Noodle’s Obey Me! HodgepodgeYour one-stop shop for platonic headcanons, translations, and more!Our specialty is SFW shenanigans!Guidelines 🌙 MasterlistNoodle || ’98 || She/Her || main: camifnoodles
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Have you done translations for what the boys say during the dance battles? I would be very interested in that if you are ☺️
Oh this is a very good idea!
I think this is every voiced line regarding dance battles--except for the activating an attack lines bc technically those are translated by the localization--but if I missed anything let me know!
Also, since this time there doesn’t seem to be any localization to clash with, I took some more liberties than I do with the devilgrams to make the phrases actually sound right in English.
Very few, like 3, lines, I’m not super certain of. I marked the part I’m iffy about with an *.
As always, I’m still learning myself, so if anyone who comes across this post has a better idea of any of these and wants to share it, どうぞ!
Edit: Updated Levi’s 2-star win, and added note to his 1-star win Edit 2: Added a missing character to Mammon’s lose Edit 3: Changed "these guys" to "a snack" in Beel's battle start line. I missed the お in おやつ lol
Getting a Glowstick: ありがとう (Thank you)
Entering Battle: 弟とも、抜からないよ (With my brothers, I won’t mess up)*
Battle Start: さて、行こうか? (Now then, shall we go?)
Attack: 行くぞ (Let’s go) さぁー (Now then) どうだ? (How’s this?)
Good Attack: もう終わりか? (It’s already over?) やりすぎか? (Did I overdo it?) 口ほどにもないな (You’re all bark and no bite)
Bad Attack: ほー? (Oh?) ふーん? (Hmmm?) ギッ! (Ghhk!)
3-Star Win: 君の応援のおかげかな (Is this thanks to you, perhaps?)
2-Star Win: 当然の結果だな (The natural result.)
1-Star Win: こんなものか (Will this do?)
Lose: がっかりだな… (How disappointing...)
Getting a Glowstick: まっ、当然だな (Well, I deserve it)
Entering Battle: っしゃ、行くぜ! (Alright, let’s go!)
Battle Start: 俺様さんじょう! (Here I am!)
Attack: どうよ (How’s this!) るるる! (Rrr!) おらよ! (Take this!)
Good Attack: 余裕余裕 (This is no biggie) 楽勝だろ (Easy win) ざまみろ (Serves you right)
Bad Attack: ゲッ! (Ack!) ありえねー (There’s no way...) マジかよ (Seriously?)
3-Star Win: べ、別にお前のために勝ったあげじゃねぇからなぁ (I-It’s not like I won for you or anything)
2-Star Win: ま、当然の結果だろ (Well, it’s only natural)
1-Star Win: よっしゃ、解散!* (Alright, let’s split)
Lose: くそ。こんなはずじゃん… (Shit, this wasn’t supposed to...)
Getting a Glowstick: よ、喜んでないからなぁ (I-I’m not happy, got it?)
Entering Battle: レヴィアタン、覚醒! (Leviathan, awaken!)
Battle Start: 右手が疼くぜ (My right hand hurts)
Attack: ほ! (Hoh!) いっけー!! (Gooo!!) はああ! (Haah!)
Good Attack: やったよ、ヘンリー! (I did it, Henry!) ざまみろ! (Serves you right!) ッシャー! (Alrighttt!)
Bad Attack: はあああ?! (Haaah?!) そんな目で見るな!! (Don’t look at me like that!!) ごめん、油断した! (Sorry, I was careless!)
3-Star Win: お前のおかげでことにしてあるよ (It’s thanks to you that it got done)
2-Star Win: ッシャ!ざまぁ!! (Yesss! Serves you right!!)
1-Star Win: お疲れしたー (Doneee)
This is a very casual otsukaresamadeshita (お疲れさまでした) which can mean many things, but is essentially a mix of “We’re done for the day” and “good work.”
Lose: もーいやだ、帰るー (Enough alreadyyy, I’m going homeee)
Getting a Glowstick: ありがとう (Thank you)
Entering Battle: さぁ、行こうか (Now, shall we go?)
Battle Start: 俺が相手になるよ (I’ll be your opponent)
Attack: どうだ (How’s this) ほら! (Over here!) ふーん? (Hmmm?)
Good Attack: まだまだ (We’re not done yet) 思い知れ! (Remember who you’re dealing with!) ぬるいな (You’re not very enthusiastic)
Bad Attack: くそっ! (Dammit!) やるなぁ! (Don’t!) あれ! (Ah-!)
3-Star Win: 君の応援のおかげかな (Is this thanks to you, perhaps?)
2-Star Win: いい運動になったなぁ (That ended up being a good workout)
1-Star Win: まあまあかな (Not bad.)
Lose: これが許されると思うなよ (Don’t think I’ll forgive you for this)
Getting a Glowstick: 応援ありがとう (Thanks for cheering me on)
Entering Battle: 僕の魅力で瞬殺かも! (With my charm we’ll win real quick!)
Battle Start: ぼくだけを見ててよね (You’ll only be watching me, right?)
Attack: そう! (That’s right!) さぁ (Now!) 良いよ! (Ok!)
Good Attack: イエーイ! (Yaaay!) OK! やった! (Yay!)
Bad Attack: ちょっと!! (Heyyy!!) そんな…! (No way...!) うそ! (Really?!)
3-Star Win: やっぱり僕って最高でしょう! (As expected, I’m the best!)
2-Star Win: えへへ〜頑張ったでしょう! (Ehehe~ I did my best!)
1-Star Win: まぁ、こんなもんかなぁ (Well, this should do)
Lose: 面白くない! (This isn’t funny!)
Getting a Glowstick: サンキュ (Thank you)
Entering Battle: じゃ、いってくる (Well, I’m headed out)
Battle Start: 終わったらおやつ食べてもいい? (Can I have a snack when we’re done?)
Attack: この (You) は! (Hah!) よっしゃ (Alright)
Good Attack: おいしい! (Delicious!) 楽しい! (This is fun!) 快感! (How exhilarating!)
Bad Attack: そんな…! (No way...!) あれ? (Huh?) マズイ! (That was awful!)
3-Star Win: お前のおかげかも。ありがとう (This might be all because of you. Thanks)
2-Star Win: 勝ったと思ったら腹が減ってきた (Thinking we won made me hungry)*
1-Star Win: まだ物足りない (Still not good enough)
Lose: お腹が空いて力が出ない (I’m so hungry, my strength is gone)
Getting a Glowstick: どうも (Thanks)
Entering Battle: めんどくさい (What a pain)
Battle Start: じゃ、行くよ (Well, let’s go)
Attack: もういい (That’s enough) はーい (Take thaaat...) はい! (Here!)
Good Attack: 弱すぎる (You’re too weak) バーカ! (Stuuupid!) ふふ〜 (Heheh~)
Bad Attack: もういやだ (Enough already) は?! (Huh?!) チェ (Tch!)
3-Star Win: 応援ありがとう (Thanks for the support)
2-Star Win: なんか物足りない (Somehow I’m not satisfied)
1-Star Win: こんなもんかな (This should do)
Lose: むかつく。 (Pisses me off.)
I’ll probably make an undateables version at some point, but since they can only be opponents it’ll be a lot more time consuming to get all of their lines. I’ll do my best though!
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Bitter Memory
Fandom: Obey Me! Character: Lucifer & Mammon Prompt: day 1 of @ombrotherlylove2023: Lucifer & misunderstandings (& fluff)! I failed at fluff though... I really tried. Word count: 1100 Summary: Lucifer wasn’t used to tender gestures. Neither receiving nor giving. But when he stayed to take care of Mammon who was ridden with an exceptionally nasty cold, he remembers the comfort he himself got from his favourite human – and starts reminiscing about that one particular conversation with Mammon that shaped – and hurt – him for millennia.
The fic references and paraphrases the flashback from the Devilgram “The Rulebook”.
When Lucifer entered the room to bring Mammon some fever medicine, he found him already asleep and snoring quietly, probably finally defeated by the human world cold he caught and tired after making a fuss over not being allowed to go with the rest as they have planned.
Lucifer didn’t go either, obviously. He could only hope that his brothers wouldn’t cause any irreversible trouble – but at least everyone’s favourite human was with them and should have them under control. Probably.
He approached the bed and took off a glove to check Mammon’s forehead – definitely warmer than it should be. Mammon’s breath though was a bit uneven too, more than you’d expect from someone even with completely stuffed nose.
Lucifer sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at his brother.
It didn’t seem like a particularly awful nightmare – no rapid turning or tossing around, but Mammon was indeed restless. Whatever he was dreaming of, probably wasn’t too pleasant, but ultimately not a concern. Lucifer could just stand up and exit the room like he’d do normally, unbothered by his brother’s distress.
Yet he didn’t leave.
He didn’t understand why, but also wasn’t one to question himself and his judgement or whims after all.
Looking at Mammon, he remembered the soothing touch of human hand on his head that calmed him down more than once and took away all the tension he was holding, even if there was no reason for the gesture. Nor for the tenderness he was so unused to at that time.
He reached towards Mammon’s hair, reluctantly, unsure even why he was even doing that.
It felt a bit awkward at first. He wasn’t certain how to exactly achieve the relaxing effect and how to make it effective, but he just tried to stroke Mammon’s head gently.
It was an embarrassingly clumsy attempt.
But did it work? At first it didn’t seem so, but after a moment he noticed that Mammon’s grip on the pillow loosened a bit, so he continued. Maybe the bad dream would eventually go away at that. Lucifer couldn’t know that though – it was Mammon who was usually handling his brother’s nightmares in their early days as demons.
Was it how Mammon had been taking care of the younger brothers just after the fall? It was always him making rounds through all their rooms, making sure that every single one of them has fallen asleep and didn’t succumb to nightmares. Always reporting back to Lucifer how it went and who was doing better and who wasn’t. Lucifer himself never went with him, only watched from afar and listened to Mammon’s reports.
At that time Lucifer himself barely was holding himself together, ridden by guilt and regret over what he wrought on his brothers. He had no strength left to nurture anyone, and if anything – if he even was to admit it – he looked for consolation himself. And reached to Mammon who had unlimited patience and sympathy for everyone in the family.
For everyone except Lucifer, for whom he only had cruel words when Lucifer tried to reach for a splinter of the same support. The words that bashed his weakness and hit him in the vulnerability he exposed – for once in his life. With humiliating precision.
The bitter memory still burned, even after the millennia.
“Did I make a mistake?” he asked that day, after hearing how the twins were not getting any better, still suffering for his decisions. “To put you all through all of that… when you’re so…” he struggled to even utter the word, “so important to me. And look what I’ve done to you.”
Mammon didn’t reply at first, the silence saying more than words could.
“Do I hear regret?” he asked then. There was no emotion left in his – normally so expressive – voice. “You know… I don’t regret followin’ you. And I bet others don’t either.”
Even with the flat tone it was said, Lucifer would still take it as good. If not what followed.
“But… this won’t do. If they see you actin’ this way, it’ll make them restless. You’re the one in charge… They need to look up to you and see you’re still that same guy – the proud guy that KNOWS he’s better than anyone else. Even when things are as bad as now… be who you are, who you’ve always been. To the point of others saying you’re full of yourself.
The words that shaped him into the sadistic demon he was, feared by his own family.
Everyone’s been saying that Mammon was his favourite – and he was, so the words of rejection struck him more than they’d do if they came from anyone else. He became what Mammon told him to become and made Mammon specifically take the brunt of the change he caused.
Now he thought about it, as he was petting Mammon’s head like their human would always do…
Bearing nightmares like every single one of them and just as broken, Lucifer was trying to secure a place for his brothers in this unfamiliar, possibly hostile place – but with no one to turn to. He was on his own, trying to amortise the fall’s consequences and be a foundation of the family’s safety and stability. Mammon, too, was on his own, trying to amortise the psychological trauma and trying to act like a pillar they could lean onto and sometimes lash their frustrations to. Pulling through it despite his own nightmares and grief, Mammon was always there for his brothers, consoling and comforting them, without any complaints. He must had been doing not much better, just as lonely with his own pain.
Not only Lucifer was spread too thin, under the burden of having to be the reliable older brother. They might have been staying strong in different ways, but both were the foundation their family was depending on. And just like Lucifer’s unbreakable facade finally crumbled at that time, so did Mammon’s. Neither of them could keep it up at that specific moment.
He sighed, pushing away the unpleasant, stinging memory.
Mammon finally calmed down. But as Lucifer tried to slowly take away his hand, Mammon only pushed his head more into the palm of his hand, mumbling a name. Not Lucifer’s, but – just today – Lucifer didn’t mind to keep petting his hair for a bit longer if it helped him sleep.
He couldn’t forgive those words – not because they were unforgiveable, but because forgiving would mean acknowledging it hurt him. That was not something Lucifer could just accept in his pride.
But somehow…
He just understood.
#aaaaaaaa ;w;#i'm fine this is ok /positive#the emotional stalemate where it's sort of both their faults and also neither of their faults at the same time is so *clenches fist*#anyway im obsesssed with this dynamic#obey me#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#reblog
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Oh also I’m working to back log stuff so I can have a proper queue I didn’t show up just to reblog a poll unrelated to Obey Me and vanish into the void lol
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#don’t normally post stuff outside of OM here but! consider voting for Muku and Yuki#Muku (pink hair) is the blue one and Yuki (green hair) is the pink one#as per their official motif colors!#they are my sons and I love them very much#also please be nice.#regardless of who you vote for please be nice.
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we need to be holding solmare accountable. they've white-washed simeon (again) in his new nightbringer character model. this may not be a big deal to some people, but this is just straight-up racist. nevermind the fact that they've essentially ruined the story of their game and are dooming their franchise. i'm so fucking tired of their bullshit
#oh YIKES#I’m not on twitter so I hadn’t seen his model but I looked it up and yeah that’s. wow#obey me nightbringer
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Got nostalgic for this so I’m reblogging it for the memories :’)
I should do another one of these, it’d be a good reason to engage with the story a bit more again!
Me: Ok event over, time to get back to gathering evidence for multilingualism–
My Brain: Talk about Devildom species
Me: No we have other things to–
My Brain: Large snakes likely have indeterminate growth, so assuming a massive lifespan, biologically speaking Henry 1.0 is possible :)
#maybe fire salamander? that feels like the obvious next step#obey me#self reblog#also look at this nerd who made a fandom post with 28 academic-ish sources (points at self) who does that
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Princess Rose Mammon
You know the card. The unlocked event UR. Mammon looks just so great in drag on that card that oh wow, I can't words.
Tinted charcoal + soft pastel. Can't touch it without risking smearing the charcoal all over the drawing, oof. Fixative time...
#oooh. oughhh /positive#I love how the colors are working together in this one!!!#the hair looks so soft :’)#stellar work as always these are always so good#obey me!#reblog
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This year’s bday UR was a dupe unfortunately ;w; but it was still nice to see him pop up!
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Pfft lol look at that

no fckin wonder, that's what their social accounts looked like:

So, we had a Ben (sorry but I can't read it as Obey Me NB EN at all) and halfassed123? Did they expect people to love that?? 😅
At least Nightbringer is officially NB now ehehe.
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Oh I’m certainly not complaining about there being a romance-free option! It’s nice to exist outside of romantic cliches for a little while. And it was silly! I admittedly already forget how the free route ended, but yeah!
Anyway, having read the locked story now, can confirm that you do spend time with and have solo moments with Satan! Spoilers below the cut, but in summary I’m quite satisfied with how they handled the split here
So like I said, you spend actual time with Satan (and Diavolo, but I’m also glad they don’t just forget that other characters exist) in the locked route! Which was obviously expected and good that they delivered on that bare minimum of a “satan is the focus” event! But more importantly than that, there’s a plot that revolves around Satan and leads naturally to the moments.
It was fun to read, and it was especially fun for Satan’s sin to play a major part in the story. Not only that, but from a storytelling perspective, Satan’s own anger ruining his chances of winning the contest is a really good choice.
Also I was joking that it would be funny if I won the contest and named the comet after myself anyway, so it was super funny to see that technically that was actually the case lmao

Looks like they’re finally catching on to people wanting individualized events! But now we get to see how well they pull it off!
((Unless they have done this explicitly before other than with the Ruri-Chan/Levi specific events and I’ve just missed it))
I wanted to hold off on answering this until I saw how it was being handled (and WOW did I miss these boys I forgot how enjoyable some of the stories can be even if they're mostly fluff, I really need to catch up) and well...
Satan is definitely the main character of this event!! I know I missed a fair amount of events, but I think you're right and they haven't done something like this since the Ruri-chan event?? A really nice change of pace to have one person be like the lead. Lucifer's also basically absent from the main topic, so they also avoided it being just about them competing.
Only thing is, I've read the entire free route (want to read the locked story all together once I've unlocked it all), and... you don't really spend any one on one time with Satan at all in the free route. Not to say that the locked route is particularly HARD to get, but if there ISN'T solo time up there once I get to it, that's something they'll have to consider improving.
I'll reblog this post with the results once I find out o7
Also, Lil Noodle has said that this event seems easier to stay up in the rankings for than previous events. I wonder if it's because people who aren't wild about Satan are opting to sit it out?
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Looks like they’re finally catching on to people wanting individualized events! But now we get to see how well they pull it off!
((Unless they have done this explicitly before other than with the Ruri-Chan/Levi specific events and I’ve just missed it))
I wanted to hold off on answering this until I saw how it was being handled (and WOW did I miss these boys I forgot how enjoyable some of the stories can be even if they're mostly fluff, I really need to catch up) and well...
Satan is definitely the main character of this event!! I know I missed a fair amount of events, but I think you're right and they haven't done something like this since the Ruri-chan event?? A really nice change of pace to have one person be like the lead. Lucifer's also basically absent from the main topic, so they also avoided it being just about them competing.
Only thing is, I've read the entire free route (want to read the locked story all together once I've unlocked it all), and... you don't really spend any one on one time with Satan at all in the free route. Not to say that the locked route is particularly HARD to get, but if there ISN'T solo time up there once I get to it, that's something they'll have to consider improving.
I'll reblog this post with the results once I find out o7
Also, Lil Noodle has said that this event seems easier to stay up in the rankings for than previous events. I wonder if it's because people who aren't wild about Satan are opting to sit it out?
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this list is a list of 100 character Japanese women loved on 2022 basically - FOUR CHARACTERS ARE FROM OBEY ME
98. Diavolo
83. Solomon
25. Lucifer
14. Mammon
I… I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t seeing four whole characters from a game I’ve passively played and made fun of since college to be making it onto this list
To be honest I have absolutely zero grasp of how popular this game is in Japan so I’m honestly kind of surprised so many of them made it on??
Mammon and Lucifer topping the chart as far as OM is concerned isn’t surprising at all but my boy Solomon taking third best OM boy!! Look at him go!!
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Very sad to announce that a grand total of zero pokemon teams I built for the boys are possible to build in the Scarlet and Violet base game :pensive:
#it could be possible with a dlc dex boost but like#idk if I can in good conscience buy a dlc for this game lol#maybe i'll see what teams are possible where as a content buffer that could be fun#noodle stews
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Forgot I had to make cookies for my classes so I didn’t have time to do a TL post yesterday lolol don’t worry I didn’t dip after like 2 days again
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Obey Me! Devilgram Posts and Comments: Doll Time/I Kid You Not
So apparently I actually had this one done and I just never posted it lol. I made sure nothing looked horrendously wrong, but besides that I just left it my translation from back in... *checks doc history* November of 2021. I can’t comment on this one really bc I don’t remember translating it lmao
日本語は私の第三言語ので、時々間違えます。日本語話者、間違いを見たら教えてください。 (Japanese is my third language, so I make mistakes sometimes. Japanese speakers, if you see a mistake, please tell me!)
The full transcript is under the cut as always!
Animal Tea Party (1)
Beelzeburger: I’m excited for the cupcakes
ButlerBarb: You were able to bake them to look delicious
Lucifer: I hope you’ll clean up properly after this
AsmoBaby: You have good taste!
#Cupcakes #TeaParty
A Walk with Everyone!
LordDiavolo: Please take good care of Barbatos
Belphie: Mammon’s being a proper big brother
stn: Even Mammon is helpful once in a while
DDSimeon: Luke’s come to rely on you
#Walk #Childcare
Let’s Play with Puppets
Mammoney: It doesn’t look like me at all!
LordDiavolo: If only there were a puppet of me too
L3V1: That reminds me, you gotta return that game
DDSimeon: Solomon is clever (2) even though he’s very young
#Puppets #Handicrafts
Diavolo’s Self-Indulgent Day
ButlerBarb: Be careful and have a good day
stn: Please inconvenience Lucifer more
monSOLO: Little Diavolo is a freewheeler
Angeluke: I understand why you gave sweets
#Shopping #Balloon
Got It! (3) Your Heart!
LordDiavolo: That game looks interesting!
stn: Isn’t my face weird?
L3V1: That was pretty good so (4)
Mammoney: Don’t go doing bothersome shit (5)
#StuffedToys #CraneGame
Let’s Make Stuffed Toys!
AsmoBaby: That’s some surprising concentration!
ButlerBarb: Oh my, is this my influence?
Lucifer: I’m better at sewing (6)
Beelzeburger: I’ll always keep this stuffed toy with me
#StuffedToys #Handmade
Together Forever
Angeluke: That’s a big stuffed toy
DDSimeon: Should we (7) make one for Luke next time?
Beelzeburger: I carried around the stuffed toy too much
monSOLO: Maybe I’ll try making one too next time
#StuffedToys #EmergencySurgery
1. All the card titles for the event cards are written entirely in kana! I think this is to make it more childlike, since young children don’t know that much kanji. 2. This could also mean “skilled”. 3. So literally this is “get!” rather than “got it!”, but in Pokemon, Satoshi says this after he’s caught a pokemon, so I think the general implication is that you already got it lol 4. A lot of the time, Japanese will end colloquial sentences with things like けど (but) or し/から (so), and the rest of the sentence is implied. We do the same in English! Sometimes I cut it and sometimes I leave it in. It’s really based on whether I think the character would say it, because it’s more acceptable (けど more so than し) in polite conversation in Japanese than it is in English. 5. In my absence I have gone feral. Mammon is now allowed to curse whenever I see fit 6. I am not sure who is better at sewing (going with the localization for now, but if anyone has the card and has context let me know who it is!) but they’re better at sewing than they are at something else, not better than somebody else at sewing. 7. I’m using “we” because I don’t know who made the toy
Beelzeburger: カップケーキ楽しみだ ButlerBarb: 美味しそうに焼けましたね Lucifer: あとでちゃんと片付けるように AsmoBaby: いいセンスしてるね! #カップケーキ #ティーパーティー
LordDiavolo: バルバトスをよろしく頼むよ Belphie: マモンがちゃんとお兄ちゃんしてる stn: マモンもたまには役に立つな DDSimeon: ルークがお世話になったね #散歩 #育児
Mammoney: 全然似てねーし! LordDiavolo: 私のパペットもあればいいのに L3V1: そういやゲーム返してもらわないと DDSimeon: ソロモンは幼くても器用だね #パペット #工作
ButlerBarb: お気をつけていってらっしゃいませ stn: もっとルシファーを困らせてくれ monSOLO: 幼いディアボロは自由奔放だな Angeluke: お菓子をくれた理由がわかった #買い物 #風船
LordDiavolo: そのゲーム、面白そうだね! stn: 俺の顔、おかしくないか? L3V1: なかなか筋が良かったし Mammoney: めんどくせえことしてんなぁ #ぬいぐるみ #クレーンゲーム
AsmoBaby: そんな集中力あるの意外! ButlerBarb: おや、私の影響ですか Lucifer: 裁縫の方が才能あるんだな Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、ずっと持っておく #ぬいぐるみ #手作り
Angeluke: 大きいぬいぐるみかぁ DDSimeon: 今度ルークに作ってあげようか? Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、持ち歩きすぎた monSOLO: 俺も今度作ってみようかな #ぬいぐるみ #緊急手術
#obey me!#obey me translation#obey me simeon#obey me mammon#obey me barbatos#obey me luke#obey me solomon#obey me lucifer#obey me diavolo#obey me leviathan#obey me belphegor#obey me beelzebub#devilgram
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omg how did i not notice you're back to using this account?! i barely open tumblr these days and if you just didn't happen to post half an hour ago i would've never seen you (i follow so many active people 😅). i've been waiting for a while to tell you something!! ii do hope you don't find it annoying ><
i feel like i've said before that you actually inspired me to study japanese, as in to seriously dedicate time to studying it and not just casually learn when i feel like it. you showed that it can be done when i at first thought it would be near impossible or would probably take several years with just self-studying. but i took N5 a few months ago and passed!! it's not much but it's a start, so thank you for being an inspiration!
i'm not sure if i'm remembering my anon tag right, it's probably either of these two 🌸💮 lol but the first makes more sense to me somehow
🌸 anon!!!!! It's great to hear from you again :D I literally just came back yesterday so the timing was perfect. And I'm never annoyed to hear from you, so don't worry at all!!
But anyway OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's so so amazing!! It might not feel like much but N5 is both the first step AND proof that you've got the foundation down, so I'd say that's a huge milestone
I'm really honored that I was able to inspire you ;w; like legitimately that means so much. And that you wanted to share your achievement with me!! Overall I'm very aaaaaa rn so thank you lol
I'm still growing and learning too, so we're in it together! ファイト!! そしてもう一度、おめでとう!!
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