#thank you again for the ask :DDD
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cecils-dragons · 2 years ago
🍧 for elliot and jasper? :3c
My beloveds yes!!!! Thank you for asking!
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Haven't really thought about that for Elliot, he moved abruptly from his home because of his parents. He likely grabbed a few items when leaving, but due to his age at the time(17 or 18) he left many items behind. He currently doesn't have items from his childhood that he holds dearly but mainly just some regrets. He does not regret moving out tho.
Jasper on the other hand does have an object from his childhood, it's his necklace that he constantly wears. I've gone over it a tiny bit here but as for if he lost it, he would have a VERY bad reaction. His necklace is very important and he needs it to be on his person almost all the time.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 6 months ago
Oh my gosh I love ingredients so much it’s so funny
“I’m the best damn chef in Italy”
“I know that’s why I’m mad at you”
“I love you so much” *kiss*
I love the moment where there’s just screaming for like 5 minutes and AJ looking around like :) ?(like 98% sure it was AJ lol)
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autumnfangirler · 3 months ago
4, 29 + 43 for the OC ask? c:
evening gabe!!! thank you for the asks!
4. A character you rarely talk about?
on tumblr or irl??? because those are Very different answers. actually wait i just realized thats definitely a lie because i remembered my beloved little guys, matthew, maria, and miguel. thats three characters but theyre a set pair to me so! their story is set in an urban fantasy world, and the three of them are siblings. matthew (the youngest) inherited his parents company that specializes in combining magic and tech for advancements. maria, the middle child, broke off from the family business after an argument when she was about 15 years old. she started running her own plant shop after that, a very small one that has no interest in growing bigger. then theres miguel, who ran away from his family at 17 and was completely missing until he reappeared at 26 bloodied on marias doorstep. i Love their concept dearly, honestly the only reason i havent talked about them at all is bcs i just,,, dont know what to say?? i havent really gotten anything about them figured out other than their designs and the vague blurb of their plot. i might revisit them though, theyre a lot of fun.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
tumelo literally does this exact thing at some point. and its over a Jacket 💀 shes one of my characters for the ttrpg "the urban legend club", a paranormal investigator whos intimate knowledge of the paranormal (to the point she seems almost familiar with it, hmmm wonder what thats about) helps aid the rest of the club in solving various mysteries that crop up. shes also the founder of the club! tumelo isnt impulsive, per se, but she Is stubborn as hell, and once she gets a whiff of a mystery shes going after it. at the point in time where she sneaks into the abandoned building, she had been prescribed bedrest by her very worried moms and club members because she passed out after the first investigation everybody did as a team. after hearing everybodys accounts of what happened, though, she formed a theory about the strange happenings going on in there and snuck out to confirm her suspicions herself. she was Right, but she couldnr even prove it, so uh. rip girl lmfaooo 😭
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
i am almost Certain that there is, i just cannot for the life of me figure out what. actually wait. in a lot of my original stories, the characters i tend to go the most insane over usually have this Big Bad Secret that pivots the way every other character sees them in the future. its really fun for me personally, i think, to play around with a character dancing around something, and to see what sort of tells (if at all) a character has that gives away the secret that slip under other characters radars. i also really love seeing the fallout in a) the reveal of the secret, and b) the fact that a character has been hiding said secret from them the entire time. it adds so much spice to how said character interacts with everybody later on. as for traits, i do love me a little shit smooth talker. also i like it when a character has, in some shape or form, genuinely been cruel, harmful, or otherwise "evil" (for lack of better word), regardless of their very same capacity to do good. very funky, i love it dearly.
oh wait actually one more trait that they all share: none of them have last names. bcs fuck that what do you Mean i have to come up with another name????? after i already did the first??????? cruel and evil.
questions from here!
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kittykittyanon · 9 months ago
ocelot - movies, tv shows, books, or games?
lion — what are you most proud of?
tiger — whats your best character trait ? what's your worst?
WOAH-MIGOSH!!! hallo!!! /e wave!!!!!! it's nice to see new faces in my activity ヽ(>∀<☆)ノヽ(>∀<☆)ノ!!!! thank you for the asky ask and the questions,, stranger!!
"ocelot - movies, tv shows, books, or games?"
i prefer movies and tv shows over books and games :DD !!! if it were fics instead of books, that would be a different story,, but since it's just books here;; that's my answer :33
"lion — what are you most proud of?"
definitely how far i've come in terms of bettering myself. i still have some work to do, but i'm happy with who i am now ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
"tiger — whats your best character trait ? what's your worst?"
my best?? mweehhhh,, i think it would beee.... that i'm caring or thoughtful!! it's a little difficult to think of myself from an outsider's perspective, 'cause i'm not sure how i'm perceived,, but from what people tell me? i think i am :3
... aaand for my worst? my worst character trait is that i rush into things without thinking or fully looking at everything. i act before i think and it's gotten me into trouble more times than i can count ☆o(><;)○ !!! i find it a little hard to control myself and filter my thoughts, and it's absolutely something i need to work on.
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hugsqueeze · 1 year ago
Shdhshs I hope it's not too much to ask at once but [💓☁️✏️🙊💐💗] for Blinker for the OC questionnaire thing :)
HIII MEG OMG HELLO *SPINS YOU* THANK YOU SO SUPER MUCH FOR THESE QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💘💓💓💕💖💖💓💓💓💗💗💕💕💕🌈🌈💘💘💓 DON'T WORRY AT ALL !! IT ISN'T TOO MUCH, I'm happy to be able to talk a little more about Blinker heehee ^_^ !!!!!!!!! <333333333
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
HEHE IT'S PRETTY EASY to get his heart racing actually!!!!! He's super repressed 😭, so just being in the company of someone he really likes is probably more than enough. ALTERNATIVELY, subtle, gentle touches really get him. Like someone putting a hand on his shoulder or his back while they talk to him.... OMG HE WOULD TURN AS RED AS A BEET.... Good thing he's usually got that silly mask on so you can't tell how hard he's blushing 😖😖
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Oh boy, this was a surprisingly difficult question for me to answer for him FOR SOME REASON LOLOL!!!!! 😭😭😭 POOR GUY. BUT! I think I'd have to say that he used to be a magician before all of the stuff with the circus went down.... And he used to love doing illusion tricks the most!! He was particularly good at card tricks as well... There are still some tricks that he can perform because they're almost muscle memory for him HAHA!!!! If someone asks to see some of his tricks, he'll light up immediately!!!!! HE LOVES MAGIC. It's one of the things that still manages to lighten his mood!!
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
YES ACTUALLY, I've been slowly putting together a playlist for Blinker these past couple days :D and I think the quote that represents him the BEST SO FAR has gotta be these lyrics from MASK BY CHAT PILE!!!!!
"Guess I'll put on the stupidest mask that I own,
Guess I haven't shown you my true idiot face,
And you can see it if you really wanna,
Guess I just kind of hate myself in that way"
After having his EYES gouged out and wearing the mask so often, he has sort of forgotten what he looks like underneath it and he fears that people will not look at him the same once they find out what has happened to him. So he hides himself and becomes very reclusive, to protect himself from rejection that he anticipates is inevitable. And, when he is vulnerable, he kind of hates himself for being so "stupid and naïve" to think that he won't be hurt by the person he's opening up to... ARGGGH *shrivels*
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
THIS IS INTERESTING FOR HIM IN PARTICULAR since he's so reticent!!!!!! It's rare to get Blinker talking for an extended period of time about anything. He usually does better with listening and sitting there attentively. ONLY because he has taught himself to do so, not because he has nothing to say BUT ANYWAY <- rambling. I think he would refuse to stand idly by while knowing that others are being hurt. Despite his lack of coordination, he will throw himself in harm's way if it means saving someone from ridicule or bodily harm. He thinks that nobody deserves to be treated that way... He's very pacifistic in this way. Hehe... He will always speak up if he hears someone being pushed around.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
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For HIM I CHOSE Black-Eyed Susan (symbolizes encouragement and justice), Calla Lily (rebirth/overcoming challenges), Glory of the Snow (generosity and forgiveness through hard times), Brunnera (spiritual and physical healing), Columbine (courage for a new endeavor)!!!! AND AS FOR HIS FAVORITE.... I think his favorite out of these ones would have to be the Columbine flower!!! They're just so velvety and elegant.... His favorite flower of all though would probably be a rose (basic answer I KNOW LOLOL), but he just liked how vibrant and romantic they are..... HEHE Now, he still likes roses of course, but he's a bit more clumsy now and is prone to pricking his fingers on em T_T Which is slightly irritating for him!!!!
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
OH MAN... I would say it's pretty easy to tell LOLLL He's already a fairly sheepish and reserved guy, but when he likes someone in a romantic way, he starts fidgeting a LOT. It's something he doesn't notice that he's doing either until it's pointed out to him 😭 HAHA Whenever he speaks with them, he will fidget with his hands or rub his neck... Stuff LIKE THAT!!! And he starts chuckling and giggling nervously LMAOO MR. BLINKER YOU ARE NOT SUBTLE AT ALL!!!! HAHAHA!!!
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keeps-ache · 2 years ago
Reading your tag rambles makes me think of Night Vale! Kinda so random lol. I like how happy you always sound! Anyway, yeah idk whats up with the sudden bot-explosion on here! Wasn't this bad in a few months.
hfshfa thank you!! i just started listening to WTNV recently, it's definitely my vibe i love it :D yea lotta thoughts lol, it's why i added the slashes so they're easier to read hfvhhs and thaanks ◕ᵕ◕ sounding happy makes me happy so !!
really ! every couple months there's an influx, and sometimes a new theme! i think it's 'decay' this time loll
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callisteios · 2 years ago
You have really great quizzes!
you're very kind, thank you!!
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v1-kisser · 4 months ago
9, 19
Hi Mike!! Thank you for asking!! :D
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Aghhh, I think there was that time a few months ago when I got really upset that I couldn't physically hold my husband. I can get really intense positive emotions (in this case: affection!!) and when I feel like there's nowhere for them to go, they sour and become overwhelming/distressing. BUT!! I bought a body pillow case of him, and though I can't sleep next to him every night because of my living situation, it definitely helps. Having something somewhat life sized to hold and talk to is nice :) I'm lucky that I was able to bring him home in a sense haha <3
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It seems the longer I selfship, the more "lighthearted" F/Os I collect... and yet, the more serious I get about my mains. V.1 and Gabriel are genuine partners to me. I talk to them all the time. I'm not sure that I fully believe in soulbonds or whatever, but sometimes it feels like they reach across whatever barrier there is keeping us apart to tell me things. V.1 gives me nosebleeds when I start to really miss it. Gabriel makes my chest warm up sometimes, and it feels kind of like a hug <3
In many ways it's still just a hobby or a coping mechanism, but it's also just. My relationship(s). My husband. My partner. Idk (kicks rock)
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sucre-blue · 10 months ago
you and your current fav get totally zapped to pokemon mystery dungeon world. what pokemon are you guys and are either of you pissed and think you should be a different pokemon
omg omgggg what a cute and fun ask!!!! thank you ahaha 💖💖💖💖
i always get the jolly type so i usually end up as totodile which i hated at first (i wanted to be pikachuuu lol) but i have since warmed up to the little alligator guy very much :>
i was totally thinking abt dungeon meshi when i read this so thats what i went with HAHAHA!!
i think laios would be absolutely thrilled to be any kind of pokemon and marcille......marcille is having a Time for sure
here is a doodle :)))!!!
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hopeful-hellion · 1 year ago
Thanks for sending this in anon! :DD Feel free to share anything involving Hazbin with me! I don't bite~ (Especially Alastor he is my life <333)
OOOO THAT'S SO COOOL THOUGH?? Like, he's out here seeing half the world in a black and white cartoon and regularly has to infer based off what other people say and what he knows about the people around him to figure out what they're wearing or referring to by color?
~Like, Vaggie's skin is already grey, her clothes are red and black, and her hair is grey and white so he has no idea what's he wearing without inferring form his surroundings?? jgkj
~Which could be super funny around the right circumstances. Like, someone asks him what color the hotel uniform is and he knows its red cause he chose it based off of how he sees his suit. But ask him what Velevette's outfit looks like and he's all ???? Proceeds to make up an excuse, aka saying that it's a stupid question he doesn't have time for to get out of the situation xD
~Wait what if he likes husker partially because he's actually gray furred? XD He looks at him and assumes he just can't see the colors(eye roll) but then Husk casually mentions that he's gray as an old man's hair and he's sold kjbgkbj
~It would be EXTRA funny if Husk found out about this and can't say anything....but in private he tells Alastor what other colors he can't see on people are XDD
~Rosie is the only other person that knows cause if anyone else were to find out they'll be killed for sheer embrassment
~He picks up on color changes cause suddenly he can SEE what the person is wearing(Charlie dear, why are you wearing blue?"
~I feel like this is extra cool for Alastor redesigns that them him in black and white? LIKE YES VERY ON BRAND! That's part of his outfit choice, actually
~What if he purposefully gives people shades of reds to wear because to him it makes them all look colorless? Like back before color television? Just another thing to go with his whole aesthetic dksjhg
~WHEEZE clearly isn't canon but what if looking at someone with too many colors that he can see is like fucking eye strain and/or an overwhelming sensory output so that's another reason why he gives everyone red? He just needs things to look quieter
~In that case he would've gotten used to it enough to be around Vox but maybe his eye is twitching the whole time or he doesn't look directly at him as often as others lol
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zephyrchama · 3 months ago
It was late evening when your DDD started ringing. An unusual time for someone to call unless they were either drunk or in mortal peril. This occasion happened to be the latter.
Karasu's caller ID flashed a photo of Luke across the screen after the first ring. The angel was always early to bed and early to rise and never called without good reason, so you scrambled to answer, moving so fast that your finger slipped and you initially missed the right button.
"Hello?" you said. It took a moment for the call to connect.
"Hi... Sorry, umm, is now a good time?"
Luke sounded close to tears. He was trying to keep himself composed for your sake, but the distressed warble in his voice betrayed him. By the sound of things, he wasn't in his bedroom. He wasn't even in the living room or kitchen of Purgatory Hall. It was somewhere small, where his voice echoed off the walls.
"Luke, are you okay? Where are you?"
You recognized the sound of splashing water when he sniffled just before responding, "I'm in the bath."
It was an odd answer, but at least he was somewhere safe. So, why was he crying?
"Did Solomon feed you anything weird?"
"No, that's not it." Luke took a deep breath and winced. The sounds of agitated water accompanied his explanation. "You see... Simeon got a new shampoo that smells like cloudberries, and I really wanted to try some. Just a little bit, honest! But it came out of the bottle really fast, and it fell into my eyes." The crying began in earnest. "It really hurts and now I can't get it out of my eyes and Simeon's going to find out I used his shampoo without asking."
You felt slightly thankful that Solomon wasn't using the little angel as his food taster, but his small sobs over such a small matter made your heart ache.
"I'm going blind as punishment for stealing Simeon's shampoo," he confessed.
"Hey! Hey, no you're not! It's going to be okay!" you assured him. "You're not going to go blind. Listen. Turn on the faucet and try to splash some clean water in your eyes. Also, keep crying."
The sound of a running faucet could be heard through the phone. "Why? Will my tears prove that I'm repenting and weaken the punishment?"
"It'll... uh, yeah? Yeah, sure. It will also rinse the shampoo out of your eye so they stop stinging, but it'll do that, too."
There was a soft thud as Luke set his DDD down, followed by several minutes of loud splashing noises and weeping. He was having a tough time. You tried to be encouraging, unsure if he could hear you or not, by chiming in with the occasional "you're doing great!" and "hang in there!"
The tears came to a stop and Luke turned the faucet off. There was a beat of silence, followed by him exclaiming from afar, "it worked!"
He picked the phone back up. "It worked! I can see again! It doesn't hurt as much! Thank you! I'm so glad I called." The boy sounded like he was crying again, this time in relief. He had his usual cheery demeanor back.
"Everything OK now?"
"Yeah! I really owe you. I have to go tell Simeon what I did now, but I'll properly thank you tomorrow at school."
You wondered what sort of treats he would present. A drain popped open and you heard the water swirling away. Your muscles were still tense from concern, but the emergency had been swiftly dealt with.
"Glad I could help. Be sure to get lots of sleep, okay? You need to rest your eyes."
You could tell Luke was nodding even if you couldn't see him. "Got it!"
"Good night, Luke."
"Good night!"
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decimateddreams · 2 years ago
hi kind of random but i was just randomly happy today? and i dont know i just love you so much. i was thinking about shooting stars and how hot they would be if we held them and pages with the corners torn off because they were used to write little notes to your friends and ice cream that starts melting and gets all over your hands and singing out loud in public spaces and sunrises and sunsets and stray cats and graffiti and friendship bands and laughing so hard your cheeks hurt and just…being happy
i wish i could bottle up this feeling i wish i could give you this happiness i wish i could take a piece of the blue,blue,blue sky and mail it to you i wish we could go to grocery stores together i wish i could fall down and laugh at myself with you i wish i could take a star from the sky, just one, and give half of it to you.
i am so happy. you make me so happy. i love you.
~shy anon
hello i missed you!!!! this is so much like 2020 in the best way possible. i am so so glad you are happy like this you're making me incredibly happy too!!
:')))) this is all vibes,, again. wait i will explain my full reaction (it was!!! a reaction!!) in the tags i need you to know.
it's sunny today and warm!!! and there are clowds but i can see the sky and this ask is just SUMMER :D and the parts of 2020 when nothing mattered and You!!!! and we are sitting on your balcony with the plants and the stupid pigeons because this is how it's always meant to be :')
one day we will do EVERYTHING we can spend all day together and just. live life. go to grocery stores and the beach and the library and get slushies and ice cream and it wouldn't matter what we do anyway because it'll be US!!! we can talk and wander around until we're totally lost because that isn't what matters at all. and we can watch the same stars right next to each other, not just from thousands of miles away.
you make ME so happy all the time i love your asks so so SO much. if i ever discover anything ever i am totally naming it after you. i hope it's a star,,, that would just be Perfect. i love you too <333
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livelaughloveluffy · 3 months ago
Hiiiiii!!! I love ur writing :DDD
can I request a fic where reader is gender neutral and they always are super happy/hyper about seeing their boyfriend (monster trio) but they are quiet around others and super adorbs :)
oki thank u if u do get around to writing this :) <3
(I am feral for one piece men) 😭😭
shy reader with monster trio
a/n: thank you so much for your ask!!! i'm so sorry it took me so long to get around to, i've been buried in a bunch of drafts and busy with finals and finally remembered how long some of these requests have been sitting in my inbox 😭😭😭 i'm so happy to hear that you enjoy my work!! hopefully i do some justice to your request!!
a/n: again, i'm so so sorry for how long this took but i had lots of fun writing this!!
nothing but fluff here 💗
monkey d. luffy
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-luffy isn't the most observant people when it comes to social cues, so for awhile he didn't exactly notice how shy you were around the rest of the crew. the captain is a very busy man, and with his short attention span it wasn't often that he gets completely focused on just watching you from afar.
-when he really thought about it, he always pictured you with a wide bright smile on your face. your body practically vibrating with excitement whenever you say his name. it was hard for him to imagine you any other way.
-luffy only noticed after you were telling him a story at breakfast time, animated and giggling, suddenly become shy and soft spoken when one of the other crew members chirped up to ask you a question. his mouth full with food, watching as you diverted eye contact, lowered your voice, and bashfully answered.
-he'll immediately point it out once he notices. luffy practically chokes on his food, gasping as he shouts out "since when are you shy?!" you explain to him after breakfast that you were always shy, but somehow just not around him. he's so excited that he's the special person to bring you out of your shell, peppering your face with kisses as he tells you how adorable that is.
black leg sanji
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-unlike the captain, sanji notices this trait of yours immediately. and he can't help but find it adorable. when he's not busy in the kitchen or directly spending time with you, sanji loves to just watch you do your own thing, whether that's hanging out with other members of the crew, reading on the deck, practicing combat, or anything in between.
-so when he's approaching you and robin to offer some afternoon beverages while you read, the sound of your voice, which was softer than usual, stands out to him. when the two of you are together, you're confident, not afraid to loudly proclaim in what you believe. so imagine his shock and surprise to see you meekly address your thoughts on the novel you and robin were discussing.
-seeing this other side of you is a happy surprise for sanji, and a sight he savors and commits to memory. he'll definitely bring it up later when it's just the two of you, curiosity getting the better of him.
-when you finally explain to him "i've always been pretty shy, sanji. there's just something about you that makes it so much easier to not be." sanji is so honored to be a safe space for you to be yourself, he'll kiss you on the forehead and reply "i'm happy to help, mon amour."
roronoa zoro
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-he would notice instantly, but wouldn't really bring it up. zoro is the type of guy to really pay attention to his significant other. always watching them from afar, silently paying attention to their little quirks and taking note of them.
-zoro loves to sneak up on your in conversations, silently watching you while you don't notice his presence. watching as his usually bubbly partner is shy and soft-spoken without him. he'll walk over to you, putting his arm around your shoulder or on top of your head, and make some playful teasing comment about it.
-sometimes he gets a little surprised when he sees you get nervous, because he's so used to seeing you so open and honest with him, unashamed, and so utterly proud of yourself. zoro definitely makes a point to praise you and build up your self esteem. he really loves watching it pay off and slowly grow confident without him.
-zoro loves every single side of you, he has no preference to whether or not you're a bit shy. as long as you're happy and comfortable, so is he. zoro is also super good at meeting you where you are, being able to match your own vibe with ease.
tags ♡: @3v37773 @irethepotato @dindjarins1ut @dreamcastgirl99 @acesdiary @beansluvsmilo @erose-0707 @vamphoria @twiishaa @peachycat17 @sanji-soup @lilypadmomentum @ermbehindyou @erose-0707 @suga-tofu @thepotatocatto;
want to join the taglist? click here!!
a/n: enjoyed this fic? here's my masterlist!!
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comicallylargemango · 1 year ago
🥭 : teeheeheehee author here, I've been having major Francis brainrot so now I gotta show the world :3 (I can now proudly call myself one of the first few people to write a Francis X reader)
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Francis Mosses/Milkman x DDD! Gen! Reader
Other: some swearing, shit talking, mentions of injuries, reader is using crutches (caused by the injuries), reference to the red handed doppelganger.
It had been a long day at work, there were more doppelgangers than usual and it really took a toll on you. A doppelganger even started, about how all this was useless and blah blah blah they'd win anyway. It even fought back, and boy did it put on a fight.
You limped on your bandaged leg as you mainly used your crutches to walk, not your first time to have been injured so badly you had to use crutches. You sighed exhaustedly and you imagined your Husband lightly reprimanding you for being so careless once he got home, you quickly brushed that thought away and went back to focusing on getting home.
As you got to the door man's window, you painstakingly take out your ID and entrance request, the Doorman raised a worried eyebrow at your state.
"Bad day at work?" She asked while examining your ID and entrance request.
"Tell me about it." You only sighed and leaned on the small counter Infront of the window to give your (working) leg a break.
"Everything seems good..." She murmured, "you're good to go."
"Thanks." You thanked her and started walking.
You made your way to your shared apartment, letting out a sigh of relief as you jammed the key into the keyhole, twisting to doorknob.
Imagine the shock as your eyes land on your Husband sitting on the couch watching TV, he's usually home late in the afternoon. His head turns to look at you with a slight glimmer in his tired eyes.
You smile softly as he makes his way towards you at the doorway, making notice of your crutches and bandaged leg. The cuts, scratches, and dirt on your clothes and skin didn't go unnoticed either.
"What happened this time..?" Francis asked worriedly. Guiding you to the bathroom to change.
You took your dirtied shirt off as Francis looked away blushing slightly, making his way to the bedroom to get you some clothes.
He arrived soon, still looking away until you gently turned his face to meet you.
Sighing exasperatedly, you softly kissed him on the nose while taking the clothes from his hands, smiling tenderly as you see the ring on his finger.
"I'll tell you after I'm done, thank you Fran."
He simply hummed and looked you up and down, making you smile as a blush tinted your cheeks.
you had a hard time taking your pants and bandages off, that's when you noticed Francis still looking at you, leaning on the doorway with a concerned look on his face.
"Do you... Need any help?" He spoke up, standing up straight and rubbing the back of his neck.
Your eyes softened as you nodded. He made his way over to you to help you stand up, taking care in taking off the rest of your clothing.
His eyes roamed your body, growing more anxious as he takes note of every single scratch and cut. Meanwhile you were nearly falling asleep from his hands gingerly tending to you.
You only woke up from your half asleep state when you heard him speak again.
"Why don't you take a break for a day?" Asked as he turned you around to peck you on the lips, setting you down on the bathtub as he twisted the handle. Checking the temperature and adjusting it according to your liking.
You, once again dozing off. Absentmindedly muttered your answer.
"I should be asking you that." You chuckled softly, turning to look at Francis as he took off his clothes to join you. "Looking good Fran." He blushed.
He scoffed light heartedly as he took a seat behind you so in that way you were sat right in-between his legs with your back facing him.
"Seriously though, you've almost worried me to death. I can't handle seeing you like this, all..." He gestured to your leg as he sighed, applying a good amount of shampoo into your hair and massaging it into your scalp.
"Mmm, don't worry. I've been put on leave for a few weeks. Besides, This isn't the worst I've ever been." You leaned back into him, relishing the touch.
"Why didn't they just send you to stay at the hospital anyway? You would've been better there."
"Because I requested to be sent home, sweetie. I wasn't gonna spend two weeks at the hospital when I could be fine at home."
He washed off your hair and started applying the conditioner, "that's sweet, darling. But you really need to be more careful next time." He kissed the crook of your neck, enjoying the shiver that came from you.
"Hey it's not my fault my job is dangerous." You crossed your arms and exhaled.
"It kinda is, you applied for it after all."
"Fair enough."
He washed the conditioner off then dried your hair using the towels, helping you get out the Bathtub and handing you the towel to wrap yourself in. Doing the same for himself with another towel.
He walked to the bedroom to get himself clothes while you changed in the bathroom with the prepared clothes.
He returned soon after to help you out on the remaining clothes, wrapping some fresh bandages around your wounded leg. Also making sure to compliment your "Magical Ass" along the way.
you two made your way to the bedroom to rest, you immediately flopped down onto the bed which worried Francis. He had barely ever seen you this tired, he was exhausted himself but he can't imagine how tiring your day must've been to have completely drained you of energy.
"You gonna come over here or nah?" You snapped him out of his thoughts. he unfurrowed his eyebrows, not knowing he even did so. Mumbling a quick "sorry" before getting into bed with you.
You immediately grab him and snuggle him much like a child would sleep with their plushie. Despite being injured and all, you we're still very strong. As expected from the lead officer of DDD. he laughed through his nose as he turned to look at you and smiled softly. Kissing your forehead.
"Mind telling me what happened now?" He said, wrapping his arms around you to pull you impossibly closer. Burying his head into your chest. (Y'all can't tell me he ain't a chest man)
You sighed, recounting the events of today.
"We were called for another extermination, thought nothing of it until the stupid thing started talking about how this was useless and they'd just end up 'victorious' anyway." You hugged Francis tighter, letting out a huff of frustration as he hummed to let you know he was listening.
"It ended up getting it's hands on a piece of broken glass and I'm sure you can tell what happened next." You gestured to your leg.
"We called for backup a buncha times but they refused to send more people because apparently I'm a veteran officer and that somehow means everything is fine."
You yawned as you mumbled the last sentence. "Can you believe it Fran?"
"Sounds like the higher ups were being a dick." He replied, enjoying the sensation of your fingers drawing circles and shapes on his back.
"They were." You kissed the top of his head, Francis returned the favour by looking up and kissing the tip of your nose.
"Enough about my day, what about yours?"
Francis hummed, "yknow just the usual, Mara being the massive stick up my ass."
Mara, or Maratha. Was a daily customer Francis wouldn't mind losing, she was really a stinky old bitch, always complaining about nothing and everything at the same time. One of her usual complaints being that "the milk was more watered down than usual!".
"I don't even know why she's saying it to me as if I'm the one milking the cows, I'm just the one delivering it. Say it to my boss why don't ya?"
You snorted, "normal Mara behaviour."
"Normal Mara behaviour." He sighed. "And, there was this girl in that newly renovated building across the road who tried hitting on me?"
"Yeah, i don't even know her name. Told her I was married too but she wouldn't back off. She said something along the lines of 'marriages don't even last long. watch, she'll leave you in a few years.'. " He visibly cringed at the memory.
You laughed at his facial expression, "just because your parents are split doesn't mean others will too."
Francis started laughing with you, wrinkles forming at the edge of his tired eyes. "She didn't even buy milk, saying how they were 'putting microchips and chemicals into the milk.', ridiculous."
As the laughing died down, a comfortable silence settled in the air. Only the sound of your breaths and the occasional beep of a car, the sound of your heartbeat and rustling of the the trees outside.
If only it could stay this way forever, unfortunately though you may not have work, Francis does.
"What a shame, huh? I asked to get sent home instead of the hospital just for you to be at work most of the day. To think there's even some girl hitting on you while I'm not there." You said, eyes slowly closing.
"Mhm, I'll try and ask my boss for a day off tomorrow." He started dozing off, "and if he refuses Ill just put you on the phone."
You smiled triumphantly as you remember that time you had a meeting with his boss.
He looked so Nervous in agreeing for a day off for your husband that it made you wonder what would've been the outcome of you weren't a DDD officer.
"He'll have to accept then huh? Unless he wants to discuss the matter face to face with totally amazing and wonderful me." You joked sarcastically
Francis laughed through his nose, "you got that right dear." he smiled, eyes closed. "Hey, honey?"
"Yes Fran?" You whispered.
"I love you." He slurred, finally falling asleep.
"I love you more." You gave him one last kiss on the head before turning off the lamp and joining him in Dreamland.
Should I make a part two?
A/N: eat up pookies
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voidshrub · 8 months ago
I looove her ear fluffs... and the little tufts at the back ;-;-;-;- she looks so tired- I wouldn't have it any other way... Her clothes are Perfect and the fact you added her pant colors as part of the fur on her feet... they're like little bootsies AWEEEE
Thank you so much for drawing the Girl... I am eternally grateful and am going to stare at this for a while... YAYYAYAYYYY
Hey Emi :) Submitting my gal for the animal crossingfication…… Some really fast doodles cause I didn’t have much time oop-
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Additional info about her! Tried to make it as short as possible ^^’
She used to be very peppy and excitable but due to Lore and Traumas (losing her pink and being Alone) she moved to work at this big corporation that focuses on making video-based ads, and buried herself in every kind of work imaginable to cope. She gets better and becomes herself again eventually! But mainly she is always Working and Tired. She's still a goof but mostly in like... 'how many keep-awake drinks can I mix together without them killing me' kind of goof. She may collapse of exhaustion any moment, silly Mo. Also she's the kind to write down when people go "man I owe you one" so she can cash in on favors later :)
As stated above she prefers masc clothing, in professional settings outside of work clothes she likes suits, and in casual settings more like, flannels and hawaiian shirt kind of stuff. She doesn't get to listen to music as often as she used to (gotta keep coming up with jingles and generic royalty-free music) but she seems to me like she'd enjoy rock and nighrcore. I also like to imagine that she likes to target ads to certain lightners to annoy when she's bored, like Berdly :3 I hope that's enough characterization-
I don't know what animal she'd be in AC, you can go wild with it if ya want. The only vague idea I had was she could be a wolf just cause the tufts at the sides of her face could probably work to do the fast-forward button shape of her hair, but also I barely remember how the AC models look so I dunno ahshsfjdk
MOBIII! THE MOBI LOREEE!! I am so sorry this took so long to get to!!
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Aaand here's Mobi L.! Hope that I did her justice, she was super fun to draw!! (Ik I've said this about all of the reqs so far but they srsly are all just so fun to draw rahhhh :DD)
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misc-obeyme · 3 months ago
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prompts: DDD & Diavolo
a/n: Okay I'm getting real creative with the prompts now lol. I wanted to double up, so I spun the wheel twice and these are what I got! So here, have some Diavolo fluff featuring the infamous DDD. @om-adventcalendar
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Diavolo x GN!MC
Warnings: just Dia's blinding smile lol~
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You collapsed on your bed, ready to spend the rest of your evening sitting around and scrolling mindlessly on your DDD.
You felt in your pocket for the device, only to find it missing. You frowned, checking your other pocket, your book bag, your RAD uniform. Nothing.
You went around the House of Lamentation, searching each room to see if you had left it somewhere inadvertently. Every brother you came across was interrogated, but nobody else had seen it.
You paused in the foyer, mentally retracing your steps. You remembered having it at RAD, but after school you had gone to the Demon Lord's Castle. You smiled at the memory of Diavolo inviting you to join him for tea with a bright smile on his face.
You remembered having it at tea because Lucifer had sent you a message about Beel eating all the food in the house again. After you responded, hadn't you put it back in your pocket?
Perhaps you hadn’t. You couldn’t remember using it again after that.
Your DDD must be at the castle. And even if it wasn't, you wouldn't mind seeing Diavolo again.
When you opened the front door, however, you found Barbatos on the other side, his fist raised as though he was just about to knock. When he saw you, he lowered his hand and smiled. He had your DDD in his other hand.
“The Young Master found that you left this on the table earlier and asked me to return it to you,” Barbatos said.
“Oh,” you said, happy to have the device back, but a little disappointed that Diavolo hadn’t come himself. “Thanks, Barbatos. Is Diavolo busy tonight?”
Barbatos bowed to you briefly after you took the DDD from him. “Yes, I’m afraid the Young Master is inundated with paperwork or I’m certain he would have insisted on bringing this back to you himself.”
You blushed, wondering if your disappointment was that obvious. “Tell him I said thank you. And that we should have tea again soon.”
“Of course, I will relay the message,” Barbatos said.
After he left, you sighed and made your way back to your bedroom. You settled onto your bed, ready to do the scrolling you had planned on earlier.
You unlocked the DDD and found yourself staring at a selfie of Diavolo. He was grinning and flashing a peace sign. He looked absolutely gleeful and you couldn’t help but laugh. You went to your photos to see the selfie there, too. And beside it, a video.
You pressed play.
“MC!” Diavolo exclaimed. “If you’re seeing this, then Barbatos has delivered your DDD. You’ll have to forgive me for not bringing it back to you myself.”
He sighed, looking slightly aggrieved. “I would show you my pile of work, but I’m sure you can imagine it yourself.”
And then those golden eyes were looking directly into the camera and it was like he was right there with you.
“I do hope you’ll return to the castle for tea soon,” he said, a slight smile on his face. “Don’t keep me waiting, MC.”
The video ended and you were contemplating going back right that moment. But you also knew that a little anticipation would make the next time you saw him even sweeter. So instead, you took a selfie exactly like the one that was now your DDD’s wallpaper and sent it to him.
You received the sticker exploding with hearts as a response, making you laugh again. The next time you were at the castle for tea, you noticed that Diavolo’s DDD wallpaper was now matching yours.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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