago.
The voice memo starts with me playing guitar before I start the first lyric, "The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm, and I'm a house of card. You're the kind of reckless that should send me running, but I kinda know that I won't get far," will nods as he pauses the memo before unpausing it and letting it play the rest through "and you stood there in front of me, just close enough to touch. Close enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinking of. Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile. Get me with those brown eyes, baby, as the lights go down. Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around. Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile," The memo ends, and will look over at me.
"Kay, I like it. What were the cords you were playing?" shit, I hadn't written them down like I usually did before studio sessions. "Um fuck, I don't know...I think I played A, F, C, and G? Maybe those," he picks up his guitar that had been discarded beside him and begins to play almost identically to how I was in the memo. "Aright was the end the chorus?" I nod a quiet "mhm." "Alright, you got anything else?" I nod before saying, "Yeah, keep on playing." He continues playing his guitar, trying to fill in the missing pieces to continue on the song's instrumental part. "My mind forgets to remind me, your bad idea. You touch me once and it's really something. You find that I'm even better than you imagined I would be. I'm on guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good." 
We finished off the rest of the song, tweaking some lyrics here and there and even recording the music before we decided to head out. I'm in my car driving by 11:30 when I get a call. The caller ID shows up on the screen on my dashboard. Joel <33. I answered the phone call, and Joel immediately started talking. "Hey baby, what you doin'?" he asks. I can hear him inhaling and puffing out air, letting me know he's probably out on his back porch smoking a cigarette. "Driving. Whatcha need?" he sighs out "nothin' really. Just wanted to know if you want to stay for dinner t'night" I laugh as my car comes to a slow stop at a red light. "Yeah, sure, what you guys havin' tonight?"
"Probably pizza doesn't feel like cooking. The girls will be happy with that," he says, punctuating his sentence with a loud inhale before a matching exhale a few seconds later. "So, how long do you think you'll be?" I hum, pondering a bit as I hit the gas, following after the car in front of me. "maybe 7 minutes? I'm a few lights away," I say. I hear him slide open his sliding glass door and presumably walk inside. "Alright, I'll let you go and Rangle up these kids before you get here. See ya in a bit." The almost piercing beeps as he hangs up fill my ears before my phone begins playing the song it had been playing before Joel's call. 
7 minutes later, I pulled up in front of Joel's house to see him sitting on the porch, cigarette hanging from his mouth, while the girls sat on the driveway drawing with chalk. I chose to park on the street so I wouldn't disturb Sarah and Ellie. I leave the car, shoving my phone into one pocket. "y/n!" Sarah leaps up from the pavement, dropping the chalk stick in her hand before running towards me. Tiny arms wrap around my body as she hugs me. "Are you staying for dinner? Daddy ordered pizza," she says excitedly as Joel walks up behind her. "Go on and play with your sister, Babygirl. Let me and y/n talk, alright?" Sarah pulls away, nodding, before running back towards her sister.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says before pressing a short but sweet kiss to my lips. "Pizza'll be here in about 10 minutes. I ordered it right after I hung up with you," he says as he places the cigarette he had pulled from his lips a few seconds ago, slotting it against his upper and lower lip. I nod as I lean into his body. "How was your thing," he asks, arm wrapping around my waist as we walk back towards his front porch. "good," I reply simply as he unwraps his arm around my waist and sits down. Somehow, being in a relationship with Joel Miller was so easy I forgot how my life used to be. My entire world now revolved around football games, touring, Joel, and his girls. I almost forgot that 3 months ago, I was still rotting in my bed, sobbing over the ending of a relationship I thought was going to be forever. The moment I took one step into Joel's life, I was sucked in and hoped to God I'd never be pushed out.
"y/n! can you come draw with us?" Sarah asks from her spot on the pavement. I look at Joel, giving him a look that almost asks, 'Is that okay?' he nods, saying, "Go, we'll talk later." I walk over and sit beside Sarah on the still-hot Texas pavement. Ellies sat across from us, so deep into her drawing that she didn't even look up to greet me. Her knees are scratched up, probably from the pavement, and her forearms and hands are covered in different dusty chalk colors. "Look at my drawing," Sarah says, pointing at a larger drawing to her right. 4 stick-figured people, 3 female, one male, and one stick-figured cat, are drawn to the left of the smaller stick-figured humans. Each is labeled 'Daddy,' 'y/n,' 'Sarah,' 'Ellie,' and 'Ollie.' I almost want to cry at how adorable it is. She smiles up at me, so proud of her work. I wanted to take a picture but decided to take one later.
I want to stay here forever, or at least have something similar to this forever. Joel sat puffing on his cigarette a few inches away, admiring from afar as I interacted with his children. Interactions that make him wish he could have met me first. Before the Barbara's, or Annas. Interactions that make me wish he was the man I met 7 years ago on a red carpet, wishing I hadn't spent 7 years delusionally praying for a ring from a man who fell less and less in love with me every day.
A car with a bright red and white Papa John's logo attached to the top pulls into the driveway. It's almost like the girls have a routine for pizza nights. They both jump up, leaving the chalk on the sidewalk and run into the house, squealing, "Pizza!!" as Joel snuffed out his cigarette against the pavement before walking up to the young brunette man with a wad of cash. I, similarly to the girls, discard the chalk on the pavement and walk inside. I wash my hands before meeting the two girls at the table. Their father already passing out slices. 
"Cheese or pepperoni, Ellie?" Joel asks. Ellie, who sits up on her knees in the chair, says, "Both!" he shakes his head. "Nope, you won't eat it all, one or none. El's pick one," she pouts as her arms cross over her chest. "Peperoni," she mumbles under her breath as she sits back down on her butt. Joel nods before placing a slice of pepperoni pizza onto a red plastic plate and sliding it over to her. "Cheese," Sarah says before her father even asks her.
My elbows are on the table, and a half-eaten cheese pizza sits before me. This is something taken straight out of a movie, with the family sitting at the table casually talking about each other's days. Sarah told her dad about the funny joke her grandfather had told her last night. Joel chuckles, recalling the same joke being told to him more than 20 years ago when he was her age. It all felt so surreal. How could I be a part of this? I met these people less than 3 months ago and am already at family dinners. Sometimes, it makes me feel insecure; at moments, the thought of feeling so left out because this is not my family, even though I'm sitting at their family dinner. He's my boyfriend, but these are his children, not mine; I've known these people for less than 3 months and have only been actually dating Joel for one of those months.
Three loud, sharp knocks at the front door pull me from my thoughts. Joel sighed, dropping his slice of pizza before getting up and mumbling about how he'd 'be right back.' The dining room is silent as we hear Joel's hushed voice whispering to whoever is on the other side of the door. Sarah stood up slowly, walking over to the doorway so she could get a look at whoever was at the door. Ellie follows as usual. Monkey see, monkey do. A loud sequel-like shout makes me get up just in time to see Sarah running to the woman standing at the door. "Mommy!" 
She looks like Sarah, with similar but tighter dark curls and a slightly darker complexion. She is beautiful. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail, and though she's only wearing a tee shirt and jeans, she pulls it off fabulously. Though there seems to be not even one wrinkle on her face, I can tell she's closer in age to Joel than I'll ever be. Joel stood at the door uncomfortably as Sarah hugged her mother.
She's tall and thin, thinner than I'd ever thought about being. I could tell she was a model not only because of her stature but also because I'd seen her online. Probably an Instagram account, though I can't recall what platform I saw her on. "how've you been, sarbear?" she asks as she hugs her daughter tightly. "good," Sarah giggles as she steps away from her mother. The woman's eyes now fall to Ellie. "Hey Ellie, how have you been" Ellie shrugs from behind me. Being her usual Ellie self when it comes to people she doesn't know well.
Joel tilts his head almost as if he's saying, 'Come here.' I comply, walking over to him with Ellie trailing close behind. Joel wraps his arm around my waist as the woman's eyes fall on me. She looks me up and down about 2 times before smiling, "And you must be..." She drags out the 'e' sound of be until I answer back meekly, "Y/n...I'm y/n." She nods, a genuine smile on her face like she's actually happy to meet me, which is not a regular occurrence when an ex meets a new girlfriend.
"Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Barbara, but you can just call me Barb," I nod, smiling, trying to match the genuine smile she had on her face because despite the millions of insecure thoughts swirling inside my head, I was genuinely happy to finally meet her. "How long have you two been together?" she asks, eyes flicking up to Joels. "Um, bout 3 months, right honey?" he says, a fake smile gracing his lips as he leans his head down a bit to press a kiss to my temple. "Yeah, about that," I say with a forced giggle as I lean into Joel a little more. Right at this moment, my insecurities flood back in, realizing I look nothing like her. She's thin, her body fills out right where it needs to, she has no hip dips, scars, or stretchmarks. she was perfect. If this was his ex, was I not his type, or was she not?
I was looking at her body and then comparing it to mine. Wondering if he liked her legs better than mine? Did he like her hips more? Her boobs? Her butt? Her eyes? It's almost like I'm looking at her like I want to be hurt. I don't know if I'd rather him tell me straightforwardly what he liked better or me sitting here riddled with my own insecurity. I wonder if she could smell the insecurities practically dripping off of me.
"Barb, why are you here?" Joel asks; she looks at him and just laughs his words off. "I'm here to see my daughter," she says with a scoff as her hands placed on her hips. Joel rolls his eyes. "it's not like you wanted to for the last 2 years." I know this is my cue to take the girls and let them have their 'adult conversation', so I pull away from Joel and say, "Common girls, let go play with Ollie?" both girls excitedly race upstairs towards Joel's room, where we had put Ollie while we ate. 
I sat on the bed with the girls, my anxiety and insecurities festering inside me as the girls swooned over my cat. Would Barbara's reappearance randomly rekindle their relationship? Would I just be left in the dust? I know he was acting like he was annoyed with her downstairs, but I bet if she tried, he'd get back with her, right? He'd probably rather be with the mother of one of his children than me.
Sarah deserved a perfect family, a mom, a dad, a little sister. She didn't deserve whatever she had right now; I know Joel knew that. And I know he didn't want it to be this way. From what I heard, it seemed like she was not around a lot, and that was why he was so uncomfortable with her being here, but if she proposed to start their relationship again, I'd bet he'd agree. Her having him would mean she'd stay. Even if it wasn't for Sarah, she'd stay, and Sarah would have her mom back for good. There would be no need for some 'pretend mom' anymore. No more revolving door of girlfriends, though I desperately didn't want to be a part of that revolving door. Joel barges into the room, instructing his daughters to get ready for bed before slamming the door shut behind him. Leaving just him and me in the bedroom, alone.
 "She's staying the night." He grumbled, arms wrapping around my waist as he pulled me close. I don't ask why, feeling as though it is none of my business. I hum with a slight nod. "I was just bout to head out then," I say, pressing my head into his shoulder. Our 'sleepovers,' if you even can call them that, typically only lasted one night, maybe till dinner the next night, but definitely not a second night. "You're leaving?" I can almost hear the frown on his lips. My brow furrowed in confusion. Normally, he wouldn't budge when I said I was leaving. A few kisses, and I'm usually off, but not tonight. His arms instinctively wrap tighter around my waist as if to say, 'Don't go.' but his ex is here, Sarah's mother. Isn't that awkward?
"I thought I'd just go...cause she-she's here. But if you don't want me to leave, I can stay," I whisper, pressing a few soft kisses to Joel's exposed neck. "Yeah," he mutters with a nod. 
Barbara is on the couch downstairs, both girls are fast asleep in their beds, and I'm still awake scrolling mindlessly though Barbara's Instagram. she's got millions of pictures posted dating all the way back to 2014. she's nice, and I really like her I do but I can't help but feel jealous of her when I get posts from 2015. most with Joel who looks so much younger, I can tell she's pregnant in most of them. 
I can't help but obsess over every part of her body that doesn't look like mine, wonder if he prefers her body over mine. I wonder how she was during their relationship. was she good in bed? better than me? did he prefer sleeping with her? did he ever think about her? was she still friends with his friends? did his mom like her better than me? and it doesn't make this any easier on me knowing he's got a kid with her and not with me. she's forever attached to him because of Sarah but me I'm disposable. his children aren't my blood, they aren't from my womb he could forget me easily if he really wanted too. he can't forget her because he sees her every time he looks at Sarah.
I'm trying to pick out something for me to hate her, and the only reason I've come up with is because she's basically abandoned Sarah. I guess I'm turning into will. the only photos posted of Sarah was 8 years ago on her birthday July 20th, 2015, baby Sarah all swaddled up being held by Barbara who laid in a hospital bed, Joel stood next to her admiration and joy gleaming in his eyes. then 2 months later Sarah being help by Joel with the caption 'favorite people'. then after than nothing radio silent it's like the baby disappears. people in the comments must've thought that too because every comment for the next few months of posts are along the lines of 'where's the baby?'. I'm guessing that's when she left.
I know Joel loves me, and that I'm probably going crazy, but I can't help but obsess over her. "you're still awake?" Joel slurs, voice deep from sleep. I turn off my phone immediately and turn so I'm facing him. one of his arms wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him. "can't sleep" I mutter as he presses open mouthed kisses to my neck and jawline.
 even as he's practically sucking hickeys into my neck all I can think about is that he's probably done this to her, while she was laying on the same side I was as he whispered quiet 'I love You's into her neck. I can't help it as tears form in my eyes that are quickly blinked back. I can't let him know how insecure I actually am. I don't want him to know how insecure I've gotten in the last few hours because I know there's a chance, I could get hurt. 
"wha's wrong? you're tense" he says pulling away from me. I freeze staring him in the eyes as his brows curl into a furrow. "what's wrong?" his left hand reaches from my cheek caressing it softly. "nothing" I mutter leaning into his soft touch. he hums questionably like he doesn't believe me but goes onto press his lips against my none the less. 
I'm so obsessed that once Joel goes back to sleep, I can't help but scroll her page. I don't even know why I'm so obsessed, it's not like I'm ugly I'm just not anything like her so maybe that's why I'm letting it get to me. deep down I'm terrified that she's his type more than I am, that maybe her long legs, perfect hair, and confidence will sweep him right back off his feet and I'll be all alone again. I'm terrified of him leaving and stop loving me like Andy did. I don't want to rot in bed again over a man I have stupidly fallen head over heels in love with again. I don't want to this to end because of how deeply have fallen into this. I don't want him to fall onto my long list of ex-lovers and have yet another reason to be called a slut. 
@taylarxse @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @ktheunready @camixkami @skysmiller @mars743 @tylrswftss @alyhull @jenna-mcgraw19 @h4teh3x @lexloon @greensabereyesforcevictim @cozylibraries @celebrities-imagines @nezukos-number1fan @abbysgirll @marispunk @hopelessromantic727 @fairyain @joeldjarin
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lingering-42-long · 2 years
I’ll be home for Christmas pt2.
Part 2 of the I’ll Be Home For Christmas series. This one is shorter, I wanted to capture the everyday life that goes on when your loved ones are away. I think this is an overlooked issue some writers forget. It may be a bit boring but it does show the domestic side to things. Fell free to leave me feedback or requests! I love doing them and they make my day!
Warnings: none
Summary: A snippet of the in between part. 1 and part 3
Finding the perfect Christmas tree, wrapping presents and decorating the house for Christmas should have been a fun experience for (y/n), but truth be told, she deeply missed her Scot’s man. Johnny was away serving his country and it was only a week till Christmas. (Y/n) was beginning to wonder if he would be able to come home. She hadn’t heard anything from him, since he left five weeks ago. Thankfully, she was not alone. Johnny’s parents and cousins came and help make the holidays more inviting for her.
Right now (y/n) was sitting in the living room with Johnny’s mom as the two were wrapping last minute gifts. The tv in the background was playing A Christmas Carol, the one with Patrick Steward as Scrooge. The fireplace had a nice little fire going. Johnny’s mom, Eilidh, talked about how Johnny was in his youth, occasionally showing pictures of him playing on the football (soccer) team as a goalie. Keith, Johnny’s dad, came in and undressed out of his winter gear. Johnny was a spit image of his father, who was just as fit and good looking as Johnny, though older, adorning the crows feet around his eyes and the aging on his hands, and did not possess the same short, military mohawk that his son wore.
“Hello loves!” He called out. Eilidh stood up and kissed Keith. “Hello love! Did you get the mail?” She asked.
“Sure did. Nothin’ much but ther’ is en letter fer ye Lass.” Keith held a letter to (y/n), who jumped up and took it carefully. She opened it and quietly read it to herself.
To my dearest,
She rolled her eyes. He was always so cheesy when writing letters.
I have missed you so so so much these last few weeks. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten the time to write to you sooner. Work has me pinned down and it’s killing me. I do lie awake every night wondering how you are doing. I know this is a stressful time, I’m sorry. I wish I was there to help you. I’m assuming your with the family? I know mum and dad really love you. Mums probably telling embarrassing stories and dad is watching tv or making coffee. I can picture it. Is Christie there? I miss her and her wee youngens.
He was referring to one of his close cousins and her three kids.
Will we ever have kids? Crazy thing to think I know, I wonder at night.
I miss you all. More so than usual. I miss you the most. I want to be back with you for the holidays. I don’t know if I will be able to make it for Christmas. We are pushing hard but it’s taking forever. I promise I will be home as soon as I can. I miss you my Bonnie Lass. I think ghost is starting to get tired of me talking about you in front of him.
Ghost,Simon Riley, The lieutenant that Johnny had befriended. You had noted that he was a pretty quiet man and prefer to keep to himself. It was a nice surprise to know that Johnny had befriended somebody so… reclusive.
Anyways, I have to go to bed, we are leaving to a new place. I love you my Lass. Please don’t forget that.
Tears pricked (y/n)‘s eyes. Usually Johnny would write long 3 to 5 pages worth of material or send small notes throughout the week. For him to be this tired and this overworked The only send a small note, made her heart sad for him. She could tell by his writing, that he was incredibly tired and he was missing his family. Eilidh saw her crying and came over to comfort (y/n)
“There there.” She hugged her. “It’s ok. Did he say he would make it?” She asked.
“No. He didn’t know.” (Y/n) sniffed
“Oh. That’s sad. So it is…. But you know he loves you and he knows your safe with us. That makes it all the worthwhile.” Eilidh tried to lighten up the mood. (Y/n) nodded and put the letter down. Johnny would not have wanted her to feel sad on a special holiday like this.
Later that night (Y/n) was finishing the last gift wrapping. Keith was the only one up as he was watching football on the tv. “Ah Lass its getten’ late. You sure need to be asleep.” He looked at the time.
(Y/n) glanced at the clock as well. Sure enough the clock showed that it was 11:35pm. “I know.” She sighed. “I’m just worried about Johnny…”
“Ah Lass. Don’t be worried. Johnny is a strong man. He will be ok” Keith turned off the tv. “Tomorrow is a big day. Why dont ye tackle it then?” He jestered to the decorations (y/n) was working on.
“Ok” I smiled.
Keith headed upstairs as (y/n) cleaned up her mess. She looked at her phone, expecting a call or a text, but nothing happened, as usual. It was really disheartening. She left the porch light on, Just in case Johnny came driving down the road. It was never chain locked when he was away. (Y/n) sat waiting for someone who she knew wouldn’t come tonight, or tomorrow, or the next day. Yet, she waited. The song ‘I’ll be home for Christmas’ sang in her head as she stared up at the stars, wondering if her Sargent was safe and well, She hoped he was. She wasn’t the only one missing her partner on this day.
Johnny laid on his cot in his makeshift tent thinking about his girl. He missed her so much, he didn’t think his heart could take it much more. But duty calls and he did love the thrill. It was a toxic thing he had gotten into, and the fact that he wanted to settle down and marry… he was starting to second guess himself. Not his love for (y/n), Never, but about what he perceived on what his life was meant to be like. His head and heart hurt.
Johnny looked outside and stared at the night sky. He wondered if she was sleeping ok, if she was eating fine. If she was having fun, if she was missing him. He remembered the song ‘I’ll be home for Christmas’. How fitting. A song for a World War 2 soldier missing home, now Johnny was missing his girl. He knew it would not be long before he saw her but it still drained him knowing that he was away from all the festivities. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas. You can count on me.’ Johnny thought as he closed his eyes and went into a dreamless sleep.
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ladyserqet · 1 year
I could hardly wait for the plane to land in Korea. It had been 13 years since I'd been back. My dad was in the military, and at the age of 12, my mom and I moved to Korea for work reasons. We had only spent 3 years there but it allowed me to meet my best friend! Being a military brat, it was always hard to make friends because we moved around so much. So I was very lucky to have found Minhyuk. We bonded over video games, and we spent just about every waking moment together until the day I moved. I remember promising him that I would come back someday. And today, was that day!
As the plane began, it was decent, I couldn't help but bounce around in my chair. Thankfully, I had an isle seat and practically jumped out of it the minute the stewardess gave the okay to leave the plane. I grabbed my carry-on and tried my best to dash off the plane. I knew he would be there waiting to pick me up, and I was beyond excited to see my childhood friend.
After making my way through the terminal, I finally saw him holding up a sign with the childhood nickname he had given me on it. I tried not to blush as I walked towards him.
"Was the 'Kitten' sign really necessary, Minmin?" I smiled at him, as I punched him in the arm.
"Whaaat? I wanted to make sure you knew who I was!" I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
"Noooo! You wanted to embarrass me. You have always been a prankster. Did you think I'd forget how you are?" He gave a sheepish grin and cocked his head to the side.
"Well... You have been gone for a long time. I just wanted to make sure you'd notice me." Was he kidding? A blind person could notice him! He had definitely grown up since I had last seen him.
He was no longer the quiet little kid that bonded with me over video games. He was now this tall, handsome man standing before me. I'm not gonna lie, but when I first saw him, my breath hitched a bit. For a minute, I had to remember to swallow before I started to drool. Apparently, he had forgotten to send me new pictures so that I could prepare myself for this moment.
"So we are using nicknames, huh? Ok, Puppy, can you get my bags?" I flashed him a brilliant smile and gave him the innocent act. He looked down at me with a scowl on his face, grabbed my hand and started tugging me towards the baggage carousel. I giggled to myself and let him drag me along. After pointing out my bags, we walked outside towards his car and he asked me a question but my mind was elsewhere. I was too busy watching the way his body moved as he put my luggage into his trunk. I didn't actually realize he was talking to me until I felt his strong hand on my shoulder. That pulled me out of my trance and brought me back to reality.
I looked at him blankly.
"Huh? What did you say?" I looked up at him as he smiled at me and then moved his hand quickly to his face to try to hide the smile.
"I asked you... If you were hungry." He shut the trunk and began leaning on the back of the car, waiting for me to answer him.
"OH! Uh yeah..." I looked at him smiling. "Can we get fried chicken and pizza?" He followed me to the passenger side door and opened it for me to get in. He smiled down at me and said sure asking if I had a certain place in mind. I told him not really and waited for him to get in the car.
"I dunno... We don't have to go anywhere. Can't we order in?"
He leaned over towards me and I almost swallowed my tongue. He was so close, I could smell his cologne. He whispered in my ear.
"Whatever you want, Kitten." I closed my eyes and didn't open them until I heard the click of the seatbelt. He turned on the car, and we headed towards his place.
We managed to make it to his place, and after a 10-minute argument, I was allowed to carry one of my own bags inside. I was no twig, and I was perfectly capable of carrying my own luggage, but I guess I had forgotten how chivalrous men in Korea were. Not to mention how stubborn Minhyuk was. I had to admit, though, it was kinda sweet.
I was in total shock at his place. It was so big and expensive looking. No wonder he had fought with me about staying in a hotel while I was here. He wasn't lying when he said he had plenty of room for me. The house was absolutely gorgeous. He showed me around the living room and kitchen then brought my bags to a spare room that he said was right next to his. He asked if I minded sharing a bathroom with him and I shook my head. As I followed him out of the room. I felt my face flush from having thoughts of running into him in our shared bathroom. I had to fan my face quickly before he turned to see me. Thankfully, he wasn't paying me much attention because he was on the phone ordering our dinner.
I made myself comfortable on the couch as I waited for him. While I was waiting, I looked around and noticed several framed pictures. It took me a few minuets to figure out that they were all of MINHYUK! Dammmmn... When did he get to be so photogenic? And what was with all these pictures? It didn't take long until he joined me with a cold drink.
"Here, Kitten, I thought you'd be thristy."
I thanked him and took the drink, smirking at him.
"Min, do you really plan on calling me that the WHOLE time I'm gonna be here.?" He sat down close to me and placed his hand on his chin tapping his lips with his finger pretending like he was actually thinking about it.
"Hmmmm.... Maybe. I haven't actually decided yet." He winked at me and gave my chin a little nudge.
"And why do you ask? You used to love it when i called you that." I cocked my eyebrow at him and gave him a look.
"Oh... Sure. I loved it as much as you loved being called 'puppy' by me" I smirked then leaned over and ruffled his hair. He grabbed my hand and I almost fell into his lap.
"Ya know, I really do like it when you call me puppy."
He was looking into my eyes so intensely. I heard myself giggle nervously and moved away from him. I could see him watching me and could have sworn I saw him smirking. I cleared my throat.
"Min, are all of these you?" I pointed to the frames on the wall surrounding us and he nodded explaining that an ad agency had hired him and now he has several sponsors that request him for photo shoots, usually to promote their new clothing lines or colognes. I was so excited for him that without thinking, I practically jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Oh my GOD! Minmin! That's so awesome! I'm so proud of you! And you look... So amazing in them!"
I felt him move his arms around my body and pull me close. I heard him take a deep breathe as he was holding me. He ran his hands up and down my back.
"Thank you, Kitten. I've enjoyed doing it but I'm glad you like them." He pulled me a little closer, but then the doorbell rang, and he had to let me go.
I had gone into the kitchen to get us plates and napkins while he went to go get the food. My face was still a bit flushed from being in his arms. I was reaching up to get the plates after finally locating them, when I felt arms snake around my waist. I swear, I almost dropped the plates.
"Steady, Kitten. I've got you." I could feel his breath on my skin as he whispered in my ear.
"I really missed you, Kitten."
My blush was back full force. I remembered that he had always been the affectionate type but... We also weren't kids anymore. Did he not realize the kind of effect his closeness would have on me? Probably not... Min would never think of me like that. We are just friends, I told myself and turned in his arms with the 2 plates.
I gave him a bright smile and pushed the plate towards him.
"Come on! Let's eat, I'm starved!" I skipped out of the kitchen hurriedly making my escape from him. I suddenly felt like I needed the distance away from him so I could slow my heart. I sat on the floor in front of the coffee table where he had placed the food and started opening things up and getting them ready for us.
I could feel his presence before I even saw him. I wondered if this was how it was gonna be the whole time I'm here? I tried to push that thought aside, reminding myself that it was just because we hadn't seen each other in years. It would pass eventually.
He sat next to me and handed me a napkin. I thanked him and then realized he was placing some of the fried chicken on my plate.
"Thanks, Puppy!" I watched his ears turn red as I bit into the chicken and giggled to myself. Payback is a bitch. He tore into a slice of pizza but didn't say anything. We were both pretty hungry, so there wasn't much conversation. Every once in a while he would poke my side or mess with my hair and I'd get him back by smacking his arm or nudging him. He'd just giggle and go back to eating.
After dinner was over, I helped him clean up, and we talked about the old days. He mentioned he had a game room that he couldn't wait to show me. Gaming was special to both of us. It was what had bonded us back when we were kids. We both had a love for video games. We were forever spending time at each other's houses stuck up in our respective bedrooms with a controller practically glued to our hands. It drove our parents crazy but they dealt with it because it kept us happy. He even called my mom, mom, and I called his mom, eomma.
When we were done, he grabbed my hand and made me promise to keep my eyes closed. I let myself be led by him to the room, keeping my promise. When we got to the room, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me further into the room. I felt him move behind me and heard him say I could uncover my eyes.
It was a gamers DREAM room. Neon lights, a huge tv, a pool table, almost every gaming console you could imagine, not to mention the most awesome gamer chairs. I squealed in delight after having picked my jaw up of the floor.
"Holy shit, Minmin! This... This is... beyond awesome. You realize... I might just live in this room, right?" He laughed and took my hand pulling me towards the chairs. I was so distracted by everything else, that it took me a few moments to notice the huge portrait on the wall. I gasped when I realized the painting was of the last photo we had taken together before I left.
My heart skipped a beat and I felt a tear at the corner of my eye.
"Awwww... Puppy... You had our picture turned into a painting?" He smiled and looked down. His hands were behind his back as he kicked at the thick, shaggy carpet.
"I... Uh... Actually painted that myself. Do you like it?" I nodded.
"Like it? I love it!"
Just then, he stepped closer to me, closing the gap between us.
"I told you, Kitten... I missed you." He took my chin in his fingers and tilted my head up to his and took my lips. His arms were around me the next second. I was in shock, all I could do was place my hands on his arms as every coherent thought floated from my brain. Minhyuk... My Minhyuk... My best friend... Was kissing me!
I felt his tongue press against my lips and opened for him. He pressed me closer to him and I heard him moan. Was I dreaming? This couldn't be real! There was NO way that my hot as hell friend could want me!? I mean... I was cute enough and all. There was nothing wrong with me... Except the fact that I was far from the skinny model type that he should be with. I felt his hands running over my body. One hand was caressing my back as the other gripped my ass. I couldn't help but let out a tiny moan myself.
When he finally broke the kiss, we were both a bit breathless. He nuzzled my neck, leaving little wet kisses on my skin.
"God damn, Minhyuk... What are we doing? I... I thought we were best friends?" I was so confused with what was going on.
"Mmmmm, Kitten. We are... But I've wanted to do this to you since I saw you get off the plane. I just want to make you feel good, baby. Do you mind?" He looked into my eyes and kissed my nose.
I stood there with a bewildered look on my face. All I could do was just shake my head no, that I didn't mind and let him back me up against the pool table. He grabbed my waist and lifted me so I was sitting on the table. No one... Had ever picked me up before. My face instantly turned red but he didn't give me much time to think. He had swooped down to capture my lips with his and was quickly making me forget my own name. He was pushing himself between my legs and held them up as he leaned me back slightly. I felt pressure against my crotch and realized just how excited he really was.
I pushed against him breaking the kiss to take a breath and ask a very important question.
"Uh.. Just so we are clear... How do you plan on making me feel good, exactly?" He smirked and brushed a strand of hair away from my face.
"I think you know. I want to make you scream my name any way I can. I plan on making this a trip that you will always remember." His words left me breathing heavy as he ran a hand down my body.
I let my head fall back and he pressed his face into the cleavage of my shirt kissing at the tender skin while his hand gripped my thigh tightly. I couldn't speak. The other hand was braced on my back helping to hold me up. I could barely think. Not only had his words left me in disbelief but his actions were making things even more foggy. His hand moved up my thigh and began undoing my jeans. I moaned as he pulled the zipper down. His other hand was busy unfastening my bra while my shirt was still on. When he had completed his task, one hand joined the other at the waistband of my jeans to tug them down.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pushed me off the edge onto the table. I could feel the felt of the table against my skin as he continued to remove my jeans. He stepped back from between my legs and took his pants off as well. The man was not wearing anything underneath those pants and I gasped at the sight of him. Then he took one hand to the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head, tossing it across the room. My heart literally almost stopped, seeing him standing their naked like that.
He noticed me staring and stepped back even more, giving me that evil smirk of his.
"You like the view, Kitten?" He began stroking himself for me.
"How about you giving me a nice view." He licked his lips and winked at me. I sat back up on the edge of the pool table and began unbuttoning my shirt and sliding the already loose bra off my arms. I heard him make a satisfied noise while his eyes roamed my body.
He continued stroking his length as he moved closer to me.
"Only one thing left to show me, Kitten. And that is that pretty pussy of yours. I've been dreaming about it for weeks now. Show me." I slid down off the table and turned around, bending over the table, letting my panties fall off.
"Mmmmmm fucking beautiful. Just like the rest of you."
He was behind me before I could stand up straight. An ass cheek in each hand, spreading my skin to get a better view. I felt his fingers enter me first. He gently probed my tight hole while rubbing at my clit. My hands gripped the edge of the table.
"Mmmmmm.... Fuck Min! Don't tease me." I heard him chuckle. "Oooo... Is my Kitten impatient for something? Don't worry... I'm gonna give you exactly what you want."
He pulled his fingers out and began rubbing the head of his cock against my entrance. I felt the pressure as he slowly inserted himself inside of me. His length filled me completely. As he began moving inside of me, I moaned.
"Yes baby... I want to hear you. Say my name. Tell me who is making you feel so good." My throat cracked slightly, but I called out his name. Each time I said it, he moved faster inside of me until we were both panting. He plowed into me over and over his balls slapping against my clit making me even more wet.
"Kitten, I want to feel you riding me." I heard him say from behind me. He slowed his rhythm before pulling out all together. Then he climbed onto the table and laid back. He reached out, offering his hand to help me. I took it, climbing on top of the table. I made my way up him and straddled him. I was poised above his big cock when he gave my ass a smack and winked up at me.
I placed my hands on his chest and lowered myself onto him. His hands were at my waist, helping to guide my way. Apparently, I hadn't moved down fast enough because I felt him thrust up into me, and it sent a jolt through my whole body, making me drag my nails down his chest. That thrust had pitched me forward so hard that I was almost laying on his chest. I had to take a deep breath. He was just so big and now deep inside of me. He groaned in pleasure and began moving my ass making me grind against him.
After recovering from his initial thrust, I sat up and began rocking back and forth on him as I rolled my hips.
"Is this what you wanted, Puppy? Does it feel good?" He moaned out his response as I moved a bit faster. His hands slid up my body to my breasts. He kneaded and massaged them, twisting and tugging at the nipples playfully. I was now bouncing on his cock and began to arch my back as my hands held onto his thighs. His hands moved to hold onto my waist and help bounce me even more as he thrust up into me.
Next thing I knew, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down against him. My breasts smashed onto his bare chest, as he began ramming me hard and fast.
"Fuuuuuuuuck! Minhyuk! Oh shit! Don't stop! Uhhhhhh! Right there! Yesss yessss yesssssss! MINHYUK!" He silenced me with his mouth but never slowed down. I was on the verge of finding my release and felt myself let go all over his cock.
This just seemed to make him even more eager and more hungry for me. He proped his legs up bending his knees and pounded me even harder. My moans were swallowed by his mouth. He finally pulled away to whisper in my ear.
"Uuuuuh.... Mmmmm.... Kitten, now I'm gonna make you mine!" With that, I could feel him release himself deep inside of me. His whole body shook from the force of it. I cried out his name and started feeling the warm liquid seeping out down my inner thighs. I collapsed against him, and he cradled me in his arms, holding my tenderly.
"Just think..." He whispered into my ear.
"We get to do this for the next three weeks while you're here." He kissed my cheek and I was too exhausted at that point to argue with him. I pushed myself to get up and off of him and the table and tried on very shaky legs to make it to the bathroom.
As I exited the bathroom, I went to head towards the guest room that I'd be staying in but felt a hand grab mine and pull me back.
Minhyuk had pulled me into his bedroom.
"I think you'll be sleeping here from now on." He shut the door with a smirk on his face and took me to bed.
The rest of the trip was a blur of sightseeing during the day and hot, sweaty, passionate sex at night. Of course we still played our games together, just now we usually ended up naked and panting in each other's arms.
I never once stayed in the spare room, and we did more than just "share" the bathroom. He insisted on taking his showers with me because it was more enjoyable. I had to roll my eyes every time he said it.
He was such a pervert but would never admit it! On some nights, we would even watch some of his favorite adult Kdramas. It was nice, though, because we would just cuddle together.
He made me feel so safe and sexy. He constantly flirted with me. It was funny. His energetic personality was infectious, and I liked that he always kept me on my toes.
My last full day of the trip finally arrived. I woke up that morning to Minhyuk spooning me. He knew that today was my last day in South Korea and had something big planned for me for today.
I was feeling emotional because I was torn about having to go back home. Part of me didn't want to leave, but I knew I had responsibilities back home in the states that would have to be taken care of. Nothing too huge... But was I honestly going to be able to leave Minhyuk again? Especially now that our relationship has progressed to where it has?
I was going back and forth in my head when I felt Minhyuk stirring behind me. He moaned lightly in my ear and kissed my cheek.
"Morning, my Kitten. I hope you aren't too sore from last night. I might have gotten a little carried away... But you seemed like you were enjoying yourself." He giggled and rubbed against me. I turned my head and felt him kiss my cheek.
"Min... This is my last full day here. And I... I just..." He turned me over to face him and wiped the tears from my eyes.
"Shhhhh baby... It's ok. Let's not think about it right now. We still have time. Let's enjoy it together." He smiled and placed his mouth against mine, kissing me deeply, making me forget what was in my head.
When he entered me, I gasped, as I usually did. We hadn't changed our position and were still on our sides. He pulled my leg up under his arm so he could go deeper, and I arched my back moaning. I placed my hands on his chest, panting his name.
"Mmmm, fuuuuuck yes! Minhyuk... Don't stop!" He bit his lip and gripped my ass pulling me into him tightly. He moaned my name and leaned forward, licking the skin on my neck. From the way he was hitting into me, I quickly found my release. He followed soon after then held me close. I rested my head on his shoulder as he cradled me in his arms. I began to cry lightly.
"Kitten... Please don't cry. If I tell you a secret, will you promise to stop crying?" I nodded against him, and he just chuckled. I felt his warm breath against my ear.
"Um... Ok... I can't believe I'm gonna tell you this." He said against my neck and then took a deep breath. "Oookay! So... the thing is..." He blew out a breath.
I lifted my head and pulled away from him to look into his eyes. He was really having a hard time. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him.
"Min, baby... It's ok. You can tell me anything. What's wrong? Are you ok?" He held my face in his and put his hand over my mouth to shush me. He closed his eyes and spoke really fast.
"The thing is... I... I love you! But I don't want that to sway your decision to leave. I... Just wanted you to know because I thought you deserved to know the truth." He inhaled deeply before exhaling.
I just stared at him with my mouth hanging open. I felt like a fish gasping for oxygen. He had rendered me completely speechless. I had to blink a few times just to get back to reality.
"Can you pinch me, please?" He gave me an odd look but didn't pass up the opportunity. He pinched my arm, and I grimmaced. Sooooo... I was definitely not dreaming. He had said... He loved me? Min loved me. Oh my God! Minhyuk actually loved me!
I pulled his face to mine and kissed him deeply, wrapping my arms around his neck. He moaned slightly and kissed me back. Our tongues rubbed together until I pulled away enough to nibble on his lip.
"I love you, too." I said letting my eyes slowly meet his as I smiled shyly.
He smiled back and my nose.
"Kitten, I will be right back..." He took my arms from around his neck and got up. I watched him wondering what he was up to when he came around the bed and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.
"Hey! Wait? That's my phone! What are you...?" He held up a hand as he had found a number in my phone and pressed send.
"Hi, Mom? Hi... It's good to hear your voice, too. Yeah... She is doing amazing. Umm... I was calling because I wanted to let you know that I told her. I don't know yet but we will see. Ok, hold on." He passed me the phone.
"Your mom wants to talk to you." I punch him before taking the phone.
"You knew? Yes... Hi. How long have you known? What do you mean it doesn't matter? It most certainly does! Mom... But... Wait... Are you sure? But... What about... Uh.. Ok, if you say so. I love you, too. I'll call you soon, I guess. Bye." The call ended, and I dropped the phone into my lap, not taking believing the conversation I had just had.
He sat down next to me and toom the phone, placing it back on the nightstand. He just looked at me, taking my hands in his rubbing them.
"Kitten... What did she say?"
"She said... To stay. That they'd take care of everything for me and to be happy that they'd come visit us soon." I turned my head to him.
"How did she know? When did you tell her? Why did you tell her? She said she knows that I love you, too, and that we belong together." He smiled, pulling my hands to his lips to kiss them.
"So... Are you going to stay?" I think he was holding his breath. The evil best friend in me was tempted to make him sweat it out, but the part that loved him took pity, and I nodded at him. He threw his arms around me.
"I'm so happy, Kitten! God, I love you so much. I love my best friend. I'm so lucky." He kissed me again, and I punched his arm.
"Stop calling me Kitten!"
"Nope! No way! You are MY Kitten!"
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Your Favorite — Part 2
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Y/N and Spencer decide to keep seeing each other in secret. Category: SMUT (18+) Content: Adults w/ age gap, cockwarming, heavy petting, penetrative/unprotected sex, breeding kink, oral sex (both receiving), degradation, exhibitionism, fingering, cum play maybe? Word Count: 7.5k
NOTE: This is... *nervous laugh* this is pure filth. Like... It’s nothing but sex scenes, y’all. Buckle in. (Also the end is a lil angsty so watch out hehehe)
JULY 8th
"You're sure you guys are okay without me for a little while?"
I love my mom. Really, I do.
But if she delays her bath for any longer than one more second, I'm going to burst into flames.
Thankfully it seems that Spencer is patient enough for the both of us. "Positive. You deserve to relax a little. Go. Take your bath, we'll be fine."
Mom looks to me for extra reassurance, and I give it to her with a nod.
"Okay. I'll try not to be too long."
She turns and kisses Spencer, long and lovesick, and I want to barf. What's even worse is that when she pulls away and pats my head before retreating up the stairs, he's smiling. And he's supposed to, I know that. Part of him obviously cares about my mom, and even if he's only fucking me on the side, the fact remains that he goes to sleep next to her. That's the way it has to be.
But it still makes me incredibly envious.
It's a problem.
Mom is upstairs now, but our rule is that unless we know for certain that she's not coming into sight or earshot anytime soon, we remain distant.
Still, I make my distaste for their affections known. "You guys are gross..."
Spencer laughs, his hand sneaking over the couch cushion and grazing the end of my skirt. "Jealous, are we?"
Of course, I have to make it difficult for him. "You're a genius, you tell me..."
"Hey now... You're lucky I'm giving you any attention at all... Besides, you know the rules."
I glance over at him, practically crumbling apart at the seams under his intense gaze. It's one I've gotten used to as of late, one that rivals every smile I've ever seen him give my mother.
"Doesn't make it any easier," I mumble, glancing down at where his fingers are still toying with my skirt.
"I know..." He reaches out and touches my hand, and my skin tingles. "Come here."
Even though I can hear that the bath water has only just started running from below, I comply all the same. I scramble off the couch and return on his lap, straddling him and nesting my fingers through his hair while I lean in to kiss him.
He welcomes me with open arms and an open mouth. The moment our tongues brush, I sigh and melt into him, needing desperately to be as close as possible. Our kisses then are languid and wet, and soft. We don't want to get carried away in case we need to be alert and jump apart, so it's best to keep our bodies controlled.
But as I'm learning, around Spencer, controlling myself is painstakingly difficult.
A whine escapes me when his right hand slips under my skirt and rests along the inside of my thigh, and I shift, silently begging him to give me more.
"So impatient..." he mumbles over my mouth.
I pull away and slide my hands down over his neck and shoulders, my hips rolling forward as I pout. "I haven't had you all week. I'm lonely..."
It's true.
Once all my STD tests came back clean and I got my birth control figured out and solid, the first thing he did was tell my mom he wasn't feeling well and texted me the address to his apartment. And after I told her I was meeting up with a friend, I drove over there and got my brains completely fucked out. We spent all day under the sheets, on the couch, over the kitchen counter, and then on the floor, until I had to go home and pretend like it never happened.
Since then we'd only slept together once, and that was just over a week ago, quickly while Mom ran to the store for an onion of all things. And then Spencer had been busy with consulting on new cases that his old job wanted a little help with, and once he had free time, Mom insisted they go on a date weekend.
I pout harder, stomach churning at the memory of the look he gave me before they left—a silent, sweet goodbye that had left me empty and wanting.
But he's just amused.
A smirk ghosts over his lips, red and a little puffy from the pressure of my own against them. "So I definitely can't trust you to be quiet enough to fuck you properly..."
That warrants another whine and another roll of my hips, and I can feel his hand gripping my thigh a little tighter.
"Please... Spencer, I need you..."
His name rolling off my tongue must be what makes him give into me, because I barely have time to react before he's kissing me again, using both of his hands to lift the back of my skirt up and knead my ass.
"Wait... Are you wearing..."
I grin over his lips, wiggling my ass into his touch and utterly turned on by the fact that he knows what underwear I'm wearing just by touch.
"Mhmm," I answer, nipping his bottom lip. "Your favorite..."
The sound that rumbles in his chest as he crashes his body against mine has to be the sexiest thing I've ever heard. He's obviously trying not to be loud, but it's hard, and that makes the sound strained. He really wants this, wants to keep me, and to do that he has to refrain from going absolutely primal right now. He has to do anything to keep this quiet.
So he pushes me off of him, and I pout, thinking he's given up until we can get a true moment alone.
But I know that isn't the case when he spins his finger and then starts undoing his pants.
"Turn around, sweetheart," he huffs, slipping his pants and underwear down just enough that his erection emerges free. "You're gonna sit here, keep quiet, and keep my cock nice and warm, understood?"
Don't have to tell me twice... I'll fucking take what I can get.
So I spin, back up, and move all my clothing to the side, my skirt lifting as I nestle into Spencer's lap and hold my panties to the side. He laughs at my eagerness, though he isn't laughing much longer once I sink down onto him and get in real close. His hands come out to grab my chest and pull me flush against his own.
The way he stretches and fills me has my eyes rolling back, a long, happy sigh falling from my lips. I wish I could say I'm being dramatic about it, but I'm really not.
I'm genuinely relieved and satisfied with the burn.
"There's my girl," Spencer muses through a sigh of his own, his breath fanning gently over my neck right before he gives it an open-mouthed kiss.
His hands slip under the baggy sweater I'm wearing and run along the planes of my stomach, then up and up, taking the fabric with him until it rests above my bare chest. Being exposed like this, right in the middle of the living room while my mom is just upstairs, excites me more than I think it should.
While Spencer kisses and licks at my neck, his hands now gently kneading my breasts, I squirm.
He doesn't like that very much.
"Ah-ah," he warns, squeezing me tight and pulling me into him more. "Relax..."
He hooks his legs around mine then, spreading them apart and somehow filling me deeper. I whine, leaning my head back onto his shoulder and trying not to roll my hips.
Instead, I settle for clenching myself around him, and that seems to be the right move.
"Atta girl... Lay back and relax... Just feel me filling you up nice and slow..."
"Mmmm," I respond in kind as his hands loosen and glide down my body.
He's light with his touch, though the kisses on my neck feel hungry, and his cock feels heavy and thick inside me. It's a beautiful contrast, really, making me feel so full and yet so light, like I'm a raincloud.
Soon his fingers dip under my skirt and cover my hand, which is working at keeping my panties off to the side. He traces the curves of my fingers with his own, mumbling praises and scattering kisses along the side of my neck. And I'm distracted enough that I almost don't feel his other hand make gentle contact with my clit until I gasp from the sharp sensation.
I can feel his smile against my skin as he starts rubbing in slow, precise circles.
"That feel good, princess?"
"Uh huh," I breathe out, trying to keep still. My other hand digs into my knee in hopes that I can stay grounded and focused on keeping still. But despite that, I'm feeling rather calm. Satisfied...
Right where he wants me.
"Mmm..." He hums happily into my skin, continuing to kiss my neck while working my clit.
And I have no idea how long we lay there. It feels like it could be hours.
The TV is on, but we're not paying any attention to it. In the back of my mind I know that Mom could be done with her bath at any minute, but it's been too long without Spencer inside me... And even though he's not actually fucking me, just having him this close and feeling him touch me, fill me, breathe me in...
God, I never want it to stop.
I'm almost on the verge of coming, but he removes his hand from me and slides them up my stomach again.
I whine at the loss of orgasm, but he pays it no mind. "Here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna start moving..."
I start to get excited, wiggling in his lap a little.
With a dark laugh, he brings his hands to my breasts, kneading them gently and nipping my earlobe. Getting my attention...
"But you're not gonna stop until I fill that slutty little cunt with my cum, got it? I don't care if you come more than once. I don't care if you come at all... I don't care if your mom comes down here and sees..."
I swear I almost come on the spot from his words alone.
And then his voice is somehow even darker, seeping through my skin and settling into the very deepest parts of me.
"You will not stop until you make me come, am I clear?"
I wouldn't deny him if I could. I'm so damn whipped by this man, so eager to please and be near him that he could ask me to do any fucking thing on the planet and I would.
My rational brain might have second-guessed that feeling if it hadn't been horny as fuck...
And so I get to it, maneuvering my hips and working Spencer's cock like my life depends on it. And honestly, it kind of does, because if my mother comes down and catches us I'm dead.
Despite the urgency, though, I relish every second of it. I try to remember every sensation vividly because I don't know when I'll get to feel it again. So every time I sit back down on his dick, I clench it on the way up, because I know that drives him wild and it also means I get to feel him grab me tighter.
I can't see him, not even really when I turn my head, but I can picture how he's probably biting his lip, trying not to be loud. His eyes are probably shooting daggers at the ceiling, praying to the heavens above that my mom won't come down.
But it looks like the heavens above have decided to damn us to hell.
That unmistakable sound of the drain in the tub rumbles through the ceiling and down the inside of the walls as the water travels through the pipes, and my heartbeat races faster than it ever has.
Spencer tugs my hair then, pulling my head to meet his shoulder once more. "You better hurry, little girl..."
That's when I finally come. My cunt throbs and shakes around him as I bounce as quietly as I can. His grip in my hair is tighter, urging me to keep going, and the sharp sensation seems to extend my orgasm a little.
I whimper and whine as I feel it, and that seems to be what does him in.
"Fuck, Y/N, that's it... That's my girl..."
Four more bounces from me is all it takes, and then he's holding my hips in place. He grunts as quietly as possible into my shoulder and fucks into me slowly, filling me to the brim with his cum and breathing harshly into my skin.
I can hear Mom walking around upstairs, most likely getting dressed, which means she'll be down any minute...
"Time to get up, princess," Spencer whispers a moment later, letting go of my hips.
I turn my head into his neck, whining. "I don'wanna..."
"I know, I know... But you have to."
I know he's right. But I can't just get up and lose him so quickly. I want to hold on for as long as possible.
So I tilt my head up and bring his lips to mine. Thankfully he doesn't reject me, instead returning my affections and sighing into my mouth. He's still sheathed inside me, and I can feel his cum very slowly starting to drip down.
I have to get up now...
My mouth reluctantly parts from his and pouts. I expect him to return it with a sad smile, but his lips are rather mischievous.
He smirks, lifting me off of him and quickly pulling my panties back in place. His cum instantly soaks into the thin, lavender fabric, and it only reminds me of his absence.
But then Spencer spins me around on the heels of my feet and presses his hand firmly to my clothed, sopping wet cunt under my skirt, rubbing it in and making me whimper out at the overstimulation.
"I missed you," he whispers sincerely. Sweetly...
I can't help but smile as I lean down to kiss him one more time.
"I missed you, too."
JULY 23rd
I've been looking forward to this weekend since Mom brought it up after her bath—A call from work. A weekend business trip across the country.
She would be gone for almost a whole week.
Spencer's already started on his coursework for the next school year so he'll be busy most days, but at night? That's when he's all mine.
The only hard part about this, really, is containing my excitement. Just yesterday Spencer got me alone and warned me that I better keep my cool and be patient. Though, the way he said it was hardly a bad thing considering it gave me an excuse to feel his hands on me, even in the laundry room where, more or less, this had all started.
Even now I can still feel their warmth and their heft as they grope and paw at my breasts while he attacks my neck with sloppy kisses.
But right now he's not here, and as much as I can't wait to spend the week with him, my mom is also going to be gone for that long.
Just because I'm fucking her boyfriend on a regular basis doesn't mean I don't still love her.
Though, the thought of it all makes me a little uneasy—I don't know what the future holds. I know Spencer obviously cares about my mom, but if it really gets to a point where they've been together long enough, would he ever marry her?
And then what?
It's one thing for him to be my mom's boyfriend, who doesn't live here and only stays when he can... But it's a whole other one to be my stepfather. And what if my mom wants to have another kid?
I'm not even going to think about it... If it ever gets to that point, then we'll deal with it, but right now I've only known Spencer for nearly 2 months, and it's way too soon to be thinking about any of that right now.
"You gonna be alright without me for a week?"
I curl into Mom's side, laughing and thankful for her distraction. "I spend almost a whole year away at college without you, I think I can survive five days."
"Ugh, don't remind me. I wish you could just stay here with me forever."
"Ha, no you don't. I'm a menace."
"Only when you eat all my food and then complain that you're starving..."
My eyes roll affectionately. "Mom. That was one time, and I was fifteen and dramatic."
She kisses the top of my head and then rests her chin on it. "Then my point stands... You were only a menace when you were fifteen. Now you're an angel."
I can tell she's sincere, and when I tell her Thank you, it feels incredibly deceitful—Especially when she starts humming my favorite song and brushing through my hair with her fingers, just like she used to do to get me to sleep as a kid. The foggy feeling it sends through my bloodstream reminds me that I'm definitely not the same person I was back then.
Although, it is true that some things never change, and within minutes I'm soundly asleep in my mother's arms.
When Spencer and I are sending her off at the airport the next morning, my heart thrums wildly in my chest.
"You have Spencer's number in case of an emergency?" she asks me in a haste.
"Yes, Mom. For the thousandth time, I have his number, and I have Grandma's number, and I have just about every other number you've ever given me for emergency contacts."
She gives me The Look.
"Yes, I have it. And I'll be okay. I love you."
"Oh, I love you, too," she says, pulling me in for one last breath-reducing hug, though, that's not truly what knocks the breath from my lungs.
She goes to Spencer next, reaching up to give him a goodbye kiss. I'm expecting it. I'm okay with it.
But this is unlike any other kiss I've seen them share, and it admittedly makes me jealous.
Spencer almost has her off the ground, pressing her close to him and kissing her deeply. Her hands weave through his hair as he tilts his head, and this time I can see his tongue slip into her mouth.
"O—kaaay, my eyes are burning... Thank you for that..."
I know I can get away with that because it's a completely normal reaction to seeing your mother make out with anyone, so I don't feel bad about it one bit. And I especially don't feel bad about the warning look he gives me over my mom's shoulder when she comes to give me another hug.
But then she's gone, and minutes later we're leaving the airport parking lot, and I can't seem to shake my jealousy. Even when his hand rests politely on my knee.
The whole way home I only barely acknowledge his presence, giving him half-hearted smiles and remaining mostly still when he glides his hand higher up my leg. By the time his fingers slip under the hem of my skirt, I think he knows something is up, because it stops there.
He waits until we get in the house to bring it up.
"Y/N, are you okay?"
I plop myself down on the couch with an overexaggerated sigh. "Kinda..."
I know Spencer used to be a profiler, and really, it's not that hard to figure out what's wrong with me. But it's still a little scary how easily he just knows.
"You know I had to," he says, walking over and standing in front of me. "Keeping up appearances and whatnot."
He's right. And it's a consequence of what we've decided to do, so really I'm in no place to complain.
Still, I reach out and pull him in by the belt loops, leaning my face in rather close to his crotch. "You know... Actually, I think you just like making me jealous..."
The smile that dances over his lips is amused and downright sinful. "Oh?"
"Mhmm," I drawl, sliding my hands to the front of his pants and rubbing him through the fabric.
He laughs. "Yeah, you are pretty cute when you're all huffy."
With big eyes and a fluttering in my stomach at the way he looks down at me, I feel that pressing of jealousy start to lift off my chest. I know that within an hour he'll have me pinned under his body somehow, and the thought allows my response to come out clearly and without question.
"So how are you gonna make it up to me?"
We're already out of our clothes by the time we make it upstairs. And when we finally get into my bedroom, I'm about to shut the door and then Spencer stops me.
"No one's home, sweetheart... Leave it open."
He takes two steps and has me in his arms, his hands sliding down my back and resting over my ass. And when he gives it a squeeze, he grins down at me. "You're gonna be loud for me, understand?"
"Hey, that's on you," I tease, wiggling against him. "You want me loud? Make me loud."
His grip on my ass gets tighter as he pulls me closer, and I yelp out. "Don't challenge me, little girl... You'll regret it."
I laugh then, calling back to his earlier statement. "Aw... You're pretty cute when you're all huffy..."
"Alright, fine."
The next thing I know, I'm on my knees, and his hands are rooting in my hair. The rough carpet underneath me already burns, but I know in the end it's gonna be so worth it.
Spencer brings me close to his exposed crotch and tilts my head up to look at him. "I'm gonna fuck that attitude right out of your pretty little mouth, got it? And you're not gonna do a damn thing but take it like a good girl."
I would have asked him if that was a threat or a promise if he hadn't immediately shoved his dick in my mouth. It has me wet in an instant, the way he just pulls me onto him and starts fucking my face with an urgency that seems to contradict all the time we have. He needs me now, with no time for teasing or pleasantries, and I fucking love it.
Which is why I do as I'm told, enjoying every second as he holds my head still and snaps his hips forward, his velvety smooth cock gliding over my tongue and down my throat with ease. It doesn't take long for my eyes to water, my vision going blurry and my body growing hot. My face is angled straight ahead, but I still find a way to look up at him, and from this low angle?
It's the best thing I've ever seen.
No matter how many times I've been on my knees like this, staring up at Spencer as he loses himself at my hands (or rather my mouth, if you want to get technical), I swear I could never tire of it.
His eyes are glaring down at me as he concentrates, his arms are out in front of me as they hold my head in place, and his pubic bone and sculpted hips are right there, moving ferociously in front of my eyes. He's so deep in my throat for a few seconds, holding me down while I gag around him, that my nose is buried in the soft trail of hair that gathers on his skin, and I want to stay there forever.
But my gag reflex isn't much durable for more than fifteen seconds, much less forever, so I have to pull back.
Spencer pulls me off of him completely, a trail of spit following my lips and then detaching until it lands along my chin. I blink away some of the tears that had gathered in my eyes and pout up at him.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?"
"You're supposed to be making it up to me..." My voice is scratchy and a little hoarse now, but I know it'll probably be worse if Spencer really thinks he can make me as loud as he says (which I truly don't doubt for a second).
He tugs me up by the hair, and I whine as I get to my feet, my knees aching already. And then his mouth is on my cheek, gently kissing away a tear. "Aw, I thought you liked having my dick in your mouth..."
"I do..."I giggled a little, nestling into his body and feeling his erection, now slick with my saliva, press up against the inside of my thigh. "But I like it better in other places..."
"Mmm, you're right... I do, too..."
I certainly hadn't been expecting that answer.
But it doesn't surprise me when he walks us over to the foot of my bed and pushes me onto it. "Hands and knees, princess."
My knees still burn from the carpet, and I'm sure this squeaky-ass mattress won't alleviate the pain at all, but if there's one thing I've learned since having sex with Spencer it's that pain is all part of the pleasure.
So I don't question it. My limbs submit to his simple command, and once I turn away from him and perch myself on my hands and knees, I can feel him climbing on the bed and crawling up the backside of my body. His hands roam my ass and my waist, and within seconds he has his cock nestled against me.
He moves nice and slow at first, dragging the length of him through my slick cunt and ghosting the skin of my backside with his hands.
"Remember... Nice and loud, okay? Wanna hear how good I make you feel."
Like I could ever deny him. Even though I like to tease him and push his buttons, I couldn't think of a single thing in the moment that I'd ever deny him.
So he finally pushes into me, stretching me out well and good, and a low groan slowly rolls off my tongue like a waterfall. And I'm not doing it for his sake; It's like he draws it out of me like a syringe, and I'm utterly powerless against it... Against him.
Like I need a metaphor to explain how I'm well and truly his bitch...
"There she is..." Spencer breathes, reaching the very deepest part of me and staying there. "There's my obedient little girl... Tell me what you want."
I turn my head to get as good of a look at him as I can, and give him the pout to end all pouts. "I want you to fuck me, hard... Please?"
His answer is a gentle push forward, his body leaning over mine to take my hands and pin them behind my back, which pulls me up towards him so that my back is nearly flush with his chest. His hands are so big that one of them is able to hold both of my wrists while the other gathers my hair and tugs.
I feel like I'm being held by a bungee cord, especially when Spencer starts snapping his hips and pounding into me roughly. My knees are pushing into the springs of the mattress and lifting again with each thrust, and I can't help the stream of whimpers and shouts that escape me at the whole experience.
He lets go of my hair in favor of reaching around and palming my left tit, his pace never faltering for a second. Everything he's doing is precise and swift and so fucking good that my eyes can hardly stay open.
"I'm hearing you, pretty girl, but I don't think you're quite loud enough..." he grumbles in my ear, letting go of me and gently pushing me back down on the bed. He slips out of me and I whine at the loss, but I don't have to worry about it much longer when I feel him lay down over top of me and slam into me hard.
I yelp out, my hands reaching out and clutching the comforter for dear life. Spencer's hands, meanwhile, push up off the mattress on either side of my hips to lift himself up, and then he's grabbing my waist and pushing me into it while he fucks me.
When I instinctively shove my face down and try to muffle myself, though, one of his hands leaves my waist and comes up to tug my hair, pulling my head up. His hips pause, pressed deep into my backside, and I can feel how he's struggling to keep still.
"Uh-uh... No one's home, princess... Let it all out..."
He pulls back and plows into me again, and this time his pace is frustratingly slow. With each slam forward my voice grows louder, begging him for more with incoherence until I start to feel myself grow tense with pleasure.
"You're almost there, baby, I can feel it," Spencer breathes. His voice is far away, and I wish he was closer, his breath on my neck and his lips not far behind. But for now I gladly settle for his hands, tight and bruising on my hips, and the force of his pelvis as it collides brutally and wonderfully with my ass.
What finally brings me sweet release is the sound of him grunting out one word. A command. And once again it's like I'm powerless under his spell.
I do, and he fucks me thoroughly through each wave. Even once I've finished, he chases his own orgasm for minutes.
By the sounds he's making and the way his hips falter here and there, I can tell he's close, but he wants to make it last. I want to tell him that we have all weekend, to maybe tease him a bit, but I'm so fucked out and incoherent that I couldn't have said a single word if I tried.
So I lay there and take it with a weary smile on my face, ever the whiny, whimpering mess that I am, and patiently wait for the moment he decides to let go.
And when he does, it's the most glorious feeling in the world. I'm tired, yes, but never tired enough to lift myself and wiggle my ass back into him, clenching myself around him and relishing in the way he grunts out my name. He empties himself into me, and I hum, positively satisfied and warm.
Before I know it, I'm sinking down within the comfort of my blankets, and I rest my head in my arms, the pillow still a little too far out of reach. And though I'm content, I still whine out sadly when Spencer retreats and leaves me feeling empty.
I'm about to tell him to get over here and cuddle me when I feel his weight redistribute, and it isn't long before he has his head between my legs, his tongue acting as a net for the cum that drips out of me. He barely touches me, only the tiniest of flicks with the tip of his tongue darting over my skin. I can't tell if I'm thankful because of the relief or if I want the burn to go on forever.
In the end, I don't really have a choice.
He pushes his tongue up, sweeping over my dripping cunt and cleaning me up. Suddenly his mouth is everywhere, making the most delicious sounds and bringing me closer to another orgasm, and all I can do is let it happen. My weary smile is joined by a fluttering pair of eyelids and a string of whimpers that are so small they don't dare drown out the words Spencer is grumbling between my legs.
Some of which, I can hear, sound out, "Another one..."
His finger adds to the mix, coming up and rubbing my clit in tight circles as he finishes cleaning up the mess he made, and within seconds I'm a writhing mess at his undoing.
I'm not sure how long it lasts, only that one second I'm tensing with another orgasm and the next I'm having my limbs moved.
Spencer is beside me in an instant, his face coming into view as I feel my breathing slow to a steadier pace. The longer I wait, the more focused I am on his features, soft and even a little concerned as he strokes some of the hair from my face.
"How are you feeling?"
The smile that beams across my face is just about the most natural thing I'd ever felt. And it seems to bring out those bright glints of adoration in his eyes that only ever serve to make my heart flutter, which makes what I tell him even more true.
"I'm happy."
JULY 27th
Waking up to Spencer next to me, while a daily occurrence these past few days, is still possibly the most surprising and comforting feeling in the world.
Our bodies never part. From the moment we lay down to sleep until the moment we wake up and decide it's time to start doing necessary daily things, not one inch of skin is untouched. Even when showering.
I think back to yesterday morning, where he dragged me out of bed because he had to pee and didn't want to leave me. I was slumped over the backside of his body while he went and then in his arms again while he ran us a shower to wake up.
It brings the widest smile to my face, however sleepy it may also be.
"What are you smiling for?"
I squint one eye open and see that Spencer is staring at me. I hadn't expected him to be awake.
"Just thinking about yesterday..."
He tightens his grip on my waist and pulls me even closer, my face instantly drawn to the crook of his neck. "Mmm," he hums as I nestle in and press a sleepy kiss to the bare skin at the column of his throat. "Which part?"
"Our shower."
I feel his thumb then, rubbing back and forth over my hip as clearly as I can feel him smile against the top of my head. "That was fun, wasn't it..."
"Mhmm," I agree. My lightly tongue traces over his collarbone before I kiss it again. "Our shower is much better equipped for sex than yours."
"So... What you're saying is that shower sex is out of the question this morning?" he confirms with a laugh.
"That's exactly what I'm saying..."
"Well then, princess, what uhh... What alternatives do you think we should try out?"
I start to laugh when he pulls my leg up over his waist and hoists me over on top of him. My face remains buried into his neck, though I trail my lips up and up until I reach his jaw.
"Hmm... What if I just ride you and see where it takes us?"
When my lips finally reach his cheek, Spencer shifts and captures them in a long, butterfly-inducing kiss before pulling away with a smile and brushing the hair from my face. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea."
It helps that I can already feel him hardening beneath me, and from the moment I felt his hands on me, I'd been aroused.
Though, as soon as I line him up and get ready to start our morning the right way, his phone rings on the bedside table. I'm tempted to keep going, but he half pushes me off of him when he reaches and reads the name.
"It's your mom."
That instantly kills my mood.
With a dramatic sigh and a pout, I hop off of him and curl up under the covers, letting him answer.
"Good morning," he chirps rather happily, and I try not to imagine my moms smile on the other end of the line. Thankfully I can't hear her, but I can still see Spencer smiling as he greets her and goes through all the pleasantries that come with a long distance relationship; I miss yous and how are yous...
I wonder if he really does miss her. He must, at least a little, right?
I'm staring straight ahead now, picking at my nails while I wait for them to finish talking, but something feels off.
I can feel Spencer's eyes on me.
But then he asks, "What are you wearing?" through the phone with a voice so playful and seductive, and I snap my head around, glaring at him.
"Really?" I mouth.
The smirk on his face makes me want to chuck his phone across the room.
"Mmm," he hums, looking me dead in the eye. And the next time he speaks, I swear he's talking directly to me. "Why don't you take it off... I want to talk you through some things..."
I know my mom is hearing the roughness in his voice through the phone, but right now I can see his eyes, hungry as they rake over my body once I slowly peel the blanket away and reveal myself to him, and I know that his main goal isn't to get my mom off.
It's to finish what we started before she'd interrupted.
"Touch yourself for me, baby? Nice and slow. Just relax..."
He softly crawls over to me, keeping the phone to his ear with one hand while the other takes my knees and spreads them apart.
I start to touch myself as instructed, but he swats my hand away and winks, nestling between my legs. I lean up on my elbows and tilt my head, wondering where he's going with this, when he leans his other cheek into my thigh.
"You know what I'd do to you right now If I was there?" A small pause. And then, "I'd use my fingers to slowly stretch you open... Feel you contract around me..."
His fingers do exactly like he says, and I have to stop myself from making any sound. The evil grin growing on his face as he does it all makes it even harder.
"I'd finger-fuck you nice and slow," he continues in a voice just above a whisper. "Until you're begging me for more."
When his eyes meet mine, once more I want to lean forward, snatch his phone, and smash it on the floor. I want him to utterly devour me, without any interruptions or avoidances at getting caught.
But he's such a fucking tease.
Mom must be talking on the other end, because Spencer is silent, slowly fucking me with his fingers and watching them intently as they disappear inside me. Entranced... The thought of her speaking to him and holding his attention makes me jealous— Sure, he's fucking me right now, but really, she's the one calling the shots.
I lean my head back in frustration, letting out the tiniest of whines and grinding my hips up into his hand, hoping and pleading for more.
A low laugh leaves him. "Please, what?"
It's not lost on me that my mom must have asked for more from him at the same time I did... It cements just how absolutely fucked this whole situation is, and yet I can't help but clench around his fingers in earnest, silently pleading with him to go on.
He removes his fingers from me and I sigh out, trying not to disrupt their call.
"And... How would you like me to fuck you?" he asks, looking at me with an evil grin and knowing damn well I can't actually answer.
After he gets her answer, he climbs up on his knees and spreads my legs further, throwing one of them up on his shoulder while he leaves the other on the bed. Since he only has one hand to work with, he gestures to it and I help him out, lifting my other leg up to my chest and holding it with one arm to let him get inside at a good angle.
"Yeah, and how do you want it, baby?" He lines himself up with me and very slowly sinks the head of his cock in, holding it and running his hand along my stomach. "I'm thinking... I'd like to fuck you so slow you're practically writhing beneath me..."
I stick my tongue out at him, and then without warning he slams into me. I bring a hand to my mouth and bite down on my finger, trying not to make a sound.
"You're gonna be patient... And you're gonna let me take my time... Until you're nice and desperate... Whining out for me like a good little whore..."
Each sentence is punctuated with another thrust, hard and deep, followed by a short pause, and it's all I can do not to cry out his name and beg him to go faster.
Mom must be talking on the line again, because Spencer doesn't say a word as he fucks me. His pace doesn't pick up or slow, and his own self control starts to recede—I can see it in his features. I can also feel it in the way his free hand grips my leg. He wants to go faster, he wants to lose control, and this is killing him just as much as it's killing me.
But then he pants into the phone, his voice breaking a little as he pauses and rolls his hips into me, slow and burning. I whine into my hand as quietly as possible, and he asks the question that will seal my fate.
"Where do you want it?"
I wait, clenching around him and praying for the result I want.
And then he laughs. "Yeah? You like when I paint you with my cum, huh?"
I shake my head, silently begging him to resist and stay inside me, but he only shrugs as if to say, Sorry about your luck, and then pulls out, leaving me whiny and desperate.
Just like he said.
And then, he comes all over me, stroking himself fast and hard. Even though I've still yet to feel any sort of relief, seeing him in front of me like this, feeling his warmth dance across my skin in warm spurts, and hearing him groan out as he watches my body gladly accept it all...
It's quite honestly the most satisfying thing I've ever seen.
I can't say I'm not happy, though, when he slumps down and pants, sighing out a few goodbyes to my mom and then tossing his phone on the floor when she hangs up.
He smiles at me then, and I pout.
"You're evil..."
"Mmm, you love it," he drawls, leaning down and starting to dart his tongue over the mess he made on my stomach. Meanwhile his finger finds its way inside me again, and I feel myself start to turn into a writhing mess once more.
And he's right.
I do love it.
JULY 29th
Approaching the front door with Mom in step behind me, knowing that Spencer awaits for her on the other side isn't what makes my heart jump out of my chest.
It's the look on both of their faces when they see each other.
Though I push Mom forward to go see him, it nearly breaks me seeing her run into his arms. He picks her up and spins her around, reminiscent of their little moment at the airport, and the pure happiness on her face specifically makes my stomach twist.
This time it isn't jealousy.
It's guilt.
She's... incredibly happy. I don't think I've ever seen her this happy before. She's positively beaming as she hugs him tight and buries her face into his chest.
And when he looks past her head and looks over at me, I feel it.
The heartache.
Spencer's eyes burn holes into my own, and fill them with a sympathy that makes me feel more wounded than comforted.
I wonder then if he can see it on my face; The way I'm trying not to break down and cry... The way I'm only holding myself together by the weak smile I'm wearing, both to assure him that I'm fine and also to feign happiness for my mother, rather than the aching envy and sadness that festers within every crevice of my soul.
I offer to grab more of Mom's things from the car and dart right back out the door to avoid them for a little while. Maybe to also get some fresh air, even though I'd just been outside less than a minute ago.
After flinging open the trunk of the car, I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut, feeling my chest start to tighten at the realization that I might be starting to fall in love with him.
A man who isn't mine, and who could never be.
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams 
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Dad/Family headconons
Aizawa, Taishiro, Toshinori, Sir Nighteye, and Hawks
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Despite him being that kind of nonchalant, I don’t give a shit about anything kind of person.....he’s a family guy
Loves kids
He just wants you to have a huge army of kids following alongside you hand in hand to visit him at work.
Looks forward to being able to relate to someone else with his quirk
Doesn’t care if they are all girls, all boys, a mixture of both, or even fostering or adopting, he’s for everything
Was kind of afraid to open up about that side of himself when you two got married, but you are all for it too
Feels that he can handle it with your help thanks to having some experience with dealing with his students
Is slapped in the face with shock when you two have your first 2 or 3 kids because infants are, you guessed it, nothing like teens who are all emotional about becoming a prohero
Guess he would be prepared for whenever they would get to their teenage years
Except for periods because he didn’t know anything about them but he’ll probably take the time to learn about it from you
Still happy over his growing army though
Still loves the chaos of it all, plus it’s good to have Aizawa to control their quirks when they start to develop
The chaos also reminds him of his own time in school with his few friends he had....they were always so vibrant and loud unlike him and he kind of envied it (secretly)
Yamada and Kayama (Present Mic and Midnight) loves to visit his little army and spoil them with toys and snacks even if Aizawa disapproved of it
You helped hand out the toys and snacks.....Aizawa could suck it up
Napping piles are normal in this household, so don’t be freaked when you see all of your children curled up or around Aizawa under a pillow fort in the living room.
It breaks his heart everytime though when his kids beg to take a stray cat home and he has to say no....but he’ll end up going back on patrol to feed it and then probably cave in and bring it home anyway
He’ll just shrug off his children’s accusations of him being a ‘hypocrite’ for saying no to their pleas earlier and say something like ‘Well I said you couldn’t do it, nothing about me though’
The tea parties are lit and he’ll crush anyone at a video game
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Taishiro Toyomistu/Fatgum
Really never thought about having his own kids until meeting Kirishima and Tamaki
Life was changed FOREVER since meeting them, now he would like to have his own family
It was kind of confusing to finally have the talk of having kids a couple of years into your marriage, but your views on having kids were changed too after meeting the two UA students
He let you on thinking just one or two kids were great, but you didn’t know if you should have been surprised that you were in the hospital room pushing out your 5th child
It was kind of funny to see Taishiro freaking out even if it was his 5th time next to you in labor
Your kids were so use to it they just sat out in the hallway doing their schoolwork or playing games on their iPads as Kirishima and Tamaki watched over them (your labor would always catch them while they were out on patrol)
I picture that all his kids are girls
He uses the excuse “just one more kid, maybe this time it’ll be a boy”, It’s NEVER a boy
I feel that he’s the dad to sneak home McDonald’s fries or ice cream to his kids despite you not liking it
Will take the blame when you catch one of your daughters munching on fries on the way back to her room (daughters will also try to take the blame, but how the heck could girls 13 and younger sneak out all the way to McDonalds)
He’ll also get all his daughters together to bake a cake and also decorate it. The creativity shown by his daughters will always amaze him.
He and his daughters would even clean up the kitchen together...mostly so that you wouldn’t get mad upon seeing the kitchen as a disaster
Gets way into watching Barbie’s Life in the Dream House and secretly really loves our queen Raquelle
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All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Just wants one little girl
To spoil her ROTTEN!
Seeing his friend David Sheild’s daughter Melissa grow up and look so happy always made him envious. Young Midoriya also played a huge role in his desire for at least one kid
One child was enough for the two of you and thankfully your first and only child was a girl
Gran Torino will also spoil her rotten along with Sir Nighteye
Will not be embarrassed to be caught sprawled out on the ground with your daughter playing with dolls
He’s actually quite proud of the fact that he doesn’t mind getting down and dirty when it comes to playing with ‘girly’ things with his young daughter unlike other dads
Loves to play Studio Ghibli movies for your daughter.....but Yagi is way more into it
I say this because Toshinori will try to hide his tears while watching My Neighbor Totoro as your daughter is fast asleep on his lap.
He will also sneak in a rated pg-13 hero movie from the United States in when your gone too....and then he’ll act surprise when your daughter would repeat the fowl language she heard in the movie
He would and WILL spend hours on YouTube to learn how to braid hair and put bows in and ribbons
He would bring her to work a lot too to see class 1A in action
Daughter will forever be his ‘baby’, so he HATES the thought of her starting to date and get married.
So when she admitted that the boy ‘Todoroki’ in his class was handsome while heading home one day from his work, he swore off boys....
He wasn’t surprised though, she was always managing to get Todoroki to hold her hand while Toshinori would have class 1A doing scenarios in teams and showing off her hair to him and asking if he noticed anything different.
Todoroki is a good sport, he held her hand and always complimented her hair...
Yeah she was mad at Toshinori and you made him unswear off boys, especially Todoroki
Brings your daughter to work just to brag about how he did her hair to EVERYONE
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Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye
Eh....he didn’t want kids, never had the desire tbh
Though something about UA students’ charming personalities making these heroes want families. Mirio got him thinking one kid couldn’t be so bad
You were shocked when he asked to have a kid, but you agreed....after discussing it for awhile to make sure he wanted this
I picture him having one cute, little shy boy
Like the cute little boy with glasses who wears those cute shorts with a bug related shirt that just wants to search for roly-poly in the dirt and grass in the back yard
Very quiet and a bit shy around new people, but is literally the most polite little boy in the WORLD
Nighteye will use his quirk on his son when out looking for bugs to just see if he missed something in the grass or dirt, but that’s as far as he’ll use it
The reason why Nighteye thinks he’s so funny is because your son (and you of course along with mirio) are the only ones who laugh at his jokes, especially your son
Your son finds ANYTHING his dad says or does hilarious. His dad made a gasp of excitement along side his son upon finding a millipede? Instant laughter will follow
Those bouts of laughter from his son is the best feeling in the world to him
Tried to make your son an expert on All Might, but gave up when he came to his conclusion that your son just wasn’t into it.
It was kind of weird at first to find out his son was just simply NOT into heroes, but now he just loves the fact that his son likes what he likes and doesn’t let himself get swayed by others, even his own mom and dad
If you can’t make his little boy, his pride and joy, laugh? Sorry, but don’t talk to Nighteye or his son ever again
He will sit and listen to his little boy go on and on and on and ON about anything and never get bored (or show it). He will sit and listen intently about the cool facts about the bug he found or a plant.
He’d even listen to the longest explanation about a tiny little squiggle on a piece of paper that he drew on if it was being told by his little boy.
Will even put a meeting on hold just to answer a FaceTime from his son from your phone just to listen to him talk about a leaf he made a pressing of....and will sit there with the volume all the way up on his phone too so the others in the room can hear as well.
Will spend all night pinning bugs to a board to frame and label just for your son
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Keigo Takami/Hawks
He didn’t even want to date tbh
Though when he met you? The cliche ‘love at first sight’ happened and soon the two of you were married pretty quickly and boy was he a happy man
He didn’t really even want kids either. He just didn’t want to have kids and somehow they end up with a childhood like his that’s not the greatest or most normal, plus he was happy with the little domestic life with you.
But then IT happened. You know, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much and poof, a baby? Yeah....
He was TERRIFIED, but once your first child came into the world, a new sense of happiness sparked within him, like his own eyes opened for the first time to the world
This happened twice more, ending up with his happy family consisting of you, his two boys, and his little girl.
He’s the kind of dad to have his wallet FILLED with pictures of his kids and you. He will shamelessly show them off to fans while on patrol and also to Endeavor....even if he’s seen them a trillion times. Also his office is filled with framed pictures too
He also gets in trouble a lot along with his two boys for playing to rough and loudly within the house by you, especially for flying and being too competitive with video games and ANY activity he would take part in with them.
What can he say? His sons were like the best friends he was never able to have as a kid, he wanted to take in the beauties of having an energetic family
He doesn’t play favorites, but when it comes to his little girl? Sometimes he’ll catch a feeling of her feeling like she’s the odd one out when it comes to her two older brothers and he can relate to that feeling.
So he’ll set aside some dad and daughter time to do the things she likes, like read, color, and draw
He would even let her do his hair with tiny braids and color pieces of clip in hair and many butterfly clips. Keigo would also then wear it out proudly on patrol and check his reflection MULTIPLE times to make sure everything was in place.
He would then shout to the press and paparazzi that his daughter did his hair, showing it off in the process
When the picture would come out with the headliner ‘Hawks’ New Look Thanks to Daughter’ for the news the next day, the look of pride and awe on your daughters face upon looking at the front cover of the magazines and newspapers at the store you and his family would shop at would absolutely melt his heart melt
He’s the first one to pull back the covers to let his children climb in when scared by a thunderstorm or the spooky shadow in their room even if they may be getting ‘too old’ to be doing that...according to Endeavor however, so that information might be wrong
Bribes his kids not to tell you that he entered the house through the window and not the front door
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illyaana · 3 years
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credits to the artists who made the fanarts I used!
Dorm Life - Shoto Todoroki
Thanks to @missuga for this collab! Sorry I gave to you late TwT Do check out their collab over here!
Tags: Shoto Todoroki x Reader, Binaural, Fluff, Cursing, Minor Angst, Kissing (escandalo)
Synopsis: A compilation of drabbles of your life during the pandemic, quarantined in the UA dorms.
Word Count: 2734
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Like my writing? Do you want a drabble specifically made for you about your love life with a character of your choosing? Check out my 50 followers event over here!
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The Sun let its light brush against your skin, giving you a warm hug in the morning. You awoke to the pale blue skies that were painted so elegantly it made you stare. The cumulus clouds softly danced on its stage, etching a smile on your face. You looked around the room, checking for the clock to see what time it was currently.
10:00 a.m. - You were supposed to wake up at 8:00.
Worry rushed through you. The fear of you being late for class thrummed as you tried to get out of your bed.
Hint: tried.
You turned to your side and looked at the male beside you. His hands had found their way around your waist, pulling you in. His head was pressed against your shoulder. His twin-colored hair was disheveled thanks to him turning himself all through the night, His long eyelashes framed his closed lids, his lips slightly parted. Small snores came out in intervals as he snuggled into you, his vice grip around your body tightening even more.
You could help but trace his lips with your finger - it was so soft, you had to.
You pressed a kiss to his forehead, then laid your forehead against his.
“Get up, Sho - class starts in 10 minutes,” you said, rubbing his shoulder.
“I don’t want to, this is too comfortable,” he mumbled, rubbing his head on your shoulder.
“What are you, a cat?” You joked, placing your hands on his cheek, “Let me at least get my laptop on - I can tell Aizawa we’re sharing my laptop and we can just join the class here.”
“Getting the laptop means that you move - and you are not moving,” he said, tightening his grip on you.
“You know we’re going to be in trouble if we don’t join the class, right? Oh yeah, it starts in 5 minutes,” you said, slightly annoyed at him.
Shoto sighs in defeat, “Fine - but, hurry up,”
You pry his arms off of you and rush to your table to get the laptop on. Thankfully, you managed to join the class 3 minutes before it began.
“Aren’t you coming back in here?” Todoroki whined, patting the space beside him.
“Are you finally awake?” You question him.
“Kind of?”
“ ‘Kind of?’ “
“Yes, I am awake - I no longer need to sleep,” he groans.
You take your laptop and place it in the space between the two of you as you sit back on the bed. You pressed another kiss on his forehead, making him smile.
“Good morning, snowflake,” he says as he returns your kiss with one on your forehead.
“Good morning, Sho.”
“Now that you both have shown a great deal of affection, Y/N and Shoto,” Eraserhead says from your Zoom call, “Can my class finally begin?”
“I got the money from Aizawa for our meals! Can you all go through the menu and tell me what you want on the class group chat?” Momo shouted from the living room.
“Imagine eating great food for free?” Uraraka smiled, enjoying how our meals were paid for by the school itself, “The pandemic is amazing yet so annoying at the same time.”
You chuckle at the brown-haired girl, seeing her awe-filled expression.
“What are you getting?” You ask her.
“Hmm… maybe Udon? It’s been a long time since I ate it, and since it’s not coming from my pocket…” she eyed the menu, “I’m getting the most expensive one.”
“You know he gave a set amount for the whole class right?” You look at her mischievous expression.
“I’m pretty sure we can stay within the budget. Our class generally doesn’t spend much money on food, right?”
You looked across the room to see Kaminari and Kirishima going through the menu.
“You think those two will be reasonable with their spending? Knowing them, they’re most probably buying the whole menu plus snacks,” you say, looking at their joy-filled grins.
You saw Shoto walk beside Iida, heading towards the two males. Intrigued, you and Uraraka walked towards the group of four.
“Hey,” you say as you hug Shoto from the back, “Everything okay?”
“These two,” Iida said, anger laced in his words, “Ordered everything on the menu.”
You held back your laughter, unlike Uraraka.
“Your skills in predicting the future astound me, Y/N L/N,” she says, covering her mouth.
“Hush,” you say, smiling.
“The two of you…” Iida began, looking at the two wrongdoers, “I don’t know how your closer friends handle you two.”
You look at the scene unfolding in front of you, smiling.
Iida was full-on lecturing the two males, his hands moving in all ten directions. Kaminari and Kirishima just stood there, dumbfounded. You could see the two of them slowly spacing out from the ‘conversation’, but Iida kept going on.
“Hey,” Shoto whispered, “Wanna have a mini-date tonight? I’ll order a few things and get them sent here, and we can watch a movie together?”
“Don’t use the money Aizawa gave though - we don’t need a third victim of Iida’s lectures,” you whisper, earning a smile from the stoic male.
You opened the door to Shoto’s room, comfortably dressed in your Axolotl onesie. In your hands, you brought a hard drive filled with movies that you felt that you both would enjoy. Seeing that Shoto wasn’t in the room, you laid on his bed, waiting for the arrival of the owner of the room. Your eyes went straight to his mirror. He had slid multiple polaroid pictures of you and your friends in the corners of the mirror. Each one of the photos had a small remark, reminding you of all the memories you’ve made throughout your years in UA.
Your hands grazed on the photo he kept on the bedside table.
It was a picture of him and his mother smiling.
Your chest panged when you saw it. He had told you the story behind his scar and his life within the Todoroki household. His hatred for his father grew every day, yet he could never hate his mother - the very person who gave him the scar on his face.
“I love that picture, but not as much as I love this one,” Shoto said, pointing at a photo in the top-left corner of his mirror.
It was a picture of both of you visiting his mother with Fuyumi and Natsuo.
“I’ll admit Natsuo was not the most welcoming to the idea of me dating you, but he slowly loved you as a sibling. I did talk about you to Fuyumi a bunch of times, but she had her suspicions - that all changed when she met you, though. Mom…”
He hesitated, “...she didn’t like the idea of me dating anyone. Yet, you managed to make her like you so much, now she only asks about you whenever I call her,” he chuckled.
“My family loves you - except Endeavor, of course,” he groaned.
“He’ll come around, eventually. You, however,” you walk up to him and cup his face, “Need to talk to him properly - no filter, just say everything.”
You lie back down on the bed, patting the space beside you, “Hurry up - the snacks you bought are calling me.”
After multiple small banters, you both finally decided on Shrek and began to watch the movie.
After a while, you found yourself lying on Shoto’s chest, playing with his fingers as you focused on the movie. Shoto, however, stared at your cute expressions, taking mental notes of all the small things you did when a scene disgusted you, made you laugh or made you feel sad.
“Y/N,” he whispered in your ear once the movie ended, “Thanks for loving me.”
You turned to face the fire user, cupping his face in your hands. His fingers found their way in your hair, enjoying the feeling of your soft locks against his calloused skin. Your thumb began to move in circular motions, eager to feel his soft skin against yours. You stared into his dual-coloured eyes, enjoying the brown and icy blue flecks within each eye. He relaxed against your touch, warmth radiating from him to you.
“I love you so much, Sho - and I will no matter what happens later on.”
You shared a kiss under the glow of the pale moonlight, but all you cared about was how perfect the man you were kissing was.
“Hey Sho,” you say, nudging the male beside you, “You wanna train after this?”
“I can’t,” he said, looking down, “I asked Midoriya to help me with some things. The only time he’s free is after this, so…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll ask Uraraka!” you say, kissing him on the cheek, “Good luck with whatever you’re doing with Mido.”
Soon, both you and Uraraka headed to Ground Beta to train your hand-to-hand combat.
“Luckily all of us are vaccinated, or the training grounds wouldn’t be open,” you say, thinking.
“Okay, okay - you wanted to work on hand-to-hand combat, right?” You nodded.
Both you and Uraraka got into your positions, mentally preparing yourselves. You were ready to move towards her until you heard sounds coming from the entrance.
“Well, well, well - isn’t that two students from Class 3-A?” Monoma snickered.
You groaned before turning to face him.
“Hello, Monoma? Where’s Kendo?” you ask, hoping that the ginger would come and stop him.
“Kendo’s eating right now - don’t want to disturb her. I don’t mind messing with the two of you, though.”
“What’s the difference, Monoma?” Uraraka added, “We usually keep quiet, but Y/N and I would like to train, so it would be greatly appreciated if you either kept quiet or left.”
“Why would you want to train with them, though?” He said, looking at Uraraka, “They’re the weakest bitch in your whole class, aren’t they?”
“The fuck, Monoma?!” you shouted, “That’s going a bit too far, don’t you think?”
“What? I’m just stating facts; you entered the class later than everyone else, you’re quirkless since you depend on your weapons, you need to train with others so that you can win 10% of the time - don’t the facts say it all?”
“Monoma, you might want to - ”
“Stop? Why should I?” he laughed, “It’s about time someone told you the truth; you’re useless, unneeded, a waste of space, and never going to be a hero - not even a sidekick.”
“So, the student who single-handedly served you your own ass in a fight doesn’t deserve to stay, but your weak fucking self can stay?” Shoto chuckled darkly, his hand slowly freezing Monoma’s shoulder, “That’s a lot of self-confidence for someone who hasn’t fought well for 3 years straight.”
“Next time you talk shit about Y/N, don’t expect to leave without losing any limbs,” he shouted, scaring Monoma.
“Shoto,” you begin, “Let me fight my own battles.”
He stares at you and sighs. His vice grip on Monoma loosens as you walk towards him.
You run your sword against his hands, small cuts forming.
“Talk shit about me again and you won’t be standing. Get the fuck out, dumbass.”
Monoma runs out of Ground Beta, making you chuckle.
“Damn, Y/N,” Uraraka says from afar.
“That’s my lover,” Shoto says, smiling.
You woke up to the sounds of Shoto whimpering in his sleep.
His clothes were soaked by his sweat, trails of tears strung down his face.
He was shaking - shivering.
Small screams of Natsuo, Fuyumi and Rei’s names escaped his lips along with soft sobs.
“Shoto!” You shouted, shaking him, “Wake up, it’s only a dream - they’re okay, they’re alive.”
You heard your name.
You heard his voice become louder, screaming your name in pain.
“I’m here, I’m fine,” you whisper in his ear.
“I’m right here, Shoto - I haven’t left you. I am here, hugging you. Wake up, okay?’
You heard his whimpers stop as he wrapped his arms around you. He nuzzled his face into your chest as you patted his head.
“Y/N…” you heard him mumble, “Y/N… you’re fine, right?”
“I’m fine, Sho. I’m here hugging you, aren’t I?”
He nodded, pressing his head against your chest.
“You want to talk about it?”
“No…” he trailed off.
“Okay, don’t worry,” you say, kissing him on his head.
“You want me to get you something? Milk, water…?” you ask him, slowly prying yourself off of him.
“Don’t go anywhere.”
“Ok then, koala - I’m not going anywhere,” you say, chuckling.
You hummed a song as you rubbed Shoto’s back, giving him warmth. You wiped the trail of tears and pressed kisses on his cheek.
If he needs you to be his haven, you’ll be an oasis from all the bad.
“Ok, so - everyone is here, right?” Mina said as she stood in the middle of the living room.
You looked at everyone in the living room. Everyone was excited - after all, it’s been a long time since you all did something together as a class.
“I think everyone’s here, Mina,” Shouji said, passing you your drink.
Shoto placed his head on your shoulder, groaning.
“What’s wrong with you?” you ask, worried.
“I wanted to just sleep in today…” he said, sulking.
“Come on, it’s been a long time since we did something as a class - who knows? This might be our last little thing as a class,” you retort.
He hummed in agreement, “Fine.”
“Great! Let’s bring back an old classic, shall we? The game that made all the couples in this classroom, the game that made the impossible possible,” she looked at Bakugou and Izuku, “Spin the Bottle Truth or Dare!”
“This fucking game?” Bakugo cussed.
“Relax, Kacchan~,” Kaminari said, teasing the other blonde.
“Shut up, dunce face,” Bakugo said with anger.
“Keep quiet, you two. Mina’s getting angry,” Kirishima said, eyeing the pink-haired female.
“So what if-”
“Kacchan, shush,” Izuku said, glaring at his partner.
“Thank you, my green-haired savior,” Mina said, smiling at Izuku.
“Let me re-explain how the game works; Person A will spin the bottle in the middle of the circle until it stops on Person B. Person A will play truth or dare with Person B. Clear?” Mina said, smiling.
The game soon spiraled out of control, just like everyone expected.
Kaminari danced in a maid dress, Shinsou was forced to call Aizawa and Present Mic ‘dads’ in a call on speaker, Kirishima was forced to scream “I’m hard!” out loud, and Mina sang Baby Shark to her lover - something we never thought Kirishima would enjoy.
In the last round, the bottle landed on Shoto.
The person who spun the bottle was Sero.
You knew he had something planned - you could see it in his eyes.
“Shoto Todoroki, truth or dare?” He said, smirking.
You looked at him, begging him to not choose dare.
“Truth, I guess?” he said, looking at you.
“What do you and Y/N do when you’re alone?”
“Take dare, take the dare, take the dare…” you mumbled under your breath, hoping he’d listen.
“Can I take the dare?” Shoto said, questioning your actions.
“Make out with Y/N right here.”
“Give them some privacy, Sero!” Uraraka shouted on your behalf.
“He already evaded the truth question, I’m not modifying the dare,” Sero said, huffing.
“Y/N,” Shoto said, looking at you, “Is it okay?”
You sigh in frustration, “I put us in this situation, Sho. Let’s just get it over with.”
Shoto smiled, looking at your pissed expression.
“Look at me,” he whispered in your ear, raising small goosebumps on your skin.
His hands slowly went to your cheeks, eyeing the flecks in your eyes - how they sparkled just for him and him alone. His thumb reached your lips and parted it - enjoying how you were putty in his hands. His hand slowly went from your cheek to your chin, raising it to make your forehead meet his.
“Geez, Y/N,” he said, lust filling his eyes, “You’re so perfect.”
He softly pressed his lips against yours. He sucked on your lips, enjoying the strawberry lip balm you put just before you entered the living room. Your hands gripped on his dual-colored hair, fingers entangled.
The soft kiss soon turned desperate, needy.
In, out, in, out - the synchronization of your lips.
The need for breath soon came and your lips parted from his.
“Well, that was something,” you said, laughing.
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namjoon-koya · 4 years
Do you watch Gakuen Babysitters? My favorite character is Kotaro who’s this sweet lil bean that’s usually quiet but he’s adorable! 🥰 I was wondering if you can do hc’s Hawks, Sero, Aizawa, and Tetsutetsu reacting to a fem!s/o’s baby brother visiting her in class or going to the teacher’s office to drop off her bento she forgot. All these up and coming pro hero’s or pro hero’s are just vibing and doing their thing but suddenly, this chubby lil intruder comes in with a bag for his sister and told her she forgot something. Let them die of cutness as she gives her baby bro “up’s”, kissing his face, and just seeing how caring she is to him. (For Hawks, I can see him being confused when there’s a little kid standing at his crush’s office but he’s too smol to reach the handle, so he lets him in)
(A/N: yess I’ve seen it. It’s a really adorable anime tbh :)
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I can just imagine he’s running late because he forgot to put his alarm in the morning or forgot to put AM instead of PM.
Obviously though he’s going to fly to the agency because it’s quicker and he often likes viewing the city during the mornings too.
So when he makes it to the agency (Yes he’s going to go through the entrance bEcause his boss told him he couldn’t fly to his office anymore)
He’s greeted by some pro heroes as he walks in and of course with his million dollar smile he greets them back.
It’s a habit don’t blame him, but sometimes his eyes will wander to your office checking if you’re there since you always made his days better especially while being at work.
So what made him so confused today was seeing a child standing outside your office with a bento box in one hand and trying to reach the door handle with the other.
He’s going to look around and see if he sees their parents, but when he doesn’t he hesitantly walks up to the child.
The small little munchkin didn’t even notice him.. wow hawks thought he must really want to get inside your office if he doesn’t notice someone behind him..
“Yo.” He said getting the child’s attention. The child looked up at him before pointing at the door “do you know them?” Hawks asked shoving his hands into his pockets.
The child didn’t answer and only pointed at the door again, Hawks sighed. He opened the door to see you working on a few papers “huh? Hawks I thought you weren’t coming I didn’t see you in the morning.”
He chuckled “forgot to put my alarm this morning, but.. I got someone here for you.”
You cocked your head to the side seeing hawks bend down and pick something up once he was in full view you saw it was your baby brother?! What the heck was he even doing here?!
“A-Ah! What are you doing here all alone?!” You asked rushing to Hawk’s side.
Your brother only held out a Bento box “huh? I forgot my lunch.. t-thank you.” You said taking it from him and placing it on your desk “But that doesn’t answer the question how’s your get here?”
Suddenly you saw your mom and dad walk in the office “don’t worry Y/N he was with us, but he was really determined to deliver the bento box to you so we just decided to let him go.” You sighed in relief taking your brother out of hawk’s arms.
Your brother only wrapped his arms around your neck “I’m not mad at you, but you just really scared me for a moment.” You said placing a kiss on his cheek.
Hawks just.. blushes because he didn’t even realize how good you were with kids until he saw how you interacted with your brother.. and now he’s thinking if you’d be the same if you two had a family (NOT THAT HE WAS THINKING THAT FAR AHEAD YET) but still seeing you with a child just made his heart explode.
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You two had a bet on who would take care of the little monsters of class 1A if one of you two lost.
Of course luck wasn’t on your side today and it had to be you “Good luck.” Aizawa mocked you “shUt up.” You said leaving to go to the classroom.
Honestly you didn’t mind though all the students in 1A adored you even Bakugou did! He always seemed to listen to strategies you gave them and even tried them out.
Aizawa of course was happily making his way to the teachers lounge when he noticed a very small child walking through the hallways while holding a bento box and he was like uH..
He saw Toshinori eyeing the child carefully too.. “hey Toshinori who’s child is that?” He asked walking beside him.
“He’s Y/N’s little brother his parents told me Y/N forgot her lunch at home and he was really determined to come drop it off..” Aizawa sighed.
“Does he even know where she is?” Toshinori only shrugged “I tried helping him.. he simply refused remind you of anyone?” He joked.
Obviously Toshinori and Aizawa are going to help lead the little munchkin to where class 1A was and once they made it Aizawa quietly and carefully opened the door a bit allowing your brother to slip right in.
As you were teaching you noticed a few students had drifted their eyes to the ground and some seemed to be blushing at something as well.. you looked down and saw your brother holding out the bento box.. HOW THE HECK WAS YOUR BROTHER HERE?!
“Huh?! What are you doing here?!” Of course he wasn’t going to answer you and still continued to hold out your lunch. You sighed and picked him up in your arms suddenly everyone started asking questions some asked if he was your child and some asked if you had a husband and you’re like “P-Please stop asking so many questions.”
The door fully opened and you saw Aizawa and Toshinori standing outside “Shōta? Toshinori? What are you guys doing here?” You asked as the students still continued to ask questions.
“You’re parents said you forgot your lunch today and your brother wanted to drop it off for you. Don’t worry they’re still in the office.” Toshinori clarified.
You let out a sigh before kissing your brother on his cheek “what am I going to do with you?”
Aizawa.ExE has stopped working.
Literally he’s seen the way you are with kids especially teenagers (often he can’t even deal with class 1A) and yet here you are having motherly instincts already and he feels like dying seeing it.
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You were in a rush to get to school since you woke up late and didn’t even realize you had forgotten your lunch today.
Since your house wasn’t that far from UA you made it on time to class.
“Whoa! Y/N you only had 3 minutes to last before school started!” Sero said coming up to you.
“I-I forgot to put my alarm today my mom was the one who woke me up on time thankfully.” You said panting between words as you tried catching your breath.
“Dumbass that’s why you sleep early.” You heard Bakugou comment from behind you.
“Excuse me for not sleeping at 8 o’clock everyday Bakugou.” You sassed back at him.
Finally class had started at everyone was seated down in their seats as Aizawa started going over a few lessons. Everyone was writing down notes as Aizawa wrote things up on the chalkboard.
For the most part it was quiet everyone was so focused that they didn’t even hear the door open up quietly Aizawa stopped talking and that’s when everyone looked up at him only to see a child standing next to him holding a bento box.
Everyone started mumbling asking who the child belonged to, suddenly they noticed the child finally notice someone they recognized he started walking over to where you were, but you didn’t even notice your brother until you heard a soft “neechan.” You looked up finally.
“Huh? What? How on earth did you get here?” You said as he walked over to your desk and held out the bento box. You picked him up and placed him in your lap everyone gathered around your desk to take a closer look at your brother.
“Wow Y/N! He definitely has your eyes!” Mina commented.
“He doesn’t seem to smile much does he?” Midoriya asked.
“He’s really quiet and shy the most of the time you informed.
Sero, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Kaminari sat in the back observing everyone.
Sero couldn’t help, but blush at the way you acted motherly to your brother. He knew it was still too early to think about kids in the future, but man he knew you’d make a great mom..
“Sero don’t tell me you’re thinking about..” Kirishima commented.
“I-I’m not!”
“Sure you’re not dumbass we can see it written all over your face.”
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You tend to forget a lot of things at times especially when you’re too focused on school.
You didn’t even realize that you had forgotten your lunch at home! And throughout the day you still couldn’t remember about it.
As you sat in class some students chattered away (especially Monoma and doing his dramatic laugh as always) you continued to gaze out the window until Tetsutetsu came up to you.
The both of you had always been close especially on the first day of school he actually just came up to you and started talking to you about random things.
It felt nice having him around he talked about Kirishima (who had a really similar quirk to his) and how their internship went.
You tended to listen more than talk you weren’t really a talkative person, but you always did pay attention to someone when they were telling you a story and something that happened to them yesterday.
You suddenly heard a gasp from Monoma he went to the front of the classroom and picked up something “now now who’s child is this?” He said holding them.
That’s when you saw it was your brother “Monoma!” You said getting up from your seat and walking over to him “don’t hold my brother like that! You have to hold kids gently.” You said grabbing your brother from him and carrying him in a more comfortable position.
“Hey what does he have?” Tetsutetsu asked walking up beside you, your brother said “neechan.” While holding the bento box he was carrying “h-huh? I guess I forgot my lunch.. aw you saved the day for me didn’t you? Look at you, you might already beat the number one hero.” You said kissing his cheek.
Everyone just smiled at the affection you were giving your brother, but Tetsutetsu was thinking other things.. you definitely had a good connection with children and definitely had good motherly instincts.. God he didn’t think he could fall more deeper in love with you..
“Tetsutetsu~ are you blushing because you’re thinking of the future with a certain someone?” Kendo teased.
“N-No! Stop reading my thoughts!”
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neonponders · 3 years
Okay I’m in this Flayed!Steve thing now. Here’s part 2 for this post ~
It’s the angsty middle (I don’t know if I’m doing a part 3 so this might just be angst with no conclusion LOL) so I’ll put it under the cut.
• • • • • • •
Billy frowned at Max’s gaggle of weirdos from atop his lifeguard throne. She had a pass to the pool - courtesy of his job - so the extremely obvious sneaking around was even weirder than that herd of freshmen usually behaved.
Whatever. It’s summer. It’s closing time, and Billy’s got plans to be nowhere in Hawkins tonight. He’s got a concert ticket burning a hole in his locker, and he can’t help but touch it fondly after he finishes his shower -
The lights go out.
He wants to slouch and tip his head back like Max does when she’s just over it. But since he’s the boss around here, he puts strength in his legs and barks, “HEY! Lights on and get out!”
When nothing changed, he quickly yanked on his jeans, t-shirt, and shouldered his backpack - ticket safely locked within an interior pocket -
Billy’s mouth opens to bellow, but someone else beats him to it.
The voice is familiar but he can’t place it. Or rather, it’s out of place, so he doesn’t believe it until he sees Steve Harrington for himself.
“Max! Get out of the freaking sauna! I’m not interested in smelling like old men.”
Billy frowned. There was only one sauna, and women didn’t use it. A mild warning bell moves through Billy’s head at why Max could possibly be in the sauna at all, but instead he chooses to intercept the guy yelling for his stepsister.
“Hey, Harrington.”
It was convenient that Billy stood behind him; he got the full view of that Scoops Ahoy uniform as Steve turned around and -
Got a sandbag in the stomach. The pool staff used those to weigh down signs and traffic cones on busy days in the parking lot, but for the life of him, Billy had no idea where it had just come from. They weren’t stored anywhere near the locker rooms or sauna.
Billy gaped as the guy vocally coughed and flew backward. A good bit of spit got knocked out of him on the way into the sauna, and then the door slammed shut.
Freshmen swarmed around Billy, running at the door to bar it shut. Byers’ brother read the thermometer on the wall. “Almost at two hundred!”
Her red ponytail flew around her head as she looked at him and his confusion. “Billy, I don’t have time to explain.”
“You might!” Lucas intercepted. “We don’t know how long this will take!”
A new voice asked, “How long does it take?”
Billy analyzed this new person’s sailor uniform. “Who are you?”
“Robin. Who the hell are you?”
“I work here!” Billy growled. “What the hell are all of you doing after hours?”
“Steve’s possessed by something,” Robin said.
Billy’s voice went deadpan. “It’s July.”
She grimaced, “So?”
“So take your Halloween bullshit out of here - ”
Slow...quiet laughter turned their heads to the sauna door. Yet...the laughter didn’t match the sobbed, “Bullshit. My life is bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.”
“Two-fifteen,” Byers narrated by the thermometer. As if connected to the temperature, Steve got louder, wailing an atrocious sound that made even Billy wince.
“We’re all getting arrested for this if you don’t let him out - ”
“We can’t let him out!” Wheeler shouted. Jesus, the kid was just as bullheaded as his sister. “The Mind Flayer’s inside of him. Maybe you might be bored enough to let this thing take over our dimension, but we’re not!”
“Mike, he doesn’t know,” Max said as if trying to soothe the situation, but Billy’s eyes were on the sauna window. Steve had stood up. And Max stood too close to the door.
A fist broke the glass and gripped her hair the same time Billy dove for her. Max screamed as they both landed against the sauna door. Everyone was yelling, but through the chaos, a hand entered Billy’s vision and Steve flew away from the door as if pulled by a rope behind him.
Billy dragged Max away, but not without seeing how Steve landed on the floor, broken tiles following him from the wall. A girl stood beside them, but Billy didn’t know her. She had a nosebleed but didn’t seem to care. “Steve. Fight it. Fight.”
No laughter this time, but the sound of Steve crying was...hard to listen to. Billy and Max slowly returned to the others, all of them peering into the sauna at Steve slumped on the floor.
“I can’t. I’ve been trying. I can’t anymore. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He held his bleeding hand, but all of him sounded broken. Billy heard himself ask, “What’s wrong with him?”
“Mind Flayer,” the girl said.
“Yeah, that doesn’t mean anything to me,” Billy remarked.
“It’s a creature from another dimension,” Byers said...a bit too calmly. “It possessed me last year.”
“You seem fine,” Billy retorted, even though Byers was pale, skinny, and for some reason stayed true to that ridiculous bowl cut.
“My mom and brother got it out of me, but it won’t be as easy this time. All of the flayed people have been eating chemicals. Steve’s house is a mess.”
Robin pointed at the window, “Does that look all right to you?”
Billy refocused on Steve...and all the black veins on his arms, his face.
“Two-forty,” Byers said.
The curly-haired kid...Dustin, Billy remembered from some locked cabinet of his brain, said, “The human body can’t survive past one hundred and ten.”
“What if he’s not human anymore?” Lucas said quietly, like a secret.
“Steve’s still in there!” Dustin yelled, even though his tone was soaked with doubt. “Steve, you gotta fight it, man. Come on! I know you don’t have the best track record, but this is a fight you can’t lose!”
“I ALREADY LOST!” he screamed. Max was crying in Billy’s arms. He hadn’t realized they still held onto each other. Steve cried, “I lost. Soon as this thing’s out of me...I’m dead. I’m so thirsty. All he drinks is bleach. I’m not okay. There’s no way I’m okay. I’m sorry. Robin. I’m sorry. I tried. I tried so he didn’t see you. I tried every time...”
Billy didn’t know what the hell was going on, but Steve’s veins were black, all of them bulging beneath his skin as he began to convulse. Will moved, gasping and weirdly riveted to Steve vomiting something that looked too thick to be saliva.
Then he deflated. “That’s not it. That’s not enough. Two-fifty.”
“What’s it look like?” Lucas asked.
“It’s a cloud - a vapor. It’s - ”
“A shadow.”
Like rats scattering, they retreated from the window where Steve stood again. Except the girl remained, gazing steadily back at him as he reached through the window...not to grab her, but to test the distance.
Steve smiled. Billy felt cold. “Limited human parts.”
Her jaw stiffened as her hands formed into fists at her sides. Opening. Closing. Opening. Closing.
Opening, and rising to point her palm at the window. “When the spider leaves, the web dies.”
Billy couldn’t believe that Steve moved because of this girl, but he landed against tiled wall again...and again.
Dustin was shrieking as Lucas and Mike held him back. “You’re killing him! Stop! Please!”
The girl sobbed through the blood dripping past her mouth -
A guttural hack of a sound wrenched out of Steve, and the sauna went dark. Not like the lights going out...but like dust out of a vacuum. Soot from a faulty firework making Billy squint and then dodge out of they way of Lucas wielding a lighter and hairspray.
To Billy’s horror, the soot cloud moved. Dodging and evading the hairspray flames - some of it even catching light and moving like cinders.
Lucas, Mike, and the girl chased it out of the building, but Billy and the others looked at Robin wrenching the sauna open. Steve lay unmoving inside.
“Steve? Steve! Oh...god. We need a hospital.”
They didn’t have a hospital. But they did have a lifeguard.
“Move. Let me see him.”
Billy still had no functional idea of what the hell was going on. All he knew was that he didn’t get paid enough for any of this, and his CPR training told him: when in doubt, keep compressions going until better helps comes.
“Max, call an ambulance. Then stand outside to flag them down. Robin, help me move him out of here. It’s too hot.”
For all of Max’s faults, an unsteady head was not one of them. She took off for a phone and Robin was thankfully nearly as tall as Steve and Billy. They lifted Steve with ease and got him to a locker room bench. Dustin and Byers put cool-soaked towels underneath Steve’s armpits as Billy began chest compressions.
Both boys flinched back at the sound of bones snapping. Dustin exclaimed, “That’s not right! That can’t be right!”
“I have to break the sternum off the ribs to compress his heart. Stay the hell out of my way.”
Maybe it was the sound, or the sound coupled with Steve’s sweat and slimed-drenched face, but Robin finally broke. She ran for a toilet and heaved. Then both boys held onto her, crying as Billy gripped Steve’s hair and jaw to open his windpipe and breathe into him.
It was gross. It was terrifying. And it felt like nothing was happening. Steve was cold and unmoving. He tasted strange. Soft lips made acrid and sharp.
Voices echoed in Billy’s ears but he didn’t stop. He counted to thirty and breathed for Steve twice.
He still counted even after an EMT ripped him off of Steve, and left him standing vacantly in the lot as the firework of a truck sped away.
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sugar-sweet-tea · 3 years
Tall man gets love
Description : Mori was always with Honey. But what happens when they split up for a bit, thankfully Mori will always have his family to help him.
Or in other words, Ouran High School Host Club is perfect for agere stuff and there’s not enough of it on here.
This was my first OHSHC fic and it took me a while to get the courage to write thing but I’m pretty impressed with it. This was very inspired by DannyFANtom and Mcschnuggles who have awesome fics, I really recommend checking them out.
Mori was walking the halls looking as if he was in some kind of trance. He looked lost, and confused. As if his mind was off somewhere else. He couldn't find Honey and that made him a little... nervous.
They were always together.
He could feel his mind start to get... fuzzier. It was slowly getting harder to focus on stuff. He tried to remember where he was and where his cousin was but, nothing came to his mind.
So there he was, roaming the hallways after school hours looking for Honey. He vaguely remembers him having to get something from class but he should've been back by now.
That's when his eyes landed on it.
Music room 3.
He gasped. He knew this room! Mori quickly walked towards the music room, taking shaky steps. He was having a hard time focusing on anything. Especially walking.
He felt his mind begging him to be small. It's been a little while which he knew wasn't good.
He tried to regress at least once a week but missed the last few weeks.
The only person who knew was his cousin, Honey. He watched him when he felt small and always took care of him. Kind of like a caregiver...
Mori slowly opened the door trying to be as quiet as possible.
Thankfully all the guests had gone.
Unfortunately, the other hosts where there.
Mori attempted to enter as quietly as possible, not wanting to cause attention to himself, sadly, this never worked.
"Hey, Mori-Senpai!" Haruhi called to him, smiling at him with a little wave. The other hosts smiled and greeted him as well. He smiled a small sad smile at her.
His mouth quivered a bit.
His day had been so stressful so far and he hadn't seen Honey in a long time.
So it's not a surprise that he couldn't keep the tears that fell down his face. His lip quivered as more came.
Seeing all his friends so happy to see him made him want to slip even more.
As hard as he tried, he couldn't help it.
The usually quiet man sat down and put his face in his hands as he cried. The other hosts looked confused and went over to him.
This was concerning since they’ve never seen him like this. So... sad. It was very out of character since usually they would be lucky to get any reaction out of him. He was a man of few words.
"Mori-Senpai. What's wrong?"
"Why are you crying?"
"Where's Honey-Senpai?"
All these questions were beginning to get too much for him.
Mori removed his hands from his face and put them to cover his ears. He tried to block out the noise. His eyes shut tight.
Without him knowing, he felt a gentle hand pressed against his shoulder. Mori gently opened his eyes to see Tamaki placing a hand on his shoulder.
Tamaki was looking down on him, smiling a comforting and reassuring smile to him.
Mori felt himself get calmer. He could feel the tears slowing down as he sniffled. He rubbed his eyes and that's when another hand passed him a tissue.
Looking up again he saw Kyoya with the same type of comforting and reassuring smile that Tamaki had.
Mori wiped his nose and his eyes. He stopped crying. They could tell he was trying to go back to his neutral expressionless face but was struggling a significant amount.
“Senpai? Are you any better?” Haruhi asked him calmly. He gently nodded.
“Why were you so upset before?” Hikaru asked him.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like that before.” Kaoru said, nodding in agreement.
Mori only sniffled and wiped his nose a bit.
Even if the other didn’t notice of it right away. Haruhi definitely did. The way he was acting and his expression. As if he was thinking about something else, his mind far away. She doesn’t know why but... he looked so... innocent in her eyes. Almost like a child...
No one was expecting what happened next...
Mori felt so safe at this moment with his family surrounding him that he clung into the closest person.
This, of course, was Tamaki.
He couldn’t help it when he wrapped his arms around the blond and tried to hide his face in his chest. At this point he had fully slipped.
And Tamaki, being the great friend that he is, didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around him in a loving embrace and whisper soft things into his ear to calm him down.
All the other hosts looked a little confused, but Tamaki made it seem like an every day thing. Comforting him as if he’s done it a thousand times.
Being in the arms of the blonde, it didn’t take him long to calm down. His was no longer freaking out, but even so, he didn’t want to leave his friends embrace.
Out of embarrassment or fear of freaking out again, he wasn’t sure.
That is until another certain blonde came through the door.
Honey looked very worried and concerned.
“Takashi!” He yelled running over to him. Immediately he wrapped his arms around his neck. Mori gently broke off from Tamaki and wrapped his arms around his cousin.
“Mitsukuni...” He mumbled into his hair.
“Is that the reason he got to upset earlier? Because he wasn’t with Honey-Senpai?” Hikaru asked them.
“Yes, I had to go back to my class really fast so I could get one of my books I forgot and I told Takashi to wait for me by the window. He must’ve slipped and forgot about it, so he got scared. I’m just glad he found you guys. Thanks for watching and taking good care of him Tama-Chan!” Honey thanked them smiling gleefully.
Instead of smiling back, the others were rightfully confused.
“Why do you mean Mori-Senpai slipped?”
“Yeah and he’s been away from you before Honey-Senpai, why did it make him so sad now?” The twins asked one after the other.
Tamaki was surprisingly quiet and Kyoya was just waiting for an explanation. He was quite intrigued.
However, before anyone could say anything, Haruhi was the only one to notice what was actually going on.
“Mori-Senpai, how old are you?” She asked gently and softly. She lowered and softened it as if she was talking to a child, which she had a feeling that she was.
Honey gasped then smiled, in all honesty he wasn’t very surprised that Haruhi was the one to figure it out first.
Mori put up three fingers, before switching to two.
Kyoya’s eyes went wide.
He understood now.
“How long have you been?...” He asked, like Haruhi he had softened his voice. He sounded calming and concerned. He really was the mom of the group.
“For a few months now. I help him and watch over him so he doesn’t get hurt.” Honey explained.
“Would you guys please just tell us what you’re talking about? It makes no sense!” Tamaki exclaimed trying not to be too loud since he was right beside Mori.
“Is it ok if I tell them?” Honey asked. Once receiving a head nod from his cousin, he started his explanation.
Mori figured they’d want an explanation anyways, why not just tell them everything.
After all, they were a family.
They were his family.
“Takashi is a little.” Honey told them. Mori nodded.
The twins looked confused for a sec before figuring out what he meant.
“A little what?” Tamaki asked.
Everyone started laughing.
Even though it wasn’t that funny, they all thought it was.
“No, Senpai, what he means is that he regresses. To deal with stress.” Haruhi explained to him.
It took Tamaki a few seconds before the realization hit him like a truck.
“Ohhhh. Awwww.” He couldn’t help but coo. He vaguely remembered them talking about that and he always thought it was absolutely adorable, and has even considered trying it once or twice but reprimanded himself because it was ‘too childish’. He’d spent so much time trying to convince himself that he shouldn’t, he kinda forgot about it all together.
“Why didn’t he tell us in the first place?” Kaoru asked.
“Probably because he was afraid. Which is understandable, this stuff can be very personal to some people.” Kyoya explained to him who nodded.
“Well now that we do know, if you ever need someone to watch you, we’ll always be available.” Tamaki offered, smiling at the little.
Not used to getting so much attention, Moi started blushing a bit. He didn’t know why he was so nervous to tell his friends, no, his family something like this.
He must’ve been pretty silly if he thought that they would mock him or judge him for this.
“Thank you! I know he doesn’t really express it often, but I know he’s very happy to have you guys as friends and that are willing to help him.” Honey told them. And in all honesty, he was happy too. Happy that his friends were so open and accepting for them.
“Well we’re a family, families help each other. Now, how about we get some snacks, I bet everyone’s a little hungry.” Tamaki suggested. They others all agreed and started making their way towards the food.
Mori and Honey walked hand in hand. Like they should be.
“I’m sorry I left you alone when you were small. I promise it won’t happen again.” Honey apologized. He felt a little guilty about it.
“Iss ok.” Mori said softly. It wasn’t like his usual voice. This one definitely made him sound like a child.
They smiled at each other before joining the others.
Mori was glad he told them.
And now, he felt closer to them than ever before.
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queenmolina · 3 years
bobby was in the system 
i’m going into detail about how i imagine it just because that’s what anon asked me to do - if you think this might be upsetting then i advise you to stop reading here <3
i’m going to preempt this with some disclaimers
- i’m british so my pov of the system will be wrong, i’m not even going to try and translate it
- i’m not picking out sad/tragic things to be deliberately upsetting for the sake of an angsty backstory, this is just genuinely how i choose to imagine it happening 
- this is a compilation of my friend and i semi-projecting onto our shared comfort character. im more than happy to share this because i really like this take for bobby, but please be sensitive in any comments you might make in (more for other people’s sake - im comfortable to discuss any of the content)
bobby doesn’t remember his parents. he lived with them for a time and from what people have told him, they were a really happy family. his mom was a therapist and his dad was an author. there are photos of the two of them smiling happily at the camera - some even had a small, baby-faced bobby bouncing on their knee, though they called him robin. it’s on all of his certificates, all of the documents. his name is robin. it doesn’t feel right
when he’s three, bobby’s parents pass. he thinks it must have been some kind of accident - to take them both in one go - but he doesn’t get offered any explanation. he’s almost immediately fostered into a family but there’s so many kids there that it’s basically a foster home. he’s one of the youngest and is immediately babied by all of the older kids which is where he starts to be selective about physical affection/contact with other people
he stays there until he’s six. all of the kids there get moved about when their ‘parents’ (it’s what the kids were told to call them but it never really applied) decided they actually weren’t cut out to look after a dozen children and threw in the towel
six year olds are a bit middle of the range in terms of how quickly people foster/adopt them but bobby’s gained a bit of a reputation for being ‘tricky to manage’ because he’s so fussy - he’s not fussy, he just wants people to stop mollycoddling him and give him some peace and quiet. he stays in a foster home for a year until eventually a couple take him in. but it doesn’t last long - they say bobby acts out and all of a sudden he’s back on the front step with his shopping bag of possessions and they’re passing ‘robin’ back as though he’s a library book and not a child
from the ages of eight to twelve, he gets passed back and forth from one place to the next. some are better than others, obviously. there’s the malone’s where the only other kid is their 17 year old biological daughter who thankfully doesnt much care for ambushing bobby like some of the others had. there’s the harper’s where bobby’s surprised they even passed the social worker visit because the house is a tip - but the carers are nice and he has his own room. there’s the vegaro’s who he even allows himself to hug when he had to leave. the rest of them aren’t even worth remembering. they never lasts, even the nice ones always go wrong. he’s back in the foster home every time he begins to get settled
when he’s twelve, the rate at which he gets fostered slows again. he sidles along with the older kids who seem to have given up hope and spend their days causing trouble or sneaking out of the home just because they can. bobby doesn’t go with them for a few months - until he realises that it’s fine. no one will care if he disappears for a few hours. will they even care if he doesn’t come back at all?
on his thirteenth birthday, one of the carers helps him gather his stuff from his bunk and shove it all into a bag. he’s fed up of trying to find a real home so when a woman shows up to take him, he doesn’t even try for a smile
it’s his aunt. his biological family. she has the same soft features as his mother in the photos and the same dark, pin-straight hair. somehow it manages to hurt more when she wrinkles her nose at his attempts of a conversation
her husband is nice. jerry, his name is. a portly man with a receding hairline and a frequent habit for offering bobby a sip of his beer. he’s not related to bobby by blood but it’s nice to feel like someone’s on his side
his aunt hates him. she doesn’t say it out loud - not when bobby’s in the room - but he sees how she looks at him. he hears her arguing with jerry about him sometimes and saying nasty things about his mother too. she and jerry seem to fall out a lot
she leaves one day. and doesn’t come back.
for once, bobby doesn’t get sent back to the foster home. if anything, he feels more welcomed once his aunt had gone. he and jerry feel like family - a little strained but bobby thinks that must be how all families feel. they watch tv together and even share hobbies. jerry even bought him a guitar, something brand new and for bobby and not second hand. bobby was worried he would have to give it back when the time came for him to return to the home but that wasn’t something to worry about right now. he meets jerry’s friends and family and for once, bobby feel like he has a family of his own
this is also the longest he’s ever stayed at one school. he thinks he might be making friends (he can call them friends this time, they’re not allies. they’re friends)
when he’s fifteen, jerry passes. he hadn’t been very well, it had been getting worse. bobby had seen that it was coming and had half-packed a bag before it had even happened
his new friends from school come to the funeral and sit with him on the front row of pews. alex - who was a foot taller than the rest of them - cowers a little from all of the attention. luke pulls at his sleeves and collar, clearly uncomfortable in the fancy get up, but he offers a sad smile whenever bobby catches his eye. reggie isn’t sure what to make of the whole thing but he can see that bobby’s upset and their shoulders knock together whenever reggie wants to remind him he’s not alone. at one point, bobby even takes reggies hand in his. he would be embarrassed or uncomfortable at the contact except he’s lost his family and he’s probably going to lose his friends too
instead of going back to the group home, he’s asked to move in with jerry’s mother, althea
she has a pretty big house and a garage which she converts into a space for bobby to hang out. he’s still unused to having his own room so to have two feels a little overwhelming. he invites his friends over to fill the space and when luke asks to start a band, bobby allows him to convert the garage into a makeshift studio. althea doesn’t mind, in fact she encourages it.
bobby isn’t the best at putting his thoughts into words but he can put them into action so when the boys start having trouble at home, he makes one thing very clear: the studio is their home. the studio belongs to all of them and if they ever need a place to stay, they should stay here. this is their home, where they’re loved and looked after. bobby tells them this in fewer words but he hopes they understand
(he’s not sure why the boys are so upset about their home lives - bobby would do anything to be with his parents. that is until he sees alex stifling hot tears or luke choking up over his test results or reggie knocking on his bedroom window at two am, desperate to escape the noise. then he gets it)
luke moves in and bobby starts carting his dinners to the studio to eat. althea pretends not to notice that there’s another boys clothes in her laundry loads and just starts doubling bobby’s food portion to make sure they both get enough
then it goes wrong. and bobby loses another family.
althea teaches him things to keep him distracted. she shows him how to knit, teaches him more tagalog, more recipes. it does nothing to make him feel better but he could never tell her that. he’s grateful for every moment she spends with him. she didn’t owe him anything and yet she took him in. the least he could do is try to smile and forget about his boys for a moment. for her. 
she’s the one that encourages him to keep creating music, to make them a legacy they can be remembered by. it doesn’t work out that way in the end and she’s the only person that understands how the guilt weighs him down quite so much
years later, when he’s told that he’s going to be a father, his first thought is to run. he can barely cope with being responsible for himself, let alone another person. but it wasn’t his choice, she was going to have the baby. he was going to be a father
carrie is three when her mother leaves. it feels like another cruel twist of fate, like a knife in his gut. he always wondered when it would be his turn to go. he’s 29 and maybe he should’ve gone 26 years ago with his parents, or 14 years ago with jerry, or 12 years ago with his boys. but he would not let carrie have his struggles. so he cries to althea alone and puts on a brave face for his daughter
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lunar-girl-fic · 3 years
Against All Odds- Week 1
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Warning: Harrassment/assault, language, suggestive, threats
Word Count: 2530
A/N: As mentioned before this is based on my personal life. Even though not everything in this story happened, some of the more serious topics actually did. So a quick warning, there is content in here than can make the reader uncomfortable, specifically se**** harassment/assault. My intention in mentioning this in the series is to make people aware that this kind of stuff does actually happen in places you might not think it happens in. Also I try write relatable content. In my opinion Y/N reaction was kind of realistic. I reacted like that as well but instead of telling a boyfriend I told my close friend who worked with me and his reaction was the same as Eunwoo’s. Soooo in conclusion I hope you don’t think I’m writing this to be insensitive. I’m just trying to be as realistic as possible since it is based off my life.
A/N 2: I am a brown (If ya wanna know my exact ethnicity you could ask and I'll gladly tell :)), curly hair girl and since this is based on my personal life/experience I'm gonna write this series with those details in mind.
*Beep beep beep beep*
Your turned to your side to turn your alarm clock off. When you turned it off you gently pried the hands that were on your waist off. Even though your boyfriend was going to school the same time and place as you, you wanted to get ready first so you could make breakfast.
You took a quick shower and put on some home clothes because you didn't want to mess up your new uniform. After dressing you woke up Eunwoo.
"Eunwoo wake up" You said while shaking his shoulder.
He lifted his head towards you and barely opened his eyes, "Mmmh 5 more minutes", he mumbled dropping his head back onto the pillow.
You understood why he was so tired. You guys had stayed up late finishing the homework assignment that was due today. Had you guys known it was going to take so long you would've done it a week before but there's no point in dwelling on the past.
You shook him again, "Eunwoo, you have to get up. Class starts in an hour." He turned onto his back and whined.
"Morning sleepy head."
"You should start getting ready. We don't know how this man handles lateness."
"But I'm soooo tired." He said as he grabbed you and pulled you back onto the bed.
"I know, so am I."
"I can think of a couple ways to help us feel more energized." He said while caressing your thigh.
"So can I and it's called a shower and breakfast." You said while slapping his hand away.
He pouted, "You're no fun."
"I'll be sure to remind you of that next time you wanna have se-"
"Okay okay you win."
"I always do, now hurry up and get ready. You have about 15 minutes to shower and eat."
"Hmph, unlike you I don't take an hour just to shower."
"Wh-what?!? I don't take an hour!"
"How would you know if you've never timed yourself?"
"My point exactly." He said with a smirk as he closed the bathroom door.
You scoffed in disbelief but then thought about it. Maybe you did take an hour to shower but who cares. At least you were thorough when you cleaned yourself. You put your school uniform on and packed you and Eunwoo's lunch. Even though your school was close to fast food places, you guys needed to save up to pay for necessities. Plus who knows if your professor is actually going to give you a long enough break to buy food in those dreadfully long lines.
Just as you finished packing lunch Eunwoo walked out of your shared room fully dressed. You looked down at your watch and realized it was time to go if you guys wanted a seat close to the front.
As Eunwoo went to take a bite of his breakfast you snatched it out of his hand and bagged it.
"Hey! I was about to eat that."
"I don't think so, you took too long to get ready so now you have to eat it on the way."
"Sounds like too much work." He said as he tried to grab his food out of your hand. Of course since you were smaller than him you were able to escape and quickly ran to your bookbag to put his food in it.
After you zipped up your bag, you turned to look at your pouting boyfriend.
"As I said before your going to eat on the way there but since you'll be driving I'll feed you. How does that sound?"
His face beamed at your offer, "Let's get going then."
As you promised you fed him on the way there. By the time you arrived you had about 5 minutes to spare. Before you guys entered the gym you saw one of your classmates you made friends with when you took Pharmacology.
"Hey Laura!"
Laura turned around to see who was calling her name. When she saw who it was she instantly smiled. "Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good, how have you been?"
"Pretty good, can't really complain." She said but then looked at Eunwoo who was just standing there looking like a teen whose mom just saw an old friend. You wouldn't have mind at first since this would be the first time she ever saw him. But the look she was giving him ignited a fire in you that only happens when you get jealous and that doesn't happen often. So you just stood there and tried your best to keep smiling and act like nothing was wrong.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is Eunwoo, my boyfriend." You said making sure to put emphasis on the boyfriend.
"It's nice to meet you." He said sticking his hand out for a handshake. She shook his hand. An action that is generally an innocent and friendly greeting seemed so wrong in that moment that you couldn't take it anymore.
"Ohh would you look at the time, we should probably go find a seat before all the good ones are taken." You said while pulling on Eunwoo's arm.
"Maybe we can sit together." Laura said as she tried to catch up to you guys.
"Mmmm I don't think we'll be able to." You said while you scanned the room for a row with only two seats available.
Bingo you thought when you saw row 3 only had 2 seats. You quickly pulled Eunwoo to the spot. You looked back to see what Laura was going to do and saw the look of defeat on her face. Which of course brought a smile to your face but quickly dropped it for a look of remorse.
Once you both pushed your chairs closer to each other you sat down and pulled out your syllabus, textbook and notebooks. You didn't even have a chance to talk to Eunwoo because it just turned 8 o'clock.
"Okay, Let's get started." The class immediately got quiet. "Welcome to Process 1, this is where you will learn the fundamental skills of nursing. I covered most questions in our previous zoom meeting so I will not be answering any today unless it has to do with the material. As I said before you must abide by the rules because this is Nursing and we need to shape you into future nurses. I will NOT baby you because this is college and if your looking for an easy class then you can go do Business Administration."
Oh great, another smart a**, you thought.
"Now let's get down to business. Today we're going to be watching videos of what you are going to do for your head-to-toe assessments. But before we do that I am going to let the other clinical instructors introduce themselves."
After they introduced themselves your professor started the videos. At first they seemed interesting but then after a while you started to get sleepy. And you weren't the only one. You looked over at Eunwoo and he was already sleeping. You gently pushed his shoulder and he woke confused about his surrounding until he realized he was still in school. Thankfully your professor finally gave you guys a break from watching videos.
"Okay now we are going to practice what you just saw. I want you to take a finger and find the 1st intercostal space and then the 2nd and don't stop until you get to the 5th one. You will do this on yourselves first and in a few minutes on your partner. But when you are with your partner you will only go to the 2nd one. "
That shouldn't be too hard, it's literally just the space between your ribs, you thought. But boy were you wrong. You couldn't tell if what you were touching was a space or something else and it started to hurt because you were putting a good amount of pressure. You looked over at Eunwoo and surprisingly he seemed to know what he was doing.
The few minutes were up and your professor told you to find a partner and find their intercostal spaces. Obviously you chose Eunwoo as your partner.
"Did you find it on yourself yet?"
"Yepp, it was actually pretty easy to find."
"Can you help me please?"
"Are you sure you want me to touch there?" He said with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Fine. I'll ask someone else. Maybe that guy by the projector... "
"No don't do that."
"Then help me and don't you dare try to do anything."
"Yes ma'am."
He took his pointing finger and started in the upper middle of your chest and dragged it side to side. In a non sexual way of course. He found it to be bit difficult to find it because of the fat in your boobs. However he finally found it.
"Ah, there it is."
"You found it?"
"I found two of them. The other 4 are a bit difficult to find since they’re underneath your top. The only way I can find it is if I stick my hand in your top."
"Eunwoo." You warned.
"What? I was just saying. I never said I was actually going to." He said feigning innocence.
"Could of fooled me."
He just shrug his shoulders, "Give me your finger so I can help you locate it."
It took a minute before he was able to locate it again but when you finally felt it you let out a breath of relief. You knew you needed to find this for your finals and if you weren't able to you surely would fail the class.
"Do you feel it?"
"Good, now find mine"
Since Eunwoo had a flatter chest than you it was easier to find despite him laughing from being ticklish. Before you had a chance to tell him your finding, your professor interrupted you.
"Fooling around isn't going to get you to pass my class."
"But we-" You said.
"Aa! Talking back isn't going to help you pass either. Now go find another partner. You need to practice on your other classmates because your not going to know who you'll be testing with until testing day."
You felt your insides boiling. You had to deal with this crap in high school and now your dealing with this in college. When he left you let out a strained sigh and Eunwoo instantly rubbed circles in your back to calm you down. Normally you would welcome this but you didn't want the professor coming back over to scold you so you pushed his hand off. He looked at you clearly hurt by your actions but you brushed it off and went to find a new partner. Unfortunately the only person available was actually the guy by the projector but at this point you didn't care.
You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me, do you uh have a partner?"
He turned around to see who tapped his shoulder. You expected him to answer but then he started to check you out with a smirk on his face. "Well hello there, what can I help you with beautiful?"
You rolled your eyes, "I asked do you have a partner?"
"Oooo sassy too, I like"
You narrowed your eyes and turned to walk away, "I don't have time for this."
"Wait! I'm sorry I was just surprised you asked me when you have your boyfriend."
"Not trying to be mean or anything but I wouldn't had asked you if I wasn't forced to choose another partner."
He looked at you slightly deflated by your confession, "Ah... I see but since you need a new partner I'll gladly take the spot for now." He said as he got up to make his chest more accessible.
"...okay... thanks I guess."
At first it started off fine., You were able to find it on him rather quickly. However when it was his turn that's when it turned into a problem. He found the first one and gradually went lower until he reached the beginning of hem of your scrub top. You expected him to stop there but when he started to put his hand lower in your top you instantly jumped back.
"Wh-what are you doing?!?!?!"
"Just doing what we were told to do."
"You were supposed to stop at 2."
"Was I? Must've misheard, my bad." If you weren't paying attention to his tone you would've thought he was being sincere just by his facial expression.  
Not wanting to cause a scene the first ay of class you excused yourself and went  back tp your seat to think about what just happened. Was this something you would need to report or were you over exaggerating? Should you tell Eunwoo? What if the guy was right and made you get in trouble for not listening to instructions? All those questions raced through your mind until Eunwoo saw your troubled face and left his partner to comfort.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he placed a comforting hand on your back not caring if the professor saw.
"Yea... actually no."
"What happened?"
"I was working with that guy over and he was about to put his fingers down my shirt before I stopped him."
Eunwoo's gaze instantly hardened and if looks could kill that guy would no more. But you couldn't have your boyfriend fighting your battles for you. You gently cupped his face with your hands and made him look at you.
"Promise me your not going to do anything."
"I don't know..."
"Promise me."
"I can't promise I won't do anything but I do promise to not intervene over something you can handle."
"I guess I can take that."
"You'll have to because I am not about to just let some guy touch you like that without your permission. He's lucky I wasn't there because he surely would've been picking his teeth off the floor."
"You know, I never took you as the violent type."
"I can promise you I'm not but this is a different story."
That was the end of the conversation because your professor continued on with the rest of the lesson which was fairly easy. He dismissed the class an hour earlier since it was the first day. However when you guys went home instead of relaxing you started your clinical homework because you didn't want a repeat of what happened last night.
It was about 11 o'clock when you finished half of the assignments. Eunwoo was starting to lose focus so you decided it was time to go to bed. After you finished putting on his t-shirt and your curls in a bun, you went to join him in bed. He pulled you closer to him so that there was barely any space between the two of you. You knew this was his way of silently comforting you. He wasn’t going to lie. He was looking forward to having sex with you but after todays events he knew you probably weren't going to be in the mood and just want to sleep off the days problem. You were thankful but deep down you knew you weren't going to get much sleep that night...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photo’s used. I got them off of Google.
A/N: Soooo sorry for the long wait. I had so much to write that Ii realized I couldn’t put everything in this one post. On that note I’m hoping I can have the next post up by next week. :)
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Angel (Pt. 1)
Harry Styles x Reader
A/N: This one was inspired by Harry’s song Only Angel. It’s five parts in total. If you like it, be sure to give it a reblog and check out the other parts linked below. Thanks, and enjoy <3
Warnings: None for this part as far as I can remember. Angst that will be resolved in later parts. Suspense. Set in 2017. 
Part 2  -  Part 3  -  Part 4  -  Part 5
It was no surprise that they had asked him to perform this year. He had just released solo music for the first time, and it was popular. I just wish it didn’t also happen to be my first time walking the runway. I was nervous enough without having to see him again after all these years. Now I was down right petrified, but I wouldn’t let him ruin everything I’d been working my whole life for.
Today was the day, the official taping of the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and nerves. Harry’s plane had been delayed yesterday, so he missed dress rehearsal. That meant that we had never walked with him performing, but it wasn’t too big of a deal because we are all professionals. I was just glad I could avoid interacting with him till after the show. I couldn’t, however, escape everyone else talking about him.
“I can’t believe we get to meet Harry Styles,” Vannessa gushed, “and walk to one of his songs. His album is so good.”
I shrugged, “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t heard it.”
Amanda, my hair stylist, gasped, but continued curling the piece of hair she held, “How have you not listened to it yet?”
“I’m just not interested,” I said casually, hoping they’d focus on something else soon, but knowing I wasn’t that lucky. 
“Wait a second,” Elsa said, turning in her chair to look at me, much to the annoyance of the guy trying to finish her hair, “wasn’t your brother like best friends with him.”
I sighed, cursing my brother for allowing his friendship to be so public, “He was. Still is, as far as I know.”
“And you didn’t think to listen to the album out of curtesy for your brother’s best friend?” Vannessa said from my other side.
“No, I didn’t, because while he might be my brother’s friend, he’s not mine,” I said firmly, “Are you done yet?”
Amanda dropped the last piece of hair she was holding, surprised at the tone in my voice, “Uh, ya.”
“Good,” I stood quickly from my chair and walked off to change, leaving the three girls confused by my behavior.
It didn’t take long for word to travel that Harry was a touchy subject for me. Most of the girls knew me well enough to know to avoid touchy subjects like the plague, so I didn’t have to talk about him anymore. Unfortunately, it was hard to avoid his arrival ten minutes later.
As soon as he stepped foot backstage, all of the younger girls flocked to him. I watched as Harry smiles, basking in the attention like a cat in the sun, but moved further away and behind a rack of clothes so he wouldn’t see me.
“Hiding are we?” a voice sounded from behind me, causing me to jump slightly.
Eyes landing on Alessandra, I let out a breath, “Ya, maybe something like that.”
She smiled softly, but didn’t say anything, chasing instead to stand and watch with me. I appreciated that she didn’t push, but I knew she wouldn’t. Alessandra was a mentor to all the Angels, but she had taken a particular liking to me since I arrived. She was like a cross between an older sister and a mom, always looking out for me and making sure I was ok with whatever was going on. Being a young lingerie model was hard, and I was glad to have the support of one who had been in the industry for most of her life.
“Ladies! Ladies! Quiet please!” Olivier, the director of this year’s show yelled from the middle of the room.
Everyone quickly quieted down, gathering around to see and hear what he had to say. Alessandra and I moved closer too, knowing that it was time to get down to business. 
“Ok, so I need the official Angels in their robes and at Backdrop 1 to take a picture with Harry,” he said, glancing down at his clipboard briefly, “and I need final makeup and hair on everyone else. Get ready people!”
I sighed, turning to glance at Alessandra, “Time to work.”
She laughed at my sullen tone, knocking her shoulder against mine, “Cheer up girl! You’re an Angel, get excited.”
Smiling softly, I looped my arm with hers, “Ya, I guess I am.”
Together we quickly made our way to the specified backdrop where we would pose with Harry Styles, just as we had with the other performers yesterday before dress rehearsal.
“Alessandra! There you are!” Daisy, the show’s social media manager, said when she saw us, calling everyone’s attention to us since we were the last to arrive.
His eyes found me in a second, and the sight visibly stole the breath from his lungs. A thousand emotions flickered across his face in a second. In the same second, his muscles tensed as he prepared to move towards me. Before he could, however, I looked away, choosing to focus on Daisy instead.
“Where do you want me?” Alessandra asked, giving my arm a squeeze before she stepped toward the group. 
“Right next to Harry,” Daisy answered, “and I want our newest Angel on the other side.”
My heart stopped, “What? I thought I would be in the back?”
I could hear a few other girls huffing as Daisy shook her head, “No, sweetie. We think for this one, since you have a past connection to Mr. Styles, you should be by him.”
“Great,” I breathed, trying not to look how I felt as I forced my body to move toward him.
Harry’s eyes followed me as I walked to my place by his side. With my eyes downcast, I slid between him and Martha. My stomach fluttered and rolled as I pressed my side against his and wrapped my arm around his back.
“Hey, angel,” he breathed against my hair as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pressed a quick kiss against my head.
“Hi, Harry,” I said back, my voice devoid of emotion.
He didn’t get a chance to say anything else, thank God, as Alessandra pressed against his other side. Her hand found mine behind Harry’s back, and she squeezed it firmly. Taking a deep breath, I wrapped my other arm around Martha. I forced myself to focus on the girls around me and their excitement, allowing it to seep into me. I was finally an Angel, and I wouldn’t allow this man to ruin it for me.
“Alright, Angels,” the photographer called for our attention, “give me a smile.”
“Ya, girls,” Harry spoke up with a cheeky grin, “it’s not everyday you get a picture with a famous person.”
Everyone laughed with a big smile, and I forced myself to join in. The photographer snapped a few pictures, all of us changing poses slightly for each one. On the final picture, I decided to give them something I knew the fans would love. While the other girls blew kisses at the camera, our signature final pose, I pushed up on the tips of my toes to press a kiss to Harry’s cheek.
I knew Harry’s face was one of shock because Daisy died laughing. She quickly dismissed is, telling us how long before show time. I scurried off before Harry could catch me. He would definitely have a lot to say about that kiss, but I refused to talk to him until after the show. This was the biggest day of my life, and Harry Styles had already messed it up enough. 
Thirty minutes later, I was strapped into my wings and the show was starting. The first segment was punk themed, and Harry sang a song I was told was titled “Kiwi.” I didn’t have to walk in this part, so I allowed myself to relax and just enjoy what I was apart of. Although it was my most important job yet, the show was meant to feel like a giant party. Things ran more smoothly and looked better when the models were having fun, and as I listened to my first love’s song for the first time, I found myself having fun.
By the time Harry’s song and the first segment of the show were over, all of my apprehension and dread about Harry being here was gone. I was filled with excitement for the chance to walk in the biggest fashion show of the year as an official Victoria’s Secret Angel. My body buzzed as I bounced on my toes, ready to open the Porcelain Angels section of the show.
There was a short interlude as Harry left the runway and the next performers came on. Thankfully, Harry didn’t notice me off to the side with my back to him as I watched the screen showing the runway.
“Y/N, on deck,” Olivier called, waving me over to the curtain.
I grinned and took a deep breath. It was time to shine.
A/N: There are more parts to this, so make sure to hit the link above to read them! And if you’d like to read more of my work, make sure to check out my masterlist, also linked above.
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alluringjae · 3 years
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[ 23:45 ] ⮕ END   
part of my collection of cookie cuts from all i do is wait
in order to understand, read the main story first here.
pairing: ghost!doyoung x female!reader
genre: angst, sum fluff if you really squint
warnings: death, grief
author’s note: someone asked me how i would interpret this scene, so here it is. this hurt A LOT. have fun though!
leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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At long last, the Korean War has ended after 3 years.
Over 5 million people dead, and to be one of the lucky survivors was a miracle.
The remaining soldiers who’ve fought through it all could return home, whilst civilians can properly rebuild all that was devastatingly destroyed in their cities. Their own normal lives included.
The fiercest 3 years of your life must you say, too engaged with self-studying your history books saved pre-war while dealing with the bargaining stage of your grief towards Doyoung. Every day, you couldn’t go on without overthinking the what-ifs. On top of that, your toddler Areum was at the stage where she loved creating a mess on the walls with her crayons. No matter how many times you’ve corrected her because it wasn’t your house, she continued anyway.
Now, she’s full-blown crying after you confiscated them and you’re on the verge of it. Thankfully, your mother stepped in to take her out for a walk in the neighborhood so you could unwind for a bit.
Since news broke out that the war ended, everyone from every street cheered and danced on the streets. You hailed with praise along with them, positive that things were going to get better. Yet deep down, you’ve selfishly wished that he was one of the lucky few to come home.
If only you didn’t chicken out so easily after he told you he was enlisting so you had a few more seconds with him.
If only you compromised him to join another field.
If only you told him about Areum earlier so he could go home.
These thoughts revolved your mind the most, instantly getting you to break down wherever you were. Even photos of him and you together were enough to tear down your walls. So, they remained hidden until the day you’re in a much better state of mind.
Dear god, you longed for him. Everything that consists of him.
In hopes to forget this tremendous loss in your life, you poured hot tea in a cup and started on this new book from this ongoing series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Getting it during this harsh period was tough, bartering it with old books you’ve owned in the market.
Fully preoccupied in the fantastical universe, flipping the pages quickly, you almost missed the continuous knocking on your door. You let out a tiny gasp and made your way to the entrance. As delusional to think it was Doyoung, you knew it wasn’t your mother and Areum either because they would’ve simply walked in. Opening it anyways, you were met by two young tall men. One had a bandage on his cheek while the other had a cast on his right arm. Noting their growing hair, they must’ve fought in the war.
Oh, if Doyoung was one of them.
“Hello, may I know who you two are?”
The one with the bandage spoke up, bowing first. “Hello, I am Lee Taeyong and this is my friend, Kim Jungwoo. We were good friends of your late lover, Kim Doyoung.”
Late lover.
Haven’t heard that since people in the neighborhood gossiped about your taboo pregnancy, but it’s not like they knew anyways. But from the letters exchanged with Doyoung before, he talked about these two highly. Whenever there were times of ease while serving, Doyoung was always up to mischievous things with these two. In a situation where they had to man up, they brought out his inner child.
“Oh, yes! Doyoung used to talk about you two in his letters, but I had no clue how you guys looked.”
By instinct, you invited them inside for tea by the patio. You’ve always wanted to meet them despite the circumstances. Bringing in a tray with a teapot and treats, mostly you were inquiring about their lives. Aside from knowing their positions in the team, you learned of their new plans moving forward.
“I want to return to university to finish my studies in mechanical engineering, maybe travel the world too.” Jungwoo stated, blowing on his cup before sipping it. He’s said to be an organized man according to Doyoung, always cautious of his surroundings. It balanced out his liveliness.
“Me too! I want to complete my major in finance, then marry my childhood sweetheart after a few years.” Taeyong expounded, his round eyes glowed in wonder. He must’ve been looking forward to this day, and you were content for him. Meanwhile, it processed to Taeyong what he said, realizing that it may have been insensitive.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” He burst out instantly. “I got stuck in my feelings there.”
“It’s okay, nothing to worry about. You shouldn’t apologize for how you feel.”
“I do think we should feel worried about you though.” Jungwoo interrupted, sighing heavily. “What happened with Doyoung-hyung all those years ago, we’re really concerned for you especially.”
At the mention of the painful memory, this wasn’t the right time to crumble. You weren’t capable to show your vulnerability to anyone but yourself. Plastering a wrenching pretend smile, “I appreciate the concern, truly. But I’ll be okay again. I’m planning to return to university too, then proceed to law school. A shared dream of mine and his.”
Taeyong and Jungwoo transparently viewed you like glass, coping with the grief of it. They were on the same page as you, and unaware to you, they knew his final words. With their interpretation, it only felt right to reach out to you. Befriend you, aid you in any possible way.
At the end of the day, three of you equally shared the suffering over the death of a loved one.
Sitting in peaceful silence, the front door creaked open followed by a tiny, high-pitched voice squealing.
“We’re home!” Your mother shouted.
“I’m at the patio, we have guests over!” You replied, pouring more tea for the two quiet boys.
From such a low-spirited atmosphere only did it liven up when an energetic Areum came into your setting. She had pigtails this time, satisfying herself with fresh bungeo-ppang from the neighborhood. No matter what you’re feeling, it took a single glance of her with her small moon-like eyes to recharge you.
“Mom, who are your friends here?” She pondered cluelessly.
The two boys exchanged looks at each other first, then to you in one breath. Their expressions of perplexity by how one’s hand was on their mouth and the other boy couldn’t stop staring at Areum, you identified exactly what they were thinking of.
“Areum, these are your dad’s friends in the army.” You animatedly confirmed. “The one with that tiny bandage on his face is uncle Taeyong, and the one with the white cast is uncle Jungwoo.”
Doyoung’s death was already so heavy to take in, but upon discovering this hidden surprise, Jungwoo wiped his tears on his sleeve. But you were fast to hand him some tissue. He was younger than you, so your older sister instincts kicked in.
“This is unjust, (Y/N).” He murmured across you so Areum won’t pick up his words. Your lips pressed against each other, maintaining a straight face at him. He was right.
With Taeyong, his arms spread out wide for the small girl who willingly walked to him. He loved children, having a nephew back home. He caressed her smooth hair down to her jaw. The first thing he distinguished was her pretty eyes followed by her squishy cheeks, resembling so much of his late friend.
“You’re so pretty, Areum. Did your mom tell you that you mirror so much of your dad?”
“Yes, she does! But I’ve never met him and I don’t when I will, uncle Taeyong.”
A tragedy how the splitting image of his best friend doesn’t see what everyone sees. But again, she’s only 3 and she can only process so much. She doesn’t know the real truth behind her father’s location, except that he was working far, far away. There are days she’d ask if he’d come back soon, yet your only response is not now. This isn’t the right time for her purity about life to stain.
“Well Areum,” Jungwoo gathered his senses again, crouching down to her level. “As his friends, we know that you look just like him! Prettier even.”
“Really? Tell me more about him, uncle Jungwoo!”
It’s about time someone else shared stories about your late lover because yours was short-lived. It’s even more intriguing to listen to what other people have to say about Doyoung that weren’t his parents. Some stories told by Taeyong and Jungwoo were new to you too, giggling along to their ridiculousness when they’re not training or fighting. Loving their presence, you invited them to stay for dinner with your family, which they couldn’t reject.
What started as a tense conversation transformed into a heartwarming experience. These two boys earned a spot in your life, aspiring for longtime friendships with them. The tender way they cherished for Areum like they’re own after meeting for the first time, it’ll fill in bits of her void. In exchange, they insisted to chip in for you and her lives so it wouldn’t be just you and your family. Struggling already with the consequences of the war, it only felt proper to do so.
“Doyoung has always been there for us, now let us return the favor and be there for you and Areum.”
Your protests were deemed useless, so you allowed them to do so. Once you finished law school and take the exams, you could pay them back. It’s phenomenal how Doyoung’s good influence towards others multiplied even after his passing. Maybe if you began to view things this way, you’d recover sooner. Although he’ll always be in your thoughts, it wouldn’t be as sensitive as it is now.
For now, you’re just going to enjoy the bliss Taeyong and Jungwoo brought, retelling old tales of a drunk Doyoung on the dining table.
From behind your garden fence in secret, Doyoung secretly observed as his treasured companions interacted at last with positivity. His only daughter mirroring his adored smile, he lived in that moment vicariously through her.
What a good time to visit today, truly.
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