#ballet teacher regulus black
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miriammctroi · 2 months ago
When Regulus catches Harry and Draco making out at a family function, he gives his stepson a long, long look. He takes a breath, sighs deeply.
"Harry, have you ever even tried not to be a carbon-copy of your father?"
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siriusblackdevotee · 3 months ago
love your head canons and thoughts (I lowks agree with your recent thoughts on the black brothers.. but lowks i’m a regulus apologist </3)
I know you’re sirius centric but I wondering what are your thoughts on Lily x Barty? because it feels like they’d be the embodiment of “He was a punk, she did Ballet”
oh no, did I say anything like Regulus is the worse sibling? I didn't mean to, I don't think either of them would be good with the way they were raised. (And nothing wrong with being an apologist to your favorite characters, it's normal!!)
And anyways yes?? I love BartyLily!! But i had to search up this song lyric, so I don't get the exact vibe you mean but I've read the lyrics!! I'll just wordvomit everything I think about them. It'll be messy btw. The summary is that it's a good ship and they CAN be good for each other. Also I'm willing to talk about anything (if I'm capable) even if it's not Sirius related, thank you for asking!!
(I'm SO sorry about the late reply, this has been in my drafts for 5-4 days now. IM SORRY, I HAVE FINALS I WASNT IGNORING YOU)
The fact that Lily is a muggle born and a girl, there's a lot of discrimination and stereotypes she faces but it only pushes her to work harder to defy those expectations. She's the star student, a prefect, the head girl, a teacher's pet, getting full marks on everything, always has her work done, always answering questions and getting points for her house. She's commonly found in the library studying, or in the common room studying, or in her room studying.
And she's burning out. She keeps declining her friend's hangouts to study because if she falls behind even once, she'll lose her spot. She's losing friendships and she doesn't even have any other hobbies, there's nothing helping her destress. At some point, she did love studying but with the pressure she places on herself and the responsibilities she took, it felt like a duty now.
Barty absolutely despises his father. He wants to be nothing like him. Everything he does or does to himself, it's to make his father disappointed in him, he's a rebel to his core. This meant constantly missing classes, failing tests, grades, getting detentions from misbehaving, getting into fights. He thrives in pain, from hidden tattoos to piercings and purposely getting himself beaten up. He builds himself a reputation that's a complete opposite from Lily.
But he's losing himself. It all started with wanting to rebel against his father but now he feels like he's turning into some violent animal, still not his father but worse than him. He's getting too quick to anger and violence, too addicted. His friends are either used to him being so destructive or he himself completely iced them out when they were genuinely worried for him, telling him he has to see what he was becoming.
Now I have no idea how they meet, like really meet. Maybe Lily is having a breakdown because of academic pressure and all, goes to an isolated spot and oh look who's here, Barty that's slacking off because this is his usual smoking spot or whatever. Lily is too tired from her breakdown to tell him off about the smoking or not being in class. Barty isn't really himself because one of his closest friends just dropped him (Pandora, definitely would stick with him longest) because of his spiraling behavior.
Anyway, so their defenses are at the lowest here?? Their sharp edges are softened or something. Does Barty offer his cigarette to a girl that looks like she clearly needs it or does Lily take the first step and ask for one with her Gryffindor bravery?
Barty is a little curious about her. He's smoking with Lily Evans. She obviously has a reputation as the smartest witch of their school. A goody two shoes. Lily is curious of him too. He's already famous for being a bad company, the school's bad boy if you will but all he did was offer/give a cigarette and just smoke with her quietly. Their perception of each other from what they've heard contrasts with what they're seeing. Of course they're curious.
Then Lily keeps seeking him out. Because this was the first time she broke rules, didn't get caught, and pretty much nothing else happened to her. It was exhilarating, she forgot about school for a second and she wants that feeling more. (Not the smoking, the rule breaking).
And Barty is just desperate for normal human interactions since he pretty much has no friends now. So he lets her keep coming. It convinces him that he's not a monster, not yet at least. Otherwise she wouldn't be seeking him out so much.
Maaybee one time Barty didn't bring his pack? Maybe they're just skipping classes together now? In silence first but after some reluctant conversation, they're fully talking? Getting to know each other now? Maybe Barty offers to "get out of here" so now they're off campus? Rule breaking together?
I have no idea what they do off campus but it's rule breaking, so Lily is hella excited. They could just be at a park, chilling because the other things Barty usually does (eg, vandalism) is too much for Lily, the chronic rule follower. So Barty tones it down.
Maybeee they can't always hang out during classes. Maybe they're craving each other's company because they're literal loners. Maybe Barty is joining Lily in her study sessions at the library, because what else can he do? He can't disturb her. Maybe at some point, Lily is tutoring Barty? Because he's so far behind?
When she's tutoring Barty, she's going over old material. She's studying but it doesn't feel like a burden anymore because she's doing it for Barty, which she isn't even pressured to do. She likes these tutoring sessions.
Plus the fact that Barty is naturally smart so it's not frustrating her. He picks things up easily, he's catching up, his grades are visibly improving even though he doesn't care. He cares when Lily is praising him for his grades.
They're bonding, they don't even remember what made them so angsty. Barty stopped being violent because all he does is spend time studying or skipping class with Lily. Lily stopped panicking and breaking down because the whole "proving herself" shit doesn't matter when she's studying or skipping class with Barty. They feel like themselves again.
There's definitely stolen kisses at the library or hook ups in the bathroom stalls or at restaurants. They do develop an intimate relationship at some point.
And thennnnn Lily is being pulled aside by a concerned McGonagall because her grades have been dropping and she's been neglecting her prefect/head girl duties or maybe she sees a pure blood take her first place at the end of the year and hears demeaning comments for it. Then Barty Senior is saying how proud he is because Barty stopped getting into detentions and his grades have been improving until he was actually a high achiever.
It's a violent whiplash and they realize the other is a bad influence. Being told "I'm proud of you" by your father was the same as becoming him and it disgusted Barty. Hearing those discriminating comments made Lily realize what all her effort was about, and she's kicking herself for ever forgetting.
And they break up!! But it's okay cause they're a fundamental part of each other's growth!! Barty isn't just a violent kid anymore, no longer self destructive!! Lily now knows how to take a breather every now and then!! And then they get their friends back!! Because Lily makes time for them and Barty isn't spiraling!! Happy ending!! :3
I mean I do have like a couple more thoughts but...its a mess in my head rn
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nxcturnals · 2 years ago
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— is that [TIMOTHEE CHALAMET]? no, it’s [REGULUS BLACK], but i can see how you would make the mistake. this [TWENTY-FOUR YEAR OLD] [TRANS MAN] is a [MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF BLACK]. word on the street is that they’re [RUTHLESS, INTELLIGENT, AND ALOOF]. i also heard that they’re particularly skilled with [KNIVES AND AGILITY]. they have always reminded me of [RAINY DAYS AND DARK CLOUDS, SHARP BLADES AND A SHARPER SMILE, A BLEEDING HEART HIDDEN BEHIND A LAYER OF ICE]. if you ask me, they’re the kind of person who could change the game for everyone.
character details:
Name: Regulus Black Age: Twenty-Four Birthday: December 31st 1999 Gender: Transgender man Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: gay Relationship Status: single
Positive personality traits: Intelligent, quick-witted, loyal, respectful. Negative personality traits: Vindictive, over-emotional, tempermental, insecure.
Education Level: University (Degree in Business and Philosophy) Education History: Student at the Conservatory — Regulus attended the Conservatory for most of his childhood and still frequents the location to this day. He began dancing ballet when he was five and studied martial arts and blade-work with them. Special skills: ballet, fighting with blades and knives, agility.
Affiliation (Current): The House of Black — Regulus was born into the family and he expects he will die there. He was raised with a sense of duty and always believed that being loyal to his family was the most important thing he could do.
key points/bio:
Regulus is the second son of the House of Black. Regulus was born, too, with a curse: a horrible desire to be perfect, and the horrible knowledge that he would never be able to achieve it. No matter what he did, he would always be flawed. Not the perfect daughter they wanted, never the perfect son either. At least he could try to strive for the latter.
He was a Black, and he behaved as a Black should behave. Sharply intelligent, he excelled in most things he tried. He quietly devoted himself to his studies. He could be sharp. He could be graceful. He could be a beautiful weapon, so beguiling and charming that you never expected it might cut you.
Regulus began attending the conservatory when he was five. He loved it there; it felt like home. He loved the dancing, loved the way he learned to move with such perfect tight control over himself. He liked it when his teachers told him that he was technically perfect, he never faltered, not even for a single step. He liked the knives as well, he liked their glinting edges and the knowledge that he could hurt anyone as badly as they might hurt him.
Regulus always knew he wasn't a girl. He put his foot down about it when he was sixteen. It was another way that he claimed control over his life. He became a much more confident person when he began his transition.
Regulus has a flaw: he is vicious and cold and angry. He keeps the world at arms length, he has armor that is impossible to penetrate.
Regulus has a flaw: he pushes people away because he's afraid they'll leave him if they know him too well, because he's afraid no one will ever love him for what he is.
Regulus has a flaw: He is an angry and vicious thing. But he can’t hold his hate for as long. Oh, it burns so brightly, and he clings to it like it sustains him. But his broken vessel spills it out until all he’s left with is himself. Regulus, alone, and desperate for love.
He made himself a weapon a long time ago. He isn't the sorry sort who hates his job, or the role he has been handed in life. He loves being a member of the House of Black, and he loves his family. He loves feeling like Royalty within their world. He loves the job, too. He likes to scheme and lie and steal things, pretty things. Give him a painting and he'll be happy forever. Tell him where to buy the rarest books and he'll love you for it. Ask him to punch a man bloody and he'll happily say yes, for the right price.
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spectreofparttimepoets · 2 days ago
A little Regulus Black backstory microfic, as a treat.
Summary: 6-year-old pre-transition Regulus is feeling out of place in the ballet lessons that Walburga forced him to take while he watches Sirius learn social dances with the older boys.
Fair warning, since he's so young here and I don't think he realized he was trans until much later, I use she/her pronouns in narration and his deadname. If any of that is not for you, carry on :)
. . .
“Ouch, mama!” the small, dark haired girl yelped, grabbing at the back of her head. 
“Leave, it, Bernadette,” Walburga Black slapped her daughter’s hand away as she continued twisting the young girl’s hair into a neatly spiraled bun.
“Six years old is far too old to be wailing like an infant before every lesson.” She pushed another sharp pin against the girl’s scalp, but this time the child did not cry out. Instead, she squeezed her eyes shut and bit down on her tongue, determined not to make another sound. 
“How can you ever expect to dance en pointe like the big girls if you can’t even handle a few hairpins?” Her mother continued, now carefully winding a small net around the bun she’d created, not one strand out of place among the perfectly coiled hair. 
“I’m sorry, mama,” the little girl took a huge breath, and exhaled slowly, her shoulders rising and falling dramatically.
She didn’t even think to tell her mother that she didn’t want to dance like the big girls in their fancy, shining shoes. She’d sometimes watch them from the corner of her small dance studio when they pulled off their shoes at the end of the night, their toes bruised and bleeding, sometimes stuck curled under their feet so tightly that they had to separate them with their nimble fingers until the feeling returned to their feet. 
The first time she’d seen the grotesque, post-pointe ritual, she’d begged her mother to let her stop taking ballet.
“Why can’t I learn to Waltz like Sirius?” She’d asked, “He looks so fancy, and he doesn’t even have to cut up his toes or wear a bun!” 
“Your brother is learning to Waltz because he’s going to be expected to represent the nobility of the Black family when he gets older.” Her mother explained. He doesn’t wear a bun,” she added briskly, “because he’s a boy.” 
“I wish I was a boy,” Bernadette had muttered under her breath. 
“But you are not,” Walburga had responded sharply, slapping the girl across the cheek. “You are my daughter, and you will continue to study ballet like a proper young woman.” 
After that, she hadn’t asked to quit ballet again. 
Now, as her mother scolded her yet again for whimpering about the hairpins, she realized that pain was just a part of being a Black family daughter. 
“I’ll be quiet next time,” she promised. 
“Indeed, you shall,” Walburga agreed, “or I’ll have to inform Madame Collette that you’ll be taking double the amount of lessons until you learn to act your age.” She turned her daughter’s chin sharply around to meet her stony gaze, “The noble hofuse of Black does not tolerate the whining of petulant little girls.” 
Letting go and stepping back from the child, she added “Do I make myself clear?” 
Bernadette peered up at her mother, towering over her in a crisp black traveling cloak and neat collared dress. Hugging her hands over her own bare, cold arms, the girl nodded. 
Without so much as a goodbye, Walburga turned from her daughter and walked through the door of the old, stately dance studio. As she closed the door behind her, a few flurries of late November snow blew into the hallway where Bernadette stood, now alone, wearing only a plain black leotard and pale pink tights. 
Clutching her soft leather shoes against her chest, she scurried down the hall and into the small dance studio where Madame Collette, her ballet teacher, was already waiting, tapping her cane rhythmically against the pale wooden floor. 
Before she stepped through the door of the small primary studio, she turned and craned her neck to watch the boy’s dance class through the large windows across the hall. The boys all wore neat suit pants and crisp dress shirts, but their ties were loose around their necks, and many had unbuttoned their cuffs and rolled up their sleeves to their elbows. 
They seemed to glide regally across the floor, stepping first backward, then turning, their chests puffed proudly outward. They looked so confident, so purposeful in the studio’s large ballroom. 
Sighing, Bernadette turned and entered her own, cramped studio. Trying not to look at herself in the looming mirrors, her arms too long and her elbows too sharp, she curtsied to the woman in the middle of the room, and scurried to find her spot at the barre. 
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pjxckson · 2 years ago
Chapter 17 of La Sylphide posted now!
Ballet dancer Regulus Black has everything - money, privilege, a place in one of the best ballet companies in the world - all he needs to do is make his parents happy and he can keep it too. Until James Potter shows up and Regulus can't help but want a little more.
“We were so proud of you when we saw what you and your brother did,” Effie said before he could disagree. Something in Regulus snapped like a branch underfoot and a wretched sound left his throat as he started to cry. Nobody had ever said that to him before. Nobody. Not his mother. Not his father. Not Sirius. Not a single teacher or dance instructor. Nobody. No one had ever said they were proud of him. Except these two people that barely knew him except for the fact that he broke their son’s heart. Somebody took the tea from his grasp while arms wrapped around him. Regulus curled into the embrace and couldn’t help but think of all the times when he was younger and needed somebody to hold him while he cried but there was nobody there but him. He used to circle his arms around himself as tightly as he could and hide beneath the weight of his blankets until he was too exhausted to weep any longer. “Oh, sweetheart,” Mrs. Potter murmured into his hair. Mr. Potter was on his other side, gently rubbing his back. “You are so, so brave. We are so proud to have met you.”
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angelicamerlinbarnes · 4 years ago
I just really think Remus Lupin is a ballerina okay AU
Remus Lupin has been doing ballet since he was four. He was exuberant and flashy at first, but after his first teacher, Greyback, molested and abused him, he is quiet and reserved. He prefers to dance by himself and does not speak to anyone inside or outside of the class. He wears pink material and is the best dancer in the school, but everyone is more terrified of him than they are jealous. He has sad eyes and soft hair, but prominent scars (both self-inflicted and from Greyback and accidents) cover his freckled skin. He’s a mystery, but no one wants to solve him.
He lives with his roommate and only friend, Severus Snape, who is a writer. He spins out films and novels and poems by the hundreds, especially inspired by the rain. Remus and Severus will often spend rainy days together in their apartment, with Severus typing furiously and scribbling while Remus dances to Hozier and Lana Del Rey off to the side. Sometimes when Remus will have nightmares, Severus will hold him and sing Russian lullabies until he falls asleep. Severus smokes lazily and wears subdued flower and gothic dresses that show off his jutting hips and collar bones. Having escaped an abusive father and a dead mother, he and Remus bond over their shit parents, with Remus’ father being neglectful and his mother kind but catatonic. Their neighbors think they’re witches, but they’re alright with that.
They both have to work to pay the bills, so while Severus works with preschoolers, Remus works as an assistant for a terrifying professor named Grindelwald at the university. He’s a reformed felon who’s always glowering, and there are rumors he’s Dumbledore’s husband, who is Remus’ mysterious ballet teacher with the twinkling eyes. But no one has the guts to ask him - it’s unknown what he was locked up for, and nobody wants to risk that it was irrational homicide. He mostly ignores Remus though, and doesn’t mind if Remus reads or dances while he works, so Remus doesn’t think he’s too bad.
One day Remus is grading some papers for Grindelwald when Lily Evans walks in, a vision in a white floral lace flowing vest and an across-the-shoulders dark blue dress, a brown belt around her waist and matching ankle boots coming up over creme knee-high knit socks, a black hat on her head. There’s a camera around her neck and her smile is beautiful, surrounded by her freckles, and she and Remus hit it off immediately. She asks if he can spare some time to be her model for the day, and he agrees. They’re hanging out in the park and laughing when Severus walks over, having finished work. The moment he and Lily lay eyes on each other, something happens, something magical, and Remus can see it in both of their smiles as they exchange shy hellos.
Lily starts to hang around them, her and Severus teetering on the edge of something. Remus nudges Severus until he’s brave enough to ask her out, and their first date is in the park where they met, sitting on a bench in the rain and watching the birds. Remus is pretty sure they’re gonna get married one day.
To keep himself busy while his two friends fall in love, Remus escapes to the dance school, dancing alone to Lana Del Rey in an empty room when the door creaks open and he hears, “Wow.” He turns around and smiles, taking in the sight of James Potter, an old school friend who left for Julliard and he hasn’t seen in years. James laughs, pulling him into a hug, and Remus lets him, tangling his hands in James’ curls and grinning when James presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. James tells him he’s been enjoying a gap year before going to search for a job as a back-up dancer for Taylor Swift, to which Remus giggles and tells him he’ll be great. James beams, and pulls Remus along, saying he has to meet James’ best friend-partner-person. Remus agrees, and changes back into his flowing white dress decorated in bees and black flats, tucking spruce leaves in his hair before taking James’ hand and following him out.
At James’ apartment, he calls out, “Babe! I’m home!” Remus watches as Sirius Black comes skidding down the hall, dazzling in a sparkling black croptop with gold touches and a raggedy sheer maroon skirt that falls just above his spiky combat boots. With white and gold dahlias in his hair, he’s the most beautiful thing Remus has ever seen, and he stares as James pecks Sirius on the mouth, coming away with dark red lipstick stains. When Sirius looks up at Remus, his eyes twinkling, and Remus reaches out a hesitant hand, which Sirius takes. “Hi,” he breathes, and Sirius laughs, loud and bright. He leans in and kisses Remus’ cheek. “Hello, beautiful,” he says sweetly, wrapping an arm around Remus’ waist. “James has told me all about you, love.” Remus blushes, unable to stop smiling even as Sirius pulls away at James’ indignant “Oi!” and doesn’t touch him again. Sirius is the love of his life - he doesn’t know how, but it’s something he just somehow knows, the feeling taking root in his chest and sprouting flowers.
Sirius, as it turns out, is James’ roommate and queerplatonic partner. He ran away from his abusive home and is taking commissions as an artist. Mostly he draws wolves, dogs, rats, deers, doves, snakes, and cats. He affectionately calls Remus Moony, insisting his scars look like something were bit him and his eyes are the fierce amber of a wolf’s. Sirius in turn is called Padfoot, for his doglike energy and loving nature, while James is dubbed Prongs for being a dumbass who continually forgets he’s too big to fit in small spaces and gets lost in the woods almost every weekend. Remus never wants to stop hanging out with them, and learns to spend hours shopping at the vintage shop where Sirius works, the two of them falling for each other fast while James reclaims them as his partners in love as in life. And Remus is so, so happy.
While he’s busy falling in love with Sirius, Lily has moved in with him and Severus. Remus doesn’t mind, and tells Severus he’s thinking of making a home with Sirius and James. Severus hugs him and tells him he’s proud of him, suggesting they hang out that day just the two of them, like old times. Remus agrees, and lets Severus take him to the cafe where Lily works. In the corner of the shop is Regulus Black, a boy drenched in hoodies and coats that Remus and Severus buy free food and drinks for. Regulus thanks them profusely, and they all make small talk until Remus makes a comment that Regulus looks like Remus’ boyfriend Sirius, to which Regulus starts crying, explaining that Sirius is his older brother and he’s been trying to find him for years but gave up looking when their shit parents died and Sirius was nowhere to be found at the funeral. Remus offers to take him home, and Severus kisses Remus on the forehead before heading off to find Lily.
On the way there, they stop at the bakery and accept some free cupcakes from Peter Pettigrew, who owns the bakery with his elusive partner. Regulus, as it turns out, is homeless, and has been trying to make it on his busking money alone. But while he’s fairly lovely at singing, it’s not enough to buy anything concrete. As they eat, Regulus also tells Remus about Amir Levis, a librarian who lets him stay at the library. Remus exclaims that he already knows Amir, who helps Remus remember his pills and doctor’s appointments and always has a spare wheelchair and some tea for him just in case. Regulus admits to having a crush on Amir, but he’s too scared to do anything about it. Remus assures him he and Sirius will help him with it, and just like that they’re on their way.
At home, Remus smiles softly at the sight of Sirius and James entwined on the couch and says, “Look who I found.” At the sight of Regulus, Sirius shoves James to the floor in his haste to stand up, taking Regulus’ face in his hands and searching his eyes for answers. “You got out?” He says, breathless. “Really? You’re alright?” Regulus smiles sheepishly. “Of course I did, Siri,” he whispers. “You think I was gonna let you have all the fun?” Sirius tears up and tugs him close, rocking back and forth as the two of them mumble apologies and love confessions into each other’s necks and shoulders and hair. Remus gravitates towards James, kissing him with a smile before pulling him out of the apartment, saying they should leave the brothers alone.
Remus takes the opportunity to introduce James to Severus and Lily, who are immediately taken with him. They offer to watch him for the afternoon while Remus goes to therapy with Maxwell Needles, a counselor with magenta hair who talks to Remus about life, his accident, his trauma, Greyback, his suicidal tendencies, anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Remus also takes the chance to pick up Sirius and James’ ADHD medication, Peter’s OCD prescription, Lily’s bipolar medication, Severus’ schizophrenia suppressors, and a few books on autism (for Severus), Tourette’s (for Lily), and eating disorders (for James and, Remus suspects somehow, Regulus). Max is delighted to see him with so many friends, and says they’ll bring Peter over sometime for dinner. Though he’s not sure where that would happen since he’s torn between two homes right now, Remus agrees with a smile and bids the skater kid in the checkered jeans goodbye.
Back at school, Remus spends his afternoons in conversation with Mcgonogall, the waltz teacher who takes care of him. She’d adopted him when his parents died and he tries to stick around, asking advice about Sirius and James and whether moving in with them is a good idea. Mcgonogall says she thinks it is, and that she knows Sirius is a kind young man. As it is, he calls her Minnie, and knows her as a friend and a grandmother of sorts, since she helped him when he first ran away to James’ house. Remus is content with continuing the conversation but is interrupted by a phone call telling him Sirius, James, and Regulus have been jailed for a fist fight on the street.
Remus goes to pick them up, where he meets Bellatrix Lestrange, an abusive cousin of Sirius and Regulus who took particular joy out of torturing Sirius, who she almost killed once. She’s also been known to abuse children, especially those of the poor. Also in jail are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, a couple married only in spirit who keep having miscarriages and take their abusive anger out on each other and strangers. Their landlord, Voldemort, had demanded unconventional payments and they’d been essentially enslaved to him for years, only escaping his cultist grasp by means of murder, which is why they’re here now.
Remus sees James holding Regulus close and whispering to him as he kisses the cuts and bruises on his face in the corner of the cell, but says nothing about it, kissing Sirius hello. The four of them go home together, and as soon as Regulus is asleep Remus tells James and Sirius that he wants to make a home with them someday, just not right now. They laugh and smile and tell him they’re ready when he is and that they love him, and Remus thinks, Things are good.
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angeli-marco-writes · 4 years ago
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Ann’s Old Masterlist
UNUSED AS OF JULY 2021 - Current masterlist here
Rules for my page. PSA.
All works are original and legally my own. Do not repost. More works coming soon: each Saturday currently, schedule will change.
Please read the warnings at the top of every post: Items marked 18+ are mature/smut, and I don’t recommend you read if you are under eighteen, but it’s up to you to mediate your media consumption. The warnings you heed are entirely your responsibility. 
Disclaimer: I do not know any of the people I write about, nor do I claim to, and I simply write about fictional figments of them. The fictional worlds I write within (the MCU, Harry Potter etc.) I do not own either, I do not own the characters or the settings, but merely write about a further fictional figment.
I currently only write Fem!reader. Works marked Ღ are the most popular. My inbox is open to requests but they may take a while to get a response.
Ann's TS 200 blurb event! (Mini Masterlist)
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Regulus Black
Romeo, Juliet & Quidditch
Summary: One very eventful Quidditch final can do more than Regulus and his Juliet ever imagined; strengthening family ties, Y/N's mind, and Reg's feelings all at once.
Charlie Weasley
Secret. (18+)
Summary: You have a secret regarding the dragon taming Weasley. The only issue is that he sees you as the child you were a few years ago. When you become legal, he seems to seek you out wherever you are. Maybe he has a secret too.
Couple Blurbs
Lily & James Potter - First Kiss.
Summary: When Lily sees a new side of James, she thinks maybe falling for him isn’t so bad after all.
Albus & Scorpius - Before You Go.
Summary: At the 5th year prom, Albus and Scorpius find they can’t hold back their feelings anymore. Just one dance, before you go
Bill & Fleur - Our Spot.
Summary: After the final task, Fleur finds herself in despair, and goes to the only spot she can think of to unwind, not expecting to be approached by a handsome stranger.
Dean & Seamus - At Last.
Summary: Years of tiptoeing around one another and hidden feelings come to a head when Seamus finds a stack of art beneath Dean's bed. At last, something might happen.
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Doctor Stephen Strange
ᲦBaby Blues & Tattoos (18+)
Summary: After a tiring mission, the last thing you want to do is have to crash at a hotel, especially with the cockiest man alive. Will things change with the fact there's only one bed on such a sleepless night?
Loki Laufeyson
Summary: This dance between you and Loki has been going on for far too long. The night of the palace ball gives you the chance to make your next move, wearing the dress you bought only for him to take it off.
Peter Parker, Spider-Man
Everything Happens for a Reason.
Summary: Stark!Reader x Peter Parker, post endgame. Months after the death of your father, your aunt, and your uncle, you find yourself in a sticky situation, and to make it even worse, your childhood crush doesn’t even recognise you now. Then again, doing most of your growing up while half of the population is dead doesn’t exactly bode well for your love life nor your commitment issues. When things finally start to turn around while learning to live with a disability, will you still be taken away to live with your step mother, or will love pan out at last? After all, everything happens for a reason.
Steve Rogers, Captain America
Promise? (18+)
Summary: Being an apprentice at the Avengers Tower is never easy, especially not when you make a promise to your favourite person there and fail to keep it, through no fault of your own. In a matter of seconds, your world comes crumbling around, but Steve seems to come around in order to pick up the pieces.
Clint Barton, Hawkeye
Rough. (18+)
Summary: After the snap, you never think you’ll see Clint again. Hanging around the tower alone day in and day out becomes tiring, especially when your hormones are in overdrive and you can’t stop thinking about the one avenger you haven’t yet had in bed, until he walks through the door more attractive than ever. (Seriously read the warnings for this, it’s very kinky).
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Tom Hiddleston
Summary: Tom thieves your panties after you rile him up the night of the BAFTAs, and he doesn't anticipate the consequences of keeping underwear in his pocket on the red carpet. (Definitely mature with heavy implications, but no explicit smut)
Ღ Stripped Sunday
Summary: Sunday's are always the best, especially when you and Tom walk around the house nude, but it's been a while. Too long a while. So, obliviously, you take matters into your own hands...
NSFW Alphabet. (18+)
Summary: An incredibly explicit NSFW alphabet about Tom Hiddleston, detailing his deepest fantasies and darkest truths; or how I imagine them to be, at least.
Tom Holland
Just Friends?
Summary: You and Tom have been best friends for a long time, and inseparable for just as long. The boys welcome you as one of their own, and you’re basically a part of the family. That’s your main issue, because when you begin to harbour feelings for your best friend, you’re not sure if he feels the same.
Harrison Osterfield
Quarantine. (18+)
Summary: Quarantine with a bunch of sex deprived twenty-odd year old boys isn’t your idea of fun, especially not when the only one you want refuses to pay even the slightest bit of attention. Taking measures into your own hands is only simple until you get caught.
A Happy Day (& A Puppy)
Summary: Today is the day you and Haz get a puppy. It's the next big step in your relationship, and despite your anxieties, you know it's a happy day.
Sebastian Stam
The Ballet Teacher.
Summary: Ballet teacher!reader. Sebastian's daughter attends a very prestigious ballet school, but when she's late out one day, the last thing he expects to happen is to meet her wonderful new teacher, who has him head over heels.
Timothée Chalamet
Ღ Concerto. (18+)
Summary: At a classical music concert, the last person you expect to meet is a young man as charming and suave as Timothée. And the last thing you expected is for him to invite you back to his flat. Turns out music really is food for the soul, and other things...
Fair Game. 
Summary: Your boyfriend, Tim, has hurt you for the last time. You didn’t realise you could ever feel this broken, especially because of someone you once loved so much, but maybe, just maybe, it’s for the best.
Tom Felton
Summary: After your break up, one that pained you to the bone, you try to escape and you find yourself taking that one risk you always thought you should, travelling. A simple day out, and the one person you don’t want to see is the one person who can help you with your car troubles. Could he help with your heart troubles too, over a reminiscent dinner perhaps?
Baby on the Brain.
Summary: Visiting Tom’s brother and his new baby should be a walk in the park, really, but some unwitting truths come to ahead that you can’t refute. You’ve always wanted a family, but does Tom? (Request for Tom Felton: you guys meet his brother's new baby and then decide to have your own.)
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Elizabeth Debicki
Summary: Elizabeth is gorgeous, just look at her, the world can see it. A drunken night leads to some tipsy confessions, but does Elizabeth feel the same?
Christmas Morning. (18+)
Summary: Christmas morning in a hidden wintry lodge is everything you could’ve dreamed of. Then again, it’d be perfect even without the setting and the heating, because all you want for Christmas is Elizabeth, and that she gives you. Wholly.
Reunion Revenge. (18+)
Summary: At first, when your brother roped you into attending your high school reunion with your wife, you hated the idea. Now, all eyes are on you, all the focus on your career, and maybe this is the revenge you always needed, of course aided by Liz's quick thinking and hidden surprises.
Hailee Steinfeld
Summary: The first night of Hailee's tour, you're a guest singer... and her girlfriend. Everything will go to plan, surely, even when she looks that good and sings that well...
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Sherlock Holmes
Ღ Kiss Me, Mr Detective. (18+)
Summary: After a fight with John leaves Sherlock feeling particularly down, he calls on the one person who is always there to support him. Only tonight, it’s different. Feelings come to a head, exploration ensues, but is this just a one time thing? That depends on whether she stays the night…
Chuck Bass
Summary: A small British village version of Constance & St Jude’s. The aftermath of your drive home from Saturday’s house party becomes haunting and brings out a new side in you. Not that you’re complaining, especially not when you have the well-versed Chuck Bass as your friend and safety. 
(Send in any requests to my inbox.)
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reggiedarlin · 4 years ago
The Boy In The Books
Even though he denied it James loved history, he loved looking through old history books from his family’s library and the books they didn’t already have he checked out from public libraries. James had a fascination for the 19th century specifically the ballet aspect being a ballerina himself, he loved learning about what it was like to be a professional and performing in front of hundreds of people. 
Remus Lupin was worried. Worried about his best friend James, he hadn’t seen the boy in weeks. he had gone over to his house the other day to make sure he was ok but felt a breath of relief when he saw James sat in his bay window with his head stuck in that history book he always carried with him, but what Remus couldn’t understand was why he never got any further than a specific page. It was like he couldn’t read any further or else that page would disappear. So he went to the studio James and him danced at leaving James to his silly book.
James was in love. It was an unrequited love, one he couldn’t stop thinking about and one he couldn’t have. The boy in the books. There was a reason James only stayed at one page, The Black family. The Black family was the most famous ballet family there ever was even people who didn’t do ballet knew who they were, although, James only had eyes for one of them. Regulus Black. Regulus was the youngest member of the Blacks, but he made up for it with his dancing James thought he was the best out of them all with his high cheekbones, pale skin and slim frame. James couldn’t get enough. He remembers begging and begging his parents to play videos of Regulus dancing when he was little on the TV and trying to follow along, that was when Euphemia and Fleamont Potter decided to put him in ballet lessons and he’d loved it ever since. Now 12 years later and James was training for his audition for ‘The Royal Ballet School’, well he was supposed to be training but he was so wrapped up in the book that he ended up being late which his teacher made him do extra conditioning which he didn’t mind doing too much as he was used to it and the conditioning aspect would be a lot more difficult if he passed his audition. 
“Where the hell have you been?” asked Remus as James came rushing into the studio, late again, hoping Madam McGonagall wouldn’t notice his continuous lateness, but things were never that simple. “Mr Potter. Late again I see, that will be two hours extra practice for you after this lesson.” Madam McGonagall announced sternly in her teacher’s voice. “Yes Madam McGonagall won’t happen again.” James answered in what he thought seemed a respectful way.
When James left the studio, two hours later than usual, it had gone dark. He walked to the bus stop outside the studio and waited for the next bus. Scrolling on his phone, James felt like he was being watched.
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wolfstarwarehouse · 6 years ago
au masterlist part ii
I had the strongest urge to make another one of these, so I did. These are all fics I have already read and recommended, now in a convenient list. :)
part i here.
...And They Were Hallmates! (Oh My God They Were Hallmates) by Chromat1cs
The Barista, the Burglar, and the Sofa by SeasOfTrees (reverse burglary)
Cue Love, Go by lelamore (theater!au)
*Degrees of Intersection by muse_in_absentia (editor!remus & depression)
Desperado by fluorescentgrey (Western!au)
Discards by picascribit (librarian!sirius)
Early Morning, London Skyline by nerakrose (steampunk!au)
Forever by orphan_account (youtubers!au)
Forever Is a State of Mind by orphan_account (deaf remus & youtuber sirius)
Going As Planned by lionturtles (camping & first kisses)
How to Suffer a Storm by gayagape (lighthouse keeper!remus)
The Importance of Being Sirius by dogsunderfoot (teachers au)
Impossible Things by accioromulus (modern au, flatmates)
Intergalactic Hitchhiking, and Other Such Earthbound Adventures by TheSparksofMagic (space!au)
In a Quiet Place by toyhto (WWI au)
Kindred Spirits by shoebox_addict (Anne with an E/Victorian!AU)
Likewise Variable by ssstrychnine (high school!au)
Love in a Mille-Feuille by abyss_valkyrie (bakery!au)
A Love Match by the_gramophone (regency au)
Make Much of Time by WolfstarGarden (Dead Poet’s Society!au)
A Mix of Jealousy and Jager by jprongs (band!au)
Never Above You, Never Below by orphan_account (famous!sirius)
New Eyes by FivePips (historical!au)
Of Monsters by llassah (crime family au)
Once In A Blue Moon by RedLikeLithium4 (coffeeshop!au)
*Or, a Portrait of the Mathematician as a Young Man by zambla (1931 Cambridge/Brideshead Revisited aesthetics)
*Palo Alto by NachoDiablo (Silicon Valley au)
Pas de Deux in the Upper West Side by wilteddaisy (ballet rivals au)
The Price of Liberty by orphan_account (dystopia!au)
Quarter Life Crisis by captainevilpants (modern, oblivious!remus)
Retrial by phoenixgal (Serial podcast au)
Saving Regulus Black by toyhto (road trip au)
A Series of Sketches Done in Black Ink by mustntgetmy (established relationship)
*A Smithfield Bargain by shaggydogstail (con artist/detectiveau)
Something About You by huldrejenta (cute pizza delivery guy au)
Super by kouje (superhero!au)
A Supplementary Story by elixirsoflife (vampire!sirius)
Wear Your Heart On Your Skin by FivePips (tattoo parlor!au)
Where the Mist Falls by YumeNouveau (small town deputy/fbi agent au)
You Can Have the Best of Me by jprongs (lifeguard!au)
Alt Ed by NachoDiablo (marauders!au)
As We Say Our Long Goodbye by OfALaurel (university!au)
The Bells by fluorescentgrey (apocalypse!au)
The Black Knight by victoria_p (superhero!au)
*Black Sparks, Wolf's Eye, and the Inflammatory Article by mustntgetmy (outspoken, pro-werewolf journalist!remus)
The Crooked Age by aryastark_valarmorghulis (no Voldemort au)
Don't Fuck This Up, Lupin by blibberinghumdiggory (soulmate!au)
A Duet by mustntgetmy (different houses, first war!au)
Every Rose Has Its Thorns by shadow_prince (beauty and the beast!au)
Everything's Connected by mizdiz (boarding school!au)
The Fall of the House of Black by starfishstar (gothic romance!au)
Fell in love once and almost completely by llassah (werewolf!sirius)
Ghost Notes by NachoDiablo (drummer!remus) 
Golden Hours, Passing By by grandilloquism (magical artifacts restorer!sirius)
The Great Wizarding Christmas Bake Off by earlybloomingparentheses
Hope & Legacy: Black Brothers Edition by epithalamium, nerakrose (figure skating!au) 
*Holding Out by bigblackdog (raising harry!au)
Howl by BeesKnees (sleeping curse)
The Lionhearted by cindergal (slytherin!sirius)
*The Moon's Favourite Son and the Guardian of the Forest by shaggydogstail, Tpants (incredibly beautiful fairytale!au)
Ocean Above & Sky Below by grandilloquism (no war au)
Out there on the water by flora_tyronelle (seaside fae magic)
Ready for the Storm by pommedeplume (lighthouse keeper!sirius)
The River Lethe by grandilloquism (inn keeper!remus)
Runes by YumeNouveau (Victorian era Hogwarts professors)
Skin by Chromat1cs (shapeshifting, bartender!remus)
Stella Pulverem by dogsunderfoot (star!sirius)
*A Store of Happiness by coyotesuspect (raising harry!au)
Take me as I am by Judeyjude, Shira_a (fantasy!au)
A Tall Drink of Chardonnay by muse_in_absentia (one night stand au)
Underglass by Chromat1cs (Voldemort wins/mob boss!remus au)
Wilde and Whimsy by chasingbluefish, obsob (mystery, auror!sirius)
Wizard Beat by eprime (fanboy!sirius)
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing by writingwillow (remus didn’t go to hogwarts au, also there’s knitting)
The Woods by fluorescentgrey (Salem Witch Trials au)
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