#synodic cycle
sensualnoiree · 5 months
astro notes: daily transit 5/7 TAURUS NEW MOON
This New Moon in Taurus is particularly significant, offering a positive and supportive energy that aligns with the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Here's a detailed summary of its key features:
Exalted New Moon: The Moon is exalted in Taurus, a sign associated with stability, peace, and sensual gratification. This sets a positive tone for the entire lunar cycle, emphasizing harmony and ease in various aspects of life.
Alignment with Jupiter and Venus: The New Moon occurs in Jupiter's bound and is accompanied by Venus, which is also in its domicile in Taurus. This alignment further enhances the positive and supportive qualities of the New Moon, suggesting a period of growth, abundance, and harmony.
Venus's Combustion: While Venus is technically entering the combustion range with the Sun, indicating a period of transformation and renewal for Venusian themes, its position in Taurus, its own domicile, suggests that this transformation will be supportive and not overly challenging.
Jupiter's Synodic Reset: Jupiter, however, is going through a synodic reset, being under the beams of the Sun. This indicates a period of transformation and renewal for Jupiterian themes, but with the support of Venus and the overall positive energy of the New Moon, this reset is seen as a positive development rather than a setback.
Sun's Influence on Jupiter and Uranus: The Sun's conjunction with Uranus and subsequent conjunction with Jupiter further amplifies the energy of the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, bringing positive momentum and support for change and growth.
❤️‍🔥 Aries Rising (Taurus in the 2nd House): - Focus on financial stability and material security. - Opportunities for increasing income or acquiring valuable possessions. - A time to reassess your values and priorities regarding money and possessions. - Potential for new sources of income or a shift in financial circumstances.
🐐 Taurus Rising (Taurus in the 1st House): - A period of personal growth and self-improvement. - Emphasis on self-care, self-image, and personal development. - New beginnings in how you present yourself to the world. - Opportunities for enhancing your physical appearance or expressing your unique identity.
🌬 Gemini Rising (Taurus in the 12th House): - A focus on spirituality, introspection, and inner growth. - Time for retreat, reflection, and connecting with your subconscious mind. - Potential for healing and releasing past wounds or limiting beliefs. - Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may provide valuable insights.
🦀 Cancer Rising (Taurus in the 11th House): - Emphasis on social connections, friendships, and group activities. - Opportunities for expanding your social network and joining new groups or organizations. - Focus on your hopes, wishes, and aspirations for the future. - Collaborative projects or teamwork may be highlighted during this time.
🦁Leo Rising (Taurus in the 10th House): - Focus on career advancement, professional goals, and public image. - Opportunities for recognition, success, and achievement in your career. - Time to reassess your long-term goals and ambitions. - Potential for new career opportunities or a change in your professional direction.
🌾 Virgo Rising (Taurus in the 9th House): - Emphasis on higher education, philosophy, and spiritual beliefs. - Opportunities for travel, exploration, and expanding your horizons. - Focus on personal growth through learning and new experiences. - Potential for gaining new insights or perspectives that broaden your worldview.
⚖️ Libra Rising (Taurus in the 8th House): - Focus on shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. - Opportunities for deepening your connections with others on a profound level. - Time to address issues related to trust, intimacy, and shared finances. - Potential for personal transformation through letting go of old habits or attachments.
🦂 Scorpio Rising (Taurus in the 7th House): - Emphasis on relationships, partnerships, and cooperation. - Opportunities for forming new partnerships or deepening existing ones. - Focus on harmony, balance, and mutual understanding in your relationships. - Potential for significant developments in your personal or business partnerships.
🏹 Sagittarius Rising (Taurus in the 6th House): - Focus on health, work, and daily routines. - Opportunities for improving your health and well-being through lifestyle changes. - Time to reassess your work environment and daily habits. - Potential for new job opportunities or a change in your work situation.
🐐 Capricorn Rising (Taurus in the 5th House): - Emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and romance. - Opportunities for pursuing creative projects or hobbies that bring you joy. - Focus on developing your unique talents and skills. - Potential for new romantic relationships or a deepening of existing ones.
⚡️ Aquarius Rising (Taurus in the 4th House): - Focus on home, family, and emotional security. - Opportunities for creating a more nurturing and supportive home environment. - Time to address any issues related to your family or personal history. - Potential for making changes to your living situation or finding a sense of emotional grounding.
🐠 Pisces Rising (Taurus in the 3rd House): - Emphasis on communication, learning, and local community. - Opportunities for improving your communication skills and connecting with others. - Focus on short trips, siblings, and neighbors. -Potential for new learning experiences or intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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justshannanigans · 8 months
Dimension 20 Fantasy High Junior Year spoilers ahead:
God this could be absolutely nothing, but I had to pause this weeks episode and lie down and just stare at the ceiling because it hit me like a truck mid battle that just… everything happening with Cassandra this season feels so so much like watching the magical manifestation of a goddess having an autistic meltdown.
Kristen isn’t responding to her. Things aren’t working out and she doesn’t feel heard or listened to. The red cracks of pain start fracturing through her. The rumbling stage. Something is wrong. Something feels caught, unchanging, extremely frustrating. Emotions are building but there’s time to calm down, there’s time to think things through and meditate and calm down.
But there’s a misunderstanding again. The rumbling is getting worse. The frustration is manifesting. It’s coming out of her chest and she doesn’t want it to but she can’t control it. She’s scared of her own anger, she doesn’t want to be hurt, doesn’t want to die. So the anger turns in, turns to hurt herself. It’s so big. It’s overwhelming.
There’s a moment of calm, a moment so brief where things feel okay again, things can be controlled, can be fixed. And then the shrimp thing happens. And then Kalina slices her. And the rage fully takes over. She’s transforming. She’s growing and growing angrier and Kristen’s attempts to connect are failing. And she completely destroys the synod.
I dunno man I’m probably just hella overthinking it but I sure can relate to that entire cycle of emotions, including the deadpan cynicism that comes after letting the meltdown overtake you. Granted, instead of pushing the corpse of someone’s former god onto them, I’ve just said some Extremely Worrying Things post meltdown instead, but still. Cassandra idk if you’re the God of Autism or not but damn girl you sure are relatable
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I'm 47 days sober today, so here's some things about the number 47
47 is the atomic number of silver
The 47-year cycle of Mars: after 47 years – 22 synodic periods of 780 days each – Mars returns to the same position among the stars and is in the same relationship to the Earth and Sun. The ancient Mesopotamians discovered this cycle
47 BC: Ceasar invades Egypt and proclaims Cleopatra queen
Also this is adorable to me even though I dont believe in the thing. In "Angel numbers", which is a silly little invention from 2005 by author  Doreen Virtue, who wrote about their significance in her 2005 book Angel Numbers states:
The number 47 is a reminder that your hard work and practicality are aligned with your spiritual growth. It signifies that you are on the right path and encourages you to continue pursuing your goals with dedication and determination
I really liked that. Glad I looked up #47 today. Made the cravings really bearable.
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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The Source Talon Abraxas
The Great Central Sun is a Source and a Center of the All-Pervading Presence of the Great “I AM”. It is a Point of Integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and an Central Concentration of God Consciousness and the release of Light and Life and Love to all creation. It is a Nucleus, Heart Center, or White Fire Core of the Cosmos. (The God Star Sirius is a Focus of the Great Central Sun in our sector of the Galaxy.)
The Sun behind the Sun is the Spiritual Cause behind the physical effect we see as our own Physical Sun and all other stars and star systems, seen or unseen, including the Great Central Sun. The Sun behind the Sun of Cosmos is perceived as the Cosmic Christ – the Word by Whom the Formless was endowed with form and Spiritual Worlds were draped with physicality.
“The Great Central Sun is One with every individual’s Mighty I AM Presence.”
Also known as:
The Source The Great Hub Central Source of Life and Intelligence The Heart of God Great Central Source Great Central Source of All Intelligence
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Suns/solar systems form due to cosmic plasma compressing through a toroidal vortex (as do clusters like Laniakea/Shapley). The most common torus is a golden ratio torus (our heart generates russian doll-like phi toroids when we meditate). John Harris provides the evidence -
"with respect to unity are the Phi Ratio Series planetary framework mean values for the PERIODS OF REVOLUTION, the intermediate SYNODIC CYCLES, the mean HELIOCENTRIC DISTANCES and the mean ORBITAL VELOCITIES.
Likely all stars/solar system form this same way, golden ratio is the longest surviving torus field possible, called constructive wave interference. --Grayham Forscutt
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
Random observations: (Gemini-coded) celebrity edition part 3
Well apparently Will Smith somehow made a comeback and somehow everyone's fine with him all of a sudden? Would be surprised but astrology backs that up.
Will is a Gemini rising. What planet just ingressed into Gemini? Jupiter. We all know that Jupiter, aside from bringing luck and sometimes fame, is the most forgiving and permissive planet out of all of them. It entered his first house of the self and suddenly he's the cool guy again that everyone likes. It does help that his Sun is in the first degrees of Libra so Jupiter is also trining it.
When I was discussing the Oscar slap gate, I was mentioning how he's going through a progressed New Moon, which will make him go into hiding for a bit or be "banished" somehow. Well the New Moon has passed (although it's still relatively close to the Sun) but the progressed luminary is at least not in Scorpio anymore.
Transiting Saturn is still in his 10th house though and when it leaves Pisces, his Saturn return will start so we'll see how that will go for him.
There's a lot to talk about the most obnoxious Gemini to exist but today we'll focus on the latest events.
Trump got convicted for felony when Mercury and Uranus conjoined in Taurus right on his MC. Saturn was also t-squaring both of his luminaries at that time (and will t-square them again when retrograde). It's very fitting as Saturn digs up events from the past, judges them and brings potential restrictions. He's also in a Saturn-ruled profection year aaaand… his natal Saturn is in the 12th house - the house of secrets, fiddles and all forms of jails.
And again, Jupiter, which is transiting the sign of his Sun is too forgiving as his court sentencing has been postponed to September (Mars will be transiting his 12th house at that time so we'll see who's going to have the upper hand here - Jupiter or Mars).
UPDATE SINCE I WROTE THE DRAFT FOR THIS POST A FEW DAYS AGO: As it turns out, Trump's MC gets another hit in a form of a Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction. Quite literally. The assasination attemp happened just one day before the nasty conjunction and was extremely close to sensitive points in his chart. His MC is at 24° Taurus, his natal Mars is at 26° Leo (that's a square) and his ascendant at 29° Leo. On the day of the rally shooting Mars was at 25° of Taurus - barely moving away from his MC and applying with a square to his natal Mars. Uranus sits at 26° as well.
Just as a reminder: Mars rules violence, sharp objects, war, hatred and accidents while Uranus is explosive, sudden and destructive. That's enough to cause shootings and assasinations but add the fixed star Algol to the mix, which signifies violence and… beheadings, we get an extreme version of the above (and unfortunately someone did die from a shot in the head).
💫 THE ACOLYTE = VENUS CAZIMI IN GEMINI (potential Acolyte episode 1 spoilers?)
This one is my favourite. I was watching the first episode of Star Wars Acolyte and something hit me: the show came out on a Venus cazimi in Gemini and the main protagonist is a twin (!) whose supposedly dead sister emerges from hiding and turns to the dark side. It's a show about twin (Gemini) girls (Venus)! And it shows the geminian polarities: in this case of good and evil. The re-emergence is also symbolized by Venus cazimi as after the conjunction, it starts coming out of the Sun's shadow and can be seen on the sky again.
But that's not all. The twins were separated at the age of 8 and the events of the show take place 16 years later. 8 is a Venus synodic cycle, 16 is, well, two synodic cycles.
You want more? Okay, the actress playing the main protagonist and her twin, Amandla Stenberg, was born just a few days before Venus cazimi in Scorpio.
I've just read that Margot is pregnant! It's always interesting to me what transits accompany pregnancy (spoilers: it's often Jupiter).
Margot just entered her 11th house profection year, ruled by Venus. Her natal Venus is in the first decan of Gemini and the news broke around the time when Jupiter was right on top of it. I've been mentioning Jupiter quite a lot today in terms of luck and forgiveness but let's not forget that the great benefic also grows things as it signifies fertility. And Venus is one of the significators of womanhood.
The 12th house transit is not surprising either as some themes of the house do match carrying a child: the psychology behind it, sometimes having to draw back from the world in one way or another or just changing habits; being in labour is very much a 12th house thing as well.
We're changing areas to talk about… football (I know, shocking).
Lionel Messi just suffered a major injury during the Copa America final. Messi is a Cancer Sun and he just entered his 2nd house profection year in Pisces. As we know, Pisces is currently occupied by Saturn at 19° and is squaring his Gemini Moon exact (0°11’ orb on the day of the accident). Traditionally Moon is associated with body but in his case it's even more pronounced as it rules his 6th house of injury. It's important to add that with Sun, Mercury retrograde and Mars natally in the 6th house any damages to the body are very likely in general.
Transiting Saturn is also applying with a 3° square to his natal Saturn (his ascendant ruler) in the 11th house - this is not only a pivotal moment in his life but also in the sphere of his career as a teammate (11th house). Hopefully the recovery will be quick!
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impatient14 · 1 year
Anthony J. Crowley as Lucifer: A Meta of Facts, Fiction, and Everything in Between
The theory that Crowley is Lucifer is hotly defended and contested, with naysayers typically casting the archangel Raphael as Crowley's identity in heaven (@vroomvroomwee's Crowley is Lucifer is particularly good-read the replies and reblogs too!) However, despite Raphael's notably absence in Heaven and the matchmaking plot of S2 (Raphael is traditionally associated with love and marriage), I think there is far more evidence that suggests he was Lucifer, instead. Yes, I know Crowley refers to Lucifer as someone other than himself in S1, but I'll get to that and everything else below the cut.
Full disclosure, I stumbled into this analysis from a different angle. Originally, I was just posting a quick little thought I had about Crowley's role on Earth. TLDR version, Crowley could have been acting not only as an agent of Hell on Earth to tempt humans but specifically ordered to tempt Aziraphale to Fall, an order he almost immediately succeeds in doing but chooses not to report. Since S2 made it clear that Crowley did not reserve his mercy for Aziraphale alone (i.e., his sense of fairness is intrinsic and not a characteristic obtained through his love for Aziraphale), it would be reasonable to think Crowley maneuvered himself into being assigned Hell's agent on Earth specifically to protect Aziraphale from Hell. This would not only mean Crowley remembered him from the beginning, it would mean he had the kind of power to assign himself that role. (It would also mean Crowley has been lying to both Hell and Aziraphale this whole time- a detail that would support Agnes Nutter's prophecy that "He is not who he says he is.")
This idea, that Crowley not only refused to send Aziraphale to Hell but actively protected him from it, screams rebellion--a characteristic Lucifer is most known for. Sure, you could argue all the angels who fell were rebellious (note here that Raphael never fell), but Crowley is the only demon in Hell who continued to rebel after he fell, making his association with the characteristic as notable as Lucifer's. This will be important in a moment.
Let's start with some history/translation issues.
The difference between Lucifer, Satan, and the Devil.
The conflation of these three names is a Christian phenomenon thought to have occurred in the process of organizing a conglomeration of "lost gospels" from numerous Christian sects, each one with their own translations and traditions. In the original Hebrew, "Satan" is actually ha-satan ("the satan"), defined as a role rather than a name (specifically the role of testing one's faith). At some point in the translation process, "the" is dropped and the tempter is simply, "Satan." Satan, before being completely subsumed by Lucifer, was considered Lucifer's vessel on earth-a separate entity.
Now, "Lucifer" is Latin for Venus' morning appearance. The word was taken from the Greek words Φωσφόρος (Phosphorus), "light-bringer", and Ἑωσφόρος (Eosphorus ), "dawn-bringer." So how did Lucifer become synonymous with a fallen angel? Folklore and metaphor. I could go really deep here, but instead I'll just say the Sumerian myth about the goddess Inanna's ability to descend into other realms including the underworld and then rise again to heaven. This myth is based in the synodic cycle of the planet--you guessed it--Venus (more specifically Venus in retrograde). Jump to the Book of Isaiah when the king of Babylon is condemned, Isaiah refers to the king as "Lucifer:"
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! {14:13} For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: {14:14} I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. {14:15} Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. {14:16}
Thus, the "morning star" falling from heaven is a motif born out of a long list of myths and translations that get thrown in a pot together, stirred up, and then served according to disparate cultures and traditions. Some of those traditions combined "the satan" and "Lucifer" into Satan/Lucifer, some others kept "Satan" and "Lucifer" as two separate beings, with Lucifer ruling over Satan who acts as an agent of temptation on earth. (Sound familiar? Hold that thought!)
In contrast to "Satan" and "Lucifer," "The Devil" can be deterritorialized more simply. The title comes from a series of translations of Greek's  διάβολος (diábolos), or "slanderer." Thus, how the Devil became synonymous with all things Satan, Lucifer, and Hell can be inferred via its etymology.
So, if in some traditions Satan's role is to tempt people's faith, that would mean Crowley is Satan, right? Under my thinking, yes and no.
In the Bible, "tempting" Eve simply meant asking why she hadn't eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and then telling her the truth about what would happen if did (i.e., she would not die as God claimed but would instead be granted the wisdom to know the difference between good and evil). This is important if you recall that "the satan" may act as an agent of hell, but it isn't inherently good or evil, it's there by God's design to test people. So in this way, sure. Crowley plays the role of "the satan." But in the Good Omen's universe, Satan is given definition as the King of Hell (aka Benedict Cumberbatch and a team of CGI wizards), while Lucifer is only mentioned once (I'm getting there, promise!). Given all the amalgamations we've just gone over, it isn't outside the realm of possibility that Gaimon and Pratchett switched their roles. If anything, it makes far more sense that "Lucifer" would become "Crowley" over "Satan." Lucifer was an angel not a deity, so he would become a demon, while the Satan of Good Omens is set up as a direct opponent to God.
But why does Crowley have to have been Lucifer? Couldn't he have been another fallen angel?
Sure. But it isn't a coincidence that Lucifer and Raphael aren't mentioned by name (except once, I know!). Crowley's physical characteristics are more inline with Lucifer's than Raphael's (according to literary tradition, i.e., Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno); he was the first one to say "let there be light;" rebellion is intrinsic to him (continuously rebelling against hell); he's androgynous (Lucifer as the masculine fallen angel and the feminine Venus); and he has many faces (which he shows off more in S1). Plus, Lucifer is said to have committed the sin of Pride, something Crowley demonstrated a lot of after he cranked the cosmos.
Also, S2 has made perfectly clear that Crowley is insanely powerful for a demon. (I'm convinced the huge power surge they investigate is not the miracle that hides Gabriel but is in fact the burst of energy Crowley produces when he's angry. It occurs at roughly the same time and in the same place. Narratively, it'd be just as easy to have the blackout occur another way, so Crowley's power surge must have another purpose.) In the book, the Narrator of Good Omens (God) says, "Crowley has something no other demons have, especially not Hastur--an imagination." Crowley is repeatedly singled out as being different than the other demons. He is able to read the report that is locked to everyone but the highest of authorities in Heaven.
So, now let's talk about that quote from S1: "I never asked to be a demon. I was just minding my own business one day and then... oh, lookie here, it's Lucifer and the guys!"
It's reasonable to assume Crowley is referring to himself saying "lookie here" after he was the subject of the first part of that sentence. But in actuality, the suggestion that Crowley was "minding his own business" would contradict him then going up to a group of people and initiating a conversation. Therefore, the ellipses (as they are designed to do) represent an absent thought. In this situation, the transition of the subject. In this moment, Crowley is recalling the moments before he fell, when he was minding his own business (while in the company of others) when someone singled out him the other rebels/questioners.
Taken another way, it's also entirely possible that Crowley is referring to himself in the third person as an outside viewer of the situation because, in point of fact, even if Crowley was Lucifer, Lucifer no longer exists according to Neil:
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What does all this mean?
It means that even if Crowley was Lucifer, Lucifer doesn't exist because Good Omens takes place after the Fall. Now, this may put a little hiccup in the idea that Crowley can read the top secret files because he was an archangel, but I think it can be explained away via the ineffable plan. It is obvious that God still loves Crowley and shows him preferential treatment. It isn't outside the realm of possibility that she allowed him to keep certain parts of Lucifer as he Fell--especially if he was going to play the role as tempter on Earth. Clearly Crowley retained some of his angelic "goodness," which includes a unique moral code on Earth. Otherwise he'd be just like all the other demons. Crowley has to have enough good in him to appreciate humans, to be able to differentiate who should be tempted and how. He has to understand them in order to tempt them. This, I would argue, is the perfect punishment for an angel that questioned God's creation of man (but we know now he was just questioning the subsequent destruction of the universe he created). For daring to challenge her plan, God sends Lucifer (aka Crowley) to Earth to live among the humans he didn't value in Heaven. But, as we've seen, Crowley can still go up to heaven even when he's not in Aziraphale's body. Just like "morning star" Venus, Crowley can rise to the heavens, idle at the horizon, or fall into darkness. Even as "Crowley," Lucifer is still God's favorite.
So to go back up to where we started, it's possible that Hell ordered Crowley to tempt Aziraphale into falling, but God allowed Crowley to retain a sense of justice, and, perhaps more notability, his ability to love. I think Beelzebub and Gabriel's coupling is a sign that Heaven and Hell's hold on angels and demons weakens when they are confronted with human experiences, which would explain Crowley's very loose allegiance and Aziraphale's increasing discontent with Heaven. The difference between them is that Crowley--on some level--remembers what it's like to be an authority but not THE authority in Heaven, and he knows how fruitless Aziraphale's mission is. As the serpent, he has all this knowledge but Aziraphale is still very naïve, still devoted to the idea of "good" vs. "evil." He needs to see for himself that this dichotomy doesn't exist, even with him in charge. Once he's able to see this and understand what it means for his identity, I think we'll see the most elaborate "I Was Wrong" dance in history.
(Note: I didn't proofread this before posting, because I don't wanna. Now I'm going to devote a stupid amount of time trying to see if I can figure out what the damn J stands for.)
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throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
𝑾𝑰𝑷 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚 ♥
i hope everyone's doing well and taking care right now!! we're coming into the colder months in the northern hemisphere, and i'm always amazed how fast the sun begins to set around this time!
tagged by the amazingly talented @thequeenofthewinter and @mareenavee !! thank you so much <3333
tagging the incredible @dirty-bosmer @skyrim-forever @gilgamish @aphocryphas @totally-not-deacon @orfeoarte @viss-and-pinegar @thana-topsy @caliblorn @boethiahspillowbook @umbracirrus @v1ctory-or-sovngarde @wildhexe and you!!!! even if your name isnt here, you're always welcome to join in and tag me!!
i've got two story snippets this week! i'm starting on a new fic, but it's going to be slow goings. the working title is "Bone of my Bone", and it's the backstory fic for Wyndrelis of my Dragonborn Trio that i've been talking about! it's going to be a good while before i can post it in full since it contains spoilers for the main fic, but i love working on this and writing in his POV!
Another gods damned rejection. Wyndrelis paced the cramped room of the inn he'd rented, a temporary residence until he'd finished his application with the Synod. Of course, this proved in vain. He bitterly crumpled the parchment between his grey hands, balling it tight until his fingers ached. The Dunmer paused and loosened his grasp slowly, fingers uncurling until the ball landed on his desk in a sorry, compressed state. It curled up next to all the other rejection letters. Quick, biting, quill-strikes. Names of professors he'd never meet. Every Synod Conclave from here to Anvil undoubtedly heard the news, and every single one of them rejected him since that night. He heaved a breath, his cheeks hot with the frustration of the scenario he'd landed himself in. He was far from home, with no longing to go back, and all his bets misplaced in scholars and wizards who would have nothing to do with him. There were other ways, of course, other people, other groups. This did little to ease his vexation.
'Mr. Wyndrelis Femer, We at the Leyawiin Synod Conclave hope that this letter finds you well,' The pleasantries had ended there. Then began the statements of fact, the obvious ban on Conjuration, the musings of how it led to Necromancy, a reference here and there of the end of the Third Era. He rubbed at his temples in small, soothing motions to stave off a headache. He plopped down into a creaking wooden chair. He rushed his hands through his raven-dark hair, his posture slumped, his body thundering with his pulse so deeply it made his temple throb, his hands shake. Anger, no. This was not anger. Frustration, perhaps, or even guilt. Guilt. A sword he swallowed whole. Ever since he was a mere boy, the Hermoric clasping for knowledge pitted his stomach, burning up until he could deny it no longer. He'd devoured every book he could get his hands on that contained any fragmentary notion of the things he sought, and when his family was not around, he'd raise his palm and work the magicka into his fingertips and he'd weave it slow, in, out, like water through a sloshing pitcher. Waves of it, smooth as silk, heavy as lead. He'd learn how to move objects in their home. He'd know how to ignite a tiny spark on his fingertips, and eventually, how to dance it between the tips of several digits without letting it falter. His parents had always despised his knack for the arcane. The curse on their name had been enough to cause his ancestors to scorn the practice, leaving Morrowind generations ago and fumbling their way into a small, mountain town in County Cheydinhal. His home would be a memory he spat out. He was no longer welcome there. He did not want to return.
the next snippet is something i typed up in comic sans to break my brain out of a cage! it's chapter 27 of "Cycle of the Serpent", on the road to Mount Kilkreath to return Meridias Beacon, although they don't really know that's what they're doing. teehee >:3c
Fateless stars align, moons rise and fall, and all Athenath wanted was to be at the Bards College right now. That's what they had come here for, that hallowed institute of the arts, the halls which they'd heard whispers were paved with plaque-decorated displays of instruments from famous bards long passed, the stone paths that wound their ways through the high-rising establishment. From the moment that he'd gotten his wits about them after the first night in Solitude, he'd stretched longing looks in the direction of the building, knowing from the groups shared map what streets of Solitude lead where, and how deeply they wished to just march up the steps themself and ask about applications. The beacon radiated a warmth every time he touched it, like the sun off a rock, or the body heat of a small animal. It alarmed him to some degree, the strangeness of the feeling, but they embraced it. The journey to Mount Kilkreath gave them plenty of time to practice their talents, and practice he did, tossing the beacon to Wyndrelis haphazardly and bouncing from heel to heel, capering down the mountain paths and through the trees with songs bubbling from his lips. Sometimes, they'd trail off, coming to a silent standstill as the words escaped him, before shrugging and pulling back into another song.
"Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red…" Athenath sang in a sprightly tone, Emeros' eyes avoiding either companion, something the Altmer had noticed. From the moment the trio had decided to set up camp until now, he could feel Emeros' personal twistings of mental acrobatics, but exactly on what, he didn't know. All they knew was that the sun shone bright off the sea, glittering like beetle wings off an aristocratic Bosmeri gown, in its soft and elegant light. He longed to dive into the sea, deeper and deeper, gather shells in their arms and sort them at the beach, turn them over and over for signs of life, for molluscs and crabs, the kind of games he played on the rare visit to the Anvil beach with his family and their old friends, scent of salty, wet fur a brow-furrowing comfort for the Altmer. They could practically hear their old friends calling him down from the mountain, humming and hawing and beckoning the bard down to the shoreline. A hand on his shoulder planted them firmly in the grounds of reality, and Athenath slowed their stride, spinning to face Wyndrelis. "Yeah! What's up?" Wyndrelis pointed down the road. "We're nearing Mount Kilkreath. Do you want the beacon?" He asked in his usual, cold voice. Athenath nodded rapidly, taking the object into their arms. "Isn't it kinda weird how warm it is?" Athenath asked with a smile spread along his carmine mouth. Wyndrelis furrowed his brow. "Warm?" He repeated. Athenath looked to him, confusion dimming the brightness of their eyes.
if you read until the end of this i wanted to give you a special thanks <3 i hope you're doing well, and i'm casting spell of WIP Motivation be upon ye!!
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santoschristos · 11 months
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Mars Cazimi 25° Scorpio
DAILY DOSE—November 16, 2023:
The Sun joined Mars at 23° Scorpio yesterday, for the lead up to tomorrow's 25° Cazimi.
This is about our vital, sexual, emotional energy and how we use it.
Rebooting their synodic cycle—Mars shares his future plans with the Sun King, who blesses them. But be conscious of how you care for and spend your chi this weekend, keep a close eye on your energy levels and minimize extreme fluctuations.
Mars in combustion is being purified by the Sun as it approaches, taking all the impurities and burning them up.
You may feel tired and low energy, or you could feel really worked up as the week progresses.
Watch the stimulants, you probably need less than you think and controlled discipline will prove to be the alchemical stimulus truly needed.
Trust now that you won't regret resisting the temptation to over do it.
As always the Scorpio realm asks us for raw authentic emotional honesty, starting with ourselves. This is the only path towards growth, which the opposition to Uranus urgently pushes us towards.
Steadily pour yourself into a potent renewal practice of your choice and be rewarded by the power of your own consistency.
words: @paetratauchertastrology
Love, light and peace to all.
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dreamypisces888 · 11 months
November Transits from Astro Butterfly ( I did not write this is copy paste )
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November 4th, 2023 – Saturn Goes Direct
On November 4th, 2023 Saturn goes direct at 0° Pisces. 0° of any sign is a powerful degree. It’s the purest energy of the sign, as archetypal as it can possibly be. Saturn’s station invites us to reflect on this transit’s significance in our life.
How do you experience the taskmaster of the zodiac in the boundless, imaginative realm of Pisces?
Are there any specific themes (revealed by the natal house triggered by Saturn) that are surfacing in your awareness? How can a Saturn in Pisces approach help you navigate these themes and improve your life?
November 8th, 2023 – Venus Enters Libra
On November 8th, 2023 Venus enters her domicile sign, Libra.
In electional astrology – where astrologers pick auspicious transits to time an event, they particularly look for planets with strong essential dignity, i.e. when the planet is either in the sign of its domicile or exaltation.
Why is that? It is believed that when a planet has strong essential dignity it operates at its best, producing more favorable results.
What does it mean? When Venus is in domicile in Libra, Venus-related themes, events and activities are favored. Do you want to start dating? Go to a party? Make some financial investments? Get yourself a new wardrobe? Now it’s the time!
The house that transit Venus triggers in your chart will reveal more about the specific areas of life that will benefit from these favorable Venusian energies.
November 10th, 2023 – Mercury Enters Sagittarius
On November 10th, 2023 Mercury enters Sagittarius. Talking about essential dignity, Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius.
Does it mean Mercury in Sagittarius is a negative placement? Not at all.
It’s just that the archetypal Mercurian energy – facts before intuition, individual perspective vs. collective perspective, or analytical thinking vs. abstract reasoning – aligns very well with signs like Gemini or Vigo, but not so much with Jupiter-ruled signs like Sagittarius or Pisces.
Mercury in Sagittarius looks for the “meaning of it all” but in the process of finding the philosophical, absolute truth, it may skip some important details which may lead to not so fact-checked conclusions.
But Mercury in Sagittarius can be a transit for many reasons. While it’s great to have a factual, objective Mercury in Gemini mind when we read the news for example, life is not only about reading the news or seeking cold, hard facts.
Sometimes we need a good Sagittarius story. Mercury in Sagittarius is the storyteller of the zodiac.
When Mercury is in Sagittarius, our mind becomes more imaginative and explorative. Our communication, more colorful and engaging. Our perspective of the world broadens, and we start to see the world through the Sagittarian lens of possibilities and adventures.
November 13th, 2023 – New Moon In Scorpio
On November 13th, 2023 we have a New Moon at 20° Scorpio. The New Moon in Scorpio is closely conjunct its ruler, Mars. Sun and Mars are in close vicinity for the entire month, but at the New Moon in Scorpio, the Moon also joins the Halloween party.
The mantra of the New Moon in Scorpio is “Tell me what you want, what you really really want”.
Your desires are the most powerful force in the universe. Your desires are what the universe wants to happen in the world. Your desires are what the universe wants to manifest, through you.
Becoming aware of what you want is the very first step. The New Moon in Scorpio is your celestial opportunity to gain crystal clarity about the nature of your deepest desires. This clarity will initiate a powerful co-creative journey with the universe.
November 18th, 2023 – Sun Conjunct Mars In Scorpio
On November 18th, 2023 Sun is conjunct Mars at 26° Scorpio. When the Sun is conjunct Mars, Mars starts a new 2-year synodic cycle, or yet another Hero’s Journey.
On your quest, you sometimes run, sometimes you rest, other times you stop to catch your breath. You find new challenges on the way. You discover new strengths, and meet new people.
You have no idea what’s ahead of you. There may be risks and dangers. Some of the obstacles may test you along the path. But it’s this journey that will help you grow, learn, and ultimately become a stronger and more resilient version of yourself.
The Sun conjunct Mars transit sometimes goes overlooked because we have one Sun-Mars conjunction every 2 years. We experience an average 40 Sun-Mars transits in a lifetime. That’s quite a few hero’s journeys.
We have approx 40 opportunities to start again, with each journey learning a little bit more about ourselves and the world we live in.
Each transit conjunction comes with a choice: are you in, or are you out?
How many journeys have you said “no” to in the past? What will you do this time?
Staying in our comfort zone certainly has its advantages. It’s cozy. Nothing can hurt us. But it’s also a little bit boring. What you truly want can only be found ‘out there’. Not on the couch.
There’s something about the nature of desire that asks us to look for it beyond the boundaries of our familiar surroundings. It pushes us to explore, to take risks, and to embrace the unknown.
November 24th, 2023 – Mars Enters Sagittarius
On November 24th, 2023, Mars enters Sagittarius.
After we got in touch with our desire (New Moon in Scorpio) and made the decision to embark on a new journey (Sun conjunct Mars), now with Mars in Sagittarius, it’s time to pack our bags and prepare for the adventure.
November 27th, 2023 – Full Moon In Gemini
On November 27th, 2023 we have a Full Moon at 4° Gemini. We talked a lot about Mars this month and we are going to talk a bit more about it because the Full Moon in Gemini is now opposite Mars.
We are now face to face with Mars, and this new angle allows to look at our desires from a more objective perspective, and acknowledge some otherwise hidden or overlooked drivers and motivations.
The Full Moon in Gemini is the missing piece of the puzzle. By now, you may have a clear picture of what you want, but you may not exactly know how to get there. “Ah, this is why I want that, and this is how I’m going to get it”.
The Full Moon in Gemini, with its inquisitive and objective energy, will reveal the answer. This time, Pluto (trine Full Moon) is also on your side, adding depth and transformative power to your quest.
Astro Butterfly
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Working with Moonphases
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The moon is important, and I’m sure you have heard it. Full moon rituals, new moon rituals, moon water, cleansing with moonlight ect. It controls the tides, the wildlife and people and their emotions. So let’s have a small look at the moon and its effect on us as witches.
The moon orbits the earth every 27.3 days and the full lunar phase takes 29.5 days. The time that it takes for the moon to make a full circle back to their position from where we are on earth is called the synodic period or lunation. No matter what we see, half of the moon is always illuminated by the sun. Sometimes we can see both the dark portions and the illuminated portions. The moon phases are basically changing angles of the sun and moon.
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🌑The New Moon
The new moon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the sun. It's positioned between the sun and the earth so that the entire illuminated side is not visible to us. The start of the cycle is the new moon or the dark moon. The new moon is one of the best times to start new ideas, projects, or new beginnings in general.  Because it's the new cycle, it gives off energy that is ideal for new beginnings, consider the new moon a perfect time to create a clean slate. The new moon is full of possibilities and is a great time to finally start your goals or set your intentions that you have been wanting. The new moon can also be a time for you to take a moment for some self care. This phase is about self and inner self and taking steps towards your goals.
The new moon is the perfect time to do spell work for banishing, curses, deconstructive magic, divination and any other spells that are meant for new projects or adventures.
🌒The Waxing Crescent
The waxing crescent is when the moon becomes brighter and takes a step towards becoming fuller and is no longer invisible. The word waxing means growing or expanding, the waxing crescent is a time to commit to your goals and plans. As the moon grows this is also a good time to improve yourself, whether spiritually, mentally, physically or to strengthen relationships. Like the moon who was invisible and is moving to become visible again so are your goals and manifestations. The Waxing moon is a good time to focus on your intentions and on your next step.
The Waxing crescent is the perfect time to do attraction spells, inner beauty, friendships, business, change, emotions, protections, healing, psychic work, wealth, success and luck.
🌓The First Quarter
This is the time where the moon is half way formed to become the full moon, it's when the moon is at a 90 degree angle to the Earth and Sun. The first quarter is about bringing attraction outwards to the external world. The first quarter is a great time to manifest and attract things, like people, success, abundance for example. At this point when the moon is halfway full it is a perfect time to actualize your intentions and not give up on them.
This phase of the moon is great for divination, creative magic, motivation, growth, money and success.
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🌕The Full Moon
The full moon occurs when the Earth is between the sun and moon and the moon is completely lit. This is the moon’s energy is most powerful and all kinds of spells or rituals can be done this day. This phase is often the time when the intention for major change is wanted in your life. While anything can be done during this day, many utilize it for things that really matter in life.
During this phase magic and spells concerning love, healing, divination, spirituality, dreams, banishing, charging, clarity  and psychic development is ideal.
 🌖The Waning Gibbous
After the Full Moon is the Waning Gibbous, waning meaning shrinking or decreasing. When the moon is Waning the moon's energy repels rather than attracts. As the moon begins to wane, it's a good time to start to remove things from your life and to clean the things around you, spiritually, mentally and physically. Perhaps look at things that may be blocking you from your goals.
The Waning Gibbous is the best time to focus on cleansing, removing curses, undoing bindings, cleansings, and removing negative energy.
🌗The Last Quarter
The last quarter or Waning Quarter is when the moon is half illuminated once again but the opposite of the first quarter. This phase is great for overcoming those blocks in your goals, get rid of things that no longer are of use to you and continue with your goal.
During the last quarter it's a good time to focus on magic that will remove obstacles, and banish things that influence you in a negative way, such as emotions, habits or addictions. It is also ideal to focus on protection spells, banishing and health magic.
🌘The Waning Crescent
Right before the new moon, this is when the lunar cycle is about to end and the new cycle will begin. This is a great time to reflect about what has passed, what is different now, what have you learned? Around this time Banishing will be ideal in comparison to the other phases. Get rid of anything that has been bothering for a long tie.
The phase is ideal for removing negative influences, obstacles, change, separation, protection and ridding yourself of toxic people.
🌚The Lunar Eclipse
Lunar eclipses are somewhat rare, there are at least 2 to 5 lunar eclipses that occur each year, but a full lunar eclipse is uncommon. Eclipses cause shifts that are hard to control, during these times the sun and moon’s energy become one and the two opposite energies become balanced. These times are great for making bold and big choices. Depending on a person’s practice and beliefs however, some believe that the energies of the sun and the moon cancel eachother out
During this time it's ideal to focus your work on money, romance, protection, psychic work, healing and divination.
🔵🌛The Blue Moon
The blue moon occurs when a full moon takes place twice within a month. Some consider the blue moon to be twice as powerful depending on the culture and location. The blue moon can be considered a time when the veil is thinner, and some may feel as their energies are enhanced.
The blue moon will equal long term results, and like the eclipse, the blue moon is ideal when working on big changes and commitment. Focus on things such as romance, banishing, wishes, protection and seeking truth.
Moonology by Yasmin Boland
Moon magic by Aurora Kane
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This week is the start of Taylor’s Venus opposition. Her natal Venus is at 1 degree Aquarius, and this morning, Venus ingressed into Leo (opposite sign to Aquarius). Also around noon, Venus immediately opposed Pluto (intensity, secrets, life/death, little things become big things, other Plutonian significations- etc). This wouldn’t usually be a big deal, but Venus will be going retrograde on July 22nd and staying in Leo until October 8th. Things that occur on initial ingresses and on the dates around the retrograde station will usually be themes carried through whole time period of the retrograde. Pre-shadow starts June 19th.
Her natal venus is likely located in her 4th house (if her Scorpio rising chart is accurate birth time info), so this opposition/push and pull/rubber band being stretched/tension, is happening in her most private house- private life, family, roots, ancestry, land, (Aquarius), and her 10th that rules Career, Reputation, Recognition, Public Image, Awards, visibility/most Public house in chart ((Leo)-her actual MC/career line is in her Virgo 11th in Whole Sign Houses but the 10th still carries the significations regardless)). So looks like relationships, balance between fame and privacy could be themes, which certainly seems fitting.
Venus Rx can bring past flames, issues up from the past, a re-evaluation of what you want in relationships and friendships, re-evaluation of values, can get heated/frustrating, Venus’s usual peaceful, harmonious, lovey doviness can get flipped and turn more war like because of the retrograde, etc. Venus Rx is actually part of an 8 year venus synodic cycle, so to get more of an idea you can look back at where your life was 8 years ago, 16 years ago, etc.
Oh I forgot to add Venus is the ruler of Taylor’s 7th house that rule’s relationships/partnerships.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Solstice-Buffet of Andromedean+Blueray Sirius+Pleiadian Emerald Sun LightCodes
☀️On Solstice, from the Earth's perspective, the Sun-Energy of Life Force and Transformation appears to Stand Still for about 3 days before reversing its direction-A Sacred Pause in the Time Space Continuum when veils thin allowing Light Portals to beam Cosmic downloads into the Crystalline Gridlines via The Frequency Holders and Light Warriors. It was shown to me (via Thoth and Anubis) that The New Moon in Gemini/ 18th June provided great assistance to this process by activating the Earth Altars (-node points of the Crystalline grid responsible for receiving and disbursing downloads) in preparation for these Cosmic Downloads.
🔥The Cosmic Downloads to the lead up to this Solstice have been a Buffet of primarily The Aquamarine (via Andromedea Gateway) LightCodes for The Age of Horus which are upheld by the New Earth Diamond /Platinum -Gold Light Codes of The Age of Ma’aT , BlueRay Sirian Codes( Builder Codes) and The Emerald Sun Codes of Pleiades (Foundational Codes) carried via primarily via The Dragon and Lion/ Feline Energies.
✨Transformation is the buzzword for this Solstice as we weave mega endings into Rebirth into the Next higher octave of Soul Growth and Expansion, each weave building on the Foundations of the Souls Learnings from The Past. Some Karmic cycles are reaching a conclusion, while some are being repeated where lessons remain unlearned.
👑This Solstice coincides with Venus/ Inanna reaching the Crown Chakra on June 21 where She will be Coronated as Queen of Heaven and Earth (with Mars, Venus n Moon all in Leo) -The Culmination of The Second Synodic Cycle of Venus as the Capricorn Metagoddess which began in Jan 2022. As the Capricorn Metagoddess , Venus / Inanna imbued us with the Qualities of The Wise Woman / Record Keeper to lay the Foundations of The Divine Principle Aspect which further supports/births The New Age/ Earth/Horus. This Journey has reached its culmination Now ( venus will remain at Crown Chakra for the next one month) and the New Synodic Cycle of Venus Begins in August 2023 as the Leo Metagoddess ie Energies of Sekhmet- The Spiritual Light Warrior of Courage and Compassion.
⚔️As mentioned before, this Solstice Gateway has a generous sprinkling of Aquamarine, BlueRay , Emerald LightCodes and Diamond Gold ie The Divine Feminine Sophia Aspect is Now well Anchored which allows The Divine masculine Energies to move into a greater functional position than before to uphold the Age of Horus/ Balance and Union. Ie The Blue Ray Lion/ Feline Dna activation via the Solar Plexus upgrades enables the Light Warriors to Now begin the task of translating the Foundational Blueprint (brought in via the Capricorn Metagoddess Archetype/ Emerald Sun/ Pleiadian Codes )into actual Building Blocks. The Sirian and Andromedean FelineDna upholds the Blueprint while the Lion Dna is associated with the grunt work of the Actual Building Process. And it is This process which is supported by Venus / Inanna in her third Synodic Cycle as The Leo Metagoddess/ Sekhmet- Solar Plexus Powered Courageous Action guided by The Heart Centered in Compassion and Grace!!
🔥🌀And since we are Talking of the New Age Construction based on Balance and Union, The Solar Plexus/Sekhmet upgrades come in conjunction with Ptah/ Throat upgrades- ie Intention matched with Action For manifestation and CoCreation of The New Age of Horus upheld by the Principles of Maat. EnLight ,In Grace, InJoy Be The Change You Want To See
🔱🌹✨ Sa Kei Na Isis, Ascended Master
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rwby-redux · 2 years
Celestial Bodies: The Moon
A permanent fixture of Remnant’s night sky, and a source of intrigue to artists, philosophers, and scientists alike.
The moon is a tidally-locked satellite, suspended in orbit around the planet. Its surface is textured by impact craters and dark bands of basaltic maria, the result of extinct volcanism triggered by asteroids. It’s theorized that a similar collision from a much larger spatial body resulted in the moon’s initial fracturing. The eight subsatellites that it hosts have resisted accreting, most likely due to the moon having a suitable Hill sphere. In spite of having lost some of its initial mass, the moon retained enough to begin reforming a spheroid shape under gravitational forces. Astrogeologists estimate that, given enough time, the jagged edge marring its outline will smooth over.
Over the course of its 29.5-day synodic period, the near-side of the moon cycles through eight different lunar phases. Both its distance from the planet (and its inferred mass) have observable effects, that include very slowly lengthening Remnant’s day, and driving the tides.
Regrettably, much about Remnant’s moon remains unknown, because of its inaccessibility. Dust-powered spacecrafts become inoperable once they breach the planet’s atmosphere, due to the crystals becoming elementally-null. Circumventing this inert state is a topic of interest, to rhizologists and astrodynamicists. Collaborative efforts to find a workaround (or barring that, an alternative fuel source) have been both time-consuming and expensive. For now, all lunar research is achieved through telescopic data and scavenging lunar meteorites.
Remnant’s moon is orbited by eight smaller subsatellites, or submoons, as they’re also called. Their names—Warrung, Baroque, Suhail, Latrom, Tenebra, Eysing, Gaol, and Kvetch—are mostly derived from demigod-like ancestral figures of Vacuose mythology. The largest of these subsatellites is Baroque, while the smallest is Gaol. It’s speculated that these eight do not represent all of the lunar debris that was originally jettisoned from the initial shattering event. The discovery of several massive astroblemes on Remnant’s surface—including a 59-mile-diameter crater—suggests that some collided with the planet.
If these impact events happened simultaneously, as many geologists theorize, then they likely resulted in an extinction event.
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manmetaphysical · 1 year
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Here are more ideas from 'Aion' by Carl Gustav Jung. It's hitting home as while he wrote it after two world wars, it seems our own era is riffing on those times when totalitarianism steam-rollered over human rights and tried to enslave and kill the human spirit. Look back to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January2020 for the trigger point for people being abused. Then the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction combining life and death at 0° of Aquarius heralding a new phase of that synodic cycle. Then we had a year of Uranus-Saturn squares, and a total mind-melt of Jupiter-Neptune in April 2022. We are still reeling from the after effects of all this. But don't worry, we have Uranus going into Gemini in 2025 plugging ideas into the mains, oh and Saturn conjunct Neptune entering zero Aries in 2025 bringing the sternest and most spiritual of pioneers or forcing us to be so! Plus lots of other goodies in the coming decade.
It's not easy to sum up the content of 'Aion'. But it refers to the precession of equinoxes and mythological and psychological tropes and archetypes that jostle for power over the human psyche. There is huge turmoil where one era clashes overrides and transitions into a new era as when the Christian era began and was symbolised by ICHTHYS (Jesus Christ God Son Our Saviour- it's an acronym)- represented by the fish. i.e.. the Piscean age. Now we have the same turmoil and nihilism is prevalent, the loss of the core stories that held society in place. Christ was a symbol of the totality of the self yet each symbol has a shadow side, so there must be an 'anti-Christ' as well that is repressed and projected on to others. That there are two fishes in Pisces means the second is the shadow Christ- sometimes known as the devil. Or good values turning evil as they crystallise into dogmatic rules that oppress people. All pagans know this anyway. People can be seized by the archetype- aka possessed. Everything contains the germ of its opposite, right? Finding the new language to unify the opposites will be the challenge.
In the 21st century the jostling and loss of sense and meaning is evident and all the old myths are crumbling and will have to be replaced, just as Jung said. He used Alchemy and astrology to fuse his thoughts into a modern discourse about the psychic processes. He is not easy to read but what you learn is incredibly insightful. as in these snatches here about how a rational-materialistic world view can create mental illnesses on a grand scale. Take a look around at the tyranny and power grabs going on, at the money system disintegrating, the erosion of history and folkloric myths, and see if he wasn't right?
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jupitersrealm · 1 year
Astrology and the unique 'you'
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I've been contemplating Mercury’s synodic cycle recently, and the upcoming Station and Retrograde phase, which reminded me of the nature of our individuality and how a birth chart reflects that in so many ways.
Astrology enhances compassion and empathy for the individual path, reflects our unique place in the world, and shines a light on who you are and what you can be through the symbology of the planetary placements at your time of birth.
We are each born at a specific moment in time. It emphasises how unique we are. If you were born on a different date, or at a different time in the day, you might express different qualities, or have qualitatively different experiences. Who would you be? How would you be?
But you weren’t – you are ‘you’, born at a specific moment in the unfolding of the cosmos, and all that implies in terms of being an individiual, with your own unique qualities, experiences and path to travel in life – your place in the ‘all’.
Each of us each of us plays an important and unique part in the dance of life, even if we don’t realise it. It’s easy to undervalue who we are, what we do, and our part in the cosmos. Embrace, value and honour the unique essence of your being.
I think this striking image beautifully captures the essence of this (by whitedaemon at Pixabay). I can't remember where I heard the quote (which I've paraphrased). If you know who said it please let me know!
See my full post over at my website: jupitersrealm.com
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Solstice-Buffet of Andromedean+Blueray Sirius+Pleiadian Emerald Sun LightCodes
☀️On Solstice, from the Earth’s perspective, the Sun-Energy of Life Force and Transformation appears to Stand Still for about 3 days before reversing its direction-A Sacred Pause in the Time Space Continuum when veils thin allowing Light Portals to beam Cosmic downloads into the Crystalline Gridlines via The Frequency Holders and Light Warriors. It was shown to me (via Thoth and Anubis) that The New Moon in Gemini/ 18th June provided great assistance to this process by activating the Earth Altars (-node points of the Crystalline grid responsible for receiving and disbursing downloads) in preparation for these Cosmic Downloads.
🔥The Cosmic Downloads to the lead up to this Solstice have been a Buffet of primarily The Aquamarine (via Andromedea Gateway) LightCodes for The Age of Horus which are upheld by the New Earth Diamond /Platinum -Gold Light Codes of The Age of Ma’aT , BlueRay Sirian Codes( Builder Codes) and The Emerald Sun Codes of Pleiades (Foundational Codes) carried via primarily via The Dragon and Lion/ Feline Energies.
✨Transformation is the buzzword for this Solstice as we weave mega endings into Rebirth into the Next higher octave of Soul Growth and Expansion, each weave building on the Foundations of the Souls Learnings from The Past. Some Karmic cycles are reaching a conclusion, while some are being repeated where lessons remain unlearned.
👑This Solstice coincides with Venus/ Inanna reaching the Crown Chakra on June 21 where She will be Coronated as Queen of Heaven and Earth (with Mars, Venus n Moon all in Leo) -The Culmination of The Second Synodic Cycle of Venus as the Capricorn Metagoddess which began in Jan 2022. As the Capricorn Metagoddess , Venus / Inanna imbued us with the Qualities of The Wise Woman / Record Keeper to lay the Foundations of The Divine Principle Aspect which further supports/births The New Age/ Earth/Horus. This Journey has reached its culmination Now ( venus will remain at Crown Chakra for the next one month) and the New Synodic Cycle of Venus Begins in August 2023 as the Leo Metagoddess ie Energies of Sekhmet- The Spiritual Light Warrior of Courage and Compassion.
⚔️As mentioned before, this Solstice Gateway has a generous sprinkling of Aquamarine, BlueRay , Emerald LightCodes and Diamond Gold ie The Divine Feminine Sophia Aspect is Now well Anchored which allows The Divine masculine Energies to move into a greater functional position than before to uphold the Age of Horus/ Balance and Union. Ie The Blue Ray Lion/ Feline Dna activation via the Solar Plexus upgrades enables the Light Warriors to Now begin the task of translating the Foundational Blueprint (brought in via the Capricorn Metagoddess Archetype/ Emerald Sun/ Pleiadian Codes )into actual Building Blocks. The Sirian and Andromedean FelineDna upholds the Blueprint while the Lion Dna is associated with the grunt work of the Actual Building Process. And it is This process which is supported by Venus / Inanna in her third Synodic Cycle as The Leo Metagoddess/ Sekhmet- Solar Plexus Powered Courageous Action guided by The Heart Centered in Compassion and Grace!!
🔥🌀And since we are Talking of the New Age Construction based on Balance and Union, The Solar Plexus/Sekhmet upgrades come in conjunction with Ptah/ Throat upgrades- ie Intention matched with Action For manifestation and CoCreation of The New Age of Horus upheld by the Principles of Maat. EnLight ,In Grace, InJoy Be The Change You Want To See
🔱🌹✨ Sa Kei Na Isis, Ascended Master
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