#tcw oddball
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zealfruity · 6 months ago
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212th beach scene!!!
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Shoutout to these guys for living the dream. This thing is over 17mb. I can't even send it on Discord for the homies.
Apologies for the excessive amount of tags:
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spooky-daggers · 21 hours ago
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Cody just wanted a normal Commander's night out with the boys, but Oddball always has to be a menace.
(Rex is taking notes)
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1-800-crscnt · 5 months ago
-small (non-serious) friendship hcs i have-
Davijaan & Cody: besties. constantly complaining about everything with each other. will hype the other up and threaten others to do the same. ride or dies, except when it comes to the blame game. argue a lot, but it only makes their friendship stronger.
Stone & Cody: exhausted "mean" loner duo that doesn't care to let people know the other exists. estranged best friends that only see each other five times a year, and those times are spent in total silence. don't attempt to speak to them when they're together, you will be ignored. competing with each other but nobody knows what about.
Hound & Ahsoka: the kids that had to be separated in class because they would always goof off and be loud about it. roleplay as wolves and will bite people. every episode of Jackass is taken as a guide, helmets were invented because of these two.
Thire & Padme: gossip queens, no secrets between them. TMI = Tell Me Immediately. close enough to cause rumors/scandals if they were public about their affection. would break the other out of prison but while insulting their outfit the entire time. would go through hell and back for each other and call it a girls' trip.
Mace & Fox: two grandpas that insult each other while sitting on the porch while everyone else swears they're friends. somehow always a game of spades with a drink when seen together. will give you false advice and chuckle silently when you fail, and then probably ten dollars to go buy something for them.
Thorn & Neyo: friends only in the way brothers who tried to kill each other their entire childhood can be. which is to say they are not. frequently creating rube goldberg style traps to hurt each other (because killing each other would mean more chaos within their jobs). forged in the depths of hater nation, will only accept death if it's the other killing them. get confused as actual friends by some simply because they came from the same batch.
Keeli & Rex: chillest buddies ever. will do even the most dangerous/intense things with a relaxed expression if together, love lazing around with each other and escaping duties by hiding in each other's rooms. always laughing, eating, or sleeping. hundreds of inside jokes, probably a secret handshake too.
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kartaylirnaak · 8 months ago
The Lingerie Approval Board Sneak Peak
Another little sneak peak from the final chapter of The Lingerie Approval Board (NSFW).
Barlex: What is he doing anyway?
Gearshift: Finding one of his hacked datapads
Oddball: That Cody has absolutely no knowledge of
Cody: I’m not here
Gregor: Excellent plausible deniability sir
More 212th shenanigans when the last chapter is uploaded to AO3 here.
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tossawary · 6 months ago
Something I found surprising when revisiting the prequel trilogy is how much the clones aren't full characters in the movies. They're props. They're devices. The films give them the same weight and attention as they give the Separatist droids, really. The only two clone troopers I can easily name off the top of my head who get "named" in any way are Oddball and Cody, who are both just barely in "Revenge of the Sith", and interchangeable in their roles with any other background clone.
It's interesting when held up against "The Clone Wars" and other extension material, which had the time and inclination to say more directly, "Hey, these are people and what's happening to them is wrong." Like, obviously what's happening in Ep2&3 is wrong, the audience can draw that conclusion on their own, growing people as cannon fodder is a clear part of the greater tragedy if you take about five seconds to think about the situation here. Even without the element of the entire war being constructed and controlled by the main villain, the clones are a tragedy.
But, oh man, the movies themselves don't really care to focus on that. It's SUCH a background element. I had a "oh, yeah, Order 66 being programmed into a control chip was a later addition to / clarification of canon" moment while watching, because as far as Ep3 actually shows us (as was the initial intention by some, I know), Cody apparently knew the entire time that he might be called to fire on Obi-Wan Kenobi and was just waiting on the call. The "homogenous evil army" trope is... very much present and even more identical than usual here.
By the films alone, you can easily assume that the clone troopers have no love for any of the Jedi (whom we're meant to believe are relatively decent people) for a variety of reasons. Their upbringing and training on Kamino was presumably cold and brutal. They're (possibly enslaved) soldiers in an even more brutal war. This army is offered no development or individuality that makes the appalling Jedi Temple massacre out of character for any of them.
But when the various Clone Wars shows first turned the clones into individual characters and even protagonists, many of whom are shown to be good people and become friendly with the Jedi through years of teamwork in life-or-death situations, Order 66 became weird. "Wait, why would the majority of clones (all the clones we see in the movies, at least) just go along with this? What went wrong here?"
I get why TCW and SW canon settled on the control chips option and I find it interesting enough. The tragedy of it all makes me want to lie facedown on the floor. Darth Sidious is really winning at sheer evilness here.
On the other hand, there are some really fun and interesting "Order 66 was taught, not programmed" AUs to revisit here. Especially when some of the other (Legends canon now) contingency orders include what to do if the Supreme Chancellor is incapacitated or declared unfit, or even getting rid of the Supreme Chancellor and assuming control by lethal force if necessary. Presumably these orders existed as a back-up in case Palpatine wasn't elected to the seat in time for the war or didn't manage to get rid of term limits and was replaced as Chancellor at any point.
That really sounds like Palpatine's evil army of ruthless Jedi-Killers (unchipped) could have easily backfired on him if they'd ever decided all of these non-clones were unfit and organized to take power for themselves. I love any scenario where Palpatine's arrogant and overly complicated plans get him in trouble. The "homogenous evil army" often gets treated as a mindless mob, but while the clones may have some degree of emotional suppression, they're clearly very capable and not unintelligent, and they're not given many (if any) reasons to be loyal to the Republic. And it is FUNNY to imagine any Dark Lord's created army deciding that he fucking sucks at war (there's obviously a leak, why the FUCK are they losing so much ground to fucking droids) and they're overthrowing him for better benefits, so that they can create and run a more efficient Evil Empire themselves.
You could make this angsty as hell or a comedy, or both. I'm imagining the clones at the eleventh hour murdering Chancellor Palpatine with such brutal efficiency that it feels like its own kind of prejudice. And he gets revealed as a Sith Lord in the process (this was taken into account as a potential problem when planning the assassination), so there's an initial moment of: "I can't believe it! He was the Sith Lord in the Senate all along! How did you know?"
Cody: "Didn't."
Obi-Wan: "...Pardon?"
Cody: "This is a coup, sir."
Like, if we're going by what's shown in the movies alone, there's a clear Emperor Cody AU to be had here. Which can be played as a temporary (years long) measure to reinstall a Republic with proper checks and balances, while a bemused Jedi Order and Senate are held hostage, or the First Galactic Empire is established as per canon just with the clones running it and reaping the benefits. I'm currently enjoying thinking about the latter scenario as a dark comedy, in which Future Emperor Cody (or the clone of your choice) has to negotiate in his spare time with the various demands of his fellow clones. (Who are, let us remember due to the horror that is the accelerated aging, a bunch of teenagers at the oldest here.)
Rex: "I want Tatooine."
Cody: "The whole planet?"
Rex: "Yeah."
Cody: "It's a shithole."
Rex: "Yeah, but it'll make Skywalker so kriffing mad, so I'm calling dibs."
Cody: "Noted."
And if you want to write shipfic, there's always the AU of various Evil Army Clones meeting their love interest and then going, "Not evil anymore! Sorry, guys." Which could be angsty or another dark-ish comedy.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 6 months ago
“Anakin Didn’t Care About The Clones”
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As a way of pushing back against the idea that Anakin was the only Jedi to treat the clones well, many Jedi apologists have argued that Anakin didn’t care about the clones or that his strategies got several killed, at all. Some even act like Anakin was abusive to Rex by cherry picking certain moments such as asking Rex to keep his marriage secret, running to Padme instead of Rex or Ahsoka after the Blue Shadow Crisis or the time he and Ahsoka threw Rex off that wall on Geonosis. Do people not understand the difference between comedic slapstick and abuse?
Was Anakin’s treatment of the clones perfect? No, all Jedi-clone relationships suffered from power imbalance and the clones being unable to leave as Cut and Slick pointed out and he wasn’t the only Jedi to treat the clones as individuals. What he did as Vader when he used them to storm the temple was despicable and as a former slave, he should have advocated more for their rights. Yet Anakin, before falling, valued the clones as individuals and encouraged free thinking in his men. In legends he struck up an odd friendship with Alpha 17 and gave him his nickname as well as encouraging him to do so for the gen 2 clone commanders he was training who would become Cody, Appo, Oddball, Thire, Bly, Gree, Neyo and Bacara. As Vader, he still held a fondness for Commander Appo and was somewhat dismayed by his death.
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As for canon, his friendship with Rex was one of the closest of Jedi-clone bonds. Rex trusted him with his life as he reminisces in Rebels and Anakin was willing to share his secret about his marriage with Padme. Asking your friend to keep secrets, unless actively harmful, is not abuse. Nor is asking your friend who has the equipment to do so to assist in training your student like in TOTJ. It wasn’t just Rex that he cared for though. He encouraged Dogma to take breaks and be less of a stickler as seen in the clip below which also shows him complimenting Rex’s ingenuity and working with him and Fives as a team to evacuate the battalion after being ambushed by Umbarans.
Continuing on, he showed a great degree of concern for Tup when his inhibitor chip malfunctioned and drove him insane, fighting hard to rescue him. He also was willing to help Rex rescue Echo and work with Clone Force 99. Anakin was one of the few, besides Fives, who actually looked saddened by Echo’s apparent death while everyone else was focused on the shuttle. He later jokes with Echo after rescuing him and despite their squabbles earlier, lets Wrecker have fun blowing up Admiral Trench’s ship.
While not as close as Rex, he seemed to have a genuine bond with Fives as well. Sharing the story of his heroics as a child that inspired Fives’ plan of dissent against Krell and Fives admitted that while reckless, Anakin was always leading his men in the front rather than make them do all the work. Fives was comfortable enough to make dick jokes with him as well as share the information he learned about the inhibitor chips. Anakin complimented his quick thinking and while Fives was always vocal about being seen as a person over a number, one thing they shared in common, it’s implied Anakin is the reason he’s very independent and willing to go against orders for what he sees as right. While Anakin may have gotten defensive when Fives accused Palpatine of being behind the chips, he was still horrified by his death. TCW may be an episodic show but one could interpret that Anakin’s behavior in the Clovis arc was the result of having just lost two people close to him, Fives and Ahsoka, and Padme working with someone who endangered her before had him on an edge, not wanting that to happen again.
To say Anakin didn’t care for his men based off a few cherry-picked scenes is dishonest and is argued by people who think he was just bad even before falling. Was he perfect or the only one who treated them as individuals? No but he was not just an abusive, uncaring ass. The first scene in ROTS showed him wanting to go back and help the pilot squad. He gave his men like Fives or Broadside difficult tasks not because he didn’t care but because he knew they were capable. I wonder if, from his twisted point of view, Vader saw a bit of Rex and Fives in Veers and Piett due to their efficiency and ingenuity as military officers. Vader was complicit in the enslavement of the clones during Order 66 and needed to answer for it if he lived but to say his relationships with his men prior to that were abusive when there’s no evidence of that in the movies or TCW is lying just to make him seem like an irredeemable monster.
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clonebrainrot · 1 year ago
You know I wonder if anyone has done the math to see what the chances are of a named clone dying or not.
If you think about it let’s go down the list and I am going to do some quick math
TLDR with the bad batch included clones have a probability to survive at 68% without them included they have a probability of just 54%
This is done by using characters who appeared in multiple episodes or appeared once in TCW and then in ROTS Math below.
Warning this includes spoilers up to episode 7 of the bad batch season 3
If you can think of enough clones who appeared in multiple episodes or projects I will include them in another revised version.
Kix (alive)1
Jessie (dead)1
Hardcase (dead) 2
Rex (Alive) 2
Wolffe (alive) 3
Fives (dead) 3
Waxer (dead) 4
Boil (alive) 4
Fox (dead) 5
Nemec (dead) 6
Fireball (Dead) 7
Sinker (alive) 7
Boost (alive) 8
Ridge (dead) 8
Vaughn (dead) 9
Cut Lawquane (alive) 9
Hawk (alive) 10
Bly (alive) 11
Gree (Dead) 10
Cody (alive) 12
Howzer (alive) 13
Tech (Dead/alive he’s schrodinger’s clone)
Crosshair (alive) 14
Echo (alive) 15
Hunter (alive) 16
Wrecker (alive) 17
CX1 (dead) 11
Dogma (alive) 18
Tup (Dead) 12
Oddball (alive) 19
99 (Dead) 13
Havoc (dead) 14
Colt (dead) 15
Blitz (alive) 20
Hammer (alive) 21
Boba (alive) 22
Not counting CX 2 just in case it’s someone on this list
Not including the clone cadets or Omega as there is a 0% chance any of them die so they screw with results (children aren’t going to die in a Star Wars TV-PG show)
Okay I have gone through as many clones as I can think of that appeared in more than one episode of TCW and revenge of the Sith and the bad batch
A clone has a 68% chance of survival as of episode 7 of TBB
However if you remove the bad batch itself a clones survival chances drop to just 54%
Also I just realized I forgot to calculate Scorch being alive (weirdly enough now with the bad batch he has appeared more than almost any clone lol)
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fionajames · 1 year ago
tcw circus au
this is for @lovejoysoots, this is the second part of your request.
guys i have no fucking idea wtf this is but like here, i rlly rlly rlly enjoyed writing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the third piece of writing of four im posting today (srsly dont hold me to that tho) enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahsoka cracked her knuckles yet again, rolling her shoulders back and pushing her three blue and white plaits back. The younger girl had orange-tan skin, creamy birthmarks that looked more like markings, bright blue eyes and very long blue and white hair that she always tied in three plaits.
The acrobatic raced forwards in a sprint, launching herself off of the caravan’s roof and landing lightly on the tightrope strung up behind the caravans and the stage. Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief as she dropped from the rope and onto the mat below, high-fiving Anakin.
Anakin had medium length messy brown hair, swimming blue eyes, light skin and a scar covering his right eye that no one really knows how he got, as he changes the cause every time. Standing next to him was Obi-Wan, who had ginger hair around the same length as Anakin’s, a ginger beard, freckled light skin and calm blue eyes. 
The three worked closely together as Anakin had been Obi-Wan’s apprentice and then Ahsoka was Anakin’s. They all worked in Acrobatics but Ahsoka was also very talented in Equestrian Vaulting. They were like brothers and sister, and everyone in the circus knew it. “Good job, little one,” Obi-Wan told her and she beamed at him as he also high-fived her. “Arsev is ready.”
Ahsoka beamed and nodded as she and Anakin headed to the stables to get their own horses. Ahsoka’s horse was a male red and white paint horse called Arsev, and Anakin’s was a blue roan quarter horse named Artoo. Sure, the horses' names were weird, but they all had meanings. 
“Are you ready for tonight?” Anakin asked as he led Artoo from his stable, walking by the horse’s shoulder. Ahsoka did the same, playing with the end of Arsev’s mane as she did. 
“Always am,” she told him with a smirk, waving to her best friend - a teenaged boy several years older named Rex - as he walked past. Rex came from a huge family that had all been orphaned and he and a huge portion of his brothers had joined their circus. 
“Well that’s good,” Anakin told her with a light shove to her shoulder. She gasped dramatically and pushed him back. “Race you to the river!” He shouted as he jumped on Artoo, racing off in the direction with a laugh.
“Rude,” Ahsoka snarled as she grasped the horn of the saddle, throwing herself up onto her horse in one quick motion. “Let’s go beat this bitch’s ass, Arsev,” she told her horse before chasing after Anakin.
After Ahsoka and Arsev beat Anakin and Artoo in every single race he declared - even though Anakin denied losing every single time - they ended up at the 212th’s caravan. They’d given all of the caravans numbers - random numbers, there weren’t actually hundreds of caravans - and grouped various people into them.
The 212th’s caravan consisted of Obi-Wan, Cody, Boil, Waxer, Trapper and Oddball, and they’d painted their caravan yellow and white. Ahsoka and Anakin were in the 501st caravan - although they’d given Ahsoka a hammock so she was out of sight from the others, for privacy - with Rex, Fives, Echo, Tup, Jesse and Hardcase. Although some of the names were strange, a lot of the boys had changed their both names to their nicknames upon joining the circus. 
There were more caravans everywhere including the main caravan which consisted of the ringmaster - a cool, crazy, short man called Yoda - his second-in-command - a tall, stern-ish man called Mace - and the rest of their group - Shaak, Kit, Ki-Adi and Plo. 
Although, Plo had moved to be with his sons - they weren’t really his sons but he’d basically adopted all of them - in the 104th with Wolffe, Sinker, Boost and Comet. Plo had basically adopted most of the circus members and Yoda had gone along with it.
“Hey, Cody!” Ahsoka chirped as the man leapt down from the roof of his caravan, landing beside her with a smile.
“Hey, kid, how’s it going?” The boy asked, ruffling her hair and laughing when she grimaced at the action. 
“Not bad!” She told him with a grin, swatting his hand away. “I’m going to visit the boss.”
Cody laughed and pushed her in Yoda’s caravan lightly. “Off you go then.” 
Ahsoka skipped to the Jedi caravan - why’d they’d named it ‘Jedi’ no one really remembered - as she waved and greeted everyone she saw along the way. “Yoda, are you in here?” She knocked and smiled when she was met with the familiar short man. Yoda had very long white and green hair and a beard to match it, with the same colours. He had gleaming, wise green eyes and light skin. 
“Hello, Ahsoka,” he greeted and Ahsoka gave him a smile. “Ready for the show tonight, you are?” Ahsoka nodded, very used to his strange way of talking. Everyone was. No one could remember why he did it, or even if he could not do it.
“Yes, Yoda!” She saluted playfully. 
“Then with Fives, you should go,” Yoda told her, poking her with the end of his walking stick - a brown stick with interesting, swirling patterns. “Guard the money, you shall.”
Ahsoka laughed and nodded, turning to leave. “Yes sir!” She shouted as she hurried to meet her friend.
Hours later, Ahsoka was stood with a huge grin as she played with Arsev’s mane, getting ready to head into the ring. As Mace introduced her, the crowd cheered. “Ready, Snips?” Anakin asked, ruffling her hair as always.
“Always, Skyguy.”
Ahsoka took Arsev’s reign and led him into the ring with her, letting go as she did. She bowed as the crowd cheered, Arsev beginning to canter around the ring. Ahsoka sucked in a breath as she reached an arm out as the horse went past, grasping onto the horn of the saddle and pulling herself up and onto the saddle in one quick motion.
As the crowd cheered, Ahsoka began standing up on Arsev’s saddle, spreading her arms out for balance. She moved into a handstand with a grin as she spotted Anakin, Obi-Wan and Rex cheering her on from behind the curtains. 
Ahsoka continued to do her routine with many, many impressive manoeuvres. After she’d finished, Hardcase, Jesse and Fives entered the stage and did their usual comedy routine - something that made absolutely everyone laugh. Rex and Cody then performed their music act - which everyone found hypnotising and stunning. 
Then Obi-Wan and Anakin entered the stage to do their acrobatics act. As usual, the crowd was astounded as Obi-Wan dangled Anakin from the top of the ropes - metres in the air - and threw him up in the air. Anakin did a flip before Obi-Wan caught his feet again. 
They continued their performance until the show was over, when groups of the performers left for Rex, Cody and some others to busk. 
“You were great, Snips,” Anakin told Ahsoka as she pulled out her violin - which she played fiddle style - and grabbed his own guitar. 
“So were you, Skyguy,” she told him. 
“Everyone was great,” Obi-Wan told them, entering the caravan to watch. 
“That’s for sure.”
hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!!! im very tempted to do more of this so tell me if i should!!!!!!!!!!!!!
request people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like im being srs. pls.
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im-no-jedi · 2 years ago
my sibs and I went through a TCW phase in 2014, buying literally every figure we could find, and uhhh we did some photoshoots 😂
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twerking Clones plus Ahsoka (don’t ask 🤣)
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Ahsoka unable to handle Rex attempting to twerk
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Anakin disappointed at how freaking wasted his troops are
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my OC Mutt showing off how sexy he is✨
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Obi-Wan carrying Oddball and Cody because he can 😋
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Mutt, Rex, and Fives forming a tower for my affection 😏 (with my OC Gunner not havin’ it 😂)
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Echo and Fives getting the life sucked out of them by Big Chill from Ben 10 😳
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Cody and Mutt being sluts with Rook, Ben, and Four Arms 🥴
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and to top it off, Vader stealing Ben’s skateboard because why not 😂
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ryukunkawaii · 1 year ago
exhibiton pt. 2
Satsuki: So? Is he out?
Hokusai: Hm. But I don’t see him yet.
Reo: Ok but why do we have to be sneaky outside our own highschool?
Reo: Haa… That being said, why does Aniki want to know about Maou? “Information about TCW’s Natsume Ryu, his birthplace, history, anything is fine so go look into it,” he says…
Satsuki: Hokusai, don’t you know something…? That oddball’s been your acquaintance for a while right?
Hokusai: Yeah. Walk friend. But I’ve… never asked Ryu about anything like this… Sorry.
Reo: It’s not Hokusai’s fault! And to begin with, we were told to not let Maou know about this investigation
Hokusai: Ah, he’s here!
Satsuki: Aaalright! Then first of all let’s restrain hihjfDKShlff
Reo: Jeez, calm down stupid monkey!
Satsuki: Dhn’t fcovher my mfhth!! (Don’t cover my mouth!!)
Hokusai: Shiki!
Shiki: H-Hokusai-kun! Reo-kun and… Sa-Satsuki-kun… Do you have class soon?
Reo: Aah, no no, we came here today because we had business with you
Shiki: Eh? With me?
Satsuki: Bffhaa!! We’re tellin’ you to come with us!!
Shiki: Hii!!
Satsuki: Aahn!?
Shiki: Ah! Uhh… I-… Huu…
Hokusai: Ah, please don’t run…!
Shiki: Uu…
Hokusai: Wait! There’s nothing scary!
Satsuki: HAAA!! SO TASTYYYYY!! As expected the ramen here is number one!
Reo: Monkey, your manners are bad.
Satsuki: Oji-san! It’s hella tasty today too!
Owner: Ah, thanks.
Satsuki: That being said, Shiki, why did you run?
Shiki: —Sorry…
Reo: Jeez, isn’t it because you keep intimidating him like this, you idiot monkey.
Hokusai: Everything’s okay, Shiki. Satsuki has a bad mouth but he’s actually a nice kid. Okay?
Satsuki: …My bad. I didn’t mean to make you scared. And we’ve got a relationship of sharing a meal together too.
Reo: There we go! Satsuki’s “having eaten at Raimentei together”-friends logic!
Satsuki: Ah?!!
Reo: Kuhihi, isn’t it the truth though? And even that one time with cozmez~?
Satsuki: That was—
Hokusai: I think it’s nice. Things like this. Doing things we love together. Wanting to do them. That’s…yeah.
Satsuki: Welllll, it’s like this, so it’s not like I’ll eat you alive or anything. Anyway you haven’t been eating at all since earlier though!! Don’t hold back!
Shiki: Ah, yeah. Thank you.
Reo: Heeey, Hokusai~, I want to eat the chuukadon’s quail~ A~hn
Hokusai: A~hn
Reo: Hmmm, so tasty~!
Shiki: By the way, um…
Satsuki: Ah?
Shiki: What did you…want from me?
Shiki: Eh? Things I know about Ryu-kun?
Reo: Yep! Anything’s fine! Where he was born, his personal history up until now, did you hear anything at all?
Shiki: Why me?
Reo: Hahaha well, how do I say this? Maou is kinda, you know? Mysterious? An oddball? 
Shiki: That’s—
Reo: So, we got kinda interested in knowing what kind of person he is… And well, we’re rivals also?
Satsuki: Right! 
Reo: Ri–ght ! 
Satsuki Reo: Hahaha, hahahahaha…
Shiki: I…don’t know much about Ryu-kun. When Saimon-sensei picked me up Ryu-kun was already there, I don’t know about anything before then— yeah… Since I didn’t ask.
Satsuki: But you guys are comrades right?
Shiki: Yeah. Ryu-kun is a precious comrade, and I think of him as my friend.
Satsuki: So then…!
Hokusai: Satsuki.
Reo: Haa, it can’t be helped if you haven’t heard anything. Shiki is — unlike the stupid monkey here — a kid who can read the room after all~
Satsuki: AAAAH!?
Shiki: Ah! But…
Satsuki Reo: Hm?
Shiki: Ryu-kun is strange, and I get troubled when he sometimes does weird things, but in truth he’s a really kind kid
Satsuki: Ooh
Hokusai: Yeah.
Reo: Hm!
Shiki: Whenever I’m suffering from a trap reaction, he always stays by my side and holds my hand. Hehe, he says ‘because it’s funny’…
Reo: The trap reaction… is funny…? Eh hehe? Isn’t that kinda mean?
Shiki: Hmhm, that’s not it. Ryu-kun…doesn’t get trap reactions.
Hokusai Reo: Huh?
Satsuki: He doesn’t get trap reactions? Are you for real?
Shiki: Yeah. It’s kind of strange as to why, but it appears to have been like this for a long time.
Hokusai Reo: Oh…
door opens
Satsuki: WAH!
Shiki: WAAAH!!!
Hokusai: !?
Shiki: Ryu-kun!!
Everyone: Oh…
Ryu: Huuuuuh? What are you doing, all gathered together like thiiiiis?
Ryu: Heeeh, you wanted to know more about Ryu-kun so you kidnapped Shikki.
Ryu: But when I went to pick Shikki up, the people at school went “He got taken away by scary people!” It seemed fun so I went looking for youuu~!
Satsuki: With electromagnetic waves….?
Reo: Wait idiot monkey!!
Satsuki: Woh—
Reo: Why are you exposing the investigation to Maou!!
Satsuki: It can’t be helped! Since we got found out. At this point ain’t it better to just ask the guy in question
Hokusai: That being said, finding us with electromagnetic waves… Ryu is a strange kid.
Reo: No but that goes beyond the concept of strange though…
Satsuki: Chinese pork noodles without the noodles… It’s the first time I see someone make an order like that…
Ryu: Yo, Aha, Today too ramen was tasty, The pork, the noodles were both bari-hard¹, Original way of eating, I wanted to eat a little moooore
Ryu: Ah. Right! Saaay~ Mr.Monkey & Friends wanted to know about Ryu-kun right~?
Satsuki: Y-…! Yeah.
Ryu: Then I’ll tell you! In exchange, will you wisten to my wequest?
Satsuki: O-Oh, yeah if it’s just that.
Ryu: MUFUFUFUFU! If you listen to one request I’ll answer one question! How’s that?
Reo, Satsuki, Hokusai: Huh…
Hokusai: Okay. Let’s do that.
Game Center
Satsuki: By “request” he meant…playing at the game center? That’s unexpectedly  normal huh.
Shiki: Ryu-kun!! It’s dangerous to run!
Satsuki: Crane game huh…
Reo: It’s pretty big, and it’s in a box, maybe it’s a figurine…
Hokusai: !!? No, this is…! The “Even your clumsy self will be able to make the ultimate sticky” Automatic Natto-stirring ALPHA OMEGA III..!!!
Reo: What the heck…
Ryu: Ryu-kun wants thiiiis!! WANT IT WANT IT WANT IT WANT IT WANT IT WANT IT!!!!!
Satsuki: 300yen for one try huh, that’s expensive…
*machine sound*
Satsuki: HUU…. IT TOOK ME 6000YEN……
Ryu: Automatic Natto-stirring ALPHA OMEGA III I MISSED YOU!!!♡ Darling I Love You kisskisskisskisskiss
Satsuki: I got it for you, now it’s your turn to answer our question.
Ryu: Okay!
Satsuki: You… ‘s “Natsume Ryu” your real name?
Ryu: Ryu-kun is Ryu-kun
Satsuki: Then where d’you come from? Are you even Japanese?
Ryu: Hmmm, I don’t knooooow. I’M FROM SPACE!! OR SOMETHING?? HAHAHAHAAAA
Satsuki: HEY.
Ryu: One request for one question! Ryu-kun is Ryu-kun. The End!
Satsuki: UGH…
Reo: Jeez! Monkey’s way of asking is bad so he dodged the question!
Hokusai: Hm, it can’t be helped, let’s be more careful next time.
Masao’s Curry Shop
Masao: Alright, thank you for the wait!♡ SUPER ULTRA SPICY CURRRRY TRIPLE TORRRNAAADO DESUMOSUTA SPECIALLLLE Challenge Course for 2 people~
Satsuki: Hhuuff… It’s making my eyes blink by just being in front of me…
Hokusai: It’s all so red in the dish I can’t make out what is in there…
Reo: Do your best, both of you~
Reo: Becaaause I’m bad with spicy things~ And I just ate at Raimentei so I’m already fu~ll
Masao: If you can eat everrrrrything in 30 minutes there is a prrresent from the shop!
Shiki: Ryu-kun… This is too much after all…
Masao: Well then let’s start! Ready, go!
Satsuki: Fhhehfhuh… Damn it, even though I’m not good with spicy eith-
Hokusai: Ohm.
Satsuki: Wait!!? HOKUSAI!?
Hokusai: Hm… m…. hm…?
Satsuki: Are you…ok…?
Hokusai: It’s spicy.
Satsuki: “It’s spicy”, you say…
Reo: Here! If you don’t start eating soon you’ll be! out of time!
Ryu: Do your best Namaste, Go at it all at once! Past your throat it’s Taj Mahal, As you eat it get more and more hooked! 
Ryu: Spiciness continues even through the camber. Swell it, Push it, Why? Everything’s for the sake of Ryu-kun’s fun
Satsuki, Hokusai: Hhuhhhh….
Shiki: E-Eh? Me too? Ah,, Err… Travelling into the red swamp of hell, On that journey the prize is the only salvation, going through Pain Gain the spoon advances
Reo: That’s cool~
Reo: Making the container empty, Becoming a Hero, Even more someday rising from East to West Yo, Show’Em yo Masao-Owneeer
Masao: If you can finish it you are Krishna, The number 1 FANTASISTA of this shop, Cinnamon, cumin and coriander, Finish up in a lick, the shop’s grateful too
Reo, Ryu: YAY!
Masao: YA~Y!
Hokusai: drops spoon
Hokusai: Whew… I give up…
Reo: Eh-
Reo, Shiki: EEEH???
Satsuki: Uhhh… H—Hophszai (Hokusai)… You…
Hokusai: Sorry… Please cross over my corpse and go forward, ugh….. passes out
Satsuki: Fuheh, hehe, huaa….
Masao: For you dear customer, there is a speciaaaal present from the shop! The Fairy of Currrry figurine that I, the owner, have put my heart into making!
Satsuki: hha..? yhou mfdjfkgdhj
Ryu: Yep! That’s right!! So cuuuute, Fairy of Curry… Love! Love!
Reo: Wooow ssso uncuuuuute…
Reo: Alright then, this time I’ll be the one asking you a question
Ryu: Okeyy!
Reo: Before entering TCW, where was Maou and what were you doing?
Ryu: Hmmm let’s seee… Inside a big home with whiiiite walls, a lot of different people were playing with me
Reo. Huh…?
Ryu: Aaah or maybe not… Ryu-kun is the one who played with them, probably… Wait? Hm? Which is it?  Ahhaha… AHHAHAHAHAHA!
Shiki: Ryu-kun…?
Ryu: Cat! Cat! Kitty! Path! Turn and wriggle round and rouuuund!
Satsuki: Haaa… Haaa… For real, what kind of stamina does this guy have…
Reo: Hokusaai… Are the walks with Maou…always like this? Going through people’s backyards, climbing on rooftops…
Hokusai: Hehe, it’s the path of a cat after all
Ryu: Round and round and round and round! Getting lost and troubled and stuck!
Shiki: Uhh Ryu-kun…
Ryu: Hmm?
Shiki: Are you going to…keep going from here?
Ryu: Hm!
Shiki: Uh…U-Um… Let’s stop? It’s…dangerous around here and…
Satsuki: Hah! What are you getting nervous for just because the slums are close by! Rest easy, we’re here with you today
Shiki: Hh n-no that’s not…wh-what I mea-
Satsuki: You’ll get even more unnecessary attention if you’re all scared
Shiki: Hh,,
Satsuki: Well, ‘s true you seem like the type to be an easy target for extortion and stuff though.
Reo: That aside though, what are we going to have to do this time?
Ryu: Hah… Test – of – cou-ra-ge .
Reo Satsuki: TEST OF COURAGE!?
Shiki: Ughhhh..!
Ryu: Hyuuurururururururuuuuu A GHOST WILL APPEAR! Ah! I can see it!
Shiki: Hhhahhh…
Ryu: It’s the abandoned building over there!
Satsuki: Wai- What’s wrong Shiki!? Suddenly sitting down…!
Hokusai: Are you ok? Does it hurt anywhere?
Shiki: aaahAHaaaaaaahaaaagggaaaaaaH
Ryu: Shikkii..?
Shiki: aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAGH
Reo: That’s not good, at this rate he’ll get hyperventilation
Hokusai: Alright. I’ll carry him on my back. Let’s leave this place first.
Hokusai: Here. Water.
Shiki: Ah, thank you…
Shiki: Whew…
Reo: How are you? Have you calmed down a little?
Shiki: Hm. I’m okay now. Sorry… I surprised you, didn’t I…
Ryu: Sniffle… Ryu-kun’s fault..?
Shiki: Ah… That’s wrong. It’s not Ryu-kun’s fault. I’m the one who’s wrong. It’s because I… am a coward.
Satsuki: That said though, there’s a limit to how easily scared you can be…
Shiki: Eh?
Satsuki: Well, you got like this because you were scared of ghosts right? I guess I don’t really like haunted spots and stuff either but
Reo: Hahaha! Even though Satsuki-chan’s a yankee he’s scared of ghooosts~?
Reo: Ah! Even though his face is scary he’s scared of ghosts, As expected of a toddler Game Over!
Satsuki: Haha! Quiet Shut up You’re the shitty brat, If ya gonna do it awkwardly you better stop bluffing!
Hokusai: Heh… Nearing in secretly, No warning and maw open, Quiet footsteps Stealthy steps Hey look, just behind you…  blows
Hokusai: Fufu… 
Ryu: Somehow it’s funny sudden rap! I’m gonna wrap and microwave yall! Adlib’s almost Rock-A-Billy, Coming out&out of the alley furnishing per miiille! YEAAAH
Reo, Satsuki: Yeaaah
Hokusai: Yeah
Reo, Satsuki: laugh
Shiki: Hehe…
Hokusai: You finally laughed, Shiki
Shiki: Oh. Yeah. 
Shiki: Then, we’ll be leaving here
Hokusai: Byebye.
Reo: Haaa… He really doesn’t waver until the very end, that Maou…
Reo: What’s wrong!?
Reo: Ah.
Satsuki: EVEN THOUGH IT WAS OUR CHANCE TO ASK HIM DIRECTLY… What should we do Hokusai?
Hokusai: Ryu is… a kind boy.
Satsuki: Ain’t that the only thing we have…
Hokusai: And also… kind of lonely…
Reo: Lonely? That Maou?
Hokusai: Hm. He is connected with everyone, but also can’t connect with anyone… Ryu is, lonely like a stray cat, but…he is a wonderful boy…
Satsuki: Aah it’s no use… It’s so poetic it doesn’t serve as an investigation at all…
Reo: For now… Let’s at least contact him!
Satsuki: Right.
dialing sound…
Reo: Ah, hello Aniki? Yeah it’s me! We finished the investigation of you-know-what!
[1] : バリカタ (barikata) is a level of ramen noodle hardness that’s harder than the usual
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spooky-daggers · 14 days ago
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"I'm so sorry, cyar’ika..."
Kat and Oddball have a rough time after Order 66. It takes some time, but they make it back to each other.
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wizardofrozz · 2 years ago
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Brothers to the last fight. To the last enemy. To the last hour, the last bullet. To the last breath. Brothers to the last hope. Brothers ‘till the end. - Unknown
Taglist: @sleepingsun501​ 
Art Masterlist
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kartaylirnaak · 8 months ago
WIP Sneak Peak
Have another SFW sneak peak from the final chapter of The Lingerie Approval Board (NSFW).
Cody: What do you think I’ve been doing this entire time?
Wooley: Multitasking apparently
Gearshift: Putting up with us
Oddball: And writing reports
Waxer: And drinking copious amounts of caff
Longshot: Bones is probably seething somewhere
Bones: I am always seething
Bones: It sustains me
The final chapter will be up on AO3 soon and you can read it here.
More info about clone medic OC Bones below. He seems to be a fandom character and I'm definitely not claiming him as my own. This is more my interpretation of him as he appears in this fic.
To my eternal chagrin, there is no named medic for the 212th. So I had to make one up. His name is Bones and he is pretty much just Bones from Star Trek. It’s not very original and I’m sure plenty of people have done this before but I needed a medic for the 212th so here he is. He’s the CMO of the 212th and is equal parts grumpy and terrifying, wields hypos and scanners with a vengeance, subsists on caff and spite, and cares about his vode but is deeply tired of their nonsense. He’s a little protective of Splint (shiny medic OC) but will strenuously deny it.
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shadowthestoryteller · 3 years ago
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Was chatting with @jonamore​ and this spawned lol
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kamino-coruscant · 4 years ago
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501st and 212th Clone Troopers Concept Art
The Clone Wars Episode Guides
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cameron4818 · 3 years ago
Warthog, Hawk and Oddball are not the chaotic trio we deserve but the chaotic trio we need
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