#t: eating
bernummm · 5 months
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cookie time
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obsob · 2 months
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a house that is warm and full of love :3
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mine-loves · 1 year
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Trigun Stampede | s01e04
“No matter how heavy a cross you carry, you still deserve to eat, you still deserve to laugh.”
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angermango · 4 months
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finally got around to drawing the gang destroying a home depot
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thecaywild · 4 months
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How my date night is currently going
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who-datgirl · 17 days
Y’all ever since someone said “Whittaker!Master” on here I have NOT been able to get it out of my head. I honestly kind of need it. Jodie would serve c*nt on a damn silver platter as the next Master. It canonically is not even too far fetched that The Master would regenerate Jodie’s face after the events of the forced regeneration with 13.
“Are you really so shocked I would wind up looking like this darling? Don’t flatter yourself about it, I didn’t plan to wear this face. After the forced regeneration was canceled an imprint of this body was left within me, but I have no complaints. After all, LOOK at me. You didn’t wear this with an ounce of the elegance that I do. If anything, I am doing you a favor”.
Let her slay with her outfit and makeup and give us the post-Missy incarnation we all deserve. Jodie would EAT.
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turtleinsoup · 6 months
Soldiers, Children AU
Did I post em here?
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Draxum's kids, under the cut:
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snufk1nn · 5 months
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Inspired by The Kiss by Klimt some spirk for yall to heal the soul☆
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averagegtenjoyer · 10 months
Being loomed over. Receiving little flirty comments from someone a hundred times your size. Your difference in size and power is nearly indescribable - you can barely comprehend how large they must be even as you look at them. Their voice comes out as a low rumble, their body moving slower than normal due to the dilation of time caused by their size (or, perhaps, your size), and as their hand reaches down towards you impossibly slowly, you still cant escape it, in all of its vastness. A finger taller than you are poking you in the stomach and causing you to nearly topple over. The larger is on another plane of existence, in a way. But as they look down at you with such infatuation, regardless of your survival instinct telling you to run, your pounding heart, and your trembling form, you feel oddly safe. Its nice to be doted on a little. To be observed by eyes larger than your torso. To be treated gently by something that could crush you like a bug. To be loved by something beyond comprehension. Erm. Yeah.
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caxolina · 2 months
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manmadedonut · 23 days
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Mccoy said youre getting fat in a sweet way
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ohno-the-sun · 3 months
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Comic depiction of the dream I had months ago that I forgot to post
Sleuth jester Eclipse and ghost in the machine Fool
Also uuhhh second part under the cut tw for drug use ppfpfptf
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materassassino · 3 months
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I cannot believe how lucky I am to get this wonderful JoeNicky commission from the lovely @chimchiri! Seriously go commission them, they're one of the best people I've ever worked with and I feel so privileged to be able to have art from them! I'm in transports of delight! 😭💖💖💖
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 months
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bts of The Ones Who Live | 📷: Ande Yung
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cyber-corp · 1 month
> Be executive showrunner for beloved science fiction show
> Write episode where main character fucks off somewhere
> Companion experiences deep trauma and anxiety as her doppelgänger follows her at a distance
> Companion dies at an old age and everything returns to normal
> Episode ends
> Refuse to elaborate
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