lupinsweater · 2 days
What about teacher James out in the wild, like reader and her kid are at a family diner in the weekend and coincidentally james is there w his friends and the kids all like omg it's mr james and idk its fun and sweet and wholesome, and u get to see that james is just as good and sweet and energetic w kids in and out of school♡.
this was such a cute idea! thank you so much for requesting darling!🤎
part one part two
Teacher!James Potter x Single Mom!Reader 💌 1.9k words
thanks to my bestie @blueberry-bees for beta reading this one for me!
♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡
The week following your embarrassing drop-off encounter with James, you were finally feeling better and decided to take Charlie to the local diner for the evening. He had been doing well with his homework, and you wanted to celebrate his hard work. The diner was nothing special, but it was cozy with its gingham tablecloths and mismatched light fixtures over the tables. Charlie had been excited all day about eating his favorite chicken tenders, and the promise of a chocolate milkshake had kept his energy up, even after school.
The two of you had just settled into a booth by the window when you heard a familiar laugh. Your heart skipped a beat as you glanced around, looking for the source of the sound. There, across the room, sat James, surrounded by a group of friends who were all laughing with him. His smile was just as easy, warm, and charming as always. He was animatedly telling some story that had everyone else at his table entertained. You admired him for a moment but quickly looked away, hoping that Charlie hadn’t noticed. Charlie, however, was a very observant child; he was already clambering to stand up on the seat of the booth to get a better look at the person who caught your eye.
“Mr. James!” He shouted, waving his little arms wildly as he tried to get his teacher’s attention. You frantically reached across the table, cringing inwardly as you tried to shush Charlie, but it was too late. James looked around, and when he spotted the two of you, his face lit up. He turned to say something to his friends before slipping out of his seat and walking over to your table.
“Well, look who it is!” James said, ruffling your son’s hair as he bounced on the seat with excitement. “My favorite student named Charlie.”
“Mr. James, I’m the only kid in my class named Charlie,” he giggled, staring up at James like he had just seen Santa.
“Oh, really?” James said, pretending to look confused. “Well, that must be why you’re the best one.” He turned to look at you with a grin. “Hey. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
You smiled back at him, feeling that familiar warmth creep into your cheeks. “Yeah, it’s kind of our go-to spot,” you said, hoping your voice hid your nervousness.
James glanced back at his friends, who were all pretending not to watch your interaction but failing miserably. James shook his head at them before turning back to give you his full attention with an amused smile. “Well, it’s an excellent choice. The food here is always good.” His eyes lingered on yours for a moment, but he quickly seemed to remember himself, clearing his throat and dragging his eyes back to Charlie. “I should probably let the two of you eat, though.”
James lingered for long enough that it was clear to you that he wasn’t in a hurry to leave, nor did you want him to. Charlie reached out and tugged on his sleeve, getting his attention. “Are you eating here too, Mr. James?” he asked curiously.
James smiled patiently back at Charlie. “Yeah, I am. Just having dinner with my friends, see?” He pointed back at his friends, who had stopped trying to hide that they were watching you intently. They waved at Charlie, who waved back with enthusiasm. James caught your eye, grinning. “Maybe I’ll stop by your table after you guys finish your food and we can have milkshakes together.”
“Sure,” you said, maybe a bit too quickly. You felt your cheeks flush. “That would be nice.”
“Alright, then. I’ll see you two in a bit,” James said, waving as he turned around to walk back over to his friends. He didn’t make it far before he suddenly stopped, turned around, and walked back to you.. You raised an eyebrow at him because he looked like he’d just had an epiphany. “Hey, you know what? Why don’t you come over and meet my friends while you’re waiting for your food? I promise they won’t bite.”
You blinked, startled by his invitation. Meeting his friends felt way more personal than just having a milkshake with him. But before you could come up with a reason to politely decline his offer, Charlie was already back on his feet, bouncing with excitement. “Oh, yes! Please, can we go, Mummy?”
You could never refuse Charlie when he looked at you like that- his lip jutting out and his eyes wide and pleading. “Alright, I guess we can say hello,” you replied, defeated. James was clearly pleased with your answer because he grinned, offered a hand to Charlie (who jumped off the booth seat and kept a firm grip on James’ hand) and led the two of you to his table. You were trying to come up with a way to introduce yourself to his friends without looking as uncomfortable as you felt, but James beat you to it, smiling with ease at his friends as you approached the large corner booth.
“Hey guys, this is Charlie and his mum,” James said, reaching down to scoop Charlie into his arms so he could see all of his friends over the table. “He’s in my class.”
His group of friends smiled warmly at the two of you. A tall, sandy-haired man was the first to stand and offer you his hand as he introduced himself. “Remus Lupin. It’s lovely to meet you.” You returned his smile, and the man sitting next to him scrambled to his feet as well, taking your hand in his with a firm shake.
“I’m Sirius, the best-looking one of the group,” he said, winking at you playfully. Everyone laughed, and the red-haired woman shoved him back into his seat, leaning across the table.
“And the most delusional,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Lily.” She introduced herself. “Please ignore him.”
You giggled, shaking her hand as well. The last two girls at the table waved at you as you turned to look at them. “Marlene,” the blonde one with the shaggy haircut said, as the girl with the dark curls told you that her name was Mary.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” you said, unable to hide your smile at how friendly they all were. James had set Charlie down onto his seat at the booth at some point, and he had scooched himself over to where Sirius and Remus were sitting, chattering away at them as they watched him with amused smiles. “I hope we’re not interrupting your meal too much.”
“No, not at all!” Lily said, smiling at you. “It’s nice to finally put faces to your names.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you shot a look at James, who looked like he wanted to strangle Lily and die on the spot simultaneously. “I might have mentioned you a few times,” he admitted, trying to seem nonchalant, but a hint of color rose in his cheeks.
Sirius snorted, glancing over at James as Remus talked with Charlie. “More than a few. James has been singing your praises since school started, hasn’t he?” He asked, nudging Remus in the side, who nodded noncommittally. Marlene and Mary giggled as he continued. “In fact, what was it that you were saying the other day, James? How you thought she was intelligent, and hardworking, and gorgeous…”
“Okay, thank you, Sirius!” James yelped, his cheeks flushing a deep red.
You giggled, bringing your hand up to cover your face. You tilted your head towards James’s as the rest of the table laughed. “I had no idea I’d left such an impression,” you said, your voice almost a whisper, your tone half-teasing.
James gave you a strained smile, but you gave him a genuine one in return, which made his gaze soften. “Hey, why don’t you sit down and I’ll go order that milkshake for Charlie?” James asked, tilting his head towards the empty spot at the end of the booth. Your eyes widened, and you shook your head.
You started to protest right as Charlie exclaimed, “Really? Can I, Mummy?” James raised an eyebrow and gave you a smug smirk. You sighed in exasperation and sat down, gesturing to Charlie.
“Go on, then. But just the one, okay?” You said. James grinned, reaching over you to scoop Charlie up and set him down on the ground. He grabbed his hand, guided him over to the counter, and helped him sit up on one of the barstools to wait after they ordered. James leaned against the counter casually but listened to Charlie’s chatter intently. The waitress came back a few moments later with Charlie’s milkshake and they began to make their way back to you. You heard James caution him not to run- and to be careful not to spill his drink- and Charlie obeyed, walking slowly and carefully back to you.
“Look, Mummy! Mr. James got me a big one!” Charlie said excitedly as he approached you. You smiled, taking the milkshake from his hands and helping him up onto the booth, pressing a kiss to his forehead. The waitress approached with your two plates of food, and nobody batted an eye as she slid them onto the table and refilled a few glasses of water.
You watched her set your plates down with alarm, but Charlie just crawled across your lap to sit down between you and Sirius. James slid into the booth next to you, nudging your arm playfully as he sat close enough to you that you could feel his thigh pressed against yours.. Charlie dug into his food, and James laughed at your flabbergasted face, giving you a reassuring nod that nobody minded you eating with them.
As the conversation carried on, you noticed that Lily, Marlene, and Mary had all turned their attention to Charlie, who was practically glowing at all the attention he was receiving.
“Oh, look at him,” Mary said, her voice soft as she leaned forward. “He’s absolutely adorable.”
“I can’t believe how well-behaved he is,” Marlene added, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “If I were his age, I’d be bouncing off the walls right now.”
Lily grinned, a playful gleam in her eye. “You’ve got a real charmer on your hands, Y/N. Look at him working the room!”
You couldn’t help but smile, watching as Charlie ate up everyone’s compliments. “He has his moments,” you said, unable to hide the pride in your voice.
“Don’t be modest,” Mary said, glancing between you and James. “With James as his teacher and you as his mum, he’s got the best of both worlds. Right, James?”
James, who had been quietly watching the interaction with a smile, gave a little shrug. “I’m just lucky to have him in my class. He’s smart, kind, and curious—he’s going places.”
You felt your heart warm at James’ words, especially the way he spoke about Charlie with such affection. It was clear that he cared about your son, and it made the butterflies in your chest stir again.
Charlie, who had been listening closely, chose that moment to announce proudly, “Mummy says I get my smarts from her.” He grinned cheekily as he earned a round of laughter from the group.
“See, he’s smart and humble,” Sirius teased, ruffling Charlie’s hair.
You couldn’t help but laugh along with the group, but when you glanced back at James, his eyes were still on you, and the warmth of his attention was unmistakable. You smiled back, trying to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you were totally screwed.
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alexsays-no · 3 months
Art teacher & Daddy part.6
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Last parent teacher meeting, and James finally makes a move
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i've been consumed by the craft
sorry guys i haven't been arting because i've been playing too much minecraft lmao
anyways i made these and i think they're pretty cool
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i might make alt outfits later (other camper/prom fits)
i'll link them later in the reblogs if anyone wants to download and use them in their game, all i ask is not to repost/edit them. :]
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glorystark · 5 months
Mr Barnes | teacher!Bucky Barnes x student!reader
Summary: Your English English teacher finally finds out why you’ve been failing your classes and he isn’t disappointed.
Warning: TEACHER X STUDENT, smut, age gap (reader is like 22 and Bucky like 30), fingering, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex (don’t do this), language
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
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You entered the class sighing hoping that he wouldn’t come today. You didn’t see him the whole day which was a good sign that he hadn’t come to school today. You took your seat which was in front of his desk which didn’t help the anxiety rushing through you. It’s not like you didn’t like your English teacher, no it was quite the opposite. It wasn’t easy to be taught by a hot college teacher who you assumed was about ten years older than you. You are always distracted by him and constantly the thoughts of him inside you, that you can’t even concentrate on the lesson anymore. You knew it was wrong but you just couldn’t get rid of the feeling.
You hoped someone would walk in the classroom, telling everyone that your teacher wouldn’t be here today, but all your hopes were ruined when Mr Barnes stepped into the room closing the door behind him, slightly smiling at everyone. He took his seat and said good morning which you all answered back as well.
”Alright guys before we start today’s lesson, I need to talk about your last test and your grades. This class is divided into three groups. There is group one with amazing grades and great participation in class, there is group two with good grades and ok participation in class and then there is group three, which well pretty much sucks” He chuckled and everyone laughed.
You already knew in which group you were. You weren’t a bad student at all, in fact you were a great student. But you sucked in English and he was the only reason why.
“Now” he said as he rose his hand to run it through his soft looking hair and his long fingers slipped between the strands. You imagine your own hand in his hair while he his fingers move in and out of you furiously. Just thinking about it you could feel the wetness between your legs, you squeezed your thighs harshly gritting your teeth. “here are the results.”
He started handing the papers out and as he handed you your paper, he smiled softly and his fingers brushed against yours making you jump slightly which made him frown.
“You alright miss Y/L/N?”he asked kindly
“ Y-yeah I'm fine.” you stuttered, he nodded his head walking off.
The rest of class was practically torture. You desperately trying to push away some certain thoughts while he was talking. You tried your best to concentrate but failed miserably, like always. When the bell finally rang you were one of the firsts to stand up and made your way towards the door until Bucky called your name.
“Hmm Y/N can you stay for a bit, there is something we need to discuss about.” you mumbled a 'ok' turning around, cursing in your head knowing you were in trouble because of your grades. You waited until the class was cleared out and once it was Bucky closed the door and walked over to you.
“ Y/N” the way he said your name made your core throb and you gripped the edge of the nearest table tightly. “I have been noticing your participation in my class hasn't been so great lately and your grades...” he slightly shook his head. “Is there any problem I can help you with? It's really surprising that your grades in my class are failing even though you are such a great student. I talked to your other teachers and English seems to be your only problem.”
You didn't know how to respond, I mean what are you supposed to say ' I'm sorry I can't stop thinking about you fucking me hardly on your table till I can't walk and that's why I'm failing your class.'
“You know you can tell me what's wrong, I can help you out.“ You know he can but he’s definitely are not thinking about the same solution as you. His eyes bore into yours as you let out a soft pant. “Tell me.”That's when you noticed you were standing closer than before.
“It's nothing Mr- Mr Barnes, I have been a bit distracted lately that's i-it.”
“ I can help you if you want, extra classes?” he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder and his hot washed over you which caused you to let out a small whimper. You slightly widened and bit your lip. You noticed a darker shade of his blue eyes and you knew he understood what was really going on.
“ I should l-leave.” you tried to make your way towards the door but he grabbed your hand. “Y/N you are not going anywhere right now.”
“But Mr Barnes-“
He cut you off by placing his lips on yours making you widen your eyes, again. His big hands gripped your waist and he pushed you against the wall, his lips moving hungrily against mine. You gripped the front of his shirt tightly, pulling him against you, your tongues battling with each other. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him into you further.
He pulled away for a moment, his teeth into your bottom lip before letting go. You were both panting slightly looking at each other with lustful eyes. You couldn't believe your everyday fantasy was actually happening.
“ I should have known it was me.” he slowly ran fingers along your jaw. “the reason why you are doing so bad at my class.”
He leaned in smirking, his hot breath washing over your ear, his hands squeezed your breasts lightly over your t-shirt as his tongue flicked across the shell of your ear.
“Tell me doll have you ever imagined this before?”
His lips slowly made their way to your neck and he made sure they brush every part of your skin on their way. He started sucking a bruise onto your skin and you let out a moan, finally being able to run your hands through his hair.
“ Because I have.” he mumbled into your skin, surprising you with his words. “ I have imagined you like this so many times, pushed against the wall looking at me with those eyes.” His hands slid down your torso under your skirt and he skimmed his fingers across the silky material of your panties. You moaned, bucking your hips ever so slightly into his hands. “I have noticed you sometimes biting while staring at me with those eyes but I didn’t expect you were thinking like that.” he let out a soft chuckle “Tell me doll have you ever touched yourself with the images of me in your head ?” his fingers played with the edge of the crotch of your panties.
“Mr Barnes please-“
“ Yes Bucky I have, please touch me.” You begged desperately making him smirk.
His fingers pushed aside the material and skimmed across your clit. You gasped and pushed your hips forward, wanting him to push his fingers deep inside you.
“So wet?” he asked, making a 'tsk' sound with is tongue. You let out a gasp as his thumb began rubbing your clit in a circular motion. And without any warning pushing two fingers into your throbbing core making you moan loudly.
“Now doll I would love to hear you scream but we can’t have anyone find us.”
You nodded gripping his shoulders, wanting to feel his bare skin beneath your palms. You undid the buttons of his shirt with some difficulty and placed your hands on his bare chest.
“Fuck” you mewled, as his the speed of his fingers increased. He grinned, and curved his fingers to hit a spot that sent made you arch into him, your mouth falling open as you cried out. His hand covered your mouth. “Shhhh” he softly whispered.
You moaned as softly as you could as his actions continued to send bursts of pleasure shooting through every nerve in your my body, and you desperately bucked your hips against his, wanting to cum so bad.
“You close doll?” He asked looking deeply into your eyes. “Are you gonna cum on my fingers?” You could only nod knowing you can’t make any sounds at the moment.
“Let go, cum for me.”
“Bucky I- fuck I-“
“Do it.” He said, his fingers moving with incredible speed and your stomach clenched as your hands slid to his back under the shirt, and you held on to him for dear life.
So you did. Bucky’s hand covered your mouth again as you moaned against it, bucking your hips as you came, your toes curling, your eyes rolling back into your head, and his name falling from your lips along with a few profanities. He pulled his fingers out of you and you sighed, your head falling onto his shoulder as you tried to catch your breath. You could feel his erection in his jeans resting against your thigh. He took your chin on two fingers and made you look up at him.
“Satisfied?” He took your chin in his hand.
“Not until you fuck me.” You said as you removed his shirt completely. He smirked letting you reach for the buttons of his pants. You pulled them down along with his boxers, making his erection spring free. He groaned softly at the freedom, and you felt my eyes widen at his size.
“Surprised?” He asked ironically but you didn’t answer.
That’s all he needed to hear to remove your t-shirt and skirt. Then he took your hand and let you to his desk, lifting you up so you were sitting on it. He placed his hands on either side of you and kissed you roughly, his tongue slipped between your lips and tangling with your own. You whimpered slightly and he pulled away.
“You are so beautiful.” He smiled sweetly at you before gently taking off your bra and panties, his hands brushing against your skin, sending chills all over your body.
He took his cock in his hand, pumping it slowly. He hissed and his brow furrowed.He spread your legs apart positioning himself at your entrance, he slowly pushed in, taking his time to fill you in, making sure you adjusted well.
You both hissed as he settled within you and he took one breast in his mouth, he began moving. You gripped the back of his neck as he sucked harshly on your nipple, while massaging the other breast with his large hand. His skin slapped against yours and you cried out softly, chanting and moaning his name as every part of your body came alive with pleasure. Your nerves were on fire and your my mind empty of every rational and coherent thought, Bucky taking over your very being. His thrusts were fast and hard, and he was grunting against your skin as he kissed you, your neck, sucked on your collarbone, your breasts and let his hands all over your body.
“Damn it, you're so tight” he panted, his mouth hanging open. “Fuck, this is better than every time I imagined it.”
So he really did think of you like this too. The very thought made you gasp and you tightened your grip on him, purring in his ear.
Bucky’s thrusts were becoming irregular and sloppy, and you felt the familiar knot in your stomach yet again. Your moans and movements were becoming more desperate as you wheeled closer and closer to the edge, and you kissed each other roughly to hold your loud screams in. What you were experiencing was hot and raw, full of a passion and hunger that took your breath away, something you’d never experienced in your entire life.
“I'm gonna cum-“ he gasped. “Yes, fuck, yes.”
Bucky’s cock twitched inside you and he cried out slightly louder than he should have, as he shot ropes of white hot cum within you, moaning your name andgrunting and swearing and goddamn, it was everything you’d imagined, except a thousand times better. His face was red, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, sweat beading on his forehead, his hair a mess, lips swollen, eyes rolled back in pleasure and his mouth forming a perfect ‘o', soft pants and your name coming out of his mouth. You knew you weren’t reacting any different, just moaning his name. But he didn’t stop after he came, making sure to send you over the edges too and just a few seconds later you tried your best to not scream too loudly while you came for the second time, this time around his cock.
He pulled out of you and you whimpered at the loss of his cock within you. He dropped to his knees, and gripped you thighs tightly, forcing your legs apart. His tongue furiously attacked your clit, sucking and nibbling ever so lightly on it occasionally, you squealed and wound your fingers in his hair, snuggling his mouth further into your core. Your thighs tried to clamp themselves shut around his face but he forced them apart with his hands, and you came for the third time that afternoon. You panted and cried his name, your hands tightening in his hair as you thrusted my crotch into his mouth, and his tongue continued its work till you were spent.
He pulled away and stood up as you came back down floating from your incredible high, breathing hard. He kissed you, but this time it was softer, gentler, less urgent. He pulled away and you saw his eyes were back to the sparkling blue they really were, and his smile was light but genuine. He stroked your cheek with his thumb once before dropping his hand and walking away to retrieve you clothes. You put them on in silence, and your mind was whirling with what had just gone down. You’d had sex with your teacher, and if someone found out, you could get into endless amounts of trouble. So could he. It was so wrong, but you didn't remember feeling this amazing in a long time. It might be wrong but it felt right.
“ So” he said, breaking the silence. “ I think I should apologize for being such a distraction for you. Not my intention.” He turned to smile at you, one end of his mouth curling upwards. You insides warmed up as the smile lit up his face and your heart melted.
” I think you sort of made up for it.” you mumbled shyly, straightening your hair with your fingers.
“ Hey how do you feel about Saturday going out with me for Coffee.”
“Mr Barnes-“
“Bucky, if we go out people may see us together and we can’t risk that..”
His face fell but he still smiled slightly and you immediately felt bad. “ You are right, I could lose my job and you could lose your education, I’m sorry for asking.”
You felt terrible but smiled back and walked towards the door placing your hand on the door knob.
"Wait Y/N.” he said, and you froze. “Er, if you come over to my house, I could make you lunch or something. And that way, we don't have to worry about people seeing us.”
You smiled, but your heart went into overdrive at his words. The thought of being alone with him, in his house.
"I mean, only if you want to..." he said, and in his voice, you could sense that he was already thinking you’d refuse. So you turned around and smiled at him.
"That sounds okay." You nodded and Bucky smiled.
"Great." He said, grinning. “See you tomorrow, Miss Y/L/N . Don't be late for class or I may have to call you to stay back once more."
“ I’m not sure that’s a bad thing.” You smirked before getting out of the classroom ignoring the butterflies in your stomach…
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spiderman james au but no, and i mean no one, even suspects james to be spiderman because none of his friends he's cool enough to be spiderman.
no one even questions the fact anytime spiderman is around james isn't. no one questions his shitty excuses either.
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loumandivorce · 1 year
im like four episodes into house md and i now understand why house md fans are the way you are because you've got to be a special type of crazy to watch hundreds of episodes of it. house really is god's specialist little bitch boy and wilson is treated the way wives in like. 1900's movies are treated. only there for house to talk to or complain about and show how great his love is. house is also eerily similar to my psychology professor from personality to the way he talks to sense of humor to physical appearance and its fucking with me. like yeah i think he could say the stuff house does and i also think house would skip around a room yelling "PORN" over and over again
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where-is-vivian · 2 months
james kindergarten teacher AU
original idea | microfic (497 words): @my-castles-crumbling | comic: me!
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It wasn’t that Regulus was dreading picking up Luna. It was just that his niece was a very special exception to his rule: children were terrifying.
Even Luna was scary sometimes, and she often smelled a bit like paste, and he had to push aside his dislike for cheerful music when around her. It was more that Regulus loved Luna, as a person and as his niece, than the fact that she was a child. Being a child was more of a flaw that he kindly overlooked.
So when he drove to Godric’s Hollow Elementary to pick her up at precisely 3:15pm, it was while he grumbled and rolled his eyes, and wished he didn’t have such a soft heart for the kindergartener, who had insisted on him picking her up that day.
But he’d given in like putty in her hands, so here he was, standing at the edge of the playground with all of the harried-looking parents, wishing he could be waiting in his car.
He spotted Luna quickly- her blonde hair almost glowing in the sun, a glob of purple paint smeared across her cheek as she smiled angelically. But even as he smiled at her and held out his arms, he was quickly distracted. 
Because the teacher leading Luna’s class outside was gorgeous, with dark messy hair and tan skin, and muscles far too defined to be legal for an educator. His energy reminded Regulus of another child, the way he bounded over the walkway, laughing with the students and waving to parents waiting for their children, paint speckled all over his face and wrinkled shirt. Regulus was mesmerized.
But his awe turned to horror when Luna grabbed his hand confidently and pulled him towards Regulus, who quickly closed his mouth and tried to look less like he was hit by Cupid’s arrow.
“Mister P!” Luna sang, a grin on her face that looked almost like she knew. “This is my Uncle Reg!”
And ‘Mister P’ pushed his sleeves up on his arms a bit while giving Regulus a warm smile before saying, “James Potter. Nice to meet you.”
But before Regulus could greet the teacher properly, Luna whispered conspiratorially, “He’s pretty, huh, Uncle Reggie? You guys should be friends! Maybe have a playdate?”
Regulus had never gone redder in his life. He’d never felt more caught off-guard, either. Usually he took Luna’s funny statements in stride, and he was able to quite easily talk himself out of most situations. But now? “Luna! That’s- I-” he stuttered, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“It’s always good to make more friends, Luna,” James nodded seriously to the small girl, before looking over at Regulus. “Of course, Regulus would need to want to be my friend. But if you do,” he said, directly addressing him, “I’m free. For a, erm, play date.”
And somehow, Regulus ended up leaving the school with not just his niece, but a new phone number in his phone.
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maluceh · 1 month
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mini matilda au that @daiziesssart planted on my head
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messervixen · 1 month
At his core Remus is just that one teacher who “has a wife and kids”
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ros3kill3r · 3 months
Marauders Era characters as Teachers
Professor (James) Potter - P.E. Teacher
Is definitely the type of PE teacher who pushes the boys to their limits and goes gentle with the girls.
This is until Regulus tells him to stop this habit and treat them the same way bc it isn’t fair.
The girls + Sirius, Barty, and Remus all voice their opinions on this and tell James he’s being an idiot and he’s being sexist and this seems to snap him back into reality.
He’s so gullible and it’s so easy for everyone to lie to him. If it’s time to run, you can approach him and say that you’re on your period and he’d immediately allow you to sit down.
He’d offer you pads, comfort, heating blanket, etc. (he has these things for Regulus). It’s kind of funny because you can literally be a man and still use a period as an excuse and he would still believe you because he’d think you’re trans or smth.
When he’s walking through the halls, he’s usually always accompanied by one of his friends, or Regulus. Students find him hot bc of his figure since he is a PE teacher.
Professor (Sirius) Lupin - Foreign Language (French) Teacher
He likes teaching this because he’s fluent in French and it means he doesn’t have to do shit he just lounges around all day in his desk, calling Professor Lupin whenever he pleases.
Is the type of teacher to start talking, realize no one is listening, and sit down on top of a desk and cross his arms like, “Alright! I’ll wait!”
When he speaks French he sounds hot so the girls (and some boys) in the class start giggling amongst themselves.
Will ignore students he doesn’t like if they raise their hand. Will also always welcome teachers in to his classroom on the daily; Remus, Lily, Regulus, James, etc. shit, even barty and evan.
Wears rings and jewelry, shows off his tattoos, and wears very seductive clothes like see-through shirts with a scratchy material, yk? Students giggle often times bc Remus usually spits out his coffee when Mr. Sirius Lupin enters his classroom oh-so suddenly.
Professor (Remus) Lupin - The Science Teacher
This man teaches physics, biology, chemistry, botany, physical science, geology, you name it.
Students flirt with him and he's just fucking oblivious and thinks they're just being kind. Sirius witnesses this one time and he death glares at the child, who then starts crying.
The type of teacher that offers tutoring after school even though Sirius planned a date with him. Sometimes it feels like he values teaching more than Siri and instead of being upset about it, it just makes Sirius love him more.
He has a slim figure and veiny yet also big hands and people ogle at him without shame in the halls. Sirius growls at them so they look away and Remus just thinks he’s acting weird like always.
The type of teacher to take away your phone if he sees you using it during class. Sirius doesn’t do this cause he’s chill, and James wants to do it but he’s scared to do it, lmao.
Professor Pettigrew - Home Economics Teacher
He’s the short, chubby and single home ec teacher and it’s just perfect.
He’s amazing at cooking and his class is usually a class for queer people and making people who are ‘different’ feel like they belong there.
Some students (usually those who aren’t in home ec) don’t like him and make fun of him because of his weight and him being single and always left out, and it always gets to his head and he starts lashing out and distancing himself from his friends because of it.
Will not take away anyone’s phone, nor will he tell them to put it away. This is home economics, there are no rules! (Other than reading instructions obviously..)
When walking in the halls, he catches the eyes of many students that either love him or hate him, no in-between. Some students wonder why any one of the teachers hangs out with him and it affects him really badly.
Professor (Lily) Macdonald - World/Popular Literature (English) Teacher
Her and Regulus are best buds. They always make their classes do projects together just so they hang out.
Has a section of the room that has things kids might not have at home like pads, tampons, deodorant, socks, etc.
She runs the library alongside Pandora, and occasionally Remus + Regulus.
Some students ship her and James together. That is until they find out Regulus is actually married to James and Lily’s last name is actually Evans before she married Mary.
She’s the teacher that students approach during passing period just to talk to her cause she’s badass and cool. She’s kind of like the counselor of the school, she’s always there for free therapy.
Professor (Mary) Macdonald - Business Law/Management Teacher
Idk she just seems like she’d be a smart ass abt the topic.
Would feel like she’s Einstein and she’s teaching kids smth amazing but none of them give a shit or they’re just crying silently in the corner bc wtf.
Always wears suits to school so she seems very formal and modest and Lily is on her knees every damn time.
The type of teacher to take your phone away and send it to the principles office on the first warning.
Always visits Lily’s classroom to give her her lunch so she eats and isn’t tired and pale by the end of the day.
When seen in the halls, students admire her bc they want to be like her or bc she’s drop dead beautiful.
Professor (Marlene) Meadows - (Computer Science) Animation & Video Game Development Teacher
I feel like she’d just enjoy the fact that it has games included in the job, and bc it’s technology.
She would act like she’s teaching but she’s actually bullying little kids on Roblox.
Every single student knows that Dorcas is married to her bc they aren’t ashamed to show their love for each other. The students actually look up to their love and value their worth so much to the point where they don’t fall for horrible people (I think some of us need that).
She doesn’t take phones away and if she does, she always gives it back and gives them a second chance.
When seen in the hallways, she usually receives high-fives and fist bumps from the students. She thinks it’s because she’s an amazing teacher but it’s actually bc she’s so absorbed in her video games during class that she doesn’t notice the kids on their phones and AirPods.
Professor (Dorcas) Meadows - She actually teaches two different types of classes: all types of Visual Arts, and multiple types of Vocational Education
She has so much knowledge about art and wood making and design so you know for a fact that her outfits devour every damn day.
The ‘cool’ and ‘chill’ teacher.
Gives the best advice to students, alongside Pandora ofc.
Explains everything strictly yet with a matching side of fun, and the students either enjoy her classes or don’t mind it bc it’s easily taught and it’s not hard to understand.
When seen in the halls or around school, the students usually ask her for advice on smth or abt class and she’s always there to help. She’s usually always followed around by Marlene at these times so it’s quite cute to see.
Professor Black - The Performing Arts (Music Theory & Piano) teacher, accompanied by The Math (Statistics & Calculus) Teacher
This suits so perfectly omg wait I’m having a fangirling moment-
Whenever he teaches the piano he sometimes gets carried away and starts inventing his own music?? Many students always tell him to write his own songs and he always bashfully declines.
Him being the math teacher can sometimes be overwhelming but if he notices that you are struggling pretty badly to the point where you might have a mental breakdown, he’ll give you some tutoring or some advice that really helps.
Always brings snacks to school for James since he forgets to eat.
Is always around Professors Barty and Evan. Is never seen without one of those two.
Students don’t really approach him in the halls since they’re kind of intimidated?..but some of them wave and say hi! One brave soul gave Reg a fist bump and he didn’t react at all to it so people began doing it to him 😭.
Professor (Barty) Rosier - The Dance Teacher & sometimes joins Professor James during PE..
Oh lord..💀
This man teaches any and every dance. Ballet? Yes! Hip-hop? Of course! Latin? Sure! (He also has a side job of a stripper! Evan both loves this and hates it.)
When he assists James during PE, it’s always just him flirting with the fellow Professor and James just being an embarrassed and flustered dude.
Evan sometimes watches Barty dance and teach students because he looks so passionate and free when doing so, and it’s really the only time he ever shows affection to other kids (other than their own)
When girls see him in the halls they faint, and when boys see them in the halls they’re filled with awe.
Professor (Evan) Rosier - Teaches AP classes + English (Poetry & World Literature)
He’s just a smartass. Being a smartass is his (and regulus’) favorite thing.
He’s the only teacher who teaches AP classes in the whole marauders era.
Him and Pandora are VERY intelligent and capable of going SO far.
When teaching AP, he is serious and strict. When teaching English, he is humorous and playful.
Always visits Barty in passing periods/free periods and just admires him if he has class (when students see this they always melt from the affection), or walks with him around the garden the school has.
The kids usually give him fist bumps and high-fives, some of them ask for hugs. He’s not a big fan of hugs but ever since having kids and being friends with the marauders, things have…changed.
Professor (Pandora) Lovegood - Teaches Chemistry & Social Studies (Psychology, Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, and Women’s Studies).
She’s so amazing. I love her.
The chemistry one is obvious I mean it’s literally her cause of death.
She teaches Social Studies bc she claims it’s the other half of Evan since he teaches English and it just..works.
Their classrooms are right next to each other so the door between both is always open and they always teach both classes together, it’s so fun. Evan effortlessly continues Pandora’s Social Studies/Chemistry lesson if she’s using the bathroom and vice versa.
She always gives out crystals and spiritual items to her students (if they’re okay with it), usually when she senses bad energy or negative vibes.
Also the type of teacher that students approach during passing period and stuff bc she’s so nice and adorable and the best to talk to.
She runs the library with Lily, and occasionally Reg + Remus. She also gets mixed up quite often with her twin brother. The only thing different between them being Evan’s short hair, and Pandora’s motherly voice.
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It probably meant more to Steve that Bucky loved him just as much before the serum as after, but it meant more to Bucky that Steve continued to love him after he (Steve or Bucky) received the serum / the Winter Soldier debacle / after Steve became cap.
This can be read as platonic or romantic
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lupinsweater · 11 days
Teacher!James Potter x Single Mom!Reader 💌 1.3k words
thank you to @moonpascal to beta reading for me!
♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡
You hated running late to things.
It wasn’t your fault this time- Charlie’s sitter had been a few minutes late, and then he had thrown a tantrum about you going to his school without bringing him along. You tried explaining over and over that it was just a boring meeting for grown-ups- no fun, no snacks, and nothing he'd enjoy- but Charlie wasn't having it. Eventually, the sitter lured him away with the promise of cartoons, and you finally slipped out the door, already running five minutes behind. Cursing to yourself as you started your car, you did your best to avoid breaking any traffic laws as you hustled to the school. You made it there in record time, parking your car and running into the building. You weren’t sure what to expect from parent-teacher night, but Charlie has been talking about his teacher, Mr. Potter, non-stop since school started.
You were grateful for the signs as you navigated down the hall and into your son’s classroom. There was a small table outside the door with some empty name tag sticker sheets- one sticker was left, and Charlie’s name was written on it. You grabbed it and stuck it onto the front of your shirt, then nervously smoothed out your shorts, mentally slapping yourself for not putting on something a little nicer. You slipped through the cracked classroom door, trying to avoid drawing attention to yourself.
The other parents were seated at the tiny desks, chatting amongst themselves. At the front of the room, a tall, broad-shouldered man was laughing with a couple of parents. His dark curls were slightly messy, like he’d run his hands through them a few times too many. He wore a light blue shirt, the sleeves casually rolled up to his elbows in a way that showed off his surprisingly muscular arms, and he was gesturing animatedly as he talked. He must be Charlie’s teacher.
“Ah! Mrs. Y/L/N, right?”
The moment you heard his voice, your heart skipped a beat. He was looking right at you, his smile wide and genuine. You weren’t expecting to be called out like this, especially not in front of a room full of people. He made his way over to you, his eyes lighting up as if he was greeting an old friend.
“You must be Charlie’s mom!” he said, his voice full of energy. “I’ve been hoping to meet you.”
For a second, you were thrown off by his friendliness. Most teachers you’d met were polite, sure, but there was something different about him. Something warmer.
“Yeah, that’s me,” you replied, chuckling awkwardly as you offer your hand. “And it’s just Ms, actually. No other parent.”
“Oh, sorry! James Potter,” he said, shaking your hand with a firm but friendly grip. His eyes lingered on yours for just a beat longer than you’d expected. “But you probably already know that from Charlie. I swear, the kids are better at introducing me than I am. They’ve got me pegged already, bad jokes and all.”
You laughed, feeling your shoulders relax a little. “Charlie hasn’t mentioned any bad jokes yet, so I think you’re safe.”
James grinned, flashing a playful look. “Good to know. I’ve got a reputation to protect, after all.” His tone was light and teasing, but there was an easy confidence in the way he talked. “I hope he’s told you at least one good thing about me. I’ve been trying to bribe them with extra recess, so my odds should be good.”
“He’s been pretty complimentary, actually. I don’t think you need the extra recess,” you said with a small smile, putting your hands in your pockets. His eyes followed your movements slightly, but they focused back on your face quickly.
“That’s a relief,” James said softly, smiling at you like you were sharing a secret. “Though, knowing Charlie, I’m sure he’s a tough critic. He’s one of those kids who doesn’t miss a thing.”
“That sounds about right,” you replied, smiling. “He knows me better than I know myself. And he’s always asking questions.”
James grinned. “Same here. He’s a curious one—loves to figure out how everything works. I love that about him. Honestly, kids like Charlie make teaching fun. It keeps me on my toes.” You smiled as he continued. “But listen, if he ever asks me to explain quantum physics, I’m sending him right back to you. That one’s above my pay grade.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “Don’t worry, I’m not even sure I could handle that one.”
“Good to know we’re on the same page.” He winked, and there was something about the way he did it that caught you off guard—like he’s flirting, but in a way that feels easy and unforced. “How are you holding up? I know kindergarten can be a big adjustment for parents, too,” James said suddenly.
You blinked, surprised by the question. You weren’t prepared for him to be asking about your wellbeing too. “I’m managing,” you said with a small smile. “Work’s been busy, so…”
“Tell me about it,” James interrupted seriously, feigning a winded look. “I swear, I’m late to my own classroom half the time. You should see me in the mornings—I’m running around like a headless chicken just trying to beat the bell.”
You laughed again, feeling more comfortable. “Really? I’d peg you as a guy who has it all put together.”
“Ha! If only,” he said, shaking his head with mock exasperation. “Trust me, it’s all smoke and mirrors. But hey, as long as I’ve had my coffee, I’m halfway there.”
The way he talked—so easy and natural—made you forget you were in a room full of other parents, some of whom were probably annoyed by your ongoing conversation. He wasn’t just making small talk; he was making you feel like you belonged there, like you weren’t just Charlie’s mother, but someone worth knowing.
“I get it,” you said with a sympathetic smile. “It’s hard enough being a single mother. I can’t imagine being in charge of that many five year olds, even if it’s only for part of the day.”
“Well, it sounds like you’re doing an amazing job,” James said, his voice softening, and suddenly, you realized how closely he was looking at you. You felt yourself blush as he said, “Charlie’s a special kid, and that’s all you.”
You weren’t used to compliments like that. Especially not from someone who was looking at you the way James was at that moment. “Thanks,” you managed, your voice a little quieter than before. “That means a lot.”
“Of course. And, hey, if you ever need an extra hand—or someone to vent to about the chaos of kindergarten life—you know where to find me,” James said with a lopsided smile. His tone was light, but there was something in his eyes that lingered, something that made you feel like he was genuinely offering more than just a teacher’s support.
You felt a flicker of something unfamiliar—something you hadn’t felt in a long time. Was he… interested? Or were you reading too much into this?
Before you could dwell on it, James clapped his hands together and turned to address the rest of the room. “Alright, folks! Let’s get this show on the road. I promise to keep it short, but if you’ve got any good stories to share, I’m all ears. I’m a sucker for a good tangent.”
The parents chuckled, and you found a seat, still feeling the warmth from your conversation with him. James was everything you had hoped he would be—open, friendly, funny. And the way he looked at you…you couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, something in your life was about to change.
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alexsays-no · 5 months
Art teacher and daddy AU part.4
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I was a bit hesitant to post these ones, but my patrones encouraged me to do it.
It's a slow burn guys, they cannot date when Regulus is still Harry's teacher, so bare with me on these two ♡
They gifted Reg a sketchbook, and James put a secret note all the way to the end ♡
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yallthemwitches · 28 days
The Sound of Silence
Minerva always had a soft spot for Potter. Maybe that's why when it was time to choose a Head Boy alongside Lily Evans, he was was clearly the only option--- A series of vignettes of James and Lily's seventh year through McGonagall's POV.
AN: Posting this one a day early because I won't have time tomorrow (sorry) Written for Jily Week 2024, Day 5: Matchmaker (hosted by @kay-elle-cee and @sunshinemarauder)...Fully dedicate this one to the many teacher meetings I've sat through where we all devolve into gossiping about students. AO3 Link Here
They sat around a circular table which always reminded Minerva of a story she heard as a child. Her colleagues had shuffled in slowly, still rosy with summer and the ever rejuvenating feeling of silence after a school years worth of endless noise. 
Filius sat next to her, pulling out a pipe and stoking it with a flame emitted from his short stubby finger. He sighed and a puff of smoke wafted into the middle of the table. 
“Here we are again—” he said to no one in particular. Minerva just clasped her hands on the table and waited for the final stragglers to trickle in.
Albus sat on the other side of the sphere and regarded his staff with half-amusement. Many of them had been long friends—giving centuries of their lives to the school. How many powerful witches and wizards had they watched slip out of these doors with their collective spirit within them? If the thought wasn’t so saccharine, Minerva would have perhaps felt a little proud. 
Albus cleared his throat and the staff settled. At this point they needed no commencement speech on why they all were called from their little parts of the castle to assemble, nor did they want one. The golden rule was short meetings were the best ones.
Horace spoke first. He always did. 
“Obviously I think there’s no arguing that Lily Evans should be the first pick.”
There was a rumble of agreement. Even Filius made a reluctant nod. He never willingly wanted to agree with Horace on much of anything.
“That’s a fine choice Horace, but are you not worried about the matter of her blood status? I’m sure you are not ignorant of the current news and I can imagine your house is quite…vocal about these happenings.”
McGonagall heard a snort from Filius which was hard to miss seeing as it bounced his whole body slightly off his chair. 
“Oh, Albus, must we always make these things so political,” Horace whined, “Evans is a brilliant witch…the best of her year—I’m sure we can—we can—” He teetered off, not knowing how to finish. It wasn’t a secret that despite his affinity for the muggleborn, his house was not so keen to accept her. They all would be idiots to disregard the dangers of putting someone of her status in charge in the current climate. 
But Albus didn’t press further. It was never his nature. “Then it’s settled. Lily Evans is Head Girl.” There was another mumbled agreement. Horace’s face was pink and slightly sweaty, but he nodded all the same.
“So onwards to—” 
There was a shuffle of teachers. Sybill spoke first:
“Oh, Oh! I choose the Delile boy. His tea leaves have always shown potential.” A couple seats down, Pomona snorted. 
“Colin Delile? That boy tried to eat a handful of nightshade thinking it was mint last year—”
“Well, I vote for Ambroise Cunningham: smart, good quidditch player (“mediocre quidditch player,” Minerva thought) and has a good head on his shoulders!” Interjected Rolanda.
There were some nods in agreement but Filius started to tut. 
“Are you all forgetting that Cunningham and Evans dated two years ago? They’ll kill each other!”
“Oh, I would hardly call that dating,” Horace scoffed.
“They certainly looked like they were dating when I found them in the charms broom closet that October!” Filius shot back. 
He had a point. She wouldn’t call Filius her friend per se but she had a fond appreciation for him being insightful when it came to the students’ lives. He was very discreet, perhaps with the help of his size, but he always was up to date on each of their lives. 
Minerva mulled a thought around for a minute while drowning out the verbal quidditch that was occurring for the rest of the staff. It was a gamble, certainly. But she had never been the one to shy away from a challenge. 
Raising her voice above the riffraff she called out, “I say James Potter should be Head Boy.”
The room went silent. Around the table, every set of eyes peered at her with mixtures of shock.
Chaos erupted. 
“Potter can’t keep himself out of detention to save his life,” screamed Aurora.
“That and his little group were growing muggle drugs in the west greenhouses!” Pomona chimed in. 
Albus didn’t even try to get order. He just continued to stare at her with an expression that twinkled beyond the room.
Minerva huffed. “Well, can any of you deny that he is brilliant?” Everyone paused. A wave of indecision rushed through the group. 
“And we know he’s a good leader. The Gryffindor team has won every year since he became captain.” Horace grumbled something under his breath but she ignored it. 
“---And, we are going to need someone who is willing to help, Hecate forbid, if there is an attack of some sort due to all this Dark Lord bunk. He might be scrappy and a fool sometimes, but he’d be able to hold his ground for the others.”
There was a hesitant noise of agreement around the table. People shifted in their seats, not able to find fault in her logic but also not enjoying its outcome. 
“And what about Evans then?” Horace had his arms crossed against his chest. “Potter has been tormenting the poor girl for years. They would be rubbish, absolute rubbish—”
“Ah, shut it Horace,” Filius scoffed, “We all know those two have been clouding up this school with sexual tension for a better half of a year now.” More nods all around. 
Minerva had hoped that no one would make the romance argument, but it couldn’t be helped. Potter and Evans had been making all of their lives unbearable, with their oblivious pining and rowing. It was like watching an ouroboros eat itself the way the two provoked each other. There was a small part of her that even hoped that matching the two together would end their purgatory. 
“Ah, the ancient magic of young love,” Albus mused to himself, stroking his beard. “I won’t deny that I like the idea. Are there…any others who seriously denounce the decision to make Potter Head Boy?”
Horace made a few grumbles, but ultimately kept quiet. He knew once Albus made a decision, he wasn’t easy to sway. 
“Then it’s settled, Lily Evans and James Potter.”
“Hecate help us,” Pomona mumbled under her breath. 
She watched as they shifted next to each other uncomfortably. Both of them dawned golden badges with encrusted initials on them that looked too heavy to be pinned to their robes. She had honestly expected more hiccups on the first day back, but something had already seemed to have shifted between them. Evans actually smiled when Potter offered her some dessert, took it from him and blushed when their hands grazed. She said something and James let out a laugh that made her smile as well. 
“Now, that’s interesting.” Filius whistled, sitting next to her at the great banquet. “Maybe your little matchmaking stunt was unneeded.” He side-eyed her and she didn’t entertain his amusement.
She looked back at the young couple. Potter had begun to explain something with extreme animation. He waved his hands around and Lily actually laughed at his antics. When he finally finished whatever he was saying, his hand rested on the bench between them and Minerva swore she saw Evans place hers on top of his.
“Oh Merlin, what have I done.”
“I think we have Miss Evans to thank for his rehabilitation. That girl can do anything,” Horace chortled at lunch a week later. 
“What are you talking about? He blew up the Slytherin bathroom just yesterday.”
“Well—he would have done it six more times already if it wasn’t for her influence!”
No one could argue that there was a great change between the two Heads. Horace wasn’t wrong, Potter was being better behaved this year and in turn Evans had started to cozy up to him more and more. Even at that moment, they entered the great hall together. Potter had both of their bags slung over his shoulder and his eyes were glued to her. As they sat, Evans pulled his glasses off in a fuss, cast a cleaning charm on them, then put them back on his face. Her hand lingered to push some of his unruly hair away and he made a dopey swooning smile. 
“It's like watching a dead body be reanimated,” Filius nodded towards the two. 
“You’re being dramatic.” 
“Don’t act like you aren’t seeing this. At this rate they’ll be married by graduation.”
She looked over again. They were sitting so close that their shoulders were touching. Black was engaging them in conversation with a lively reenactment of some muggle movie they had watched, but the couple seemed to be hardly listening. Slowly, like attempting to touch fire, Evans leaned her head onto James shoulder—slightly hovering it in indecision for a moment before putting her weight fully on his. Potter perked up, then dared to place an arm around her waist.
Filius let out a low whistle. Horace moaned.
“I was really hoping she would get with one of the Black boys..” Horace mumbled, “ blood purity aside, I do think they would be better suited…”
But he got cut off by Pomona who came half sprinting down the table. 
“Are you seeing this?? Potter! Evans!” 
Christmas break was already upon them, which meant all of the professors were stretched too thin to think. Heads of house always had the worst of it. On one hand that meant she didn’t have to see Horace chortling around the castle half as much, but on the other she now had the Gryffindor house and the two Head students to preside over. As she walked, she mumbled to herself about how she would never offer up a Gryffindor into the Head position again. 
She mounted the stone steps towards the Heads’ office, trying to balance all the rolled parchments in her arms. Entering the small elaborate passage, she could see the light of the office was on. 
As she approached the image of them became more clear. Potter was elongated over the couch with his feet dangling lazily over the edge of the armrest. Evans laid between his splayed legs and over his torso. Using her forearms, she propped up on his chest and seemed to be drawing small circles into his shirt. Potter fiddled with her hair, twisting it through his fingers as though it was a snitch evading being caught. 
They spoke in low tones so she could hardly make out what they were saying. Potter said something to make her laugh tinkle into the cavernous room before tugging lightly on her to become eye level. Minerva watched with a sinking feeling as her two Head students locked lips, and proceeded to not break away from each other for a long time. 
She stood there in the passage, feeling a bit sorry for herself for being in this position: busy, overworked, trying to teach a class while helping Albus get a counterforce together...and now apparently being too sheepish to tell her Head Students to stop snogging long enough to take some of the work off her hands. 
With a little shriek from Evans, Potter flipped them over so he was now hovering over her while a hand disappeared somewhere Minerva did not want to guess. Admitting a sort of defeat, she spun on her heel and left the way she came. 
The morning of the last day of school started like all of the other 200 times she’d done it. She woke up, made herself some tea, shifted into her cat form and curled around her bedroom window. 
A knock rattled the door. She lifted her head and hoped that whoever was bothering her would take the hint. Another set of knocks, and distinctly not Albus’ typical rap. She did a cat’s equivalent of a sigh and changed herself human again. 
She opened the door to find Potter looking out of breath and somewhat sheepish. Not a good start. 
“Good morning Minnie,” he beamed at her. 
“Mr. Potter, can I help you? It’s 6am…”
Potter ran a hand through his hair. On a glance over he looked suspiciously put together for the time of day. 
“Er, yes actually. I’m hoping I banked enough goodwill with you to ask for a favor?” Even he sounded unsure of himself. She didn’t know what it was about him, but he always knew how to hit her soft spot. 
“I don’t know about this goodwill, but I’m listening.”
He let out a relieved huff then suddenly became very animated. “Brilliant—ok. I can’t really tell you right now, because it's kind of a secret, but I would really really love it— and be forever grateful to you— if you kept students away from the lake this afternoon.”
Minerva blinked at him. There was no bone in his body that was not being sincere, she could see that, but how often had he looked the same when he wanted to do one of his little stunts. 
Seeing her pursed lips, he continued. “I swear. I solemnly swear it's not a prank. Just please.”
“Wait, what?” he blinked at her like she had grown two heads.
“Don't make me regret this decision Potter.”
“I won’t— would never. Ah, Thank you Minnie! You’re a doll!” He turned and bounded down the stairs.
It turned out to be quite difficult to keep students away from the lake, but she managed. The clock was ringing 3pm and she was starting to wonder how long she was supposed to keep things up when she spotted them. Potter and Evans were walking hand in hand. They both hadn’t changed into their regular clothes yet and Evans was talking softly. Potter looked like he wasn’t hearing a word of it. Honestly, he looked wrecked. Whatever was on his mind was clearly eating him alive—not at all the same collected boy that had knocked on her door that morning. 
The lakeside was cleared as promised and they walked beside it before stopping and looking out at the mountains far away. It struck Minerva this would be the last time she would see these two in this setting. The next time they would meet they would be equals, fighting what now felt like an impossible war. She savored the moment of seeing two people in love, unaffected for perhaps the final time by death and sadness. 
Potter turned to Evans looking like he was about to combust. Evans must have noticed because her brow furrowed and she placed a hand on his chest, which he immediately grabbed and held in both hands. Very shaky, he lowered himself onto one knee. 
She waited for noise. For some sort of big show that Potter and his mates set up for the occasion, for students to come bursting at the seams of the castle to ruin the moment, for even just the sound of a yes.
Instead, there was silence. A blissful, pure silence. She must have blinked and missed it because Potter’s arms were wrapped around her now, lifting her off the ground. Tears poured from both of their eyes as they in turn tried to wipe the other's face—opting finally for kissing each tear off each other’s cheeks. There was no noise—just sweet relief. 
For a split second, the two reverted back into their eleventh year selves. Small, unsure, and holding onto each other tightly against the weight of a world still unknown to them. It was the first time in a long time she wanted to cradle something in her arms. To tell them it was going to be alright; to keep them whole.
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st1ckart1zt · 3 months
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aithusarosekiller · 1 month
PoA Remus always having a vase of stargazer lilies on his desk that seem to be magically preserved
Him also carrying around a fountain pen he'd carved a hoof print, rat print, and dog print into back at school but the dog paw has been scratched off for a long time now
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