#thank you for giving me such inspiration
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canisalbus · 3 months ago
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gummi-ships · 7 months ago
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Kingdom Hearts 2 - Bulky Vendor
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jkvjimin · 9 months ago
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❝The lights we saw in each other Were saying the same thing The starlight that shines more in the deepest night❞
happy birthday, em! @jinstronaut 💜
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yourlocaltreesimp · 6 months ago
A soul, so familiar
Synopsis: Fae Rulie. He’s swooning and is being equally adorable and dumb about it.
Note: This is my only day off since… like what? mid august? No clue when i’ll actually have a moment to breathe again. So here’s the product of me being the largest rulie simp to walk the earth.
Link had a problem, and quite a large one at that. You see, what you must understand is that through his many gruelling adventures, holding the entire triforce, and the general shit show that is his life, he has not much learned about his body. Or at least he’s still rather unfamiliar with the bizarre nature of his fae bloodline.
At most it’s lead for some very funny, if not embarrassing, moments. Like the time he’d accidentally dropped 100 rupees for a single jar of honey, being so craved for sugar he’d decided in some odd part of his mind to pay the man back. And of course that time he drank so much mead and woke up in the middle of a forest he never recalled entering.
There was very little of himself that he was aware of. Aside from his own experiences, he had no way to tell what exactly he was capable of.
For the most part, He was ok with it. After all, it was the source of very little discomfort. He’d gained a good control of his magic to harm and to heal accordingly, he keeps an extra emergency jar of honey just in case, and tries his hardest to not accidentally make promises. The line between hylian and fae had blurred to the point where he was simply just himself.
Amidst the crowds of people, he didn’t feel much different. Of course, they don’t get the acute cravings for sugar to where they’d gladly go bankrupt. And sure, they don’t have to worry about uttering deals that literally bargain power over people’s souls. But for the large part, Link was normal.
He could experience life as any other person did.
Well, that was before he fell head over heels for you.
He was a dork. That much was expected by everyone— including himself. There was no hiding the flush that adorned his freckled cheeks and spread all the way to pointed ears. Everything you said and everything you did was target to fluster him. Watching you dance and cackle by firelight had his heart radiating with warmth, his nerves spitting and cracking with the wood. He wished, quietly, longingly, that one day he could envelop you as wholly had the fire did. To caress your skin with such soft, reverent light and only serve to highlight just how striking you were.
His ears would wiggle just slightly at the sound of your laughter, hardly disturbing the soft curls of light brown hair. He’d swoon over the music of your laugh, or your voice when caught on something interesting, not noticing how clearly it showed to anyone willing to look.
He bore his genuine, crooked grin. Not just to you, but to the world. He found joy in every little moment in the usually missed corners of his day, because he could find something that tied back to you.
His life had suddenly been filled with so much colour and so many senses that he’d never had or felt before. And as much as the bubbling feeling scared him, he found himself wanting to protect you. He couldn’t let you, this burning streak of fire that had given so much depth to his one shot at living, be snuffed out.
He wanted so badly to adorn you in spells and wards to keep you safe from others and their prying eyes. The people of his home are not safe, but perhaps with the right words and the right magic he could keep you safe.
He didn’t let himself, he couldn’t.
He’d never whisper a single blessing into your skin if you weren’t the one who’d requested it.
But the feelings persisted. His love for your strengthened without any tending to, as did his desire to protect you, to hide you away and keep you safe and comfortable. And such was his problem: to love you so much in a manner that no hylian could understand.
He doubted even you would understand just how much you’re loved.
Regardless, he’d been an anxious wreck for weeks before he could even begin to come up with the obvious solution to his problem. If it were the fae part of himself that demanded so fervently your company, then perhaps catering to it would ease his yearning.
So he began to leave you gifts. Practical things at first, things he could explain away. Some new tools he’d seen you’d been eyeing, a nicer pack to keep all your belongings together, a fluffier bedroll to provide you good comfort… Some clothes he enchanted lightly to keep you safe.
But that slowly shifted. Of course, he only got more giddy the more you’d don the items he’d gotten. He’d gotten you much more since then, but none of them could compare to the engraved silver ring he’d just gotten.
The band was carved to make two hands holding a heart, an intricately carved crown on top, all set together in a small velvet bag and placed carefully among your items.
He watched happily, swooning over your soft smile as you slipped the ring on and thanked him for it. The kiss on the cheek made him utterly buzz, more than any life spell ever could.
Silver jewellery was the finest gift among the fae. It was their most precious metal and happened to be the most common form to supplement large payments. But this particular ring was notable to the traveller for one particular reason, its use in courtship.
He was over the moon the next few days, unable to even look in your direction without a nervous smile and flushed cheeks. Not only had his dearest love accepted his courtship, but you treat him so softly. His very soul tried to reach out, to cradle and cherish yours when he was too shy to do so.
And for once in the story of his life did he feel the warmth returned.
He could catch similar longing stares and could find trinkets and clothes he doesn’t remember buying.
It was almost burning, the sense of being loved. He wasn’t aware of how something he’d spent so long pining for could be so foreign. Yet at the same time it’s so homey. Being loved by you felt so routine, so familiar to him that he couldn’t find it within himself anymore to be shy, as if in some other lifetime you’d done the same.
As if he’s already bashfully linked pinkies with you or spent sunny afternoons braiding the stems of flowers.
There was a tangible amount of tension between the two of you, the longing hope to be loved as wholly as one felt for the other.
When you finally kissed, your lips were sweeter than any honey and he could convince himself to not let go.
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cherubheartz · 2 years ago
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you guiys remember the cupcakes creepypasta?? yeag
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saixria · 2 months ago
Your art is so good! ^^
If your requests are still open, ya think a pic of broken arm Athena/recovering Athena could be having Odysseus or Telemachus signing her cast?
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THANK YOU!! I LOVE THIS IDEA TOO MUCH I had to draw both of them HDKSKA (my requests are always open btw!) (I hope you don’t mind how late I am 💀)
Athena cast signing series lmao:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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diemsomnians · 17 days ago
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Pragma - Building a future together
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herbarimoon · 1 year ago
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"A you-shaped hole in me"
Inspired by this post ⬇️
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ifindus · 1 month ago
Would love to hear your thoughts about Norway during his peak in the Middle Ages - The old kingdom!
Thank you so much for all the top-tier historical asks you’ve filled my inbox with 🙏🥺💖 I very much appreciate it ✨
Norgesveldet, Norway at its largest and most powerful is such an interesting topic, and I’d like to take this opportunity to talk more about Norway’s character arch and his standing in Scandinavia during this time. And along this, @95jezzica’s hc that Norway is the oldest out of the Scandis, which I absolutely love.
During the 1200s Norway is at his peak. He is the largest he has ever been, ruling over land far away, a result of his exploration and craftiness at sea. He is involved with an extensive trading network, stretching from his settlements on Greenland, Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, Shetland, Orkney, and the Hebrides, as well as large areas that today belongs to Sweden, with connections to Europe through the Hanseatic League as well as his neighbours. Many of Norway’s territories are inhabited by Norwegian settlers, who all pay taxes to the Norwegian crown, accumulating a fair amount of coin to be spent on buildings and other stately projects. He has the entire North Atlantic under his control. Norway is exporting iron, furs, fish, and fish oil to the rest of Europe. At this time, Norway is the largest nation in Europe measured by land.
At home, Norway has just finished his civil war in 1240, and with a new and stable system in place, he flourishes; the Sagas are written, churches are built, and cities are founded. A sort of government is formed, and a new law is made, establishing a more developed justice system and a more effective military system. Norway was the second kingdom in Europe to be gathered under a common law (after Castille) and establishes diplomatic connections to other countries. The administration of the Norway is solidified and he really takes his shape as a powerful and well-established nation.
Based on the actual year of founding, Norway is the oldest “nation” in Scandinavia, and I want to give Jezz credit here for influencing me towards this hc. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway have all been more or less equal throughout the Viking Age, with some periods where they were in alliances and had more complex relations. Norway was allowed to grow on the basis of Denmark being weaker etc. But we essentially have three nations who grew up together here, similar in age, development, and influence. And we see Norway really grow up through his civil war between 1130 and 1240, coming out stronger as a result. In the 1200s and 1300s he is a genuine powerful nation who has powerful connections and resources.
Then, we get The Plague, The Black Death. Norway is hit a lot harder than Denmark and Sweden. It is almost fatal to him and it nearly kills him, eventually merging his royal family into those of his neighbours, and we see Denmark especially take advantage of the situation to form the Kalmar Union.
And this all makes such an interesting character development for Norway. As a slightly older nation with a rich and proud history, being an equal or maybe even more powerful than his neighbours, at his definite peak, to take such a fall. To end up being stowed away, his existence merely symbolic at times, seeing his future as uncertain and under the total control of others. He falls. He is crippled. And he ends up being tossed around for nearly 500 years before he can finally stand up as an independent nation once more.
It really makes for such an interesting dynamic between the Scandis as well. Both Denmark and Sweden knows what Norway used to be, how powerful and proud he was, and they see what he has been reduced to after the Plague and during the union. Maybe they even start to forget who he used to be. Though sometimes, in certain situations when he is fired up, they can see remnants of the nation he once was.
They are definitely reminded of his past in 1814 and 1905.
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jeeaark · 22 days ago
Hi just here to gush
I love your art so much, the panels are so incredibly alive and colorful, i dont know how to explain it but there is so much love and passion in everything you seem to do. Sometimes I randomly think about the "please, continue" raphael comic and get this tight feeling in my chest because it's literally stunning. The colors! The movements! The Greygold! I never gave a shit about the Emperor but boy do I now because of your comics!
You dont have to respond to this publically or anything but I just wanted to hop in and say that you inspire me so much as an artist and I love going through your catalogue and rereading the whole thing ^-^
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angoryt · 8 months ago
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Sleepover turned therapygroup
Zahndrekh thought that it would be a great idea to throw a midnight tea party for some people who seem to need an opportunity to relax. Imotekh was not very much interested in the invitation, until he was befuddled by hearing that Orikan had been invited, and accepted? At which point he thought he might as well give it a shot.
And so the Sautekh emotional support club was formed.
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avianoutcast · 27 days ago
Even if I am rather a shy admire.. but can't hold back any longer... I just have to say how much I adore Promise!Gaster's design! I mean, just look at him, he looks so amazing. 🧡
I have already seen many Gaster designs but Promise!Gaster is just one of my favorite ones! And I just love the fact that he loves tea. I probably could forever just talk about him and how much I like this guy. >w<
Sorry, I just needed to get this out of my head or it would have never left my mind. To add to that, I love every character you made! <3 But Gaster is just my favorite one and I just can't get over it.. >w<"
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also heres a full body doodle of promise!gaster , made a few changes on his outfit as well X3
(will probably add this to his character references later shshsbsh)
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kordeliiius · 8 months ago
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A Cut From Every Cloth
Series of vintage photo mockups to commemorate Tarsier Studios turning 20 this year, featuring the main members of their pantheon in cultural clothing
Outfit descriptions and references below
Little Nightmares
Six - Japanese hakama, haori, and hair ornaments Mono - Swedish Dalarna suit Runaway - Embroidered Baju Melayu with headwrap
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LittleBigPlanet Vita and Tearaway Unfolded
Sunshine - 19th-century Yorkshire dress with bonnet and lace shawl Atoi - Scottish tartan kilt and flat cap Sean - Regency-era suit with cybernetic motifs Flounder - Ringmaster uniform with Russian punk rock motifs Marianne - French folk dress with gothic accessories Otis - Appalachian denim overalls with decorative trim
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The Stretchers, Statik, and Fists of Plastic
Red medic - Mexican serape wrap and sombrero Blue medic - Zoot suit with fedora and metallic accessories Dr. Ingen - Victorian pinstripe suit Hero - Hainanese bamboo dance costume
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The City of Metronome
Ten - Irish-inspired coordination with walking hat and Galway boots New - Bai and Hmong Hoa-inspired outfit with traditional headdress and Hong Kong embroidery
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making-you-in-spore · 9 months ago
Tee hee! I request you make something that makes you happy in spore with no obligation to post it or share it if you don’t want to. I want it to make you feel joy. I hope it brings giggles to you when the road gets hard.
i made some lindwyrms the other day
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and a chickatoo
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as well as a radien
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and cactimani
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blueberrythefrog · 1 year ago
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Got inspired from another user turning him into that one frog that stares at you. (Don't know who you are, but thank you for your service), so here, have autism kinitopet creature Alt Without the Text:
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cowandcalf · 1 year ago
Thanks again @mayberrycryptid for tagging me! I love that @trickster-archangel created such a great ask! Thank you so much!
I gave that topic a lot of thought and I just want to let you in on my POV. I go with the two separate worlds that are the mind of a civilian and the mind of a SEAL and I'm convinced neither of the guys would ever say 'I love you' in a manipulative way. They really mean it when they say it.
In 7.01 Danny is worried out of his mind for Steve and fears the worst. He has hoped that this terrible accident and the GW to the liver would bring Steve to his senses about how to treat his body with much more care. Instead of saying "I'm so worried about you. I don't want to lose you and when you keep being so reckless, I fear burying you before we have a chance of enjoying life outside Five-0 because I love you" … instead of saying that Danny rants at Steve and tries to make him guilt-ridden by accusing him of being ungrateful. Danny is passive-aggressive, we've experienced this before (the stakeout episode.) And Steve wants to calm Danny but instead of saying "Look, Danny, I'm a SEAL and my body is just another tool. I will never change. I don't want to change because that's who I am. I need to prove myself every day because I'm wired like this. That's who I am. My oath comes first, always. I don't mind dying to protect others. I know it's difficult to understand my world and how it works but as long as I can walk, I'll fight. I don't do rest-ups and stuff like that. It's not how my mind works. It's not what I want" … instead of saying that, he says that he loves Danny and that his love for him has nothing to do with how he treats his body.  
(And just for the 'proving always something' stuff: McRaven explains why every SEAL no matter how far he'd come has to prove himself every day of his life. He had a horrible parachute accident and almost got torn in half. When he was able to walk again he mingled with his men on the daily PT course and dragged himself through it, his body not quite fit yet from the accident. One sailor came up to him and said 'Why are you doing this? You don't have to prove anything anymore' and McRaven (Admiral) explains with vehemence why this sailor was wrong. Because every SEAL must prove himself every day of his entire life. Always. No slack. Never. Ever. Not one second. So, there you go and it makes more sense to what Steve is dealing with and why he doesn't want to take a break not even for the people he loves because it's who he is!)
Neither Danny nor Steve express what they really feel and mean. In the end, (7.01) Steve only agrees to take a few days off because he isn't doing well. He always rubs his fist against his heart. He knows that his body needs to rest but he only does it because he needs to, not because Danny has asked him to. He never rests. That's not what SEALs do. And in 10.22 he just can't live the way he did not even for Danny he can stay. He needs to go away. And in both moments his 'I love yous' are meant in the most honest way. From my POV.
Some information to understand SEALs better:
I guess, one needs to understand a SEAL's mind to make sense of what they do to their body. I only can refer to all the articles and books I read, to the podcasts I've been listening to held by former Navy SEALs where they exchange life experiences as a SEAL. I will add all the links to those great podcasts at the bottom of my little meta so you can hear and read for yourself. Resting and taking care of injuries isn't really on the top of their list.
SEALs are a special breed, and they treat their body differently. It's a tool that is used until it breaks and even broken, they use it until they collapse only to recover as fast as possible to jump right back into the game. It's what they do. It's how they are wired. They aren't successful because they treat their body carefully and respectfully, or living healthily. They are successful because they stress the physical laws to the max and even further. And they are trained to do that in every second of every day as long as they live. I don't speak for all of course, and my horizon is limited but what I learned so far fits Steve's behavior.
Just an example of what aspirants in BUD/S need to endure and want to endure because it's voluntary and they could ring the bell anytime, but they have a goal, and no matter what they rather die than give up. They deal with concussions, broken bones, dangerous infections, and near-drownings, many of them suffer from SIPE (Swimming induced pulmonary edema) from surf torture and they just keep going. After BUD/S, especially Hell Week their body is wrecked.
There was this article I posted once: Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating, and Drugs
And here you can listen to the podcast with Jocko Willink and Rich Diviney talking about attributes, drug abuse in BUD/S, and why training must be hell and only hell among so many great other things.
And here you can listen to the podcast with Jocko Willink and Admiral McRaven talking about life in the Navy, being a SEAL, and all the missions they experienced. Wisdom of the Bullfrog. A fantastic podcast I highly recommand.
And as for Danny - he learns to speak his mind and express his deep worries later on in the season when Steve got hit with a portion of radioactivity from the dirty bomb. There he finally could just tell Steve how much he is worried and there Steve admits that he is worried too but he needs to keep going.
It's a completely idiotic thought brought on by my insomnia, but last night I suddenly realised that Steve’s 'I love you' at the end of 10x22, before leaving Danny (thus doing something he knows will hurt and/or disappoint Danny), has absolutely the same meaning, tone, and purpose, as Steve's 'I love you' in 7x01, when Danny is trying (and failing) to make him reason and not throw his life away. It's basically the only method Steve's devised to stop Danny and offer some sort of justification for the shit he's about to pull, despite knowing he's doing something wrong.
Ok I swear in my mind it made sense, but after today and with only a few hours sleep I'm not logical anymore!
ok so! here is my take on it but I would love to have others chime in cuz this fandom has the bestest metas and thinkee thoughts.
sneakily tags: @cowandcalf @stephmcx @ellena-asg @teruel-a-witch
Steve is a SEAL and SEALs get a ton of training. He's also a mess, thanks to shitty parenting, trauma of his mom's death and Freddy's death and his dad's death, and a whole lot of PTSD, on top of a pretty rough re-entry into civilian life.
I think Steve honestly means it when he says it both times, but he is still being emotionally manipulative. He is taking the counseling and doing what he is trained to do--use the tools he has been given to achieve the end goal.
What's really awful, but heartbreakingly accurate, is we're also seeing in both scenes how Steve can so easily fall into Doris' pattern of emotionally manipulating her family.
Thats the problem with abuse and trauma. People are so comfortable with these patterns that form such a huge part of their lives that it's seductively easy to repeat those patterns, even when they fighting tooth and nail not to.
This is also why so many stories about survivors make me do a hard eye roll. Being a survivor is not about suddenly being magically all better. Being a survivor is stepping into the shower and realizing that something you did at work last month was super shitty--and then feeling super guilty it took a full month for you to even grab a clue.
So yeah, you'e right but I believe Steve's not consciously aware of what he is doing. And I have always read Danny's expressions when Steve says it as Danny going into 'dad' mode.
Kids will often go through a 'I love you' phase where they try to wriggle out of consequences and Danny really seems to be like, Uh huh. I didn't buy it when Grace did it when she was three and I am not buying it now. But if you really want to act like a toddler, Steven, I'll humor you and say 'I love you' back.
cuz lets be honest, Danny humors Steve a lot😂😂😂
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