#teatime reading
brightwitchbrews · 7 months
This or that... Which tiny tale would you rather read over a brew of tea? ✨ One about:
🍁 a ghost who giggles as they chase the memory of their twin around the ribbons of encircling tree trunks
🍄 a bumpy black toad who reads the poetry of a prince hidden in the enchanted hollows of a secret tree
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@natureaestheticdreams for more 🍃
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zakuramochi · 8 months
After watching the Hetalia english dub, the disparity between the interpretations of the Western and Eastern fandoms suddenly make a lot more sense… a lot of the lines were changed so much to cater to localization to the point that the characters’ personalities became completely warped from the Japanese version. 😯
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milk2641 · 5 months
Here are some of the more normal fan arts, but they’re still pretty meme-ey in nature
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Here’s a bonus DTS inspired by how my friends and I’s profile pictures lined up in a call
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garpixink · 2 months
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syl-stormblessed · 1 year
so i'm reading Hogfather and i absolutely MUST know
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s7ieben · 5 months
Reading Everywhere – Coffee Break
Teatime or a Coffee break dream. Just reading everywhere. Just a pause in your life – with a great story.
aquarelle, ink on paper – drawing, painting – 11 x 18 cm
S7IEBEN.art RedBubble
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morimatea · 9 months
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This is the most beautiful time.
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alfea · 7 days
ok i did some digging and these are the tags from back in the day that i think i will be reviving
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brightwitchbrews · 7 months
A Path of Wishes and Starlight
A Marmot & Marmalade tale
A star fell beyond the horizon, past the mountains far to the north, and down into the black waters of the sea.
A small creature had watched its path across the sky in the hour after midnight. His wet nose twitched as he wished upon that falling light.
A strange thing for a creature such as himself to do. Wishing. After all, what good are the promises of lights trailing the sky when there are seeds to be found just yards from his paw’s grasp?
And yet. He wanted. Wanted fiercely. Something more than hollowed burrows and crunchy grasses. More than cool spring streams to quench his thirst.
There was no name for what he wanted.
And yet.
He followed the vanished path of that falling star, the line of its tail now consumed by the ink of night. He scurried over rocks and lumbered across the fallen trunks of trees. He scrambled through thickets lush with crystaldew berries, and skittered between gnarled roots where flowers sighed at the moon.
A new star appeared through the trees. No. Not a star. A lantern. Dozens of them.
Sensing that his path was near its end—or at its very beginning—the creature pressed through the swaying fronds of a giggling night garden, the way opening with ease as he passed.
A thin trail of hard crystals appeared beneath him, glowing like moonflies. He followed this earth-bound trail of light, so like the one that had sparkled over head, his fur bristling with the promise of thunder.
For a storm was ahead of him, and the forest called him to it.
“Oh!” a creature spoke, as he tumbled out into a meadow. “Hello, little one. Who might you be?”
This new and strange creature stood tall on two legs. The fur curling about her face was brightest copper, and danced in the breezeless night. Her face was bare and pale, her eyes shifting colours like lake water.
He approached, slow and wary, as she crouched down in a plot of luminous wild flowers. Behind her stood a large red tree, its boughs almost golden in the fae glow of fire and glass.
He pressed his muzzle to her strange paw. Long and bony, yet without claws. He chittered as she tickled at the fur beneath his chin.
The star he had followed had led him to a most curious being, almost as curious as himself.
“Say,” the creature whispered, sidling closer as he sat amongst her blooms. “You look like you’ve had quite the journey. Would you care for some tea?”
The creature, woman, witch, pressed her hand to his fur. Warmth blossomed like a moonflower in his chest. The words she spoke clarified within him, into something like understanding.
At her touch, a new world awoke in his deep and hungry heart. He could feel the edges of it, a void within him like the lonely sky above. The witch smiled and a glimmer of something rippled through him, like the first dawn of starlight.
His fierce and heartsick wanting abated under the feelings of arrival, kin, home.
And yet.
Countless other small and earnest wantings unfurled as he sat in her presence, expansive and limitless like so many constellations.
The creature didn’t yet know what tea was, but the impression he received from the witch of the woods was one of comfort and honeyed sweetness. He wanted so much it ached.
The creature nodded and the witch smiled.
“Come along then.”
He followed through the flowers, over tree roots, up a set of stairs, and across the threshold of a purple wooden door.
“I think,” the witch mused as she set down a teacup on the floor by the fire, “I shall call you Marmot.”
By Bright Witch
✨ Website | Patreon
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@natureaestheticdreams for more 🍯
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bloodof-leaves · 5 months
Going over King Lear again before my lit finals and i gotta say. Edmund is the funniest motherfucker sometimes.
This dude does a whole monologue where he basically goes "Man do y'all see this shit this is the pinnacle of PROOF of one's sheer fucking STUPIDITY, when motherfuckers believe in this 'oooo the stars ooo the lunar eclipse ooo the solar eclipse, now tragedy is gonna strike!!! its the planet's fault that bad things are happening to me!!!' horseshit. Like, NO dumbass, it's all your fuckin fault. I would for SURE still be a conniving little snake shithead bitch, even if I wasn't born out of wedlock under the fucking Big Dipper. Get a fucking life."
Then Edgar walks in and is like "Hello dearest brother why do you seem so glum? " and Edmund fucking goes "Oh nothing.... Just remembering this book I read about the unfortunate happenings that occur after solar and lunar eclipses....." Objectively hilarious fucking move honestly I have to respect it.
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garpixink · 2 months
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sundung · 6 months
damb did u know utena and kankri receive red sweaters from the ur-sufferer of misogyny
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violetmoondaughter · 1 year
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Relaxing moment🕯️📖☕
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monggay · 2 years
mechs fan content made by fandom outsider streamers getting dono'd mechs stuff
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