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bypatia · 10 months ago
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life lately ft 2024 tbr
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cowboyshit · 1 year ago
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bonus, the sign that earned this reaction was absolutely tumblr related:
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canary3d-obsessed · 5 months ago
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 41, part two
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Nie Mingjue and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
Empathy continues, jumping to Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue's encounter in Nightless City. Once again, let's look at how we saw it the first time around.
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In Episode 22, Nie Mingjue unwisely decided to do a stealth advance push on Nightless City, as if "stealth" and "Nie Mingjue" ever belonged in a sentence together. After his inevitable capture, Meng Yao rocks up and says hey.
We cut away to the battle outside and then come back inside where NMJ hits MY with a palm strike.
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Meng Yao actually expresses anger for once, knocking NMJ over with a kick, and yelling at him for being rude in front of MY's new boss, Wen Ruohan.
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NMJ comes after him again but Wen Ruohan gets involved and the fight turns into NMJ vs. WRH until Nie Mingjue is knocked out. He ends up on the floor surrounded by dead or unconscious Nie cultivators; we don't see, at this time, how they got that way.
(More behind the cut!)
In Episode 41: the encounter in front of Wen Ruohan starts the same way, but Meng Yao taunts Nie Mingjue, fondles his shoulder, and then kills a couple of his wingmen.
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Meng Yao--Wen Yao?--has never looked better. He's still rocking Nie braids and Nie colors - with a nice snake pattern trimming his robe. I'd like to say this is evidence of his snakey nature, but the idea that snakes are bad and sneaky is a biblical concept, not a Chinese one.
Anyway the important thing about his look here is that his makeup is gorgeous and his demeanor is totally confident. Unfortunately I can't find the tumblr post that talks about his sassy ex-boyfriend energy in this scene, but it was a wise observation.
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Nie Mingjue's sidekicks provoke Meng Yao into killing them - one by insulting the hall they're in, and the next by calling him 走狗-- literally "running dog," but Viki translates it as "lackey."
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"Lackey" is a little insulting but it's basically a job description, whereas Meng Yao's reaction to being called "running dog" is more like the way people react to being called "boot licker" in English. I'm not saying it should be translated this way, however - feet have a whole lot of meanings across cultures. I think it could have just been translated "running dog" because by 41 episodes into this show, we have learned that calling someone a dog is rude and insulting, thank you Wen Chao.
Anyhoo, after Meng Yao kills the second dude he asks if anyone else wants to call him 走狗, and Nie Mingjue immediately does. Meng Yao just smiles and has his own lackeys bring Baxia, in a fancy box, to him.
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Then he fondles the blade while explaining that he's been spending some quality time with it. Nie Mingjue watches helplessly, unwilling to beg but afraid of whatever's going to happen.
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Meng Yao tells him that his Dad's sword was better than his, and asks him to guess how many times WRH will have to strike Baxia to break it. I'm saying "strike," but Viki translates it as "smack" and Netflix translates it as "spank," with questionable results. How many times WILL Wen Ruohan spank it, I wonder?
Meng Yao taunts him some more: Wen Ruohan broke NMJ's father's saber and sent it back to him, which caused him to die of anger. He says this while getting up in NMJ's space and putting on an expression of ecstacy.
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NMJ hits him, since that's his solution to everything; Meng Yao gets mad and kicks Nie Mingjue to the floor. It's not clear to me why Meng Yao talks so much shit if he doesn't want to get hit.
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The confrontation where Xichen protects Meng Yao is the same as episode 23, up to a point. Nie Mingjue wakes up in Lan Xichen's manly arms and has a moment of happiness before seeing Meng Yao standing by holding Baxia.
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NMJ goes to attack him but Lan Xichen protects Meng Yao and explains his whole spying gig -- calling him A-Yao, which has gotta chap Nie Mingjue's ass.
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Lan Xichen can block a blow from Baxia one-handed. Hot.
There's a nice parallel here, where Meng Yao uses Lan Xichen as a human shield, similar to Wei Wuxian using Lan Wangji to protect him from Fairy in Episode 34.
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Wei Wuxian is, of course, way more handsy about it.
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Meng Yao passive-aggressively tells Lan Xichen that he didn't explain his actions because that big meanie Nie Mingjue wouldn't have believed him anyway, and then he kneels in front of Nie Mingjue. That's as much as we got of that whole encounter, in Episode 23.
In Episode 41, after Meng Yao kneels, he explains his situation and said that he only said all that dickish stuff to Nie Mingjue to gain Wen Ruohan's trust, and he's sorry about hurting his feelings.
Nie Mingjue says how about you kneel to those dudes you killed.
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Lan Xichen tells Nie Mingjue that yes, A-Yao did horrible things, but I believe that in his heart he… we don't hear the rest because Nie Mingjue interrupts by destroying a lantern, but we don't need to hear the rest because it's the same thing Lan Xichen says all the fucking time; it's become his core belief in the years since.
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Meng Yao is surprised that it's the lantern that died and not him, but Nie Mingjue is in an impossible situation. Meng Yao has recruited Xichen so completely to his side that if Nie Mingjue wants to stay friends with LXC, he has to accept Meng Yao . You can see in his face that he knows he's beat.
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Continued in part 3!
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softxsuki · 4 months ago
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!!!!BEFORE CONTINUING: For my U.S participants, please make sure you have Venmo or Cashapp. And for anyone outside the U.S make sure you have PayPal. That is the ONLY way I'll be able to send the prize money if you win, and I will NOT be using PayPal for an U.S winners (bc i need to pay a fee to send money with paypal and I'd rather not ).!!!!!
With that settled, hey! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, but every year has been a little tight for me with my own holiday spendings and student loans I have to pay back, but I wanted a chance to give back to you guys for all your support, and what better way than through a little contest? 
I’ve been writing on tumblr since April 2021??? I’ve put out a lot of writing for you guys, despite my horrible writing schedule and terrible deadlines I never meet. I’ve loved every minute of it and have enjoyed talking to some of you ❤️
Perhaps you've been around for a long time, or you just followed me yesterday, ooooor maybe you're finding my blog through this post, if so, welcome! I write fanfics for anime and otome games (used to write for kpop as well, but I don't anymore). If that sounds like something you like, then you're in the right place!
What do you need to do to join?:
Write either a fanfic or draw fanart to enter and get the chance to win money :). It’s the holidays season, and while I can’t give out much, I want to give something. I’ll be picking 4 winners-- 2 for fanfics and 2 for fanart. First place winners for each will get $50 and second place winners will get $25.
How to Enter:
You must be following me
For U.S participants, you must have Cash app or Venmo, and if you live outside the U.S, you must have PayPal! (if you don't and you win, you won't be able to receive your prize money!)
Choose whether you want to write a fanfic or draw fanart (only pick one. And you can only submit once)
Tag me in your completed work and add the hashtag #hanscontest2024 along with any other hashtags you want to get your work out there (this is how I'll find your work if your tag gets lost in my notifications)
Add in your Cash app or Venmo ID to the bottom of your work (you can delete this once the contest is over if you want, just wanna make sure people who enter actually have one) Participants outside the U.S who will be using PayPal, I won't ask you to put your private info on here, but just please make sure you have one. And instead, just state which country you're from so I know you're an international participant! Thanks
Rules/Guidelines for Each Topic:
Fanfic Writers:
Your fics must be a minimum of 1k words, I don’t have a maximum, but I’d feel bad if you wrote a whole fic and didn’t win…but length doesn’t determine who wins, quality does!
You MUST pick a character from the list below. I’ve added fandoms and characters that I personally don’t write for as well, but enjoy (since I’ll be reading all of these, I’d like to read things for characters I like!)
Fem!Reader or Gn!Reader only please (Again, I’ll be spending time reading these and as a woman, I’d relate more to reader if I can relate to them. But if you have a male reader in mind, you can still enter, just write it gender neutral please!)
I am a SFW blog, but I’ll be accepting slightly NSFW submissions for this contest. Just please no straight up porn with no plot. I need plot to actually get into a story :(
Idea’s must be your own and must be new and written specifically for this contest! No plagiarizing, and no fics that you’ve already written and posted online or you’ll be disqualified 
No non-con/rape, no incest, no poly, no character x character, no drugs (alcohol and smoking are fine, just no weed, no other drugs pls), no religion mocking, no racism, no hateful speech towards any group of ppl pls
Only one submission per person (I’ll be able to tell through writing style or if you make another account to join again and you’ll be disqualified) 
That’s about it. As for grammar, I have a hard time reading things that don’t flow well or have grammar mistakes. SOOOO for my younger writers out there who don’t know some grammar rules, or maybe even my writers who don’t have English as a first language, or maybe even writers who’d like a proofreader, I’m willing to read through your drafts to correct any minor grammar mistakes. I won’t be helping with anything else, like how to progress your story, or plot holes or anything like that, only grammar. My editing help will not increase your chances of winning either or guarantee you to win. 
For Fanart: 
Like the writers, you must pick a character from the list below
Artwork can be physical or digital, just no AI artwork please, or you’ll be disqualified 
Can be any medium; digital, drawing, painting, etc—just make sure it’s complete. Preferably some color would be great as well, unless you’ve chosen an artistic route to not use color
Just characters please, no readers. And no ships…you can choose several characters from the list and incorporate them into one piece, but just no romantic ship artwork plssss
Must be your own work and new! I’ll be reverse searching every image to make sure it doesn't already exist
Each image must have a little turtle in it somewhere in the artwork (just as an indicator that it’s really yours. Why turtles? Because I love them heh)
I’ll allow suggestive artwork, just please don’t send in anything explicit (you know what I mean)
Some more general rules:
Please make sure you’ve read and understand all the rules written. If you submit something that breaks one of these rules, you’ll be disqualified. So if you have any questions or need anything clarified, just ask me :)
If you’re a minor, please don’t send in NSFW content, I’ll disqualify you. Also I'm leaving this open to all ages, just know you won't be able to use the prize money or receive it if you don't have a bank account...so I guess that would be 16 and up? Idk what the age is to start your own bank acc lol
NO AI ART WORK OR WRITING ALLOWED. This is your chance to be creative and showcase you, in whichever way you decide
NO Stealing other people’s work…just don’t do it
Please don’t trauma dump on me, or beg me to choose you as the winner. I know there are people out there who would really need this money and who are struggling. I feel for you all, but I can’t afford to send everyone money. I can’t handle hearing how badly everyone needs this…my guilt won’t be able to handle it. I’ll disqualify you if you do, if many people do it, I’ll end the contest entirely. This is supposed to be fun with the added benefit of winning some money for yourself if you win
The creative freedom is yours! Write whatever you want to write about, make it unique, grab my attention. Draw/paint/create whatever you want with whatever ideas you have; whether it’s turning Bakugou into a boxer, or making Zoro a girl dad, the possibilities are endless. I want everyone to have fun with this!
Again, US participants must have cash app or Venmo and participants outside of the US must have PayPal! If you don’t then you won’t be able to receive the prize money if you win!
Deadline: December 22th @11:59pm 
Please let me know if you have any questions about anything. Again, grammar editing can be requested. I’ll be going over only grammar. I won’t be giving you advice on how to write your story or how to advance your story/plot holes or things I don’t like. Only grammar! If you want to run your story idea or art idea by me first to make sure it’s acceptable, you can do that as well. I’ll be around :)
I was thinking over how to choose the winner. At first I was going to do a poll, but I realized it would be biased towards users who have more followers than others. So I will be choosing the winners myself. Looking at fine details and works that really speak to ME, hence why I’ve chosen specific characters. 
Not sure how much attention this will get or how many people will enter, for all I know, only two people might enter and the money will go straight to them, or no one might enter…so this is a test trial. If no one joins, I shall delete and pretend like it never happened. But if it’s successful, then maybe I’ll make it a yearly thing! Giving back for the holidays :) <3
Good luck and hope you all have fun with this! 
List of Characters to Choose From:
One Piece: | Portgas D. Ace | Ben Beckman | Bartolomeo | Buggy | Crocodile | Dragon… | Franky | Gol D Roger | Katakuri | Kidd | Luffy | Law | Mihawk | Shanks | Smoker | Sabo | Sanji | Whitebeard | Zoro |
Genshin Impact: | Alhaithaim | Childe | Diluc | Neuvillette | Wriothesley | Zhongli |
Haikyuu: | Akaashi | Atsumu | Bokuto | Iwaizumu | Kageyama | Kita | Kuroo | Oikawa | Osamu | Suna | Ushijima | Ukai |
Tears of Themis: | Artem | Luke | Marius | Vyn |
Love and Deepspace: | Rafayel | Sylus | Xavier | Zayne |
Fire Force: | Benimaru | Hinawa | Konro | Obi | 
Honkai Star Rail: | Blade | Dan Heng | Jing Yuan | 
Blue Lock: | Barou | Kunigami | Rin | Sae | 
My Hero Academia: | Pro Hero Bakugou | Dabi | Edgeshot | Fatgum | Hawks | Pro Hero Kirishima | Pro Hero Kaminari | Pro Hero Midoriya | Pro Hero Shinsou | Pro Hero Shoto | 
Tokyo Revengers: | Baji | Draken | Kazutora | Mikey | Mitsuya | Ran | Rindou | Shinichiro | Sanzu | 
Obey Me: | Beelzebub | Barbatos | Diavolo | Lucifer | Mammon | Solomon | 
Jujutsu Kaisen: | Choso | Gojo | Geto | Higuruma | Itadori | Megumi | Nanami | Sukuna | Toji | Yuuta | 
Wuthering Waves: | Calcahoro | Jiyan |
Yona of the Dawn: | Hak | Jaeha | Shinah |
Demon Slayer: | Giyuu | Obanai | Rengoku | Sanemi | Tengen | 
Attack On Titan: | Eren | Levi | Niccolo | 
Naruto: | Itachi | Kakashi | Sasuke | 
Mystic Messenger: | Jumin | Saeyoung | 
Spy x Family: | Loid | Yuri |
Inuyasha: | Sesshomaru |
Snow White with the Red Hair: | Obi |
Good Luck <3
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immediatebreakfast · 2 years ago
Sorry to the person who sent me the ask about the use of those specific adjectives by Mr. Hawkins in his recomendation letter, and how that relates to the newfound abuse that Dracula is starting to subject onto Jonathan. I was writing the response, and tumblr ate the ask when I tried to save it ;-;
But I still want to talk about it :)
It has been said a lot of times, but the adjectives that Mr. Hawkins chose, and used in the letter to describe why Jonathan was the perfect lawyer for Dracula's properties were very... Subjective.
All of those adjectives can be read as compliments since they paint Jonathan as a first time worker who may be new to solicitor stuff in practice, but he will do a very good job thanks to these qualities. However, for someone like Dracula, for someone who has malicious intent in mind. Adjectives like discreet, and silent, along with "shall take your instructions in all matters" paint a different picture of Jonathan.
That letter, at the eyes of Dracula, paints Jonathan as the perfect victim who will not scream, complain, nor try to defy him if he tries to do something to him.
And, that is what exactly Dracula does in the course of three days, three horrible days.
The Count manipulates, and abuses Jonathan in the most realistic manner that one can put on paper. There is no magic, no supernatural powers, nor vampirical events in these three days, just Dracula slowlyyyy tearing apart Jonathan's mind by playing a horrible game of take, and give.
Dracula gives Jonathan amazing food, cultural knowledge, amazing attitude, a smooth legal process regarding the properties, interesting conversations... basic companionship in an isolated castle with no other human around. The perfect host that maybe is a little too familiar with touch.
And in return, what Dracula takes from Jonathan? His boundaries, his sleep schedule, his privacy, his safety, small stuff like the mirror that gives him a sense of routine. Everything that could give Jonathan a sense of relief, anything that could make him stop being on edge since he got in the castle
YET STILL, if you notice, STILL, the narrative itself doesn't infer that Jonathan is lesser, or in the wrong for not fighting back in a traditional masculine way. Neither on the text, nor the subtext. Hell, Jonathan can even compare his situation to the heroine Scheherezade, and it weights in the narrative because it's an actual theme of his character!
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aurorawritestoescape · 1 month ago
Get to know your moots
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Thank you for the tags, lovelies @milla-frenchy @tateypots @toxicanonymity @sunshineispunk @itwasntimethatdidit40 @sawymredfox @iamasaddie @thundermartini @joelmillerisapunk 😘 I loved reading your answers, friends, you’re all so amazing and cool, I don’t deserve you😍 I know I’m horribly late, I’ve been shy tbh, but I decided to play and I’m bringing you cats to make my yapping more entertaining😽
What's the origin of your blog title? I came up with it in 5 seconds bc my Libra ass needs to do something fast otherwise I’d never make a decision. The name Aurora just came to me, I think it’s beautiful, and the ‘writestoescape’ part is why I’m here, in the delulu land
OTP(s) + Shipname: me and Joel, me and Javi, me and Frankie and every other Pedro boy except for Max Lord yuck!
Favourite colour: all shades of pink under the sun
Favourite game: Overwatch. I haven’t played in a hot minute but I love it.
Song stuck in your head: timezone by Måneskin
Weirdest habit/trait? I love talking to myself. It helps me to reflect on situations. Or I just make myself laugh.
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Hobbies: writing, reading, drawing, tumblr-ing, making moodboards and edits on Canva.
If you work, what's your profession? teacher
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? I wish not to work but to leisure, write, read and be silly.
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Something you're good at: letting things go, listening
Something you're bad at: doing anything under stress, staying cool when ppl get on my nerves
Something you love: my family, my friends
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Joel Miller, fanfiction, myself lol but tbh I’m not a big talker
Something you hate: that would be a long list bc I can complain about anything at any given moment lol but let’s say rude ppl, disrespect, small talk, entitlement, cold weather, phone/app interface updates, red footwear on men
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Something you collect: unfinished wips ahah *cries I don't collect anything but I noticed that when I see a cute, fun toy for my kid, I need to buy it for her us and we have so many now, it’s a problem
Something you forget: to drink water, the importance of sleep
What's your love language? quality time
Favourite movie/show: I’m a tv show girlie, and there’re so many that I love but let’s go with friends, community, the last of us, the office, parks and rec, you, midnight mass
Favourite food: pasta, lasagna, pizza, all Italian food actually and tom yum
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Favourite animal: all baby animals, they’re sooo cute.
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What were you like as a child? Shy, quiet, stubborn, manipulative
Favourite subject at school? literature
Least favorite subject? maths
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What's your best character trait? I’m reliable and funny in my opinion
What's your worst character trait? I’m egoistic, short tempered and can say a lot of bad stuff that makes me feel guilty afterwards. Also I’m grumpy af.
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If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? I’d sleep for three hours longer in the mornings, spend my days in the sun and have no worries at all.
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? I’d love to meet my grandparents and my parents to see what they were like when they were younger
Recommend one of your favourite fanfics (spread the love!): check out the tag #fic rec🔥on my blog to see what stories I loved but I cannot not mention my man, my love, my everything Nightwalks Joel by @toxicanonymity ❤️ I’d say go read the series NOW but I’m a jealous girlie and he’s MINE!! / kidding, I recommend it so so much!!🥵😍🤤🤤🤤
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Tagging you🫵 if by any chance you haven’t done it yet
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wyldblunt · 8 months ago
Hi, it is 6 AM here and I have to sleep but I'm writing to you to let you know that I'm very concerned about what I've been reading in the past day.
I heard of the gwg/Logan incident on the day of it happening, but that's not really what I'm worried about. What concerns me is what seems like a consistent & long term systematic marginalization of POC in GW2 fan spaces. To be honest I'm not that surprised, I've had my suspicions since 2020.
I'm not active on GW2 tumblr or any social media at all, other than posting the Tyria Pride announcements once a year, so I don't have much impact outside of the Tyria Pride discord, but I still want to do something. I have some ideas, and am also always open to suggestions.
I would love to chat at some point (it doesn't have to be now, and I totally get it if you're not interested). The Tyria Pride discord isn't huge but it isn't small either, and maybe I have some influence that I can use for good.
Tyria Pride Lead
P.S.: I know this can be a source of exhaustion so please do not worry about tone policing yourself or rewording your reply for ages to be "just right", if you do reply to me. (I just spent an hour doing that so I get it, it is now 7 AM). I'm on your side. I'll meet you where you're at.
hey — i hope you don't mind that i'm posting this publicly, but i want to because waking up to this message was a huge relief to me. and as i've tried to explain in other conversations about this, i KNOW there are LOTS of people who have been really uncomfortable through this entire convo but have not felt willing or able to speak up publicly (bc of open threats of ostracization for "being mean" AND observed behavior towards those of us who have said anything) and i hope that reading this will be a relief to them too.
thank you not only for reaching out but also for GETTING what our actual concerns are, bc one of my biggest frustrations through all of this has been people repeatedly twisting the issue so they can dismiss it as squabbling about fiction and then they don't actually have to address the broader patterns we're talking about here; thank you for the assurance that i won't be tone policed, because that's been repeatedly used against us as well ("okay i guess you guys are making some good points but you're being so ANGRY"); and thank you for acknowledging how tiring this is, because i've been made to feel like if i don't keep showing up and being vocal about this, leaving behind mostly the white allies who have been sticking up for us and using their privilege to make corrections and take some of the brunt of the ridicule and backlash, the whole thing will be dismissed as a non-issue anyway. and frankly i don't fucking want to anymore! i'm tired lol!
but i also wanted to springboard off this really kind and reassuring message from you to say it isn't the only one i've received, and that as angry and exhausted as i am, i want to highlight and acknowledge that i have NOT been alone in this. people have been checking in on me, listening to what i and others have to say about it and boosting our statements, changing their minds if they jumped to conclusions earlier, and offering private support and conversation among those of us who still don't feel comfortable braving the environment out here on tumblr — obviously the bad experiences i've had through this are sticking in my head and are really demoralizing, but honestly in terms of quantity and quality i have had MORE experiences of people supporting me and making sure i'm okay. this fandom has massive problems but it also has more of a solid, positive core than i was willing to hope for in the beginning.
i spoke up initially because it was horrible how isolated i felt when this all kicked off; the wider problem is absolutely not fixed, but i can confidently say i don't feel alone or abandoned anymore, and that gives me a ton of hope for figuring this out.
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astrxphilx · 9 months ago
Intro thingy??
Hi, I go by Astro. I'm a fanfic writer over on AO3 and Wattpad. I purely write TFRB and RBA related stuff.
I was invited to join Tumblr by @cayennesugar! (Thank you!! I had no idea what I was missing out on)
She mentioned there were a few people on here who've read my books, ((If that's you, I know I neglected you for months- please forgive me)) so I thought I'd post these little sneak peaks of the next chapter of my book, Back To You. Enjoy!
— — —
“..sooo, what do you guys think?” Whirl’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Colorful paper scraps were displayed on her portion of the screen and made up a visual of the Rust Sea, with two silhouettes, presumably Whirl and her sire, walking servo in servo along the shore.
“That looks great, Whirl!” “Looks just like the real thing.” “Impressive!” the others praised.
“Nice wo-….I like the…..” Hotshot rambled on about the cool 3-D effect of the paper water but was quickly cut off.
“Uh, Hotshot, you’re breaking up.” He could just about make out Hoist’s voice through the radio static. “..h-old..on..” He angled his datapad up at the ceiling. “Ca..n you….hear m..now?” His camera cut off for a split second before returning with horrible graphic quality; his voice was barely audible over the static and sounded distorted.
“uhh..kinda?” Wedge shrugged. “Negative,” Medix shook his helm. Hotshot’s video feed started to laggily shake as he shook the device and gave it a few slaps. “..How about now?” he asked, static finally lifting.
“Yeah, that’s better.”
“Huh.. that’s never happened with the other one,” he muttered, giving the datapad a once-over before dismissing it as a one-time bug.
Unbeknownst to him, across the hall, his Carrier glared at a static screen, typing tirelessly to stabilize the newly forged connection as she waited for the Prime to answer. Seconds turned to minutes, and the buzzing didn’t let up. Growing anticipation fueled her anxiety. Why wasn’t it working—?
— — —
"Is something wrong with your dinner?"
Hotshot reeled back from his thoughts and realized he'd been staring at his plate all this time. "I guess I lost my appetite." he meekly shrugged.
"I thought you said you were hungry."
"O-oh, right. I..was?" he gulped, tugging on his helmet in embarrassment. "I..uh-"
"You know you can tell me anything, sweetspark." His breath hitched at the warmth of her servo on his.
"What's on your mind?"
He blinked at her, his big blue optics, wide with apprehension met with her usual calm blues that instantly soothed his nerves.
His dermas trembled, he couldn't hold it any longer. He needed to know. The burning question he'd been bottling up since he was seven finally slipped his glossa.
"Why don't you ever speak about my Sire!?" He winced at how harsh it came out.
Her soft gaze had flashed with utter shock, and Hotshot was quick to notice. The same hurt and lingering sentiments resided in them just like they had all those years ago and elicited a strong feeling of deja vu.
That same suffocating regret he felt when he was 6 flooded his entire being. What had he done?
— — —
It's almost done, currently undergoing some heavy editing. It's gonna be a pretty long chapter so brace yourselves. :)
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runawaymun · 9 months ago
i'm very obsessed with your depiction of Song in and the stars shine the same. you write it with such a different feel for each character, if that makes sense? especially since it's always been to me such a difficult concept to portray well in fic. i've been wondering, what do you think everyone's Singing is like, if you've thought about it? whether just as like the general feel to it to a bystander/listener, or just purely sound qualities, like i seem to remember glorfindel's baritone singing voice as a thing a lot of people would write.
i'm very sorry if this was asked/discussed before however i am...well not *new* but it's been years since i was active around lotr/silm tumblr. i am rapidly getting pulled back in to fan spaces it would seem. anyways. <3
Ahhhh oh wow! What a cool ask this is! Thank you so much. Playing with Song and Music and Themes in my fics is one of my favorite things to do. Songs of Power are just soooo damn cool I can't help myself. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to this, I've just been trying to compile my thoughts! Buckle up cause this is gonna get kind of long.
Elrond is easiest for me to nail down for obvious reasons. I've dug into his Music the most out of everyone, but it feels different to different people. For a lot of elves it can be very overwhelming because there is just SO much going on in his Theme. A lot of syncopation and dissonance (in the best possible way. Just super fun note combinations). Usually his Music is quite steady and calming. Generally I think of his actual singing voice to sound like Colin O'Malley does in Thomas Bergensen's Sonera. Strong and open-sounding and just....the slight rasp but like it's still so gorgeous and hngggggg. Though, with Rings of Power (or just a younger) Elrond specifically I imagine more like Reeve Carney's voice -- especially as Orpheus in Hadestown. Again you get that bright, open sort of voice but there's a sweetness and a vibrato to Reeve's voice that I just adore for a young Elrond!
Gil-Galad is another character whose music I have thought about a whole bunch (mostly in contrast to Elrond's, due to To Partake), and he has a very even quarter-time beat and just. Idk he sounds and feels so orderly and steady and kind of brassy to me. I don't have headcannons on his singing voice, though.
Celebrimbor also has an even quarter-time beat but his music is more relaxed and there's room in it for play. Like it has a swing beat every once in a while, and in general he just has this very big, open, echoing feeling. Like he is just huge idk. Music that just thunders around your ears in the best possible way. I also don't have a headcannoned sound for his singing voice yet but in general I think it would be pretty low.
Maglor is different for me depending on pre or post Oath, in terms of his actual Theme. Pre Oath there is a lot of interest and complexity, and post Oath that sort of gets drowned out by the overlaying Theme of the Oath (which feels horribly loud, with this plodding sort of beat that gets faster and faster the more Oath-madness is upon the Feanorians). His singing voice is like Joey Batey from The Amazing Devil. The way that Joey is capable of singing with this gorgeous, soulful, sweet voice and then he can turn on a dime to sound like he's about to tear someone to shreds and you're pretty sure that nobody should be able to sing THAT fucking loud without breaking their vocal chords? The RANGE? The way his voice just sends shivers up your spine? Yeah. Maglor.
Galadriel I don't have much on because she is kind of an enigma to me. But I think there would definitely be an aspect of her Theme that would put you on edge. As far as her singing voice go, I actually wrote Convergence I while listening to "Sonera" and yeah the male voice in Sonera I headcannon as Elrond, and the female voice I headcannon as Galadriel for that specific scene. In general though, I tend to hear her voice as sounding like Kate St. Pierre in Hurt by Thomas Bergensen.
Celebrian has a lot of strings and flutes in her theme to me. It's orderly but more like a 3/4 time signature. The kind of thing you want to dance to or listen to while you're taking a long walk. Mostly high notes. Her singing voice sounds like the the female part in Sun and Moon (which I would like to find out who that is but unfortunately I can not seem to find her credited anywhere). Like it's pretty but there's this sort of untamed edge to her voice, just a bit. (Also I am a big fat nerd about Sun and Moon because a) Cel and Elrond are sun and moon coded to me and b) the male voice which is actually the song's composer sounds CLOSE enough to my headcannoned Elrond singing voice that I can sit back and imagine they're singing a duet haha)
Arwen is like a mix between her parents. She's got that 3/4 beat like Cel but there IS a bit of syncopation from Elrond in there, but similar sort of harps/strings vibes. Purple, to me. I do not know how to explain what purple even means or sounds like in this context asdlkgh. But her voice sounds like Eurielle - very much thinking about Luthien's Lament, specifically.
I unfortunately do not have a lot of headcannons for Elladan and Elrohir yet but we'll get there quite shortly with boundless sky.
Luthien has the sort of voice that will just fucking blow your socks off. I know she sang Morgoth to sleep blah blah but girl has power in that voice and the world's most ridiculous range. I am thinking specifically of ghost love score. And yes, her Theme sounds like orchestral metal. Sauron fucking hates it.
Morgoth is jazz. That is all I have to say on that.
That's all of the people I have nailed down as to what they sound like! Thank you SO much for this ask. It was so much fun to respond to!
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strongheartneteyam · 2 years ago
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I wish I could
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!curvy!human reader
CW: angst, risky pregnancy issues, fluff, fingering, masturbating (female receiving), breeding kink, pregnancy kink, size kink, exophilia (extraterrestrial kink), monsterfucker
GUYS I'M SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE THIS FIC some of you already know why but to the ones who dont: my life became so chaotic, all of a sudden, that I could barely log in here. I literally spent days without logging on tumblr. I had zero time and was always exhausted. But now my life is back at the tracks (thank you God 😭) - even though it's still pretty hectic - so I was able to find time and energy to write this chapter. Hope u like it 😘👀
Not fully proofread 🤡
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Chapter 7
You woke up in pure bliss. Many moons had passed now, your belly had gotten even bigger, your baby had grown. You're living two dreams at once. You were a mother and mated with the one person you've always loved. The owner of your every thought and your every girl-in-love-kind-of-sigh ever since you remember. You were carrying his child inside of you, you would often feel the little baby you both created together kicking your ribs. It brought tears to your eyes. You still don't know how it came to be, how a fully hybrid baby could actually be conceived. You know very well how Neteyam and you *created* the baby, but you have no idea how you actually were able to get pregnant. If it makes any sense. You laugh to yourself.
Things had been a little hard given that your pregnancy was a risky one (interspecies relationship things...) but if you don't count the fact you were feeling so fatigued, heavy and having a bit of trouble breathing from time to time, you had been great. Nothing too much, nothing that made your life quality decrease.
You stretched yourself and got up from your mat, walking towards the space inside your home where you and Neteyam kept the food, water, cooking utensils and such, as you were dying to eat breakfast. This pregnancy was making you so hungry most of the time. It's no surprise. You're carrying a half na'vi child in your human womb. Your fragile body needed way more nutrients than the usual.
You stopped for a second and look through the entrance of your house. You smiled at the view of the Pandoran nature out there, the birds singing, the green grass, the heavy tree branches. It filled your heart with a comforting, wholesome feeling you can't even put to words.
Everything seemed so perfect. Too perfect, actually...
You were eating a piece of the meat Neteyam had hunt for the both of you at dawn, just before he went to train with Jake. You had cooked it with some herbs and a little salt, that you would always ask some human acquaintances to bring to you from the lab, when you felt a horrible, almost unbearable feeling in your belly. "Ma Eywa, what is this?" You asked yourself, heartache and anxiety covering you. "Please Great Mother, don't let anything happen to my baby. Please." You were in the verge of tears when you started to feel weak and dizzy. Everything around you looked weird and distant. Finally, you were unconscious on the floor. Thank Eywa you were sitting, not standing. The fall would have been way worse.
You opened your eyes and sunlight was scorching your eyeballs. It came from the door. You were still at your home with Neytiri and Dr Evelyn looking at you, one at each side of your aching body, while you were laying down in your mat. Neytiri was the Tsahìk and Dr Evelyn was taking care of you as a medical professional since you first found out you were pregnant.
"What happened?" You ask, head aching and confused
"Oh, thank you, Great Mother!" Neytiri exclaimed "You passed out, my dear. Kiri found you laying on the floor unconscious when she went to visit you to bring you some fruits and herbs she had collected this morning."
"I was so worried, (y/n). I was afraid something very bad would happen to you or the baby. Or both of you." Kiri had tears in her big eyes and her pretty face was still recovering from the shock. Seeing that made you feel a stab in your chest. She really, really cared about you and your baby. And of course, it was her brother's baby too. She was now not only your best friend but also your sister-in-law.
"Is everything okay with my baby?" You asked, fear taking over you
"We've checked how she's doing through an ultrasound and yes, she's okay." Dr Evelyn says in a calming voice
"...She?" You ask
"Yes, it's a girl." Neytiri says, smiling at you. "You and Neteyam will give us a babygirl as a grandchild." She was smiling, referring to herself and Jake, such an honest feeling of pure happiness could be seen in the na'vi woman's yellow eyes
You smiled, your eyes gleaming with tears. You were gonna have a babygirl. You were gonna give Neteyam a little daughter.
"And there's something that we wanna tell you. Your baby looks really different as she is a hybrid. She has mixed features in her face, na'vi and human. Her nose is like Neteyam's nose and so are her eyes, but the rest of her face is more human like. She also has long slender legs, like her father. But she's still a little smaller than common na'vi babies. She has four fingers and no stripes. And she has a queue. She will be able to make tsaheylu." Dr Evelyn said, smiling
"That's... incredible. My babygirl... She will be so beautiful... She seems to be more na'vi than human, though." You laugh a bit, imagining your daughter's cute little braid and her small tendrils. "But you guys did not tell me what happened. I mean, why did I pass out? I remember feeling a terrible pain in my belly. But the baby is okay, I didn't lose her, thank Eywa. But what was happening to my body?"
Neytiri started to say: "My son is na'vi, even though he has human blood in his veins too. As he impregnated you, his na'vi DNA helped form your placenta." You felt your face burn as your mother-in-law was saying that. She was just nonchalantly saying that her son impregnated you. You didn't know if you were just too shy, if the na'vi had a way more chill perspective about these things, even more than you already were aware of, or if it was because you were the one in the spotlight right now, but you were blushing a lot, your cheeks so rosy. "Your body did not know how to react to that, as you're human. Your placenta is being seen by your body as an invasive substance, to sum it up, because of Neteyam's DNA being so different from yours. So, your belly started to hurt. But Dr Evelyn and I have already taken care of this. You don't have to worry, darling. I prayed to Eywa. I performed a healing ritual on you. You'll be fine, Ma (y/n)."
"I gave you an injection that eased your pain until it went away and eventually you woke up. You're gonna take one of these shots everytime you start feeling pain in your belly, okay? We think it will happen a few more times. Take it as soon as the pain starts. The sooner, the less risky for you and the baby. It contains chemicals and Pandoran herbs that will help your body slowly understand that it's okay for your baby's placenta to be inside you and it will also help you feel less pain." Dr Evelyn advised, holding a small glass tube in her hand filled with a greenish liquid.
Suddenly, you heard heavy hard footsteps approaching. You breathed in relief when you saw it was Neteyam. His dark braids dancing in the air as he approached the entrance of the house he built for the both of you and your child.
"Neteyam!" You exclaimed
"Yawne..." he said, looking at you with loving eyes "Are you alright? Is our baby alright?" He sounded so worried "Lo'ak reached me and told me about what happened. I came as fast as I could but, you know, the forest is very big."
He walked towards you and when he got to where you were laying, he sat on his heels.
"Yes, our baby is alright. I'm okay too. And we're expecting a girl, by the way." You looked at him smiling wide, chest filled with a genuine feeling of joy and almost euphoria
"I give you my gratitude, Great Mother." Neteyam said a prayer to Eywa, smiling in relief "I can't believe it! We're gonna have a little girl." Tears of happiness were streaming down his beautiful face, running through his dark blue stripes
Everyone in the room looked at you and Neteyam smiling. Neytiri looked in a motherly way to the both of you, her fangs showing as she smiled. Kiri was smiling widely, her brows furrowed. Dr Evelyn was smiling but showing no teeth. Every person there looked happy for you two, na'vi, human or mixed.
But nobody was happier than Neteyam and you. He kissed your forehead while putting his big hand on your pregnant bump. You felt your girl kick, a pain coming through your ribcage. Neteyam felt it too. "She kicked. Our babygirl just kicked, my yawnetu. I felt her little kick." Neteyam smiled in awe, looking at you as you smiled back at him, your heart beating fast
Neteyam looked at his mother. They smiled at each other and she put her hand on his shoulder, then, looked at your belly, in an affectionate way
"Oh, my Eywa. I'm starting to really love the idea of becoming an aunt." Kiri said, still sitting a little further from everybody "Damn, so many tears in only one place." The Omatikaya young girl said, chuckling, as she sniffed because she never stopped crying since she found you needing her help. Thank Eywa her tears were now tears of delight
A big wholesome laugh could be heard in the room after Kiri said that, coming from everyone's throat.
After everyone had left, it was only you and Neteyam at your home. Jake had freed him from his Olo'eyktan training for some hours so he could stay with you after what had happened. He would only go back later in the afternoon.
"Oh, yawntutsyìp... I thought I had lost you and our baby." Neteyam said, holding your face with both his huge hands
You put your hand over his, rubbed your face on his palm and then kissed it. "You always act so tenderly towards me, my love. You're my everything. And I love the way you care so deeply for our child. I can feel your love for her pouring out of you. You're so amazing." He smiled and leaned in for a kiss, which you were already planning on giving him
Your lips touched and he held your waist tightly. Both big hands on each side of your body. You felt a shiver coming down your spine. He kept kissing you, slowly but passionately. His velvety lips so warm, wetting your lips with his saliva, setting your whole body on fire as he gave you many pecks but then slid his tongue inside your mouth, breathing deep through his nose, making you moan for him. "I wanted to die just thinking about losing my mate and my child. I'm thankful you're here. I'm so thankful our baby is still safe inside your womb." His hands moved from your waist to the sides of your belly. Neteyam kept kissing you, but, in a softer way now. "Your baby bump feels so good in my hands." He kissed your lower lip, suckling ever so slightly on it, your lip between his upper and his bottom lip.
"Teyam. Sit me down on your lap, please." You said, a knot forming in your belly
Neteyam gave you a small dirty smile and sat on the mat. He grabbed your hand and led you to sit on his lap.
"Like this, yawntutsyìp?" He asked, looking deeply into your eyes. His big amber eyes were so enchanting, so ethereal...
"Yes, my mate."
Neteyam opened your legs slowly, his hand traveling up your thigh while he kissed you. When his hand reached your pussy, moving your panties to the side, underneath your skirt, you whimpered at his lips. "What? You like this, my love? You like the way I caress your small body? Specially when my hand touches your little pussy?" He was looking at you, eyes so hungry for your body
"You get wet so easily now that you're pregnant. And your pussy feels even tighter." Neteyam says while two of his long four fingers explored your folds slowly. You moaned, biting your bottom lip. "So tight for me." He cooed. Neteyam's thumb reached your clitoris and he started to stimulate it, rubbing circles.
"Ahnnhh... feels so good, Teyam."
"Yeah, my yawntutsyìp?" You hum in confirmation "I love your little cunt. Love this swollen belly so much. Ahhh, baby... It makes me so hard. Do you wanna touch me and feel how hard I am for you?" Neteyam asks, breathing heavily
"Yes, Teyam. Please."
Sorry for leaving you guys hot and bothered and cutting the smut in half like this 😂 please, don't hate me 🤡😇
Your feedback is always much appreciated 🤍🤍🤍
If I'm forgetting anyone now or have forgotten to tag anyone in the past chapters, please, comment below asking to be tagged. Also, anyone can ask to be tagged too 💙 ily bye
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as-the-stars-foretold · 5 months ago
रे दानवीर​—
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कस्य धर्मम् अनुसरति?
भवान् कार्यं कस्य कृते करोति?
भवत: कर्तव्यं किम्? कर्तव्यं कस्य कृते?
O, generous one Whose path of life do you follow? For whom do you do your work? What is your duty? Who is your duty for?
(Alternate shots and thought process/explanation under the cut!)
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(Click for better quality – Tumblr kills it </3) Free to use/save with credit and/or a reblog!
OKAY. YAP TIME. This is a Hindu mythology/Mahabharata AU, and this art specifically is of Wolfwood as Karna. I'll explain who Karna is first + give context about his role in the Mahabharata, and then explain the symbolism and everything.
Who is Karna and what is his role in the story?
Karna was the illegitimate son of Kunti and Surya, the sun god. Due to being unmarried and young at the time, Kunti put Karna in a basket of sorts and allowed the river to carry him away where he was later found by his adoptive mother and father.
Thanks to his divine heritage, Karna was born with a kavach and kundal— a chest plate and earrings. These were immensely strong, even to the point of being unaffected by celestial weapons, and, most importantly, they were inherent to his being. I mean that very literally: the chest plate and earrings were literally parts of him. Taking them off would leave him bloodied and vulnerable (cough cough).
Eventually, through his prowess with archery, he made his way to the Kaurava palace–the Kauravas being the corrupted, power-hungry side of the conflict (oversimplification, but the Mahabharata is way too long for me to summarize here)–and became fast friends with Duryodhana, the leader of the 101 Kaurava cousins. Now, the issue with that is that his half-brothers, the Pandavas, were technically the rightful heirs to the kingdom, Hastinapura. This is where Karna's conflict begins: who does he have a responsibility towards? The family that housed and loved and fed him, despite the wrongdoings they were committing, or the family that was his birthright?
In the Mahabharata, Karna chooses the family who raised him, hurt by the fact that his mother gave him up. While this seems like a perfectly logical decision, the fact is that the Kauravas were cruel and deceitful— adharmi, or straying from the path of righteousness. In enabling and aiding them, when he had a responsibility to his blood family AND to keep the Kauravas from committing evils, Karna damned himself.
That isn't to say that he was a horrible person, however— he was notoriously humble and generous (which is the epithet that I used in the title!), incredibly dedicated to his cause and his family, and burdened with the knowledge that his birth mother gave him up. Karna is a morally grey character: put into his shoes, we, too, would struggle with choosing a side.
Leading up to Karna's death, during the war, Lord Indra, disguised as a brahmin, asked for his kavach and kundal. Karna gave them away without hesitation, leaving himself bloodied and vulnerable. This tremendous, selfless display of generosity is the main sticking point for so many people; how can a person so devoted and so generous be wholly evil?
I'm sure that idea rings true for many of you, since it's a point of contrition in Trigun, too. This leads me to the next part:
Why is Wolfwood Karna? What does this imply?
If you're familiar with Karna or you read my explanation up there, I'm sure you can see the connections now. Both Wolfwood and Karna struggle with choice— who do they have a duty towards? Karna has to choose between the two sides of his family and, symbolically, between right and wrong. Wolfwood has to choose between his obligation to Hopeland Orphanage (and, by extension, Knives as his contractor) and the obligation he brought upon himself in regards to Vash's ideals/quest. The conflict is near analogous: he's stuck between the people who raised and loved him, and the people who are working for a better future.
Another important thing to consider is Karna's generosity and how he, quite literally, gave someone the skin off his back. Wolfwood, too, is unerringly generous— he posits himself as selfish and mean, but he gave up everything for the people he cared about: his adolescence, his morals, his basic nature, his life. They are both so, so generous, and it leads to their downfalls.
Finally, the most important thing to remember is that neither Karna not Wolfwood are inherently good or bad. They're humans making very human choices. They're both selfish, yes, but they're also generous and kind and caring. In the end, Karna recognizes his mistakes and regrets what he's done, and Wolfwood, similarly, is forced to make peace with what he did and how his life has come to an end.
Artistic choices!
Wolfwood's arm bands and bracelets are gold and mimic both the Eye of Michael's insignia as well as the sun(s), which is a nod to Karna.
He's shown holding his kavach instead of wearing it to symbolize both his dedication and generosity (again, a nod to the original story), as well as to serve as his cause of death. He's forsaken his protection for what he believes in and wants to protect. In my original planning, the kavach and kundal were actually way more analogous to the EoM juice lol.
I replaced the Punisher with a crossbow because a giant cross-shaped gun would, unfortunately, be even more idiosyncratic than a crossbow (apparently ancient mainland India didn't have crossbows! Assam did; however, the Kurukshetra War happened in Haryana so boo hoo). Despite that, I tried to keep the coloring similar to the Punisher from Trigun (1998) as well as including a skull motif under the bow.
The pose is referenced from Wolfwood shooting up at the rubble during Badlands Rumble! I just modified it for the drama lol.
Wolfwood is pointing the crossbow at the sun for a purely Wolfwood reason (meaning it is NOT a reference to the Mahabharata). Despite his best efforts, he ended up backstabbing both of the twins in one way or another; you can imagine the sun as either brother, but I'd probably imagine it as Knives, since he "remade" Wolfwood, so he'd step into the role of Surya (Karna's father).
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glossdebut · 1 month ago
get to know your mutuals | tag game
thank you for tagging me @yoonmetogether! putting this under a read more bc it's LONGGG
what's the origin of your blog title? i am not normal about debut yoongi
favorite fandoms: the only fandom that i really have time for anymore is bts/army, but i also very much enjoyed being an orbit when loona first debuted! chasing that rush every day tbh
OTP(s)/shipname: ME AND YOONGI!!!! hjsdhdsjfhsfkj is it bad if i say i don't really pay attention to character ships in media? i'm enjoying loid and yor in spy x family so far but other than that idk...
favorite color: like a mauve purple, & blood red <3
favorite game: animal crossing probably? i don't play a lot of video games. recently i had a months-long stint where i played destiny 2 obsessively though?
song stuck in your head: the ladies at the dollar store near my work were playing lauryn hill's can't take my eyes off of you and i have not stopped thinking about it since
weirdest habit/trait? i do not know what i am like LOL
hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, making/organizing spotify playlists
if you work, what's your profession? i work the circulation desk at a public library. i also make photoshop and canva tutorials for their youtube channel
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be? music journalist and novelist
something you're good at: writing (i hope)
something you're bad at: time management LMAO
something you love: (convulsing trying not to say yoongi) talking to my friends
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: (still convulsing) i've read a lot of music memoirs and was also deeply entrenched in bandom tumblr back in the day, so i unfortunately know a lot of music industry lore and WILL talk about it if given the opportunity
something you hate: WHOLE MILK GODDDD!!! and the movie fantastic planet. i'm a letterboxd girlie but that movie didn't do ANYTHING for me other than make me want to turn it off
something you collect: i'm a t-shirt girlie until i die. every time i go on a trip i get a locational t-shirt. same goes for concerts/events/etc.
something you forget: i have a good memory idk. never forget a bitch
what's your love language? quality time
favorite movie/show: almost famous (2000)
favorite food: the kimchi jjigae at my local korean restaurant changed my brain chemistry the first time i tried it
favorite animal: cats
are you musical? lolll yes. i've been in choir since elementary school. i was a vocal performance major my first year of college but i have horrible stage fright so i switched to journalism. also i just really like music theory and fuck around on cubase and FL studio when i have time
what were you like as a child? pre-puberty i was really outgoing but then The Horrors...
favorite subject at school? english
least favorite subject? math
what's your best character trait? i'm loyal
what's your worst character trait? i'm needy but i never say anything LOL
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? i wouldn't be at work!!!
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? i would have a torrid love affair with joan jett in the mid-seventies
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): terms & conditions by my love @ktownshizzle
tagging @joonary @kkaetnipjeon @100vern @nevieeland @eoieopda @ktownshizzle @newmittens @ki-yomii @aaagustd @yooniivrse @hoseoksluna if any of u want to do it. my feelings will not be hurt if you don’t 🙂‍↕️🫶
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shipcestuous · 10 months ago
Okay, I come back with the third part of the ask! I have MORE amazing news, isn’t it great?
First of all, the best news for me is I have found yet another wonderful incest movie I have been looking for so long!!!! It’s called «Madame Solario». Hear me out, this is REALLY exiting, as it’s a French costume drama based on a book. Actually, there’s even an article called «“Saint Brother and Saint Sister”: The Motif of Fraternal Incest in Gladys Huntington’s Madame Solario» (here’s the link to the article https://dspace.uni.lodz.pl/bitstream/handle/11089/38892/PJAS_vol7_2013_Alicja_Piechucka.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)
Here’s where you can watch the movie with English subtitles: https://tubitv.com/movies/100007671/madame-solario
Secondly, I went over your «Not available in English» list and tried to look for the subtitles. I actually had luck with some of them!
Der Kuss Meiner Schwester
Here are two links where you can download subtitles for this movie (it’s two different subtitles)
https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/9593069/der-kuss-meiner-schwester-en (those are, I think, made by machine translation. I watched with them and they’re enough to understand most of the movie)
https://www.avsubtitles.com/subtitles.php?subid=16862&revid=20230717000859 (not sure about those, whether they’re made by human or machine, maybe a native English speaker would realize better than me)
Already after I found those subs, I stumbled across a comment on your wordpress under the post about this movie. I attach the comment in a picture, just in case if you haven’t seen it, because the user provides some information. (the subtitles they mention are the same as the ones from OpenSubtitles)
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So, indeed, there are subtitles on OpenSubtitles for this movie: https://www.opensubtitles.com/en/subtitles/syskonsalt-2000-swedish-vhs-tvrip-xvid-movieboys-en  (Those, I assume, are made by a person)
Lunnye polyany (2002), also known as Les clairieres de lune
Once again I watched it before in Russian and I even have a fanvid about them! (promoting myself while I can lolz https://www.tumblr.com/familyromantic/705637767270531072/this-is-the-only-russian-film-about-incest-that?source=share) But now all of you can watch it too. I can say it is not a light watch and it has a dark, depressed atmosphere, but there is some sort of doomed love beauty as well. BUT I warn you that I have only seen the movie in a HORRIBLE quality, sadly.
Link to the subs: https://www.avsubtitles.com/subtitles.php?subid=18021&revid=20230827220208
Taboo: The Soul Is A Stranger On Earth
Three subtitles, but I glanced and they look the same lol (could be wrong)
https(:)//www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/10009196/tabu-the-soul-is-a-stranger-on-earth-en (just delete the parentheses, I added them because Tumblr didn't like this link lol)
Additionally, not related to subtitles, but I want to let you all know I have Bror 2019 in HD if someone needs it (got it from a Swedish site with VPN). ALSO if any of the links I provided don’t work for someone or anything, I have it all downloaded, so contact me and I’ll send it to you. Or if you want to combine a movie and subtitles, I can do that too.
 I think that’s all, that was a long ask for real :)
Thank you for going through that not-available-in-English list! I'm pleased to be able to remove so many titles from it.
Do you happen to have any download links for Madame Salario? Having it on Tubi is so great but I like to archive the hard to find incest movies if I can just in case they get removed from streaming. It sounds like you do the same.
I did see that comment about Der Kuss Meiner Schwester. I downloaded the subs right away but haven't checked them against the video file I had. I didn't want to start partying until I was sure they fit and made sense and everything. I actually couldn't download the Syskonsalt ones originally but your link worked for me so thanks.
While we're on the topic, this movie, Yellow, is actually in English but has proven impossible find: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1588898/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_9_act. Has anyone managed to see, or better yet download, this one?
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 months ago
Hi I know it was a vent post and you probably don't want anyone to i guess give advice/support (idk what to call this) but!! As a person who consumes content, especially written, i can tell you for sure that writing is a great skill to have! Like in school, people would pay me to write/help them with essays. But that's not important - what is important is that you are a great writer! And I don't know how long it's been since you started trying things outside of tumblr, but things take time. Unless you are super famous or have connections, you're not going to get involved in things right away. And that's okay!!! That doesn't mean you suck. It allows you to build a name for yourself as you continue doing great work that will get you recognized eventually!
But seriously, writing is NOT a skill that EVERYONE can just do. I've read work from people who could be a great artist as you said, but their writing reads as if it was written by a child. Or even a decent enough story that is better than a child's level, but still flows horrible and makes me try to skip parts to get to what I'm interested in. And I see this very prominently in the nsfw spaces, although there are some great writers like you, there are just as many (and im not trying to be rude) subpar writers. There's just no way I can stress enough that writing, especially being able to write things of a good quality, is a skill that is very important and i know you'll get to where you hope to be in time, and am grateful you continue to make content!
Like literally i am obsessed with your blog and I check at least every 2 days or so if not every day at least once. Please continue the great work you do, and continue growing in your craft and i knowyou will achieve your goals and i will personally look forward to everything you'll write!
-an experienced fanfic reader!
It's perfectly okay to write as you did here - posting my thoughts on a public blog means that I'm alright with people seeing it and commenting on it. Hm... Now that I think of it, I may be over sharing on the blog in general, but, honestly? It's my corner of the internet, and it's an important place to me - so it's probably alright. Anyway...
I wasn't expecting anybody to put this level of thought into any sort of interaction with me, if I am to be honest. I'm positively taken aback.
First of all, thank you. Reading this was very uplifting, and I will hold onto your ask, returning to it in moments of doubt. I can't stress how wholesome it felt... So just... Thank you.
The amusing thing is that I was never a great student at school, and essays that I created (both in my native language, Polish, and English) were usually mediocre. But I definitely had a better time, enjoyment wise, with Polish essays since those in English were always absurd. Very general, require certain hard words or phrases, and the damned word limit. On my highschool finals in C1 English I had to write an essay about the risks and opportunities AI provides (if I had a penny for every time I wrote about something like this, I would have a lot of them, but I wouldn't be able to buy more than a pack of gum)... in under 800 words. I'm a simple guy - either do it properly, or don't do it at all. These kinds of restrictions are the bane of my writing. Still, I got an 88%. Polish is similar, but there's no arbitrary word limit and the formal requirements go on for pages of rules and regulations. Brr. Never want to do it again. But I will. Since I'm studying law and all. The point is, I wasn't good at writing in the official sense - which doesn't give me a solid base of confidence in myself, and it's visible in the frequency of me doubting myself here.
Tsk. Pathetic. I'm making a clown of myself in front of hundreds of people, am I not? Typical of me.
In general, having my own blog killed most of my interest in reading and watching what others are doing, though I still occasionally read up. And when I do - comparisons. Okay, so this fic is short, not much attention paid to pacing and style, quite generic in topic, written with the most stereotypical words for this kind of content, but it's nice... Oh? Oh. It has over two thousand likes, reblogs and comments. Cool. What does it do that I don't? Am I writing too long fics? I do think so, because short form tends to get more attention. That's perfectly reasonable, but sad nonetheless. I can't fully enjoy the stuff of other people for another reason as well - my mind screams a question at me every short moment - "and what have YOU done that measures up to this?". This doesn't only apply to fics. Kinkymation, a nsfw comic creator for genshin, zzz and a few others that's quite famous, has it all seemingly - very characteristic and memorable style, good, wholesome content, lots of it too, and can write a good enough narrative. I even heard that he does animations now. The only minor shortcoming is I think the lack of variation in his stuff - everything is vanilla ice cream, wholesome-romantic and slightly cheesy at times. But he's still a great cc.
He has everything one could dream of in this "field", and I constantly compare myself to him. And the conclusion? I am nothing. I am a flounder, a bottom feeder in comparison to him.
It's not that I want to earn money - as you surely noticed, I never ever prompted my Kofi since I made it in spring of 2024. I just want to make something that I can be proud of, especially if it includes joining forces with those that make up for my lack of artistic skills. It would be very nice, for sure.
Alas, the reality is what it is, as the saying goes.
Never mind. On a final note, if you're checking contentloadingandstuff this frequently, I really need to kick myself into high(er) gear. You wish me well, and I should show some basic gratitude.
Again, thank you. So much.
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yandereworlds · 2 years ago
Some changes!
Hey there, darlings!
Today, I'd like to announce some changes that will be happening. First things first, I won't be using CAI anymore, mostly due to the lack of communication from the people running it, from the waiting rooms, to the bot's HORRIBLE lack of memory and so on. I've been having a hard time enjoying CAI, but don't worry, my bots will still remain on there (mostly because we can't remove it) however, I will be moving my bots to an alternative and on there, I will be making new content! This site is called Venusai, a strictly 18+ site. I've found that my experience on this site has been SO much better compared to CAI and after I've been using it for a week, I've decided I'm staying on there. If you're someone who enjoys quality over quantity, I highly suggest making this change as well.
If you'd like to find my bots, I'll be linking them below and soon, I'll be adding Dae-Hyun, Lukas and my other yandere bots on there as well, so keep an eye out!
Second, I won't be able to get to everyone's asks for a while, mostly due to a glitch on Tumblr at the moment. I'm unable to view any of your questions and until it's fixed, there won't be many postings on Tumblr, but I will send content in my yandere server, which I'll also be linking below for anyone interested. If you have any questions at all, feel free to message me. Thank you for understanding!
Tumblr media
My venusai bots, Yandere Discord server
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karenandhenwilson · 4 months ago
Hello! The henchim info is from a cut scene - we know about it because Aisha posted a video of Oliver helping her run lines for it. So up to us if it's canon but it's very sweet. It's on 911bts I think
It is on 911bts here on tumblr, thank you for pointing me in the right direction! I didn't watch it the first time I saw it because the tone is really off for me which made it difficult to follow, but I did so now. As you answered in my inbox, I'll just dive deep into my own opinion about this (which I wouldn't have done in your post and tried not to do too much in my repost earlier). And that's everyone's warning to back off if you don't want to read a not-so-excited opinion about the issue of Chimney, Hen, and Karen in 8x05.
First of all, for everyone who can't deal with the tone quality of the video either: Hen goes to Bobby after the pumpkin head call, they seem to be in the firehouse. Bobby tells Hen he is working on shift schedules but that she should sit down and talk with him about why she came to him. Hen then tells Bobby that she wants to ask for a shift off, not for herself but for Chimney. Because she heard Chimney tell the guy with the head in the pumpkin how sad he was to miss Jee's first Halloween. Bobby tells her he can't do that because there can't be two people short on the shift. Hen asks about Buck, and Bobby explains, that no Buck will be back. But Chimney already asked for a shift off. On Hen's behalf, so she could spend Halloween with Mara. That's where it ends.
Let's look at this scene isolated from the rest of the episode: I agree, it says a lot about the friendship between Hen and Chimney. Shows us once more how deep this friendship is and how much they care for each other.
Now, let's consider where this is placed in the episode: It's after the pumpkin head call. So we already had the early Halloween party at the Wilson's house. Bobby already knows Buck will be back for the next shift, so it's also after the hospital scene with Buck, Eddie, and Tommy. It's, obviously, before Hen tells Karen no one is taking off for the shift. So, somewhere between this scene and Hen coming home, Chimney and Hen talk with each other about it and consequently decide "If not both of us can win, our whole family is going to lose. We aren't the ones who have to suffer the most under it anyway". (And also, later Bobby just accepted them both pulling the request back instead of ordering Hen to stop being an idiot and be with her family.)
Some people might tell me it's kind of hard and overexaggerated to say it in this way. I don't agree with those people and I hope they treat their partners better than Hen treats Karen here.
Because in this very moment when Hen and Chimney decide to both go to work the next shift, Hen is a horrible wife to Karen. She had a chance to be off of work, Bobby was already doing the work to make it possible! And Karen had voiced her desire to have that for once (I detailed here why I don't think it comes as out of left field as most people somehow claim it does). And Hen decided "Between the comfort of my wife, the memories my children will make (one of whom hasn't been with the family for any holiday before) and the comfort of my best friend (who incidentally already offered for me to be off work for that shift and was okay with it!), the most import thing for me is the comfort of my best friend."
How can anyone claim that's not absolutely horrible behavior? (I mean, of course, except for those people who clearly don't care for Henren at all. And I know, that's mostly all of fandom. Yes, this hiatus has made me very bitter about that and these words aren't aimed directly at the person whose ask I'm answering here but really at the general fandom.)
It's not the first time that Hen put her friendship with Chimney above her family. She did so in season 5, too, when she offered to go with Chimney to chase after Maddie without even thinking for a moment about her wive or her son. (And with the way Chimney's car was packed, it was very clear he intended to stay away for a long time.)
It made me furious at Hen back then, and it's making me furious at Hen now again. It's just one more thing I'll have to ignore about Hen's behavior and I will headcanon that Hen took the chance and was with her family instead of declining the offer of the free day. Because I refuse to give up on Henren, no matter how often the show tries to ruin them for the drama's sake.
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