Kingdom Dance : Malleus Draconia
Summary: After being invited to Briar Valley's Festival of Roses by Malleus, you can't help but notice how exhausted he gets whenever he's out and trying to show you places and food of his homeland. People always try and vouge for his attention, but you have an idea that'll make his experience even better.
A/N: honestly, I found the scene very cute and decided to write something similar for Malleus
Inspired by the song, Kingdom Dance from the Disney movie, Tangled

"Hey, Malleus I have an idea," You spoke up suddenly, the rumbling of thunder echoed in the distance. You were in some sort of carriage that took you to and from the castle that you were residing at.
"I have noticed that you seem a bit," Wincing, you try to think of something to not offend your horned friend, "stressed, whenever we go to town for the festival, yes?"
Malleus who had been staring out the window, had turned his head and focused on you with a curious look. "It is true, I have been a bit stressed."
It was the last day of the festival and Malleus wanted to show you everything. But alas, on the first day, the residents of the town heard of their future Kings arrival to the festival, they all bombarded you as soon as the carriage door was open.
"Your royal highness, please! Have theses goods, free of charge!"
"No, your highness! Please have some of mine instead! I even brought extra for your guest!"
"Your highness, I assure you that these products of mine are of the highest quality!"
Clicking your heels together in excitement, you scoot your bottom closer to Malleus. "What if I told you that instead of announcing yourself, we sneak our way inside?"
Malleus hums, thumb and pointer finger on his chin in deep thought. After waiting for a good minute or two, Malleus lowers his hand and gives you a smirk. "That doesn't sound too bad, [Name]."
Grinning at each other, Malleus scoops your hand into his and with his other, opens the door with the carriage still in motion.
"MY LEIGE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Sebek shouted into the lively town, eyes frantic and scanning every face that past him. Lilia floats next to him, a giggle leaving his lips.
"Sebek, maybe you should leave Malleus be," Silver sighs which causes Sebek to spin around at Silver's words.
This time, it was Lilia who spoke up. "Sebek, you need to give it a rest. Malleus might want some alone time with [Name]."
"THE HUMAN?!" The green haired half fae squawked. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW THAT HUMAN SOMEHOW SEDUCED MY LIEGE."
Placing a fist over his heart, he continues he rant. "I SWEAR TO RESCUE MY YOUNG MASTER FROM THIS HUMAN." And charges through the crowd, on a mission to save his liege from the seductive human.
Lilia sighs.
Hopefully, Malleus evades Sebek long enough to have his time with you uninterrupted.
With a hood over his horns to keep them hidden, it didn't you drag Malleus by the hand to whatever stall that had caught your interest.
"Oh, what are these?" You asked, drooling at the sight of some food. The lady who owned the stall smiled and quickly made her way over to you.
"These are Briar Valley's traditional sweets," She explained, lifting a muffin towards your face. "Made with the finest ingredients."
"They look amazing!" You dug into your pocket for some change. "How much for two?"
"That'll be 4 thaumarks please."
Pulling out your cash, Malleus quickly covers your hand with his own and brings out his own money. "Please, [Name], allow me."
After failing to convince the fae prince to allow you to pay for both of desserts, the lady wraps the treats and sends you off with a wave. Once you were far enough, you ripped the packaging and quickly bit into yours, nearly moaning at the taste.
Malleus holds his treat in his hand, a smile on his face after watching you gush about 'never trying anything like this,'. Then the peace was shattered by a loud voice that you knew belonged to a certain half fae that seemed to hate your very existence.
"MY LIEGE! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!" Sebek cried and quickly ran towards your location, not caring about the people he ran into.
"Oh shit! It's Sebek!" Panicked, you looked around to try and escape when Malleus grabs your hand and bolts. Confused at this action, Sebek pleas with Malleus to remain still so he can rescue him, but Malleus continues to run and run, until he gently shoves you both in between two buildings.
Heart pounding from how close you were and from the chase, you wait for Sebek to pass by.
"My Liege? MY LIEGE!?" Sebek's voice fades away as he runs into the opposite direction.
Breathing a sigh a relief, you turn your sweaty head to the side to gouge at Malleus's reaction only to realize he's already staring at you. No panting, no sign of sweating, nothing.
Then you burst into laughter, Malleus soon joining you.
"Oh? What's going on over there?" You pondered, walking ahead of Malleus to the center of the town. Loud music and laughter echoed filled the air, in the middle were folks dancing without a care in the world; twirling, skipping, and they would swap partners after every 10 beats or so.
The melody was catchy, and you soon find yourself nodding your head to it. Malleus takes notice immediately. Smiling his big smile, you love very much and extends his hand out, bowing slightly.
"May I have this dance, [Name?"
Oh. My. Goodness.
He had no idea how badly you're holding yourself from cupping his face and planting a fat kiss on his lips. Maybe let him nibble on your lips with his fangs for shits and giggles-
RELAX [Name]!!
Giggling nervously, face hot from both the thought and from the way Malleus used his princely charms. Putting your hand in his, the fae pulls you to his chest, and leads the both of you into the crowd.
Moving in sync with everyone else, Malleus twirls you around and tries to catch your other hand in his when you're tugged away from the fae prince. Another person had pulled you away and began to dance with you.
Eyeing Malleus from the stranger's shoulder, you hold back a snort at the fae's pout before he allowed himself to be dragged by the hand to another dancer.
Allowing yourself to dance with many different people, you once again look for Malleus only to find his green gaze already on you. Perking up, you take lead of the dance and try to get closer to Malleus, who notices your plan and does the same.
Twirling the woman who was your partner a few times, she moves on in search for her final partner for the last minute of the dance, you make your way towards Malleus.
Malleus takes long strides towards you, arm stretched out in some sort of desperate attempt to have you in his arms before the song ended.
On the final note, both you and Malleus finally end up in each other's arms again, chests pressed together, panting. Mostly you though, Malleus never seems to be out of breath.
The crowd cheers, for the fun they had, and for the musicians for playing the music.
Messing with the fabric of the mini-Briar Valley flag in your hands, you peak at Malleus's smiling figure next to you. He seems to be in a good mood.
"So..." You began, tucking the flag into your pocket. "How did you enjoy today?"
Malleus chuckles at your question. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"Yeah, probably, but I've noticed you haven't been enjoying the festival." You bumped into his shoulder gently. Leaning against the stone wall of a random building, the moon shined brightly. illuminating Malleus's features as he stared into the star covered sky.
"Yes, I did enjoy the festival," He leans tilts his head, hair spilling over his shoulder. "thanks to you, [Name]."
The softness in his voice made your heart skip a beat. Staring into his green eyes was becoming too much for you. If you were to keep looking into those eyes, you'll never find your way back.
Malleus cups your cheek, and you jump, not from the contact but from how close you two have gotten without noticing. Are you about to kiss?
Bending down to your level, Malleus glances at your lips before returning to your eyes, like he was asking for permission. Instead of giving Malleus a vocal response, you wrap your arms around his neck and connected your lips the together, surprising the fae prince from your sudden action.
Luckily, he doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you into his warm body. Deepening the kiss slightly.
Unfortunately, good things don't last forever.
"H-HOW DARE YOU!" A voice screams, breaking the romantic moment you had. "YOU DARE PLACE YOUR HUMAN LIPS ON MALLEUS?! RELEASE HIM FROM YOUR CLUTCHES AT ONCE!"
Maybe you should've taken this a step further and ask Malleus if he wanted to sleep in your room to escape Sebek's onslaught of questions.
Knowing him, he just might take that offer.
[Name]: Wait, Malleus, how in the world did people not realize you were at the festival? I mean, your horns weren't that well hidden...
Malleus: Simple, I used a spell to conceal my presence.
Malleus: Of course, I learned it from Lilia when I was younger.
[Name]: Huh, no wonder I don't notice Lilia when he scares me...
Tip jar (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
ALSO this was made before the Rapunzel event was announced so imagine my surprise when I saw long hair Riddle LOL 😭
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In which a Diasomnia student calls (Y/n) over to help when some of his fellow dorm members start turning into animals.
Upon arrival, the prefect realises that Malleus has turned into some kind of lizard, Lilia into a bat, Silver into a bear cub, and Sebek into a crocodile.
Request by anon.
"T-They're inside the dorm... Please, do something, prefect!"
The crowd of Diasomnia students seemed to be in a frenzy as all of them frantically pointed at the entrance to their dorm. Some of them even looked like they wanted to follow you to the doorstep, but those were held back by their fellow dorm members. At least the majority of the students had been able to evacuate before the strange miasma could have gotten to them.
A cold shiver ran down your back, although you did your best to suppress it. "We'll try our best..." you assured the panicked student that had called for your help. Then, steeling your nerves, you turned to the entrance and carefully rapped your fist against the wooden door. "Malleus, Lilia? Anyone there?"
You received no reply.
"Can we go home?" Grim whined at once and tugged at your pajama sleeve. "I'm tired..."
His impatience amused you, yet you shook your head and replied, "No, we have to check up on Sebek and the others..." Your voice trailed off into a quiet echo, overshadowed by the weeping of the door as you pushed it open.
With the utmost care you could muster, you stepped inside the dorm. Few candles lit the vacant hallway, shrouding the interior in a frightening and unsettling mood. The cat monster watched as the darkness swallowed you whole. "Don't go in there! What if the plague reaches you, too?" He stumbled after you with clumsy and hasty steps.
You merely rolled your eyes while continuing your way. "There is no such thing as a plague..."
"Yes! That Diasomnia guy said something of a sickness that turned people into animals..." Grim gulped in fear. His paws clung to your arm tightly, and his head whipped in all sorts of directions whenever his ears picked up on anything. Once the two of you entered the kitchen, a frightened yelp escaped his maw. "I-I think I saw something slithering around on the floor—"
He cut himself off with a scream before pouncing into your arms. A sigh escaped your lips, but you nonetheless caught him and soothed him with a few awkward pats to his back. "We'll be careful, Grim..." you whispered. Then, you swayed him back and forth, as if he were a child. The motion seemed to calm his tense nerves, and he soon allowed you to set him down again.
"Just... stay close," Grim muttered quietly.
A foul stench entered your nose before you could reply. Your eyes soon found the source of the smell: a broken vial that lay in a puddle of green liquid. The revolting-looking liquid still emanated a strange fog that set off alarm bells in your head.
"Do you see the broken vial over there?" you muttered and pinched your nostrils close. "Don't breathe any of the fumes in..."
It only took your friend a few moments to decipher the words on the broken vial. "Wait, I recognise that thing! That was today's alchemy assignment! But... we weren't supposed to brew a transformation potion. It was just supposed to be something boring."
"Someone must have tinkered with it then. Perhaps a playful soul like Lilia." A sigh escaped your lips when the sound of fluttering wings caused the cat to cling to you again. Although this time, you swore you could feel a gust of wind brushing past your cheeks. "Well, looks like his prank went awfully wrong..."
Just as you were about to turn around and leave the kitchen, Grim's shaking paw stopped you. Once he had caught your attention, he carefully pointed at a fleeting shadow rummaging through the fruit basket. You steeled yourself to face a predator, only to witness a bat's head poking out from behind an orange.
"(Y/n)— do you see that bat over there? Is it..." Grim gulped in horror. "...laughing?"
Indeed, the small animal seemed to find joy in your frightened faces. He clutched his stomach with his clawed hands and doubled over in amusement. The bat remained on the kitchen counter, rolling around in laughter — until you picked him up by his feet.
"A bat... Oh no, the potion got to Lilia..." you whispered in defeat. "Don't worry, it's just me... We'll find a cure for this whole mishap."
He seemed to understand you, based on the way he grinned at you and fluttered his wings. As soon as you removed your grip on his feet, he sailed into the air — only to land on your shoulder. So preoccupied with the playful bat, you didn't notice when your cat companion suddenly was nowhere to be seen.
"(Y/n)! Help!" Grim cried out, but that was the last you heard of him.
Your head whipped into the direction of his voice at once, the sudden gesture startling the bat. Yet, your eyes could not find any trace of the grey cat. "Grim? Where are you?" you cried out and stumbled out of the kitchen. You managed to catch a glimpse of his trident tail as it disappeared behind a corner. "Grim! Grim! Hold on, I'm coming!"
At once, you picked up your pace. In your panicked state, you barely managed to register that the bat had decided to accompany you. Amused cackles escaped the bat's throat, but he was kind enough to guide you back on track whenever you lost the trail. Just as you were sure you had caught up to Grim and his captor, you were faced with another animal that blocked your path. Much to your dismay, this one wasn't as harmless as the small bat.
"A... A crocodile?" You blinked owlishly at the predator that lay in the middle of the hallway.
An annoyed growl escaped the crocodile's maw as soon as he caught onto your heavy breathing. With great effort, he managed to twist his neck in your direction. His large body and tail knocked over a vase, but he didn't seem to care. His attention was locked onto you, and his eyes burnt with annoyance.
You knew that look.
"Sebek!" you cried out and slowly inched towards him. "It's me, (Y/n)... I'm here to help you guys."
The crocodile watched you warily, but didn't move whatsoever. It was only when you tried to scoot past him that he lurched at you with the speed of light. Just in time, you managed to jump to the side, otherwise you would have been crocodile food. You immediately grabbed one of the decorative swords that hung on the walls and readied yourself, should he attempt another bite.
When he finally attacked again, you brought the pommel of the sword down onto his head. A dejected roar that sounded more like a whine escaped his maw. He shrank back at once to rub the dent in pain.
"Bad crocodile!" you cried out and returned the sword to its original place. "Do you have no manners? Just like your human self, eh?"
By then, the crocodile seemed to have snapped out of his bloodlust. With his head hung low, he inched closer to you. He had no intention of attacking, whatsoever — instead, he merely stared up at you with watery puppy eyes.
"I was just joking, Sebek," you muttered and carefully rubbed the place where you had hit him. A small smile appeared on your face. "And I hope you were joking as well when you tried to bite my head off."
He nodded eagerly.
At that, a few snickers escaped your lips. "Alright, apology accepted..." With the path now cleared, you rose back to your feet and rubbed your back. "Have you perhaps seen where Grim was taken to?"
The crocodile replied with another nod before twisting his large body so that he could move onward. He merely grumbled a few harmless complaints when the bat landed on his back for a rest.
"Lead the way, then." You followed the two as they moved through a series of winding hallways. Slowly but surely, you lost track of how many left and right turns you had taken. At least the bat and crocodile seemed to know their way around well.
After having crossed a corner for the umpteenth time, you found another obstacle lying in your way. This animal seemed smaller and much less threatening than the crocodile — especially so when you noticed the brown and fluffy fur. Soft snores came from the animal's direction.
"Please tell me the bear cub is better behaved than Sebek..." you whispered, drawing an offended growl from the crocodile in question. "Should we... wake him up?" Before you even had the opportunity to nudge the bear awake, the crocodile had already rudely swept his scaled tail against the bear.
He woke up with a startled yelp, his head snapping up in alarm. You also furrowed your eyebrows once your gazes met. "I know those eyes! It's you, Silver." A little chuckle escaped your lips when the bear drowsily pawed at your pajama pants. "Aren't you a cute one? So sleepy, so adorable..."
You swept him up into your arms and held him close to you. A series of pleased giggles escaped his maw when you rubbed that special spot behind his round ears. Promptly, he fell asleep again, drawing a sigh from you. "Oh right, we need to continue..." All your attempts of lowering the cub to the floor again were met with whines of protests from his side. You sighed in resignation, yet you couldn't bring it over yourself to go against his wishes. "Silver, I need to go rescue Grim... I really need to..."
Just as you were about to give in to his puppy eyes, your bat friend swept in and gave the bear a stern look. That seemed to have done the trick, as the bear now let himself be lowered to the floor.
"Thank you, Lilia," you breathed out in relief. "I couldn't have done it myself."
Now that the moral dilemma was taken care of, the four of you continued your search for your kidnapped cat companion. After another set of hallways and your feet slowly growing numb from all the walking, you reached a door that all three of the animals pointed at. Without wasting any more time, you carefully pushed the door open and peeked inside.
In the dim light of some candles, you found Grim cowering in a corner of the supposed bedroom. He seemed unharmed when he sprinted over to you and leapt into your arms. "(Y/n)... you came for me!" he cried out in relief. His body shook from head to toe.
Just as you were about to answer, a pair of glowing eyes appeared in your peripheral vision. The rest of the predator's body was hidden away in the darkness.
"Show yourself, fiend!" you exclaimed shakily.
The mysterious creature let out a disgruntled yawn before stepping out into the light.
You couldn't help but furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "A... lizard?" It was a large one, at that. Grim let out a frightened shriek and pressed himself deeper into your arms, especially so when the lizard wrapped his body around your feet. Perhaps it was a gesture to welcome you.
A little chuckle escaped your throat, and your eyes drifted to the lizard's glowing eyes. You could recognise those slitted green eyes everywhere.
"Ah, Malleus... mischievous old you."
You couldn't help but laugh when the lizard crooned in happiness once you rubbed the smooth scales on his back.
Grim, however, didn't seem to share your sentiment. His thrashing was still frantic, and he looked like he was about to faint. "He scared me to death! With his frightening tail that he grabbed me with..." he retold, a traumatised expression haunting his face. "And his glowing eyes..."
"Oh, Grim... You need to calm down," you mused and patted his back. "Malleus is a nice one, isn't he?"
"Get me away from him! Please!" Grim screamed when he felt the lizard's tail brushing against his legs.
You rolled your eyes. "Grim is such a crybaby... Right, Malleus?"
The lizard's maw grew into an innocent grin.
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Imagine having mc take care of dorm leaders that turned into animals like riddle a hedgehog, leona a lion, Azul a octopus, kalim an otter, vil would definitely be a peacock, idia would be a cat, and lastly malleus a dragon. They would definitely turned into animals due to some spell and I mean imagine seeing a huge dragon outside the ramshackle dorm, it would be really shocking and funny at the same time. 😆
Zoo Tycoon: Housewarden Edition
In which they accidentally turn into animals.
a/n: i started vibrating the minute I saw this because that's such a cute concept and I have no self control so here we go
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle turning into a hedgehog was not on your to-do list today. But alas, here you were, holding a furious, tomato-colored hedgehog that refused to be handled by anyone but you.
“Aw, look at his little face!” Ace cooed, leaning in way too close.
Riddle puffed up, his tiny spines bristling in pure indignation. You could practically feel the how dare you emanating from his quivering form.
Deuce, ever the voice of concern, scratched his head. “What do we do now? Can he… even turn back?”
Ace smirked. “Maybe we just keep him like this. He’s a lot cuter when he can’t yell at us.”
Riddle launched himself at Ace’s hand, delivering a swift poke with his needle-sharp snout. Ace yelped, flailing backward dramatically. “Okay, okay! Geez, he’s still scary even like this.”
You cradled Riddle closer to your chest, where he settled down, still glaring daggers at the others. Somehow, he was perfectly content in your hands, even though he practically vibrated with rage whenever anyone else got near.
As the day went on, Riddle’s hedgehog antics only grew.
At lunch, he sat on your lap, sniffing your sandwich like a tiny food inspector. “You want a bite?” you teased, holding out a crumb.
His tiny paw batted it away with a disdainful look. Well, as disdainful as a hedgehog could manage. He turned his head toward the teapot, making his intentions very clear.
“Oh, of course. Tea for the hedgehog,” Ace snorted. “This is getting ridiculous.”
Later, in the library, Riddle climbed onto your textbook, curling up into a spiky ball to block your reading. You tried to nudge him gently. “Riddle, I need to study.”
He uncurled just enough to glare at you, his beady eyes burning with absolute authority. Message received: study time was over.
By nightfall, you were exhausted. Riddle was perched on a pillow next to you, looking surprisingly regal for a tiny woodland creature.
“Alright, Your Majesty,” you said, rubbing your temples. “How do we turn you back? Should we call Professor Crewel? Or maybe Professor Trein?”
Riddle chirped in protest, clearly not a fan of either option.
Deuce had another bright idea. “What if it’s, like, a true love’s kiss thing? Isn’t that how these fairy tale curses usually work?”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s ridiculous.”
But Riddle fixed you with a surprisingly intense hedgehog stare, his little nose twitching.
“Wait, are you… agreeing?” you asked, mildly horrified.
Ace snickered. “Do it. Kiss the hedgehog. For science.”
After much internal debate (and external heckling), you sighed and leaned down to press a soft kiss to Riddle’s tiny forehead.
There was a burst of light, and suddenly, you were nose-to-nose with a very human, very flustered Riddle Rosehearts.
He scrambled backward, covering his face with his hands. “W-well, that was… unexpected.”
“Unexpected?” you echoed. “You asked for it!”
Ace howled with laughter in the background. “So it was true love’s kiss! You two are so gross!”
Riddle glared at him, but his ears were still bright red as he turned to you. “I suppose… I owe you my gratitude. And, um…” He cleared his throat, fidgeting. “Would you—if it’s not too much trouble—consider going out with me?”
You blinked. “Wait, you’re asking me out now?”
Riddle crossed his arms. “You did kiss me. It’s only proper!”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Sure, Hedgehog Prince. Let’s go on a date.”
Riddle muttered something about proper decorum, but his small smile said he wasn’t too upset about it.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona turning into an actual lion wasn’t even the weirdest thing that had happened this week, but it was definitely in the top five.
“C’mon, Prefect.” Ruggie grinned as he all but shoved you into Leona’s room, slamming the door behind you before you could protest. “I got stuff to do, and someone’s gotta deal with him. He only listens to you anyway!”
You turned to find Leona—the lion version—lounging on his bed like the world’s crankiest housecat. His massive paws stretched lazily, his eyes locking onto you with the unmistakable air of finally, someone competent.
“Uh, hi, Leona,” you ventured, waving awkwardly.
He grumbled, a low rumble of approval that shook the floorboards, and flicked his tail in a way that said, Don’t leave.
It became clear very quickly that Lion Leona was just as much of a diva as Human Leona.
First, he refused to eat the steak that Ruggie brought him, pawing at it disdainfully until you had to personally cut it into perfect bite-sized pieces. He made a satisfied grunt after his meal, flopping down at your feet like you were the royal food taster he’d personally hired.
Then, there was the grooming incident.
“Leona, you have something stuck in your mane,” you said, pointing to a suspicious tangle.
He gave you a look that said, And?
Sighing, you grabbed a brush and carefully worked out the knot. To your shock, Leona let out a rumble that sounded suspiciously similar to a purr.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
He blinked slowly, the feline equivalent of a smirk.
Ruggie, ever the opportunist, couldn’t resist stopping by to witness the chaos.
“Wow, Prefect, he’s basically a giant kitten with you around,” Ruggie teased, leaning against the doorframe.
Leona growled, a low warning rumble that sent Ruggie scurrying back. “Okay, okay! Sheesh, no need to get territorial. Have fun babysitting!”
You sighed, scratching behind Leona’s ears. “You’re really not helping my case, y’know.”
Leona just huffed and leaned into your touch, clearly unbothered.
By the end of the day, you were sprawled on the bed next to Leona, who was taking up approximately 80% of the mattress.
“You’re kinda cute like this,” you admitted, running your fingers through his mane. “Not that you’re not cute normally, but… y’know. Less grumpy.”
He gave you a look that somehow conveyed I am never not grumpy.
Feeling bold (and maybe a little delirious from exhaustion), you leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead.
There was a sudden, blinding flash of light, and before you could process what was happening, Leona was back in his human form, lounging beside you with his trademark smirk.
“Well, well,” he drawled, propping himself up on one elbow. “Didn’t know you felt that way, herbivore.”
You spluttered. “I—what—this was true love’s kiss?! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever—”
He leaned closer, cutting off your rant with a low chuckle. “Guess that means you’re stuck with me now. So… dinner? Or are you gonna keep brushing my hair all night?”
Your brain short-circuited, but you managed a weak, “Dinner sounds good.”
Leona smirked, clearly pleased with himself. “Smart choice.”
From outside, Ruggie’s muffled voice shouted, “Hey, did it work? Can I come back now, or is he still a murder machine?”
Leona groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “Sevens, someone muzzle that guy.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, leaning into Leona’s side. Maybe being stuck with him wasn’t such a bad deal after all.
Azul Ashengrotto
To be fair, you weren’t exactly surprised when Jade and Floyd ambushed you outside Mostro Lounge. Their grins alone screamed mischief.
“Shrimpy~,” Floyd sing-songed, grabbing you by the arm. “C’mon, we need your help.”
“Azul’s having a little… situation,” Jade added with a cryptic smile. “And we think you’re the only one who can help.”
Before you could protest, you were unceremoniously dragged into Mostro Lounge, through a hidden door, and deposited in front of a massive aquarium. Inside was—
“Is that an octopus?” you asked, squinting.
The octopus—no, wait, Azul—floated pathetically in the corner, looking as done with life as an eight-legged creature could manage.
“Yep,” Floyd said cheerfully. “Boss turned himself into an octopus. Wouldn’t let anyone near him, though, so…”
Jade handed you a bottle filled with suspiciously glowing liquid. “Breathing potion. You’re going in.”
“Excuse me?!”
Before you could escape, Floyd picked you up like a sack of potatoes and dumped you into the tank.
You flailed briefly, realizing the potion worked—thank Sevens—but also realizing you were now face-to-face with Octopus Azul.
“Uh, hi?” you ventured, swimming awkwardly closer.
Azul didn’t respond, but one of his tentacles twitched and pointedly smacked the glass. You got the impression he was saying Why me?
“It’s not like I asked for this, y’know!” you huffed, crossing your arms. “Your goons threw me in here!”
Azul floated closer, his large, round eyes narrowing as if to say Yes, and they will pay.
It didn’t take long for Azul to warm up to you, mostly because he realized you weren’t leaving.
“Are you sulking?” you teased after his sixth dramatic float to the other side of the tank.
A tentacle flicked water in your direction, splashing you.
“Hey!” You swam closer and poked him on the head. “Don’t be such a baby.”
Azul responded by curling a tentacle around your wrist, pulling you closer.
“Okay, fine, you’re cute,” you muttered, patting his squishy head. “There, happy?”
Azul’s tentacles tightened slightly, and you were 90% sure he was smug about it.
After what felt like hours of tentacle shenanigans (including one terrifying moment where Azul tried to steal your potion bottle), you sighed.
“You’re lucky you’re adorable,” you said, booping his forehead.
Azul blinked at you, his gaze softer than usual. He looked so pitiful and huggable that, without thinking, you leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead.
There was a bright flash, and suddenly you were face-to-face with human Azul, who was sitting awkwardly in the shallow end of the tank, his face as red as a lobster.
“W-What did you just—”
“Oh my Sevens, you’re back!” you interrupted, relief washing over you. “Thank goodness, I thought I’d have to live in here forever!”
Azul cleared his throat, clearly flustered. “I—thank you. For… that.”
“No problem,” you said breezily, though your face felt like it was on fire.
Azul hesitated, fiddling with his glasses. “Would you, ah, perhaps… accompany me to dinner? As a token of gratitude, of course!”
“Sure,” you said, smiling. “But only if you promise to stop turning yourself into an octopus.”
He flushed even deeper, complaining something about “unavoidable circumstances,” but you couldn’t help laughing. Maybe dating an occasionally-octopus Azul wouldn’t be so bad.
From outside the tank, Floyd’s voice rang out: “Aww, Boss finally grew a backbone! Way to go, Shrimpy!”
Azul groaned, covering his face with his hands. “I’m never hearing the end of this.”
You patted his shoulder. “Welcome to my life.”
Kalim Al-Asim
You really should have known something was wrong when Jamil showed up at your doorstep, eyes bloodshot and twitching slightly.
“I need your help,” he said, and those four words alone should’ve been your cue to lock the door and pretend you weren’t home.
But you didn’t, and that’s how you ended up sitting in Kalim’s opulent room, staring at a very excited otter splashing around in a gold-lined kiddie pool.
“You’re telling me Kalim turned himself into this?” you asked, pointing at the small, slippery creature currently attempting to roll onto his back and failing.
“Yes,” Jamil said, deadpan, rubbing his temples. “And he refuses to let anyone near him. Except apparently you.”
Kalim—the otter—perked up at the sound of your voice, flipping over and waddling toward you. He made a happy chirping sound before flopping dramatically onto your lap, his tiny paws grabbing at your shirt.
“See?” Jamil muttered, folding his arms. “This is why you’re staying here. I can’t deal with this anymore.”
Kalim was, to put it mildly, a handful.
One moment, he was contentedly snuggling in your lap, and the next, he was zooming across the floor, knocking over priceless vases and dragging an entire silk curtain into his pool.
“Uh, Kalim?” you called, watching as he tried to balance a sparkling golden spoon on his nose. “Maybe we don’t need to destroy the room?”
Kalim chirped in protest, clearly having the time of his life. He then waddled over to you, clutching the spoon like it was a treasure, and deposited it in your lap with a proud squeak.
“Well, at least he’s sharing,” you muttered, patting his head.
From the corner, Jamil was silently mouthing “thank you” over and over like a man who had just been freed from a lifetime of torment.
Kalim’s kiddie pool was more like a miniature lagoon, complete with floating toys and what looked suspiciously like a jewel-encrusted raft.
At some point, Kalim decided it would be fun to drag you into the water.
“Hey—wait, no!” you yelped as his surprisingly strong little paws grabbed at your sleeve, pulling you toward the pool. “I’m not getting in there!”
Kalim chirped insistently, his big otter eyes boring into your soul.
“Oh, come on,” you groaned. “Don’t give me that look.”
He gave you the look.
Five minutes later, you were sitting in the pool, soaked and glaring at Jamil, who was clearly struggling not to laugh.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” you snapped.
“Immensely,” Jamil said, smirking.
After hours of otter chaos—during which Kalim managed to steal your shoe, splash water in your face, and attempt to juggle three golden coins—you finally sat back with a sigh.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” you muttered, patting his head as he snuggled against you.
Kalim let out a happy chirp, his little paws clutching your hand. He looked so ridiculously adorable that, without thinking, you leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead.
There was a sudden burst of light, and when you opened your eyes, Kalim was sitting in front of you, back to his usual self—though still dripping wet and grinning ear to ear.
“You kissed me!” he exclaimed, his face lighting up like the sun.
“I—uh—well,” you stammered, your face heating up.
“Does this mean you like me?” he asked, tilting his head with an innocent smile.
Before you could respond, Jamil groaned from the corner. “Sevens, just ask them out already.”
Kalim turned to you, his grin widening. “Will you go out with me?”
You blinked at him, still processing the fact that you had just kissed an otter-turned-human. But then you smiled, nodding.
“Sure, Kalim.”
Kalim cheered, pulling you into a hug that nearly knocked you over. Meanwhile, Jamil sighed in relief, celebrating about finally getting some peace and quiet.
From the doorway, a passing student peeked in, took one look at the drenched mess of a room, and decided it was better not to ask.
Vil Schoenheit
The day Vil Schoenheit turned into a peacock was the day you realized that your life at NRC was destined to never be normal.
“I don’t know how it happened!” Epel blurted, waving his hands in panic. “One second he was lecturing me about my skincare routine, and the next—poof! Peacock!”
“Of course, he’s a peacock,” you muttered, staring at the magnificent bird perched on the Pomefiore chaise lounge. The peacock in question—Vil—looked at you with a familiar haughty glare, which was impressive considering he now had beady bird eyes.
From the very beginning, Vil made it clear that he refused to be handled by anyone except you.
When Rook tried to approach him with a soothing poem about the beauty of nature, Vil screeched so loudly it sent even the huntsman scrambling.
When Epel tried to shoo him toward the door, Vil flared his tail feathers in a display so intimidating that Epel backed away, muttering, “This is worse than when he makes me wear lip gloss.”
But when you stepped forward, Vil immediately strutted over, his glossy feathers shimmering under the light. He circled you once before settling at your feet, letting out a dignified coo.
“Well, at least someone likes me,” you muttered, kneeling down to pat his head.
Vil preened under your touch, looking every bit the diva he was even in bird form.
Life with peacock Vil was… an adventure.
For one, he refused to eat anything that wasn’t served on fine china.
“Are you serious?” you asked, holding up a bowl of birdseed.
Vil turned his head away with a disdainful chirp, his tail feathers twitching in annoyance.
“Fine,” you groaned, dumping the seed onto a porcelain plate. “Happy now?”
Vil cooed in approval, delicately pecking at the food like it was a Michelin-star meal.
Then there was the incident with the mirror.
You found him perched in front of the Pomefiore vanity, admiring his reflection with an intensity that could only be described as borderline obsessive.
“You’re really leaning into the peacock thing, huh?” you teased.
Vil shot you a look that screamed How dare you, you pleb? before returning to his reflection, fluffing his feathers dramatically.
After a few days of peacock antics—including Vil refusing to let Epel touch his feathers (Glaring at him like he was screaming "He’s going to ruin them!”) and scaring off an unfortunate group of first-years with his aggressive tail display—you decided enough was enough.
“Alright, Vil,” you said, sitting down beside him. “We need to figure out how to fix this.”
Vil cooed softly, nuzzling against your hand.
You stared at him, your heart melting a little. He was undeniably cute in his current form, but you missed the human Vil—the one who could scold you for slouching and deliver a flawless monologue at the drop of a hat.
Without thinking, you leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to his feathered head.
There was a blinding flash of light, and suddenly, you were no longer holding a peacock but a very human—and very flustered—Vil Schoenheit.
“You… kissed me,” he said, his cheeks turning an uncharacteristic shade of pink.
“I—uh—well, you were cute?” you offered weakly.
Vil blinked at you, his usual composure slipping as he processed your words. Then, to your surprise, a small smile tugged at his lips.
“Perhaps we should make this official,” he said smoothly, though the faint blush on his face betrayed his nerves. “Would you like to go out with me?”
You stared at him, your brain short-circuiting for a moment. Then, you smiled, nodding.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
Vil’s smile widened, and for the first time since he’d turned back, you saw the confident, radiant Vil you knew and admired.
From the doorway, Rook peeked in, his eyes sparkling with delight. “Ah, the beauty of true love!”
Epel groaned, muttering, “This is the weirdest dorm ever.”
Idia Shroud
The day you were unceremoniously dragged into Idia’s room by Ortho, you knew something was amiss.
Ortho clasped his hands together as you stumbled inside. "Please take good care of Big Brother!"
“Wait, what?” you started, but Ortho was already zooming out the door, leaving you alone in the darkened chaos that was Idia’s sanctuary.
And there, sitting in the middle of the room on a glowing gaming chair, was a cat.
A very grumpy-looking cat with blue flame-like fur tips and unmistakable, judgmental yellow eyes.
“Idia?” you whispered, staring at the cat.
The cat hissed—its ears flat against its head. Yep, that was definitely Idia.
"Ortho wasn’t joking…" you muttered, inching closer.
Idia-the-cat glared at you, his tail swishing like a disapproving metronome. But as soon as you reached out a cautious hand, he hesitated before begrudgingly letting you scratch behind his ears.
He let out the tiniest, most reluctant purr.
“Oh my god,” you whispered, your grin growing. “You’re so cute like this.”
The purring immediately stopped, and Idia swatted your hand away with a mortified meow that screamed, Don’t push it.
It didn’t take long for you to realize Idia-the-cat was just as much of a shut-in as his human counterpart.
When you tried to offer him some cat toys Ortho had left behind, he ignored them completely—until you dangled a toy shaped like a gaming controller.
Then, he lunged at it with surprising ferocity, claws out and eyes gleaming with an intensity that said, This is serious business.
You had to stop him from knocking over his prized figurines while he chased the toy across the room.
“Idia, stop! That’s a limited edition!” you cried, diving to save a teetering anime girl statue.
Idia froze mid-pounce, his tail twitching guiltily.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you said, setting the figure back on its shelf. “You’re worse than Grim.”
Idia meowed in protest, and you could swear he was rolling his eyes.
After a few hours of babysitting Cat Idia—during which he refused to eat anything but snacks from his secret stash and managed to trap himself inside a VR headset—you were completely exhausted.
You flopped onto his bed, sighing. “Idia, you're my friend, but you’re so much work.”
The cat jumped up beside you, curling into a surprisingly neat ball. His flame-like fur glowed softly in the dim light, and for a moment, he actually looked peaceful.
Unable to resist, you leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his head.
There was a sudden flash of blue light, and you yelped as a very human—and very embarrassed—Idia Shroud appeared beside you.
“W-What just happened?!” he stammered, his face as red as his fiery hair tips.
You blinked at him, your brain struggling to reboot. “Uh… I think true love’s kiss broke the curse?”
Idia froze, his expression cycling between mortified and completely panicked.
“Wait, d-does that mean you… like me?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Because if you don’t, I-I’m just gonna go dig my own grave now—”
You cut him off with a laugh, your cheeks burning. “Yeah, I like you, you dummy.”
Idia stared at you, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Then, after a moment, he managed a small, shy smile.
“I… like you too,” he mumbled, fiddling with a lock of his hair. “So, uh… do you maybe wanna… go out? Like, on a d-date or something?”
Your heart did a little flip. “I’d love that.”
From the doorway, Ortho peeked in, his face lighting up. “Brother, I knew you could do it! This is the best day ever!”
Idia groaned, burying his face in his hands. “Ortho, please!”
But despite his embarrassment, he couldn’t stop the small smile that lingered on his lips.
Malleus Draconia
The day began like any other—except for the part where a massive dragon blocked the sunrise by parking itself right outside your window.
You blinked blearily, rubbing your eyes. Surely, this was a dream.
Then you heard an enthusiastic voice from below. "Good morning! Do you like your new dragon?"
You leaned out the window to see none other than Lilia Vanrouge, waving up at you with far too much cheer for this absurd situation. Beside him, Sebek was on his knees, his fists clenched, eyes practically bleeding tears of devotion—or frustration. Hard to tell with Sebek.
“Lilia,” you called down, “what the hell is that?” You pointed at the dragon, who was now looking at you with suspiciously familiar glowing green eyes.
“Oh, that’s Malleus!” Lilia replied, as though this was completely normal. “He seems to have had a little… magical mishap.”
“MISTAKE OF FATE, NOT A MISHAP!” Sebek roared, glaring up at you like it was somehow your fault. “AND THE YOUNG MASTER HAS CHOSEN YOU TO TEND TO HIS NOBLE FORM!”
You stared at the dragon—Malleus—again. His enormous tail thudded against the ground in what you could only assume was agreement.
“...You’ve got to be kidding me.”
After some coaxing (read: being dragged out by Sebek while you were still in your pajamas), you found yourself face-to-face with Dragon Malleus.
He lowered his massive head toward you, his glowing eyes narrowing in what you could only describe as smugness. When you hesitated, he huffed, a cloud of warm smoke billowing over you.
“Okay, okay, I get it! You want attention,” you grumbled, reaching up to pat his snout.
The dragon let out a low rumble of approval, curling his tail protectively around you.
“Sebek, for the love of the Seven, stop yelling,” you snapped. “I already have a headache.”
Lilia chuckled from his perch on a nearby tree. “Oh, this is delightful. I wonder if I should be worried for you or amused by Malleus’s possessiveness.”
Dragon Malleus growled at Lilia, his tail sweeping protectively in front of you like a giant scaly barrier.
“Noted, noted!” Lilia said with a laugh, holding up his hands.
After a day of being followed around by a giant dragon who wouldn’t let you out of his sight (and growled at anyone who dared approach), you were officially at your wit’s end.
“Malleus,” you said, crossing your arms. “I know you’re stuck like this, but you can’t just… kidnap me for emotional support!”
Malleus blinked at you, his big dragon eyes somehow managing to look both sheepish and stubborn.
You sighed, stepping closer. “You’re kind of cute like this, though,” you admitted, reaching up to scratch his snout. His eyes half-closed in contentment, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
Then, on a whim, you leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his scaly cheek.
There was a sudden burst of magic, and you stumbled back as the massive form of the dragon shimmered and shrank. In its place stood a very human—and very flustered—Malleus Draconia.
“Child of Man,” he said, his face uncharacteristically red. “Your… your kiss… it broke the spell.”
You stared at him, your brain buffering. “Wait, true love’s kiss was the answer?!”
Malleus nodded solemnly. “Indeed.”
From behind you, Lilia cackled. “Oh, how romantic! A tale for the ages!”
Sebek, meanwhile, looked like he was about to have a heart attack. “T-T-THE YOUNG MASTER’S TRUE LOVE?! UNBELIEVABLE!”
Malleus stepped closer, his expression softening as he looked down at you. “If this spell has revealed anything, it is that my feelings for you are genuine. Will you allow me to court you properly?”
You blinked, your face heating up. “Uh… yeah. Sure. But maybe next time, we skip the whole ‘giant possessive dragon’ thing?”
Malleus chuckled, taking your hand. “Anything for you, my treasure.”
Sebek fainted on the spot.
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Giving Them Chocolates on Valentine's Day with: Diasomnia
Go here for other dorms
Malleus Draconia
When you hand Malleus the box of chocolates, he takes it carefully, his touch delicate, reverent. His emerald eyes flicker between you and the gift, his expression curious.
“…What is the occasion?” he asks, tilting his head ever so slightly.
You blink. “It’s Valentine’s Day.”
His brow furrows in thought. “Ah… I have read about this custom. A day where humans exchange tokens of affection.” His gaze settles back on you, warm and searching. “And you are giving this to me?”
You inhale, steadying yourself before you say it—before you make it real.
“Yes,” you say, voice firm but soft. “Because I like you, Malleus.”
For a moment, he just looks at you.
And then—he lights up.
Not just in surprise, not just in happiness, but in something deeper, something radiant. His pupils dilate, his lips parting slightly as he processes the words, and then—his entire expression softens into something breathtaking.
“You…” He exhales, almost in wonder, as if he is memorizing this moment, etching it into eternity.
His grip on the chocolates tightens just slightly, like he’s holding something precious.
“…Then I must thank you,” he says at last, his voice so tender it nearly steals your breath. “For this gift. And for your feelings.”
He steps closer, his presence impossibly warm despite the cool night air. “Because I return them.”
Your heart stumbles. “You do?”
Malleus smiles, and it is gentle, certain—undeniably his.
“Yes,” he murmurs. “And if you will allow it… I would like to be your partner.”
The word settles over you like it belongs there—like it has always belonged there.
And how could you say anything but yes?
“I’d love that,” you whisper.
His smile deepens, something ancient and endless and full of warmth. Without hesitation, he takes your hand, intertwining your fingers with a quiet certainty.
As you begin to walk together—his grip steady, unwavering, real—it feels so easy, so natural.
Like this was always meant to be.
Lilia Vanrouge
When you walk up to Lilia, he’s already watching you with knowing amusement, arms crossed, eyes twinkling like he’s been expecting this all along.
“Ah, I see, I see~” he hums, grinning before you even say a word. “Here comes my beastie with something important to say.”
Your steps slow. You narrow your eyes. “You already know?”
He chuckles, clearly enjoying himself. “Oh, I had my suspicions. But don’t let that stop you. Go on, I’ll pretend to be surprised.”
You roll your eyes, but there’s no stopping now. You take a breath and hold out the chocolates. “These are for you, Lilia. Because I like you.”
For a second, Lilia softens. It’s quick—a flicker of something warm and genuine—before he’s grinning again, sharp and playful.
“And here I thought you’d never confess!” He places a dramatic hand over his chest. “Making an old man wait for so long… how cruel!”
You snort. “Lilia, please. You don’t even look a day over twenty.”
He winks. “Why, thank you. I do try.”
You shake your head, exasperated but fond. “So? What do you say?”
Lilia’s grin softens just slightly. “Well, I say you’ve made a very bold choice, my dear.” He takes the chocolates, cradling them like a prized treasure. “And I accept, of course.”
Your stomach flutters.
Then—Lilia claps his hands together. “Well! We must celebrate! How about a homemade meal, cooked just for you?”
Your entire soul leaves your body.
“Lilia, wait—” You hold up both hands, alarmed. “We can save that for another day.”
He blinks, tilting his head innocently. “Oh? You don’t want to try my cooking?”
You scramble to save yourself. “No! I mean—yes! Just—not today! I want to, uh… savor the moment. Yeah.”
Lilia watches you far too knowingly, but after a beat, he laughs. “Fair enough! You drive a hard bargain, my dear.”
Then—with all the ease in the world—he reaches out, taking your hand and pressing a light kiss to your fingers.
“Well then,” he muses, looking up at you with mischief and something warmer. “Shall we go on our date?”
Your face burns. “Y-Yeah. Let’s go.”
And as he pulls you along, chuckling to himself, you can’t help but think—
You’re in for quite the adventure.
Silver is fast asleep under a tree, looking so peaceful that you almost feel guilty waking him.
Because one, you’re here to confess, and two… is that a squirrel braiding his hair?
You pause. Stare. The squirrel, completely unbothered, continues its work, its tiny paws weaving strands of silver like it’s done this a thousand times before.
…Never mind.
Shaking off your distraction, you step closer and crouch beside him. “Silver,” you call softly.
He stirs, blinking slowly as he wakes. And then he sees you.
His lips curl into a small, sleepy smile. “Oh,” he murmurs, voice still soft with drowsiness. “It’s you.”
Your stomach does a very unnecessary flip.
You exhale, steeling yourself. “I made these for you,” you say, holding out the chocolates. “Because it’s Valentine’s. And because I like you.”
Silver blinks. Once. Twice. His eyes focus a little sharper as he processes your words. Then, slowly, he pushes himself upright, his gaze never leaving yours.
“���You like me?” he asks, his tone gentle, careful.
You nod, heat creeping up your neck. “Yeah. I do.”
For a moment, he just looks at you.
Then—softly, warmly—he smiles.
“Thank you,” he says, his voice so sincere it makes your heart ache. “I… like you too.”
Before you can even react, he reaches for your hand, lifting it carefully. His fingers are steady, warm, reverent as he brings it to his lips—and presses the softest kiss against your knuckles.
The gesture is so simple, so sweet, so utterly Silver. There’s no teasing, no dramatics—just quiet, unwavering affection.
When he pulls back, his thumb lingers just slightly over your fingers. “Would you like to take a walk with me?” he asks, his expression soft.
Your chest feels too full. You nod, smiling. “Yeah. I’d love to.”
He stands, still holding your hand, his grip secure and warm.
The squirrel, now done with its masterpiece, chatters approvingly before scurrying off.
Neither of you even acknowledge it. Because right now—nothing else matters.
Sebek is not prepared.
Not for the chocolates. Not for your confession. Not for any of it.
One second, he’s standing tall, proud as ever, probably ready to launch into a speech about how he has no time for frivolous human customs.
And the next?
The usual loud, booming Sebek disappears.
Gone. Vanished. Launched into the stratosphere.
All that remains is a wide-eyed, speechless mess, his mouth opening and closing with nothing but a choked squeak escaping.
You wait, patiently.
Still, nothing.
“…Sebek?” you ask, biting back a smile.
He suddenly snaps upright, as if forcibly rebooting. “I—I—” His voice cracks spectacularly, and his face erupts into color, bright red from the tips of his ears down to his neck.
And then, as if his body is moving before his brain can keep up, he takes your hand in both of his own, bows his head, and presses the most reverent, careful kiss to the back of it.
Your breath catches.
When he looks back up, his usual intensity is still there—but this time, it’s softer. Warmer.
“I—I accept!” he declares, his grip strong, steady, firm. “I—I—I have long admired you as well! I—” He swallows hard, visibly overwhelmed. “I like you, too.”
Your heart melts.
Still smiling, you squeeze his hands lightly. “Then, will you be my boyfriend?”
Sebek freezes again.
His entire body tenses. His pupils dilate. You watch in real-time as his soul leaves his body, fights its way back, and then leaves again.
“I—” he tries, voice cracking once more. He clears his throat so aggressively that you’re almost worried for him.
Then, finally, finally, he nods, jerky but determined.
“Yes!” he exclaims, as if accepting the most sacred of oaths. “Yes, of course! I shall devote myself to you with all the strength and loyalty I possess!”
You can’t help it. You laugh.
Sebek, red-faced and flustered beyond belief, holds your hand even tighter, as if making sure you don’t disappear.
And honestly? You wouldn’t dream of it.
Masterlist ; Valentine's Event
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"Ah, yes. Me, my beloved Prefect and my lookalike tsum from another dimension."
Twst Boys and their reactions to you cuddling their tsum instead of them Headcanons
part 1 part 2 part 3
tagging: @darkflowerav
Trey Clover
This might as well happen.
The Universe just keeps throwing things Treys way doesn't it...
He was hoping for a chill night.
But no. The tsum had to mess that up.
It's fine. He's not gonna get jealous of a plush toy.
He'll let you have your fill of cuddles from the tsum.
But beware should you only show affection to the tsum and ignore his open arms he will pay you back for the entire next week by not giving you cuddles and kisses.
He doesn't hold grudges, he swears.
He does. He holds grudges.
Ace Trappola
Come on!
He's right here you know!
He can see you ignoring him and only paying attention to this tsum!
He swears it is looking down on him. Ugh!
.... Is this about the joke he made this morning? It was just a joke! He already apologized.
No, Deuce, he's not jealous! (he is.)
He already got teased all day about this!
Cuddle him? Pretty please???
He's giving you puppy eyes. The tsum redirects your attention back to it every singe time he does.
Ace is not amused.
Ruggie Bucchi
After a full day of running errands and looking after his tsum, Ruggie is ready to fall into bed and your arms.
Hey, what's the tsum doing here?
Oh, well, fine. It can have one corner of the bed.
What do you mean you plan on cuddling it to sleep and not him???
But he needs your cuddles! They're the best part of his day! ...Night?
Anyways! You promised him cuddles and one single hug won't do it.
He'd use his UM and make you up the tsum away... but he doesn't want to see you upset.
So as long as you promise to drown him in affection tomorrow, he'll let you have the tsum for the night.
You do wake up in the middle of the night with Ruggie hugging you. He's also not letting go.
Jamil Viper
He just can't catch a break, can he?
He'll live.
Jamil is not happy about the new arrangement. But he'll have to make do.
When you ask him about the sour look on his face he says he's fine.
He's obviously not thrilled about the tsum.
So you decide the three of you will cuddle.
You're pretty sure Jamil and his tsum are side eyeing each other.
Neither on of them moves tho. So it should be fine... right?
You'll make it up to Jamil tomorrow for letting you have your cuddles with his plush lookalike.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil enjoyed his tsums company well enough.
It was not doing anything that would get either one of them in trouble.
What a well mannered tsum. He expected no less.
Vil allowed it to be pampered by you for the day.
And he's even allowing it to sleep in the bed with the two of you. As long as it makes you happy he's willing to make a few exceptions.
But this is ridiculous!
You're not even paying attention to him!
Him! Vil Schoenheit! YOUR BOYFRIEND.
It's been such a long day and you're lavishing all of your attention on a plush and not him!
This is unacceptable!
...Perhaps he should test the new makeup products he just got on the tsum first.
And you! You'll have to make it up to him with lots of affection. Tomorrow.
Idia Shroud
It's okay. He'll just... play some games.
Idia knew you wouldn't be able to resist the cuteness of a tsum. They're perfectly made to be cuddled with.
It's alright. He expected this.
He can't really complain when it's HIS tsum that's making you so happy.
The tsum should respect this and back of a little!
A few cuddles here and there are fine! But come on! Pay some attention to him too!
At this point Idia can feel his hair turning orange.
You better calm down your gamer boyfriend before some unsuspecting player gets caught in the crossfire.
Malleus Draconia
So far Malleus has been unbothered with the tsum appearances.
They're quite interesting creatures.
He's been happily spending time with his lookalike. It's good to have an ice cream eating buddy.
Truly, he's enjoyed the company.
Malleus thought nothing of it when you brought the plush in the bed.
He was fine with it. Everything was fine.
Until the tsum started hogging your attention, that is.
The Diasomnia housewarden is a hair width away from incinerating his plush lookalike.
....Are those storm clouds forming in the distance?....
Maybe you should pay more attention to your boyfriend.... and quick.
Luckily for everyone Silvers tsum is a calm one.
I fact, both Silver and the tsum were already asleep when you were done changing in your pajamas.
You know Silver was trying his best to stay awake so you just give his temple a quick peck for his attempt.
And one for the tsum as well.
It looks like you won't have cuddles tonight since they're both sleeping.
To your surprise you do wake up in the middle of the night sandwiched between your boyfriend and his plush counterpart.
Nice and comfy~
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i am NOT done yapping about how in love husband! katsuki is with his dear wife.
you were curled up on the couch later that night, katsuki’s arm draped around your shoulders while you scrolled through twitter again. he was half-asleep, head tilted back against the cushions, soft breaths leaving his lips.
just as you were about to close the app, another tweet popped up on your feed— one that made you freeze.
original tweet: "yeah babe gimme a minute, js fighting crime rn"
underneath was a blurry, mid-action shot of katsuki during a recent mission. in one hand, his phone was visible, screen lit up, while his other hand was mid-explosion, sending a villain flying backward.
the kicker? he was grinning at his phone. not his usual battle-hungry, determined smirk. no, this was softer. goofy. a full-blown, lovesick idiot smile.
the kind of smile he only ever gave you.
"oh my god. katsuki," you whispered, shaking his arm. "wake up."
he groaned, cracking one eye open. "what now?"
you shoved the phone in his face. "explain."
he squinted at the screen, brow furrowing. his jaw immediately clenched when he recognized himself in the picture.
meanwhile, twitter had already decided:
- "hero of the year goes to dynamight for texting his wife while fighting crime."
- "bro’s out here fighting for his life and still prioritizing his girl. goals."
- "im jealous. getting a text back while he's FIGHTING VILLAINS IS CRAZYYY"
his mouth opened. closed. then he groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face. "shit. didn't think they got that on camera."
"you didn’t think holding your phone in the middle of a fight would get caught on camera?"
"i was multitaskin'!" his ears were bright red.
"oh, for fuck's sake," you huffed, half-frustrated, half-melting into a puddle of affection. "is this why you said 'one sec babe, busy' that one time like you were busy with, oh, i don't know, paperwork instead of fighting a damn villain?"
"i had it under control," he grumbled, running a hand over his face. "was just checkin’ in on you."
"checking in?" you echoed, laughing. "you were literally detonating someone with your other hand!"
he groaned. "s’not my fault. needed to text my girl. s'not a crime."
your heart stuttered. "while fighting villains?"
"yeah, well...ya texted first."
you blinked. "so this is my fault?"
"yeah," he crossed his arms, cheeks turning pink. "maybe if ya didn’t make me smile like a fuckin’ idiot, i wouldn’t get caught slackin’. you seemed excited over something... figured you'd wanna talk."
your heart stopped for a second, warmth flooding through you.
"you’re such a dumbass," you said softly, leaning in to kiss his cheek. you leaned up, wrapping your arms around his neck, nuzzling into him. "missed me that much, huh?"
he huffed but didn’t stop you, his arms tightened around you, his embarrassment giving way to quiet satisfaction. "yeah, yeah. always miss you."
and the next time you texted him during work, you made damn sure to add:
"don't text back. fight the damn villains first."
he didn’t listen, obviously.
"they can wait. they know how important my wife is."
‧₊˚✧[ it's me, kia ! ]✧˚₊‧ 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚ ‧₊˚✧[ more of katsuki ! ]✧˚₊‧
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A Simple Misunderstanding
In which Fem!Reader thought she was engaged to the Overblot Boys due to strange courting practices from where she is from, so they have to clear up the situation.
Fem!Reader. Fluff/Angst if you squint. Established relationship. Requested by @creativecupcake.
Riddle Rosehearts
Leona Kingscholar
Azul Ashengrotto
Jamil Viper
Vil Schoenheit
Idia Shroud
Malleus Draconia
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You Try to Sleep on the Couch after an Argument with: Housewardens
Other Parts: Vice-Housewardens; First Years ; Cater, Floyd, Silver, Rollo
Riddle Rosehearts
The house was quiet, save for the occasional creak of wood and the rustle of fabric as you flopped onto the couch with all the grace of a cat forcibly denied its favorite sunny spot.
The argument still hung in the air, an unspoken tension that neither you nor Riddle were willing to breach—at least not yet. He wasn’t wrong, not entirely, but he wasn’t right either. The impasse was as thick as the silence between you.
Determined to make a statement, you yanked the blanket off the couch arm and cocooned yourself in it, defiantly turning your back to the door. No way were you crawling back to bed tonight. Your pride wouldn’t let you. Let him stew in his perfectly fluffed, oversized bed.
Meanwhile, in his room, Riddle’s impeccable composure was fraying at the edges. He lay stiff as a board under his duvet, staring at the ceiling like it held the answers to all his mistakes. His pillows seemed unusually hard, the blankets too suffocating, and no matter how he adjusted, something felt... wrong.
It didn’t take him long to figure out the culprit: you weren’t there.
He groaned softly into the darkness. Guilt clawed at his insides, sharp and relentless, each tick of the clock making it harder to bear. He’d handled things poorly—he could admit that, now that the heat of the argument had ebbed. And worse, he couldn’t bear the thought of you being upset, out there on the couch, all because of his stubbornness.
With a heavy sigh and an even heavier heart, he threw off his blanket and shuffled into the living room. His breath caught when he saw you.
There you were, fast asleep, your cheek smushed against the arm of the couch, one arm dangling off the side. The sight was far too adorable for the emotional train wreck he’d become. His guilt doubled.
Riddle knelt by the couch quietly, determined not to wake you. But as he crouched there, the exhaustion hit him—of the argument, the guilt, the restless tossing and turning. Maybe just sitting here would suffice. He wouldn’t disturb you.
A few minutes turned into an hour. Before he knew it, he’d slumped sideways against the couch, head lolling onto his arms, fast asleep in what had to be the most uncomfortable position imaginable.
When you stirred awake, the morning light was peeking through the curtains. Groggily, you rubbed your eyes, the previous night’s anger feeling like a distant shadow. That was when you noticed him—his normally pristine figure curled up on the floor, head resting uncomfortably close to your dangling hand.
Your chest ached at the sight. The idiot. The sweet, guilty idiot.
You reached out, brushing your fingers lightly against his hair. “Riddle,” you whispered. “Hey… wake up.”
He stirred, blinking up at you with sleep-clouded eyes, disoriented but instantly softening when he saw your face. Without a word, he shifted closer, arms wrapping around your middle as he buried his face against your stomach.
“Don’t go,” he mumbles, voice thick and quiet.
You freeze but quickly recover, leaning into his embrace. “I wasn’t going anywhere.”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, voice muffled by your blanket. “I didn’t mean for it to get so out of hand.”
Your throat tightened, and you found yourself carding your fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry too,” you whispered. “Let’s not fight like that again.”
For a moment, the two of you just stayed like that, wrapped up in quiet forgiveness. When he finally looked up at you, there was a hesitant, hopeful smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Will you come back to bed now?” he asked softly.
“Only if you promise to use it too. No more couch-floor accommodations,” you teased, pinching his cheek lightly.
“Deal,” he murmured, and together, you made your way back—closer than before, warmth filling the space where anger once was.
Leona Kingscholar
The argument had been sharp, biting, and the kind of fight where you both refused to back down. Storming out of the bedroom felt dramatic enough to match the vibe, so you grabbed a blanket, stomped to the living room, and threw yourself onto the couch with the weight of your indignation. “Fine,” you muttered into the cushions. “Let him have the stupid bed. I don’t care.”
And at the time, you didn't. You were replaying his snarky remarks and cursing his stubborn attitude. But the couch was lumpy, the blanket too short, and sleep came grudgingly after what felt like hours of stewing.
When you finally woke, disoriented and achy, something felt...off. For starters, you weren’t on the couch anymore. You were in the bed, wrapped snugly in the comforter that still carried Leona’s scent.
Blinking against the sunlight, you sat up, confusion clouding your thoughts. At the foot of the bed was the blanket you’d dragged out last night, now neatly folded like some taunting symbol of Leona’s existence.
And Leona himself? Missing.
You slid out of bed and wandered to the living room, where the answer to your mystery lay sprawled across the couch. The sight of him, however, made your irritation waver.
Leona was far too large for the couch. His long legs hung over the edge at weird angles, and one arm was slung over his face to block the light filtering through the curtains. He looked wildly uncomfortable, but his usual arrogance softened in sleep, his face peaceful and unguarded.
It didn’t take a genius to piece it together. He must have carried you to bed sometime in the night, only to exile himself to the lumpy couch. The guy could be maddeningly stubborn, but this... this unexpected gesture had you torn between wanting to yell at him or simply kissing him awake.
Ultimately, you decided to settle for the middle ground.
Crouching next to the couch, you reached out and brushed the stray strands of hair from his face. Before you could withdraw, one eye cracked open, and a lazy grin spread across his lips.
“Caught ya,” he drawled, voice rough from sleep.
You raised an eyebrow. “You moved me to the bed, didn’t you?”
He huffed, clearly uninterested in owning up to the sentimentality of it. “Couldn’t leave you out there whining in your sleep.”
“I wasn’t whining!” you protested, even though your cheeks were burning.
“Sure you weren’t,” he replied smoothly, grabbing your wrist before you could retreat. With a sharp tug, he pulled you down, practically pinning you against him. “Don’t see the big deal. You’re mine, aren’t ya? ‘Course I’m gonna take care of you.”
The casual way he said it didn’t make it any less sincere.
You sighed, melting into his warmth despite yourself. “I hate how sweet you can be when I’m trying to stay mad at you.”
His smirk widened, and he tucked you closer, burying his face in your hair. “Didn’t mean to piss you off,” he murmured against your temple. “But you’re not leaving this couch till we make up. Deal?”
You rolled your eyes, but your voice softened. “Deal.”
As the tension melted away and his arms tightened around you, the couch didn’t seem quite so lumpy anymore. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad place to be.
Azul Ashengrotto
The argument had been tense, the kind where you both said things you probably shouldn’t have. Frustrated and too stubborn to stay in the same space as Azul, you grabbed a pillow and marched out to the couch. He’d barely tried to stop you, his pride seemingly keeping him rooted in the bedroom.
But pride was a fickle thing, and now you were left trying to fall asleep on the stiff cushions. Every creak of the floorboards made you feel a little guilty, knowing exactly who it was.
You didn’t even need to look; you could feel Azul’s presence lingering in the doorway, his usual composure clearly absent. The sound of shuffling footsteps returned to the bedroom, and you thought maybe he’d finally leave you alone—only to hear those same footsteps inch closer again a minute later.
"Azul, I know you're there," you muttered, cracking an eye open and turning toward the doorway. Sure enough, there he was, peeking out. His glasses caught the faint glow of the hallway light, and he immediately froze like he’d been caught stealing treasure.
“I-I wasn’t...” he started, before trailing off, clearly scrambling for an excuse.
You sighed and sat up, your frustration ebbing in the face of how uncharacteristically sheepish he looked. This was Azul Ashengrotto, the calculating businessman who could sell ice to Yetis—and yet he couldn’t even apologize without peering at you like a child who’d been scolded.
“If you’re just going to lurk there all night, we’re both going to lose sleep,” you said, finally beckoning him over with a wave.
Azul hesitated for a fraction of a second before his composure cracked, and he shuffled toward the couch. “I didn’t mean for things to escalate...” he started, sitting next to you, his head ducked low, voice soft.
You smirked despite yourself. “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed, you know that?”
He bristled, his dignity rallying as he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses. “I am not—”
“You’re very cute,” you interrupted, and the smallest flicker of a pout crossed his lips.
Azul looked away, a hint of color dusting his pale cheeks. “You’re the worst.”
“And you still love me,” you countered, pulling him down beside you. “Truce?”
He glanced at you, the beginnings of a smile tugging at his lips. “Truce.”
Apologies came in murmured exchanges after that, both of you acknowledging where you’d gone wrong. You knew you’d both let pride get in the way—typical for two people as headstrong as yourselves.
Eventually, Azul’s head rested on your shoulder, his warm weight grounding you. You leaned back against the couch, and despite its discomfort, it felt perfect with him there.
“You know,” you whispered, running a hand gently through his hair, “for a guy who’s made half of Twisted Wonderland sign contracts, you really can’t stand your ground for the life of you.”
Azul huffed, turning his face into your shoulder to hide. “Do you want me to apologize again?”
You chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Nope. I think I’ll just enjoy this.”
And with that, the two of you finally let the tension of the argument melt away, falling asleep together on the couch in an imperfect, perfectly “you and Azul” sort of peace.
Kalim Al-Asim
The argument had been uncharacteristically heated—rare for someone as sunny and easygoing as Kalim—but even he had limits, and so did you. When your stubborn streak flared, it ended with you grabbing a blanket and storming off to the couch.
“No, Kalim, I’m fine. You sleep in the bed, I’ll sleep here,” you snapped, cutting off his attempts to follow you. His face fell, but for once, he didn’t argue, retreating to the bedroom with a defeated slump of his shoulders.
You burrowed into the couch cushions, determined to stay mad, but as sleep started to claim you, the anger dulled into annoyance. It didn’t matter. He started it, you thought stubbornly, clutching the blanket tighter.
A soft rustle of fabric woke you, tugging you from the edges of sleep. Blinking groggily, you turned your head to see Kalim crouched beside the couch, carefully tucking another blanket over you. He had his tongue poking out slightly in concentration, his touch so gentle that it was clear he didn’t want to wake you.
“What are you doing?” you mumbled, voice hoarse with sleep.
Kalim flinched, looking at you like a startled puppy caught raiding the kitchen. “Oh, I—uh—I just thought you might be cold, so I…”
He trailed off, clearly expecting you to brush him off again. Instead, you sighed, your irritation melting as you realized just how ridiculous he looked, trying to coddle you even while you were angry at him.
“Come here,” you said, sitting up and pulling the blanket back a bit.
“What? No, I don’t want to—”
His protest crumbled immediately, and he slid onto the couch beside you, tucking his legs up awkwardly. You wrapped the blanket over both of you, and after a moment of stunned hesitation, Kalim relaxed into the embrace, resting his head against your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his voice small and earnest. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
You sighed, tilting your head to rest on his. “I’m sorry too. I overreacted.”
He perked up slightly at that, his usual cheer trying to peek through. “So… does this mean you won’t sleep out here alone again?”
“You’re lucky I’m even letting you under this blanket, Asim,” you teased, though your smile softened the words.
Kalim beamed, his arms wrapping snugly around your middle. “I knew you couldn’t stay mad at me forever!”
You rolled your eyes fondly, leaning back into the cushions. The couch wasn’t exactly built for two people, but the warmth of his presence made it easy to ignore. Slowly, you both drifted to sleep, Kalim murmuring sweet nothings even as his breaths evened out.
Maybe next time, you thought sleepily, you’d just let him win.
The argument left both of you simmering in silence, which for Vil was a rarity. Instead of his usual icy composure, he seemed genuinely rattled. You, however, weren’t in the mood to care. Grabbing a blanket with theatrical flair, you stomped to the couch.
“You can have your perfectly fluffed pillows and skincare routine in peace,” you muttered, tucking yourself in with a spiteful sense of triumph.
Once comfortably cocooned, you scrolled on your phone, trying to drown out the lingering annoyance. That’s when you heard it—sharp, purposeful footsteps marching toward you.
Before you could react, Vil appeared like a vengeful storm god, looking every bit as flawless as a deity would while furious. With a huff that could make kingdoms tremble, he reached for your arm and began dragging you back to the bedroom.
“Vil, what are you—let me go! I’m fine out here!” you protested, but his grip was firm, his annoyance palpable.
Once you were unceremoniously deposited by the bed, he turned to you, pointing at your neatly made side. “You are sleeping there,” he declared.
You folded your arms. “I’m sleeping on the couch. Deal with it.”
He tilted his head, his expression a dangerous blend of frustration and disbelief. “Absolutely not. You’ve ruined my entire evening, and now you expect me to suffer further by sleeping alone?”
“Ruined? Seriously?” you shot back.
“Yes! I require my beauty sleep, and I can’t possibly get it knowing you’re out there, sulking on a couch. It’s impossible to relax without you next to me—so you, are going to have to take responsibility!”
The sheer audacity of his statement left you blinking. It was so dramatic and entirely Vil that you couldn’t help it—you laughed. Not a little chuckle, but a full-bodied, slightly wheezing laugh that made you clutch your sides.
Vil crossed his arms, arching an offended brow. “I fail to see what’s funny.”
“You,” you said between giggles. “This whole ‘it’s your fault I can’t sleep because I love you’ nonsense. You’re ridiculous.”
He didn’t deny it. Instead, he sighed, and once your laughter subsided, he gestured to the bed again, this time more softly. “Please. Don’t make me sleep without you.”
You relented, sliding under the blankets. As you settled in, Vil switched off the lights, the room going still.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly after a moment. His tone was sincere, lacking the sharp edges from earlier.
You shifted closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him gently against you. “I’m sorry too.”
Vil let out a contented hum, nestling into your hold. With your body heat mingling and the earlier tension dissipating, it didn’t take long for both of you to fall asleep—together, as it should be.
The argument had been rough—sharp words, bitter edges, the kind of fight that left your chest heavy. It didn’t matter how much Idia stammered his way through an apology or tried to explain his side; you weren’t ready to hear it yet. So, in an act of frustrated finality, you grabbed a blanket and retreated to the couch, refusing to spare him another glance.
Sleep came in patches, your mind replaying the fight in a loop. At some point, the dull ache in your bladder forced you to stumble toward the bathroom. On your way back, you froze, hearing quiet, panicked murmurs drifting from Idia’s room.
“Ortho, what do I do? I think I really messed up this time,” his voice wavered, thick with worry. “They probably hate me now. Like, actual hate—no respawn, no restart. I mean, who else would put up with me? I’ve completely blown it.”
You sighed, anger ebbing as guilt trickled in. You hadn’t meant to push him that far, and his usual self-deprecating spiral sounded more frayed than usual.
Pushing the door open, you caught the tail end of Ortho’s voice. “Big Brother, you should—oh!” His robotic eyes darted to you, scanning the scene. A moment later, he gave a tiny thumbs-up and practically zoomed out of the room, leaving you and Idia alone.
Idia froze when he noticed you. His shoulders hunched as if he could shrink his already wiry frame. “I-I didn’t mean for you to hear that. Sorry for being pathetic. Again.”
Rolling your eyes fondly, you stepped forward and opened your arms. “Come here, you dramatic dork.”
His eyes widened, hesitation etched into every inch of his posture. When you didn’t move or drop your arms, he finally shuffled over, nervously slipping into your embrace. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him securely, and his entire body seemed to deflate as tension drained out of him.
“I thought you weren’t coming back,” he admitted, voice muffled against your shoulder.
You huffed softly, rubbing his back. “Idia, I wasn’t leaving. Just... needed space to cool off. And honestly, hearing you lose your mind over it made it hard to stay mad.”
“Cool. Cool, cool, cool,” he mumbled, the words tumbling in an embarrassed rush. “Um, does this mean...?”
“It means I still love you,” you interrupted gently.
His grip on you tightened for a moment before he pulled back, pink dusting his cheeks and his hair glowing pink at the ends. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice so soft you almost missed it.
“I’m sorry too,” you replied, kissing his cheek and earning a startled squeak.
Together, you made your way back to bed. As you settled under the blankets, his fingers tangled hesitantly with yours. The argument seemed miles away now, replaced by the steady warmth of simply being with him.
“I’ll try to be better,” he murmured into the quiet.
“You’re already enough, Idia,” you replied, squeezing his hand.
And as you drifted off to sleep, you felt his thumb rubbing gentle circles against your knuckles, grounding both of you in the quiet comfort of reconciliation.
The argument left both of you tense, and you were too mad to deal with Malleus' brooding silence. Grabbing a blanket, you stormed off toward the couch, refusing to even glance at him. "I'm sleeping on the couch," you announced. "Goodnight."
Malleus stood frozen for a moment, processing your declaration, and you could feel his pout even with your back turned. "You do not need to sleep on the couch," he finally said.
"I'm not changing my mind," you shot back, tossing the blanket onto the couch for emphasis.
There was a brief, sulking pause. Then, he went quiet—suspiciously quiet. You peeked over your shoulder just in time to catch him crossing his arms with a look of smug triumph spreading across his face.
Before you could finish the thought, a flash of green lightning struck the couch, reducing it to a pile of ash with alarming precision. You stood there, jaw dropping as the faint smell of charred upholstery wafted in the air.
"Well," Malleus said, ever so matter-of-factly, "it seems the couch is… out of commission. A most unfortunate turn of events."
You turned to him, dumbfounded. "Did you seriously just smite your own couch?"
He looked at you expectantly, his lips pressed into an overly calm smile. "The bed is still available," he offered, gesturing toward the bedroom as though that solved everything.
Your anger reignited—if that was even possible after witnessing such sheer audacity. Without a word, you dropped your blanket onto the floor, flopping down dramatically as if making it your personal mission to out-stubborn a dragon fae.
He stared at you in bewilderment, clearly expecting a different outcome. For a long moment, he didn’t move, as though trying to process your act of defiance. Then, with an audible sigh, he finally caved.
“Alright,” he said softly, crouching to your level. His eyes held a rare vulnerability. “I… overreacted. I apologize for upsetting you.”
You bit back a smirk, pretending to be unimpressed even as you felt your resolve softening. "I wasn’t thrilled about it, yeah."
Malleus tilted his head, something of a pout returning to his expression. “Will you come back to bed, then? The floor hardly befits someone so precious to me.”
“Only if you promise not to zap anything else," you teased, finally relenting as you reached out to take his offered hand.
He helped you up gently, his grip firm but careful, as though he feared breaking you. “I cannot promise to never act rashly in defense of my love,” he murmured, leading you back to the room.
Settling into the bed together, you couldn’t resist poking at him one last time. “You really destroyed your own couch just to keep me near you, huh? You know they make couple’s therapy for this, right?”
He chuckled softly, pulling you close. “I would smite an entire castle if it meant you stayed by my side.”
“Noted,” you said, rolling your eyes, though you couldn’t hide the warmth in your chest. As you both drifted off, tangled in the sheets, you couldn’t help but think how absurdly lucky you were to be loved by someone so dramatic—and so utterly devoted.
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how they'd react when you wanted to sleep on the couch... just because.
fluff. light-hearted ft. gojo, nanami, sukuna, suguru, toji, choso
“baby scooch over.” a whispered voice along with a gentle nudge on the shoulder woke you from your dozed off state. “hmm?” you mumbled out, blinking your terribly heavy lids open although to no avail they’re begging to keep themselves shut. satoru glanced at you with a frown on his eyes with a pillow held close to his body. “scooch over baby,” he pleaded, kneeling beside the couch you’re currently lying on.
“go back to bed toru,” you said softly, tugging your blanket closer. “but you’re not there,” he whined, intertwining his hand with yours as he attacked it with kisses, not letting you go back to sleep, especially if it’s without him. “i thought you said you’re going to be fine?” you asked, jogging the memory of him being all smug while saying you could do whatever you wanted. “that was not me, i would never say that,” he said promptly and goodness you didn’t know before someone’s lips could turned that much downward. you chuckled breathily, knowing this will happen sooner or later.
you scooted over on the big couch, leaving him the space he’d been begging for. you could have sworn you heard a squeal before you’re wrapped in satoru’s warm hold, his head resting snugly atop of yours. “no sleeping on here anymore. not without me,” he said into your hair, kissing it softly.
“but why, love?” he asked, having a hard time comprehending your wish to sleep alone on the living room only because... you randomly wanted to? you chuckled looking at his bewildered face, an expression of someone who’s probably racking his brain upside down thinking that he’s done something wrong. “ken, i promise it’s just because i feel like it and no reason other than that.” you cupped his face, planting a soft kiss on his nose.
nanami looked a little relieved, albeit sullen, hesitant in asking whether he could invite himself in or you wanted a little time for yourself. and when it’s finally time to sleep it’s becoming more obvious that your lover wasn’t going to make it easy for you.
“need any more blanket honey?” he asked tapping the head of the couch as he stood there a tad nervous, knowing full well you got everything you needed since he insisted to be the one to prepare it. pillows, blanket, a hot drink, he’s got it all for you. “i’m perfect here, ken. you can go to bed,” you said with a reassuring smile, yet it did the opposite effect to the man.
“can i be here until you sleep, my love? it’s just that i feel like i wouldn’t be able to rest properly until i see you do the same.” he stroke your cheek softly with his thumb, and when you leaned into his touch he knew he’s gone for you. that there’s no way he could be asleep if he went back to the bedroom in that moment—unless you’re with him, of course. though, he didn’t say this, he just continued combing through your strands of hair, loving the peaceful expression on your face.
and unfortunately for the blond man, when it comes to these things his thoughts were written all over his face. you already caught on the fact that he wanted to lie down with you there yet his wish in prioritizing your wants refrained him from speaking his. you laughed a little, feeling a burst of fondness towards the tall man.
“on a second thought, can you sleep here with me ken?” he moved as quick as the sentence ended, already making his way under the blanket. he sneaked a hand around your waist, pressing your body closer against him. “i was kind of hoping you’d ask,” he mumbled, slightly embarrassed. you snuggled closer to his chest, feeling utmost comfort as he rubbed your back gently.
“i know.”
not even ten minutes in trying to sleep on the said couch, sukuna had already carried you back towards your shared bedroom.
he put you on the bed gently, then he draped a blanket over as he tucked you in. sukuna has that look of a man who’s determined in keeping you there, and you already knew it’s a fight you could not win thus, you turned for another plan instead: pouting.
even until he got beside you as he rested his big hand on your stomach, you refused to look at him, crossing your hands in front of your chest. he sighed, “give me one good reason i should let you sleep out there,” he said exasperatedly. “cause i want some me time?” you claimed. even you weren’t sure why you’re battling him so hard on this.
“then have it here in this bed with me. you’ll get all cold later and cling to me later anyways. i’m just speeding up the process.” he replied, already closing his eyes.
“what a strange way of saying you couldn’t sleep without me,” you said, with a grin on your face. the feeling of his thumb moving against your skin brought you immense comfort, your impulsive plan long forgotten.
“if you already knew that then quit making it harder for me, brat.”
he stared at you who’s already making yourself comfortable on the couch, amused. “looking cozy there,” he said with a grin, a face of someone who’s up to no good. “yeah, it’s actually not ba-“ the sentence was cut off was your own squeal, toji had picked you up as he took your lying down position and put you top of him.
“you could’ve just asked first!” you fumed, hitting his bicep—which did more to you and it did him, how could one even get their muscle to be as hard as that? he just chuckled in response, putting a hand around your waist. “sorry doll, got too excited,” he said lazily, already seemed all happy, like he had all he needed.
and he did, with you close to him resting your head on his chest, knowing that you loved counting his heartbeat. the man was truly content.
“we really should get a bigger couch,” you mumbled. we should get everything you wanted, toji thought. but it’d be a bit much to say in the moment so instead he just continued rubbing your sides until you dozed off, plunging into the dream land.
“whatcha got there baby?” he asked, an easy smile on his face. there’s really no day with you where you didn’t make him tilt his head questioningly. “’m going to sleep here tonight,” you said, fluffing the pillow before lying down on it comfortably.
“okay, where’s mine then?”
“your what?”
“my pillow. you didn’t bring mine along yours?”
“oh well i just thought you’d want to sleep in the bed anyway?” you replied, and suguru looked like you just insulted him deeply. the couch dipped, he then lied down beside you on the same pillow, making him extra close as he embraced you. “i sleep where you sleep baby, you make me this way. i can no longer rest when i don’t get to hold you close like this,” he said softly, tucking your hair behind your ear.
you have a big smile on your face as he said this, inhaling his familiar scent as you put your arms around him. “that better not be a complaint,” you said, cuddling closer to the man.
“never.” he kissed your temple.
it seriously look like it killed him when he had to walk away from the room, leaving you to sleep by yourself on the couch. his steps were excruciatingly slow, taking as much time as he could in case you changed your mind.
“cho?” you almost laughed looking at the way he perked up, a hopeful expression on his face. “can you turn off the light on your way?” and it almost felt too cruel the way the sparkle on his eyes dimmed, his shoulders beyond slumped. he then practically had to drag his own feet before letting out a small nod.
you chuckled, couldn’t keep up with the teasing anymore. “i’m kidding baby, do you wanna get in here?” you lifted up the blanket, patting the empty space next to you. it was the fastest you’ve ever seen him, as he’s beside you in no time.
he clinged to you tightly, like he’s making sure as much of his skin made contact with yours, a satisfied smile on his face. his hair tickled your neck nicely, as you traced the area below his eye with back of your finger.
“next time you want something just ask, cho.”
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The Rescue: BNHA X Fem!Reader
It had been a long day, like a seriously long day. Work had been long and irritating, the boss working you overtime because they let the other closer go early. You wanted nothing more than to get home, take a nice long shower, and unwind. you sighed, pulling your jacket closer as you walked home, not looking forward to the silence that would accompany your arrival. Moving to Japan seemed like an amazing idea when you first thought of it, but now it was lonelier than ever. Not that you had that many friends to begin with, but those that you did have kind of drifted away. Family was… disappointing. They had kind of stepped out of your life, not approving of your choice to move away. The only proof they still thought about you was the occasional card for birthdays and holidays. But this was fine! You can cope with this, have been for the past year.
Nevertheless, reminiscing was not a good idea when you were already in a bad mood. It was cold and the grating wind was getting on you last nerve. You stopped in your tracks as a white dot lazily floated down and appeared in your vision. Really? Freaking really?? The response to your silent exasperation was the sky opening up to unleash an absolute mess of white flakes descending with a vengeance. Fun.
You started to walk faster, knowing you wouldn’t reach your apartment in time, but still holding onto the stupid idea that things couldn’t have gotten worse. You were wrong. Very wrong. It took about 10 more minutes before it was full on blizzarding, the white flakes too thick to see three feet in front of you, effectively limiting your vision to a bare minimum of right in front of your face. You began to Look around, desperately hoping to find a possible shelter from this impromptu winter wonderland.
Most of the shops were closed, but your gaze was abruptly drawn to a brightly lit store with the open sign still lit up. Thank god. Pushing into the store, you were greeted with a pleasant wave of warmth and an assortment of odd smells. Taking in the store, you had to smile.
“woah… this place is awesome.” You breathed to yourself, taking in the colorful store you were standing in.
Keep reading
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i cried a little, that's how you KNOW it's good
I GOT YOU ANON!!!! oh, i've been dying to write this one!
Filling the Empty Spaces
Synopsis: You always thought that the house that you and your new husband, Satoru, lived in was way too big. One night after a rough mission, the both of you decide to keep an eye on Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara as they recover. You grow to love their company, and realize that they fit so perfectly not just in your house, but also your life.
Wc: 5.1k
Contains: teeth-rotting fluff, soft husband! gojo, yuuji no longer being sukuna’s vessel, gojo and reader are married, reader has a technique but it’s not explained, reader used to be a teacher but quit, gojo and reader adopting the first years, only a dash of angst, pregnancy (but only at the end), some suggestiveness but no smut, everyone is happy bc i said so. (gege don’t ever let me catch you)
a/n: this has to be the sweetest thing i’ve ever written in my life lol. also this is barely proof-read, so sorry for any mistakes!
Even with all of yours and Satoru’s belongings, the house that was left for him was still insanely huge. Your footsteps echo in the hallway as you mentally count the empty spaces. Three empty bedrooms, three empty bathrooms, another large room that could be considered a second living room. You knew it was big; Satoru said it was prior to you two getting married and moving in, but you wondered if you’d ever get used to having that much extra space.
“Oh, wifeyyyy,” Satoru calls out to you in his usual, sing-songy tone, his voice echoing throughout the hallway. “Where are you?”
“Near the kitchen!” You call back to him.
Your tall and handsome husband appears not even a minute later. The corner of his mouth pulls upwards into a smirk as he sees you sitting on the counter of the kitchen island. “Well, hello there, Mrs. Gojo.”
Your heart stutters in your chest, and you cast your eyes downward. “It’s gonna take a while before I get used to that.” You smile and lift up your left hand, allowing the gorgeous diamond on your fourth finger to glimmer in the sunlight that filled the space. “I still can’t believe it.”
Satoru steps in front of you and grabs your hand, bringing it to his mouth and placing a small kiss on your palm. “Believe it, pretty girl,” he says, his cerulean eyes meeting yours. He takes your other hand, then tugs upward so your arms are around his neck, his own hands settling on your hips. Your fingers brush against his undercut, then play with his soft white hair. “After all.” His voice dips to a sensual purr as his face inches closer. “I did tell you that I was going to make you my wife, didn’t I?”
He kisses you, and you sigh blissfully into his mouth as your eyes shut. Despite being practically glued to him during your two-week honeymoon on a beautiful island, you still craved him. His hand barely slides underneath your shirt before his phone starts ringing. He groans, and you giggle as he pulls away and grabs his phone out of his pocket. “Work?” You ask.
“Work. However, it’s Yuuji, not Yaga.” Satoru answers and begins talking while you hop off of the counter and decide to make both of you some tea. It wouldn’t be long before the sun begins to set, so you start thinking about what to make for dinner.
You look over to see Satoru’s brows furrowed. “Ah, I see,” he said to Yuuji on the other line. “Well, good to hear that you made it back to the school safely. Are you three alright? Megumi went to see Shoko for that injury?”
That worries you. From the sound of it, the first years went on another dangerous mission this afternoon. You knew that Kento Nanami was watching them, but with three students and dangerous curses, anything could happen. “I think I’ve come across a curse like that before,” Satoru says. “You get sick only after it hits you with that goo. Since you and Nobara only got a bit of it on you, you won’t die. However, it still concerns me. One second, okay?”
He tilts the phone away from him and turns to look at you. “Megumi got injured. Shoko healed him but needs to rest for at least a few days. Yuuji and Nobara might also become sick.”
Your heart sinks. Yuuji, Megumi and Nobara were just kids. You remember battling curses as a teen alongside Satoru and Suguru Geto before he became a curse-user, but becoming an adult and watching the next generation of students throw themselves into battle gave you an entirely different feeling. Around two months ago, Yuuji officially separated from Ryomen Sukuna and was freed from the burden of being his vessel; but you were getting a feeling that he still wanted to prove himself as a sorcerer by going on tough missions, all so he could stay around.
“They’re gonna need someone to keep an eye on them for a while. Everyone else at the school is busy,” you say, and Satoru nods. You pause on making the tea, then make a decision. “Alright, have Ichiji bring them here. We have plenty of space, as you can see, and I can help them out while you’re at work over the next few days.”
After all, the first years didn’t have anyone else.
Satoru kisses your forehead, then tells Yuuji the plan. Meanwhile, you double-check the three empty rooms and bathrooms. Each of them had freshly made beds, clean bathrooms and some decorative furniture—thanks to the housekeeping that maintained this house before you and Satoru moved in.
While you were thinking hard about some extra items that you didn’t have, Satoru comes up behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, which immediately slump under his touch. You sigh as he rubs the tension from them. “Baby, whatever we don’t have, and they need it, we can just buy it. Yuuji’s telling them to pack enough clothes for a while. Just relax. It’ll be okay.”
Right. It’ll be fine.
— — — — —
When Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara arrive, your face splits into a wide smile. You haven’t seen them since you and Satoru got married. A rush of movement, and the pink-haired teenager is hugging you tight, excitedly rambling about how much he missed you. The brown-haired girl is next, and Nobara literally squeals as she hugs you. Finally, the dark-haired teen, who is much calmer than his fellow first years. However, he doesn’t shy away when you hug him gently—being careful not to touch his side that was injured in battle—and he mumbles that it’s good to see you.
“Wow, this house is huge!” Nobara exclaims as she wanders around the kitchen, then the living room.
As always, Yuuji matches her high energy. “No kidding. There’s like a million rooms in this place!”
Satoru chuckles. He was dressed in his usual uniform and blindfold, leaning against the wall of the living room with his hands shoved into his pockets. “I’m glad you like it. This place was left for me. I knew that I wanted to move in here only if I got married. For a while, I thought I’d never touch it. Then I met that lovely sorcerer over there.”
Your cheeks heat, and the students ‘aw’ over his words. The oven dings, and you spring up. “Great, dinner’s done. Give me some time to set up.”
Satoru and Nobara sit with Megumi on the couch in the living room to watch TV, and Yuuji follows you to help set the table in the dining room. “You don’t want to go sit down?” You ask, reaching over to ruffle the boy’s hair. “You’ve had a long day.”
“It’s okay, I wanna help. Besides, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you. I missed talking with you.”
Your heart swells. You pass him some plates and some silverware, and he stacks it so he can take it to the table. “How are you holding up?” You ask as you pull the food you prepared out of the oven.
“Doing good. It definitely feels nice not having his voice in my head anymore,” he says from the dining room, neatly arranging the dishes. Five plates, five glasses, five sets of silverware. “Or worrying about him taking my body at any second. Just knowing that no one has to deal with him ever again brings me so much peace.”
“I’m so proud of you.” You take off of your oven mitts and walk towards him. “So is Satoru and the rest of your teachers, and so is your grandfather. He’d be happy knowing that you’re still helping people by fighting curses.”
That makes Yuuji pause. His smile is still there, but it wobbles at the corners. He turns away from you to hide his face, but the tremble in his shoulders is impossible for him to conceal. “Yuuji,” you call softly, and he sniffles, still turned around. Your heart aches, and you pull him to you. He immediately wraps his arms around you as his head settles onto your chest, his body shaking as he sobs quietly. You were thankful that the TV was on in the living room so he could have this moment privately.
“It’s okay to cry,” you whisper as you stroke his hair. “Everything’s alright. You’re brave, but it’s okay to break down, too.”
“Only reason I‘m alive is because you and Gojo-sensei fought against my execution.” He uses a sleeve of his jacket to wipe his tears. “I’ll be honest. There were so many times where I thought I wasn’t going to make it, or if it would be impossible to be separated from Sukuna without hurting anyone else. But you two had so much hope for me, and it pushed me to keep fighting.”
Tears fill your eyes, and you blink them back. “I’ll always fight for you, you hear me?” Yuuji nods, and you let him hug you for as long as you like.
Unbeknownst to you, Satoru watches you both from the living room with a gentle smile.
— — — — —
Dinner is filled with fun stories, jokes, and plenty of laughter. Once everyone has finished eating, Satoru and Yuuji do the dishes while you and Nobara help Megumi into one of the spare rooms after his shower.
“The bed’s super comfortable,” Megumi says, not fighting a single bit when you cover him with the blanket. “Thank you.”
“You better get some rest, Fushiguro,” Nobara says seriously as she crosses her arms. “Shoko said four days.”
“She’s right,” Yuuji comments as he walks into the room, sitting next to her on the edge of Megumi’s bed. “Not a single hour before.”
Megumi frowns. “You both are being dramatic.”
“Look, if Kugisaki and I have to lock you in here so you can rest, then that’s exactly what we’ll do.”
“Yup!” Nobara agrees with her usual grin, popping the p for extra dramatics. “And if that doesn’t work, we’ll just call the Gojos. Do you really want to get lectured by them?”
That makes you laugh. “Alright, you two, I think he gets it.” You gently fix Megumi’s hair—noting that his eyes were beginning to droop with exhaustion—then stand up. “Besides, you both might also be on bedrest. You did get hit by that curse earlier, and Satoru said that the effects won’t kick in until tomorrow. So it’s important that you two get plenty of sleep as well.”
Yuuji and Nobara say goodnight to Megumi, then the three of you leave his room. You decide to take your shower, making a mental list of groceries to buy for tomorrow now that the first years were staying with you for a few days. When you exit the bathroom in some sleepwear, you hear quiet giggling and snickering coming from the kitchen. You scoff, put on your house slippers and go investigate.
First, you see your husband’s white hair in the dimly-lit kitchen. You flip on the light switch, and burst out laughing at the sight. Satoru, Yuuji, and Nobara were stuffing their faces with cupcakes, all dressed in their pajamas. They were Satoru’s favorite, and he requested them from you every chance he got. “Now, what is going on here?” You ask.
“His idea,” Nobara attempts to mumble with her mouth full as she points at Satoru. Yuuji immediately nods in agreement and also points at his teacher. Satoru only shrugs with his usual smile, using a thumb to wipe away the blue icing on his lips before licking it clean. Then he offers you one. “Here, have one. They’re delicious.”
“No, silly, it’s late.” You put the cupcake back in its container, then hand the two teens a napkin. “And you two should be getting some rest. Megumi’s already fast asleep.”
Surprisingly, they don’t put up a fight. You happily do skincare with Nobara in the bathroom of the bedroom that she was using, and you both make plans to go shopping for some face masks once they’re all feeling better. When she finishes moisturizing her face, she gives you another hug. “Missed you,” she mumbles into your shoulder.
“Aw, sweetheart,” you sigh as you return the hug. “I’ve missed you as well. Was it a long few weeks for you?”
“Well, kinda,” she says as she pulls away, then goes to sit on her bed. “I know you and Gojo-sensei were on your honeymoon, and we expected that, but we’re all just getting used to the fact that you’ve officially quit working at the school. We support it, but it sucks knowing that we’re not going to see you as much.”
The thinly-veiled sadness in her eyes makes your gut twist. Of course they were going to miss you. You saw them and worked with them every single day. “Nobara, I’m always going to be here for you. Just because I no longer work there, that doesn’t mean I still can’t visit or even help out with you three.”
Nobara rests her head on your shoulder, and you rub a comforting hand up and down her back. “Promise?” she asks quietly.
“I promise.”
When she goes to bed, you leave her room and shut the door behind you. Finally, you walk to Yuuji’s room, which is still lit up. You get to the doorway, and you hide a laugh when you see that he fell asleep almost immediately after laying down. More than likely got more comfortable than he thought when he tested the bed. You adjust the pillow so it’s under his head, pull the blanket over his body, mess with his hair once more, then switch the lamp off so he can rest. You leave, then shut the door.
“They all fell asleep so quickly,” you say to Satoru once you walk into your spacious, shared bedroom. You climb into bed next to him, sighing when you feel the soft, silk sheets against your skin. Like every night, he tugs you into his large, muscular arms, and you rest your head against his chest.
This was your favorite spot to be; in the arms of the strongest, most powerful man in the whole world. Satoru was protective in every sense of the word. Nothing would ever happen to you as long as you were with him.
“I’m certain that those rooms are much more comfortable than the dorms at the school,” he says. You feel his hand rubbing soothing patterns against your arm. “So, what’s your plan for tomorrow?”
“Keeping an eye on them. I’m almost one hundred percent positive that they’re all going to be sleeping most of the day.” You then press a kiss against Satoru’s jaw. “And when you get home from work tomorrow, I expect you to rest, too. I know you’re dealing with the higher-ups.”
“Eh, who cares about them?” Satoru scoffs. “I tune them out.”
“Yeah, you really gotta stop doing that.”
— — — — — — — —
Your morning starts early. You’re barely awake when you feel Satoru kiss your cheek, whispering in your ear that he loves you and that he’ll see you after work. You sleep for about another half-hour, then decide to get up. After brushing your teeth, you walk down the hallway leading to the kitchen. The sun is already shining through the large windows of the sunroom, and you pause in your tracks when you see Megumi, silently reading one of the many books you kept in there.
He’s sitting on a bean bag chair towards the corner of the room, and you notice two more books on the ground next to him. When he sees you staring, he sits up and shuts the book. “Sorry.” The apology comes out in a faint, yet frantic rush. “I-I was just curious, and I’ve never seen a huge collection like this, and—”
“Megumi.” Your soft voice stops him, and his shoulders slump in relief when he sees you smile and sit in the bean bag chair adjacent to his. “It’s alright. Books are meant to be read. I’m just happy you found this room. I thought you might like it.”
“It’s so peaceful here,” he comments as he looks around slowly, taking in the beauty of your favorite room in the house. One wall is lined with books, neatly organized on floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall shelves. There is also a tall ladder that slides smoothly across the shelves, which aids you whenever a book is placed far too high. The rest of the room is filled with bean bag chairs, plants, and a few small, decorative statues.
You tilt your head to get a closer look at the book in his hand. “What are you reading?”
“A sci-fi,” he says, “I’ve kind of been interested in them since watching Human Earthworm with Itadori.”
“Ah.” You stand up, drag the ladder towards the middle of the shelves, then climb up to retrieve a duology. “I think you’ll like this series, then. In addition to the books you also have with you.”
Megumi rubs the back of his head bashfully. “I hope I’ll have enough time to get through these,” he says, then yawns. “And energy. Still tired even though I slept for a while.”
“Your body needs rest, and it’s okay. You can keep the books until you’re finished. Take your time.”
Megumi smiles at that. It’s small, but it’s there, and you love it. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
— — — — — —
Like you expected, Yuuji and Nobara weren’t feeling good that morning. They had some body aches, chills and a light cough. Luckily, they had you to look after them. You prepared soup for the three of them, and you made sure they were comfortable and hydrated. When Satoru returned from work, he gave all three of them medicine to help with any pain. The both of you kept an eye on them as they slept.
Over the next few days, they were all feeling better, however, both you and Satoru kept making excuses to keep them for another day. What if their cold comes back? Or, Maybe Shoko miscalculated and Megumi needed a few more days to fully recover?
Even when the first years were well enough to start going on missions again, Satoru had made it a habit to bring them back with him at the end of the day. You’ve also made new habits since the first years entered your home. Every morning, you would make breakfast for everyone to enjoy at the table. You loved seeing Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara’s smiles, or hearing them groan whenever Satoru made a joke that was just a little too cheesy. And their hugs. Oh, you loved their hugs. You hugged them before they went off to jujutsu high with Satoru each morning, and you hugged them each night before bed.
After about six weeks, you were so used to them being over every night; so much to the point that you and Satoru stared at Yuuji in confusion when he asked if you were tired of them. Both of you had never said, “No,” so fast in your lives.
Not only were you used to it, you loved it. You loved sitting quietly in the sunroom with Megumi, enjoying each other’s company while reading your respective books. You loved listening to Yuuji’s wild stories about his epic adventures as a sorcerer, even better when Satoru joined in and helped him with the dramatics. You loved doing face masks and painting your nails with Nobara. You were pretty sure you spent up to a few hours each week in the bathroom with her, laughing joyfully and listening to music as you played around with cosmetics.
You loved movie nights with the five of you sitting together on the couch, passing popcorn and other treats amongst each other. You loved it when each of the teens came to you about what was bothering them. By the second month, all of them had trusted you enough to cry around you. You loved comforting them—being a sorcerer is hard and gruesome, and anyone would need support. You loved holding them, wiping their tears, and feeling them settle when you reassure them that you and Satoru would keep them safe. You loved seeing them play silly games in the spacious backyard. Sometimes, you and Satoru joined them so you could have fun with them.
Before any one of you knew it, five months of this had passed.
At that point, Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara’s dorms back at the school were practically deserted, and the once-empty guest bedrooms of yours and Satoru’s home were filled with their belongings. Clothes, shoes, books, posters, souvenirs, trinkets, and photographs. You and your husband never did hold back when it came to spoiling them, whether with materials or experiences. You had noticed that the three of them were glowing. Louder laughs, smiles that reach their eyes, sleeping better, feeling more comfortable, and overall, looking much happier.
“They feel loved,” Nanami had told you once you explained it to him on a day you went to visit the school. “Everyone glows when they feel loved.”
— — — — —
“We should adopt them.”
At Satoru’s words, you look up from your book to face him. He’s laying down in your shared bed, facing the ceiling with an arm tucked behind his head. It is nearly midnight, and you are the only ones awake in the house. “Really?” You ask, unable to hide your smile. You shut your book and put it on the bedside table. This was a conversation that you’ve been hoping to have for a while. Finally, you’re talking about adopting those three and officially having them as your kids.
“Yeah.” He sighs as he sits up. “I like having them here, and I can tell that you do, too. I can also tell that they like being here. They’re much more relaxed. Yuuji and Nobara are sleeping so much better, and plus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Megumi smile so much.”
“I love having them here,” you say. You reach for his hand, and he clasps it with yours, intertwining your fingers together. “I don’t want them to ever go back to that school. They’re so happy here. I want to keep them happy. Besides, if we adopt them, I’m pretty sure that would keep the higher-ups from deciding to toss them into reckless missions simply because they have no legal guardian. They’d have to go through us first, right?”
“They’d have to go through us first regardless.” Satoru then chuckles. “Have you been wanting to talk about adopting them, pretty girl? You seem like you’ve put so much thought into this.”
“You have no idea.”
“I wish you said something sooner. Honestly, we could’ve done this a few months ago.”
You kiss his cheek, then rest your chin on his shoulder. “Well,” you start, “I remember you saying that you were hesitant about starting a family towards the beginning of our relationship a few years back. I didn’t know if your mind had changed or not. Adopting three teenagers falls into that category.”
“Ah, so that’s why you never talked about it recently,” he says with a thoughtful hum. “Before we got together, I didn’t know how I felt about having a family, simply because I got to a point where I could never see myself having such a thing. But, then I fell in love with you, and in love with life with you. I’d love to start a family with you.” He kisses your hand, then continues, “And I’m not just talking about adopting Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara.”
You gasp lightly, and your heart begins to race in excitement. You lift your head, then turn your body so you’re directly in front of him. “Satoru.” Your voice comes out in a barely-audible whisper. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Gentleness glimmers in his blue eyes, and he uses a hand to stroke your cheek. You instinctively lean into the touch, and his thumb wipes away the tear that barely slides from the corner of your eye. “If you want to,” he starts, “and if you’re ready, I’d love to have a baby with you.”
You think you’re dreaming. You feel like your body’s about to explode. It takes everything not to squeal loudly and wake up the teens. You smile and nod, wiping away the tears of joy before they blur your vision any further. “I’d love that, too.”
Satoru leans in and kisses you. It’s slow, loving and so very gentle. He slightly trembles, and you open your eyes to see that he was also tearing up from the happiness. “I love you.” His voice is low, yet shaky. “I love you so fucking much.” He kisses you again, then moves from your mouth, slowly down your neck. “I’ll take care of you. All of you.” He gently pushes you back against the sheets, and you sigh as his hands trail down your body. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer.
“All five of you.”
— — — — —
“So, you wanted to talk with us?” Yuuji asks.
You, Satoru, and the teens all sit on the luxurious couch in the living room the next morning. Since there’s no missions for them, they get to relax at home. All three of them were still cozy in their pajamas, and they finished eating their breakfast not too long ago.
“Yes,” you say as you sit up. “So, it’s been five months of you all staying here.”
At once, Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara stiffen, then share grim looks with each other. It confuses you, and before you can ask about it, Nobara sits up. She gulps hard, and you know from her staying with you for so long that it’s because she’s trying to choke back tears so they wouldn’t form in her eyes. “It’s okay,” she says, “we understand. We knew that this would be a temporary thing.”
“Huh?” Satoru asks, also confused. You can tell that his brows are furrowed underneath his blindfold. “What’re you—”
“I mean, five months is a lot. We get it. You didn’t have to keep us for this long, but you did. Thank you,” Megumi says.
Yuuji nods with a smile, but you know it’s a fake one. It makes your heart ache. “Just know that we’re extremely grateful for everything.”
“Every last bit of it. Thank you so much,” Nobara chimes in.
“Okay, all of you, stop.” Your voice is firm, and it silences them all at once. Megumi is facing the ground to hide his face, Yuuji’s fake smile fades as he casts his eyes downward, and Nobara looks over at the wall, nervously chewing at her lip. “This isn’t what you think it is. Satoru and I don’t want you three to leave.”
Now it’s their turn to look confused. However, they’re all finally looking directly at you, and that makes you feel a little bit better. “We were going to ask if you’d like to make it permanent, because we’d love to adopt you three.”
They gasp, and their eyes widen in shock. It’s silent for a few beats, then Nobara faintly asks, “...What?”
Satoru chuckles, then claps his hands together once. “Aw, c’mon, Nobara! Surely, you know what ‘permanent’ means!” You roll your eyes. Adding humor to make a situation less tense was such a Satoru Gojo thing to do.
The teens still look in shock. “So…” Megumi starts, his voice barely above a whisper. “You’d be our parents?”
“Yes,” you reply with a smile.
Nobara sniffles, and you look over at her to see that she’s no longer holding back her tears. “And- And we’d be your kids?” Her voice is also quiet. Yuuji, on the other hand, is much louder with his question. “And these two would be my siblings?!”
You giggle, then nod again. “Yes, one hundred percent yes. I know it’s sudden, and if you all need time to think about it—”
“Yes!!” Nobara practically screams, then runs over to hug you and Satoru as she begins sobbing. A split second later, Yuuji is there too, also hugging you tight. Megumi joins last, and the five of you remain there, embracing each other. Embracing your husband, your two new sons and your new daughter. Your eyes shut as you laugh with joy, unaware of your own tears.
— — — — — —
Six months later
“So yeah, that’s the story of how Mom and Dad adopted us,” Yuuji concludes, then places his hand against your swollen tummy. “Pretty cool, right?”
As if responding, ‘Yes,’ the baby within you gently kicks. “Ha!” Yuuji exclaims excitedly, then grins over at Megumi and Nobara. “I told you that they like my voice!”
Nobara rolls her eyes. “Oh, please, Yuuji, they like all of our voices, but they like mine the most.” Now she puts her hand against your stomach, leaning close so the baby could hear her better. “Right, sweets? Isn’t your big sister your favorite sibling?”
Two light kicks. Yuuji gasps in surprise while Nobara cackles victoriously. Megumi scoffs at their foolishness, and you laugh.
“I won’t lie though,” Megumi says. “I’m curious about what technique they’re going to have.”
“Yeah, will it be Mom’s or Dad’s?” Yuuji asks.
You shrug. “We don’t know yet.”
The front door opens, and you hear Satoru call out, “I’m home!” as he walks towards the living room where all of you were sitting. Like every day, he gives Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara hugs as he asks about their days, then comes to you. He kisses your forehead, then your tummy. “Hey, little one,” he quietly coos. “Hope you didn’t give mama too much trouble today.”
“No vomiting today, so, yeah, they did pretty good.” You gently stroke his cheek. “Missed you today. How was work?”
“Yeah, how was work?” Nobara asks excitedly. “Any special grade curses?”
“Eh, nothing like that today,” Satoru says as he sits in between you and Megumi, ruffling the boy’s hair. “However, the second years are starting to plan a surprise party for Okkotsu’s birthday. I passed the word to the rest of the staff, and now I’m letting you all know about it.”
Megumi nods as he settles back into the comfortable couch cushion. “Inumaki did text me about that earlier.”
“This is going to be so fun!” Yuuji exclaims.
“Yeah, as long as we don’t leave you in charge of handling the cake like we did for Nanamin’s birthday last year, since you like to drop them,” Nobara scoffs.
“Oh, come on! That was one time!”
Megumi tsks, and shakes his head. “One time is too many.”
As they playfully squabble, you and Satoru watch them with soft smiles. His blindfold was lowered, so you got to see the pure love and happiness in his eyes. He finally has the family that he once dreamed of as a child. You lean on his shoulder, and he kisses your cheek.
Finally, your house was full, and so was your heart.
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straight up ART
ft. al-haitham, ayato, wriothesley, lyney
warnings : gender neutral, jealousy, mentions of suggestive content on wriothesley's part, established relationship, you are wriothesley's spouse. erm slight dark content but it's okay it isn't implied, we need more men like them in the world
mhie's notes : i used the wheel randomizer for this i hope everyone's proud i write for anyone other than scara ijbol
al-haitham’s jealousy is muted; quiet and hardly noticeable, often non-existent unless you have the fortune of knowing him deeply enough (kaveh). make no mistake, al-haitham trusts you, he simply doesn’t trust those that make moves on you when he was clearly right there. when some bothersome person disrupts you both on a simple date, which is already a clear red warning sign, for the acting grand sage hardly has any time to spare; naturally, his reaction would be to put a complete stop to any and all the flirty remarks towards you with a flat tone.
it’s not the content of the words that make the person making a move on you leave, but the slight menacing edge to al-haitham’s voice, a sign that if they do intend to cross the line more than necessary, he won’t just be using his words.
most would back off after a simple talking-to, but in the case that person doesn’t cease their advance, you can best bet your lover is steering you away immediately. dendro archon forbid they touch you or make you uncomfortable in the slightest, though, or else al-haitham has no qualms contacting the matra or taking matters in his own hands, but this scenario hardly happens often, given his seamless ability to get to the heart of the conflict and uprooting it so that no problems arise.
he’d most likely opt to diffuse the situation by straight-up telling any admirer of yours that you were taken and most definitely not up for grabs.
“they are my lover. since you’re clearly crossing their preferred boundaries and seem ignorant of the fact, i’d advise you to stop making them feel any more uncomfortable.”
though it’s truly difficult to get al-haitham jealous due to the excellent control of his emotions, tempered by his rational thinking, the most you can see of it is how he seems to stay closer to you than usual and the simple but firm link of your fingers as you both continue on your days.
(but if you notice him putting a subtle hand on your waist as you both walk, do try not to comment on it, will you?)
for ayato… er, why have you even bothered? if one even has the nerve to flirt and court the yashiro commissioner’s own partner, then that’d make you either not inazuman, or simply an idiot. it’s no exaggeration, but a simple fact. ayato is by no means a jealous man, but he doesn’t like seeing those not worthy of you hover around you with such impure and unwelcome intentions, so he tells ayaka and thoma, but really, he just wants to call the shuumatsuban on any who dares to even look at you the wrong way.
he bides his time well, approaching your admirer with a genial smile and elegant composure and indulges in small talk, but there’s a chill in the air and the looming feeling of doom as well as his smile that seems to see through any and all actions. its terrifying, really.
it also doesn’t help that he’d be extremely touchy in these moments, seeking to link arms with you and yes, even going as far as to rest his head on your shoulder, a clear indication of exactly how close you two really are. after you introduce him as your lover, at this point, it’s likely that the person making a move on you would back off and run away immediately, for how could they even dare to compete when it’s the yashiro commissioner himself who they’re facing?
he’d gloat silently afterwards in the comfort of his own quarters though, the sight of your admirer cowering like a dog getting cornered by a wolf, ah, truly satisfying. though thoma would eventually tell him to tone down the ‘borderline evil chuckling.’
“my love, have you been well? hm? the change of topic? ah, well, as the saying goes; ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ yes? no need to think about those that’ll only bother you. now, come here, there’s a new hotpot ingredient i’d like you to try… haha, relax, it isn’t dango this time.”
another one with a terrifying reputation and terrifying influence to make even the most daring of your admirers quake in their boots. wriothesley is amused - he gets that there’s hardly any window for romance in such a dreary place like the fortress, but even going as far as to court the duke of meropide’s own spouse? really funny, honestly.
but after the initial wave of amusement, he does take this time to immediately show off his status as your husband, showing off the matching wedding rings and even having the well-deserved nerve to smile and continue on rambling about your marriage, which is clearly a very happy one, judging by the way he presses a lingering kiss to your cheek while maintaining clear eye contact towards the person.
you’d have to wrangle in your husband when you both sleep tonight though, because wriothesley has made it his personal mission for any and all those who wish to covet you to show them that you were his spouse, and no other held your heart or your affections. when morning rises the next day, you promptly leave with a very visible bruise on your neck, and an especially relaxed and happy duke at your heels. most would look away in embarrassment, including your admirers, so that’s that.
“hah, that'll show any of those who have way too much time on their hands to lay their hands off my spouse. what? too brutal? well, sweetheart, what did you expect?”
oh my god lyney. haiz this enigmatic magician… magicians are all about masterfully weaving lies and illusions in order to perform to the top standard, and it's no surprise lyney also uses such methods when dealing with any and all annoyances in your relationship. he can be perfectly fine on the outside, but he has always been good with keeping his more sinister and less than socially acceptable side in check.
in fact, chances are he’d probably charm away your admirer with his own tricks; a wink their way and honeyed suave words to ease their love-struck heart and in seconds your admirer is up and away, promising to leave.
this often gets you disgruntled and in awe of his ‘performance,’ but lyney will always stave off your complaints or questions with a rainbow rose or some other fancy trick of his up his sleeve and guide you away, person courting you forgotten. all according to plan….
in all honesty, lyney isn't as composed about it as he seems. lynette can see it at a glance after you two have separated after the encounter. it shows in the way he broods silently for some time, preferring to divert the attention of such a sore subject away and going about endlessly about what new gifts he might give you or what seat was best for viewing, read: what seat was closest to him, for that matter. her brother was truly such a pain in the neck, and lynette does thank you for making him happy, but really, at this rate, you'd drive him insane by how much sway you hold over him.
“and just a trick of the light here and-! ta-da! a rainbow rose, symbolizing just how much i do adore you, way more than any other! …so don't try to pay attention to them, okay? after all, you've already caught this magician’s eye and heart~”
he can still be pouty and extremely clingy after the encounter though, which carries on whenever he performs any of his shows, where lyney always, always makes one of his acts feature you, be it a simple guess your card trick or his favorite, the one act where he leads you to land up on stage and give him a kiss based on the card’s instructions, it's all to show just how wrong anyone else other than him would make you as elated as lyney does.
@ MHIIEEE 2023 : do not copy, repost or plagiarize my work.
btw can you tell i had fun writing for al-haitham despite the fact that i have never even been remotely interested in him in the entirety of the game
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"jealous, jealous, jealous boyy.." ft. diluc
bro was discombobulated
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It comes in different shape, fumu ヾ(^-^)ノ
Read the whole pages along with many on my ko-fi here!
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Under the Mistletoe 1
SUMMARY: You told your classmates about Christmas and the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe. But what if it's someone else helping you get a kiss from your crush? Or your crush trying to get a kiss from you? Or even prevent you from kissing someone else?
CHARACTERS: Heartslabyul (Riddle, Ace; Deuce; Cater; Trey); Savanaclaw (Leona; Jack; Ruggie) & Octavinelle (Azul; Jade; Floyd)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Kissing
WORD COUNT: An average of 340 words per character.
COMMENTS: As I believe some characters would be more direct and others would try to beat around the bush some have more words than others for this reason.
I hope you all enjoy and have a Merry Christmas. 🎁
Under the Mistletoe 2 - Scarabia (Kalim; Jamil); Pomefiore (Vil; Epel; Rook); Ignihyde (Idia + Ortho) & Diasomnia (Malleus; Silver; Sebek; Lilia)
CONTEXT: As the end of the year approaches and the snow begins to fall, you comment to your schoolmates that it is reminding you of a holiday that exists in your world called Christmas. They get curious and ask you more about it, you talk about the gifts, the tree, getting the family together, etc.
Until Cater asks if there wouldn't be any romantic traditions on such a cute holiday, and the first thing that comes to your mind is the tradition of two people having to kiss if they both happen to be under a mistletoe or holly.
You even say that there are people who purposely place mistletoe in a strategic spot to attract the person they want to kiss and pretend it was an accident. A very popular Christmas romance troupe.
Riddle heard about what you said about Christmas from the other Heartslabyul students. Ace and Deuce were the ones who came up with the idea of one last Unbirthday party for you before they go home for winter break as a way of trying to help with your homesickness. He went to Ramshackle Dorm to invite you and Grim personally.
“Good morning, [Y/N].” Riddle greets you when you open the door and tells you about the party they're having for you that afternoon. “Don't worry, it wasn't inconvenient at all. The preparations were the same as for a regular Unbirthday party, the only difference is that it was made especially for you this time. And speaking of things for you.” He takes a small red box with a bow out of his pocket. “Ace and Deuce told us that one of your traditions was exchanging gifts. I hope you like it.” He hands you the present with a smile.
You thank him but say you don't have a gift for him because you didn't know he was going to give you one.
“Do not worry, I understand. If the rules of your tradition are that you must give me a gift in return, I will gladly accept it. If not, it is your holiday, you will know better than I what to do. I just hope that following your holiday rules can cheer you up a little.”
You open the present, it's a crown-shaped lapel pin, just like the one he always wears.
“May I?” He asks, taking the pin out of the little box and deftly placing it on the lapel of your uniform blazer. “It looks good on you.” He smiles.
You two hear something above you, look up, and see a ghost's hand holding a sprig of mistletoe.
“Mistletoe?” He wonders and looks at you. “Do you have any idea what they might be doing?”
You tell him about the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe and he blushes, but you quickly say that it is not mandatory, if either person feels uncomfortable they can refuse.
“So you are saying that the rule is that if two people meet under a mistletoe, they must both kiss if neither of them objects?” He recaps and you confirm. “W-well... It turns out that I meet all the requirements of such a rule. Do you object?”
You say that you do not.
“In that case, we have a rule to follow. And you know how I dislike rule breakers.” He smiles smugly, holds your chin with his fingers and kisses you gently.
Ace was one of the people you told about Christmas and the mistletoe tradition. The day before he left to spend the winter break at home, he came to see you at Ramshackle Dorm. When you open the door you see Ace with his forearm resting on the door frame.
“Hey, [Y/N]. Tell me, wasn't it to you that I lent my notes on the history of magic?” He asks with that cat-like smile.
You immediately suspect because it is always YOU who lends HIM your notes.
“So it must have been someone else.” He looks up. “By the way, you should take care of that mistletoe growing outside your dorm.” You look up at the top of the door frame and see a sprig of mistletoe taped to it. “Hey, didn't you talk about some tradition with it?” He smiles.
You laugh amusedly.
“Oh, come on, don't tell me you don't have the guts?” He smirks. “I'm up for the challenge!”
You take a step forward and lean in slightly showing that you are also up for the challenge. This makes him blush.
“Hey, just to be clear, you know I'm not trying to force you, right? You don't have to do it if you don't want to.” He smiles awkwardly.
You ask if after all the one who doesn't have courage is him.
“Ah, now I know we’re on the same page here.” He takes your hand to pull you towards him a little and kisses you without further hesitation.
Deuce was one of the people you talked to about Christmas and he went to talk to Riddle to ask if they could have a little Unbirthday party before they left to ease your homesickness a little. Riddle agrees and Deuce went to Ramshackle Dorm to invite you and Grim and take you two to the party.
This is what he tells you with a smile when you open the door for him. He starts to blush when you thank him for being so sweet to you.
“I-It's nothing, really.” He says with an awkward smile. “I just wanted to cheer you up. Oh! By the way, you talked about exchanging gifts, right?” He hands you a present he was hiding behind his back. “You don't need to worry about giving me one back. It's just because you said it was one of your traditions. I hope you like it.”
You open the present, it's a scarf and a matching pair of gloves, blue with black spades. You thank him and that's when you hear laughter above you. You both look up and see a ghost's hand holding a sprig of mistletoe.
“You mentioned mistletoe as another tradition, didn't you?” He asks confused. “What was it again?”
You recap what you said about the kiss under the mistletoe, he blushes like crazy and stutters.
“W-well, I... I d-don't mind... I mean I would like to- I mean, ugh, what about you?”
You say you would like it too and take a step forward. He leans in so his lips are level with yours, but you'll have to be the one to initiate the kiss because he won't be able to do more than close his eyes and wait for you to do it. But once you do, you'll feel his lips form a smile.
Not only was Cater one of the people you told about Christmas, he was the one who asked if there were any romantic traditions. And since you mentioned the mistletoe thing he decided to do what he was about to do when he came to visit you.
“Hey, [Y/N]-chan~.” Cater greets you with a cute smile. “How are you feeling? Are you still homesick? I've been thinking about what you told us and...” He takes a present from behind his back and hands it to you. “Here! I wanted to give you a little gift.”
You thank him but say you don't have any gifts for him.
“Aww, don't worry about it. You don't need to give me one. Your smile is more than enough.” He winks.
You open the present, it's a teddy bear the same color as his hair.
“On top of things, you'll be here alone during the winter break. If you miss me, hug the teddy bear and feel hugged by me, mkay~? Oh, by the way, I was really curious about that mistletoe tradition you talked about. Would you mind showing me what it is like?” He says, fiddling with his lock of hair.
You're flattered and say you wouldn't mind, but there's no mistletoe above the two of you. He takes his magic pen and makes a sprig of mistletoe he had in his pocket float over your heads.
“Now there is~. You said there were people who do it on purpose, so this counts too, right?” He smiles as you nod.
He leans in, touching his nose to yours and with a seductive look, inviting you to be the one to initiate the kiss.
Trey heard about what you said about Christmas from his Heartslabyul dorm mates. The day before he left to spend the winter break at home, he came to see you at Ramshackle Dorm.
“Hello, [Y/N]. How are you?”
You say you're fine but wonder why he's asking.
“It's just that Ace and Deuce told me about that holiday you have in your world around this time of the year and that it was making you a little homesick.” He takes his hand from behind his back revealing a gift bag. “They said that one of your traditions was exchanging gifts, so I thought I'd make you something to cheer you up a little. Don't worry, you don't have to give me anything in return.”
You accept it and thank him for the gift. When you open it, it's a bag of your favorite type of cookies, homemade by him.
“Be careful with Grim around, okay? I made the cookies for you, or at least most of them.” He smiles. “Oh, by the way, Cater said something about a tradition with mistletoe and to ask you about it.”
You tell him about the kiss under the mistletoe
“Oh, I see.” He straightens his glasses and smiles awkwardly. “That's why he told me about it then.”
With curiosity you ask why.
“Because he's convinced we have a crush on each other.” He sees you getting flustered and keeps smiling. “Maybe he wanted that to happen to us?”
You two hear something above you, look up, and see a ghost's hand holding a sprig of mistletoe.
“Ha ha ha. And it seems he's not the only one. Well, rules are rules. Unless you don't want to do it of course.” He keeps his reassuring smile on.
Once you say you do want to do it he will smirk, tilt your head with his fingers on your chin and kiss you sweetly.
Leona found out about this Christmas thing because he ended up overhearing a conversation between Jack and Ruggie, and Jack ended up talking about the mistletoe tradition. The day before he left to spend the winter break at home, he knocks on the door of Ramshackle Dorm.
“Oi, herbivore, do you have any mistletoe?” He asks you. You ask why. “It has to do with a tradition of mine," He smirks. "Do you have it or not?” He crosses his arms.
You say you don't have any. And why would you have it? They're poisonous, you can't even use them in the kitchen.
“Okay then, have a good winter break.” He says with another smirk and turns to leave.
You grab him by the sleeve so he stops and looks at you and you ask him what that was all about. What kind of tradition was he talking about? He says it's no big deal, that it's just a tradition from his country. And you say something like: “As if you weren't the most tradition-hating person I know.”
“Ha ha, you know me well. I don't follow stupid traditions but I don't know about you, so I needed to do something just in case.”
“Something about what?” You ask.
“Something about your stupid tradition with mistletoe.” He reveals, frowning his eyebrows and lowering his ears as if he was annoyed. “I heard what you told Jack about this, so I decided to take precautions.”
“How would you take precautions about that?”
“Simple, destroying all the mistletoe into sand with my signature spell.” He smiles smugly. “But don't worry, if you still want to carry out this tradition of yours I saved one for you.” With his magic pen he makes a sprig of mistletoe float over both of your heads. “Take it or leave it, herbivore.”
You will have to be the one to take the first step forward and reveal your intentions to kiss him. If you do, he will grab you by the waist and kiss you.
Jack was one of the people you talked to about Christmas and consequently who also ended up hearing about the mistletoe tradition. But that wasn't what he was thinking about the time he went to visit you at Ramshackle Dorm the day before he went home for winter break.
“Hey, [Y/N].” He greets you with a smile and a little wagging of his tail, but then he got slightly shy. “I've been thinking about what you said about this Christmas thing and... um...” He took his hands from behind his back and handed you a present. “You talked about exchanging gifts. I... thought maybe following one of your traditions would cheer you up a little.”
You accept the gift and thank him but say you don't have one for him.
“Don't worry about it. It's your tradition anyway, not mine. You don't need to get me anything.”
You open the present, it's a knitted light brown cardigan with a snowflake pattern. You tell him how cute/pretty it is as you try it on.
“I'm glad you liked it. It's also very warm for these days. Ah? Sorry, I got you a size bigger than yours. I can exchange it if you want.” He rubs the back of his neck with his ears down.
You say it's not necessary, it even covers more that way, making it even warmer.
“It's actually cute seeing you like that.” After realizing what he just said, he blushes a little and looks away, embarrassed.
You two hear something above you, look up, and see a ghost's hand holding a sprig of mistletoe. Jack starts by looking at it confused until he remembers what you had said about it. He was too flustered to say anything, and that was a tradition of yours, not his. You say you don't object to kissing and ask about him.
“Y-you don't?” He tries not to express too much with his face, but he can't do the same with his tail. “Well, me neither.”
You take a step forward and close your eyes, it takes him a moment to gather the courage to lean in and kiss you.
Ruggie heard about this Christmas thing from Jack and he ended up telling him about the mistletoe tradition as well.
“Wait!” Reggie says sullenly. “You mean anyone who's with [Y/N] under a mistletoe have to be kissed by them?”
“That's what they said. If both of them agree, of course.”
The day before he goes home for winter break you see him in the backyard of Ramshackle Dorm. You call out to him who had his back to you, he turns around suddenly and smiles awkwardly.
“H-hey, [Y/N]! What am I doing? I... came to see how you were. Jack told me about that holiday you have in your world this time of year and that you were a little bit down because of it.”
You appreciate his concern but ask what that has to do with him being in your yard instead of knocking on your door.
“I, um...” He sighs and with a sullen face and his ears down he gives up. “Fine! Jack also told me about your tradition of kissing someone under the mistletoe and I was trying to get rid of them all. Happy?”
You ask if he was doing that so you wouldn't kiss anyone.
“What else could it be?” He sighs and calms down. “Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I didn't want to ruin your tradition... or yard. Just... Never mind, forget it! Have a nice winter break.”
He turns to leave, but you grab his sleeve to stop him and make him look at you again. You ask him if he would feel better if you fulfilled that tradition with him and he blushes.
“With me?... Well, if you don't come and charge me for it later.” He shows you that wide smile of his.
But you say you need a mistletoe for that and if he's been getting rid of them all...
“And where did you think I was going to put them when I found them?” He takes a sprig of mistletoe from his coat pocket. “This was the only thing I found around that wasn't the tree in the botanical garden. It probably even came from there.”
He stretches out his arm and places the sprig over your heads.
“Come on, I want everything I'm entitled to. Shye hee hee.”
He wants you to be the one to give him the kiss. After all, he's the type to receive, not to give. But as soon as you do he won't hold back.
Jade told Azul after hearing from other sources. Azul asked him why he was telling him that, suspicious. Jade replied with a smile: “I just thought it was information of extreme value to you of all people.”
Azul could tell Jade was messing with him, but he still asked who knew about that mistletoe tradition and Jade said those kinds of things spread quickly through the school. On the same day he knocks on the door of Ramshackle Dorm.
“Good afternoon, [Y/N].” Azul greets you with his charismatic smile. “I heard that you were felling a little homesick because of a holiday in your world that took place at this time of year. I also heard about a tradition of exchanging gifts. Is this true?”
You confirm.
“What a wonderful thing. That's why I took the liberty of getting you one.” He takes his hands from behind his back and reveals a beautifully wrapped small present with elegant wrapping paper. “I hope it can cheer you up.”
You don't take the gift and look at him with extreme suspicion.
“You don't want to accept a gift that I am offering you with so much thoughtfulness. *sniff* Your distrust breaks my heart.”
You continue to look at him suspiciously and say that you know him well enough to know that he never gives or even receives something without there being an exchange of some sort. His fake crying turns into a sly smile.
“I see you learn quickly. I'm even proud. How about we do this: if you don't like my gift, you can return it to me and we won't make a deal. But if you like it, I'll just ask you for a small favor in return.” You ask what favor. “I'm not asking much, just a token really, a trifle. What I want from you is that you get rid of all the mistletoes you may come across. Do you think this is an unreasonable thing to do?”
“Well no, but-”
“So I don't see why you can't accept my proposal. Go on, open the present and see what it is.”
You open the small, delicate package revealing a beautiful necklace whose pendant is the famous golden shell of the Sea Witch. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling in time.
“So you like it that much?” He smiles triumphantly. “Have we got a deal?”
You ask why that specific agreement and he tries to give excuses that you know are not true until he reveals that he knows about the mistletoe tradition. You ask him if he doesn't want you to kiss someone.
“If it's not me, no!” He replied in the heat of the moment and blushed.
You two hear a sound above you, look up, and see a ghost's hand holding a sprig of mistletoe. What if the deal is that you just follow that tradition with him? You propose this, showing that you are interested in him, which renews his confidence.
“You mean like an exclusivity contract?” He smiles seductively. "Those are my favorites.” He tilts your head with his fingers on your chin and kisses you sweetly.
Jade knows what you said about Christmas through a friendly conversation with Deuce whom he approached for reasons completely unrelated. Later on the same day he knocks on the door of Ramshackle Dorm.
“Good afternoon [Y/N].” He greets you with a polite smile. “I hope I'm not interrupting anything important, but I heard about what you said regarding a holiday you have in your world this time of year and I got quite curious to know more. May I invite you to talk about it over a cup of tea?” He brought with him a little bag with different tea bags.
You let him in and supervise him as he prepares tea for the two of you in your kitchen. He took the opportunity to talk to you while he prepared tea and some tuna snacks so Grim wouldn't interrupt your conversation. You ended up talking so much that you even talked about Santa Claus.
You were already sitting on the lounge sofa with your teas (Grim in the kitchen with his snacks) when Jade says: “I wanted to ask you: I heard of a mistletoe tradition that involves two people kissing. Is this true?”
You confirm and explain better how the tradition goes.
“I see. What a romantic tradition. May I be so bold as to ask if you could demonstrate with me what this tradition is like?” He sees that you're flustered. “Fu fu. Can I take this as you not minding doing it for me?”
You confirm and he says he's glad he brought mistletoe with him. As it is a poisonous plant, he had some interest in studying it in the botanical garden. With his magic pen he makes the sprig of mistletoe floating above your heads. He gently tilts your head with his fingers on your chin. “May I?” He asks before kissing you.
Floyd heard about what you said about Christmas from Ace during a rest break at basketball practice. Even though he found this holiday boring from the description, he was interested in that mistletoe thing. That's why he was knocking on the door of Ramshackle Dorm.
“Hiiii Koebi-chaaan~!” Floyd greets you with a well-disposed smile. “I heard about your holiday and I wanted to try the mistletoe thing with you.” He says with the utmost naturalness.
You ask if he is talking about two people kissing under the mistletoe.
“Yeah, that's it. You don't mind showing me what it is like, right?” He knows you like him, that's why he's so confident about this. “Do you have any mistletoe?”
You say that unfortunately you don't have any and he pouts. But then he has an idea and smiles again.
“Does that mean we have to find one? Okay~, that’s more fun. Come on Koebi-chan!” He takes your hand and takes you with him.
If you couldn't close the door before he pulled you, he'll close it for you with magic. Even when you are already walking at the same pace as him, he doesn't let go of your hand. He doesn't feel like doing it. Floyd takes you to the botanical garden.
“Jade and some other guys have been studying mistletoe for its poisonousness, so there's at least one of those trees around here. Now we just have to find it.” He tells you excitedly, he seems to find this treasure hunt fun, at least for the moment.
You managed to find the tree before he loses his patience. He says he feels tired and makes you sit at the foot of the tree trunk with him. If you let him, the two of you will end up having a make-out session. A kiss for every sprig of mistletoe.
If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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Omfg I'm gonna cry! One artist solved the MalleYuu fae-human lifespan conflict with the most original idea.
Yuu gave birth to so much of his children that their fae blood almost completely replaced hers during pregnancy 😭 and gave her indefinitely infinite life 😭
Here's the comic
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Sukuna x f!Reader
In which Sukuna brings home child Uraume — 1
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You rubbed your eyes in disbelief as you stared at the child hiding behind your husband's legs and peaking at you.
Sukuna didn't pay attention to your questioning stare, he simply sauntered in to your shared home and tossed the meat he had hunted on the table. As if it was just an average day for the two of you.
Except it wasn't because there was a child right next to him.
"Um... Love?" You questioned softly.
"What?" He grunted.
"Mind telling me who... that is?"
Sukuna crossed his upper arms while resting his lower on his hips. He shrugged. "Our ice house is no more. This child can create ice so I brought them home."
Of course he did. Leave it to your husband to replace an actual functioning cooler with a literal child.
Speaking of a cooler...
"The icehouse is broken? I swear it was perfectly fine when I went there this morning..." You mused.
But a quick glance outside the window confirmed that it was indeed broken. Crushed by a tree and blood splattered everywhere from the meat stored inside of it.
And just one look at the fallen tree, you can tell what—no, who was responsible for this destruction. There was a large, clean cut right at its base.
You turned to your husband with an accusing frown but he opted to not look at you. He knows that the moment he locked eyes with you, he'll have to face your wrath and.... He'd rather not.
You sighed and shook your head before walking over to the child who stepped away from you the moment you got closer.
You stopped, keeping your distance and smiled kindly. "It's okay. Don't be afraid, little one. I won't hurt you."
Your voice was soft, your eyes were kind so when the child looked up at Sukuna and saw the way he was looking at you, they knew you were trustworthy.
And yet...
"You won't harm me but... I can harm you." Was what the child spoke.
Your heart sank at their words and the way they looked away. Their gaze was an empty and distant void. This poor child...
But the King of Curses scoffed at their words. "Go to her. As long as I am here you cannot harm her."
You were surprised at how this child had came to trust Sukuna that they took his word and slowly stepped over to you. Besides you, no one else in this land would ever dare trust him. Then again, your husband never gave them a reason to.
You went down on your knees to be at the child's level. A small, loving smile graced your features as you reached over to brush your fingers against their cheek.
Ice cold.
But that didn't stop you as you brushed their hair in comfort. "You poor thing... Just what have you been through?" You asked softly.
The child kept quiet, their eyes gathered with unshed tears. They closed it to stop them from flowing down. And then, very very tentatively they leaned into your touch.
"...You're warm." They mumbled.
Your heart warmed at those soft words. You were happy that this child had found comfort in you.
Despite being the King of Curses' wife, you loved children. You always wanted one of your own. You had even managed to convince your husband to have a child together.
But those dreams were far gone when you found out you were infertile.
It took a while but you had gotten over it. Though part of you still wished that you can have that. A small family with your husband.
So when you looked up at Sukuna, that's when you noticed his gaze. A look that was only reserved for you. Tender, soft and... loving. But there was another meaning behind it...
This is my gift to you.
Your heart leaped and you felt tears gathering in your eyes. The smile you gave him was nothing short of radiant that had him looking away from you. But you knew he was flustered just from the red tint on the tip of his ears.
You laughed softly and got on your feet, gently pulling the child close to you. "What's your name, little one?"
You hummed. "Uraume... What a beautiful name. Are you hungry, Uraume?"
Uraume felt their stomach grumble just then so they softly nodded.
"Very well, then I'll get started on dinner."
Uraume looked up at you, their pinkish eyes staring at you with a curious glint. "Can I help?" They asked.
You smiled, running a gentle hand through their white hair.
"Of course."
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