#text: audrey
uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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mrs-remarkable · 9 months
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ACGAS + text posts (1/?)
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charlie-artlie · 2 years
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Out on the town 🍂
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audreys-diaryy · 4 months
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20 day challenge ♡
Saw @ros3ybabe post about her 20 day challenge, so I decided to participate! 💗
I’ve been feeling unproductive these couple of days, so let’s switch that 🫡
I feel like 20 days is a manageable amount of days. Hopefully after these 20 days, I should already be in the habit of productivity! 🤭
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☀️ Morning routine non-negotiables:
Wake up at around 8:30 am
Movement for a minimum of 15 minutes (stretching or walking)
Hygiene (shower, brushing my teeth, moisturizer, lotion, deodorant, and brushing my hair)
Morning journaling
⛅️ Daily non-negotiables:
Study Spanish for a minimum of 15 minutes
Engage in my hobbies for a minimum of 30 minutes
Doing tasks in my planner
Pre-lunch (if needed)
⭐️ Night routine non-negotiables:
Going to sleep at around 11:30 pm
Night journaling
Hygiene (shower (if needed), brushing my teeth, lotion, and acne treatments)
Review my planner
🌈 Rules:
Post an update every day
I don’t have to do everything
No energy drinks
Be honest
Have fun
It’s 2 pm right now, so I’ll start my full day tomorrow! But I’ll do my daily and night non-negotiables today! ✨
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cosmic-frost-main · 3 months
Love that Audrey cared about Betty enough to keep her in the ink realm and not just erase her existence.
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The way you draw women... I know what you are, Audrey...
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c-rose2081 · 4 months
Audrey doesn’t have children and she’s not interested in being a mom, but somehow she’s ended up with a bunch of teens in her apartment calling her ‘Mrs. Rose’ and asking her (or her husband) to take them to the mall on weekends. And, apparently, a bunch of seventeen year olds building a blanket fort in her living room for a movie night is more appealing than the school dorms, while an army arrives at the exact same time every Saturday night to take over her kitchen for pizza, throwing cash in a pile to help cover the cost.
“They’re Hadie’s friends, Chad. The Royal Palace is right there,” she complains, scrolling through a sales page dedicated to 12 person mini-busses. “Mal is Queen or whatever. Why am I the one doing this?”
“They want to get away from Royal life, not closer to it, love,” Chad tells her, leaning over her shoulder and pointing at a bus. “What about that one?”
“Not a good safety rating. Is a twelve seater enough?”
“I think so?” Chad counts on his fingers. “Chloe sees us more than she sees her parents, right?”
“Right. It’s all of Hadie’s VK friends: Him, Dina, Jace, Harry and Eddie. Then there’s Chloe and Ariana. That’s what…nine of us?”
“One more; Lexi usually comes with Chloe.”
“Ah, right, can’t forget Anxelin. Ten. Ten of us.” Audrey lands on a good choice and buys without a second thought. She sits back, turning to her husband wearily. He frowns back at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Do you think we need a bigger house?”
He shrugs. “Maybe. A bigger garden would be nice.”
“A dedicated office?”
“A garage.”
“Extra guest rooms.”
“A pool.”
“A pool?” Audrey screws up her face. “Really, Chad?”
“Summertime gets hot you know, and the Enchanted Lake is always busy. And with eight teenagers?”
“Touché,” Audrey agrees, flipping open a tab to new real-estate. “Pool it is.”
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vinegar-rights · 5 months
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tumblingxelian · 2 days
Personally, Chloe's been surrounded more by enablers but I won't deny that it can be its own form of abuse. They're just often a loaded words and I can't always tell how they're being used all the time.
Hope that came out right.
An enabler is "a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another." Even if we only treat Andre as an Enabler, its still a form of abuse, just more round about.
& that is before we get into that he:
Shows he both can and will reign Chloe in when she negatively effects him.
Taught her to use bribery rather than to identify the thing she did wrong & apologize.
Explicitly teaches her to engage in corrupt & abusive conduct which makes everyone hate her.
Raised her to imitate her mother which is again super creepy.
Gets extremely possessive and seems to rely on her to be an emotional crutch or substitute for what he doesn't get from Audrey, which is multiple levels of yikes.
As well as seems to have largely left her to be raised by staff when he's not giving her the worst lessons or using her as a living prop.
Keeps her in the human equivalent of a fish tank with zero privacy or personality present.
Along with allowing and enabling his wife's verbal and emotional abuse, as well as negligence towards Chloe even while showing he can and will argue against her if she upsets him.
Andre fucking sucks.
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faith-gigliorosa · 1 month
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
- Audrey Hepburn
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gatabella · 10 months
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Audrey Hepburn by Earl Theisen, 1954
"She can sit as primly as a princess, wearing a suit by de Givenchey and kicking off her patent leather pumps to reveal pink toenails peeping through her nylons. It seems so correct that you wonder if you shouldn’t kick off your own shoes. She can slop her coffee over the cup and it looks as though that’s the only proper way to handle a teacup. She’s in command of every situation all of the time. Audrey’s undeniable attraction, in one word, is presence. Most Hollywood stars affect it but never quite attain it. That’s why Audrey Hepburn has bowled them all over. With her it comes naturally, as it does with some other girls known as princesses. Playing a real one flawlessly, of course, is what brought Audrey to Hollywood."
-Modern Screen magazine, April 1954
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uselessalexis165 · 1 month
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some trios with red, blue and green color schemes ❤️💙💚
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mrs-remarkable · 7 months
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ACGAS + text posts (3/?)
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spookystarfishzombie · 4 months
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marce-mallow · 2 years
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Behold: the first (technically second) Wandersong text posts EVER
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cosmic-frost-main · 3 months
Audrey: Worried "Should we help her?"
Allison: "We could but this is quite amusing to witness"
Betty: Carrying the Ink Demon away from her garden while he kicks, swipes and whines.
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c-rose2081 · 4 months
Mom Quotes (from Audrey to her eight kinda-adopted teenagers):
- “Ariana Rose, for gods sake, go put on more clothes. No, I’m not arguing about it. Go change or get a sweatshirt.”
- “What is this and why am I signing it *puts on glasses*”
- “No Eddie, we can’t get a pet. You don’t even live here.”
- “Did you ask Chad?”
- “What do you mean he said yes.”
- “Anxelin did you put on sunscreen? A lot of sunscreen? I don’t care what Ariana said, you burn not tan. I don’t want to explain to your mother why her daughter’s now a lobster.”
- “No you may NOT build go-carts in my garage. I pay for a lot of things in this house and medical bills are not one of them.”
- “Don’t play chicken with the car, you heathens!”
- “*running out the door* Chloe, knee-pads! Don’t forget your knee-pads!”
- “You’re calling me at work so this better be an emergency.”
- “The bus is leaving! Anyone not out to the van in the next two minutes is walking to school!”
- “No we’re not going out to eat, we have food at home.”
- *orders $250 worth of takeout*
Audrey is the ‘no’ parent and Chad is the ‘yes’ parent and of course they can’t agree on shit when it comes to their kids XD
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