#than the thyroid hormone imbalance
Sometimes I really wish that Theranos hadn’t been a total scam, which is probably part of why it was a successful scam for so long. Like it’s such a pain in the ass to negotiate with your doctor and your insurance to get tests, it’s such a tempting idea to think “what if I could just do this at Walgreens on my lunch break and have it be easy”
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shini--chan · 6 months
Hey, could I request yandere Allies punishing dear reader, only to realize afterwards that the Allies themselves misplased the knife ect? And thank you for the amazing writing you do!
The pleasure is mine, dear. And please people, don’t read this during, or after eating - this especially refers to the France part of this post. Rated mature for reasons. 
Trigger warnings: Attempted murder, temporary death, body horror, gore, domestic violence, animal death
Yandere Allies - Oversight
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Now that had been unexpected, it occured to Alfred while he was in limbo. Limbo generally was a weird place, and it was best to focus on the internal going ons, than the external happenings. The alien geometries and starburst fractals and the unliving creatures haunting the semi-shadows would only make the aroma of his own death linger longer in his mouth should he inspect them. No need to pass over to the other side yet, either - he wasn't at the end of his life either. 
You were going to be in so much trouble when he got back. All that blood on his desk, it really wouldn't do. Perhaps he should force you to clean it up. Couldn't you have opted for a less bloody option, than slitting his throat? For all that you claimed to be kinder and fairer than him, with your modus operandi you had demonstrated that you were anything but that. And you called him a hypocrite. 
All of this because of your damn attitude problems and a misplaced knife. Hormone imbalance, mayhaps? He should have you take a blood test, just to make sure that a thyroid dysfunction wasn't on the table. 
Slowly the connection to his physical body started to reestablish itself and he felt the chill of death creep in his bones. Thankfully, due to his superpower status, his time in the limbo was relatively short and his body was therefore not too cold when he returned to it. Though, the dead time had been increasing as of late, and that was worrying all on its own. Something he would have to look at another time, though. 
Air entered his lungs and his heart gradually started pumping again. His throat felt like shit, but thankfully was closed. By the feel of it, you had covered it after you had murdered him. Speaking of you, he felt your hands rummaging in his jacket pockets. Rude. 
With some effort, he cracked his eyes open and observed you through his half-closed eyelids. He was on the floor, spread-eagle. Even through the postmortem blurr, he could recognise that you were pale beyond belief and you were shaking. The hands searching his person were frantic and your breathing was erratic. As his sense of smell kicked in, he caught the sharp sting of bile floating from his waste paper basket. 
Double Rude. If you had to kill someone, best not be a pussy about it and not vomit after doing the deed. Blazes, what was wrong with you that you couldn't even murder somebody probably? Maybe he'd have you kill one of those rats that once had vyed for your attention. Good riddance and a lesson all in one, that would be fantastic. 
Now, just to get your attention.
A hand wrapped around one of your ankles, and with his sight becoming clearer, he could see how your eyes went wide. Hands froze, and you turned your head to look down in that slow, comical fashion that was so typical of horror movie protagonists. When you screamed, he yanked your leg out from underneath you, causing the scream to morph into a yelp. 
Now this was funny
Given how distracted Alfred can get, he'll probably overlook where he placed the knife and will only realise what happened when it is too late. The best course of action would be to book it. If you want further time then you'd have to put Alfred even further out of commision, so that more time is spent healing.
When he does get you again, he'll be borderline manic and you can be assured that whatever punishment shall commence will be worse than the one that allowed you to obtain the knife in the first place.
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"I do hope you just have the knife 'cause you wanna cook something", he remarked. Matthew didn't even look up from where he was plucking his eyebrows, just kept staring intently in the small beautician mirror he had before him. There were more important things than you waving a knife around as if you knew how to use it. You couldn't even chop vegetables properly.
"And what if I don't?", you asked snidely. Slippers scraped against the floorboards as you approached him. Turning the mirror just so, he saw you over his shoulder, with a knife held high. Was your pallor and trembling due to the blood loss, fear, or both?
"You wouldn't dare to kill me. We both know that."
"How can you be so sure? After everything you've done to me, why shouldn't I?", you asked in return. Your voice wasn't even - it cracked and faltered at the end of some words and he had to strain his hearing to make out the others.
The personification turned around slowly, intent on being dramatic. He jad seen Alfred and his Lord Father do so often enough for him to be able to imitate them perfectly. 
There you were standing, holding the never some knife he had used to cut paper fine cuts in your back, a tally of all the spanks he had inflicted on you. You had been so upset, the humiliation and pain forcing tears from your eyes. Not surprising that you were having a tantrum, therefore.
Matthew was taller than you and therefore it was so easy to look down on you. 
"You've never hurt somebody. You wouldn't even dare cut a bunny's throat and then skin it, even if your life depends on it. Everytime somebody talks about organs and blood for more than five minutes, you become green. Do you really think it is believable when you say you want to injure me? Or even go further than that and kill me? 
So stop lying to yourself. You don't have the guts to kill me, 'cause that would mean staining your ledger with red", he explained, and with each other word, took a step closer to you. Eventually, you had to tilt your head back to look him in the eye.
 Trembling like a frightened rabbit, you clutched the blade even tighter to make sure it didn't fall out of your hand. No further words were said, but there was no need, for when he met no resistance when he pried the implement out of your grasp, he knew his words had hit home. 
It would come as no surprise to Canada should you approach him with a knife and malicious intent. Judging from your past reactions to punishments, it would be a given that you would act out more than usual, should you get your hands on a weapon
He would be willing to let it slide, as a way of showing just how inconsequential you arming yourself is to him. It is not like you can gain the upper hand over him or something of the sort, so why should he punish you for that? Besides, he is more angry with himself for making such a mistake. He is supposed to set a standard, to have a certain image in your mind. How can he have that if he is constantly slipping up?
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The steel felt cold against your skin. This whole thing was rather silly, even petty. It wasn't like that you didn't have unrestricted access to a whole assortment of knives. Heavens, it would take little convincing for Yao to let you take up fencing, and with historical swords for that. With a little work, you could then turn a blunted long sword into a sharp blade. This was more about the principal than the outcome.
Yao was enjoying a book on the couch, as was typical for a workday evening. There was even a cup of tea … no, herbal infusion on the table beside him and every now and then he would reach over and take a few sips. 
You just had to get your timing correct. 
After a few minutes of waiting, he finally reached over again and that was the moment you chose to strike. Quickly, you lunged in order to cross the space in the blink of an eye and rammed the knife downward.
The ugly screech of metal being embedded in wood filled the room, and the steel glinted crimson with droplets of blood. Yao hadn't even let go of the tea cup, now lifted slightly off the table surface. What he had done was spill some tea. 
There wasn't even a change in expression when he fixed his eyes on you. The cup exchanged hands and your partner lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked the blood away that was seeping out of the shallow cut in his hand.
"That was planned?", he finally inquired, his hand falling down to the table. He pushed himself upright and set the cup back down. 
It was kind of strange, now. You were kneeling at his feet and he was sitting above you, like you were some child begging for leniency from the patriarch of the family. 
"Don't tell me you are still upset about me eating the last of your chocolates."
"That is what you think this is about. No, it is about the dress."
"Really? That is even worse than the chocolate argument."
"Excuse you, but not everybody takes it well when you cut a dress from their body and burn it in the fireplace. It was new!"
Thin eyebrows shot up and he gave you a nasty sneer as he recalled the incident that had occured last weekend. Oh, he had made it so apparent that he hated seeing that piece on you. 
"Why would you insist on clothing your body with that filth gifted to you by that mutt? He wasn't doing it to be a friend, he was doing it because he wanted you in his bed."
Scoffing, you rose to your feet and brushed the dirt of the trousers you were wearing. 
"Don't you think I noticed? He was being rather obvious about it. And before you accuse me of wanting to sleep with him - no, just no. But I wasn't going to say no to that expensive dress.
Since China wouldn't use the knife itself to directly harm you, he'll quickly brush this all off as an overreaction. Due to such an incident occurring rather early in the relationship, it would be easy to make you see your own actions as being unreasonable. Will do his best to make you feel guilty about the whole thing.
Would treat you like a brat afterwards. You better think of something good to make up to him. This treatment would go on for a while until you "prove" to him that you are mature. Yao will use this incident to his advantage in the future - such as making you turn two blind eyes to his red flags so that you can't be accused of overreacting. 
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Arthur had his features drawn together in a pinched expression. Muscles in his cheeks jumped as he visibly kept his anger in check. Stretch a hand out to you. 
"Now, now darling. Be good and give me the knife", he said, with that soft, light tone that was more fitting when talking to a child than with you. It made your skin crawl. It made you grip the knife in your hand ever tighter. 
"Don't draw this out longer than it has to be. Give me the knife, and then you can go curl up on the couch 'till I'm finished tending to the fire.”
He was trying so hard to reason with you, to persuade you into complying with his will. But you know, that if you do, he’ll be no more lenient with you, than if you hadn’t. That is the part of the inherent cruelty of Arthur Kirkland. He is a callous and selfish man, who parades his supposed virtues not out of the pureness of his heart, but because they are fashionable. With you, there are enough times when he forgoes keeping up appearances, because it is not like you can leave him. 
And so the sheathed blades are unsheathed, and if you step out of line, a world of pain awaits you, both in the metaphorical and the literal sense. Arthur has an ideal that he wants you to live up to, and he doesn’t take it well when you break the mould. 
He took a step forward, and you one back. This couldn’t go on. Constantly he goaded you on being weak-willed and therefore needing him to make major decisions in your life - this was the opportunity to make him eat his words. 
All factors weren’t considered when you charged forwards, blade thrusted forward and aimed at the heart. The next few seconds passed in a blur, but afterwards, looking back on it, you knew what happened: 
The fire poker was pointed downwards and used to push the kitchen knife to the side. With the momentum you had put in the move, you weren’t able to take a step back and redeploy. His right arm wound itself around your outstretched one, fastening you to his side. The poker moved swiftly, swinging over the outer side of your elbow and the tip found its home at your jugular. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you wanted to be subdued by me. You know how aroused I get when I get to tame you. So tell me, did you want this all along?”, he asked coyly. 
A wild spark danced in his eyes, not akin to one that you had ever seen before. A hunter that only went after the biggest, most dangerous quarry and delighted in the fight itself. The scent of blood and sweat, the screams of the dying - you had feared Arthur before, but this was a different story. There had been to much ease with how simply he turned the tables. Perhaps fears of him being a berserker at heart were well founded. 
You tried to wind out of the lock, and subsequently bent your arm. Thankfully, the poker was no longer a few milimetres from penetrating your neck, but now it was pressing you down by the elbow. The strength behind the move forced you to give in and follow the course that Arthur was directing you to. Being led around like that, you were forced to make an arc around him. The fire poker pressed your elbow towards him, giving you no choice but to flop down on your back. 
Hand and metal implement vanished and you breathed deeply. Arthur was still standing in front of the fireplace, the fire shining behind him. That, and with him standing over you, made him look like some angel about to punish you for your sins. 
“If you have to attack, then never do so half heartedly or when full of rage. I can tell you this, because either way, you never stand a chance of winning against me.”
Arthur would be very irritated in this whole matter. But if you are so insistent, then he’ll gladly play teacher to his new, so willing pupil and give you a lesson that you wouldn’t forget so fast. With all the years of combat experience and practice in swordsmanship under his belt, his victory would be a given. He would even go so far as to say he would be able to defeat you with a cooking spoon. 
Would make a whole game out of it. It has been so long since he has had a decent sparring partner that he might as well train you up to par. That way, he could easily demonstrate his superiority on a regular basis, he would have the perfect conditions to bully you, and you would get to release all those pesky emotions of yours that otherwise make you so disagreeable. Win-win, right?
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You glowered at France. The bastard was sitting across from you, arms crossed in front of him and with a disgustingly smug grin on his obnoxious face. It was sickening really, the whole thing was sickening, and he was acting as if justice had been served. 
So far, you had managed to avoid eating the meat part of the dish, and had wasted a lot of time pushing around the chips and carrots before consuming them. The piece of meat was covered with cheese, something that you had decided on so that you wouldn't have to see it, that you wouldn't have to smell it.
Cooking your beloved pet had been bad enough as it was. The scent of blood still lingered in your nose, and even now that last panicked scream echoed in your ears. 
Now it would be time to start eating it; there was nothing else left on your plate.
You wanted to puke. 
Grabbing sideways, you managed to get the knife in your grasp. You didn't even look as to where the offending thing went exactly. Eyes were just focused on his face, and the time went in that general direction. He even had to duck.
The next moments didn't register by you, as you buried your face in your hands and sobbed loudly. All of this just because of one man's jealousy. With a sweeping motion, you sent the plate crashing to the floor, not caring that the results of you resisting your punishment. 
You just wanted this whole nightmare to be over. 
France wouldn't really be the sort to resort to physical violence, except if very specific circumstances apply, like war, colonialism or dealing with treason to the nation. Since that can't really be expected, the knife would be an instrument in your psycological torture. In the case described above, that would take the form of forcing you to kill, process and eat a pet that he is jealous of. 
In his eyes, you should be his lover and not share your love with somebody or something that isn't him or his. If you would not let him bask in your love and attention, then drastic measures shall be needed. And what is more valuable than a life? 
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With a nauseating squelch, the knife buried itself in the meat of his shoulder. Blood sprayed upwards and some of it immediately seeped out of the wound. A loud grunt broke the silence as your victim was torn from his sleep through the violence. 
You wanted to wrench the blade out while you still had the chance, but it was harder to pull out than you thought. Perhaps the force behind the blow had been enough to lodge the knife in the bone. It apparently wasn't sharp enough to effortlessly slide out of it. 
On top of that, Ivan scooted out of the bed before you could dislodge the blade, fast despite the injury and the sleep weariness. Your captor stood a good few metres away, the twilight of the room making him look like some giant beast. The heavy panting and the knife handle sticking out of his shoulder only added to that image. 
"Are you insane?", he hissed. 
One large hand reached up and pulled. Now the blade came out in a fluid motion, and drops of blood sprayed forward. Due to the very loose nightshirt that he was wearing, you hadn't managed to emesh the fabric with the wound - the metal had only penetrated human tissue. 
Ivan hadn't even let out a single grunt of pain. Even now, when blood was running down his chest, then disappearing down the hemline of the shirt, staining it red, he seemed unfazed.
"You're one to talk", you snapped back. "Did it never occur to you that I might get fed up with the way you treat me and decide to retaliate?" 
He scoffed and stepped closer to you. The knife was tossed to the side, and he glowered. 
"And did it ever occur to you that I don't punish you because I find it fun, but because you need to learn that your actions have consequences? You are not some child, so you should know better than to think I'll simply let you do as you please. Though, from the stunt you've pulled now, I'm actually inclined to reassess my thoughts about your maturity", he stated. 
With each word, he took a step closer until his toes were touching yours. A strange crawling motion could be seen in the area of the wound, like it didn't want to accept the parting. 
"Oh, and weren't you of that same opinion when you put me over your knee and gave me a hiding with the flat side of that blade?", you challenged him. Oh the terror had quickly morphed into humiliation once you had realised what was going on. 
"Perhaps you should stop behaving like a sugar-addled brat then."
The skin and meat knitted itself together, a grotesk acceleration and bastardisation of the natural heal process. Ivan signed in relief and took his attention off of you and inspected the scarless skin, rolling his shoulder and flexing his muscles. 
Your heart dropped and your thoughts slowed to a standstill in shock. You had severely underestimated him.
"And also not turn to being a traitor. You know very well what I do with those."
Ivan would take your actions against him as treason and if there is something that he can't tolerate, it is a traitor. Gone are all the privileges and outings and affection. If you aren't quick to make up to him and express your remorse and see the error of your ways, you're going to have a long road ahead of you. You'll have to work hard to get back into his good graces; even just getting him to treat you with human decency would take a while. 
In his eyes, if you choose such disproportionate retaliation in response to his actions, then you either have an attitude problem or something went wrong in your upbringing. He'll be happy to correct that. It'll range from what you are allowed to eat, to the media you consume, to your bedtime. Imagine a strict headmistress or matron. 
A/N: The move I described is actually a real technique used with one handed sword. It was a cool day learning that one. 
France was hard to write, so I decided to keep it short. 
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turtle-clown · 18 days
Oh darlin' please, I know I'm just a snarlin' beast (And perhaps we've all grown obsolete)
Hey girl. Brock and warriana fic that may or may not be a character study of warriana spanning snippets of time. This ends somewhat abruptly cause I realized I didn’t want to make it any longer than it is
The most important thing to note here is that everyone is a anthropomorphic animal, Brock is a alligator snapper and warriana is a lion (art of their designs here), also the ventures are goats
Also!! The title is taken from the song guys are gross by that handsome devil because I think it’s Brock and warriana core. Listen to it it’s good music
Warriana isn’t quite sure what to make of Brock.
From what little she knows about turtles, they aren’t exactly the parental type, abandoning their young while they're still eggs. But here she is, seeing Brock, a snapping turtle, fuss over one of the Venture boys (Dean she thinks? She doesn’t quite remember). Her tail flicks. Her initial opinion of him was more of a brute than anything, with his tank-like build, sharp scales and claws. Her opinion shifted the night they fought Think Tank together, but here? She doesn’t know anymore.
She knows the sheer strength that he holds, not just with his muscles but also with his claws (as sharp as a bear's from what she’s heard) and bite (anyone who's heard about snapping turtles have heard the stories about them biting fingers off, along with limbs on smaller species). He could tear the goat apart if he wanted to, yet he’s gentle with the Venture boy, carefully checking his fur for any injuries along with making sure his horns aren’t broken (they’re still quite small, she isn’t sure if anything could harm them significantly like that).
The day goes on; she won’t stop thinking about it.
One day he asks her something she’s heard many times.
“Why do you have a mane? Kinda thought only male lions have those.”
She growled slightly hearing that damn question. She hates being asked it. “If you must know, it’s due to a slight hormonal imbalance that I have. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m a lioness.” She snarled, he looked at her almost blankly. “I uh… wasn’t implying anything by asking that. I also have some weird genetic stuff; ah, which is why I have hair, a decent part of my heritage is mammalian; I was just wondering if you had something similar.” He practically rambled on.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about this response. Usually others ask it and be an asshole insinuating she’s not actually a lioness. Yet here Brock is, defying what she thinks of him once again.
Part of her wants to tear his throat out with her teeth, while another appreciates him understanding her and not being an ass about it.
She doesn’t exactly know how, but he ended up sleeping partially on top of her, his face in her mane. It would almost be cute if his beak wasn’t so close to her neck.
She’s heard more about him by now, mostly through rumors in Tophet tower. The villains there have a turn of phrase, “death by Samson”. She’s heard it before but didn’t think much of it, why would she care who this Samson is? Suddenly she thinks she does care, now that his beak is so close to her neck and since she learned that he’s an alligator snapping turtle.
It isn’t exactly hard to visualize what would happen if he decided to bite right now; he could crush her thyroid along with piercing her jugular vein using the ends of his beak. He wouldn’t let go, he’s smart enough that he wouldn't, leading to either her dying from her neck being crushed or him tearing out the part of her neck that was bitten. It’s frightening to imagine.
She doesn’t exactly look forward to moving him off of her. Definitely just because of how dangerous he is, not because she likes having him like this.
“Are you… painting?”
“Huh. Oh, yea, I learned to paint a few years back. I’m not too good at it on account of my lack of actual fingers, but I still paint occasionally.”
She considered this for a few seconds. “…Could you paint me?”
He practically dropped his brush.
She definitely wasn’t starting to also grow fond of the Venture twins. Definitely not.
She and the rest of the Crusaders Action League were just on a simple patrol until Stars and Garters spotted the Brown Widow with someone. She knew this because she saw on her invisible flying chariot, and she also recognized the person the Brown Widow was with. Letting out a mix of a sigh and a growl, she flew the chariot down to the three.
She didn’t particularly care what nonsense he was saying (something about the Brown Widow liking men? What was his problem); what was certain is that as soon as she was close enough, she whacked him in the back of the head as hard as she could without causing permanent damage.
“Quit it Tosh, he hasn’t even done anything.” She growled out, getting ready to grab him by the scruff and pull him away.
“Hi Warriana.” “…Dean.”
She sighed. “You two should leave the area, you wouldn’t want to have this happen again tonight.” He nodded as she turned around and pulled Stars and Garters away from the pair.
(She heard the Brown Widow whisper, asking how Dean knew her. She didn’t hear the response.)
She could tell he’s had a lot on his mind lately.
Between something that he doesn’t talk about because “it’s classified” but very clearly caused him discomfort, and Hank going missing, he’s been going to her a lot.
Not even for sex, just to get his mind off of things by talking to her and doing small menial tasks that she didn’t have the time to do herself. She’d appreciate it if he wasn’t very obviously bothered by the things that have happened lately. His problems are now her problems; the phrase “Shared joy is double joy; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” comes to mind.
When Hank went missing, she tried to help when possible, but it got harder to justify prioritizing searching for a missing person to her coworkers as time went on and the case got colder. The media moved on as well, pursuing more… fresh and controversial topics to cover. It sickened her in more ways than one.
All she could really do now is be there for Brock when he comes to her apartment.
She raked her claws through his hair as the two of them lay together, careful not to touch his scalp. Even though part of his face was obscured by her mane, she could still see how the stress was getting to him, most prominently with the bags under his eyes; when did he last sleep? She knows that she probably shouldn’t be worrying about him like this, he’s a grown man that could rip someone in half (she wouldn’t be very surprised if he has done exactly that), he doesn’t need anyone looking out for him.
But maybe he should, especially lately with what was basically one of his sons going missing.
She laid her head down next to his, she hoped the Venture kid was found soon, for his sake at least.
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x22817 · 9 months
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The DOGtor will see you now...
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Sooo the bloodwork came back!
The good news is that my thyroid levels are all in range! Yay! The better news is that my sodium and potassium are not just finally out of the critical range but both in range as well! Double yay!
The not so good news is that my DHEA and testosterone are basically nonexistent. The reference interval for DHEA-sulfate is 160-430 ug/dL. I am at 1, barely registered. My testosterone came in at 6.1, which is low even for a postmenopausal woman.
Suddenly, my life makes so much sense. I have always struggled with anything pertaining to sex and gender. Doctors told me I have the symptoms of a menopausal woman, but no one would ever help me with them. My OBGYNs told me that everything I'm experiencing is because of my traumatic experiences. Some of my doctors theorized I had hormonal imbalances or deficiencies but wouldn't test for it.
I have such little testosterone that even starting with low doses is going to be a big change. I honestly don't even care that much about the physical changes that can happen (other than the possibility I can have not painful sex). I'm scared I'm going to get angry. I'm scared I'm going to feel emotions in general. I've never felt human before, then I started the Addison's treatment and that's already been so overwhelming and life changing, now this too and I'm just scared to feel like a real person and I know I shouldn't be scared but I am for whatever reason because I'm just scared to feel. I've never felt anything, and I'm just scared to feel.
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Hello, it has nothing to do with aeon or RE but I read that you once gave love advice and I would like to ask about facial cleansing hahaha if you don't mind. Well I read that you mentioned that you are Asian. Which I would like to know if you have a routine or how you do it??? I have seen all Asians have beautiful porcelain skin and my goal is to have skin like that. Do you have any tips for pimples and blackheads on the face? What is your routine or what masks do you use? I have also seen actresses, for example in Korea, who are already 30 or older and still look young and have no wrinkles. Any secrets there for that?
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i do agree that i think that a lot of asians tend to look younger than their actual ages. and i don't really know what all constitutes as what is "younger looking" cause i also get 5 - 10 years off my age, which is kinda a lot.
i also think it's interesting that there's this conversation about "gen z are looking older than millennials" and i think that it's like 2 things.
gen z outfits are typically older looking. meaning unless they're doing like trendy "younger" stuff, a lot of their clothing ages them.
that's another tangent but i think the main thing is
it's the vaping
smoking is SO BAD for your skin and you might not see it for a while but one day it just HITS YOU. you'll be smoking or vaping from like 16 - 26 and see NOTHING and then one random day in your 20s, you're just like 40 year old looking
okay anyways also i don't wanna place value on age/beauty, if you look your age, that's fine! if you look younger/older than your age, that's fine too!
if you want to have better skin, there are a few things you wanna focus on
spf if you're going outside, moisturizer everyday, wash your face! clean your phone! change your pillowcases often! honestly most routines are fine if they are simple. using a million products will not guarantee that you will have good skin
eat a balanced diet, drink lots of water. limit drinking and avoid smoking entirely
if there are still issues, try to seek medical help if it's a hormone imbalance/issue or a thyroid issue
another thing to keep in mind is ALL media is photoshopped. all tv/film have filters etc that changes skin
almost ALL celebs have MONEYYY and access to skincare and surgeries
pimples are usually hormonal and SOMETIMES bacterial. you gotta figure out what the cause is. it can also be stress, poor skincare, location/humidity (my skin does so badly in humid climates lol) there's so many things that can cause pimples so i wouldn't stress too much on pimples tbh. they happen!
blackheads can usually be just excess sebum and something like salicylic acid or glycolic acid can help with mediating that (lots of people react differently to different acids)
if you're actually getting like huge blackheads (not whiteheads or excess oil) you might need to work on a better skincare routine
there's no secrets or tricks. it's just balancing a routine that works for you. what works for someone might not work for you
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kanupriyakhanna · 1 year
Weight Loss Tips For Pcos
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PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is referred to a condition in which cysts develop on the ovaries. Between 4–20% of women in their reproductive phase of life may suffer from this condition. This condition is characterised by hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, inflammation, etc. All these together can make weight loss difficult, especially for those women who also have thyroid disorders. PCOS is also the leading cause of infertility in women.
Following are some tips for losing weight with PCOS:
Reducing carbohydrate intake
PCOS is often associated with insulin resistance (35% to 80% cases). In insulin resistance, the cells of the body are unable to absorb glucose from blood in normal amounts, leading to high blood sugar levels. This in turn can lead to higher conversion of sugar to fat in the body and weight gain. Reducing simple carbohydrates intake can directly lead to lowering of insulin levels, thereby reducing carb conversion to fat. At the same time, consuming a low GI (glycemic index) diet reduces insulin resistance and fat storage around the belly area.
Increase protein intake
Protein intake has been shown to improve blood sugar management by giving a feeling of fullness for longer. In addition, it also helps in losing weight. But remember that total protein intake should not exceed more than 40% of total calorie intake, as very high intakes can cause increased stress on the kidneys.
Include nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are powerhouses of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals like omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, selenium, etc. Seeds like pumpkin, sesame, flax and sunflower have been shown to bring about a balance between the reproductive hormones.
Reduce sugar consumption
Refined sugar, jaggery, honey all are high calorie foods with high glycemic indices and thus should be avoided. Added sugars also increase weight and insulin resistance. Research also shows that women with PCOS have higher blood sugar spikes on ingestion of sugar as compared to women without PCOS.
Get physically active
Exercise has been shown to help at multiple levels; be it weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, better hormonal health, etc. Therefore it is important to invest at least 30–40 minutes daily for exercise.
Get adequate sleep
Inadequate sleep increases levels of hormones like cortisol and ghrelin, that increase the feeling of hunger. It also leads to increased inflammation in the body. Our bodies carry out repair of damaged muscles and detoxification while we are asleep. Thus getting enough sleep is an important part of not just your weight loss, but also your health journey.
If you have PCOS and would like to lose weight, or improve your fertility, and are looking for help in planning and meal prep ideas, contact Kanupriya Khanna, one of the best Dietitian and Nutritionist in Delhi.
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madbalalaika · 2 years
Health update #3
So, one thing about my recovery is that for the first month of the treatment I had to exclude from my diet not only everything I'm allergic to (things containing lactose, gluten, and beef as well), but also all the common allergens, aaand everything that could trigger my reflux (fatty food, anything baked/fried, anything sour, coffee, chocolate, etc.), and the point of it was allowing my gut/stomach/esophagus heal first and then I could slowly reintroduce certain foods back: if I still have a reaction, I wait longer and then try again.
And that time has come! I CAN FINALLY DRINK COFFEE!!! It's been a minute!
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I've also done some goofs with meds/supplements about a week ago. First, I took a loratadine pill that we had at home because my skin was itching very badly (dust maybe, idk), but I forgot to read the contents before taking it. And what do you know, it had lactose! Lemme tell you, the consequences were not fun 🤡
The second time was a couple days later. I was feeling great, and was like "fuck yeah, might as well try drinking coffee for the first time in god knows how long". So I did, and it was completely fine, I didn't feel anything unusual at all, so I was like "sick, awesome", but there's also one nuance that I learned the hard way last year: never mix coffee with gluten when you're allergic to the latter.
Fast forward to that same day, later in the evening. I decided to try lactase wafers, that we bought a couple days prior, with some butter and regular milk to see what happens. So I take the thing, I start eating, at the same time reading through the label on the bottle. My eyes suddenly widen in terror as I find a line that says "contains wheat".
What happens next might shock you- no I'm just kidding
But seriously, when I tell you for the next few days my whole digestive tract fucking hurt, it FUCKING HURT. And the most fucked up thing was that not a single mf, not a single pharmacy's website, not even the official distributor's website, or the translation sticker (that they covered the original label with) specified what exactly that supplement contained. I had to actually rip apart the protective film with the sticker first to then read the English label to find out that that expensive af thingy does tenfold more damage to me than it actually helps.
Oh but I didn't get bloated from the milk, how cool is that 🤡
Anyway... I do admit that I should've done more research though, but oh well, what's done is done
P.S. the award of "truly the most hyperfixation food of all time" goes to Swiss hard and Parmesan cheeses. It's been 2 weeks, I haven't been able to stop eating a whole pack a day since. Send help
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Edit: oh, and remember I told you I was super sensitive to sugar and caffeine before? So apparently it was due to thyroid hormone imbalance that, in turn, was due to my (as the endocrinologist I went to suggested) covid-like sickness back in December, but as time goes by it should go back to normal, so that's cool 👍
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Importance of Hormone Testing for Women: Finding Hormonal Balance
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In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle has become a top priority for women of all ages. One crucial aspect of women's well-being is hormone balance. Hormones play a vital role in regulating various bodily functions, impacting everything from mood and energy levels to reproductive health and overall vitality. Hormone testing for women has emerged as an essential tool in identifying hormonal imbalances and providing targeted solutions for improved quality of life. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of hormone testing, its benefits, and how easy it is to find hormone testing near you.
Understanding the Importance of Hormone Testing for Women
Hormones are chemical messengers that control various bodily functions. For women, hormonal balance is particularly crucial due to the intricate interplay of hormones during different life stages, including puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Fluctuations in hormones can lead to a wide range of health issues, including mood swings, fatigue, irregular periods, weight gain, and fertility problems.
Hormone testing enables women to get a comprehensive view of their hormonal health. By measuring hormone levels in the blood, saliva, or urine, healthcare professionals can identify any imbalances and tailor treatment plans to address specific needs effectively.
The Benefits of Hormone Testing for Women
2.1 Personalized Treatment Plans
One of the primary benefits of hormone testing for women is the ability to create personalized treatment plans. Every woman's hormonal makeup is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Hormone testing allows healthcare providers to design tailored interventions that address individual hormone imbalances, leading to better outcomes.
2.2 Improved Emotional Well-being
Hormones can significantly impact a woman's emotional well-being. Imbalances in estrogen, progesterone, or thyroid hormones can cause mood swings, anxiety, and even depression. Through hormone testing, healthcare professionals can identify the root cause of emotional disturbances and recommend appropriate therapies or lifestyle adjustments.
2.3 Enhanced Energy Levels and Vitality
Fatigue and low energy levels are common complaints among women. Hormone testing can reveal imbalances that may be contributing to these issues, such as low thyroid function or adrenal fatigue. By addressing these imbalances, women can experience increased energy levels and improved overall vitality.
2.4 Support for Reproductive Health
For women planning to conceive or experiencing fertility challenges, hormone testing can be a valuable tool. Identifying hormonal imbalances can help healthcare providers develop strategies to support reproductive health, potentially increasing the chances of successful conception.
2.5 Early Detection of Hormonal Disorders
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The Convenience of Hormone Testing Near You
Nowadays, accessing hormone testing has become more convenient than ever. With the rise of healthcare advancements and telemedicine, finding hormone testing near you is just a few clicks away.
3.1 Local Healthcare Providers and Clinics
Many local healthcare providers and clinics offer hormone testing services. By searching online or reaching out to your primary care physician, you can find nearby facilities that provide hormone testing for women. Visiting a local clinic offers the advantage of in-person consultations with healthcare professionals who can guide you through the testing process and discuss the results in detail.
3.2 Online Hormone Testing Services
Alternatively, several online platforms now offer hormone testing kits that can be delivered to your doorstep. These test kits usually involve collecting a sample, such as saliva or blood, and sending it back to the testing company. The results are then provided online, along with personalized recommendations based on your hormone levels.
When using online hormone testing services, ensure you choose a reputable and certified provider to guarantee accurate results and reliable recommendations.
Hormone testing for women has become an indispensable tool in promoting overall health and well-being. By identifying hormone imbalances, women can receive personalized treatment plans to address their specific needs effectively. Whether you prefer in-person consultations or the convenience of online testing services, finding hormone testing near you has never been easier.
Remember, hormone balance is crucial for maintaining optimal health and vitality throughout all stages of life. Don't hesitate to seek hormone testing if you suspect any imbalances that may be affecting your quality of life. Take charge of your hormonal health today, and embrace a life of balance and well-being.
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shubhragoyal · 1 year
Irregular Periods - Symptoms Cause and Treatment Options
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Women often experience irregular periods as a result of their hormones. Does this issue affect you as well? Do not worry about it because it is treatable, and you can also identify the causes to take necessary precautions!
There can be several reasons for irregular periods, like hormonal imbalances, stress, birth control, etc. You cannot control your periods, but tracking their pattern is a minor deal! If you want to find out more about the probable causes of irregular menstruation and solution or available treatment options for the same, make sure to read this blog!
What Exactly Are Irregular Periods?
You can generally get your period once within 28 days; this cycle repeats itself. Some women may experience it similarly, while some may get their periods in less predictable cycles!
This irregularity in the period cycle can be due to many reasons. You can identify whether you are going through something similar with the help of certain basic symptoms.
·        Changes in the number of days between your periods.
·        The blood flow during periods is less or more than you normally experience.
·        Variation in the duration of periods.
If you are witnessing these changes, there is a high chance of irregular periods! Well, this condition is treatable, and you can take proper measures after learning its exact causes.
Prominent Causes Behind an Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Are you curious about what causes the menstrual cycle to change dates every month?
This condition may have some underlying causes, most of which can be treated. It is also possible to work to ensure that your periods are regular.
The major and most common cause is hormone changes, which is why many girls hitting puberty or women approaching menopause to go through irregular periods the most! Besides this, the other major causes behind irregular menstrual cycle are -
·        Birth Control Pills: Have you recently changed your regular birth control pills? Because this can be a strong cause of irregularity in your periods. As the pills vary in estrogen or progesterone levels, switching from regular pills may directly influence your period cycle!
·        IUD: If you are using an IUD, it can be another major reason behind irregular menstrual cycles. It is even known to cause cramps, which can be relieved with pain relievers or heating pads.
·        Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Are you often missing your periods and noticing other changes like excessive hair fall? Well, this can be the impact of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In this hormonal disorder, your body has higher amounts of male hormones, leading to growth in facial hair, thinning hair, and others.
·        Excessive Exercise: Excessive exercise may sometimes lead to missed periods or other irregularities. And in the worst scenario, your periods may completely halt! So, you should consult an expert or a trainer before taking up extreme physical exercises.
·        Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: During pregnancy, your periods will stop altogether for that definite duration! Besides that, breastfeeding can affect your period cycle too, and all these are due to the interference of the hormones!
·        Thyroid Disease: If you suffer from thyroid disease, your body will get either too little or excess essential hormones. However, if your periods come with heavy bleeding and last longer than usual, this can signify hypothyroidism! In the opposite case, periods last for short, which is hyperthyroidism.
·        Stress: In the hectic lifestyle of today's times, stress is something you can hardly avert! Taking stress over every aspect around you creates constraints for that part of the brain responsible for maintaining a balance between the hormone levels!
All these are some of the major reasons behind missed periods and other irregularities. You may also notice adverse effects of irregular periods on the body, like fatigue, bone health issues, or even infertility!
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/irregular-periods---symptoms-cause-and-treatment-options
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hungrylikethewulf · 1 year
Hi everyone!!! I'm down to 189.4 lbs which is almost 10 lbs from where I started last week!! I was sick over the weekend so I needed to eat food to get my strength up or else I think I'd be even lower than that :(. Hopefully I can keep my weight down this week. However I found out that I have some hormonal imbalances which are likely the cause of my sudden and drastic weight gain over the last few months. I think I have hypothyroidism, which makes it super hard to lose weight so hopefully starving myself helps : ). Anyways! Maybe I can get on some kind of medication for my thyroid and it will help me lose weight again :)!!
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beautifuldg · 1 year
The Real Secrets to Losing Weight: diet and exercise aren't enough
Do you want to know the real secrets to losing weight? Chances are, you've heard the same advice over and over again: diet and exercise. But there's more to losing weight than simply eating right and exercising regularly. In this blog post, we'll look at the real secrets to losing weight that many people overlook. We'll talk about how to identify and address underlying health issues, lifestyle changes that can make a big difference, and strategies for maintaining a healthy weight in the long run. Read on to learn the real secrets to losing weight and getting on track with your health goals!
What Really Causes Weight Gain?
Gaining weight is a complex process, and there are many factors that contribute to it. The key to successful weight loss is understanding what causes weight gain in the first place.
For starters, diet and exercise are major contributors to weight gain. Eating too many calories or failing to burn enough through physical activity can lead to excess weight over time.
 In addition, sleep deprivation can be a significant factor when it comes to gaining weight. Studies have found that those who don’t get enough restful sleep may gain more fat and have difficulty losing weight.
Stress is another important factor in weight gain. The body's stress response triggers hormones such as cortisol and insulin, which can slow metabolism and cause us to store fat rather than burn it. Long-term stress can also lead to unhealthy eating habits and cravings for junk food.
Hormones play a huge role in weight gain, as they are largely responsible for regulating metabolism. An imbalance of hormones, including thyroid hormones, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, can cause an increase in body fat. Other hormones such as ghrelin and leptin can also influence appetite and hunger levels, leading to weight gain.
Genetics also plays a role in how much someone weighs. Our genetic makeup determines our risk for certain health conditions, including obesity.
 Age can also be a factor in weight gain, as metabolism tends to slow down with age.
By understanding what really causes weight gain, we can make better decisions about our diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits to support successful long-term weight loss.
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healthysuprev · 2 years
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How to lose weight naturally from home without any Side Effects
Weight loss has been a hot topic for years, and for good reason. According to the World Health Organization, over 1.9 billion adults worldwide are overweight, and of those, over 650 million are obese. These numbers are staggering and concerning, as being overweight or obese can lead to numerous health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. However, losing weight can be a challenging process, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. In this article, we'll explore the science of weight loss and discuss some strategies for achieving your weight loss goals.
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What causes weight gain?
Before we dive into weight loss strategies, it's important to understand what causes weight gain in the first place. Put simply, weight gain occurs when you consume more calories than you burn. Your body stores the excess calories as fat, leading to an increase in body weight. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including:
Overeating: Consuming more calories than your body needs on a regular basis can lead to weight gain over time.
Lack of physical activity: If you're not burning enough calories through physical activity, your body will store the excess as fat.
Genetics: Some people may have a genetic predisposition to gaining weight.
Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, such as an underactive thyroid, can make it harder to lose weight.
Medications: Certain medications, such as antidepressants and corticosteroids, can cause weight gain.
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Strategies for weight loss
Now that we've covered what causes weight gain, let's talk about some strategies for achieving weight loss. Again, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, but these strategies have been shown to be effective for many people.
Calorie deficit: As we mentioned earlier, weight gain occurs when you consume more calories than you burn. Therefore, creating a calorie deficit is the most important factor in achieving weight loss. To do this, you can reduce your calorie intake, increase your physical activity, or a combination of both.
Healthy eating: While calorie deficit is key, it's also important to focus on healthy eating. This means consuming a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks can also help.
Strength training: Strength training can help you build muscle, which can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories at rest.
Cardiovascular exercise: Cardiovascular exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming, can help you burn calories and improve your overall fitness.
Behavior change: Changing your behavior around food and exercise can also be effective in achieving weight loss. This could include things like keeping a food journal, planning your meals in advance, or finding an exercise buddy for accountability.
To lose weight or burn belly fat, a person needs to burn more calories than they take in. Some natural fat burners, however, may help the body burn more fat by increasing metabolism or reducing hunger. >>>HOW TO INCREASE METABOLISM?? DISCOVER NOW..
Weight loss is a complex and challenging process, but it's also incredibly important for our health and well-being. By creating a calorie deficit through healthy eating and physical activity, building muscle through strength training, and making behavior changes, you can achieve your weight loss goals. Remember, it's important to find a strategy that works for you and your lifestyle, and to be patient and consistent in your efforts. With time and effort, you can achieve a healthier, happier you.
CHECK OUT THIS >> FDA approved weight loss supplement>>>>
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myrefersofficial · 2 years
How To Take Care Of Your Periods In Winter?
Winters are the coziest and the best season of all. Despite being the favorite of many people, the season brings a lot of hardships, especially for women. Yes, it's true. The girls or women reading this blog can relate to this point. 
Whether it is about having dry skin, dry lips, or painful cramps during periods, all of these conditions are havoc for females. Period pain may become much more excruciating if it occurs during the wintertime. Winter season can seriously disrupt your mood and your cycle. 
Unfortunately, this happens to many women, and the cramps can make you want to curl up and stay buried in bed the entire time. Do you find your menstrual cramps are becoming out of hand, particularly during the year's colder months? If yes, then we fully get it! 
What Are The Reasons Behind This Worse Condition During Winter?
Period cramps are made worse by the chilly weather. One of the primary factors is the tendency to be less active and enter a state of hibernation during the colder winter months. Eating oily and junk food is another reason. There are many additional factors which are - 
1. Insufficient Vitamin D
Winter is when individuals spend more time indoors, which might make period pain more prevalent for those who experience it. It reduces the amount of sunlight you are exposed to, which impacts your vitamin D levels. 
Inadequate exposure to sunlight has also been shown to harm the thyroid gland, which in turn has been linked to hormonal imbalance and severe menstrual cramping. It overall impacts your health drastically. 
2. Contraction Of Arteries
If it is cold outdoors, your arteries will constrict. This contraction reduces the amount of blood that can flow through them. It will cause your heart to work much harder to pump blood through the rest of your body. Because of this, vasoconstriction takes place.
As a result, there is less space available within the blood vessels that have been affected. When the volume of the blood channel decreases, blood flow decreases as a result. Consequently, you can feel more pain and uneasiness. 
3. Decrease In FSH
Compared to summer, the winter months see a reduction in the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secreted, which may contribute to longer cycles. The frequency of ovulation can also drastically decrease. 
The combination of lower ovulation rates and longer cycles during the winter months may be caused mainly by a hormonal imbalance triggered during the winter months. It ultimately induces extreme pain during the winter periods.
4. Lower Blood Volume
At the same time, the force or resistance to the flow of blood is increased, which ultimately leads to an increase in blood pressure. There is also a condition called seasonal affective disorder, which can cause mood fluctuations and sadness.
What Are The Symptoms Caused During Painful Winter Periods? 
Let's look at it, and remember that you should talk to your OB/GYN about it if you experience these symptoms.
Longer Periods
According to a research study published in 2011, menstrual cycles are 0.9 days shorter during the summer than during the winter. The reason for this is increased hormone secretion and an increased frequency of ovulation during warmer months and time spent in the sun.
Weakened Immunity
Some people experience a natural weakening of their immune systems throughout the winter months. It, of course, renders you more vulnerable to getting sick with colds and viruses. Changes in the uterus lining can affect the onset and duration of periods.
Disturbed Hormones
The fact that there is less daylight in the winter can substantially impact a woman's menstrual cycle. It can cause the thyroid and the endocrine system to slow down, contributing to a slower metabolism and longer durations of time.
Period Pain
In the winter, you may also find that the pain of your period is intensified. It's likely because chilly temperatures cause your blood vessels to constrict, which might impede blood flow and contribute to an increase in period discomfort.
How Can You Fight The Symptoms Of The Painful Winter Period?
You have probably discovered what helps to alleviate your period's symptoms, and you are aware that some of the discomforts associated with your period may be inevitable. There are techniques to protect yourself from experiencing some erratic and excruciating symptoms.
We are providing here some ways to treat such symptoms if they occur. The blood vessels can be helped by using a heating pad or a warm bath, which can alleviate the period of discomfort you experience. In addition, maintaining an active lifestyle can make a huge difference.
You can do much with just a little sunlight and fresh air. Cramping can also be alleviated by avoiding foods that induce gas and bloating. Consume a wide variety of nutritious foods, focusing on those high in vitamin B6 and magnesium, and drink a lot of water.
Here are 10 helpful tips to alleviate the discomfort of menstruation during winter:
Add turmeric to your diet
The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects of turmeric can be beneficial for addressing gastrointestinal issues. You may use turmeric in soups, curry, vegetables, and even milk. It will also help you strengthen your immune system.
Stay hydrated sufficiently
The discomfort caused by menstrual cramps might be made worse by bloating that occurs throughout that time of the month. Getting rid of the ache would be easier if you drink sufficient water. Similarly, drinking hot water can help improve blood circulation and relax muscles.
Go for herbal teas
Due to the anti-inflammatory characteristics of chamomile, fennel, or ginger tea, drinking it can help alleviate the pain associated with your period. In addition, the beneficial properties of herbal teas can assist you in achieving a state of relaxation and relieving tension. 
Remember to turn the heat up
Take a warm bath, use a heating pad on your stomach, or place hot water or a heating pad there. Heat has the effect of increasing the amount of blood that flows to the area, and it also has the effect of relaxing the muscles that are contracting, which is what causes pain.
Ensure exercising regularly
Exercising can help you feel happier, alleviate pain, and relax your muscles simultaneously by releasing endorphins into your system. Because endorphins are nature's painkillers, this is why. Avoid heavy lifts, as they can increase your back pain. 
Get a relieving massage
Because massages help the uterus relax, they can minimize uterine spasms. The area around the belly should be the primary focus of massage. However, make sure to put only a little force into it. Everyone could benefit from a soothing massage once in a while.
Practice yoga daily
You must practice yoga daily if you want to get rid of menstrual cramps. It is the only way to do it. It may improve your general health and the discomfort of your periods. Some yoga postures like infant pose, pigeon pose, and corpse pose are beneficial during periods. 
Avoid junk food
Reduce your consumption of meals like pizza, pasta, Chinese cuisine, French fries, frozen foods, goods from the bakery, and drinks to relieve cramps. They are known to disrupt the menstrual cycle and can cause a person to have erratic mood swings.
Use aromas to relieve 
If you choose the proper aromas, it can lessen the amount of discomfort that you feel. A candle or aroma diffuser with lavender or your preferred fragrance can provide significant welcome relief. You can also go for a relieving body massage with essential oils. 
Intake vitamin D
Be sure to consume a diet rich in vitamin D3, particularly in the days leading up to the start of your menstruation. You should consume cereals, orange juice, and fatty fish such as tuna or salmon. Expose your body to sunlight to intake vitamin D naturally. 
Periods are a natural foe to females. But, by adopting these tips during winter, you can relieve yourself greatly from the painful periods. Stay hydrated and take proper rest despite being inactive. Have a happy winter period!!
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drnehalalla · 2 years
What is Irregular periods?
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Every 28 days, or 7-8 days before or after the typical cycle, a regular period cycle occurs. However, if your cycle is irregular, with intervals of less than 21 days or more than 35 days, it may affect your chance to become pregnant. Period irregularities can indicate a hormonal imbalance or an underlying condition, such as thyroid disease. Irregular periods can be caused by stress, a poor diet, birth control pills, or any change in the routine. Keep track of your menstrual cycle and contact your doctor if you detect any irregularities or missed periods.
For more information, consult  Dr. Neha Lalla one of the  Best Gynaecologist in Dubai
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The bf has now commented on: how dark my under eye circles and eyelids are, how rough/wrinkly my elbows are, back acne (while in the shower, no less) and how squishy I am (he claims the last one is a compliment though).
I’m aware I look tired a lot of the time. Multiple autoimmune conditions and not being properly medicated will do that. Commenting on things I can only partially hide, and not change, feels pretty shitty. Literally all of these things boil down to chronic fatigue from c-ptsd, PCOS, Hashimoto’s/thyroid disease, and general hormonal imbalances.
If you absolutely MUST, then at least also offer to pay for my thyroid medication, facial massages, under eye/dark circles patches, anything constructive.
I know they’re just observations, and they’re true- but I’ve never once pointed out anything about his appearance, other than commenting on his shirt, or looks in a positive way (cute, handsome, etc). Nothing that would ever make him feel self conscious, despite him giving me information I COULD use against him as such (unibrow, nose/ear hair, skinniness/beer gut, undefined arm muscles, body hair growth pattern, etc).
Even on a subconscious level, I feel like men feel entitled to comment on or critique women’s bodies, and at this point it’s so hard to not snap, “did I fucking ask?” Or “you think I’m unaware of what I look like?” Fuck.
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functionalmd · 2 days
Unlocking Health Through Functional Medicine: A Holistic Approach at Functional MD Clinic
In today's fast-paced world, achieving and maintaining optimal health can be challenging. Many of us struggle with unexplained symptoms, chronic conditions, or simply not feeling our best. Traditional medicine often focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root causes. This is where functional medicine offers a personalized, holistic approach to health to resolve underlying issues and restore balance.
Functional MD Clinic believes in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. Our mission is to empower you to take control of your health by understanding how your body works and what it needs to function optimally.
What is Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine is a science-based approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of disease. Rather than focusing on one isolated symptom or diagnosis, it takes into account the complex interactions between genetics, environment, and lifestyle that influence long-term health.
Functional medicine practitioners ask "Why?" rather than just "What?" when it comes to disease. They work closely with patients to look at all aspects of health—such as diet, sleep, stress, and exercise—and use this information to create a personalized treatment plan.
Why Choose Functional Medicine?
Personalized Care: Unlike conventional medicine, which often offers a one-size-fits-all approach, functional medicine is tailored to your specific needs. At Functional MD Clinic, we understand that each individual is unique, and our treatment plans reflect that.
Root Cause Resolution: Instead of managing symptoms with medication alone, we focus on identifying and resolving the root causes of your health issues, leading to long-term health improvements.
Holistic Approach: We take a comprehensive look at all aspects of your lifestyle—nutrition, sleep patterns, mental health, and more—to develop a treatment plan that supports your overall well-being.
Preventative Care: Functional medicine not only helps with current health concerns but also places a strong emphasis on preventing future health issues through lifestyle modifications.
How We Help at Functional MD Clinic
At Functional MD Clinic, we offer a variety of services aimed at improving your overall health and addressing specific concerns. Here's how we can help you:
Gut Health: The gut is often referred to as the body's "second brain" because of its influence on overall health. From digestion issues to autoimmune conditions, we specialize in gut health optimization to improve your overall well-being. Our signature program, "The Gut Reboot," focuses on repairing and restoring your digestive system for long-term results.
Hormonal Balance: Whether you're dealing with thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, or hormonal imbalances, our functional approach can help restore equilibrium and bring you back to optimal health.
Nutritional Guidance: Food is medicine, and we believe in the power of nutrition to heal. Our team will work with you to develop a personalized nutrition plan that supports your body’s unique needs.
Chronic Disease Management: From diabetes to autoimmune disorders, functional medicine provides a path to managing chronic conditions by addressing the factors that contribute to illness rather than masking symptoms.
Stress Management: Stress is a major factor in many health problems. We help you develop techniques to manage stress, improve sleep, and maintain a healthy mental outlook.
Why Functional MD Clinic?
At Functional MD Clinic, we combine cutting-edge medical knowledge with a compassionate, personalized approach to healthcare. Our expert team is dedicated to guiding you through every step of your health journey, using the latest in functional medicine to create a treatment plan that works for you.
We are committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools you need to live a healthier, more vibrant life. Whether you're looking to resolve a specific health issue or simply want to optimize your wellness, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Start Your Journey to Optimal Health Today
Your health is your most valuable asset, and it deserves the best care possible. At Functional MD Clinic, we’re here to help you take control of your health through functional medicine. By addressing the root causes of illness and creating personalized, holistic treatment plans, we aim to help you live your healthiest life.
Visit us https://functionalmdclinic.com/ 
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