#tatiana talks
agent-slozhno · 22 days
If CHIMERA has any involvement in this recent development in your situation I was not made aware of it. I have deemed it beneficial to help you find the source of these messages. Looking forward to your response,
Oh. Thank you. I'm not sure if there was anything to that, it may have just been empty threats. I am not sure. I'm not sure of anything anymore.
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anybody up for a carlos x ex!reader angst with a happy ending?
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eartheats · 3 months
[picture: it's a little rushed and blurry, but kevin seems to have gotten a picture of ren and tatiana seeming to walk out to an alleyway]
SHIT. renny what the fuck, linux gets distracted for five seconds and you go following the psycho?! what the fuck is...
[there's a video below. would you care to watch?]
"--really bold for, like, actually following me? I could probably crush your sorry ass right now~"
Despite the weird venom dripping off of Tatiana's tone, Ren seems unperturbed--from what the camera can get, they smile at Tatiana a bit, softly.
"...But you won't. You're in enough hot water with La Primera, ain'tcha?"
Given the rather swift change of tune that Tatiana experiences and the glare she shoots their way, it seems they have a point. Though, to their credit, Ren rubs the back of their head. "Sorry. I don't like usin' that kinda stuff. Manipulation and shit ain't me. But...ya gotta use whatcha got. Ain't that what you always told me?"
"Wow. Surprised you cared enough to remember." Tatiana seems to walk, coming a little more into view as the camera shifts away--Ren can't be seen, but Tatiana leans against a wall, and one can see her outfit. A cute lesbian pride themed dress with some rather impressively long nails make her ensemble stand out in such a dark place. But despite the derisive tone, Tatiana gives Ren a bit of a blunt look and just. Stares blankly. "Alright, fucking out with it. You said you wanted to talk? So talk. I do still have a fucking job to do, you know."
One can hear Ren sigh slightly, but it seems the less overwhelming environment and Tatiana shutting up are doing them some wonders for their nerves. "...Tati. I'm so fuckin' sorry I left ya behind. I guess that's probably the best place to start."
"Whoop-de-shit, you're sorry--"
"Lemme finish." Ren's words are surprisingly firm, and Tatiana quiets shortly after. "I wasn't intentionally tryin' to like...leave ya behind, and if things hadn't gone the way they did, I would've wanted to at least let ya know. And I regret that I never got the chance to--I wouldn't have wanted to hurt ya that way, but I..."
Tatiana's stance seems to change a bit. One can catch the change in expression to. The resting bitch face seems to melt away, slowly, though a confused expression takes hold. Ease, but confusion. Frustration, but anxiety. It's...
"Do you even know how much you fucking hurt me, you asshole?"
Tatiana's words are sharp, though they seem to be...less than they could. Marked by something else in her tone that she's trying very hard to keep down--a light, breaking sound that goes a long way of showing how badly it hurt Tatiana.
"I--I fucking loved you. Yeah, yeah, we already had the talk a while back about you not reciprocating, but I...you really think that a fucking apology is enough for losing one of the only friends I fucking had?"
Her tone is pained. Deeply selfish, but there's a pain in Tatiana's tone that makes the tall, pink haired woman pause as she struggles to keep a grip on herself.
Ren speaks up, their tone a little shaky, but still determined. "It's not enough. It's...it's never going to be enough, I know. But an apology's not the only thing I wanna give."
And that. That gives Tatiana a pause, before she speaks up again. "...What the fuck is your angle? I don't get it. You've got me by the neck here essentially, I don't--"
"I want you to listen to me. Just once." Ren's words seem to shake a bit as they say it, determined but shaky. "...I want to explain everything I can to you. Even if we never become friends again, you deserve an explanation. Or at least as much of one as I can give. Can you let me try to speak to you and explain what happened?"
Tatiana doesn't know what do with that. She wants to walk away from the conversation entirely, just fuck off and never bother again, but... "...You're going to be annoying as fuck until I say yes, aren't you?"
"...No. If you want me to walk away right now, I will." Ren pauses a bit at that, their tone going sheepish. "L-Like I said, I...really do feel bad about strongarmin' ya a bit. But I at least...wanna set the record straight and give ya an actual apology. If not closure, if ya really don't want anythin' to do with this. But if ya want me to go, I will. Just say so, yeah?"
And that gets the biggest pause out of Tatiana--shaking, unsure of what to do with any of this, the fact that it feels so genuine yet so, so out of reach and scary and dishonest--
"...Don't." Tatiana's words come out shaky, at least somewhat. "...Fuck you for this, first off. But I...fuck. I don't even know why you fucking care about this so much, but...fuck it. I'll hear you out. What the fuck happened?"
For perhaps the first time in this entire conversation, Tatiana's voice seems tinged with some semblance of understanding--and concern, even.
Ren explains it dutifully--the confrontation with their teacher after getting Grusha's badge, and the absolute teardown that came after. Running away and back home, to parents who seemed more concerned about the waste of their money than their child's emotional suffering--before Ren's own mental break and their subsequent abandonment. Four years of shutting themself in and rejecting the world, attempting to forget everything to lessen the pain--an explanation that sees Tatiana's eyes widen, though she's already gone shaky with a familiar emotion. Anger. The ever guiding bastion. One she's directed mentally at Ren for so long, and one she still wants to direct at them because they literally forgot her, but...
"...That should cover everything. I don't know how much more I can offer but that, but..."
Tatiana doesn't speak for a while. One can hear Ren shuffling forward a bit, before Tatiana shoves them back, enough to get a noise out of them as they fall and the cameraman seems ready to intervene--
But Tatiana herself reaches a hand out and helps them up, and the look on her face is...uncertain.
"S-Sorry." Ren's voice shakily lets out, before Tatiana huffs.
"Why the fuck are you apologizing? I pushed you over. Dumbass." Despite the words, there's something almost...warm in Tatiana's tone. Faint, but it's there. "...Thanks. For...telling me all of that, I guess."
"Don't mention it. Like I said, it's not...a good explanation, and for what it's worth--I am sorry for it all." Ren comes back into focus as Tatiana helps clean them up a bit, getting the dirt off of their skirt. "...I should've told ya somethin', and it was real selfish of me not to, even with everythin' considered."
"...I'm not done being mad at you, you know."
"I wouldn't expect ya to. I didn't ask ya to give me yer time expectin' everythin' to be hunky-dory, ya know."
"Then...why bother? You've got nothing to gain from this, nothing, you--"
"I didn't need to gain anythin' from this at all." Ren's tone goes soft, and they're a little uncertain, but... "You at least deserved to know. That's all it really is."
There's a long pause as Tatiana considers that, her expression darkening briefly before she turns away, collecting herself before looking right at Ren.
"...You've got a lot of gall calling a Champion level trainer out just so you can try to explain shit." Tatiana seems to smirk a bit at that, though--not entirely displeased? "If you're not gaining anything from this, then I want to. You owe me a battle, you little shit."
Ren seems surprised, honestly--but if anything, their nerves seem to go away entirely at that. "Said like I'd pass up an opportunity to take you on? Tati, ya must be dreamin'. You're on."
That, if anything, gets Tatiana to laugh--lacking any sharpness or barbs, even. "Well, I can't, like, kick your ass right now? I do have to get back to making sure this goes off without a hitch, because Arceus knows Iono's probably doing something stupid for Tinkatok clout again..."
"Just seems to be a day endin' in y for her, eh?" Ren chuckles a bit at that, and it's strange just how...almost comfortable this seems. Despite Tatiana shuddering, she manages to laugh too.
"You like, don't know the fucking half of it. But yeah. Let's find some time in our busy schedules to schedule an asskicking. You better be there."
And despite the seeming threat, competitive as it is, Ren manages to smile.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Tati! I've always thought battlin' was the best way to get to know someone, heh--maybe we can work somethin' out together. Look forward to it!"
"Fuck--" Tatiana seems to laugh a bit, and she seems furious about it. "Don't act so fucking cocky--"
[the recording seems to end here.]
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abitofboth · 10 months
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spies are forever… but make it vintage 🔫🍌
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oneshimaru · 7 months
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udul characters that AREN'T shen
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captain-hen · 3 months
The most insane for me is when people who stan tommy uses what taylor did to bobby to hate on her. Like, okay that was absolutely fucked up, and I'm not a fan of her either, but i feel like if you still use this reason even though bobby was fine with her after (even inviting her in his house), then maybe there's something you should hold against tommy too (no matter if hen and chimney look friendly towards him) ??
the funny thing is that hen and chimney are...pretty lukewarm towards him, actually. you have chim who only contacted tommy like twice when he needed his help and didn't invite him to his wedding...you have hen who, in 3x16, was very emphatic about not being friends with any of the guys who used to work at the 118 when she joined; and even tommy makes a crack about not getting her christmas cards. not saying they hate him or anything! i think they're fine with him, honestly. but it's not some great friendship like people like to pretend, sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ and yeah, i definitely think it's weird that all the female love interests, taylor included, have gotten so much shit for much less. i still remember that one person who tried to say that tommy being brought back was better than lucy, because lucy made "a terrible first impression" on the audience. worse than the guy who was introduced as being part of the white man status quo who was complicit in racism and misogyny? hm.
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d4rkshad0w · 2 months
i don’t care what anyone says but i think that James and Cordelia had the strongest love in tsc, he was literally under a spell— a VERY strong love spell— that was created by a prince of Hell and still managed to break the spell because he loved Cordelia that much. their love is very underrated and it needs to be talked about more
i also understand everything that Grace went through with Tatiana and Belial but i still hate what she did😭James and Cordelia could’ve been together when the first got to London but due to the gracelet he didn’t even know he liked her, it could’ve also saved Matthew a lot of hurt cuz if James and Cordelia got together for real the first time i think he never would’ve caught feelings
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helenofblackthorns · 5 months
discussing tlh/chot again has reminded me of the entirely different version of it that exists in my head. like hear me out, what if Lilith was the one aiding Tatiana instead of Belial???
Lilith, who's greatest wish forever denied is have a child. Who upon hearing that a warlock, a so called Child of Lilith united in their inability to have children, has done the impossible and she's outraged. She wants nothing more than those children, who should have never been born, to be wiped off the face of the earth and history altogether.
so when a woman who shares in her hatred calls upon her its almost a sign. she's just as foolish as her father, and hates them for petty moral reasons. she's usable, and will do what Lilith wants - destroy the Herondales. Grace is a pawn for them both, a destroyer groomed from childhood.
Belial in all of this is not an antagonist. He's still cruel and worthy of the title of Prince of Hell, but he's... got a little soft spot. Mostly it's the bragging rights, for he is the very first and only denizen of Hell to have grandchildren, a legacy. He managed to do the impossible and to protect that he's willing to help James and Lucie if they so ask. also.... he's still the reason Jesse dies, his warning to Lilith and her games.
When Tatiana wishes to bring her son back, Lilith helps her. Not as a part of her plans, but out of sympathy (or her version of it) because no motivation is more true for her.
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whenfatecollides · 1 year
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The Power (2023) S1E07 Baptism
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basilone · 9 months
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She is staring at the painting above the hearth when they enter the room. Her head is tilted as if she is observing the artist’s details, but there is a mild frown at play on her face that seems at odds with the standard look of any art admirer. Rather, her hands are on her hips as though she is fully prepared to quarrel with either artist or painting. There is no gun on her hip. No rifle hanging off her shoulder, either, and Ron highly doubts those threadbare boots of hers conceal any weapon of note. Unarmed. Unarmed and alone. Her frown deepens as she turns on her heel to face them fully. Her chin lifts when she salutes – rigid, measured, perfect – but even at this distance he can see a potential storm at work behind her eyes. She does nothing to soften her gaze as she looks at each of them in turn. Her glance at him is nothing more than a swift once-over, which feels rather like he is being measured and found wanting. If he didn’t know better, he would say that she’s here to start another war.
Introducing Soviet Army officer Tatiana Ilyinichna Petrova from my WIP The Burning House, which is a post-war adventure that begins in 1940s Austria and tracks Ron Speirs's life to 1950s Berlin and beyond.
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agent-slozhno · 3 months
it is dick's favorite day of the year!! america.
^ that is what you do today, yes?
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buckybarnesthehotshot · 4 months
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abitofboth · 1 year
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szollibisz · 2 years
The fact that we know most about Tatiana's backstory canonically is not enough I need a separate musical about her
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tadpolebobatea · 8 months
I posted this last night. It did not show up! Take 2?
I spent 26 hours on this thing
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The rambling is under the cut. But there’s also sketches if you crave that sort of thing
Hey kit ? why didn’t you make billy a teacher? He already had a concept in canon for that. because I crave tella interacting with kids, I wanted to make him a music teacher (and I forgot that happened)
Bonus sketchy comic
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Tella is only mildly upset by kids jumping out the window and having more children than genghis khan is only a beige flag to him. Sorry about the unreadable chicken scratch
[Billy ]
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Cowboy billy is his ideal form, I should have given him a hat
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This one is for all the over dressed teachers I’ve had (although most of them were science teachers)
If tella scars are caused by his ability (indirectly anyway) then it doesn’t make much sense for him to have them here. *flops to the floor *
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Little lady :) if billy wants to be embarrassing he’ll call her tanechka. I thought the backpack was cute. Kinda sad I didn’t include it in my actual comic
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thetalee · 6 months
Okay rewatching s1 for this au and it is Amazing how god damn awful Chimney is portrayed in the beginning. I mean. Fucking "guilt sex," Chimney???
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