#technically all the avians should really
connorsnothereeither · 7 months
Thinking about how birds need large breast muscles to fly so REALISITICALLY
Virgil should just have huge tits
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siriannatan · 1 year
"Watcha' doing?" - GrianImpulse
So @brainrotranch posted those cute Impulse Grian arts and I literally had to write something :}
Grian had no particular interest in redstoners. If he did he'd have interest beyond explosives and murder dungeons in Tango. His fascination with Mumbo was all to do with his moustache. And Impulse... Maybe he actually liked Impulse. Not like he was admitting anything or that it had anything to do with his technical prowess. 
The problem was... everyone assumed Grian had a thing for Mumbo. But they were just really good friends. All best friends make potentially homicidal robots that see them as father figures together. Besides, Mumbo had a thing for Iskall. And was incredibly bad about it. Worse than Timmy about Tango.
Not that Grian was weird about his crush. It was perfectly normal for him to perch around Pearl and Gem's bases. They had a lot of good thinking spots. For thinking about his base. The back as well. It was just a coincidence Impulse lived in the area and often flew in and out of his base. And flew around the general area helping his neighbours and pranking them and stuff. Admiring someone's flying skill was totally normal for avians...
"Watcha' doing?" Grian almost fell off the branch of Gem's massive cherry tree when Impulse was suddenly very much next to him. "Wah, careful," the 'dwarf' laughed. He was not fooling anyone with his disguise even if he did look good with a beard. Grian was more than aware there was a literal demon from the depths of the Nether next to him. A very handsome demon he happened to maybe, possibly have a crush on. And helping him not fall off. "You okay? I'm sorry..." Impulse jumped to apologising as soon as they were sure Grian would not fall.
"It's okay, I was a bit lost in thought, base planning and so on," Grian rambled, trying to not focus on Impulse's arm still around his waist.
"Is that why you're here all the time?" Impulse hummed, his hand slowly retreating. "Are you okay? Your face is almost as red as your jumper."
"I... I'm fine just got startled... I should go back to the back of my base," Grian desperately said the first thing that came to mind and turned to fly away. While completely forgetting they're on a tree branch... 
And would plummet down if Impulse didn't catch him. Which would be really good if it didn't mean he was now in Impulse's arms, awkwardly clinging to his shirt. His face was even redder now. Hoping what he was hearing was wind and not Pearl snickering somewhere nearby.
"I can't believe I'm saying it but I think you need a break from building," Impulse sighed and gently glided down to his base.
Grian did not dare move. Too scared Impulse might accidentally drop him. Until he was gently deposited on a couch in a relatively small, compared to the whole underground keep, living quarters hidden behind Impulse's marvellous sorting system. Grian would ask him if he could build him one if he didn't know how 'much' he'd use it... Wasting Impulse's time was absolutely not something he ever wanted to do.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Impulse asked, breaking Grian away from his thoughts once again. There was a pleasantly warm hand on his forehead. "Maybe you spend too much time around Decked Out and caught a cold?" the demon-dwarf wondered.
"No... I..." Grian tried to come up with an excuse as to why his face was even redder than his jumper. "You're just freaking handsome okay..." Grian huffed, feathers puffing out around him. It might have nearly doubled his size but did not hide him at all.
Impulse just sighed, shaking his head. "Next time just tell me and not stalk me?" he asked, hand on hips. "And if I'm understanding correctly, I like you too, so come by whenever as long as I'm home. And. Do. Not. Press. Any. Buttons."
"Will do..." Grian nodded with a hint of a smile. Why did he ever doubt his own charms?
He did not protest when Impulse insisted he stay for lunch. And it was a lovely lunch, followed by cuddles and a nap. And maybe overexcited Gem and Pearl running in to congratulate them early in the morning...
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mof17 · 5 months
please more apocalypse au please pretty please
(I almost fell out of my chair and broke my neck from how happy I got seeing this lol)
So so for the Aau, there’s a lot to explain. But I should get the ground rules of before the infection that spreads (this is technically an infection AU but eh, apocalypse seems more fitting)(this AU was in help with one of my friends in the beginning of it)
so- let me just dig deep into my Google doc real quick
Before the apocalypse starts, life is normal. There’s a small town, which has most of the characters mentioned in the entirety of the characters living in it.
scar lives with the clockers (minus etho, he left, BUT he will show up later…)(also his attire is his normal skin, BEFORE the apocalypse begins)
(I will be making a post as to why his outfit changes into what was seen in the drawing I made)
grian lives with Pearl (Who is a college student)
Pearl is very much into arts and crafts, so they tend to have very bizarre stuff around the apartment (like gas masks from when Pearl would spray paint things)
gem works at a diner, with Skizz being a cook and Tango being a waiter (alongside Gem)
the four of them don’t know each other EXCEPT Grian and Scar
(Scar, Grian, Pearl, and Gem are pretty much the main four, although more people join on in later)
who used to be in the same middle school and sat next to each other in math class. They would talk occasionally, mainly just Grian helping Scar read the problems and make sense of them or just lending a pencil to one or the other.
one day, Scar gets bullied heavily (it usually happens, but it’s more of a tease). Why does he usually get teased? Because he brings Jellie to school, who is licensed as his emotional support animal and the school just doesn’t care if Jellie is there or not.
but this time, someone took is too far. We’ll call this guy ‘bully’
bully gets a bit psychical taking a book binder from Scar’s bag and tracing it along his face, saying some things, the cut draws blood (and eventually turns into a scar later on in his life)
but out of nowhere, the bully get shoved into the ground, by who? None other than Grian! Grian is one of the only hybrids in the school, him being an Avian, or more specifically Macaw, he draws a lot of attention. see, the town isn’t exactly fond of Hybrids, it’s more discriminatory than most places. So the chances of the bully getting expelled is lower than Grian getting expelled
Grian continues to fight the bully, and the bully fights back
it’s eventually broken up by a teacher, and they’re sent to the office. Grian gets expelled, and is never seen again by Scar
that is until a faithful day in his senior year, where after school, he goes to Theatre, the only place he’s really accepted in. Ren is the teacher.
As Ren is teaching the Theatre club and gives them just a scenario to get a feel for the play they’ll be doing (a mock of third life)
the people in the theatre club include
Scar (18)
tango (19)
Mumbo (on sound)(18)
Katherine (yes, she’s here, it’s important I have to include Nature wives in here somehow, but that’s all of Empires that will be in this AU probably. Other than that, it’s a mix of the life series and Hermitcraft)(18)(set)
and more
They all take turns being the “lead” in this script, Joel voltuneers to go first
as they’re performing lines, Joel happened to forget a prop, so he calls out to someone who is sitting by the prop table that’s next to Ren’s desk.
that someone happens to be Grian, Grian panics as he didn’t expect to be called on or spoken to at all during this. He throws the prop (a wooden sword) and accidentally hits Scar in the head (Sound familiar? COUGH first death COUGH lol)
Scar passes out and luckily, he doesn’t get a concussion because author logic. While he passes out, there’s a flashback scene (AKA THE FIGHT FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL THAT WAS STATED EARLIER :D)
Scar wakes up and sees Grian, who is apologising but Scar’s ears are ringing, he points to Grian and just says “You look familiar…” and then closes his eyes again. When he wakes up, Theatre is about over and there’s an ice bag on his head and the mysterious “stranger” (grian) that he saw, is now gone. Scar goes up to Ren, and talks to him about him
Ren mentions that that was a brother of a friend from college (Pearl). He tells Scar that he doesn’t go to school and is technically homeschooled but borrows stuff from here. Ren also let’s Scar know that Grian feels like he owes Scar a favour or anything because he feels bad that he hit him in the head with a wooden sword.
Scar leaves the class with Jellie and his stuff and takes the bus home, on the way home he can’t help but think about what favour he would owe this guy, or if he’d ever see him again?
he goes home and Cleo asks him about his day, he brushes it off as a normal one, but it really wasn’t. Scar lays on his bed, too tired to change and ends up falling asleep.
(Then there’s a time skip, but that should be saved for a whole different post)
that’s basically like a prologue I guess? Idk, I can turn this into a proper Ao3 chapter, and maybe have a whole fic for this
this whole thing was taken out of my doc, from the section labeled “CHAPTER PLANS” lololol
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
New au infodump?
Dystopian au go brr
This is going to be a dystopian (:0 shocking) sci-fi world with a borrower Tommy who has a special wristband that lets him sizeshift, a gift from a long lost friend.
The au is mainly sbi centric (because I have a very very hard time writing anything else, though believe me I will try one day), other than Tommy there will be avian hybrid Philza, piglin hybrid Technoblade, and shrunken phantom Wilbur who got shrunken due to technical issues with a device he was tinkering with (and now needs to figure out how to get back to normal size).
The sbi are all first class, first district people, which, though it does make them seem stuck up and posh, they don’t actually know about the crumbling world of the lower districts.
Tommy’s been forced to steal to survive, and while shifted into human form, accidentally loses his way and finds himself in the higher districts, where he runs into Phil.
…you can probably guess that Phil’s hybrid brain goes to ‘child-its-child-why-sad-keep-safe’
Phil offers to take Tommy to his house, wanting to help him as well as pry information out of him to try and find out why he’s so scrawny
Tommy (reluctantly) takes up the offer because free food and a chance to steal something of actual value so he can get a lot of money, two birds with one stone in a way…
Oh and I forgot to mention that the sbi is kinda famous/important…
So they go to the sbi’s house and Tommy meets Techno and Wilbur, who are also enchanted by the blond. When Tommy sees Wilbur, he loses it for a moment, thinking that he’d finally found another one of his kind, until Techno explains the situation and Tommy feels ashamed he let his instincts control him like that and almost force him to shift.
They have dinner and game night, over which they bond with Tommy a lot, and even offer him to stay for the night ‘cause it’s dark out.
Tommy says yes, knowing how dangerous it is to walk the lower districts streets at any given point, especially at night, and they set him up in his new bedroom the guest room.
In the middle of the night Tommy wakes up from a nightmare and accidentally reopens a stab wound that he got a couple night ago (I did say the lower was dangerous after all), therefore his body shifts down to borrower size in order to heal it faster.
He can’t shift back until it’s healed, and now he’s at a upper class house with people that have been nothing but kind to him, though he knows that once they see him for the pest he is they’ll kick him out.
. . .
That’s about what chapter one should be, though I won’t start it for a while, homework is murdering me and I used to be at a really chill school with basically none of it so….
Please please please ask me about this, I would love to answer shit about it :D
Taglist under cut: (it’s not long, tell me if you want to be added :])
@i-am-beckyu, @brick-a-doodle-do
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utilitycaster · 1 year
it is entirely possible and probably likely that there is no real mighty nein massachusetts au and the caduceus cranberry bog remark was purely a joke, but I absolutely MUST ask about it on the off chance there is more to this concept
There will never be a coherent fic not in the least because I have not actually lived in New England for a decade, but:
Beau is from a wealthy suburb of Boston (in my heart I want her to be from Brookline but the vibe is further out, like Newton or something). Veth is from a not wealthy suburb of Boston, further out than Beau. I was going to say Caleb dropped out of Harvard but actually given his age at the time it should probably be some kind of Frankenstein of Boston Latin with Philips or Groton.
Caduceus is in fact from an ancient line of cranberry farmers in western Mass.
I feel like everything east of the Ashkeeper Peaks should just be like. New Hampshire and Maine, which sort of undercuts the grandeur of the Kryn Dynasty, but I'm really struggling to place Yasha and Essek in Massachusetts.
Actually for peak hilarity Essek should be from Montreal in this analogy which puts Yasha in rural Vermont or New Hampshire.
Technically I think this means Beau dropped out of College of the Holy Cross.
Obviously both Fjord and Jester are from the Cape; she is wealthy old money whose mother decided to live in the summer house all year long. He is a working class townie who is faking the accent and his native accent is just generic non-regional US. Uko'toa is real and I saw him in the Boston Harbor on a field trip in fourth grade. Veth still ends the campaign running a summer camp.
Every joke I had about Molly's death I have rejected for not being nearly funny enough to offset the incredibly poor taste it is in but most involved the violent and unhinged avian wildlife along the Freedom Trail.
Caleb crashing through the window with Cat's Claw but it's the Citgo sign
I was going to also joke that Teleport lets you summon the T after midnight but apparently it runs until 1 and possibly 1:30 now so fuck me I guess.
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raptors-rapture · 3 months
Hi, uh, I learned about wing kin and I might be having a revelation? Maybe?? I don’t know if I am wing kin or not? Like, sure I think having macaw wings would be really really awesome and being a shapeshifter like that would be amazing, but it only impacts my daily life once I start thinking about it. And furthermore I have no ide if I do experience phantom limbs or not. If I do it’s just imagined. But like it’s not that I’m just bird, I’m bird-person I guess? And depending on my mood one shows up more than the other. And like I’m not even sure if the term works for me yknow? Idk you probably know what I’m experiencing better than I do.
hello!! tysm for the ask (low-key it makes me happy when people send in asks like this, I'm glad to help if I can!!)
first thing: what you're saying about it not impacting your life greatly is perfectly normal. in fact, if alterhumanity is severely impacting your life, that's a sign that something more than alterhumanity might be going on. as much as I adore the alterhuman community, one thing I think we need to better understand is that alterhumanity should not be impacting your life to the point of distress or major life changes. that could be a sign of a mental issue/disorder, and ofc we support alterhumans with mental illnesses here, but it can be harmful to write off genuine distress as a regular alterhuman thing
ok, sorry, that got off topic lol. back to what you were saying: there are a lot of avian/wingkins whose kintype is some kind of humanoid--hell, you can even be shapeshifterkin. one thing to look into could be angelkin (in the pop culture sense, not necessarily in the biblically accurate sense) and similar things. or, if you feel connected specifically to macaws/macaw wings, you could look into lycanthrope otherkin labels, like werewolfkin but replace wolf with x applicable term.
also, for the record you don't necessarily need to have phantom shifts to be alterhuman! there's a million different 'ways' to be alterhuman, some might get tons of shifts and others not so much. as for it being 'imaginary', technically all phantom shifts are a non-physical sensation from our brains, so that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be a phantom shift :) it really just depends how it feels to you and what labels, if any, fit your experience the best.
anyways, all that to say, alterhumanity and related labels are highly personal, so I don't necessarily know what you're experiencing better than you. nobody, including me, can magically assign you the perfect label--but hopefully this helped give you some places to look! above all just remember that whether you end up identifying as alterhuman or not, me and many others are here to support you.
happy flying my friend!!!
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asheanon · 7 months
I should not be awake right now, but... Just made kind of a funny little coinkidink of a connection with flamin' hot cheeto Tradiance boy a.k.a Ethereal Kuja (in Radiant + Trance form)...
So, again, this is kinda sorta spoiler-y to talk about (for my own stories.) Avoid it or read on as you see fit. 🤔
In the story line in which Kuja lives, thanks to Etherealism, he technically dies first before coming back. Kind of like a phoenix, yeah? Rises from the ashes of death, flame born anew.
Given that, how Etherealism inherently has fiery elements, how Kuja himself has avian elements and his coloration/look in that form feels a bit phoenix-y, I can't help but notice he has a bit of a phoenix motif going on there!
(Which I really like. When it comes to mythology, phoenixes have always had a special place in my heart. I adore their concept. I mean, given my own name, I've kind of always felt this connection to "ash" or "ashes" and finding ways to rise "from myself" whenever I encounter struggle. It's just... well, it's all a bit poetic. For me and for him - which suits him too.) 🐦❤️‍🔥
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veliseraptor · 2 years
What Dysfunctional Gods and Ghost Kinks character/Sad Queer Cultivators Show character would most enjoy having a dinosaur companion? Doesn’t have to be in a Dinotopia type scenario where that kind of thing is run of the mill, per say, though cultivators who live forever with giant lizard bffs is fun too.
Corresponding type of dino being at your discretion, of course 😉
okay well immediately off the bat I thought of this fic which features (among a lot of other really good stuff) Xiao Xingchen bringing home a baby dinosaur. and because of that fic my immediate answer was "Xiao Xingchen, give Xiao Xingchen a dinosaur companion" and you know what, I stand by it. I also feel like, if we're not calling this a regular thing in universe, Xiao Xingchen is the kind of weird where he could show up with a dinosaur and it would just be a thing that wasn't terribly surprising to anyone else, which I kind of enjoy.
it should definitely be some kind of avian-type dinosaur, though. because I said so. I like the idea of it being insectivorous. Xiao Xingchen is a friend to bugs but his dinosaur doesn't have to be
other characters who I think should also have dinosaur companions, though, and the dinosaur/dinosaur type I bestow upon them:
Xue Yang gets a velociraptor because he is my favorite, and velociraptors are also my favorite, yes, but "small, intelligent predator" also feels like the right choice and I think he'd be into it. it'd be a problem for everybody else, but. Wei Wuxian should also have a dromaeosaur but I'm less attached to a specific one for him. I think it should be bigger, though, more toward the Utahraptor end of the scale. I want a-Qing to have a small egg-thieving dinosaur. no bigger than three feet long max, preferably smaller. I mean fuck maybe I just give her Archaeopteryx or some other similarly early chicken-sized bird-dinosaur.
trying to think who else in MDZS should get a dinosaur...Jiang Cheng feels less imperative but I'd give him a parasaurolophus. don't ask me why, it just feels right.
as far as TGCF my only really strong feeling is that He Xuan gets a mosasaur. not technically a dinosaur but obviously he needs some kind of huge prehistoric marine creature and mosasaurs are particularly large and terrifying. the plesiosaur type was tempting because aesthetics but mosasaurs are ultimately bigger and scarier so
I feel like someone deserves a Therizinosaurus because they are so gloriously weird but I can't decide who would. maybe Xie Lian. I feel like Xie Lian could have a Therizinosaurus, but I'm kind of just saying that.
this is all very serious and scientific of me. but the most important thing here is that Xiao Xingchen should get to have a dinosaur companion and I think everyone can agree with me on that.
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I have been binge reading your entire Ao3 profile and I have fallen in love with your work. Your Dark SBI works are my favorite, particularly 'you bring out the worst in me' with close runners up 'Birds of a Feather' and 'Tasting Your Blood (Means I Love You)'. Wilbur is probably my second favorite after Techno but I adore how you write all of them. I know you probably get a ton of messages saying more or less the same thing, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to send in my appreciation as well. Admittedly, I also have a couple of questions, if you care to answer them.
First of all: In 'Birds of a Feather', are Phil's flockmates any less instinct driven than him, or do they also register Techno as a weird lil runt avian with social problems? If you could ever be bribed into writing a follow up with the flock's reactions, please let me know so that I can contribute.
Second of all: I have loved reading your stories over and over again, but I was wondering if you had any authors or fics you might suggest that are similar in content to yours (Techno-centric, whump or fluff)?
If you don't feel inclined to reply to this ask or answer these questions, I understand, and thank you for all the wonderful work you've done!
Gosh, Anon, what a sweet message. I'm glad you've been enjoying digging through my repertoire and finding stuff you like! And I'm always more than happy to answer questions about my writing :D
I'd say that all the avians in 'Birds of a Feather' are pretty similarly instinct-driven, though how much they get caught up in those instincts can fluctuate for many reasons, down to what season it is. It was supposed to be a plot point (that I cut for word count) that Phil's instincts were on high alert after being gone from his flock so long. Hence the near-instant imprinting with Techno. SBI does realize that Techno isn't technically an avian runt - rather, he's a whole other species - but that won't stop them from treating him like one. How to look after runts is the only point of reference they have, really.
Writing a continuation for that AU would be pretty pog and might happen someday. On that note though, I can be bribed into writing (almost) anything since I do take commissions, info is in my pinned post. If you're commissioning some type of fic set in one of my own AU I'm usually happy to give discounts too.
As for the second question: Floristkills would be the first to come to mind. She is an excellent Techno-centirc writer and a friend of mine. And I'd say our tastes are VERY similar. If you like Techno-centric Dark SBI, you should definitely also check out CleanLenins. And I also enjoy Who's work a lot.
I'm definitely forgetting some other really cool Techno-centric authors but it's 2 am and I have work in the morning, so I'll head to bed. Thank you again for the ask <3
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dragooned-speaks · 7 months
Yay, first ask is exciting!
April Showers and May Flowers is a neat title, it sounds like it'll be a pretty fun one!
Writing for fandoms is hard...I tried a little bit but I never wrote very much because I just wasn't suited for it...I bet you'll do great tho bc I tend to give up too easy sometimes
Also word vomits are the best! Do it some more and talk about whatever you want, it's enjoyable!
I reached out bc I saw you read my Fallen Angel story earlier and I wanna thank you for the like, it was fun to see someone new show up since I'm not popular at all
Tell me about your ocs, if you don't mind!
Hello again! (Big word vomit under cut.) This is platonic ppl.
TWs: Abuse, emotional manipulation (does it count if it doesn't work?), dehumanization ig?, orphans, hybrids, spoilers for a future work?
April Showers should be the angst buildup and healing while May Flowers is the final healing and fluff.
So, there are four characters: Willa, Mina, Retribution (idk what his civillian name should be, so I'm taking suggestions!), and Tao. I have the character's physical traits (and a few more personality traits) and a bit of plot and worldbuilding before I write! So, I'll start with Willa, the protagonist!
Three are orphans and the other's parents aren't mentioned because I am not going through the pain of writing parents. This is a superhero (dystopian?) world about the classic superheroes aren't always good, but I made the villain adopters vigilante friends.
Willa is a she / her female who was born in May (see what I did?). Her power is a healing voice, like a switch when she sings. She's a nightingale avian hybrid and she's really quiet, and when she talks, she kinda half sings because her power works to some degree. Her power's drawback is after healing, her voice will get scratchy and hurt or just stop working, depending on the severity of the injury.
She wanted to help the heroes because they're good! ...Right? Well, they're not, and when she joins the Hero Healing Program (so creative, ik), she is immediantly singled out because she's an avian and her power doesn't have a CRAZY drawback like pain or... idk, so they try to force an imprint. Unknown to them, she imprinted on a certain hero trainee named... you guessed it, Mina. Of course, forced healing doesn't work half as well, but the Hero Corporate doesn't know that!
She's cautious and nervous because she has been punished for breathing too loud. Breathing too loud. Crazy, right? She preens herself, but she's self taught and the heroes clipped her wings to keep her around and a tracker. Later, she and Mina run away to Mina's friend Retribution. Slowly, she heals and we get May Flowers' fluff! They run away to be vigilantes, and she becomes Nightingale!
A background worker helping her friends, she gets a power to force people to dance lol. But she has stage fright.
Anyways, onto Mina! She joined the Hero Program because she looked up to heroes as a kid, believing the world to be black and white, so she joined the hero commitee to join the well, "good" side. Her power is luck bending, and she gives good luck to those she thinks is good and bad to those who she thinks are bad.
She's with Mina because they were roomed together as dormmates (is that a word?) and she's a work all day kind of person, but she will stay up until 4 to be with a friend, so she's pretty friendly to her allies. If you're a stranger, she'll ignore you. They became friends after Willa pushed these guys who were bullying Mina because she's a hybrid (because they were technically insulting her too). Mina's a moth hybrid, and also keeps a little canister of poison gas, hence why she wears a gas mask when patrolling.
She's the quiet, serious girl who always repays debts. At the age of 12, she was enrolled in the program (you can start at 10), and she joined as soon as possible. Around this time, Willa is like 9. Later she becomes Karma the vigilante after pretending to retire as a hero (they were too busy looking for a certain lost avian to notice lol). Also, her hero name was Mothra.
There's Lotl, another orphan, but he's crashing with Retribution. Lotl is a lizard / axolotl creature hybrid. He's based off the Tuatara lizard, the three eyed lizard that loses it later. He has a third eye that can scare most people to the point of paralysis, but that power disappears as he grows older, and subsequently, more human. He gains the power to control celestial matter (stars, nebula, etc) but he's like only a year older than Karma so he isn't able to do too much yet. Mainly using some weak sparks from stars to light up and some wind. He's close buds with Retribution, and he's like that one hero who poses for the news evem if he's illegal. He's chill, he's easygoing, and yeah. Karma tells him to hurry up and kick the bad guy already too often lol. Also, he can slit his eyes because cool stuff right there. His civillian name is Tio.
Finally, Retribution. He actually has parents (shocking I know) but we don't see them. They just kinda gave him a floor of the house and don't interact. His family's rich, but he doesn't really care. His power is emotion manipulation, and he always tries to talk before attacking. He sees enotions as clouds, colored dusty pibk to thundering, and can kinda cover his mind in clouds so mind readers can't read his mind. Speaking of, he can mind read in flashes of the clouds, and kinda paints the clouds to change emotions. He can do this best focusing on one person but if he focuses he can do it on a small crowd before almost passing out. He's scary serious, like way more than Karma, and he's really short, even though he's a few months older than Lotl, he's like 4'7.
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atherix · 2 years
Kisses 32 for midnight mumscarian
Touching 24 for any couple in midnight
👀 oooooo-
Look I'm not gonna lie I am. Going to use a lot of these as an excuse to write Redscape-heavy scenes so 👀 BUT ya know-
Ask Prompts!
32. “stay strong” kisses
Everything is hazy but he hears his name, loud and clear. It's the only thing that feels real as he looks up, seeking out the familiar faces of his mates. He only finds Scar running towards him. He blinks as the Elf drops to his knees in front of him, quickly moving his hands to the injury on Mumbo's chest.
Scar looks distressed.
Mumbo doesn't like it when Scar is distressed. Scar should be smiling and laughing- Scar should be dancing with the wind as he casts spells beyond Mumbo's wildest imaginings, Scar should be chasing Grian around the manor, Scar should be showing Tubbo all sorts of new and interesting things about magic-
Scar shouldn't look so afraid, so breakable.
Mumbo reaches up, brushing Scar's hair back behind his ear, and Scar's gaze snaps up to his.
"I'm fine," Mumbo says, and they both know he's lying. "Where's Grian? You should- go help Grian."
"Grian's fine," Scar says, and Mumbo pauses. "He can- he has it handled. More handled than we did. Come on, we need to get this taken care of."
Scar's hand is warm but it trembles, fear and worry making the man unsteady. Mumbo blinks and cups his face gently.
"Hey now, love, we've seen worse before," Mumbo murmurs, brushing dirt away with his thumb. "It'll be alright."
The amount of trust he finds in Scar's eyes is almost painful, because they both know that doesn't make any of this alright. The silver buried in Mumbo's shoulder burns more than anything he's ever felt before, and Grian is out there fighting in a way he's never fought before, and this moment of peace- this moment of quiet, tucked away in the shuddering shadows, out of sight of their enemy- isn't any sort of true peace.
There's no such thing as peace in war.
Mumbo presses a gentle kiss to Scar's forehead- an action that might usually elicit a playful that tickles! from the Elf. Now, Scar leans closer to him instead, all jokes and teases about his mustache left abandoned.
Grian lands now, stumbling as his feet touch down before collapsing next to them. "Mumbo," Grian breathes sharply. "You need to-"
"Silver," Mumbo murmurs, still holding onto Scar. "If I heal without getting it out-"
He doesn't even finish before Grian is rooting through his bag, pulling out a steel knife- the same one he bought Mumbo all those years ago, at the festival Mumbo broke Isolation to attend with him. Mumbo hasn't seen that thing in ages- figured it had fallen somewhere.
Now, he supposes, he knows where it went.
Scar makes a strangled sound next to them. "You're not really going to-"
"We don't really have any other choice," Grian says, looking at Mumbo with a furrowed brow- worried eyes. "My love, this is going to hurt, but-"
"Trust me, nothing hurts worse than silver," Mumbo tells him sharply, breathing in sharply as the pain flares up in his chest.
"I'm sorry," Grian says, shuffling closer. "I am- so sorry, I had no idea this would happen, I don't know how-"
"It's fine, really," Mumbo says, voice wavering. "We can- talk about it later, yeah? Let's just- just get this-"
Scar's hands, still trembling, are gentle as he takes Mumbo's face in them, turning his attention to the Elf. "Like you said, it'll be alright, yeah?" Scar says quietly, leaning closer and pressing a quick kiss to Mumbo's lips. Mumbo's attention fully on Scar now, he misses the quick look shared between the once-Avian and Elf; instead, he lets Scar kiss him again.
He forgets, for just a moment, that nothing is alright.
24. whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin
(The pairing I am choosing for this one is... drum roll please... Cleo/Ren! Well, technically Cleo/Ren/BDubs with mentions to Ren/Martyn and Cleo/Ren/Martyn, but-)
Cleo chuckles, running their fingers along the lip of the cup. BDubs leans into their side, both watching the flustered Werewolf across from them.
Ren clears his throat. "As I was saying, Lord Cleo," he starts, his attempts at formality more endearing than annoying to the Zombie Vampire's ears, "I was thinking that- maybe... if you might be so inclined, dude- ah. Well, I was thinking-"
"Allegiance to my Coven," Cleo says. "You help us and we help you, correct? Help you and your Mage run from the little Wolves chasing your tail."
Ren coughs. "Well, I mean, when you say it like that-"
Cleo sets their cup down and BDubs leans forward, bright eyes on the Werewolf. "So to get away from a bunch of Werewolves you seek help from Vampires?" BDubs asks, a hint of mirth in his voice. "Oh, that's funny. There's some kind of irony there."
The Lord stands from their seat and walks around the table, and Ren audibly swallows as they tower over him. His ears flatten and he smiles in a way that feels more like a grimace, an attempt to not bare his teeth at them. Cleo chuckles and leans over, resting their hand on the back of his seat.
"Lycanthropes tend to keep distant from us," they say, raising a brow at him. "And vice versa. Yet here you come to us, requesting our help to run away from your old pack..." They lean closer, next to the Wolf's flattened ear, and quietly say, "That's quite daring of you, is it not? To walk into the den of the Werewolves' greatest enemy..."
Ren straightens up, but he isn't quick enough to hide the shiver Cleo's words send down his spine. They chuckle.
"Well, luckily for you, I like Wolves," they add before pulling back, standing straight again. Ren's face is flushed and he fidgets in his seat, glancing between Cleo and BDubs with wide eyes.
BDubs laughs and bounds over, leaning on the arm of the chair Ren is sitting in. "That means she likes you," BDubs tells Ren, as if the Wolf hadn't parsed that together himself. "And she won't kill you for your audacity."
"Oh- that. That's good," Ren laughs, and Cleo snorts.
"Oi, BDubs! Has Etho been convincing you I'm dangerous again?" they ask, as if everyone sitting in that room doesn't already know they're dangerous. "Killing him has never even crossed my mind." They glance down at Ren, whose smile is strained for an entirely different reason now. "After all, I can respect a man who would risk his own safety to protect his mate."
Ren's eyes brighten and his tail wags instinctively. "Oh, good! Thank you. You are very appreciated, thank you."
Cleo laughs and reaches over, setting a hand on BDubs' shoulder to encourage the excitable man to give the Wolf space.
"Of course, my help doesn't come for free."
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
Technically this is considered part 2 to the breakdown fic but it’s a one off actually but no matter what it’s actually done!
Content warnings: soft, safe, g/t vore, mentions of a toxic relationship (basically the premise of the whole fic) mentions of Glatt, character in a distressed state
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Quackity seemed to be having a rough day.
Not instinct wise, Karl’s learned to be able to tell the difference, but he could tell something was bothering his winged fiancé. The bags under his eyes were dark, like he hadn’t slept, and he seemed more jumpy, more angry. Without the avian telling them what was wrong, there was not much they could do, though the worried glances seemed to be taking a toll on the poor man. He left for Las Nevadas late that morning, swearing up a storm for being late to begin with, and not even an hour had passed before he was walked into the house by Wilbur and Fundy.
Somehow, he looked worse than before, completely disheveled and miserable. Wilbur walked him upstairs, telling him that he’d get his clothes ready while he got in the shower. Fundy joined Karl on the couch. “It’s a bad day.” He said simply. “What happened?” “It’s.. an anniversary.” A grimace overtook the fox’s features, and the brunette’s head tilted in confusion. Their anniversary already passed, hadn’t it? “It’s…” he leaned in closely, as if it was a deathly secret. And after hearing it, it might as well been. “His and Schlatt’s anniversary.” “Oh.” He fumbled to get his communicator. “I need to get Sapnap.” Fundy nodded. “He wasn’t in any kind of state to work, Wilbur said he’d had nightmares all night.” “He could- he should have woken us up. Sapnap?” “Hey, what’s going on?” “You need to come home now.” “What happened?” His voice dropped to a serious tone, and he could hear shuffling of him getting up and ready in the background. “Q’s home.” “Shit, already? What happened, did he ever open up?” “I don’t think so, but Wilbur and Fundy brought him home. It’s.. I’ll text you what they found out. Just hurry, he needs us.”
When they hung up, he quickly sent the ram’s name to the fireborn, putting his communicator down just as Quackity came down the stairs, Wilbur in tow with the bucket of their preening material. “Wilbur, I don’t want to fucking do this-“ “You’re starting up again, Quackity.” The avian huffed a sigh, storming down the rest of the stairs and right to Karl. “He’s not gonna save you, Big Q.” He pretended not to hear, burying his face in the brunette’s hoodie. “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t push-“ Karl started, nervous about the clingy behavior. He never got like this around people except close friends, and he couldn’t really say Fundy was considered a close friend to his fiancé. Wilbur watched the other’s reaction for a moment, face softening.
“Alright, I’ll relent. For now, but at some point we do need to preen your wings.” Wilbur’s voice was gentler than it had been. “Not today.” The Mexican’s voice was muffled, but Karl could hear the slight shake to it, the slight shake to his fingers as they nervously tapped at his spine to try and recover from his panic. “Not today. Sometime this week, maybe?” “Maybe.” “Let’s sit down.”
The avian was like putty, trying to put in effort to help but overall just compliant. It scared Karl more than anything. He didn’t know what Schlatt had done, but for the mention of the anniversary of the two to drive Quackity to such scary lengths, then he was not and never will be a fan of the Ram hybrid.
The door opened gently, surprisingly different from what their third usually did. The concern painted on his face said enough, and he quickly joined them on the couch, Fundy moving to give him the space. “Alright, Q. I’m gonna go back. Am I putting Slime in charge today?” “Close.” He muttered back, glaring down at his scarred hands. “You guys should rest. I’m not there working, you shouldn’t be either.” “Mm. I can still play the machines, right?” A small half-shrug was his answer, wings twitching behind him. It wasn’t him trying to be mean, Karl could tell, but the reaction only worried him further. “Go ahead, Fundy. I'll stay, unless I’m overstaying my welcome?” A beat passed, where they waited for their fiancé to give an answer, before Wilbur took a breath and moved slowly into the other avian’s line of sight. “Hey, big Q. I’m gonna head out, but you’re not alone, okay? Sapnap and Karl are right here with you.” He nodded, eyes falling closed as Wilbur also took his leave.
“‘M sorry.” His voice sounded so weak, so fragile. “Sorry for what, Q?” “All of this.” “You have nothing to apologize for. It’s a rough day for you.” “Do you want some tea? It helps me sometimes, and it’ll help your throat too.” Karl offered, the avian looking at him for a moment before nodding. “I can do that. I’ll be back.” He patted the other’s shoulder before heading towards the kitchen, pulling out their kettle and setting it on the stove. Pulling out three mugs, though setting one to the side as Sapnap didn’t always partake in tea, he put homemade tea bags into them, pouring the now boiling water over them.
As Karl watched the tea brew, a small thought came to him. Quackity liked being stored, it was something that helped him relax and sleep. Maybe.. he looked back towards the living room where his fiancés stayed curled up into each other on the couch, then towards the stairs where their potion stuff remained. Leaving the tea to continue to brew, he stepped into the living room again, making sure his footsteps were audible to prevent any panic. “Hey, Q? I have an idea, but I need your permission.” The avian was still staring blankly, just at the wall instead of his hands. He did offer a hum of acknowledgment, though, and he had Sapnap looking curiously at him as well. “So, Wilbur said you’d had nightmares, and didn’t really sleep well. So I was thinking, maybe we could do something to help you sleep? Like..” he forgot how embarrassing it was to ask if the other wanted to be stored. “Um-“ “Something like this, Quackity.” Sapnap pulled a shrinking potion out of his inventory, placing it into the other’s hands. His eyes went downcast once more. “Are you gonna be able to shift?” “No, I haven’t eaten today, so I was just gonna drink a purple potion with the tea.”
The blackette looked up, and prime did he look awful- and held the potion out to Karl. When his fingers wrapped around the neck of the bottle, he heard a soft, “please.” “Oh-okay! We can, uh.. do you want me or Sapnap?” He might as well offer, Sapnap’s warmer and-“ “You.” Oh. His shock must have shown, because the avian shrunk back suddenly as if he’d thrown boiling water on him. “I mean, you really don’t have-“ “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t willing to, Q. Can you breathe with me?” Watching his fiancé’s face twist with fear, his chest rapidly rising and falling, just shattered his heart.
When he’d calmed back down, Karl explained. “I just thought I should give you the option, I know Sapnap’s warmer than I am and he’s a lot more experienced with it.” “Yea, but I was also there a good amount of the time..” Sapnap grimaced as he recalled it. “Yea. It probably wouldn’t help as much if it were me.” “We always did it to him.” The avian whimpered, looking down as guilt flooded his eyes. “He should get-“ “This isn’t about me? It’s never been about me. I’m happy you care, but this is for you. I’m not doing this out of- of revenge or something, you just seem to rest easier in someone.” Why is that coming up now?
It’d been about a month since he finally admitted his fear to the duo, and he didn’t even think it affected them that much. They were more than accepting of the new conditions, and not once had they brought it up since they ended that conversation. Quackity had to really be doing bad mentally if that was coming up now. Was this anniversary always this difficult for the poor blackette?
“Wasn’t fair.” “Quackity.” He waited until he got an affirmation he’d been heard, the other’s head tilting slightly and his eyes meeting- well, there was no eye contact, his usually warm brown eyes were half lidded, full of regret and looking vaguely at his forehead, or his ear. Anywhere but eye contact, but Karl was not gonna push it because he’d finally gotten a little progress. “That’s over with. We came to an agreement about that. I’m not the one being stored in this situation, so I don’t care about myself right now. I don’t want you doing this if you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I want you to do this so that you can rest, come down from the stressful day you’ve had. I don’t want you thinking I want this for my own benefit. I just want you to relax.”
He couldn’t even tell if he was getting through to his fiancé, until he finally caught his gaze. “You’re too good to me. You both are.” A sad smile crept onto his face, and it made Karl want to cry. “You are to us too, you know.” Sapnap nudged him. “Now come on, you sound like shit and you definitely didn’t get enough sleep last night.” The avian huffed a sigh, but held a hand out for the potion. “Do you want me to mix it with your tea? It might take the burnt taste away a little.” “You think it’ll work?” “Worth a shot?” A sheepish grin came to him, and he got a nod in return. Heading back to the kitchen, he stopped to grab a purple potion before returning to their tea, which had started to cool off from the conversation. Normally, he’d add a sweetener to his own, but not today. He wasn’t gonna make Quackity sit in essentially sugar water until he was willing to come out. Really, he wouldn’t be drinking the tea, either, but he’d made himself a lavender and chamomile tea, a blend that Philza had gifted him at some point. He’d made the same for Quackity, thinking that the calming herbs would help him relax a bit, and figured that all of them could drink some and just relax for the evening. Well, not like they can’t. Pulling the tea bags out, he uncorked his potion, pouring it into his tea and holding it in his right hand. “Right is mine, right is mine..” He did the same to Quackity’s cup, adding the shrinking potion to it and picking it up in his left hand. He repeated his mantra to himself as he went back to the living room, causing both of the men on the sofa to chuckle slightly at his antics. He didn’t reply until Quackity’s tea (Left Q, Left Q) was in his hands. “I just didn’t wanna mix them up.” He pouted at them, taking a sip of his own tea. “We’re not laughing at you, Karl. It’s just cute.” “You’re just cute.” “Oh really?” “Yea, really.” Quackity took a drink of his tea, hiding his smile as he watched his fiancés ‘argue’.
“What are you gonna do about it?” “Shut up before I kiss you-“ the brunette’s attention snapped over to the avian so fast he startled, though it came second to the sudden nausea and dizziness. Breathing heavily through his mouth, he tried to open his eyes again but to no avail. “Hang on, Q. I’ve got you.” He felt himself get scooped up, presumably by the brunette who spoke, especially since the hands weren’t as warm as he’d thought Sapnap’s would have been. A finger ran down his back, trying to sooth him. It didn’t take long for his stomach to stop trying to turn itself inside out, and he finally was able to open his eyes, looking up at both of his fiancés. The fireborn smiled, leaning down to press a kiss against his torso. He couldn’t hide his blush, though he was grateful for the other’s eyes closing to save him the embarrassment. Just when he began to pull away, he kissed the bridge of his nose.
A soft huff escaped the larger, content and amused. He finally pulled away so Karl could bring him up to his face. “Sure you wanna do this?” He nodded, looking up into the brunette’s pink eyes. “Verbal answer? I just wanna make sure you actually wanna do this.” Well, with such a nice reason, how could he deny him his request? “Yea, I’m sure.” The absolutely soft look that he was met with made his heart flutter slightly. It fluttered even more when instead of being tipped headfirst into his maw, he was instead taken in up to his hips. He forced himself to take a deep breath, a move that did not go unnoticed. A hum reverberated against his legs, questioning and concerned. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” He leaned his head forward, resting it against the tip of the larger’s nose. His hands rested against his lips, but did not remain there long as he was scooped in further, the brunette taking a small, shaky breath before pulling him in all the way.
It was then when he remembered that Karl hadn’t actually stored anyone in his human form before, he had only turned human after he had swallowed them. “Are you gonna be okay, Karl?” “Mhm.” “You’ve never done this in this form before..”
Very carefully, he was maneuvered so he wasn’t anywhere near the other’s teeth before his mouth opened again. “I think it’ll be okay. I know the basics of it, and the two forms aren’t that different.” His speech was completely slurred and jumbled up, but he persisted nonetheless. “Besides, I’d feel bad backing out now that we’ve got this far into it.” The avian snorted, relaxing on the larger’s tongue. “You’re a dork.” “‘M your dork, love.” “Oh, shut up and swallow me already, Karl. Swear I’ll give you a stomachache-“ He was abruptly cut off by being pinned to the roof of the other’s mouth, and before he could even give a snarky retort about that, he was pulled back towards his throat and swallowed.
Huh. So he can actually swallow people in his human form. It was still different, however; at least in his other form, he had a small amount of room to breathe and move. His human form didn’t have such luxury, and he could feel himself getting light-headed from the inability to take in a full breath. Thankfully, it didn’t last long, and he was promptly dropped into the brunette’s stomach with a gasp. “Are you okay?” He was immediately asked, and he rolled his eyes. “Are you? Was starting to think I was gonna get stuck.” “Maybe I’ll stick to storing in my true form then. But I’m okay, don’t worry.” A pause, in which Quackity assumed Sapnap spoke up, occurred before Karl gave a small laugh. “Change in plans, I guess. Want a roommate?” “If you can handle it. Don’t push yourself.” The avian shifted to get comfortable, moving towards the other side of the small organ so he didn’t get flattened when Sapnap joined him. It didn’t take long before he heard another swallow, and only a few seconds seemed to pass before he was being looked at by his fiancé’s glowing orange eyes.
“Hey.” “Hey. Feeling better?” “Maybe a little.” He held his arms out, a silent question. The fireborn wasted no time to crawl over and take the avian into his arms, and Quackity took notice of the warmer temperature the other had. Their surroundings pitched backwards slightly, then a weight pressed against the top of them, though it was a lot more encompassing as the other’s stomach was smaller than their own pouches. “Sorry. Just getting comfortable.” The weight- Karl’s hand, of course- began to rub gently against them. “You’re fine, Karlos.” A comfortable silence came to them, though still tense as they all thought about the day their winged fiancé had had.
“You don’t have to answer..” Sapnap started, catching everyone off guard. “But did something happen today? Other than it just being a rough day for you? Typically Wilbur doesn’t walk you back home.” Quackity sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, steeling his nerves to speak. He genuinely did not want to remind himself of it, but.. they deserved to know what caused him to spiral so badly.
“I saw him today.” “Saw who?” He could only see Sapnap’s eyes in the dark, and they were full of concern. Even Karl’s rubbing against them had stopped, simply becoming a comforting weight. “Schlatt. Or.. Glatt, he goes by now I guess.” “How?” “He has a fucking underground gym, and I stumbled into it on accident. And he just, it was just like being back in Manburg. All I could think of was ‘thank prime I found him and not fucking Tubbo, or Fundy, or anyone else that dealt with his shit’! He was calling me pumpkin again, like nothings fucking changed. Like I haven’t moved on and realized how horribly he treated everyone.” “How he treated you, Quackity. You’re neglecting yourself again.” “It doesn’t matter-“ “It does matter, Q.” He choked back a retort, looking down. Sapnap wrapped him into a hug, mindful of the other’s wings and slight shaking. “You matter. You can’t just throw your hurt and needs out the window because someone else is being hurt as well. That’s not fair to you.” “He didn’t kill me.” “He didn’t kill Tubbo, either. Techno did.” “He told him to.” “Tubbo’s okay now, isn’t he? He’s with his husband, with their son, in his own country. He’s healing, Quackity. He’d want the same for you.” Karl spoke up, pressing harder against where he felt the two curled up. “Nobody wants you to neglect yourself because you think someone has it worse. We all care about you.”
“I’m sorry-“ the avian sobbed out, clutching to the back of Sapnap’s shirt like he’d disappear if he let go. “Don’t apologize, Q. You’re okay. You’re gonna be okay.” The fireborn soothed gently, running his hands up and down his spine to try and calm him down. He continued to quietly sob into the other’s shoulder, letting himself be gently rocked by the blackette. The larger went back to rubbing at them from outside, keeping his breaths calm to try and encourage the avian to settle down.
Finally, the other simply relaxed against Sapnap, and he looked down to ask if he felt better only to be cut off by a soft snore. “He fell asleep.” He couldn’t keep his voice low, but did bring his hands up to hover over his ears to muffle it. “That’s good. Hopefully he can get some sleep now.” “Yeah.” Sapnap’s eyes began to droop, the dark and warmth around him pulling him to rest, and he forced his eyes open again. “You should rest too, Sapnap.” “Maybe, but I don’t want him to feel alone if he wakes up fast, you know?” “Yeah, but you’re a super light sleeper. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” The fireborn gave a long, drawn out sigh before relenting. “Fine. I’ll try. Night, Karl. Love you.” “Love you too, Sapnap.”
He adjusted the blackette in his arms so he could lay down, pulling him back against his chest when he finished and resting his head atop the other’s. He thought it would have taken longer for him to drift, his worry usually kept him up, but he quickly fell asleep.
~ ~ ~
“You found me on our anniversary, Pumpkin. It’s almost like fate, wouldn’t you agree?”
He jolted awake with a gasp, panicking at the feel of arms around him. His eyes flew open and yet- nothing changed. He was warm, drenched in- is that mint? Some kind of mint liquid, and there was a pounding sound not that-
His mind caught up to him, and he relaxed. He wasn’t near him, he was with his fiancés. Sapnap was curled up behind him, or.. was. He was sitting up, matching his gaze with slight panic and worry in his amber eyes, the only light in the organ they resided in. His hands were raised in surrender, though Quackity couldn’t see them. “You okay?” “What happened?” Karl’s voice was groggy and quiet, but still all encompassing. “I.. I’m sorry, I had a nightmare-“ “You’re fine, Q. It’s okay. You don’t need to apologize for a nightmare.” Sapnap sighed in relief rather than answering, finding his hand and entwining their fingers. “Wanna stay awake?” “..Not really. I just, maybe I won’t have a nightmare again.” “I’ll protect you from the nightmares.” “And I’ll protect both of you from nightmares.” If Karl had been in his true form, Quackity would bet money the walls around them would be pink. They could feel their surroundings squish in, no doubt the larger wrapping his arms around his middle to give them an impromptu hug.
The tension completely oozed out of the avian, and he fell limp against the fireborn again. “I love you both so much.” “We love you too, Q. Get some sleep, okay?” “I’ll try.” It was the hardest thing to do, go back to sleep with the knowledge that he may be haunted by his dead ex. But at least his finances had promised they would protect him from the ghost, and that alone had been enough. Sapnap pulled him back down so they were laying back down, beginning to purr to help pull him back to sleep. Quackity couldn’t deny that it helped, and as his mind drifted off all he could think of was how lucky he was to have the best fiancés in the world.
~ ~ ~
“He’s sleeping again.” “I hope you know how weird it is to feel you purring in there.” Karl kept his giggling to a minimum, trying not to disrupt the sleeping avian. “You’re welcome.” “Oh my god.” He rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to squish him further. As silence settles over the two awake, Karl couldn’t help but think back over the morning, over his distressed fiancé’s actions. He gave a heavy sigh. “We can’t let this happen again, Sapnap. He doesn’t deserve it.” “I agree. I almost wanna track down that damn ghost myself and tell him to fuck off. Actually, let me talk to Dream about that. That’s my goal tomorrow.” The weight of the fireborn grew warmer, and he knew Sapnap was getting worked up over it.
“It’s not just him, though. We didn’t even know why today had significance until Fundy told us. We really gotta start paying attention to stuff like that.” “No, I agree. You’re right about that, I should have known what today was gonna be but I just didn’t think about it.” “Well,” the brunette mused, “At least we know we’ll never let him get this distressed again.” “Damn right.” Another silence came over them, and the fireborn stifled a yawn. “If you’re okay with it, I’m gonna take a nap too.” “Yea, I planned on taking one. Night, Sapnap. Love you.” “Love you too, Karl. Good night.”
And with that, the blackette snuggled closer to the walls surrounding him and his sleeping fiancé, letting himself cool off and sleep come to him. He was so going to make that ram pay for everything when he woke up.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Distraction - Chapter Four: Kill Me Again - 2k Words
Fate is cruel and unjust, a lesson Grian and Scar have yet to learn
A03 Link
Grian moved through the forest quickly, looking for Scar. There was a brief period of peace befalling the server as the day winded down and the sun began to set, and he really wanted to see his…partner? He didn’t know the right word for what they were, all he knew was that he really, really wanted to talk to that man. There were a lot of things about the day that the avian wanted to tell his tall friend
He practically made a beeline for the meeting spot, running recklessly and having to stop himself from crashing face first into trees or stumbling over underbrush at a few points, enough for it to be embarrassing. Grian arrived in the area in record time, clutching the bark of another nearby tree; one he hadn’t almost face planted into. Sharp eyes flicked over the area as he caught his breath, searching desperately until he found the person he was looking for.
Scar was crouching by the river, his whole chest exposed instead of just a part of it. His white shirt was in the water, its owner trying to scrub bloodstains from the fabric. Scar hair was tied in a small ponytail, one that could technically be called a man bun. Most of his scars were on display, stretching over him and making Scar’s namesake very obvious. Water dripped down his skin, and the avian soon found himself a little transfixed at the sight.
Grian stopped in his tracks, his call of greeting dying in his throat. He wasn’t expecting to see such a sight, but the blonde wasn't exactly complaining; he was doing quite the opposite really. His eyes trailed over Scar's chest, lingering just a little. He flushed a little, because Scar did, in fact, have abs and he'd maybe forgotten about them for a moment in favor of his other…assets.
Scar only noticed him when he was done with his chore, seeming a little startled by the avian's presence when he turned around. "Oh, G! Hello there!" He smiled, snapping the smaller out of his thoughts.
"….Hi!" Grian managed to choke out, slowly forcing his gaze upwards.
Scar smirked, taking a few steps closer to the little avian. "Didn't know I was such a distraction to you~" He purred, and Grian flushed a deeper red than before. That man was very quick at catching when he was flustering the blonde, damn him. Grian could never seem to one up Scar in that department, no matter how hard he tried.
"Well, you should by now," He huffed, leaning in closer. Scar just rolled his eyes affectionately, leaning in as well. "Yeah, I probably should.." He muttered, hand going to cup Grian's face gently.
Grian smiled into the sweet kiss Scar gave him, familiar lips capturing his own again for the millionth time. Scar's other hand went to hold the back of his head, calloused fingers gripping at his hair pleasantly. The avain's own hands rested on the brunette's waist, talons digging into bare, scarred skin nicely.
They pulled away after a minute, smiling widely and a little breathless. One of Grian’s hands ghosted over Scar’s abs a little mischievously, just to rile him up a little bit. The taller flushed above him, muttering something to himself that Grian didn’t quite catch. The blonde’s smile turned into a triumphant smirk, Scar leaning down to pepper kisses into his face. He giggled at the feeling, hands moving back upwards to cup the other’s cheeks.
“Now why were you just standing there, hm?” Scar muttered, moving Grian closer to his chest. Grian hummed contently, enjoying how his face rested against the brunette’s chest.
“Wanted to see you.” He muttered, leaning into the taller’s embrace. He felt Scar smile more than he saw it, the brunette cooing about how cute and clingy he could be. Grian didn’t dignify that with a response, and only further proved his partner's point by trying to snuggle up closer to him.
"Sorry about Joel…" Scar muttered after a minute, rocking them both back and forth a little.
Grian hummed in response, the pangs of grief still fresh and tearing at his chest. Seeing Scar that day had been an effort to distract himself from that, to try and bury it more, and so far it was kinda working. "It's fine," He settled on that response after a minute or two of careful deliberation, not really sure what to say in response. Grian was not…. the best at expressing feelings. "I've teamed up with BigB and Pearl now."
The avian knew he'd said something wrong instantly, feeling how Scar stiffened under him. He removed his face from where it was buried in the brunette's chest, looking up to meet now troubled green eyes. "Scar….?" He asked quietly, hesitantly, a little unsure of what he'd said wrong at this point. "What is it?"
Scar blinked, and took a few breaths, as if needed to keep his voice steady. "It's just, ah, its just you and BigB again…after last time"
Oh. Grian thought stupidly, the realization hitting him like a truck. He had sort of…cheated on the man with BigB during the last game, so it was understandable why Scar would be uneasy with them teaming now; especially with their rekindled relationship. Yet the taller's voice was gentle, and held none kd the anger it should realistically have. Grian’s heart swelled at the clear compassion, the readiness to talk and actually have good communication for once radiating from Scar in the moment. That meant a lot, after they had been so terrible at the last one firing their time as soulmates.
Grian moved to embrace Scar property, having to stand on his tiptoes to wrap his arms around the other's neck. "I won't do that again, I swear." He muttered into the crook of Scar’s neck.
"You promise?" Scar mumbled, speaking almost a whisper.
"Promise." Grian said, squeezing his partner tighter. "I'm not interested in B, and I don't think he is either."
"Thanks," Scar hummed in response, sincerity clear in his tone. "Now can I put my shirt back on?" Grian giggled, and let go a little reluctantly. He also decided to not mention that Scar's shirt was still mostly damp from the river water, because it showed off his abs quite a good deal. And Grian was not a man to complain about free eye candy, even though there was a pretty solid chance the brunette had done it on purpose.
The two stayed in their secret little clearing for a few hours after that, exchanging cuddles and whatever other news that came to mind, and the past few days had been very action-filled, so it gave them a fair host of little events to discuss.
Grian slipped away earlier than he normally would that night, not wanting to raise much suspension over his absence. He'd just gotten new allies, and didn't want to risk losing them on day one because he’d stayed out for too long. If the avian thought about it, he was kinda like a teenager, one sneaking off to see his forbidden boyfriend and trying not to break curfew.
Grian kissed Scar goodbye that night, saying a promise to sew him later as he always did. Little did he know that the next two weeks would be full of near death experiences, with no time to rest in between and certainly no time left for secret rendezvous; because traveling during the darkness of the night could suddenly cost you your head. He didn’t know the next time he'd see Scar, he'd have his lover's blood coating his hands once again.
He didn’t know how it happened, really. Grian wasn’t exactly sure how he got to that moment, but he knew he’d do anything to change it, to take it back, rewrite the stars even.
They’d be fighting, a group of them, him and his new allies had been fighting the remnants Clockers over something stupid probably. They always had stupid fights late in the game, deaths caused over something petty. It was just another fight Grian let himself get lost in, that's all it was supposed to be.
He’d come too again when his sword had been stabbed through Scar’s back.
Scar let out a strangled sound in front of him, Grian watching as he pulled the sword out, slicing through delicate flesh and fabric. The avian’s hands were shaking as he did so, and part of his brain was cursing him for even pulling the weapon out in the first place. That was just going to make Scar die faster!
The weapon stopped mattering after that thought, like everything else around them, as Grian crouched at Scars side. He didn’t care that they’d been a little secretive or whatever, or that there were other people around, none of that mattered when there was a bleeding man laying in front of him. Sounds faded into the distance, his gaze focusing on the blood oozing from Scar. Dear god it was so much blood, and Grian’s brain was struggling to find a way to stop it all.
“Scar I’m sorry!” He choked out, placing a firm hand on the wound, trying desperately to apply pressure. He’d stabbed the sword through his lover’s torso fully. There was a hole in Scar’s torso and it was all Grian’s fault.
Scar made a wheezing sound in response, grabbing the blonde's other hand before it could become bloodsoaked as well. “It’s okay, G, really it-”
“It’s not okay!” Grian hissed, voice becoming smaller. He could hardly see Scar’s pretty face now, his eyes starting to properly cloud with tears. “I did it again!” He sobbed, moving to hold Scar in his lap best he could. “I promised I wouldn’t…..It wasn’t supposed to be this way….” He was stupid, stupid, stupid! Never learned, did he? His stupid head was still in that stupid desert, in the stupid cactus ring-
“Hush, okay?” Scar gave a weak huff, as if he could hear the avian’s thoughts, and reached upwards to caress Grian’s cheek, and probably using the last of his strength to do so. He leaned into the touch like it was a lifeline, one of his own hands going to hold the brunettes to his cheek. Scar pressed their lips together gently, one last time. Grian shut his eyes tightly, leaning into the sensation until the weight in his lap was gone.
Scar didn’t have any more time left. He was dead, forever . And it was all Grian’s fault again.
Grian doesn’t know how long he sat there, but it was long enough for the world around them to go quiet. For all of Scar’s allies to either be killed or flee. The blonde just stared downwards, at the ground. Stared at the grass that was becoming stained with Scar’s blood. He stared at his own clothes, his pants, his stupid leather jacket from Joel, and even his bright red shirt stained with Scar’s blood. It was all over his hands too, and the thought made Grian want to bend over and lose his lunch.
He was aware of Pearl and BigB next to him somewhere, behind him he thinks. If the avian focused, he would feel their concerned gazes on his back, and how they slowly moved closer.
"G?" BigB said carefully, going to touch his shoulder. He flinched when Grian recoiled away from the touch, a fearful look in his eyes. The blonde’s pupils were more birdlike than they usually were, stretching so wide you almost couldn’t see the dark, blue-gray color of his irises.
“Don’t touch him, it doesn’t help.” Pearl muttered to him. Sadly, it wasn’t her first time seeing Grian in panic mode, and not her first time seeing him panic well…due to the situation that had just unfolded. BigB nodded, and watched what his friend did instead.
Pearl sat down next to him, barely even touching him. “You okay, G?” She asked quietly, and BigB sat down on the avian’s other side. Grian took a moment, but he gave a shaky nod in response. No
“You want us to get you cleaned up?” BigB asked. Grian managed to nod, only wincing a little. Everything hurt, his vision was blurred with the beginnings of even more tears, and he was close to hyperventilating. The sticky feeling of his blood on his hands didn't help. All it did was make him nauseous, and remind him of how that was Scar’s blood and how everything was his fault-
Everything sort of became a blur for Grian once again, and tears started to fall down his cheeks once more. His breathing quickened as well, chest tightening in pain. Pearl and BigB helped him keep calm, and he leaned onto his newest teammates like a rock . The blonde thinks his brain is trying to block it out, or process it or something; but he did know for sure that Scar was dead and it was his fault . Eventually Grian was sitting in the Froggie Tower, having changed into clean clothes at one point, and breathing for what felt like the first time in hours .
He let Pearl and BigB shove their beds together; making his heart ache for his fallen Bad Boys and mixing horribly with his burning grief for Scar. Grian curled into Pearl that night, BigB on his other side again, and cried himself to sleep as silently as he could; the other two now unable to fill the now gaping hole in his heart.
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octocurse · 2 years
“Adventures w/ 9”, a show I want 2 create about mental health, growth and change. I’m absolutely open to ANY suggestions !! [Note- I’m updating as I spam my friends !! Also, very long post.] [TW for - Implied transphobia, death, implied s//icide, multiple forms of ab//se, religious figures referred to as gods, murder, animal death, looots of stuff. (It gets worse) please be careful w/ reading !! I don’t go into super detail abt everything but religion and death are MAJOR things in it.]
Before show occurance ——, a 13 y/o living in the US during 19XX. They go to a wedding with their parents. The atmosphere sickens them. They remember the former wife of the groom, who they walked upon the corpse of. There’s no telling of what truly happened. —— dies the next day. Their parent’s state it was of mysterious circumstance. The blonde thread will become cold soon.
Season 1 Welcome to adventures with 9! With 9, Misery and Midas (the cat that only speaks in lies that I can’t ever settle on a name for), the fun never stops! Even if Misery is rarely there. The first 5 episodes are about 9 learning new things. It doesn’t understand many things at all, despite usually having an appearance similar to that of an 8-10 y/o. He understands far less than he should for that age. Midas is a silly and quirky creature who is wary of Misery. Ze are hyperaware of things and try to warn 9 but they never quite understand what they mean. Throughout the episodes, 9 learns about stars, math, pain (like getting hurt and how to deal with it), bugs and shapes. Even though they only really ever see the cat, shapes and Misery in the blankspace. Misery is seen doing sketchy stuff in the bg, seeming distant and never there to teach 9 anything new. Seemingly phasing through the floor and creating portals. At the end of episode 5, Misery grabs the cat and chops it’s head off and shoving 9 into the “Eye of Scarab”, a specialized portal that requires an eye of any creature to enter.
There are SEVERAL ranks of gods, each having their own themes.
When one retires or “dies”, the most powerful soul takes their place.
The highest ranking is themed after avian species and space + astral themes. This is the one that watches over Misery and many, MANY others in the monoplain. I have not decided on a name for them.
There are many others but the ones I have designed already are Pyronus (or The Dog, a god themed after the sun, everlasting joy and canine creatures.), Kaimana (or The Snake, a god based on the deep seas, self love, and taking care of the environment) and Arier (The Lioness, the god themed after working together, family bonds and respect for others. She’s being redesigned eventually bc her old one is ugly.)
Each one collects the souls into their domain through the travelers. The more they have, the higher the rank.
Arier is known to be the kindest and most loving, often taking lost souls under their wing. Has a strong hatred for Misery’s god. She will take in anyone who manages escape and has good will. Misery is not one of them.
Souls lose power the longer they’re alive, and gain more the longer they’re dead.
Fetuses and babies do not have them. They develop one in the stage of being a toddler.
Souls are the embodyment of ones being. In other words they’re spirits or “ghosts”
Ghosts technically do and don’t exist. They’re found by the travelors and are unable to stay on earth for long.
Souls can be split to create new beings- they kinda just grow back in a way.
Misery has half a soul.
Each soul has a set of abilities they can preform, with or without outside gear needed. Misery specializes in portals, however cannot go far due to their god being very strict, making it so that the only area they can open them in is blankspace. They have a friendship with the travelers.
Souls can be reborn, If they have the resources. However, it’s very hard to gather them.
Spaces and Plains
Plains are places created by a god in order to serve the souls. Each one has one. If a god retires, it goes on to the next. These are either infinite spaces for everyone to explore or separate islands where each soul lives, normally capturing a space that the soul remembers most vividly.
Spaces are created by souls. The only ones who can access these are the souls themselves as it’s technically within the soul itself.
Spaces are infinite white voids that are usually filled to the souls preferences, and can vary based on the amount of power the soul has.
Misery’s space is called Blankspace. is pretty empty, outside of the colored masses scattered around. There’s fencing to keep 9 and Midas from roaming too far off. After the fencing the space starts to darken and you just get transferred to the void ig idk
The travelers.
The travelers are three cats and a dog. Two cream tabbies, an orange caped and a border collie.
The travelers jobs are to travel across the universes and collect lost souls.
The travelers don’t have official names in the universe but they’re just my cats + dog and Tofu (rip tofu. She deserved better.)
The travelers can be in multiple places at once.
The travelers don’t follow any god, nor are they watched over by one. They are simply just separate from any other being, despite the appearance. However, they would love 2 have tea parties with the gods (if they had thumbs)
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harmonymurphy · 4 months
After days of poking, prodding and scowling, I'm done with my first very basic art-reference custom-mythical-creature Blender sculpture. That probably sounds cool, but it's not. It's definitely not "look what I made!" quality, but I need to slowly work my way up to sharing my art again.
Putting under the cut because I'm going to ramble a little about my future comic and what I'm going to use it for. Also he's a Ken-doll but still technically nakey and not everyone wants to stumble across that.
Censored just in case, because the tail does look rather... strange in front view. I've heard Tumblr auto-censors can get overzealous over the wrong things.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This is why I learned Blender. I heard you could make custom models in Blender and import them into Clip Studio Paint and make them poseable. I wanted a digitigrade bipedal humanoid eight heads high, with the thighs vertical and the ball of the foot under the femur, the tibia longer than the femur, and an excessively long tail like I always draw on my animals. I also wanted them to be able to move their inner toes to brace and help with stability, since that's one of the disadvantages of the digitigrade state. And I needed the muscles to be easy for me to see for composition purposes. I knew I wouldn't find what I wanted online, so I had to make my own.
I have at least five species that will use this body plan, so this is just a generic model. They'll each have different tail and ear shapes, and two of them will likely have more reptilian/avian feet. I guess I'll finally admit that the kitsune and nekomata will be two fantasy creatures featured prominently in my comic, along with dragons. Eastern dragons were said to be able to shape-shift and crossbreed with humans, as well as having a sort of half-dragon/half-human form, so I took that idea and ran with it. Technically there are six remaining dragon varieties based on Easterns, Westerns, wyverns and a couple of cryptids, but I'm counting them as one.
As for the other two, I'm not quite ready to talk about them yet. I feel like I should have artwork of them ready before I reveal them. They are based on real mythical creatures, two of the coolest creature designs I've come across. I always wonder why they're so poorly-represented in the media (I've come across a couple but they really should be more common). But I've made enough little changes to them that part of me feels like they're mine now and I'm not ready to share them. And my interpretations of them are actually composites of multiple fantasy creatures from different regions, based on my research and my comparative-mythology approach, so... Why am I telling you this? I'll share them when I'm ready and I'll explain myself then.
Anyway, um, the model. Yeah, that's what I was supposed to talk about. So I think he's still too lumpy but he looks okay considering this is only my third sculpting project, and the first one I've worked on since my vision got really bad around November. Those hands just about killed me but I've never sculpted hands before and they came out better than my hand drawings. I'm not happy with all of his contours but he doesn't have to be perfect. He's adequate for what I'm going to use him for.
I'm going to rig him and do some animations to help me visualize how my characters move. I need to see if the leg proportions will work. I know it would make more biomechanical sense for them to keep their ankles locked while bearing their weight, but it's more fun to draw flexed ankles, so I need to see how this might impact their gait. (It will be addressed in the comic that there are some things about them that they can't explain, they just work, like their less-than-ideal leg structures. I have one that's even more illogical, but be patient, that's the next model I'll be working on, maybe you can see it next month.) I need to see if it would look better for them to hold their tails still or wave them in resonance with their gait. And I've always imagined them running quadrupedally in a specific way that wouldn't make their butts stick up in the air. I need to animate it and see if I could get it to work with their leg proportions, and if so, would they have a normal run cycle or should I have them bound like a mule deer.
Have I ever mentioned how I over-think everything? Because I over-think everything.
But first, I must retopologize him. He ended up with 950,000 vertices and my computer will go on strike if I try to render anything like that. And since I can't afford any of the instant-retopology tools this month, it has to be done manually, which is going to take me hours.
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devildomwriter · 3 years
You Go Shopping For Baby Clothes Together | Satan x Reader
You were nervous as you walked hand in hand with Satan into the baby store for the first time. You were surprised such a place existed in the devildom. You knew demons often had children, but you weren't aware they'd spend so lavishly on a newborn. The prices here were far beyond your means in Grimm and in your human world monetary equivalent.
"Satan...I'm not so sure we should go to the most expensive place first..." you trailed off, seeing all the cute clothes.
"Our baby deserves the best," he insisted and followed your gaze to the clothing aisle.
"Want to do clothes shopping first?" He asked, grinning.
You nodded, and he led you to the large section of the store.
You were in awe at the colored-coded and theme-coded shelving.
"Right, so, what kind of style were you thinking for the baby?" He asked as he surveyed the nearest clothes.
"Umm...I don't know. We don't even know the gender, though I guess it doesn't matter what kind of clothes they wear."
You looked around and noticed how different these clothes were compared to human baby clothes.
Human baby clothes didn't look nearly as gothic and punk as the ones here. If they weren't gothic and punk, they were fancy and showy. Maybe it was just the expensive store, but nothing here was plain and simple.
"MC, look at these shoes," Satan commented and held up the tiniest buckle shoes you'd ever seen.
"So small..." you said in awe, and he nodded, studying them with you. You looked at the shoes in a trance at the idea of something being so small.
"The baby is already eleven weeks which means they already have teeny tiny feet and hands." He cooed and rubbed his hand over your protruding bump.
"Get the buckle shoes," you said, nodding, "I really like them. What about tiny gloves?" You asked, seeing the winter section mittens.
"Oh, good idea, for when the claws start coming out."
"Hm? The claws. Their nails?"
"Right...human babies don't claw things like demons and cats do."
He stiffened up as if having an epiphany.
"MC!" He exclaimed, surprising you. "Help me find all of the cat things here!"
"Yes!" You cheered and helped him search the shelves and racks for anything and everything, cat.
"Satan, everything has two versions," you pointed out and noticed a third option, "or three...."
"Get the ones with button-down backs. We don't know if they'll have wings or a tail yet," he decided, and you nodded.
"Won't they have a tail like you?"
Satan blushed and grimaced as he explained, "while that would normally be the case, technically I share one hundred percent of my DNA with Lucifer so the baby could end up a winged avian, like him as much as they could be a tailed elemental like me," he said, trying not to explode again like he did the first nine times that fact was brought up.
You rubbed his shoulder and quickly took his mind away from the dark places it was headed by holding up two different cat onesies.
"The gray one or the white one?" You asked, and he grinned.
"Both, of course."
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