#tf influences
monstermaster13 · 2 years
An American Werewolf In London. Ah yes, THE iconic werewolf transformation scene, no movie or tv show has ever come close to replicating this particular type of transformation and this one is iconic for numerous reasons…for one thing the excellent practical fx by Rick Baker and also you really do feel the pain that David is going through when he transforms, and it's no wonder this was Michael Jackson's favorite horror movie.
The Fly (1986). I've always said 'lovey-dovey is fine and all but…' which is true since when it comes to my transformation things I don't like to spend too much time on the lovey dovey stuff, I don't like to rush my transformations, I like to be as detailed as possible and go through the physical process in a way that goes through all the important details needed and sometimes I like to be a little bit gross, I admit that I can be a pretty sick and twisted bastard when it comes to my transformation interests, and this movie is to blame for it..he starts out looking sexy at first but when he loses parts of his body, good lord…poor Brundlefly. I will never think of flies the same way again, but I will definitely think of this movie and Jeff Goldblum whenever I see a fly. Cronenberg makes body-horror thought-provoking and makes it a journey of discovery about the human condition. Oh Goldblum, never stop being you.
Numerous music videos. Let's see, there's the infamous Fatboy Slim music video Right Here Right Now, there's also the Black Or White video which pretty much made morphing effects mainstream, so mainly videos to choose for that feature people being transformed or morphing effects, i've always had a fascination for becoming other people especially in dreams where I become a number of fictional characters and celebrities I admire. And i've always wanted to try my own hand at it, which I have…but not as well as the people who made these videos have.
Doctor Jekyll and Ms Hyde (1995). I used to be against tg because to me all male to female tgs sounded the same, you know..guy loses private parts, grows breasts, gets addicted to the dirty s-word and becomes a bimbo and all that stuff? But that was until I discoverered this movie and TG fiction on here, I discovered that not all TG stories are the same and a lot of them are interesting/fascinating to read and see. This movie definitely helped influence that, and definitely gave me a sort of simp-like fascination with Ms Sean Young.
Animorphs..especially the way the transformations were written and also the morphs on the cover. I envy whoever got to design the covers for these books, I have tried to do similar morphs myself but mine aren't as good, I remember the one of Ax morphing into a cow as the first cow transformation I ever saw in media and the first animal transformation that is a tg as well, to put it in context Ax morphs into a female cow since he acquired the DNA of a female bovine instead of a bull/steer. You gotta be real careful with your morphs ya know. Also Rachel turning into a monster version of herself was badass.
Big Wolf On Campus. Ah yes, this show. This show along with Buffy is my main influence in general. First of all the werewolf is a hero and not a villain, second…the dialogue in this show is amazing and humorous as well…and it helped shape me into the horror fanatic I am now. I love half-creature transformations where the person remains humanoid but has features like pointed ears, fur/scales on their hands or face and fangs or claw-like fingernails, I seem to have a fascination with claws or claw-like fingernails since I remember at one point trying to grow claws of my own…sadly, my fingernails can't grow long enough for that, shame.
Dungeons and Dragons. I still use the D&D monster manual as reference material when monster-making…and when I depict how werecreatures turn in my work I sometimes go by the same rules as D&D's take on them but add a bit of my own flair to it (my werecreatures aren't fully good or evil, but evil ones can be turned good/corrupted ones can be turned to the side of good again with certain types of spells). I still have a Wererat OC which I created for a campaign.
The mirror scene from Casper.
Numerous sites about werecreatures and shapeshifters. I'm not going to say the name of this artist out of respect, but he made me the man I am today thanks to his website and I think of him as a personal hero and influence, let's just say there are numerous sites that serve as my inspiration and his was one of them, cartoons (both multiple-episodes AND one shot episodes/specials), live action tv show tfs, comics, games, you name it. Also learning about werecreature lore in general inspired me to get interested in it. And I can't believe I didn't discover sites like this from the get go. Also that one History Channel documentary about werecreatures/shapeshifters and the were-deer…oh yes.
Wallace and Gromit: Curse Of The Wererabbit. If you haven't seen this movie, you should…it's a loving tribute to classic horror with the signature Aardman charm and it's hilarious.
Goosebumps. A mask that turns you into a monster if you wear it more than once? Sign me up. A werewolf story based on the legend of Native American skinwalkers? Sign me up. What's that? A choose your own adventure scenario except in Goosebumps form and you could possibly end up as a bat-creature or a werewolf or a monster in general? Boy, this series has it all including monsters and transformations galore. Of course if I ended up turning into a Werecreature i'd be a Were-Aykroyd, hey…turning into Dan Aykroyd honestly would be awesome, it's meant to be after all.
Teen Wolf (1985). Definitely this and the cartoon.
Lance/Weremoose. I love his morphs into Disney and other animated characters and in particular his Star Wars morphs. They inspired me and got me into photomanipulations.
Swatcher. As a fellow Grinch fan, I approve of his use of the Jim Carrey Grinch.
Jmmates. A whole channel dedicated to transformations/morphs…sign me up. Heck a few of my ideas for morphs have even been adapted, including a Pennywise and insect morph.
Thriller. We all know this video by heart, MJ is with his girlfriend and their car runs out of gas and so they decided to take a walk through the woods, MJ asks her to be his girlfriend and she says yes, he then warns her that he isn't 'like other boys', she doesn't know what he is talking about and he doubles over in pain, she asks him if he is okay…he jumps up and growls 'GO AWAY!' in a deep monster-like voice as he turns into a werecat. This transformation is no doubt as iconic as AWIL's transformation considering John Landis and Rick Baker BOTH worked on this one.
The Honey Monster. I used to be scared of this guy (same with Carrey's Grinch) but I can now see that this guy has a fanbase that definitely remembers the old commercials of people turning into this creatures's species fondly and some have done their own fanfiction for it, which I am so proud of.
Nibblahfrog. I have a fondness for turning heroes or actors who play heroes into things and that comes from Nibblah's Power Ranger monster transformation concepts and that helped me get into the idea of creating monsters of my own.
Numerous interactive stories.
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edorazzi · 3 months
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Page 19 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which 1999's Chat Noir and Ladybug cross paths for the first time and find their Miraculous powers don't mix! 🧨💥
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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thewiglesswonder · 5 months
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Boogie woogie woogie—
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redsea8me · 1 month
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Spitfire redesign bc as much as I love her, her colour palette was SO UGLY TO ME… god.. she deserved sm better in every regard 😭
she’s sharper and more angular, and more blue!! #1 emo girl I love you
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kairukitsuneo · 5 months
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Before the explosion of stars 🌟
There was Orion Pax and D-16.
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transform4u · 3 months
I've lately seen all these dumb influencers selling testosterone or weird supplements to boost muscle. The thought is certainly appealing, but as a healthcare worker, I feel like this industry is a big scam being promoted by meatheads. Who'd be dumb enough to fall for stuff like this?
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Your index finger hovers uncertainly over the glowing "Buy Now" button on Instagram, where the flashy ad for "Influencer supplements" promises miracles. Deep down, you know better. You have a medical degree, for crying out loud! This is likely just a scam, a waste of money. But as you debate, your finger slips. Before you can retract it, the deed is done — $500 down the drain for what's probably nothing more than sugar pills.
Cursing your impulsive moment, you're startled by a knock on the door. Who could it be? You open the door cautiously, only to find a small, oddly timely package from the very company you just ordered from. "That was fast," you mutter, puzzled by the efficiency that rivals Amazon.
You tear open the package and inside, nestled amidst packing peanuts, lies just a tiny blue pill. Against all your instincts and better judgment, you swallow it with a hurried gulp of water. Almost instantly, a strange sensation washes over you. It's as if your brain is turning into cotton candy — soft and fluffy, but melting away under scrutiny. Complex medical terms like "Antigen," "Fecundity," and "Dyspareunia" evaporate from your mind like morning mist.
Suddenly, you find yourself setting down your phone and hitting the record button. A loud, obnoxious laugh erupts from your lips, startlingly foreign to your usual composed self. "Hey, fam! Check this out!" you announce to the unseen audience, your voice unnervingly cheery. "I've got something wild to show you!"
As your mind grows dumber with each passing second, you stumble through an absurd performance, unaware of your own folly. The pill has robbed you of reason, turning you into a caricature of yourself. You dance clumsily, spouting nonsense and giggling uncontrollably. It's a spectacle of ignorance and blissful unawareness, captured for the amusement of strangers online.
As you stand there, the words slip out of your mouth awkwardly, "Yo, fam, it's about to get lit AF in here." Instantly, you cringe inwardly, feeling ridiculous trying to sound like a Gen Z boy. But strangely, instead of just embarrassment, you feel a peculiar sensation spreading through your mind — it's as if your IQ points are dropping off one by one, slipping away like sand through your fingers.
With each passing moment, you sense yourself regressing, aging backward. Your thoughts become simpler, more carefree, almost like you're reliving your twenties. You glance at your reflection and notice something startling: your face is changing. Lines smooth out, your skin gains a youthful glow, and you look much younger than moments before. It's as if the years are melting away in reverse.
"This is for the Hashtag Straight as an Arrow dance challenge, fam!" you exclaim, feeling a strange compulsion to move. Out of nowhere, Sabrina Carpenter's "Espresso" starts playing, and you hear the music as if it's surrounding you. At first, the pop tune makes you cringe — it's not your usual taste. But then, in your altered state, you find yourself thinking about how hot Sabrina is. Wait, that doesn't make sense, you're gay.
"Naw, fam," your mind insists, contradicting your true orientation. "You're straight as an arrow now."
Confusion clouds your thoughts as you try to reconcile your identity with the absurdity of the situation. Yet, the beat of the music pulls you in. You begin to move, awkwardly at first, then with increasing enthusiasm. Your body responds to the rhythm, performing dance moves you never thought you knew. Without
As you continue to lip sync and dance to the infectious beat of Sabrina Carpenter's "Espresso," something incredible happens. You feel a surge of energy coursing through your body, and you notice changes happening rapidly. Your once flabby physique starts to transform right before your eyes. Abs begin to chisel out on your abdomen, biceps bulge with newfound strength, and your pecs swell into a defined chest. Even your quads feel stronger and more pronounced, filling out your lower body with muscle.
In awe, you peel off your boring medical scrubs, revealing a physique that would make any fitness model envious. Your wardrobe magically transforms, replacing the scrubs with baggy pants — whether it's wide-leg trousers or oversized joggers, you dominate the streetwear scene with your relaxed, trendy vibe. You pair them effortlessly with tight-fitting crop tops or baggy t-shirts, effortlessly blending comfort and style.
As you admire your reflection, you can't help but feel a surge of confidence. Your new body looks hot, and you revel in the attention it commands. Your ego swells as you envision yourself becoming a vapid Gen Z influencer, craving consistent likes, followers, and attention.
You've decided to create a brand that revolves around fitness and lifestyle. You'll share daily workout routines, healthy meal prep ideas, and motivational posts about body positivity and self-love. Your Instagram feed will be a curated mix of gym selfies, fashion-forward streetwear shots, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your glamorous life.
You envision yourself hosting live workouts, collaborating with trendy brands, and attending exclusive influencer events. Your persona will exude confidence, charm, and a carefree attitude that resonates with your growing audience of adoring fans. It's all fake but who cares?
As you dance and lip-sync to Sabrina Carpenter's song, you marvel at the youthful energy coursing through you. Your movements are agile, your expression filled with a carefree joy that feels both foreign and oddly liberating.
As you revel in the glory of your newly transformed physique and burgeoning influencer persona, a text notification interrupts your euphoria. It's from your loving girlfriend, reminding you that today marks your anniversary. A pang of guilt and realization washes over you — amidst all the absurdity and self-involvement, you've completely forgotten this significant milestone in your relationship.
Quickly wrapping up the TikTok video with a dramatic spin and a peace sign, you chirp, "Alright fam, that's a wrap! Don't forget to smash that like button and hit subscribe for more lit content. Catch you on the flip side!" With a cheeky wink at the camera, you tap the stop recording button and let out a satisfied sigh.
As you headed out the door to meet your girlfriend for your anniversary celebration, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The thought of spending quality time with her, reminiscing about your past year together and reaffirming your love for each other, filled you with joy.
But as you stepped into the restaurant where you had planned to dine, something felt off. The atmosphere seemed charged with an undercurrent of tension that wasn't there before. As you both took your seats at a cozy corner table, your girlfriend looked at you expectantly - her eyes shining with hope and love.
"Happy anniversary," she said softly, placing a hand on top of yours across the table. "I can't believe it's been a year already." Her voice was sweet and innocent; she truly believed that this day would be special for you both…little did she know what was about to happen next!
Without warning or hesitation, you leaned forward aggressively until your face was mere inches from hers; your eyes narrowed menacingly as if preparing for battle while maintaining eye contact throughout this intense moment between you both – making sure not break it even once during this exchange! Then slowly but surely began speaking in hushed tones yet still loud enough so only those closest could hear: "You stupid blonde bitch!" your voice dripped venom as if every word were laced in poison meant solely for her ears alone."You think you can just sit there looking all cute & innocent? Well guess again because tonight…you belong TO ME SLUT!"
As you leaned in closer, your girlfriend's eyes widened in shock and confusion. But then something strange happened - she started to giggle nervously. It was as if the reality of your situation was too much for her to handle, and she had retreated into a state of denial.
Her hand reached out hesitantly towards your chest, tracing the lines of your abs with her fingertips. As she did so, both her hair seemed to lighten until it became a shimmering platinum blonde color that matched perfectly with your new personas as Gen Z influencers seeking nothing but instant gratification from one another's bodies.
"You look so hot tonight," you whispered huskily into her ear while gripping her hand tightly on top of yours across the tabletop surface between you."I can't wait any longer!" With those words ringing through the air like an ominous warning bell signaling impending doom for all who dared cross paths with you this evening – you stood up abruptly from your seats without further ado or explanation leaving behind an empty table strewn with half-eaten appetizers forgotten amidst chaos unleashed by two horny vapid Gen Zs looking only for quick fuck before moving onto next victim...
As you made your way out of the restaurant, your girlfriend had transformed into nothing more than a nameless slut in your eyes. The person you once loved and cared for was now just another notch on your belt, another conquest to brag about on social media.
You relished in this newfound freedom; no longer did you feel constrained by societal norms or expectations. You were free to be the fuckboy that you always wanted to be - unapologetic, hedonistic, and utterly without remorse.
With a smirk plastered across your face, you pulled out your latest iPhone and hit record on TikTok Live. "Hey everyone! It's your boy Enzo here," you began confidently as if addressing an audience of millions instead of just a few hundred followers who happened upon your feed at that moment."Check out these abs!" And with that declaration came an obligatory flex which showcased every ripple and contour of muscle beneath taut skin stretched tight across abdominal wall like canvas painted masterpiece depicting story life dedicated solely pursuit pleasure above all else regardless consequences entailed along journey towards ultimate goal: becoming most famous fuckboy world has ever seen!
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jade-of-mourning · 8 months
sorry sometimes i think about mako and my heart hurts so much. this kid raised himself and his brother on the streets in homelessness and utter poverty from eight through fifteen, promptly after seeing the violent death of his mother and father. he turned to the triple threats because they couldn't survive as a pair of wretched kids without any adult support, and the environment forced him to turn into the exact character that killed his parents in a terrible twist of irony. and after sheer-fucking-luck hits and they aren't homeless anymore, their livelihood wavers on the outcome of what's a literally game to everyone but them; and after things are finally starting to look up and their team is going places and things just might be okay, his gradually stabilizing world unceremoniously expands and everything goes to shit.
and the city that chewed him up and spat him back out, ruined him as a child and took away his ability to stay afloat in a true sense of normalcy as an adult — when it's on the verge of destruction and falling to pieces before his eyes, he gives himself to save it with the full expectation to die. he went from the kid who didn't and couldn't care about anything outside of himself and his brother, to finding redemption for his younger self in his police work despite its injustice against him, to willingly sacrificing himself to a world that had never loved him.
he's a desperate people pleaser, socially and emotionally stunted for the adult he had to be as a kid, unable to navigate interpersonal relationships easily yet still trying his damned hardest. he's intensely and entirely devoted to the things that matter to him and for so long it was only him, bolin, and ensuring their survival — yet by the end, that devotion has expanded to protecting the rest of the world. he starts out entirely self-reliant and ends in trusting the people he cares about to know their own needs, to be able to take care of themselves, to be okay without him despite having spent so much of his life defined by his role in others' well-being.
just. what the fuck i'm such a big fan of this fictional guy and i'm unashamed about it at this point. also let him cry please (if you won't i'll do it i'll let him cry)
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hercarisntyours · 3 days
i just know elita dies in the next film and if by some miracle she doesn't it's going to be bee's cannon event.
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strawmaguchi · 24 days
Dan and Phil are yuri to me
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secret-spirit · 5 months
Ramshackle + Doai sitcom au whiteboard VZBSBVBSJE
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
— turingTested [TT] began pestering turbulentGullface [TG] at 16:13. —
TT: Stop. Everything.
TT: Crow, get the banana.
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phanyaoi · 20 days
i have so much positive emotions now that im not used to that i actually wanna die.
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whatwooshkai · 5 months
had to take a while to get it together, but here we go:
-the voice acting: is okay. chris hemsworth is not a voice actor and it's glaringly apparent, for me that first scene loses some of its charm because of the awkward delivery. the rest of the voice acting is okay, nothing stellar, keegan michael key is doing a great job as usual, and it's not going to ruin the movie for me
-the animation: gorgeous. faces are kinda uncanny valley but the backgrounds??? the fact that they look kinda like the toys??? the way they move??? very very pretty, very very good. however, they did not give orion finials and that makes me mad. perfect personality for expressive kibble and they didn't do it
-CYBERTRON!!!!! I cannot wait to explore this planet. all sorts of different biomes, the mechanimals, the foliage?????? dude I'm already in love
-the characterizations: I like them! I cannot wait to see kicked puppy D-16 evolve into assertive and aggressive megatron. peppy and excitable orion pax into gentle and quiet optimus prime. GIVE ME THE SPIRAL
-bumblebee: idk I think they should've gone with someone else. I was hoping they'd add a new face or someone we haven't seen for a while, and when his character was introduced in the trailer my first thought was hot rod??? because that's the personality. I mean I can get behind it but I'd think they'd pick someone who's a lifelong friend of op's...
-THE QUINTESSONS???? I can't wait
-I'm not opposed to the lighthearted tone, obviously this is the first movie and takes place before the war, so it's going to be lighter. What I'm hoping for in the movie is for shit to get real and I wouldn't mind an unhappy ending
-I hope the humor is better in context
-I'm going to see it. it seems like they put a lot of work into it and while I'm apprehensive I'm excited for what this movie will be
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stuckinapril · 1 year
One of my personal goals at the moment is not to box myself in when it comes to fashion. Fashion is important to me bc I was raised by a mother who refused to leave the house unless she looked the most elegant and classy she possibly could, and bc of her I also developed a taste for that kind of vibe. But I also feel like I play it safe most times and just want to experiment w things every now and then I think
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kairukitsuneo · 1 year
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Inspired from twitter friend's animatic videos version 1 & version 2!
[Let me get it out]
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cutekittenlady · 2 months
One thing I'm likely to retcon in my headcanons regarding my earthspark kobd headcanons is Breakdowns knowledge about Knockouts history.
Before I had the idea that Knockout kept his history on cybertron as a back alley surgeon who worked on gladiators because he was insecure about what Breakdown would think.
However I've since decided that its FAR more interesting if that particular bit of drama was between Breakdown and Bumblebee. Especially with my ideas regarding Bumblebees initial view of Breakdown and Knockouts relationship. If Bumblebee finds out, likely from Megatron, about Knockouts true history and that he kept it a secret from most of the decepticons hed likely assume that he kept it from breakdown too.
Of course, it turns out Knockout absolutely told breakdown about his actually history before/during their ritus (while absolutely wondering if hed leave him for it) but the fun bit is that Bumblebee wouldn't know that.
So, after finding out about their relationshp and then subsequently coming to find out about the sorta things Knockout got up to on Cybertron, he'd naturally seek out Breakdown to tell him about how Knockout has been lying about who he was this whole time and their conjunxing may have been under false pretenses.
Now to further paint the picture, Breakdown really wants Bumblebee to accept his relationship with Knockout. He was his best friend before the war, practically a brother, so of course he wants him to accept that Knockout truly loves him. So imagine how he feels when he finds out that Bumblebee went behind his back to (presumably) dig up what he clearly considers dirt on knockout and present it to him as "proof" that knockout isnt being honest with him and essentially discredit their entire relationship.
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