#testing agency
testingagency · 1 year
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witchinatree · 27 days
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how it felt seeing dbda get cancelled. tbh.
i CANNOT believe i was surprised but i completely fucking was. i was minding my own damn business watching parks and rec with my family and i opened tumblr during an ad break and saw this post and just immediately lost it
like you cannot be serious? this is fucking bullshit?
i have had covid for a week and this made me feel 10x worse than any illness ever could
i've had shows cancelled on me before, i've been angry and sad before, but not like this. this was my all time favorite show, it was next to the magnus archives in my head (if you follow me you know that's a big deal) and it was everything to me!! this cancellation got me using twitter briefly again!!! wtf!!!!!
i'm just so sad i'm so sad. i want to have hope that maybe it will get picked up or we can save it but i just can't. steve yockey posted that spoiler knowing it's over.
i love dead boy detectives so much and i am too sick and tired to contain the emotions i've felt so i am going to go cry again i think.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 18 days
i think tails, cream, and charmy would be absolute unhinged when they’re older. like leave them alone for five seconds and charmy and cream have convinced tails to attach rockets to a shopping cart and they launch themselves off a ramp to see how far they go (they can all fly so they’re fine)
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shaylogic · 1 month
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lurafita · 6 months
CEO!Magnus and personal chef/bodyguard!Alec
(There is every chance that I have posted this before, I just can't remember. I tried to search through my archive, but.... there is a lot of posts there, did you know? 🤣😂 Anyway, in case I'm making you read this twice, sorry. 😅)
Magnus being like this really big shot CEO who has meetings 24/7 and charity events and social appearances and all that other busy stuff going on. So he gets a personal chef to keep an eye on his nutrition. And Alec is ruthless when it comes to making sure Magnus eats healthy. Magnus: "You know I love your cooking, Darling, but how about a good old fashioned fast food break?" Alec: "All that grease is bad for you. Eat your carrots. You look pale. How much sleep did you get last night?" Magnus, innocently: "Enough?" Alec: "Unlikely. No more caffeine for you today."
Magnus trying to sneak all kinds of unheathy Snacks, and Alec foiling him at every turn. Magnus had an energy drink hidden away in his desk, but as he opens the drawer, there is a bottle of water with a note attatched with "stay hydrated".
Alec even convinced the close by Cafe to not serve Magnus anything with Caffeine, after Magnus' last doctors appointment showed high blood pressure.
Maybe Alec is some kind of ex-agent or ex-military, who got into cooking for an undercover op, but really enjoyed it and wanted to pursue it further when he quite the force.
When one of Alec’s old colluegues comes visiting him, Alec is crouching behind the entertainment system to find Magnus' latest snack hidey-hole. Alec: "He gets more creative every time. Some of the drug dealers we busted could have learned from him."
Bet you Magnus is the type of CEO who has a loyal Twitter following and he tweets about everything Alec cooks for him (and the things he doesn't let him eat.) The Internet already ships them.
Possible tweet: The_Magnificent_Bane: Thank you for the suggestion @randomfollower, but unfortunately Alexander didn’t go for the argument that carrot cake counts as a vegetable.
Why am I know picturing a fight in the kitchen where Alec uses kitchen utensils and food to knock out people who have come to kidnap Magnus
Imagine someone broke into Magnus' place, and the police are called and as they arrive Magnus is like: "Thank you for coming. My chef has already apprehended and restrained the perpetrators, and is waiting for you to take them off his hands in the living room." Police: "... Your cook apprehended them?" Magnus: "Yes. Sadly, the confrontation did not result in the death of that cursed celery he bought earlier."
Magnus: "Tomatoes can't be trusted, my darling. Are they a fruit? Are they a vegetable? No one knows." Alec: "They are fruits." Magnus: "That's what they want you to believe."
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sunsetcurveauto · 3 months
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What if they're too smart to take the case? God! You're not going gaga for the uptight boy? No. No. But they are real detectives, Esther, and they have this, like, criteria— I made you handsome for a reason, Monty. So tempt him. Entice him...Do I need to go to the woods myself? No. I'll get it done.
Dead Boy Detectives x Greek Mythology: Monty the Crow as Argus
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roguetelepaths · 10 months
As a person who writes a lot of fic about Vorta who are working and living within the Dominion, I've decided to apply a Vorta Bechdel Test to my future writing. A scene passes the Vorta Bechdel Test if it contains two Vorta who have a conversation about something other than the Founders.
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rooksunday · 1 month
the first time a clone has to interview for a job they suddenly yearn for the clarity of purpose decanting brought
sure freedom of choice is great and all but at what cost
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larsnicklas · 9 months
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leafs points leader through the first half on an another extended point streak in his contract year yes i know that's right!
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anti-dazai-blog · 4 months
36- Playing dead (and other complaints)
Welcome back to the Anti-Dazai Series!! Please be proud of me, I’m sticking to my self-imposed once a week schedule. 
When We last left off, Akutagawa and Atsushi were fighting Francis on top of the Moby Dick. Meanwhile, Kyoka is trapped as a captive in a small government plane. Things are not looking good for our protagonists.
If you’re reading this, you already know what happens afterwards: Akutagawa and Atsushi defeat Francis, retrieve the control device for the airship, and manage to stop the countdown. Some mysterious person from the shadows hacks the device and the airship nearly crashes, but Kyoka is willing to sacrifice herself by crashing the military plane she’s on into the airship. 
She goes through with her plan, and Akutagawa and Atsushi make it safely back to shore.
Naturally Atsushi is traumatized. Not so much from the fight with Francis, but rather from the one person he managed to save killing herself for his sake. 
When he first met Kyoka, she was about to sacrifice herself for the sake of the mafia, and then for the sake of the civilians on the train. Atsushi managed to talk her out of the former and protect her from the latter. Then, the agency was going to hand her over to the police, who would execute her for her crimes. Atsushi begged them to give her a chance and allow her to stay in the agency. Even Kyoka herself tried to turn herself in for her crimes. Then she was captured by Akutagawa, and tried to sacrifice herself for the fourth time in two days by trying to blow the ship up with explosives. (This girl is one of the most suicidal characters in the series, and Atsushi and Kunikida are close behind her.) Going against Kunikida’s orders, Atsushi went back and saved her.
And after all of that. After Atsushi has devoted himself to trying to save this one person—to try and do whatever it takes to show her that life is worth living and there is no need to sacrifice herself when she has the agency to rely on—she goes and sacrifices herself.
And Dazai—knowing full well about Atsushi’s past, knowing full well of Atsushi’s devotion to saving Kyoka, and knowing full well that Kyoka survived—shows up and says “It was all for the best, Atsushi-kun. Kyoka-chan conquered herself and saved the city.” He looks Atsushi dead in the eye and says “It was a painful way to end it, yes. But there was a reason why it had to go this way.”
He knows that Kyoka’s alive. For the sake of amusement, or a dramatic reveal, he finds it necessary to say “lmao yeah that sure is a painful way to die. Sucks it had to end like this but y’know. It do be like that sometimes.”
Regardless of whether or not Kyoka died, playing along with it for even a second would cause lasting trauma. There’s a reason the American government is beginning to look into what laws to pass surrounding lockdown drills [for non-Americans: practice drills in case of a school shooting]. There’s a reason why the state of California is trying to ban schools playing gunfire sounds during lockdowns—the students are unaware if the drill is real or fake, and by making it appear real, it will form as the same trauma that an actual school shooter would give them. Telling those students afterwards that it was all fake doesn’t mitigate any of that.
Likewise, pretending someone is dead, even for a second, doesn’t mitigate the trauma caused by it. Atsushi will permanently have this trauma of losing Kyoka. This is not something that will easily be brushed off. 
And now that Dazai’s done traumatizing one half of the duo that defeated the guild’s leader, he has to get started on the other half. 
Akutagawa fought hard. Akutagawa could desperately use some reassurance from a certain former mentor of his—and logically, that mentor has every reason to give it. Akutagawa fulfilled what he was set up to do—he partnered with Atsushi and worked together to combine their abilities and defeat an enemy leader. 
Akuatagwa tries to present himself to Dazai as a stronger person than he was when they last spoke. Akutagawa says that he’ll show Dazai his strength. Yet Dazai’s first words are “will you now? Aren’t you at your limit?” The first words out of his mouth are a petty insult—after everything Akutagawa has done— and the only thing he get is mocked by his former mentor. 
Of course the next words out of Dazai mouth are “you’ve gotten stronger, huh?”
In flirting terms, this would be called negging. 
For those unfamiliar, negging is “an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment […] to another person to undermine their confidence and attempt to engender in them a need for the manipulator’s approval.” [Wikipedia, also I hate citing sources, this is not an academic paper, leave me alone]. 
Dazai first makes a backhanded comment about Akutagawa’s current (weaker) state, before giving him a halfhearted compliment on his strength. This is like saying “eh, you’ve done well this time, but could be better. I’m sure some people (like Atsushi, for example) could fight an overpowered ability user, win, and then NOTnearly pass out afterwards. Maybe if you were like that, I could give you a real compliment”
This is another move to drive Akutagawa to push himself harder (harder than he needs to. Harder than he should. [especially given his lung condition]), and to have him devote himself and his life to winning Dazai’s approval. Which, of course, he’s already doing. But it never hurts to increase your disciple’s devotion tenfold, right?
After all of that, Akutagawa does in fact pass out. For funsies, Dazai moves out of the way (we can’t be catching our formers mentees in front of our current mentee—how scandalous!), and allows Akutagawa to slam into the concrete.
If this were more medically accurate, Akutagawa may have lasting brain damage from hitting his head like that. Luckily we’re playing by manga logic here (we weren’t when Akutagawa lost his fight to Atsushi in season 1 and had a hundred broken bones, but we’re nothing if not inconsistent). So we won’t hold Dazai to such a high standard of trying to mitigate brain damage, since brain damage might not even exist in the bsd world. 
And that’s that for this week’s entry!! Join me again next week to get right back into the Kyoka content (I’m pretty sure that’ll be the main thing in next week’s chapter). Writing this one has made me think about Kyoka more than I ever had in the past and I’m pretty concerned about how self-destructive she is. This girl would take any opportunity to die.
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testingagency · 1 year
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hella1975 · 9 months
I feel like it’d be funny if after dabi dance people started suing endeavour bc dabi blew up their car. maybe that was the backlash against him in the second half of season 6
getting mad at the number 1 hero bc it turns out he was a child abuser and wifebeater this entire time? nah. getting mad at him bc his straight up deranged eldest son blew up your honda civic three days after you put a down payment on it and you never got compensated? yeah.
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tylerjaaay · 1 year
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recent aru art because it was his birthday! :)
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coffee-at-annies · 7 months
Everyone is writing such put together posts on my dash and all I got is this: I’m sad. I’m genuinely heartbreakingly sad.
I don’t care about the future. I don’t care about winning or losing the trade. One of the players I thought would be a penguin for life is now a hurricane and I’m sad about it.
I see the why of it. I can talk about the analysis and the sport and the business and all of that and it doesn’t change the fact that I’m sad. I’m gonna be hurting for a while. We’re gonna be hurting. Nothing to do. Nothing we can change. Nothing that’ll happen except to wish Jake well and hope that wherever he ends up during free agency, he’s happy there.
In the meantime, I guess all that’s left to say is:
Let’s Go Pens!🐧🏒
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agentpinesmustdie · 2 days
The following is a test of Agency communication lines.
she spy on my liar till i rising pho-
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cryptidjeepers · 2 days
Once again realizing that i gave no idea how to do anything in graphic design and feeling like a failure 👍
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