#tel's art
taviamoth · 3 months
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art by the.gauntlets
gofundme for the family
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drsonnet · 5 months
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Hind Rajab was a 5 year old girl in Gaza who was killed while she hid alone in a car, along with the paramedics who tried to rescue her. Yesterday students at Columbia seized the administration building and renamed it in her honor.
Gadzooks Bazooka Instagram: gadzooks_bazooka
Remembering #HindRajab & children in #Gaza: This is what the mother of the child, Hind Rajab . https://tmblr.co/ZTeZMyfB_GHeeu00
Update (July, 2024)
@sunnydice: (and please don't forget Layan Hamadeh , her 15 yr old cousin who was trapped with her or Yusuf Zino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun who bravely volunteered to try to save hind and were murdered by the IOF )
DrSonnet — هذا ما قالته والدة الطفلة هند رجب عندما سمعت بخبر... (tumblr.com)
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sayruq · 7 months
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tyrannosarahsrex8 · 21 days
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Found a clip explaining song 40, the last song in epic the musical, (spoilers?) is a duet and this headcannon came to me lol.
Text if my hand writing is too hard to read:
Panel 1:
Odysseus: okay, okay. Time to reunite with Penelope. aahhhh
Athena: she’s outside your bedroom
Telemachus: I-I’m sure it’ll be okay?
Panel 2:
O: wish me luck
A: you’ll be fine
T: good luck!
Panel 3:
A&T: …
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esta-0 · 26 days
‼️EMERGENCY FUND: Help my family survive and start a new life in Gaza.‼️
Peace be upon you. My name is Hetar, I am 24 years old. I am studying geographic information systems, and my family and I dream of living in peace and security. I call on your humanity to help us achieve this dream. >>>▶️
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The dirt you see is not just a house that was blown up and destroyed; it represents memories buried forever. I was born and raised in this house in the Gaza Strip, along with my family of seven. Despite the war, we lived here in peace, striving to realize our dreams with the resources we had. However, Israel's occupation has launched a war against our simple expectations. For 10 months, we have lived in constant fear of the bank. My university was bombed, and many of my professors and classmates were killed. I was about to graduate, but now my education has stopped. My father, who is 55 years old, spent his life working hard to provide for us and help us think about our goals. Unfortunately, losing the house he worked without building and a reliable job. My mother is saddened by what happened and the dreams that have disappeared under the genocide. >>> ▶️
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>>> ▶️
My brother Abubakar dreamed of becoming an accountant in a bank, and my younger brother was about to graduate from high school. My younger sister, Dahil, really wants to go back to school. My older sister, Dina, had her first child, Nada, during the genocide. Sadly, Nada's father has not been able to see or hold her since she was born, as he has had to stay in Northern Gaza to take care of and protect his parents. We are being denied our basic rights—education, proper food, and security—because of the bombs and the ongoing conflict. I am calling on your humanity and kindness to help us raise $1,200. This amount will enable us to get shelter tents for the time being we have no place to live, please donate without hesitation. Be blessed ♥️🌹 🇵🇸
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igorlevchenko-blog · 6 months
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Morrowind: Uupse Fyr, fourth wife of Lord-Wizard Divayth Fyr, enjoys skooma pipe with apples and shalk resin.
P.S. That is, wife-clone-daughter-benign corprus tumor.
P.P.S. Moon sugar+apples+shalk resin makes a "fortify speed" potion.
Digital painting. Made in Krita (5.1.5).
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ripelytoo · 1 month
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Sickly Vox~
(I don’t know why, but I hate my own art. I feel as though it’s not good enough and I keep having to restart every sketch I start with.. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it though! 😣)
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weepingwidar · 2 months
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Sliman Mansour (Palestinian, 1947) - A Witness on Tel Al-Zaatar (شاهدة على الزعتر) (1976)
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taviamoth · 3 months
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art by the.gauntlets
Dr. Huda Abu Khater's Instagram
gofundme to help them
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marfa-g · 5 months
His wounds are from Deraa
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sayruq · 8 months
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cry-ptidd · 5 months
I know we all compare Alucard to a cat (rightfully so, the resemblance is uncanny) but have yall ever had a dachshund? Those adorable little shits are so clingy to the point where they want to crawl into your skin (and even that probably wouldn’t combat their clinginess)
I've never owned a dachshund
That sounds exactly like Alucard so
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Hellsing au where everything is the same except Baskerville is a dachshund
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garrandia · 2 years
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songstress and muse     
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sicklymadscientist · 5 months
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💕Please don’t re-blog to non-kink blogs, thanks!💕
All the recent An/gel Du/st love on snzblr makes me so happy and I had to contribute. This comes from imaginings with @ghostlychill and is basically the prequel moment to their beautiful art here.
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agentx8d · 5 months
Laila Ezzat al Shana is a 20 year old from Gaza who needs to evacuate her family from Gaza. Her husband needs immediate surgery for injuries in both feet. Her son Ismail is 2 years old, and all Laila wants for him is to live a safe and happy life! She just wants to raise her upcoming baby in peace and security like any other mother! She has only received 106€/75,000€ needed! Please, please help me share her message!
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igorlevchenko-blog · 7 months
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Portrait of Mistress Therana, Lady-Sorceress of Tel Branora
Long centuries of life sustained by magic have largely eroded the sanity of venerable Therana and being thus completely indisposed to managing affairs of Tel Branora—this duty came to rest with her retainers and it is really only thanks to them the town was able to settle into a bucolic life of wizard's tower—selling pearls and whatnot—rather than that of a mushroom-shaped loony bin.
P.S: Depending on how much you zoom in/out, Therana may appear to be either frowning or grinning.
Digital painting. Made in Krita. Feel free to repost, reupload etc. I am always looking for a commission to paint.
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