#tcw trapper
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zealfruity · 6 months ago
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212th beach scene!!!
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Shoutout to these guys for living the dream. This thing is over 17mb. I can't even send it on Discord for the homies.
Apologies for the excessive amount of tags:
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vytels · 1 year ago
I’ve been pondering the difference between the 501st and the 212th. Here is my argument:
The 212th are German Shepherds
The 501st are Belgian Malinois
I rest my case
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hottestclonetournament · 2 years ago
Round 2c Part 5
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Good on Dogma for killing Pong Krell, he shouldn't have gotten in trouble for that
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techs-feral-wife · 2 years ago
Alright clone fuckers, I gotta know
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kenobes · 6 months ago
The 212th as Shitposts I Have Saved on My Phone
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Couldn't leave out my favorite battalion
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212th-chaos · 1 year ago
Final(?) Update
Cody was in possession of the General’s lightsber for fifteen and a half hours. Boil, Crys, and Longshot now owe Trapper, Wooley, and I 30 credits.
The General resorted to basically begging, apologizing, and promising not to drop it again. Cody reluctantly gave it back, but we now have a new bet on how long it takes for him to lose it again.
General Kenobi noticed Commander Cody had his lightsaber clipped to his belt after we completed our mission. He held out his hand and thanked Cody for grabbing it, and Cody just stared at his hand.
He then proceeded to turn and walk away with the General’s lightsaber stILL CLIPPED TO HIS BELT-
I think the Commander has finally had enough. Kenobi looks both confused and betrayed but didn't say a word as he followed behind Cody.
...Wooley, add another tally...
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autumnalfallingleaves · 9 months ago
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Wanted to do a landscape, ended up adding Ghost. Background Ghosts are Trapper, Gearshift, and Longshot. Might make this my new header but I can't decide lmao.
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
Genuinely can't decide if I want to make this my new header.
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1-800-crscnt · 4 months ago
i hc that many clones develop "staring problems" as the war continues. for example, Wolffe has trouble staying asleep during the night (post-Malevolence) from time to time, and ends up staring at Boost and/or Sinker (less frequent with other troopers that are added) while they sleep for a couple of minutes to hours, all from the fear & anxiety that not having eyes on them & not being awake/alert enough to help them in an emergency gives him. another example would be Trapper, who of course has seen many brothers die and has even been a single surviving clone in a crash, so i imagine that he sometimes would stare at random brothers if he has no pressing matters to attend to or has trouble sleeping. I think this development is expected and common enough within the GAR that it's not talked about a lot but is understood pretty well.
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kartaylirnaak · 8 months ago
WIP Sneak Peak
I'm so close to finally finishing The Lingerie Approval Board (NSFW) so have a little SFW sneak peak.
Cody: For kriff’s sake
Splint: 😱
Gearshift: A swear!
Longshot: Sir!
Wooley: Oh no he’s broken out the bad words
Trapper: That’s a no-no word sir
Crys: Swearing? From our Marshal Commander?
Longshot: It’s more likely than you think
Cody: You lot are going to send me grey
The final chapter will be out very soon and you can read the whole thing on AO3 here.
More info about my OC Splint below.
Splint is my 212th medic OC. Is baby. Still a little timid and intimidated by his COs (Bones and Cody, though he’s more scared of Bones, who is the 212th CMO and technically another OC). Just slightly beyond shiny. Got their paint fairly recently and is developing a rather good deep sigh and unimpressed medic glare but still the youngest of the medics and thus still a shiny. Splint also thinks Trapper is cute but hasn’t worked up to doing anything about it yet, sort of at the flustered/pining stage, though they do manage to plan a totally-not-a-date in the fic. Also very much enjoys emojis. It’s a youth thing apparently xD
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aqg-arts · 1 year ago
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Meet my new Son,
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reneeofthestars · 2 years ago
Peril on Patrol!
Forgot to post this! This is a fic that I had the privilege to write for @vodeanzine​ , a Clone Trooper Zine!
This piece features Sister, a clone trooper of the 212th!
word count: 2226
*     *    *
Sister could never decide if she loved or loathed being on patrol.
On the one hand, it was critical for the security of the base. She was proud that Commander Cody trusted her skills to be among the first line of defense.
On the other hand, it was painfully boring.
Well, “boring” wasn’t quite the right word. Patrolling the perimeter of the hastily-established base required Sister to be focused and disciplined, alert for anything that might signal a hostile presence. But a good patrol meant nothing happened, which often led to strung-out nerves for no reason. So, every clone regularly on patrol duty had developed the skill of keeping watch for anything out-of-place, while also using the opportunity to relax.
Now, Sister uttered a quiet laugh, filtered through her helmet.
“Don’t tell me you actually watch those Jedi romance holos?”
“Sure,” Wooley said, inclining his own bucket towards her. “Jedi romance, Deep Space horrors, Wild Space adventures, Shilian dramas – I haven’t found a genre I don’t like.”
Sister shook her head. “Romances are fine, but I can’t watch the Jedi ones with a straight face. Not now that I know they’re only people.” She pivoted suddenly and scanned the land behind them, hands tight on her blaster rifle. Rusty-red scrubgrass, arching silicone formations, and looming crimson plants surrounded them, but her HUD didn’t detect any movement, heat signatures, or electromagnetic signals. No sign of any Separatists or local fauna following them through the Anaxes forest. She walked backwards for a few paces before turning around again. “Still clear.”
“Figures.” Wooley did a brief scan of the foliage to the right before looking up as they passed beneath one of the red plants. “Y’know, those remind me of the piona jellyfish back on Kamino.”
Once he mentioned it, Sister couldn’t help but agree. Long, undulating tendrils dangled from the bulbous, blossoming tops; so similar to the frills that dragged lazily behind the incredibly toxic – and absurdly large – languid invertebrates that drifted through the Kaminoan seas.
“Uh, they are plants, right? Not some sort of creature lying in wait for a tasty clone to devour?” She deliberately maneuvered around a particularly long tendril.
Wooley shrugged. “Could be a clone-eating plant, too. You never know with this galaxy.”
And what a galaxy it was. In the short time she’d been outside of Kamino’s torrential storms, Sister had seen more creatures, people, and landscapes than her studies had prepared her for. She did another sweep of their surroundings. Still no droids or lifeforms around. The creatures here seemed skittish.
They lapsed back into silence as they climbed a particularly rocky slope. It proved to be a hill, set at a higher elevation than the land around it. They paused to catch their breath, and Sister gazed around. A light mist wrapped around their legs, hugging the ground and stretching as far as she could see, weaving among the stalks and trunks of the reddish land. Spires of rounded rocks dotted the landscape, casting long shadows as the sun sunk lower behind hazy mountains.
“Do you ever miss Kamino?” Wooley asked, staring at the sunset.
Sister was surprised how quickly she answered. She’d answered so seriously, without thought, that her voice dropped nearly to her brothers’ pitch.
Wooley’s helmet tilted slightly. “Not even a little?”
She cleared her throat. “No,” she said again, raising her voice to a more comfortable pitch. “I never felt… safe. I don’t know about your division, but in Tipoca City, to be different was to risk disappearing. The Kaminoans didn’t like ‘different’.”
Wooley nodded, but didn’t say anything.
“But my brothers took care of me. They always protected me, always made me feel safe.” Kamino was never home to Sister; home was wherever her brothers were. She pulled herself out of her reverie. “Do you miss it?”
Wooley sounded sheepish as he admitted, “Sometimes. But I might just miss the idea of it. Life was so slow and steady back then, and now it’s nothing but movement, you know? Sometimes, I just want to have a chance to rest like we used to.”
“Rest will come.” She didn’t bother to say more; they were both thinking it. Sister adjusted some controls on her HUD and did another sweep. The Republic base was well-concealed in the distance, and only came up because she knew what she was looking for. Beyond that, no structures pinged on her scanners.
A comm notice popped up on Sister’s HUD. Moments later, Trapper’s voice crackled in her ear. “You two are standing out like sunburnt taun-tauns up there. If you’re done with your sightseeing, it looks like our patrol loops are about to intersect. Want to join up for the last leg?”
Wooley nodded, and Sister replied, “It’ll be good to have you.”
“See you in three minutes, vod.”
Together, Sister and Wooley began their descent down the other side of the hill. It was considerably steeper than what they’d just climbed, so it took some careful maneuvering.
As they got back below the treeline, Sister asked, “Where do you want to retire to?”
Wooley gave a startled laugh. “Retire to? I think we need to survive the war first.”
“C’mon, you’ve thought about it.” Sister bumped him gently with her shoulder. “We’ve all thought about it. Don’t get bogged down with the existentialism.” She paused, considering the landscape bathed in red sunset. “I’d get a bunch of brothers to settle on Christophsis. The land’s covered in these gorgeous turquoise crystals. The way the light catches at dawn and sunset – I’ve never seen so many colors.” After nearly a decade of the stark white walls of Kaminoan cities, she was determined to experience as many colors as her vision spectrum would allow.
Wooley was quiet as he thought. He parted a particularly dense patch of scrubgrass with his rifle before moving on. “Of the places I’ve been,” he said at length, “I think I’d like to live on Ryloth. The area we were in was hot, but there are a bunch of different biomes to roam between. I like the Twi’leks. They’re good people, and, I dunno … I’d like to help them, if I can.”
Heat signatures registered on Sister’s HUD. She held up a hand to quiet Wooley and adjusted the specs. She relaxed; the forms were clones.
“Trapper, how goes the western bank?” Wooley asked as the other two came around a low-grown plant. He took a moment to lean his blaster against a boulder and shake the stiffness out of his arms. Sister followed his lead; the tightness in her limbs relaxed and she took in a steadying breath.
“Nothing to report,” Trapper answered as he approached. “Unless you count a nesting viper that Longshot tripped over.”
“You said you wouldn’t bring it up,” Longshot grumbled from behind him, squaring his shoulders.
“I lied,” Trapper replied mildly.
Sister grinned at Longshot, even though he couldn’t see it. “I didn’t know you were here! You get reassigned?”
“My squad just got back from a survey on one of the orbital moons.” Her batchmate took off his bucket and wiped his brow. “Nothing there but a bunch of rocks.” Longshot pulled out his canteen and took a swig before offering it to Trapper.
“We’re not supposed to take our armor off –” Wooley started nervously, before Trapper thumped the canteen against his chestplate.
“Drink,” Trapper ordered. And Wooley removed his helmet to drink.
Sister removed her bucket too, shaking out her thick dark hair. The elastic holding her hair in place had broken an hour ago, and had been falling into her eyes.
As she fished around in her utility belt for a replacement, Trapper grinned. “It’s grown out a lot, eh? Looks good.”
“Grew fast at first,” she answered as she wound her hair around into a knot to fit under her helmet, “but it’s slowed down now. Hasn’t gone past my shoulders yet.” She fastened the elastic just as Wooley handed off the canteen. She took it gladly; she hadn’t realized how thirsty she was. As she lowered the container, she spied an odd expression on Longshot’s face. “What?”
He shook his head, smiling. “Nothing. Just – I was looking at a holo I have of us on Kamino. Your face is a lot softer – rounder, maybe – than it was then.”
“The rest of my weight’s redistributed too. I thought the saying about food going straight to the hips was an expression, but apparently not.” Sister toasted him with the canteen. “Hormones work wonders.”
Longshot took the canteen back from her, but before he pulled away, he clapped her on the shoulder and inclined his head. “I’m happy for you, Sister. We all are.”
Sister beamed and pressed her forehead against his. “Thank you, vod.”
They stood a moment more before Sister gave him a slightly-less-gentle headbutt. “I guess we’ve loitered long enough.” She donned her helmet, and the others followed suit. As they resumed their joint patrols, she said, “So, Wooley and I were talking about where we’d like to retire. He says Ryloth, I say Christophsis. What about you two?”
“Naboo,” Longshot answered immediately.
“You’ve been?”
He raised a shoulder in a half-shrug. “No. But you’ve seen the holos. It’s beautiful, peaceful. I think it would be nice to learn about art… or whatever else they teach there.”
“I suppose our education of the arts is severely lacking.”
“I could get used to life on Coruscant,” Trapper mused, trodding through a tangle of scrubgrass. “Plenty of nightlife, drinks, opportunities – never a dull moment.”
“This is your retirement, Trapper,” Wooley reminded him. “We’re talking about when we’re old and not good for fighting.”
Trapper shrugged. “Fighting’s what we’re for. I’m never not going to be good at it.”
Sister checked behind them for any movement. “Now I’m imagining Ninety-Nine in a fistfight in some seedy cantina with neon lights.”
“I’ll be lucky if I’m in Ninety-Nine’s shape by the time this war’s over.”
Sister laughed as she pushed aside a short tendrilled plant –
And almost walked right into a probe droid.
Sister reeled back as the droid let out a high mechanical whine of surprise, its numerous dangling limbs convulsing instinctively. Its black-domed head spun on its axis, bulbous lenses flashing as it swiveled to each of the clones.
“Blast it!” Trapper shouted.
Sister didn’t need to be told twice; adrenaline surged through her veins. She felt a smug satisfaction that the stress of patrol wasn’t unwarranted this time. She sprinted to the right as Wooley lunged left, Trapper charging forward as Longshot backed up to get a better aim.
But the droid recovered as quickly as the clones. It spun into the air, red blaster bolts screaming down around them. Sister dove behind a boulder for cover, rock fragments splintering around her, and spotted Longshot taking a defensive position in a shallow crevasse, Wooley darting through a thick grove of the red plants.
Trapper didn’t look for cover; he raced straight towards the droid, trying to draw its fire.
It worked.
The droid’s lens narrowed in on Trapper, its extra blaster ports recalibrating –
Sister raised her blaster rifle and fired. The antenna comm system jutting from the dome exploded, Wooley’s shot disabled the main blaster with a spark and a flash of blue, and Longshot’s careful aim left the droid short-circuiting, broken shards where its main photo receptor had been.
The probe droid sputtered in the air a moment more, then tumbled to the ground with the groan of electronics and the crash of metal.
Trapper didn’t take any chances. He put one, two, three more bolts through the droid’s chassis in quick succession.
The silence was almost as deafening as the sudden blasterfire. Sister pivoted, narrowing her scanners, sweeping the area for any more droids. There were none.
“A scout?” Longshot growled as they gathered around the husk of metal.
Wooley was already tapping into the comms. “Patrol Osk to Base, come in, Base.”
Squatting down, Sister knocked more of the chassis apart, peering into the sparking wires and metal bits. The comms crackled a moment more before Commander Cody’s voice sounded in their helmets. “Base here. Status report.”
“We just ran across a Separatist probe droid,” Wooley said above her. “It’s destroyed now, but we don’t know where it came from.”
“Did it transmit a signal?”
They all exchanged a look. “No way to tell, sir.”
There was a pause, then the Commander switched to full-range comms. “I want all patrols back to Base immediately. All forces are to pull back while we evaluate a new situation.”
“Yes, sir,” all four of them said at once.
Her brothers made as if to start moving, but Sister didn’t stand; she plunged her hands into the depths of the droid, doing her best to avoid the still-live wiring.
Longshot looked down at her. “What are you doing?”
“Getting its brain,” she replied as her gloved fingers found their target. She gave a sharp twist, and the processor fell into her hands. She withdrew it, holding the rectangular object up. “Might have something useful on it.”
Trapper nodded. “Good thinking, Sister. C’mon. Let’s get moving.”
They set out at a brisk pace, keeping alert as they moved through the strange red forest.
Sister wasn’t worried; not when she had her brothers with her. Whatever happened, they’d face it together.
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aldrendaux · 1 year ago
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, Boil (Star Wars), Trapper (Star Wars) Additional Tags: CC-2224 Cody needs a nap, Obi-Wan Needs a Nap, Platonic Cuddling Summary:
In the midst of a desperate campaign, Obi-Wan and a ragged band of his men dig in to protect a village. But the village has a secret and villagers who seek to separate Obi-Wan from his own men.
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warsamongthestars · 10 months ago
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Since I didn't chase anyone off the first time, how bout some more? This round isn't nearly a storied as last round.
THE BAD BATCH did not grow up with each other. I know, counter to a lot of HCs. Each BB had a batchsquad that they were given back to (with flagged profiles about being apart of the 99 project--DO NOT DECOMMISSION), and thus, had an original regular clone trooper batch-squad at one point. This is where they got their names and social experience. WRECKER was a apart of KILO SQUAD. His Batchmates, were Chopper (who was later assigned under Sergeant Slick; TCWs), Boomer (Also known as Clone-Sergeant 2207; 501st; TCWs), Basher (the only CT out of the unit to make it into the Empire Era; SW Detours), and Hardcase (who lost his life during the Umbara Campaign; TCWs). Kilo squad were known to be happy-go-lucky destroyers of the training rooms. HUNTER was a part of ETA SQUAD. Three confirmed members of ETA Squad were, Tracker (212th; apart of the Dark Disciple series), Trapper (212th, formerly 91st--saw the battle of Ryloth, and the Zilo Beast incident; TCWs), and Hound (Coruscant Guard, Mastif Handler; TCWs) CROSSHAIR was apart of OMICRON SQUAD. With Hawkeye (91st, died during the Zilo Beast incident; TCWs), Longshot (212th, died during the Lola Sayu Mission; TCWs), Scope (104th; SW:CWA) and Sinker, of the 104th Wolfpack. TECH was apart of a soft-shell tech squad, with two confirmed members--Switch (CP-6824; SW:CW:RH) and Chatter (501st; radiotech).
Unfortunately, thanks to an incident that occurred to CT-9905 (a 99 projector (and original character)), Four of the Six / Seven of the 99-Project clones were finally gathered to be a team. ( CT-9905's fate is unknown. ) ( CT-9902 would be regulated as a Kaminonian Assistant. ) ( CC-9900, the "proof of concept" 99er, whose regeneration abilities served as the genetic-patch to prevent further clones from over-aging in their growth tubes--was already apart of the Republic Commando training, and would not be joining any other 99er. ) The original squads would be broken up and either sent out alone to other legions, or would be assigned to different squads.
HUNTER'S ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSES allows him to know when something has a static charge. So rub against a carpet, and he'll just know you have the charge. He describes it as if the feel of the air became spicy. Basically, he's a living voltage detector. Could probably tell you when your battery is dead.
WRECKER'S BONES are unbreakable. This isn't actually a form of mutation, but a form of later-life augmentation. That same later life augmentation staved his life when a bomb or charge went off near his face, and instead of pulverizing his skull (and thus his brain), it only pulverized the closest soft tissues--like his eye and inner ear.
WRECKER'S ENHANCEMENT allows him to have flexible muscle mass; allowing him to pick up and move objects without prep work, and to with stand any aftermath soreness. Thanks to the later-life augmentation, he has the strongest back in human existence. Unfortunately, a side effect of this is weaker organs, and a weaker heart. His enormous muscle growth has resulted in at least one near full organic transplantation, due to the muscle growing too fast for the organs to keep up. The abnormal strength of the muscle, thanks to be spliced with other-than-human genetics, is also what required the later-life bone augmentation, or risk his very muscles crushing his bones by movement alone.
Wrecker does not remember much of his childhood, due to the sheer growth pains from his enhancements.
TECH suffers from severe nearsightedness, and its been suggested, that as he's been spliced with Kamoninan genetics in order to ensure a "computational brain", that his eyes are more suited to underwater environments. Funnily enough, he does actually see in the water better. Not great, but better.
TECH, having been spliced with Kamoninan Genetics (whom are primarily amphibious), did have a vestigial-tadpole tail in his infancy. It went away as he got older... but he does occasionally have " Nonexistent-tail wiggles" when particularly excited, as a left over response--he finds them quite unprofessional and embaressing, but sometimes, one just gots to wiggle in place to get all that energy out.
Thanks to the Genetic splicing, Crosshair was actually born blind, with his eyelids semi-permanently shut (Not unlike a baby bird). They would open over the course of his first month; but this shows that not only does he have powerful eyes--he has powerful eyelids to compensate for those eyes. Its theorized that, if he had normal human eyelids, he would've seen through them.
The AlphaGens, or the famous 100, were the first clones in existence. They were the proof of concept, the Sparten-2's to the regular clones' Sparten-3, with minor enhancements and power armor--but also with the first severe issues that would come along during the Kaminonian's cloning. 99 was the final "successful" AlphaGen, whose gene-glitch aged him drastically in his growth tude, and whose problem would later be "patched out" with later clones, with the 99 project. ( Most Gene-patch projects were usually named after an AlphaGen's number; for example, there was the failed 17-Project, which attempted to gene-patch out premature white hair--did so with no success, and actually introduced Auburn and Blond Hair into clone troopers, as well as the additional problem of premature balding. ) ( Or the gene-patch project, 24-Project, that attempted to patch out Blue eyes--which catastrophically failed and resulted in blindness. ) 99 Himself, who was aware of the project being based from him, kept an eye out for all the "99ers", in what little ways he could. It is a well known AlphaGen trait, after all, to adopt BetaGen or Regular Clone Troopers. For example; for a young Wrecker, with uncontrollable strength, and great terrible growth pains, he left a small "tooka" doll made from baby cloths and what little fluff he could find. 99 would not officially meet a 99 Team, until after the loss of 9905.
99 himself, as the AlphaGen of Maintenance, knew of the secret places undernearth the Kaminonian Cities. He often worked around where CT-9902 did And he knew of the canceled OmegaGen clones project.
THE OMEGA GENERATION Cloned from a different prime, Arla Fett, the OmegaGen project was an attempt to create force-sensitive clones through "natural incubation" in order to "garden" the growth of midi-chlorians in a clone. Only two surviving clones were the result of the OmegaGen project--Omega-01, who was born via designated incubator (Heavily implied to have been the OmegaGen Prime), and Omega-02, who was the result of the Kaminonian typical method of cloning... and deemed a failure due to lack of midi-chlorian count. The project was deemed a success--but the expense and the time taken to make OmegaGen clones was deemed unacceptable, and the project was canceled after the first successes.
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fionajames · 1 year ago
tcw circus au
this is for @lovejoysoots, this is the second part of your request.
guys i have no fucking idea wtf this is but like here, i rlly rlly rlly enjoyed writing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the third piece of writing of four im posting today (srsly dont hold me to that tho) enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahsoka cracked her knuckles yet again, rolling her shoulders back and pushing her three blue and white plaits back. The younger girl had orange-tan skin, creamy birthmarks that looked more like markings, bright blue eyes and very long blue and white hair that she always tied in three plaits.
The acrobatic raced forwards in a sprint, launching herself off of the caravan’s roof and landing lightly on the tightrope strung up behind the caravans and the stage. Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief as she dropped from the rope and onto the mat below, high-fiving Anakin.
Anakin had medium length messy brown hair, swimming blue eyes, light skin and a scar covering his right eye that no one really knows how he got, as he changes the cause every time. Standing next to him was Obi-Wan, who had ginger hair around the same length as Anakin’s, a ginger beard, freckled light skin and calm blue eyes. 
The three worked closely together as Anakin had been Obi-Wan’s apprentice and then Ahsoka was Anakin’s. They all worked in Acrobatics but Ahsoka was also very talented in Equestrian Vaulting. They were like brothers and sister, and everyone in the circus knew it. “Good job, little one,” Obi-Wan told her and she beamed at him as he also high-fived her. “Arsev is ready.”
Ahsoka beamed and nodded as she and Anakin headed to the stables to get their own horses. Ahsoka’s horse was a male red and white paint horse called Arsev, and Anakin’s was a blue roan quarter horse named Artoo. Sure, the horses' names were weird, but they all had meanings. 
“Are you ready for tonight?” Anakin asked as he led Artoo from his stable, walking by the horse’s shoulder. Ahsoka did the same, playing with the end of Arsev’s mane as she did. 
“Always am,” she told him with a smirk, waving to her best friend - a teenaged boy several years older named Rex - as he walked past. Rex came from a huge family that had all been orphaned and he and a huge portion of his brothers had joined their circus. 
“Well that’s good,” Anakin told her with a light shove to her shoulder. She gasped dramatically and pushed him back. “Race you to the river!” He shouted as he jumped on Artoo, racing off in the direction with a laugh.
“Rude,” Ahsoka snarled as she grasped the horn of the saddle, throwing herself up onto her horse in one quick motion. “Let’s go beat this bitch’s ass, Arsev,” she told her horse before chasing after Anakin.
After Ahsoka and Arsev beat Anakin and Artoo in every single race he declared - even though Anakin denied losing every single time - they ended up at the 212th’s caravan. They’d given all of the caravans numbers - random numbers, there weren’t actually hundreds of caravans - and grouped various people into them.
The 212th’s caravan consisted of Obi-Wan, Cody, Boil, Waxer, Trapper and Oddball, and they’d painted their caravan yellow and white. Ahsoka and Anakin were in the 501st caravan - although they’d given Ahsoka a hammock so she was out of sight from the others, for privacy - with Rex, Fives, Echo, Tup, Jesse and Hardcase. Although some of the names were strange, a lot of the boys had changed their both names to their nicknames upon joining the circus. 
There were more caravans everywhere including the main caravan which consisted of the ringmaster - a cool, crazy, short man called Yoda - his second-in-command - a tall, stern-ish man called Mace - and the rest of their group - Shaak, Kit, Ki-Adi and Plo. 
Although, Plo had moved to be with his sons - they weren’t really his sons but he’d basically adopted all of them - in the 104th with Wolffe, Sinker, Boost and Comet. Plo had basically adopted most of the circus members and Yoda had gone along with it.
“Hey, Cody!” Ahsoka chirped as the man leapt down from the roof of his caravan, landing beside her with a smile.
“Hey, kid, how’s it going?” The boy asked, ruffling her hair and laughing when she grimaced at the action. 
“Not bad!” She told him with a grin, swatting his hand away. “I’m going to visit the boss.”
Cody laughed and pushed her in Yoda’s caravan lightly. “Off you go then.” 
Ahsoka skipped to the Jedi caravan - why’d they’d named it ‘Jedi’ no one really remembered - as she waved and greeted everyone she saw along the way. “Yoda, are you in here?” She knocked and smiled when she was met with the familiar short man. Yoda had very long white and green hair and a beard to match it, with the same colours. He had gleaming, wise green eyes and light skin. 
“Hello, Ahsoka,” he greeted and Ahsoka gave him a smile. “Ready for the show tonight, you are?” Ahsoka nodded, very used to his strange way of talking. Everyone was. No one could remember why he did it, or even if he could not do it.
“Yes, Yoda!” She saluted playfully. 
“Then with Fives, you should go,” Yoda told her, poking her with the end of his walking stick - a brown stick with interesting, swirling patterns. “Guard the money, you shall.”
Ahsoka laughed and nodded, turning to leave. “Yes sir!” She shouted as she hurried to meet her friend.
Hours later, Ahsoka was stood with a huge grin as she played with Arsev’s mane, getting ready to head into the ring. As Mace introduced her, the crowd cheered. “Ready, Snips?” Anakin asked, ruffling her hair as always.
“Always, Skyguy.”
Ahsoka took Arsev’s reign and led him into the ring with her, letting go as she did. She bowed as the crowd cheered, Arsev beginning to canter around the ring. Ahsoka sucked in a breath as she reached an arm out as the horse went past, grasping onto the horn of the saddle and pulling herself up and onto the saddle in one quick motion.
As the crowd cheered, Ahsoka began standing up on Arsev’s saddle, spreading her arms out for balance. She moved into a handstand with a grin as she spotted Anakin, Obi-Wan and Rex cheering her on from behind the curtains. 
Ahsoka continued to do her routine with many, many impressive manoeuvres. After she’d finished, Hardcase, Jesse and Fives entered the stage and did their usual comedy routine - something that made absolutely everyone laugh. Rex and Cody then performed their music act - which everyone found hypnotising and stunning. 
Then Obi-Wan and Anakin entered the stage to do their acrobatics act. As usual, the crowd was astounded as Obi-Wan dangled Anakin from the top of the ropes - metres in the air - and threw him up in the air. Anakin did a flip before Obi-Wan caught his feet again. 
They continued their performance until the show was over, when groups of the performers left for Rex, Cody and some others to busk. 
“You were great, Snips,” Anakin told Ahsoka as she pulled out her violin - which she played fiddle style - and grabbed his own guitar. 
“So were you, Skyguy,” she told him. 
“Everyone was great,” Obi-Wan told them, entering the caravan to watch. 
“That’s for sure.”
hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!!! im very tempted to do more of this so tell me if i should!!!!!!!!!!!!!
request people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like im being srs. pls.
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years ago
renewing my "anti ahsoka" club membership on a monthly basis now because i'm beyond done with her stans getting pandered to especially at the expense of other jedi. and i'm one of those people that didn't mind her much in tcw even though i really think she maybe should have been the apprentice of plo koon or literally anyone else instead of anakin. but it's apparent to many people that she's outlived her narrative purpose and is there just so filoni can make live action fanfic.
like i was watching the disney gallery episodes for Both bobf and mando and everytime filoni feels the need to go into his "isn't ahsoka so amazing and powerful, she trained under anakin" spiel i fast forward through that shit, like we Get It filoni you want to worship your precious darling! he even describes working on her show as a "religious experience" and wants her to be this enlightened force goddess, aka the Daughter reincarnated. if he's already like this when she's a mostly redundant cameo, can you imagine how insufferable he is going to be in the behind the scenes episodes for her own show?
just scenes of badly recreated togruta cosplay with mediocre acting, parodying better made samurai films. maybe a trapper wolf cameo thrown in somewhere. who wants to sit through episodes of that shit? not me.
I am so glad you pointed out the TCW thing because I've often thought the show would be MUCH stronger with a tighter focus on Ahsoka as another Jedi's apprentice and just occasional cameos or episodes featuring the Main Characters like Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Mace, Yoda, etc. More like Rebels. It could've been really cool to see the Clone Wars through a young apprentice's perspective since the main films we usually see it through the eyes of the higher ups. (That's what I liked about Rebels the most - it's not just Leia and Luke and Han who deal with the big picture, but we got a tighter focus on fighters on the front line, and new characters to fall in love with.) (Also one of the biggest reasons I hate TCW is how they warped Anakin especially but also Obi-Wan ooc, those are NOT my boys, and a focus on Ahsoka would've mitigated that and kept Filoni away from them.)
I don't begrudge any fan their love for a character, and Ahsoka has undeniably widened the playing field for female characters in Star Wars, but Filoni, please: variety!! She doesn't have to be in everything!! I'm tired of watching a show for something else and then suddenly it's TCW 2.0 Featuring The Super Specialist Jedi-But-Not-A-Jedi-Because-She's-BETTER Ahsoka. Mandalorian S2 E5 spent more time on her than Din and Grogu!! She completely took over the Rebels season 2 finale!! Filoni invented time travel in the Star Wars universe to save her from Vader and had Ezra save her over his father figure. What the fuck??? I mean, I can write endless fanfic about Cara Dune bc no one is paying me for it and I owe no one anything. He's helping lead an entire franchise and for god's sake can we PLEASE have something besides Ahsoka, Order 66, and Man Adopts Child? (And stop acting like Ahsoka is the third member of the prequel trio. IT'S PADME.)
I'm not gonna lie, I hope the show flops hard. I'm not proud of that, I'm still torn because don't want that to affect Rebels characters, and I do hope the Ahsoka fans like it, but I wish Filoni would get a reality check as vengeance for ripping apart Zahn's Trilogy for pieces and rebuilding it around Ahsoka and for handing Din's set up arc in The Mandalorian to Yet Another Fucking TCW Character. Or at least that Lucasfilm stops licking his butthole and lets him greenlight what's basically his own fanfiction.
Don't even get me fucking started on the Daughter and the Mortis arc. That was when I quit TCW when I tried to watch it all. THAT'S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS. (Also doesn't Anakin like resurrect her with the Force or something? The power he was trying to get in RotS when it's pretty explicit it isn't a thing and Palpatine was lying to him to mainpulate him? Filoni broke canon just so precious widdle Ahsoka won't die? Are you shitting me???)
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paintedprisms · 10 months ago
Love the details and the feels. ♡
Today’s 212th feels are brought to you by Landing at Point Rain.
So I was on my eleven thousandth rewatch of s2ep5, crying over Waxer’s helmet and Obi-Wan recognizing Waxer and Boil before he could even hear them or see their armors, and then I started screenshotting. The results are in: Cody and Waxer are fretting ducklings mother hens. Behold:
Cody going nyoom.
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Cody looking at Obi-Wan and not the map. 
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(He doesn’t glance at it in the whole scene btw).
Waxer sticking close to his General.
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He’s the one to bring him to the square (pic 1), kneels next to him even after they’re safe (pic 2), stays next to Obi-Wan even after the medic has delivered the hypo (left of the screen, pic 3), and has come back to the same spot during the briefing, where he’s the only non-officer.
Like, Ki-Adi is kneeling too because he’s injured, sure, but there’s no reason for Waxer to be there except to check on his dad General. 
It’s super sweet and I love it.
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