#tarot reflection
balancedearthylioness · 9 months
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23’ 𝓥𝓲𝓻𝓰𝓸 𝓢𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓡𝓮𝓯𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ♍️💚
tarot spread with my personal natal chart incorporated in my interpretation.
1. Expressing Devotion: 8 of Cups. I'm embracing a deep journey of self-discovery and devotion this Virgo season. With Saturn in Pisces in my 6th house, I find that my devotion is best expressed through structured and spiritual practices in my daily life. Neptune in Capricorn in my 4th house (2° retrograde) reminds me to nurture a stable and grounded home environment. It's about seeking the divine in the everyday. 🙏🏡🔮
2. Receiving Support: 2 of Wands. I'm receiving support by taking charge of my independence and leadership in partnerships (7th house). The 2 of Wands, with Mars in Aries, tells me that it's my assertive nature that's key. Mars in Aries resides in my 11th house ruled by Leo (24°), which connects with my South Node (26° retrograde). This influence encourages me to step up as a leader within my social circles, and my past experiences have prepared me for this role. 🤝🔥👑
3. Effect on Me (Strength - Leo): The Strength card in my 11th house, along with my Leo stellium (Sun, Mercury, and Mars), empowers me during Virgo season. I'm exuding confidence, courage, and charisma within my social groups. This strength enables me to shine as a leader and a beacon of positivity. 🦁💪💫
💛 Bonus Oracle Card (Plexus Chakra): The message here is clear - “I am taking daily actions to awaken my personal power!” This is the season to embrace and harness my inner strength. 💥🌟
💟 Bottom of the Deck: The 4 of Cups as the overall theme, with the Moon in Cancer conjunct my MC and Part of Fortune (28°), suggests that Virgo season will provide moments for deep introspection and emotional exploration related to my public image and destiny. It's a time to connect with my inner self and discover hidden treasures within my path. 🌙🌌💎
This past Virgo season was all about spiritual 𝓭𝓮𝓿𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷, stepping into 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹, and embracing my inner 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓽𝓱. I'm ready to shine! 🌟🍂🔮
𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹 👇
This past Virgo season, I embarked on a journey of devotion and self-discovery. Saturn in Pisces in my 6th house guides me to find structure and spirituality in my daily life, while my natal Neptune in Capricorn in my 4th house encourages me to nurture a stable and grounded home environment as i didn’t have access to this as a young child.
I receive support through assertiveness and independence in my partnerships, especially with 𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 ruling my 7th house. My leadership qualities in my social circles (11th house) are emphasized by the 2 of 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼, and my past experiences have prepared me for this role.
The Strength card in my 11th house, along with my 𝓵𝓮𝓸 stellium, empowers me to exude confidence and courage within my social groups. I'm embracing my role as a 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻.
💛 the bonus Oracle card, Plexus Chakra, reminds me to take daily actions to awaken my personal power.
💧The overall theme, the 4 𝓸𝓯 𝓬𝓾𝓹𝓼 with the moon in 𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻, suggests deep introspection and emotional exploration related to my public image and destiny. It's a season to connect with my inner self and discover hidden treasures within my path.
♍️ Virgo season is all about spiritual devotion, embracing leadership, and shining with inner strength. I'm ready to step into this transformative journey with confidence and grace. 🍂🦁🌙
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sylviaritter · 2 months
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Seven of Swords
Card No. 57! 
Created with Krita and Blender Copyright © 2024 Sylvia Ritter.
www.sylvia-ritter.com, Mastodon, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. 
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wa-kaizen · 2 years
Your Good Qualities | PAC PT 1
Hello beautiful people, if you are the type of person that gets uncomfortable by praises and people being kind to you this PAC is not for you! I will tell you everything good about you, because like everything in life, you do have both bad and good in you. Think of yin and yang! Last time you saw your yins and now you will see your yang. Also, I realised, hey, I might be a little too rude, so I would like to uplift my followers - and anyone reading this - ♡
If you wish to, you can tip or donate here. ♡
disc.: do not tip/donate if you have financial trauma, have a hard time with money or you need your money for better causes. You are never obligated to do this and I don't want any harm towards you. If you are sensitive about money, please just don't.
꒰ piles ꒱
→ 1 , 2 ,3
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sections ༉˚
- basic good qualities
- what you don't see in yourself
- what others adore you for - platonic.
- what lovers see in you - feel free to skip if you are on the aro spectrum.
- what spirit guides love about you
pile one
three of swords, nine of swords, the heirophant, ladybird, donkey, hyena, black dragon ‐ meditate, reflect, undergo metamorphosis, magenta dragon - awaken your soul memories and higher spiritual understanding. prepare for accelerated ascension, earth and fire dragon - it's time for service, when you give, you receive
basic good qualities.
Hello angels, I have an advice for this pile; please stop depending on the validation of others, not being like them doesn't mean you are any less beautiful.
selfless, kind, sweet, understanding, open minded, sensitive, very cute!, honest, empathetic, angelic face - ? -, ambitious, opinionated, passionate, diverse - personality wise, ex you can be cute but also hot -, caring, nurturing, very attentive
what you don't see in yourself
Sweetheart, there is a lot. I feel like you underestimate yourself, refuse to like yourself, to see all the good in you. You might think this because at some point you experienced either trauma related to bullying or abuse, which messed with your self esteem. I will not touch on that, as I would like to praise you. You are actually very beautiful, you might not be like x and y, or not act like z but I am getting an incredibly angelic energy from you. Do you have Libra, Pisces or Scorpio in your chart? Either way, you are really such a wonderful and kind soul. You always think of others and try to make them comfortable. Some of you might have a really different kind of playfulness to themselves than other's, maybe people around you look at it as rough even though you intend no harm. That doesn't mean you aren't kind? I think misunderstandings affect you a lot, so you think you aren't a caring or selfless person, you really are. Your energy is really beautiful and carries a lot of pain, it's hard to describe in words. It's like there is two sides to this pile. You are the sunlight after the rain, is what I heard, if that means anything to someone. You are lovely, fragile and you are a very sensitive person. Not in a bad way though. I am sorry, I keep trying to find the right words, it just seems hard because you are so unique! Ethereal? I guess, that's the right word. You are the golden tears on angels, you might seem harsh to others but your heart is full of love and wonders, full of curiosity. Don't let others take that away from you.
what others adore you for
You just make people so happy. Like, your smile makes them smile, your happiness rubs off on them, it stays with them. You have such a beautiful bright smile. You are a daydreamer, there is so much excitement and brightness in you!!!! Alright, so I think one half of the pile really loves pinks and girly stuff, the other is kind of into darker themes and could be like 'nah it's not me-' but it is! You are so full of life it makes other people happy!
Just being around you makes them excited for the day, you are playful and could have a bubbly personality. Even just doing the reading, your energy makes me happy pile one! You might think you are gloomy, or that you have a darker aura - which is possible - but regardless of that, whenever you enter a room you just make people so happy!
That feeling of 'ah, finally, we are about to have a good time.'
You truly are just someone that brights the space up.
Also, you could be very emotionally intelligent, understand people even if other people don't see why you would be kind to them, if they themselves don't see it, or think that they don't deserve justice. It's not that you are foolish, you just have a deeper understanding of how the human mind works is all. You see the good in other people even if they might not deserve it.
Of course, that does not mean that you are foolish and think everyone is good, you are quite confrontational, at least some of you.
So, you have your own opinions, but you are not blind to them, you see reality but also potential. I do think a lot of people adore you for it.
what lovers see in you
They love how generous you are is what I am seeing? You truly give your all in relationships, you don't just expect to receive and give nothing back. You might love the idea of '50/50'.
Also, you have that potential to make people daydream about you. You are so mysterious, they try to figure more and more things out about you.
I think the fact that your heart is wounded is attractive to many, so be cautious. People could try to use you for your past pain is what I am saying, take advantage of it.
Either way, bad intention or not, the focus seems to be on your heart, how kind, precious, generous and wonderful you are. For a lot of you, you could look somewhat distant while your personality is the complete opposite. I think this duality of yours is very attractive to many.
what spirit guides love about you
I can see them loving how far your abilities go, how well you are able to control them, especially your intuition. You are someone incredibly talented and lovely in their eyes, I can see you can do anything you want with good results, you just have to believe in yourself.
Also you are very curious about spirituality and aren't afraid to try out new things or correct someone if they do anything disrespectful, I can see a male figure is especially really proud of you for being able to do this, they look at you really fondly.
Do you ever practice any spiritual things in the dark? Such as meditating or communication with your guides? I can see that they watch over you doing it, and although worried for you, they are very trusting.
You are also able to listen to them really well, I can see that's also something they really adore you for. You don't push them away or refuse a connection just because you don't like hearing something, instead, you just keep on bettering yourself, which they really adore.
thank you for reading ♡
pile two
lo$er, lo♡er
knight of swords, the sun, four of pentacles, deer, donkey, cat, oneness, look for common humanity, invoke lemurian light, enter the magic, live in the now, size the moment, ascension flames, merge with light, ignite keys and codes
basic good qualities
confident - strong sense of leadership - smart - observant - non judgemental - good with advice - cool headed - child like - relaxed - bright - great personality - elegant? - graceful
what you don't see in yourself
There is a lot, pile two.
You have many good qualities, but are blind to them, simply because you are very protective of yourself, you have a hard time putting your guard down and being vulnerable.
You are kind, understanding and you are able to see though situations from two point of views, understanding everyone involved so you can find the most peaceful outcome to everyone involved.
Don't get me wrong, you definitely can be confrontational and be able to stand up for yourself, intimidate others, it's just that you are quite a chill person. That brings you many wonderful things in life you might not even be aware of.
You are also incredibly bright, kind, and funny, you just have a tendency to isolate yourself from others due to something that scares you a lot.
You have a hard time putting your guard down.
what others adore you for
You are very independent and cheerful is what I am saying, you know how to be responsible and realistic but without it "ruining the fun".
You probably had to "learn" this? Maybe some of you were bullied for being so childish, and also for being too serious. It's like people never could be happy.
So now you have learned how to please others? So, that's that.
Now onto the people that are actually deserving of your time!
I can see a lot of people looking at you as very intelligent in many ways, but especially money wise, you could be someone that's really good in saving up, or you just spend responsibly. They don't want to take advantage of you, they want to be like you, they adore you.
Also, you could be a very very realistic person, making you really mature. That is intimidating to some, but definitely very attractive, let that be platonic or not, people think you are very charming for the way you are, for the way you hold yourself. You just being yourself is really attention drawing, even if you might be a quite person. Of course, in a good way.
Some of you could be bit of a goofball? Like, you love to joke around, play and just be carefree. That does not take away from your maturity, just ads to it. For a lot of you, kids might really love you and want to play with you a lot!
Many people adore your patience when it comes to that.
Basically, you are the person a lot of people wish they could be.
what lovers see in you
Okay, so I see you have a hard time finding proper connections because you are very good looking but don't worry, I will touch on what people genuinely interested are attracted to!
You are able to go through hard times alone no matter what? You are able to overcome any obstacles you want with no issue even if it may concern or stress you out, it makes people want to help you, be there for you, be next to you.
Your personality is also very lovely. You could be like a child at times, which a lot of love interests adore.
No, not in a creepy way. They can just feel free next to you, feel like themselves, have no care in the world.
They know they won't be judged, neglected or taken advantage of. Being next to you is like a sense of euphoria, you make them feel happy again. It's the feeling of letting go of worries and being able to be a kid again for a few hours, it's the feeling of not worrying about problems because you are there for them to be their rock.
For the people that are in love with you, you are happiness.
what spirit guides love about you
Whenever they give you an opportunity, you take it! You don't dwell too much on things, even if you might have a broken heart. They also love taking care of you. You are a peaceful "child", they don't have troubles with you and you are very hardworking, always doing your best to work hard, to create yourself and others a good life. You are like a calm river, that's what they adore about you.
that's all that they wanted to say, however, if you dm me I could try asking for more if you are curious! ♡
thank you for reading ♡
pile three
you are special
the emperor, five of wands, the high priestess, rhinoceros, badger, bat, goat - act from your innate wisdom, bee - spread heart healing with joy, bear - use power with wisdom
basic good qualities
brave - wise - powerful - intelligent - calm - respectful - gentle - soft - joyous - healing aura - smart with decisions - friendly - self aware - kind - reliable - cute? - observant
what you don't see in yourself
A lot of you could feel like you need someone to romantically love you in order to have a full life, to be married and have kids... well, that is not true. You are enough beautiful on your own, you don't need other people to define your worth.
You are a very complete soul, I see a lot of wisdom and gentleness coming from you, I don't sense negativity.
You could have a tendency to be insecure about false things, to bully yourself.
I would like to ask you to focus on your positive traits, I promise you are doing great, everything you are insecure about is either related to over worry or so. I know overcoming them is hard, but you are doing wonderful.
You remind me of angel spirit guides, your soul is very gentle and loving.
what others adore you for
That you always end up creating something wonderful from whatever situation you are in - let that be positive or not.
You are incredibly calm, the calmest out of all piles. Maybe you have an 'I don't care, I will live through this' attitude? So you just go around worry free, solving your problems with ease, a level head, keeping yourself grounded.
I do think this is surprising to some because they are so impressed. Because guess what? You always end up just fine, you always do your best, you don't pressure yourself. At least most of you.
Also, you do not allow anyone to waste your time or to fool you, you are mature enough just to move on and respect yourself.
You just don't let fears get the best of you. You are like a fairy maybe? You remind me of Tinker Bell
what lovers see in you
I am so sorry, don't read this if you are uncomfortable, but they are so attracted to your body it drives them crazy.
Maybe romantic interests are so obsessed with you they start making up their own narrative about you?
They fantasy a lot, and when they actually get to know you on a deeper level it's like they have been hit with a rock called reality.
However, I can see they adore the real you more than whatever they could ever think of.
You stun them, you amaze them, you make their heart beat fast like crazy.
You are a dream wrapped in a cloth of silk presented as a gift to them, if that makes sense. They adore you in everything you have to offer.
You have this tendency to make people obsessed with you. Whoever is in love with you, or is interested in you in the slightest becomes a better person just by loving you.
It's a very unique experience, you teach people a lot without even knowing.
what spirit guides love about you
This pile is very hard to read, but!
They do love how hard working you are!
You always surprise them by how good of a human you are also? That you don't let things get to you, yet you are still very protective of yourself.
Unfortunately that's all, if you are curious of more you can always dm me or watch out for the second part of this pac incase you will feel more attracted to a pile there! thank you for reading ♡
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thatfrailsoul · 22 days
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Details from the painting "La Lettre", by Delphin Enjolras
See the full painting at the end!♡
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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As much as the love, the affection, is deep between your hearts... Fortunately is not the only connection that binds your lives right now. It's not only about the relationship, if you will be by eachother's side in the far or near future, if these conflicts will be resolved now...
This moment of struggle and challenge that makes you both pay more attention to the other person, makes you get closer in hopes to understand and work it out, is all about a way more significant bond that doesn't stop at a friendship or love.
It's the one that goes further and deeper, connecting you as people, as souls, that feel completely safe being side by side. A family like tenderness and understanding, readiness to put our own misconceptions aside and truly listen, hear what the other person desperately needs to let out.
What is between you is overwhelmingly sweet and loving, something that you both looked for for so long. And even though now, in this moment of misunderstandings and different opinions, the idea, a possibility that this might be enough to ruin it is so scary for your heart... It will only get stronger.
It will show you how much it means, for you and them. Because you will see for yourself the work, the desire, the patience in taking care of this and resolve it together that you will both bring to the table. Facing courageously the fear that the shift in your mindsets and maturing, realizing more, will bring in your lives. Clearing out all the doubts that your mind could've still have.
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We are so deeply afraid of losing the most beautiful and precious things. We wander for how long we will have them in our life. And we obsessively imagine all the things, the situations, that can go wrong and take it away from us. Because we can't help but see an ending as a bad thing, a disgrace, a lack of something that we couldn't make stay.
We never see it as protection, an answer, some help to make us understand more about ourselves and that one thing, that person, without which we are afraid to fade. And it's something that you will face, that you will be gently forced to understand after these events.
When everything will become suddenly silent after so many arguments and tears, that it will cause even more pain... You will taste it, perhaps for the first time, the sweet sourness of accepting and letting go of something that for so long and with such passion you felt yours, needed for you to be able to breathe and feel alive.
And you will feel yourself smile, through all the sadness of a wound that will still be so fresh, with your lips, your heart, your soul. As you will become aware and so proud of your courage to care for someone so deeply as well as letting them go, surrendering to the knowledge that it is for the best, for you and them. And being mesmerized by the way this world teaches us and protects us, even if we understand it after so long.
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"La Lettre", Delphin Enjolras
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shansuthamedjai · 8 months
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The King of Scepters, also known as the King of Wands is a Nisu that leads with ambition, he understands power of will & determination. When he’s balanced he becomes a beacon of inspiration to those around him through his passion but when he’s imbalanced he becomes lustful for power which causes him to become prideful & impulsive. He represents the element of fire which fits his burning desires as fire is the spark of hope that pushes us to tap into our inner power to overcome tough odds. In the image the Nisu of Scepters is standing on top of a structure holding his scepter & looking up at the sky while below him is a sun disk & next to him is Bennu, both key symbols of Afurah’s presence as the sun is the spark of fire that gives all living things the energy to thrive through its divine radiance. Being born under this elemental aspect of the Divine Masculine can be a challenging journey just like the other aspects, this aspect in particular challenges men to control their hunger for power as is can not only burn down everything else around us like a volcano eruption it can also burn us down as men internally like the sun itself going into super nova implosion. A very intricate power gifted to Nisu of Scepters by Atum as they are gifted with the power of Duat the 4th realm, also known as the underworld or netherworld. When a Nisu of Scepters masters self control, he awakens the true potential of his will power & can become an indomitable force of nature.
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tarotfairy0919 · 3 days
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Major Arcana - 4. The Emperor
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
🔮His energy is full of action and drive, and there is no room for mistakes
Astrological sign or planet - Aries
Element - fire
Key meaning - control, security, order, ambition
YES card
father archetype
symbol of male power and
he has fire and determination
symbol of courage and bravery
🔮 Qualities of the card - fatherhood, rulership, law, control 🔮 Associated object and location - a policeman, a crown, a sign saying “do not…”
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♛Upright meaning
powerful man, traditional male, ambition
husband, trustworthy partner
mastery of life and control over territory
you can trust yourself to make the right decision
you need to use what practical resources you possess(wisdom, determination, and other skills)to realize your next step
home - order, set boundaries, and protect what is yours
relationship - a new partner, focusing on practical matters;
career and money - finances get organized, fairness at work, be sure of your goals
health - this can be a sign of good health overall
♛Reversed meaning
excessive on his demand
being domineering, controlling, even cruel
use of excessive force or persuasion to get what he wants the person in a position of power isn’t using authority responsibly
the decisions being made are not wise or careful
health - tension headaches or other stress-related issues
+ 4 of Pentacles = Financial stability
+ King of Cups = heart aspect - love and intuition
+ King of Wands = soul aspect - creativity and communication
The above dividers don't belong to me, credits to their respective owners.
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crystalsenergy · 1 month
♇ - Pluto in the 1st House Reconnections and Learnings through the Cards 🎴 - Soul Truth Self-Awareness Oracle Cards 🌌✨
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Pluto in the 1st House
Always remember there are various possibilities for the same placement, but always within what makes sense in the meanings of the signs, planets, and houses involved. They are all multiple, after all, the signs do not determine, they are just the logic (logos) of the stars and astros to show who we < are, unique beings, individualized and endowed with free will to follow the path of Love or pain.
When we think of Pluto in the 1st house, we think of a person who, in essence, has difficulty being who they are because they hide much of themselves from themselves.
They bring this difficulty of accessing their individuality and identity.
Depending on the rest of the chart, we may simply be looking at a person who has difficulty expressing who they are, but they know, they have that connection with themselves, and they are aware that there is more about themselves that even they do not know, due to repressed issues that need to be released and healed.
However, I believe that in most cases, due to seeing many people still not awakened to their potential, I believe that the placement of Pluto in the 1st house represents a person who hides who they are from themselves.
What will this represent?
If a person has difficulty expressing who they are and seeing who they are, it is obvious that they will be predisposed to living externally or seeking many standards. However, in the end, as always, the answer is within them.
And then, the main issue for the person in this life is to access this, to access the inner voice, to access who they are internally, to access what their unconscious holds, the shadows they hide from themselves.
And we can talk about someone who closes off from accessing their own depth to the extent of living a very false reality, forcing happiness, etc. We all have issues to heal, right?
If a person denies their internal issues and lives hiding from themselves and the world (Ascendant, 1st house), creating a false image of themselves, even to appear as having 'power' or 'status' (Pluto), we have an alarm there. The essence of this person, deep down, is very hurt because the one who leads the essence, in their consciousness, is not looking directly at it, is not perceiving its difficulties with openness, preferring to live on the brink of building a false image, which, in the end, will only harm themselves.
We did not come to Earth for nothing, everyone has things to heal, right? An issue to address, to take care of. It may not be appearing now. And the sooner it appears, the better?
And in dealing with this placement, what can we see?
A human being there with difficulty accessing their real self, their real identity. That is why the card brings the message to ask yourself: where am I calling myself to use my voice right now, where am I heading towards my own voice.
And then, the lesson the card brings is: you have a soul and a soul script that was made to be put into practice, to be said, shown. And this is something unique.
Your healing will involve showing others what you can access internally, with Pluto in the 1st House.
So, show others everything that you, gradually, as your process, your time goes on, bring to consciousness.
Everything you hide from yourself will come through intense situations, which, in reality, were already latent near you to surface at some point, but you perhaps did not notice before.
And it will also come through others, after all, touching your Ascendant, it will inevitably also attract the energies of external relationships (7th house). But the focus of this placement is the internal issue and how it moves from the inside out.
So seek this shadow work, bringing these shadows to light, after all, it is very much about the shadow here. More than any other Pluto placement, in fact, we have others very much linked to the shadow as well, but, in this case of Pluto in the 1st House, it is very much about what you hide from yourself. Issues... Even potential ones. And also the negative issues that you are not looking at, perhaps, in your personality, to truly live your potential.
After all, it seems cool and 'smart' to push to the shadow what we do not like about ourselves, everything that is negative and that we hide, and that we judge as 'ugly' among people. But, in fact, if it is in the shadow, what you left there exists, it does not matter that you are not consciously accessing such matters. They exist in the same way, okay? And they need to be looked at.
Concluding the idea, then, Pluto in the 1st house brings to us the importance of working on this inner contact, this reconnection with who you are, but not just reconnecting, showing it. You may be a person with a lot of connection with yourself, a person with a lot of self-awareness, but HOW MUCH are you showing this to others, is this expression occurring, where are you using your voice?
And another issue that this card brings a lot, where are you really showing who you are, being your true essence, and where are you accessing the voice of others instead of your own? (Seeking approval, fear of judgment, wanting to fit into standards, etc.).
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funeralcryptid · 11 days
Disclaimer: These are just my findings after reading tarot for 8 years and reflecting hard on my habits and the overall divination community on the internet. This is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree if this doesn't resonate with your experience. This is my truth.
We've reached the end of the series, where I finally talk about the most important part of the role of the reader in context.
Let's take a look.
On part II we discussed the importance of the exchange of energies between the querent and the reader. Now, we must delve into the actual role of the divinator in the life of the querent and the community as they go on about their craft and playing the part.
This website is a community (just like many others). By offering our services we allow people into a section of our lives, we allow them to catch a glimpse of our personal practice. Now, it's no secret we all have readers we trust, and readers we prefer to avoid. It's common to have "favorites", sometimes because we get quality, accurate readings, sometimes because they tell us what we want to hear.
It might seem a concept exclusive to social media, but when we gain followers on our blogs, it feels like we really do gain an actual follower. Of course, we are readers, not prophets. It's different, but you get the idea. We as the "head" of our own individual community have responsibility and a sense of commitment towards those who come to us with questions and concerns. They let us take an important role in their lives (although, sometimes it's not that deep; but for so many it is), just as we welcome them into our space.
This is just my opinion, but allow me to be blunt; you, as a reader, have a great responsibility to your community. You are not responsible for what they do with the information you give them, but you are responsible for delivering and revealing the truth to those that come to you for answers, granted, as long as they respect you. You are allowed to deny your services to whomever you want. The fact of the matter that you can do whatever you want doesn't mean that you are fulfilling a very important role in this mini society thriving in the heart of divination as a craft.
You can do readings for entertainment purposes. You can read for third parties. You can do whatever you want. Still, it is important you question your own craft and ponder on the responsibility and importance your role has. This bleeds into ethics and realizing that some readings simply aren't worth it. It's up to you to decide which ones aren't, or maybe to you they are all worth it. Feel free to disagree, but as a reader you also have a responsibility to yourself, you are to grow and perfect your craft, and I believe that cannot be done unless you let go of the things that are of no use to you.
Your community is a big reason why you're learning and improving in your craft. There's only a few readings you can do for yourself, and reading for others grants you a different perspective and point of view. I would even dare compare this relationship to a symbiotic one, but that is for sure, debatable.
You have a responsibility to be truthful. To be honest. To be confident as much as possible. You also should consider weeding things you don't like out of your community and craft. Protect your space.
You are a reader. You are a divinator. A seer, even. You have been assigned the role to care for this community and to keep it safe and in order. How you do this, is up to you. Every reader is different; hence, every community is different. One thing is certain, though. You fulfill a very important role both inside and outside of your community. You reveal that which cannot be easily known, but also that which is easily known, as is easily ignored. You must do your best to deliver readings that are truthful both to you and the querent. You must understand the importance of your role. Even if you fail, the intention really matters.
At the risk of sounding conceited, I dare say you are special. You should know this. You should make use of your abilities for the benefit of the community, especially if it embraced you unconditionally. It is also important to discern if you community is really there for you, or not. Unfortunately, readers don't get back what they give, nor they should expect to, it is virtually impossible for most querents to give back. It shouldn't be transactional in that way anyway.
So what do I mean? Feedback. One of the most important things. Simply a thank you will suffice, but the amount of people that don't do this is astounding. This is incredibly frustrating and if given the chance I'm afraid I would rant, but... as much as it annoys me, I'm learning to be more accepting of the things I dislike. I want to be able to do this in a selfless manner. It's my role to provide, and while I deserve to be respected, I've personally come to see that this is not something the querent necessarily owes me.
It's complex, and I have mixed feelings about it. Who knows, maybe I will change my mind in the future. For now though, I am happy enough to provide.
Do not take this a sign to stop giving feedback or being appreciative of the reader. Quite the oppositive, this is an invitation for you, querent, to understand your reader and show them the respect and appreciation they deserve.
Thank you for reading xx
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a-room-of-my-own · 3 months
Do you practice divination? If so, what method? What's something even a spiritually dense person can use as divination to figure out who/what is fucking up their life?
Not really, I do tarot for friends but not as a divination method, more like a way to self reflect. In fact to figure out who or what is fucking up anyone’s life - including my own - I recommend therapy. Preferably someone who practices behavioral therapy and knows about PTSD recovery techniques. That’s what my therapist does and it really helped me get over things I couldn’t heal on my own (for example compulsive behaviors, self harming behaviors, obsessive anxiety and nightmares). Nothing was haunting me except my own trauma, and it’s not like I had a horrible childhood or went through the third world war.
My therapist really helped me understand that a traumatic memory could form out of something that isn’t necessarily a tragedy. I realized I was feeling guilty from suffering from the consequences of things that were « not that bad » compared to what other people had gone through. No esoteric technique is going to help you figure that out, if anything, it could make you more anxious. And if you’re vulnerable, you’re the perfect victim for crooks who will pretend they can read your past lives or something and that for the sum of whatever.99 they can give you a readymade solution to what you’re going through.
I have zero solution except telling you that life is terrible sometimes, that getting better takes a lot of efforts, and it’s not a straight road. You will get better though, just give yourself time and the means to get there.
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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The Lovers. Art by Shannon Hochman, from the Sandman Tarot Deck.
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can someone tell me if I should've been offended or not when the astrology people at my college dorm were like "we thought you were a Capricorn, you CAN'T be a Leo" ? Like all it did in the moment was reinforce my feeling that astrology is bullshit but was that insulting of them to say and I just didn't know because I'm not an astrology person?
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sylviaritter · 8 months
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Four of Swords
The tarot card No. 54 is done. :)
Created with Krita and Blender, Copyright © 2023 Sylvia Ritter.
www.sylvia-ritter.com, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. 
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thatfrailsoul · 1 month
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A detail of "Cupid and Psyche", August Riedel, 1872
(Full painting at the end!♡)
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
You waited for so long... for a moment when you finally feel someting like this. The tenderness, the genuine affection, the deeper understading that you feel between you and them now. You waited, you had hope, while stressing and consuming so much your poor heart that was so ready to love and be loved again... And it made you afraid that once you will feel and see it... it might be all your delusional and desperate mind. That will build such beautiful castles in the skies, filling their air with so much love for someone that perhaps it's a nightmare in disguise...
And this thought, this fear, this little doubt... is enough now to not allow you to feel it, to taste this love and genuinly affectionate connection that you are creating with them every day that passes. It's enough to make you desire more, more proof, more confirmation of more deeper feelings and serious intentions... although it is only the start, only the beginning of this connection between your hearts. A detail that although true, you are not accepting now for an answer, for an explanation, of why they are not ready to give you what you want and need to be reassured and feel safe in staying by their side.
But it's ironic, isn't it? How unsure and vulnerable you feel in front of them because of your past, or perhaps that dangerous future that you can't stop imagining in your mind... while not believing in these same feelings when they are described by them, perhaps with different words, in response to your desires. Almost like... you are the only one who can feel this way now, who can have doubts and lack of faith. The only one who might not feel ready to commit if you don't know that it's for sure, for real this time. Even if it's so so soon to think so hard about what is next in life.
A heart feels, experiences, everything so differently from the mind. It has a different pace, needs a different time to feel safe and slow down, without the constant need to fight or flight. And it is even more challenging when a heart is like yours and theirs, so tired from all the battles it had to endure.
You have your valid reasons, to feel this way and need those things... but so do they. And even if now you can't help but feel frustrated and judge them so quickly... those lips never said any lies. Those eyes never hid the intention of using you and play with you.
Your past, your fear of it, is chasing you, it makes you run. Further and faster. Burning all the stops right away. But it will not protect you, if you expect more and faster from others, it will not lead you to the right one that will be ready to give it all. But it will hurt them, that right person, because in your fear you will be so unwilling to understand, and for this reason to connect... and recognise the right ones for you.
Just breathe, slow down, there is no need to rush. There is so much to feel through them and this bond that is only starting to grow now. It doesn't matter what will happen in the end - it doesn't take or add the worth to what you have now. Because that... only being present will give you. Only enjoying the time with this person, in knowing them, more deeply, giving yourself and them the needed time. Protecting your and their heart from the influences of your past.
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"Cupid and Psyche", August Riedel, 1872
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shansuthamedjai · 7 months
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The King of Swords or how I like to refer to him as the King of Khopeshes is a Nisu that leads with resourcefulness, he understands the power of logic & communication. When he’s balanced his judgment in analyzing situations is quick & percise but when he’s imbalanced he becomes ruthless which in term leads him to be aloof & rash. He represents the element of air which fits his just mind as air is the element of exchange that allows us to offer carbon dioxide to the plants around us in order to receive oxygen from nature which in terms, air justly exchanges life force energy to all living beings. In the image the Nisu of Khopeshes is riding a chariot heading for battle while holding his khopesh high up in the sky. In the background there’s two towers standing together amongst the luscious green hills but these aren’t just no ordinary towers, no these towers are actually Djed Pillars which the Djed pillar is a key symbol of Ausar as he’s the mighty neter that represents not only just agriculture but he’s also represents the higher self of man & is the great judge who decides if the soul of an individual returns back to Atum’s essence in Aarupet. Being born under this elemental aspect of the Divine Masculine is a challenging journey just like the other aspects, this aspect in particular challenges men to be able to problem solve while also acknowledging that they won’t have the answers to everything they’ll endure in life. A very noble power gifted to Nisu of Khopeshes by Atum as they are gifted with the power of Amenta the 3rd realm, also known as purgatory or limbo. When a Nisu of Khopeshes masters introspection, he awakens the true potential of his mind & in term his analytics will swiftly become deadlier.
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tarotfairy0919 · 5 days
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Major Arcana - 3. The Empress
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
🔮The Empress represents mothering love, an authority figure that is looking out for you and is often a kind guardian.
Astrological Sign or planet - Venus
Element - earth
Key meaning - abundance, generosity, and creativity
YES card
she manifests her feminity -fertile aspect of womanhood
the wife and traditional relationship
symbol of fruition, fertility
beautiful woman
🔮 Qualities of the card - growth, cultivation, nature, motherhood, harvest ★ Associated object and location - a pregnant woman, a nest, a garden
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❁Upright meaning
abundance and material comfort
fertility and feminity
your needs will be met
you are a good mother to others or to yourself
home - renovations and extensions, home improvements
relationship - happiness; if single - a good time to start a relationship; do not compromise your beliefs or your integrity for anyone that isn’t similar to you
career and money - security, you are resourceful, able to support others
health - you have been working too hard and it is time to stop and smell the roses
❁Reversed meaning
financial issues
creative blocks in your project
there may be troubles at home
relationship - you and your partner may have been arguing or ignoring opportunities to be tender and loving with one another
family - loss of harmony and balance in your family,
work - your career has become dull and unfulfilling
health - it seems your health has fallen to the bottom of your to-do list
+ Queen of Cups = heart aspect - love and nurturing
+ Queen of Pentacles = physical body; generosity, security
+ 9 of Pentacles = money, luxury, self-authority
The above dividers don't belong to me, credits to their respective owners.
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✋Out with the old
In with the new 🍏
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What needs clearing as we step into autumn?
This reading is meant to be a quick pick me up, or confirmation for changes you're contemplating.
Reblog with a quote you like- it could be from a book, movie or show or just something you've heard a friend say and I'll pull an oracle message for you 🐈
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