#thank you for letting me ramble anon
tobythewise · 7 months
necroposting (response to your post from jan) but honestly the anders romance works so well regardless of what class hawke is. non mage hawke just proves that level of like, protective devotion, like hawke will follow anders and will protect him, and whats potentially left of hawke's family made up of mages (bethany) with everything they have in them. couldnt save anyone but maybe just maybe the mages left over. + the parallel with their parents.... the tension of, You Understand despite it all. anders route is so romantic no matter what kind of hawke goes for it honestly 🥺
Anon I love you and you’re absolutely right
No matter what your Hawke is, the romance with Anders is just SO good. As a mage, Hawke gets to understand why exactly Anders is fighting because that’s his fight too. So at the end of the day of COURSE he’s at Anders side, fighting beside him against Meredith. There’s something so beautiful to me when I think about those two against the world, finding happiness in each other knowing what they’ve done might mean they’re running for a long time to come but knowing it was WORTH it at a chance for true freedom for themselves and other mages around Thedas.
But on the same hand, having warrior or rogue Hawke say ‘hey, this is my fight too’ not because he’s a mage but because he’s fighting for the ones he loves and the ones he’s lost is also just so *chef kiss*. He doesn’t need to be a mage to use what strengths he has to fight for those he loves. (Also can I just add that I have a soft spot for blue Hawke that becomes red Hawke at the end of the game who’s just so *angry* with the state or Kirkwall by the third act and he says fuck it, if being a ‘good mage’ isn’t enough to stop all this then violence will have to do)
Of course Anders is still shocked by Hawke’s love and support no matter if Hawke is a mage a warrior or a rogue and that just somehow makes it all the sweeter when you side with him after everything.
I just… really love Anders thanks for giving me the opportunity to gush about him Anon 😂💚
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toushindai · 11 months
just a general question about your headcanon's on the ship. Do you think that maybe, in another life or universe Ganondorf and Rauru could love each other? Like maybe the goddesses don't want them together because they would be too powerful. ☕ I'm really looking forward to read your new fic. You're really talented!
That’s a really interesting question! I’m going to have a hard time answering it because once I’ve got one set of headcanons set up, I have a really hard time looking at alternatives to it because I’ve spent so much time getting all the pieces to fit together (this is why I read very little fic that’s not my own), but let’s give it a try
I think, first of all, that Ganondorf would have to be allowed to be a person in a way that TOTK, frustratingly, avoids. There’s a universe out there somewhere, I want to believe, where Ganondorf and Rauru bond over the solitude inherent in their positions: Ganondorf’s lone male of his culture to Rauru’s one of the last few members of his species. But to get to that, you need a Ganondorf willing to identify and feel his own loneliness, which I don’t think the guy we have in canon is inclined towards.
I wonder if this also requires Rauru to have allied himself not with the Hylians but with the Gerudo. That would be an interesting choice—in canon, allying with the Hylians makes sense because of their shared reverence for Hylia (seen in the existence of our familiar goddess statue not only in the GSI Temple of Time but also on Dragonhead Island). The Gerudo, for contrast, revere the Seven(-to-Eight) Heroines, to the near exclusion of goddess worship at all; in Creating a Champion, it notes that Gerudo Town’s goddess statue is out of the way and nearly forgotten for this reason. So a Zonai is going to be received differently among the Gerudo than they are among the other people of the land.
Rauru is a curious guy, though! Maybe it could happen like this: intrigued most of all by the people with whom the Zonai have historically had little in common—I have additional things to say about that but let’s wait until I have things finalized in my fic before I get into it—he made his descent to the land in the desert rather than in Hylian territory. Of course he was not permitted into town, but what if the Gerudo allowed him to stay in one of their other settlements? Let’s say the Northern Temple (what are now the Northern Ruins) just ’cause. But the prince of the Gerudo—who knows his place in his society, theoretically—by definition, by the uniqueness of his birth he can have only one place in his society—is equally intrigued by this foreign voe. Could he be the first other voe Ganondorf has met? Wait, was he actually, I should keep that in mind for my fic too They get to talking, they grow to know each other on an honest level. I think they could grow to love each other in a story like this. I do think the sex is a little less flavorful in this case tho so what good does it do me? Well, anyway.
And what then? If we trust the Sage of Lightning’s perspective—and we might as well, lacking any other insight on Ganondorf prior to the Gerudo Assault cutscene—it was not until after Ganondorf became chief that his hunger for power really began to develop. So what do we believe caused this? Is this just an inherent flaw in his personality? The curse of Demise rearing its head inevitably? (I should disclaim that I’ve never finished Skyward Sword and am only trying to use these words the way I’ve seen others use them.) In that case, both options—Rauru reviling his lover’s thirst for power and betraying him, or Rauru and the power of the Zonai turned in service to Gerudo conquest—are fascinating.
But if we are looking at Ganondorf as a person who gets to make person choices, then when he ascends to his position as Chief of the Gerudo and there is no neighboring nation consolidating an unearned power over the rest of the continent, what then? Might he be less driven towards conquest?
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because of his own unique relationship with touch, i think he’d be a perfect fit for this kind of reader <333 gojo may have a craving for it, but also a deeply rooted fear; his infinity is a soothing blanket that shields him from the world, and i think he’s a lot more dependent on it than he lets on. so, more than anything, he’d be extremely understanding of your fear!!! he doesn’t push for a reason, doesn’t tease you (he does. but just a little. never more than what you’re entirely comfortable with!), just accepts it and moves on. makes sure to never, ever touch you, or make you feel unsafe in his presence. he’s very observant and attentive in general so i think he’d be a great partner for someone with haphephobia <3
and again; gojo gets it!!! touch can be terrifying!!!! so it’s probably a great relief for him too. i think he struggles with intimate touches immensely, in the beginning of a relationship. if the touching isn’t entirely casual or entirely on his terms, it feels so foreign and unconquerable. you show each other that affection and trust can be shown in ways other than physical contact, that it doesn’t change how much you care for one another.
i do also wanna add that if you ever feel comfortable starting a treatment plan for your phobia, he’s with you every step of the way :3 walks you to your appointments and even joins you if you need him to, he’ll also be more than willing to help out if you decide on some form of exposure therapy. just working on making you feel safe, slowly building you up towards even a single tender touch. you can tell that he’s a little scared, too, even if he really doesn’t show it — and i think that helps.
buuuut either way, he loves you and accepts you for who you are <333 no matter what. he’ll be right by your side, just grazing the back of your shirt with his fingers so that his infinity extends to you, and you can walk around with no fear of being touched.
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star--anon · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons for thominewt?
this took me several days because I was determined to make this post comically long and I genuinely don't remember why
I also ended up not making it comically long
so uh. sorry
Newt is exceptionally good at guessing when Minho and Thomas are trying to hide their pain
and he has no issues with dragging them to bed
Minho probably does stupid shit like "birthday noogies" or whatever, which has inspired a 2v1 of Newt and Thomas VS Minho on April Fools
(Minho still wins, somehow)
Thomas gets dragged into things like astrology and fortune telling by Newt
Every time Minho tries to tell Thomas how stupid astrology is, Newt just scoffs and goes, "Typical Pisces behavior" and drags Thomas away
Minho is not a Pisces. Minho is a Libra.
Thomas calls him an "asymptomatic Libra" and Newt is very quick to jump on that train. Minho hates the both of them so, so much.
Thomas is a Virgo. Newt is a Taurus.
Minho can be turned into putty with enough kisses and hugs and gentle touches. It takes Thomas hours of work, but it's so worth it.
On the weekend, Newt often comes home to a pliant Minho with his face buried in Thomas' chest. Thomas just giggles.
Thomas loves long walks.
Sometimes the three go out together: Thomas strolling down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace; Newt several paces behind, stopping every few seconds to snap a photo of something cool with his fancy camera; Minho several blocks ahead, sprinting like his life depends on it, doubling back whenever he gets too far away.
Thomas and Minho are on piggyback duty if Newt's ankle ever acts up in the middle of a walk
Thomas once fell down trying to pick Newt up, so piggyback duty has mostly been delegated to Minho
Speaking of which, two of the rooms in the house (one of them is Newt's bedroom) are padded with extra insulation to keep it nice and warm during the winter because the cold messes with Newt's ankle
Minho carries heating packs in his pockets at all times and rubs them against Newt's ankle whenever the pain gets unbearable in public
Sometimes it helps, mostly it doesn't. Newt appreciates the effort.
Thomas tries to fight doctors who are reluctant to prescribe medication and/or painkillers.
Thomas studied law and is not afraid to use his Master's.
Newt wanted to get a bird, Minho wanted a dog, and Thomas wanted a cat. They compromised and bought fish.
Newt has names for each individual fish, Minho named all of them Guppy, and Thomas' names for the fish change with each conversation.
Newt prefers baggy clothes and often just steals Minho's stuff because Minho is SO FUCKING JACKED- ...because Minho's shoulder span is so much wider than Newt's
the only issue is that Newt is about three inches taller than Minho, so Minho's "big shirts" are like baggy crop tops
Thomas, who is more Newt’s height, starts buying clothes that he knows Newt will like and smirks whenever it disappears.
When the three go shopping together, Newt often shoves clothes that he wants to wear into Minho and Thomas' carts.
Thomas and Minho like to make bets with each other like "He'll take this one within a week."
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vicsbasement · 6 months
I think Carlos may have a soft spot for Charles and I'm not saying this because I ship them. Carlos is always so considerate and thoughtful with him and he always seems very attuned to his needs as well. I often think about Singapore last year, because that race was right after Monza and after Carlos' mother liked that tweet about Charles and honour; you could see there was a strange air surrounding them and Carlos was glued to Charles the whole weekend but in a very discreet manner, always making sure to give him enough space. He also didn't miss the opportunity to reassure Charles that he does like his teammate (during the fan meeting with the Alpine drivers) and you can see in the clip that Charles was visibly relieved. As for Charles, before the announcement (that's how we're gonna refer to it I guess) I too thought that Charles didn't care about Carlos as much as Carlos cares about him, but boy was I wrong… They both care about the other a whole lot and it will be hard to see them part ways at the end of the season
I'm with you on this 100%. You know, after the Monza incident there was so much speculation in fandom, and then Singapore happened and we were all like, running in circles because we thought Charles was furious. I even wrote a whole fic around it because I really felt the tension, and I wasn't the only one, the Monza thing awakened a lot of feelings in a lot of people 😂 But, funnily enough, it all went away soon after. Around that fan forum you mentioned and, for example, in COTA; they were all cozy around each other all over again. They were calling each other pet names, they did the lasso thing... I think they patched it all up right around Japan. I'm willing to bet Carlos apologized to Charles about his mother's faux pas. Because he's not his mother, and Charles knows this, but Carlos still wanted to make a point to apologize to him because it wasn't nice. Especially since both of them were very much enjoying their fight on track during Monza! I do believe that Carlos was a bit affronted but when he got out of the car and Charles was looking ecstatic, he just let it go. Immediately. He'd (we'd) never seen Charles behaving like that after a race, he was elated. Which shows us, once again, that Charles really loves Carlos as a teammate and as a competitor. He does see him as his ultimate rival, in the end what's the saying? Your teammate is your biggest competitor? And that's them. There's incredible amounts of respect between each other.
And they got closer, even, after COTA and after Qatar, I'm willing to bet. They looked so close in Mexico and Interlagos, and then Vegas... like the whole united front thing looked absolutely compelling and real. They were spending a lot of time off-track together, too. I think that after Monza, they had a lot of talks. Either about life or the team, (Charles does like to insist on telling us they talk about a lot more than work whenever they do spend time together off-track) and I firmly believe they reached a point in which their friendship bloomed. They probably found common ground somewhere and decided, well, if they fans are going to constantly pit us against each other, then let's show them how wrong they are. Unfortunately we didn't get much from Charles after Carlos got hurt during the Vegas practice, but still. He was close to Carlos. Very, very close, and they behaved really sweetly towards each other during that weekend and Carlos really did lament several times that he wasn't close to Charles on track to fight the Red Bulls because of the car. I don't know, anon, if at some point I was a Charlos believer now I'm a Charlos truther because they've shown me time and time again that they genuinely like each other. As people, as teammates, as rivals. They admire and respect each other! We can't forget (we'll never forget) that time Carlos admitted to following Charles' carreer in F2. It's etched into the collective brain of the Charlos fandom. So... Yeah. Carlos Sainz Jr. having a soft spot for Charles Leclerc and his pretty eyes? Checks out. Also: the fact that Charles lets Carlos be his touchy self with him when he wasn't this tactile with any of his previous teammates says... a lot about Carlos' magnetism and power of conviction. Because he never moves away or rejects him, he's always open and waiting for Carlos to touch him. So. It's a win in all fronts tbh.
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crystallizsch · 6 months
I want the infodump on Jamil and Yuusha ma'am I beg
but thank you so much yes im okay im normal about them i’ll do my best (for context i mentioned in the tags of one of my posts a while back wanting to infodump about them, but i forget which one it was jfkdlsjhl anyways-)
this won't be a full info dump because i think that would somewhat restrict my dynamic of them if i put it all into words (if that makes sense) ;;;
and i realized i lowkey dont have a coherent timeline for them (yet); i just put them in random scenarios of what i think would be fun at the moment
to make up for it i'll also put a silly self-indulgent sketch dump all below ;;;
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I JUST REALIZED I DRAW THEM MAKING EYE CONTACT A LOT (bc something something there's a level of trust that jamil wont use his snake whisper on yuu anymore)
okay now for some random jamiyuu dynamics/hcs/lore
yuu fell first -> yuu lost feelings (bc why would you trust someone who took advantage you) -> ✨ then something happened ✨ -> jamil fell next but harder.
highkey disliked each other -and showed it- in the beginning bc of the whole scarabia drama; then an -accidental- act of service got them to think differently about one another. like "holy shit maybe they're not so bad after all???"
extremely slow burn.
very competitive with one another which then bled into their "flirting" / affectionate acts when they eventually became closer.
basically: “sweetheart” but rivalry -> “babe” but platonically -> “bro” but romantically pipeline.
(“are you flirting or starting a fight”)
yuu kinda throws around “love you” a lot, especially to her close friends; so -during their “platonic” stage- for some reason, jamil was the only “friend” she has not said this to. but it’s okay it’s not like jamil had referred to her as the “f-word” (friend) anyway.
had a mutual agreement that their romantic relationship is temporary because of yuu wanting to go home; they’re just going to “try it out” “no hard feelings”.
yuu made jamil promise to never use snake whisper on her ever again.
jamil: personal beef w/ bugs + afraid of them; yuu: personal beef w/ bugs (w/ a few exceptions) + not afraid of them, just generally pissed at their existence.
dancing and music lowkey became one of their love languages.
kalim genuinely became one yuu’s best friends because of how much they hit it off. jamil always third wheels them no matter the circumstance.
yuu loves grim more than jamil; jamil knows this very well. and so does grim.
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stevie-petey · 4 months
Anything you want to tell us about Come Home that hasn’t been asked about yet? Like a head canon, Easter egg, reference, song rec, something you wrote in particular that made you feel a certain way, etc ?
anon these questions always make me so giddy omg i cant even choose what i wanna talk about because theres a LOT we havent unpacked together yet but ok ok ok lets start here: how jon and steve differ with loving bug.
weve already established that jon helps bug because theres an obligation there from years of being together, while steve does it because he wants to. to add to this, the love is almost reflective of that
jon: i will never deserve to love but i will love you anyways because its all i know (selfishly, co dependently, raw, messy, instinctive)
steve: i will never deserve to love you but if you believe i do then i will love you with everything within me (trusting, comforting, forgiving, replenishing, complete)
for an easter egg im shocked no one has pointed out the bonus episode titles !!! season 1 bonus ep is “the beginning” because its the beginning of everything between bug and steve. the beginning of their friendship, their dynamic, their budding relationship. it all starts in that chapter. as for season 2, “the fall”, this is LITERALLY steve falling in love with bug. the bonus eps are meant to really piece together the dynamics i create throughout the seasons canon, and then bring it all together outside of canon to set up for future seasons ! the bonus ep titles will always tell you whats in store for the couple ;)
the titles of the seasons overall are also the ending of them !!! for 1 (we dont talk about it) we end with jon and bug never talking about their love for one another and instead promising to stay the same. for 2 (we thought love was something we werent meant to find), the season ends with steve and bug both finding love within one another after being led to believe they werent meant for the love they craved because of nancy and jon. for 3 (now youre a stranger) ,,,, well ! wait n see <3
ok now for some a quasi reference (more symbolism): everyone who meets bug has a crush on her but not in a cliche “reader is so pretty” way but in a “this person is so genuinely lovely and has this pull to them that you cant help but fall in love with”. they arent actually in love with bug per say, theyre in love with her kindness. its infectious, i like to think bug embodies everything we wish to be <3
finally because im sleepy i will say that the ending scene in season 2 between bug and steve still makes me so <333 to reread. the idea that someone will wait for you, and that they trust you to come back, is just so beautiful to me. not only was bug putting her heart in steves hands, he placed his in hers as well. she trusts that he will love her in the end, she wont rush him, and he trusts that she will be there for him when he falls :’)))
i also really really adore the final scene between jon and bug in season 1, when theyre in the car and everything settles between them and bug makes jon promise that nothing will change. ugh. it breaks my heart every time. its so so so bittersweet :( it parallels steve and bug a year later at the end of season 2 and i just. im so proud of that as well
i blabbed so much my god. pls enjoy
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stormyoceans · 17 days
I'm squealing like a gecko before an attack. Have you seen how they look at each other with those little softy smiles?? My heart is beating somewhere in my liver because of this. and the English Neil is so so… ugh 🫠
there’s just something so soft and tender and vulnerable and tentative in the way neil and xiao hai look at each other from time to time, eyes full of wonder and lips pulled into a fond smile before quickly turning away, almost as if they were afraid to fall, which is why they’re allowing themselves to think about the other and smile as much as they want only when they are not together. but here’s the difference between them that makes me gnaw at the furniture and claw at the walls of my apartment: while xiao hai tends to avoid looking at neil too much in general, when xiao hai is not looking neil looks SO. MUCH.
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during neil’s panic attack xiao hai told him ‘look at me’ and neil really said ‘well don’t mind if i do’ like you’d think neil was the one meeting his idol again after years and getting to work with him instead of the other way around ✋😭 (also i think charles tu should be in jail for the endless wonder and sheer longing on his face but let’s not go there)
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buggybambi · 7 months
Just thinking about that scene where Carmy’s telling Syd about how he was talking to Claire and decided to make his own cannoli…
And just like. Imagine reader is like a chef at the bear or something, and Carmy’s crushing on her, and she mentions her fav meal or dessert once.. he shows up like the next day telling syd he had this great idea for a new thing on the menu and it just happens to be that exact meal… and Syd is just like giving him knowing looks… 😂
(Also like imagine a matchmaking Syd like conveniently making sure reader and carmy get put in situations by themselves and stuff… like 😭🥰)
oh my gosh stop IMAGINE:
you, marcus and carmy are in charge of the bear's dessert menu. carmy is basically just standing in the background watching you (and marcus but mostly you) stare at marcus' sketches. "shut up, *insert your favorite dessert*?! marcus you know i love that and you would kill at it, i'm voting for this one." (for some reason you said cannoli and im picturing a chocolate chip cannoli and oh my god i need to write a fic about this)
and then suddenly the next day carmen and sydney are staring at sketches of said dessert! and she's like "whats with the sudden interest in this?" and he's just like "i think a lot of people would love it" AND SHE GIVES HIM A LOOK. just the look that says im onto you
from then on, sydney may or may not throw you and carmen into rooms by yourselves together or giving you two the closing shifts together.
and she's not shocked when you and carmen announce you're dating a few weeks later.
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triglycercule · 27 days
What do you think the types of drunk would the murder trio be? Im pretty sure ask dusttale already answered this question about dust but i have to ask the mtt expert
see now askdusttale DID answer the question. but they didn't ANSWER the question when asked what dust is like drunk. they just said that dust is the type to drink himself blackout drunk. so that mean i have total freedom on deciding what the mtt are like drunk hehehe (rubs hands together in a villanous way that you would imagine nightmare doing or something idk)
i already have an absolutely hilarious idea for horror and it might just because i'm on the guilt section of his character analysis but i could TOTALLY imagine him being an emotional drunk. like he CRIES. horror sans man known for being incredibly guarded and private with what he feels bawling his eye out. he gets mad he gets sad he does not get happy because horror doesn't have the right to be happy. he is too upset over the fact that he fucking DOOMED all of horrortale because of his selfishness and nothing can stop him from being incredibly vocal about that fact so much so that killer had to tape his mouth shut because he wouldn't stop crying so loud. and then he just silently cries until he passes out from exhaustion. the alcohol has an incredibly strong effect on him because i dont think he would drink regularly plus he definitely hasnt drinken anything in those 7 years of starvation. it hits like a fucking plane crashing into him. or like getting his eye taken out again. either one!
another funny idea i had for killer would be like the alcohol affecting him but he SWEARS that he's still sober. he is very confused when he starts stumbling because wtf he doesnt FEEL drunk??? why is he bumping into walls and tables HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND FUCKING STUPID???? the alcohol is definitely effecting him but he swears he swears he doesn't feel drunk. hes not drunk its just the damn body doing this stupid bullshit!!!! he's still very aware of what's going on and is basically the same as sober but just like. he's wiggly he's wobbly and oh shit he just fell head face first into a tv whoops. he'd also have a high tolerance because just because. he can drink without feeling like shit until he just blacks out mid conversation with someone because his body couldn't take the toll of all the beer or whatever. hilarious idea triglycercule thank you triglycercule i know
dust in the context that we already know that he drinks AND he can fight against the human while like partially drunk.... i feel it would be kinda like a giggly drunk situation. except dust doesn't laugh at anything that's funny he only laughs when someone gets hurt or something. SADISTIC giggly drunk. because i can already imagine a half drunk dust laughing his ass off after killing the human and its a beautiful sight to me.
anyways imagine how it goes when you pair this sadistic giggly drunk with another that wont stop going through the 5 stages of grief and another that keeps on fucking falling over for no reason in his eyes. dream blunt rotation but the blunt is a bottle of vodka. i can already imagine it in my head and its fucking HILARIOUS. horror going on about how he caused the deaths of others and manipulated and tricked papyrus while killer is just trying his best to keep his eyes open because for some reason they won't stop trying to close. he is surprisingly getting frustated. dust has long since lost his voice laughing at this and he's just silent wheezing at everything. also phantom papyrus is only making the laughter worse because he keeps on making rude comments towards horror and killer and only he can hear him and its guffaw inducing. mtt amazing friend group you dont get shit like this anywhere else
#killer's breakdancing and he swears this isnt on purpose guys#GUYS GUYS ITS NOT ME THE BODY IS DRUNK OKAY WHY CANT I STOP WHEN DID I LEARN HOW TO DO THIS#horror has SO much to be guilty over its not even funny. ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY#nobody talks about this but this man is GUILTSTRIFEN. he is literally filled with so much guilt its not even funny#dust and killer have the genocides they did. ok. sure. that's it????#ugh god i dont wanna ramble in tags again..... im just gonna end up saying it in the analysis anyways but ughhhhhhhhhhh#yk what fine i'll rapid fire. trying to keep people from killing themselves. watching his friends die.#knowing that other monsters are getting eaten. worrying papyrus. coming up with a plan he knows wont work and tries make it happen#because that idea of them deconstrucing the core would NOT have worked so he did that out of selfishness#forcing his community to eat humans. tricking papyrus into eating humans. going against all his morals#dare i need say more i swear AND ALL OF THESE ARE SEPERATE THINGS TOO!!!!!!#he single handedly DOOMED horrortale into disarray by destroying the core#the eye idea wouldve worked. it wouldve been the only way monsterkind thrived#and yet he destroyed the core but kept his eye safe. as if one last big fuck you#you can have my eye but you cant have the machine that needs it. good luck bitches#THERE ALREADY WAS FOOD IN SNOWDIN BEFORE HE TOLD THEM TO EAT HUMANS#THERE COULD'VE BEEN ANOTHER WAY TO RATION THE FOOD OR FIND S FOOD SOURCE#BUT HE JUST TOLD TJEM TO EST HUMANS OUT OF SPITE SO UNDYNE WOULDN'T GET THE SOULS#granted it was a solution that worked for the hunger problem BUT HORROR FUCKING HATES IT#HE HATES THE IDEA OF EATING HUMANS HE HATES THE IDEA OF KILLING KIDS#BUT HE STILL DOES IT HE GOES AGAINST ALL HIS MORALS UGHHHHH#horror sans. horror sans my king horror sans my glorious lord and savior#i cannot WAIT to drop that character analysis. it will change lives. and by lives i mean me#i will be a changed man once the horror analysis comes out#anyways WHO IS THIS ANON AGAIN. its a question i always wonder because wtf#you have a daily question for me. this is like a log in event. if i answer all the questions in a row for a week i get a SPECIAL question#but fr thank you so much for your questions i love answering them its so fun to wrack my mind and figure out a way to answer it. brain teas#every time i see the words mtt expert i laugh lowly like an evil villain but i try not let it get to my head#humility is a standard i aim to uphold. one of my character traits. triglycercule character analysis when#tricule asks
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bropunzeling · 8 months
Since you say you love to chatter, I hope you don't mind being asked a few questions :)
what's a scene/detail/piece of dialogue etc that you really wanted to include in [fic of your choice], but you couldn't find room for? here's your chance!
if you had to write an epilogue (or sequel!) to any of your fics (that you are NOT currently planning on writing an epilogue for), which would it be and what would happen?
for the ships you're currently writing about (and have written for in general), is there usually one character you like more than the other? (will you tell us who? has it ever changed?)
what's a ship/fic idea you want to read about but don't want to write yourself? maybe somebody will be inspired!
share anything you'd like about a wip!
aw thank you anon! especially for the opportunity to procrastinate on working on my current wip :) answers under the cut:
some dialogue that i ultimately cut from the spain scene in marriage bets where they were having tapas (originally there was going to be ALL this flirting over the tapas and then it went on too long so i got straight to the questions):
"You're not going to eat that?" "Hey, I tried it." "You're so American." "It's the texture--" "Such a wimp." "I'm sure plenty of people aren't into eating octopus." "Uh-huh."
if i had to write an epilogue or sequel:
oh gosh. i think a lot about the one where marriage bets matthew and leon get married for real for real, with suits and their families present and everything. it WOULD involve matthew finally telling brady that he was not, in fact, the first tkachuk to get married. the other one i think about is, of course, rat baby in a cup. she reigns eternal.
is there a character in a ship that i like more than the other?
i think it's hard for me to enjoy a ship where i don't actually like one side of it! that said, there are definitely characters where i find it much easier to get into their headspace than others. i've probably said this before, but leon is such a straight line thinker and so easy for me to get that for a long time it was hard for me to try and write anything from matthew pov because his is a little more twisty-turny. they're both equally complex! but it requires different skills to get the effect i want, which is normally the pov character not having a clue what the other one is thinking. it's a lot easier to have leon misreading matthew than the other way around. except now of course i've written a lot from matthew pov so finding my way back to leon pov has been a challenge.
a ship/fic i want to read but don't want to write:
god what DON'T i want to read. lmao. i would love for someone to write a good achy jamie/trevor post-trade fic. i would love for someone to write a long slow friends-to-lovers matthew/sasha fic! i would REALLY love a brady/quinn future fic. especially if it features divorced brady. i feel like future fic especially is a trope/concept that i just feel less comfortable writing so whenever someone else writes it i eat it up with a spoon :)
share anything you like about a wip:
well the wip is going SO SLOW and is VERY HARD for me because im challenging myself by writing a slow burn and cant rely on sex scenes to do the chemistry work for me this time rip rip. but here is a wee snippet:
“Draisaitl. Tkachuk,” Coach says, gesturing at the starting line.
Leon gets ready, bracing his stick over his thighs. He’s already raced Jordan and Gourde—beat Jordan, beat Gourde—but he hasn’t had to go against Tkachuk yet. Hasn’t had to do much of anything with Tkachuk yet. Yesterday they were at the other end of the line from each other, or opposite sides of the rink. It had lulled Leon into a false sense of security.
Now, though, Tkachuk is watching him with that way that he has, like—
One time, while making kebabs, Leon got a splinter from the bamboo skewer under his nail. It hurt like a bitch, had him cursing for five minutes until Jenna told him to stop squirming and tweezed it out. The splinter had been miniscule, almost impossible to see, and Leon had wondered how something so tiny could be so aggravating and painful, would make him do anything just to get it to stop.
That’s how it feels when Tkachuk looks at him. How it’s always felt. Like his gaze is digging in under Leon’s skin, until Leon’s entire body is red and inflamed. It makes Leon want to scratch at his shoulders, his chest, until he can finally tear Tkachuk out.
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sp00kies · 4 months
Question If Camp Camp (Once the show gets picked up for season 5 again) hired you as a guest writer, and you got to write like a few episodes max, what would you write about?
If I were to write some episodes, these would be the ones!
- first and foremost, an episode that dives deeper into Max’s home life. The show itself and the wiki implies that his parents are negligent and that they didn’t really want him around, so maybe having an episode that explores more about it would be good!
For example, seeing as in the show he noticeably shrinks whenever someone raises their voice or a hand, maybe he does this again but this time, people notice and they try investigating.
Another episode I would write would be more jokey, but still
- One, an episode that brings back Neil’s and Harrison’s rivalry. Mind Freakers was so good in terms of exploring their characters and how they view things (magic and science), and it’s too good to leave behind!
The episode could have them seeing “abnormal” things and the rest of it could be them trying to explain why it’s science or magic.
- Two, an episode that explores more on Nerris’ identity. While it’s basically confirmed that she’s non-binary, an episode that has her really finding herself would be sweet and fun!
- And finally, Gwenvid episode. That’s it. That’s literally just the episode. With a side of Neil Squared or Nerrison.
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nancywheeeler · 9 months
PLEASE share some of your favourite books!!! of all time And ones that you discovered this year!! (also only just noticed your header… i love those two <3)
omg anon i would love nothing more!
books of all-time: the secret history & the goldfinch by donna tartt, the haunting of hill house & we've always lived in the castle by shirley jackson, the night circus by erin morgenstern, the immortalists by chloe benjamin, lincoln highway by amor towles, say nothing by patrick radden keefe, the collector by john fowles, never let me go by kazuo ishiguro, tell the wolves i'm home by carol rifka brunt, the night tiger by yangsze choo, the shadow of the wind by carlos ruiz zafon, in the woods & the likeness by tana french, and the bell by iris murdoch.
i'm sure there are some i'm forgetting; i'm sorry to those books!
i try to read a broad range of genres & sub-genres, but my soft spots are magical realism, the promise of an ambiguous and bittersweet resolution, family sagas (or a codependent pair of siblings who are all the other has in the world), novels strongly influenced by classic literature, and unconventional murder mysteries.
and this year, i have favorites for all of the above!
magical realism: the house of the spirits by isabelle allende; ashamed i had not read this classic before, but i arrived at the party and i never wanted to leave.
also recommend: the light pirate by lily brooks-dalton
bittersweet: the memory police by yoko ogawa; more like bittersweet from beginning to end, and haunting. so very haunting.
also recommend: we all want impossible things by catherine newman (if you read the blurb, you'll understand why this is bittersweet, but it is also the funniest book i read all year)
family saga: tom lake by ann patchett; my book of the year, a beautiful exploration of mothers and daughters, our town by thornton wilder, first loves, and the summer stock theater scene.
classic influence: the historian by elizabeth kostova; brilliant take on dracula and vampiric folklore.
also recommend: state of wonder by ann patchett (a heart of darkness, but with women in the amazon!); demon copperhead by barbara kingsolver (tbh i felt it follows david copperfield a bit too closely, but her writing! oh her writing!)
unconventional murder mystery: i have some questions for you by rebecca makkai; not too unconventional, but it has some great takes on the true crime industry.
and since those are all fiction, i'll also add, for non-fiction, that i really loved the wager by david grann, the extraordinary life of an ordinary man by paul newman, and the premonition by michael lewis (great for anyone interested in what america's pandemic response was supposed to be, how it was developed, and why it went so wrong in 2020)
alright wow, this got so long—i'm so sorry! i'd love to hear what everyone else's favorite books they read this year are!
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lunarcloak · 3 months
Your analysis of the new bllk chapter is so good! I recently got through the manga and I never got the vibe that kaiser genuinely likes ness, so I honestly wasn't surprised when we found out that he basically manipulated him. I see a lot of people saying that kaiser doesn't "see" ness and he should just turn around if he wants "love". But kaiser doesn't want worship, he wants genuine love. Love isn't the same as blind worship and imo kaiser knows this and how different ness's emotions are. By love he means beyond just his football skills (what ness worships him for) so I never really shipped them tbh.
Thank you, I'm glad you liked my analysis!! Uhh honestly I think there's more to KaiNess than that. Primarily because, both of them are using the other to fulfill their own ideals and requirements of the world, right. Ness wanted someone who would show him the magic he wanted to see, and Kaiser wanted someone who would unquestionably pass to him. Their dynamic was built on one of mutual dependencies, but it sort of twists into toxicity the more you think about it.
Honestly, I think people kinda forget that Kaiser was so... Young? Like that man was Not manipulating like a professional or with any sort of expertise. He tried, sure, and it's terrible that he did, but I'm not really about to blame him for the decisions he made as a traumatised teenager. It sucks, for him and for Ness.
But uhhh it went from Ness being the one to draw out Kaiser's magic to Ness wanting to be the only person Kaiser looked at. You remember that panel somewhere after Manshine City match where Ness was so angry that "Kaiser is looking at someone other than me"? Yeah. That's twisted, of both of them really (that entire scene gives me the icks).
As for the whole "I want to be loved" thing, honestly for starters, Kaiser isn't looking at anyone on the actual field. He's focused on himself, as he should be, and he's not going to look at anyone else for a moment as he revels in his catharsis. Maybe next chapter he'll come back to himself. And honestly I don't think Kaiser sees Ness as someone who loves him too.
Viewing this from Kaiser's rose tinted lens, it reads as him seeing Ness as the midfielder to his striker. They're a killer duo when they're both in peak shape, but Kaiser doesn't think Ness cares for him off field. He's not hoping for someone to love the Michael Kaiser, Football Prodigy. He just wants someone who loves regular Michael. We do not actually know the full extent of Ness, and I have a feeling he's a lot more twisted, too. But we'll have to wait and see. But he definitely doesn't think Ness loves him the way he wants to be loved. This may change in the next chapter.
Tldr: Their relationship is toxic.
BUT. But.
I think it can get better, if done properly. If Ness is given some development of his own, and they're given some time to properly soak in their own progressions before they come back together, I think it can be beautiful. But it'll take time and work and I'm not sure how much time Kaneshiro wants to devote to that. We're still in the middle of a match— the next goal is likely Rin's, I doubt we'll see much more of BM's side of things for a little bit now. But I do think Ness will get something or the other before this match ends.
I'm not toootally negative on KaiNess, nor am I totally positive? I just think it's nuanced. It can work, but with a little tweaking. Personally, I never shipped it no, I'm a KaiSae enjoyer unfortunately.
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maythearo · 6 months
Totally didnt draw ace & deuce..
— 🦦
Oh a friend mentioned something similar the other day, so if you're referring to the same post that I'm thinking,
I guess the tldr is that someone posted designs for a twst monster AU as well and Ace and Deuce's were pretty similar to mine but the person didn't mention my stuff in their post or anything, so in that context it was kinda difficult to tell if it was fanart/inspired designs ooor if the person was taking credit for making up the designs as a whole 😅
Not calling out this creator or anything, because I'm totally fine with people getting into this AU, drawing my designs or even taking my designs as base or inspiration for their own takes on the canon cast, monster AU's aren't a new thing, I definetely wasn't the first person to add it to a fandom, let alone being its "owner" (this idea is not mine, you guys! It's not! I only happen to post about it a lot with twst!)
I talked about this all before but baisically the only thing I'm kinda :/ about is if in a hypothetical scenario someone took the designs that I already made and claimed it as theirs. Like, taking them as inspiration to do your own thing is ok! Just not straight up saying it was you who made it up, if that makes sense?
I don't have strong feelings about all of this, really, but I'd like to avoid is possible future drama about "X stole Y's design or Y stole X's design" because I know this sort of scenario happens a lot in fandom spaces and it often escalates to crazy heights in some social media circles lol, but you know, as long as this scenario doesn't happen it's ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I definetely don't think this person had bad intentions at all! The thing that might confuse some people is the fact they didn't mention me on their post and that might accidentally be seen in a weird light by others? but yeah it's not their fault and as long as they didn't have bad intentions, I'm alright with it!
(Not that this is gonna happen but just in case: don't go publicly accusing or tagging people that could have done this because this sort of situation could very well just be a misunderstanding and I wouldn’t want anyone stressed or upset over it kwdnskdnsk)
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actualbird · 1 year
So you know how the MLs have like a designated animal? If you were to assign MC one, what would it be?
A FOX A FOX A FOX A FOX A FOXXXXXX!!!!! this is mostly because i saw this awesome fanart of fox!mc (and cat!marius) by the artist Fuuloong on twt. but the more i thought about it After seeing that art, the more set i was on The Fox for mc cuz it FITS
the general symbolism of foxes can include cleverness, wit, resourcefulness, independence. all very mc rosa qiangwei traits.
despite the fox's playful connotations/symbolisms, in the Literal Reality sphere, this is Not an animal to be trifled with. it is still an incredibly capable predator animal. which, again, is very mc coded to me. shes a positive, sometimes playful person, but when push comes to shove she is extremely capable and holds her own
foxes are red, mc's jacket is red :D
it's super fitting with BOTH of luke's associated animals. if we're going by luke as a german shepherd, theres the whole Fox and The Hound kinda contrast thats fun (and also uh.... heartbreaking if you think about the disney movie The Fox and The Hound). if we go by luke as a raven, foxes and ravens are BOTH linked to mysteriousness, mischief, and being a Bad Omen. theyre bad omen buddies!!!
so yes!! to me, if theres any animal i'd associate with mc, itd be a fox :D
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