#vanguard obyron
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core-augur · 4 months ago
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Necron couples' shirts
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angoryt · 8 months ago
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Sleepover turned therapygroup
Zahndrekh thought that it would be a great idea to throw a midnight tea party for some people who seem to need an opportunity to relax. Imotekh was not very much interested in the invitation, until he was befuddled by hearing that Orikan had been invited, and accepted? At which point he thought he might as well give it a shot.
And so the Sautekh emotional support club was formed.
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queen-of-heretics · 6 months ago
Im reading twice dead king: ruin for the first time and just got to the part were zahndrekh and obyron appear, and i love how zahndrekh was just always like that,
and oltyxs miss placed sympathy for obyron. like don't worry about him, he isn't suffering he's in love with that man
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queen-of-heretics · 6 months ago
Woooooo the men!!
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My piece in the 40K summer exchange for @metashard
Zahndrekh giving Obyron a gentle smooch
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the-knight-of-cheeze · 1 year ago
Guys games workshop is burying their gays, spread the word
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im-a-blackstar · 6 months ago
Rotating Primarchs in my mind. Rotating Necrons in my mind.
Rotating... both...?
Thinking about baby Primarchs landing on Necron worlds.
Magnus on Solemance, with answers to all of his questions at his fingertips.
Or Konrad, who learns from 'Uncle Orikan' the ways in which the future can be bent, and the ways in which it cannot be, and how to tell the difference.
Fulgrim on Gidrim, learning the old Necrontyr concepts of honour from his father-Nemesor Zhandrekh, learning the subtleties of court politics, learning to duel from Vanguard Obyron himself.
Omegon as a space pirate, yes -- but under the tutelage of Thaszar the Invincible. Mortarion snatched up by Szeras instead of Necare of Barbarus. Jaghatai Khan traveling the galaxy with Anrakyr the Traveler, his organic mind lending an advantage that no tomb world in their path is able to anticipate.
I'm not really going much of anywhere with this. I just love both of these factions (I have ideas for a story/anthology with Guilliman and Trazyn, too) and think there's interesting potential there.
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angoryt · 1 year ago
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The nemesor and the vanguard have been kind of stressed lately. So Zahndrekh thought it would be a fun idea to have a midnight tea party and Obyron is more then happy to comply.
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beril66 · 7 months ago
Oh I LOVE THIS!!! I've always imagined Imotekh would be a champ at it though!! 😂😂😂 others? %100!!
Necron (Necrontyr?) Blowjob Headcanon
Imotekh: Not very good at it. Spilt the liquid everywhere. Not feel it too embarrassing but didn't like it either.
Szeras: Knew totally nothing about teasing or tenderness. Tried his best to finish it as quickly as possible and made his partner feel sore. Came to realise how humbling it was all at once when got ejaculated onto his death mask.
Orikan: Secretively loved the feeling of his mouth and throat filled by a big aedeagus. Would never admit it. If he woke earlier than Trazyn he would stealthily put Trazyn's member in his mouth and begin moving unconsciously.
Trazyn: Pride that he could swallow all the ejaculated liquid in one gulp. Would show Orikan his empty mouth to embarrass him. Sucked a bit too hard.
Zahndrekh: Spent too much time caressing rather than using his mouth. Could only swallow half of the aedeagus. Would giggle after got liquid all over his face.
Obyron: Nevousness made him clumsy. Mind blank and could only follow his master's order. Obedience felt better than sox itself.
Anrakyr: Tried to satisy his vassals but thing didn't go well. Always hurried it and the liquid always went down the wrong way. Exhausted after serving everyone.
Szarekh: Did it gracefully and silently as always. Carefully controlled how much to be swallowed and how much to be spilt onto his death mask. Would never do deep throat.
Oltyx: Never understood how to avoid biting his partner. Every time deep throat. Got liquid everywhere and tried to wipe it out and made things worse.
Yenekh: Acted passionately but in fact his skill was just so so. Knew very well how to eye his partner to turn them on. Intentionally spilt everything all over his beautiful face and kept it there.
Lysikor: So skilled that it did not feel like making out anymore. Default was to do deep throat and swallow everything ejaculated. Wouldn't gargle after it.
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redsasexualdisaster · 7 months ago
this ones long but ive got a cat one and a necrontyr au
back when i had to stop drawing i had to start writing my ideas down and made some embarracing long fanfic.
returning home had taken much longer than obyron was comfortable with, it was already dark and his body ached with battle wounds, his paws sore. he was in a somber mood from not seeing his lord in several days and he really hoped he could retreat to his comrades nest undetected and sleep it all off. half walking half limping he made it about halfway through the main forest before he heard growling and someone pounce behind him. the large forest cat that was his phaeron looked frustrated, which was better than angry… usually.
'vanguard obyron, you are to come with me at once,' imotekh demanded, then turned towards his own den, brushing obyron with his overly fluffy tail in his haste. obyron had to squash down his fear and follow to find out what was bothering the stormlord, hoping it wasnt to do with his performance in battle. even the short trek up the rocks to the little cave tired him out, his muscles craving rest. he let out a tired sigh. at the back of the cave his phaeron had already sat down curled tensely around a small orange lump. the small orange lump of his lord zandrekh! the jaguarundi had to restrain himself from running up to his side.
'come here, vanguard. quickly. he needs warmth.' imotekh was impatient, flicking his tail tip. obyron was by his nest in an instant giving zandrekh a cautious sniff. he was shaking but looked up and let out a trill.
'oh… obyron! i am glad to see you,' the smaller cats nose twitched in anticipation of a sneeze and obyron gave him a quick lick. 'nemesor, how can i help you?' obyron asked, his fear completely melted into worry as he gave his lord a quick once-over. zandrekh's fur looked soft and silky as usual and there were no wounds or scent of blood. but he was swatted by his phaerons paw, thankfully without claws.
'stop standing and help me warm him,' imotekh's tone held worry. holding back an apology for what should be a violation of respect and privacy, obyron curled around his lord's other half being unable to avoid pressing against his phaeron as well. 'the winter months dont seem to agree with me anymore im afraid. i've been having a hard time sleeping as of late and' zandrekh began, then paused to lean his smaller head against obyrons thick side, getting a good look at him.
'ah that's better. i wasn't able to let you know i was incapacitated, i'm sure youve been running about ragged. poor dear, i am sorry.' he exchanged a slow blink with obyron and the vanguard nuzzled into his soft fur. there was nothing to forgive. he let out a soothing purr.
'please, my lord. i am here, let me help you. all is well'. obyron disliked hearing zandrekh apologise and he disliked seeing him unwell even more. after a few moments, imotekh took the silence as his time to explain. the past few days he had been seeking the nemesor's council for battles ahead and had found him shivering later that aftenoon. the winter months had just began. the two had managed the day ok but when the sun had set and imotekh knew obyron would be returning, he realised he would require the soldier's help to stop the nemesor from freezing. two large cats were just enough to warm him up.
'the sautekh will not lose another life to the cold. i trust you undertsand my actions as a loyal soldier,' imotekh spoke while avoiding eye contact with obyron, his attention on zandrekh's movements. but obyron was observant as well as obedient and had noticed his restraint at sounding concerned. the vanguard's mind had been occupied with his work and he hadn't any time to notice his lord and phaeron had been spending more time together as of late. should he be worried about another vying for lord zandrekh's affections? he dismisded this thought with a little grumble. any jealousy was irrelevant while his nemesor was with him. the somali cat was now curled up comfortably, protected by the two larger. zandrekh sighed with content.
'cant remember the last time you spoke with my obyron, my lord. this nemesor thanks you for your generosity.' he had a tired lilt to his voice but he was more awake and his eyes were bright. happy. the stormlord couldn't help but let out a purr like rumbling thunder, but softer.
'unnecessary casualties are the fault of poor leadership, and i need you here with me, zandrekh.' the stormlord's voice was far gentler with the somali cat. his gaze drifted to obyron.
'your loyalties are noticed, vanguard. and i value that, too.' imotekh's mannerisms were not cold and formal now but almost like he was speaking with a companion, calmer. obyron was somewhat flustered as he nodded an affirmation, trying not to look into open blue eyes which were on his for just a moment. zandrekh wiggled a bit, trying to find a more confortable position between the two. despite being in the presence of his phaeron as well as his love, he was eager to share some affection with obyron, and the larger cat could never deny his lord what he desired. the smaller body of his fit perfectly between obyron's strong limbs and he blanketed by the stormlords thick fur. he lovingly gave his vanguard's chest fur some licks. obyron had forgotten his tiredness in his current mix of feelings and purred with relief. 'zandrekh…'.
the phaeron turned his head aside intending to give the two some privacy but felt two big paws kneading into his strong back leg. he chirped in curiosity as zandrekh's vanguard had subconciously began a repeating motion from being groomed by his lord. the audacity of this one… the large forest cat gave him a delicate brush of his tail, blinking slowly. nemesor zandrekh's content cat pheromones must be rubbing off on him.
'you…' imotekh let out a frustrated huff. 'may accept your phaeron's grace.' he was so unused to the freedom of affections. it was almost amusing to watch this obyron come to his realisation letting out nervous grumbles and a relieved little sigh. the vanguard's rounded ears pricked up and he very gently leaned into the wonderfully soft grey tail, too bewildered to speak. the small orange-red lump of zandrekh had moved to imotekh's side and he made to start grooming him too. the phaeron curled his front towards him, that task was too difficult for most with his fluffy build.
'lord imotekh..' the nemesor protested, making no attempt to hide the warmth in his meows. the forest cat gave up on any of his uncertanties and nuzzled his face to zandrekh's, rumbling with feelings. by his other side obyron was mindlessly neading shapes into his leg, head pillowed on his long tail.
'rest with us, zandrekh. tomorrow will come and the day will be long. we've no need to rush.' the stormlord's mind was opening up to possibilites of the comfort of these two and it was not unpleasant. the nemesor returned the nuzzles and gave one of his battle scars a caring lick. he dipped his little head and replied,
'yes, my phaeron. with you two keeping the cold at bay i've no fear of waking up shivery and stiff.' zandrekh gave a wink and made himself comfortable between his protectors, making sure obyron was content before drifting off. the vanguard had his eyes closed and was drooling a little. he looked so peaceful. cat sleepy times :3
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and the necrontyr one is about zandrek and obyron, who are together. its an au in that there is no biotransferance and imotekh became phaeron much earlier. he's overworked and stressed so zandrekh decides that seducing him is the perfect way to help out. he's planned out the basics with obyron who is on board but nervous. i dont write so its just going to stay an idea but if i could it would get very explicit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
got zandrekh/obyron/imotekh on the braain
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