#thank you for letting me ramble (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
star--anon · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons for thominewt?
this took me several days because I was determined to make this post comically long and I genuinely don't remember why
I also ended up not making it comically long
so uh. sorry
Newt is exceptionally good at guessing when Minho and Thomas are trying to hide their pain
and he has no issues with dragging them to bed
Minho probably does stupid shit like "birthday noogies" or whatever, which has inspired a 2v1 of Newt and Thomas VS Minho on April Fools
(Minho still wins, somehow)
Thomas gets dragged into things like astrology and fortune telling by Newt
Every time Minho tries to tell Thomas how stupid astrology is, Newt just scoffs and goes, "Typical Pisces behavior" and drags Thomas away
Minho is not a Pisces. Minho is a Libra.
Thomas calls him an "asymptomatic Libra" and Newt is very quick to jump on that train. Minho hates the both of them so, so much.
Thomas is a Virgo. Newt is a Taurus.
Minho can be turned into putty with enough kisses and hugs and gentle touches. It takes Thomas hours of work, but it's so worth it.
On the weekend, Newt often comes home to a pliant Minho with his face buried in Thomas' chest. Thomas just giggles.
Thomas loves long walks.
Sometimes the three go out together: Thomas strolling down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace; Newt several paces behind, stopping every few seconds to snap a photo of something cool with his fancy camera; Minho several blocks ahead, sprinting like his life depends on it, doubling back whenever he gets too far away.
Thomas and Minho are on piggyback duty if Newt's ankle ever acts up in the middle of a walk
Thomas once fell down trying to pick Newt up, so piggyback duty has mostly been delegated to Minho
Speaking of which, two of the rooms in the house (one of them is Newt's bedroom) are padded with extra insulation to keep it nice and warm during the winter because the cold messes with Newt's ankle
Minho carries heating packs in his pockets at all times and rubs them against Newt's ankle whenever the pain gets unbearable in public
Sometimes it helps, mostly it doesn't. Newt appreciates the effort.
Thomas tries to fight doctors who are reluctant to prescribe medication and/or painkillers.
Thomas studied law and is not afraid to use his Master's.
Newt wanted to get a bird, Minho wanted a dog, and Thomas wanted a cat. They compromised and bought fish.
Newt has names for each individual fish, Minho named all of them Guppy, and Thomas' names for the fish change with each conversation.
Newt prefers baggy clothes and often just steals Minho's stuff because Minho is SO FUCKING JACKED- ...because Minho's shoulder span is so much wider than Newt's
the only issue is that Newt is about three inches taller than Minho, so Minho's "big shirts" are like baggy crop tops
Thomas, who is more Newt’s height, starts buying clothes that he knows Newt will like and smirks whenever it disappears.
When the three go shopping together, Newt often shoves clothes that he wants to wear into Minho and Thomas' carts.
Thomas and Minho like to make bets with each other like "He'll take this one within a week."
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