#tai yang and summer
artbyfuji · 1 year
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theshinymagpies · 1 year
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A lil Team STRQ for the weekend
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branwencoded · 4 months
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rwby mamma mia au. is this anything
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anthurak · 1 year
I think it’s time I address what is by far the BIGGEST assumption much of the fandom has made about Ruby’s and Yang’s parents:
That Raven was just the shitty parent who abandoned her daughters, and that Summer and Tai were the uncomplicated GOOD parents who made the good choices. And Qrow was the well-meaning fuckup who’s been able to improve.
When the reality is that ALL of Team STRQ were in fact well-meaning but  MASSIVE fuckups in each their own way.
Like if nothing else, they all bailed on Ruby and Yang in one way or another (Raven and Summer physically, Tai emotionally/psychologically for several years, Qrow a bit of both)
And I have a good feeling that the Vacuo arc will be when Ruby and Yang will finally have to address that shit.
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razorblade180 · 2 months
Sunny Side
Whitley:Ruby. Wake up. *shakes her*
Ruby:Mmm, where’s the fire? It’s like five in the morning.
Whitley:It’s strawberry season in Patch.
Ruby:I am aware….
Whitley:Let’s gets some fresh fruit in breakfast. You can sleep on the airship.
Ruby:Okay- wha?
[The airship]
Ruby, half awake:….*looks to the right*
Winter: *listening to music*
Sparrow:I bet I can fly this.
Penny:Sir, please sit down. I already have a co-pilot.
Oscar:That is- he is a literal retired soldier.
Jaune and Weiss:*reading*
Nick and Summer:Zzzz
Ruby:Uncle Qrow?
Qrow:*playing cards* Yeah?
Ruby:We married rich.
Qrow:Is that sinking in now?
Ruby:Little bit.
Nora:And we’re reaping the benefits.
Ren:Whitley just didn’t want to feel your anger about a breakfast trip.
Valerie:*writing* I’m not complaining. My book report wasn’t finished.
Whitley:What’s up sleepyhead.
Ruby:Can we make a detour?
Bzzz bzzz b-
Yang:*grabs scroll* Uuuuggh. Where’s the fire?
Ruby:Look outside bitch.
Yang rolls out of bed and practically crawls to her window where Blake is staring to see a fancy airship hovering near her house.
Ruby:Grab your pants, wife, and child. We’re gonna make mom’s pancakes.
Whitley:Welcome to the breakfast express.
Yang:You need less money.
Blake:I bought some honey, syrup, and spices my mom made.
Whitley:This is why you’re my favorite member.
Ruby and Weiss:Wow that’s craaazy.
Veronica casually walks on board in her pjs and heads straight towards the twins without a second thought. She picks up a sleepy Summer that leans on her brother and moves her one seat down, then sits down. She tugs Summer so she falls back in place, offering her own right arm as a substitute while resting her head on Nick before promptly going back to sleep.
Yang:…At least she was nice about it.
Knock Knock Knock
Tai:*opens door* ….Strawberry picking?
Yang and Ruby:Hehe, yeah.
Tai:I’ll go grab your old baskets.
Nick was used to the rich life, but even had to admit it was pretty surreal to be at home in the cold one moment, then woken up a few hours later to put on a sunhat and pick some berries. Everyone this morning was just…cool with it. This was life right now. Singing early birds and strawberry baskets.
Nick:Wasn’t there school today?
Summer:Don’t be lame and keep picking. Gods it smells nice out here. I’m a little jealous we don’t come here more often.
Valerie:The sun has barely risen and yet it’s so warm.
Veronica:Country air smells different from the sea or city life. I visit Gramps occasionally and even I’m not used to it. It’s pretty jarring.
Summer:Kinda like waking up in a different plane seat.
Veronica:If that’s what you want to compare it too.
Summer:Don’t sweep that under the rug!!!
Ruby:Pancakes 🎶
Yang:Whoop whoop🎶
Weiss:Pancakes 🎶
Winter.Whoop Whoop🎶
Nora:Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes🎶
Ren:Buttermilk, Strawberry, shortcake, or tall!🎶
Jaune:You already know I’m eating them all!🎶
Qrow :Crack a few eggs and hash a few browns!🎶
Tai:Put em on my plate and I’m gonna chow down!🎶
Penny:Grab a plate and some friends to tag along…🎶
Everyone:Took making cooking fun with the breakfast song!🎶
All the kids slowly set the table as they watched the grown ups cut up fruit, flip pancakes, pour drinks, and butter pans.
Veronica:You’re not gonna sing?
Blake:There are enough people in that kitchen.
Oscar:Yeah satisfied fixing chairs.
Whitley:*sitting* Zzzz
Sparrow:This guy planned everything and now decides to sleep!? *pokes face*
Ruby:Leave him alone!
Sparrow:Did she even turn around?
Oscar:Did she really need to with you?
It took about half an hour before the smell of breakfast was rich enough to wake Whitley just in time. Now it was his who was wide awake as she happily carried trays in hand alongside Yang, Weiss, and Penny; they happily danced side to side in messy aprons as they put food on the table for everyone. Nora would’ve joined if she could be trusted, and Winter was happily on Nora restraint duty.
Stacks of strawberry pancakes in the shape of roses and buttermilk pancakes in the form of the sun were presented with hash browns, eggs, sausage, biscuits, ham, the whole spread and additional goodies for everyone to eat. They took their seat and looked at Whitley as if he wanted to make some grand speech.
Whitley:*smiles* You waiting for an invitation? *raises glass* To a good day.
Everyone:To a good day!
Not a moment was wasted passing around plates. Whitley went to grab a fork when his empty plate was suddenly replaced with a full breakfast by Ruby. The lady quickly cut a piece of the pancake drizzled in cinnamon syrup and raised to his face to make him blush.
Ruby:Thank you for the trip. Now say aaah~
Whitley:I-In front of everyone?
Ruby:Don’t be shy now. It’s just for the first bite. It’s tradition here. Then you give me a bite.
Qrow:If your sister can do it, you can too.
Winter:*chews shamefully*
They look at Weiss to see her eat off of Jaune’s fork without hesitation. She even opens her mouth again to receive another bite before giggling. Meanwhile the likes of Penny, Nora, and Blake, treated this like an everyday occurrence. With a display like that, Whitley had no choice but to summon the courage to say “aah” and get fed a bite.
Ruby:How is it!?
Whitley:…I can go for another.
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min3nc · 1 year
putting my thoughts together... looking back, the whole "raven left, and summer and tai got together because summer was there for him. then ruby sort of happened as a result of that" never really sat right with me.
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and with this scene it does so even less.
i kinda expected them to kiss farewell, you know, having thought of them as being together for the past *checks watch* 8 years? but... they hugged.
to me, it makes me think they are together because the two of them are raising Raven's kids. Together, but not together-together, yknow?
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it does feel like raven's words here aren't just because of summer leaving yang.
"what about... you're just gonna leave them?"
"you're one to talk"
Them. not just yang. them. And since Ruby's just far too similar to Summer to say that she's Raven's and Tai's... yeah. I wanna believe that she's Rosebird's daughter.
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team-iceflower · 5 months
Tai: C'mon, name one way I'm better than your new boyfriend.
Raven: Tai, you're bigger.
Tai: Don't patronize me, if anything he's a little taller.
Raven: No, Tai, you're bigger.
*later at the bar with Qrow and Summer*
Tai: I WIN!! *clinks glasses with them*
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reashot · 1 year
What do you mean you won't LEWD me?
Thank you all for helping with the reblog of my last fic and I love what some of you made that I'm making this as a sequel to it.
Ruby's House.
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Ruby: Jaune, thank you for your help in making breakfast 🍳☕🥓
Jaune: It's the least I can do Ruby for letting me stay the night. And thank you too Ruby for helping me with the cooking.
Ruby: Flatterer. But I don't think that heating up bacon and eggs can be considered cooking.
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While Jaune is busy preparing the table for everyone. Ruby silently walks up behind him and lovingly embrace him.
Jaune: Ruby?...
Ruby: I-I want to say that I'm sorry and I admit that I may.... Have gone a little bit overboard last night.
Jaune: I don't think attempted rape can be considered little.
Ruby: That's because you keep rejecting me. What do you have against me Jaune. Do you hate me or something? Because if you do then just say it. Don't string me along. Don't get my hopes up...
Ruby said to him as she cries into Jaune's back and Jaune then respond by slowly turning around and returns her embrace.
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Jaune: How could I hate you? You're the greatest girl I know.
Ruby: T-then why?
Jaune: I don't even know myself Ruby. I want to do it with you too, but it just doesn't feel right.
Ruby: What do you mean it's doesn't feel right?
Jaune: I mean we should wait until we're married at least.
Ruby: What?
Jaune: I haven't told you this before but I'm a firm believer of abstinence.
Ruby: Abstinence. What the fuck is that?
Jaune: It means I will not engage in lewding before marriage.
Ruby: Huh!!! What kind of messed up crap is that are you in a cult. Is that it Jaune, you won't bone me because you're in a cult?
Jaune: No! I'm not in a cult. I-I just don't want to ruin what we have by sullying you before marriage.
Ruby: You can sully me if you want! I don't mind and you know I want your baby so you know that I will marry you no matter what.
Jaune: Still Ruby, no means no. But thank you for thinking about marrying me. I know that you can do better.
But before Jaune can finish saying his piece. Ruby's mind starts to wander into a dark place. And in that place she finds her mother...
Ruby's subconscious.
Ruby: Mom! Mom! I need your help!
Summer: Say no more my dear. Please tell me what's wrong?
Ruby: Mom! The boy I like doesn't want to lewd me.
Summer: Oh I'm sorry to say Ruby but I think he's gay. Cause there's no way any straight boy would say no to LEWDing you. Maybe you should find another guy to be your new boyfriend...
Ruby: No. Hell No! I will not pick any other boy but him.
Summer: He must be such a great guy if you think so. But it still doesn't change the fact that he's pitching for the wrong team.
Ruby: B-but here's the thing he wants to do it with me but he wants to wait until marriage.
Summer: Is that boy is in a cult? Please tell me he's in a cult.
Ruby: That's what I said, but no. He said he believes in Abstinence.
Summer: Damn organized religion... Ruby this is why I raised both of you to be godless heathen. Anyway, let me check who this boy you want to pounce on.
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Ruby: Isn't he the cutest? 🥰
Summer: Oooh mama likey... Wait a minute; blonde hair, blue eyes and dressed like he's going to a Renaissance fair... He's the Arc Boy!!!
Ruby: Mom, you knew him?
Summer: Knew him. I actually promised his mom to marry him off to you.
Ruby: *gasp* I'm enganged to Jaune?! That's awesome!!! We're meant to be. I gotta tell Jaune about this!
Summer: Wait a moment Ruby. I know how you can make Jaune LEWD you.
Ruby: You do. How?
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Back to reality
Jaune: ... And another thing Ruby it's not okay for a girl of your age to say "lewd" all the time.
Ruby: *shakes head* oh yes of course keep talking hot stuff me likey when you do it...
Jaune: Ruby I'm being serious here.
Ruby: (I like it when he's trying to be all serious and shit. It just makes him look even cuter.) Oh look Jaune, you have a smudge there on your pants from cooking earlier. Here let me help you out. 😋
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to... W-wait what are you doing?!
Ruby: Well you have to take off your pants to clean it first right?
Jaune: N-no it's fine Ruby please stop it! I did not consent to this...
Ruby's subconscious
Ruby: Mom! What the F are you doing with my body!!!
I know it's my body but if I'm not the one doing the deed then there's no point.
No! I don't consent to this! What kind of monster would force themselves on others.
I gotta find a way to get out of here. Please someone help. I'm about to get NTR'd by my mom!
Back to reality
Ruby: Shhh.... Just let it happen. *lower pants*
Jaune: No please. I don't want to lose my virginity. There's still an Elder Scroll video I haven't watched yet... *struggling to keep his pants up*
Kitchen's entrance
Tai: What the hell is making all this racket... *gasp*
Mama Arc: Oh my... This early in the morning too. Looks like I'll be getting my grandchildren after all. Right honey?
Papa Arc: Uh yes. I guess... *sips coffee* (I'm way too hungover to be dealing with this.)
Yang: Oh, sis not in the kitchen. At least do it in your room.
Tai: Yang... Get me my shotgun.
Yang: Which one the 20 gauge or the 12 gauge?
Tai: The 12...
Yang: There's not gonna be much left of him if you use this you know? *hands over shotgun*
Tai: That's the idea. *load shotgun*
Mama Arc: Dear please do something. I think Tai is about to kill our Son!
Papa Arc: *sips coffee* (What do you want me to do I just woke up.)
Oh no! Tai is about to blow Jaune's head off. Will Jaune get to keep his head and will Ruby gets back into hers. Find out next time on Drag... I mean in the next post.
Dear viewer you get to choose what happens next.
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lovingdabeessss · 7 months
Your STRQ-Y fanart hurts me so bad , reminds me of a headcanon of mine that probably isn't true that Raven left because she saw how much better for Yang Summer was than she was
Glad you liked(hated) my art
I TOTALLY believe that’s at LEAST part of it 100% it fits in with the narrative pattern of Yang personally suffering because others are self destructive
Like say what you want about rwbys writing but thats always consistent
There’s a whole episode where she goes “hey don’t destroy yourself on purpose it actually fucks up everyone you care about more then it does anything else” and then tells a story that references At LEAST four people who did that and fucked up her life because of it (+Bby Ruby sleeping shes the mvp)
Also it fits with Raven characterization wise and all that and her CLEARLY loving people but just being really really bad at it
So it makes sense as a narrative pattern and also in character
I personally don’t think it was the only reason she probably had lore driven reasons
But yeah ravens definitely very never love an anchor by the crane wives
I think she loves and loved Yang a lot she’s shown checking up on her a lot as a child(not that she followed through with helping her but still it shows love)
Maybe she didn’t help her when everything fell apart because of how she herself was dealing with summers death, maybe she felt responsible and she didn’t want that to touch her family, maybe she saw Yang dealing with every other failure of a caretaker and didn’t want to add another disappointment, maybe she never even popped in because she didn’t want to pop in and out whenever it was convenient and destabilize yangs life even further, maybe she thought Yang was doing perfect as she was, maybe she thinks the suffering she was going through was good and made her stronger that children should go through that and that she was doing great
Who knows
Love to hear everyone’s thoughts on raven
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thornsofrosesdumps · 4 months
Parenting problems, team STRQ addition.
(Yang has done something bad and team STRQ who between all of them have enough CPTSD to put a therapist into retirement early in America have to figure out how to parent)
Summer: Alright, we have to figure out how to discipline a child.
Raven: We could leave her outside for the night?
summer: NO! Brothers! No! That’s not a normal healthy thing for her development!
Qrow: We could not give her dinner?
Summer: No! Again! Bad she needs to eat.
summer:okay uh, we could force her to do runs all day?
Qrow: that doesn’t sound healthy either
Summer: Brothers, Tai, you’ve been weirdly quite any ideas?
Taiyang: my dad used to lock me in the fireplace while it was still burning when I was bad to train my aura?
(everyone stares at him Beacsue he’s supposed to be the one with the healthy happy childhood)
Raven: What the fuck.
Qrow:I second that, what the fuck.
Summer: uh, thirding that what the fuck.
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blake-me-up-inside · 10 months
Thinking about RWBY as my hyperfixation wears off and I think, as with all fairy tales, there’s a moral, of course. And I think RWBY’s is this:
“You are who you choose to be.”
Blake chose not to be the monster.
Adam chose to be the monster.
Weiss chose not to be like her father.
Jacques chose to be a miserly weasel to the end.
Raven chose not to be a mother. Summer chose to be Yang’s mother. And Yang chose to be the mom Ruby couldn’t have.
Qrow chose to be a drunk and bitter.
Emerald chose to be a bad guy, but she also chose to leave that behind when confronted about it.
Ironwood chose to be a bad guy and doubled-down when confronted about it.
Penny chose to be more human than most and chose to die a hero.
Cinder chose to let her past define her and to lash out against the world.
Trivia chose to become Neopolitan and again chose to become someone else when she realized that wasn’t who she needed to be.
Ruby was forced to be the hero before she was ready but chose to be that hero even when given an out.
Ozma chose to be the white knight, believing himself to be the only one able to save the world.
Salem chose to be the witch, looking to destroy the world.
I think, truly, no one is beyond redemption if they truly want it and are willing to work for it. We’re all victims of circumstance, but we choose our paths and who we are. We can blame the world for our problems, but we should never let our problems define us. You choose who you want to be.
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artbyfuji · 8 months
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their chat logs must be crazy.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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"Ruby and Yang's first words" by DebzTheNaught
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sugarspikesart · 1 year
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RWBY x JSR: Raven Branwen
Sister of Qrow Branwen and mother of Yang Xiao Long, Raven is a very intimidating mother but with a secret soft and caring side. She values family and it's her top#1 priority.
She had dissagreements with Qrow in the past and she kinda dissapeared for a short time when Summer went missing. She then came back, offering her help to find her.
She left tai after Yang's birth. She never neglected her tho, she just didn't wanna stay with him as a couple. Tai and Raven never got married btw, that's why she just... left him, there was no divorce
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anthurak · 10 days
Taiyang Xiao Long: The Latest in a Long Line of Fuckups
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So there’s been quite a bit of discussion by this point from a number of people, myself included, about the idea that Taiyang Xiao Long isn’t actually the ‘Good Dad’ that much of the RWBY fandom has long seen him as. That he is in fact just as much of a dysfunctional fuck-up parent as Qrow, Summer, and yes, even Raven. There are a few different factors to this that others have gone into more detail on, but for me it really comes down to one core point in particular:
If you have checked out of parenting to the point where the two girls under your care can both state overtly and matter-of-factly that the older of the two raised the younger, then it frankly doesn’t matter WHAT your reasons were for checking out or how hard you may have been grieving. You have unequivocally, massively, FUCKED UP as a parent. The fact that the show has made it clear that Ruby considers Yang, her SISTER, to be her primary parent-figure does not speak well to ANY of Team STRQ’s parenting, Tai included.
However, with that said, I thought it would be worth talking about what all this discussion could actually mean in practice, ie; how might all this end up being actually explored in the story of RWBY itself?
After all, it’s not like Tai’s failings as a father have really been directly focused on or confronted or even overtly spelled out in the show thus far. The most direct we’ve gotten was during Yang’s talk with Weiss in the episode Alone Together, and even that wasn’t so much directed at Tai himself so much as describing how Yang was forced to take up so much slack in the family after Summer’s apparent death. Right now, discussion of Tai’s failings as a father is still very much ‘reading between the lines’.
And I believe that is all deliberate on the part of the writers. Thus far, the references to Tai’s failings as a parent haven’t meant to be overt and obvious to the audience. But rather they are meant to be hints and foreshadowing hiding in the margins and not immediately obvious to the viewer.
At least until it’s time to MAKE them obvious.
You see, I believe that Taiyang as a character is going to turn out to be all too similar to the likes of Qrow, Ozpin and Ironwood.
Men who are introduced appearing to represent noble and good-natured archetypes, but who wind up being revealed to have DEEP and extensive personal failings and flaws that wind up hurting themselves and all those around them. The warning signs of which turn out to have been floating around the margins, between the lines and just outside the audience’s field of view since practically their first appearances.
Consider for a moment just how characters like Ozpin, Qrow, Ironwood and Tai were/have been overtly presented in their early appearances. In other words, how the story at first wants us to view them:
The Wise Teacher
The Quirky Mentor
The Heroic Soldier
The Good Dad
And now let’s remember just how the first three wound up failing our heroines. And all of the hints we got that FORESHADOWED that failing:
All of the ‘Shady Oz’ behavior that people were noticing as early as Volume 2, and which only compiled and built over the subsequent volumes until being finally dragged into the light at the start of Volume 6.
Qrow’s rampant alcoholism, which he was outright introduced with in Volume 3 and later noted by Glynda to ALWAYS to be drunk. And shown later in Volume 5 when Ruby doesn’t bat an eye at Qrow showing up at their house near-passed out drunk.
And of course, ALL of the red flags that Ironwood was on the fast-track to fascism right from his first appearance when he showed up for the preparations of a festival celebrating peace and unity with a fleet of giant warships.
Now we have Tai, a character who turns out to have all kinds of indicators pointing to him actually being a complete dysfunctional fuck-up as a father once you start looking closely. From Yang’s multiple recountings of how Tai shut down and left HER to care for Ruby, to his shall we say QUESTIONABLE mentoring advice to Yang, to Ruby outright stating that it was YANG who raised her…
Really if you just start taking a closer look at Tai’s actions and behavior across the show, you can start finding plenty of hints and red-flags to his dysfunctional parenting hiding under a thin veneer of ‘expected’ character-archetype behavior, just like what happened with Ozpin, Qrow and Ironwood.
For example, just look at Tai’s ‘mentoring’ of Yang in Volume 4. At first glance, this scene is framed like a typical ‘hero gets tough-love advice and help from their wise and experienced parent’ situation, which is the takeaway most of us probably got on first viewing. Yet the moment you take a closer look and start unpacking what Tai is actually saying in this scene, it becomes clear, particularly in hindsight, that Tai is FULL OF SHIT. To the point of seemingly not even understanding how Yang’s semblance even works.
Or how about his claim that Raven ‘did a number of this family’, which if you actually take a minute to analyze, ESPECIALLY now in hindsight, makes no goddamn sense. How exactly can Raven have ‘done a number’ on the family when she’s been GONE from said family for the past 18 years? Particularly now that it seems like if any member is guilty of ‘doing a number’ on the STRQ, it’s actually SUMMER for going off on her super-secret suicide/martyr mission. We can’t even say that Tai can blame Raven for what happened to Summer because as Ruby’s Tree Vision made clear, Tai doesn’t even know Raven was involved. What this statement REALLY feels like is a shitload of projection and Tai blaming Raven for all of HIS fuckups as a parent.
HOWEVER, because none of this is directly framed by the show as being explicitly ‘bad’ and doesn’t present Tai with traditional/obvious ‘bad dad’ traits (see Jacques, and more on him in just a bit…) and generally couches his behavior with a veneer of ‘feeling baseline care and affection’, it’s easy to overlook on a first viewing.
Really, it feels all too much like how Volume 4 also presented Ironwood on the surface as the noble, heroic ‘only sane man’ among the authority in Atlas, all while slipping in NUMEROUS red-flags of him being on the fast track to fascism.
Speaking of Jimmy the Child Shooter, it’s been noted by a few people at this point that in hindsight, it’s pretty clear that Jacques Schnee effectively served as a red-herring villain to distract the audience from the growing red-flags surrounding Ironwood, both in Volume 4 and again in Volume 7.
Well, what if Jacques was also being used to distract the audience from TAI’s own parenting red flags in Volume 4? After all, it’s easy to be more forgiving of Tai’s sketchy parenting choices when the show keeps cutting back to Jacques’ brand of ‘parenting’.
Really, I think in hindsight Volume 4 is giving us three different looks at fatherhood: We’ve got the caring, nurturing father in Ghira, the abusive villainous father in Jacques, and the dysfunctional fuckup in Tai. A real ‘the Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ situation.
And finally, the simple fact that Yang raised Ruby. The biggest indicator of Tai’s, as well as the rest of Team STRQ’s, MASSIVE fuckups as parents which goes all the way back to Volume 1 when Gold framed Yang as a motherly figure to Ruby, outright comparing her to Summer.
It all points to Tai being set up for the same kind of big, subversive narrative rug-pull as Ozpin, Qrow and Ironwood. Men who are introduced as these strong, capable, ‘good-guy’ archetypes, only for it to be later revealed to both the heroines and the audience that these adults that they trusted are actually massive fuck-ups who have been making a mess of everything.
The only difference with Tai is that the story simply hasn’t decided to shine the light of narrative focus ON all of his numerous problems and fuckups and force our heroines to confront them like it already has with Ozpin and Qrow in Volume 6, and Ironwood in Volumes 7 and 8.
At least, not YET.
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And wouldn’t you know it, the last RWBY Beyond episode set up what could be the PERFECT opportunity for that with Yang’s line about Tai being on ‘special assignment’.
Sure, people have been saying stuff like ‘Oh he’s gotta be doing something super important like guarding the Relic of Choice’, but this is RWBY we’re talking about. The show that ALREADY made a big point about how the ‘Daddy had a good reason for abandoning you’ trope is utter bullshit.
So frankly, I’d say there is NO WAY IN HELL that Tai has an actual ‘good reason’ for not having come to Vacuo to see his daughters.
And that this is instead the setup for Ruby and Yang to finally have to DEAL with all of their parents’ dysfunctional bullshit.
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She's never beating the allegations
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