#but here?? amazing 100000/10
iamhereinthebg · 4 days
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I can now die in peace
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cxcosmos · 2 months
Rating places I've shifted to pt 1:
Bts dr - 10/10, I stayed here for 8 years and it was a very cool experience, I enjoyed living with the boys and they became a big part of my life, interacting with fans and other kpop groups, idols, k-actors and other celebrities was an experience, a lot happened but I won't go into detail
Twd dr - 2/10, this was an accidental shift but i stayed for like a week out of curiousity, hated it, everywhere was barren and I woke up in a forest ALONE. Scavenging for food and water every day was not for the weak, I had a motorcycle that helped me get from place to place that i found once i left the forest but finding non-expired fuel was a pain in the ass and i had a dagger, no useful weapons and it was hot and I was sweaty and gross, the zombies fucking stink too, just no
Barbie princess charm school dr - 100000/10, my inner child felt so healed, the school was so clean and everywhere smelled good, I had my own little sprite and it was a male, he helped me with everything, schedule, making sure i eat healthy etc, the food there was also amazing, breakfast was my favorite meal, the pancakes were so soft and it literally melted in your mouth, i loved my shared dorm room too, it was customized to my liking, loved it so much
Mha dr - 10000/10, I love it so much, I'm not really close with my classmates in 1-a but I'm dating izuku and I adore him, the classes are pretty hard but it was expected, I scripted in that i have high intelligence so i didn't struggle as much, Aizawa is close to my mother so he personally trains me during the weekdays and is always on my ass, I've stayed here for 6 months +, really great, the world is a lot different from here with quirks and all but it's interesting
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lavenderlyncis · 10 months
Join me in reviewing Olivia Rodrigo's album GUTS. I've waited years for this!!
all-american bitch - 9/10, big fan. I love it when she screams because the world is unfair. same girl, same
bad idea right? - 10/10. I know this one is controversial but I LOVE her more punky songs, I think that's when she's best
vampire - 10/10. I'm not always a fan of piano ballads, but the bridge and outro really make it for me. The hurt turning into anger and despair is just so cathartic. And the video is one of my faves of all time
lacy - 1000/10. What the hell. Did not expect to feel this much emotion from that title. Uhhh... yeah, same. I super relate to that. Whether or not lacy is supposed to be a real person or a manifestation of the beauty standard, this hits. Also, idk if I'm making this up but I dig the romantic undertones, they sell it
ballad of a homeschooled girl - "I made it weird, I made it worse"/10. OLIVIA HOW DID YOU KNOW that I lie awake thinking about all the weird things I did and said, Olivia, did you write this for me specifically??? Every day I am alive IS social suicide. I'm sorry, this is my song, actually. "Can't think of a third line", she's so real
making the bed - "I'm playing the victim so well in my head"/10. How. Does. She. Do. It? I could write an entire essay about this song. Maybe THIS is my song?? She's so good at saying exactly how I feel. I already know that this song will play a million times on my phone. Also I love the drivers license references. Big fan of the making the bed metaphor
logical - 9/10. favourite crime vibes. She's good with these songs about bad relationships. Used to be my favourite thing she did, but now I'm more invested in the songs that are about her/other experiences. That being said this song is really fucking good. This is the Olivia I fell in love with and she's still amazing at doing piano ballads
get him back! - 9/10. Olivia having ANOTHER song with speak-singing where she wants to get back with her ex?? Yes, PLEASE. Bad idea right 2.0. Fucking obsessed
love is embarrassing - 10/10. I said it before I'll say it again, angry Olivia is the best. And she's right, love IS embarrassing as hell
the grudges - 10/10. She does the paino ballads SO WELL. I think this is my favourite one on here. Because, wow, yeah, that is how it is
pretty isn't pretty - i can't rate this/10. GOD, I love it when she talks about insecurities. And don't think I don't see that skipping lunch line. It's sp hard to articulate how this song makes me feel. Especially since I've been low key comparing myself to her, even though we have entirely different bodies and faces. It's nice to know she also struggles with this. And she's right, you could do literally anything to change your appearance and you'd still be unhappy
teenage dream - 100000/10. "Is it recording? Of course it is.", the way I gasped. Okay, I love the interpretation of it ending with a child to be about growing up and childhood innocence. But the line she says?? Especially combined with the meaning of the song it feels a lot like it's about taking away youth by recording it and putting it out there just like she was supposed to be everyone's teenage dream as a child actor and young musician. This feels so personal to her while also being relatable to others. I'm 19 too, Olivia and I are born in the same year. And this is exactly how I feel about growing up. I hope it gets better, my teenage years were crap, I'm tired of being young, but it's also the only thing I can hold onto. I'm honestly terrified of turning 20. But hey, Olivia did it, so... it'll get better, right?
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tacktheyak · 9 months
Okay rewatched the pilot, here are some of my random little thoughts about it yayyyy!!
-ok first off. voice-acting, animation, visuals. 100000/10, dude, absolutely stunning. now for more like. reaction stuff and things I noticed/liked.
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-“YOU PARASITE!!” so like, besides bubble, caine treats everyone fairly nice! we didn’t actually see anyone get physically hurt DIRECTLY by caine, like what we first saw with pomni in the teaser.
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-the cane just spinning in th background haha
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-ok but why is she kinda…
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-i will now only refer to pomni as such lol
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-ragatha doing that one arm gesture, kinda predicted that hehehe
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-bisexual letters.
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-the music! during these two scenes! just amazing!
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-okay raggedy andy.
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-gooseworx reference!
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-he just looks wacky here
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-rabutton ship fuel. also love the look on rag’s face haha
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-aw :[
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-it’s fine, it’s not like she’s gonna abstract or anything… right??
anyways that’s all for now, CANNOT wait for more :D
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bat-writer · 1 year
How about nightwing and Wayne reader just had a baby and Bruce and Damien go to meet them for the first the first time ? thank you!
A/N: aaahhh so adorable!
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 ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
“She definitely has your eyes babe” you said gentle touching the face of your newborn daughter. She looked up at you with her bright blue eyes, just like her father. She had his eyes, and hair, honestly she was his copy.
“Yea but that smile is completely yours. Beautiful just like her mother” he said touching her cheek trying to get a smirk from the babe. It worked caused a gum filled grin to spread across her face “see! Look at that! Ugh, you did an amazing job love” he compliments you
“You know it was both of us” you try and give him credit
“Hey hey, you carried her and basically made her. It was a 10-90 job. Either way, you just keeping bringing blessings into my life” he kissed the top of your head. “First you and now her. Life just cousins get any better”
“Im Just so happy she’s finally here” you sigh as you snuggle into Dick’s side
Well here you were. Baby girl in your arms with your fiancé at your side. Your fiancé who so happens to be a super hero and the former sidekick of Batman himself. You also so happened to be Batman’s daughter.
Now this didn’t happen in the best way. You were dating for about 3 1/2 years by now. You even shared an apartment together. However the dreaded late period was no where in sight. One positive test and a sobbing Dick was more than enough proof. The problem was telling your father. Hs was very strict on finding the right one, marrying and being stable in every way before being a child I got he world.
Even though this was a two person matter, Dick wanted to tell him and take full responsibility and heat for it. Bruce was in fact not very happy with the circumstances, but Dick Grayson.
His side kick, friend, his son, his family. Someone he knew you could rely on, be safe with, and know that you were in good hands. So the day you both told him he responded with:
“Y/N, this is another life you’re both bringing into this world. You’re both fully aware of your actions and what has to be done now. I won’t force you into keeping it, the choice is yours. However, keeping this life means they are now the center of everything. Are you truly ready for that? The tears, the sick days, school, happy moments, angry moments? All of it?” He asks seriously yet cautiously
“Every moment Bruce. And she won’t be alone. I swear to you I love them both so much, I just want to give them whatever it is to keep them safe and happy” dick said confidently.
With that said Bruce stood up and congratulated you both. He brought you into a tight but gentle hug. Of course he’d also be there every moment, he just couldn’t believe it. About a month or so later dick had asked you to marry him. He would have asked with or without the pregnancy. But he wanted to show you that he was here 100000%.
*knock knock*
Looking up from your arms you see Bruce pop his head in.
“Dad! Come in! You’re just in time she’s awake!” You beam as your father opens to the door to make room for the flower he had brought for you. Behind him were Alfred and Damian. He set the flowers down and kissed your head. He looked down at the baby in your arms
“She beautiful you two. She looks a lot like Dick” he said smiling down at the newborn
“Dad, this is Martha” you say carefully handing the bundle. He cradled her in his arms and thats when he caught on
“Martha? Y/N…you didnt-“
“We did Bruce. You’ve done so much and you know how much you mean to us so we honored her with your mothers name” Dick explains wrapping his arm around your shoulder. Sitting down in a chair and observed the baby. She now carried something on his mother and he couldn’t hold back the tears.
Bruce Wayne was a very tough man. Brought to tears by a baby who was yet to even speak. You knew he’d be an amazing grandfather. After some more chatter Alfred also took a turn to hold Martha.
“She does have something about her that remind me of Martha sir. However, her Beaty seems to come from you Miss Y/N.” He comments. Martha definitely liked Alfred, she looked at him and broke into a big gummy smile.
You had then noticed Damian who was in the far corner looking out of the window
“Damian, do you want to hold her?” Dick asked picking her up from Alfred
“Why would I want to hold something that has your DNA?” He asked crossing his arms
“Because shes also your niece” he answered “and once you hold her, you won’t need anymore answers” he rolled his eyes and opened his arms for the small package
“Support her head” dick reminded him. With a scowl he looked down at his niece and raised a brow. Martha simple yawned and stretched her small limbs out of the blanket. A small tiny sigh leaving her mouth. Damian felt strange….he felt protective ? It was weird. He could feel his face gearing up even in the cool hospital air.
He walks over to you and hands her over. He gave you a quick hug and said
“Shes cute. Congrats” and stuffed his hands into his pockets and made his way outside the door.
“Well, it looks like Martha is winning everyone Hearst today” he said kissing her head. This time you both shared a yawn signaling for Dick to go into dad and husband mode.
“Alright we’ll i think it’s time for both of my girls to get their naps of the day in” he said picking up Martha and placing her in the bassinet “thank you guys again for stopping by”
“Of course, we’ll be in touch. If you need an escort home just let me know” Bruce said saying his goodbyes to you both
“We will dad” you wave with heavy eyelids “and tell Damian he can come by our place later to see her again”
“Will do”
“Alright sexy mama, It’s time for you to get some rest” dick said helping you adjust to the hospital bed for well deserved rest
“Thank you dick, you’re so diligent without me even saying anything” you yawn again as you’re tucked under the blankets
“Well you’re my wife and the mother of my beautiful baby. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t treat you like a queen?” He asked kissing your head “no more questions. Shut those pretty eyes of yours and get some rest. I’ll watch our little princess”
No more Words were needed as you fell asleep. Dick took his seat near the bassinet and watched as both of your form rose and fell in your peaceful slumber. He just couldn’t stop smiling. The perfect woman and the perfect daughter. He may be a hero, but before that he is Dick Grayson. Husband and father.
~Kitty 🐈‍⬛
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whoneedsgenderanyway · 9 months
good day my fellow crane wives/amazing devil/oh hellos/arcadian wild listeners are you looking for new music that scratches that same fantasy-esque folk itch in your brain and makes you go feral every time you listen to it?
may i introduce you to:
good morning bedlam!
they are a small band from minneapolis and their music is FANTASTIC. some of their songs are more fantasy/running through the forest kind of vibe and some are more bluegrassy and fun to dance to but overall 100000/10 i am highly enjoying their music and need to share. if you need recommendations here's what i have:
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londondziban · 9 months
No one asked but I'm bored so here are my ratings of popular Stranger Things ships! (kind of a long post).
Disclaimer: Ship who you wanna ship. This is just for fun :)
Byler: 100/10, I love my boys. No notes.
Lumax: Also a 100/10. They're just so!!!
Elmax: 9/10. I love them with my whole heart but I'm a Lumax shipper first and foremost.
Elumax: 100000/10. Literal perfection. Elmax AND Lumax (and Hopclair, depending on how you view the ship dynamic)? Literally what more could you want?
Duzie: 7/10. They're cute and I really like Suzie. I wish we could've seen more of them, maybe Suzie will come back with a bigger role next season.
Henderhop: 6/10. Typically I HC El as a lesbian but I actually like this pairing. Definitely not a ship I'd die on but I enjoy interacting with the fan content.
Henderclair: 6/10. Listen, I love their dynamic. If I didn't HC Dustin as the token straight, I'd probably rate them higher. Platonically? Literally everything to me. Romantically? I'm not opposed.
Byclair: 8/10. I also like them a lot but I'm a die-hard Byler shipper. I do enjoy interacting with the fan content though!
Wheelclair: 7/10. They're silly and I love them but this is a particular dynamic I prefer platonic. I do HC that Mike had a crush on Lucas when they were younger though.
Mileven: 1/10. I'm just not a fan. I'm giving them a one solely cuz I enjoyed them in season 1 when I first watched the show in middle school, but I'm definitely not a fan of this ship at all. Platonically though?? Amazing.
Jancy: 10/10. I love them. I'm praying every day that the Duffers didn't completely fuck them up and that they'll be endgame.
Ronance: 9/10. I like them, they're cute. I interact with a lot of their fan content. Let's go lesbians.
Rovickie/Rockie: 7/10. I just don't know enough about Vickie yet to know if them as endgame is what I'm rooting for, but from what we've seen they're cute.
Stonathan: 10/10. I love them and I'm so excited for their interactions in season 5! They're the enemies to lovers.
Jargyle: 9/10. Love me some stoner boyfriends. They've definitely kissed before at least once.
Stancy: -10000/10. BOOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅. They are not right for each other. Steve deserves someone who loves him and Nancy deserves someone she loves.
Stoncy: 3/10. If it's in the way that Steve and Jonathan are dating and Jonathan and Nancy are dating with Nancy and Steve being platonic, then sure. But if it's all three dating, nah. Steve and Nancy just don't work imo.
Buckingham (Chrissy x Robin): 8/10. I think this is considered a rare pair but I think they're adorable and I love the fan content around them.
Hellcheer: 5/10. Not my favorite but I have no issues with this ship. I see the vision of them as best friends mainly.
Steddie: 5/10. They're not bad and I interact with some of their fan content (some of their tiktok edits go hard), but they're just kind of okay, you know?
Jopper: 10/10. I love them. Been a Jopper fan since day one. They're so endgame.
If there's any other ships you want to know my opinion on, let me know!
(All fun and games here, y'all. Ship whatever you want)
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rolling-restart · 1 year
AO3 Fic Recs Masterlist
Hi everyone, I was thinking of doing this since a while so here we are. I will share some fics that I like on AO3 (roughly from newest to oldest) with small comments. Maybe you can find your next read here! If you have read any of these and want to discuss, my inbox is also open. I will tag the writers who mentioned their tumblrs on AO3 but you can always ask me to remove your work from this list for whatever reason.
This is a fic rec post but is also a tribute to all of the amazing writers that had an influence on me at some point. You make these platforms a better place and I cannot thank you enough.
I will only give the rating and the pairing but please do check ALL the tags before reading it by clicking the link.
sanctuary by pumpkinning ( @sunshinesebby ) (Rated E, Seb/Charles): If the AO3 was on fire and I could only save one work, it would be this. An insanely beautiful slow-burn fantasy AU work. I cannot even describe how much I love this. It will wrench your heart and make you cry in the same damn chapter. Emotions flow so strong and the world building is very, very sophisticated. They have a beautiful, beautiful mind. If you can survive the first portion of tension, you will be rewarded with a fucking devastatingly mind blowing love story as well as a very imagination igniting fantasy world. Go fucking read it 100000/10 work. 
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polite company by floretum ( @rosyjuly ) (Rated E, Seb/Mick): Okay so floretum always gives a masterclass in smut writing and this is no exception. A Smick fic in its nature but is also a threesome. Lots of introspection, just as I like it. It’s a relatively long one shot so can be read during a long commute. 
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reptilia by raikkonen (armario) (Rated E, Pierre/Charles): This is one of the works that made me the fic writer I am today. If you read it, you can see the echoes of the themes I use all the time and I am still under the influence of this brilliant piece. It is a very heavy fic with tags to match so PLEASE read the tags. It’s so devastatingly good and the self-destructive behaviour described in this piece has been an inspiration to desecration, literally. The fic that started it all.
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ask me no questions (and i'll tell you no lies) by artifice (Rated E, Seb/Mark): This has a special place in my heart. It’s a part of the nobody asks you questions series where Seb is an intelligence agent and Mark is an assassin. However, this one is more fluffy than anything else. It has very well-written smut and a lot of big emotions and is overall a well rounded piece that never disappoints. Kudos to artifice for fuelling Sebmark collective at these trying times.
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blur the line by alltimecharlo (Rated E, Seb/Mark): This fic is one of the two fics by alltimecharlo that got me in a chokehold. Lawyer AU Sebmark. Absolutely delicious writing that I go back to read from the start every now and then. It’s brilliant, beautiful and captures Sebmark vibes very, very well. 
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pleaser by alltimecharlo (Rated E, Seb/Mark): Easily my second favourite F1 RPF of all times. I go back to this like I go back to Queer As Folk US every time I look for a specific type of comfort. Sugar daddy AU where Seb is a college student and Mark is mad rich. It’s sweet all over the place with very good smut and it’s light hearted piece, just like your staple feel-good 2000-2010s TV series.
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keeping the faith by Anonymous (Rated Teen and Up, Mick/Lewis): Oh how I wish this creator wasn’t anonymous! This is a very very interesting and rare Mick/Lewis piece where Lewis is in the mafia and Mick is a priest. I am not sure how to explain but narration has a very special harmony and when you come to the end, you feel like you fulfilled a destiny, by completing a foreshadowed circle. A literary beauty more than anything else, although not a light read.
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Saltwater and Gasoline by Kaytheologie (Rated E, Charles/Bono): A rare Charles/Bono piece where Charles moves to Mercedes and Bono is his engineer. It’s a quite sweet one although there are some heavy psychological themes. The smut part is very well written as well, a truly nice one. If you like rare pairs and have a praise kink, this one is for you.
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Seb The Protector by eams81 (Rated E, Seb/Mick): A classical Smick piece with a sprinkle of mental health issues. It’s nice, fluffy and angsty. However, the author stopped updating in late 2022 so I am not sure when the next chapter is going to be but I enjoyed it a lot while it lasted. Again, not a light read.
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lit by electric lights by Anonymous (Rated E, Charles/Max): As the tag says, literal identity porn Lestappen fic. And yeah, Charles is a camboy here. It’s a relatively light read without complicated concepts but I remember thinking it got a bit unrealistic for the plot at some point. Still a nice piece.
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Now I'm 23 - and there ain't nobody who can drink like me by Danubius (Not Rated, Mick/Kimi): I remember liking Danubius a lot and this is a very nice example of their writing imo. Kimi/Mick piece but it’s mostly angsty and tackles the theme of alcoholism. It has a nice and hopeful ending but it is a bit of a heavy read but if you like angst and comfort, this might be for you. 
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snapshots into a marriage: vegan, organic, gluten free, toxic to others by finedae ( @blorbocedes ) (Rated M, Brocedes): I don’t know how she does it but I know I am glad she does it. It’s difficult to unpack. This gorgeous brocedes piece has a lot of unhealthy themes like codependency, lots of manipulation but it is very, very well written and oddly peaceful? It’s hard to describe but if you like power couple brocedes where they are sickeningly in love with a lot of toxic traits and believe that a healthy amount of mind games is good for your soul, this one is for you. Absolute masterpiece.
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Flesh of my flesh by Charlotte_Stant  ( @boxboxlewis ) (Rated E, Seb/Charles): Okay, so at some point I couldn’t remember the title of this piece and an anon assisted me. It’s a piece that you will remember at 4 am in a warm summer night and will excite you in the same way it did the first time. It is a Sebchal fic where Charles is a priest (do you see the pattern here) and Seb is a driver. It has that classical Catholic guilt that is executed pretty successfully. I absolutely adore the smut portion of this as well, very well written. 
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to the finnish line by floretum ( @rosyjuly ) (Rated E, Kimi/Seb/Charles): Kimi/Seb/Charles threesome. Absolutely mind blowing. I have to say that it has some under-negotiated elements and overstimulation but I think overall, it is safe, sane and consensual. Again, a smut writing masterclass and a pleasantly light read.
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Ash From Your Fire by bones_2_be ( @elementalmoments ) (Rated E, Carlos/Lando): Where Lando has previously fucked Carlos’s dad and now he is fucking Carlos. A bit too much to take in at one go. Also a part of a series. If you like slightly problematic relationships, lots, lots of jealousy, and fucked up dynamics, this can be for you but this is nowhere near a light read.
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Into My Arms by Anonymous (Rated M, Jenson/Nico): A nice little princess cake aftercare fic, as it says in the prompt. It’s short, sweet, fluffy and cute af. 
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All To Another Heart by akirakurosawa (Rated E, Seb/Charles): Girl!Charles & Ferrari Team Principal!Seb fic. This is an overall happy one but they don’t immediately get together and they have some issues to resolve but I like the general happy, hopeful and ambitious feeling of this piece. Unfortunately, it’s been a while since the author last updated (Late 2022) but the published bit is very worth your time. 
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therentyoupay · 10 days
OH MY GOD are you cool with sharing how your husband proposed to you at Neuschwanstein Castle?!!!!!!!!
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sure!!! he did such a good job, i love this story. 😂💕
i presented at a conference in 2022 in europe and dragged my then-boyfriend along lol. he'd never been to europe before! we paid for a one-day private tour around bavaria and neuschwanstein for the last day of our trip.
after going inside the castle (amazing), our tour guides (a duo!) took us to the scary bridge (maria bridge) to get a different view:
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please know that my husband is terrified of heights lmao.
while we were on the bridge he was clearly nervous and i—i, who went skydiving two days after i turned eighteen, who loves rollercoasters, who likes adrenaline, generally—was likewise not fully able to take in all the splendor of the fairytale on such a rickety-feeling bridge with so many damn people (and with so many gaps below for phones to potentially slip through!!), so i turned to him and was like, "let's go back."
the man took one look at me, told me, "No," and then fled to the other side of the bridge.
your girl was wearing comfortable footwear, but she had not been planning to chase down her man on a low-key terrifying and crowded bridge over a yawning chasm to a mysterious mountain on the other side, so by the time i got to land, he was already 10 paces ahead. (in retrospect, this should have tipped me off immediately; he would never leave me behind!!! in the moment, i chalked it up to his overwhelming fear of heights and a random burst of self-preservation instincts, but i should have known better, because he would not have left me to die for something as measly as a fear of heights lmao... just proposing 😂)
he would wait for me to catch up on this mysteriously winding dirt (read: MUD) path we'd ended up on after the bridge, but then, as soon as i caught up, he took off up the mountain again. :P
"let's just go back! we don't know what's even over here!"
mind you, at this point, i am now walking this dirt path uphill, and there are like, four people over here, and he's not even holding my hand and watching over me as i make my way up the mountain (like he always does!!!), so now i'm doubly annoyed and wondering why he's desperate to get to the top of this mountain—especially since our tour guides are still waiting for us on the other side of the bridge and are probably wondering where the hell we are.
"not yet!"
by the time we reach the end of the dirt/mud path, i am (a) annoyed, (b) huffing and puffing from the mild sprint we just did up this muddy mountain, (c) pleasantly surprised to find a small, relatively private lookout point with a BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL view of the castle.
there is someone there with a canvas, painting in watercolors. a photographer is taking tons of gorgeous photos. there's like seven people in this little muddy clearing and lookout point, total. it's ridiculously beautiful, and all of my Disney childhood and fairytale dreams are totally satisfied lmao. this is the first place near the castle that has been calm.
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we're there for a while, completely enjoying the lack of crowds and this totally majestic view.
at last, i am forced to reluctantly admit, "okay, you were right, this fiasco was definitely worth the random mountain hike." i am still a little annoyed, of course, but it's not so bad now. 😂 it's abating.
until he snarks, "this probably would have been a pretty good place to propose, no?"
still annoyed, and now more so, especially since i've been genuinely waiting for him to propose for like six months, i snark back, "well, then maybe next time bring a ring why don't you?"
he dropped to one knee. 😂
the photographer—who was, in fact, just a random passerby taking his own pictures of the majestic castle—sees my then-boyfriend pull a ring out of his pocket and starts ignoring the castle to take 100000 photos of us random strangers in front of the castle instead, as my then-boyfriend-turned-fiancé-now-husband asked me, "will you marry me?"
spoiler alert: i said yes 😂 the photographer later shared all of the photos with us via email and we sent him a nice big coffee shop digital gift card despite his protests. i was desperately clutching my left hand into a crazy-tight fist (with a new big fat diamond on it!!!!!!) as i went back over the too-scary bridge, while my husband held my right hand (finally 😂).
my favorite favorite photo is the close-up of my husband's knee, in which his jeans are completely and utterly covered in mud. 😂😂😂😂😂💕💕
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iheartcatsyippee · 1 month
Here is my rating on the garfield movie, (WARNING!! Might have spoilers!)
an absolute 100000/10. I have autism and garfield is my hyperfixation. I was really happy with all the merch being made because of the garfield movie, I'm glad it's gaining it's popularity back. I brought my two garfield stuffys, the adult big one and I got a tiny baby garfield. I would have brought my vintage garf but he needs a wash because the last time I touched him I got a rash, my mom thinks the past owners were smokers but I don't know. Anyways back onto the garfield movie. My favorite part was when vic said "just jump!" And garfiled replied "I've never jumped" absolutely hilarious. Catflix was amazing. Needs to be a real thing. I loved when they put the cat videos at the credits. I didn't know snoop dog was in it till the credits, he plays the green cat with the eye patch. I loved the part where the cow and bull got reunited and the romantic music played. We now know that garfield had daddy issues. I did almost cry when the dad part came on, and when garfields dad said sorry and hugged him (real ones know) baby garfield was amazing and Chris Pratt voicing garfield did not take away my joy from the movie, I still loved garfield and will forever. I got the kids meal so I could get the garfield cup and I got a baby garfield topper. He's adorable I'm gonna explode. I don't have a least favorite part. I loved every second of it, I will buy it and replay it over and over again. I've been looking forward to the movie ever since it was announced. The movie was humorous, cute, sad and just genuinely an amazing movie. You can have other opinions but it won't change mine about it. I love garfield so much, people have talked about how it doesn't make sense with garfields mom and I do think that it's a great point but I do have theories about it. Anyways, great movie I absolutely loved it and will be watching it again once I get my hands on it. He's so adorable.
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f1-junkie · 3 months
Top 5 Gewis fics
GLAD U ASKED!!! here are some of my beloved ones by my favourite authors (they aren’t in the order of preference they are all splendid)
also I suggest that you pay attention not only to the particular fic but to the author! They do have other amazing works
1. takes one to know one by the one and only @femmegeorge (bejwled on ao3)
an absolute must if you like slow burn, Georgie boy being a tease and taking control🔥🔥🔥🔥
2. sailing home under the stars by @63historian (withmycalamitouslove on ao3)
lesbian gewis absolutely delicious hurt comfort changed my brain chemistry 100000/10 😩😩😩😩😩😩
3. ‘Cause it seems to me, this thing is breaking down’ by @autumn816 (rainydays03 on ao3)
established ricrussell slowly but surely turning gewis! I’m not a fan of Daniel at all but San did an amazing job portraying the feelings of confusion, guilt and overall angsty mood of it, 1000% recommend!!
4. The Mission by dearest @formulaborb
Undercover agent au what else can you wish for?? Obsessed with the idea😩
5. firestone by @interlvgos (orphan_account on ao3)
Coral’s writing style is truly one of a kind, the way the boys’ feelings are portrayed here is immaculate!
Also highly recommend the drabbles by this author posted on their tumblr page! You can use tag #by me for navigation
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asmos-prettypet · 10 months
Contain +warning: Mentions a SFW ONLY (DO NOT SEXUALIZE THIS POST) caregiver age regression dynamic.
A/N: I was extremely tired while writing this, I am also not a great writer. These are my headcannons on how each of the brothers would react to MCs' age regression. These are all my headcannons. It's not proofread, + probably bad writing, plus my first post, lol
*MC struggles with age regression, but when they do show signs of sleeping into it, the boys are there to make MC as comfortable as possible*
-He is use to being in charge so taking care of MC isn't super difficult
-He enjoys the title of caregiver as opposed to other names
-Lucifer adores playing with MCs hair it relaxes him just being in the moment with MC
-Claims he doesn't but actually loves MCs favorite cartoon (he has a reputation to think of lmao)
-Will constantly reassure MC that they are amazing and that he loves them
-Insist he must be referred to as "King Mammon the great", but will melt at any title MC calls him
-Refers to MC as his favorite tiny human when they are regressed
-Mammon gets a little caught up and buys a bunch of regression gear the moment he find out (100% got in trouble with lucifer for it)
-Mammon loves cartoons on his own but watching them with MC makes him 10 times happier
-He feels safe to let himself relax completely while caring for MC
-Loves to play cars, or even dolls with MC as long as they're happy
-Keep like a million blankets of different textures and softness, as well as suffies to ensure MC is comfortable
-Plays "little kid" games with MC, typically easy going animal games and gets excited when MC points out their favorite animal
-Constantly panics that he doesn't have everything to properly care for MC
-Blushes to death when MC says they love him, and refers to him as the best caregiver ever
-Likes to snuggle with MC and watch cartoons together or slice of life anime
-Will keep helpful regression items in a special spot/storage so MC has everything they need
-Asmoeus definitely knew what regression was before MC told him about it, and loved the idea of being a caregiver
-Asmo definitely bought a few pacifiers in different styles in case MC was an age regressor
-Loves playing dress up with MC especially when they are regressed
-1000000% loves playing with dolls whether human or animal ones he loves the drama him and MC come up with
-Asmo loves to watch Disney movies with MC (Asmo has a soft spot for princess movies obviously lol)
-Asmo will also make sure all of MCs stuffies get a kiss goodnight and wishes them sweet dreams
-Asmo will also keep a cool nightlight just incase MC gets scared of the dark
-Asmo has no preferred nickname he enjoys both femme and masculine ones as long as MC feels comfortable

-Satan didn't understand Regression at first and was very confused by it but since it was MC he was willing to try it out
-1 million percent reads bedtime stories to MC with lots of big gestures and voices to make the story come to life
-He reads into they both fall asleep leaving the book on his chest while snuggling MC
-Satan buys children books of all kinds, mainly ones with pictures or kids first chapter books, which he keeps on a special self
-Definitely refers to MC as his little kitten viewing them as cute and soft as a kitten
-Beelzebub is use to caring for Belphegor so helping MC regression is not a problem for him
-Beel loves to make MC's comfort meals while making himself a portion too
-Will always try and make hot chocolate even if its just for himself
-Would offer to drink out of a sippy cup/bottle if it would make MC more comfortable regress in front of him
-He 100000% says here comes the airplane
-Beel loves to snuggle with MC especially if they regress close to bed time
-Beel will softly hum to himself when he thinks MC has fallen asleep to enjoy the moment
-Beel likes the title bubba
- Would honestly play any game MC wants out color with them although he will always bring it back to food
-Struggles a bit to get use to caring for MC, but tries his best for MC
-Keeps a blanket for MC that matches his own
-Loves when MC regresses near bedtime, means double the snuggles and the easier it is to fall asleep together
-Keeps small snacks like gummies near his bed for MC to snack on
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 7 months
(If you're just trying to find some cute ship art for like lumity or huntlow and you find this I'm sorry I just want this to get some recognition cause I'm new to the Tumblr community 😭😭)
Hello there and welcome to me rating different TOH ships!
It'll be in a format like a iceberg chart, the more well known ships at the top and more unknown and obscure ships in the middle and below
Also know this is my opinion and I have given reasons why I don't like and ship the ones I'm going to list, don't get mad at me cause I don't ship whatever the fuck you like
And with that let's go!
The surface
1. Lumity 9/10
Actually a really good ship, I don't know why people keep on saying it's a toxic/unhealthy ship, the only reasons they say is that they lie to each other,Amity somehow "hurts" Luz and never gives her a proper apology...? Im sorry but it's fucking stupid, there's other reasons but I don't remember them, I gave it a 9/10 because it's okay, nothing astonishing or amazing, just good wlw rep and that's all that matters
2. Huntlow 100000/10
WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP OMG!!!! I wish it could have gotten confirmed or more hints throughout the show (I personally think it would have been a cool idea that after kings tide Hunter and Willow started dating and it would be shown in TTT) it's just a really cute ship to me and I love everything about it >_<!!!
3. Raeda 10/10
It's a really cool ship, but I was confused on the whole is Eda bisexual or pansexual thing cause she's confirmed bisexual but Raines non binary...and now supposedly bisexual people can be attracted to non binary people??? It's just hella confusing to me, but that's a topic on it's own for a different time, I really like how they developed and definitely TTBK was and is one of my favorite episodes
4. Veesha 8/10
It's actually canon that Vee has a crush on Masha and thats all I need to know...GAHHH IT'S SUCH A CUTE SHIP!! Really cool thing how Dana is adding some much non binary characters in the show (NOT including the collector cause he's demiboy NOT non binary, there's a huge ass difference) wish there could have been some development/hints in the WAD, sadly not, but that doesn't mean it won't be confirmed!
5. Gustholomule 8/10
By far one of my ships but sadly not on the top 3,yet again, needed more hints, especially in s2a cause Gus and Matty had more screen time and interactions together,and I love how the fandom just agreed Matty was gay, and not to mention the friendship with Matty and Amity
6. Belpaw 10000/10
this is a joke ship between Belos and springtrap/William Afton from fnaf but it's absolutely fucking hilarious to me and I love it
Now, time to go under the surface, here are some ships that some people know/ship but not much people do, and the further I go we'll get to the more...problematic ships, yet again, don't get mad at me for my opinions
1. Lunter -100/10
Please block this account immediately if you ship lunter I CANNOT STAND THIS SHIP!!! Sure, they had some pretty decent chemistry and interactions with each other, but it just won't work! There's no use in shipping a character with a canon love interest/already dating someone and just choosing to ignore it and ship them anyway, PLUS FOR THOSE SHIPPERS WHO ACTUALLY GOT FUCKING MAD CAUSE IT DIDN'T BECOME CANON I'M ACTUALLY SHITTING BRICKS ON HOW FUCKING STUPID THAT WAS 💀💀💀💀 plus Willows a canon love interest to Hunter, Zeno, HUNTERS VA, literally changed his name to Hunter noceda, and no it's not wlw erasure, but if you acknowledge the fact that lumity is canon, if you acknowledge the fact Dana put her hardwork and effort trying to get a same sex couple in a kid's show which literally got it CANCELLED, and still ship it, disrespectfully shut the fuck up, lunter would be canon if FUCKING NETFLIX MADE TOH 😭😭😭
2. Huntric/Huntmira -100000/10
I. Hate. This. Ship. I put them together cause I didn't want to make seperate sections for it, now you're gonna read me rant on how much I fucking despise this ship, number one, EDRIC IS FUCKING DATING SOMEONE, no interactions (only one with Edric but none with Emira) the mfs literally degraded him in labyrinth runners, no chemistry whatsoever, its overall just not worth your time, and I'm not a toxic huntlow stan, no I won't force the ship on you, however I will block you because I don't want that shit on my feed, same goes for lunter and the other ships I'm gonna mention
3. Luz x Willow, Amity, or all of them together 5/10
Ngl, it's not that bad of a ship, actually really cute, but I couldn't see it happening in the show given that lumity is already canon, plus we should normalize healthy friendships between two girls, not everyone needs to be shipped and the toh community has a huge fucking problem with that, plus this also goes for Amity x Willow as well
4. Camila x Eda (i dunno the official ship name 😭😭😭) 5/10
It's mid, I SAID IT I SAID IT!!! *hides in bed* I'm sorry the ship is mid, raeda is canon already and they didn't have any dialogue, interactions,chemistry together only other than people want Camila to date/marry someone,and the only part when they actually meet is in WAD and that one picture of Eda showing Camila the Apple blood, other than that it's meh, eh, mid
5. Boscha x literally anyone -1000/10
Disrespectfully shut the fuck up if you ship boschlow, boschmity, or boschluz, THESE ARE EXTREMELY TOXIC SHIPS AND YOU'VE PROBABLY NEVER EVEN WATCHED WING IT LIKE WITCHES OR THE ENTIRE FIRST SEASON OF TOH, YOU MUST HAVE SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE IF YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY, Boscha is literally their bully, IT'S NOT THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS STORY YOU WANT POOKIE, the only one that isn't as severe is boschmity, that one, unlike the other ships isn't as bad cause boscha genuinely likes Amity and if you watched FTF you'd know why, plus boscha must had have the fattest crush on Amity, but the only boscha ship good is Boschbria (Boscha x Bria)
6. Veenter 10-/10
No...why must I have come to this...NOOO!!! okay, first off, ima just put this in the most direct, black and white, simple way, it fucking sucks, no interactions that support the ship, no chemistry, like I said, I'm a raging Huntlow stan, this ship is unacceptable, plus I like found...a potential r34 comic of them BUT WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT HAHAH....oh fucking god...
The pit, here lays all the problematic ships, also uhm TW maybe??? I am gonna use words like p3dph1l1a, @buse, Child @buse,and pr0sh1p alot, so if it makes you uncomfy just a warning, and with that, lets go...
1. Camphip -infinity/10
I HAVE A RAGING HATE FOR THIS SHIP OH MY FUCKING TITAN, okay, I know Camila is an adult and belos is...well he's an old fucking geezer,but the age gap gives me the ick, but let's just start, it's @busive, Camila literally said she wanted to beat him up in the beginning of FTF, AND I DUNNO, DO YOU THINK A 400+ GENOCIDAL EMPEROR WHO @BUSED 50+ GRIMWALKERS WHO COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BE KIDS (and by kids they'd be at least 11/12-16, still pretty younge though)MANIPULATED MILLIONS OF WITCHES AND DEMONS, AND KILLED HIS BROTHER IS A GOOD HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND MATERIAL? disrespectfully shut the fuck up, given the fact of think Luz, Vee, and Hunter are all Camila's children (or at least that's what I headcanon) DO YOU THINK THEY'D BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT THEIR MOTHER IS DATING THE PERSON WHO CAUSED THEM SO MUCH FUCKING PAIN AND ABUSE????ESPECIALLY HUNTER, BELOS FUCKING SAID HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HUNTER IN HOLLOW MIND, CLOUDS ABOVE THE HORIZON,AND IN THANKS TO THEM, HE LITERALLY TRIED TO K1LL HIM, THIS SHIP WOULD ONLY BE FINE IF IT WAS IN A GOOD BELOS AU, THE ONLY WAY, I will immediately block you if you ship Belos x Camila, I hate it HATE IT AND I'M DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS
2. Amity x Gus or Hunter -infinity/10
You're lesbianphobic, go fuck yourself if you ship Amity with any male characters
3. Empgold/Huntlos -infinity/10
It's pr0ship, p3d0philia, and @buse, Hunter is 16 and Belos is 400+ years old, you can't ship a character with someone's who dead so it wouldn't matter if you ship them after the time skip when Hunters 20, Belos @bused Hunter, the scar on his cheek and the whole fucking possession scene in TTT might give you a hint, Belos never cared for Hunter and only saw him as a tool, he tried to k1ll him in Hollow Mind, and in Thanks to them, if you ship them, I am blocking you, and I say this proudly
4. Guster -infinity/10
I. Hate. This. Ship, AND FUCK YOU GUSTER BUBBLE BATH YOU FUCKING MADE ME HATE IT EVEN MORE (please don't question what the guster bubble bath is, DO NOT SEARCH IT UP IT IS AN R34 COMIC...unless you wanna get traumatized, but it's cool baby girl) I hate this ship, there's plenty of interactions, but they give off a more sibling energy,and that's a reason why I don't ship it, I see them as siblings, I get they could somehow date cause of cosmic frontier but it's more of a similarity than a romantic aspect just like with Amity and Luz with the good witch Azura,its also uhm *COUGH COUGH* p3d0philia if you ship their time skip versions (Hunter is 20 and Gus is 16), the reason why I put it so low is because I feel like it's not as well know but not as obscure (plus I did this all rushed so I had no fucking time)
And ladies, bros, non binary folks, that's the end! You've endured all my criticism so take a damn break, you deserve it
And special credits to ships I didn't include!
Luz x Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Hunter x Sasha (Amphibia)
Gus x Willow
Gus x Bria
Luz x Marco (svtfoe)
Gus x Vee
Luz x viney
Edric x Emira
Eda x Belos
Eda x Darius
Amity x Marcy (amphibia)
Belos x Luz
The Collector x King, any member of the hexsquad
Amity x Odalia
Eda x Dana
Darius x Raine
Belos x Kikimora
Kikimora x Puss in boots (oh god yes that's exists)
Lilith x Belos/Hooty/Steve/Eda!!!
I hope someone at least read this cause I made this in a damn hurry!!!
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spitinsideme · 8 months
( same lil freak again <3 )
as for the gushing about your art ( big long word list incoming ) here you are!
first off, pomni with her little sharp goblin hyena fangs. ooooohh mmmyy goddd it’s so cute and she’s like a feral lil freako and rabid animal vibes i love it so muuuuch dude it’s so cool and neat and amazing and cool!! pomni in general with your neat and uniquely smooth art style is so cute and wonderful 100000/10 rating would recommend
ragatha. oh my god i love her with the face build and hair and everything else. she’s so pretty and sorta intimidating and cool and so amazing!! both of the little loons in your art style are so cool and unique and pretty. pure eye candy and makes my soul happy keep going with the beautiful pictures and buttonblossom anarchy
and i’ve seen some of the zooble pieces and they’re also pure eye candy. so flexible and smooth and wonderful
thank you for letting me gush about your art and wonderful things, keep going with the buttonblossom ragapom stuffs it’s amazing and it makes me verrry happy every time i see it ( and i know other people outta feel the same )
hope yous doin okay, and i’ll always be inspired by your works
pomni really is jist a feral freak shes just a silly little lesbian with fangs that are absolutely adorable and amazing and god i lovedrawing her fangs im glad you enjoy seeing them !!
ANR RAGATHA YES ME TOO !!! I LOVE HER TOO !! i think ragatha looks amaizng with rvery art style possible butni love drawing her with likr ... a thicker mom bod and shes jusy southern to me like i cant explain it but she feels so southern to me lime she had a southern accent to me ... i cannot tell you why i think this i just do ... but i am sososos happy that you like them !!
ALSO FOR ZOOBLE IM HAPPY YOU LIKE ZOOBLE !!! zooble is really easy to draw because they are so shaoes but like .. flexible shapes so it just is simple and fun and god they look so fucking cool i love zooble theyre so badass ajd there isnt enough zooble fanart in this world i think there should be more and i will make more
i will definitely keep going with the ragapom stuff !!! as long as there is even one person who enjoys me making it i will make it, i live and draw to see people happy, the fact that it makes me happy too is my own little bonus !! im glad i can inspire you and i will comtinue to do my silly drawings ajd i uope they continue to make you happy for a very long time, thank you for telling me this ❤️
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penny-hartzs · 8 months
girl, i need some input: what are your favorite met gala looks of all time?
I love when we talk fashion <3
I should probably give a heads up that I have mixed feelings about the Met Gala, because i've been working in media for so long and every year we had a chaotic day trying to report on everything so it gives me anxiety sometimes. Also some of these might be basic or I might be missing really obvious ones
This is the first image that comes to mind when the Met Gala is mentioned. Every single Rihanna look is a serve but goodness, this is a 100000/10
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Can't decide between these two looks from Blake Lively, she looks so regal. She just gets it every time and I admire that.
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Cher wearing the original naked dress. She looks like a dream.
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I am so sorry to Z, I loved her Cinderella moment, but I liked Claire Danes' a little more. It just looks so well executed and the silouette is amazing
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Speaking of Z, her Jean D'Arc look is probably one of my all time favorite of hers, she just looks so fierce and majestic and that hairstyle shouldn't be working as well as it does on anyone but here we are
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Gigi Hadid looking like a literal butterfly, this was her best met gala look by a mile, she looked breathtakingly beautiful.
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RIP Chadwick Boseman, a king in every sense, on and off the red carpet. This was a flawless appearence.
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Rihanna. Again. And extra points for this makeup look because it lives rent free in my mind.
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Billie Eilish was so classy here but she managed to do it in her own way and style and I truly loved her blonde era, sad to hear she didn't feel like herself back then
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My girl Sarah Jessica Parker knows how to honour a theme
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Andddd I know these are biased but Taylor Swift giving Grace Kelly vibes and Olivia Rodrigo dripped in glitter and butterflies are special to me!
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riathedreamer · 3 months
I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE SO MUCH, IT'S SO GOOD AND YOUR FIC IS SO WONDERFUL (Even if my heart feels like it's being ripped in two and I want to hit both Crowley and Aziraphale with a newspaper and lock them in a room so they ✨talk✨) Beautiful, amazing 100000/10
Thank you ❤️ I'm actually always a bit disappointed with my style because writing in English can be such a limitation - my style in my native language is quite different from what you see here!
And yeah, this chapter really hurt, but I like to compare it to the bandstand scene - aka. things will get better again And yeah, this chapter really hurt, but I like to compare it to the bandstand scene - aka. things will get better again ❤️ I will promise the next couple of chapters are quite soft and tender!
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