#tbf I think it would be fun to see these characters interact
kidcataldo · 8 months
I keep accidentally typing “Carla” instead of “Clara” in my doctor who wip
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
(Really sorry if would have been better as a submission, it’s less of a concrete idea more of a vague concept though. Also apologies in advance if you’ve already discussed this before)
The DPxDC crowd should really consider pulling stuff from the Vertigo lines from time to time.
There’s just a bunch of untapped possibilities. Like Danny could meet fellow child ghosts Charles and Edwin, he could have a conversation with Death or mess around in the Dreaming!
I think all lot of the Vertigo stuff can be outside of some people’s interest range (which I’m not judging anyone for, it’s not for everyone) but it’d be really cool to see what people do with it.
I only used examples from sandman because that’s what I’m most familiar with but there’s so many cool storylines and fun character interactions to be had.
Oh absolutely! Vertigo is like,,, DC’s 18+ comic run? I have no other way to describe it besides more serious comics with more serious themes. They also severely. For a while the Hellblazer runs were also Vertigo, I think that’s the only thing in the DPxDC sphere that is touched. Tbf I too haven’t too many Vertigo comics myself as I just have so many collections I need to finish that I’ve yet to pick up any Vertigo runs (besides Animal Man I think. Animal Man was in Vertigo comics right or am I tripping). I’m going to take a peek at some over this week and try to find a few comic runs to read :)
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Kung Fu Panda 4 Review
Ok, I saw the movie yesterday and I have some thoughts. I think the film is good, but no where near the level of the first two. It's more like the third tonally. But tbf, nothing can top the second film in my opinion. KFP 2 really stepped up in its depth both in terms of its villain and message. The fourth film is very much the opposite. It's also very predictable and you can easily figure out what was gonna happen pretty early on.
What I liked: the animation is still gorgeous. Seriously, there were some very visually pleasing shots. The character models all looked great and I thought it was cool how the villain still has scales when she transforms. The music is also really nice and fun to listen to. The voice acting was also good and I thought Awkafina did a good job (major step up from Scuttle).
Po's dads were also really fun when on screen. It's nice to see them bond over Po and they do work well off of each other. They were the best part of the film, animation aside. The villain is also pretty cool with her abilities. We will talk about her more in a bit. And I did like Zhen and I'm looking forward to see what they do with her in the future. She's energetic and I did like her design.
What I didn't like: too. much. comedy. Ok look, I know this is an animated film for kids, but what made the first three films (particularly the second one) so good is that the balanced the jokes with depth. This film does have some messages, but it's intercut with so many jokes during dialogue that it takes away from it. They really needed to let this film breathe and have more serious moments to just talk and let things sink in. The villain brought back the old villains and stole their abilities (this was in trailer so not really spoiler). Why don't they do more with that? There is so much untapped potential here.
And that's my other big issue with the film: so much potential. Some of the ideas in this film are really, really good, but they only scratch the surface with it. I wanted to know more about the villain. I wanted to see our fave villains interact more. I wanted to see the villain use her powers more. But we don't get that; we only get the bare minimum. In simpler terms, there's no big "wow!" moment that the other films had.
Spoilers below (tread carefully)
Why did they bring the villains back if they were going to do almost nothing with them? The climax of the film was the Chameleon stealing the villains' abilities and fighting Po but we pretty much saw that in the trailer. Tai Lung gets to do some stuff, but I wanted more. Half of his lines were jokes anyway and I didn't vibe with it. Why did they bring him back if he was just gonna comment on things? I don't remember our favorite snow leopard being this comical. He did quip, but there was still a hardened edge to him. Idk. Maybe he got therapy in the spirit realm. Shen and Kai get crumbs, but again, they could've done so much more. And wasn't Kai destroyed completely?
With Shen and Tai Lung, I would've wanted to see more. I'm glad Tai Lung did finally come to respect Po and it does make sense. But Shen? The last time we saw him he rejected Po's help. Unless he too got the same spirit realm therapy Tai Lung did, him bowing to Po does feel very OOC. Nitpicking further, why was Shen brought back anyway? The Chameleon presumably doesn't know who Po is and Shen isn't a kung fu master. With the exception of the fanservice route, this choice only makes sense if the Chameleon was aware of Shen's actions in Gongmen and thought his level of evil would fit her vibe.
Nitpicking aside, there was so much opportunity for Po to confront his villains again and have a deep, serious moment with them. Whether either side likes it or not, they're reunited for a short amount of time. Why not capitalize on this great opportunity?
Speaking of the villain, so much untapped potential. Her design is great, her abilities are really cool, and Viola Davis does a good job voicing her. So why doesn't she get to do more? Imagine a really cool fight sequence where Po confronts her, but she shifts so much that it begins to mess with his head. Or she transforms into the older villains and Po is caught off guard? Instead, we get half the climax spoiled for us in the trailer. What was really cool about the other three was that we got multiple fight scenes with them to showcase their abilities. Thus, the final battle dialed it up to an 11 and we got a truly epic finale. Here, it feels like there should've been more, but there wasn't. Even her backstory feels lacking. It's there... but only surface level. Even Shen, arguably the cruelest of them all, had nuance and depth.
Also, why couldn't we get more of the Furious Five outside of a glorified cameo? Tigress and Po friendship is truly amazing.
As much as the jokes miss, there are some good bits. Shifu trying to deal with Po's shenanigans always crack me up. I also like the bit where Po tries to meditate and his thoughts get in the way. Because hey guess what, that's what my head is like and it's really freaking hard to quiet it down. So, there's that. I just wish the writers didn't feel like they had to insert jokes in almost every line of dialogue, you know? Li and Ping dad adventures are great except half the lines are jokes about how worried they are for Po or how not tough they are. Why not have a deeper conversation? I think it would make everything feel more natural.
I also wish Po himself was a tad more mature. I'm not expecting Shifu or Tigress levels of seriousness, but I felt that he kinda was a bit too childish. Po is one of those characters who loves to have fun, but knows when he has to be serious. However, he also likes to lighten things up with comedy. In this movie, it felt like he only really leaned into the comedy side of things. He had his moments, but I'll be honest, I really missed the "the only thing that matters is what you choose to be now" levels of dialogue. The proverb joke got old real fast, ok?
Grace Randolph from Beyond the Trailer described this movie as episodic and I can see it. The story bits are very segmented between the villain, heroes, and Po's dads. The flow and pacing of this film really needed to be upgraded.
Ok, that's all I got for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else to say (aside from encouraging everyone to rewatch KFP 2 because I'll never get enough of that film).
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marley-manson · 8 months
what evidence do you have that bj and hawkeye are only friends because they are "trapped in an army base" and "hawkeye doesn't have any better options"?
tbf I didn't say they're only friends because they're trapped on an army base, I said BJ only gets away with his late season shit because they're trapped on an army base. That said, I do think if they'd met anywhere else, like at a medical conference, they wouldn't have become friends, and yeah the way they clash in the later seasons, I don't think they'd stay friends if Hawkeye wasn't stuck with him.
My evidence is:
Hawkeye describing BJ as a good clean-cut family man and adding "Despite that, I really like the guy," in Our Finest Hour, indicating that on a surface level they're not that compatible. On a deeper level of incompatibility, you have episodes like Preventative Medicine where they clash on a deep ethical level and don't reconcile their points, they simply choose to drop the argument. You also have their respective attitudes to hardship as highlighted in later seasons - BJ "saves [his] pshaws for things he can do something about," and largely remains passive give or take moments of sudden lashing out (eg the end of Back Pay) when he loses his self control, while Hawkeye is always acting on his feelings as much as possible whether he can affect change or not, because it helps him not feel helpless. BJ derides and mocks this attitude (calling him crazy in Back Pay and Tell it To the Marines, calling his tongue depressor tower pointless in Depressing News, etc) and Hawkeye ignores him and does what he needs to do anyway. They do not help each other see eye to eye or meet in the middle, they simply clash and do their own thing.
More headcanony, but I also think they're incompatible emotionally, in that Hawkeye wants people to open up to him and spill their feelings, and BJ is one of the characters most allergic to doing that, and almost never supports Hawkeye when he wants to talk about his feelings (Blood and Guts, Depressing News, GFA, etc). They have a very uneven relationship where Hawkeye is BJ's emotional support whenever BJ snaps, but BJ ditches Hawkeye when Hawkeye just needs his emotional support (this is what "Would you hold me in your arms or would you let me lie there and bleed?" is about), and I think BJ tries to make up for this with big gestures, but Hawkeye is more about the day to day support and solidarity with each other.
There's also the intensity of the rebound vibe in Welcome to Korea part 1 where Hawkeye refocuses on BJ after moping about Trapper and seems to deliberately explore how compatible they can be as friends - the babysitter comment to suss out whether he'd be a partner in womanizing, his willingness to break rules and flout authority, his sense of humour. BJ passes, so Hawkeye accepts him. It feels calculated because Hawkeye needs a replacement Trapper. ("We need to get him started on his ulcer," as potential evidence of Hawkeye wanting him to be Trapper 2.0)
BJ's attitude throughout season 4, in which he stamps out his own reactions and feelings to align himself with Hawkeye. The Bus has a thread of a battle of wills between Hawkeye and BJ over whether or not to include Frank, which Hawkeye wins. In Hey Doc he also wants Hawkeye to be nicer to Frank, but in the rest of the season he's right there with Hawkeye making fun of him. In The Gun BJ stands respectfully when Margaret comes to their table and Hawkeye glares at him disapprovingly, so then BJ turns it into a joke, seemingly correcting his own behaviour.
Wheelers and Dealers characterizes BJ as resentful in a way that makes him passive aggressive, which rings very true to his character to me. In Wheelers and Dealers he bemoans being so nice and passive and lashes out. "Who cares about what they want, I'm doing what I want for a change." This obviously says that he buries parts of himself to make nice with people habitually, as part of how he interacts with people, and I think you can see him doing it with Hawkeye early on.
You also have episodes like Heroes and Stars and Stripes where BJ alternately mocks Hawkeye for getting the spotlight and lords his own spotlight over Hawkeye, because he's insecure and presumably feels overshadowed by Hawkeye.
This is all to support my take that BJ moulds himself to suit Hawkeye because they're not intrinsically all that compatible as people, and he resents being the one to do that. So later BJ lashing out with mean pranks and psychological warfare (Bottoms Up, Dear Uncle Abdul, Joker Is Wild, what feels to me like negging in No Laughing Matter, etc) and ditching/mocking Hawkeye when he's upset about something (Back Pay, Depressing News, Give Em Hell Hawkeye, Blood and Guts, etc) is a response to that resentment when he feels more secure in Hawkeye putting up with it.
I think BJ would probably mould himself to fit anyone he wants to be friends with, but I don't think if given the option, he'd choose to be friends with Hawkeye. He disapproves of several things about Hawkeye even initially - his aforementioned lack of patience with Frank, his rampant sexuality (eg he does disapprove of Hawkeye sleeping with Carlye in The More I See You, and you also have several instances of BJ making fun of Hawkeye when it comes to his attitude towards sex, eg Taking the Fifth, Inga). And I don't think Hawkeye would choose to be friends with a monogamous married suburbanite if they weren't forced together right after Hawkeye lost his last war zone bff.
My evidence for Hawkeye only putting up with BJ's late season attitude because he's trapped is that he tries to put his foot down multiple times and fails because a) the 4077 is a very small world, and b) BJ needs his emotional support in a war zone. And every time he comes back they don't address what they fought over or discuss it or reconcile it, they simply drop it because they're reliant on their friendship.
In Ain't Love Grand he sleeps in the front office but comes back to share good news with BJ and emotionally support him. In The Most Unforgettable Characters they drop the fight because it upsets Radar without addressing why they were fighting. In Picture This Margaret manipulates Hawkeye into going back to BJ by lying about BJ needing his support. In The Joker is Wild and Bottoms Up Hawkeye mildly pranks BJ back in a tag and calls them even even though he's taking a loss.
It's also worth noting that Hawkeye hates BJ's friend Leo's extremely weaponized style of pranking. He's fine with shit like exploding cigars, not fine with him getting BJ court martialed. BJ is fine with it and thinks it's funny, which strikes me as another unaddressed incompatibility that feeds into the vibe of BJ's pretty intense psychological warfare later on, which Hawkeye is generally upset by rather than seeing it as all good fun.
And in GFA they both initially intend to leave without seeing each other again, BJ trying to leave a week early despite knowing his travel orders are sus and without saying goodbye or leaving a note, and Hawkeye expecting and ecstatic to be flown home when released from the hospital only to be ordered back to the 4077 for one more week. Also in GFA Hawkeye says goodbye for good, fully expecting to never see BJ again and sad about it but accepting.
Oh also the fact that Welcome to Korea is structured as a series of horrible things happening in a war zone that bond them together through shared trauma is another piece of strong evidence for the reading that being in a warzone together and needing each others' support is why they become friends, when otherwise they might not look twice at each other.
Ultimately you can take all this stuff and also interpret it as two guys who fall in genuine love/intense friendship and put up with each other because of that, but I think there's more than enough evidence that them being trapped together in hell is a major reason they become and stay friends, and imo it's a solid reading of their relationship, and also infinitely more interesting to me.
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
Give me your most controversial dc opinions!!!
HA YES GLADLY I WOULD LOVE TO (added a read more because i had a lot of words oopsie)
The Titans Tower Incident was in character for Jason Todd. at worst, it's a *bit* over-dramatic and a little cringey, but if you consider his actions, his motivations, and what he *actually* does, i honestly don't think it's OOC for him. he's just kind of a dramatic asshole in that era and i stand by that comic. the issue isn't the comic itself, it's how people interpret it.
i think the DC fandom, specifically the Batfamily fandom, really likes to claim to be progressive for brownie points, but then will have the one token woman that everyone decides is acceptable to hate. like, it's one thing if you dislike Carrie Kelley, i get it. Frank Miller isn't a great writer of women and she can be a lack of a character in the original Dark Knight Returns. but if you go out of your way making constant edits and posts shitting on her, it's *weird*. especially when most of the people shitting on her haven't even consumed her source, and their reasons for disliking her can apply to any other Robin, especially Tim. but as long as you put say, Steph or Cass on a pedestal, you can talk on and on about how you want to kill Carrie for the crime of existing. it feels like acceptable misogyny. i also think this extends to writers. if you put say, Gail Simone on a pedestal, you're free to blame everything under the sun on Devin Grayson. (to be clear i think you can and should hate Devin Grayson for a lot of things, but most rumors about her are untrue and if you look at every badly written comic and go "sounds like something Devin Grayson would write" that's really weird bc everything she's done, men like Chuck Dixon, Tom King, Tom Taylor, Marv Wolfman, etc have done in tenfold.) like, misogyny = bad unless it's That One Woman We've All Agreed To Hate. it's weird and i keep noticing it. and no one seems to unpack it. (i mostly see this on TikTok, not Tumblr tbf)
i don't care if you ship BruDick or not, but it's not weird for canon content to imply or state Dick had a crush on Bruce when he was first taken in. even in canon where Dick sees Bruce as a "father figure" in the most generous sense, that bond took years to build and when Dick was freshly orphaned, he *had* the memory of loving parents and didn't want Bruce to fill that role. you don't have to ship BruDick, you don't even have to like batcest, but if you're vitriolic toward just the idea that "hey maybe a young kid on the cusp of puberty might have some weird feelings to work out about the canonically very attractive mysterious playboy who took him in before seeing him as family because that bond took years to build" is nasty and terrible and wrong to you, you don't like the Batfamily, you just like the nuclear "neat" version of it in your head
the Batfamily characters are *all* too hypercompetent. like all of them are just *too* good at what they do that in order to write them in interesting arcs together, you have to willingly make some of them OOC in order to not immediately have the Problem wrapped up. i get it, Bruce is the greatest detective, Tim is wicked smart, Jason's a heavy hitting brawler, but we've reached a point where all of these characters have so many buffs they're not *fun* anymore. especially not in a group setting where you need to justify them needing each other's help. and even worse-so when they interact outside of the Gotham, you end up making every non-Batfam character seem useless just to make the Batfamily look cool. it's exhausting. i want to see these characters lose fights, look stupid, and not be the best for once. they're all getting so good they're just kind of. boring. which is the worst sin for a character, IMO.
i think we should go like. a good year of all Justice League-related teams not having a single Bat on the roster. just as a cleanse so *someone else* can shine. i get why non-Batfam DC fans are sick of the Batfamily bc jesus. it's oversaturation of the market.
power scaling "who would win" fights are fucking boring and i don't care. that's the least interesting thing about the fandom. you're missing the point of all of these characters if you only care about who could win a brawl. also it's just a stupid debate because the answer will *always* be: whoever the author of the comic wants to win.
the Batfamily is too damn big. i love every single one of them do not get me wrong. i'd die for the little niche characters who are likely never going to be relevant again like Julia Pennyworth or Kate Spencer. but it's too fucking big at this point. it's insisted to us that these characters are family but like. half of them have barely existed on the same page together more than once. it's ridiculous and it cannot sustain itself. none of these characters are allowed proper shine because they'll just get dropped for the next new shiny character. i think Maps Mizoguchi is a cool lil lady, but i know in my soul in like. three years she will fade into comics limbo and we'll have a new shiny character to fawn over. it's a brutal cycle bc DC doesn't know how to give any of these characters follow through, just wants to wave around cool new concepts.
both Under The Red Hood and Death In The Family are mediocre adaptations and strip the most important emotional elements of Jason's story from the plot. you can't properly adapt Jason's death if you leave his mother out of it. like they're phenomenal movies as their own pieces of media, but they lack the necessary emotional weight for Jason.
on the note of adaptations: the Young Justice cartoon is i think the best case study of "how do you react to a piece of media that's amazing on it's own, but is a fucking horrible adaptation?" because like, i can't discredit it. it's a good show. but it's a bad adaptation and i think people using it as an entry point for DC can make their views of certain characters and teams *very* warped. the Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey movie falls into a similar vein for me. if that movie was it's own thing with original characters, it'd likely be a top five movie for me. but because it's *such a fucking bad adaptation* i can't help but hate it for brutalizing the characters and the general concept of the BoP. it should've been a Gotham Sirens movie, and Young Justice should've been a Teen Titans show. and sure, adaptations don't owe us accuracy, but they have negative effects on the comics when they gain popularity. so i struggle to like Young Justice bc of how badly it's affected certain characters.
also on the note of adaptations: the best adaptation of how comic media operates is the Sandman tv show. adapting comics to tv shows or movies is difficult bc comic arcs don't operate the way show/movie arcs do, but the Sandman show proves it's absolutely doable to adapt the storytelling style while still making the typical adjustments you need for an adaptation.
DC needs more Deaf representation. in most areas, DC either matches Marvel or outperforms Marvel with representation of marginalized identities, but it's fucking tragic we have no deal Deaf rep in DC whereas Marvel has quite a few to pick from. this one is personal bc i'm Deaf but it does fuck me up the only option we have is a side character from Tim Drake: Robin who doesn't appear anywhere else and isn't a great character overall. DC i'm in your walls.
on the note of representation, if i see one more person say Titans had "perfect casting" while in the same breath admitting Dick was whitewashed, you are weird and i dislike you. it's really fucking weird that whitewashing is permissable to this fandom if the actor cast/fancast is hot. Dick should've been a Roma actor. Damian should not be fancast as a white actor. it's the bare minimum.
i have so many more but i will end with this especially controversial one: Dan Mora's art is overhyped. that man has the worst same face syndrome i've ever seen and i will not lie half the time i can't tell which Robin he's drawing. his art is technically gorgeous and it's so pretty to look at, but begging for every comic series to be drawn by him is boring and terrible. the art style of a comic reflects it's genre. wanting all comic art to look like Dan Mora's art is sucking the style out of comics. i miss art styles like Todd Nauck's that clearly reflected the genre of the comic.
i lied i have one more i'm REALLY passionate about: Tim's vigilante name after Red Robin should not be bird-themed. naming him Sparrow or Cardinal is *just* as bad as naming him Red Robin longterm. they're *just* as derivative and they *sound* cool but don't hold any real unique identity for Tim outside of Robin. like it baffles me we all agree he needs to move on from Robin and then decided "let's name him Robin Lite". if he has a bird name, it should be Jackdaw so at the very least, he's not red anymore. and Jackdaw could be a fun callback to Drake, in that it uses part of Tim's real name (his middle name, Jackson) while standing out a bit. but if i really had creative control i'd give him a completely unique name. if it has to be Batfamily related, Gray Ghost. but in my head, his name should be Conspiracy. i could write a lengthy meta on why and tbh it is based in my love for the Question and wanting Tim to have a similar detective noir-esque gritty solo, but i genuinely don't think he should be Cardinal or Sparrow. those names only continue his identity issues of being trapped as either Robin or a Robin knockoff.
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mangogoop · 2 months
(i don't want to spoil people who didn't watch the early release and want to wait until it officially comes out so don't read if no spoil)
Okay so I have many thoughts about the rest of this season but we are mainly going to focus on jay (cus i want to)
WHAT I LIKED (my opinion):
- how he joined Ra's and that he owes it to him since he 'saved him from the administration' amazing great love it chef kiss. Loved the reveal of it with jay turning around and the ninja responding with 😮
- Him losing to Nya in the fight. To be fair I would've loved it either way but i like it specifically because it gives Jay a reason for hating Nya (due to him failing Ra's) so potential for angst in the future
- Nya's 'i love you' to jay and then him responding 'and i hate you' hit me like a fricking brick love it
- Ra's saying to Jay 'i didn't save you to fail' (or something along those lines i don't remember BUT STILL) good line makes me feel bad for my boy. Because like Jay wanting to repay Ra's but failing making him feel weak and not useful and AH it hurts but we love the angst
- Jay being a menace. The shatter spin definitely adds to this cus I want the writers make me not like what this character is doing, hate his actions. And his attitude is a good place to start so hopefully he will start doing some messed up stuff in the future
WHAT COULD'VE BEEN BETTER (in my opinion):
- The portrayal of jay's power. I feel like him doing the shatter spin then immediately losing to Nya making him not really be portrayed as a threat at all (which makes me sad cus he's powerful pls he is). I'm not saying he shouldn't have lost to Nya but maybe make him show his strength in some other way (through another fight or training beforehand but he's not recognized by the ninja so the shock of it being jay is still there).
- How long he was on screen......we got like 5 minutes of jay AH. pls like i felt that through the posters for the rest of this season I got the impression he was going to play a huge role (aka be in more than 1 ep). That may just be me but i feel like they kinda just discarded jay and were like ya thats it he got sent somewhere else now lol. Like huh??? where he go???
- Again this may just be me but i'm not always the hugest fan of 'explains aloud during a fight where this character has been'. Like cus why would he do that, tbf it is Jay and he would explain in middle of a battle 'oh ya btw this is what i've been up to'.
- jaya angst (this is given shall i say more)
- more jay screen time. PLSPSLSPSSPSLSPSLSPLS
- Arin and Jay friendship. I can talk about my thoughts on Arin's journey in this season later because I rlly like the direction he's going so i'm hoping interactions with them are to come.
- Jay being actually portrayed as a threat. Have him win a fight please
- Maybe angst to come from how the other ninja speak of jay. for example earlier in the season (or season 1 i don't remember) when they described jay they kinda portrayed him as the worst/weakest ninja (i will need to find the clip of what they exactly say later but i believe that's what's implied). I believe that the ninja being like 'oh but we're your family we love you' and jay responding like 'bro nah y'all see me as weak wth you don't love me'. I think it could be fun
Overall, like any season there are parts I liked and parts I didn't, I'm just hoping we have more screen time for our boy jay in the future 🫡
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hummus-birb · 7 months
My Reverse: 1999 Rarepairs/crackships!
Exactly what it says in the title! I’ve seen a couple other people talk about their favorite rarepairs for r1999, so I thought I’d do it for mine!!
(Technically some of these are just characters I think would interact well, not all of them have to be romantic) (and also not all of them are super duper rare)
An-An Lee x Poltergeist
- I just really like the ghost enthusiast x ghost dynamic in general, this counts for horropedia and An-An Lee with any of the ghost characters tbf
- But An-An Lee and Poltergeist specifically would be cool because of their personalities!!
- Poltergeist is obviously more shy, while An-An Lee seems a bit more outspoken, and I can really see An-An Lee helping Poltergeist help gain confidence!
- Either way, very cute dynamic and I like it a lot!
Tennant x Sweetheart
- Originally, Sweetheart was my main theory for who the other character in Tennants I2 Portrait, along with maybe Mesmer Jr.
- While I definitely don’t think it is anymore, I still like the concept of them having a relationship!
- Tennant would definitely be in it to scam Sweetheart, but I think Sweetheart would at least know some of it due to her being familiar with Hollywood secrets and the drama that goes down there
- If they did become “partners in crime” I think they would legitimately be the best power-couple ever. I just don’t know if there would ever be a scenario where they both show their cards, so I don’t know if they’d ever reach that point sadly.
- Their rich girlboss energy knows no bounds, and together they will be unstoppable
Sweetheart x Bette
- Actor x Stunt double, just another fun concept!! (I saw a similar idea with Blonney and Bette as well, which would also be cool!)
- Sweetheart is sassy and assertive but befriends her innocent stunt double and takes her to Hollywood parties
- Bette is so confused but Sweetheart is her idol so it’s not like she’s going to say no
- It would basically be like the sassy popular girl falls in love with nerd/shy girl trope, Hollywood edition
- I think they would be very cute though!
- The only news station TTT isn’t sick of
- She was actually covered by one of ONiON’s stories, and she’s been a big fan ever since!
- When ONiON meets her, they hit it off immediately!
- Both of them have different brands of eccentric show host vibes and I’m here for it
AliEn T x Sputnik
- The space besties
- Sputnik literally references AliEn T’s lines, what can I say
- Mostly just them lying to each other about exactly what/who they are to hilarious results
Bkornblume x Click
- Sitting as silence as we speak (consider each other their best friends and know each other really well despite this)
- There’s really no other special reason, I just think they’d get along!!
Constantine x Vertin’s Mom
- Not super rare technically
- There is no info on it but it’s both a super interesting and very funny concept
- I saw a post a while ago about the parallels between Madame Z, Constantine, and Vertin’s Mom to Matilda, Sonetto, and Vertin, and it was really cool!
Regulus x X
- Technically this one I like more as a friendship, but I still want to talk about it
- Regulus hung out with X for longer than she did Vertin, there’s no way they aren’t at least somewhat friends
- They’re both sneakily coming up with ideas of pranking people with machines (They were both definitely giggling at the idea of pouring tea on Forget-me-not)
- Silly little goobers, mostly
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sleepymccoy · 4 months
Alright, I have been thinking about spaceships!!
Basic premise, we don't have light speed tech so it's all within the solar system. Moons and some planets are terraformed, there are space stations, so on. I haven't designed anything with fake gravity, so the ships would need to handle gravity and zero grav in space. That's mostly fixtures though, the structure is fairly unchanged I reckon, cos it does all still need to work in gravity. Because of that, the engines are taking up a bit of space. And i've tried to leave some dead space in the ship cos i'm sure i'll come up with more scientific necessities, like I'm already thinking about constantly having to create fuel to burn to leave orbit.
Other thing, this ship has to work in three ways. One, space flight/leaving orbit stuff. Two, can park on solid ground and has a functional trade door. Three, has some way of fishing while hovering over the open ocean. That's why every ship has a "fishing" zone for the fishing part of things. They're all at the bottom of the ship, obvs.
Also, you'll probably get this from my writing the pros and cons, but this is for a romance that just happens to be set in space lol
First of all, the UFO
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Basic UFO design premise. One big wide disc, on one level.
Pros: I can fuck around with the design on the one level pretty freely, and don't need to commit to shit For example, storage and rooms should def swap cos rooms can have windows then. This can have whole areas the pov character doesn't go to very easily. Open plan means secrets and privacy are harder to have, encourages drama.
Cons: The design doesn't make sense against like air drag and leaving orbit. It' so not aerodynamic. Maybe it takes off at a 90 degree angle, so like every room has a take off chair fitted to the wall cos it's gonna flip to its side. Okay, that's kinda fun, this shouldn't be in the con line anymore but whatever. It's a good example that all cons can be overcome x
Second, let's look at the Slice
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Pros: Small and intimate. There's less rooms so everyones sharing a room with another shift, which gives everyone a unique friendship with one person on another shift schedule. Can't hang out in your room, so gotta see other people, encourage interaction. Tbf, I can make that happen in the other designs if I decide it's too cool to skip
Cons: also not aerodynamic. Very good in space or staying in gravity. Maybe it has another way it sorta collapses in to leave orbit, like the angle bit on the hangy downy slides up to be more like an arrow head. Yeah alright, there' another con that's become a cool pro. Actual con! Not having your own room lessens how easy it is to have sex. Although i guess the shifts undo that, cos you wouldn't want to risk waking the person who's got the room rn. Could be a fun pro as secret sex is much harder to do. Ugh
The Ball
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Pros: Hysterical. Quite a bit of space. Confusing layout gives you nooks and crannies to bump into someone in a sexual tension way. Aerodynamic enough i guess? Fucking wild looking, it's just a big ol ball. I could redesign this a bit to be like a luxury yacht that's been refitted to be a fishing boat, which'd add some fun world building stuff. And some crazy down time options
Cons: This feels the most disjointed to me really. And it would be so damned hard to build. Oh, the multi level idea, which i kinda forget when drawing, is that 1B would be accessible through floor holes in the 2C corridors. They probably dont line up cos I forgot about it. Actually, they kinda nearly do. Cool.
Here's a poll so you can choose lol. I'll do another poll in reblogs with some of the features so you can suggest what you think is the most important feature, if you really want to have a say! I love feedback and brainstorming, so please, bring your heart <3
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my-pjo-stuff · 10 days
Opinions on lukercy? *asks deviously*
I mean...idc? Like, Lukercy ain't really my cup of tea- but it's not like I hate it or something. I don't rly do PJO ships besides Thaluke- and even there I'm just as good with them being platonic. So Lukercy, like any PJO ship, is just sort of ...there, at least for me. But I genuinely love the shippers! Like even if I personally don't ship it the guys that do are some of the chillest, most respectful non-toxic fans in this fandom. Which...okay tbf the bar is in literal hell- but I do genuinely mean it! To share a little anecdote here- So when I first read the PJO books I had this series up on my main where I posted my thoughts and reactions to the chapters. This obviously attracted some older fans who talked with me and commented, all really nice and innocent stuff. Thing was, I was always very pro-Luke ever since TLT. I genuinely loved the guy- to the point where he unironically was the main draw to the books for me. In comparison, I didn't really care for Percy and CHB people, as I found them rather bland compared to the TA demigods all things considered.
Which- out of context that is nothing bad! Absolutely not- it turned into one though when someone at some point asked my thoughts on Percy/Percabeth. I replied to them with the things I said above, that I find them rather bland compared to Luke and that I don't rly care too much for them. And MAN when I tell you that reaction was WIIILLDDD. They went on like an 8 messages rant in the notify section of that post about how I "just don't get it" and "Am so unfair" and just "judge characters on the amount of trauma they have" 💀 Genuinly that is a forever PJO fandom core memory now. They even demanded me to talk about and dig into Percy like I did with Luke because they "knew that I could do it since I did it with Luke". That shit was crazy- they sounded like my teacher wanting me to write more in a poem analysis or sum T-T Fr the only reason I didn't block them then and there was bc previously they were pretty active with my posts and nice to me- had that user been a stranger they would have been blocked SO fast. After that they just interacted less and less with my stuff and I haven't spotted them in my notes since lmao. So yeah, that's my fun story of how a Percabeth Shipper/Percy fan basically demanded that I go and analyze their favs just bc I could do it, and they wanted me to. And, well- say what you want but that certainly never happened with any Lukercy shippers XD Some of my oldest PJO mutuals and friends are Lukercy shippers actually, genuinely great ppl! I think all the hate you guys get is just genuinely weird af like??? It's a fictional ship between two fictional characters, calm down man. Yes I can see how some ppl might be uncomfortable with it and would prefer to just block the tag and users who like it entirely- but it ain't that deep. Go outside. Hug your family. Get some hobbies. IDK just stop treating a fictional yaoi ship like the plague itself. At this point it just straight up borders on weird how worked up some ppl get XD I do read some fics and like some art, mostly bc, again, a good amount of nice mutuals of mine ship it and I'm just supporting their work. TL:DR : Not my cup of tea, but I love the guys who ship it and never had one single bad experience with them. As opposed to everyone else. Also ppl should stop hating on it so much and just move on if they don't like it.
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cephalog0d · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @babblingbookends!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
89! (tbf a lot of them are drabbles XD)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
62,284. Higher than I thought!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Batfam, occasionally branching into other DC, occasionally gift fics for others and original work.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bomb Sing Se (arguably the fic that got me to actually write and post things instead of just keeping stuff to me and a couple friends)
Comfort Food
Bower Birds
Bat Math
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! I try to respond to every comment I get, I appreciate every single one so much.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well Relative Velocity is the only time I've ever used the "Hurt No Comfort" tag so.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of what I write is silly humorous nonsense so I think most of them are happy endings? I like the fluffy siblings ending on Midnight Snack a lot.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not anywhere I've ever seen it, luckily!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah, not really my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've done fandom fusion ones like Venom!Steph but I don't know if that counts as a crossover since it's still all characters from one setting, just with setting elements from another property.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, luckily!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, but that would be super cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! But we'll see. :)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Uhhhhh I'm gonna say Leverage OT3? (I don't really have a lot of strong "this is my thing" ship opinions.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
*quietly sliding my giant WIP/fic idea spreadsheet under the rug to hide it* I have too many. So, so many.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good at the banter thing. I really enjoy writing back and forth dialogue, especially for humor, but also for serious conversations. It's often the part I think about the most and spend the most time on. (I think I'm also pretty good at world building stuff, but that doesn't always come up with fanfic.)
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
The focus to finish plotting/writing long stories is definitely one I'm not great at. I have the ideas, but my brain sees another shiny new idea and goes "but what about that". It's something I'm working on.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It depends? For one thing there's the whole thing of having the knowledge/resources to actually have accurate translations, which may or may not be difficult to do, but also I think it depends on who the POV character is. If you put in dialogue in another language people can look it up and see what it means, so it can be a fun way to have a little easter egg that the audience knows and the POV character doesn't, but if you don't want to give stuff away it's better to just say they're speaking X language, or maybe POV character recognizes a word or two but not the whole statement.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Batfam stuff is what made me actually start interacting with fandom instead of being a weird internet lurker talking to my friends about things I like so.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Oh boy, I don't even know...I'm gonna say Finders Keepers because I really love that AU and that's the one that started it.
And that's that!
No pressure tags for @outtoshatter @2dents @teleportationmagic @kayrielwrites @sepia-stained-sunset !
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grishaverse-chaos · 6 months
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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borom1r · 4 months
1-25 choose violence ask game ❤️
ALL OF THEM?????? you’re so real for this ty snfnsnbfns. doing LotR bc of course I am
1. the character everyone gets wrong
PIPPIN I HATE TO SAY IT BUT PIPPIN. all those incorrect quote polls that have been posted where pippin keeps fucking winning YALL REALIZE HES AN ACTUAL CHARACTER RIGHT?? with like depth?? and bonds?? and a personality. yall realize that right?????? right??? ik we all love 2 joke but he would not say half of those things
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
ok I personally enjoy both for Boromir BUT if he IS topping. he is a service top. I will die on this hill
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I block ppl for these takes so no screenshots but everyone who thinks Boromir is a villain. if you think Boromir is a villain I will key your car.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
there is one singular straw and it is bad Boromir takes in the Boromir tag
5. worst discord server and why
I don’t join fandom discord servers bc I love myself too much for that 💗
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
ummm idk? most of my lotr mutuals have different ships from me and it’s all chill. but tbf I’m very selective abt who I interact with now lmao.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
no one yet thank fuck.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Aragorn/Arwen isn’t actually romantic sorry I think it’s fucked up actually. the vibes are off there for SURE
9. worst part of canon
FARAMIR’S “yeah I’m gonna take you from your home and tame you. haha wdym. you don’t need a blade during times of peace.” SHTICK WITH ÉOWYN IN THE BOOKS. UNPACK YOUR BIASES YOU LITTLE FREAK!!!!!!!!
10. worst part of fanon
HM. I will stick with “people who horrifically misinterpret Boromir’s character”
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
at the moment I only have rings of power blocked but I’ve had that blocked since it came out bc if I look at the armor in that show I will commit crimes.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MOVIE!FARAMIR MY SPECIALEST LITTLE GUY OOOOOOOOOO MOVIE!FARAMIR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU he’s so handsome and special and I love him and you WILL all look at him and clap and cheer. it makes me insane that his temptation by the ring mirror’s Boromir’s and he’s actually fucking normal abt the Rohirrim AND I just love him very much :)
13. worst blorboficiation
ummm idk… maybe Frodo
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
HMMM exposing myself but I basically only read Aragorn/Boromir fics lmao + since we’re Choosing Violence the most annoying thing is Boromir just being A Brute. like damn I love the surface level reading of the text maybe try engaging with it above a 1st grade analysis next time 💗
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
hmmmmm idk cuz again I don’t interact w a lot of fanartists so there’s nothing like. annoying. all th ✨motifs✨ I do see r very fun + I like them :)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
ummm for Serious, portraying Pippin as Stupid. for Silly, uhhhh Trans Faramir is so real to me I completely forgot cis people both 1) exist in the real world and 2) probably interpret Fara as cis too. i don’t get it :(
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
trans Faramir 🩵💗🤍
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
HM idk. trans Faramir again. also bc I love it, utilizing Old Norse culture for the Rohirrim teehee
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
OK IM MAD THAT FINNISH BOROMIR IS JUST ME. THATS ME. THATS AN OUTFIT I WEAR REGULARLY MINUS THE LONG HAIR. I DRESS LIKE THAT TO BUY GROCERIES. i love him for that tho. I’m also mad that MtG Boromir’s stupid pointy muttonchops have grown on me. freak behavior, keeping his facial hair trimmed in those stupid little points
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’m fighting for my life reading the histories rn 😑 I find them very dry for the most part
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk? I think there is an appropriate level of hype. but idk if Rings of Power had a lot of hype. if it did, then Rings of Power is my answer
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
idk if it’s IGNORED necessarily but the fact that Boromir carries a Rohirric shield in the films does actually genuinely make me insane 💞 I love that sm
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
UNWILLINGLY?????? idk?? ummmm I think it’s all fine for the most part I’m just A Fag so I don’t write het ships. it’s like a moral thing. Éowyn/Faramir gets a pass conceptually bc they’re T4T to me tho
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idkkkkkkk I don’t engage w discourse bc I want this fandom to remain pleasanttttt
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
again idk.. I block on sight if I see a Bad Take + then I erase it from my memory so I can continue to live in a beautiful blissful world where I. forgor abt cis people ☺️
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tkblythofficial · 2 months
Me and a moot got bored and went into a whole analysis of how J managed to "steal" some of Zeglyth's spotlight, but BB was a side character in their story from the beginning. It almost made us feel bad. And I know she's not famous and wasn't part of the movie like that caveman, so we couldn't expect anything different. We shouldn't see much of her anyway because she wasn't supposed to be the highlight of anything, but that's not exactly the point
The thing is... she was there the entire time and everything we have of them together is cringe-worthy because she doesn't seem to fit in with them and T acts so differently around R. If you compare how they were as a couple around the btk cast and how it was during the tbosas era the difference is stark. He had no problem posing with her, standing close, holding hands and including her in their activities and she also interacted well with his btk costars, completely normal. And with tbosas we got:
1. T hanging out with R and J and not including her. if you're going out with a friend and her boarfriend, why not bring your girlfriend along too instead of being their third wheel?
2. R and T having fun and talking on set and her standing in the back TWICE (that we saw)
3. The infamous video where R isn't paying attention to J and neither T is paying attention to BB because you can see he was on his phone
4. The Halloween pictures and how T is avoiding touching her in both
5. The premiere dinner and how he doesn't sit next to her although it's notable that there was no seating arrangement
Not to mention you can almost feel the unspoken awkwardness through the screen. And BB and R not following each other although it was expected that they would get along well since they have so much in common and a similar background.
It's funny because J had the "excuse" that the chemistry was for on-screen purposes and everything was part of the movie, especially with R still acting head over heels for him the entire time. But BB basically had to watch her man fall in love with another woman and T didn't even try to hide it
Not an analysis 😮‍💨
“Me and a moot got bored and went into a whole analysis of how J managed to "steal" some of Zeglyth's spotlight, but BB was a side character in their story from the beginning. “
Ngl sometimes I get asks like this and think “wow, maybe we are crazy” 💀 but lucky for you, I’m don’t mind a little crazy 🤭
Also calling BB on a side character is INSANE LOL but yeah….
“It almost made us feel bad. And I know she's not famous and wasn't part of the movie like that caveman, so we couldn't expect anything different. We shouldn't see much of her anyway because she wasn't supposed to be the highlight of anything, but that's not exactly the point”
Tbf she doesn’t act any different from non famous girlfriends either.
“The thing is... she was there the entire time and everything we have of them together is cringe-worthy because she doesn't seem to fit in with them and T acts so differently around R.”
It’s possible that she expected a similar friendly atmosphere like with the BTK cast….but unfortunately, that’s not the case with TBOSAS cast lol
“If you compare how they were as a couple around the btk cast and how it was during the tbosas era the difference is stark.”
Oh we said the same thing lol! I typed the above before I read this part!
“He had no problem posing with her, standing close, holding hands and including her in their activities and she also interacted well with his btk costars, completely normal.”
Yeah, I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and say it’s because TBOSAS is a MAJOR project compared to BTK but 😬 idk, I guess we will see how he acts with his other movie premieres in the future?
“And with tbosas we got:
1. T hanging out with R and J and not including her. if you're going out with a friend and her boarfriend, why not bring your girlfriend along too instead of being their third wheel?”
Tbf I think that’s more of an R thing than T imo. I think T would’ve preferred to hang out with R solo but J tagged along so if T wanted to see R, he had to deal with J if that makes sense. T wasn’t trying to make it a double date LOL
“1. R and T having fun and talking on set and her standing in the back TWICE (that we saw)”
J always looks a statue when R is having fun or being too emotional for him. Her crying at the NYC premiere and he was like 😐 while everyone else was showing concern (T rubbed her back)
“1. The infamous video where R isn't paying attention to J and neither T is paying attention to BB because you can see he was on his phone”
The foursome dinner party video? 😬 oh lol yeah that was bad…I can’t watch it anymore
“1. The Halloween pictures and how T is avoiding touching her in both”
They never should’ve dressed up as Scooby Doo gang💀 That was 💯 R’s idea and T went along with it which forced J and BB to get along with it. It’s truly diabolical.
“The premiere dinner and how he doesn't sit next to her although it's notable that there was no seating arrangement”
This is the weirdest one to me. I can’t figure out how the seating arrangement even happened!
“Not to mention you can almost feel the unspoken awkwardness through the screen.”
It’s going to be real awkward when Zeglyth happens
“And BB and R not following each other although it was expected that they would get along well since they have so much in common and a similar background.”
It’s very unfortunate because they probably would be besties in a different life lol but 🤭
“It's funny because J had the "excuse" that the chemistry was for on-screen purposes and everything was part of the movie, especially with R still acting head over heels for him the entire time.”
R made that excuse herself. There was an anon called Raquel who said R had to go through therapy to let T go 😭 R wasted thousand of dollars on therapy over a crush
“But BB basically had to watch her man fall in love with another woman and T didn't even try to hide it”
This hurt my feelings and this isn’t about me 😭
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skleech · 3 months
Fulcrum for the ask game!
How I feel about this character?
probably one of my favourite MTMTE characters right next to Krok 💀 tbf i love all The Scavengers but Fulcrum specifically is my favourite out of the bunch
All the people I ship romantically with this character
idk. Misfire probably? their dynamic is fun
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I really enjoy his interactions with most of the other Scavengers but tbf i think most of his interactions with Krok are fun to look at, especially towards issue 46
My unpopular opinion about this character
honestly can't think of any atm, i don't see much content of him 💀💀
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i've seen this in a few fics which i think is neat but i think it would've been interesting to see him deal with his new form/alt mode, since the guy turns into basically a defunct bomb that can never go off, it makes me wonder how he'd feel about that y'know? idk it's just interesting to think about
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
let’s discuss - shit the fandoms wrong about
altaïr pre character development - this guy is a COMPLETE asshole he was a DICK he thought about himself only and al mualim teaching everyone that emotions like love made u weak made him learn the wrong way to act and behave
but ppl just tend to stop at that which is WROOONG this guy might be an asshole but he is emotionally very vulnerable and that’s what made him difficult because he couldn’t process his emotions correctly i mean he was very stoic and u could say that was due to the time of how games were made but see how he never audibly grieved ? basically yeah sure he was rude af but that was because he didn’t know what to do with sad feelings - he just processed it all into aggression
altaïr post character development - he became really wise and loving true and i haven’t read any of the books so correct me if i’m wrong but i feel like he would’ve made hella mistakes as a parent, i.e getting angry often, patience running thin often, raising his voice, learning how to empathise with his sons lmk if it’s specifically stated anywhere where he was a gentle parent but imho i feel like he had to relearn controlling his emotions and i don’t think he was a perfect parent at all
malik - how many times did he call altaïr a novice? once? twice? it’s cute but some of u are overusing it in fanfics that’s eNOUGH SLICES… also he’s not grumpy all the time, he was just angry at altaïr i mean tbf we only ever saw malik interact with altaïr tbf but he did also have a wife and kids and altaïr did accidently end up indirectly killing kadar so… imo he was not grumpy with everyone, maybe a little, but after his brothers death he’d be more reserved and quiet however i don’t think hes legit always super grumpy and angry
ezio - every fanfic he’s throwing a party. stop. just STOP. ezios been one of the most hard working assassins in the series hes not constantly throwin parties if we’re talking about young ezio then it works otherwise he’s probably building a career in a modern au or smth. he fell under the ‘one aspect in the media and we’re gonna run with it for his whole personality’ category
connor - i don’t think connors the most sensible person ever. i think he’s a little selfish, not in the sense that he’d let any harm come to his loved ones but he’s always been straight forward about what he wants (which is always with good intention). he doesn’t need to always be the most sensible and logical 24/7 guy. also i think he’s a little clumsy just a bit ik he was more clumsy as a kid but i like to hc he still kinda is as an adult. the connor is always looking for charles lee jokes are not that funny anymore btw…😭 he’s not your soft uwu brown beat this man is snarky and rude when he wants to be remember he IS a kenway…
edward - he has to be one of the most emotional ppl in the series. he’s always shouting and upset about smth and the fact that he married at like 19…? yeah he’s a bit of alcoholic and likes to have fun but he’s also true to his emotions and i wanna see him be more vulnerable
arno - before i played unity i thought this guy was emotional and stuff but after de la serres death he became a lot more stoic. and work oriented. he reminds me of connor tbh because they were much happier younger and both were hardened by deaths and what the templars did. he’s still a major simp i think but idk why i personally feel like it’s infatuation and elise would never have given him the love he wanted
arno before de la serres death - HES SO CHARMING? hello no one ever talks about this arno he’s so upbeat and funny and sarcastic please whyyyyyyy do we make ezio a whore and not arno like come on
evie - i’ve said it before i’ll say it again yall fuckers NEED to STOOOOOPPPP making her a goody two shoes she wasn’t ‘doing the good thing’ all the time if it wasn’t for the rooks shit would’ve been harder, basically jacob was right to make the rooks cuz u end up taking over areas and reducing resistance and gaining power making it easier to take down crowley with less repercussions in society and she was kinda wrong for making jacob feel dumb sometimes when she was so hard on him for not basically doing what she wanted
jacob - idk if i made evie sound like a villain and ofc jacobs weakness is doing what he wants but he’s still smart he would not be working with evie or fighting alongside her OR assigned work WITH her if he was dumb frfr hes HAS to be academically AND street smart that’s how he knew making the rooks was a good decision. what evie lacks he has and i don’t like when jacob is a COMPLETE idiot. hes dumb sure but he needs more credit than some of u give him. i do also sometimes use that take but he’s one of the more popular assassins because he’s so different to everyone else. hes not serious but that doesn’t make him a total dumbass
bayek - i haven’t played origins so this is a harder one but he seems a lot happier than we make him out to be and yes he seems to be the responsible father but i also feel like he can be kinda goofy sometimes idk like when he’s serious he can be completely terrifying but otherwise he’s extremely sweet
kass/alex: another person who’s very emotional i think they cry like everyday genuinely they are what ppl make jacob out to be
des - i feel like hes bummy af like this guy doesn’t wash his hands as much as he should…
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draculovemp3 · 9 months
for the character ask game: james wilson house md :3
I was asleep when I got this one but HAI^_^
Sexuality HC: worlds gayest heterosexual man . Bi but like he’s got a emotionally rough job and several alimonys to pay he’s not thinkin ab all that. Except when house is in the perimeter. If gay marriage was legal in NJ before 2013 the divorce number would be unimaginable ❤️.. Most importantly no matter the sexuality he’s a harlot
Gender HC: in similar above terms: world’s transsest cis man <3 ummm yea sure he’s cis w/e but also he’s so some trans guy. I also can Butchify anyone. Guards turn wilson into a masc woman
A ship I have with said character: gee i wonder…. Hilson should have been canon so they could be wilson divorce no.4. The divorce is just for fun bc house wants to flex the embarassing number of divorces & also have his own 1❤️. Happily toxic remarried. But idk that’s an average statement from Oscar hilsondivorce innit. Also house/cuddy/wilson is the unethical ethical polycule ever.
A BROTP I have with said character: the hypothetical interactions Wilson and Cameron had when he left ppth post-WH/HH is so special to Me…. Also um cuddy and wilson bitchy besties obv.
A NOTP I have with said character: IDFK whatever’s done boringly. I don’t vibe w the occasional cameron/wilson I’ve seen ig
A random headcanon: idk why but I think he reallyy likes sour candy :p also the first time he ever noticed a smidge of grey hair he freaked out and dyed it brown/match but noticing the nondifference stopped bothering after that one panic. also bc he knows it’d give house ammo to switch the dye w crazy colors more than he’s already tried before
General Opinion: tbf thru my first watch while I Did love him he wasn’t even top 5 charas. Thru my rewatch he’s making me insane❤️…. What the hell is up w this Guy. I need to open his gut up and see if he just has parasites that make him say & do All that:/ shoutout to awful Manwhores with hearts as big as their hair in media we don’t have enough of him
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