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darqx · 2 months ago
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Bought the most expensive Pencilℱ of my life to test out drawing on an iPad whilst I was on hols
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draptoryx · 1 year ago
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i dislike how my art style changes between when i just line it, and when i color/render it. hope you guys don’t mind that i’m still finding my art style, i apologize in advance.
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szmoothie · 9 months ago
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whimsy legacy expanded: generation 01 | from the ground up
the garden won't get fertilized by itself
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buriedaliens · 6 months ago
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viktorclawthorne · 1 year ago
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Wallpaper version of my recent sz illustration just bc i felt like it
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boernepedia · 2 months ago
Jan Josef Liefers im Interview mit der SĂŒddeutschen Zeitung ĂŒber den Tatort MĂŒnster
SZ: Fast alle "Tatort"-Macher beschweren sich regelmĂ€ĂŸig, dass immer weniger Geld und Zeit fĂŒr die Dreharbeiten zur VerfĂŒgung steht. [...] JJL: [...] Die meisten Fernsehfilme sind [...] reine Auftragsproduktionen. Da ist alles vorher kalkuliert, auch ein kleiner Gewinn fĂŒr die Firma. Am ersten Drehtag hat der Produzent sein GeschĂ€ft quasi schon gemacht. Theoretisch könnte es ihm völlig egal sein, wie gut der Film wird, jedenfalls aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht. Die meisten Produzenten, die vom Fersehen leben, bemĂŒhen sich trotzdem um hohe QualitĂ€t und opfern dafĂŒr oft genug ihre schmalen Gewinne. Aber ein wirtschaftlicher Anreiz, das zu tun, besteht nicht. SZ: Bedauern Sie das als langjĂ€hriger "Tatort"-Kommissar? JJL: Es ist auf jeden Fall schade. Der "Tatort" ist vermutlich das letzte Lagerfeuer der deutschen TV-Welt, um das sich immer noch zuerlĂ€ssig viele Millionen Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters und unterschiedlicher Gesellschaftsschichten versammeln. Im Fall des MĂŒnster-"Tatort" handelt es sich noch dazu um eine Krimikomödie, da brĂ€uchte man eigentlich erst recht etwas mehr Zeit, um immer das richtige Timing zu treffen. SZ: Ist beim "Tatort" bereits eine kritische Grenze erreicht, ĂŒber die hinaus sich kaum noch sparen lĂ€sst? JJL: Soweit ich das einschĂ€tzen kann, ja. Es ist jetzt schon Knochenarbeit fĂŒr die Crews, und das geht dann auf Kosten der QualitĂ€t. Vielleicht ist Ihnen schon mal aufgefallen, dass in TV-Filmen immer weniger passiert und immer mehr geredet wird? SZ: Allerdings. JJL: Viele Drehorte und viel Handlung kosten Zeit und Geld, Dialogszenen in einem BĂŒro sind billiger. Und der Sparzwang hat auch massiven Einfluss auf die DrehbĂŒcher. SZ: Ein Beispiel, bitte. JJL: Im MĂŒnster-"Tatort" redet Professor Boerne von Haus aus immer schon viel. Der ursprĂŒngliche Gedanke der Autoren war, dass man so eine Quasselstrippe einen wortkargen Typen wie Axel Prahls Kommissar Thiel gegenĂŒberstellt, der NebensĂ€tze ablehnt. Wenn der jetzt aber auch immer mehr quasseln muss, geht das zulasten seiner Figur und des odd couples, das ein wichtiger Aspekt des Erfolgs ist. Axel moniert das jedes Mal, zu Recht.
Den den ganzen Artikel kann man leider nur hinter einer Paywall lesen (X).
Geht es nur uns so oder tut es irgendwie gut, zu wissen, dass Jan und Axel durchaus auch Kritik an manchen der neuen DrehbĂŒchern haben?
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308ferrari · 3 months ago
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tunapotatobangchan · 3 months ago
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christianfriedelfan · 9 months ago
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Christian Friedel for SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung
Detailed Explanation about the photos below the cut:
This is a famous column of the news paper where they ask actors to answer the questions only with facial expressions/ poses etc.
The 10 questions were:
1. You say about yourself that you have a “historical face”. Could you show us?
2. Going to a demonstration or staying home?
3. Your mood at the Berlinale?
4. What interests you of horror?
5. Since your first movie was The White Ribbon, how can you top that?
6. Private: Cinema or Netflix?
7. How does it look like when you go out fully?
8. You learned how to ride for The Zone of Interest. How do you feel on a horse?
9. What does an actor do to combat a growing ego?
10. How do you react when something does not go according to your plan?
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darqx · 5 months ago
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On the plus side, nothing has replied to me yet, which I am taking as a win.
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classicvirus · 6 months ago
Racing DNA: 1961 Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ
Some cars are not for everyone due to their value, yet they deserve to be mentioned because they are rare testimonies of a bygone era that can, now, only be perceived through black and white photos in certain books or specialized magazines. This Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ for sale is a rare find, being one of only 169 units produced. Manufactured on January 27, 1961, it was sold to Sergio Sorbi’s

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szmoothie · 9 months ago
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whimsy legacy expanded: generation 01 | from the ground up
i thought he was going to die and i was an incompetent simmer and this was the end of the gameplay, but tourns out he just had a bacterial sinusitis infection or something like that đŸ˜„ phew
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the-galactic-hunters · 4 months ago
Thoughts on Alternates of your family...for example if you saw a version of your daughter.
I would love to believe we are family in every alternate timelines, but things ain’t gonna go well at times.
I would embrace any of versions of my daughter with open arms if they needed me.
Plus, it would not be first time I “saw” an alt of us

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andyfire122 · 2 months ago
Fictober24 day 16 "No, I'm not ok."
(SZ belongs to @lythecreatorart )
Ves wakes up from one of her usual nap spots. Not many people on the massive question why she is napping in random places. It makes for interesting moments when they wake in random locations where they are sure they never fell asleep.
I know how you can sleep through nightmares if you're that interested.
"I think we are good with this method. I'll take your bad coping mechanisms later." Normally she only talks out loud to Zes in her room but she just woke from a nap. Her capacity to care who hears is very little at the moment.
It’s not that bad...is it?
Ves just sighed and did not even answer her partner. This time she just fell asleep in the prison. Well, at least she thinks this is the jail. She's pretty sure Ziib threatened jail a few times before. Though that usually involves throwing them in some pile of pillows with some shitty scary movie.
Holy shit. Even the jail is fancy. How do you know what counts as fancy jails? I like to call that an America fuck yeah moment. Your mexican
"Are you ok in there kid?" She didn't expect SZ to peek in on them. That man was very complicated to both of them. On one part Zes was very glad to be accepted when he guessed who she might be. However, that still could have been her life all along if she hadn't run away from the multiverse when she did.
Then with Gaz...it was hard to think of the man as dad. She did have a dad. Her version of Professor membrane wasn't a perfect dad but he was her dad. Gaz can admit now that she loved her dad. Her dad and her brother. Then she came back from space to find out her dad was dead as well.
"No I'm not ok but what else is new? Anyway, I'll break out of jail in a second.” The door wasn’t even locked. She just walks away with SZ as they hunt for something to eat.
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rartless · 1 year ago
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viktorclawthorne · 1 year ago
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Sanzo my beloved 💛💚
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