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lunathrix · 14 days ago
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Back in the spotlight
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aspiringsophrosyne · 7 days ago
Has anybody else noticed that Mel has a strange amount of things in common with a particular Olympian relative of hers?
I already got into this a little bit here, but to recap, Mel's the youngest child in her family. She was smuggled out from under Chronos' rule—by a female titan—to be raised to one day rescue the rest of her still captive family and put an end to him once and for all.
Doesn't that sound a lot like her uncle?
And all that was before the Warsong update, too! Now Mel's doing battle with a monster famous specifically for its challenge to Zeus, and for their cataclysmic battle that ended in Typhon's defeat.
I just find it interesting.
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dansnotavampire · 5 months ago
yeah new weapon new region new boss whatever
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junosmindpalace · 11 months ago
Acrually genuinely LOSING MY MIND over the hades technical test stream and not only the general lore but the gameplay. the game already looks SO FUCKING GOOD and the three years of work put into the game as it is already is SO evident. the SILVERPOOL??? IS SO COOL? And melinoë’s fighting style is even SICKER. the parallels to the first game mechanics to match the witchy vibe (cauldron instead of contractor, frinos instead of cerberus) is SO smart and all the additional features are so cool too i got SO EXCITED seeing the arcana cards. AND ALL THE ADDITIONAL CHARACTERS odysseus selene nemesis moros AND THE LORE…It is so heartbreaking to see how much time has passed since Hell was hijacked by Chronos, how Melinoë has grown up away from her home and her family in a camp. How she already knows many of the people in erebus and is seemingly very good friends with them. how she’s SO determined but has dialogue where she just sounds so defeated and desperate for her family, how she’s constantly having to ground herself because she gets caught up in her self doubt, sometimes even accidentally. how demeter calls her flower. how odysseus called her little goddess as a child. how she’s always checked up on hypnos growing up. how hecate cares for melinoë ugh ugh ugh this game makes me sick i cant WAIT to see more
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blue-unifox · 1 year ago
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Thought to experiment a bit! Top left model is Thando Hopa and I couldn't find the bottom right one's name unfortunately
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artistic-lightcycle · 7 months ago
I think I didn't tell here, our Stargate cosplay group has an official instagram page now. You can also get to the Facebook page from there. So if you're interested to have a look feel free to do so :)
And yes, we have a 1:1 replica of the gate build by one of our amazing members.
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sparklecur · 1 year ago
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ive been given too much power
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I just got into JJK and fell madly inlove with Megumi.
Then I discovered your fic and GODS just like Yuuta. I am so normal about your fic. YES.
I binged on reading your answers/snippets here on tumblr. And damn thank you so much for that.
The timeline of events before Gojo and Shoko arrived seemed harrowing. It puts a lot in context on why Gojo was so snappy towards Yaga. And why he's so firm that none of them will go out, and Megumi will be de-prioritized. (Because gods above. He has already been, and had it not been for Yuuta having almost infinite reserves)
And Yuuta baby is so amazing. He maintained his RCT for so long. No wonder he's so attached and it seemed like Megumi may be too. Anyway. Yeah.
I'm so normal about your writing. I'll see myself out.
I’m so glad you like it! Thank you for telling me!!
I have SUCH LORE around sgg and the Teen Parenting Saga that I would give fucking anything to have the time to write. God I’m obsessed with the idea of them as chaotic teen parents.
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leveluplevel1 · 2 months ago
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level1 playing the 'silence' guessing game aka nothing but pure chaos ( 2 / ? ) — nic & keji
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puffyartist · 4 months ago
hey puffyartist, you forgot working of SGG title Fangirl and the Fandom. (Bouns: outline and script) please?
Are you talking about this ancient tweet I made back in 2016??
Are you that same anon who sent that ask about Super Ghost Girl earlier this year? Between actually knowing and caring about Super Ghost Girl enough to send an ask and your messy grammar, you seem like you could be the same person....
Nothing's changed since that first ask; I'm not working on any Super Ghost Girl projects at the moment. The attempt to dig up what you were referring to did make me wistful though, so even if I'm not ready to return to her, I do appreciate your interest.
I'm so impressed you remember this old throwaway tweet from 8 years ago that I'm willing to share what I remember about what I had in mind for 'Fangirl Makes a Fandom': When Fangirl struggles to find anyone willing to talk with her about her latest fixation, she decides she'll make her own friends. She combining her code with strings borrowed from the other digital ghosts to make her own group of friends. I think the whole idea for this story stemmed from a character design challenge where I combined Fangirl's design with the other digital ghosts, and I liked the results enough that I came up with the story idea. Fangirl's fandom starts to go awry when there's in-fighting that gets messy enough that SGG has to get involved. The programmer is forced to undo the hybrids, destroying Fangirl's friends and leaving her alone again. The Programmer and SGG feel bad enough that they end up offering to listen to Fangirl geek out.
I do have actual concept art of the designs I had in mind for the hybrids, but they're in a physical sketchbook that I'm not able to access right now. Maybe I'll do some digging around at some point when I'm less busy.
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soirinfotchad · 1 year ago
Tchad : le gouvernement de transition remanié le 21 octobre 2023.
Tchad : le gouvernement de transition remanié le 21 octobre 2023.
Le 18 octobre dernier, les ministres Sgg et des armées ont démissionné, à la suite d’un scandale de sextape. Ce qui a conduit à un léger remaniement ministériel par décret du président de transition. Deux personnalités, deux postes. Dago Yacouba occupe le poste de ministre des Armées, des anciens combattants et des victimes de guerre, après avoir occupé le poste de secrétaire général 1er adjoint…
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faizh · 2 years ago
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spineless-lobster · 23 days ago
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EEEEEEEE Okay so if you’re like me and closely examining every single thing on each of the arcana cards, you’ve probably wondered who all these kiddos are that chiron’s got with him
I’m sure most of us have gathered that the one getting head pats is achilles, considering he’s got curly blond hair, wearing green and holding a spear. But who are the others? And whose baby is that???
Well wonder no more! Hopefully! If I’m right! Because a quick look at a short list of chiron’s apprentices on wikipedia has provided me answers! (This ended up being incredibly long-winded I apologize in advance)
Let’s start at the bottom from left to right. On the far left we a boy draped in blue and holding a staff, a bronze snake wrapped around it. If you know anything about the origin of medical symbols you’ll know that this is asclepius and his famous rod (ha) that, at some point in history, got mistaken for hermes’ caduceus. Thus that’s why it’s the caduceus and not the rod of asclepius we see on hospitals and stuff. But I digress!
Asclepius is the god of medicine and the son of apollo, who was trained in the art of medicine by chiron. So it makes sense why he’s here!
In the middle we have a boy clad in red and wearing golden laurels. I believe that this could be jason of argonaut fame. Long story short, jason’s uncle pelias overthrew his half-brother aeson (jason’s father) and killed all his descendants. Alcimede, jason’s mother, saved her newborn son by having the nursemaids cry over him as if her were stillborn. She then managed to sneak away and give jason to chiron, who raised and trained him. Eventually jason does who whole golden fleece thing and becomes the king of iolcus, though he and medea were quickly exiled afterwards.
On the far right we see a boy clearing purple with deer antlers on his head. If you’re a big artemis fan like me you’ll recognize this guy pretty easily. This is actaeon, a theban hero trained by chiron who’s most famous for earning the wrath of artemis. While out hunting one day he came across the goddess and her nymphs bathing, instead of minding his damn business he decides to peep on her. Rightfully enraged, artemis curses him and forbade him from speaking another word, lest he be transformed. Upon hearing his hunting party he calls out (in some versions he tries whistling for his dogs) and he transforms into a stag. His hunting party finds him, and, seeing a stag in his place, his own dogs tear him a part and kill him.
FINALLY, we have the newborn baby chiron is holding. Now, chiron does have a few children of his own, so it’s possible it could be any one of them. But I think instead it’s a lad named medus, or polyxenus, or medeus it really depends. He’s the son of jason and medea, and like his father, he was also trained by chiron. But honestly that baby could be anyone lmao
Oh god I yapped on for more than I should have WHOOPS 😭 I hope you all enjoyed this quick mythology lesson lol
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whatthefuckistevvs · 10 months ago
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When your design leaks weeks before it was supposed to show up
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blue-unifox · 2 years ago
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Girls night girls night
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atalana · 4 months ago
also on the subject of hades 2, this time its decorations
has everyone noticed the fact that mel can unlock both the old bulletin board for her tent, and the poster of than that used to be in the records room?
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and additional question, is anyone else insanely curious how she got her hands on those??
the bulletin board especially, given that it was already in the lounge where chronos has been dumping the rest of the decorations he took down
like i really only have two theories
1) they got dropped in the styx at some point during chronos' cleanup, and managed to float all the way to erebus
2) in her very brief ransacking of the palace to get mel and hypnos out, hecate decided these were extremely high priority objects to steal
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