#tbh this movie awakened something within me
candied-heartss · 10 months
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virgo-dream · 10 months
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 tags
tagged by the wonderful @seiya-starsniper! thank you for the tag friend ✨
1. Loki (MCU)
Look, this is the undisputed number one spot. Loki has been my ride or die for the past 14 years (!!!), my first tattoo is dedicated to him, and he’s the character that got me through the loneliest and scariest periods of my life. Loki will always be my number one, tbh.
2. Dream of the Endless (The Sandman)
Now, Dream is the character that simply bust down the doors to my heart and took residence, no questions asked. Through Dream and The Sandman fandom I was able to connect to parts of my identity I wasn’t aware of, and to make so many great friends! Dream means a lot to me (so much so that my *second* tattoo is of the dreamstone— in a grand total of two lol)
3. Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
Ed is the blueprint of the pissed off short king tbh. I always related to how he dealt with guilt and how driven he is, and his character arc was one of the most captivating I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience. As a 14 year old, I would for real go out in public wearing his red cloak.
4. Chrono (Chrono Crusade)
If I have unreasonable expectations of Love, Chrono is the one to blame. Throughout the entire show (and the manga, which I do feel has the better ending) his dedication and kindness to the people he loves and cares about was just incredibly captivating to a 12 year old Virgo. Real character building stuff.
5. Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora had the sickest shoes and my taste for unreasonably large and perhaps sorta ugly sneakers comes from him for sure. I just love that spiky little guy.
6. Raven (Teen Titans)
Raven was honestly the first character that made me go “she’s just like me fr!” There was always something super fascinating about her, and how complex she is. It was nice seeing female characters like her and Starfire in cartoons.
7. Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)
I identify with Howl in many ways, but mostly in how dramatic and absolutely pathetic he is. Also I do feel like a monster sometimes and a way to visualise that is to imagine I’m covered in green slime.
8. Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Ouran should have been my queer awakening, but I think I was too young to realise I was what a large part of my identity was unlocked through this character. Main girlie with a drag queen dad that doesn’t bow to gender norms and just , wants to be left alone please leave her alone she doesn’t want all the trouble come on—
9. Chihiro (Spirited Away)
She was a child, in a shitty situation, learning to find strength within herself to keep going, to trust her instincts, to keep surviving. She means so much to me!
10. Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Nick is just oddkdkdkdkdkddkfo he’s allowed me to have good feelings about bisexuality!!! About my teenage bi experience!!! The whole of Heartstopper, really, but Nick’s kindness and his whole journey of self discovery helped heal something in me. Good retriever boyfriends for the win!
Bonus: 11. Bucky Barnes (MCU)
I didn’t want to repeat a fandom, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Bucky. Another character that I just immediately clicked with, and watching him be developed in so many different movies (and even a tv show!) was very special.
tagging: @chiron-crow, @softest-punk, @aquilathefighter, @the-cloudy-dreamer, @staroftheendless, @bruce-wayne-simp, @immacaria, @tj-dragonblade, @rooftopwreck, @valeriianz
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Top 5 designs from your formative years that defined your tastes
Bearing in mind that my formative years include a range that spans from "the moment I was old enough to understand concepts more complex than hunger and crying" to "the moment I started writing this post" and that a lot of designs have influenced my tastes over the years, here you go:
Goku and Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z
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As a Latino I am quite literally obligated by law to put Goku and Vegeta on this list, but I was also huge into Dragon Ball Z as a kid and I actually think that show is what awakened the love of martial arts within me that still persists today. Toriyama's aesthetic is incredibly distinctive and had a great deal of influence over my initial forays into art and character design when I was much younger. These guys end up at #1 because DBZ has done so, so much to build my perception of combat and fight scenes and scale and and just sort of how a series should work that, like... I can't imagine myself getting into anime at all if I hadn't watched this show. Given how much of my taste is drawn from anime (although there's quite a bit coming from western media as well), my personal preferences would've taken a much different trajectory in that scenario.
Jotaro Kujo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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I don't think any character has influenced my tastes in the modern era more than Jotaro, to be honest. He's one of the reasons many of my characters wear a hat/long coat combo and why the men in particular tend to be tall, buff, and stoic and have deep voices. He also influenced my appreciation of cool poses and characters that just beat the shit out of people with their mighty fists, as well as intelligent and analytical heroes at a time when I was used to seeing heroes just be stronger or grittier or more determined than their foes.
Samus Aran, Metroid/Super Smash Bros.
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I'm pretty sure that Zero Suit Samus was the start of my irresistible desire for tall badass blonde ladies with big boobs. I have a type because of her. Let's just leave it at that.
Charizard, Pokemon
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I think dragons are super cool and Charizard is a big part of why. Kid me loved Pokemon, a love which extended into adulthood, and Charizard was my favorite for a very long time. I'm pretty sure he's also where my fascination with fire powers came from. Also, the narratives around Ash's Charizard's fights in the anime did a lot to shape my perception of storytelling in combat.
The Good Hunter, Bloodborne
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The other reason a lot of my characters have hats and long coats and are very gruff and stoic. Bloodborne is arguably my favorite game I've ever played and had a huge influence on my tastes and aesthetic. I particularly loved the Gothic Horror aspects of it (never been as big on Cosmic Horror tbh) and it really reignited my love for big brutal weapons that just fuck enemies up. It's also the reason the ocean is fucked up and awful in many of my original settings.
Honorable Mentions:
So fucking many not gonna lie but I'll just list a few. Funnily enough, a lot of my western influences actually come from books more so than TV/movies.
Jackie Chan - DBZ started my love for martial arts, but watching a bunch of Jackie Chan movies when I was younger grounded that aspect of my taste in something a bit more realistic than aliens who could fly throwing around energy blasts and leveling mountain ranges.
Godzilla - This is how I learned I love watching giant monsters fight. Monsterverse Godzilla has had a lot of influence on my tastes recently because I love the way he fights and the way the people making the Monsterverse movies drew from real fights between animals to build his fighting style.
I had a huge crush on Cynthia Pokemon as a kid but I had to pick between her and Samus and Samus won by virtue of timing.
Brutaka from Bionicle is cool as shit.
Yang Xiao Long from RWBY and Nearl from Arknights did not build my tastes so much as reinforce them. Hard.
Arknights in general has been one of the big influences on my original work not gonna lie.
MCU's Iron Man, Halo's Master Chief, and the Marines from StarCraft all helped codify my ideas of what powered armor should look like.
Esdeath from Akame ga Kill heavily reinforced my desire to be femdommed despite most of the rest of that series being steaming dogshit
King Arthur - I read so voraciously and from such an early age that my family couldn't keep age-appropriate books stocked faster than I could read them, so at some point my dad said "fuck it" and handed a collection of Arthurian Cycle stories written for adults to an eight-year-old and I have loved chivalric romance and knights in shining armor ever since.
There's so much more but I don't think I can possibly list them all
Thanks for sending me this. Everyone please ask more, I had a lot of fun answering the ones I've gotten so far
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writer-monster · 3 years
11 reasons why cap 4 should reintroduce Bucky Barnes as the love interest, an essay
to start this off, i am not writing this essay from a shipping place nor do i believe that this would have any influence at all over the upcoming movie. i expect nothing. this is simply something that i would personally like to see. (of course no hate to anybody who thinks differently)
here are 11 reasons why i think making Bucky into Sam Wilson's love interest in Cap 4 would be a good move for Disney.
1. on the Chinese film market - and why it's an irrelevant argument against the inclusion of homosexual themes in Cap 4
the Chinese film market is something that has been blamed for a lack of diversity in Hollywood films a lot lately. many people claim that this market with a lot of buying power has been responsible for the lack of gay and black representation in particular within Hollywood films.
and we have certainly seen Hollywood treating it as such, going so far as to cut gay scenes from movies for their Chinese releases, and vastly minimising John Boyega's (a black actor's) presence in the Chinese poster of Star Wars The Force Awakens.
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[image ID: on the left is an image of the American poster for Star Wars The Force Awakens, featuring John Boyega prominently on the right-hand side. And on the right is the Chinese poster for the same movie, in which John Boyega is barely visible.]
so we know at the very least that Disney believes this through their own actions and efforts to self-censor for the different markets.
but Captain America 4 is a black-led movie, don't you forget. and Disney can't minimise Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie in the movie or the poster because it's his movie and his poster. and no amount of creativity in the editing room can change that (thank God!).
so if by their own argument the film is already going to be either banned, panned or slammed in China... then what do they have to fear from making it a gay movie too?
2. oh, the queerbaiting
queerbaiting is an unusual cultural idea. and sometimes i find myself thinking that the term is far too easily used, but then all of a sudden i will stumble upon a movie or show that is so quintessentially cruel and overt in it's... well... queerbaiting that i will start to wonder what the hell kind of a bizarre relationship all these straight people seem to have with their friends. take Troy and Abed from Community or John and Sherlock from Sherlock as the perfect examples of this. (in which my reaction to the show's creators saying the show wasn't gay was to ask so then why did you make it so gay?!)
i felt that Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in tfatws were getting quite close to this level of queerbaiting.
there was the field scene, the couple's counselling scene, the boat scene, the couple's counselling scene, Bucky going with Sam to face Karli when she told Sam to come alone, the couple's counselling scene, ALL the staring scenes, Sam checking out Bucky's ass here as they said goodbye, the "i would move in with him but" hidden scene, "Uncle Bucky" showing up at the cookout scene, the romantic walking off together into the sunset together ending scene, and the couple's counselling scene. did i forget anything? but i mean seriously, the couple's counselling scene!!! that thing they did with their legs and their crotches while staring deep into each other's eyes, would any straight guy willingly do that? do straight guys crotch-snuggle now?
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[image ID: an image of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes during the therapy scene with the quote, "Isn't anybody going to drag me into impromptu couple's therapy and slot my legs firmly between theirs before staring deeply into my eyes?"]
(yeah i stole this image from a buzzfeed article on the fan reactions to the couple's therapy scene. but given that they stole 80% of the content of that article from fandom tumblr, i think it's pretty even-steven.)
there's also the fact that people started talking about bisexual Bucky Barnes a lot after the tiger pictures line, and the lead writer Malcom Spellman responded to the talk of Bucky's bisexuality with "just keep watching". well we watched, Malcolm. but it's beginning to feel like you were just jerking us around.
3. the writing
seriously though, what else is Bucky Barnes doing right now in the MCU? his only remaining connection to anything going on right now is through Sam. there is literally nothing else established that's left for him to do that doesn't involve Sam. he moved to Louisiana to be closer to Sam (canonically), he hangs out with Sam's family (canonically), and Steve is presumably gone and is definitely not coming back for more adventures.
he has no villains or loose ends left. he has no other superheroes that he appears to be in contact with. he has no girlfriend or potential love interest, or even other friends or family. he is living in a tent that he has secretly set up in Sam's backyard and is mysteriously appearing from the bushes when it's time for dinner like a stray cat.
in my opinion there is no other meaningful and pre-established progression for Bucky's character that wouldn't just feel cheap.
plus, i don't think the general audience would be all that surprised if they kissed. i think a LOT of people picked up on all that tension. i think a lot of straight people picked up on all that tension too.
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4. the chemistry between the actors & the chemistry between the characters
the original pitch for tfatws was essentially just this, it was the chemistry between Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie and their respective MCU characters of Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson.
now obviously Anthony and Sebastian are simply friends, and i wouldn't mean to imply anything more. but they are also not their characters.
Sam and Bucky's scenes together before tfatws were both limited and short, and yet audiences still fell in love with the dynamic between the two characters.
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in interviews, these two actors are constantly slipping into character and flirting with each other and frankly it's adorable. plus it's really entertaining. i'd love to see that dynamic, unfiltered, in a movie.
because believe it or not the flirting is actually even more open in their interviews than it was in tfatws. and i'm leaving some links as proof.
this here is known as the "married" compilation
and here's a "lucky dip" selection of interviews - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
and here's Anthony trying to get Seb to take his jacket off.
i'm just saying, why not let their chemistry shine? these two are so talented and so entertaining, especially when you put them in a room together. and can you imagine how absolutely hilarious and brilliant it would be to watch them navigate being a couple?
(and for those who bring up the "friends would be uncomfortable pretending to be dating" argument, i'm not here asking for a sex scene or anything. i don't think anyone would expect them to show any more intimacy (physical or emotional) while playing a couple than what they've already shown together in say... tfatws or in their own interviews. not that i actually expect anything regardless.)
5. if they were a man and a woman they would've gotten together in tfatws
i have no more to add here. just that... yeah, they would've.
6. and i'm not talking about the comics here, i'm talking about the MCU.
i understand fully that none of what i'm saying here falls in line with these characters from the comics. but the mcu itself doesn't fall much in line with the comics either, and these two characters especially are very different from their comics counterparts.
i'm not asking for these two to get together in the comics. tbh i don't think that it would work.
but the mcu Sam and Bucky are different and closer than their comics counterparts. they've got different histories, different backstories, and a very different dynamic. please rest assured that i am only talking about them in the mcu.
7. Bucky Barnes is believably bisexual. and Sam Wilson has never been proven to be straight in the mcu, nor has he had a love interest.
(now please continue to keep in mind that these points only stand for the mcu versions of Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson, and not at all for their comics counterparts.)
Sam Wilson has never had a love interest, which is crazy because have you seen that man! he has had two blink and you'll miss it moments of verbal expression of attraction to women, both in TWS. and that's the extent of it, through his entire history in the mcu.
Bucky Barnes has had a number of surface-level female love interests, but none of them even came close to the level of connection and chemistry that Bucky shares with Sam.
and i'm sorry SarahBucky fans, but i just don't think there's very much to their relationship either. i love Sarah, i really do. but it's Sam who shares all the meaningful moments and history and chemistry with Bucky. and i don't see what making her into a love interest would do for Sarah's character either, what would that add to her story?
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[Picture ID: Bucky at the cookout with Sam, Sarah, Cass and AJ. Bucky and Sam are looking at each other and smiling.]
and also there is the whole tiger pictures thing... again. which does strongly suggest that Bucky is bisexual whether this was intentional on behalf of the writers or not.
8. it's representation... AND it feels natural
marvel hasn't had a lot of queer representation that's been noticeably present in the MCU at the time of writing this.
there have been a lot of failures so far, from the bisexual erasure of Valkyrie in Thor Ragnarok to the wlw erasure in Black Panther.
there was queerbaiting almost identical to the bisexual Bucky baiting for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. when asked if he had considered featuring a gay hero in gotg2, director James Gunn stated that "We might have already done that. I say, watch the movie." after the movie's release audiences were understandably confused about the lack of queer representation. To which the director followed up his comments with, "But we don't really know who's gay and who's not. It could be any of them."
there is also Loki, considered by most fans after the airing of his six episode series on Disney+ to be both a poor attempt at both genderfluid representation and bisexual representation. with both attempts being summed up fairly well by the term "blink-and-you'll-miss-it". (also it's just terribly written and Loki doesn't wear any interesting clothes! fanficcers are a Goddamn blessing in this hard time!)
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and let us not forget that Andrew Garfield was apparently FIRED for pushing for a bisexual spiderman. a bisexual spiderman within an interracial mlm relationship no less.
so for all these failures, marvel, why not allow us queer fans this? two brilliant and heroic men in a loving interracial relationship. two heroes that we can look up to.
now, one of the biggest detractions from the argument for representation is the idea of "forced diversity". and some poorly written characters certainly do end up feeling forced into the narrative. take Iceman in the comics for example, with Jean Grey just straight up suddenly telling him he's gay. like, marvel, sweetie, that's not how this works! and i don't know a lot of queer people who thought much of that "representation".
but the crux of the "forced diversity" argument is almost always that it feels unnatural within the story, right? and i don't think that anyone could say that about MCU Sam and Bucky ending up together, given these characters' existing chemistry and their history. they've both played characters in gay relationships before so we know that it's not outside of either actor's wheelhouse. and y'all know that Anthony and Seb can act, people. if it's in the script i believe that they'll make it seem like the most natural thing on earth.
9. it'd be a nice change
there's been an ongoing meme lately about "Disney's first gay character", the joke being that they continually announce gay characters without really ever including gay characters in their films.
this is to the point where Disney has formed a reputation amongst queer audiences of being homophobic.
if Sam and Bucky were to become a couple, then Disney could have its first actual gay character within a gay relationship. AND have him be in the lead of his own movie, no less.
it's also worth keeping in mind that there's likely an overlap between the people who were outraged by a Sam Wilson Captain America, and the people who'd be outraged by a gay Captain America. and if they were already not seeing the film, then i don't think much is gonna change that.
queer audiences would definitely love it, and the media attention would be guaranteed to be huge. i mean, simply look at the amount of media attention mere rumours of a character's queerness gets you and multiply that by a canon confirmation of said rumours.
but i'm pretty sure that Disney already knows this.
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10. and yet, in truth, it's not about the representation
in truth i've never felt that i had any trouble relating to characters of any sexual orientation, race, gender, sex, body type, etc. (although that is not to throw any shade at all on people who do wish to see themselves represented) but for me, i think it's more about the story than the packaging.
and yet, a love story is still just a story. straight or queer, monoethnic or interracial. when two characters have chemistry and history and have sacrificed for each other time and time again, and they also can't keep their hands or their eyes off each other, then i'm pretty sure that that's a love story.
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straight or queer, monoethnic or interracial, it shouldn't be about these simple labels. it should be about how well written the relationship is. it should be about chemistry, and history, and sacrifice.
because i'm fucking sick of all the hollow, forced romances in media no matter the genders of the participants. i'm sick of lazily written, shallow relationships where any two people sharing the same space for any extended period of time will simply fall in love. it's boring, it's repetitive, and as a writer myself it drives me up the wall!
romance stories suck! and everyone knows that romance stories suck. between twilight, and most of the entire YA genre, and love triangles (so boring), and romance used as poorly-written throwaway subplots in Hollywood movies, the world is in agreement that the romance in western media is simply dreadful. and yet we still want love stories. it's an entire genre that sits at the heart of the human experience (<3), and yet one which so few of today's best known writers seem truly able to capture.
i don't think that i'm the only one who feels this way, either. i suspect it's actually a large part of why fandom is so romance-centred in the first place, that we're all just starving for a good love story.
(btw i think fandom has a reputation for being something that as a whole that it is not. it has this reputation for straight up demanding things and harassing people until they get their way. while unfortunately there are a few people who do this, they're fucking annoying and i swear that they're far from the majority.
in my experience fandom is mostly about writing a five thousand word story at three am while drunk off your ass because it might make someone whom you've never met smile, editing it in the cold light of day, and then posting it. expecting nothing. sometimes getting nothing. and sometimes getting someone send you kudos or a comment so heartbreakingly wonderful that it makes you smile in return.)
11. so once again, it is all about the writing.
i want to see Sam and Bucky get together in the mcu, not because they would be a gay couple but because i genuinely believe that their story has potential to be an amazing love story.
and i know the mcu isn't about the romance. it's why in my personal opinion we haven't gotten a lot of good canon romances besides Peter Quill and Gamora. and i don't think that the mcu should be all about the romance either. i fucking love the action and the fighting scenes. i love the comedy. Captain America: The Winter Soldier had no romance and it was a fucking treasure, it was an amazing spy-action-thriller and it made my little gay heart dance. Thor Ragnarok had no romance, and it was an utterly brilliant comedic spectacle action film. not every movie needs romance.
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but mcu Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes were doing couple's therapy and fixing a boat and walking off into the sunset together in tfatws. they were inseparable on the battlefield. they've got a dynamic. it's beautiful, it's romantic, and it's gold.
a budding relationship between them in the next movie would be a good way to explore both characters more without the narrative feeling too stilted and separate. at the end of tfatws, both Sam and Bucky fans found that their respective fave felt somewhat underutilised and that their characters were underexplored.
now, that problem would be even more difficult to remedy in a movie, because the plotline of a movie needs to be really tight to work (giggity). and we know that the central conflict of the movie is gonna be action-based (which is good), but we still need each character's personal journey and growth to tie into the main conflict. (which is another issue that some fans found with tfatws, that these characters didn't really feel connected to the action-based plot on a more personal level.)
if Sam and Bucky are already in a relationship, however, this whole dynamic changes. first, their relationship has already been set up for nicely since TWS and through tfatws and they would officially be the best-fleshed-out couple in the mcu. but most importantly, a relationship gives them a perfect vehicle to explore both of their pasts comparatively and connect them personally to the action-based plot.
do you want to establish that Sam is a little too trusting and naïve? then establish this through his relationship with Bucky, and through showing his placing his trust in Bucky. (rather than through having him sympathise with a villain who threatened to murder his sister and his nephews).
perhaps you want to show Bucky recovering from his trauma? show us how comfortable he is with Sam. they get along, they're enjoying each other's presence, we see more of Sam's life and of his family, and then let Bucky tell Sam something that's raw and dark and honest about his life as The Winter Soldier. something about a memory, one that he only just recalled. he's opening up. and maybe what he tells Sam is even something that sets up the future action-based conflict, to ground that in something real.
you want to explore that Sam has trauma too? do this through Bucky. he tells Bucky a story about his time in the military. in the form of a flashback, he shares his own story of loss to evoke before the audience the shared theme of feeling at fault even when you're simply a helpless bystander to an act of pure destruction.
then, action sequence! and it's directly connected to Bucky's time as the Winter Soldier. explore the grief of someone whose life the Winter Soldier tore apart manifesting into a villain perpetuating the cycle of pain. establish your villain.
Later, Sam is dragged into battle against this villain for protecting Bucky. But Bucky doesn't want Sam to protect him. He feels guilt for what he can't control and he doesn't want Sam getting hurt because of him. Bucky reminds Sam that he has a family, one who needs him and who loves him. He tells him to go home.
Sam reminds Bucky that he's a part of that family. And that sure Sam's a hero and his job is to protect anyone and everyone, but that he's doing it because he wants to. It's not simply to prove that he can, or to prove that he's not a bystander (this connects to Sam's trauma here), but that he's doing it to help people.
and this gets Bucky thinking about who he is and what he's doing here. is he a hero who stands by Sam's side? or is he an ordinary man who stands aside? or perhaps, does he stand alone? what does he stand for? Maybe Sam knows. But does Bucky?
Sam and Bucky fight off the villain again, and for the first time Bucky meets this adversary face to face. And Bucky recognises this villain, and has a flashback to the genuine pain that he inflicted upon them in the form of the Winter Soldier. Bucky freezes mid-fight, he almost dies, and Sam has to save him.
Sam chews Bucky out for almost getting killed because he was afraid for him. but Bucky takes this the wrong way and goes off to fight the villain alone, or perhaps to die alone, he's not quite sure.
He puts up a half-hearted fight. He apologises for what the Winter Soldier has done, and he waits for the killing blow, when Sam swoops down and he saves him. He asks Sam why he saved him and Sam calls him a moron. And then, Sam asks him what sacrificing himself would solve. He tells him that you can't choose your past but you can choose your future (connecting to his own experience of loss and guilt and grief). And that no matter what Bucky Barnes still has a future, whether that's as the Winter Soldier or the White Wolf or just some dork with a day job. And that he has a future as a part of Sam's family too.
Sam fights the villain, and it's toe to toe. He delivers a few good blows, but receives a fair few himself. And then the villain tears off his wings, first one and then the other, in a manner reminiscent of what the Winter Soldier did to him in TWS. Through Bucky's eyes there's a flashback to highlight the parallels. Sam gets back on his feet and he fights his best fight, but is now losing.
And then the heavily injured Bucky steps up and fights by Sam's side, and only together do they take down the villain.
"So... I inspired you, huh?" Sam teases with a smile, utterly exhausted. "With my heroism and-"
"You inspired me." Bucky said, equally exhausted. "Let's leave it at that."
Together, Sam and Bucky go back to the safety and warmth of their family. Sam fixes his wings. Sam goes back to being Captain America. And Bucky... he's around, but it's unclear what he's doing.
That is, until the very end. When Sam is in a fight, and suddenly Bucky shows up and helps him out.
"What are you doing here?" Sam asks.
"I've made up my mind." Bucky says. "I'm the Winter Soldier. But now I'll save lives, Sam. Now, like you, I'll be a hero."
Sam smirks. "So does this make you my sidekick, then?"
Bucky smiles. "C'mon, at least make me a partner." He says.
"How about co-workers." Sam says (in flashback, he remembers back to the death of his last on-the-job partner).
"How about friends." Bucky says, with a wry look.
"Bucky... I don't want to see you put your dumbass self in danger." Sam says.
"Oh, and it's ok for you to go running off into danger on your own all the time?" Bucky asks.
"Yes." Sam says stubbornly. "Absolutely it is."
"Because I'm not a dumbass?!"
"Sam, if you think I'm not gonna be watching your back for the rest of time... then you're the biggest dumbass I know. And I don't care if you need me or not, I will be there for you."
"Because Sam, you're more than Captain America. You're more than a good soldier. You're a good man. And I think sometimes, the world forgets what the difference is."
...or something like that.
(i only spent like 15 minutes on that. you know if i were actually writing this movie i would come up with something much better. and if anyone from marvel is seeing this, yes i can come work for you. i will make the time, let's do this thing right!)
at the end of the day, whether or not the mcu chooses to make Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes a couple, it's their decision. and they don't owe me anything.
i'm just some random person on the internet. who thinks that Captain America 4 should #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
if you had to rank your fav naruto characters how would it go? love your blog btw!!
Hmmm... Complicated ask, anon.😂
[My personal life would be splashed here and there. Please bear with me]
Before 5 months, if you asked me about Naruto, my response would be ‘What the fuck is that?’. I absolutely had no idea such a treasure existed. For me, it started out like a blockbuster movie for the sheer variety of fights and the resulting emotions it brought within me. 
However, there was a point I stopped and thought, ‘Wait a fucking second. This resembles my family dynamics. This person is speaking the exact same lines I spoke to my parents few years ago. This person’s situation resembles mine. Did this creator a time traveler?’. Naruto is the only piece of media that gave me such feel. Am not even exaggerating, believe me. 
I really liked so many characters very much but am going to try my best to list just 10. 
The only characters I hate in this series are Danzo, Sakura and Hinata in no particular order. Meaning, I absolutely cannot see any positives in them. They are crassy, cringey and completely detestable.
10. Killer Bee
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HaHaHa :-) Just seeing this character makes me smile and light-hearted.
It’s a pity that he is the only character who don’t belong to Konoha in my Top 10 rankings who was developed well apart from Gaara.
I loved him from Frame 1 onwards and I sincerely wished Team Taka should be packed up with their ass beaten up mercilessly. And that’s what happened.
Despite being a Jinchurikki, he never bothered to mind his surroundings and filled his heart with love from his over protective Brother alone was nice to watch.
He makes a great Tag Partner with Naruto next to Sasuke. No doubt.
The way Killer Bee treated Team Taka like some annoying flies and his cool and don’t care attitude was top notch. It’s not just with Sasuke, Bee treated Naruto with the same IDGAF attitude at first.
Best Moments:
Lariat punch to Sasuke (TBH, Sasuke deserved it. LOL)
Blasted off every member of Team Taka like a doll
His entire conversation and fight sequence with Kisame (Their banters and exchanges are way too hilarious)
His dynamics with his Elder Brother (God!!!! Whenever Raikage gives him an Iron Claw.... What a hilarious duo!!!!)
9. Hatake Kakashi
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Kakashi was my most favourite character when I started the series for simply being ultra-cool with the way he conducted the Bell-Test and taught a valuable lesson for those bratty kids in Team 7 called ‘Team Work’. 
Best Moments:
Kakashi vs Obito Hand-to-Hand Combat (the best in the series)
Kakashi in the Gaara retrieval arc (His fight with Itachi & Deidara gave a good start to the shippuden series. His Mangekyou reveal was surprising).
Kakashi & Guy teaming up with Naruto to reveal Obito in a twisty and tragic way. (Kakashi couldn’t handle the truth at all and neither did I)
Kakashi vs Zabuza (That’s when I realized that the series was getting real serious)
8. Jiraiya
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Jiraiya was my next favourite to Kakashi during my Part 1 days. His open perversion and his entire dynamics with Naruto was one of the best things during the Chunin Exams arc. Taught Naruto about Chakra Control and about the way of a shinobi by just enduring. Naruto follows this even today.
Best Moments: 
Kuchiyose No Jutsu training (Man, I never expected him to push Naruto off the cliff)
Rasengan Training (One of the best arcs in part 1 and it was soo satisfying to see Naruto punching his first Rasengan on Kabuto, He also acted like a quasi parent to Naruto... heartwarming)
Jiraiya Vs Six paths of Pain ( 6 vs 1 was always doomed but still he had the guts of a shinobi and plunged ahead)
7. Uchiha Madara
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Geez. What is there to not like him?? 
Everything he did was absolutely wrong ever since he broke up with Hashirama in a romantic way much similar to how couples break up in my country.
I am an Uchiha. You are a Senju. I wish it had been different.
This roughly translates to how 75% of lovers break up and marry someone else from their own clan in my state. (Duh!!!)
I am from XXX clan, you are from XXX clan. So we can’t love each other and my parents won’t accept this relationship. So let’s break up.
Alright, my first shipping couple in this series is HashiMada for this exact reason. (I started shipping SNS only after episode 478). 
Just like Hashirama, Madara had an extensive build up right from episode 1 where Kurama compares Sasuke with Madara. And flashbacks from Itachi and Tobi spiked my curiosity and I wanted to see his face so badly ever since.
But the moment he landed gracefully like a diva in episode 321.... Woaahhhh!!!! He literally danced in the battlefield and ate up 100′s of guys with just a fucking Sharingan. 
Best Moments:
Going Shirtless before 1000′s of people with Hashirama’s face, no less (Well, I literally went heart-eyed for 5 minutes. Sorry Sasuke, your ancester was way much sexier than you in the Orochimaru hideout and beats you by a million points).
Screaming Hashirama’s name like a cockatoo for 300 times even till the very end (Sorry Naruto, your obsession towards Sasuke for about 6 arcs is pale in comparison to Madara’s obsession which was established in just 6 or 7 episodes.)
I have 25 clones now. Do you want me to put Susanoo or not? You can’t answer. The answer is yes. (Man, his I don’t give a fuck attitude is just an alien level thing)
Openly admitting Only Hashirama Can Beat Me (Say what you will about Sasuke, Madara has no qualms about accepting his inferiority in terms of power. An absolute Straight Forward diva-queen)
Awakening Sharingan for breaking up with his ‘friend’ rather than for his 3 dead brothers. (Geez, Poor Soul. He is the forefather of a Romantic Uchiha. That romantic blood still flows in Sasuke)
6. Senju Hashirama
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Man, I would have placed him somewhere in top 5 if only he was introduced early or had more scenes. I started watching Naruto only because of this very name. There is a local podcaster in my state who goes under the alias of Senju Hashirama and in his podcasts, he hinted about this character and how he was inspired by his ideals. I just googled and saw that this character belonged to Naruto series and I considered watching it. Here I am, making analysis on that very series.
There was this excellent build up for him right when we got introduced to Captain Yamato. He was constantly referred in flashbacks from Itachi and Tobi especially.
But the moment he was reanimated again..... Geez..... It was an hilarious ride all throughout. Out of all the flashbacks we got from this series, Founders Era flashback was my absolute favourite.
From where I come from, we are still under the stupid influence of Clan infrastructure and are not growing up in many aspects like people in western countries do. For me, I hope, one day, someone like Senju Hashirama appears in our state and change our lives for better by uniting all clans as one and treats everyone equally without the shitty favouritism for their own children, friends, parents, siblings.
That’s why this dialogue struck a thunder in my heart
“Be they a friend.... Be they a sibling.... Be it even my own child. I will not forgive anyone who threatens the village.”
Because the clan leaders in our place are absolutely selfish, trash bastards who serves their own needs with no regards for other people from other clans. For a person like me, Hashirama is not just a fictional hero, he is someone who many aspires to become. No wonder that podcaster chose this name as his alias.
He rightfully deserved the title ‘God of Shinobi’. And no one can surpass him, not even Naruto.
Best Moments:
Wood Style vs Eternal Mangekyou sharingan + Kurama powered Madara (He just beats Madara’s ass by a wide margin. This shows he was a whole fucking different level than Naruto + Sasuke combined. In terms of strength, nobody surpassed him YET. Sorry Naruto and Sasuke, you guys are no match even now with your Rinnegan and Kurama lost forever).
His entire banters with Madara (ROFLLLL. Without him, it would have been just another lifeless arc.)
5. Senju Tobirama
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Hmmm, let me tell you something about him.
First off, he is not a racist or fascist as many hardcore Sasuke fanatics claims. He is one of the best hokages according to me. He is abso-fucking-lutely practical, rational, logical and holds no grudge. And Sasuke resembles Tobirama with all these characteristics as compared to soft and naive Naruto. If only he had more screen time, he would be easily in my top 3. 
Just because he didn’t lick the boots of Uchiha (many people’s favorite clan or may I say the only clan that was given any shit about in this series), it doesn’t make him a racist or fascist.
No, he never persecuted the Uchihas. Danzo, the crass bastard, driven off the Uchihas only after the Kyuubi incident. It was explicitly mentioned in the databook and was clearly explained in the series. 
He literally gave the highest position in the village for the entire clan. That is, a military power inside a military village. ‘Shinobi who can cause crimes can only be stopped by shinobi who are even better’. In my state, if a powerful clan decided to persecute another clan, they simply start by cutting off basic amenities like Water and Electricity. Compared to what I’ve seen, Tobirama did nothing but given the Uchihas, the highest position in their village. 
Orochimaru only said giving such a power made them conceited (arrogant). Tobirama had a trusted subordinate called Kagami, an Uchiha in his team. He suggested Kabuto to help Sasuke and even teleported him on his request. He even spited Madara for killing Sasuke, an Uchiha. He openly claimed Uchiha clan exceeds Senju in terms of Love. He openly appreciated Itachi and Kagami as someone who sees beyond their clan. In what world, would a racist or fascist do all this for a clan he hates??? 
Yes, he was cautious of Sasuke at first because he saw him with Orochimaru and even went full-on battle mode because of Sasuke’s carefree threat to destroy the village. But once he decided to go to the battlefield to fight Madara, he simply forgot everything that happened before and started to work with him as a comrade, and even helped him twice. In which world, a racist or fascist behave this way?
Believe me, a person like me who was grown with these clan politics surely can say who is a fascist. He was not. He was just cautious of them because of their ability to attain superpowers with just emotions alone. Let me ask you all this, ‘Would you be okay with people getting crazy powers whenever they are depressed?’. Being cautious is not racism. It really disrespects people who faced real oppression under fascism.
What Madara and Danzo did was a classical example of fascism. 
And No, Izuna didn’t die only because of Tobirama. He died because Madara was too arrogant to instigate war with Senju clan. And this was way before forming Konoha. If Tobirama killed Izuna after the alliance between Uchiha and Senju, I would agree that he was a racist. Izuna lost his life just like any other Uchiha and Senju soldiers in that battlefield. 
Just because he shitted your beloved ‘Sasuke-Kun’ doesn’t mean he is a racist too. Tobirama saw Sasuke along with that scoundrel Orochimaru who once used this very two hokages to destroy the very village they strived hard to create and protect. What will you do, if you were in his place?? Please don’t lie and say ‘I wouldn’t be judgemental’. 
And Imagine you are Tobirama, Sasuke is threatening to commit genocide against the entire village who had no idea about this coup detat instead of going against those old hags. Will you sit quiet as a Hokage?? 
He was the first person to suggest his brother, Itama, that Revenge against Uchihas are futile. All we need is an agreement to make truce. That gave the idea for Hashirama to pursue his dream. And Tobirama was happy to follow that dream and very supportive. 
It’s because of all these reasons I placed him above Senju Hashirama.
Best Moments:
Amazing power display against Sasuke & Co with just an index finger (It was a pleasure to see everyone’s face trembling with mild sweat including Sasuke).
Acted as a decoy to save his young subordinates. (The way he sacrificed his life saying young wills of fire must be protected is just Woow!! I wish his subordinates listened to his words and passed the mantle to the younger ones rather than playing game at such an old age and screwed up many lives. Pfft!!!)
Any time he says ‘Shut Up’ to Hashirama (ROFL)
His absolute ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude to Naruto, Sasuke, Hashirama, Minato and Madara (He trolled them all mercilessly and I love it)
4. Senju Tsunade
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It hurts me to say that Tsunade is the only female character in my list because every other female characters were written in a much more piss poorly way. Only Konan came close to Tsunade but her role was very short. 
Despite her character’s purpose revolved around another male character (Dan) and a blatant objectification of her breasts, I liked everything about her other than those mentioned above. 
She is the Second Best Hokage who took Konoha right after the destruction made by Orochimaru, excellently handled the aftermath by making friendly relations with Suna (Sand village), provided her best medical support to Konoha in the Pain Arc and successfully handled the fourth Shinobi world war. 
She is such a badass who developed her own original jutsu called Byakugou no Jutsu, which can heal herself. 
She is just way too amazing and it’s a pity that we got very less scenes in Shippuden.
Best Moments:
Took 25+ stabs from Madara’s Susanoo like a piece of cake (Man, I simply couldn’t describe that scene. All the other Kages were shocked and even Madara too)
Lifted her advisors like a cabbage sack (Those fucking old hags deserved it. Those shits should’ve died)
Her index finger flick assault on Naruto (Aww, Naruto was definitely bratty in his first meeting and Tsunade didn’t hold back at all)
Played Orochimaru like a basketball (In that same arc, she fought Orochimaru mercilessly like a devil left and right. Someone who claimed to have surpassed Tsunade never even dared to fight Orochimaru’s student and crying for his attention after just receiving one stab from Madara. Just saying)
3. Uzumaki Naruto
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Naruto is the titular character and your emotions evolve along with him. He surely deserves a spot in Top 3. The only reason I didn’t place Naruto even more higher is because he didn’t experience something very important which many characters in this list faced. That is, Losing a loved one before his eyes. Every villain in this series became what they are because they lost someone important before their eyes like Nagato, Obito. (Nope, I don’t count Neji as his loved one). I think this tests the mettle of any character and Naruto failed to experience this. The only person he ever lost was Jiraiya and that too from off-screen. That’s why I felt his journey to his dreams seemed little easier compared to the rest of the characters.
His best block of episodes will always be the part 1 Episode 1, 2, 3. Episode 1 is the character defining episode for Naruto and what he learned there will be applied everywhere till the very end of the series. He learned 3 things
Forgiveness, Empathy and Acceptance
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
From then on, this boy wins many friends to his side, not only from Konoha but from other villages too and even made them to acknowledge his strength only through his sheer hard work. 
However, there is this person, whose acknowledgement he wants the most.  That person is his most important bond along with Iruka Sensei. He is none other than Sasuke. One day, Sasuke left him alone for some unavoidable reason at the end of part 1 which left a huge scar in him and he vows to bring him back to the place where he belongs. That becomes his ultimate goal rather than becoming an Hokage.
The way he goes to any extent to protect the people he cares about is just simply entertaining to watch.
Every time he makes an heroic entry to save the day was never boring, not once. 
Best Moments:
Sobbing from his heart after hearing Iruka Sensei acknowledging him (It just makes me feel heavy for no reason. The anime team did an awesome job to capture his emotions convincingly)
Awakening Kyuubi Mode for the first time after seeing Sasuke die in his arms (Man, out of all the collective hatred he got from the villagers, this moment affected him a lot speaks volumes)
Punching Neji from the underground to win the Chunin exams (God, I honestly believed Naruto lost but he just surprised us heavily from nowhere. And that failure speech was just pure bliss to watch even today)
Pain Vs Naruto (One of the best arc for Naruto. Because unlike other arcs, where Naruto fought with a team, this arc he was all alone fighting a person with Rinnegan. Be it the exuberant landing from the frogs with a dramatic kabuki music, creating multi-step attacks, coming up with novel solution in that difficult situation, finally ending the conflict without killing the enemy, becoming an hero. Superb journey. The only thing I didn’t like in that arc is some shitty selfish proposal. PUKE!!)
Bearing the burdens of his most important person and die along with him (This boy always shouts he will never die until he becomes an Hokage. But for Sasuke, he was ready to die along with him in order to not leave him alone proves how much he loves him. This shows his emotional maturity rather than shouting at Sasuke like he always did before which never reached his ears. This time it did)
Final Good Bye to Minato (Honestly, I was bawling just like Naruto in that scene no matter how many times I watch it. It started out slow but as he speaks more and more, he simply couldn’t hold back and wept a sea of tears 😭😭😭)
2. Uchiha Sasuke
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One of the well written characters in this series, with all the flaws and positive stuffs which makes him more of an Anti-Hero. He always subverts my preformed opinions and never ceased to surprise me.
Despite being aloof and cold, his warmer side will always be exposed towards Naruto. This is evident by many things he had done for Naruto which he don’t have to or no reason to. Starting right from roasting Sakura, offering lunch, asking for tips, enquiring about breakfast, protecting him many times and dying for Naruto. 
Why I placed him above Naruto is because of his unavoidable decision to tread in a complicated dark path primarily due to the trauma he carried and was stirred up again by collective factors such as Orochimaru’s cursed seal, Itachi’s arrival and Naruto’s growth. Compared to Sasuke, Naruto had an easier path because he never saw anyone die before his eyes and hence he don’t carry any trauma which can divert his path.
Even after watching his entire clan and family members murdered before his eyes at an age 8, he managed to pull himself and never snapped out like many other good characters does. But the moment when he found out that Itachi was good all along, he simply couldn’t tolerate the truth and gave himself to Vengeance. Because, he loved his brother more than he hated him all these years. This shows he loved his brother more than his parents. His resolve to destroy Konoha was perfectly understandable. But is it good? Nope. He can kill Danzo and those old hags but killing other people was never justifiable.
But still, his resolve to have his vengeance was diverted by Naruto and weakened by Itachi, at some point. So, he decided to know the truth and when he heard it, he understood the Hokages also sacrificed many precious things to protect this village just like his Brother Itachi. He understood the mistakes of his clan and decided to protect the village which he swore to destroy. [Many Sasuke fanatics think that he succumbed to the Government and Kishi wrote Sasuke to bootlick them. Their idea was to tackle genocide with another genocide. What a stupid idea!!!!]
And No, I don’t consider him trying to kill Sakura, Karin and Kakashi as his bad moments (though I feel bad for Karin). For the simple reason being, he became a monster by losing himself in the darkness who lost the rationality to differentiate friends from foes. Much similar to how Naruto lost himself to Kyuubi’s hatred against Orochimaru and in Pain Arc. It’s so hypocritical to ignore Naruto and accuse Sasuke here. Plus, Sakura had no business to be there otherwise Sasuke would not have tried to kill her. 
But does it mean Sasuke did nothing wrong???
He definitely shouldn’t have joined Akatsuki and hunted Killer Bee like an animal. Because, he knew that Tobi was the one who helped Itachi massacre the clan. When fighting Itachi he specifically vowed to kill Madara (Tobi). On top of that, Itachi passed on Amaterasu in his eyes specifically to stay away from Tobi. Why did he ally with him? Plus, Sasuke was one of the few characters who was exposed to the name ‘Akatsuki’ in part 1 itself. He clearly knew that this organization targets Naruto, his closest bond. Why did he join there? This is where the stupid part of Sasuke came out. I was grunting... ‘Oii Where did that clever Sasuke, who faced 1000 soldiers without killing any of them, went??’. 
And his plan for Revolution???? I thought it would be reasonable. But his vision was eerily similar to Danzo’s vision. Grrr..... Danzo also wanted to create his ideal village by destroying the current Hokage. He wanted to unite the Five Village and put himself on top of everyone as evident from the Kage Summit arc. 
I appreciate him that he finally adopted the Will of Fire, by wanting to protect the village at all costs just like Itachi and Hashirama did. But his methods are not very democratic. Plus, he wanted to do it alone. I was screaming at him... ‘Grrr, Sasuke, did you listen to Itachi at all???. He failed because he did everything alone. Why can’t you understand????’ This is also another instance, Sasuke’s stupidity glanced out.
I am happy Naruto knocked some sense into him by telling him not to do it alone but together.
Many fanatics also ask, ‘What did Sasuke do wrong to atone for his sins at the end?’.
I was like ‘Reallly????’
He joined Akatsuki, an organization which terrorized all the 5 villages and he hunted someone like an international criminal.
He spoiled the Kage Summit and attacked Raikage who lost his arm because of him. I know what happened over there is not Sasuke’s fault. But these are the kages who was loved by many people in their own villages. How can the world forget it and simply let him go?
It’s exactly because of all those lovely stuffs he did in Part 1 and all these mistakes he did in Part 2 but willing to correct his mistakes by sharing the burdens of his other half in the end made him more interesting, complicated and exciting and that’s why I love this character.
I also have a personal bias to love this character sooo much because of the character on top of my list.
Best Moments:
Defending Naruto before Sakura (Awww!!! Such a good boy he was. Eventhough I thought he was a typical arrogant K-Drama hero, he just subverted my opinion in that one scene. I always have a thing for people who stands up for someone even though they don’t have to. This is where I started to like Sasuke)
My body moved on its own. (Is there anything that trumps this scene in terms of emotions and love in this series?. This moment is where I understood the depth of Sasuke’s emotions towards Naruto).
What is a Clan? What is a Village? What is a Shinobi? (I was really hoping for Sasuke to question himself something similar to this. Because he was so self-absorbed in his hatred and failed to look outside him ever since he left the village. It was so gratifying that he did that)
Killing Orochimaru (I always thought Sasuke will kill him only after he tries to take over the body. Never imagined that he will strike the snake first)
Killing Danzo (Man, what an amazing battle!!!. It was so gratifying to see such a crass bastard die many times over and over).
His dramatic confession through his monologue (After the mystery of Who is this Tobi, Sasuke’s obsession towards Naruto remained a mystery for me. Why did he listen to Naruto under the bridge? Why did he protected Naruto in the War? I got the answer only after this confession. It was so heartwarming to see this mellow side of Sasuke)
1. Uchiha Itachi
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I could write pages about him. The foremost reason I like Itachi and earns the top spot in my rankings is because he shockingly resembled me in many ways. As I already said, I come from a place where clan politics plays a major role and when I see Sasuke’s flashback in part 1, I was simply dumbstruck by such a detailed similarities.
Elder child of the family - ✅
Have an adorable younger sister who loves me more than my parents - ✅
Same age gap (5 years) with my sister as Itachi and Sasuke - ✅
Parents paying total attention on me while ignoring my sister completely - ✅
Parents constantly comparing my achievements with my sister - ✅
A sister who bear hugged me every time I entered the home after returning from my school - ✅
Despite my mom being a teacher, my sister always prefers me to teach her stuffs as she considers me to be way too better than my mom -  ✅
Love my sister more than my parents - ✅
Clan-Obsessed parents - ✅
Used me as a tool for the benefit of the clan - ✅
Sending another person from my clan to spy on me - ✅
Strained relationship with my parents - ✅
Disgusted with my clan - ✅
Most importantly, this dialogue from part 1 episode 129,
Clan? Clan?
Obsessed with the organization, Obsessed with the clan, Obsessed with the name, that’s merely the detestable action that restrict yourself.
I have given up all hope in this worthless clan
Because, people obsess themselves to their clan, a thing so petty, they lose sight of the things that are truly important.
A real change cannot occur under restraints and controls
I confronted my parents with the exact same dialogue (almost 98% similar) in my own native language some years ago. 
I didn’t even know the existence of Naruto series at that time. I was simply shell-shocked by all these similarities with this character. 
And Yes, The moment I heard these dialogues, I knew Itachi, was a good guy, who had a very strong reason for his actions and I instantly knew Sasuke’s revenge will not bear him any happiness. 
It is exactly because of all these striking similarities of myself with Itachi, and my lil’l sister with Sasuke, my family dynamics with the Uchiha family.... I could understand the magnitude of Sasuke’s love towards Itachi. 
And precisely because of that, I could understand Sasuke’s love towards Naruto is not fucking ‘brotherly’ one but something that leans towards Attraction. 
No wonder, Itachi left Sasuke in Naruto’s care. 
Anyways to speak objectively, 
Itachi is an extremely self-sacrificial person whose life is full of pain and miseries but never blames it on the world unlike other Uchiha members like Madara, Obito and Sasuke to an extent.
He did things considering the bigger picture which never benefitted himself in anyway and was willing to go to any extent even at the expense of his own family and his brother’s happiness. That is, Uchiha Clan Massacre and Joining Akatsuki. None of this benefitted him in anyways but he did it anyway, for the village of Konoha. 
His ideals are shockingly similar to Hashirama, Which Sasuke pointed this out and Hashirama acknowledged that Itachi was a better shinobi than he was. ❤️❤️❤️
Now, does this means I support Uchiha clan massacre?
No way. Even Itachi didn’t.
This massacre happened because of the huge clusterfuck from Hiruzen’s incompetence, Danzo’s paranoid arrogance, Uchiha clan’s devious plan to over throw the government by force rather than approaching it in a peaceful way, say, a peace talk or a protest. 
All these people acted on their own self-interest. Itachi and Shisui caught in their whirlpool, bear their burdens and paid for it with their life. Sasuke suffered for it.
But, it’s not the only reason I love this character. It’s because, the moment he decided to massacre everyone, he marked his own death by the hands of his beloved brother. I love people who owns up their mistakes and face the consequences rather than making excuses (even though it’s not entirely his mistake).
Itachi is also the only character in this series who realized his failures on his own without anyone’s interference or Naruto’s Talk-No-Jutsu. 
And he apologized for everything he did to Sasuke.
Again, some hardcore Sasuke fanatics criticize/hate him for torturing their poor ‘Sasuke-Kun’ with his Tsukuyomi. I was like ‘Hmmm...What?’. 
First off, Itachi apologized to Sasuke for not thinking out from his point of view and also for not telling him the truth earlier.
Second off, Sasuke never even blamed Itachi for anything (even he didn’t hold him for killing their parents). If Sasuke himself, forgiven Itachi... Why are his fans being so rabid?
Third off, for all of his supposed ‘crimes’, he paid for it by dying as a disgraceful Madman rather than a Hero who really saved the village. He is someone who should be celebrated like Naruto but instead died proudly as a Traitor of Konoha.
All in all, One of the wonderfully written character I have ever seen in the media. 
Best Moments:
Itachi vs Sasuke (That battle was a pure brilliance and highly emotional especially after knowing the truth. When Sasuke released his Kirin, Itachi showed off his ultimate armour Susanoo like a badass. Seeing Susanoo for the first time gave me chills. No, Sasuke didn’t kill him. Itachi died on his own)
Itachi vs Orochimaru (Man, Itachi may look mellow but when it comes to Orochimaru he is a pure Sass. He screwed that snake up both the times by a wide margin. It seems Uchiha brothers like to fuck up Orochimaru, LOL)
Talk-No-Jutsu’ing Naruto (Geez, Naruto was being completely bratty and was full of saviour complex like he was going to bear everyone’s hatred by himself. I was almost annoyed. Thanks to Itachi, he realised. Probably he is the only character to shut Naruto using his own jutsu)
Izanami’ing Kabuto (Other than Naruto, he is the only character to go out of his way to empathize with a villain and put extreme effort to change him. I think this is why Sasuke loves Naruto, for seeing these similarities??? ).
Goodbye to Sasuke (The first time when he said ‘Forgive me, Sasuke. This is the last’ by poking his forehead and finally closing the distance by butting with Sasuke’s head softly saying ‘I will love you always’.... It always evokes uncontrollable tears in me, no matter how many times I watch it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
Uchiha Obito
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God, Am such a sucker for Uchiha guys individually, though collectively as a clan they fucked up big time. I simply couldn’t find the place for him in the top 10. He is a classic example of What Naruto will be like if he becomes a villain?
However, all those horrible stuffs he did just for a girl whom he had a crush on which was never reciprocated seems childish. That’s why I couldn’t put him in Top 10.
And his understandable but weird obsession on Naruto was always enjoyable to watch. 
One cute thing I liked about him was, whatever criminal stuffs he may have done, he was never a cheapskate though. He had every chance to take back Kakashi’s Sharingan to activate his own Susanoo. But he never even thought of such an idea. He was a bad guy. But a good friend, no matter what. 
Pure Baby!!! But lost his way!!!
Best Moments:
Importance of Team Work (’In the ninja world, Those who break the rules are  scum. But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum’. This very legacy he left to Kakashi came to defeat him later. And Naruto follows this motto even today)
Sacrificing his Sharingan (’I am giving you my Sharingan. No matter what the villagers say, you are a great Jonin. Please take it’. Awww!!! Obito. He left his Sharingan which helped Kakashi to complete a jutsu called ‘Chidori’, which is a go-to jutsu of Sasuke)
Thanks for the ask, anon. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. ❤️
127 notes · View notes
oh-boy-me · 3 years
I just read both the australia and museum post and the chaos levels are top tier, but like imagine the chaos that ensues if lord diavolo discovers about amusment parks and immediately just buys tickets to disneyland. Lucifer is basically the dad trying not to loose his children(lord diavolo included). Lord diavolo wanting to ride a loopy rollercoaster and just having the time of his life! (Also I highkey see diavolo ordering lucifer to make a disneyland in devildom tbh) Also mouse ear headbands!
This..... this took forever
Hey there anon!  Sorry it took literally a year to answer this!  If you’re still into Obey Me, I hope this was a pleasant surprise.
Also for the first time ever a scenario post is being put under the cut for length purposes.  This scenario is 2.6k words Jesus
Please note that the last time I went to Disney was in 2015, so anything that’s newer than that is taken from the extensive reading of Disney advice blogs I read in preparation for this post.  Anything older than that is likely from experience.
Also, I tried my best to keep this spoiler free for the attractions that can be affected by it.
So the Devildom DOES have the concept of amusement parks.  I slept on this ask for so long that we’ve learned about Devil’s Coast.  It seems to be more akin to a smaller-scale theme park, though.  Small-ish.  I’m used to NYC idk what constitutes as small.
Something like Disney World is on such a larger scale!!  When Diavolo heard about that, he knew they had to go.
They are going to Disney World in Orlando because it’s the only one I’ve been to.
Lucifer is REALLY getting tired of these field trips, but there would be no weird animals, and there would be no sobering lessons on global extinction events at a family-friendly amusement park.  He.  He can handle this.
Solomon has actually been banned from all Walt Disney theme parks.  We’re talking blacklist-level banned.  He’s barred from ever entering any Disney park ever again.  However, this was back in 1976, so this must be, like, his son or something, right?  There’s no way this is the same guy.  Thought the security guard who let him in.
What did Solomon do to get banned?  When asked, he only gave a curious hum.  “Yeah, I wonder.”
The place is split into four parks, so they’ll spend one day in each.
Barbatos continued to flex his power as the only one in the group with a brain cell, being sure to get them all fast passes.  He even set time back just for the passes while they were booking the rides they wanted to cut the lines for, so if they don’t get used he’s going to be very snippy.
Also for convenience sake this is taking place in an AU where everything is the same but COVID doesn’t exist to shut down some rides and attractions.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
MC and Simeon basically have to coerce Lucifer into letting everyone run free instead of making them all line up with a walking rope all day.  He relents on the condition that everyone checks in periodically so he can at least know they haven’t killed anyone.
Nobody will check in except for maybe Beelzebub and those at Purgatory Hall.
Levi immediately gathered his fellow Star Wars fans (which basically meant calling over Mammon Belphie and Asmo and then pulling in two unsuspecting people suddenly given the title of “Star Wars fan”), and made a beeline for Galaxy’s Edge.  There’s a LOT to do there and damn it if he wasn’t going to hit all of it.
First up for their group is the interactive Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run.  They fail the mission.  Levi’s pretty pissed, but everyone agrees that it was fun nonetheless.  They really felt like they were doing a mission in the Falcon!  Plus, the gameplay element was totally up the alley of most of this group.  Simeon does feel a little nauseous from Luke’s jerky steering, though.
Did you know that Diavolo loves Toy Story?  He does.  He’s very much enjoying the Slinky roller coaster with Barbatos.
Barbatos would rather be spending time at the shows and performances, but oh no god forbid we don’t get an autograph from Doc McStuffins.  Lucifer please come find him and save him.
Lucifer somehow wandered into the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration.  He wants out.  Barbatos please come find him and save him.
In general, Lucifer isn’t a fan of these sorts of places, so honestly he’s just hiding from the others and waiting for today to be over.  Barbatos told him that there are parks that don’t revolve around rides and characters, and he’s holding out for those.
Luckily for them Diavolo wants to do LITERALLY everything, and that does include the shows, so Barbatos and Lucifer can have at least some fun today
Levi, Asmo, and Beel are about to start their relay for getting character autographs when Satan shows up out of nowhere and starts dragging everyone over to the Tower of Terror.  Solomon bars all attempts to flee on a certain Avatar of Greed’s side.
The line to the Tower is so long, and honestly?  Satan feels like the ride didn’t live up to the literal hour they waited to get on.  Like yeah it was fun, but way too short.
He voices those thoughts, and Levi, who Satan knows is afraid of heights, is pretty fucking livid and drags him to Rock n Rollercoaster as revenge.  Satan hates roller coasters.
As for the others, Asmo and Luke have a lot of fun on the thrill rides.  Mammon and Simeon do not.  Beel is a little spooked by them but still manages to have fun, while Belphie and Solomon think they’re alright.
Eventually, Simeon gets too sick to move, and they assign him to Luke.  They say it’s because he’s too short to ride some of the rides (even though he’s literally not, screw you guys.)
Barbatos messes with time a lil bit so they can enjoy the Fantasmic Show and Fireworks to wrap the day up.
Levi is very jealous of Diavolo’s Doc McStuffins autograph.  Somehow Asmo has Buzz Lightyear’s number.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Satan is vibrating
He literally instantly sprints to the Kilimanjaro Safari.  And good for him; that’s something best done while the sun isn’t high up.  The whole gang actually agrees to check that one out, and while Satan isn’t thrilled to be within 50 feet of Lucifer, he’s glad Simeon is there because he remembers how his presence lured animals out in Australia.
Simeon also finds himself pulled along the trails by Satan and parents watch in horror as a gorilla gives him a friendly pat on the back.
If you didn’t know, Animal Kingdom is divided into the two continents of Asia and Africa, as well as the secret eighth continent Avatar (2009).  Diavolo heard great things about the Flight of Passage ride, but he totally forgot to tell Barbatos about it, so they’re stuck on a three hour wait line now.
Levi takes Luke on the Everest roller coaster because Simeon saw it in the distance and looked like he was about to cry.  Levi wouldn’t shut up about how the yeti effect needs to be fixed and Solomon had to explain that the effect literally couldn’t support itself.
Simeon, having escaped a roller coaster for the first and only time on this trip, grabs lunch with Lucifer and Solomon and they enjoy the Lion King performance together.  Solomon’s the only one of them who’s seen the movie, but the others still found it fun.  Solomon keeps making up random plot points that don’t exist, though.  Remember when Simba was captured by pirates?
Mammon found the Bugs Life show very scary.  Normally Asmo would laugh at him, but he’s afraid of any bug he’s never seen before and at least Mammon was afraid of the things that were supposed to get you.  They agree that bugs are still not their friends.
Satan has many things to say about the Dinosaur ride and most of them aren’t good.  Belphie thought it was pretty ok, though.  Lucifer can’t believe there was a sobering lesson on a global extinction event at this family-friendly amusement park.
Diavolo is still in line.  Barbatos abandons him.  He accompanies Luke to the kiddie fossil thing and actually finds it more tolerable.  Oh yeah that’s the other secret ninth continent, Dinoland.
Beel and Belphie spend most of the day together at the various petting zoos.  Belphie comes back knowing more than he ever wanted to about conservation.  He thought Rafiki’s Planet Watch was going to be about watching other planets, not this one!
Asmo gets very interested in the costumes of the performers, as well as the parrots in the bird show.  He could probably make some really colorful designs with those as inspiration.
Nearby, Mammon runs into Kevin and squawks in surprise.  The zoo staff spend the next two hours trying to find the bird that escaped.
Diavolo says the ride was worth it, don’t worry.
Honestly this park has a lot of stuff that wouldn’t translate well to a funny scenario post so this part might be a little short compared to the others.  I can only talk about a zoo for so long.
Anyone remember the Honey I Shrunk the Kids 4D show?  Apparently it closed in 2016 to make room for more Star Wars stuff.
Anyway, at the center of it all there’s the Tree of Life, which is really pretty all day.  Lucifer is thrilled to have a decently obvious meet-up place, too.  They get to catch the brief awakening show at night.
They’re very bummed to learn the Rivers of Light show isn’t happening anymore, so Levi pulls it up on his phone so they can watch it in spirit.
Then Satan learns about the Wilderness Explorers badges and the others spend the rest of the time preventing too much collateral damage over the fact that nobody told him.
Day 3: Epcot
Finally, Lucifer thinks.  Boo, Luke thinks.
Beel didn’t expect this park to be that interesting to him (he’s much more into the wonder and immersion of Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom), but then he learned about the restaurants.  China, Norway, France, Mexico, Germany, Morocco, Italy, Japan, Canada--Canada?  Huh.  Canada.  There’s so many different restaurants from so many cuisines to try, and yeah he knows that it’s definitely not the same as going to the place and it’s overpriced (sorry Lucifer), but it’s all right there.  He makes certain to take MC on a deluxe Epcot restaurant tour.
Oh yeah MC.  That’s the first time we’ve heard from them in a while.  They’re doing whatever you want them to I guess.
Levi buys so much from the Japanese gift shops that he has to go back to the hotel for a bit to drop his bags off.
Satan and Diavolo aren’t much better, but their stashes are more varied.
Also, Diavolo found Mouse Gear, and bought everyone a pair of ears.  Lucifer says that everyone has to keep them on because it’s what Lord Diavolo wants, but he is by far the most upset about them.  Mammon snaps a picture and Lucifer throws his DDD into the lake.
Asmo and Belphie decide they’re gonna take it easy this day, and they nab Solomon and Barbatos for some exhibition hopping.
Luke finds Mission Space and please father no Simeon thought he was safe he thought he was safe here no please
Aside from that, though, Luke honestly finds this part of the park boring.  He’d have been more interested in these attractions elsewhere, but as a kid he’s in Disney for roller coasters and Mickey Mouse.
Simeon is very grateful that Luke doesn’t have much that he wants to do, because it means that he can enjoy the Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land boat rides and have a single moment where he doesn’t feel like he’s about to be sick.  He’s not even afraid of the rides; he just gets motion sick easily.
Asmo makes sure to see the Chinese acrobat show, and Mammon catches that with the show-hopping gang since there isn’t much he wants to do here either.
Epcot has alcohol and Solomon hasn’t been able to drink in ages so he really wants to spend some time doing that with MC.  No demons allowed, thank you very much.  He doesn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d like you to believe, but he just gets really talkative when drunk so it’s ok.
Epcot is a nice day to take a breather and Lucifer and Barbatos definitely needed a breather before tomorrow.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
This is the day Diavolo has been waiting for.  The crème de la crop, the best park for kids and kids in a future king of the Devildom’s body.
Also I feel like now is a good time to mention that this probably isn’t a reasonable order of events because I don’t remember the map layout of these places idk Disney city planning
This time.  This time, Levi, Asmo and Beel are gonna get those autographs, dammit.  Levi doesn’t even know who half of these characters are but hell if he’s not getting their autograph.
Mammon actually really loves the mascots too, but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll only try to get one if he can use the guise of MC wanting one.  MC, please help him out
Belphie isn’t big on rides, but he does have a soft spot for the more retro ones like Dumbo and Seven Dwarves.  And like I said before, Beel loves Magic Kingdom for its wonder.  So Belphie is perfectly happy being led (read: piggybacked) around by Beel today, because their favorite attractions match up pretty well here.
Actually, Beel’s favorite Disney movie is Lilo and Stitch, but.  RIP Stitch’s Great Escape ride 2004-2018
Diavolo and Lucifer take a moment to enjoy the Carousel of Progress, and they reflect on how much the Human World is always changing and how much about it they still don’t know.  It really does make them think, like.  Grandma found the VR games at Christmas!  The Devildom doesn’t have grandmas!
Mammon is terrified of the Haunted Mansion ride, and Satan has literally never felt so much schadenfreude in his life.
Mammon’s afraid of most rides to be fair, but he likes water rides, so Levi eventually takes pity on him and they go on Splash Mountain together more than once.
The Peter Pan ride broke down
Luke wanted to go on Space Mountain and Simeon was the only one around, so.  RIP Simeon ????-2021
Diavolo was That Guy.  If you know, you know.
Beel accidentally spun the teacups way too fast.  Not even Solomon got out of that one unscathed.
Following that, Solomon manages to drag Barbatos onto the Jungle Cruise while Lucifer is busy.  What is Lucifer busy with?  Riding the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride over and over until he hits every single target and gets a perfect score at a Disney ride, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.  Anyway, Barbatos finds it really charming and Solomon finds it a nice break that he didn’t know he needed.
While looking for a food place that sells water for a reasonable price, a kid runs up to Asmo asking for a picture and autograph.  He’s kind of confused, but goes along with it to make the kid happy.
Turns out, Asmo’s so naturally charming that they mistook him for a prince.  Other groups see that family and follow suit.  Mammon eventually catches wind of it and shows up to charge a fee.  The parents are pretty sure Disney doesn’t charge fees like that, but their kids really want a pic with Asmo so they hand over the two bucks.  (“Oh it’s so low” come on Mammon’s not a dick to children.)
And that’s the story of how Mammon and Asmo ended up in Disney Jail.  You’re very much not allowed to pretend to be a cast member and then charge money for it.  Lucifer has to bail them out as their “guardian,” and as punishment they aren’t allowed to opt out of It’s a Small World.
Small World isn’t that bad imho, and those like Diavolo, Satan, Simeon, and Levi would like it a lot.  But Lucifer has been playing parent all day, Belphie does not like the noise, and Solomon has literally been on this ride at least fifty times.  Very mixed feelings on this one, but it feels fitting to end with that and a fireworks show.
All in all though this wasn’t the worst trip Lucifer’s been on (cue everyone applauding for some reason).
Barbatos by far had the least fun of them all because for four days he was stuck in a park where the mascot is a fucking rodent and he wasn’t allowed to annihilate Mickey Mouse where he stood
“Disneyland Devildom when” “Lord Diavolo, no”
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roguish-gallery · 4 years
Did you ever make that joker tier list, I always like seeing what people think of all the different ones. Though if they put Romero last I can no longer respect them.
LMAO I DID! I think I’ve made it kind of obvious in this blog but I... don’t... particularly... care... for... the joker.... unless he’s, y’know, fun to watch. Cause he’s a clown, and clowns are supposed to be entertaining. But since you politely brought it up, and and because I have a deep respect for mutual Romero-lovers, I guess this would be a good time to explain my rankings and just discuss my general thoughts on each clown:
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General Thoughts:
For the most part, I don’t really care for the Joker. This is hardly an uncommon opinion here on tumblr, but I definitely fall on the side of the fandom that feels that he gets too much attention from DC. I get WHY they use him so often for films and comics, and I don’t have anything against *most* folks who consider them their favorite Batman villain, but at this point he’s used more for shock value and as a crutch instead of anything interesting. Like, instead of giving attention to the other Rogues, writers (at least for the comics) will try and make up some bullshit story that they can shoehorn the Joker into, ‘cause it sells. It’s tiring, and I feel like the character has lost his meaning; I can only read so many stories about the Joker, I don’t fucking know, wearing a suit made from dead babies and Jason Todd’s flayed corpse before I get sick of it.
I’m at the point where I’ll like any Joker who’s just fun to watch. I genuinely respect those who prefer darker interpretations of the character, but that isn’t me; I vastly prefer the lighthearted takes on him, because... at this point... writers who use the “cleaner” version of him tend to be more creative, since they actually have to write a Joker story that doesn’t rely on gore/torture porn.
Joker Baby: Self explanatory. Joker Baby is thematic, thoughtful, and intense. Everytime I watch this video, I shiver with fear and pleasure; something primal in me awakens whenever Joker Baby runs his fingers through his spray-on dyed hair, and ends up smearing green paint on his forehead- it represents the inner turmoil, the chaos, that resides within the disturbed body that is Joker Baby. Nothing can ever hope to top the artistic and cultural impact Joker Baby has had on society.
Batman Ninja: I genuinely believe that Batman Ninja is one of the most fun, organic, and creative things to come out from the Batman side of DC comics in like... hmmm... a decade, maybe (I could talk for hours about how much I love this movie but that’s something for a future post). This Joker is easily, and unironically my favorite interpretation of the character, period. I love his energy, his design, everything. This is the most fun I’ve ever had watching a Joker on-screen, and for that I’ve gotta give the film credit where it is due.
Batman ‘66: I looooove Caesar Romero. Batman ‘66 in general is one of my favorite pieces of Batman media, and I absolutely adore this Joker. The show is pure, genuine fun, and it’s nice to turn my brain off and watch a show where the entire cast was allowed to goof around. This Joker is just a cute, goofy little clown-man who likes to commit crimes, go surfing, turn Gotham’s water reserve into gelatin, and have wild orgies with Penguin, Catwoman, and the Riddler. I massively appreciate the hustle. I love his little mustache and his facial expressions. I’d give him a chaste little kiss on the cheek if I could.
The Batman: EXTREMELY CONTROVERSIAL TAKE BUT. I think TB!Joker is better than what people will give him credit for. I can only imagine how stressful it must have been to be the first Batman cartoon to follow BTAS and the writers for this show knew they were gonna be fucked no matter what they did with the Joker, so they just decided to try something completely different with him. Personally, I appreciate the new direction- he has a fun, unhinged energy. I’ve placed him higher than BTAS/BTNA!Joker simply because The Batman was the show that got me into the Rogues in the first place, and I’m just a bit closer to this Joker because of it. Also his vampire form was cool as FUCK in Batman Vs. Dracula and the scene where he gets drenched in blood at a blood bank is fucking awesome.
Batman the Animated Series/The New Adventures: Everyone loves BTAS’s Joker, and I’m no exception. Mark Hamill is fucking great, and the writers clearly knew the character well enough to create a version of him that can be fun and threatening. As an aside, I unironically like his redesign in BTNA- I remember Hamill mentioning somewhere that he thought it was neat that this Joker looked more like a shark (I’ll see if I can find a source on that... I think he said it in an interview with Kevin Smith?) and I kinda agree with him. the redesigns in the final season are hit or miss, but I didn’t get why so many people bitched about the Joker’s new look.
Batman Unlimited: Hear me out... Hear me out... Clown... funny... and cute... He wears a little crown and gives Solomon Grundy a little smooch on the cheek and it is as delightful as it sounds. Yes the Batman Unlimited films literally only exist to sell toys but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy them on some ironic level.
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Lego Batman: He’s a gay icon. He has the range. Enough said.
White Knight: This is just a genuinely good, original take on the character, and the art in White Knight is absolutely gorgeous. 
Arkham: My friends and I joke that this Joker is basically a more unhinged version of BTAS! Joker and... yeah. I’m glad Hamill and Paul Dini got to fuck around with the character more, but I never really dwelled on the Joker parts of the games like I might have for other characters. I definitely liked him the most in Arkham Asylum, as he was more fun to watch. Arkham City was fiiiiine, but I think I replayed the game so much that I kinda got fatigued with everything about it. Genuinely hated his part in Origins, and I was pissed that he stole the attention from Black Mask and Bane (who’s the best fucking part of Origins IMO). I’ll admit that I... Haven’t... played... Knight yet (I have it on PC but my laptop is too wimpy to run it) but like... He’s dead at that point, so I’d assume he isn’t the main point of that game anyway. I love Mark Hamill and the fact I can personally beat the shit out of this Joker, so he’s ranked up pretty high for those reasons.
Batman ‘89: TBH this Joker should be a rank higher, but I’m too lazy to hop onto PicsArt to change it. NIcholson was an excellent choice, and I apprecaite how this Joker makes use of the playful and unhinged aspects of the character. Also, his outfits are cute, and I love the museum scene.
Brave and the Bold: Technically this Joker SHOULD be ranked higher since he’s literally based on the more lighthearted comics in the 60′s but... ehhh... I haven’t really watched BATB so I don’t have any strong opinions on the show and how it handles the character. he’s ranked this high through beause I appreciate what they were going for.
Golden Age: The quality of comics are always subjective, based on the creative team behind them. Some I’ll like more, others less so, It’s kind of hard to rank the pre-52 comic version of the Joker because of this.
Killing Joke: Read it, didn’t care for it. I acknowledge how massive the impact this comic had on... everything, but just because I recognize how important this graphic novel is, doesn’t mean I have to like it.
The Dark Knight: Ledger did an excellent job with the role, but uhh... I’m kind of sick of the alt-right chuds who are out there sucking this Joker’s dick. The fanbase definitely ruined the character for me.
99′: Eh
Endgame: No
Suicide Squad: NO
Death of the Family: Hate him. Despise him. Lame stupid dumb little edgy bitch.
Gotham (Jeremiah): I don’t particulary care for Gotham in general, but the only reason I ranked this Joker over Jerome is beause I thought it was kinda funny to see that they made him a little rat-man, and I liked watching all the fujoshi on here cry and complain that they can’t ship this version of the joker with the pre-pubescent Bruce Wayne in the show bc he’s too ugly.
Gotham (Jerome): stop shippping this freak (who is fucking eighteen years old) with a literal twelve year old child. what the FUCK is wrong with yall.
The Joker (2019): I don’t plan on watching this film, nor will I ever. I know this is ironic, coming from someone who runs a Rogue blog, but stuff that focuses primarily on a character’s deteriorating mental health makes me reaaaaallllllyyyyy anxious (it’s kind of a phobia) and considering that I don’t particularly the Joker, I have no reason to watch something I know will only give my dumb ADHD-ass intrusive throughts.
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kyosohmastan · 4 years
Here’s the first chapter of a fic I started. As I have expressed, I’m a ridiculously mega fan of Taylor Swift. I think this blog is 20% a Taylor fan blog tbh lol. So I came up with this fun idea that Taylor somehow takes over Tohru’s body and life and how the guys would preceive that. So this is going to be chaotic.
I’m putting it on A03 later once I’m a few chapters in just in case I need to touch anything up since I don’t outline. But here’s the rough draft exclusively for here if you would like to check it out~
Title: (I don’t have one yet but I’ll concern myself with it later)
Rating: T
Words (ch 1): 1,811
I’m too tired to open my eyes, even though I’m awake. If I could get in five minutes before I have to get ready, that might be enough to leave me refreshed. Probably not. I haven’t gotten enough sleep since I was sixteen. But I can’t bail on the show tonight for being too tired. That was an unspoken rule.
I turn over, kind of surprised the girls haven’t awaken me. They’re usually begging for breakfast right now. “Meredith?” I murmur, stroking the duvet for any signs of fur. “Olivia?”
 I finally open my eyes, seeing a pillow, sheets, a white nightstand...that isn’t mine. Puzzled, I sit up, getting a full scope of the room. What in the world? There’s so much pink in here, when my L.A bedroom is mostly white. There isn’t a cat in sight. 
“Benjamin?” I try again, wondering if they teleported here with me. All there is is silence. I get up, open the curtains, and gaze upon yards of forest when I should be looking at the bustling view of Beverly Hills. Something’s wrong. Something’s been wrong since way long ago, since the moment I opened my eyes. Did the rosé from last night hit too hard and I crashed at one of my team members' places? That must be it. I’ll just go see them and apologize. 
I head to the door, passing by a full length mirror on the wall on the way. I stop, taking a double take. The girl who looks at me has long brunette hair. I did not dye my hair. She looks young, teenager young. This isn’t me, but when I lift a hand to my face, the reflection follows. This isn’t possible. It’s got to be some type of dream. But as I touch my-...this girl’s face, I can feel it vividly. My mouth drops on an inaudible scream, and I scurry away from the mirror and out the door. 
The breath is knocked out of me as I land on something solid. A body? No. It’s a cat. An orange cat is beneath me, but it isn’t one of my cats. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say. What an adorable kitty. He stares up at me, a little befuddled. I’ve never seen a cat that expressive.
“Oh my gosh,” I giggle, pick it up, and squeeze him to me. “So cute!!! Where did you come from, little guy?” 
“Nani?” Something said aggressively. The cat? 
No. Not possible. I look around, trying to find the source of the voice. “Who said that?”
“Tohru!” It says. It’s definitely coming from the cat. His voice rumbles against my arms as I hold him. He says something in a foreign language that I can’t understand.
At once, I drop him, letting out a scream that I should have made ever since I found myself in this body. How could things be getting even weirder? 
I drop him, scooting back against the wall. “I-I’m so confused. What’s happening?”
A puff of orange smoke fills the hallway and I cough through it. As I peer within it, a body replaces where the cat just was. A naked body of a boy. Horrified, I turn my head away, left with even more questions.
He maneuvers to the room on the other side of the hallway and comes back a minute later dressed in a uniform.
Now that he’s clothed, I get a look at him. He’s tall with limbs slightly elongated to show he must still be growing, and he has gorgeous orange hair that I haven’t seen on anyone besides Ed. It’s the same color as the cat’s. He’s the cat? I can’t grasp the idea. Lord knows I’m still dreaming.
He crosses his arms, eyes narrowing, saying something that I can’t understand again.
I think that’s japanese. I know a little bit from my travels to Japan on tours but only the basics. “I don’t understand,” I reply
His brows raise. He looks more confused than I am, if that’s possible. “English?” he says.
I nod, reacting as skittish as if I was in front of a ten foot tall monster. He’s anything but. He is...wow, he’s super hot. But he has to be no older than seventeen. No. Can’t think like that. That’s gross.
“When...you speak english?” 
“Um...since forever?” I respond. His english is broken, but he clearly knows a little. Still, I need to find someone fluent and ask them what’s going on, if they even know. Wait. Does this mean I’m in Japan? Or I suppose this could still be L.A. There is a very diverse amount of people here.
He kneels, taking my hand and hauling me up from the ground. I stand on wobbling legs. “Sick?” he asks.
“Huh? No. Or maybe? I don’t know where I am. I don’t know who I am.”
His brows furrow more and more with each word I sputter out. His reply is indecipherable to me again. I’m only making him more frustrated in return. His voice is so aggressive.
I hate that I’m losing patience. I want to cry because I’m so confused, terrified, and worried that I hit my head on something. I must be blacked out right now and in a coma. Or I’m hallucinating all of this. “I don’t understand!” 
He sighs and holds his hands up. “Okay. Get dressed. We...figure it out…” He leaves down the stairs.
I can’t bring myself to move. So much is out of whack that I feel dizzy. Body swapping is impossible. It’s a cliche concept that you only see in sci-fi movies. Not in real life. I go back into the room and stumble to the closet. There’s a plethora of blouses and skirts with a few dresses sprinkled about. Not a pair of pants or shorts in sight. Flipping through the blouses, I can tell  whoever this girl is (Tohru?) and I have a very similar taste in style. It’s kind of refreshing that I can’t find any high-end brands. I can’t remember the last time I wore something just...normal. 
She has three pairs of two types of uniforms. Her school must use uniforms. Is it a school day? I take the navy blue blazer and matchin skirt off the hanger and work on taking off my pajamas, then I put it on. I double check myself in the mirror. She looks adorable. No kidding, I’ve never seen a cuter girl. I comb my fingers through my hair to fix it, then leave down the stairs, completely lost once I hit the landing. I follow the sounds of voices that I still can’t understand. There’s three of them, including the cat boy, at a kotatsu. They’re just as pleasing to look at. The one in the kimono looks to be around my age, and the one with the silver hair has an aura of sadness lingering around him that is somewhat contagious. The orange haired boy looks concerned as he watches me sit with them, before turning to the man and speaking in japanese with the same worry.
The man nods, turning his attention to me. “Good morning, Tohru-kun. How are you doing this morning?” he says in english, and immediately relief settles in me since I can finally understand someone. 
“Good...I think,” I reply. Nothing is going good.
“Is that so?” he inquires. “Kyo-kun thinks you seem a little off.”
Cat boy? I turn my head towards where he’s sitting adjacent to me, slowly sipping from a bowl of soup. I’m sure I must be acting nothing like this Tohru. It’s no wonder they’re concerned.
“Why do you think I’m acting differently?” I ask, knowing full well the reason. It’s a debate whether to tell them I’m someone else. How do you tell someone you’re another person in this body? Especially since they know Tohru. 
“First of all, you took.. so long getting dressed that I...had to make breakfast. You have never skipped out on making meals unless....you are sick,” Kyo says, slowly struggling through his english by taking long pauses.  
I swallow down my guilt as he continues, although I wasn’t aware. “You suddenly don’t remember how to speak japanese. You freaked out like...it was the first time again when...I transformed. You are wearing the fall uniform when it is spring.”
I don’t bother touching my food, even though it looks devine. He must be a good cook. I don’t know what to say to that.
The silver haired boy says something in their language, and I draw my attention to him. 
“He said you are not...wearing your ribbons,” Kyo translates. 
“My ribbons? In my hair?” I ask.
Kyo nods, observing me like I’m a foreign creature. 
This isn’t going to fly. I can’t pretend to be someone I’m not, at least someone I’m not on the inside. But they see right through me, especially Kyo as it seems. I freeze, twiddling my fingers under the kotatsu as I speed through ideas in my head on what to do. 
I could just tell them the truth. They might not believe me. I’m still having trouble believing it myself, but it would explain why Tohru seems off. It’d probably be easier if I told the truth anyway.
But...this could be my chance to live another life. I didn’t think of that until now. When have I ever been given the opportunity to just be normal? I’ve been constantly watched for fourteen years. I can’t even remember what it’s like to live normally. But especially after all that’s happened in the past few years..I want that.
So I lie. And I loathe myself for it. “I must have forgotten them! I’m sorry. I am feeling a bit off today.”
“Are you sick?” The man asks. “Maybe it would be better if you stayed home from school.”
God, school sounds so fun. I haven’t been to school in ages. I never even got a proper graduation. “No, I’m good. I’m just not in a good headspace. I’ll get better.”
Kyo is still leering at me. He seems to be the harder one of the bunch to convince. He feels my forehead, and my cheeks heat. That’s not going to help prove my case. “No fever,” he says. “I guess you’re fine then.”
“Right!” I respond. “Should we get going? Don’t want to be late!”
Yuki stands before I finish and Kyo follows. “Let’s go. Did you...forget your bag too?”
“Oh, I did!” I didn’t. I didn’t know I needed it. I skipped up the stairs. This is still wildly confusing and bizarre...but I’m going to school. I’m going to step into a place so forbidden to me to venture out to on my own. At this point, nothing is impossible anymore.
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rustandruin · 4 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @fireangel5683​, an angel if there ever was one! Thanks a lot Pao!!!
1. Robert Sugden/Aaron Dingle (Emmerdale): Never have I been so inspired to create and make stuff for a couple than these two idiots. They, and their incredible love story, lend themselves so easily to so many headcanons and scenarios. Truly the definition of a love that withstands time. (Also, they were canon on so many levels. Literally none of my other ships have come close to what these two have within the text itself. That and they were the first time I experienced true fandom. 12/10 Highly recommend.)
2. Rafael Barba/Sonny Carisi Jr. (Law and Order: SVU): These two have gotten me through some of the toughest times in my life, which sounds a bit dramatic, but it’s true. I’ll have trouble sleeping or relaxing, but then I’ll reread one of my favourite fics with them and something in me will let go and I’ll be okay. (I keep fading in and out of the show and my fandom for this pair, which is a good reminder that some loves will burn nice and low, just simmering on the backburner before randomly blazing bright again.)
3. Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.): I saw the the movie and lost my mind. They’re so well matched for each other and the chemistry is something else. (Not to mention the suits!) I rewatch this movie at least twice a year, and their fics tend to feature some of my favourite tropes, beyond the basic fact that they are spies who went from enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers. (The latter is definitely true of the show, which had some very tropey fic-like episodes.) I’d give anything for a sequel.
4. Poe Dameron/Finn (Star Wars): I still remember coming home from The Force Awakens and texting my friend a 1000-word essay about my thoughts on Poe and Finn and the soft masculinity inherent within the film, as well as the romance of their pairing. (Friends to lovers set amidst a larger war as they try and process their own lives while also stealing moments with each other???) I just really dig them and it’s been very fun losing my mind over them every two years. So it’s been a bit strange knowing that this was essentially the last time I’ll get to see them in a movie. I just hope we get plenty of canon stuff to work off of going forward. 
HONOURARY MENTIONS: Max/Furiosa (Mad Max Fury Road) and Arthur/Eames (Inception) 
LAST SONG: “Orange Sky” by Alexi Murdoch 
LAST MOVIE: Kung Fu Panda with my dad. I’ve seen it so many times, but every time I watch it I’m hooked. (One of the funniest scenes in cinema history is when Po tells Tigress that he has just learned that his father, a goose, is not his biological dad. It kills me every time.) 
READING: I was gifted a copy of The House In the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune, and inhaled it in a day. It’s absolutely perfect and I’m so happy it exists. It’s the magical queer Hallmark movie my heart has been searching for for years. It’s all about a caseworker who goes to inspect an orphanage of magical kids and in the process falls for the man running it and the kids in his care. Think found family, plenty of magic, and just a very sweet and tender love story wrapped in a thick, warm cloak of love and acceptance. I cried a few times. 
WHAT FOOD ARE YOU CRAVING RIGHT NOW: I would give anything for a greasy burger. 
I’m-a tag @whatdiknow @letthe3000rain @robertisbisexual @thompsonconnors @spamela-hamderson @illgetmerope @robertssvgden @keepersofmyheart @raelee514 @sinisha123 @jonny-versace and anyone else who feels like doing it! It’s pretty fun tbh. 
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
❤❤❤ exactly! Do u know of other movies with similar themes?
I THOUGHT OF THIS FOR A WHILE and can’t really get anything that’s EXACTLY the same as IT so idk here’s my favorite horror movies--i tend to not like straight up slasher or gore films and prefer ones that have actual characters and character relations so hopefully you’ll like something on the list? i also like Female Lead movies for the most part, so a big chunk of these have female leads. i tried to just make a list but started doing little blurbs so enjoy the blurbs :’|
TRAIN TO BUSAN. legit my #1 favorite horror movie (in my top 5 favorite movies of all time tbh). watch train to busan. the premise sounds really tired--people are stuck on a train going from seoul to busan and zombies are attacking--but it’s not really about the zombies. it’s super refreshing because the movie is about how people help each other out in times of danger / how humans have to stick together to survive. 
Let the Right One In. actually, this one is very IT. 12 year old Oskar would fit right in with the Losers club, it takes place in the 1980s, and has a sweet love story as well. (note, i’ve only seen the 2008/Swedish version. no idea how the remake is)
Byzantium. under!! rated !!! a mom (gemma arterton) and daughter (saorise ronan) vampire making their way through time. explores a lot of cool concepts that most vampire films don’t. centered on the ladies
Midsommar. a grief movie masquerading as a cult movie masquerading as a black comedy. the aesthetics are on point, and you’ll feel held by this movie :’D. i love that the entire film/palette is bright and beautiful. florence pugh kills it. chidi’s there.
The VVitch / The Witch. pilgrimy puritans (or whatever they were) living in a haunted forest doesn’t sound all that interesting but it is. really atmospheric and more of a crawling tension. also very Girl Power 
The Haunting of Hill House (series). This series made me cry like two times, okay. it’s a ghost story, but it’s also a story about a fucked up/broken family and mental illness. there’s also love stories within it. it’s one of the first stories i’ve seen that honestly integrates mental illness with horror and doesn’t do it in a cheap/exploitative way (LOOKING AT YOU, BIRD BOX fuck bird box). 
The Babadook. I thought this was going to be the standard Creepy Child movie when i first started it, but it’s a strangely beautiful?? look at grief and loss.
Hereditary. lol fuck this movie. but it’s a good movie. but gd. this one unnerved me A LOT (same filmmaker as midsommar). Toni Collette killed it.
Get Out. totally worth all the hype it gets--body horror, social commentary, and it also has its moments of dark comedy too. it’s also one of the rare movies where you really really root for the protagonist
The Ritual. Kind of like Midsommar’s B-Side. a bunch of dudes go backpacking in a swedish forest and awaken / stumble across an ancient being. also about grief and regret, and i liked the complicated relationships between the group of friends.
Suspiria. legit the prettiest movie i have ever seen. also very Girl Power (achem). ballet and witchcraft you know how it goes
Crimson Peak. v. Goth. v. Aesthetic. v. Jessica Chastain’s movie lbr.
Snowpiercer skirts the line for horror, but i’m going to add it anyway. The world is frozen and everyone alive is trapped on a continuously moving train. This movie has everything: class systems, tilda swinton with fake teeth, eggs, and chris evans with stubble.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
It's funny that Snoke says "There's been a awakening, have you felt it?" and Rey tells Luke "There's something inside me that's always been there. Now it's awake. I need help." I don't think it's just been the force, I think it's the darkness. She heard someones (likely Palpatine's voice) on Starkiller base. Snoke was using Kylo for his power and I think Palpatine may be using her or going to try. The awakening I believe is Rey. It's not just Palpatine. I think if Ben never went to the dark-
-side, his enemy would of been Rey. That feeling of something always been there, it was Palpatine. I think Palpatine is the dark-Obi-Wan of this story and was watching over her. Jakku had a sort've significance to Palpatine.
Hey, Nonnie.
I’m not sure about anyone else, but I always considered the “awakening” to be talking about Rey’s Force powers in general, in response to the darkness that’s rising across the galaxy. What she needed was that catalyst (Kylo) to come along and awaken that power within her. There have been plenty of meta written that connect his journey to Jakku and her awakening with this idea, as well as what she experiences in Maz’s castle in response to touching the ‘saber. The Force was obviously drawing her towards her destiny, and it’s not surprising that someone out there was waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of that.
As for it being the darkness, it’s not really something that hasn’t always been there in her, just like the light. The Force itself is what, a combination of these two factors? The potential for both within each living creature? I don’t really think it’s something that you can filter out entirely, or that only one aspect manifests, which is why we see such conflict in Ben and then such anger in Rey, the potential for both resides in the individual and striking a balance seems to be what they’re kind of shifting towards with the ST (which I imagine is different from the concept of the Gray Jedi that used to exist).
I mean, depending on what theory you’re into, there are plenty of people that believe that Rey and Kylo have been linked mystically since like even before their births, so it’s not out of th realm of (theoretical) possibility that Palps has been waiting for this moment to take advantage considering he’s had a contingency plan running all along. TBH, I’m of the opinion that Snoke was being used by Palps (the master manipulator) and was unaware of it all along (there’s that damn black ring again--and I wonder about the ring that Dark Rey is wearing in the trailer). His rise in the FO was surprising even to the people who were within it (like Rae Sloane), and kind of mysterious. Not that I think they’ll go into Snoke much in the movie, but it’ll be interesting to see what the Snoke comic reveals in a few months.
And maybe he’s had his eyes on Rey, but his obsession has always been with the Skywalkers, Anakin in particular, so I’m not so satisfied with that. If anything, Rey is a kind of Obi-Wan to Ben’s Anakin, stuck on a desert planet trying to do the best they can until some giant Skywalker comes back into the picture and everything’s thrown off its axis. If he’s been watching her, I think it’s after her powers manifested and he became aware of her. There’s more evidence to support that he’s been watching Ben since birth (like a lot of it actually), but never know what will be revealed in the future and he is a giant, manipulative dick so.
And as for TRoS, I’d be surprised if Palpatine didn’t try to use Rey in some way. And I think he’s going to manipulate her much in the same way he tried to Ezra on Rebels--he’s going to offer her something she always wanted and it’ll be interesting to see whether she’s able to resist the temptation. Alternatively, he could always reveal a terrible truth about her past (personally, I think she may have accidentally killed her parents) and use that to manipulate her into falling to the dark side. Should be said, she’s not going to end this movie dark (the main series is HOPEFUL), but it’ll be very interesting to see the conflict within her manifest in this story.
Anyways, I’m like half-asleep, so I’m sure this is like rambly lol but interesting thoughts, Nonnie! Thanks for sharing! 
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drnucleus · 6 years
I don’t know what to expect from IX. I’m really hoping it is endgame and they don’t just drop the romance angle, but it’s also kind of what I’m expecting? Like I don’t expect follow-through from it, even though I would love it if it happened
Hi Nonnie, 
I totally get it. I understand that completely. Do I think it’s endgame? Yes. 
However am I going into IX with any expectations? NOPE. I’m a fandom granny. No seriously I have lived through so many fandoms that I simply go in with no expectations. That way if what I think might happen if even in some small way happens then I will be super happy and overjoyed and if it doesn’t I am usually able to divorce myself from my disappointment and respect the creator’s vision.
As a writer and someone who was professionally trained to do so, I know that creators have a vision. They have an endgame in mind. And they drop breadcrumbs about it from the beginning and if you’re clever enough to see them you usually can figure out any story. 
This is why I ruin police procedurals for my mom. My dad and I made a game of it watching Law and Order as a kid growing up (and I mean OG Law and Order with Det. Lenny Briscoe). Whomever could figure out who committed the murder first won. We used to keep a running tally. My dad was really good at it, but when I got really into reading and started reading mystery novels and horror novels and other stories that rely heavily on mystery boxes I started getting better at it. We also watched Law and Order because my two actor 2nd cousins have been guest stars as defense lawyers idk how many times but that’s neither here nor there.
And tbh ESB’s twist of Vader as Luke’s father came as such a shock because IDK if even Lucas really knew he was going to do it until he did it. Luckily the story was vague enough in ANH that a throw away line about certain points of view was enough to close what could have been a crippling plot hole. 
My mom is an OG Star wars fan. Mostly bc she loves the pew pew and the lightsaber battles, and secondly because Harrison Ford is a very handsome and talented man (tbh my first crush was Han Solo and second was Indy).
My mom was there when everyone was UP IN ARMS about Leia and Luke kissing. And how that was SOOOOOO going to be endgame. Which originally Lucas had intended that Leia would be a love interest for Luke and that the twin sister would be revealed in 7, 8 and 9 someday. However during writing ROTJ and filming ESB he decided to really hone in on Leia and Han’s chemistry (granted Irving was directing then) but he made the narrative choice to make Leia the sister and Han her love interest. It simultaneously elevated Leia’s narrative importance and made her the leading lady of her own story on equal footing to her equally powerful twin brother instead of just being Luke’s sidekick love interest.
Even when I was a KID and I saw ESB it always kind of made me laugh that Leia’s response to Han goading her about liking him was to smack lips with the only other humanoid male in the room just to prove how NOT smitten she was with Han. (AND if that doesn’t make her simultaneously Padme and Anakin’s child I don’t know what will convince you otherwise).
TPM came out when was was 13 and a half which will be 20 yrs ago next May - HOLY FUCK. And I’ve been an avid reader since I could read so I had gobbled up countless numbers of books by then. I was in the theater with my parents and legit held my hand up over Ian’s eyes and gasped and tugged on my mom’s sleeve. 
“Mom that’s THE EMPEROR” and she was like “No honey he’s just a senator who’s now chancellor of the republic”
And this was still in the age of Dial-up internet and no IMDB. So I did my own digging and found our VHS copies of the OT and looked at the cast listing at the end of the movie. And saw the same name playing the Emperor as the man playing Senator-Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Now the movies in the OT never actually say the Emperor’s real name. He’s just the shadowy, scary Emperor with lightning bolts shooting out of his hands. So like we knew in TPM that Palpy was going to become the emperor. Now say what you will about the Prequels but Lucas did do a fair bit of narrative arc planning with it than what he threw together with the OT. 
He knew we had to meet Anakin as a boy, see him as a caring and compassionate individual who is uniquely gifted in the Force. And that had circumstances been different he would have probably been the paragon force sensitive and balanced the force. However due to realistic flaws of all characters, good and bad alike, including flaws within Anakin’s character himself he falls prey to the darkside and it’s temptations and then becomes the very thing he feared.
Tbh next to TLJ, ROTS is right up there with ESB as my favorite in the saga. Sure the dialogue is wooden and clunky. Lucas is not a dialogue director. He’s a vision director. He has a scene in his mind, and he wants it played like that. Which is fine. He also came from a school of thought in the 1970s where sci-fi was pure camp and overdramatic. His style never really changed. The OT is so lauded because he didn’t direct all of them. He had other people come in and he had script doctoring and his first wife in the editing room taking his vision and turning it into a cohesive narrative. We seem to forget that Lucas was a young dude right out of film school when he made ANH. He barely knew how to string a narrative together and the early cuts of ANH were terrible and nowhere near what people saw in the theater. Don’t believe me? Google “how star wars was saved in the editing room” it’s a remarkable story about how Lucas’s first wife and principal editor basically made ANH into an actual story instead of a mish mash of ideas that it was before. The prequels had Lucas at the helm for all three. Yes by then he had gotten a hold of narratively what he wanted to convey, but he still didn’t always convey it in the most efficient ways.
But there are moments in the prequels that I’m stunned by their perfection. “This is how liberty dies? With thunderous applause.” as Padme watches in horror as the Republic becomes an empire before her eyes. It’s perfect to convey the horror she feels and her disgust at what the thing she’s fought for so long to just crumble and slip away. 
Or the entirety of the Anakin v. Obi Wan Mustafar battle. Visually STUNNING, and heartbreaking. You can feel how much neither of them want to fight the other but how they both are so entrenched in their now opposite ideologies that they know they have to fight. 
I’ve also been a fan of JJ’s for a long time. 
Sure he loves mystery boxes but he usually makes the answer SO obvious that most people ignore it. 
Like on Lost which I never actually watched save for maybe a few episodes, it’s pretty clear that something metaphysical is going on in that island with the crash. And there are clues dating back to the pilot as to what happened in the finale. 
In TFA we’re introduced to Rey. We’re given a mystery box of who is Rey and why is she important and who is her family. But we’re also given the answer. She’s no one. And that’s why she’s important. She is no one. She doesn’t need to have this huge galactic sized legacy on her shoulders to be important, to be special. SHE IS NO ONE. And that’s why the Force chose her as its vessel. 
Reason why is that she’s narratively the perfect foil for her counterpart Ben Solo/Kylo Ren. He has all that legacy and weight on his shoulders. They’re equals in power in strength, in light and darkness. They are complete equals. And TFA was all about establishing that fact. Now TLJ was all about deepening that initial connection. To get them both to scratch beneath the surface of one another, and get under one another’s skin. In doing so Ben learned that Rey just wants to belong, to be loved and have a place in the galaxy. And Rey, she learned that Ben is just as lonely, but has rejected his birthright because he felt rejected and abandoned by those who should have unconditionally loved and protected him from Snoke (which granted OT Trio tried but they def didn’t have great parenting examples either sooooo).
Now as an adult Ben is bitter, full of resentment and rage because the people he should have been able to count on fucked up royally. And I love that. I resonate with it because of my own experiences as an abuse survivor too. But even more so because it makes Han, Leia and Luke less perfect legends and more human. It makes them real and relatable that they tried to do everything right by their kiddo but ended up fucking him up.  Luke’s betrayal itself was the least shocking part of TLJ tbh. Like does no one remember him going ABSOLUTELY banana balls insane when Vader threatened Leia in ROTJ?
That kind of Skywalker level extra doesn’t just go away with age. 
And yeah Ben needed someone in the fam to be like “so kid, um, lets talk about this.” No one in the OT Trio is good at talking about their feelings. Luke tries to control his by just not dealing with it - the kind of thing you’d expect from a “pray the depression away” type. Leia ignores it and bottles that shit until it comes out as thinly veiled anger. And Han is the most ridiculous of the three with his constant hot and cold routine throughout ESB.
The ST is yes about the failures of the OT trio, the failures of the Jedi and the Sith. But it’s also a story about the force and it’s two chosen vessels. A girl from nowhere and the last scion of the Skywalker line. The fact that their connections in TLJ are coded as sexual awakenings is very indicative of where I think this is all going to go. The Force is basically the Skywalker Patriarch if we’re going on the whole immaculate conception with Shmi. And Ben fell from his path for years now thanks to the other Skywalkers falling from the path and inadvertently pushing him down the rabbit hole with Snoke, manipulating everything like a master of puppets. 
JJ himself even said he was upset that he didn’t get to direct TLJ because he loved Rian’s script so much. 
I have faith we’re going to get a hell of a finish to the 9 film Skywalker saga. With Reylo as endgame or not I think we’re going to get something truly satisfying that links all 9 movies together in a way that will have meta writers writing for years to come about all the parallels and thematic Leitmotifs within the narrative as a whole that encompasses technically 4 generations of Skywalkers (Shmi, Anakin, Luke/Leia, and Ben).
When Ben killed Han in TFA and you get that focused in shot of Adam’s face as the weight of what he just did HITS him and his eyes widen and his lips part, you see the exact moment he shatters his soul realizing that he just seriously fucked up. I leaned over to my best friend that night in the midnight showing and said “do you smell redemption arc?” and I’ve been on that train from day one. 
If he were truly irredeemable he wouldn’t have split his spirit to the bone by killing his father. He wouldn’t have cared to try to convince Rey to be her teacher in the middle of their battle. He wouldn’t care that Rey stares at him like she did that night and call him a monster. A real monster wouldn’t care at being called one. And is so very shook and pained by that moniker with his lower lip quiver and his eyes red rimmed. If he were truly irredeemable he wouldn’t have killed his master just to save the girl, he’d have just usurped power and shrugged her off instead of trying to convince her to stay with him. He wouldn’t have addressed her fear and insecurity of being nothing and no one while shaking his head and saying “but not to me”. If he were truly a monster he would have pulled the damn trigger when his had the bridge of the Raddus in his sights but couldn’t because he felt his mother’s love for him even after everything he’s done.
Has he done terrible things? YES. He definitely has. But he has the equal potential for amazing things as much as he has for the terrible things he’s done. And I for one will be happy to see him begin to even slightly embrace that potential by the end of ep 9. Reylo or no Reylo I’m sure I’m going to be happy with ep 9. There’s no way Adam and so many other brilliant actors would have signed on without at least knowing where this is all gonna go. Adam himself was hesitant to take on the burden of SW but was convinced to do so because of the complexity of Ben’s character. That to me says we’re getting something amazing in ep9. And I can’t wait.
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transslyblue · 5 years
Also "1-99"
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
Haha, closed. I don't like seeing the dark void that I call a closet
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Yea, but you can't really see them unless you're close
(3) Can You Whistle?
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical, the Tavern Song
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Blue, but I also like a variety of purples and greens
(6) Relationship Status.
Single and not looking
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
69º F
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Yea, unless I wake up myself
(9) How Many Followers?
118, but I need to go through and block any bots. (;w;)
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
Blue/green hazel. My eyes are multi-coloured so they have blue, green, and brown with a very grey look to them.
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
I forget daily
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
I really want to get back to reading some more Lovecraft, but i don't have much time to read
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
"Minutes before librarians ate him."
(16) Favourite Anime?
Uuuuhhhhhh, hm. I guess it'd have to be InuYasha, but I like a lot of anime
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Err,,, it was a very close friend. Idk if they'd want me to say who they are tho
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Rocks and those snowglobe musicboxes
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Yogurt and a protein bar. Ik, ik real healthy and filling
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Depends on the song, but not really
(21) Favourite Animal?
Owls and cats
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Not really, but when I do it's the diving Olympics
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
I don't wear makeup. Though I have considered it
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Either. Pool is safer though
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
Oof, idk if I can pick just one, so imma name a few. @ohhimarx @mirosuikaaa @masochist-incarnate they're all really friendly and nice
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Whichever is most convenient at the time
(28) What Makes You Happy?
The sound of rain, art, my friends talking to me, I have a list that I've posted, so I won't list out here
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Tumblr media
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
Haha, I don't study;;;
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
Blue-tiful lol, for real though probably bubble blue
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
Does Switch/ds count?
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Not really, but I won't bash on anyone who does
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Black, but is a Link being a meme
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
I save more then I spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Yea, it's a pink pillow of Lion from Steven Universe and a music stand from when I was in middle school
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Kirby in general
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Nope, but I have touched one before
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Yes and no. It really depends on how long I've been around them
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Omg yes! I remember a few and they were all lucid dreams! (I looked up the term from last time I answered this question)
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
Never been on one
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Of Mice and Men
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Panic!At the Disco, Fallout Boy, or The Neighborhood
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really. There are some foods I refuse to eat, but otherwise I eat pretty much anything
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nope! I actually like thunder
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
I enjoy reading. As for writing, eh. I'll write out my ideas but I'mno good at fleshing them out to be interesting
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
Yes. But not too loud, just enough where I don't hear everyone around me
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Carve pumpkins! I really am bad at wrapping presents
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Hurts - Illuminated
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Spring and dying from pollen
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
Idk, something salty tbh
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Tumblr media
(58) What Is Your Gender?
I'm a transgender male, so i use he/him pronouns.
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
Both, but I like tea more
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I'm not in school anymore soooo no
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Idk. Questioning I guess
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
I already answered this one, so I'll say a new pokemon that I love. Rowlet!
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Bruh I am not a fan, but Tumblrs the one I'm on most.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
Idk. I don't have an Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
(67) Are You A Virgin?
Yes, and I plan to stay that way for awhile
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
I use Suave, but I also use TeaTree when I get really bad dandruff
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Depends on the place. But most likely I'd risk the motel.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
My mom yes, my biological father... It's complicated
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I don't really watch movies, so none
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
I don't have an ex
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
Be the person you needed when you were younger. I have no clue who said it, but I live by that
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
Eyes in general are great. Idk how anyone can not find something they like in any eye colour
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
Voez and Pokémon Go
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
Yes, because no oen deserves to die. I'd do my best to help any homeless person
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Haha, not today. Yet
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
Not really
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
I don't wear jewlery much. But I would like to get my ears pierced properly
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed! I don't want people or my cat to walk in
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
I woke up, did laundry, answered these questions
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Pajama pants and a t-shirt
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
I've got none. Unless you want me to name what body wash i use. :/
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
Night person
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Phone: Voez, Pokémon Go
Switch: Legend of Zeld: Breath of the wild, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Kirby Star Allies, Mario Kart 8, PuyoPuyo Tetris, Bayonetta 1&2, Hyrule Warriors, Just Dance 2017, Super Mario Party, Let's Go Eevee, Mario Odyssey, Undertale, Shovel Knight, Pokémon quest, Mom Hid my Game, Deemo, Sonic Mania, Detention, The Coma, Cave Story
3DS: Kirby Clash Deluxe, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Kirby Planet Robobot, Kirby Canvas Curse, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirbg Super Star Ultra, Kirby Squeak Squad, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Pokémon Heartgold, Legend of Zelda Link Between Worlds, Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, Super Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Wario Ware Gold, Super Princess Peach, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Cooking Mama, Cooking Mama 2, Sonic Colors
Gameboy Color: Pokemon Blue, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening
This is over the course of many years
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
I had this dream where I was flying a red paper plane. It took forever to carry it up this tapestry, but i did it. When I finally took off this group of white paper planes were chasing me so I shook them off and landed, taking shelter in this museum. This museum held other people hiding and was actually an abandoned grocery store. Then I woke up.
I don't rememebr when this was, but I wrote it down. I have a few more if you're interested.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Strawberry Ramuné
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
Jeans, since I can't wear sweatpants to work
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Uhhh, probably a slob since I've been in pajamas all day
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Stuffed animals
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
Idk. Haven't really wanted one. Maybe a connect the dots one.
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Idk. I watch Pyrocynical and Markiplier, but other than that I listen to music, watch speedpaints, and speed plays of various videogames
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smnthchrstn · 6 years
I need to make sure, YOU DO ALL 99 QUESTIONS, 99 being "ask anything" so, question for 99 is... Christine or Samantha?
Quite possibly the scariest ask meme I’ve ever answered lmao 
how tall are you? I’m somewhere around 5′7 - 5′8 
what is your body type? It’s a body, it keeps me alive lol 
what is your favorite part about your body? My hair, usually.
is your current hair color your natural hair color? No
are you more outgoing or more shy? Shy
are you more femme or butch? I wanna say femme but that’s only because I have very long hair atm. 
are you tol or smol? Tol more than smol
wine mom or vodka aunt? Vodka aunt
weird habit? I nervously bruise myself as weird as that sounds. If I’m at work during a stressful call I’ll end up accidentally bruising my legs or arms by squeezing them so hard in a panic
favorite meme? Lately I’ve been saying stuff and putting this gif of Sarah Paulson from Bird Box right after whatever I’ve said. I’ll include it at the end or my formatting will get all messed up.
do you sing in the shower? Occasionally when I’m waiting the three minutes for my deep conditioner to deep condition (?) I’ll sing Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac or Gypsy. 
ever used a bow and arrow? No
are/were you a theatre kid? Nope
have you ever seen a broadway musical? Live? No
do you think musicals are cheesy? No way!
have you ever been a part of a protest or a march? I haven’t.
favorite Cards Against Humanity Card? I’ve never played it physically, but I’ve played it online a couple times.
last movie you watched? Ghostbusters. I needed some Kate McKinnon :P
behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
favorite tv show? American Horror Story or Friends
meaning behind your url First and middle name and then roleplay
reason you joined tumblr Many years ago the lead singer of my favorite band at the time had it.
who’s your closest tumblr friend? I couldn’t pick just one person.
what’s something most people love that you hate? Seafood?
have you ever taken narcotics? No lol
have you had sex? Sex means a lot of things to a lot of different people and as far as what I consider sex to mean to me; no I have not.
have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? One time the cops followed me home at sixteen because they thought my friend had beer in the car. We were really sims junkies and had several cans of Red Bull and Monster in her backseat. 
worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told? This is dumb, but last year I lied to my mom about a hickey that my partner at the time gave me. I had too many to hide and that was my fault lol spoiler alert: she didn’t believe my dumb ass.
describe your passion without mentioning it. Pen, paper, gay
describe your best friend. She is beautiful inside and out. I love her to death.
give us one thing about you that no one knows. Well, I mean two people know this but this past weekend I relapsed for the first time in God knows how long and that’s something I have a lot of shame over. Even though I know anyone reading this won’t find it shameful because we all or most of us deal with this kind of thing.
how do you feel right now? I’m emotional from the last question lol
what is your biggest fear? Abandonment 
what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Mamma Mia, the ABBA version.
what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far? Coming out! Literally saved my life.
have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end? All the time
something you fantasize about. I fantasize about a day that I can love someone and finally believe they aren’t going to walk away or make me feel that I’m not good enough.
last time you cried and why I cried on Saturday because I didn’t want to be alive anymore lmao this is dark you asked for it 🤷‍♀️
what was the last thing that made you laugh? The Meryl Streep meme lol
do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes. Different people at different times.
who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? I really don’t know.
the last time you felt broken? I feel broken every day, haha. Today?
are you starting to realize anything? Starting? I don’t necessarily think so.
are you more dominant or more submissive? I can be either, depending on the other person and the situation. 
i’ll only date you if you love Sarah Paulson.
do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older? I’ve liked people older, I’ve liked people younger. I don’t think I’ve ever liked someone my own age, though. I’m open to whatever.
describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail. G r e a t  d e t a i l
do you have any kinks? See the turn on question.
first thing you notice in a person? Eyes, hair and kindness/personality.
how can someone win your heart? Loyalty and common interests.
been rejected by a crush? Of course
have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yes
would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? I never text, it’s probably like Kelly lmao. I’ll show her this, but no. I don’t think I’ve ever been romantically involved with a straight girl.
is trust a big issue for you? Yeppp
did you hang out with the person you like recently? I don’t hang out with anyone tbh
is confidence cute? I think if a girl knows she’s got it, then that’s great. Like own whatever you’re good at / if you’re cute af own that you’re cute af. Everyone’s cute af, girls are unbelievable 
what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Hypothetically, if I liked a person and they kissed someone else deep down inside that would probably make something in my chest flinch, but I wouldn’t say anything.
would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? I don’t think so, but I laugh pretty easily.
does the person you have feelings for right now know you do? To be completely honest, when I came out I pretty much memorialized every girl I liked from 11 years old to 2017 within my coming out letter. Anybody I’ve liked from 2017 -  present knows that I liked them. I’m usually the “keep it in until I die” kind of person though. 
ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? I’ve done this several times and I’m sure I’ll never stop.
do you want to get married It scares me, but yeah.
worst thing you’ve ever done? I accidentally told a client “That’s great, bye!” when she told me her husband couldn’t hear properly to do a survey. (I was very sick and a little high on painkillers)
three things that turn you on. Cover your eyes kiddos. 1) Thigh kisses. 2) Lower stomach kisses. 3) Neck kisses / hickeys. Friiiick
who do you hate? Hate is a very strong word, I greatly dislike someone but that’s neither here nor there.
favorite term of endearment? Probably baby, but I like honey if I’m the one saying it
who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening? Courteney Cox
intimidating girls or kind girls? Kind
what do you look for in a possible partner? Someone who is trustworthy, kind, sensitive and again as always can make a grilled cheese that doesn’t look like a wet sock
do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls? I’ve liked literally all of them, I’m just a giant lesbian
are you good at flirting? Nope lmao
who was the first person you came out to? I think it was @therainbowtink if we’re getting technical here but I’m sure @onenighttofuckupmylife had to be a close second once I really knew for sure.
do you have any friends who are wlw? All of them except two
is your crush wlw? All of my crushes have been, thankfully
last person to make you reconsider your sexuality? No man has that power, come on now
write a short love poem to your crush/self? Dear self, you are a dumb ass. Love, Samantha.
do you fall in love easily? Ohohoho
is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? Yes. It varies, but I’ve got a couple.
are you good at hiding your feelings? I try, I have no idea if I’d ever make it as an actor. I act at work every day when I pretend to not have severe anxiety lol
are you a forgiving person? Yes
what is your “type?” I have no type, I’m just gay af
fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours? They’re both such rewarding places to be. Being able to give someone that comfort is one of life’s greatest gifts, but when you’re really really tired or really really sick you want nothing more than to curl up against your person and pass tf out against them. I couldn’t choose. 
tall girls or short girls? Both!
hugs or kisses? Oof. I don’t know, it depends on the situation. Both are fun. I’m kind of an awkward hugger I’d rather snuggle
twirl her around or get twirled? I’m too old both of those make me want to throw up haha. 
tummy kisses or thigh kisses? Honestly they both fuck me up, but I like giving tummy kisses better than giving thigh kisses.
hairline kisses or neck kisses? Neck always
play with her hair or stroke her tummy? These are both very rewarding who wouldn’t choose both 
making out or soft kisses? Soft, but sometimes you just need to make out 🤷‍♀️
hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist? Both!
how confident are you in your sexuality? 110%
when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach? Butterflies in the stomach 110%
have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them? Do you mean every single time I’ve liked someone? I’m reasonably sure every girl I’ve ever liked up until present know that I liked them.
how old were you when you realized you were into girls? This question is tricky. I was 10 when I had my first crush on a girl. 17 when it happened again, but didn’t acknowledge that I had one until 20.
most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl? I’ve done a thousand embarrassing thins.
do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon? Foxxay and no because Ryan Murphy is a coward.
what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality? When I came out my grandma told me “we have no reason to discuss your sex life” and that not only aggravated me, but hurt. Alternatively, my aunt told me that I like girls because my dad wasn’t around for a chunk of my life and that hurt me I think more than aggravated me, although it did that too because it’s never been any of her business.
when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter? Have you seen Sarah Paulson? Every single day. Every. day.
what is love to you? Love is when you care about someone and their well-being. We love our pets, we love our family, we love our friends, we love artists and actors and musicians. We love ourselves. Love comes in many forms. 
ask me anything. Call me whatever you want (just not Sam lol)
A straight couple: shows PDA in public
Tumblr media
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owlispls · 6 years
1. how long have you known you liked girls?
I know it since I was… 9…? I dunno around that time :DSinging to all the songs I liked (all sung by men) and not changing a pronoun just felt right. I actually changed pronouns with songs from women. Also Shakiras hips really don’t lie 8EYESEMOJI)
2. talk about the girl who made you realise you liked girls
Let’s talk about the girl in my school. She was not in the same class as I was but we basically crushed on each other for SIX DAMN YEARS and it took a school change from me that we were actually able to confess.We shared so much and did so much stuff together. We knew from each other, that we liked girls. But both of us were too shy to admit that we liked each other. Plus a suuuuper homophobic surrounding. It caused us to break up after only 1 week.
3. are you in a relationship at the moment?
yesh ;w;
4. do you have a crush at the moment?
It’s my giiirlfwiend Mars
5. describe your crush!
She is super cute, super amazing and she makes me smile a lot and she makes me suuper happy ;w;
6. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
I…. dunno? Never thought about it, tbh. But maybe more feminine or androgynous…?
7. do you look/dress more masculine, feminine, or androgynous?
I got called butch Queen the other day. But also like to fancy up from time to time. But button up shirts, bow tie and suspenders (plus mayyybe beanie) is my comfy fancy outfit-choice. I also like skirts sometimes…? AH I DUNNO
8. what’s your gaydar like?
pretty okay. Sometimes I get asked by a friend if I get a gay vibe from someone and I’m mostly right~
9. tall girls or short girls?
I don’t care :D
10. intimidating girls or kind girls?
huff… a good mix of both! (look at me being indecisive)
11. hugs or kisses?
kisses! All the kisses! But I love hugs as well… BUT KISSES MORE
12. do you have an ideal ‘type’? what would they be like?
I don’t have an ideal type
13. what’s your favourite personality trait of yours?
mmmmh~ patience, tolerance and kindness!
14. what’s your favourite personality trait for a girl to have?
cleverness… kindness~
15. what’s the best thing about liking girls?
the moment I accepted myself for being a lesbian I looked at girls differently. More soft, seriously, the softness of liking girls is the best!
16. do you have any friends who are wlw?
yush quite a few :O
17. have you ever been to pride? if so, what was your first pride like?
yes. I was at pride for the first time this year (2018). It wasn’t the best experience since I mostly searched for someone who was mad at me.
18. do you like the lesbian flag?
I think it’s alright. I’m not someone who likes pink a lot. I once saw a “pink lemonade”-lesbian pride flag. And I liked it so much more.
19. what was your first kiss with a girl like?
pretty soft. We both already knew what to do, so it wasn’t super sloppy or something like that. It made me feel so much more tingly than I knew it at the time.
20. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
HUFF Shego and Kim Possible. But mostly Shego!
21. what’s your favourite lgbt+ movie?
right now it’s Love, Simon. Seriously I wish I had a movie like this when I was younger. This is PERFECT!
22. who’s your favourite openly wlw celebrity?
Ellen Paige, Ellen Degeneres, Kristen Stewart
23. do you wear makeup?
yush! I do my eyebrows and mascara almost(!!) everyday. often I do some eyeliner and I also have a foundation that I actually like a lot.
24. who was the first person you came out to (if you have)?
Look at question 2.
25. has anyone ever come out to you?
yes but I won’t out anyone, so live with the fact that I’m not telling names
26. have you found a community of lgbt+ people?
Ye, I found a little group of lgbt+ people in FFXIV who I talk to almost on a daily basis. Also almost all of my friends identify within lgbt+
27. do you have any older lgbt+ people you look up to?
mmm not from the top of my head right now. 
28. do you identify with butch/femme labels?
I agree with them. But everything is fluid and on a spectrum for me. So I don’t think that everyone is just butch OR femme. Everyone should be comfy in their own style.
29. who’s your favourite fictional wlw?
even tho I normally don’t ship, watch me shipping Abby Suso and Leah Burke.
30. what experiences are you looking forward to having in the future (kissing a girl, going to pride, etc)?
Kissing Mars at pride someday.Also a roadtrip/vacation with Mars!
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deuce-duce · 4 years
Courage To Grow
Before I continue forward small disclaimer. Lol! During these activities I will be going over I’m usually listening to music. Music helps me maintain the mood and vibration that I have achieved through resetting and feeding my mood!
Picking up somewhere, where I left off, begins with feeding my mood by feeding my mind. For my mood essentially dictates my productivity tactfulness and my ability to absorb new information and skills so that they might benefit me when the right situation arises.
When I am in a bad mood I’m unreceptive, nothing flows and Murphy’s Law begins to take full affect (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong)!! Things escalate, much quicker and always seem harder or more complicated then they need to be.
If my mood regulates what Im able to accomplish, then I better learn how to regulate my mood!! There are many different ways to enhance your mood and overall well-being, which I’ll discuss later. Right now I just want to explain how I get myself out of bed everyday with tenacity and a positive outlook to keep fighting the good fight!
Before I jump into that I have to explain a little... re.... wi....nd....!! To the 28th of January 2021.
So I really wanted to write on the 28th... I had it all planned out and really thought I would be able to pull it off. Unfortunately all the things I had grown accustomed to remaining the same and being unchanging i.e. the little things, were suddenly causing me discourse. I won’t bore you with the specifics, in reality the people involved don’t deserve the time attention or energy. Let’s just say I was In a place I’m not in very often because of how it makes me feel. Amidst the noise and haste I was still able to get done a couple of the things I needed to, laundry & a couple other things for work.
Off to work I went!! Frustrated and irritated... UGH.... shortly after embarking on my commute to work I was about to enter the park, then right in front of me were two pairs of birds soaring through the sky. These birds stayed in their pairs but would separate from the group and then reconvene. Immediately I completely forgot about the irritation and frustration and was ear to ear hahaha even after the birds were out of sight I couldn’t stop smiling! I think this was my sign that what I have been telling you is correct! For it really is the little things, the silver linings that really make the cloudy days worth living! It also gave testimony to even though my life has been really hard it truly is SO.... Beautiful!!
After a hellacious day at work LOL (really wasn’t that bad) I was walking home and as I cut through the park like any other day I crossed the Good Bridge and then the other as I was crossing I was looking down and realized that the ground and the water were glowing almost! I stopped dead in my tracks looked up and was confronted with the bright beams of January’s full moon! Dubbed the Wolf Moon. Now although this next part is just a coincidence, Metamorphosis was playing and the last verse had just started... I’m sure you know what happened next... I turned on my camera and took pictures!! Lol when my camera came on the music turned off I was like awe.... in disappointment but then all I could hear was the rushing sound of the river and felt at peace within myself! It was really cool! after I finished taking pics and continued walking I couldn’t stop looking at the 🌝 and then the clouds blew in front of it and it was gone... hmm.... maybe there really is a Man on the Moon...! The other strange part about this coincidence was it was literally in the same place I saw the 4 birds soaring earlier that day.
When things like this occur I never really quite know how to explain em. I feel crazy right now explaining this to you and what happened because of how far fetched it sounds and I definitely could be compounding events associating meaning with events that aren’t even meaningful. But being aware of synchronicities and patterns is the key to hearing that which is never said... “ohhhh 💩 did he just say he hears things that aren’t said... like hears voices...??? CRAY!!” But then again your opinion doesn’t matter this is my story and this is what happened to me. I think it’s cool and crazy tbh but definitely worth it for me to share. Once again I’ll reiterate the song Be Aware by SOJA. I could also go into telling you how powerful the moon is and how it affects our planet and population but I’ll let you ✔️that out on your own. Once again it’s the little things that really are the big things... sometimes we’re too concerned with things that maybe we shouldn’t let consume us that we miss on that which is going on around us. #stayinginthemoment
The 29th was a day spent enjoying all the things I like doing. I had a day off so I spent it listening to some new music sleeping... I even spent some time in the gym. Thought about writing on both the 29th and 30th but just wasn’t feeling it... and if you haven’t grasped it yet I’m definitely hooked on a feeling... it was also important for me to pay homage to modern day Kings. ❤️✊!! Then the 31st rolled around I worked something like 13 hrs and really didn’t think I would be putting my best foot forward if I did... and so I wait! Besides what better day to write then 02-01 of 2021 unfortunately they are coming at me like machine guns and couldn’t pull it off! But hey there’s always today and really it couldn’t be more fitting 2-2 is always a great day to drop. So before I go any further I just would like to say... thank You for without you there would be no me no 2-2 so I will salute you and bid you adooo all in one motion, Cheerio!!
Alright enough 🤡’in around... back to moods. As I’ve started discovering and uncovering that which keeps me in a state of tranquility, promoting spiritual growth and elevation of my consciousness I have changed a lot of what I follow on the Gram. Of course I still follow a lot of scantily clad lasses for I am a man... I just decided I should follow more of what makes my soul smile as well. To me that’s many different kinds of art; fashion, jewelry, photography, music, nature, awakening as well as different opinions and perspectives. Why?!?! Even though I might not agree or resonate with another’s opinion or perspective it’s still good to know. My English teacher would always drive home the point of the more ya know... the more ya know... I thought it was just so you could be a well refined individual but there’s more to it then that by increasing your knowledge you begin cultivating that which is called an open mind. Which could also be the opening of your 3rd eye. But we will discuss that after I explain how I get myself out of bed each day with tenacity and and a positive mindset to take on the day and continue fighting the good fight!
Why the Gram??? There’s so much free thought on there that you literally could jump down rabbit hole after rabbit hole increasing your knowledge, know how and giving you subjects and skills to research on your own. Sometimes I watch movies by accident and then it’s almost like I was meant to watch that movie at that time... it’s crazy (Avengers End Game) 😭😭 so if a movie is calling out for u to watch it you probably should. 2 things I can’t stress enough!! Learn about that which speaks to you and moves you not someone else for your individuality is the most valuable thing you will ever have in your life. Is it good to learn about things others know YES! But if you realize that it’s not providing you with anything and your just not feeling it... then... just let it go keep what you have learned but don’t put a lot of effort into it. Focus on what moves you. Stress point 2 when learning something new there are going to be things your not going to understand anytime that happens to me I open up a browser and figure out what is being discusssd or described. So that I have a better understanding of something. If you need to you can always ask someone as well but if it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t add up keep doing your own research!! I guess there are three points to make 3rd is question Everything!! Literally everything, when something is off or doesn’t sit right with you there is usually a reason. I realize this is a lot to throw at you all at once but this is what I notice in myself and what i do so hopefully something can benefit you.
When learning new things, it at times can be discouraging maintaining the information what I have done that works for me is associating what I’m learning with something I already know. For instance I have a really hard time remembering peoples names so I’m working on associating peoples names with people I already know. Start with small stuff that’s easy to remember and gradually build because although things are different and may seem complex the fundamental components and principles involved apply to most things. Once you figure those things out!! You’ll be boooommmmiiiinnnn! Because you’ll be able to apply what you already know to what your learning... snowballs after that!
After I hit my ceiling in new information I just stop we all have our moments where we’re just like ugh!! That’s enough!! causing me to get my rear in gear!! Now that I’m out of bed it’s time to use what I have learned maybe not that day but I try to practice putting the things that I have resonated and agreed with into action. This solidifies what I have learned and opens my mind for more information. When I do this, it is what exponentially feeds my mood for that day and the next!! For it reassures me that I am capable and worthy! Giving me the confindence in myself to do it again the next day, boosting my confindence skills and the feeling that I can believe in myself once again!!
The one thing that I had to learn while going through this process was to be gentle on myself. Before I would get angry anytime I didn’t understand something. I would curse myself saying your so... stupid!! I realize now that was only causing me to lower my vibrational frequency making it even harder for me to learn anything new or... remember and use that which I already knew. So be gentle with yourself... you owe it to yourself and your worth it!
I’ll end with something I have kind of always known but choose not to practice. The most important thing you can do every morning is hydrate hydrate hydrate!!!! Then moderately caffeinate. I’ll explain why this is important on my next post. I can’t tell you when ... that will be... I’m going to plan for tomorrow but as we know... things don’t always go as planned
Have a great day everyone
Songs for today
Courage to Grow ~ Revolution
My Life Alone ~ SOJA
Being Me ~ Jack and The Weatherman
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