#Giga is not a particularly good people person when it comes to this sort of thing. xD
thejolteonmastertj · 5 years
Y’know, after seeing Kirishima’s backstory and thinking about what (little) Mina has done since she joined UA…
I’m beginning to wonder if she even liked all the pressure and high expectations people had of her growing up. 
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While it’s true her bubbly personality could be interpreted as a good persona for a hero, like Kirishima’s friend says, I find it interesting how all of Mina’s great feats we saw were decidedly non-violent.
Being likable may be a valued trait for heroes, but being able to solve problems non-violently isn’t.
People with non-violent quirks or choose to solve a problem without a quirk are considered “boring” as evidenced by Mic’s commentary for the sports festival (he called the fight between Midoriya and Shinsou “boring”).   The public wants flashy fights and arrests, not quiet reforming and random break-dancing.
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Yeah she might not have been strong enough to fight Giga, and she could have also gotten in trouble if she fought Giga or the bullies… but by that logic Kirishima and that bully would not have fought each other either. For that matter by that logic the entire Midoriya origin story would not have even happened.
Keep in mind though, none of that would be good grounding for my specific theory until you compare her actions in middle school to high school.
Let’s take a close look a the USJ arc.
Mina is one of the few students, even among the female students, who not only do almost nothing, but she’s the only female student among those who don’t act who’s inaction and indecisiveness is actually shown (Hagakure literally goes poof, for all we know she’s just the traitor).
I’ve always interpreted this panel below as important for Uraraka’s character because it emphasizes her early boldness in combat despite being primarily interested in rescue work… but I’ve begun to think about what it means for Mina as well.
In high school Mina and Kirishima swap places: now Kirishima is the proactive one while Mina is the one who stands back unable to do anything.
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Yet, she doesn’t seem particularly bothered by this, at least as far as the audience has been shown.  Is it bad writing, or something more?
For perhaps the first time in her life, Mina is surrounded by people who don’t see her as the one and only person they can look to in times of a crisis.  She is surrounded by people who are equally if not more proactive than her.  Maybe she likes this.
She’s often seen training with a group, even during times when very few other students choose to do so such as before the sorts festival.  This suggests that she values teamwork a lot.  She likes being around to help and lift people’s spirits yet usually isn’t particularly interested in hogging spotlight for an extended period of time.
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I don’t think she became a hero against her will per say, I think she does ultimately want to help and save people.
However, I do wonder if some of her exasperation towards Kirishima comes from her thinking like, “why do you want to be cool?  I’ve been cool for most of my life and it’s a little tiring.  Whatever, let me know once you get over it kiddo.”
So that’s my headcanon/prediction about Mina’s backstory atm.
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chrysalispen · 5 years
xix. all white with wreath and spray
AO3 Link here
splitting into two parts for length, the next part will be up in a day or two
 Aurelia’s booted feet crunched through the thin layer of powder snow as she adjusted the bundle of fallen wood on her back. Given the conjurers’ tenuous peace brokered with the elementals, the city’s inhabitants were rationing: they were to collect only those things which nature had already shed, and that bounty in itself was limited. Despite the fact it was mid-morning, the Shroud was as still and quiet as an open grave. 
Winter had come to the wood, and with it, the hardships borne of poor harvests across all of Eorzea. 
The forest’s predators, deprived of their seasonal food sources, soon became a common danger on the roads, and with the Greenwrath so newly quelled the forest was still volatile and hazardous. The city council had done as much to prepare the townspeople and the land itself for the cold months as they were able in the time they had, but their efforts had still fallen short and the outbreak of flux among incoming refugees had strained Gridania’s supplies further. Many people had been forced to winter in unfinished houses or had taken up with friends and neighbors in what space was available.
J’nehda’s ‘storms’ had more trouble yet to presage, so it seemed. 
“Are you not cold, Miss Conjurer?” 
She glanced over her shoulder. Keveh’to was shivering visibly, his tail wrapped close about one leg when he wasn’t moving, looking quite put out indeed. He had also drawn his shortbow, though either of them had yet to see any game worth the marking. 
“Hm? No, I’m well, thank you.” She wore a fleece-lined doublet, leather breeches, a pair of old cotton gloves, and knee-high doeskin boots beneath one of Miounne’s traveling cloaks - along with, of course, the ubiquitous oversized head covering intended to conceal her third eye. Overall, it was far lighter attire than the heavy parkas and thick boots most Gridanians had donned. “Do you want to borrow my cloak?”
He squinted at her as though she’d asked him to wear one of her dresses. “I’m fine too,” he said, somewhat defiantly. “Just…  not used to the snow, is all. We rarely get it this far south.”
“I suppose that makes sense.”
“Garlemald is very cold, I hear.”
“Yes, it is.” She bent forward with a soft grunt and dropped her bundle to the ground in favor of the medium-sized branch she’d sighted half-buried under snowfall and dead leaves. “We measure snowfall in fulms, rather than ilms. And it stays on the ground a good long while.”
“How long is ‘a good long while’?”
“Mmm... I should say usually around six, mayhap seven months- er, moons out of the year? ‘Tis longer on occasion, should the season prove particularly brutal.”
“Seven moons of winter?” Keveh’to echoed, horrified. “Seven moons of snow and ice--”
“Aye. And barely any light. And gales that could tear the skin off a gigas.”
“How do you survive it up there?”
“We almost didn’t.”
“By the gods, no wonder you lot want to spread out over the whole bloody star. I’d be keen on beachfront property myself if I lived in the depths of the fourth hell.” 
Aurelia began to laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
The Miqo’te’s consternation gave way to widened eyes and an embarrassed flush when he realized what he’d said. 
“Er. I- that... wasn’t the most, er... tactful... way I could have phrased that, I suppose. Sorry.”
She raised one booted foot and kicked the side of the branch. The blow dislodged a wet clump of white powder, shaking it onto the leaves below like confectioners’ sugar onto toast. 
“You’ve no need to apologize. The capitol is bloody awful. If I had my say I would much prefer Ala Mhigo. It’s hot as blazes in the summer, but at least you don’t run the risk of instant frostbite.”
“What is Ala Mhigo like? I hear the refugees talk about it sometimes when they think other folk aren’t in earshot. Curious. Like they don’t want none of us overhearing.” He fidgeted, hopping from one foot to the other, and she couldn’t tell if he was uncomfortable or simply trying to ward off the chill. “...You don’t have to talk about it either, you know, if you’d rather not.”
“In truth, I’ve naught of interest to share.” Aurelia shrugged. “There is precious little I could tell that you wouldn’t hear from the refugees and you’d learn more of their native land from them than you would from someone like me. Ala Mhigo was my childhood home but I’m the first to admit I saw very little outside my father’s villa, and that was by design, I'm certain.” 
“Mm,” Keveh’to said, absently. “Mayhap you’re right.”
A not-insignificant part of her hoped he was simply attempting to make conversation. She was reluctant to face the censure she was sure she would see in his eyes did he chance to speak to the refugees as she had suggested, but what else was there to say? Most of her memories of Gyr Abania were very personal and very limited. 
“...We should be getting back.”
“Do you need me to carry that?” he asked.
“I can do it.”
She cast him a brittle smile before lifting the branch and tossing it in the bundle with the others, then rearranged the hempen wrap so that the weight was equally distributed and none of the larger pieces would fall before folding the corners, grasping the fabric, and hoisting her burden back over one shoulder. 
They trudged back towards the city, the only sound to be heard the crunch of dead leaves and powder beneath their feet, before Keveh’to finally said, “Forgive me, Aurelia. I didn’t mean to pry.”
“I know you didn’t,” she said. “I am sorry. Perhaps I do feel a bit nostalgic.”
“For this?”
“Of course not, but... “ She adjusted the weight she carried on her back and paused. “...there are things I miss. Small things, you know. Luxuries that one takes for granted.”
“Such as?”
“My garden, for one.”
“Your... “ He trailed off, but she saw the light go on behind his eyes when she glanced back in his direction. 
The laugh she granted him was a light and silvery thing, spilling across the snow like a sunbeam. “You heard correctly. I had a garden back in Garlemald."
Aurelia would have said 'home,' did the utterance of that word not stick so securely in her craw. Garlemald was many things, but a home had never been one of them.
"A proper garden, then? Like with roses and such?"
"Yes. It belonged to my aunt, really. But she would much rather look at the flowers than grow them herself. I feel a similar sort of… I don’t know. Peace? Serenity? As close as one can get to those things when I’m about the woods gathering.”
“...all right, now I get it. I thought it was passing strange you would be as interested in botany as you are."
"But if you had a- ...but wait, how’d you have a bleeding garden ‘n all, if the weather’s like this all the blasted time?”
Aurelia shrugged as if the answer was obvious. “Magitek.”
“I don’t follow.” 
“There was a greenhouse on my uncle’s grounds. It had heat lamps set to cycle every eight bells, and an environmental control system that- …ah,” she stammered, seeing his blank and uncomprehending stare, “never mind.”
Keveh’to did not respond. Aurelia could feel his confused gaze still boring into her back as they continued up the hill onto the path. 
She flushed, thinking that of course her attempt at explanation would have made little sense to him. Most parts of the star had no access to magitek so it was still a rare and fantastic novelty without the Empire’s borders, and Eorzea’s smallfolk most certainly would not have access to such wonders. 
Even in Garlemald a self-sustaining greenhouse to preserve perennials was very much a luxury, one afforded only to the wealthy: usually, albeit not always, peers of the imperial aristocracy. But she had loved her aunt Marcella’s greenhouse. Its unique heating system had originated as a student project, one of many annual exhibition entries at the Magitek Academy. Quite often, winning projects were put to practical use whether by the government or by the creators themselves, and in this instance the student's work had been noticed by her uncle. He had gladly improved upon his prototype for the commission. 
Her uncle Janus had bragged that the unit was one of a kind because the young man had elected to join the imperial army upon completing his studies, no doubt to build weapons for the legions afield. ‘Twas hardly an uncommon story, he had said with a shrug. There was more profit - and personal glory - in innovating warmachina for imperial conquest than in customizing heating systems for a rich man’s rose gardens.
Aurelia could not take comfort in his explanation, saddened as she was. That a man capable of creating daily wonders for the purpose of preserving living things would be able to turn his obviously brilliant mind towards such callous and violent ends - it defied her understanding. 
As was the case with most of her recollections of her years spent in the capitol, even the relatively pleasant memory of her aunt's flowers was bittersweet.
“I… I think I’m a bit chilled after all,” Aurelia lied. She plucked the hood of the cloak from her back and draped it over her head until the top half of her face was all but concealed from view. Frost spilled forth from her lips in a white cloud. “Let’s hurry along. I’ve a mind for some tea.”
She swallowed back the harsh lump she could feel forming in her throat, unwilling to grant it any further leave for expression.
Miounne was waiting at the staff entrance upon their arrival: wiping her hands in the fabric of her apron, eyes fixed upon the pair. Aurelia shrugged the heavy bundle from her shoulders as if it were feather-light and raised a gloved hand in greeting. 
“Welcome back, you two. A decent haul this morning?”
“Decent enough.” She lifted the first branch from the top of the pile and dragged it to the stump they had been using to roughly cut the scavenged tree falls for firewood. “I know we’re a bit late returning, but the Sergeant thought he saw something fit for the stewpot. We’ll have this set up for you in just a-”
“Ah… one moment, if you please,” Miounne said, and Aurelia’s outstretched hand froze in the act of reaching for the wood-axe. “I’ll get one of the lads inside to cut the wood.”
“Not that I’m complaining,” Keveh’to frowned, dusting a thin layer of snow from his lapels, “but is there some reason why we can’t just go on and do it ourselves?”
“Your presence has been requested. Or rather, Aurelia’s presence has been requested. E-Sumi-Yan asked that I send you along to the Fane as soon as I could.”
...The guildmaster? 
Cautiously she studied the woman’s face. She didn’t trust unexpected summons of any sort, never had- but, she realized, Miounne was smiling. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be that unpleasant. “Did he happen to elaborate?”
“No, but I don’t doubt he will explain himself in full when you arrive.”
All… right then. She glanced at Keveh’to. 
“I assume he’s allowed to come along.”
“Of course.”
Few souls had braved the outdoors this morning- owing largely, Aurelia suspected, to the snow. This part of Eorzea was quite temperate, more so even than Mor Dhona, and snow was a rare enough occurrence that people tended to take to their hearths upon the slightest dusting of white upon the stones. 
In truth ‘twas less the weather she found refreshing than the empty streets. In the wake of the increasing food shortage the people of Gridania - already rather inclined towards isolationist behavior - spared few quests and even less coin for Miounne’s adventurers while treating refugees and prisoners of war with barely concealed contempt.
But tension aside, the city was as quiet as the forest. No one accosted or addressed them as they made their way down the snow-lined paths. The only sounds were birds and the soft rhythm of their breathing, and the quiet crunch of their footsteps upon ice and loose gravel. 
Even the Fane seemed all but deserted. The sight of the tree filled her with the same dread it always did - but there was a measure of relief as well, for Brother E-Sumi-Yan stood before the entrance holding a neatly wrapped paper parcel in his youthful hands.
“Good morning, Aurelia. Mother Miounne told me she had sent the two of you on your way,” he said, beaming at her. “Come, let’s sit and take tea here by the brazier. ‘Tis a most bracing morning, is it not? I'm afraid all I have in my larder at the moment is chamomile tea, but I was preparing to break my fast. Both of you are welcome to join me if you haven’t already partaken.”
There was chamomile tea with mint, and spiced frumenty, and even- to Keveh’to’s undisguised delight- venison sausages. E-Sumi-Yan speared three onto each plate alongside a small slice of tomato and three coarse-cut pieces of wheaten apiece. 
“Twelve,” the Miqo’te said, his voice trembling, “that’s real bleedin’ honey, too.”
She felt her mouth water as she stared at the plating. It was as much food in one sitting as either of them had had all week, and she suspected the guildmaster had been well aware of it.
“Where did you...” Aurelia began. 
“From my own cold pantry, never fear. I rarely have guests and eat very little on my own, but seeing as this is a special occasion I can hardly be stingy.” He gestured to the unadorned smooth stones about the brazier. “Please. Sit. Eat. I have a matter I must needs discuss, and by its nature, it concerns you both.”
Gratefully she began to dig into the meal, with Keveh’to doing the same at her side. She ate neatly and carefully, trying to make it last. After so long with only a small cupful of oats a day, the Guildmaster’s spread was like unto the feasts at her aunt’s dinner parties.
Her minder - possessed of no such sensibilities - wolfed down the sausages practically whole, his tail slapping cheerfully against the ground.
“What did you wish to discuss, E-Sumi-Yan?” she asked, curling her fingers around the warm teacup after a long and contented sip. 
The fresh-faced Padjal - who ate as carefully as she did, his attention to social etiquette equally conscientious - likewise balanced his cup upon his knee. “Your basic lessons have progressed with remarkable speed,” he began. “In truth, you have taken more quickly to mastery of your own aether than many who have spent the entirety of their lives beneath the Twelveswood’s boughs.”
Aurelia flushed despite herself. How long had it been since she’d heard genuine praise from anyone that hadn’t seemed perfunctory, or given under duress?
“I... thank you,” she said, unable to meet his calm grey eyes, and hastily took another sip of her tea. “It has been no simple task, as you know. I am sure I have much still and more to learn.”
“I quite agree. But I think it is time you continued your studies- in the field. I’ve a mind to send you to the Arbor. There are outlying settlements there in need of our aid.”
“Truly? I had not thought that any of the current Hearers would be willing to, er...”
His answering smile was serene. “Take you on as an apprentice conjurer?” 
“....Well, now you mention it, yes, precisely so. I realize the rank and file would have no idea, but the Hearers must surely know the truth. I can't imagine any of them would take kindly to a Garlean woman as an apprentice.”
“You are, unfortunately, correct in assuming that few would be willing. However, the individual overseeing the region where I would send you has little choice but to accept you.” 
Keveh’to scoffed. “That bad?”
“Bad?” E-Sumi-Yan laughed. “You misunderstand, Sergeant. No, this is simply a matter of life events necessitating a change. His apprentice is due to be wed in the next two moons and he is aging out of the field himself, and at present I have no other novitiates better suited for the position. I would have you assist him with the villagers’ needs as well as those of the forest. He will require aid whether he is desirous of your help or not.”
Aurelia grimaced. 
“I need hardly say this does little to inspire one’s confidence.”
“I do not doubt you will face difficulties initially. That said, I think you will ingratiate yourself to them in due time. Our people are insular and often slow to trust outsiders to the Twelveswood, that much I will allow. But they are not so foolish as to ignore a helping hand indefinitely. No matter the form it takes.”
With a sigh she set the cup back in its saucer and placed it in the empty place sitting on her left. It made a soft, chiming rattle against the stone.
“You are asking me,” she said, “to subject myself to their likely censure.” 
“Yes,” E-Sumi-Yan replied. He didn’t bat an eye, nor appear the least bit sorry for it. “I think it will not be as dire as you fear. Truly, this might even be a valuable lesson for all concerned. Yourself included. And you will have Sergeant Epocan there if-”
This time it was Keveh’to’s turn to flinch.
“No offense, Guildmaster,” he said. “Due respect and all that, but... you know full well how most of your folk feel about Keepers.”
“It will be made clear to the Hearer that you are there on an official assignment,” he said, in a tone that brooked no argument. The Miqo’te’s shoulders hunched defensively, but he didn’t retort. “At any rate, preparations are being made. The Elder Seedseer has given her authorization and asks that you accompany Aurelia to her new position. If the powers that be feel she is not a flight risk, I see no reason to delay the process.”
The woman in question had turned her gaze to the snow-covered clearing, watching two small sparrows clean themselves in the powder with a flurry of their little brown feathers.
“Well,” the Garlean said at length, once she realized all eyes were upon her. “Suffice to say: I have precious little if any say in this affair, being a captive audience in every meaningful sense. So, I will keep any further observations to myself. Should you believe my current skillsets might be put to better use elsewhere, then that is sufficient and I will abide by your judgment -- and that of the Elder Seedseer’s as well, I suppose.”
His small brow wrinkled at her reply, noncommittal as she knew it was. 
“Aurelia, this isn’t the army. You do have some say in whence you go.”
“Again, whether or not I might mislike the assignment does not factor into such matters. You have my compliance regardless.”
“Be that as it may-”
“Guildmaster, your thoughtfulness in asking for my input is appreciated, but you and I both know it is unnecessary.” Her slim shoulders lifted and dropped, as if the outcome made no difference to her either way. “I shall await orders.”
“I will send word along when all is made ready,” E-Sumi-Yan said at length. 
He did not speak his reservations aloud. That he sounded none too pleased warranted no comment.
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fryemcneill3-blog · 5 years
Steinberg Cubase 5 Review
Introduction One of the oldest sequencers, along having Logic (old-timers may bear in mind often the glowing era involving Pro per day and Notator), Cubase possesses over the years, imposed numerous ergonomic desk, technological, and conceptual specifications on the competition. Releasing a fresh version of Steinberg's flagship software is even now a great event in alone, although it must end up being confessed that today, this pretenders to the tub of the master associated with sequencers are quite several. As a result, creativity and superiority are not any longer unique to Cubase and, without even referfing to some other sequencer heavy-weights (Logic, Fantasear, Pro Tools, Samplitude, A digital Performer and Ableton Live), the last few years has noticed many innovative competitors, with running selling price tags and popularity, but filled with great features: Fruity Loops, Melodyne, Tracktion, Electricity XT, Reaper... In a new market mainly because competitive because this, it's obviously progressively more difficult to stand out there. Cubase 4 had the pros even though that launched the particular VST3 common, brought it has the effects and even virtual tools up to date, inaugurated a innovative media management system and even you could lastly proceed effects from one keep tabs on to another by pull and drop. But it appeared more like these people were trying to catch up to the competitors somewhat than definitely developing... Even the more initial innovations, like management involving additional hardware (particularly Yamaha's, since the Japanese producer experienced recently bought Steinberg) and the emergence of control space targeted features were fascinating, but performed not effect all people and for that reason decided not to necessarily justify the particular increased application price: close to $879! Luckily, when typically the impressive Judgement 8 emerged out for around 250 usd it forced Steinberg to help rethink it is rates in addition to marketing technique: you may now find Cubase 5 various for all-around $500! Along with relatively fascinating updates: some. 1 plus 4. 5 (side sequence management intended for their effects, better course-plotting management, more tone banking institutions for HALionOne, etc .. ), and this 5th version, Steinberg is doing it is good for seduce us. Let's go into details... When Now i am sixty four The box is definitely heavy that is certainly a good very good sign. In improvement for you to the USB kopierschutzstecker and even serial number of which let you register, this actually contains 2 manuals: an instant start guide, and a quite large comprehensive guide that does not, however, cover often the effects not virtual equipment included with often the program, but which are coated in PDF files. You can find 4 DVDs: the DVD to install the system, a MOVIE with noises and examples, and a couple of DVDs with the 90-day demo version of HALion Symphonic Orchestra. Observe that inside addition to the manuals, the setup DVD contains a large number of tutorial video clips that are very well performed plus address all the crucial aspects of the sequencer. The fact that that there was initially a time the fact that Steinberg was putting out guides only in PDF formatting, we can only thank the German company intended for having changed its methods. The assembly went smoothly, and after double hitting on the red image, I was in recognizable place: the project windowpane. The primary novelty of this specific version will not jump out and about at you, because it's invisible: Cubase right now fully supports 64 little bit engineering. Wasn't this presently this case? Yes and certainly no, because possibly nevertheless Cubase 4 seemed to be agreeable having 64-bit working systems, the code we hadn't really been recently rewritten with this. It for that reason remained essentially a good 32-bit application, yet efficient at running on a 64-bit program, whereas Cubase 5 is already available in full sixty four bits. What's the major deal regarding 64 pieces? It's basic: it increases the addressable storage. 32-bit operating systems take care of at best 3. 2 GB connected with memory, while a 64-bit OS can theoretically climb to 128 GB (I say theoretically, because presently there at the moment exists no machine, available to the standard public, that has much RAM). A very critical aspect at a time period when virtual ROMplers come with banks of many Gigas for rendering a single instrument (BFD, superiorDRUMMER 3, Vienna, EastWest Symphonic Band, Ivory Piano, etc. ) and streamlining the life of those who implement audio/video and need in order to manage big videos within just their sequencer. Small Technical Propellerhead! Although not everything will be rosy in the territory of 64 bits. Perhaps even though Steinberg is dedicated to supporting Mac OS Times, Vista 64, and the future Windows 7, zero assistance for Windows XP OR 7 64 is definitely officially expected (it doesn't necessarily mean that will it won't work). Make sure you check your plug-ins: several programmers already feature 64-bit functionality and Steinberg proposes, by using VST Bridge technologies, the way to make use of thirty two touch plugins in the 64-bit edition of the sequencer, but it's still highly likely that a person or two of your old effects that you have had for ages in the VSTplugins directory will lock up or refuse to start off. Using the VST Bridge in addition eats assets in percentage to the make use of a true 64-bit plug-in... Around improvement to these tiny inconveniences, the major disadvantage of 64-bit could be the incompatibility with Propellerheads solutions: when you use Cubase your five 64-bit in a 64-bit OS, you'll not be able to use REX file formats, nor the ReWire platform: so goodbye making use of Cubase with Reason, Ableton Live and Melodyne, and others... Of course, the Swedish designer will probably certainly not leave the case as the idea stands, but currently, simply no story has been made with this issue... What do we fag that case? Install the 32-bit variation of Cubase 5, which usually runs effortlessly on the 64-bit OS, till Propellerhead makes a move. This really is annoying of course, nonetheless it cannot be blamed in Steinberg. Let's take a take some sort of look now at capabilities that will change the way you employ Cubase. Cognito, Ergonomic Value There's no revolution in terms of software, the German developer seems to have opted for, having this launching, making often the interface simpler in addition to growing work flow. Take for example the new Automation panel that brings together in the solitary window the main automation orders. steinberg cubase click now suffices to arm all the paths inside Read or Produce settings, while you can decide on to display or disguise automating data, and engage/disengage playback or recording features by Type: Volume, Baking pan, FREQUENCY, Sends, Inserts. This time stored is extensive! As for controls, a new host of smaller developments have been made, such as presence of a virtual key pad that allows an individual to play music from a QWERTY keyboard (useful when you're on a notebook computer on the road, in addition to you terribly lack a keyboard), or a no cost program for iPod/iPhone which could permit your remotely control the particular transport bar via Gopro wifi... nice, you may declare, but not enough in order to rationalise an upgrade. Besides that Steinberg has as well taken this occasion to be able to fulfill the wishes indicated by many end users, by way of developing, firstly, a good export regarding multiple music data. Total Export, Hallelujah! Requested age range ago, the Complete Export have now helps make it possible to export various tracks in one shot. Up to now in Cubase, when you wished, intended for example, to make a good CD associated with 16 music tracks to give to the pal or a facility doing the job under another sequencer with no OMF format, a person had to carry out track by track, while using the One and Mute links: a new waste of time! Now, inside the Mixdown window, only check the little boxes with regard to your outputs, audio tracks as well as instruments together with results tracks. The only issue lacking in this home window is the chance to enable/disable the effects inserted throughout tracks, so you are able to easily produce dry track, although it can easily still end up being done in the mixing machine as well as project view. This would are already nice in case Cubase handled lossless music formats (Monkey Audio amidst others). Anyhow, even in the event Steinberg is catching upwards with the competition more than improvising on this point, this very simple characteristic alone is worth typically the upgrade from any edition of Cubase to this different version... Up in order to Pace Not as important nowadays for a few, but essential for other people, it must be pointed out that there are a couple of new types of monitors: Speed track and Trademark monitor which let anyone program changes in tempo and even time personal in your projects. Indeed, Cubase currently had the " cadence " editing tool in the past, but it was just a good editor, which was not very ergonomically designed. Now, without possibly causing the project home window, you may vary time autographs together with tempo with a new mouse click. Unfortunately, however, anyone can have only a single tempo and unique keep track of per project: you can't find a 3/4 track along with a 4/4 track playing together, or the track as their tempo would increase as the other folks remained at some sort of preset tempo, even when such illustrations are somewhat exceptional... The addition of these 2 tracks should, the point is, significantly make simpler work for composers, who also will also end up being delighted to have the new selection of MIDI computer software. MIDI Plug-Ins Let's start with MIDDLE SIZED plug-ins: they've been totally overhauled, and two brand-new ones have been additional: MIDDLE SIZED Monitor, and Do better than Custom made (which will get talked about later) The MIDI Monitor connect to enables you, as its name suggests, keep an attention on all messages getting through the MIDI sequencer, producing it an extremely beneficial tool when it happens to diagnosing a inability or connection problem, considering that that allows you to help export the firelogs into a good TXT record. Very valuable for robotizing complicated programming. Less esoteric nevertheless both equally powerful, the other MIDI plugins have had considerable improvements made to these people, possibly on the graphical or practical level: much like Chorder, which usually now offers a MIDI Understand function. Only regret: certainly not having tools designed to make ease of the MIDI programming with regard to acoustic instruments to make realistic strumming or different techniques. Nevertheless, in the particular field of reasonable MI-JOURNÉE programming, Steinberg has certainly not been idle, like proven by VST Appearance, one other major innovation associated with type 5... VST Reflection: Express Yourself! So what will be it? It's an interface that lets you intuitively manage and control (from the Piano Roll, the Drum Edit or credit score edit) the many jointures which can be found in good sized symphonic audio banks (Vienna, Garritan, Far east West Symphonic Orchestra, etc . ).. Related to the way another container Map streamlines editing batterie, you can now develop Expression Maps that is going to manage continual controllers (especially key switches) committed to some sort of particular playing technique (staccato, glissando, tremolo, etc. ).. After an Expression Map is made, all you want to do is plan in the changes within articulation at the bottom of the Cello Rotate (in the same room used for continuous controllers), or even use the right symbols inside the score manager. That's almost all this will be, but it really streamlines things, as you'll shortly realize with the HALion Symphonic Orchestra demo type (limited to 90 days), or perhaps with the brass, guitars, plus bass samples of HALion A SINGLE Appearance Set 01. Such as all of good ideas, you think about why nobody thought associated with this before. In addition to simplifying development, VST Expression also lets you shift your sequences from traditional bank to another, as very long as you hold the related expression maps. It can on this very issue the particular one might have cause for you to protest, because even although Cubase provides Manifestation Routes for HALion One in addition to HALion Orchestral Orchestra, that offers none for any weighty hitters of Orchestral trials. So you'll have for you to for you to roll up your own personal sleeves is to do it oneself, through a easy editing tool, or wait until typically the brands themselves or lovers do the job for you, which will probably occur sooner or after. Nevertheless regardless of whether VST Manifestation gets an ordinary adopted by simply other sequencers is yet to be seen... Vari Nice! The Total Move together with VST Expression features can be important add ons to be able to Cubase, but the offer that has received typically the most attention in Cubase 5 is undoubtedly VariAudio, which is fundamentally a good Melodyne-like application integrated instantly into Cubase. In the audio editor (accessible by means of double-clicking any file or maybe audio segment) you will find a new tab called VariAudio. When you initialize it, the technology starts a process regarding reputation for all typically the notes in the music clip that you can certainly then edit like a good simple MIDI collection. A person can change the message and also the place and length of segments, while some sort of curve indicates formants. Ergonomically speaking, the integration is great: rolling the sensitive mouse over some sort of note indicates the pitch and the change in pitch compared to the nearest half-step, while some sort of guitar roll will be superimposed in order to simplify transposition. In comparison to the particular Melodyne Plug-in, its incorporation is seamless: it will work in full display and even not in a decreased home window, there are not any more issues about contradictory shortcuts between Melodyne together with Cubase, plus above just about all, no more headaches using bouncing the audio only to be able to hear the result. There is certainly merely one thing that they have absent compared to Melodyne: VariAudio isn't going to handle this amplitude of segments, which in turn means you can't change the volume of each be aware it finds. Steinberg makes up for this, having said that, by incorporating a good Music to MIDI change feature. You can convert any mono audio snap into a good sequence the fact that can then be performed by any virtual device. Of course, depending with the quality in the sound clip and prognosis restrictions (with or with no getting into account pitch bend), the actual result will be a lot more or less dedicated in order to the original, but by means of editing a little to be able to clean up the sequence a person get results which have been usable... How does it audio? Even if the quality of the methods employed by VariAudio hold their own own when compared to the competitors, these people not up to par with Melodyne when coping with extreme échange (plus as well as minus one octave, to get example). That all depends obviously in what you're trying for you to transfer, some timbres work better in comparison with other people, like electric striper, whilst other individuals that are more intricate, like vocals, produce artifacts (glitches, flange, etc.. ) when you transpose more as compared to a few half-steps. It almost all depends on whatever you work with that for: hidden in the particular mix, some transpositions are usually undetectable, while if it can out in front of some sort of mix or perhaps all on your own it will more than likely not be usable. Nonetheless, it's excellent to currently have a tool like this specific since it come in handy in many scenarios and this works very well. In the wake associated with VariAudio, which is a great editing software, Steinberg has got also delivered pitch correction plug-in which, as the name suggests, automatically modifies the pitch in the observe you put it in (like Auto Tune), with the possibility of restricting the sound to a new a number of scale or changing its ceiling, alter formants, and so on.. The big change with VariAudio is plug-in works throughout real time and does the job well as long as you work with the appropriate settings (shape, speed, tolerance, etc.. ). Pitch correction can in addition create some special outcomes: Mickey mouse Mouse (+ 2 octaves), Barry White (-2 octaves), or by piloting the plug-in via MIDDLE SIZED similar to a virtual instrument, as well as receiving that 'Cher effect'. To put it briefly, in between Pitch Appropriate, VariAudio and AudioWarp, an individual can really sculpt your current tracks almost like they were being made of sonic clay surfaces. This is a quite good point for Cubase 5, which right now retains it is own with regards to sound editing. Let's look into often the effects and virtual instruments that come with Cubase 5... FOREIGN EXCHANGE Machine In Cubase 5, Steinberg kept up to date the bundled effects, plus now there's no lower than 58 audio plug-ins that come with Cubase 5. The assortment of effects is total and covers just with regards to all needs: spectral processing (EQ, filters, wah, enhancer), dynamic (compressors, gates, penile expander, de-esser, transient designer), space (autopan, stereo Widener), toss ( octaver), modulation side effects (chorus, phaser, flanger, diamond ring modulator), distortions, amp simulator, electric guitar tuner, signal electrical generator, etc.. etc.. It will need to be noted that there are a new slight redundancy: the exact same effects are sometimes readily available both in a mono version and a stereo version like the particularly annoying Wave Influences lots. Rather than acquiring 4 distinct delays, the idea would have been nice to get a single plugin that has been a small more sophisticated... The enchanting effect of Impulse Nevertheless, Steinberg should be congratulated for having last but not least incorporated a real high-quality reverb: Reverence convolution processor, which usually takes over for often the very sub-par RoomWorks (which is still available). There is not much to point out about Respect, whose features are similar to other convolution processors (setting various reverb parameters, 3 music group parametric equalizer, reverse method, preview... ). It have to be stated that often the plugin works inside stereo system or surround in addition to that comes with a selection regarding impulse responses: reverbs simply, no speaker simulators regarding guitarists, but given that you can find several impulses on the internet and significance files inside WAV or maybe AIFF structure, this is not a good problem. So, the only critique that can end up being made about this different reverb is the similar a person for all convolution processors: Respect is a new real hog in terminology of CPU consumption. To function in stereo, it's not really really bad, but to make use of it within surround method, it would be far better to have an extremely highly effective machine... However, Steinberg genuinely needed its very own convolution reverb. If you already have one main, then you won't proper care, but if you don't, you'll be saving some money... Common for all the supplied effect plug-ins which : and this is their primary strength - let you execute a new venture from A for you to Unces: nothing is missing and you may easily just work with cubase 5 as is. As for the top quality of the effects and processing, let's just say that nothing seems amiss nevertheless they normally are not up to be able to par with other 3rd party plugins, especially inside the EQ and vibrant processor department (you'll find better plugins by Inside Flux, Sonnox, Wave, URS, PSP... but for a cost that often is much greater than that of the sequencer! ), or the results found in a Samplitude by way of example... Groove Baby Groove! Found in Cubase 5, Steinberg features two new online devices and some sort of MIDI plug dedicated to electronic digital rhythms: Groove Real estate agent One, LoopMash, plus Beat Custom. Contrary to well-known belief, Groove Agent A person is not similar to the old Grooved Agent, nonetheless will be rather such as LM4... with a look of which mirrors an Akai MPC. Really a Drum Sampler which includes 16 exclusive pads which may be assigned to an AIFF, WAV, MPC, or diverse slices of a hook. Note that GA1 manages up to 8 sheets per pad, and you can have got 8 banks of 10 pads. Sleeping pad assignment is done by means of simple drag plus drop from MediaBay, the particular stereo editor tool, or job home window but unfortunately not from desktop computer of Home windows or Macintosh OS. Although after you set more than one document on the same pad, the software program automatically generates the matching layers dynamically disseminating speed ranges. As for modifying, GA1 offers a large amount of controls: tuning/transpose sample, amplitude curve, multimode filter (but not resonant, alas), invert mode... In short, there's ample to keep a person busy whether or not it would likely have been nice if your edit section had already been a little more created (I wasn't able to be able to change the playback start off and stop points connected with a sample) and right now there are no effects (distortion, delay, etc. ). Though, you can apply these kinds of influences in the appliance using diverse audio outputs, it's less intuitive. Indeed, despite their own resemblance, accomplish not expect to can, with Groove Agent A person, a quarter of this things you can carry out with FXpansion's Guru, yet this can be normal after just about all for a method provided with a sequencer... Concerning sequencing, you'll have enjoyable using the new MIDI plug-in known as Beat Designer. Adding typically the ergonomics and reasoning of the classic step sequencer (up to 64 measures for each pattern with diverse time signatures possible), Combat Designer will allow an individual to quickly pilot Groove Agent One or just about any other synth or drum sampler. It is use is definitely very simple: one press to add an event, a person click to eliminate, together with click and drag to switch velocity, although often the slider effect the "swing" sense. It's a new wonderful small sequencer although, yet again, it has the combination with Groove Agent You are very a long way from offering the strength and even the ergonomics of a new Master... And lastly, the most original with the cope: LoopMash. No sequences not one shot samples, this time around we're dealing with streets, along with a strategy that's not far from PowerFX's Magic or Master (again). Typically the idea is to combine typically the groove of a master hook with often the sound of 7 different loops, and matches similar elements over loops and bests, creating new "mash-ups" through any rhythmic audio substance. The software is centered on a sound acknowledgement modus operandi, so you are able to dose the degree of each picture and you can document up to 8 clips with one click. Presently there not necessarily many controls, although gowns OK because this specific fact makes it possible for LoopMash in order to remain a simple and even effective tool for obtaining unique ideas, especially when you try out mixing melodic loops plus drum loops. If electro is your cup of teas, you will still really like the plan. If however, you tend in the direction of Blues or perhaps Rock, anyone probably will not see much interest in this device, not Groove Agent One or Do better than Designer. I want in order to point out what is today one of the only real weak points that Cubase features as opposed to some of it is competitors: the particular number of virtual instruments. Though Embracer, Monologue, Spector, or Halion One can be very nice in and even of by themselves, they're a good very far be sad via the power and usefulness of the Z3TA plus, Dimension Pro, and Rapture THE trio in Pronunciarse, or the instruments offered in Common sense Pro 8 (no rhodes, no organ, etc. ).. It would certainly likely be fewer embarrassing if Cubase transported using a new real software sampler (why isn't HALion involved simply by default). Almost all many of us get by default is definitely the Halion One ROMpler with acoustics banks starting from fair to very average. In this consider, this would be fine if Steinberg had a good more attractive offer, either through marketing or by licensing (including versions of third party plug-ins) or precisely why certainly not buying, technology or products of small specialized programmers. Conclusion Cubase 5 is definitely a success and shows development in several areas. Whole lot more user-friendly, more powerful and better equipped, Steinberg's child is alive in addition to properly! Sure, we'd always want to have more (especially exclusive instruments), but characteristics want VariAudio, VST Reflection, Tempo/Signature tracks, or typically the multitrack export feature help make this an essential update. To the question "Should you upgrade from type 4 or lower", the answer is a good one thousand times yes, but retain in mind that the Facilities variant of this computer software doesn't include things like (and it's an important point) VariAudio, amongst other issues. If however, you don't have a sequencer or you plan to change, the issue is additional challenging for the reason that after a fast website surf, it was rather surprising to find out that no brands other than Magix, Cakewalk and Ableton, have demonstration types associated with their sequencers! And it's really a good shame that you aren't try ahead of you acquire on some sort of time any time the variations between sequencers is typically summed upwards by the few features and diverse work-flows. But, speaking being an unconditional Cubase user these past 20 several years, I can't recommend Cubase 5 adequate...
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Manufacturers all have their own styles which is why coasters from the same company tend to look/act similar to each other. Rides of the same model are siblings, but otherwise rides of the same manufacturer are unrelated to each other. This will all make much more sense if you’re a serious enthusiast type who knows about all these differences already. I’m mostly covering the major manufacturers that I’ve thought about so far.
Wooden coasters: Yes, there are multiple manufacturers, but due to their relatively scarcity they tend to be all lumped together. In general, they tend to be more masculine in appearance, rather hairy and rugged, and shorter than thicker than many steel coasters. GCIs are very very curvy, though, almost not straight lines to be seen on them. Old wooden coasters are often very pale if painted white and less masculine than modern ones, more elegant. In general, wooden coasters are more chaotic and rambunctious than steel coasters and can be more cheeky and violent. But they also can be at risk for depression and getting nasty when heavily braked, reprofiled, or otherwise toned down. Opinions on RMC conversions are very mixed but those that have had it done so so far have greatly appreciated it since they were in absolutely miserable states. Steel coasters accept them a complementary rides(B&Ms tend to quietly dislike them though), and there is little rivalry between the two types since they have completely different niches and usually don’t compete much.
Arrow- earlier Development-era Arrows are sort of like wooden coasters, rambunctious and sometimes a little too mean but ultimately reliable, caring people and huge Disney lovers due to the company’s history with it. Mid 80s-90s Arrow Dynamics-era ones unfortunately tend to set the stereotype though. They can be rather judgemental and egotistical due to their past statuses and generally are ruder and more temperamental and either love or hate people. Later Arrows often have a strong dislike/distrust of more modern coasters, particularly B&Ms (and B&Ms feel about the same about them) due to them essentially causing their manufacturer’s demise and clashing personalities. Arrows tend to be among the leanest coasters because of their thin track/support structures, usually wirey and boney, but surprisingly tough and durable. Later Arrows age like milk and often look old than they are. They have a distinctive hard, crooked appearance and even lady Arrows can look rather masculine due to their hard edges and prominent cheekbones.
Togo- Similar personalities to Arrows, though less dislike of B&Ms and they have some distinctly Japanese customs. Also thin but sturdy like them, but with generally smaller frames and a little less angular. A bit on the quirky wacky side.
Vekoma- Older Vekomas are a lot like the later Arrows and get along well with them. They’re a bit less blocky and masculine in appearance. They tend to give people less personal space and be more extroverted and wild vs the more formulaic Arrows. Honestly, much as I unironically enjoy janky old Vekomas I haven’t thought about them a ton. Newer Vekomas and family coasters stay away from the nasty old ones and try to forget they’re from the same company lol
Intamin- Intamins vary a ton as the company has changed a lot over time. I’ll mainly focus on more modern ones here. Intamins are known for being crazy and reckless and often being injured due to their rides’ tendency for breakdowns. Most are agreeable enough people if you can get past their wild personalities, though some are/have been excessively aggressive or violent. They’re pretty neutral in conflicts like wooden coasters. Intamins tend to be trim and athletic, very conventionally attractive, though this can vary a lot given the company’s long history and variety of rides (some 80s Intamins look like B&Ms).
B&M- B&Ms tend to be serious, stubborn, and somewhat socially awkward due to many having difficulty showing expression, but very reliable and hardworking when needed. Older B&Ms are more stern and can be aggressive or violent if pushed and not always good at showing warning that they’re about to snap. Younger B&Ms (2000-on) are sweeter and can be somewhat airheaded due to being gentler coasters. As mentioned before, B&Ms avoid wooden coasters since they seem them as crude and rough (smoothness as a ride is very important to them). They don’t get along with Arrows and many other older steel coasters for similar reasons. B&Ms are very visually distinctive, as they tend to much broader and softer than others. Standard loopers (inverted and standard floorless/sitdown/standup) are typically solid but chunky, wings have longer arms and broader shoulders, flyers have slightly larger builds, hypers and gigas are big and bulky, and dive machines are broadest of all, with massive chests/shoulders but slimmer legs. B&Ms are usually visually attractive with smooth soft faces and few hard edges. Older B&Ms can look deceptively young due to how little the rides age.
Gerstlauer- Some can be unpredictable and sometimes a bit weird and irrational, can come off as a bit irresponsible and rude. Gerstlauer loopers are often very compact and deceptively muscular squirmy things. (This is mostly based on my experiences with Saw and Smiler)
Mack- Macks are agreeable if sometimes a little too chill and agreeable and can come as a little stupid. They look similar to Intamins and Gerstlauers.
RMC- RMCs in general are as wild, impulsive, and crazy as Intamins. They can be irresponsible and reckless but not always as much as Intamins (except Steel Vengeance, who’s a dumpster fire). Conversions often have a sadder inner life that they may reveal if asked about, but new build ones are just totally batshit. RMCs look similar to regular wooden coasters, but with more extreme proportions and sometimes a bit homely lol. No thoughts on RMC steel coasters since I just don’t know enough about them and there’s only two.
Pinfari- A bunch of angry short guys who will kick you in the shin.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/how-wing-is-plowing-the-field-for-drone-delivery-tech-buzz/
How Wing Is Plowing the Field for Drone Delivery | Tech Buzz
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One of the enormous changes coming to us that has accelerated significantly of late is drone delivery, which promises to provide more speedy fulfillment of online orders. First for small items like meals or medicines, both of which are critical during the pandemic, and eventually for larger items — and even people.
Still, drone delivery has a few challenges to overcome which include range, air traffic control, safety, and consumer trust. All of these must be developed to the point where the related services are trusted to do what they promise, without drama.
One of the leading companies developing a drone solution is a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, named Wing. It has the drones, the air traffic control system, and the most extensive test fleet in the air currently. Still, Wing will face competition from other firms and internal groups at shipping companies in this race for instant gratification.
Let’s talk about each of the elements and why Wing is so far ahead, and we’ll end, as always, with my product of the week: the first transparent TV at commercial scale from Xiaomi.
The Elements of Drone Delivery
Drone delivery isn’t easy primarily because we want the things to run on batteries, and battery energy efficiency is still inferior in terms of both energy density and weight when compared to fossil fuels. So part of a delivery solution is to have depots within the 6- to 9-mile effective delivery range of the more advanced delivery drones.
A drone design is needed that is reasonably safe and relatively energy-efficient; otherwise, the depot density and liability become unreasonable. Relying only on the heavy-lift capability of the drone won’t do it. The wings or lifting bodies need to be utilized to extend the range and the speed of the drone to minimize airtime, to conserve energy. Delivery drones need to be lightweight to reduce damage if they fail (lower terminal velocity), and to reduce the base energy the drone body needs to stay aloft.
Now with all of the drones in the air, some sort of traffic control system is needed. However, humans won’t cut it because the traffic will be significant when delivery service hits critical mass. So this traffic control system must be automated, work between drone service providers, and integrate with the traffic control systems in use by commercial, law enforcement, and military aviation. This platform should be integrated with the tracking systems that consumers have access to, so they can receive their drone-delivery package.
Finally, you need a process to assure the package and drone are both protected in transit and that the package ends up in the hands of the designated recipient. If significant numbers of drones or packages end up stolen or damaged, the proposition of widespread of drone delivery would be destined to fail.
Wing’s Answers
Wing has developed solutions for each of these elements, which is why currently, as far as independent drone solutions (Amazon has developed similar capabilities), it is ahead. Wing’s plan includes depots within the reliable range limits of their planned drone services. I think we’ll eventually find that shopping centers will make very viable drone depots in the future.
Wing’s drone design is inspired. Using industrial-grade Styrofoam for the drone body and a lifting-wing design, Wing has created a light drone that can use the wings to extend the drone’s range and lower its terminal velocity, and in turn the potential for damage in the event of a catastrophic failure.
Wing adopted OpenSky, an app-based offering in place for both commercial and consumer markets. OpenSky services are currently only available in Australia, but provide a vision of what’s to come in other regions. The app lets drone flyers place a pin on any location in Australia in order to gather information about flight rules.
Future planned enhancements are consistent with an automated air traffic control system, and those improvements are expected to arrive long before drone delivery reaches critical mass. They must; otherwise full deployments will likely be delayed until those enhancements are in place and thoroughly tested.
Finally, the Wing drone uses a built-in winch that keeps the drone elevated and safe, and the application the recipient will use assures they are on site to receive the package when it arrives. This helps protect the drone from damage, and better assures the package goes where intended. User tracking could be an option to assure the person at the delivery location is the same for whom the package is intended.
Wrapping Up
Wing currently has the leading solution, which is concerning to independent providers coming to market. Amazon, however, may be ahead particularly with heavy lifting and their investigation of alternative depot designs like dirigibles or blimps, which are mobile, although those have additional safety, weather, and air-traffic concerns.
In any race, being ahead doesn’t count for much now if you don’t get to the finish line first; and Wing’s parent company doesn’t have the best reputation for finishing big projects like this. Like many tech companies, Alphabet tends to fund based not on need, but on what some executive believes in their gut is good enough — and often, it isn’t.
Besides, Amazon is closing fast and appears to be more aggressively looking at things like heavy-lift drones. Wing’s drones don’t have the carrying capacity for medium-sized appliances or a grocery cart — and there are other companies already experimenting with people-carrying drones which, like Uber cars, could also be used for delivery.
Wing has started strong, but we still have years to go before this race is decided, and they’ll have to run hard to beat the increasing number of competitors entering this segment.
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I don’t get excited about TVs that much anymore, but there was time I spent US$7,500 for one of the first wall-mounted flat-screen Plasma TVs in the market — and it was only a 42-inch. It replaced a large CRT that sat on the floor and looked a ton better. Since then, flat TVs have become common, and as we raised resolution, the content didn’t keep up well, and excitement dwindled.
Well, Xiaomi may have just changed this with its Mi TV LUX. This TV looks like a plate of clear glass when it’s off, and then it performs just like a flat-screen TV when turned on. The base houses the electronics, and it uses OLED technology, so it doesn’t need a light source. It should result in deeper blacks, but the bright display may offset that.
The Mi TV is as awe-inspiring to look at as was the first flat screen, with one big exception; it doesn’t obscure what’s behind it when it’s turned off. Now, if you are like me, when you look at what’s behind your TV, it isn’t that attractive — so you’d need to rethink TV placement. The Mi would do best as a TV in the middle of a room, or in place of a TV that obscures a window. Its transparent characteristic might stimulate some new ideas about where to situate a TV.
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I think this unit would work better as a monitor than it would a TV, because monitors are often placed on desks in open floor plan offices — at least before the pandemic. The ideal setting would be one where this TV/monitor is turned off, and clear. That would open the office up, or the user could blank the monitor and see who was on the other side of their desk, as needed. Think how cool this would look as a monitor on the desk of a receptionist, secretary or executive.
Ironically, given what I paid for my first flat-screen TV, this thing is $7K at 55-inches, so rather expensive for its size. But if you have a yacht with a view, want to impress your clients, or want something that will have your guests catch their breath, well the Xiaomi Mi TV Lux is my product of the week. (Don’t tell my wife, she’ll take away my credit card again.) Oh, and it could be perfect for watching virtual events in your office — though, if you turned this into a window, it could be even more interesting!
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The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ECT News Network.
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Rob Enderle has been an ECT News Network columnist since 2003. His areas of interest include AI, autonomous driving, drones, personal technology, emerging technology, regulation, litigation, M&E, and technology in politics. He has an MBA in human resources, marketing and computer science. He is also a certified management accountant. Enderle currently is president and principal analyst of the Enderle Group, a consultancy that serves the technology industry. He formerly served as a senior research fellow at Giga Information Group and Forrester. Email Rob.
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