13 / head | scarf / 447 words
@stag-microfic | @taylorswiftmicrofic
“I wish you’d stop wearing my brother’s clothes,” Sirius said with a scowl, nodding at the Slytherin scarf wrapped around James’ neck. “Green isn’t your color.”
“Every color is his color,” Regulus argued, suddenly standing beside James.
James had slept over in Regulus’ dorm room the night before; he had gotten ready there before breakfast, and wasn’t expecting to see Regulus again until after their school days were over. “Although I am partial to him putting my clothes on instead of his own after we fu—”
“That’s—“ Sirius cleared his throat, quickly drowning out the rest of Regulus’ sentence with his own sound of disgust. He turned away, muttering quietly to himself, “I hate this.”
“Are you trying to give him a heart attack?” James asked with a laugh, turning away from his best friend’s retreating back and looking down at his boyfriend.
“Me?” Regulus asked indignantly, feigning offense. “You’re the one who grabbed my scarf this morning.”
“It smells like you,” James replied, almost petulantly. The words were confident, but he could feel the heat of embarrassment creeping up his cheeks.
Regulus smiled up at him, a soft, knowing thing that was reserved only for James, before grabbing each end of the offending scarf in each of his fists. He tugged roughly, yanking James’ head down until their lips were a mere hairsbreadth apart.
“Meet me in my dorm at lunch and you can earn it back,” Regulus said suggestively, before pulling James into a deep kiss. There was the distant, unmistakable sound of Sirius choking on his pumpkin juice behind them, but James could hardly hear it, all of his senses honing in on the feel of Regulus’ tongue against his own. His focus was solely on the promise of what was to come. “But right now I need it back, or I won’t hear the end of it from Slughorn.”
James whined as they broke apart, but he let Regulus pull the fabric from around his neck, and watched as Regulus turned to walk away with nothing more than a wink.
“Stop staring at my little brother,” Sirius said, walking back up to James and smacking him in the back of the head. “We’re going to be late for transfiguration.”
“But he’s so p—”
“If I have to hear you tell me that he’s pretty one more time, I’m gonna hit you again.”
James huffed out a laugh, but obediently followed Sirius to class in silence anyway.
He spent the rest of the morning keeping his thoughts to himself, the ones of a pretty pale body writhing beneath his touch, of pretty pink lips and pretty grey eyes.
Lunch didn’t come nearly fast enough.
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football - jegulus microfic - september 1 - @taylorswiftmicrofic - word count: 222
Self-consciously, Regulus pulled at the large jersey on his body, looking around the crowd as he walked to the front of the stands.
He'd never been to a football game before. Never in his life had he been interested in any sort of sports. But the moment James had kissed him softly, pressing him against the door of his car, and handed him the red-and-gold shirt with 'Potter' emblazoned on the back, he'd quite forgotten how to think.
"Wear it? Watch me play tomorrow?" James had asked, looking down at him with hope shining in his eyes.
And all he could do was nod mutely, trying not to melt.
So now here he was, at a fucking football game, sitting in the stands uncomfortably.
At first, he regretted coming. Though he dragged Barty along and his friend seemed to be completely at ease, Regulus was nervous. This was not his scene, and he didn't understand anything about what was happening.
But the moment James's name was announced, his heart leapt to his throat and he began to clap loudly, doing his best not to cheer like an idiot. And when the older boy turned, seemingly scanning the crowd for something, and his eyes locked with Regulus's, he pointed at him with a grin.
And suddenly, Regulus was quite excited to be there.
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onehundredfoxess · 1 month
19 / clandestine / 442 words
“When are you gonna let me label this?” Neil asked, gesturing between the two of them for the unpteenth time. He was so tired of their clandestine meetings on the roof, tired of watching Dan run for Matt at the end of every win, knowing he couldn’t do the same to Andrew.
Andrew huffed a bored laugh. “When I stop hating you.”
Neil rolled his eyes.
“I’ve told you,” Andrew drawled, taking another drag off of his cigarette before tossing it off the side of the building. “There isn’t a this.”
Hooking a finger under the far edge of one of Andrew’s arm bands, Neil tugged him close. He came without hesitation, always at Neil’s mercy no matter how much he pretended otherwise.
Neil brushed the back of his knuckle along Andrew’s cheekbone, still one of the few places he was allowed to touch bare flesh. He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the other side of Andrew’s face.
It was delicate, something so unlike either of them, but Neil felt Andrew shiver all the same.
“Stop doing that,” Andrew snapped, pushing Neil off of him. He tugged the pack of cigarettes out from his back pocket.
“What?” Neil asked innocently. “Kissing you?”
“Kissing me like that.” Andrew turned away and walked back toward the door to the stairwell, an unlit cigarette held between his lips.
Neil practically held his breath and called out, “like I love you?”
Andrew whirled around, his hand curling into a fist that he only just refrained from pummeling into Neil’s face. “Fuck you,” he spat, letting the cigarette fall to the ground, and Neil nearly laughed.
Laughed because he did.
He fucking loved Andrew with every bit of a heart that he thought had burned along a mediocre California coastline.
Neil let Andrew shove him down, let him snarl in his face until his hands and lips turned gentle. He let Andrew guide Neil’s hands along his bare back and down inside his jeans, and this time he took the touch, because he knew what Andrew was giving him.
It wasn’t concession nor submissiveness; it wasn’t Andrew allowing Neil to be like Drake the way it would have been a year earlier. It was vulnerability and confession, Andrew’s reciprocated love spelled out with every graze of his fingertips along Neil’s body.
“I’m telling everyone you’re my boyfriend,” Neil said coolly, once their hands were done roaming and they were both nothing more than sated bodies and heavy eyes.
“As long as you don’t tell them that I love you,” Andrew replied, pulling a knife from its sheath in threat.
Neil only grinned against Andrew’s hair, taking it for the admission that it was.
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cassetteinability · 3 months
6 / kaleidoscope / 217 words
tw: incest
“Reggie,” Sirius urged, nudging his brother gently. They had fallen asleep outside, beneath the arcing branches of the willow tree in their backyard after a long night of stargazing.
The night had been unseasonably warm, and Sirius could never turn down a request from Regulus to lay beneath their namesake stars, but now…
The sun was just barely cresting the horizon, the sky turning from deep blue to a kaleidoscope of colors, this bright array of pinks and oranges, and Sirius didn’t want Regulus to miss it.
“Baby, wake up,” Sirius urged again, this time pressing his lips to the side of Regulus’ neck, to the hinge of his jaw. He trailed kisses down his bare flesh until he was nipping at the muscle there, at the place where it met his shoulder.
“Siri,” Regulus moaned, back arching into Sirius’ touch as it always did, lower lip sucked between perfect teeth. “Baby…”
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Sirius said, pressing one last kiss to Regulus’ cheek before laying back down beside him. “Look at the sunrise.”
Only a split second passed before Regulus’ eyes snapped open and he sucked in a sharp gasp.
“Beautiful, huh?” Sirius asked, grinning at his brother.
“Yes,” Regulus agreed, taking his eyes off the sky to roll over and climb on top of Sirius. “You are.”
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tealeavesandtrash · 26 days
Wolfstar Mircro Fic - @taylorswiftmicrofic prompt 28: thread - 259 words
It’s a dangerous game they’re playing, but they’re tipsy and his inhibitions are gone and Remus simply can’t help himself.
Face to face, noses almost brushing, pushing the definition of platonic to the point they may have crossed the line but neither have admitted it yet.  It’s like tugging at a thread, not knowing if it will guide him like Theseus to Ariadne, or simply unravel everything they have.
Grey eyes hold his gaze, glinting in the low light. Pretty doesn’t do him justice. Sirius is beautiful in the way a storm is - hypnotic and tempestuous and breathtaking and Remus is powerless in the face of it.
Sirius reaches up, thumb brushing softly along Remus’ cheek like there's something on his face but Sirius’ touch lingers.  It’s like a game of chess with Sirius waiting, watching for Remus to make the next move, daring him to tug at the thread a little more.  
Embolden by the night. Remus nudges Sirius back. One step, two steps. Until they hit the sofa and he can use the momentum to push Sirius down, straddle his lap
Sirius’ hands are on Remus’ hips, rooting them together as Remus’ fingers tangle in his hair, tugging them close enough that he can feel Sirius’ warm breath on his lips. It’s checkmate and Sirius succumbs, closing the fraction of distance between them.
As Sirius' lips trace his jawline, down the juncture of his neck and shoulder, Remus decides rather selfishly, that if this does unravel their relationship, it will have been worth it for this moment.
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emlovessid · 4 months
june 7, 345 words @taylorswiftmicrofic truth/dare @wolfstarmicrofic imaginary
“Alright, Pads. Truth or dare?” James asks with a smirk.
There's a chorus of ooh's among their group of friends, who are each sprawled across couches and cushions or simply laying across the floor.
If Sirius hadn't chosen that exact moment to take a swig of his drink, he might've noticed the way James peered at a piece of familiar parchment by his side.
“I dare you to kiss whoever walks into the common room next,” James says.
And like the universe has been listening to his quiet prayers and longing gazes, the next thing Sirius hears is a voice from behind him, “Budge up, Pete.”
“Remus! So glad you could join us, how were prefect duties?” James says brightly, eyes flashing to Sirius and then back to Remus.
Settling in between Sirius and Peter on the couch, Remus shrugs, “Yeah, fine. What have I missed?”
“We're playing truth or dare,” Marlene says from where she's stretched out in front of the fire.
“And Prongs just dared Sirius to kiss whoever walked into the room next,” Peter says, and that's when Remus' eyes meet his, wide and vulnerable and oh so beautiful.
“With their permission, of course,” Sirius is quick to jump in, suddenly finding it hard to swallow around the lump in his throat.
There's a moment of heavy silence, and then with a tiny nod from Remus, the imaginary voices in Sirius' mind that he's spent months suppressing rise up within him until all he can hear is his own heartbeat in his ears and an endless loop of kiss him, kiss him, kiss him.
And so he does, leaning in until he can feel Remus' breath against his lips, before a hand settles on his thigh and they come crashing together.
It's not until the following morning, when James catches him sneaking out from behind the curtains of Remus' bed and whispers, “You're welcome,” that it even crosses his mind that this was planned, that James had known exactly who was going to walk into the common room. Sneaky bastard.
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coyotelip · 21 days
starchaser (+ onesided moonwater) microfic: salt, hypnotized || MCD || @into-the-jeggyverse @taylorswiftmicrofic || wc: 687
Every Saturday, the same man comes to the restaurant. 
They are a fairly prestigious restaurant, so regular customers are not uncommon, but this man is particularly eye-catching. He is always dressed in a perfectly tailored suit over a black shirt. In fact, all of his clothes are black, which suits his pale skin and black hair. He books a table for the same time, arrives exactly 5 minutes earlier, orders the same dish with the same wine. 
He is always alone.
This sets him apart from others, because such prestigious places are used for dates or meetings with partners to impress. However, it seems that the man has no one to impress. He is sitting at a far table under a painting of a forest landscape, eating his meal slowly and with manners and watching the candles on the table. 
He seems to be hypnotized, sometimes he can take a sip of wine and roll it around in his mouth, watching the flame at the end of a long candle for a couple of minutes. 
Remus is equally hypnotized by these moments, but it's not the candle, it's this man, his slow and graceful movements. And although he is dressed in black, he acts on Remus like a flame on a moth. He wants to get closer, wants to hear his voice and smell his cologne. 
However, the man's table is not assigned to him, and Remus does not even get the opportunity to ask if he needs some water or the bill, or to say bon appetit or good evening. 
So he stays in the corner, hypnotized by the unattainable flame, running through hundreds of questions in his head and wondering why. 
Every Saturday, Regulus comes to their place. He comes to their restaurant, at their time, sits at their table, orders their favorite dish, and spends exactly the same amount of time as it took James on their first date to charm Regulus completely. Thirty-three minutes.
He recalls how the wine tasted the sweetest on those evenings together, how everything around them disappeared for him, and they existed in their own bubble, sharing events in their lives, discussing colleagues and friends. They met their anniversaries, birthdays, and celebrated promotions at work here.
James proposed to him here. At this table, with a bottle of this wine, five years ago. He hid the ring in the salt and made Regulus laugh with this incredible performance.
“Oh, I think the salad is under-salted today... Mm, something is wrong with this saltine, could you please take a look, dear?”
“Oh my god, it's probably just empty, call the waiter and they'll replace it”
“I don't want to bother them with something so stupid, but look, for me?” James' big eyes does wonders on Regulus, so he couldn't refuse and took the salt in his hands, unscrewing the lid.
Only to find a silver engagement ring with an emerald inside instead of salt.
Four years ago, they got married.
Three years ago, they bought a house on the outskirts of town because James wanted Regulus to have a studio at home.
Two years ago, their house burned down with everything inside. With James inside.
And the most painful thing was that Regulus was left with nothing, not a single thing, because the house had everything. He didn't care about the documents or his studio, all of which could be repaired with money. However, he did care about the things they had earned together, about their photos and books with notes, about gifts from his husband, about his things. He cared about James's body, which remained there, right in front of the door, because he hadn't managed to get out before he lost consciousness.
Regulus was left with only memories, and he decided to drown himself in them, finding no other way out.
And every Saturday he came to their restaurant, sat down at their table and ordered their meal, hypnotized by the candle in front of him, begging for the little flame to swallow him up and take him away with it, just as it had once taken James away from him.
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calamitoustide · 4 months
June 1st: Stitches | jegulus | @taylorswiftmicrofic |wc 606 | cw: blood
“Quit being a baby.” 
James rolls his eyes, “You’re the one who can’t even look at my hand.” 
Regulus glances down only to grimace at the sight of the blood, even with a cloth wrapped around it. It was a stupid accident really. Regulus had to spend the entire time at his parents' house packing up all their old things in boxes and figuring out what to do with old antiques neither he nor Sirius would ever want. Emotionally the act of it wasn’t draining, but being in that house again certainly was. James wanted to go with him but Regulus declined, it was just going to be him and Sirius, and James respected that. He wanted to make dinner for him to come home to instead, one of his mum’s recipes. He called her that morning and everything making sure every detail of it would be right… and then well… It was already getting late and Regulus was going to be home soon so he was trying to rush. Then the blood spilled all over the cutting board and James couldn’t even register the pain of it all before Regulus was walking in. 
That’s how they got to now. 
“I don’t like blood,” Regulus mutters, even saying that he still lifts the bandage to take a look at the damage again. 
James just laughs at him, “Weren’t you pre-med?” 
Regulus sends him a pointed look, “Shut up.” 
“I’m just saying how did you expect to actually pass if you can’t stand the sight of a little blood?” James teases. 
Regulus shakes his head, “Do you want me to just finish the job and rip your finger off?” 
James reaches forward with his other hand so grab at his cheek, “You love me.” 
Regulus pushes him away, “You bug me.” 
James hums, overtaken by the concern on Regulus’ face as he looks back at the wound. He finds his thumb trying to push away the worried crease between his eyebrows. Regulus doesn’t slap his hand away, he lets him drag it down to his cheek. Regulus doesn’t look up at him again and he pauses, “What is it?” 
Regulus sighs, “You cut yourself,” he says, but it comes out more like a whine. Regulus will never admit it to anyone but he’s always the first one to coddle James. More so than James coddles Regulus which is actually a hard thing to accomplish. He’s always been the softer one between the two of them. He kisses James’ old scars and watches him with big wide eyes when he speaks. James wants to hug him. He wants to place kisses all over his face until he melts in his hand. 
“Yeah,” James laughs shortly, “I got that much.” 
Regulus doesn’t laugh along with him, “You’re gonna need stitches, James.” 
James scoffs, “It doesn’t even hurt!” 
Regulus looks up at him, pausing for a prolonged moment. As the moment goes on there’s a sharp stinging in James’ hand, almost like a buzzing in his ear he’d forgotten the sound of. It starts off small until it overwhelms him—it’s everywhere. 
“It just started hurting, didn’t it?” 
James bites his tongue, not knowing if he can speak without his voice straining, “Uh-huh.” 
Regulus laughs softly, “Come on,” he places his hand on his lower back as he guides him to the front door. 
James pouts, “You’re so mean to me.” 
Regulus rolls his eyes, “I’ll buy you a toy after.” 
James shakes his head as Regulus opens the passenger side door for him, “I want ice cream.” 
Regulus sighs softly, “Then you’ll get ice cream, now get in the car.” 
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shyinsunlight · 3 months
4 / traitor / 235 words / @taylorswiftmicrofic
tw: incest
“Do you too think I'm a traitor?”
They're hiding behind the old greenhouse. It’s a new spot, but it’s lovely, with the tall hollyhocks around them, their stars twinkling above. Sirius’ lips wander along Regulus’ jawline, who tilts his head to offer better access.
“You are,” he replies. “For wasting most nights in the wrong dormitory.”
Sirius nibbles on the soft skin of his neck. “Lucky I don't give a shit about rules.”
“Lucky I'm a model student and a prefect.” 
He pulls Sirius closer and inhales the scent of sweat, earth, and summer.
“Lucky you two paint such a pretty picture,” a low voice startles them, “because you sure aren't quiet.”
When Remus emerges from the shadows, Regulus tries to pull away, but Sirius wraps his arm around his waist and keeps him close. Sirius and Remus exchange a glance, then both set their gaze on Regulus.
“He's right,” Sirius grins. “We are rather pretty.”
Regulus rolls his eyes but doesn't object as Remus comes up behind him and places a hand on his hip. He relaxes into the touch.
“How did you find us?”
“I suggested the place, darling,” Remus smiles softly, fingers running along Regulus’ side. “I know you like hollyhocks.”
Sirius’ lips trail lower to the slope of his shoulder, and his breath hitches as Remus’ hand wanders south.
“As I said,” he looks at his brother with half-lidded eyes, “traitor.”
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onehundredflamingos · 3 months
7 / 179 words
@taylorswiftmicrofic anthem
@jegulus-microfic neutral
“Dance with me, Reg!” James shouted, gesturing for his boyfriend to get up off the couch and join him.
“No,” Regulus replied, expression neutral. He was always so mellow at parties, just wanting to sit and talk, but never dance.
James always wanted to dance.
“Please!” James tried again. “This is the anthem of our love!”
Regulus snorted and rolled his eyes, but he stood up anyway and made his way into James arms, swaying to the music instantly.
“Anthem of our love, hm?”
“Yeah,” James confirmed, pulling Regulus tighter and whispering into his ear. “It’s the song I want to watch you walk down the aisle to.”
“That’s only if I say yes when you ask me to marry you,” Regulus quipped, but James could hear the playfulness in his voice, the lack of sincerity in the threat.
James smiled and pressed a kiss to the side of Regulus’ head.
He wasn’t worried about being rejected.
If he was, James wouldn’t have a ring in his pocket, poised to be pulled out before the end of the night.
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hotel - Jegulus - September 6th - @taylorswiftmicrofic - word count: 229 - slightly NSFW
"I don't usually do this," James says as he finally takes a moment to breath, to think, to step back and stare at the beautiful man under him on the bed.
It all happened so fast. From the club, to the bathroom, to the cab, to the hotel, it was all decisions no thought, fueled by a need to both be with this man and to not leave him. His body and mind were somehow drawn to him in a way that was indescribable, a burning sensation so strong he couldn't deny it, and it was mirrored in the other's eyes.
But he didn't usually do this. He wasn't one for one-night-stands and he was usually methodical with his wooing. So to move so fast now was a whirlwind. And now that he was taking a moment to think, he was terrified of the fallout.
"Then why are you here?" the man underneath him asked slyly, biting his lip, black curls falling perfectly on the white pillowcase, grey eyes staring into his soul.
"Because you are," he responded without thinking. He would go anywhere the other man was.
"Good," Regulus whispered, arms reaching up to snake around his neck, pulling him down so their lips were close to brushing. "Stay, then."
Somehow knowing he meant longer than just that night, a grin spread over his face, and he nodded.
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onehundredfoxess · 5 days
15 / apology / 281 words
“You’re late,” Andrew said, the second Neil walked into their shared apartment. His expression was blank, the words coming out almost deadpan, but Neil could hear the disappointment in them, the hurt.
Neil hadn’t expected Andrew to actually wait up for him.
“You know how Kevin gets,” Neil said with a sigh. “If my form isn’t perfect, he insists on training longer.” He set his keys on the table by the door before making his way to Andrew and pressing a kiss to the side of his face in apology. “Did you eat?”
Andrew shook his head, eyes flicking toward the kitchen. His expression didn’t change, but Andrew knew how to keep his eyes focused if he was trying not to give something away.
Following his gaze, Neil’s own landed on their dining table, platters and bowls filled with various items, two empty plates set across from one another on either end.
“Did you make me dinner?” Neil asked, dumbfounded. Andrew wasn’t typically one to cook, more prone to making oven-ready proteins and pre-made salads that only required a tossing of ingredients, but this was a full meal. Neil didn’t know how he hadn’t smelled it the second he walked in the door. “Did you set up a date for us?”
“Patronize me and I’ll kill you,” Andrew huffed, but Neil only laughed. The sound bubbled out of him, borne from both elation that he could bring this side of Andrew out, and that Andrew was his at all.
“Mhm,” Neil agreed airily, before falling to his knees. His fingers found the hem of Andrew’s jeans and made quick work of undoing the button. “Let me make it up to you.”
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cassetteinability · 4 months
1 / stitches / 156 words
tw: incest - sirius/regulus
“Stop moving, or I’m gonna end up tearing the stitches,” Regulus chastised, wiping a warm cloth across Sirius’ face. Another disagreement with their father had ended up with Regulus needing to put more stitches in Sirius’ beautiful face.
“If they rip open, you’ll be able to fix me back up in no time,” Sirius said with a wide grin.
Regulus couldn’t help but smile back, even as he shook his head in exasperation. “There are so many other ways I’d rather be touching you,” he said. “Now hold still.”
“Mmm,” Sirius hummed. “Is that right?”
Leaning forward, Regulus pressed a deep kiss to Sirius’ lips, now that his face was free of blood, the stitches clean and tight.
“Yeah, Siri,” Regulus replied softly, getting down on his knees. “You want me to show you?”
Sirius’ eyes grew dark, pupils dilating within the circle of grey, and he nodded.
“Yeah, Reggie,” Sirius said, voice rough. “Show me.”
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tealeavesandtrash · 17 days
Klave Micro Fic - @taylorswiftmicrofic prompt 6: hotel - 452 words
Klaus can’t remember the last time he slept in a bed this big. It’s been five months of too-small camp beds or the jungle floor with nothing more than his pack. And before Vietnam, it’d been a rotation of tattered sofas, cheap bunks in whatever rehab or shelters he’d ended up at, and (on more dire occasions) some back-alley dumpster. 
Maybe it was when he was with Alex (or was it Alec?) They’d had an amazing California King and was the only reason their relationship lasted as long as it did. (A whole two and half weeks before Alex got busted and ratted on him for a plea deal which landed Klaus in another court-ordered rehab visit.) 
Either way, it’s been well over a year and Klaus is taking full advantage of their shoddy little hotel room. The mattress is lumpy and the sheets are rough, but it’s cheap and at the end of the day Klaus is just glad to be out of the god-forsaken jungle even if it is only for a week. And he has Dave next to him - one arm slung across Klaus’ waist, chest rising and falling in gentle rhythm.
Sweet, perfect Dave who always has his back, who sits with him after nightmares and listens to Klaus ramble about things he couldn’t understand yet. Dave who, apparently, likes Klaus enough to pull him into the backroom of a disco, to take him back to his hotel room and fuck him senseless and not to kick him out afterwards. 
No one in Klaus’ life has treated him with the patience and kindness has Dave does which must be a good sign. Not that Klaus knows the hallmarks of a healthy relationship, but it’s a start. He doesn’t even know what sort of labels he wants on their relationship, if he's even ready for a relationship.  
The morning after their first night together, they talked around the topic - holed up in the hotel room, putting off leaving until the very last moment. Wrapped up in each other arms and in between lazy kisses, Dave told him that he wanted this moment to last forever and Klaus said that once everything was over they could run away together. 
And Klaus knows better than to trust morning talk, he’s spouted enough of those lies in the past just to keep a roof over his head. But he wants to trust Dave because Dave is different.
And that alone is terrifying because he’s built up so many walls to protect himself from the world but now they’re all beginning to crumble around him and Klaus doesn’t want it to fix them. He would lay himself bare if Dave asked him to. 
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emlovessid · 4 months
@taylorswiftmicrofic june 3, high school, 159 words
“Do you think we would have dated? If we’d met when we were in high school?” James ponders one night, running his fingers through Regulus’ hair where his head rests in James’ lap, only half paying attention to the movie they’ve put on.
Regulus snorts, “God no. I never would have had the guts to make a move. Current me didn’t even have the guts to make a move.”
“Mm, thank god for frat parties and locked closets then, hey?” James chuckles, remembering the night last semester all too well; the way Regulus’ jeans hugged his thighs, the sound of his laugh across the room, the flush in his cheeks when he realised they had indeed been locked in a closet, the taste of his lips when the tension became too much and they came crashing together.
“Thank god for that,” Regulus laughs, tugging James down by the drawstrings of his hoodie to press a kiss to his lips.
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in-latex · 3 months
26 / cosmic / 297 words
“Hey, Kitty Cat,” Ladybug said, swinging off her yo-yo and landing firmly beside Cat Noir on the rooftop. “You okay?”
When she had first seen him lying along the roof of the towering building, she had every intention of giving him shit, of pointing out the fact that he didn’t need to track the sky for akumatized villains, but now…
He looked so sad.
“Do you ever wonder if there’s anything else out there?” Cat Noir asked, a bit cryptically.
Ladybug lay down next to him before asking, “what do you mean?” She looked up at the sky, at the faint glimmer of stars above the light pollution of the city surrounding them, and wondered what sort of fantasy was playing behind his wild green eyes.
“I don’t know, some sort of uh,” he paused, thinking of the words. “Some sort of…cosmic universe out there.” He waved a hand over his head, like he could gesture to the entirety of the universe before them.
“A cosmic universe?”
“Yeah, Ladybug,” Cat Noir confirmed. “Somewhere where my dad can’t control me and there aren’t any villains to fight and you and I can finally be together!”
Cat Noir turned on his side and pushed up onto one elbow before looking down at Ladybug. His gaze was so reverent, the way it often was when he looked at Ladybug, but this time it created a sense of longing inside of her. A surge of bravery and recklessness that only Cat Noir could bring out of her.
Ladybug couldn’t bring peace to France, couldn’t destroy Hawk Moth with sheer will alone, but she could give Cat Noir this.
She could give herself this.
“Kiss me, Kitty Cat,” she whispered.
Cat Noir’s eyes blew wide before he nodded softly. “Anything, Bugaboo.”
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