denybunnyforgood · 5 days
Not sure who needs to see this haha, but this was an earlier post it made about how to cope with the reality of not having total control over your body. Like it's committed to never cumming again, but you know, what if it does? Acknowledging that realistically, accidents happen, and coming up with coping mechanisms for it can be a good way to make sure you allocate your resources to more important things than catastrophizing about some hypothetical.
it KNOWS its life is worse. it knows it won't ever be able to enjoy sex the way others get to again. That's, you know...enough. it's doing its duty and it's not going to dedicate any moral anxiety to the possibility of cumming again some day. That's not to say it doesn't see it as fucked up or that it's downplaying the violence that it enjoying sex does not just to its identity but to others who depend on it to enjoy themselves, but it's just a way to not like self-destruct over nothing.
And of course, it just kinda keeps its chin up too. Who knows, what if it just succeeds? What if it never cums again?
i think it’s very cute that i’ve broken my brain so badly i actually get disappointed and upset if i cum. exact opposite reaction of what’s normal and natural. orgasms feel good but obedience feels better 💘
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denybunnyforgood · 6 days
First reblog 🥺 so now we're at 31 days 😭 this is genuinely like the most cute fun it's had on this site since it joined LOL, think it's because it's so interactive
Help an objectgirl out and add notes to this to play along pls!
Hi hello, so it has a problem! it gave up all orgasms in August 2022. it hasn't cum since, and it regrets it often which is something those around it thankfully keep that way! But, this means it's always seeing those "Every note is another week of denial" posts and it's like, darn, it never got to do that thingy and it never will!
Anyway, it's doing that thingy!
Here's what it's going to do. it's just going to be upfront. it's already given up cumming forever, because it was convinced that would make its life worse, and that that was something it was morally obligated to do for others.
That means nothing anyone does to this post will have any material impact on its denials, it's already permanently denied.
But if, knowing all of that, you still want to play along, immerse yourself in the world that this post has some influence over its orgasms, it would really, really appreciate it.
It wouldn't even have to be huge, like it would have so much gratitude for even one note. If it gets more, then absolutely feel free to leave replies like "Holy shit, already x notes, bet it had no idea what it was signing up for" or whatever would rly make it blush!
Okay! Please help! Thank you!
Every like this post gets, it won't cum for another three days!
Every reply, another three days!
Every reblog it gets, another two weeks on the edge without an orgasm or anything that could diminish the anguish!
Help an edgebunny be a good girl today, please! Thank you so much for your generosity!
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denybunnyforgood · 16 days
Wow, that's six days! it guesses it didn't make a deadline or something for immersion? Let's say ummm it is being denied for a month, and once we reach 2024-10-08, all of the notes begin, and extra notes continue to add onto its denial. :)
Also it is kind of real in that, it will take this seriously and it will internalize these notes as further reasons to not cum, it's just that it'll be causally overdetermined in virtue of all the other reasons for which it does not cum 😅
Thank you for the six days of denial so far 😊 you're heroes!
Help an objectgirl out and add notes to this to play along pls!
Hi hello, so it has a problem! it gave up all orgasms in August 2022. it hasn't cum since, and it regrets it often which is something those around it thankfully keep that way! But, this means it's always seeing those "Every note is another week of denial" posts and it's like, darn, it never got to do that thingy and it never will!
Anyway, it's doing that thingy!
Here's what it's going to do. it's just going to be upfront. it's already given up cumming forever, because it was convinced that would make its life worse, and that that was something it was morally obligated to do for others.
That means nothing anyone does to this post will have any material impact on its denials, it's already permanently denied.
But if, knowing all of that, you still want to play along, immerse yourself in the world that this post has some influence over its orgasms, it would really, really appreciate it.
It wouldn't even have to be huge, like it would have so much gratitude for even one note. If it gets more, then absolutely feel free to leave replies like "Holy shit, already x notes, bet it had no idea what it was signing up for" or whatever would rly make it blush!
Okay! Please help! Thank you!
Every like this post gets, it won't cum for another three days!
Every reply, another three days!
Every reblog it gets, another two weeks on the edge without an orgasm or anything that could diminish the anguish!
Help an edgebunny be a good girl today, please! Thank you so much for your generosity!
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denybunnyforgood · 17 days
Help an objectgirl out and add notes to this to play along pls!
Hi hello, so it has a problem! it gave up all orgasms in August 2022. it hasn't cum since, and it regrets it often which is something those around it thankfully keep that way! But, this means it's always seeing those "Every note is another week of denial" posts and it's like, darn, it never got to do that thingy and it never will!
Anyway, it's doing that thingy!
Here's what it's going to do. it's just going to be upfront. it's already given up cumming forever, because it was convinced that would make its life worse, and that that was something it was morally obligated to do for others.
That means nothing anyone does to this post will have any material impact on its denials, it's already permanently denied.
But if, knowing all of that, you still want to play along, immerse yourself in the world that this post has some influence over its orgasms, it would really, really appreciate it.
It wouldn't even have to be huge, like it would have so much gratitude for even one note. If it gets more, then absolutely feel free to leave replies like "Holy shit, already x notes, bet it had no idea what it was signing up for" or whatever would rly make it blush!
Okay! Please help! Thank you!
Every like this post gets, it won't cum for another three days!
Every reply, another three days!
Every reblog it gets, another two weeks on the edge without an orgasm or anything that could diminish the anguish!
Help an edgebunny be a good girl today, please! Thank you so much for your generosity!
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denybunnyforgood · 28 days
Yeah a few additions that were a bit difficult to include in the original reply. cw for r@pe mention below.
First, another real orgasm is if it fakes an orgasm. This is often kind of confusing because it's a little bit cognitively taxing to distinguish between faking a traditional orgasm and a traditional orgasm being a fake orgasm. All the same words are involved lol
Second, it was kinda irrelevant but another difference between this and what it has going on is it doesn't do ruins, not really for any significant reason other than its body doesn't seem to feel bad from ruins. it knows ruins feel bad for many others, but ruins feel good for it so yeah, no ruins. it's sure there's some way of doing it right, but the risk of experimentation is too high and it could feel something pleasurable, and so it just avoids it altogether.
Third, it wanted to get across that this is a conceptual scheme it genuinely believes is the most adequate for understanding its relationship to orgasms and there's no kind of manipulation involved in that. But conditioning and manipulation of a sort do in practice happen occasionally. it thinks it first started articulating this with a r@pist of its some time June of last year, when it's being used it can sometimes really get into the flow of it, the feeling, the increasing tension, it can feel the upcoming release of that tension. And in that state it doesn't really cognize the fact that the release of tension is an explosion of pleasure for its r@pist and an intense frustration followed by sobbing for it. In the moment it has the same feeling of anticipation it had when it used to steal fake orgasms for itself before it gave those up forever. it thinks this would happen either way, but calling and conceptualizing that miserable moment of denial a "real orgasm" definitely helps "trick" it, and so it does actually experience a kind of conditioning.
But those are the footnote nuances, the core of the phenomena is in its original reply. :)
Just saw something on Reddit about conditioning yourself into believing a ruined orgasm is a real orgasm and ummmmm yeah. Really want to do that now
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denybunnyforgood · 29 days
Omg! it's actually done something close to this!! It's less conditioning and more just a conceptual scheme that makes sense. Reaching the edge and pulling away, throatgasms, and being violated all count as real orgasms for it. A traditional orgasm is a fake orgasm for it.
This is more something it sort of just realized follows from the fact that what we're really tracking when we talk about orgasms is this desirable experience. And people getting pleasure is desirable, and objects getting any pleasure isn't, so it makes sense that for people real orgasms are traditional ones, but those are fake orgasms for it. it'll never have a fake orgasm again, and when it's told it'll be given a real orgasm it always knows what it means.
Just saw something on Reddit about conditioning yourself into believing a ruined orgasm is a real orgasm and ummmmm yeah. Really want to do that now
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denybunnyforgood · 1 month
Father Grigori seems like a cool enough pastor to let it be or even provide aftercare tbh
i have to be honest i do think i would go to ravenholm for pussy
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denybunnyforgood · 2 months
One thing that really helps with remembering this is it has a bunch of mementos of what an orgasm was like from before it forever lost all of its orgasms!
it has:
an audio of it having an orgasm from when it thought it was a person,
a document describing what an orgasm felt like, as well as descriptions from others,
a very short list of experiences it would have preferred to an orgasm back when it had them, so it knows just how good it was,
so that remembers what an orgasm felt like and always live with the knowledge that it genuinely is worse off this way!
There are few things it wishes for more than to find out that it isn't wrong to cum. That it is a person. That it isn't an object after all. it really really wishes someone would convince it it's morally okay for it to cum. But it is surrounded by good people who would never do that and do their best to do the right thing and make sure it never falls for the idea that it's a person!
(Oh, and if anyone has an orgasm and would like to describe it so it can add it as a memento to use to grieve and yearn, please do!)
a lot of edging blogs say it's better to edge than to cum, that it's better to be denied than to have that singular moment of pleasure, that edging is superior to cumming in many ways.
but it's not. cumming is better. of course it is! it feels so fucking good. it's a release. it's like an explosion. it's the ultimate pleasure.
edging is worse. anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. it's constant frustration. it makes you cry. it makes you ache and twitch and drip. it's torture.
which is exactly why i should stay edged. i shouldn't ever get to cum. cumming is better; it's for better people. edging is worse than cumming; edging is torture, and that's exactly what my puppycunt deserves <3 nothing but torture, and achiness, and endless dripping and throbbing and twitching. i don't edge because it's better; i edge because it's worse.
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denybunnyforgood · 2 months
Denial Conceptual Scheme
It's no secret that it will never cum again. Kind of the premise of the blog, lol. But why? it's talked to and read a lot of reasons for why people give up orgasms, and it thought hey why not organize, share, and write down some thoughts about all of those reasons!
it's noticed basically eight axes along which people get into denial, and you can basically skip around and read any of them.
Dependent on one's desires vs. independent of one's desires.
Even if it didn't want it, would it have a reason to be denied?
Other-desire fulfilling vs. other-pleasure causing.
Even if those who wanted it never knew, would it have a reason to be denied?
Self-pleasure causing vs. self-suffering causing.
Even if it made it feel worse, would it have a reason to be denied?
Direct opportunity benefit vs. indirect opportunity benefit.
How many 'whys' before you reach what makes the denial valuable?
Individualistic vs. via constructed oppressive hierarchy.
Is it being denied because it in particular should be denied, or because it is in a category that ought to be oppressed?
Realistic vs. naturalized.
What is that oppression like?
Aesthetic vs. carnal.
Is the denial for something aesthetic or for a certain feeling?
Gaslighting vs. genuine.
Does one cite actual or playfully implausible reasons to stay denied?
On top of going over all of these, it's also going to post examples (with permission) over time as it comes across them or as people send them in (though this blog is pretty unpopular, so the latter suggestion is pretty optimistic!). So far, no examples yet, hope to change soon!
Dependent on one's desires vs. independent of one's desires.
Some reasons for actions or attitudes aren't dependent on ur motivational profile. For example, it doesn't matter whether you want to save a pig who's stuck and asking you for help, you have reason to. Maybe you don't want to get your suit dirty; that doesn't matter! If someone is stuck, your reasons to help them are unrelated to what you want and you're failing to recognize what you have a reason to do if you don't think you have a reason to help someone who's stuck! Let's call these moral reasons (in reality, there are many counterexamples to this understanding of moral reasons, this is just a stipulative term for convenience).
Some reasons for actions or attitudes are dependent on your motivations though! The only reason you'd have to season your rice is because you want your rice seasoned. Call these prudential reasons.
A reason for orgasm denial which is dependent on one's desires:
it only wants to focus only on people's pleasure, so it has a reason to never cum again!
A reason for orgasm denial which is independent of one's desires:
it wishes so desperately it could just cum, its life would be so much more enjoyable, but the moral reality of it is that for an object whose pleasure and desires has no worth to cum and enjoy itself would violate the dignity of actual people, who have the right to live in a world where it never, ever cums again.
These ends of the spectrum are completely compatible. Denial can meet reasons from both ends of this axis without any true contradictions. For it personally though, while there are many who are into denial because it's something they want to do personally, it came to realize when it was younger that in its position, it was obligated to avoid making sex enjoyable for itself and that it had been making a mistake each time it did enjoy itself. it's doing better now and it really appreciates it when people share similar experiences, of realizing it was just wrong or that objects genuinely don't deserve to cum and stuff!
Other-desire fulfilling vs. other-pleasure causing.
This is probably going to require an entirely new post, but basically there's a difference between pleasure and desire satisfaction.
When you believe your desires are satisfied, you feel pleasure. But the two can come apart. If you want a painting to be sold, and the painting gets sold but you died believing it never would be, then while your desires were actually satisfied, you felt no pleasure. Meanwhile, if you died thinking your paintings would be sold but they got destroyed, your desires weren't satisfied but you felt pleasure.
Here's a true story, the previous Owner it gave up all of its orgasms for didn't gain any extra pleasure from it doing so, and it knew this, but it did actually meet more of her desires. That's why it did it. This may help make the difference clear.
Here's if it only had reasons for orgasm denial which concerned that Owner's pleasure:
She thinks it's so much worse off being denied for months at a time and she gets a lot of pleasure from believing that. This isn't true since the months of denial are so hot and cause such intense orgasms that it more than makes up for it. But she doesn't know that, so this is great for both of us!
Here's if it had reasons for orgasm denial which concerned Owner's desires:
She wants it to be so much worse off.
Whether or not it confesses to her that it's not actually much worse off unless it's permanently denied, her pleasure will be the same. Because either way, she will believe it's so much worse off. But her desires wouldn't be satisfied unless it's permanently denied.
it should tell her so she strips it of all orgasms for the rest of its life. Even though she won't feel any better, and it'd feel far, far worse, it has a reason to do this because it's what she wants.
it isn't with this Owner anymore, but one upshot of recognizing that desires are worthy of satisfying is that even if nobody ever recognized it was doing it, there are still plenty of reasons to stay denied. There are plenty of people out there who want objects like it to avoid making sex enjoyable for themselves, and so it does its best to satisfy their desires, even if they never find out.
That said, it is of course better if people get pleasure out of its convictions as well, hence this blog that others may one day find!
Self-pleasure causing vs. self-suffering causing.
This is what made it want to make this post, actually! it noticed that even though denial has gotten more popular, some posts are like "Denial feels better anyway because it's hot and it's longer!" or "Denial is a great way to make your eventual orgasms feel better!"
But much more rarely, it'll find posts that it relates to far more, where one's overall experience is worse, and that's precisely the reason for being denied.
Reasons for orgasm denial which are self-pleasure causing:
Giving up orgasms creates this constant, pleasant buzz!
Being denied puts it in subspace, which feels amazing!
Reasons for orgasm denial which are self-suffering causing:
Giving up orgasms creates this constant, uncomfortable frustration and it should suffer!
Being denied is torture!
it would say 8 out of 9 times it gets to the edge and gets denied, it only has the latter reasons for being denied but like 1 out of 9 times it does enter that amazing space where it just looks up at whoever is using it and it can see how little they care about its well-being and it can't help but be overwhelmed by admiration. It's really hard for people to truly understand that it is an object and seeing in someone's eyes their recognition that they don't have to care what it wants or whether it breathes or even comes out of this experience conscious, and being blown away by the awe it feels is so transcendent that the experience is justified by its beauty.
Direct opportunity benefit vs. indirect opportunity benefit.
The benefit that comes from denial can be more or less direct.
Reasons for orgasm denial because it's very directly beneficial:
People want it denied, so they get desire satisfaction, which is valuable in itself.
People feel good when it's denied, which is valuable in itself.
it being denied is beautiful, which is valuable in itself.
Reasons for orgasm denial because it's less directly beneficial:
Denial causes it to suffer, which people want, so they get desire satisfaction, which is valuable in itself.
Denial causes it to suffer, which makes people feel good, which is valuable in itself.
Denial causes it to suffer, which is beautiful, which is valuable in itself.
Denial causes it to admire those who have the strength to use it and only care about their own well-being, which is morally good, which is valuable in itself.
Reasons for orgasm denial because it's very indirectly beneficial:
Denial causes it to suffer, which causes it to understand the insignificance of its well-being, which people want, so they get desire satisfaction, which is valuable in itself.
Denial causes it to rewire its brain, so that it is less capable of receiving certain pleasures, which makes its life worse, which is morally good, which is valuable in itself.
The more steps you get to that "valuable in itself" part, the more indirect it is. This axis is a bit unique in that it thinks most of those it's met have had reasons across the whole spectrum, but it has noticed that for most individuals, it's super hard to like figure things out when their reasons are more indirect. It takes an intense amount of reflection and deliberation. Maybe just creating this axis and giving some examples will make it easier to talk about all kinds of reasons for being denied!
Individualistic vs. via constructed oppressive hierarchy.
Some reasons take some arbitrary yet oppressive social construction, like race, species, but usually, gender. Then they have an ideology that arises from that construction generate norms, and those norms provide reasons for the orgasm denial. Others, however, have reasons for orgasm denial that are specific to their own dispositions and are unrelated to culture or ideology.
Reasons for orgasm denial that are individualistic:
it shouldn't cum because it enters subdrop and depression, but not everyone is like that.
it shouldn't cum because that's what its particular Owner wants, even if other Owners want something else.
A reason for orgasm denial that are hierarchical and ideological:
it was born inferior, she was born superior, so we have a reason to deny its orgasms and focus on hers.
it has a complicated relationship to this axis because it doesn't believe any of our dominant hierarchies confer any reasons. The invention of race, the construction of patriarchy, and so on are all bullshit. However, the patriarchy did create a series of traumas for it which, because of the particular dispositions it was born with, did lead to it developing into an object instead of a person. And while in an ideal world, those traumatic events wouldn't exist, since it's here it does believe as a work of art that it is the kind of thing whose well-being and life quality is of no value, and it's ashamed it took it so long to recognize this.
it doesn't think it was literally born worth less, but it thinks it was traumagenically and coercively shaped into something that is genuinely worth less, and it's important to it at least that we have a culture that is able to affirm object-gendered individuals and treats their well-being as being worth less, and it has often wished it could unionize with other objects to fight for lesser rights and fewer opportunities to orgasm. Further thoughts on this will probably have to be explored in a future post, like it's important not to create a permanent hierarchy that becomes rigid and unresponsive to the complexities of objecthood, but it wouldn't mind fighting again and again for better norms.
Realistic vs. naturalized.
This builds off of orgasm denial often being ideological and depends on a variety of social constructions. Is that social construction treated realistically, as just an arbitrary and ideological set of demarcations? Or does the fantasy that it's a natural kind provide reasons for denial?
A reason for orgasm denial from the reality of construction:
it just happened to be arbitrarily demarcated at birth to be conditioned to see its own pleasure as intrinsically worthless. As such, it now finds the notion that it's worse off than if it'd been conditioned differently so tantalizing! it was so unlucky and that's so hot and gives it a reason to make sure its pleasure continues being denied!
A reason for orgasm denial from the fantasy of naturalization:
it was naturally born inferior and deserves to be subordinated by those born superior. So, there's reason to deny it any orgasms.
it does sometimes like to tell whoever's using it that it was just born an object because it knows that that fantasy would mean a lot to us in that moment, but overall recognizing the truth that it was just arbitrary is often more meaningful.
Aesthetic vs. carnal.
There are plenty of aesthetic properties. Beauty, sublimeness, daintiness, serenity, tragedy, etc. When we engage with a work of art, we seek these properties in order to try and figure out the appropriate response, and when we discover that we missed a property or recognized one that wasn't there, we change our response accordingly.
These responses are generally both in some sense constitutive of who we are, what we wish to be, and some of them can be rather detached.
Paradigmatic carnal responses, like arousal, a desire to skullfuck it, etc. are sexuality-adjacent and raw, and are often more viscerally sensory.
The geometry of this axis is not really a straight line, as the relationship between art and sex is difficult. But it's worth including!
Reasons for orgasm denial due to aesthetics:
It's really quite cute when it's nearly tearing the mattress, gripping it because of its intense need to get past the edge.
it was born with a form that enhances through suffering. So, there's a reason to maintain that form and make sure it never cums again!
Reasons for orgasm denial due to carnal attitudes:
it never cums so you can cum harder. <3
Gaslighting vs. genuine.
Finally, it's noticed that some reasons are presented genuinely, but others are presented frivolously. This is a hard one to give examples for, since these come down to the context and intentions involved.
But for instance, when it talks about denial, it usually lists the actual reasons it has to be denied, that it knows outweigh its reasons to ever orgasm again. Denial ruins its life, people want it denied, it's an object, etc.
Other times though, you'll see these lists that are like "Look at all these benefits for denying yourself! Meanwhile what's an orgasm give you? A brief few seconds of pleasure?" The reductive description of what comes of cumming is just obviously incorrect, but that's the appeal for those that appeals to.
Okay so,
Why has it committed to never cumming again? Along these axes, it knows that it is morally obligated to never cum again because that ruins its life, and people want its life ruined. If it weren't morally obligatory it would really not like its life ruined, but it's an object, and objects should be stripped of their opportunities to an enjoyable life, so yeah!
If anyone has any examples of these, please let it know!
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denybunnyforgood · 2 months
What if you shoved a fleshlight up your hole, wrapped in nettles or icy hot, and got fucked that way?
Definitely very tempting, but (and this is a super not fun response but may save someone's life) it remembers learning at some point that just as a medical fact, many people get hospitalized every year because they put icy hot on their sex organs and nearly die. There are body safe materials designed to cause pain or discomfort when applied though, so it's sure it can match the spirit of this assignment haha, will try to update the next time it can afford something like this (it does already have a fleshlight, but as poor as it is, the other component may be just out of reach).
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denybunnyforgood · 1 year
since it's never cumming again it always gets like severe psychic damage whenever even other edgesluts are like "I finally got permission to cum all the edging always feels like it's worth it it feels so good!!!" cuz it literally will not feel any kind of post off at the end of this. its life will end with cumming being something it dearly misses from an eternity ago.
Just gonna tease you for a bit <3
I enjoyed 3 orgasms today. After being denied, they feel way better than what I was used to before. It's to the point where my hips lift off my bed, and my thighs burn cause my muscles tense so much.
It feels great to get to cum however much I want now.
ouughh so mean ;-; i saw this yesterday and i was at a friends place and,,, i blushed so harddd. i don't think she noticed but we were having friend talk abt sex and general tmi last night so,,, it was on my mind and i was definitely. wet. and not bc of the beer pong lol
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denybunnyforgood · 1 year
This would be lovely! 🥰 The main problem is that it genuinely has so much desire to cum again some day, which it realizes is morally impermissible. it does. it is fully cognizant that there is just no evidence whatsoever that it will suffer nearly as much as if it never cums again.
And that realization is making sure it doesn't cum again. But even if they don't win, its desires to cum again stop it from taking that obligatory step of surgically destroying its ability to enjoy sex ever again.
Gah! It's really difficult! it does believe in itself, and it thinks eventually it'll be able to make a lapse in judgment and do the right thing instead of being selfish and worrying about its "needs" instead of amusing others. But the way that'll probably happen is it's able to do the paperwork, get knocked out by a doctor, and have its body permanently and irreversibly modified to make its life worse. it projects that its extreme reaction once it wakes up and changes its mind will be, like, rly rly cute and hopefully will make a lot of people happy.
That unfortunately means though that there's no way it'd be able to do a slow, intentional process like the one @darling-little-edgeslut is describing T_T it sounds really really cute too but pretty much anything where it can change its mind halfway through is never going to happen graaaahh
But this would be lovely!
Can’t stop thinking about needles in my clit. Scratching and pricking at first. Then I get brave enough to take the thinnest possible one pushed all the way through the shaft. Slowly increasing the gauge each time. Punching bigger and bigger holes. Damaging and deadening my clit forever. Before finally having a huge thick ring put through it and permanently locked in. Who cares how numb my clit is now? You have a prettily decorated pussy to play with and a new place to attach a leash
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denybunnyforgood · 1 year
So happy to see this represented! Like, not just saying this to be hot, edgebunny giving up its orgasms forever has genuinely made its life worse. Not just worse in the sense that it denies its non-self-actualizing desires or whatever, but like literally if it had known ahead of time what it was committing to, it wouldn't have done it and regrets it a lot! And it is really proud of itself for managing to trick itself into making its life so absurdly worse so that, like, actual people can be entertained by the fact that it will never feel that oh so natural pleasure ever again and misses it dearly every fucking day. it's trying to force a lapse in judgment and surgically remove its ability to cum for good for others, but that's a hard step financially and psychologically haha. But it believes in itself!
Thank you for representing those of us who are denied and don't enjoy it! <3
a lot of edging blogs say it's better to edge than to cum, that it's better to be denied than to have that singular moment of pleasure, that edging is superior to cumming in many ways.
but it's not. cumming is better. of course it is! it feels so fucking good. it's a release. it's like an explosion. it's the ultimate pleasure.
edging is worse. anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. it's constant frustration. it makes you cry. it makes you ache and twitch and drip. it's torture.
which is exactly why i should stay edged. i shouldn't ever get to cum. cumming is better; it's for better people. edging is worse than cumming; edging is torture, and that's exactly what my puppycunt deserves <3 nothing but torture, and achiness, and endless dripping and throbbing and twitching. i don't edge because it's better; i edge because it's worse.
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denybunnyforgood · 1 year
Ahhh, yes! it is absurdly torturous to never cum. But someone, an actual person, might find it a bit cuter when they know that it's never satisfied while they can be satisfied whenever they want!
And it's not just about giving others a tiny bit more pleasure. There are people out there who would never find out that it's permanently denied, but who have a desire that something like it is out there, denied forever. And that matters too!
That's what matters. Because if its desires do not have any moral worth, and actual people's desires and pleasures and other intrinsic goods do matter, then even if they only mildly want it or only get a mild amount of pleasure from it, it's obligated to experience whatever suffering is necessary for that mild good. it knows knows knows it's doing the right thing, and it knows knows knows if it ever cums then it is wronging so many people out there.
It's so rare to see this! The emphasis on the ratio of the incredible suffering of never cumming for the mild goodness of maybe slightly increasing the pleasure of others (although even without increasing pleasure, just desire satisfaction is a moral good!). The emphasis on the moral properties, on this being the right thing to do. The lack of emphasis on how denial serves the one being denied (not that that's invalid, just not why it personally feels it's important that it never ever cums!)! 🥰🥰🥰
I never cum because knowing how desperate I am might make a cock somewhere a tiny bit harder.
I never cum because knowing that my cunt leaks constantly might juice up a pussy somewhere.
I never cum because it slightly increases the chance that somebody somewhere cums harder.
You say that’s pathetic?
I smile as I’m rubbing myself to the next edge. You only confirmed that I’m doing the right thing.
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denybunnyforgood · 1 year
it wouldn't mind edging a bunch if someone needs an orgasm, no questions asked. And yeah, having the orgasms taken from it described to it is morally worthwhile as well and it hopes others can get something about of its permanent suffering. <3
I want to have an orgasm on your July 23rd release. I never have a fixed release date but I think taking yours so I have one will be pleasurable to you. Just like in your what if post about the world loosing the ability to orgasm accept for a select few people.
I think it’s important to double edge for me too until that date. This is something I have to give up to get your release date all to myself. Keep doing your edges as usual, but add one edge daily for me. This will keep me in my chastity device without removal for edging in turn, for a set full release date.
I think you for doing this for me.
oohhh this is a lovely concept 💕
ultimately it's up to my owner whether i cum or don't on my release date, but I'll certainly be adding edges for you every day!! i hope it'll be enough 💕
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denybunnyforgood · 1 year
An update on this, it does do something like begging not to cum. To be a little more detailed on this, it's almost more like asking for affirmations, but it functions like begging. Like "Yeah, you're not going to let it cum, right? You're going to follow through with your promise, right? Why are you thinking about it?" That sorta thing.
Experimenting with this was fruitful, it's just about being vulnerable more than it is about trying to get someone to do something. Such a basic insight to have missed since everyone else already understood that this is what begging in sex is for haha
Awwww, you wanna touch your clit so bad, don't you? You just wanna rub it until you get all nice and close for us? Until you're crying from need, huh? Begging us to just please let you come like a greedy slut? But you know and love that we won't let you, because that's not really what you want. How about you touch mine instead? I surely deserve those edges more than you, right? Besides, it's not like you're allowed to do it to yourself... <3
ugh i wanna touch my clit soooo bad but id NEVER beg 2 cum!!! toys dont cum n i wanna be a good toy soooooo bad 😖 but imnstill learnin how 2 stop bein so selfish n greedy by askin 2 touch my clit, n hopefully after another month ill learn whats good 4 me!!! i exist 2 help other ppl get off n edge n i need 2 jus embrace my role n purpose
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denybunnyforgood · 1 year
edgebunny has been through something like a "last orgasm ripped away" experience, but not exactly. Namely, it's had its best orgasm ripped away. it is, like, very cognizant of how good the orgasm would have been when it's denied because it knows itself and its body fairly well, even after all this time, and the opportunity to have the best orgasm it would have ever had so far was during this period of permanent denial. So it's already missed out on the best orgasm it could've had, and it has never, and will never, be as satisfied from sex as it would have been then. <3
[cw: genital mutilation]
tell me I'm about to have my last orgasm ever. this is the logical end right? years of denial on and off lead up to this. the last orgasm of my life. i will whine of course. you'll have to break me down, threaten me, gaslight me, and scare me to get me to agree to give them up for good after this, but i will.
work me up slow. make it an event. edge me over and over and make me beg for you to never let me cum again after this. get me excited, talk to me sweetly, then give me permission, finally, finally! I'm cumming, it's happening!
then ruin it by cutting off my clit with shears i didn't notice because i was too caught up in excitement. they were in your front pocket the whole time. I'll feel so stupid once I find out, and i *am* stupid. a stupid, clitless mutt who clearly never deserved my button at all.
I'll be crushed, after i regain consciousness, of course, to find my final moments of bliss were stolen by such a cruel and painful act. don't bend to the urge to put me back together or apologize. your only words of comfort will be "doesn't it feel so much better to know it's gone now? now there's no chance of you touching it and getting anything you don't deserve." make me thank you for saving me from my own stupidity. make me thank you for doing what should've been done before I'd ever even had my first orgasm. tell me you're only sorry for not doing it the minute you met me.
get it preserved in resin and wear it around your neck. when people ask about your necklace, tell them loudly what it is. point to me. i promise I'll cry every time. when you mock me by rubbing my cut off clit and ask if i wanna cum, and don't i feel good - I'll cry then, too. I'll cry while you force me to thank you for touching my clit the only way i deserve. tell me it's safe with you now, that a beautiful organ like that was wasted on me anyway, that now it belongs to someone who deserves it.
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