#tall bottom supremacy
h0wlthew0lf · 10 months
bad to the bone riff
these r lowkey so old also sorrh for makifn thtmsmfurriws....
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sirmathewsthethird · 2 years
Totally gonna fall in love (be obsessive) with a handsome knight (last week’s hookup) who’s on an arduous journey in a far off land (college out of state) after feeling an intense spark in a meeting blessed by the gods (i topped and felt invincible)
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
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"Why the hell does he keep followin' me..."
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glittergoblinzz · 6 months
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I firmly believe in Virgin!König supremacy...Plus bottom!König as well
(CW: Slight allusions to sex....18+)
• This man is a virgin and you can't tell me otherwise. He was bullied all throughout his childhood just for being tall and has spent most of his time into the military since he was first able to sign up
• This isn't to say he hasn't dated anyone, though. He's had a few relationships but they never went as far as sleeping together.
• So when you start dating this behemoth of a man, he already knows how to treat you well. (I mean, just like with Soap, this dude was practically raised by women so there's a very slim chance he'd be a misogynistic asshole....)
• The first time you two do it, he's extremely afraid of accidentally hurting you. Especially if you're really shorter than him (like 5'4 or something) and a civilian. He's a 6'10 soldier, so yeah....of course he's gonna be afraid and be absolutely careful during this.
• With having no experience and his anxiety, he's gonna be an extremely sloppy nervous reck. The kisses? Sloppy. His thrusting? Sloppy and absolutely no rhythm. Except the feeling of finally being inside you is just way too much so he isn't going to last long at all, pulling out and cumming on the bed sheets within five to ten minutes of starting....
• He's apologizing profusely because he knows damn well you didn't get to cum. You tell him it's okay and to not worry about it. After comforting him and letting him cool down, he'll suggest doing it again but this time let you be on top; Show this soldier how it's done
• And you do just that. You get on top of König once he's down on his back, and you start riding him. The man is in absolute awe of how much better this feels. The fact a tiny little civilian like you has so much power over such a big beast of a soldier like him during an intimate moment like this only makes it hotter for him.
• Needless to say, this man is going to be wanting to be topped by you more often, enjoying the feeling of such a tiny thing like you having so much power over him way more than the other way around
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gothghostiie · 2 years
More wesker w/ brat SO I'm in love, I need me some real tall exhausted problem solving dom with small hyperactive chaos rat problem bottom
exhausted middle aged old man x hyperactive chaos rat supremacy
always a little on the edge with them
he has ever reason to be honestly
*loud noises from another roo.* "oh."
"what the FUCK was that."
"chasing" you down if you run away from punishment
big on (public) humiliation with a bratty partner
"you want attention, Brat? Oh trust me, you'll get attention."
I said it once and I'll say it again. spanking with the gloves on.
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mdhwrites · 2 years
As a bit of a break from intense critique, something i found fun with Boscha was finding out her colour scheme matches the Cuegle's eye colours.
Equally, a fun fact about the Cuegle is they're small but inhumanely strong, and while i prefer the idea of Boscha being big and stronk, cuz funni, i love the imagery of a tiny ass Boscha who can break all your bones. The fandom is unfortunately scared of strong Boscha supremacy.
This makes me think about when people were pushing tiny Luz supremacy and what not. I actually do not care about character heights and usually choose them either because I like them or they have some sort of thematic reasoning behind them. Or contrast. As an example: I write both Azu and Amity as being on the short and flat side in part because they are so much more above people when it comes to things mentally and socially. Having them underdeveloped physically gives people something to mock at and gives them something to be potentially insecure about. However, if I do a story where Luz is a street rat or homeless, I might very well make Amity tall. It makes it so that her height reflects the severe gulf in status between them. She is tall because she is at the top of society. Luz is short because she's at the bottom (and malnourished). For Boscha, I lean more towards tall and busty because... I'm a dumbass American and when I think 'Peak physical woman' I think strong, tall and busty and since I lean into her being the physical portion of Lumischa (Amity is the mental, Luz the emotional) and the blunt, her body reflects her more basic and blunt mindset. It is the most stereotypically beautiful with the least amount of work to look hot. Meanwhile Amity can look more beautiful than Boscha with her grace and charm (high society and what not) but she has to put WAY more work into it. Also, the fandom is mostly afraid of strong Boscha supremacy because anyone shipped with Willow has to be the most babygirl thing on the planet to exemplify Willow's strength because her strength is one of her few consistent personality traits. *fires shots*
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blitzyn · 2 years
haha don't worry about the caps it just adds to the enthusiasm. and thank you for your support! It means a lot to me!
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writertothemaximum · 2 years
Summary: After catching Madara and Anzu making out in the ES garden, Rinne is invited to join.
Word Count: 1.9k
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37771333
Warnings: nsfw/smut (18+), 3rd person perspective, Top Mikejima Madara, Dom!Anzu, Bottom Rinne Amagi, Rinne is the meat of the sandwich, Mama and Anzu both dom Rinne together what more do you want, Bisexual, Threesome - F/M/M
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So I didn’t completely forget to post this or anything LMAO
bottom rinne supremacy
Rinne held a soda can in hand, and for some odd reason, the weight of it all never felt quite right to him. Maybe it’s because it was still mostly full and he hadn’t been bothered to drink it, maybe it was because it was starting to condensate and he was getting a little bored trying to find something to do, but mostly, Rinne knew that he just wished he had bought a fucking beer.
Taking firm steps around the ES campus, the hot sun beat down on him, searing into the back of his neck. It’s when he turned the handle to the small indoor garden when he realized that maybe, he wasn’t the only one who was bored on a Tuesday afternoon.
“Woah there,” Rinne said, a shocked smile splitting his face.
Sharp, dark green eyes flashed over him in a second as Madara wiped off a trail of spit leading out from his mouth. Following it delicately through the air, Rinne’s eyes looked down, landing on the owner. Anzu, with soft brown hair, bright blue eyes.
“Shouldn’t you be at school?” Rinne said, unable to hide the smirk that began to form on his lips. He found himself leaning against a steel beam that kept the garden’s roof in place. “I mean, I had heard rumors about a producer fucking their idols, but this is a new low for you, Onee-san.”
Anzu hesitated, before opening her mouth, ready to respond, before Madara cut her off instead.
“I would recommend for you to stay out of business that does not concern you, Rinne-san,” he said with a smile on his face, but when Anzu looked up, all she could see were green eyes of terror.
Reaching up, she smacked Madara hard in the jaw, forcing his hands off her shoulders, causing him to reel back and stumble behind himself.
“Despite what you may think, Rinne-senpai, I actually am capable of making decisions for myself,” she said, rather harshly.
Madara chuckled, massaging the spot where Anzu smacked him with his hand.
“Anzu-san had a job earlier today and was excused from class,” Madara said, finishing it with that dastardly smirk. “Don’t worry, she’s not skipping.”
“So she decides to go and fucking make out with you? Huh, seems like an odd choice,” Rinne said, walking closer to the pair, not hesitating as he set down his soda can on the side table. Tall and strangely overbearing, Rinne bent down near Anzu, getting all up in her space. “Thought we were gonna get married, honey, whatever happened to that?”
Anzu’s eyes scanned the bottom part of Rinne’s face, and something about pattern recognition kicked in, and in an instant, she knew that if she had gone for the same spot she had smacked Madara, he’d defended. No, she’d need a spot that he’d never defend. A point of weakness. A hard palm to his abdomen, and Anzu felt how rock solid Rinne’s abs really were. It was impressive, actually. That martial arts club that they had started was no joke.
Rinne reeled back in a second, completely taken off guard, clutching at his gut. His look of shock changed into a smile, thick locks of hair loosely floating disheveled in front of his face. Something warm seeped through him when he felt a strong, coarse hand wrap around his wrist. The force of it all triggered something in his brain, and Rinne wanted to struggle, being forced to submit.
“Alright, come on now, buddy,” Madara said, chuckling, gently tugging on his wrist.
Anzu leaned back against one of the metal tables in the room, the cold steel leaking through the fabric of her skirt. Her smile was surprisingly soft, all levels of hostility completely gone.
“No, Madara-senpai, you don’t have to,” she said, an odd thought crossing her mind. A big smile split her face and Anzu found that she was enjoying herself. “Do you want to join us, Rinne-senpai?”
Like a flip had been switched, Anzu’s tone had turned into something much more playful and cheery than before.
“Huh?” Madara said, somewhat shocked.
“Huh?” Rinne echoed back, in the exact same tone. “I mean, yeah, sure.”
The two’s heads twisted simultaneously, looking each other in the eye.
Madara’s strong hand still wrapped around Rinne’s wrist, he felt Madara’s muscles tense up, if just for a second.
“Madara-senpai will fuck you, won’t he? That won’t be a problem, will it?” she asked.
“Hey, hey, Onee-san,” Rinne said, finally breaking free of Madara’s grasp. “What about you? You’re just gonna watch me get railed?”
Well yes, she had been planning on it. Anzu sighed.
“Well, you wouldn’t bore me, would you?” she asked, a light smile to her face.
Hairs spiked up on the back of Rinne’s neck and he found the blood pumping quickly into his veins. Rinne chuckled, as he felt Madara’s presence looming behind him. Setting her hands on cold steel, Anzu pushed herself up, sitting on the table. Rinne felt big, wide hands across his back, and he found himself getting pushed forwards, his whole body flung toward Anzu’s. She smiled at him devilishly, her hands outstretched. When the upper half of his body fell on top of her, his chest found its way right into her palms.
“Shit,” he said, as her hands squeezed through his black T-shirt, her fingers sinking into the supple flesh around his nipples. “God, you really like my tits, huh?”
Madara laughed, pressing the front of his body against Rinne’s back. Although they were a similar size, due to the angle, Rinne felt small against the man’s sheer muscular strength. Well, they had sparred before, after all. Rinne knew how formidable the man truly was. He had heard enough from Kohaku to know that.
“You should see what she does to mine,” Madara said, and Rinne could feel his laugh echo through his spine.
Soft tingles echoed through the quiet garden as Rinne’s necklace dangled loosely in the air, swaying back and forth as Anzu’s fingers found their way to his nipples. Anzu’s fingers pinching through soft fabric, Rinne couldn’t help but let the hushed sounds come out of his mouth, panting lightly at each touch.
Rinne felt hands at his belt, and he realized that Madara was trying to pull his pants down. Turning around with a smirk, he looked into Madara’s eyes, egging him on. In an instant, there was a cold jolt as Rinne’s pants and underwear smacked down hard on the ground.
“Someone’s excited,” Rinne said, mockingly.
Rinne yelped as he felt Madara’s hand grip tightly around his cock. Already mostly hard, there wasn’t much room to let his fingers sink in, so Rinne felt an itch of pain as Madara’s fingers felt him up.
“I would speak so quickly, Rinne-san,” Madara said, and Rinne didn’t even need to look to see that dumbass smile on his face.
“Well we weren’t talking about me, were we?” Rinne said, snarking back.
Anzu almost laughed when she saw the smirk immediately taken off Rinne’s face, as cold liquid hit the rim of his ass. He practically fell on top of her as Madara pushed a finger in, a surprisingly relaxing feeling in his ass with a surprisingly squishy body to his front. Feeling soft, hot breaths of air against his cheek, Rinne found Anzu’s face right up against him, and he couldn’t help himself but look deep into her eyes.
His waist was pushing against her groin, wet and slicked up, her knees spread, her legs wrapping around his hips. Rinne could tell that she didn’t have underwear on, not if she was this wet, this excited. He steadied his breaths as Madara removed his finger, and for once, Rinne looked down. Almost covered by her skirt, he saw himself rutting against her clit. It must have felt good, god knows it did for him.
“Are you ready, Rinne-senpai?” Anzu asked, wrapping her arms around his neck, culling every last bit of attention out of him. And he couldn’t help but give it to her, deep blue irises blending into her mind, thick lips pursed ever so slightly, entranced by her smile.
“Yeah,” he said, a little shier than he thought possible.
Rinne felt his ass open up before anything else. His body began to push forward as Madara began to push inside, his hips getting pressed against Anzu’s hole. Rinne felt Madara’s finger around his cock, guiding it inside of her.
By the time everyone bottomed out, Rinne felt his mind start to fuck out. Slick and lubed up inside and out, Rinne felt his mind turn to sheer bliss as both his cock and his insides reveled in a sticky warmth. Anzu twitched as he settled inside of her, relaxing into his length.
“Fuck,” Rinne spat out, feeling almost overwhelmed.
“Too much for you?” Madara asked, his big hands cupped around Rinne’s hip bones.
“Fuck no,” he snapped back. “Start moving or I’m gonna get bored.”
Madara laughed as he pulled out slightly. “Needy, aren’t you?” he said, before slamming right back in again. Rinne squealed as the force shot his dick sliding against Anzu’s insides, the friction sending an infinite round of tingles up and down his spine. All the way to his back overwhelming sensations overtook him, being split apart on dick, his dick splitting apart.
Rinne was surprised as he felt two soft hands cup his cheeks and pull him for a kiss. Anzu smelled so good as her teeth clattered against his, tongues desperately swatting at each other in a hopeless attempt at relieving this pain. He was glued to her like cement as Madara slammed into him, with each motion pushing himself further and further into Anzu’s insides.
“Fuck,” Rinne said again, pulling his lips off Anzu, if just for a second. He was unable to hold his moans back, unable to stop the beads of sweat from rolling down his neck, his spine.  “I’m gonna come.”
“Wow, so soon?” Madara said, in conjunction with another push, deeper, always deeper.
“Fuck, shit, god,” Rinne said, his brain too fucked out to think anymore. “Fuck off.”
Madara laughed and Rinne felt his body shake with the echo, trembling at each bit of insertion, the friction inside and out combining into a singular, numbing feeling.
Everything began to constrict as the pressure around his cock proved to be too much. Thick globs of semen pulsed out of his dick and into the sweet, wet hole that gripped tightly around him. Rinne moaned into the quiet garden as he got fucked through his ejaculation.
Madara’s body collapsed on top of the two as he continued his assault, Rinne and Anzu squished together under his weight. Rinne felt soft fingers slide under his shirt as Anzu wrapped her hands around his chest again, massaging him gently. Grunting gently, Madara’s thrusts began to tremble, as he came inside Rinne’s ass.
Rinne couldn’t help but let the tortured smile creep across his face. Reaching his hand out and onto Anzu’s chest and pushing himself up, he said, “Yeah, who’s the one coming so soon now?”
Rinne felt sticky juices run out of his ass while watching the same thing occur in front of his own eyes. Anzu smiled at him, sitting up from her position on the table, lying down. She reached out and gave his head a small pat.
“That was fun, we should do that again,” she said. “What do you think, Madara-senpai?”
Fumbling with a handkerchief, Madara looked  slightly irritated. Rinne thought it was a good look on him.
“Yeah,” he said, after a moment. “I wouldn’t mind, just maybe not in the garden next time.”
Rinne and Anzu looked around the room at the same time, it just hitting them that someone could have walked in at any moment. The two both let out a big laugh, realizing that something like that wouldn’t have mattered much in the end, anyway.
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shadowknight465 · 3 years
Dark Cacao hanging out with his other son and his daughter-in-law
(Because fuck canon, Choco Fam Supremacy)
Dark Cacao : I know you love her.
Mint Choco : I am not in love with Cocoa!
Dark Cacao , staring at Mint Choco : I never said who...
Mint Choco : *realizes*
Mint Choco : Shit. Well, anyways-
Dark Cacao : Ooh, somebody has a crush
Mint Choco : Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Cocoa I just think she's cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about her.
*Later that night*
Mint Choco , very much awake: Uh oh.
Mint Choco : Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Cocoa a little bit.
Dark Cacao , holding Mint Choco 's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Mint Choco : No, that's our joint tombstone.
Dark Cacao : My mistake.
Dark Cacao : That shirt looks great, Cocoa.
Cocoa : Thanks.
Dark Cacao : But I bet it would look even better on Mint Choco 's floor.
Mint Choco : Are you hitting on Cocoa ... for me?
Mint Choco : What’s it like being tall?
Mint Choco : Is it nice?
Mint Choco : Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Dark Cacao : We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Cocoa : It was one time!
Dark Cacao : I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Mint Choco : Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Cocoa walks in*
Mint Choco : Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
*Cocoa dies in a game with ships*
Mint Choco : This ship is no longer a ship of love, it's a ship of vengeance, a gavel of justice against all that is wrong in the world, showing no mercy, as no mercy was shown to us.
Mint Choco : The spark of love will now fuel the fires of destructive glory as I wage my war across the world with righteous fury.
Dark Cacao : Legend has it that Cocoa still haunts the ship, stealing my fucking cocoa.
Cocoa : Of course I do.
Cocoa : The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Dark Cacao : Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Mint Choco : Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the Licorice Seas in a large metal box.
Dark Cacao : Did Cocoa say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Cocoa : It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Mint Choco , blushing: Okay.
Dark Cacao : It's fucking summer.
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Tall bottom Scott supremacy
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
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Look I just like them okay
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badsext · 3 years
Trespassing on a Private Beach in October: Klaus Hargreeves x Dave Katz
Author’s Note: There are no real warnings to speak of in this one.  It is a bit romantic, but PG. It’ just a creepy little fic in time for Halloween
The sky is clear and the moon is full.  Two young men force their way through an opening in a chain link fence, made larger by the stronger of the two.  Their path is peppered with ‘no trespassing’ signs, but the dark haired one insists it will be worth it.  When they reach the shoreline, the blond haired one takes the blanket he’s got slung over his shoulder and spreads it out on the sand.  They lay down beside each other, looking up at the stars and listening to the soft waves lapping against the shore.
“So, tell me, Klaus. What is so special about this place?”  Remind me why I am committing a crime here.”
“What crime?”
“Pffft,” Klaus dismisses the idea with a wave of his hand. 
 “They say it’s cursed,” he gestures towards the water, smiling excitedly. 
“What, the Pacific Ocean?,” he laughs.  “Why are you always looking for trouble?”
Klaus giggles, his silhouette bathed in moonlight.  “Come on, Dave, I thought it would be romantic, like a scary movie vibe.  Wanna make out?”  His fingers travel spider-like up his boyfriend’s chest.    
“What was that?”  
They hear a rustling in the brush behind them.  They both turn around on their stomachs to see what is going on without attracting too much attention.  A light flickers through the trees, then another, and another, until there are dozens.  The flickering lights spread into a line.  They hear voices speaking a strange language, the words forming a chant. Cloaked figures emerge from the forest holding candles, a chorus repeating their chilling refrain. 
“What the hell is this?”  Dave looks ready for fight or flight, but Klaus is stolid, looking like he’s bitten off more than he can chew. “Is it a cult or something?”
The chanters come forward in a staggered line.  As they draw near Dave tries to gather Klaus and get him out of there, but Klaus is still kneeling on the blanket in a state of contemplation.  As they get even closer, Dave gives up the negotiations and lifts Klaus over his shoulder as if to carry him away from trouble.  The hooded figures are now close enough to see their faces, but they brush right past the young couple, ignoring them, charging a path straight to the water.
Dave puts Klaus down once he realizes that these people pose no immediate threat. They look at the robed occultists with plain curiosity.  Then Klaus turns to Dave.  “Well, that was weird.  Maybe we should go home.”  But as they shake the sand off their blanket and turn to go, great big streaks of lightning shoot across the sky in all directions and the ground begins to rumble. Having moved to California several months ago, they knew they’d experience an earthquake sooner or later.  This one just seemed...personal?
“Wait, I think I read about this,” Dave says with some trepidation.
“You read...about this?”
“Yeah, this old science fiction author.  I forgot all about him because he was a horrible racist, eugenics, white supremacy, the whole nine.  Real nasty fella.”  
Klaus cringes. “Yeah.” Dave wrinkles his nose in disgust. ”He wrote about a monster, an old god who sleeps at the bottom of the ocean.  He wakes up, bringing about the end of the world.  Anyone who looks at him goes insane.  I think these folks might be trying to uh...wake him up.”
“Oh god, not again.”  Klaus exhales, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “I can’t handle another apocalypse right now.”  The rumblings start getting more violent. They cling to each other to keep from falling. One look at the fear in Dave’s eyes and Klaus resolves to do something heroic.  “Okay, what does this thing look like?”
“He’s as tall as a skyscraper with wings and claws and tentacles.”
“Tentacles?  I think I know someone who can help.”
“Really?”  Dave looks back at him incredulously.
Ben’s ghost materializes, looking none too pleased.  “Klaus, I thought we talked about this.  I’m not going to be a third wheel anymore.”
“Turn around.”
The sea churns violently.  Sea spray pelts the shore like a heavy squall.  A deafening roar that is both deep and shrill like a siren blares. Several green tentacles breach the surface, curling and swaying wildly.
“So, are we gonna do this?”  Klaus stands ready for Ben to possess him.
“Yeah, why not, I’m not getting any deader.”
Ben leaps into his brother.  Klaus, still not used to the feeling of possession, staggers back and clutches both sides of his head.  Dave, not sure what to make of all this, takes the Ben and Klaus combo by both arms.  “Are you alright?” 
Klaus takes control for a moment and kisses Dave. “Remember those super powers I mentioned?  Well, Davey, it’s time for me to use them!  You’d better stand back, and close your eyes.  You don’t want to go insane.”
“What about you?”
“Too late,” he smiles with eyes crossed, trying to make light of the danger he is about to face.
Dave reluctantly obeys.  Ben faces the monster as it bursts out of the sea.  Its eyes are red flames glowing from deep within it's great bulbous head.  An angry swarm of tentacles surround what must be the creature’s mouth. Its body is vaguely humanoid, but with bat-like wings sprouting from its shoulders and raptor-like claws for hands.  
Ben’s own tentacled horror bursts from his abdomen. Upon seeing his display, the monster snatches him up in his great claw and lets out a mighty bellow.  Ben’s monster responds in kind. The larger one draws them closer as if sizing them up.  Ben and Klaus prepare to be eaten, when they are suddenly pulled down into the water.  Tentacles rise and fall until the surface lies still once again.  What Klaus and Ben soon discover, is that these monsters are not rivals, but star crossed lovers from opposite dimensions.  
Dave, no longer able to shield his eyes, stares out over the ocean.  He screams, wondering what has become of Klaus.  He falls to his knees praying to whatever god will listen.  A moment later Klaus comes springing out of the water, landing in a spray of sand on the beach in front of Dave. He is covered in a thick gooey substance. 
Dave reaches for him, crying grateful tears.  
“Thank god, you’re alive! What happened?”
“I have seen things tonight...that no human should see.”
“Come on soldier, let’s get you home, get you cleaned up, and get something to eat.  I could really go for some calamari.”
“Was that a joke, Katz?...I tell the jokes around here.” 
“Yes, sir!”  Dave sheepishly grins. 
@spanishmossmagnolia @elliethesuperfruitlover @moorehollandplz @helena-way07 @firstpersonnarrator @bubblyani @punknatch @zombiedixon89 @ringpopdust @bi-satanist @siriuslynore @chipster-21 @maerenee930 @forenschik
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sinfulcries · 3 years
ok so DRAKEN is a tall mf I’m 5’6 so I’m pretty short but omg imagining fucking drakens tall ass turns me on so much like hearing this man whimper and groan with that deep voice of his while I pound his tight little hole oooooouuuuuuuhhhhh my goodness ok ok let me stop
Tall bottom supremacy <3
TALL BOTTOM SUPREMACY INDEED. Even though I'm taller than Draken, Idc he's just AAA breedable material </3
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ren-451 · 3 years
alright, after a few hours of thinking i've come to a conclusion to an answer i feared the most got asked on twitter: "between raya and namaari, who would you choose? (no saying "both!")"
*will be subject to change as time goes on, as of now [17/5/2021 7:41am]:*
here's a summary of my thoughts:
tall, hot, BDE gf who will fucKing treat you well (would probably spoil you), probably gives good kisses and will dominate you, gives off verse top vibes. will also fight for you
her mom probably wont like wild people like me but will tolerate you because her daughter loves you.
workaholic. will try and make time for you but the people of fang come first (she'll make up for it tho probably in bed idk).
5'8, cute gf who will talk about you to her friends, will fucking beat up a guy for you and gives really good hugs, probably good in bed too, and for some reason she's giving me verse bottom vibes. She will literally stop what ever the fuck she's doing for you and will do dangerous shit without a second thought just for you.
her father will probably like you already since his daughter already fucking loves and trusts you. will probably talk about you to her friends (in a showoff-y way).
as much as i prefer namaari, raya wins my heart. not just because i believe in cute gf superiority but she will make you one of her top priorities and honestly, i prefer hugs over kisses especially when i’m stressed.
also, raya x namaari supremacy. they make a better pair than my slippers (which is saying something 'cause i really like my duck slippers).
the real question that should've been asked is "do you want to be or be with raya/namaari?"
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malewifegradyruewen · 3 years
Ceux Qui Ne Meurent Jamais, Chapter Three
three chapters in three days i'm insane-
previous | next | masterpost
trigger warnings: overall creepy vibe, i was almost too scared to finish, that's why it stops so abruptly, i don't recommend reading late at night or in the dark, ask to tag
word count: 1715
tagging: @fire-sapphics @zoyyanazyalensky @dirty-racoon @della-vacker-supremacy @raiinyrxse @lucat13 @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @genyyasafin @cadence-talle @thewhiteblades @gay-otlc @brilliantblindinglights @enbies-and-felonies @love-pyramus @silver-war @pencilwritesshiz47 @littlemisscupcake lmk if you want to be added/removed!!
Nathalie awoke to the sound of what she assumed was a door slamming shut. The wind howled outside her window, making the panes rattle. She looked at the clock, but the room was too dark for her to see. She lit the candle that had been sitting on her bedside table and padded across the floor to look. Two-fifty-four.
Given the strong winds outside, a draft blowing a door shut was nothing too out of the ordinary, so Nathalie decided to return to bed. She started crossing back to her four-poster when she heard another SLAM! It sounded closer, as though the first one had been one of the vacant bedrooms at the far end of the hallway, and this one was only a few doors down. While it did seem odd, she didn’t think much of it. An old, empty manor could only withstand so much on a night as windy as this one.
SLAM! A third door slamming shut, this one stopping Nathalie in her tracks. It sounded as though this door was across the hall, the door to the only accessible room that was currently vacant. She turned around slowly and crept towards her door, so she could check the hallway and put her mind at ease before returning to bed. She reached out to grab the doorknob before she realised she was shaking. Maybe checking the hall wasn’t the best idea. But her curiosity got the best of her, and she kneeled down on the floor and laid down on her stomach, peering under the door. She couldn’t see anything, and after a few minutes she was ready to go back to bed, until she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
She could just make out a heavy pair of boots, walking swiftly yet somehow silently across the floor. She held her breath as the boots stopped right in front of her door. Her heart was pounding, louder than it ever had before. The boots moved closer to her door, taking one step, then another, before stopping once more. They turned and ran down the hallway, towards the vacant bedrooms.
Nathalie wasn’t sure how long she stayed there, on the floor next to her door, the only light the candle on her nightstand slowly dimming as the wax melted. Not another door slammed, though the wind blew ever stronger. Who was that, with the black boots, and why were they here? How had they gotten here? Her brain rattled with questions, like the panes clattering in the window frames. But there was nothing she could do about it tonight. She’d ask Lady Lucie in the morning.
Slowly, she got up off the floor and climbed back into bed, snuffing out the candle as she did so. Her heart was still racing and her head was still pounding, but as darkness enveloped the room once more, she couldn’t fight the exhaustion, and she slipped into an uneasy slumber.
Nathalie was awoken by the sun streaming through her windows, so bright it felt blinding. The house was quiet, the ticking of the clock the only sound. Nine-twenty-seven. Lady Lucie had said breakfast was typically at nine, but she’d make it fresh for Nathalie. She could afford a few more moments in bed before getting ready for the day.
Thoughts of breakfast and sunlight and the other ladies in the house distracted her for a moment, but it wasn’t long before her questions about last night’s events took front and center in her brain. Even now, she shuddered at the memory of the boots standing outside her door, silent on such a creaky floor.
She couldn’t bear to sit and wallow in memory any longer, so she instead climbed out of bed and changed out of her nightdress to an outfit nearly identical to that of last night, only the skirt was green and the blouse was white. She quickly untied the ribbon wrapped around the end of her braid and tied her hair into a bun, the same way she had everyday since she was a child. Slipping her grey shoes back on, she headed downstairs to the dining room they’d eaten in the night before.
There was no evidence anyone had used the dining room thus far that morning, but the door to the kitchen was propped open. Nathalie cautiously walked towards the kitchen, spotting Lady Lucie elbows deep in the sink. The clatter of dishes being plunged into the soapy water was loud, but it still seemed strange to Nathalie that her footsteps hadn’t been loud enough to alert Lady Lucie to her presence.
“Good morning,” she said, raising her voice so she could be heard above the dishes.
Lady Lucie whipped around, as though she hadn’t been expecting Nathalie. “Lady Nathalie!” she cried. “Good morning! Don’t mind me, just tidying up after breakfast! I left a bowl next to the stove for you, and there’s a plate of fruit and a bowl of sugar on the counter.”
She pointed as she spoke, guiding Nathalie to a pot of porridge on the stove. She groaned. After eating it nearly every day of her childhood, she despised porridge. The bland, tasteless mush was one of the worst things about Hazelford Children’s Manor. However, she couldn’t deny that her stomach was rumbling, so she took a small scoop and added several heaping spoonfuls of sugar before taking her bowl and the whole plate of fruit to the dining room. There wasn’t much on the plate, as the native berries were mostly out of season, but there were apple slices, which in Nathalie’s opinion, were the best of all the fruits. She reluctantly put a bit of porridge on the apple slice and ate it, delightfully surprised at her creation. No longer despising the food in front of her, she ate it as quickly as she could.
Partway through her bowl of porridge, Lady Lucie emerged from the kitchen and joined Nathalie. “I trust you sleep well?”
For a moment, Nathalie debated lying, saying that her sleep had been uninterrupted. Would Lady Lucie know if she lied? But she decided to ask about the heavy yet silent black boots last night.
“There were some doors that slammed last night. I don’t know if you heard them. They woke me up, and I saw something...strange.”
“Oh? Strange how?” Lady Lucie seemed surprised, though Nathalie couldn’t fathom how. The doors had been quite loud, and she wasn’t sure how anyone could sleep through them.
“There was...a person, in the hallway upstairs, I think. I saw, under my door, a pair of black boots, but they were silent.” She decided to leave out the part where they had walked towards her door, and had seemingly been called away.
Lady Lucie paled. “Le Cavalier de l'ombre.”
“The what?”
“Cavalier de l'ombre. A legend,” she said, jumping up. “Come, to the library, I’ll show you what I mean.”
Nathalie had no time to argue, because Lady Lucie had grabbed her wrist and was pulling her away from the table. She had no choice but to run to keep up as they wound through hallways, past closed off sitting rooms and boarded up doors, too many to count. Finally, they reached a pair of the largest doors Nathalie had ever seen, even larger than the front doors. Lady Lucie let go of her wrist to push the door open, not straining despite their size.
Had she not been terrified of what seemed to be imminent doom, Nathalie would have stopped and marveled at the library. The ceiling was three stories tall, and at least half of Hazelford Children’s Manor alone could fit in here. Bookshelves spanned from floor to ceiling, with two balconies wrapping around the entire room so books higher up could be accessed. There were at least a dozen ladders hung onto rods above the bookcases with small wheels at the bottom so one could reach any book they pleased. The highest balconies had small baskets on pulleys to lower books down while climbing down the narrow spiral staircases hidden in the corners. Grand chandeliers illuminated the room, along with the light streaming in the great stained glass windows directly opposite the doors, the only bit of wall space that wasn’t covered in books. Sofas, tables, armchairs, and desks were scattered about so that everyone had a spot to read and study, although there was a fair number of floor pillows as well.
But Nathalie had no time to marvel at these wonders as she was dragged up a spiral staircase and around a balcony until Lady Lucie stopped so abruptly, she almost fell over.
“Here it is,” Lady Lucie said breathlessly, pulling a book off a shelf at eye-level and flipping through it frantically. “Legends of the Ladies, by Lady Auriane. It’s old, maybe 12 cycles, but it’s one of the best when it comes to our lore. Here,” she said, settling on a page and pointing to the header. “Le Cavalier de l'ombre.”
She offered it to Nathalie, and she took it and started reading. “Le Cavalier de l’ombre is a figure who has no face, makes no sound, and leaves no memory of their visit. They travel in shadow, typically appearing at night to unsuspecting souls. Only appearing to the ladies of the order thus far, they seem to steal immortality, weakening the lady until she has no life left within her, so she meets her demise shortly thereafter. The ladies who fall victim pass with no knowledge as to how or why. No lady has been able to speak of how their immortality is stolen, but all can recall a sense of dread and a drop in temperature before their memory is blank. There seems to be no pattern as to who falls victim to this being, but they will choose one lady and pursue them until they have achieved their goals. Thus far there has been no way found to harm this creature.”
Nathalie finished reading and looked at Lady Lucie, who was paler than any person Nathalie had ever seen. “What does this mean?”
“It means,” Lady Lucie choked, “you’re the next victim of le cavalier de l’ombre, and we don’t know how to stop it.”
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skittikyu · 4 years
that entire chapter had me like
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(/pos of course)
You’re correct though, iconic short Rupert/tall Dave supremacy /lh
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