#teach independence
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And that is what it continues to be about! Forcing that guy through therapy at the hands of cartoon animals if it is the last thing I do
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inkykeiji · 8 months
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begging touya-nii to buy you pretty pink brass knuckles, with heart-shaped holes and a shimmering coat of magenta chrome, plus a matching pretty pink switchblade, with a razored prismatic blade and a handle encrusted with corresponding iridescent crystals—pearlescent, almost, so it matches yours, niichan!
he won’t, because little girls shouldn’t have such dangerous weapons—nor should they need them, not when they’ve got their big brothers with them, wary sapphire eyes watchful and protective, obsessive and excessive.
he won’t, because little girls shouldn’t sully their soft, sweet palms with such dirty defences—not when they’ve got their big brothers to do it for them, cuticles stained with blood and calluses tarnished with gunpowder, filthy hands strong and rough as they wrap around handles and wrists and triggers, as they push soft, sweet things behind their broad shoulders, against their hard chests, into their childhood beds.
he won’t, because even if he did, little girls wouldn’t know how to use them properly, little girls might hurt themselves—or worse, little girls might hurt their big brothers, might smash bones and split skin and slash hearts, might scratch and claw and gnaw their way loose (all by accident, of course; he knows you’d never do such blasphemous things on purpose, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less).
no, he won’t, but dabi might.
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alienoresimagines · 2 months
Buck, talking to Bucky on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Bucky: You bet!
Buck: At what temperature?
Bucky: 535.
Buck: That's the clock.
Bucky: 536.
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I am so angry with leftists.
The punch nazi post reminded me of how badly things have been forgotten.
I grew up going fishing with an SS soldier as a child. He would take us to the beach and sit and drink. When he got drunk he would start to angrily mutter in German. He knew I was a Jew. But his grandkids liked me. I went fishing with this man until I was like 8-10 where I dropped a fish, he was very drunk at this point and he yelled you stupid kike you're good for nothing" then continued to rant in german as elder two of his grandchildren told me it was just an accident. I didn't know what "kike" meant. I always thought I heard it wrong. But after that fishing trip I never saw him again. I did not find out he was a SS soldier until after he died. I didn't know "kike" was a slur for Jews until highschool...
If you think the Jews deserve it, does a young child deserve to be yelled at and called slurs?
The leftists would have never actually punched a nazi anyways, lets be real, they act real tough behind a keyboard but probably couldn't throw a punch let alone handle a good right hook.
They keep saying "my rights! My rights!" While they support a terrorist government that gives its citizens no rights, no freedoms.
I saw a comment "if they didn't have to deal with a war they would be protesting"
. . .
False, they cannot protest, they cannot go against the government.
Queer people for Palestine is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. All the openly gay Palestinians either live in Israel or are dead.
One college is mad the campus is using drones for facial recognition to find the people responsible for over 60k in damage to the school and property. They are just mad that they are going to get caught and be known now. Pathetic.
I hate this country.
"we remain unbiased" bullscat! You give in to any demands on the pro Palestine/ terrorists yet ignore the fear in the Jewish community, and the community itself.
The local university agreed to some very uncomfortable things...
How is government being pressured by TEENAGERS
oy... Smh...
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 10 months
One more time
A Positive Change Arc -- often called a Hero's Journey -- is one possible shape a story can take. It is not the only or the best character arc, it's just one option. In a Positive Change Arc, the protagonist begins the story believing the Thematic Lie, and must learn and embrace the Thematic Truth over the course of their journey.
TGCF and MDZS are not Positive-Change Arcs. They are Flat Arcs.
(I have not read SVSSS)
A Flat-Arc is a story where the protagonist begins already knowing the Thematic Truth, while the world around them believes the lie. In a Flat Arc, the protagonist will have their knowledge of the Truth challenged and tested, they will be tempted by the Lie, and they will ultimately use their conviction to inspire the world around them to also embrace the Truth.
Flat Arc characters do not need to learn the Thematic Truth. They already know it. They may be seduced by the lie, they may falter, but they will always rally back to the Truth in the end.
(If they ARE successfully converted to the lie, then that isn't a Flat Arc anymore, it's a Corruption Arc, and it's usually a tragedy.)
"But Xie Lian and Wei Wuxian learned--" Nothing they learned impacted the Thematic Truth. Did they learn things? Yes! That's how Being A Person works. Both of them DID change and grow as people from the start of the series to the end. But neither of them learned anything that impacted the Thematic Truth. Because they already knew it.
Xie Lian was already kind, he already wanted to help people, he already believed that common people should be protected and uplifted. His suffering at the hands of BWX did not teach him any deep or important lessons. He already knew the Truth. BWX tried to tempt him to embrace the lie -- that people are undeserving, that you should never do anything for anyone who won't grovel with gratitude, that caring for other people is a waste -- and failed, because Xie Lian knew the truth and even when he was at his lowest he was searching for confirmation that he was right. Xie Lian only needed one single act of kindness to reassure himself that he was right and BWX was wrong. He did not learn anything new, he reaffirmed what he already knew and understood.
Wei Wuxian is good, and righteous, and morally upright. He is a character who does the right thing regardless of the consequences he might face. The sects collectively wanted to destroy him because he refused to bow to them, not because he ever at any point actually did anything wrong. Even the vengefulness he showed while actively at war is narratively justified, and it's key that the sects did not care about the desecration of bodies while it served them. He did not learn any valuable or important lessons when the Sects raided the Burial Mounds. The fact that Lan Sizhui exists at all is proof for us as the audience that everything Wei Wuxian did was worth it. All of it mattered, and all of it was the right choice, because a-Yuan is alive. He doesn't come back to life having learned anything new, he already understood the Truth.
Obviously neither of them are Omnipotent. They learn that there's dudes in love with them, they solve the mysteries of their respective true Big Bads, they uncover some other stuff. But the Thematic Truth, the core theme of the story, is not a lesson either of them needs to learn. It is a lesson they teach others by refusing to bend to the Lie the rest of the world believes.
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angryanimator · 5 months
for the dancing and the dreaming except its falin and marcille
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yuridovewing · 20 days
oh my god can the erins shut up about the sisters already
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midnightmah07 · 6 months
Bro I get so pissed off when people say Kalim never helps Jamil or anything like that brother he was SHELTERED his entire like. He was raised with EVERYTHING given to him. He doesn't think like normal people bc my dude was not raised like normal people. Kalim suffers in his codependent relationship with Jamil just as much as Jamil does, but in different ways. You can't demand independence from someone who was never ever taught to be independent without helping them.
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kaurwreck · 2 months
I've seen a few posts about how if you were bookish as a kiddo, then you have an author with whom you have an irrational vendetta because of an English teacher. I keep trying to consider if I have one, but I don't think I do. I've definitely had English teachers I didn't respect, but I can't fathom taking them seriously enough to feel anything about their opinions on lit.
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huntershowl · 1 month
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so i just belatedly realized the insane fucking implications of the power i gave seph in jjk-verse, ie raine finally learns how cursed energy actually works and sits back in her chair contemplating life choices
like no matter WHICH side they’re on. being able to siphon cursed energy from someone else and funnel it elsewhere (or absorb it herself) is pretty bonkers. especially combined with the heavenly pact that gave them So Goddamn Much cursed energy production. a functionally limitless amount of the stuff just pouring and pouring and pouring and pouring. no wonder it almost killed them. imagine what that could do in the context of bringing in curse users for interrogation (or outright killing them)?????
like weakening a special grade so bad they can just be fully cornered and captured??? granted that would potentially fuck her up pretty bad from too much at once but STILL, it's WILD — and omfg. being able to act as a battery for someone they're fighting with by splitting the ridiculous amt of cursed energy she produces between the two of them!!!! amplifying the power of someone who would normally be hopeless against xyz enemy!!! TF!!!!! even without the ability to use reverse cursed technique it is ABSOLUTE INSANITY and i love it because as Fucking Usual, she pays absolutely no attention to anything but her martial skills & isn't even slightly aware of what she can dooooo
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wri0thesley · 1 month
As a 2008 gen z, I see lots of 2014-2013-2012 wanting so hard to be gen z asswell and looking up at them. Since you are an early gen Z, did you also look up to millenials, wishing you were one? To be honest, I feel like its kind of unfair the hate a lot of people give them just for being young. When pandemic hit, in 2020, I had lots of online friends, some of them being 15-16yo, but they never judged me for being 12. Thinking of it, back then almost nobody was judging anybody. Why shoud they get hate for no reason? Its pretty unfair since its not their fault at all. There are some early gen alpha kids who are saying messed up stuff that they dont even understand which is really something that is not ok. However, we as a generation musnt go ahead and just judge and analyze the situation. We grew up with the rage bait: "cereal first and then milk" and "pinapple belongs on pizza". They however, grew up withbthe rage bait: "im gonna 🍇you" or "go back to thr kitchen", which is really not cool.
Whats ur opinion about theres things?
i was born in 1996 which makes me a millennial (JUST)! i’m the last year of the millennial dhfhghg
honestly? i don’t think about it much. i have a 17 year old nephew and an 11 year old nephew and a 5 year old niece so i am seeing how kids mature and stuff nowadays but . . . idk, the biggest change for me is that they all have tech younger.
if anything i think the kids nowadays are more understanding. they get pronouns and they don’t care about sexuality and they care about their trans friends (even though the uk is ofc terf island the kids i know seem alright!). maybe it’s bc my nephews are pretty nerdy and make nerdy friends? idk
but also i absolutely grew up with rage bait like the second one. rape jokes were way more common (the term ‘frape’ if a friend left their facebook logged in). every generation has stuff that sucks and stuff that doesn’t! me being like “i don’t understand the Youth” is just the same as my parents or my older brother (six year age difference) Not Getting Me. mostly i would like to think that the kids are Okay!!!
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airyairyaucontraire · 5 months
I have baked two 9x13 carrot cakes which I shall ice tomorrow morning, and I have begun the process of dry-brining three chickens which I shall roast with lemons and thyme tomorrow afternoon (yes it would be better with more brining time but some time is better than none). My mother's 70th birthday lunch is the day after tomorrow.
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mxwhore · 2 months
adquired a new recippy...
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to-be-a-dreamer · 5 months
And if I make a full post talking about how Abby, Shannon, and Taylor were actually really interesting and compelling characters that were just wildly mishandled by the writers and weren't allowed to fully explore their own motivations or personalities outside of being a love interest then what?
This is a threat.
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Kai: You've got to act tough, greenie! Show 'em you can't be pushed around! Show 'em they can't mess with you! Lloyd: Right. Yes. Tough. Got it. Lloyd, standing up on their stool and slamming their hands down on the bar: I'LL TAKE A CHOCOLATE MILK.
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classicintp · 2 years
There is this whole idea that flipping a two sided coin doesn't have a 50-50 probability. It's not a new idea by any means, but the explanation is if you measured the mass of the coin, the force of the flip, the temperature of the coin & of the room, the force of any breeze, wind, or vibration in the air as it traveled, and so on, you could accurately determine within a small margin of error what side the coin will land on every time, and if you kept those constant it would flip on the same side every time. And that idea is also KIND OF the explanation for the conclusion in quantum physics that there is no free will.
A lot of people hear that and either clutch their pearls, roll their eyes, or aren't interested either way. (I mean, when you say some shit like that you're just going to immediately turn off any interest most people would have otherwise had but I'm digressing now). We all like to think we make decisions and choices, and then amateurs who want to talk about quantum mechanics alienate everyone by saying it's not true: you were always going to make these choices with no chance to make the other one.
But what I said in the first paragraph is something-like (but not exactly) what it means when you hear or read that according to quantum physics we have no free will. That if we had an unfathomable device that has been measuring all the variables of every single particle that was expelled during the Big Bang, with an also-sufficient/also-currently-unfathomable algorithm to plug those variables into, all within a computer that could do all of the calulations for BILLIONS of years, we could compute exactly where every particle was going and where it would end up, including those that make up the stars and planets, that make up the ground and oceans, that make up the animals and plants, that make up your brain and all of the proteins and neurotransmitters. That if it could all be measured and an algorithm sufficiently built then the decisions you make are already determined by the ongoing relationships and interactions the particles that make up your brain had in the past and are having right now.
However, humans cannot measure that, they likely never ever will.
Anyone that tells me they don't like quantum mechanics because something something affront to nature blah blah "they" don't believe in free will, etc. literally doesn't know it's just a rescale of the coin toss description. You still believe coin tosses are 50-50 because you aren't going to measure the variables used to receive an answer, you can still believe in free will because you can't measure the variables used to determine the ultimate path of all particles; I mean, I wouldn't become a theoretical physicist if that meant so much to you but I'm not your dad, do what you want.
Edit: I know I described the science mostly wrong, please check out the replies and reblogs for others' corrections and feel free to add corrections of your own for mine and others' learning, thank you.
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