#tamlin love
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theegemini92 · 3 months ago
I have seen the theories of Tamlin and Briar. I am sorry another human for Tamlin is nothing but a blow to him, he deserves someone who will be with him for centuries. He deserves a stronger female character too someone with abilities that could rival or surpass feyre. I’m sorry but this isn’t it. She needs to be what Tamlin wants and what she wants in him. He needs someone who will CALM HIS STORM. A gentle firm female who I pray to god has more Witts and comebacks than picking up a sword because it’s not just strong fighters that represent all females. Not just swords that bring down empires. Accross countries and nations women have destroyed empires not with picking up a sword but our witts, BRAINS, OUR INTELLECT.
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wallflowers-in-the-wind · 7 months ago
If people can like Disney Villains, Voldemort, Rhysand, or literally any villain in the history of forever and the world still exists. People liking Tamlin is not going to cause the damn apocalypse.
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springcourthighlady · 6 months ago
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Intro made by @positivelyruined
This is an independent roleplay (written & visual narration) blog of Briar, High Lady of the Spring Court, and Tamlin's mate (AU) from the ACOTAR series. | This character was created by Sarah J. Maas for A Court of Wings and Ruin, and I took her to the next level. The writing will be a mix of canon and non-canon compliant. All original writing here is penned by Mel. My main blog is @booksnwriting
I am a pro-Tamlin writer. I will not tolerate character bashing. As most pro-Tamlin fans are, I am anti-feysand.
My accepted romance ships include: Brilin
My accepted friendships include: Lucien & Elain, Bron, Hart, Eris, Nuan, and any possible canon or second gen AU character of the canon characters (except for Rhysand...Feyre will be a frenemy I keep at bay).
The Fae Code & Roleplay Guidelines | Please respect my boundaries
• Character abuse will lead to a swift block. As will anonymous threats, or bullying.
• I can write smut. However, I will only write it with someone 18+ with someone who can prove they are 18+. This is a firm boundary for legal reasons.
• Replies will range from very short to very long. Depends on the mood and the plot.
• I can rp in DMs if you are more comfortable that way, but the same rules apply.
• Please be patient. Being a good writer takes time.
• Please don’t repost my writing — it’s incredibly precious to me. Reblogs and likes are more than welcome!
• Be original in your own writing. Don’t plagiarize off myself or others.
• Don’t godmod. In roleplay, write only your chosen character’s perspective and dialogue. I will contribute all that Briar has to offer.
• Take your time.
• Ask questions if you need help.
• Send, but don’t spam.
If you have read and acknowledged this, please comment with a Spring Themed emoji below.
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theegemini92 · 3 months ago
Funny how when the roles were reversed for Nesta who Cassian saw her as big boobs was thin haggered and traumatized yet he wanted to take her clothes off. Yet yall love him for it
Oh bat boys
The bat boys
And funny Rapesand did the same thing to ferret yet here we are. The only time tam touched her was when she was fed and clothed but yall don’t wanna talk about that. After he fed and clothe this girl is when he wants to Jump on bored while SA’ing her UTM.
I beg I beg Rest‼️
It'll never NOT be fascinating to me that the romance between a feral half-starved human girl and her High Lord bf who fell for her as she was half-starved and because she was feral is written off as him thinking she'll play his perfect little cute housewife lmao
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tampire · 3 days ago
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In all timelines, in all possibilities.
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copypastus · 11 months ago
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@feylinweek Day 3 - Alternate Universe
Acomaf AU where everything is the same but Feyre and Tamlin are a little better at communication and compromise.
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theegemini92 · 2 months ago
I get so annoyed when people start with Not to be a Tamlin apologist but… then proceed to regurgitate the things many of us who love Tam have been saying for so long. Letting me know you don’t like Tamlin so you can pander to your said audience and mine won’t change the fact that you know deep down what has been done and said to this male is wrong and uncalled for and he might have actually been right all along.
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theegemini92 · 19 days ago
There’s her being with a mentally ill mamas boy with some sort of twisted attachment.
there’s her fetching her own wedding ring like a dog.
There’s something about her wearing the outfits of her dead mother in law
There’s something about Rhys grooming her to be his mother.
Something something about Feyre giving away Tamlin's mother's jewels to the wraiths. Who would spend them away without a though.
Something something about Feyre taking Tamlin's scabbard (with the Illiryans's dagger, a gift from Rhys) and leaving it in a cave in the Autumn Court.
Something something about Feyre destroying Spring and Tamlin's bond/friendship with Lucien.
Something something about Feyre taking/discarding/destroying everything Tamlin's love & cares about.
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wallflowers-in-the-wind · 8 months ago
Every time I think I’ve run out of songs Tamlin would sing about Feyre I find another.
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springcourthighlady · 6 months ago
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I don't often speak about my time trapped in Hybern's cells...and for good reason. I try to forget what brings me pain and look for the positives & the light my life has now. But I also remember that if I had never been pained & tormented that way, I never would have met Tamlin. He never would have healed that pain in secret. And I never would have remembered his face during my healing journey, enough to ask Viviane who he was, before traveling to Spring, & helping him heal himself, too. Fate��
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The first time I visited Spring was only about a year or so after I was turned fae by Hybern...by the Cauldron. I had been one of the human test subjects to prepare it for the Archeron sisters... and the only survivor. In the process, I lost all of my friends and my best friend, Lily, who I deemed a sister. I was struggling but trying not to show it during the day. I told Viviane and Kal that I was going to travel a bit, and I decided to try and help rebuild Spring. Tamlin was a grumpy bastard but more sad than anything.
The second night, I had one of my horrific nighmares and ended up projecting lashes onto my body. I had been doing well with practicing my magic, but in my dreams it gets away from me. Tamlin was nothing but kind and soft with me. He understood more than anyone... and then our bond snapped. I was grateful for him that night, and I have been every night since.
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arson-09 · 2 months ago
Tamlin did everything he did because all he wanted was to protect feyre and make sure she lived.
and rhy/sand wouldn’t even tell her that her own baby would kill her.
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bindinglove · 2 months ago
“lucien and nesta would tear each other apart”
lucien is literally tamlin’s best friend. TAMLIN’S. known for his temper and mood swings and aggressive behavior toward himself and sometimes others. what on earth are you even talking about. lucien knows exactly how to handle someone with big emotions and unhealthy coping mechanisms. he’s also sincerely kind and patient with the people he loves and has no problem with boundaries and space. he and nesta are genuinely the last two characters who would ever tear each other apart fr.
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geniemillies · 2 months ago
so when i said i'd draw rhys.....
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my take on highlord of night 💃 ( it was supposed to be just him but i drew tamlin so i wouldn't gnaw at the tablet at the sight of rhysand :D) is this tamsand enough for u i will draw more i just needed reference for rhysand wish me luuck
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extremely-judgemental · 2 months ago
Fandom mentality is strange.
We hear how Amarantha tortured Rhysand under the mountain, about his past and the loss of his family.
We hear how Keir brutalised Morrigan for her choices, how she was shunned and abandoned.
We hear about Cassian’s childhood, what was done to his mother, and how he struggled in the camps before Rhysand’s mother took him in.
We hear about Azriel’s captivity, how his half-brothers tortured him, how he was released into the camps only because of his powers, and how Cassian abused him before he offered help.
We see Tamlin falling in love with Feyre, sacrificing his people and court for her safety and sending her away, watching the woman he loves die, trying to protect her after her rebirth, begging her to not throw herself in danger, making a wrong choice in a moment of weakness. We see Tamlin apologising to Feyre without excuses, trying to do better by involving her in court matters and taking every one of her advice, and finally getting his court destroyed by the woman he gave up everything for.
We see Lucien accepting and growing fond of the mortal girl who killed his friend, willing to die for her when all Amarantha wanted was a name, risking punishment by helping Feyre after the task, be used as a bait in one of the tasks. We see Lucien fighting his friend and saviour and High Lord for the same mortal girl, get sexually assaulted by Feyre in her schemes, be only rescued in the last minute because Feyre hated Ianthe for hurting Rhysand. We see Lucien lose his only friend and home he ever had.
We see how traumatising the days of poverty were. We see Nesta and Elain kidnapped by the fae, thrown into the Cauldron and killed, be dragged into a war by Feyre and her friends, lose their home and lives.
We see Nesta being harassed by her sister to gain alliances in the war, forced to work for the fae, thrown into a battlefield because she has powers that they can exploit. We see Nesta watch her father die in front of her eyes, kill someone for the first time. We see Nesta being preyed upon by a fae/man in her room when she didn’t want to be touched, stalked when she asked to be left alone, locked in a tower with the same man because she was self-sabotaging, forced to train, work and live a life she didn’t want. We see Nesta be coerced by Cassian right after she was sexually assaulted by an ancient creature, almost dying too many times under the Inner Circle’s ‘care’.
Not that the Inner Circle and Feyre don’t deserve the sympathy for their past, they do. But there is a huge disconnect in how trauma is viewed and treated by the fandom. Despite watching it all play out on the pages, the others are said to ‘deserve’ the abuse and mistreatment. If there is more than what meets the eye or in some ways these characters warrant this, shouldn’t the Inner Circle be held to that standard given we only witness how poorly they treat others outside of their little club and betray everyone around them? All we witness is how horrible the Inner Circle is and never once their real plight. Still they get the most empathy and validation.
Like I said, fandom mentality is strange.
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praetorqueenreyna · 10 months ago
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Hi-res version of the frostbite.studios & atouchofmagicdesigns ACOTAR dust covers! Bless them for making Lucien and Tamlin look SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!
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thrumugnyr · 3 months ago
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My @acotargiftexchange gift for @witch-and-her-witcher: Secret lovers Tamlin and Rhysand
Big thanks go out to Santa helper @highlordofkrypton, who graciously offered to contribute a little ficlet for the piece as well~! You can read it under the cut:
Meet me when the spirit blossoms bloom
The stars fall from the sky, sneaky little droplets under the cover of Night. They slip through the crack of Tamlin’s window, dancing across his sheets with their tails entwined like held hands. The bright baubles play, forgetting their missive for a brief moment of joy. The littlest one tumbles, bumping right into the young lord’s chin. It scrambles over his lips and wiggles under his nose until its a—ah—
Tamlin wakes with a surprise. He looks at the lights, and they pass on the message with great theatrics. He scoops them into his arms, and carries them to the window sill where they may watch, or leave. Whatever they please. He dresses swiftly, faster than the anxious beat of his heart.
I shouldn’t. I can’t allow this to continue.
And yet, his fingers fly across the buttons of his shirt, buttoning them with swift ease. His body thrums with eagerness. Each thump in his chest speaks his truth: I want to see him, I want to see him, I want to see him. Tamlin scoops up the stars as he leaps onto the sill, gently tossing them into the sky. They have a duty now, too, to watch over them and warn them of danger. With each escape, Tamlin cannot help but expect the sound of the alarms, of the furious steps of his brothers and of his name twisted into that of a traitor’s, but it never comes. One day, it will, but he takes today for himself and gifts it to the one who summons him.
Tamlin slips out of his father’s court and flies the rest of the way, trusting his great tawny wings to carry him where he needs to go. Past Summer, past Winter and over the Middle. If these Lords sense his trespassing, they say nothing.
I have to tell him. I have to be strong for both of us.
The meadow in Dawn is one of many safe spaces where duty, tradition and expectation cannot find them. It is a quiet place shielded by trees where alabaster flowers bloom. Their cores are not of colourful pollen, but of tiny little wisps, little spirits of neither human nor faerie nature. The wisps keep their secret, and Tamlin will be eternally grateful to them.
There is no choice to make, only something he must do. Love or life. He cannot love if one of them is dead. By ending this, he is protecting both of them. He is making sure that his beauty, his wonder and his charm carry on somewhere in this damned world, even if it’s not with Tamlin. 
He will change lives. He has already changed mine.
It’s different in his presence. Rhysand brings the moon and the stars with him, his personal guard while the rest of the nation slumbers. A dashing smile blooms on his handsome features, growing wider and wider at the sight of Tamlin. His joy is clear on his face, and the flush on his cheeks is a matching pair to Tamlin’s.
“Rhysand,” Tamlin breathes.
“Darling,” Rhysand hums, reaching for him.
The words get caught in his throat as he sees the elation in Rhysand’s face falter. The smile slips away, replaced with worry and… sadness.
“What is it?” Rhysand asks, just a whisper, as if he can still prevent the moment from shattering.
I can’t do it.
Tamlin closes his eyes, shaking his head. He exhales, and leans in close. “I think… I think I’m in love with you.”
Rhysand chuckles in relief. He bumps his head against Tamlin’s, mindful of his antlers. “I thought you were going to say something else. I love you too.”
There’s a sorrow in Rhysand’s eyes that never quite leaves, no matter how fine he appears. He knows what Tamlin was going to say. The end is coming, sooner or later, but not now. Not if Rhysand can help it.
Just one more day.
One more day by the spirit blossoms.
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