#taste of sky ☁️
satowooo · 4 months
i. imgonnagetyouback
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The one and only son of the Gojo clan had fallen quite hard, completely and utterly, to a lowly woman who came from the dirt, and got his heart broken by her. Years had passed, he was still as angry since the day you left, but he only wanted you back.
contents. modern au, gojo satoru x reader, angst, not proofread.
Whether I'm gonna curse you out or take you back to my house, I haven't decided yet but I'm gonna get you back
next chapter
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It was pathetic. The sight of Gojo Satoru, a well-respected son of the Gojo clan, was down on his knees right in front of you, begging you to stay, a daughter of a mere servant.
It made him look pitiful and weak, a miserable prince who had his heart shattered by a low class woman like you. But he didn't really give it that much of a thought, ever since he first laid eyes on you. He didn't care what people might've said from the very first time, and he proved it to you a million times as he stubbornly and desperately showed you how much he loves and adores you. So, begging down on his knees is not that much of a deal now, no?
“Stand up, please.”
But you were firm, closing your eyes as you let out a shaky breath. You hated seeing him like this, but you were left with no other choice. Your love for him could risk even the dangers of your life, and you were sacrificing him to save him.
“I do not wish to be with you any longer, Young Master.” You said, uttering his title in a whisper. “What we had was wrong. It was a mistake on my side. And I thought I was in love with you, but it was just a pathetic infatuation and I realised that another man best suits me, and it's not you.”
Your words were nonstop, every single thing that you uttered was shattering his heart into pieces. But Satoru furiously shakes his head, his hands trembling on your lap as his forehead falls on your knees.
“T-that’s not… T-that's not true…”
You remembered everything from that day. Every little detail, every word, every touch, every action, of what had happened stayed forever in your mind. It never fails to shatter you. To make you cry every single time that you thought about him as you lie in the confinements of your small room.
“I have done what you asked for. What else do I need to do–” A whimper escaped your lips as a hand flew over your cheek. Breathing heavily, you felt the sting on your skin as you looked back at the person who had been the cause of your pain.
“Pack your things, and never show your face again.”
Gojo Satoru haunted your dreams and nightmares. He managed his way in your heart, and refused to leave. He was the ghost of your tragic love story, you could only wish that you never should've picked up the pen. It's already been two years since you left, and even until now, your heart only beats for one man and it will always be for Satoru.
So what are you going to do when he comes up at your door, claiming what used to be his?
It all happened so fast that your head can't fathom how you ended back to the place of your nightmares. The Gojo clan's mansion. The place where it all started between the two of you.
Every corner of this place was filled with memories of you and Satoru, all the good and bad. But what you remembered most was the torture, the consequences you had faced for falling in love. You felt like all your scars were slowly tearing apart, opening the wound that was almost healed as you looked back to the man who stood in front of you.
You never should've been back in this place.
“I expect you to work immediately.” Satoru's voice was different. It was laced with authority and demand, not the sweet ones that you remember back when he was yours. “Remember, your family is in the palm of my hands. Try to escape, and you'll face the consequences.”
His eyes looked at you with anger, a pent up emotion that he bottled up all these years. His hands were balled on a fist by his sides, almost trembling, but he wouldn't let you see just how much you still have an effect on him.
Right now, all he feels is anger and hatred for what you did. For leaving him. For running off with another man. For loving him only to break his heart. For letting him hold on to your empty promises.
For those two years, he only loathed you and he's not going to be a forgiving man, he'll make sure you regret. He'll make you beg on his knees, the way he did for you.
“I expect you to be in my office in five.”
Now, you're back to square one. Working as his maid was already bad enough back then, so what's going to happen now that you're back to serve him again?
You can't help but notice how much he changed. Somehow, you can tell that he was still the same, only that he was only mad at you. It was obvious already how he's showing indifference only to you but not to anyone else. His bubbly personality that used to welcome you with warm embraces is now replaced with an angry demeanour of a man who cold-heartedly took you away from your family and took you back to the house where you suffered.
How unfair.
This was not your Satoru.
As soon as Satoru turned around and left you standing, he heaved out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. His heart felt like it was trying to escape from his chest. For the first time since you left, he finally felt his heart beating again.
All throughout those years that you were gone, he relentlessly looked for you. Trying to search your face in unfamiliar places, sometimes getting himself into trouble when he mistakes someone for you. Everyday, he was turning angrier and angrier when you never showed up, while all he needed was proper answers and explanations. He hated all the memory that you had left, and how it tore him to pieces that all of it was just a lie.
He couldn't believe you had the nerve. A woman like you with no name for herself, telling him that a relationship with him was just a mistake as you sought another man. Gojo Satoru was everything anyone could have asked for, so how dare a woman like you? How dare a woman he loved…
Everything comes crashing down into his mind once again. From the first time he saw you and how you've caught his eye. His heart starts to beat frantically, his breath caught into his chest, his tongue tied together. Satoru slumps into his chair as he closes his eyes, letting the memory sink in.
“Who is that woman?” Satoru asked an older servant, seeing your unfamiliar face walking around the garden in a maid uniform as he stared down at you from his window.
“That's [M/L/N]’s daughter. She's here to take her place while her mother is recovering.” The servant answered as she poured him tea.
Satoru watched as you walked quietly, your movements looked calculated and careful. He watched your finger touch a ragged cloth, gracefully cleaning the dirty tables.
From afar, he can see how your skin looked soft and pale. You were a bit thin and looked weak. He can only assume that he could break you with one twist.
Your face didn't have any emotion in it which intrigued him. Even your lips were downturned, like you hated every second of working in his place. You caught his attention in a matter of seconds, a curiosity growing inside him while he watched your every move.
He noticed the way your mood changed when his family's dog, a small golden retriever, came running to you. A smile formed into your face and he swore he could feel all the flowers blooming all around the place. Everything seemed to have lighted up, his heart began to drum in his chest as you kneeled down to the dog, petting and rubbing the cute animal between your hands.
What's so fascinating about you?
He swallowed hard. Satoru felt like a teenage boy realising that he was staring a little too hard. He felt like a stalker for watching you, shivering at his thoughts.
But he wanted to meet you. Something was pulling him to be close to your presence. A magnetic force was drawing him to come near, and it was the very first time that he ever felt like this.
But he'll take his time first. For now, he's going to settle on just watching you from afar, memorising every detail of you, until he is ready.
A knock on the door woke Satoru back to his senses. He straightened up on his seat, erasing the memories out of his head as he coughed. “Come in.”
But how can Satoru completely forget?
You walked inside in your maid uniform, the same dress that you used to wear, and it only took Satoru a matter of seconds for all your pasts to remind him of how much he loved you. He felt a pain in his chest, and for a moment, he wanted to fall back on his knees and beg for you to love him again. But even you had changed.
Satoru was also back to square one. He looks at you, reminded of the first time he had seen your face. The lack of emotion, the frown, the gaze that used to intimidate him, and the wall you had built between the two of you was palpable.
“Take a seat.” Satoru gestured over the chair in front of his table.
He watched you carefully as you stepped inside his office, striding forward with a sense of hurry as you obviously refused to seat. You stood in front of him, an emotion in your eyes that he can't seem to read.
“I have to get back to my family–”
“They are fine.” Satoru immediately cut you off, his voice ringing over your ear. He looked at you with a glare, venom laced in his voice as he says, “You are bound to stay here, as I said so–”
“You can't keep me here!”
Your scream shocked the both of you, but Satoru kept a straight face as he stood up slowly. He chuckled with malice, staring at your helpless state.
“What makes you say that I can't?” He smirked. “I own you now. Every single thing that's yours is also mine, even your family.”
Your eyes fell to the floor, your hands trembling at your side. Your knees felt weak underneath his gaze, burning and crushing your soul.
Everything he said was true. You were in so much debt ever since you left the Gojo mansion, your family almost falling apart if he didn't show up to take you. And now he's claiming every single bit of what's yours, not leaving a single piece behind.
Satoru made it clear when he took you here. He'll pay for everything to save you and your family. Your mother's hospital bill, your father's gambling debts, your brother's education, their food, house, electricity, and all their livings, because you couldn't pay them off by yourself.
So now you're trapped. He's got you wrapped around his fingers.
“You need me, Y/N.” You closed your eyes at his voice, shaking your head in denial. “You can't afford to live without me, and that's the truth.”
It was the truth, Satoru taking her away from her old life.
You were doing just fine when he was gone. But now you don't know anymore.
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this is the part 1 of my mini (?) gojo series! i hope you'd like it and anticipate for what's next to come 🥺🫶🏻 [M/L/N] also stand for "mother's last name" in case you didn't knowww ^.^ I also hoped you understood the flashbacks and such.
this is just a prologue of the main story, sooo the real story starts at part 2.
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gusubun · 2 years
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender bites receiver hard enough to draw blood / from yato 🤡 its hiS TURN !!
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        wangji  is  not  expecting  it,  though  he  probably  should  have.  as  frustrating  as  he  was,  wangji  relished  in  the  lively  company  yato  gave  him.  how  many  times  now  had  he  done  the  very  same?  bitten  him  when  he  was  too  frustrated,  too  close  to  think  of  anything  else.  many--  so  he  is  not  at  all  offended  by  the  sudden  bite  returned.  the  pain  rests  secondary  for  him,  as  something  else  entirely  curls  up  snugly  in  his  gut.  and  with  it,  embarrassment,  his  ears  growing  hot  as  his  heart  races.  that  he  allows  it,  and  says  nothing--  until  he  decides  it  is  enough.  pushing,  to  give  himself  some  distance,  his  face  painfully  serene...though  the  pink  color  dusting  the  shell  of  his  ears  gives  too  much  away.
five sense / accepting
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bread--quest · 10 months
It's 2012 somewhere. Welcome.... to Night Vale Tumblr.
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👁️ nvcr-official
Hi guys! I'm Intern Sarah! Excited to be joining you all!
👁️ nvcr-official
To the friends and family of Intern Sarah, she was a good intern and social media manager, and we are sorry to see her go. We will work to find a new intern as soon as possible.
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🦉 dark-owl-records
hes gotten away with shit for too long and im sick of it. tl;dr horrific intern mistreatment with no compensation, mountain denier, homophobic
keep reading
❌ number-one-moonhater Follow
Hey uh. Aren't you a company account? Why are you posting this
🦉 dark-owl-records
L + ratio + god forbid women do anything + your music taste is trash
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
Isn't Cecil literally gay?
🦉 dark-owl-records
he's homophobic
🪼 jeebyfish Follow
he has a husband...
🦉 dark-owl-records
yeah and he won't fucking shut up about it
2,500 notes
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🤫 cecils-private-blog
Carlos hasn't liked any of my woodcarving posts in THREE DAYS!! I'm so scared what if he's going to break up with me :((
👁️ nvcr-official
Cecil he's your husband he's not breaking up with you. also this isn't a private blog you just put private in the url
🤫 cecils-private-blog
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🏜️ sandeater Follow
tamika flynn spotted in ralph's dairy aisle "slaying" the milk
🦂 scorpiansscuttle Follow
op i know this is a joke but one time i was in the ralphs dairy aisle and there was some butter up on a really high shelf and someone said "don't worry, i'll get it" and i turned around and it was fucking tamika flynn
☁️ average-weather-enjoyer Follow
fake story :/
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
No it's true I was there
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🏜️ sandeater Follow
what the fuck is happening on my post
8,345 notes
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👁️ nvcr-official
can you guys please stop sending cecil weird shit... i don't want to have to explain to my boss what a dilf is
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🐚 mariella-shella
Hey guys!! Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I entered a hole in the wall and when I got out I realized I didn't know how long I'd been in there, or where I was, or who I am, and I'm not sure that I'm still the person who entered that hole however long ago. Anyway, the normal posting schedule will resume as soon as I remember what my normal posting schedule was, and if I'm still the person who had that posting schedule!
🌪️ sandstorm-gf Follow
omg mariella!!! missed u so much girl glad ur back!
🐚 mariella-shella
i miss me too
42 notes
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😎 Anonymous asked: Response to the homophobic allegations?
🎙️ cecilpalmer
🎙️ cecilpalmer
@nvcr-official What does this mean? Is it new slang?
👁️ nvcr-official
uhhhh dont worry about it buddy
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🧤 missy-mittens Follow
hey guys im in quarantine for eating wheat and wheat byproducts uh...send asks?? i might be in here for a while lmaooo
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
oh lights in the sky its been 5 years since i made this post
☁️ glowcloudapologist Follow
how's it going op
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
i miss my family
506 notes
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🐚 mariella-shella Follow
hey if anyone remembers anything about the person running this blog can you tell me? trying to recover the fragments of my identity from the void of memory lol
🥔 potato-enthusiast Follow
you were really hot
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
89 notes
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🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just a reminder that new residents of east night vale are fully welcome to interact with this blog!!!! you will not be harassed and any hate will be blocked. this blog is safe even if this town isn't sometimes <3
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
This is so sweet, thank you so much! Just so you know, even though it's officially called East Night Vale now, a lot of people still call it Desert Bluffs! Just thought you might want to know :)
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
i'm not calling it that sorry
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
What??? Why??
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just kind of sucks. as a name
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
170 notes
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⬜️ kentuckymeatshower_deactivated11051983
what does this mean....
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
another great post from huntokar herself
16,683 notes
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🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
🌲 little-miss-ectoplasm Follow
you don't like pine cliff? 👻 oo ooo?
👁️ nvcr-official
806 notes
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😁 the-happy-smiler Follow
Hi everyone!! Since Twitter went down, I figured I'd try my hand at this Tumblr thing! I'm so excited to meet all of you!! Hope you're ready for some pictures of CENTIPEDES!! Feel free to AMA about the Smiling God!
👁️ nvcr-official
🦉 dark-owl-records
🎙️ cecilpalmer
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
21,983 notes
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imastrangeone98 · 20 days
Wishes Best Left Unanswered
(A/N: ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR 😉😏😏 HAPPY BDAY OF BDAYS TO MY BESTIE @philistiniphagottini !!!!!!!! I present to you this short and (bitter)sweet fluff with your ever beloved gege Bladie)
No warnings, maybe just a tad bittersweet but overall fluffy like a cloud ☁️
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Blade sometimes wonders whether or not you truly are aware of the sins that mark his very being. Or whether you do know and are simply that ignorant.
Because while he is nothing more than a sharp blade, you are but a soft cloud that floats in the sky, a wisp of a warm breeze echoing through a meadow of days long past. You are softness, and he is anything but.
You have no reason being so close to him, not when his edges are so sharp that they could cut into your pretty skin. But you still cling onto his arm and nuzzle against his side, as though he is harmless, and you smile up at him to ask him what he wants to eat.
Nothing, he wants to say. He is not becoming of such human needs; he is not worthy of your attention, or your affection.
Yet you give it to him freely, without restraint, as though you have an endless spring of love dwelling within your soul, a fountain that will never dry up, or an oasis in the barest desert.
So he simply points at some random snack at the stall you both stopped in front of, and with a sunny smile, you reach into your backpack to pull out your wallet. But you splutter when he swiftly steps in front of you, placing a large wad of credits before the baffled stall-owner and grabbing your drink (that's no doubt as sweet as you) to put it in your hand.
You smile so brightly, it hurts his eyes. And when you stretch on your tiptoes to give a swift peck to his lips, the taste of sugar and peaches lingers on his tongue, so strong that a small part of him desires a swig of strong, black coffee- especially since the snack he randomly chose was also just as sweet.
But the rest of him seeks out your warmth, your softness, your sweetness, and he is willing to risk his life and limb if it means you will embrace him in your arms once more, scolding him on his carelessness while you dab healing salve on wounds that he knows will already heal.
"Why do you stay with me?" he asks you one night, as the two of you lay together on the overly plush mattress in the hotel room Kafka managed to secure for the night. "You are a small, soft thing. With one wrong whisper of the mara, I could destroy you."
You hum, nuzzling your face further into his chest. "But you won't. I guess I just trust you that much."
"...You shouldn't."
"Probably...? But I do." You lean over him and gently cup his cheek in your palm. "Even when I know you carry the strength to rip me in half, I know you'd do anything but."
And when you kiss him, he knows, deep down in his soul, that you speak the truth.
Blade knows that he must seek death, now more swiftly than ever. But when you lay in his arms, he cannot help but wonder if eternity would be so bad if you were there by his side, making the pain just the slightest bit sweeter.
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hana-no-seiiki · 9 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere! idol! oc (jisoo han) x superfan/manager! reader
✧ tw/cw: yandere themes, reader is also yandere at the start, mentions of anxiety and self harm, honestly idol life is its own tw
[ series masterlist ]
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“Oh gosh (oh gosh) this is so crazy. I’ve fallen in love again.
I trip so easily.
Adore new things, they sparkle.”
“Why are you so obsessed with him?”
“Dunno, just am.”
Your entire life revolved around Yesterday’s Dawn’s ace, Eve. The idol who had been in everyone’s lips. Whose name had been heard throughout nations you’ve never even heard of.
He was your sun, the reason you had the energy to wake up every single day, the light of your life.
Every waking moment you spent it either thinking of him or offering your services for name.
It was normal for you to spend hours looking at his schedule, knowing where he was, being around him most times, or staring at media of him.
Somehow, you were able to land a job as his manager.
You were finally closer to your god.
But you swiftly find out that no man should be likened to one for only disappointment can be found in such a path.
Eve was a lot more . . . burnt out than you expected. A lot less passionate and energetic than he was in camera if not irritable.
It was normal for him to harass workers when they didn’t meet a standard he imposed, as such, after the first few weeks of your employment everyone that you were with have already been fired, quit, and/or paid to keep their silence on the matter.
Yet your feelings for him only stayed; as your employment with the company. Your meticulous and proactive nature as a fan site owner allowed you to take much of the workload he threw at you.
The little admiration you have left for the man kept you standing.
And if only you were a little less stressed you’d notice his scarlet eyes providing stares of amusement, bewilderment, and growing affection.
You never complained (at least, in a place where he could hear you).
Whenever he asked for impossible items or schedules you’ll simply grin and work things out in your little way.
You adjusted to his turbulent temperament as quickly as an experienced pilot in a stormy sky, a sailor of uncharted, dangerous waters.
You were brilliant. Reminiscent of his times as a trainee.
Bit by bit he started lessening your workload. Allowing you to rest. Hell, even giving you his coffee if he didn’t want it. He never gives away his coffee.
You acquiesced to many of his whims but were never a pushover. Always doing your job perfectly. Keeping him in line.
He would have fallen for you already, had he not been in love with someone else.
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“Peek-a-boo! It’s only love when my heart quivers.
All my friends yell at me, they say I have a problem.
I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine!”
“ For this comeback period, [L/N] will be assigned to Hayate instead. Eve will have his senior’s manager work with him instead.”
You were assigned to another member around Spring.
Yesterday Dawn’s most hectic time of the year aside from fall as the group’s concept was as the name suggested, focused more on nostalgia and times of youth.
You were relieved.
You never thought you would have been able to say that after being separated from Eve, but now it was the only thing you had on your mind.
No more late night calls about wanting coffee but throwing the leftovers at you the moment he was sick of the taste, no more work being thrown at you and taken away at random moments, no more working around his schedule so that he’ll have time to meet that dear senior of his in private.
You were free.
Hayate was known to be the harsher one in the fandom, but much like Eve his image was a bit different from his actual self.
Sure he was demanding, but he was fair. He wasn’t controlled by whims and impulse. You were finally able to do your job properly til the end, and you didn’t always feel a judging stare from him like Jisoo would always throw at you.
You were finally able to smile.
However, you see, being a manager for another member did not mean you would completely be free of your original client.
Hayate and Eve worked quite closely, and as such, you’d often help with Jisoo’s requests even if you weren’t obligated to.
Eve immediately saw the change in you.
You were, a lot more bright. Less haggard. Your voice less hoarse. Relaxed.
You were already getting along better with his group member than you ever did with him.
Eve wasn’t really the type to show his anger actively. He was always more, passive.
The senior he was head over heels for was slowly forgotten as he’d spent countless of hours pouring his feelings into his music. What was supposed to be a bittersweet spring album turned out to be one of sour regret and frustration.
Of course, it was still a hit. It even scored him a collaboration with the senior he oh so wanted to have their eyes on him. But all he could think of as he went to bed early in the morning was the way you’d laugh whenever Hayate spoke to you.
Hmph, the guy wasn’t even funny.
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“Hey you, do you wanna play a game? I already know what you want.
Close your eyes and count to 10. Don’t matter anyways
Cause I am going to find you.”
“Did you hear? Jisoo got his first scandal. Apparently he bullied a bunch of students during high-school.”
“Wasn’t he . . . homeschooled?”
Causing scandals was easy. Dealing with scandals was not.
All Eve had to do was talk to some people, had a few pictures edited and voila, chaos.
It was amusing really, his company superiors would ply him with reassurances and sweet words; telling him that everything will be fine and dealt with while his pr managers dropped down like flies trying to prevent the flames of hatred from spreading too far.
All of them, hopelessly unaware.
All but his stupid senior.
“Why are you doing this now, Ji?”
They always looked down at him almost. Like he was a petulant child that needed to be coddled or scolded depending on their mood.
“We should focus on the track.”
And like he expected, you were brought right back to him. As you should be.
The heads figured out that you were the only one capable of handling the shitstorm without falling into the hands of alcohol or other substances in grief.
And as they expected you did.
After all, you had a timeline of his entire life in a canva document. Even if it was only mentioned once in a concert interview before they went famous. You were an Eve superfan.
All you did was confirm the fact that Jisoo got homeschooled by contacting his parents and teachers, and the rest was easy. You even reactivated your fansite for such an occasion.
If only you hadn’t.
Maybe then Jisoo wouldn’t have a definite reason to pursue you.
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“You’ll never get this concept, you might as well forget it
Just play again, bet it all, roll the dice
Eve thought he was doing well in terms of romancing you.
Ever since he found out about your fansite instead of feeling disgust and horror he felt . . . great, amazing even. A high the stage could never give him.
Of course, you two were destined.
It was only his duty to protect you as your partner, to spoil you, dote on you.
Even if you don’t realize your intertwined fates yet.
. . .
Eve always hovered over you.
Usually managers took shifts with watching over the idols. Half of your time was supposed to be spent planning rather than overseeing his activities.
Yet you seemed to have a never ending babysitting responsibility.
Your past self would have committed several war crimes for the sake of this opportunity. But after a year or so under his ‘care’ you found yourself slowly veering off into the type of insanity you didn’t like falling in.
You felt a bit like Andy from the original Devil Wears Prada book, only that your resentment simmered slowly. Forming into a hideous red sludge of exasperation whenever he randomly wanted to take a vacation. Forcing only you to come with him. Which meant an even bigger workload, and even more people to talk to for flights, schedule conflicts, reservations and all that.
You snapped.
It was a calm afternoon.
The sun was burning you alive as Eve insisted you two would go on a ‘beach date’ for some summer fun.
He shoved a drink in your hand.
And you just broke down.
Tears fell from your eyes, your breath shallow.
You asked him if this amused him. If your suffering was funny to him. If making you fall over just to get his demands on time made him feel fulfilled as a person.
And before he could answer you ran.
A week after that your schedule was finally normal.
Eve kept his distance. Not just from you but from everyone.
You knew of his anxiety attacks and depression before. But seeing those up close and personal scared you.
Things only get worse from here.
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“So it’s too late you’re in the game now. If you keep up might not lose it.
The jungle gym of fun, like hell yeah
Makin the moon fall down down down.”
Eve spent most of his ‘hiatus’ watching your posts of him. Edits, fanfictions, photography, fancams.
Of course, it wasn’t to see himself perform again. He already did that on a regular basis to make sure he kept himself up to the standards of an idol.
It was to see your captions.
Your fanatic raving made him feel . . . loved.
Your previous thoughts on his performances made him feel complete. Like he found a missing piece of a puzzle he kept trying to put something else to fill it in.
Another part of his hiatus was spent preparing for his graduation. The termination of his contract.
It was clear you didn’t love him as an idol anymore. It was his fault really. He couldn’t see how he was hurting you with his work and desires.
If there was another thing he can thank his idol work for was the amount of money he had saved.
Now, he had a new home built far away from civilization. It was completely soundproof. The bed he ordered was custom made, tailored to your preferences this time rather than his. Food stocked to the nines. A few instruments here and there so he could compose even while retired.
He can always make a new song, a new life for you two to enjoy together.
“My voice, my body, my soul. It had always been yours. I just didn’t realize it.”
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For more EVE content check out the #hns.eve tag 🩵
Lyrics are a mix of translations from the og song and Mitch Joseph’s cover.
©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024
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izurusstuff · 9 months
Coal Miner's Daughter
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(click here for last chapter)
‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐: 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭 ‧̥·̊‧̍̊┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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message from izurusstuff: i am so so sorry it took so long for pt 2, i couldn't get it to sound right and i had to go through like 564 rough drafts to get it </3 but anyway!! the action starts here!!
also!! there's two new characters and some updated character descriptions, so i recommend checking them out!!
summary: A blonde boy comes into the story... ;)
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⋆·˚ ༘ * "𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞~!" ༉‧₊˚.
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June 2nd, Snow Residence, The Capitol. 
The moonlight spilled in through the bedroom window, blanketing the entire room in a soft silvery glow. The window is open, letting in the gentle caress of the late-spring breeze to temper the warmth and add onto the humidity of the air inside; bedsheets rustle with the light wind and shadows flicker in response to the silver light shining through the curtains. There’s a faint scent of fresh flowers lingering in the room, mostly due to the flowerbed that laid directly under the windowsill. 
A frail blonde boy was in the bed that was pressed to the wall in the tiny room, unable to sleep and deep in thought. He laid in the bed looking up at the night sky. The moonlight that trickled in through the open window illuminated his face as he thought to himself... He had a concerned look on his face, but the sound of the gentle breeze carried a sense of calm and peace over the room... In that moment, he could almost forget his worries. Almost.
The boy was Coriolanus Snow, a senior at The Academy.
He was one of the more well known students, mostly because he put on the grand persona of being rich and powerful— and that’s what was keeping him awake, if he was being honest. He wondered when someone would notice his facade; Coriolanus may walk with a sense of superiority and importance, but underneath the surface, there was a boy struggling to survive… a boy that could only afford to eat cabbage soup that was mostly water. He was hoping his cousin or the Grandma’am somehow managed to get more food the evening prior, so he got himself out of his bed and crept to the kitchen.
The fridge door swung open, letting out a little puff of cold air. Great. Not only was there just cabbage soup left, but it was half gone by that point too. He scoffed and slammed the refrigerator door before giving up and going back to bed. 
The next morning, the moist air felt like it was wrapping Coriolanus in a hug. It was miserably saturated and rather annoying. Although he slept shirtless, the heat and humidity was overwhelming— even against his bare torso. He scoffed in disgust at the sticky air that was touching him before he got up for the day. 
Coriolanus walked to his small wardrobe that contained four outfits at most. He tried to piece together the most fancy one he could, because today was the day the Plinths were throwing a feast at their house to celebrate the ending of their son’s final year at The Academy. But he couldn’t dress too fancy, because he had to save his fanciest outfit for The Reaping ceremony that would take place in a few weeks. So he settled for a red shirt and black vest to go over it. He found some matching black trousers to go with it, too. The blonde ruffled his hair to make his curls stand out, then rolled up his sleeves before he went downstairs.
“Coryo!” His cousin gasped– Tigris was always his number one supporter. He gave an awkward smile to her praise and did a little courtesy. 
“Here! I stole some bread from work last night…” Tigris murmured, sliding Coriolanus stale bread that was wrapped in a napkin. It wasn’t exactly the most tasteful thing out there, but it was much, much better than the watery cabbage soup he ate most nights. He gave her a sweet hug and nodded.
“Are you going to the feast at the Plinths’ later?” Coryo asked. Tigris shook her head while she did dishes. 
“No… I’d love to, but…” Her eyes widened when she realized she was about to snitch on herself. Tigris had a big, big surprise for Coriolanus that she was going to work on at her job. She quickly got herself back together and turned to Coyo while she hand-washed a glass plate.
“Fabricia said she needed me today, so it looks like I’ll be working overtime-!” Even though it didn’t seem that fun, Tigris still had a smile on her face. Coryo didn’t question it, though. He finished up his bread and walked to the Plinths’ house. 
June 2nd, Plinth Residence, The Capitol.
Coriolanus’s classmates gathered in the gardens of Sejanus’s house, all of them in the finest outfits he’s ever seen. Even the people he utterly despised looked gorgeous… Arachne was in a floor-length white dress with her hair down over her shoulder, she was talking to Clemensia who wore a black pantsuit lined with diamonds. Hell, even Festus looked good; he was wearing a deep v-neck blouse that loosely fit him, which made his toned chest stand out. Coryo didn’t want to stare too long though– he wasn’t gay, he was just appreciating what was in front of him. But then there were the people Coriolanus despised…
Sejanus Plinth and Arizona Mayberry. They didn’t deserve to step foot into the fucking party, even if Sejanus literally lived there. Coryo hated that they came from the districts and acted like they were one of the Capitol citizens. They were nobodies, just poor people that got lucky– Sejanus had his daddy’s fortune and Arizona had her body to get what she wanted, including the heir to Dr. Gaul, Helios De Vil. Both of them disgusted Coryo down to his core, but Arizona more so. Thankfully Arizona was talking with Helios, so he only had to deal with Sejanus… who was currently walking up to him. The audacity.
“Thank you for coming, Coriolanus…” Sejanus said with a sad tone. How could he be sad if his parents literally threw this fucking party for him?!
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss out on it.” He was definitely bullshitting. He’d miss out on the party even if it meant he had to go hide in the districts. But he was a damn good actor, so Sejanus believed him. 
“I appreciate it, dude.” He exclaimed, then wrapped his arm around Coriolanus. Coryo was definitely trying his hardest to not vomit right there. 
“You made it.” Clemensia said with her soft yet stern voice. Arachne and Lysistrata followed after her. Coryo gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek, which she reciprocated. 
“We have something to celebrate, don’t we? I’d be a fool to miss it.” 
“You look nice, Coriolanus.” A nasally, jarring, disgusting voice told him. When he turned around, it was exactly who he thought. Arizona Mayberry. Her hair was up and had flowers in it, which matched her sheer green dress. The outfit was what someone could expect from a glorified District 12 peasant… but by her side was the far more tolerable Helios De Vil, who was rocking their white suit that was topped off with a gold corset. 
“As do you, Mayberry.” He snarled. If it wasn’t for the crowd of their friends, Coriolanus would call her out on her fake kindness. However, he had to put on a show– he gracefully grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it. He made a mental note to himself to deep clean his mouth when the party was over. Thankfully, Helios was right by Arizona’s side, so Coriolanus ignored the girl after their interaction and went right to Helios. 
“Gold, huh? An interesting choice.”
“Why, thank you. Your outfit is also outstanding. Did Tigris pick it out?”
“No. I did.”
Helios playfully gasped in surprise. Coryo was good looking, but he did not know how to dress himself. So when he revealed he picked out his own outfit, they were baffled. 
“...our last year at The Academy, huh?” Lysistrata spoke. She was quiet all evening, which wasn’t unusual… it was just odd to see her so solemn. 
“Why are you sad? We get to get the hell out of here and start our own lives!” Festus cheered. 
“The Hunger Games will probably relate to our final project…”
“Oh? Do you know something we don’t, Sejanus?” Arachne spat out after she noticed Sejanus’s solemn tone. Only him and Arizona seemed upset about it; everyone else was placing bets on how the games would relate to their final project… and the person who would know the most about it would be Helios. Everyone’s eyes were on them and their fear was plastered on their face. 
“Hey! Don’t look at them like that! They could get in major trouble for even alluding to this!” Of course Arizona had to put herself into it. It’s not like she knew how to shut up. Festus and Coriolanus looked at her in annoyance. 
“You don’t have to let your chihuahua guard dog speak for you, but alas, we’ll back dow-” Coriolanus got interrupted by Helios’s blunt statement.
“We’re being mentors. That’s how we relate to the games.” 
The group looked around in shock at what they just said. Mentors?! How the fuck would they work?
“Uhm… what?” Arizona asked Helios the question everyone was wondering. Her gaze looked annoyed as she let go of Helios’s arm. 
“If you tell anyone what I’m about to say, I will actually end your bloodline, do you understand?” The others gulped and nodded. Helios was hilarious and outgoing, but everyone who knew them knew that they never bluffed. They looked around and whispered into the group that huddled in a circle. 
“From what I know, Dr. Gaul and Dean Highbottom came up with the idea of making the twenty-four top performing students mentor the tributes. We’re responsible for training them in combat and presentation… that’s our final exam.” 
Coriolanus wasn’t as happy anymore. He knew he’d usually excel at any task given to him, but if Highbottom had anything to do with it, he knew he’d have all odds stacked against him. 
And Coriolanus was right. 
July 4th, Reaping Day, District 12. 
Y/n stood in the crowd in her dirty coal mining uniform. After working in the mines for over a month, she finally saved up enough to buy a uniform that fit her. It wasn’t as dirty as Ridge’s, but it was definitely covered in soot.
Thanks to her disappearing off the face of the Earth after she was betrayed, no one even recognized her… the y/n that went from wearing pastels and denim was now dirty with soot. Her hair was up in a bun, whereas she used to let her hair flow freely. She stood there with a determined look on her face. Y/n wasn’t afraid anymore. After being put through hell and back by her two favorite people, she didn’t give a shit about anything; including what she knew was going to happen. 
Tripp took to the stage and gave a speech about how The Hunger Games were a punishment, blah blah blah. Y/n didn’t care. She just wanted her name to be “drawn” and get it all over with. Sure enough, it was.
“The girl representing us… Y/n Vespertine.” Tripp pretended to be distraught over it, but y/n knew his bluffing. She gave him a hug to help him keep up his act of losing his “beloved daughter figure” in The Reaping. Big shocker there– Tripp was team Savani. 
“The boy representing us will be… Leif Huxley.”
July 4th, Reaping Day, The Academy. 
Everyone was getting assigned their mentee in The Games. Coriolanus’s name hadn’t been called… maybe that’s how Dean Highbottom would screw him over. Maybe he didn’t even give Coriolanus a tribute to make him look stupid.
“The girl tribute from District 12 goes to Coriolanus Snow.”
Oh. That’s how he was going to get fucked over. Great! He could just walk out of the amphitheater right then, that would be less embarrassing than having to mentor a poor little girl who didn’t stand a chance. When the live feed for District 12 came on, he saw y/n, who was wearing a cute dress, but her hair and face were covered in some weird black dust. His jaw was on the floor… there was no fucking way Highbottom was serious. 
While Coriolanus mourned the fact his victory was out the window, Arachne was cackling her ass off. Arizona surprisingly looked upset for the boy… being from District 12, she knew what it was like out there. She knew y/n didn’t stand a chance.
“Awww! Coriolanus gets the scared little rabbit!” Someone in the audience exclaimed. Coryo looked at the voice in horror… this was really happening. He got some poor, innocent, rabbit girl from the worst district. She was too cute to even step foot into the games, let alone win it!
He had his work cut out for him…
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Angst 🩸 | Fluff ☁️ | Smut/18+ 🥵 | Dark 🕷️ | H/C 🫀
Top R! ⬆️ | Bottom R ⬇️ | Switch ↔️ | Has a Penis 🍆
Personal Favorite ✨
Main Masterlist | Natasha Romanoff ML #2
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Oneshots (Switched POV’s | Older Style)
Thanking my Lucky Stars
Flirty Natty 🩸 | ☁️
Your Sister's Hot ☁️
It's Okay.. | No It's Not.. | It Will Be ☁️|🩸
The Forgotten Triplet 🩸 | ☁️
Dirty Secret 🩸 | ☁️
Loved You Sooner 🩸| Never Too Late ☁️
Die For You 🩸 | Live for Me 🩸|☁️ | Story of Us ☁️
Burnt Out 🩸 | Magical Night Away 🩸| ☁️
The Mystery Stark ☁️|🩸| 🥵 (✅)
Oneshots (2nd Person | Current Style)
You’re Still Mine ☁️ |🩸| 🥵 | ⬇️
Mama's Baby 🥵 | ⬆️
Sad Beautiful Tragic 🩸|☁️|🥵 | ⬇️
Labor Pains 🩸 | ☁️
Anything for You 🫀
To Be: Cherished | Mine Forever I A Family |🥵|🫀| ⬇️
Everything Comes at a Cost 🩸|☁️ | ⬇️ | 🥵
Forever, Always, and All my Days After That... ☁️ | ✨
My Body, My Choice ☁️ | She Will Be Loved ☁️
Unwelcome Surprise 🩸| 🥵 | ↔️ | Lessons Learned 🩸| ☁️
Wrong Choice… 🫀| 🥵 | ⬆️ | ✨
Starts With Goodbye ☁️ | 🥵 | 🫀| ⬇️
Ready to Run 🫀
Oh How You Brighten up the Night Sky ☁️
Shall We Play a Game? ☁️ | 🤏🏼🩸
A Warm Hand, and Your Loving Touch… ☁️ |🥵 | ⬆️
I’ll Be Home For Christmas ☁️ | 🩸🩸 | 🥵 | ⬇️ / …If Only In Your Dreams 🩸| ☁️☁️
Kiss Me Beneath The Mistletoe ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️ |✨
Never Alone With You ☁️
How to Mend What’s Broken 🩸| ☁️
Mind Games 🩸| ☁️
Cuddle Bug ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Take it All… 🥵 | ☁️ | ⬆️
My Heart—It Beats For You 🩸| ☁️
A Blooming Love ☁️
Liho to the Rescue ☁️ | Meet The (Fockers) Bishop-Belova’s ☁️
Through the Eras 🫀| 🥵 | ⬆️ | ✨
Do I Know You? 🩸| ☁️
A Fools Errand ☁️ -> 🩸
Clandestine Meetings 🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆
You Could Never Hurt Me 🫀| 🥵 | 🥩 | ⬇️
In a Summer Haze ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Teach Me Mommy 🥵 | ⬆️
Unconditional Kind of Love 🫀
I Can’t Lose You 🥵 |🩸 | ☁️ | ⬇️
Attachment Issues 🥵 | ☁️ | ⬇️
I Love You / I Know 🩸| 🥵 | ⬆️
You’re so Prettyyyy 🩸-> ☁️ | 🤏🏼🥵
Stripped Bare 🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆 / Shelter me From the Storm 🫀| 🥵 | 🍆
A Vintage Taste ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Roles Reversed 🥵 | ⬆️
Perfect Timing ☁️ |🩸| 🥵 | ↔️ |
In Your Corner ☁️
Pretty Princess 🩸-> ☁️ |🥵 | ⬇️
Love Me ‘Til I’m Black and Blue 🤏🏼🕷️| 🩸| 🥵⬇️
Hear Me Out ☁️
Easy to Love 🤏🏼🩸 | ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
The Perfect Muse 🥵 | ⬇️
Don’t Worry, I’ve Got You 🩸|🫀
The One That (Almost) Got Away 🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ↔️ | 🍆
Short Series
Symphonic Journey ☁️ |🩸| 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆 |✨
Blurb (2nd Person | 1.9kish or less)
Chaos Ensues 🤏🏼🩸| ☁️ | ✨
Roadside Assistance ☁️
Bloody Hell of a Mess ☁️
A Simple Cat Nap ☁️
A Never Ending Nightmare 🩸| ☁️
My Lipgloss is Poppin’ 🥵 | ☁️ | ⬇️ | ✨
Big Bad Wolf 🕷️|🥵|🩸| ⬇️
Desperate Times… (A/B/O) 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆
Winging It ☁️
A Twisted Web of Lies 🩸
Tension 🤏🏼🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Whiskey Lullaby 🩸
A Master Lesson in Patience 🥵 | ⬇️
Who Are You People ☁️
Married to her Craft 🥵 | ⬆️
The Tournament 🥵 | ↔️
Dance the Night Away ☁️
1 vs 5
Broken Promises…
Flustered Mess
Lost in Battle
934 notes · View notes
baileypie-writes · 3 months
~Ranking All White Cures in Pretty Cure~
Disclaimer: These are all my opinions! If you don’t agree with them, that’s fine! Just don’t attack me or anything.
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~🎶6 - Cure Rhythm🎶~
(Suite Precure)
She’s… fine.
I honestly think her “friendship” with Cure Melody kinda ruined her character for me. They just bicker all the dang time! And even though I remember most of the fights being started by Melody, Rhythm still engaged, making them worse.
Her design is alright. Definitely not my favorite, but it’s fine.
~🐇5 - Cure Supreme and Cure Puca🐇~
(Precure All Stars F)
I put them together because they go together, and look almost identical. I know that Cure Supreme is black now, but she’s white for the majority of the movie so…
I think they’re really cool! Especially their designs. They’re so unique and otherworldly! Their stories are super awesome too. Puca’s made me so sad.
Preme’s power is really interesting. The way she created a whole world just to be a Pretty Cure was very cool.
I really hope they show up in future All Stars movies!
~🪽4 - Cure Egret🪽~
(Futari wa Precure Splash Star)
She’s cool!
Even though she’s pretty much a Cure White copy, I still like her. And she does have her own unique elements.
Her design isn’t that pretty. It’s kinda tacky. But that’s just how Splash Star is.
~📢3 - Cure Echo📢~
(Precure All Stars New Stage)
Yes, I included her. She deserves to be here.
She’s awesome. I really wish she was in more movies. Or even better, had her own series.
Her design isn’t my taste, but I don’t hate it.
~☁️2 - Cure Prism☁️~
(Soaring Sky Precure)
I love her!
She’s very cute, and I love her relationship with Cure Sky. They really complete each other.
I love her design as well. Especially that cool underskirt thing! And the little heart hair things are so cute!
~🤍1 - Cure White🤍~
(Futari wa Precure)
The legend herself.
I love her so much. Her design, her personality, and her relationship with Cure Black.
She’s really special to me. She’s one of the first cures I’ve seen, so she’ll always have a place in my heart.
That’s all! Let me know what you think of my ranking, and how you would rank them yourself!
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satowooo · 4 months
ii. down bad
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Satoru was so sure that he finally got over you, but why does he feel his heart beating again whenever he sees you walking down the room as if you own the place, the way you own his heart? Reminiscing the past feels like voluntarily falling down the edge of a high mountain, except Gojo Satoru was more than willing to welcome the pain that he thought was long gone and buried in the depths of the sea.
contents. angst, fluff, maid!reader x gojo satoru, difference in social class, past events, flashbacks, modern au, not proofread.
‘Cause fuck it I was in love, so fuck you if I can't have us.
previous chapter → next chapter
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It was probably love at first sight for Gojo Satoru. Or maybe just a small interest. Maybe he just wanted to be friends with you. Or maybe you really just caught his attention.
It was probably because it's the first time for Satoru to see a maid the same age as him, which makes it more intriguing because he usually has old ones who are at least 10 years older, most of them who raised him since he was just a child. And then there's you walking in with your chin up, eyes set in front, your moves calculated, and you're not sparing him a glance every time he walks by, your head always lowered in a polite bow.
It felt like you were a robot. A cold demeanour of a woman who seems to be dolled up and built to be a servant who will obediently obey any orders from its master. To Gojo Satoru, you were an emotionless, uninteresting, boring woman.
So why is he so drawn to you?
There's something about you that makes you feel different. Sure, he has met other girls too. They were all lively and admired him like he's the prettiest person in the whole world. Quirky and cheerful girls unlike you who were… nothing.
He wants to know what's this force pulling him to come to you. And he needs to be at a near distance, he needs to get to know you, to talk to you, just so he could answer these questions in his head.
It's been exactly two weeks since the first time he saw you back in the garden, and he still hasn't talked to you even once. He's been watching from afar, call him a stalker or a creep, but those are none of his intentions. You caught his eye, that's for sure.
It was one of those leisurely days wherein Satoru was just taking a walk around the estate, breathing in the fresh air of his palace-like home. Everyone who walked by bowed down to greet their master, whispering amongst themselves and putting up their best behaviours.
“The tea is ready, Young Master.” A maid approached him, eyes down on the floor. “Do you want us to set it up on the tables at the pavilion?”
Satoru raised his hand as if to wave them off, motioning the maid to raise her head. “No need for that. Take it to my chambers. I'll follow shortly.”
The maid nodded before she took her leave, until Satoru was left alone in the gardens once again. His eyes roamed around for a presence, hoping to see the familiar silhouette of a lady that he longed to see. Days of observing you, he had noticed well enough that you spent a lot of your time here, where all the flowers bloomed in the softest colours that pleased the eyes. And he wanted to see you here, perhaps make a small talk if he was lucky enough for you to grace him with your presence.
But to no avail. Satoru let out a sigh after a few minutes of waiting around, his head darting from left to right one last time to see if you're coming or not, and you still didn't. His chest heaves as he tucks his hands in his pockets, walking back to his chambers to have his tea.
The silence around the estate had always been deafening, hearing only footsteps from the servants or the clinks of cups. Every step he took made quite a sound that reached the walls, his aura alone could startle even the small ants that roamed around the corner of his house as he dragged the door open, revealing his neatly cleaned bedroom.
He sat cross legged on the soft mattress on the floor before his tea table, grabbing a book as he waited for the maids to bring his afternoon snacks.
And oh is it his lucky day?
“Young Master…”
A voice so soft and unfamiliar came by the door, knocking three times. Despite how Satoru didn't know the owner of the voice behind his door, his heartbeat suddenly started to rise from his chest.
He cleared his throat, straightening his posture. “Come in.”
He felt like he caught his breath when the doors opened, revealing the woman he had been looking for quite some time now. Your hair up in a ponytail, your kimono hanging on your body as your small hands carry the tray of tea cups and a kettle. Right before him stands the most beautiful woman he had seen his whole life.
He gulped, sweat forming in his forehead. For a second, he didn't know what to do or say.
Satoru felt stupid. Crazy. Bewildered. And astonished. And enthralled. By you. For you.
He didn't realise his mouth was gape open for a few seconds, a faint shade of pink flushed on his cheek. He gulped once more before he finally had the courage to talk.
“Come in. Place them on the table” He patted the empty table, waiting for you to take the tea to him. You kept your head lowered, not looking him in the eye again.
You swiftly placed the tray on his table, kneeling down on the opposite side in front of him. You took the kettle, pouring down the tea skillfully on his cup. You almost felt yourself spill the tea when you heard his voice that seemed to echo around the room.
“I heard, you're new here?”
Obviously, you are. He knew it for quite some time now. But what else does he have to say? He wants a conversation and that's what he's doing to get your attention. Even though it made him sound like he's stupid.
“Yes, Young Master.” Your answer was short and precise, leaving no room to keep the conversation afloat. But it's Gojo Satoru talking, you can't expect him to shut up with just one question.
“As from what I know, you're here to take your mother's place while she's receiving medical treatments as of the moment. How is she?” He takes a sip from his cup, his eyes never leaving yours as he watches your every movement.
“She's recovering well.”
He raised an eyebrow, nodding his head. Your short answers made him dumbfounded for quite a reason, unable to think of another question that might keep you talking.
He clenched his jaw, tilting his head to the side as he said, “Lift your head.”
You gulped, hands falling down on your thighs as you slowly looked up. Oceanic blue eyes beneath his snowy lashes met with yours as if a light was shining directly at your face for how blinding his gaze felt like. Your breath hitched for a moment. His beauty was nothing like a normal man you see on televisions. Neither artists nor models.
He was breathtaking. Gojo Satoru was the epitome of beauty. A piece of art that never fades even as centuries pass.
“What's your name, Miss?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow at her. “As your master, I should know at least the names of who I associate myself with inside our home, no?”
You blinked a few times before you uttered your name out of your mouth, feeling out of breath all of a sudden. Despite how calm his gaze looked into you, you felt like he was trying to freeze you with his eyes alone. “Y/N…”
His lips curled into a delightful smile. There was a satisfaction laced in his eyes as he nodded his head, his fingers circling on the edge of his teacup. “A beautiful name, Miss Y/N. You probably know me already, but I'm Satoru Gojo. Pleasure to meet you.”
You smiled politely, your eyes looking anywhere but his. While Satoru Gojo basked himself in your beauty, looking directly into your appearance as if you'd be gone any moment now if he tears his eyes away from you. It took Satoru quite awhile before he finally came back to his senses to finally let you take your leave.
“Now, I'm sure you have other things to do. You may go now.” Satoru raised his cup like he was doing a toast before he took another sip. “I'll let you know if I need anything.”
He somehow made a good first impression, he thought. You didn't talk much yet your presence alone filled the silence as he stared at you for quite some time and Satoru is just glad he didn't embarrass himself.
It was more than enough. At least for now. He'll make sure to take all the chances he gets to talk to you and climb the walls you've built around yourself. He doesn't mind.
“It's nice to see you again.”
You jolted in shock when a presence suddenly came beside you while you were picking some flowers. A low manly voice of a man that you're now familiar with ever since you worked here.
You stayed calm, facing him so you could properly greet him as you bowed your head. “Young Master, is there anything you need?”
“Your presence, if I may.”
Now, Satoru Gojo was definitely playing with fire. His words shooting out of his mouth before he could think about how it could affect this so-called relationship you two had that hasn't even started yet. But then, he still felt cool about it. Biting his lip as he shrugs smugly as you look at him confused.
“My presence?”
“Indeed. I hope you don't mind if I… stay around with you while you do your tasks.” He looks down at the basket you're holding filled with different types of flowers, smiling to himself at the thought of you might make a bouquet of it. “But of course, if you don't want me to, I will leave.”
“No, Sir. How can I refuse?” You laughed nervously, waving your hands to say no. “Stay if you must. I don't mind at all.”
Satoru chuckled and nodded his head. “Well then…”
He looked down the basket, his gaze locked on the extra scissors. Without further ado, he took them by his hands, proceeding to help you pick the same flowers that you were collecting.
“Do you have any flowers that you like here?” He asks, his eyes focused on the plant that he was cutting.
Your eyes quickly caught what he was trying to do, your mouth flying open as he cut the stem of a flower. “Young Master, please let me do the work. You're not supposed to–”
“Relax, Miss.” He turned to you with a chuckle, pushing his hand in the air in front of you where he was holding the flower that he picked. “I want to help. And don't worry, you won't get into trouble for this.”
You hesitated at first, but seeing him pushing his hands forward where he offered you the flower made you relent. You sigh in defeat, nodding your head as you take the flower from him, putting it down the basket. “Then I shall oblige.”
“So are you going to answer my question?” He asked as he continued his work.
“Flowers. Any flowers in here that you had taken a liking to?”
You purse your lips together, looking over at the other side of the garden, where different colours of tulips are starting to bloom. “That one.”
“The tulips?”
Satoru smiled to himself, taking a mental note to give you one some of these days. “Nice choice. They're beautiful, aren't they?”
“They are. My brother loves them.” You blurted, starting to open up into the conversation with him.
“You have a brother?” Satoru asked in curiosity as he plucked another flower, then tossed it down the basket. “How old is he?”
“Yes, I have an eight-year-old brother.” Your heart warms at the thought of your sibling, a person who's probably waiting for you to come home during the weekend.
He glances at you, noticing the warm smile that crossed your lips, feeling something tugging at his chest at this sight of you. Relaxed and comfortable in his presence, it made him confident that you were somehow warming up a bit with him.
“You should take him here some time.”
Your eyes widened at his invitation, quickly looking over at him only to find that he was already staring at you, his eyes showing that he was serious. You take a sharp breath, feeling his gaze burning into you as he waits for your answer.
“I cannot… I'm here to work–”
“I insist.” Satoru cutted her off, before he went back to plucking some more flowers. “I enjoy company once in a while. He can have as many tulips as he wants. I promise you won't get into trouble for it, I'm the master in here after all, aren't I?”
Did he easily sway you like that? You hoped he didn't.
“Right…” You looked down, your fingers fidgeting. “I'll let him know.”
There was a moment of silence. Only the sounds of the scissors trimming and leaves falling down the ground could be heard. You focused on your work as Satoru helps you, and minutes passed until the basket was already overflowing because your mind was too preoccupied with your conversation with him.
You sighed, bidding him farewell as the work was done. You left as soon as he dismissed you, your heart racing the same way as your steps quickly travelled back to your room.
Your chest was heaving, and you don't know if you're breathing this heavy because of the way you hurriedly ran to your abode or was it because of the way he made you feel. Nonetheless, you don't want to know the answer just yet.
MARCH 2009
That wasn't the last time that you saw Gojo Satoru. After that interaction, you seem to cross paths with him more frequently than before. And everytime it happens, he always engages in conversations with you. His advances didn't bother you so much, in fact, it made you comfortable enough ever since you started working as a maid and he made you feel less lonely. Gradually, you became casual with him, yet still remaining professional.
Satoru liked it. The company. Your presence. The casualty. And the friendship that's starting to bloom between the two of you. It wasn't easy at first, but he got the hang of your personality.
He notices how you seem to not be close with anyone among the maids, since they're either older than you by a few years or… simply old enough to be your mother. He watched you talk to them at some point, asking about things that you're not yet familiar with in the estate, and following their orders if you're needed. You were perfect and obedient and he never saw you complaining about any task laid in front of you.
As a sound came from the front door, Satoru jerked his head up from where he sat on the grass. He saw you walking out in more casual clothes, piquing his interest immediately as he stood to go to you.
“Are you going somewhere?” Satoru curiously asked as soon as he got to your side. He noticed the way you jumped back a bit, clearly not expecting his sudden appearance.
“Uh, yeah… I'm going out a bit.” You answered shortly.
“Where?” Satoru glanced in front of the two of you where a familiar face was waiting at the car, their family driver, waiting for you.
“The grocery store.”
“Right. I'll take you.”
You both stopped on your tracks as you looked at him confused. You tried to read his expression, but Satoru only offered you a cheeky smile. He walked ahead so he could talk to the driver before taking the keys from him. He strode to the passenger seat and opened the door for you without a word.
“Aren't you coming?”
And that's simply how you found yourself at the grocery store, with a tall man tailing behind you.
From the way he talks, and the way he carries himself into the room, every other woman that you two would walk past will sneak a glance at him. You'd hear teenage girls shrieking, even mothers with their child seated in a cart will look over at him. Satoru Gojo was just so majestic that everyone couldn't take their eyes away from him.
You felt awkward from the attention, even though you know that it's not for you, but they were still glancing over at your direction. You don't even know how you handled his little conversations all throughout the ride and even now at the store.
“Y/N! You should get some of this for yourself!” Satoru held up a bar of chocolate, practically shaking it in front of your face. “You know, so you can have some sweetness in your body. You always looked salty in the face.”
“Is that a joke?” You watched as he snickered at himself. You took the chocolate and put it back on the shelf. “Young Master, I strictly have to follow what's on the list that they gave me, so I'm sorry but I can't just rashly take something for myself.”
Satoru’s lips formed into a pout, crossing his arms at you like a child. “You're no fun.”
He follows you as you start to push the cart again, walking over another aisle. “And why the sudden formality? We're in public, Y/N.”
“That does not change the dynamics.” You replied shortly, not even entertaining the thought of informally calling him by his name.
“Why? We can't act like normal people outside?” He argues, taking the cart from you as he nudges you to the side. He pushed the cart instead, having you walk next to him instead.
His eyes narrowed intently while his eyes were looking over ahead. An unsettling feeling was tugging on his chest, his hands gripping on the cart while he pushed it forward. He let out an exasperated sigh.
“We are acting like normal people.”
“No. You're acting like we're not even friends. Like I'm just a business partner to you.” He scoffs, stopping to look at you. “Like you're a lowly servant and I'm the bad boss. I don't like it.”
You gazed back at his eyes and you don't understand why he looked so upset. You were just acting normal, like how you usually do when you're working around the estate, so what's got him so worked up?
But anyhow, you didn't want him to feel this way. So the best thing you could do was to talk calmly, trying to make him explain more.
“Why? I mean, am I not the servant and you the boss? Except the bad part.”
“We're not just that.”
Satoru gritted his teeth, and you noticed the way his jaw clenched which took you aback. You blinked a few times at him as you tried to read his expression, but all you could just see was him struggling to even find the right words to say.
You sighed, looking away from his face. “I’m sorry if I made you feel–”
“We're friends, aren't we?” Satoru cuts you off, his neck flushing red in embarrassment over the emotions stirring in his mind. His heart thumped off his chest and he hoped you couldn't hear it. “I mean… to me, we're friends. We've been talking for quite awhile now. So maybe… I thought you might feel the same… Don't you?”
You looked stunned by his words as he left you with a question that you were also asking yourself for quite some time now. He's right. You did feel the same. But worry gnaws on your skin that maybe you might've been just assuming his kindness for friendship, because you know all too well that a friendship between a low class woman like you and someone high standard like him would be impossible.
He's out of your league. Way too out of your league. And you always thought of him. Always hoped for him. Because you can't grasp him with your hands. The way he was always so close yet still so far.
But here he is. The beautiful man pouting his lips at you as he anticipates your answer. Because all Satoru wants is just for you to feel the same way as him.
You nodded reluctantly, turning your body away from him so you could continue your stroll in the store. “Okay… Sure…”
A smile finally etched on his lips. There was a small glint of happiness tainted on his blue eyes, shining brightly while he followed you from behind, pushing the cart with him. “Sure, what? I want to hear it!”
And there he was, back again to his usual personality. He nudges and bothers you like a child the whole time, trying to pull tricks on how he'll get you to say the words he wants to hear.
In the end, he simply just gave up when you showed no signs of relenting over to him. He knew you wouldn't, but the moment made him smile. He was satisfied and happy enough that at least you admitted it, even not directly. But to Gojo Satoru, small things still mattered and he wouldn't ask for anything more as long as it's you.
Satoru Gojo still remembers how vulnerable he had been. Well, can he blame himself? He was young, and naive.
He doesn't understand why he wanted you so much to notice him. He didn't understand how you made him feel that way… and he didn't want to feel the same anymore.
Satoru looks at you from afar painfully. His eyes shutting tightly at all the memories that still haunted his already tired heart, haunting the heart that still threatens to beat for you.
He was so mad. Still mad at you for leaving. Mad at you for making him feel so hopeless and weak. Mad at you for leaving him alone to deal with the consequences of falling in love.
But he's so… desperately… utterly… helplessly in love. His heart always ached and longed for you. The woman who swept him off his feet, the woman with gentle smiles and soft hands that touched his heart, the woman who used to utter her words of affection right before his ears. Why? Why did you even leave?
He's so, so mad at you. Because even until now, he still longs for the day that you might have looked at him the same way that you used to before.
He watched as you slowly poured him his tea, your hands still graciously performing the move.
But your hands were shaking, your eyes trembling as you tried to get a hold of yourself. Pouring tea for him like you used to do seemed to be the hardest task now that everything has changed between you. You gulped, focusing on the cup that was about to be full.
You didn't expect your hands to fail you just then. Your hand suddenly moves in nervousness causing you to nudge the cup and spill the tea right over the table. You jolted in shock as you shakily put the kettle down and quickly muttered apologies.
Satoru stared you down. And for a moment he wanted to pity the woman before him who seemed to have lost herself. But no, he can't just be weak for you again after all these years.
“How bothersome.” He scoffs at you, making you stop. The air was thick with tension and Satoru’s irritation was evident in his expression while you gulped in nervousness. It was the first time that you ever felt so defenceless before him.
“I'm… so sorry…” You muttered slowly, your gaze locked on the mess that you've made.
“I don't need your sorry, Y/N.” The words rolled off his tongue bitterly, and he didn't even think about the way he sounded so harsh. “Clean the mess, and get your face out of my sight.”
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he's down bad crying at the gym lol let me know if you want to be added on the taglist !!
tagging: @blankwashed @mshitachin @mumblepingu @mimooyi @makimamybelovedwife @prettylvne @em-asian @tojisworm-5 @numblytemporary @tqd4455 @hyunsuks-beanie @flmdrva @bubera974 @yuuuumii @catobsessedlady
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
Even On My Worst Days ☁️
Yet another Weasley Wednesday post! This week's theme was Quidditch. I tried to do something a little different this time, so this one has more angst and fluff, but there's still some smut at the end.
Trigger warning here for anxiety, panic attacks, and negative self talk!
Smut/NSFW 18+! Characters are aged up and in 7th year! Do not read if you are under 18!!
Even On My Worst Days - Garreth Weasley x Gryffindor Female MC
2.2k words
Summary - MC has been having a horrible day that only gets worse with an upcoming Quidditch game. Thankfully, Garreth is around to make her feel better.
“Can this day get any worse!?” MC asked no one in particular as she paced around the Gryffindor common room, earning her odd looks from her house mates. Today was turning out to be a terrible day for her, and she feared it was only going to get worse. 
She had woken up much later than she should have this morning with a splitting headache, after barely having slept the night before. She ended up being late to her first class, feeling quite embarrassed about it. In the chaos of the morning, she had also forgotten she was supposed to help Poppy with some Beasts class work. Her bad luck didn’t stop there, as MC later on failed a test she thought she had prepared well for, and her lunch didn’t settle right in her stomach, forcing her to spend her free period in bed writhing in pain. Worst of all, there was a Quidditch game tonight, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and she didn’t feel the slightest bit prepared for it. Her anxiety was at an all time high today. 
“You got this, sweetheart! You’re one of the best seekers we’ve had in years!” Garreth had told her as he sat on the edge of her bed earlier, various potions at the ready to help with his girlfriend’s issues. Garreth had a point, MC was good. She didn’t think she was the best, per say, but still pretty damn good. However, the rough day she had experienced so far was doing her confidence no favors. 
And now here she was, having a panic attack in the common room on her way down to the Quidditch pitch. Her headache and stomach ache had subsided thanks to her boyfriend’s potions skills, but Garreth had nothing in his arsenal that could help her with the anxiety she was left with. 
She made her way outside, and took note of the fog that overtook the sky above her. “Great.” She thought to herself. “Another thing to worry about.” She had found Garreth and the rest of the team down by the pitch. He could tell right away that she was off, and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her into an embrace. “Darling, I know you’ve been having a bad day, but you can do this! Just focus on the game. It’ll be okay!” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead. 
Although she knew he meant well, his words frustrated her. It was so easy for him to say that. He played the Keeper position, which he did excellently, and while his position was still very important on the team, it didn’t hold the same weight hers did. She could make or break the game. And while this fact normally motivated her, it was terrifying her now. All she could do was smile at Garreth, a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, hoping that the taste of his lips could bring her some kind of good luck. 
The game probably should have been canceled with the fog, as it has only gotten worse as the game progressed. Now, the game had been going on for quite some time, neither seeker having located the coveted Snitch yet, likely due to the limited visibility. MC eyes darted around the air, desperate to find the blasted thing so maybe her anxiety could finally go away. For a moment, it seemed as though her prayers were answered, as she caught a flash of gold in the corner of her eye. She darted for it, the other seeker hot on her tail noticing it too. But her bad luck had not subsided, as she followed the Snitch through a cloud of fog, losing it a second later, the fog too thick to see where it went. She panicked, and once again her eyes darted around trying to find it. She could make out the silhouette of her opponent through the fog, not moving. Suddenly, her opponent sped off, MC speeding off in the same direction. But the other seeker was too fast for MC, catching the Snitch and ending the game.  
MC was devastated. A horrible ending to a horrible day. MC said nothing to anyone as she stormed off to the changing rooms once she was back on the ground. Her teammates were understanding that you can’t win every single game, but the problem was MC. She was already very hard on herself in everything she did, but she was being extra hard on herself now with the stress of the day she had been having. MC locked herself in one of the changing stalls and began to cry, ignoring the concerned questions from her teammates. 
She sat on the floor of the stall, knees to her chest, breathing heavily and slightly rocking back and forth. Her soft cries quickly turned to loud sobs and her shoulders felt heavy. She also felt a crushing pain throughout her whole body, like she was going to shatter into pieces any moment now, and her throat felt like it was closing up, leaving her struggling to breathe. 
MC felt so useless and incompetent. Her teammates and classmates looked up to her, and now she had embarrassed herself in front of not only them, but Garreth as well. She wasn’t a good student, nor a good seeker, and sometimes she worried she wasn’t even a good friend or good girlfriend. She wasn’t good at anything. She didn’t belong anywhere. The fact that anyone put any faith in her was a mistake. She wanted nothing more than to hide in this bathroom forever, never having to face anyone or their expectations for her ever again. 
After what felt like hours, but was only actually about 30 minutes, MC exited the changing stall, eyes puffy and voice hoarse from her sobbing. Her eyes went straight ahead to the pitch. All her other teammates had left, and the pitch was entirely empty, the spectators already having left. The fog had long since cleared up, and it was just starting to get dark. MC sighed and was going to begin a slow trek back to her dorm when a familiar voice stopped her. 
“You okay, love?” Garreth asked softly, standing up from a spot he had been sitting in off to the side of the changing rooms. He didn’t give her a chance to reply, pulling her into a gentle embrace. This gesture made her tears begin to fall again, MC nuzzling into his chest. “I’m a failure. I hate myself. I’m not good at ANYTHING. I don’t deserve to be on this team and I don’t deserve to be at this school. I’m completely worthless!” she choked out between her sobs. 
Garreth let MC out of his embrace in order to put his hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her out so he could look her in the eyes. “No. Please don’t say things like that.” He pulled her back in to plant a soft, gentle kiss on her lips, before pushing her back out again. “I know today was hard. Not everyday is going to be easy, but that doesn’t make you a failure, and it certainly doesn’t make you worthless. You mean the world to me MC.” There was a crack in Garreth’s voice, as if he himself was about to start crying. “It hurts to hear the way you talk about yourself. You’re the most amazing girl I've ever met. You’re always willing to help those around you, you’re kind and caring, you’re smart, you’re the bravest girl I’ve ever met, and as Gryffindors that’s saying something! You’re beautiful…and you’ve got an amazing ass!” He chuckled as he said this, eliciting a small giggle out of her as well. “You’re the best girlfriend a guy can ask for. I…I love you.”He finally looked away from MC when he said this, his eyes darting towards the ground. 
It felt like MC’s heart had stopped. She and Garreth had only been dating for about 6 months now, finally getting the courage to do so at the beginning of their 7th year. They both felt love for each other, but neither one had been brave enough to actually utter those words. MC started to sob once again, but this time her tears were not brought on by her anxiety. “I love you too, Garreth! I’m sorry for being so hard on myself. It’s hard not to be with everything everyone expects from me.”
“It’s okay sweetheart! I understand. But you don’t have to be so hard on yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes and not be perfect. That doesn’t make you worthless or broken.” Garreth gave her a soft smile, and MC smiled back, throwing her arms around Garreth, melting into the warmth of his body. “Come sweetheart, let’s relax for a moment. I know you’ve had a rough day.” While MC still had her arms around Garreth’s neck, Garreth bent down slightly and put his hands under her thighs so that he could pick her up in his arms and carry her. He was easily able to pick her up and carry her the short distance back to the Quidditch field. 
MC assumed it was dinnertime, hence the quiet and lack of students out and about. When they made it onto the field, Garreth placed her down onto the grass, and sat himself down. “The stars look beautiful from here. Come lie with me.” She joined him on the ground, the two of them lying down together. They stared at the stars that peppered the sky, bright and sparkly. Garreth held MC’s hand while they laid there, and they laid there in silence, enjoying the sky and each other’s company. 
Eventually, MC sat up, wanting to take a break from admiring the stars to admire Garreth instead. He was still in his Quidditch uniform, which made him look absolutely delicious. His uniform hugged his muscles so beautifully, and his ginger locks were messy from lying in the grass, a few blades of grass already peppering his hair. His green eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. She began to fantasize about the times she would watch him during practice and gameplay, thinking about how hot and sweaty he would get. She then thought about all the times they shagged afterwards, MC kissing and licking the sweat off Garreth’s neck as he slammed into her, her back up against the wall of the tiny broom storage closet they had a habit of fucking in. Her feelings of anxiety had now changed into feelings of lust. 
Garreth had noticed that MC was sitting up staring at him. “Everything alright, love?” He asked with a smile on his face. MC smiled right back as she straddled him. He responded with a look of confusion, but the confused look only lasted for half a second before it changed into a wicked smile. MC began to undo his pants, not removing them entirely, but pulling them down enough that he sprung free, his length already hard. He had an impressive length, and like the rest of his body, it was covered in freckles. She took him in her hand, giving him a soft squeeze before she began to pump him. The groan he let out was sinful.
It only took a few strokes for wetness to start forming on his tip. MC planted a kiss on the freckle that resided on his tip, before swiping her tongue across his tip and taking him into her mouth. He let out a loud moan as he hit the back of her throat. Her eyes were becoming teary as she willed herself not to gag. The noises coming from Garreth were feral as MC sucked him. “Oh baby, that feels so good! Please don’t stop!” Garreth cried out as MC watched his eyes roll back. MC continued working Garreth, eager to get a release out of him as he moaned his appreciation. His hands flew into her hair as he took control of her movements, gripping her hair to move her head up and down on his length. 
After a few more minutes and a few more groans from Garreth, he reached his climax, releasing his warm liquid into MCs mouth with a growl. She let out a muffled moan as she swallowed him down. “Oh shit darling! That was amazing!” He whimpered. MC released Garreth with a “pop” sound and nuzzled into his chest, listening to Garreth’s breaths as they returned to normal. “Consider that my way of thanking you!” MC said with a wink, seemingly back to normal. 
Once Garreth caught his breath, he sat up, staring at MC with adoration in his eyes. “I love you MC. You are an incredible person, and anytime you feel less than that, know that I’m here for you, and I’ll do everything I can to make you feel better.” He flashed her a bright smile, his words and smile making her heart flutter. “I love you too, Garreth. Thank you for loving me. Even on my worst days.” She closed her eyes and smiled, Garreth smiling back at her.
They continued to lay there well into the night, basking in the afterglow of each other. Her anxiety had finally faded, being replaced with nothing but feelings of pure bliss.
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yurionair · 10 months
When the Ocean Meets the Sky [Demo] is Officially out!
Date: December 8, 2023
hihi !! it's ezz here, i've hijacked the tumblr account <3 thank you so much to everyone who has followed our progress so far !
we haven't been able to give consistent devlogs for a while due to school matters and etcetera. etcetera. ; _ ; but ANYWAY i'm so glad to announce that we've finally completed the demo of our visual novel, 'When the Ocean Meets the Sky'!
even if it was difficult keeping up at times, i really loved working on this game with everyone here at the team, and i hope everyone enjoys this first taste of our work too <3
try our demo here ! ☁️ 🦭
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giselleseraphin · 9 months
☁️ The burn inside when you feel they’ve gotten away with hurting you, the way they burned pain inside of you and walked away untouched. You wanna make them feel the pain they’ve made you feel. You want a taste of that sweet vengeance. I know you’ve felt it.
The rage. Well I’m here to tell you, you must let it go. Free yourself from the chains they’ve confined you to. Find outlets for that rage, scream, break something (not valuable) let it rage, but don’t let them see. Don’t let them see your pain. It could take days, weeks, or months, but it will pass: it always passes. Don’t let that rage burn through your field of lilies, put it in the sky & turn it into the sun that nourishes your land. 🌷
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thebeesareinyourhome · 2 months
Fandemonium Funtime - The Escape
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Mammott thought for a bit, and decided that his best options were the monsters that weren’t Kayna. So he leapt out towards Tweedle and Phangler, but they both managed to dodge his attack. Kayna then stepped forward, shielding the aquatic and avian monsters from any other attacks. “Tweedle, fly Phangler over to Psychic Island, one of his counterparts should be there already to keep him company” Kayna demanded. “But what about you Kayna?” Phangler asked. “Just…GO, BEFORE ANYMORE HARM IS DONE TO YOU” Kayna yelled, which she rarely does considering she’s one of the most kindest monsters on the planet. It was this factor that made Tweedle and Phangler knew they just couldn’t say no to Kayna’s idea, so Tweedle picked up Phangler and the two headed off to Psychic Island. Admittedly it was a pretty long trip. Tweedle had never really been to Psychic Island, although she had heard of it before, so Phangler had to act as Tweedle’s GPS. Despite this, they eventually made it and Tweedle was able to safely drop Phangler off. “Yooo Phangs!” A voice said. “Tweedle was startled a bit and asked Phangler who that was. “Oh, that’s my Epic counterpart!” Phangler told Tweedle as Epic Phangler came running towards his common counterpart. Of course, Phangler had to introduce Epic Phangler to Tweedle and asked her if she was going to stay at Psychic Island, to which Tweedle refused because she thought Psychic Island was a bit too weird for her taste, and she thinks that Earth Island is much safer and warmer. So with that, she said goodbye and flew off to Earth Island which was much easier to get to because she had been on Earth Island plenty amount of times. Once she arrived, she was greeted by Tawkerr and Humbug. “Hi Tweedle! If you don’t mind…I need some help. You see, Stoowarb is missing and I tried looking for him myself but to no avail…so I thought the best monsters for the job are ones who can fly up high and search for him in the sky. Humbug has already volunteered to help search for him, so…will you as well?” Asked Tawkerr. “Oh of course! Anything for a pal!” Replied Tweedle. “Cmon Tweedle, let’s go find Stoowarb!” Humbug exclaimed, and the two flew off to find Stoowarb. They checked high and low, near trees and rocks, even around the castle, but they still couldn’t find Stoowarb. Eventually, they came to a dead end and had to decide whether to go left or right. Humbug wanted to go left but Tweedle wanted to go right. This was the moment the two monsters finally disagreed and started to argue, but secretly watching their argument was none other than Pom-Pom and Furcorn, who teleported to Earth Island and were hiding behind a rock. “You see those two over there Furcorn? They’re arguing as if they were toddlers… hey, you think I should follow one of them once they make up their mind?” Said Pom-Pom. “Oh yeah, which one are you gonna follow?” Asked Furcorn. “…Good question…let’s see…oh I know! Furcorn, you can decide!” Pom-Pom told Furcorn, who said “Why can’t you choose?” Pom-Pom thought for a bit and said “Because…because…I don’t know! I guess it’ll be more fun if you choose for me…”
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moonspirit · 8 months
For the questions game!
3, 7, 5, 12, 14, 20, 31, 35
-Clouds ☁️
HELLO WAIF!!! This got long cuz I can't shut up, so under the cut #_#
3 - 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of? OOOOkay! Interstellar, Titanic, and Your Name (although other equally strong contenders are the Avatar movies (james cameron), any Ghibli movie, and The Martian, which I remember you love too T^T Yay common movie!)
7 - what scares you the most and why? Forgetting. More than being forgotten, which doesn't really bother me, it's forgetting. Even if a portion of my life has been dark or bleak, there's been a lot of nice things to appreciate even then; I try to write it all down in a journal every day. I think life's value is really all the moments and memories that fill up over time; I'm scared of a day coming when I don't remember all the lovely things I've encountered in my life.
5 - what made you start your blog? Ahh... I've honestly been here a long time xD Since late 2013 or early 2014, I don't remember very well, but O L D. At first I just started one to post my graphic designing pieces, but then stayed for the fandom culture and very specific humour which made me feel at home. I've left now and then, but I've always come back.
12 - what’s some good advice you want to share? This is tricky, because I give myself advice, and don't follow it #_# But something that has helped me a lot is to see only the present moment as truly valuable, and to soak in every bit of that, in touch, taste, smell and seeing. That way you've lived that minute or that hour, fully, and even if you don't get to live the next, you can find some peace. Why I say it helped me is because I always fret about the future, about whether this or that will happen, etc, and this shut up all those unwanted anxieties. 'Now' matters. Tomorrow will come, but I'll deal with it when it comes.
14 - what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do? I think... to live more spontaneously? XD I'm a planned/organized person, I need to see things on an agenda to breathe easy lmao. I envy people who can just live everyday spontaneously as it comes, without a care in the world.
20 - favourite things about the night? EVERYTHING!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!! I love most the drop in temperature, the silence, the occasional owls and bats, and also the lights in the distance. I live in a suburb, and while the immediate vicinity isn't bustling with noise and is mostly covered with trees and wildnerness, I can see the city in the distance. I like watching the pinpricks of moving vehicles, and wondering where they're going and to whom. The best thing of course, is the night sky. I spend inordinate amounts of time studying the stars and constellations haha xD Still don't have a telescope to see Jupiter's moons, but! one day! soon!
31 - are you messy or organised? V E R Y organized. Though in times of stress, it devolves into organized chaos, but still organized. My phase of using colour coded memo pads and cute stationery has long gone (tho I still love cute stationery T^T), so I just keep things simple now. A list. Ticked off. Etc.
35 - do you trust easily? Yeah. I shouldn't, given some stupid shit that happened some years back, but I still do xD I like to believe people are good (which is strange considering I hate human interaction, but then I suppose it applies to people I form bonds with, like you!)
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teethofthedeeps · 8 months
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🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
Damn right he is. Coming from the bottom of the sea, Stoplight and the sky are as distant as fossils are to stars - he had no experience of storms prior to coming to the surface, not even that one time his kind surfaced close to a nearby fishing town so his first time witnessing a thunderstorm? Yeah. That was not a good experience for him.
He didn't mind the thunder. Underwater gets surprisingly noisy even at those depths but lightning streaking across the sky, suddenly burning away the comforting black of night with unprecedented flashes of light was something he'd never imagined possible. Who made that light, and why does it move like that? Not only that but it can reach all the way down to the water, and an enemy Stoplight doesn't know a thing about let alone cannot see isn't something he wants to trifle with. Sudden flashes of intense light with absolutely no warning? No thank you! Stoplight will scuttle for the closest shelter no matter how hard the rain falls!
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
With food being so abundant at the surface, Stoplight's gradually stopped trying to murder everything in sight. He doesn't need to hunt so relentlessly when it's just his own belly that needs filling about so once he's full, he'll start checking out other creatures in the vicinity, trying to learn more about them instead of how they taste. He's even managed to help an animal so far, a young porpoise that got a six-pack ring stuck in it's mouth. Having the benefit of hands, Stoplight pulled the ring out instead of devouring the poor thing and kind of-sort of made a friend that visits him from time to time.
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weirdo09 · 2 years
bywheelclair<3 royal au part 5 of 5(?) 🤭🤭 tricked ya 😜
while they were on a date, mike told lucas what will said earlier and let’s just say he was grinning like a chessie cat. mike smirked and said “oh, so you like him now, too?” lucas shrugged and replied “what can i say? i have a great taste.” ;) mike blushed at that one and crossed his arms around his waist “shut up!” mike grumbled. lucas laughed at his comment and took mike’s arms to put them on his shoulders so, he could kiss him.
as they were kissing, will showed up. “excuse me?” will said nervously. mike opened his eyes to see will and broke apart the kiss, making lucas whine. “lucas, will’s here-.” mike whisper-yelled at him and he continued to whine but turned around to look at him “oh, hey, pretty stranger.” lucas said as he tipped his hat towards will’s direction. mike was hiding behind lucas with his arms around lucas’ waist and his head on his back.
“mike?” “michael?” lucas whispered behind himself. “uh-, sorry, will.” lucas said suddenly remembering will was there. he stood a good few meters away from the couple. “oh, it’s ok, i know how excited he is to see me.” will exclaimed. behind lucas, mike blushed and said “shut up!” into lucas’ back. “so, where ya wanna go, will?” lucas asked “uhm, i don’t really know, how about you, mike?” will said. mike burrowed his face out of lucas’ back and got from behind him to face will “uh, how about the forest?” mike suggested, putting lucas’ arms around his waist.
lucas loved that mike wanted some affection from him but was curious as to why he’s acting like this now. then, he realized ‘ohhhh, he’s down hard for him’ and chuckled at his boyfriend’s utter cuteness. “sure, how about you, will?” lucas asked. “uh, sure.” will answered and smiled.
once they arrived, they looked for a nice spot to lay down and enjoy the sky. mike pointed to a spot, said “here!” and ran over. lucas and will laughed collectively at mike, looked at each other and slowly walked to follow him. lucas sat down and mike immediately sat in his lap. will say next to them and looked up at the sky. it was a beautiful blue with some clouds ☁️ overhead. mike was legit so nervous he just cling to lucas and he totally didn’t mind.
wil laid down and said “the sky is so beautiful tonight.” mike and lucas at the same time whispered “just like you.” will looked at them and smirked “so, you both have the hots for me?” mike blushed and buried his head in lucas’ chest.(his happy place duh) lucas just chuckled and said “pretty much, pretty darlin’.” will decided to be straightforward with the next thing he said. “by any chance, would you two like to date me?” will questioned with a lil nervous smirk on his face. “yea, pretty much and this lil goof would want to, as well.” lucas said pointing to mike, as he did that, mike shook his head in agreement. (🤭)
“that was surprisingly easy.” will said as he started to sit up. “can i kiss you two or?” will asked. “hey, baby, will wants to kiss ya~” lucas says teasingly to mike. mike poked his head out and went over to will. will gently smiled and extended his arms so, he could put his arms around mike. mike slips into his lap and leans in to kiss him. will happily lets him. while they’re kissing, lucas sits there kinda lonely. “excuse me?” “i want some lovin’ too.” lucas says. mike and will break apart and go over to cuddle lucas.
mike gives him a little peck on his left cheek and will gives him one on his right. lucas smiles and then, mike tilts his chin and kisses him rather passionately. lucas hums in response. will pouts playfully and they break apart. will then tilts lucas’ chin to his level and kisses him. after they break apart, the three of them laid down and watch the day go by.
@adoremaxmayfield @adorewillbyers @fruity-cryptid @forevereternally-janedoe @forever-augustine @feelin-a-bit-frazzled @pimplepogue @background-character-341 @no-ordinary-demigirl @fangirltrashsthings @queer-coded-sidekick @tinylittle-superfan(omg i’m sorry) @thebylerfiles @assbutt-casbutt-iii @lumaxer @willbyerswithagun @rock-n-bowl @butterflies-for-michael @verashalurks @ronanticized
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