I’m pretty sure just about everyone here is dead so I don’t know how many people this will actually reach. But I got hit with a bit of a nostalgic feel today about how many friends I made while on this blog and I guess I just wanted to let people know where to find me in case anyone was interested in getting back in touch.
If you are interested in finding me my main is over at archerazzure and old roleplay mutuals are welcome to send me a message for my skype/discord if interested.
While I’m obviously not active here I do check back here occasionally so if by chance the roleplay fandom ever starts to revive I may come back. But if that never happens, or for those who don’t come back if it does, then it was great to meet you all and I’ll always treasure the memories.
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She jumped at the sound of Zetto’s voice, quickly spinning around to face him. “W...what? No! Everything’s.... everything’s just fine! N...nothing’s wrong at all.” Abruptly she shut her mouth and turned away and tried to pretend that the other player wasn’t still standing there. She’d just blown it in less than a minute, real great start.
This wasn’t supposed to happen though. Sure she’d gotten on her dad’s account to try and find the imp player, and when he didn’t seem to be around she’d found she didn’t know how to log out.. And that she had no idea what she was even doing. And now someone had found her, and it seemed like they knew her dad. And that he’d probably already seen right through her, because there she’d already butchered it. And that meant dad was bound to find out about this. Yeah, she knew it, unless he miraculously decided to leave her alone, she was doomed.
We Promise This Isn’t Angst
Private thread between @thexcyborgximp and @vassalfromlandsunknown
Giga’s avatar hovered near the tree line of Sanctuary, to the naked eye nothing with him looked any different from normal. He typically spent his time watching the players of TOME from the side like this. However if anyone was really watching closely they would notice that any times a player moved in his general direction he would shift very slightly to the side, as though trying to avoid notice.
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He noticed the change in her voice, he hadn’t meant to worry her. “It’s nothing to worry about, just work requirements. They happen more than I would like, but I’m used to it by now.”
" Hello Mister Giga. " She said with polite wave with a grin on her face.
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He smiled, although it wasn’t visible on the character, but you could still hear it in his voice. “Hello, you’re doing well I see.”
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We Promise This Isn’t Angst
Private thread between @thexcyborgximp and @vassalfromlandsunknown
Giga’s avatar hovered near the tree line of Sanctuary, to the naked eye nothing with him looked any different from normal. He typically spent his time watching the players of TOME from the side like this. However if anyone was really watching closely they would notice that any times a player moved in his general direction he would shift very slightly to the side, as though trying to avoid notice.
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(A follow up for Giga in response to the lovely rp chain between myself and @thexcyborgximp yesterday.
In which Giga has a conversation with a friend about options. Or alternatively, in which Giga gets irritated and Agent Neon makes suggestions and threats.
Also the About muse page as been updated with more information on Giga and information on some of the new faces that are being mentioned here and there around the blog, including one right here. So feel free to check that out too. I hope you enjoy.)
"So, how was yesterday?"
Giga didn't bother to look towards the woman leaning against the wall by his door as he fished his key out of his pocket. "It was fine. Nothing happened."
"Sure, want to try that again?" Grunting he didn't reply  as he shoved open the door and walked into his office, not bothering to see whether or not Alexa followed him in. It was only when he had hung up his coat and turned back around that he saw her sitting on the edge of his desk watching him with that judgmental gaze. He did not need this today.
Sitting down in the chair he reached under the desk to turn his computer on before shifting his attention to the stacks of paper on his desk. "I said nothing happened alright, why do you care?"
Alexa leaned across the desk and grabbed him by the front of his jacket. His gaze slowly shifted from the papers to her face, eyes narrowed. "I care because about seven o'clock last night I got a call from a certain someone in tears. Who was freaking out because of what she was hearing. From you." There was a dangerous look in her eyes as she stared at him, "Now you're going to tell me what the hell happened yesterday."
He closed his eyes and sighed, pushing the thoughts of Annelise out of his head, though he knew he'd have to talk to her later. Instead he struggled to find his voice before he eventually spoke. "He found my package to Karin."
Alexa's grip on his shirt lessened, "Chris?"
"Who else?"
"Hell."  She released her hold and feel back into the chair in front of his desk. She sat there for a minute, head in her hands. "So he realized then?"
"I can't say for sure." She looked up and he shrugged, "The argument we had was over the fact that I lied to him, not the fact that he put everything together."
"So he might still be in the dark about it."
"I'm sure he knows it's a possibility, he has for a while." He leaned back in his chair, "I haven't given him conformation no."
"Well you're going to have to at some point."
He didn't look at her, "I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Like hell Lewis, you've said it yourself before, he's a smart kid he's going to make all the connections eventually."
He looked down at the papers in front of him, his gaze not really focusing. "I know that, but I'm not sure how to go about-"
"Talk to him." She leaned across the desk again, scowling up at him. "And don't give me that nonsense about it being a bad idea again."
"But it is." She threw up her hands and opened her mouth but he cut her off, "But not for the reasons you think."
A single raised eyebrow. "Enlighten me then."
"He could have ended up telling John or one of the Netkings, the last thing I have a desire to do is have my face chewed off by one of them. It runs the business relationship if you will."
"Alright fine, go talk to John first then."
Giga stared at her darkly, "Did you not just hear what I said about having my face chewed off?"
"Oh no, I did.  And let me ask you this, is it going to be any better when you don't talk to anyone and instead have to deal with that underlying tension the next time you have to do business with them?"  Biting the inside of his cheek Giga grunted and didn't otherwise reply. "Yeah that's what I thought."
"But what if he didn't tell them. Then it would just look like I'm confessing to something and that's no better for my position."
"And if you take much longer thinking about this they just ended up coming straight to you." She smacked her hand against her forehead, "You are so indecisive it hurts to watch." Dragging her hands down her face she sighed, "Look, the way I see this you have two choices. Both of which are going to be a pain, I will say that now." Giga let his head fall into his hands as she continued, "You can either face this head one and be the bigger man about this by talking to John, or you can wait for one of them to pry it out of you. You're choice, but if you have interest in the slightly better of the two I'd act soon."
He slumped lower in his chair and stared at her, "He's going to be irritated."
"The two of you are related, he can't stay mad forever." She paused, "Well I mean he could, it's his choice after all. Not that doing that would help anything but-"
He scowled at her. "You're not helping."
"It wasn't particularly meant to be helpful."  Glancing down at her watch she sighed, "Well I should probably get back to my own stuff, I've got a couple stacks of reports I still have to due before I'm done for today. I'm really looking forward to it." Her words dripped in sarcasm as she headed towards the door and he glanced down towards the papers on his own desk.
"Oh, and Lewis?" He looked up to see her watching him over her shoulder, "If you don't do something soon I'll do something for you to fix the problem."
His eyes narrowed, "You wouldn't dare."
That dangerous glint had returned to her eyes, "If you really want to test that go ahead and try me. But we both know you really don't want to test that." She headed out the door offering him a wave, "You've got a week before I make my move, good luck Giga."
As the door swung shut he groaned and let his head fall against his desk.  Everything was a mess.
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“Glad to hear it. I’ve been doing well enough, things have popped up here and there but I’m managing.”
" Hello Mister Giga. " She said with polite wave with a grin on her face.
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He smiled, although it wasn’t visible on the character, but you could still hear it in his voice. “Hello, you’re doing well I see.”
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She stared at him a moment, mouth open as she tried to find words. “Wow. Ok, that is quite a story. I’ll admit I don’t think I can top that one.” She glanced down at her empty glass, “Tell you what, how I about I buy you another drink, hell knows you need it today.” She waved the bartender over before looking back at him, “What do you want?”
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“Well, I’ve had two relationships end badly, one where I was married, and one where he had become my fiance. The first one wasn’t all that nice to me after a while, the second one going behind my back and basically went against everything we ever worked for. So here I am, alone on the day of lovers. Realizing how I might never find love again, and even if I do, that’ll go down in flames as well.” He took another swig of alcohol. 
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“If that’s really what you want.” He shook his head, teleporting out of Chris’s view, but not fully logging out. He floated up another level on one of the cliffs still looking down over the boy. He wanted to do something more, but got the sense that he would only make things worse. And he wasn’t sure how much more he could take emotionally himself, too much more and he was going to say something he really regretted. He could just tell.
He glared daggers at him. “I’ll do what ever the fuck I want. You don’t dictate my life, ok? But I don’t want to fucking end it, ok? In my pitiful life there are those I still care about and I’ll stay here despite my uselessness to myself because they need me. And maybe I won’t be like this forever but I can handle my own depression and sadness. So will you leave me alone now? I’d like to go wallow in self pity, ok?”
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She sipped her drinking raising an eyebrow skeptically, “Sounds like my life in a nutshell. Seriously though, try me.”
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“I don’t really think you’ll want to hear about my story. It’s full of crap with only a few good things going on for it.” Greg poured down some of that liquid down his throat, hardly taking a second for it to be gone. 
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This time Giga didn’t hesitate. He broke the gap between them in a few seconds and stopped in front of Kirb. “I never said you weren’t important to me.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair behind the screen, “I can’t tell you everything and I apologize, but you are important.: He sighed, “Just promise me you won’t do anything to yourself and I’ll leave you alone.” Otherwise I’ll call your mother. He didn’t utter the last bit out loud but it was true none the less.
He just chuckled, “Too late for that… I bet I had the biggest hand in creating Kajet…” Kirb then looked down, “My life is a train wreck… with no survivors… why should you care how I end up… I’m not important to you… I’m not important to anyone…” He stood up and turned around, “Now, if you excuse me, I don’t need to hear from you why I should or shouldn’t act like this, ok?”
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A woman dropped down at the bar beside Execk, she looked to be in her mid twenties with brown hair framing her face. Along her cheeks ran a pair of red markings. Leaning against the counter she swirled the liquid in her glass. “Well, you look like quite a story.”
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“If you keep talking like that of course nothing’s going to get better.” The words came out more snappish than he intended but he was starting to get irritated. Lowering his voice he glanced back towards Chris. “You aren’t a failure. You were just as important in keeping Softdi safe as anyone else and don’t you tell yourself otherwise.”
He sighed, breathing out deeply before speaking again, “I know it can seem hard, but sometimes you become your own worst enemy without even realizing it.”
“Time? Help? I don’t want help… I can help myself, thank you… I can soooo handle myself with what ever life throws at me.” He said this sarcastically. “I mean look at me! I’m 21 years old, my dad left my family when I was young, I don’t sleep unless it’s under a dosage of pills, my arm is permanently fucked up because a computer virus chopped it off, I’ve died multiple times already, my friends can fix my problems better than I can, and god forbid we bring up what happened with Rubi! So yea… people fix ALL of my mistakes… I can’t fix any of my own at all! I’m a failure of a human being!”
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“Keeping my kids happy is all I want. But sometimes that seems like that’s the hardest thing to do, despite my best efforts.”
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“Yeah. I try to keep my kid happy during Valentines day, give her some roses, chocolates, some other things. Hopefully it’ll keep her happy. I’m not always sure if she actually is though…” 
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TOME RP fandom last Valentine's day: Whoo yay for proposals and marriage yaay
TOME RP fandom this Valentine's day: let's just fucking break everyone
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Doing angst in public be like
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Originally posted by theodd-otter
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“I can relate to that. I haven’t had one go down in flames per say, but I have been separated for over twenty years. It really does kill the holiday. I try and put on a smile for my daughter though, just because we don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean our kids can’t.”
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“Well, when you have two good, long lasting relationships go down in flames, you kinda start hating the day that is dedicated to love.” 
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" Hello Mister Giga. " She said with polite wave with a grin on her face.
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He smiled, although it wasn’t visible on the character, but you could still hear it in his voice. “Hello, you’re doing well I see.”
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