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darqx · 6 months ago
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Bought the most expensive Pencil™ of my life to test out drawing on an iPad whilst I was on hols
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draptoryx · 2 years ago
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i dislike how my art style changes between when i just line it, and when i color/render it. hope you guys don’t mind that i’m still finding my art style, i apologize in advance.
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szmoothie · 1 year ago
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whimsy legacy expanded: generation 01 | from the ground up
the garden won't get fertilized by itself
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cut-aare · 4 days ago
Mdzs rant:
Like bro. I've seen the animated series but OMFG I had no fucking idea how DEEP this book was. Wwx was and is still my favourite character because of how much I resonate w him,,, but learning sm about how his death was GRUESOME that mxtx herself couldn't write it??? OMFG... That changed how I view him (I have sm respect for him)
And secondly, Jiang Cheng managed to rip my heart into shreds?! He's such A WELL WRITTEN CHARACTER LIKE WHATTTT (I didn't expect to LOVE HIM) HIS DEVELOPMENT JSJDHHDHDHDHDH his relationship with pre and post wwx ughhhh i love how practically it was written to be. And him managing to carry the burden of rebuilding an entirely destroyed sect by himself? Damn. His impulsiveness (which i EXTREMELY RESONATE WITH) which resulted him in his golden core getting removed? (EDIT : I just realised that he may have saved wwx from the wens by doing that😭😭) Top notch element in the authors writing. Shoving his own grief down to raise his dead A-jie and Jin Zixuan's child Jin Ling? I can never bro. I have SO MUCH RESPECT FOR THIS MAN I LOVE HIM
Brothers I'm so fucking deep that I've almost cried when I realised how gruesome and bad every betrayal and killing were (esp wwxs death, jc's realisation about his golden core, xichen feeling betrayed, jin ling trying to keep it together, sizhui not remembering his past, lan zhan keeping it together and trying to move on...). I live for how mxtx wrote every character. I want to write stories like these omfgggg
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buriedaliens · 9 months ago
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viktorclawthorne · 2 years ago
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Wallpaper version of my recent sz illustration just bc i felt like it
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308ferrari · 2 months ago
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boernepedia · 5 months ago
Jan Josef Liefers im Interview mit der Süddeutschen Zeitung über den Tatort Münster
SZ: Fast alle "Tatort"-Macher beschweren sich regelmäßig, dass immer weniger Geld und Zeit für die Dreharbeiten zur Verfügung steht. [...] JJL: [...] Die meisten Fernsehfilme sind [...] reine Auftragsproduktionen. Da ist alles vorher kalkuliert, auch ein kleiner Gewinn für die Firma. Am ersten Drehtag hat der Produzent sein Geschäft quasi schon gemacht. Theoretisch könnte es ihm völlig egal sein, wie gut der Film wird, jedenfalls aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht. Die meisten Produzenten, die vom Fersehen leben, bemühen sich trotzdem um hohe Qualität und opfern dafür oft genug ihre schmalen Gewinne. Aber ein wirtschaftlicher Anreiz, das zu tun, besteht nicht. SZ: Bedauern Sie das als langjähriger "Tatort"-Kommissar? JJL: Es ist auf jeden Fall schade. Der "Tatort" ist vermutlich das letzte Lagerfeuer der deutschen TV-Welt, um das sich immer noch zuerlässig viele Millionen Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters und unterschiedlicher Gesellschaftsschichten versammeln. Im Fall des Münster-"Tatort" handelt es sich noch dazu um eine Krimikomödie, da bräuchte man eigentlich erst recht etwas mehr Zeit, um immer das richtige Timing zu treffen. SZ: Ist beim "Tatort" bereits eine kritische Grenze erreicht, über die hinaus sich kaum noch sparen lässt? JJL: Soweit ich das einschätzen kann, ja. Es ist jetzt schon Knochenarbeit für die Crews, und das geht dann auf Kosten der Qualität. Vielleicht ist Ihnen schon mal aufgefallen, dass in TV-Filmen immer weniger passiert und immer mehr geredet wird? SZ: Allerdings. JJL: Viele Drehorte und viel Handlung kosten Zeit und Geld, Dialogszenen in einem Büro sind billiger. Und der Sparzwang hat auch massiven Einfluss auf die Drehbücher. SZ: Ein Beispiel, bitte. JJL: Im Münster-"Tatort" redet Professor Boerne von Haus aus immer schon viel. Der ursprüngliche Gedanke der Autoren war, dass man so eine Quasselstrippe einen wortkargen Typen wie Axel Prahls Kommissar Thiel gegenüberstellt, der Nebensätze ablehnt. Wenn der jetzt aber auch immer mehr quasseln muss, geht das zulasten seiner Figur und des odd couples, das ein wichtiger Aspekt des Erfolgs ist. Axel moniert das jedes Mal, zu Recht.
Den den ganzen Artikel kann man leider nur hinter einer Paywall lesen (X).
Geht es nur uns so oder tut es irgendwie gut, zu wissen, dass Jan und Axel durchaus auch Kritik an manchen der neuen Drehbüchern haben?
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darqx · 2 months ago
Another BP/HH/Gen answer dump as usual starting with BP and then moving into the other two \o/
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All demons age about the same rate as humans (although with earlier milestones as babies) UNTIL they hit their 30s-40s after which aging slows down drastically 🙂‍↕️
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Izm chasing you down to get .D back like
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🤔 You guys sometimes really make me think about things I don't often have to think about LOL. I'm just gonna do the gang this time so off the top of my head:
Izm and .D are often eating sushi in my drawings and since I'm pretty sure Izm is mainly the one buying, sushi is his fave. He'll eat any type but he prefers the raw fish ones.
Whilst .D also likes sushi, it's not his fave dish. His fave dish is pasta in a red sauce (like Sugo or Arrabiata) for some reason. Nostalgia maybe?
Zeke is a meat and potatoes kind of guy, so, a nice juicy sirloin with mushroom sauce and a side of roast potatoes and veggies. (BP!Zeke is similar but he really likes pork/bacon particularly, so a pork roast for him probably).
Wei Ren's comfort foods are chicken congee, and seafood steamboat/hot pot.
Marcus' fave is his mom's chicken casserole.
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Oh I'm glad (and thank you very much)! I hope you get lots of inspiration and can create a lot of things :D
Hm, that's a good question! I think, for doodling purposes, my fave is Rire mainly because Rire always looks more or less completed in black and white. My other two faves are .D and Izm - .D is a good exercise in subtle expressions whereas Izm is the complete opposite (esp with BP!Izm with that mouth).
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Yes. I mean, I'd prefer you be at least 15 for those two things only cos if i had to age rate them they could be considered M or MA15+.
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Hullo! The short answer is that there are also "not normal" skin tones, it depends on the demon species :)
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The rest of society is pretty standard so yes there are charlatans in the world of BP lol. HOWEVER, no one would pretend to be a BP for three distinct reasons:
You need to be sanctioned to be a BP (ie they have abilities that normal people do not, like being able to perform exorcisms.)
There is no profit to be had as BPs generally don't get paid (all their living expenses are generally covered by their religion's HQ).
It's dangerous work. You'd have better luck being a bank robber.
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Desmond is def a club music kind of guy XD EDMs, techno, trance, hardstyle, house, whatever - the kind of stuff you jump energetically up and down to at a club/concert/rave, he'll listen to it.
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Not yet for BP (soon...🙏🏻). HH wasn't really a comic series so much as a bunch of somewhat random one shots I did for fun lol.
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^ you guys :d
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I don't put my pronouns anywhere partly because it is lowkey amusing for me to see how people perceive me online. It doesn't really matter to me, so go with your best guess lol.
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You would be surprised at how much time those two hobbies can take up outside of work |D; I also like doing puzzle games (like Quordle etc), coding, going for walks/bike riding, making slightly odd food combos in normal recipes and freaking out my friends on Discord with them, and watching horror/disaster films and playthroughs of horror games.
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Maybe one day I would, but not at this particular time, sorry!
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Thanks for asking as this is a bit of a grey type area! Personally, I think that as long as this is purely for your own use and you aren't going to on-sell it in any way...then it should be ok. I'm going to categorise something like this as somewhat similar to say...people printing out my art to stick to their wall type thing. Of course, if you ended up buying a bunch and then thought oh i have so many extra I'll sell them to whoever wants them - that would be a no no.
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In what capacity lol if there's something I've learned from real life it's never agree or disagree to anything without knowing specifics. Eg if you would like to use my art as a PFP on tumblr then you can if you credit it, but if you want to use my art as a face claim for your own charac then i would have to say no, etc.
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That makes two of us as i am not familiar with the twisted wonderland universe :P
.D: Diasomnia
Izm: Pomefiore
Wei Ren: Ignihyde
Zeke: Savanaclaw
Marcus: Diasomnia
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I never really specified one so my friends and I have been calling it the fictional city of Hedone lol.
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I haven't given up on HH, i just dont draw it nearly as much since i'm focussing on developing BP :) Anyway HH wasn't seriously planned to be a comic or anything (though technically...it does have a very loose storyline that I've alluded to in some drawings |D ) so it's something I can just jump back into and doodle whenever i feel like.
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This was from a while back
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It's pretty straightforward HH is a slice of life 'verse where my main characs are in an all boy's boarding school and Rire is the headmaster. It focuses on the boys shenanigans though so if you specifically like Rire you will be disappointed as he's barely in it.
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I cut off this post cos I dont think the stuff in it should be shared with other random people even though anon is on anon. If this is you anon i hope you are doing well and i would genuinely encourage you to talk to someone about certain things (like a therapist maybe).
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tunapotatobangchan · 6 months ago
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szmoothie · 1 year ago
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whimsy legacy expanded: generation 01 | from the ground up
i thought he was going to die and i was an incompetent simmer and this was the end of the gameplay, but tourns out he just had a bacterial sinusitis infection or something like that 😥 phew
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christianfriedelfan · 1 year ago
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Christian Friedel for Süddeutsche Zeitung
Detailed Explanation about the photos below the cut:
This is a famous column of the news paper where they ask actors to answer the questions only with facial expressions/ poses etc.
The 10 questions were:
1. You say about yourself that you have a “historical face”. Could you show us?
2. Going to a demonstration or staying home?
3. Your mood at the Berlinale?
4. What interests you of horror?
5. Since your first movie was The White Ribbon, how can you top that?
6. Private: Cinema or Netflix?
7. How does it look like when you go out fully?
8. You learned how to ride for The Zone of Interest. How do you feel on a horse?
9. What does an actor do to combat a growing ego?
10. How do you react when something does not go according to your plan?
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classicvirus · 9 months ago
Racing DNA: 1961 Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ
Some cars are not for everyone due to their value, yet they deserve to be mentioned because they are rare testimonies of a bygone era that can, now, only be perceived through black and white photos in certain books or specialized magazines. This Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ for sale is a rare find, being one of only 169 units produced. Manufactured on January 27, 1961, it was sold to Sergio Sorbi’s…
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the-galactic-hunters · 7 months ago
Thoughts on Alternates of your family...for example if you saw a version of your daughter.
I would love to believe we are family in every alternate timelines, but things ain’t gonna go well at times.
I would embrace any of versions of my daughter with open arms if they needed me.
Plus, it would not be first time I “saw” an alt of us…
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inquietismo · 2 months ago
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viktorclawthorne · 2 years ago
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Sanzo my beloved 💛💚
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