#tbh 2 is my nemesis
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princesstarfire1234 · 1 year ago
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Freddy Fazforce Fazbear and his evil obligatory recolor
Took a break from doing my commissions and doodles this
Based off of the Fazforce toys in Help Wanted 2 which may or may not be a Transformers reference
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Wait I saw that Rhysand Clone #28387372 Xaden dies at the end of the new Dragon Tiktok Book can anyone confirm if this is true or not because honestly I don't expect it to be true but if it somehow is then props to the author for doing one of the funniest things ever
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sirpeppersto · 10 months ago
please please please supergiant please put sappho in hades 2 please im begging you I'll do anything please
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hoperays-song · 1 year ago
Quick Drawing of Human AU Graffiti Artist Ryan
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muletia · 3 months ago
soooo,,, SO!- we already got obbsessed! Optimus prime and obbsessed! Megatron fighting over their human (i'd also gave up too with the back and fort kidnapped and let them be, because why not?/j) iirc, you also write obbsessed! Ratchet too? I think? Which is make me wondering, not only you deal 2 obbsessed giant robots- you deal 3 OBBSESSED GIANTS ROBOTS 😭
This is honestly just silly and funny for me, pleaseeee,, obbsessed! Ratchet encourage obbsessed! Optimus to save the reader from megatron and Optimus agree what ratchet everything he have said lmaoo (cue to the rest of the robots have worried and concern looks on their faces as they watch theyre boss and medic obbsessed with reader)
And megatron? Yeah he do finally gone in the deep end, and want his human back while the deceptioncons just tiredly sighs and no choice to follow megatron orders to bring back the human to him 😭
pfff you collecting obsessed cybertronians like pokemon, i like it
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i’d honestly leave the country tbh, move to the middle of nowhere, and make trees my neighbors. however, i highly doubt that would stop megatron. you might convince yourself that your life has finally settled down and that maybe, just maybe, you’ll get to experience normalcy. but no! because before long, you’re back on the nemesis, stuck to your captor’s chassis, who this time doesn’t take his optics off you for even a second.
of course, the bullshittery has to be never-ending, because after that, you end up back at the autobot base, where ratchet gives you a full lecture about how, if you pull a stunt like that again, you’ll be grounded in the base forever. optimus just nods in agreement, because both of them are very much on board with that idea.
the only thing missing to make your life even more complicated is an obsessed! autobot scout—or maybe two....
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mercurymacaroons · 6 months ago
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another wip of mr disco ninja frog himself
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wip . ۫ ꣑ৎ . do you fw this twink
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revelboo · 3 months ago
RAHHHHH the rammatra fic outta nowhere had me going ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
(Tbh I think he and genji were my gateway drug to robots)
Absolutely scrumptious as always
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Anti-Gravity Pt 2
Ramattra x Reader
• Ankle screaming when you put weight on it, you use the length of rebar like a cane to pick your way closer to the pinned Omnic. He still has one good arm, so you’ll need to be quick. Drive that rebar deep as you can, through that baleful optic and out the other side. Omnic aren’t people, they’re not alive, just a clever impersonation of it. Except. You remember months ago, getting caught on the outskirts of a mob running down a lone Omnic. Watching them pull it to the ground, but doing nothing to stop them. It wasn’t your problem, you just wanted to go home. But it hadn’t begged or pleaded with its attackers. All it had said while it still could speak was that it was ‘seen in the light of the Iris.’ Like it believed it was more than just a machine. Raising the rebar, you stare down at it. Him, Ramattra. A machine. Just a machine.
• Servos curling in a fist, he tiredly watches the human poised to attack him. One side of your face smeared with blood from a sluggishly bleeding wound at your temple. Baring your teeth at him, rocking forward, but faltering. And your hands are shaking as you make to lunge and then stop yourself again. Finally meeting his optics. “You’re a monster,”you tell him, voice tired as you slump down on a pile of rubble nearby. Above the two of you something shifts and dirt patters down. He understands that hate in your eyes, but your mercy takes him by surprise. “You deserve to die,” you add, voice angry now. At him or yourself?
• “If I’m a monster, it’s because your kind gave me no choice,” that low, digitized voice growls as he tries to drag himself more upright before giving up. Head tipping back to stare at the rubble above them and you follow his stare even as his words whisper through you. Make you think of that Omnic dying for no reason at all, torn apart by that mob. What had it even done? Just been in the wrong place at the wrong time? Dared to exist?
• Growling softly, he knows that if they start messing with the debris above, it’s likely to come down and your mercy will mean very little when you’re both crushed. “There’s always a choice,” you counter, rolling up your pant leg to gingerly prod at your ankle and he watches your little shoulders hunch. From above, there’s another shower of dirt and rocks, the drip of water becoming a steady stream from a busted pipe.
• You’re afraid to take off your sneaker and see how bad it really is. Afraid you won’t be able to get the show back on if you do. The only thing you’re certain of it’s that you can’t stay here. You’re not sure if you’re in the sewer or in some kind of maintenance tunnel, but you don’t want it to become your tomb.
• “Your naïveté will get you killed,” he growls, watching you turn your attention back to him. To his trapped leg. While you can still walk, he can’t. Not alone. Doesn’t have the energy to swap back to nemesis form to try and free himself, too damaged to risk it. Ignoring you since you’re apparently not going to try and end him right this moment, he tries to free his pinned lower leg. Tensing when you limp over and drive that rebar under the broken wall crushing him and pushing down on it like a fulcrum. Too small to budge it at all, but still trying. Above them something creaks and scrapes. How long? Minutes or hours? And he follows your attention when it drifts toward the dark tunnel. “You can’t see in the dark, but I can. Find something sharp. Metal.”
• You stare at him, attention drifting back to his lower leg. Knowing you’re not going to get him free in time, but he’s right. It’s pitch deeper in and the only light is coming through the shifting rubble. You’ll never find a way out without him. Limping sends jagged shards of pain through your leg and knee, but you find something useable and carry it over. Feeling oddly squeamish as he positions it against the joint of his knee and you realize what he wants. Just a machine, you remind yourself as he tries to saw at the joint, making a low, snarling sound of very real pain. And you grab the sides of the metal fragment and drive it down. Again and again, feeling the edges biting into your palm. It takes both of you to sever the lower half of his leg and your palms are cut up and sticky with blood as you offer him a hand. “You’re still a monster,” you tell him as he lurches unsteadily upright with only one leg and one arm. Skin crawling as he leans on you and nearly knocks you both down with his weight. He’s silent as you grit your teeth and start moving, letting him use you for balance. Because even if he’s a monster, he doesn’t deserve to die like this. No one does.
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megadoomingir · 3 days ago
You've probably answered his before, but how does Predaking really like SEE starscream? Im not that far into the fic, and I've seen some posts talking about predaking and starscream, something about predaking ready to rip starscream from shockwaves hand, which if that's actually true good for starscream! Because my first thought was, "Oh! Therapy/Guard puppy!" (Shockwave scares me tbh)
It’s taken me some time to get to your ask, so I’m sure you’ve been able to see for yourself by now, but I still wished to answer this!
I think it tends to get overlooked at how truly young Predaking is. Yes, he was cloned, and yes, he still gets snippets of a life before his rebirth at times during the show, but he was still brought forth during a very impressionable time where he still needed to learn and grow mentally and emotionally. While the rest of the Nemesis crew only sees a semi-domesticated animal, Starscream’s ‘Round 2’ already has him prepared to treat Predaking like a thinking, questioning equal.
This, in turn…
has Predaking treating Starscream with more curiosity. Who is this strange, screechy mech who scolds him with big words and important gestures? Why does he insist that he’s smarter than he lets on? Predaking’s more curious nature is encouraged by Starscream and the more gentle approach that the seeker takes with the Predacon has Predaking acting more like a protector. A childish one, full of wonder and questions as he’s been encouraged to be, but a protector nonetheless.
Thank you for your question. :3 And I hope you love this new reimagining of Predaking as much as I do.
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sammy8d257 · 2 months ago
hey there! im kinda new to your works, and i cant find the full CV!universe qwq
i dont mind an info dump lol
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The main reason why you haven't heard much about the AvA Cartoon Villain verse is that I'm horrible at actually updating any of my AUs here on Tumblr
But you've handed me a perfect opportunity to info dump and info dump I shall
Okay so, as a recap, the Cartoon Villain verse (aka the CV!verse) is an AU I created back before the start of AvM season 3 started where I wanted to be incredibly self-indulgent about the possibility of the Dark Lord ever returning so me and a couple of others on the Enthusiasts server started listing off funny saturday morning cartoon villain tropes we liked. And lo and behold, the CV!verse was created
As it stands now, the CV!verse is an AU where after the events of Showdown, Dark wakes up from being blasted into the side of the mountain and literally stumbles his way onto Purple's MAC. At this point, Purple has already made up with their villagers and is back being their king. So when Dark arrives, he sees Purple wearing a crown, decks them in the face, declares himself ruler of the castle, and them promptly passes tf out.
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Purple in their utter confusion, takes Dark back to the castle and nurses him back to health. As thanks, Dark offers Purple a job as his henchman, and Purple is so amused (and quite literally has nothing better to do) agrees.
So now they're a Villain and Henchman duo who's goal is to take over Alan Becker's PC and the Color Gang (also known as the Color Lames, Dark's nickname for them) has to stop them. Additionally, despite this being created before AvM s3, I still have incorporated some elements, particularly the characters, from that season. Although, nothing is canon past AvM Lucky Blocks and that includes the current AvA arc with Victim.
Essentially, I've taken these sticks and I'm playing around with them like dolls. Some characters I've changed in terms of backstory pretty drastically because it fits in better with the AU and frankly, its funnier.
Also because of the cartoon influences, I like imagining the AU takes place in like episodic seasons.
So Season 1 would be where Chosen (whose been going around the Interweb as a Virus Hunter) ended up back on Alan's PC and after finding out Dark is still alive, agrees to mentor Second. Dark is absolutely THRILLED that Chosen is back because that means he can have his nemesis back (and he does genuinely miss him but he'll never admit it). The season would be about introducing the characters with the overarching plot being the struggle of accepting change and whether or not it's okay to accept a role that was placed upon you.
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Season 2 is where we meet Victim/Vic (also known as L!Vic whose is based off of @iluvylalevu Victim) who at the end of the season is revealed to be an Alternate Dimensional Traveler. So he's not this AU's Victim. Vic ends up joining Dark and Purple on their adventures because tbh, their shenanigans are a lot of fun and he looooove silly stuff. This season is also where we're introduced to King MT, a evil genius inventor in the field of robotics (who is also very divorced and sometimes Gold will stop by to help out). King doesn't actually appear (aside from a few mentions) until the end of the season. This season would focus on expanding the world of the AU, going over some sticks new backstories (Purple's parents are still alive and the family is not broken!!) while the overarching plot would be dealing with the feelings of not belonging and of being replaced.
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Season 3 is where we get into dabbling with Alternate Universe stuff. Because at the end of Season 2, Vic goes back to his own universe and that inspires Dark to start looking into how to travel into other universe. Due to this tampering with reality, a new character appears on Alan's PC who happens to be a ghost stick figure named "Shade". So while Dark is doing AU theory, the Color Gang is looking for clues as to who "Shade" is and why xir bound to the desktop. By the end of the season, Dark figures out dimensional travel and its revealed that "Shade" is this AU's version of Victim who at remembering xir past, pulls an "Aggie Prenderghast from Paranorman" and starts destroying the desktop. Dark, Purple, the Color Gang, and Chosen have to escape into L!Vic's dimension to avoid the fallout. This season's main theme is the yearning for something new and the grief of the past.
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Season 4, the group heads back and through the power of friendship (and promises of forgiveness and second chances), they manage to calm Victim down, who decides xe like the name Shade better. And honestly, that's as far as I got. This would also be the point where CV!Dark starts visiting other AvA AUs for fun (like how the CV!Trio visited my AvA Mafia AU ^^)
But yeah, that's about it. An overview of the AU!
Honestly, if anyone wants I'd be more than happy to info dump about any specific things about the AU. Like characters, character relationships, any episode ideas. That kinda stuff
Cuz it's all trapped in my head rn and I just haven't had the chance (or time) to actually do anything about it alskdjlgdsg
Heres my ref I have for specifically the CV!Trio!
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sophiashifts · 24 days ago
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first time shifting to resident evil storytime ٠ ⭑ ݁ .🕷️ ࣪ ✮₊ ˚
shifting to games like resident evil, silent hill, last of us, etc.. can be very intense most of the time and are not for everyone. this does not mean you shouldn’t be shifting to here just because it’s a lot to handle, i just recommend scripting safety hazards and making sure your mental health can handle realities like this. happy shifting 🤍
٠ ⭑ ݁ .♟️ִ ࣪ ✮₊ ˚.🕷️٠ ⭑ ݁ .♟️ִ ࣪ ✮
unfortunately, i forgot the date but i know for sure it was sometime in mid to late november— and i think it was a sunday as i had school the day after (whatever it’s not important tbh💀)
i had recently been in a great mindset at that time and i had reprogrammed my mind. i hadn’t used a method that night, i just meditated, said affirmations, then set the intention to wake up in my resident evil dr. this reality takes place in the events of raccoon city. it’s kind of like a mix of resident evil 2 and resident evil 3
i was woken up with loud banging on my door, i was confused because i didn’t have school that morning and didn’t have to be up for anything, as i opened my eyes i realized i had shifted. i was inside my apartment which was so much more cozy than i had expected. my room had so much decor and ugh i could go on forever about it ANYWAYS.. i had to take a few deep breaths because i knew if i didn’t i would probably just freak out.
btw, the banging was NOT scripted so obviously i expected the worse (a zombie😭) so i grabbed the gun on the kitchen counter as i opened the door, to see it was only leon. (as he lives in the same apartment complex as me) he was telling me how the zombie outbreak was getting worse by the second and we need to find out what’s going on and leave the city and i’m like dude i can’t go i have a lot of work to do for my job (im a journalist for the fbi, and at this time there was a LOT of things to do💀) but he convinces me i need to be safe blah blah blah okay whatever i go with him (but i make leon wait a minute bc no way i was going out in my pajamas…)
so we make our way out of the apartment and surprisingly only see one zombie which i literally shot?? hello that was so crazy to do 😭?? our main mission atp was to get somewhere safe where zombies couldn’t reach us and leon had already made a plan to go to the subway as he had found a map and said he knows the way, and then to the police station.
also, i wanna mention as we were getting to the subway mf nemesis appears?? and i wonder why the hell i didn’t script him out😭😭 we luckily got away but rest assured i scripted him out for my next shift🧍
so as we make our way to the subway, we run into carlos out of nowhere?? so we tell him we’re trying to get out to the subway and he should come with us and he decides to help us because leon got the directions wrong 🤦‍♀️
so me, leon, and carlos, got to the subway and went to raccoon city police department for answers, leon decided to split up from us as he went looking for survivors (dumbass could’ve died) while me and carlos stayed at the police station to search for anything. i had learned a lot about carlos that night and we came close
i had then shifted back because i had school the next day and already so much had happened. soooooo that was my first shift to resident evil if you read this whole thing i love you
let me know if you have any questions i’d be happy to answer 💗💗
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purplehalnw · 1 year ago
Okay so what I can gather from a couple of fan theories I've seen regarding Vox, Valentino, and Alastor is that:
Vox and Valentino were/are together (possibly even married) but because Valentino is such an annoying prick Vox can't really stand him any more but is probably still in love with him or at least still wants his attention/praise. But also Vox has a one-sided thing going on with Alastor who does not reciprocate because 1. He is aroace and 2. He just doesn't like Vox at all bc you know television. And because he does not reciprocate Vox has decided to become his arch nemesis. But hell even that is pretty much one-sided since Alastor seems more amused by Vox than genuinely pissed off at him like how we've seen him be with Lucifer.
And tbh if all of this ends up being canon then I will probably end up losing my mind because this is the messiest and most entertaining relationship dynamic bullshit, or whatever the fuck you even call this shitstorm, I have ever heard of.
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class1akids · 1 month ago
Shipping/Yuri aside, do you think what helped the Ochako & Toga plot-line be so well-received by fans compared to the Deku & Shigiraki one is that both of them are girls, so therefore they’re allowed to be “sappy” with each other which in turn made their interactions feel more genuine? Since this is a shounen manga and obviously you can’t have the male MC embracing his male arch-nemesis with both of them crying in each other arms and floating in the sky while being surrounded by pink energy/clouds.
Not saying it HAS to be that exact scenario for it to be genine, but I always felt that Horikoshi didn’t put enough effort into Deku forming any deep connection with Shigiraki and I can’t help but feel that maybe toxic masculinity might have played a role in it?
I don't think the tgchk fight was that well-received by everyone - some people loved it, some people hated it, some people were indifferent. On IMDB, it's not even in the Top 10 highest rated episodes of S7.
A lot of the hype came not from the storyline, but the yuri-bait shippy looking art, which made the bk/dk fandom very excited about it, seeing it as a possible sign that izch will be abandoned as endgame ship.
Hori used a lot of sentimental tricks - including a copious amount of "girls as cute little kids" and big erotic-looking panels to boost the emotional content.
To me, their interactions didn't feel all that genuine tbh - it was some of the most contrived, cringe dialogue I read in my life - and also it was a disappointment, because it shifted away from their PLF-war "Who is saved by the heroes?" - "Who saves heroes?" dynamic and built instead a simplistic "oh people find me creepy" "you are cute" kind of dynamic. All the rage / grief Toga carried about Twice, a possible confrontation with Hawks, etc. was thrown out for whatever we got.
But because it's simplistic, people can understand it easily and Hori bloated it as well with large extra panels - which let the emotions breathe.
I think in Izuku vs Shigaraki he was in trouble because he wanted to make Deku look both like a badass MC kicking the butt of his villain, but also as the compassionate person he is supposed to be.
To be fair to Izuku, I think he went even further than Ochako in reaching out - literally losing his arms in the process to respond to Tenko's need for validation, but all he got was a crappy little panel, where even the flashback is way bigger than what is actually happening.
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Still, Tenko and Deku did get the equivalent of the floating girls panel.
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But because their dynamic wasn't a 2-way dynamic, but they carried the AFO vs OFA plot with AFO, the vestiges, Deku as the MC carried every extra's highlight they didn't get a full chapter like 395 which did nothing but linger on naked Toga's emotions to make a decision to save Uraraka.
They got instead AFO comeback, Tenko's life being invalidated after Deku just validated it, the whole "everyone is becoming heroes together". There are 5 chapters worth of speedy checklist of plotlines:
Pointless AFO gave
Sero, Satou, etc. group
Aizawa - Mic - Kurogiri
Deku has no arm - Eri's horn -Deku has arm
Everyone arrives
Todorokis come back - Sero spotlight
Everyone helps Deku get to AFO with hasty spotlights on several characters
All Might / US pilots
The fucking US president - why? who knows
Ochako on the helicopter
Then we get more AFO flashbacks
Bakugou surprise return - obligatory glazing session - pointless reference to rivalry plot
And then, only then do we get back to Izuku and Tomura/Tenko. And if Hori had the same interest in drawing them as he had in drawing girls' bodies, he could have put this comeback in a chapter of its own like 395 - where he shows Tenko being saved by Nana, where he gives him a POV in joining the attack against AFO, where he acknowledges what Deku did for him, etc. But instead of luxurious and drawn in detail double pages, the boys get empty panels with awkward dialogue and some low quality doodles.
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Like it's the same storybeat - but Horikoshi put effort into drawing the girls and next to zero effort into drawing Izuku and Tomura.
And yes, he's burnt out and what-not, but then he had 4 months to fix the volume, and still did only very little corrections to the Shigaraki - Deku scene. He could have expanded on Tenko and Nana (I expected he would), but instead, all he drew was more Toga and Uraraka.
At this point, there is no other explanation than Hori just got obsessed with his female characters and was drawing them for his own pleasure rather than fixing the lackluster treatment he gave to his MC and Shigaraki.
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agentlizardofowca · 3 months ago
Hi sorry to bother you again but I was wondering how you think these situations would go?
I mean I know there’s probably 1000 fics about this already but what if Doof created a “HUMAN-INATOR” or something like that and accidentally turned Perry into a human?
Also unrelated thing and I think I may have asked you this before about Doofs arms, but since they’re both titanium do you think his family knows? Or do you think at a family’s reunion he just pops one off and everyone freaks out.
So, years ago I had a vision for a fic that I never ended up writing because I couldn’t figure out what direction to take it. It would be very long, kinda angsty, etc. I love the premise still, and tbh if someone else wants to write it, feel free. I don’t think I ever will.
So, Doofenshmirtz is annoyed that the specific screw he wants to buy isn’t available, his only option is this alternative screw that has something else attached to it, and he doesn’t want that other bit. “I just want my 2.3 Inch ecto-titanium screw, Perry the platypus! It makes me so mad, just like those lunch deals where you have to buy a piece of fruit. I don’t want a banana! Don’t make me buy a banana! Anyway,” He sighed wearily, and for once Perry found that he sort of agreed. “So I made THIS! The base component-inator! Everything I shoot with this with be divided up into the things it makes up.” And then to prove it he shoots a packet of pre-marinated sausages and he gets a loose sausage and a packet of sauce.
So they fight, right? And Doof throws his platypus nemesis straight into the beam and BWAM! Big explosion, smoke everywhere etc.
When the smoke clears, Heinz is shocked to find a (dead?) brown platypus on the floor. And although he knows he is bad at recognizing Perry, he is sure that’s not Perry. And then he hears something else, and there is also a very confused, very beautiful, naked man on his floor., who doesn’t know anything for sure anymore. But he knows that he is Perry.
The rest of the fic would be about Perry and Heinz working together to figure out what OWCA had done to their agents. Where the human subjects came from. What to do about all the other OWCA agents, etc.
Meanwhile, Phin and Ferb are looking for their pet platypus, and Perry has no clue how to tell them.
I had 2 ideas; one where Perry could have Doof rewind the inator so he could be a platypus whilst he figured it all out.
Or the other where the platypus is straight-up dead, and Perry is stuck in his human body, forced to stay with Heinz.
(yes, of course they are in love.)
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mosspodge · 4 months ago
I am extremely self taught, so this is gonna be a lot of links and infodumping!!!! Hopefully this helps a even just a little bit :>
SO! I honestly got into sewing through youtube during covid, largely bc i wanted silly fun clothes! There are a loooot I could recommend to you out there, but I personally find that the more chaotic and learn-as-they-go people help me the best! Rachel Maksy and The Stitchery are, to me, some of the best to learn from! Which is honestly pretty funny since they tend to just fully wing it most of the time lol. While i could recommend excellent sewists like the amazing Bernadette Banner (who is actually the first sewing channel I watched!), I find that the more loosey goosey the process, the more i can learn, if that makes sense? I find it helpful to watch people trial-and-error their way through projects and show where they succeeded and failed since I get a better grasp on their process that way.
The best way to start sewing, in my humble opinion, is to grab whatever sewing machine you can get your hands on and play around with it! Read the manual, find a tutorial video on how to thread the machine, grab some scrap fabric and play around! You don't really need any special needles or feet (the little thing that holds the fabric down), unless you wanna get started sewing denim or velvet or something Speaking of which, learn about fabrics!!!!! I learned mostly by going to joanns, touching the fabrics, and looking at the content labels. Everything has different uses, and while two things might both be cotton, one could be knit while the other jersey (tshirt fabric). I like this video for learning the basics! Tbh this one took me a while. Usually patterns have recommendations for what fabrics to use, so that's always a good place to start!
Patterns. Ah my arch nemesis. Unless you decide to start drafting your own patterns (or get a mannequin and learn how to drape fabric), you're probably gonna need to use one. There's two major things i recommend for this: 1) Make sure there's a video tutorial online before buying, and 2) start with something you might actually use/wear. Pattern instructions are notoriously vague, but thankfully many wonderful people make video tutorials for them! And while you might be tempted to grab one of those beginner friendly patterns, they can sometimes be. real ugly and not well fitting. Also boring! Finding something you like will hold your attention better and make you actually wanna finish it!
Ok SO. getting into more of the cosplay sewing stuff. First things first my knowledge here is a bit more limited, unfortunately. Fortunately there are many wonderful people out there with tutorials!! So if you wanna learn more definitely look there!!! General tip for cosplays + more complex sewing: MAKE MOCK UPS PLEASE IT SUCKS BUT IT HELPS SO MUCH. Go find the ugliest fabric in the sale bin and buy a few yards, then use it whenever you wanna test patterns. It might be tempting to immediately start cutting and sewing the finished garment, but the truth is that patterns rarely fit perfectly well (especially if they're fitted/tighter on your body). Make an ugly, barebones version first with your bad fabric, take notes, and then start making the finished piece. It'll save you money and sanity.
As for cosplay youtubers, I heartily recommend Sarah Spaceman, since not only do her videos show her process, she also does segments teaching you more about sewing!! She tends to tackle more complex projects, and watching her take those on has helped me a lot :} For cosplay patterns etsy usually has quite a few! I like Indigo Patterns (they have a good array of loz patterns I need to buy) as well as Alice in Cosplay Land. Please note that I haven't bought from either, but both their etsy shops have wonderful reviews and I plan to buy from them in the future!
not gonna lie I am getting very sleepy so I'm gonna cut it off there for now! Hopefully my rambling helped lol. Feel free to ask me any questions or for any clarification!
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glassy-eyed-poet · 1 year ago
Pick up lines for each of the pjo cabins (why am I posting this):
Cabin 1 - Are you a child of Zeus because I can feel a spark between us (insert insufferable winky face)
Cabin 2 - Are you a child of Hera because you are the only one I want to marry! (yes I KNOW she doesn't have any children just bear with me here)
Cabin 3 - Are you a child of Poseidon because I am literally drowning in your eyes 🔵👄🔵
Cabin 4 - Are you a child of Demeter because you're growing on me (if someone says this to you run 10 miles in the opposite direction instantly)
Cabin 5 - Are you a child of Ares because I'd start a war for you(idek)
Cabin 6 - Are you a child of Athena because you make me forget how to think! (oh my gods please no)
Cabin 7 - Are you a child of Apollo, because you light up my day (semi-acceptable)
Cabin 9 - Are you a child of Hephaestus, because you are smoking hot!!! (...what the actual fu-)
Cabin 10 - Are you a child of Aphrodite because you look just like your mom (This might be the worst one)
Cabin 11 - Are you a child of Hermes because you just stole my heart (oh that's very...)
Cabin 12 - Are you a child of Dionysus (yes I am), because you make me go insane (tbh I kind of like this one)
Cabin 13 - Are you a child of Hades because you are drop-dead gorgeous (literally kill me)
Cabin 14 - Are you a child of Iris because you colour my world! (It's serving dollar tree valentines cards)
Cabin 15 - Are you a child of Hypnos because I dream about us together (NO THANK YOU)
Cabin 16 - Are you a child of Nemesis because I'd get revenge for you (I genuinely couldn't think of anything else)
Cabin 17 - Are you a child of Nike because I think you won over my heart (kindly duct tape your mouth shut)
Cabin 18 - *plz give me suggestions for this one I can't think of any*
Cabin 19 - Are you a child of Tchye because I am fortunate to be around you (What in the tartar sauce)
Cabin 20 - Are you a child of Hecate because I can feel the magic baby! (please suggest better ones in the comments lmao)
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 months ago
outsiders characters as events from my silly ahh summer camp. i don't know how i survived for a month at a time there tbh
ponyboy: me going gollum mode over the hunger games book. it wasnt even a joke at that point i was struggling. also the pivotal turn my life took when i read hatchet. like i was reflecting and allat
darry: the DELECTABLE ahh lunches. idk what they did but they were so tasty. like i would have the best nap of my life after muching down on that
johnny: me crying myself to sleep that one time, some girl was like "erm miss counselor!!! i think insert name here is crying under her sleeping bag!!" and my bitch ass counselor who i HATED like she was my arch nemesis started trying to calm me down which made me even more upset. and earlier that day i was trying to feel included in a conversation w a semi friend and some cunt went like "no ones talking to u" when i was Literally just sitting there.
dally: that horse they assigned me that would not do anything asked of him. also one time he like broke out of his stall and was just walking around?? he was an interesting fellow. he was silly tho
soda: me getting sick from eating 2 much cereal. i was writhing around bc tummy ache 2 much later in the day. to be fair i did eat more than 10 servings of cereal.
steve: us having no air conditioning in the cabins. we had to bring our own fans. i had to shower multiple times a day bc I was sweating so much.
twobit: some girl mixing chicken and jello together. also me falling out of a bunk.
cherry: that time during horse and tack when we watched a movie bc it was too hot outside so we went in. but the movie was rlly sad and I cried
that was then… this now… ones
bryon: me almost drowning during one of the swimming performances. like I was lowk choking on water while under the sea was playing in the background.
mark: again that one damn counselor i hated so so much. like i was planning her downfall. why on God's green earth was she singing riptide while we were trying to sleep stfu
m&m: i would start randomly crying so often. i would miss lots of classes bc i would just be in the bathroom bawling for various reasons
angela: girls being so so mean to me. like it was a problem.
curly: me throwing hiking boots at a girl I didn't like
tim: them having to ban making slip n slides in the bathrooms. i didn't ask and i didn't want to know
most of these things aren't too relevant anymor but they kinda funny so here. i mean expand on these if u want. i can't put them on my blog bc it's not a TO blog but they need to be put somewhere
u made me remember this time where i just woke up weak as hell and my aunt had to literally spoonfeed me multiple bowls of cereal, to this day idk exactly HOW i got that weak, that has never happened to me before and it hasnt happened since
BUT ALSO i remember going to this summer camp and somehow someway we got into this gender prank war and im just pushing that onto all of em
and THEN there was this other time i was in this summer?????christian????school camp thing????? and look im an atheist idk what i was doing there i showed zero interest but my cousins and sister was also there, and for lunch we were going out which i dont think anyone else was doing bc my teacher asked “r u SURE u wanna go???” and i rhink she was pushing me to stay but i said yea and left immediately and i giggle at that and i think pony wluldve done the same, i wanted OUT🗣️
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