a loser and their orthworm
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hey, name's ren! (they/them) your local zapapico pokemart employee | a pokemonirl blog | follows from @shinydracozolt
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eartheats · 2 months ago
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eartheats · 3 months ago
i'll be real with ya, it ain't ever easy to figure shit out, but i can at least share what i found out from shiftin' a lotta things around!
back when i was a lot younger, i spent most'a my life livin' as a girl; my birth parents were kinda tirefires in other ways, but they were always real acceptin' about me transitionin' when i was like. 4??? arc, i barely even remember bein' a dude at any point, heh.
wasn't until i got to uva that it started feelin' wrong to be a girl,. :|a and then came relationship shit, where i just thought i was broken as fuck when an ol' galpal of mine fell like, head over heels for me and i just. did not feel anythin' but friendship back. took a long while after that to really explore it, and it involved fuckin' one of my best friends to see if there was somethin' goin' on there. turns out i just really don' about that type'a shit? it ain't impeded me in the process of makin' friends of all kinds, at least!!! and honestly, i find friendships way more fulfillin' than any sorta romance or hookup.
(oh, and i guess back to the nb thing: dad (my actual good dad i have now!!!) was the one who taught me that ya don't just gotta be a boy or a girl! that ya can be somethin' inbetween or outside'a it. dad's relationship with gender is their own story to tell tho.)
but yeah, i guess it's ain't easy to figure out, but ya always got time, i think, is what i'm tryin' to say? and that bein' aromantic or ace or whatevs is totes valid! and it don't always gotta be one universal answer. the answer to yer identity and other shit can change over time, and sometimes ya can even take bits of stuff and make it yer own! that's the great thing about the world, i think
Despite my best efforts, I have admittedly been thinking about my identity and relationships in the past. It's hard to figure out if I'm genuinely uninterested in romance, or if I'm just averse to the idea currently because of my own experiences and flaws. I kind of like the idea of having a partner, but proper dating, marriage, etc just turns me off to the whole thing.
I don't know why. I wish these things were easier to figure out.
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eartheats · 3 months ago
this is what i love about paldea's battle culture!!! if a battles too much for you and yer partners, ya can just up and dip.
sure ya gotta pony up some change, but man, it really teaches trainers a lot about restraint and not pushin' yer partners too much. which is the best skill a trainer can have!!!
Ok unpopular opinion but I think you should be able to exit out of pokemon battle no questions asked after seeing the other persons pokemon
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eartheats · 3 months ago
hi dad!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Keep forgetting that people on here are married and have kids or whatever. You guys aren't still trying to get your life together on your own???
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eartheats · 3 months ago
rotomblr has a pretty surprisin' amount of people with their shit together, if ya can believe it! but there's deffo plenty of people here who are still figurin' shit out. sounds like ya ended up on the good side of rotomblr, heh!
Keep forgetting that people on here are married and have kids or whatever. You guys aren't still trying to get your life together on your own???
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eartheats · 3 months ago
ms. maya, hi!!! i hope things are going well for you too!!!
lulu's such a sleepyhead though, big agree~ he's just got the absolute cutest sleepin' face i've ever seen, i love him to bits <3
sorry i haven't been around much!!! things at the academy have actually been goin' really well, and i've been takin' a lot more time recently to try to study for some more advanced testin' shit; i never thought actually writin' a research paper would ever be in the cards for me, but here i am, actually tryin' to go for it so i can get a proper license for professor stuff. professor ren amaryllis has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?
but yeah, i may not be around much for a while still!!! super sorry about that everyone :( i miss y'all bunches! but here, have a pic of my good boy in the meantime, lulu's been havin' a lot of fun tusslin' around with everyone when i got time, hee! went and tuckered himself out
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eartheats · 3 months ago
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awww, thank ya mx. casi!!! heehee. it means a lot and i totes getcha, that's for sure! i've definitely been consumin' a lot more books in pursuit of this research and stayin' up pretty late...if it weren't for terry and mio kickin' my sorry ass every now and again to take a break, i'd probably end up in the same spot, ha!
but that just fine by me! ya don't get anywhere in life without workin' hard, ya know?
sorry i haven't been around much!!! things at the academy have actually been goin' really well, and i've been takin' a lot more time recently to try to study for some more advanced testin' shit; i never thought actually writin' a research paper would ever be in the cards for me, but here i am, actually tryin' to go for it so i can get a proper license for professor stuff. professor ren amaryllis has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?
but yeah, i may not be around much for a while still!!! super sorry about that everyone :( i miss y'all bunches! but here, have a pic of my good boy in the meantime, lulu's been havin' a lot of fun tusslin' around with everyone when i got time, hee! went and tuckered himself out
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eartheats · 3 months ago
:O!!! gasps! well, gladly inform those lovely friends there that i definitely appreciate it! thems some glowin' praises comin' from the both'a them, i might just blush, heehee!
(and no worries!!! i know they love ya to bits, and i'd never wanna take that top spot from ya! i'm just chuffed they think'a me so highly, haha)
lemme know if any of yer partners need to let off anymore steam, too! we'd be happy to help!
sorry i haven't been around much!!! things at the academy have actually been goin' really well, and i've been takin' a lot more time recently to try to study for some more advanced testin' shit; i never thought actually writin' a research paper would ever be in the cards for me, but here i am, actually tryin' to go for it so i can get a proper license for professor stuff. professor ren amaryllis has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?
but yeah, i may not be around much for a while still!!! super sorry about that everyone :( i miss y'all bunches! but here, have a pic of my good boy in the meantime, lulu's been havin' a lot of fun tusslin' around with everyone when i got time, hee! went and tuckered himself out
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eartheats · 3 months ago
sorry i haven't been around much!!! things at the academy have actually been goin' really well, and i've been takin' a lot more time recently to try to study for some more advanced testin' shit; i never thought actually writin' a research paper would ever be in the cards for me, but here i am, actually tryin' to go for it so i can get a proper license for professor stuff. professor ren amaryllis has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?
but yeah, i may not be around much for a while still!!! super sorry about that everyone :( i miss y'all bunches! but here, have a pic of my good boy in the meantime, lulu's been havin' a lot of fun tusslin' around with everyone when i got time, hee! went and tuckered himself out
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eartheats · 3 months ago
it’s always ‘competitive battlers don’t care about Pokemon’ but like every competitive battler I know is like . This is my garchomp. She has sad wet eyes and so sometimes I have to put her in sweaters to calm her down. Also she has won several championships.
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eartheats · 4 months ago
it's probably got a fair bit to do with how the old uva teachers were, at least in my case. 😔😔😔 pretty much just sent us on our way with a field guide that i'm pretty sure was outta date and went 'she'll be right', essentially! least for some'a us. but i totes agree with you!!! trainers should have all'a the tools necessary before they go out, and good ones at that to make sure they can get all'a the nutrients they need! that's how ya avoid gettin' some'o them weird tinkatok challenges, or peeps who think it's okay to eat pokemon berries. and then there's berry health risks dependin' on the pokemon, but that's a convo for another post...
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i have, don'tcha worry!!! amy's definitely made sure i've gotten on some better ones fer sure; they've gotten on my case about holdin' onto food for too long, so i don't do that anymore!!! heehee. he's taught me a heck of a lot, actually. and i get fresh, responsible human food for the house while i make sure to get my partners the best food i can, too!
though i gotta get some coffee next time i'm on the mainland for sure, now that i'm reminded!!! the coffee here at the academy ain't nearly as strong as the stuff dad suggested i get...and not nearly enough espresso, either.
I worry they are sending ten year olds out into the wilds to go on their trainer journey without telling them that poffins are not meant for people to eat. They don't taste all that good. It's you making treats for your pokemon by hand to be relatively food grade! It won't make you sick especially if done correctly and your berries are properly processed but you are not going to find them as tasty as a pastry made for people to eat. They're bland to us. They are not made for us. It's like walking into a pokemart and eating one of the free biscuits out of the jar at the counter. People are going to stare at you funny. Please stop doing that.
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eartheats · 4 months ago
I worry they are sending ten year olds out into the wilds to go on their trainer journey without telling them that poffins are not meant for people to eat. They don't taste all that good. It's you making treats for your pokemon by hand to be relatively food grade! It won't make you sick especially if done correctly and your berries are properly processed but you are not going to find them as tasty as a pastry made for people to eat. They're bland to us. They are not made for us. It's like walking into a pokemart and eating one of the free biscuits out of the jar at the counter. People are going to stare at you funny. Please stop doing that.
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eartheats · 5 months ago
hiatus until november
alright. i ain't even gonna mince words. this one's actually for a fairly good reason, though; i've gotten back into RP on the site i originated from and i've actually been having a very fun time with it! it's a private game my friends are running and i did not expect to have so much fun with it if i'm gonna be honest.
i've been struggling to get back into rp on that site and like...enjoying it since a dear friend of mine died, but this is perhaps the first time in a while i can say i've got a groove back. and the hyperfocus is very real ^^ but this does mean that while the game is running (should end november 2nd!!) i've been behind here, and the last thing i wanna do is half-ass ren's plot. so i am gonna take a hiatus and make sure i'm all pristine and prepared so i can make it the best experience i can.
updated dates will be coming soon for the plot's start and end dates given that i'm pushing stuff back, so keep an eye out for that! and hopefully nobody's too disappointed. but also: frankly if you are, i do not care. i'm having fun and reclaiming some joy i lost!
but yeah!!! i'll see y'all in november, ren and carmine both can be assumed back at bba now o/
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eartheats · 6 months ago
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Saw all those rankings of different Pokemons of the same types and kids owning them and such, so I thought I could throw my hat into the ring fairy-style~!
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eartheats · 6 months ago
//i decided to finally take the roleplay thread we wrote out between these two posts here and here all the way back in december and format it into an actual fic people can read in case anyone wanted to see what happened between casi and amy back then!! if you want a little more bonus content for why these two are the way they are. just keep in mind this stuff would not be known in character. mind the suggestive content tag as while they dont do anything actually not safe for work here its heavily implied thats where things were going
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eartheats · 6 months ago
Chorizo Artazono with scrambled eggs, salt, pepper, red beans, lightly fried rice, pico de gallo Tamato, and sour cream. Wrap in a corn tortilla. Eat.
anon. i need you to know that i tried this with the gang today and this shit was SO. DAMN. GOOD.
thank you for this blessing!!!
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eartheats · 6 months ago
phew! just got home from a lil private celebratin' with the gang out in the minin' area! gotta say, doin' a big ol' bonfire like that feels hella nostalgic. i even got to wear one'a the new outfits miss carmine bullied me into gettin'!
(bullyin' meant with the utmost affection, of course!)
[picture: ren seems to be dressed up with a loose graphic t-shirt, along with some nice looking jeans. even some decent looking boots compliment the ensemble, along with some sunglasses that ren is wearing on their head]
it was nice to house the girls for a bit, i gotta say. i usually don't host people unless it's dad or somethin', was actually kinda nice to do it for someone else. and maybe i wouldn't mind doin' it again sometime!
...but for now, i just gotta wait for jacques to make it back home, and i'll be back to blueberry pretty soon. heh. i'm real excited for that--i've been gettin' some text updates from terry an' mio about the worms, and things have been real great with 'em apparently! i'm gonna have so much work to do~
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