#team headcanons
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demonicsuffrage · 27 days ago
Batman regularly conducts performance evaluations/reviews for all the justice league members on an annual basis
Someone in the league, probably Hal or Barry, brings up how unfair it is that none of the robins have to go through it, when it's the most daunting thing ever. So now, the batkids have to go through mandatory performance reviews too
Bruce: The audit team says the budget this time was way higher than the last?
Tim, who's laundering an entire batmobile: We just needed extra snacks to feed the bats in the cave
Bruce: They suddenly needed more food?
Tim: Actually the previous bats all adopted new baby bats. Cause they're all like you, you know?
Bruce, trying not to cry: okay
Bruce: The record says you broke the 'no gun rule' fifty times in the past month.
Jason: Damn just fifty?
Bruce: That's not acceptable
Jason: What are you gonna do, fire me? Your poor posthumous son?
Jason: That's what I thought, see you at dinner
Bruce: In the medical record, all your injuries are listed as 'nunya'. Care to elaborate?
Dick, hitting a pose: Nunya business
Bruce: How would you rate yourself and your performance on a scale of 1-5?
Cass, trying to sound professional: 4.8
Bruce, concerned: Why did you deduct the 0.2? Self-esteem is important. You're getting a five, review over
Bruce: What would you like to say about your repeated-
Duke: I'm severely understaffed, you know? As in, i literally work my shift alone, so
Bruce: Fair enough, I apologize, you may leave
Bruce: In your own words, please explain why we should keep you around for another year
Damian, having to deal with this right after a long patrol: I'm your blood son. Would you fire me? Firing Richard as Robin wasn't enough?
Bruce: What would you say your biggest flaws have been, while working this year?
Steph, experienced in these cause of her service jobs: I cared too much. And I worked too hard.
Steph: Can't forget I'm also too good at my job.
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megaarn · 4 months ago
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I had the idea of designing what each merc looked like at 18, so heres my take on it! this was such a fun project, im thinking of making a comic based off of it...
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arkangelo-7 · 4 months ago
Things Bruce Wayne does at Justice League meetings that 100% confirm the fact that he is a Dad.
Makes attempts at referencing pop culture to try and relate to the younger members. The most memorable instance is when he told Flash to “keep running up that hill.” (Dick laughs for an hour when Wally tells him about it.)
Does the iconic groan/grunt whenever he sits down in his chair. It’s hilarious, but no one is dumb enough to laugh at the Batman.
Ensures that the background music exclusively plays Matchbox 20 and Nirvana. Diana is the only one who enjoys this.
Actively complain about how everyone is “ruining his floor” whenever they push back their chairs.
On that note, he also complains about crumbs getting everywhere whenever someone is snacking.
Will (covertly) ask Clark for grilling tips during breaks. Oliver overhears this once and has to go lay down out of shock, because Batman? Grilling?
Declines requests for new equipment/tools/etc. because they “have that at the Watchtower.” This inevitably leads to complaining from the entire JL.
Always, without fail, will ask Hal if he’s changed the oil in the spacecraft recently. Hal doesn’t know whether to be offended or not.
Randomly interrogates members on if they’ve messed with the Hall of Justice’s thermostat. They have not, in fact, touched the thermostat.
Someone needs to stop me because I literally cannot get the image of Bruce being the Typical Dad (tm) of the Justice League.
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demigods-posts · 5 months ago
headcanon that percy is historically hard to beat at monopoly. and it's intially the most mind-boggling thing ever watching him turn the tide of a game. because he's definitely losing at the beginning. but percy is not only an amazing strategist. he has a deep understanding of money and knows how and when to bet on the board. he knows when to test his luck. and he's amazing at getting into people's head.
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qqqkrolek · 1 year ago
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ashersbunker · 23 days ago
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just a small coincidence.
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coff3w · 1 year ago
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The Bola's gas masks.
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raticalshoez · 8 months ago
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I miss Team BEST and their dysfunctional swag
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lilislegacy · 3 months ago
it’s funny because piper may give percy a hard time, and she definitely teases annabeth for dating him and calls him a doofus. but i just know that if it came down to it, piper would be one of the loudest defenders of their relationship. like if a guy ever thinks he’s better for annabeth than percy, i know damn well piper’s gonna put him in his fucking place.
because piper knows without a doubt in her mind that nobody will love and take care of annabeth the way percy does.
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homkamiro · 4 months ago
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Whatever. Throws you my headcanons
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chaoticedward · 10 months ago
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i think he would be really disoriented once they put his head back on his body. or once he died and respawned. he just wouldn't feel right anymore like his body wasnt his own. like his hands were too big and his feet were too small. he keeps burning himself on his cigarettes and bumping clumsily into the side of tables. the other mercs laugh when he trips over his own legs. he doesn't get what's so funny. he's in pain, and they laugh more as he tries to get back up. it makes him want to go run into the base's meat freezer and hide. at this point, the cold is more comforting than anything. at least he couldn't be poked or prodded in the fridge. at least he's safe from ridicule in the freezer. the cold made the cigarette burns hurt less too anyway. my commissions | my kofi
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boimann · 2 years ago
heavy is the biggest gossip
he pretends to be unintrested and quiet but he is actually secretly listening to everybody else's business, and since his grasp on english is not that strong some members on the team aren't as worried of him overhearing things,
than at the end of the day he goes to the med bay and reports all his findings to medic and the two of them just gossip together while medic performs surgery on heavy until the sun goes down
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trypo-p · 3 months ago
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throws my sniper headcanons at you (was originally gonna be art style practice but it also turned into sniper headcanons)
One of my biggest headcanons for Sniper is that he has chronic back pain. Not only because he's slouched over for his work all the time, but because his backstab wounds don't exactly go away after respawn. The pain still lingers, and respawn leaves him with a brand new scar. Some scars are lighter than others, while others are much deeper than others. He has a lot of trouble bending because of this, and often needs assistance from someone if he needs to grab something on the ground.
However, something he risks his back pain for is bug collecting. He'll grab a lil bugger off the ground, let it crawl on his arm and compliment how it looks, then put it back down safely and suffer the consequences (trying to get up for 3 minutes)
I also like to think he has his ears pierced. He knows soldier will make fun of him for that and having his hair long, but he doesn't wanna let those things go. Sniper was very into the hippie culture, not with the bright colours n tie-dye n all that shindig but he still rocks the camper life, mullets and earrings.
I think some extra things are that he's got tons of scars from, well, mostly Spy and his counterpart. He also smells like a wet dog, musty wood, tobacco, sweetgrass, sage and cedar. It's not a strong smell (he's gotta practically smell like nothing for being a bushman) but oddly enough for someone who looks that musty, he smells quite pleasant.
I have more headcanons if you guys wanna hear me yap more :P
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luna-shadowbunny · 2 months ago
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G.I.G.G.S Phasmo crew!! <3
( With some headcanons ofc!! :] )
Click for higher quality**
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oblique-lane · 5 months ago
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Spy tf2 and his identity
Character analysis (or at least my vision on him, if you believe my reasoning)
What do we know about Spy? He's a disguise mastermind. He can pretend to be anyone in order to infiltrate into the scene to do his job - quite literally, stab people on the back. But when he's not in the battle, what is he to his teammates? A suave Frenchman, a gentleman with taste, somewhat a leader.
At least, that's the persona he prefers to show. But is he really..?
What if I tell you that this person never drops his disguise?
For a man who always wears a mask and who's identity being secret is a sacred part of his role in this job, isn't this persona too much to show if it is real? Frenchman, rich, ladykiller... Wouldn't it be too easy to decipher his identity with so much clues provided? Wouldn't it be dangerous?
While Miss Pauling and the Administrator definitely know Spy's real identity, hiding it is a major thing for whatever reason. One could assume it might be because of Scout (obvious guess) but I doubt he's a sole reason. Spy very much enjoys being the Spy all by himself. Do what's the deal?
Let's start from the beginning.
Why did Spy join Mann Co. in the first place?
Let's take this assumption as a fact: people come here out of desperation. They are professionals in their field, yet in their past/casual life there is a pattern of them having difficulties that push them into joining this service. I don't see why Spy would be an exception.
The reason for joining is usually money. Some people question why Spy, a wealthy man from higher society, would join Mann Co. if he has it all already.
Well, probably because he really does not.
Have you ever met an aristocrat? Wealthy people don't get so protective about their expensive suits, they can afford cleaning or a new one. Regardless, rich people don't usually get stingy about material goods, especially if they're mass produced.
At least, not those who were born into wealth.
Spy's defensiveness about his "wealthy stuff", his pomp-ness, disgust and arrogance towards "plebs" gives off a man who knows what it means to live in poverty and who doesn't want to be associated with it ever again.
(Not even talking about his own filthy habits such as not washing his mask and pissing on walls? Jesus Christ)
Dare I even guess that he might be not French at all? His French is so broken. (Although, so is Medic's German, but at least he uses his language much more frequently and in more complex sentences, while Spy only uses French to say some basic expressions, occasionally confusing them with other languages). Definitely not a native.
If anything, he's not giving "rich man" at all, he's giving con man. And that fits my picture perfectly.
So, poor upbringing. How old is Spy? If he's Scout's father (and he was young when he was conceived), I'd say he's no less than 20 years older than him. I'd give him a few more years actually. So, approximately Spy is around 50 at the events of the game (1968-1972). Let's assume he was born somewhere in the 1910s.
Even if he's not French, I still agree that he's probably European. Hmm, what was happening in Europe at the time Spy was a kid?
Oh yeah. The Great Depression.
See my picture: imagine, a child from a lower class family during the Great Depression, his parents were most likely to not take good care about him (both because of the economical situation AND as an echo to Spy's struggles with his own fatherhood). He has to run away from home early and start to make money. Any way possible.
Unavoidably, it leads to crime.
Petty theft, blackmail, scams. Changing identities. Selling low quality products and services. Changing identities again. When older, seducing rich women to stay at their homes overnight, be fed and supported. Running away from the police. Walking into a trap of the mafia, and then joining them as their goon.
In this nightmare of a life he just had to keep pretending to be someone else, someone better and stronger, in order to his ego to not completely shutter. He had to imagine he was an invincible mastermind trickster of some sort, not just a poor boo-hoo victim of poverty who has never knew normal life and care.
And if you pretend for long enough, you become your role eventually... Right?
His true self was long lost forgotten under many layers of new identities. Worse, his true self was never known. And he didn't want it to be known in its ugly and disgusting vulnerability. Narcissism became his lifeline.
It's so much better to be Spy. To be rich and elegant and respected. His ego rebuilt.
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angelbroth · 6 months ago
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My proof that medic isn't all heartless, cold, and evil
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