#t shirts or whatever
vraska-theunseen · 3 months
sometimes i see a pic of some skinny boy in a crop top or makeup or a skirt and my brain has a stupid moment of being like wahh i'll never look like him clothes will never hang beautifully on me like that i can't even pull off the clothes i see other trans people wearing bc they're skinny and then i catch up with my brain and i'm like shut UPPPP!!! youll never ever look slim and androgynous you've just gotta stop thinking about it youre a cool butch guy and you dont need to wear fancy little clothes to execute gender youre not less cool for your wardrobe of almost exclusively jeans and t shirts and when you have the occasional opportunity to wear slightly more interesting garments for special fun occasions you look soooooo swag
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rapidhighway · 21 days
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i have to listen to an audiobook before tomorrow im working im workingg i swear, more knuckles gijinka cause apparently, i love drawing him
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b-blushes · 2 months
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seven silly shirts to make me smile every day of the week!!!
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itwoodbeprefect · 21 days
i was today years old when i realized that the orange blobs on this shirt pat wears for a good part of episode 6...
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... are flowers (and rocks)...
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... and not, as i fully believed, many tiny flying pomeranians. for your convenience i've prepared a visual to argue the validity of my interpretation
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corporate needs you to find the difference.png
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justjensenanddean · 11 months
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Jensen Ackles leaving the con | Charlotte (North Carolina) Convention, August 20, 2023
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arttsuka · 8 days
Can I request "at pride parade" triumvirate? (Spock, Kirk and McCoy)
They'd be there, watching
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Jim is having fun, Bones is just kinda there to be supportive, Spock wants to go home because he's overstimulated
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heroesriseandfall · 9 months
Really hard to take angsty future Ollie seriously when he’s just wearing a Black Canary hoodie under there:
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Green Arrow (2023) #4
Ooooh you’ve got a sharp arrow and scars and a white beard and knuckle duster gloves. And you’ve got a fanboy hoodie for Dinah’s old band.
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veddabredda · 3 months
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here you go, here's just an outrageously high definition My Clerical Gnomance logo for all you freaks out there. also here's a dropbox link to it.
shoutout to Raven Blackhardt who made the font The Chemical Parade, available for free online at this link. (I'm like 99% sure that's what the folks at D20 used, too.)
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squiddlysq · 1 year
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The only thing better than pathetic men is pathetic men who are out of their fucking minds. I want Gabriel carnally and I can only express this through shitpost art
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poorlydrawnslenderman · 4 months
I usually have something witty to say but uuHhh how are ya, big guy?
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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dad dress-up
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so-that-was-okay · 9 days
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You might remember my hc about Tommy volunteering at animal shelters.
Well, guess what? He's also working with those guys from the West L.A. Pet Rescue, aka The Raiders of the Lost Bark.
Of course, Buck loves the idea to help "The Raiders of the Lost Bark".
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junglejim4322 · 5 hours
I went to a high end thrift store in nyc once that no joke had a completely serious sign up that said something like “if you get pickpocketed we are not responsible. Watch your belongings”
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choofeyrac · 1 month
Sneezy guy who for whatever reason can’t sneeze into his hands, so every time he needs to he calls his boyfriend over and stifles into his boyfriend’s shirt.
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t0ast-ghost · 19 days
Some tomfoolery on my part
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Quite happy with Spock’s necklace thingy that was somewhat inspired by the necklace in the second chapter of this fic (warning: nsfw)
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scintillyyy · 3 months
honestly, though. sometimes when the drakes are discussed it does seem a little "oh, they never would never do <insert terrible fanon trait here>, they just <insert a different trait they....also never really did and is actually kind of contradicted by canon? here>"
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